1 our specialty loans highrate outlined money uti im...

THE WASHINGTON TDIES SATURDAY JULY 11 1908 I 9 I 1 F Prices Start Strong and Sell a Point Higher PROFITTAKING BREAKS THE RISE Traders Expect Upward Movement Soon With St Paul in the Lead v NEW YORK July 11 Stocks showed much Irregularity today opening rainy strong with fractional gains over the closing or yesterday about a point up and then sagging back to about the level of last nlghts closing Traders who have been bulllshly in- clined all week changed front to- day on theground that the advance in stocks had been long enough continued The Impression now is that the reces- sion which began yesterday and was continued after the bulge of the morn ing today will be continued until the stocks thrown upon the market in the past few days shall have been digested when it is hoped there will be another upward movement and the report Is passing along the line that the next point of bull attack will be on St Jfaul At the opening St Paul Reading and Union Pacific were the leaders in the railroad group while Smelters Ana- conda and Amalgamated headed the in- dustrials National Lead was also strong in sympathy with the rise in Smelters Canadian Pacific rose a point white B RT lost The Rock Island issues were conspicuous for their weakness The common and prererrea lost each while the bonds declined point The reason for the early was the fact that many traders bought stocks on the theory that yes- terdays reaction had been large enOUgn buying movement was soon checked Buying Starts Strong One of the strongest features of the copper situation is the apparent indiffer- ence of promoters and selling agencies toward offers on the part of consumers- to purchase copper at prices below 13 cents a pound One of the largest cop- per interests speaking through its gen eral manager said today We are confident that within the next few months the large consumer in- cluding the electrical companies will be copper for future de- livery and that prices of the metal will be much higher than at present Bull Talk On Cotton OIL Bullish talk continues on American Cotton Oil it being currently reported that the First National Bank has been accumulating the stock and that the capitalists affiliated with that institu tion now control the property The rumor has been revived in Wall Street time to time that the Standard Oil magnates were after this property- to affect a consolidation of It with the Virginia Carolina Chemical Com- pany A good many reasons are presented today why St Paul should be the leader- in the next rise of the market Buy Ing and selling of this stock for past day or two has been In about equal proportions almost from speculative houses It Is St Paul has had better on the present movement than other stocks and the belle Is a on the stock and stands ready to accumu- late many thousand shares of it for some speculative purpose The market closed today active and weak and the price being scarcely above the lowest for the day PRICES FOR TODAY ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE Quotations furnished by W B 4flbbs t Co bankers and brokers Hibbs Building members Yock Steek Exchange Wash- ington Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade Amal Copper 68 89 67 6S Am Beet Sugar Col 19 l 19 Am Car Foundry 3G 36 36 Stflfc Am Cotton Oil Co 32 33 32 Amer locomotive ID i 49 49 49 Amer Smelting Sa 82 S0 Smelt pfd 104 104 101 IIM Anaconda 43 4- 4At T S Fo S3 88 S3 X At T S Fe pfd 92 92 92 92 Balto Ohio 90 90 j 80 90 Brooklyn Rap Tran 48V4 49 4S 4S Canadian Pacific 163V4 163 162 162 Central Leather 26 2fi 25 2 Central Leather pf 95 95 95 Chesapeake Ohio 41 42 41 41 Chi Gt West 7 7 7 7 Chi M St P 137 13S 136 136 Chi M W 158 163 163 153 Col Fuel Iron 23 2S 27 27 Col Southern 81 31 31 31 Con Gas 127 127 126 12 Distillers Securities 34 34 33 34 Erie common 13 19 l i Eric 1st pfd 3C 36 33 35 General Electric 138 136 136 33Vi Great Northern Ore 60 60 00 60 Great Northern 133 132 133 Illinois Central 123 133 133 133 Inter Metro pfd 30 30 30 30 Louis Nash 108 10S 108 108- M K T com 2S 2S 28 2S Missouri 49 50 49 49 National Lead 68 6S 67 67 N Y Central 104 105 101 105 N Y O W 39 39 33 30 Norfolk Western 70 70 70 Northern Pacific 138 130 137 137 Penn R R 122 122 12l Kl Reading IIS 116 114 114 Rep I S 18 18 18 1S J Rep I Jk S pfd C9 66 t Rock Island corn 16 10 16 Rock Island pfd 29 2W 28 a S L S F pfd 26 38 26 Ktf South Pac 87 S7 S7 7 South Pac pfd 117 118 117 US South Rail 17 17 16 16TL South Rail pfdM4 44 41 44 Tol St L West S0 20 20 lU T St L pfd 44 45 44 45 Union Pacific 148 148 147 147- T7 S Rubber 36 26 2t 26 U S Steel 39 40 38 JW J- TT S Steel pfd 106 107 lOG 1WT Utah Copper 34 34H 34 34 Va Car Chem Com 24 24 31 24 West Elcc Man 35 66 56 Wisconsin Central 17 17 17 17 BONDS Am Too 4s 72 72 72 72 Am Tob 6s 105 106 106 10S3J B R T 4s 72 72 71 71J Inter MeL 4 61 61 61 ei Rock Island 4s 64 64 63 63M u S Steel Ss 9S 9S 985 S J Union Con 4s 91 91 91 91 THE CURB MARKET Quotations furnished by E F Hut ton A Co members Xew York Stock Exchange 2201 F street northwesL OpenS Hieh LowCJos Cumberland Ely 7 7 7 7 McKinley Darragh 74 73 73 73 12 12 13 12 NavadaLtah Cop 3JW 3 3 TrI Bullion i i in 1 Tnlted Copper 7 4 7 7 7 Florence 3 3 3ft 3ft NEW YORK STOCKS 1 WEAK AT CLOSE th to Yr ½ I Improve- ment buin fro thA sup- port prominent house Is long New J 33 4 ts 4 4i7 4 9 f r 4 19 pfd 13Z8 J I Pa 4 7 I d 4 V is Wabsh 23t4 314 r4 ti 8 4 hcmtc Gold MIn tl Y 2Vz 211 3 Y en- tirely Broadway c l- Amer MS l iV ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¼ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ OF ABSENCE Time and Correspondence- Saved By New System For Government Clerks Secretary Cortelyou has Just issued an important circular to the officers and employes of the Treasury Department regulating leaves of absence The new order abolishes the old system and sub- stitutes a simpler form of record thus saving time and correspondence The order does QOt restrict what Is called sick leave but it will stop the abuse of this privilege a privilege not enjoyed by the employes of the Government Printing Office the Bureau of Engrav- ing and Printing ard the City Poster fice order provides that before June 30 leave may be granted at the rate or two and a half days per month and unused at the date applied for and after July 1 In any calendar year the full thirty days may be granted or such portion as may be unused May Wave Restriction lr special cases where the application forleave Is accompanied by a written statement giving good and sufficient reasons therefor the restriction be waved and the full thirty days granted prior to fruly 1 No leave shall be granted It will cause embarrass- ment to conduct of tho public ser- vice On the applications for leave the time taken by the on account of leave and on account of sickness must be noted Applications for extension of annual leave because some member of the Im mediate family of the applicant is af- flicted with a contagious disease requir ing the care and attendance of such em ploye or where on account of a conta disease his or tier presence In the department would Jeopardize the health- of must accom panied by a physicians certificate clearly stating the facts and the name of the person or persons so afflicted and the relationship if any to the applicant The certificate must also show that the opinion of the physi- cian the employe can at the date of such certificate return to his duties without Jeopardizing the health of others Sundays and legal holidays occurring within a period of absence on account of sickness or contagious disease will be charged but when occurring at the beginning or ending of such absence not be charged Clerks Transferred Aa employe transferred from tho Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Treasury Department is entitled to two and onehalf days extension of annual leave on account of sickness per month from date of transfer and thirty days annual leave for calendar year including leave taken prior to transfer When a clerk or employe has been continuously absont on account of sick ness for thirty days or for separate periods aggregating thirty days and thereafter continues and absent the excessive absence will charged to annual leave exclusive ef Sundays and legal holidays All fractions of time less than one day will be valued- on the basis of seven hours a day Daily Record Required- The administrative officers having Jurisdiction are required to keep a daily record of absence and the reason there for and to report the same in detail- to Secretary at the end of each month All of cers clerks and employes leav- ing tnelr desks for luncheon are re- quired to register the time of their de- parture and return on the form pro- vided for that purpose and any absence In excess of thirty minutes must be charged to annual leave A record must be made for all absence or a frac- tional part of a day and when these fractional parts aggregate a day a days absence must be charged and re ported on the time report Seven hours constitutes a day PRODUCE PRICES Brisk trade and continued heavy re- ceipts marked the close of the week in the produce market Prices were a trifle unsteady the large shipments to this point tending to cause a slightly lower level Fruit and chickens were abundant and of excellent quality Veal was again a feature of the demand Vegetables were unchanged in price ex cept In one or two instances Cheese York State factory large flats 1312V small 13ttal4c fair to good Il al2c- Egrgs Southern ICalTc fresh eggs liaise Butter Creamery fancy 2Ja2Sc Western firsts 3a34c seconds tae process fancy 21a22c fair to good 19a30c dairy choice ITalSc good Me Live Poultry Chickens spring large Sal9c smell liaISe hens small per lb lIe large per lb 12Mrc roosters LEAVES OUTLINED ORDER Th may I gloua be th I als ew per lb ic I ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ducks large per lb 13al4c small per lb 10aI3c geese per lb 7aSe turkeys toms lie hens lie thin IPc keats per lb 8c Dressed undrawn hens per lb 15al7c average undrawn mixed per lb liaISe chickens small per lb ISalte large per lb 20a23c hens per lb 14al5c roosters per lb 9c ducks per lb IGalSc per lb SalOc Green June per bbl Jl58a200 oranges California navels per box I2Sa4 0 grape fruit Florida per box J325a42B Georgia peaches per crate tl00al50 cantaloupes per crate JlSa W- hudilebcrrles per 6allc blackberries per qt 7a9c watermelons 16a25c VegetablesPotatoes new per bbl 27Ka 325 cabbage new per bbl TScoJlSS kale per bbl SOaTSc spinach per bbl 4ScaJ12 lettuce per bbl 76caJlW onions per bosket 7ScaJl0 string beans green per bbl JLOO aLSO green peas home grown per bbl J22Sa375 tomatoes per box 75caJ125 beets per bunch 2a3c rhubarb per 100 bunches 75caJ200 asparagus per doz 7Sca2JO cu- cumbers per basket 50o75c squash per bbl Sca125 egg plant per crate Jl00al25 corn on cob per flex 20o2Sc Dressed Meats Calves full dressed 9allof heads off Italic hog dressed calves Gale hams country sugar cured 12aI4c hogs small and neat per cwt MtaSc medium 7aSc heavy Gale extra por cwt S52Sece25 butcher per cwt HSOaSflO com- mon per cwt JGOa400 hogs per cwt gross J575a606 ordinary P r cwt JSOOa 525 sheep prime lambs spring per lb 6a7e calves prime per lb 7aSc medium per lb 6V4a7c LOCAL STOCK BOARD CLOSED FOR THE DAY The Washington Stock Exchange was closed today pursuant to the action of the governing board declaring holidays on Saturdays during the month of July and August Most of the members take of the weekend holiday to visit their families In the country or to take a days outing at some point near the city CRAZY SNAKES NOT RISING Commissioner and Kel- sey at Muskogee Okla have notified the Indian Bureau that there Is no foundation for the that tha Crazy Snake Indians had arm ed for an uprising Their armed guards were posted for the pose of protection against whisky agents and peddlers In the big gather- Ing of Indians there were many women and children PoultryTurkeys geese FruitApples q i Live StockCattle advanta 300a4Gi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Steps Will Be Taken By the Commissioners to Insure Health to Bathers- With the purpose of avoiding any I danger which may Befall the frequent- ers of the bathing teach through contraction of malarial or typhoid fever CommissIoner West said today that he will request the inspectors of the Health Department to make a thorough in- spection of the swimming pools Owing to the improvements made to the flats the bench was removed last year from the Tidal Basin midway be- tween the Speedway and the Monument Grounds The pools were formerly used by the Fish Commission and it is said are covered with weeds and de- cayed master as to a menace to the bathers Commissioner West who has taken- a personal interest in the beach said today that he did not believe conditions- are as bad as have been painted The Commissioners he said asked for an appropriation for Improvements to the beach but only 2EQO was pro- vided of which sum 2000 is for salaries and maintenance It wasa tit to make an appropriation sufficient- to give to the boys of the city a first class swimming place However we have done the best we can under the circumstances- I am not In favor of closing the beach unless it is shown beyond doubt that it is a source of danger To de- prive the boys of a place to swim would- be to impose a hardship upon them which I wish to avoid if possible GIRL SMASHES LIMIT FINED FOR SPEEDING Alexandria Lsss Would Have Kill ed Horse Policeman Testifies Attempted Her Life Another mile at the pace se we9 going and she would have killed the horse said Policeman Lauton of the Sixth precinct in the Police Court this morning testifying against pretty Em ma seventeen years old of arrested last night in the Capi- tal grounds for exceeling the speed limit Riding on his wheel in pursuit of the fleeing buggy the fftcer that his spoedoneter showed twentytwo miles an hour the horse was weHnigh exhausted Mi Walsh and a friend seemed to take the affair a a nugh joke The girl was brought to the Sixth precinct While confined in one of the witness rooms she turned on the gas in an effort to commit suicide She was removed unconscious to the Casualty Hospital but quickly revived In court this morning Miss Walsh pale ard trembling took the witness stand She had very little to say but admitted driving at a fast clip She was fined 6 which was paid by friends COURT RECORD- OF THE DISTRICT DISTRICT SUPREME COURT Equity Court ho JUSTICE WRIGHT No 27429 GrOss vs Sullivan decree for sale W Walton Edwards and James A Toomey appointed trustees to sell CamplaInants solicitors W W Edwards defendants attorney James- A Toomey Xe 2HM Bolts vs Botts May to file supplemental bill Complainants soli- citors L T Everett and E W R Ew ing defendants solicitor David Roth schild No 27923 Roxbiry Distilling Company vs Delaney et al rule to show cause returnable July 7 Kt6 Complainants solicitor Joseph A Burkart No 27SS4 JFendall et al vs Watter Stan order of publication solicitor John W Davldge Called today No 2M 7 Sanders et al vs Davis et al order extending time to take testi- mony Complainants solicitors Bran- denburg Brandenburg defendants solicitors H E Davis and R Ross Perry Son Circuit Court ifo i JUSTICE WRIGHT Called yesterday No 4965 Lynn vs Bursey order ex tending time to file transcript of record- to and including August 15 194S Plain- tiffs attorneys John Ridout defen- dants attorney William II White 4972C Hyde administratrix vs Southern Railroad Company mandate of Court of Appeals presented and judgment for costs vs defendants or der of March 13 1908 sustaining the WILL INVESTIGATE SWIMMING POOLS the disappoint- ment to me thAt Oongress did not sec wOmen x Complain- ants o prove Walsh Alex- andriA ski ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ demurrer to counts 1 2 3 and 4 set aside and demurrer overruled with leave to defendants to plead in twenty days from date Plaintiffs attorneys H H Glassle and F D Blackistone defendants attorneys Hamilton Col- bert Yerkes Hamilton Bankruptcy Court JUSTICE WRIGHT Called yesterday- No Kl In re Thomas E Waggaman sale of lots 41 42 and 43 block S Pret- ty Prospect and Cliffbowne authorized ratifying r amo nisi sale of lots to 4 block 8 Pretty Prospect and CHffbourne ratified Probate Court JUSTICE WRIGHT Called yesterday Estate of Maurice J Soule will ad- mitted to probate and record and letters testamentary granted to Clara E Soule bond S100 Attorneys Archer Smith Estate of Catherine Connor order admitting will to probate and record Attorneys Hamilton Colbert Yerkes Hamilton Estate of William M Brown order appointing guardian ad litem In re Martha W Lewis order au thorlzlrgjmyment of bill Attorneys Coliaday In r George Prjdgeon et al older granting letters cf guardianship to Rob- ert L McNanmrn bond 260 Attorney Robert E McNamnra Estate of Mary E Dobbins order granting extension of time to settle er tate Estate of Annie E Raub petition of Dennis Kennedy to convey property Attorney C C James Estate of Edwin Harris petition for and record of will letters- of administration c t a filed At- torneys Roach Watkins Culled today Estate of George T Dunlop order for sale of stocks AttorneyG Thomas Dunlop VILL INVESTIGATE CLAIMS A commission to investigate the claims of foreigners against the Moroc- can government growing out of the disturbances at Casa Blanca last year will meet In Targier 20 Hossman Philip secretary of the American le- gation at Tangier and M C Jacobs legal ccunselor or the American em baser in Purls designated to represent the United States in case claims are presented by of Its citi zers So far as the State Department- Is aware there is but on native born American in Morocco and ho has ben there fr forty years G f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Davila May Appeal to Unit- ed States for Diplo matic Aid TEGUCIGALPA Honduras July 11 President DvUa alarmed by the suc- cess of the revolutionary movement the government officials the advisability- of appealing to the United States and Mexico for diplomatic aid In re storing order Notwithstanding the fact that Gracias Choluteca already have been cap- tured by the rebels and that Santa Barbara and Amalpa the latter chief Pacific port are seriously threatened Davila Is confident that the uprising can be put down if the other Central American republics can be kept neutral The success of the revolutionists up to date has been easily won as slight was put up at Gracias and Choluteca The number of killed Is not given In the meager reports received but It Is not believed to be large The real clash will come In Santa Barbara a town of nearly 19000 inhabitants The garrison here has been strengthened- and President Davila hopes for a de- cisive blow to be struck the revolution ists War Vessel May Go to Honduras- An American war vessel probably will be sent to the port of Amapala on the Pacific coast of Honduras to investi- gate reports that the Honduran revolu- tionists are pushing forward In that direction with a view of capturing the city This action was decided upon by the State Department today upon re ceipt of dispatches concerning the situa tion in Central America No apprehension is felt that the revo lution in Honduras Is likely to Involve any other republics Dispatches from Salvador state a number of of Salvadorians and been made at Salvador the capi tal of the country for revolutionary ac- tivity and apparently the government- is making every effort to suppress all disturbances of this kind in accordance with Article 17 of the Central American Peace Convention Nicaragua also gives assurance that the gunboats the disappearance of which caused some alarm the neighboring republics a few days ago Wore being used to patrol her own coast with a view of preventing any disturbances from out Reports have been received to the effect that there is along the northern border of Honduras in the vi- cinity or the Guatamelan frontier but accuracy of these is doubted the American consul at Puerto Cortez who is in communication with the American legation has not con firmed them Guatemala also has given its utmost to prevent any disturbance The situation Is now regarded as being fairly well in hand and a general spread of the revolution is not likely to occur Ambassador Creel was In conference with Acting Secretary today and as soon as reports have been received the two govern ments probably will take some action to quiet in ceee the situa tion requires It Marines in Panama- To Watch Election Although BO trouble Is anticipated or- ders have been Issued to the marines staUoned in Panama to hold themselves- in readiness In case any disturbances- arise during the presidential elections which are to be held tomorrow The marines stationed at or near Colon Panama and at Corozal but they will not be distributed among the polling places The withdrawal of Secretary of For- eign Affairs Arias ObnoWia the only candidate in the field The marines probably will be withdrawn from the Isthmus next week In case no trouble is likely to develop before the Inaugura tion takes place on October 1 HE SUFFERED- I suffered horribly from stage fright last night Were you on the stager No I was In the audience the f was a peroxide blonde who thought she could HONDURAS REVOLT ALARMS PRESIDENT against hIm today Is nsldering with I Hon- duras that arr- ests s- have among be- cause assurance that the government will do dee are S singExchang thom re- sistance American ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Business Makes Favorable Showing Compared With Past Months Commercial failures In the United States the month of June are classified this week by Duns Review according to occupation and size This analysis of Insolvencies presents many evidences of Improvement as compared with similar records for preceding months back to last July although the number of failures and the total amount of liabilities for the month are well above the average In recent years of unexampled prosperity- On the other hand it Is found that total losses were only about the same as the average for the month of June in the five years 18048 white compari- son with the corresponding month last year i only adverse in regard to the number of small failures there being- an Increase of about 300 Yet a decrease of 19 per cent appears In a comparison of total liabilities and detailed examination of the report for June in both years shows that this im provement was chiefly in a few manu- facturing occupations There was an Increase of 10 In manu- facturing failures but the amount of liabilities was only 54013M against 512056 25 in June 1907 The machinery ctesa atone accounted for 000000 of this difference owing to a few very large defaults In the corresponding month last year But this was not the only branch of business in which losses were smaller Decrease In Lumber- In lumber the decrease was almost 1009000 and four other manufacturing branches made favorable exhibits in- cluding the unfinished iron division cot ton manufacturing milling and bakers and liquors and tobacco The remaining nine subdivisions of manufacturing fail- ures reported some increase although- In no case was the difference more than about I253000 In clothing and millinery Trading insolvencies in June did not snake as favorable a showing 791 for 5SS647 6 comparing with 7 last year when the amount Involved was only Sf88064 Changes were small- er In these departments and thirteen of the fifteen subdivisions recorded more or lees increase in total liabilities The favorable comparisons were supplied by the clothing and dry goods classes The largest increase was about SSOQOOd in Jewelry owing to one large failure while loss was almost as heavily increased ln groceries and meats al- though this was divided among 195 dif- ferent suspensions In no other case was the rise more than about 209999 As to number of failures the increase of almost 2M as compared with th cor- responding month last year was i lrly well distributed throughout the list the largest difference being only in groceries and meats In addition to the manufacturing and trading losses there were 33 failures for JJ3CSSS against 29 similar defaults last year when the amount Involved was Fiduciary Improvement Ths large percentage of increase was due to a few very heavy defaults in lines more speculative than strictly commercial as this division embraces- the real estate Insurance brokerage and commission houses in which a big proportion cf the business is of a specu Satire nature In respect to the banking and other fiduciary suspensions there were the same evldenaes of improve ment in the month of June fewer and smaller losses testifying to the fact that the aftermath of the panic of last feature In the commercial and financial world Separation of the few large failures In June from the much greater number ot normal Insolvencies makes an unusu aPr good conrparison with similar coresponding month in the preceding fourteen years Subtracting eleven manufacturing failures for 51 000 each with total liabilities of 2656771 leaves scarcely more than SO per cent ot the total losses in that class for the remaining 277 failures This is an aver- age of only 10233 for each small failure against a similar average of 19981 last year and six of the thirteen years prior- to 1907 repoted a higher average is shown this year BUT HE DOES Whore does he get his money I dont know where he gets his and- I dont care What I am interested in Is knowing Just bow he gets mine Nashville American FAILURES IN JUNE LESS THAN USUAL durln de- faults th 1 October Is gradually less ot 32 becoming a rec- ords ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Have you ever thoughthow easy and you can buy or sell all your summer outfits through the Times want ads Every day people advertise in the want pages of the Times in order to buy or sell their boats guns motors fishing outfits cameras etc Perhaps they must leave town in a hurry- or probably they want to buy new per- haps they need cash money No matter whatever their cause you wil always profit by Times want ad deals You can always buy sell or exchange anything through Times want Start reading them today for profit SUMMER OUTFITS FOR A SONG I p cheap I goodsor these little mosi ads y 1 1- A ll I a a NEW YORK RESERVES DECREASE 7640000 Loan Item Shows Expansion of 14000000 Specie Hold ings Fall NEW TORK JwJy UTI weekly bask statement of lbs Associated Banks issued today shews tiM Stowi- ng obanges- Herarve on aH deposits decrease 7Stt GO Reserve on other than TJaitted States 8968C5- Ix ats S14CK3M Specie decrease S4Rm Legal tenders decrease mt DQ- tE wlts increase J7S3MW Circulation decrease 23MM Total loans 13K712 M The of the bonks fe tfteS6 Including liabilities against United compared with year and 12gg0SGO two years ago The per- centage of held by the banks is 2SS1 last HE RAILWAYS DAMAGES Henry Keller a Carriage Builder Says He Was Crushed Be tween Two Cars Henry Keller a carriage builder to suit three street railway companies Use tracks at the corner of street and New York avenue for for alleged in received when be was crushed between two cars The roads named are the and Su burban of the Ana costia and and the Washington Railway and Else Company declares that on April M of this year he was between cars running in an as were rounding the and that the was of the dangerous condition of the tracks- at time Several of ida ribs were broken some of them puncturing the lungs His hips and back were bruised His attorneys are Arthur Jr and John Lewis S Smith brings suit the Washington and Electric for injuries received January 3 ot at East Caoi damages and his attorneys are W B Riley and W G Gardner LEGAL NOTICES IJk THE SUPREXK COURT UM District of Columbia la re Thomas R ROsy beak pt In baakr pt r X S Notice Is tea flied his petition praying for a dU from all his debts in bankruptcy and that creditors and other penoaa interest 2 TH DAY OP JULY IMC K ifcCALr MONT JteferM in Bankruptcy It IX THE SUPREME COURT of the District pyHnii bankrupt m teuikrvptcr No ML To the endttan of MM feMkntp Notice fa hereby given that the aboveMated bankrupt has flied his pet debts la bankruptcy and that Ms creditors and persons interested are required to enter their appearance In opposition if any o on or before tiM 3 TH DAY OF JULY IMt K S aieCALMONT Hf rw ia Bankruptcy It SUPRKMK COURT of the District of Co- Iwnbta Holding Pratate Court No 1SK- SAdmlntatratlOB Tin is to give notice That District oc Columbia letters tefltamwtarr the estate of LoviM Allen late of the District of Cotumbte 4 oeaa d All per- sons baring claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the Touchers thereof legally authenti- cated to the aub cr0 r OB or before the 10TH DAY OF JULY A D M otherwise they mid estate Given under mr bend this J th day of July IMC M JSXNIB XcEU FRESH MM H at nw Seal JAMES TANNSR Register of Wills District of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court HILL ROGERS MATTINGLY- Attorneys JyllJSJS PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE of the Commissioners of the Die trict of Columbia July 1 IMS N Uee ix given that the printed modem re by section 9 of Aa Act i regulate the employment of child labor ia the District- of Columbia approved May 3S to be posted ia a conspicuous place ia every room where minors under X years age are em ployed will be urnUfaed upon application to the Secretary to the Board of Commie ers of the District of Columbia Room Lie District BatWtaK 14th and E streets north- west HENRY B F XACFARLAND HENRY L WEST WILLIAM KELLY Acting Commissioners of the District oi Columbia JylLlXlt Financial Your Will Per annum Interest for YOU In banking department of this company Why not open an account Deposits subject to check Government supervision fySafo Deposit Boxes 3 U S TRUST CO 1405 G H BRADLEY DAVIDSON President The Safest Investments those that do not Cucroate during S- Itcrbed condlUorn of the money or stock mss kets Pint deed of trust note first mort gages wen secured ca real ia the District of Columbia edg- wJavtitraeati They d not depend upon the fpifimi respoosibUlty of laOivlduals or cay poratloas for their stabllty and are exempt from taxaton as personal property rti supply Investments ia axaoaata CX upward Send for Coaceralna and vestments Swartzell Rheein 3 Hensey Co 727 loth St X W Capital nOOOOOOSurplus 1500009 RAFTS issued direct on the principal of the world Exchange bought and sold of Credit Issued by cable Stocks Bonds bought sold Collections Investments made NATIONAL BANK Pa Avo Opp U S Treasury Capital and Surplus 6500000 I You Can TourFo- reign countries with greater convenience if carry your funds In the form of OF CREDIT issued bank Available throughout the SIOITET bought and at current rates BANKING CORPORATION 1415 QSt Uptown branch 1126 Corn Ave Downtown branch Center Market 1 dee rene SUE ago F- rt Wag tri cut err Jam alee He S his o Ate hey o Deposit 3 0 yea est bet m D cites Letter RIGGS I LEES word sold week 000 railway James and Second streets claims 510000 of hereby given tt te abeeaems benkrizp charge his ed are required to enter their aprence in Opposition If any as on or before the of Colambis In ye Max ties praying for a discharge from all other desire the aebecriber ut the District Colsmb has obtained fma the Prshate of the Nellie y by law be excisded from an benet of sea I Are such fro Loans you 11 INTERNATIONAL ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LOAN Our Specialty Is to Pay 02 Loans of HighRate Money have tfc tr aioaay They will advance any mount from M to J oa furniture te eec and raw We cterga M one me We M one mo L l- JS ODe moJL JK one mo rlI- K ODe nojL ncd one mo t K one J3W one mo 06 We also make a naU charge for spprols- l ff property Loans made oat In easy w Ic a specialty of loans ron Sift to yea a Jc for Call write or telepbcao POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN 925 P STEEET 2T Floor Singer Building Phone 2X639- IP IOU CAN BORROW ON TOUR PIANO OR FURNITURE Why Pay More notary fee of Me Other amounts up to eves lower rates We will pay oS the loan you now caT and you more money at oar reasonable rates Call and get OUr terms before make a Icoa Private offlcea Confidential THE T utwKT COHPAST 3o 48 Commercial Bank Bcildiar N W Cor nth and G fits 4th Jystr WHY PAY 10 Per Cent YOU CA2T GST MONEY At 3 Percent O2T YOUR rTTEJilTUJtS 02 PIA2TOS Xo charge for drawing up peen Xota lag recorded or published Abaetately no publicity Xo delays We sever lose a ccs tamer because they are all satisfied to deal where they can get the lowest rotes and most liberal terms Remember this U the rate sPewed pawnbrokers by law pawnbroker holds the security We do ait disturb it bet allow you to keep it la yooA- pOMCoalOB You have both moaey suit ei entity not be fooled by the ads of other companies They claim lowest rates will show you bow exorbitant their charges are National Ca Thompson Bldg 703 15th St 27 ST Opp Treasury Next to Store The Only Independent Company AND UP system s the broadest fairest ant easiest that has ever been put before tie people ec this city KO sznooEssamaTH B3jjk aTnrcssA- RRrrywM n yjiMj V9 If not convenient to call at our omce xrtt or telephone and wo will call at your home will make you a loan AMERICAN LOAN CO 1326 New York AYB N W Phone Main 3012 Second floor rant OUR RATESF- or Lbans on PUBXITUSE PIANOS AM Bdrroir 10 pay back IL50 Borrow 815 pay back Borrow 20 pay back 2255 Berrew 25 pay back 0 Borrow 50 pay back S54W This pays both principal and In- terest Other amounts in proportion Union Loan and Trusl Go- jas 22SOPC rir BUILDING Oifi Gu r 9 noo Entrance 810 F St 2d Floor Front 913 G Street SEE US FIRST We Make Loans at Rates That Defy Competition 36c a week interest and principal on a J18 Ioa4 S9c week pays interest and principal OB a 15 loaa Tic week pays interest and principal on 8 39 loan SOc a week pays interest and principal on a 25 loaxg a week pays and principal on a 53 loaq 275 a week pays interest and principal on a 100 loai Other amounts in proportion Payments may be made If desired Mutual Loan and Trust Co 913 a STREET N W We Loan Money on jFornltort and Pianos at a fair Sate of In- terest SES US PXBS7 CAPITAL LOAN CO 602 FST 616 F St N W- Is the place to your loan whether it be JMOO or a iarger sum V7era reliable money lenders and our rates are LOWER than the lowest By ear liberal rebate system you caa pay your loan ahead of time and save charges IT you cannot call write or phone and well call on you HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO FURNITURE LOA S- 61C st aw Room o Look the Blue and White Slra1 Money Loaned Salaried Peopte and others without eoerfty payments omeN In 63 principal dUes save yourself money by getting my terms teat D H TOLHAK Room MS BSS lath t nw de5tr Our low rates OB faralttire Jeans absolutely no publicity no prytasT late private Tsin and DO delay OTHER LOA COMPANIES PAID OFT Columbia Guarantee F ST N Booms 1 and 2 Twentieth Century Employment Bureau The Times Want Department COMA Lender We WM Mold p- iM w- Ile rte etc ymenia time from 1 month tit 1 yur We and can give YOU the amount the dy It COMP w- ad FOR SISG 1 may ry Ute lean as long as and there Is DO ether charge xceZt a pie at Citizens Loan Go I I I The I Do coaxing but we mn Oft you rates and terms Lsan and Invstmelll Drug MAKES LOANS Our PLEDGES LICXTY OZ A2nfOYAJiGE Even It roil lOW another company WI TEAMS 1700 a 1574 a Lit MONEY I NWI get F L easy mvESrXGA Co- W w 5he means ag sstls6e5 with a imsU per Cent 05 110 5505 emplosea etc Ton iso L5S any Sew C 50 Yeu 705 please advance FlOor WEE th A MERIAN 14 QBU owe Phone II a month I r the for a ± < > < ¬

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Post on 20-Mar-2018




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Page 1: 1 Our Specialty Loans HighRate OUTLINED Money UTI iM …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-07-11/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · past few days shall have been digested when it is hoped


I 1


Prices Start Strong andSell a Point



Traders Expect Upward Movement

Soon With St Paul in

the Lead v

NEW YORK July 11 Stocks showedmuch Irregularity today opening rainystrong with fractional gains over theclosing or yesterday about apoint up and then sagging back toabout the level of last nlghts closing

Traders who have been bulllshly in-

clined all week changed front to-

day on theground that the advance instocks had been long enough continuedThe Impression now is that the reces-sion which began yesterday and wascontinued after the bulge of the morning today will be continued until thestocks thrown upon the market in thepast few days shall have been digestedwhen it is hoped there will be anotherupward movement and the report Ispassing along the line that the nextpoint of bull attack will be on St Jfaul

At the opening St Paul Reading andUnion Pacific were the leaders in therailroad group while Smelters Ana-conda and Amalgamated headed the in-

dustrials National Lead was alsostrong in sympathy with the rise inSmelters Canadian Pacific rose apoint white B R T lost The RockIsland issues were conspicuous for theirweakness The common and prererrealost each while the bonds declinedpoint

The reason for the earlywas the fact that many traders

bought stocks on the theory that yes-terdays reaction had been large enOUgn

buying movement was soonchecked

Buying Starts StrongOne of the strongest features of the

copper situation is the apparent indiffer-ence of promoters and selling agenciestoward offers on the part of consumers-to purchase copper at prices below 13cents a pound One of the largest cop-per interests speaking through its general manager said today

We are confident that within the nextfew months the large consumer in-

cluding the electrical companies willbe copper for future de-livery and that prices of the metal willbe much higher than at present

Bull Talk On Cotton OILBullish talk continues on American

Cotton Oil it being currently reportedthat the First National Bank has beenaccumulating the stock and that thecapitalists affiliated with that institution now control the property Therumor has been revived in Wall Street

time to time that the StandardOil magnates were after this property-to affect a consolidation of It withthe Virginia Carolina Chemical Com-pany

A good many reasons are presentedtoday why St Paul should be the leader-in the next rise of the market BuyIng and selling of this stock forpast day or two has been In aboutequal proportions almost

from speculative houses It IsSt Paul has had better

on the present movement thanother stocks and the belle Is aon

the stock and stands ready to accumu-late many thousand shares of it forsome speculative purpose

The market closed today active andweak and the price being scarcelyabove the lowest for the day



Quotations furnished by W B 4flbbs tCo bankers and brokers Hibbs Buildingmembers Yock Steek Exchange Wash-ington Stock Exchange and Chicago Boardof Trade

Amal Copper 68 89 67 6SAm Beet Sugar Col 19 l 19Am Car Foundry 3G 36 36 StflfcAm Cotton Oil Co 32 33 32Amer locomotive ID i 49 49 49Amer Smelting Sa 82 S0

Smelt pfd 104 104 101 IIMAnaconda 43 4-4At T S Fo S3 88 S3 X

At T S Fe pfd 92 92 92 92Balto Ohio 90 90 j 80 90Brooklyn Rap Tran 48V4 49 4S 4SCanadian Pacific 163V4 163 162 162Central Leather 26 2fi 25 2Central Leather pf 95 95 95Chesapeake Ohio 41 42 41 41Chi Gt West 7 7 7 7Chi M St P 137 13S 136 136

Chi M W 158 163 163 153Col Fuel Iron 23 2S 27 27Col Southern 81 31 31 31Con Gas 127 127 126 12Distillers Securities 34 34 33 34Erie common 13 19 l iEric 1st pfd 3C 36 33 35General Electric 138 136 136 33ViGreat Northern Ore 60 60 00 60Great Northern 133 132 133

Illinois Central 123 133 133 133Inter Metro pfd 30 30 30 30Louis Nash 108 10S 108 108-M K T com 2S 2S 28 2SMissouri 49 50 49 49National Lead 68 6S 67 67N Y Central 104 105 101 105N Y O W 39 39 33 30Norfolk Western 70 70 70Northern Pacific 138 130 137 137Penn R R 122 122 12l KlReading IIS 116 114 114Rep I S 18 18 18 1S JRep I Jk S pfd C9 66 tRock Island corn 16 10 16Rock Island pfd 29 2W 28 aS L S F pfd 26 38 26 KtfSouth Pac 87 S7 S7 7South Pac pfd 117 118 117 USSouth Rail 17 17 16 16TL

South Rail pfdM4 44 41 44

Tol St L West S0 20 20 lUT St L pfd 44 45 44 45Union Pacific 148 148 147 147-T7 S Rubber 36 26 2t 26U S Steel 39 40 38 JW J-

TT S Steel pfd 106 107 lOG 1WT

Utah Copper 34 34H 34 34

Va Car Chem Com 24 24 31 24

West Elcc Man 35 66 56Wisconsin Central 17 17 17 17

BONDSAm Too 4s 72 72 72 72Am Tob 6s 105 106 106 10S3J

B R T 4s 72 72 71 71JInter MeL 4 61 61 61 eiRock Island 4s 64 64 63 63M

u S Steel Ss 9S 9S 985 S J

Union Con 4s 91 91 91 91

THE CURB MARKETQuotations furnished by E F Hutton A

Co members Xew York Stock Exchange2201 F street northwesL

OpenS Hieh LowCJosCumberland Ely 7 7 7 7

McKinley Darragh 74 73 73 7312 12 13 12

NavadaLtah Cop 3JW 3 3TrI Bullion i i in 1Tnlted Copper 7 4 7 7 7Florence 3 3 3ft 3ft











sup-portprominent house Is long


J33 4


4 4i74




pfd 13Z8 J








Wabsh 23t4 314 r4


8 4

hcmtc Gold MIn tl Y 2Vz 211




























½ ½













Time and Correspondence-

Saved By New SystemFor Government Clerks

Secretary Cortelyou has Just issued animportant circular to the officers andemployes of the Treasury Departmentregulating leaves of absence The neworder abolishes the old system and sub-stitutes a simpler form of record thussaving time and correspondence Theorder does QOt restrict what Is calledsick leave but it will stop the abuse ofthis privilege a privilege not enjoyedby the employes of the GovernmentPrinting Office the Bureau of Engrav-ing and Printing ard the City Posterfice

order provides that before June30 leave may be granted at the rateor two and a half days per month andunused at the date applied for andafter July 1 In any calendar year thefull thirty days may be granted orsuch portion as may be unused

May Wave Restrictionlr special cases where the application

forleave Is accompanied by a writtenstatement giving good and sufficientreasons therefor the restrictionbe waved and the full thirty daysgranted prior to fruly 1 No leave shallbe granted It will cause embarrass-ment to conduct of tho public ser-vice

On the applications for leave thetime taken by the on account ofleave and on account of sickness mustbe noted

Applications for extension of annualleave because some member of the Immediate family of the applicant is af-flicted with a contagious disease requiring the care and attendance of such employe or where on account of a conta

disease his or tier presence In thedepartment would Jeopardize the health-of must accompanied by a physicians certificateclearly stating the facts andthe name of the person or persons soafflicted and the relationship if any tothe applicant The certificate must alsoshow that the opinion of the physi-cian the employe can at the date ofsuch certificate return to his dutieswithout Jeopardizing the health ofothers

Sundays and legal holidays occurringwithin a period of absence on accountof sickness or contagious disease willbe charged but when occurring at thebeginning or ending of such absence

not be chargedClerks Transferred

Aa employe transferred from thoBureau of Engraving and Printing tothe Treasury Department is entitled totwo and onehalf days extension ofannual leave on account of sickness permonth from date of transfer and thirtydays annual leave for calendar yearincluding leave taken prior to transfer

When a clerk or employe has beencontinuously absont on account of sickness for thirty days or for separateperiods aggregating thirty days andthereafter continues and absentthe excessive absence will charged toannual leave exclusive ef Sundays

and legal holidays All fractions oftime less than one day will be valued-on the basis of seven hours a day

Daily Record Required-The administrative officers having

Jurisdiction are required to keep a dailyrecord of absence and the reason therefor and to report the same in detail-to Secretary at the end of eachmonth

All of cers clerks and employes leav-ing tnelr desks for luncheon are re-quired to register the time of their de-parture and return on the form pro-vided for that purpose and any absenceIn excess of thirty minutes must becharged to annual leave A record must

be made for all absence or a frac-tional part of a day and when thesefractional parts aggregate a day adays absence must be charged and reported on the time reportSeven hours constitutes a day


Brisk trade and continued heavy re-ceipts marked the close of the week inthe produce market Prices were atrifle unsteady the large shipments tothis point tending to cause a slightlylower level Fruit and chickens wereabundant and of excellent quality Vealwas again a feature of the demandVegetables were unchanged in price except In one or two instances

Cheese York State factory large flats1312V small 13ttal4c fair to good Il al2c-

Egrgs Southern ICalTc fresh eggs liaiseButter Creamery fancy 2Ja2Sc Western

firsts 3a34c seconds tae process fancy21a22c fair to good 19a30c dairy choiceITalSc good Me

Live Poultry Chickens spring largeSal9c smell liaISe hens small per lblIe large per lb 12Mrc roosters












per lb ic





















ducks large per lb 13al4c smallper lb 10aI3c geese per lb 7aSe turkeystoms lie hens lie thin IPc keats perlb 8c

Dressed undrawn hensper lb 15al7c average undrawn mixed perlb liaISe chickens small per lb ISaltelarge per lb 20a23c hens per lb 14al5croosters per lb 9c ducks per lb IGalSc

per lb SalOcGreen June per bbl

Jl58a200 oranges California navels perbox I2Sa4 0 grape fruit Florida perbox J325a42B Georgia peaches per cratetl00al50 cantaloupes per crate JlSa W-

hudilebcrrles per 6allc blackberries perqt 7a9c watermelons 16a25c

VegetablesPotatoes new per bbl 27Ka325 cabbage new per bbl TScoJlSS kaleper bbl SOaTSc spinach per bbl 4ScaJ12lettuce per bbl 76caJlW onions per bosket7ScaJl0 string beans green per bbl JLOOaLSO green peas home grown per bblJ22Sa375 tomatoes per box 75caJ125 beetsper bunch 2a3c rhubarb per 100 bunches75caJ200 asparagus per doz 7Sca2JO cu-cumbers per basket 50o75c squash per bblSca125 egg plant per crate Jl00al25corn on cob per flex 20o2Sc

Dressed Meats Calves full dressed 9allofheads off Italic hog dressed calves Galehams country sugar cured 12aI4c hogssmall and neat per cwt MtaSc medium7aSc heavy Gale

extra por cwtS52Sece25 butcher per cwt HSOaSflO com-mon per cwt JGOa400 hogs per cwtgross J575a606 ordinary P r cwt JSOOa525 sheep prime lambs springper lb 6a7e calves prime per lb7aSc medium per lb 6V4a7c

LOCAL STOCK BOARDCLOSED FOR THE DAYThe Washington Stock Exchange was

closed today pursuant to the action ofthe governing board declaring holidayson Saturdays during the month of Julyand August

Most of the members takeof the weekend holiday to visit theirfamilies In the country or to take adays outing at some point near thecity

CRAZY SNAKES NOT RISINGCommissioner and Kel-

sey at Muskogee Okla have notifiedthe Indian Bureau that there Isno foundation for the thattha Crazy Snake Indians had armed for an uprising Their armedguards were posted for thepose of protection against whiskyagents and peddlers In the big gather-Ing of Indians there were many womenand children




iLive StockCattle







Steps Will Be Taken By the

Commissioners to Insure

Health to Bathers-

With the purpose of avoiding any I

danger which may Befall the frequent-ers of the bathing teach throughcontraction of malarial or typhoid feverCommissIoner West said today that hewill request the inspectors of the HealthDepartment to make a thorough in-

spection of the swimming poolsOwing to the improvements made to

the flats the bench was removed lastyear from the Tidal Basin midway be-

tween the Speedway and the MonumentGrounds The pools were formerly usedby the Fish Commission and it issaid are covered with weeds and de-

cayed master as to a menace tothe bathers

Commissioner West who has taken-a personal interest in the beach saidtoday that he did not believe conditions-are as bad as have been painted

The Commissioners he said askedfor an appropriation for Improvementsto the beach but only 2EQO was pro-vided of which sum 2000 is for salariesand maintenance It wasatit to make an appropriation sufficient-to give to the boys of the city a firstclass swimming place However wehave done the best we can under thecircumstances-

I am not In favor of closing thebeach unless it is shown beyond doubtthat it is a source of danger To de-prive the boys of a place to swim would-be to impose a hardship upon themwhich I wish to avoid if possible



Alexandria Lsss Would Have Kill

ed Horse Policeman Testifies

Attempted Her LifeAnother mile at the pace se we9

going and she would have killed thehorse said Policeman Lauton of theSixth precinct in the Police Court thismorning testifying against pretty Emma seventeen years old of

arrested last night in the Capi-tal grounds for exceeling the speedlimit

Riding on his wheel in pursuit ofthe fleeing buggy the fftcer thathis spoedoneter showed twentytwomiles an hour the horse was weHnighexhausted Mi Walsh and afriend seemed to take the affair a anugh joke

The girl was brought to the Sixthprecinct While confined in one of thewitness rooms she turned on the gas inan effort to commit suicide She wasremoved unconscious to the CasualtyHospital but quickly revived

In court this morning Miss Walshpale ard trembling took the witnessstand She had very little to say butadmitted driving at a fast clip She wasfined 6 which was paid by friends



No 27429 GrOss vs Sullivan decreefor sale W Walton Edwards andJames A Toomey appointed trustees tosell CamplaInants solicitors W WEdwards defendants attorney James-A Toomey

Xe 2HM Bolts vs Botts May to filesupplemental bill Complainants soli-citors L T Everett and E W R Ewing defendants solicitor David Rothschild

No 27923 Roxbiry Distilling Companyvs Delaney et al rule to show causereturnable July 7 Kt6 Complainantssolicitor Joseph A Burkart

No 27SS4 JFendall et al vs WatterStan order of publication

solicitor John W DavldgeCalled today

No 2M 7 Sanders et al vs Davis etal order extending time to take testi-mony Complainants solicitors Bran-denburg Brandenburg defendantssolicitors H E Davis and R RossPerry Son

Circuit Court ifo iJUSTICE WRIGHT

Called yesterdayNo 4965 Lynn vs Bursey order ex

tending time to file transcript of record-to and including August 15 194S Plain-tiffs attorneys John Ridout defen-dants attorney William II White

4972C Hyde administratrix vsSouthern Railroad Company mandateof Court of Appeals presented andjudgment for costs vs defendants order of March 13 1908 sustaining the




disappoint-ment to me thAt Oongress did not sec





Walsh Alex-andriA

















demurrer to counts 1 2 3 and 4 setaside and demurrer overruled withleave to defendants to plead in twentydays from date Plaintiffs attorneysH H Glassle and F D Blackistonedefendants attorneys Hamilton Col-bert Yerkes Hamilton

Bankruptcy CourtJUSTICE WRIGHT

Called yesterday-No Kl In re Thomas E Waggaman

sale of lots 41 42 and 43 block S Pret-ty Prospect and Cliffbowne authorized

ratifying r amo nisi sale of lotsto 4 block 8 Pretty Prospect and

CHffbourne ratifiedProbate Court

JUSTICE WRIGHTCalled yesterday

Estate of Maurice J Soule will ad-mitted to probate and record and letterstestamentary granted to Clara E Soulebond S100 Attorneys Archer Smith

Estate of Catherine Connor orderadmitting will to probate and recordAttorneys Hamilton Colbert YerkesHamilton

Estate of William M Brown orderappointing guardian ad litem

In re Martha W Lewis order authorlzlrgjmyment of bill Attorneys

ColiadayIn r George Prjdgeon et al older

granting letters cf guardianship to Rob-ert L McNanmrn bond 260 AttorneyRobert E McNamnra

Estate of Mary E Dobbins ordergranting extension of time to settle ertate

Estate of Annie E Raub petition ofDennis Kennedy to convey propertyAttorney C C James

Estate of Edwin Harris petition forand record of will letters-

of administration c t a filed At-torneys Roach Watkins

Culled todayEstate of George T Dunlop order

for sale of stocks AttorneyG ThomasDunlop

VILL INVESTIGATE CLAIMSA commission to investigate the

claims of foreigners against the Moroc-can government growing out of thedisturbances at Casa Blanca last yearwill meet In Targier 20 HossmanPhilip secretary of the American le-gation at Tangier and M C Jacobslegal ccunselor or the American embaser in Purls designatedto represent the United States in caseclaims are presented by of Its citizers So far as the State Department-Is aware there is but on native bornAmerican in Morocco and ho has benthere fr forty years










Davila May Appeal to Unit-ed States for Diplo

matic Aid

TEGUCIGALPA Honduras July 11President DvUa alarmed by the suc-cess of the revolutionary movement

the government officials the advisability-of appealing to the United States andMexico for diplomatic aid In restoring order

Notwithstanding the fact that GraciasCholuteca already have been cap-

tured by the rebels and that SantaBarbara and Amalpa the latter

chief Pacific port are seriouslythreatened Davila Is confident that theuprising can be put down if the otherCentral American republics can be keptneutral

The success of the revolutionists up todate has been easily won as slight

was put up at Gracias andCholuteca The number of killed Is notgiven In the meager reports receivedbut It Is not believed to be large Thereal clash will come In Santa Barbaraa town of nearly 19000 inhabitants Thegarrison here has been strengthened-and President Davila hopes for a de-cisive blow to be struck the revolutionists

War VesselMay Go to Honduras-

An American war vessel probably willbe sent to the port of Amapala on thePacific coast of Honduras to investi-gate reports that the Honduran revolu-tionists are pushing forward In thatdirection with a view of capturing thecity This action was decided upon bythe State Department today upon receipt of dispatches concerning the situation in Central America

No apprehension is felt that the revolution in Honduras Is likely to Involveany other republics Dispatches fromSalvador state a number of

of Salvadorians andbeen made at Salvador the capi

tal of the country for revolutionary ac-tivity and apparently the government-is making every effort to suppress alldisturbances of this kind in accordancewith Article 17 of the Central AmericanPeace Convention

Nicaragua also gives assurance thatthe gunboats the disappearance ofwhich caused some alarm theneighboring republics a few days agoWore being used to patrol her owncoast with a view of preventing anydisturbances from outReports have been received to theeffect that there is along thenorthern border of Honduras in the vi-cinity or the Guatamelan frontier butaccuracy of these is doubted

the American consul at PuertoCortez who is in communication withthe American legation has not confirmed them Guatemala also has given

its utmost to prevent any disturbanceThe situation Is now regarded as beingfairly well in hand and a generalspread of the revolution is not likelyto occur Ambassador Creel was Inconference with Acting Secretarytoday and as soon as reportshave been received the two governments probably will take some actionto quiet in ceee the situation requires It

Marines in Panama-To Watch Election

Although BO trouble Is anticipated or-ders have been Issued to the marinesstaUoned in Panama to hold themselves-in readiness In case any disturbances-arise during the presidential electionswhich are to be held tomorrow Themarines stationed at or near ColonPanama and at Corozal but they willnot be distributed among the pollingplaces

The withdrawal of Secretary of For-eign Affairs Arias ObnoWia theonly candidate in the field The marinesprobably will be withdrawn from theIsthmus next week In case no trouble islikely to develop before the Inauguration takes place on October 1

HE SUFFERED-I suffered horribly from stage frightlast nightWere you on the stagerNo I was In the audience the fwas a peroxide blonde who thought shecould



against hIm today Is nsldering with



that arr-ests s-




assurance that the government will do




























Business Makes FavorableShowing Compared With

Past Months

Commercial failures In the UnitedStates the month of June areclassified this week by Duns Reviewaccording to occupation and size Thisanalysis of Insolvencies presents manyevidences of Improvement as comparedwith similar records for precedingmonths back to last July although thenumber of failures and the total amountof liabilities for the month are wellabove the average In recent years ofunexampled prosperity-

On the other hand it Is found thattotal losses were only about the sameas the average for the month of Junein the five years 18048 white compari-son with the corresponding month lastyear i only adverse in regard to thenumber of small failures there being-an Increase of about 300

Yet a decrease of 19 per cent appearsIn a comparison of total liabilities anddetailed examination of the report forJune in both years shows that this improvement was chiefly in a few manu-facturing occupations

There was an Increase of 10 In manu-facturing failures but the amount ofliabilities was only 54013M against512056 25 in June 1907 The machineryctesa atone accounted for 000000 ofthis difference owing to a few verylarge defaults In the correspondingmonth last year But this was not theonly branch of business in which losseswere smaller

Decrease In Lumber-In lumber the decrease was almost

1009000 and four other manufacturingbranches made favorable exhibits in-

cluding the unfinished iron division cotton manufacturing milling and bakersand liquors and tobacco The remainingnine subdivisions of manufacturing fail-ures reported some increase although-In no case was the difference more thanabout I253000 In clothing and millinery

Trading insolvencies in June did notsnake as favorable a showing 791

for 5SS647 6 comparing with 7

last year when the amount Involvedwas only Sf88064 Changes were small-er In these departments and thirteen ofthe fifteen subdivisions recorded moreor lees increase in total liabilities Thefavorable comparisons were supplied bythe clothing and dry goods classes

The largest increase was about SSOQOOd

in Jewelry owing to one large failurewhile loss was almost as heavilyincreased ln groceries and meats al-though this was divided among 195 dif-ferent suspensions In no other casewas the rise more than about 209999

As to number of failures the increaseof almost 2M as compared with th cor-responding month last year was i lrlywell distributed throughout the listthe largest difference being only ingroceries and meats In addition to themanufacturing and trading losses therewere 33 failures for JJ3CSSS against 29similar defaults last year when theamount Involved was

Fiduciary ImprovementThs large percentage of increase was

due to a few very heavy defaults inlines more speculative than strictlycommercial as this division embraces-the real estate Insurance brokerageand commission houses in which a bigproportion cf the business is of a specuSatire nature In respect to the bankingand other fiduciary suspensions therewere the same evldenaes of improvement in the month of June fewer andsmaller losses testifying to the factthat the aftermath of the panic of lastfeature In the commercial and financialworld

Separation of the few large failures InJune from the much greater number otnormal Insolvencies makes an unusuaPr good conrparison with similar

coresponding month in thepreceding fourteen years Subtractingeleven manufacturing failures for 51000 each with total liabilities of 2656771leaves scarcely more than SO per cent otthe total losses in that class for theremaining 277 failures This is an aver-age of only 10233 for each small failureagainst a similar average of 19981 lastyear and six of the thirteen years prior-to 1907 repoted a higher averageis shown this year

BUT HE DOESWhore does he get his moneyI dont know where he gets his and-

I dont care What I am interested inIs knowing Just bow he gets mineNashville American







October Is gradually less ot


becoming a















Have you ever thoughthow easy andyou can buy or sell all your summer outfitsthrough the Times want ads

Every day people advertise in the want pagesof the Times in order to buy or sell their boatsguns motors fishing outfits cameras etc

Perhaps they must leave town in a hurry-or probably they want to buy new per-haps they need cash money

No matter whatever their cause you wilalways profit by Times want ad deals

You can always buy sell or exchangeanything through Times want Start readingthem today for profit







these littlemosi









DECREASE 7640000Loan Item Shows Expansion of

14000000 Specie Holdings Fall

NEW TORK JwJy UTI weeklybask statement of lbs AssociatedBanks issued today shews tiM Stowi-ng obanges-

Herarve on aH deposits decrease7Stt GO

Reserve on other than TJaittedStates 8968C5-

Ix ats S14CK3MSpecie decrease S4RmLegal tenders decrease mt DQ-tE wlts increase J7S3MWCirculation decrease 23MMTotal loans 13K712 MThe of the bonks fe tfteS6Including liabilities against United

compared with yearand 12gg0SGO two years ago The per-centage of held by the banksis 2SS1 last



Henry Keller a Carriage BuilderSays He Was Crushed Be

tween Two CarsHenry Keller a carriage builder to

suit three streetrailway companies Use tracksat the corner of street and NewYork avenue for for alleged in

received when be was crushedbetween two cars

The roads named are the and Suburban of the Anacostia andand the Washington Railway and Else

Companydeclares that on April M

of this year he was betweencars running in anas were rounding the andthat the wasof the dangerous condition of the tracks-at time Several of ida ribs werebroken some of them puncturing thelungs His hips and backwere bruised His attorneys are

Arthur Jr and John LewisS Smith brings suitthe Washington and Electric

for injuries receivedJanuary 3 ot at East Caoidamages and his attorneys are W BRiley and W G Gardner

LEGAL NOTICESIJk THE SUPREXK COURT UM Districtof Columbia la re Thomas R ROsy beakpt In baakr pt r X S Notice Is

tea flied his petition praying for a dUfrom all his debts in bankruptcy andthat creditors and other penoaa interest

2 TH DAY OP JULY IMC K ifcCALrMONT JteferM in Bankruptcy ItIX THE SUPREME COURT of the District

pyHnii bankruptm teuikrvptcr No ML To the endttan ofMM feMkntp Notice fa hereby given thatthe aboveMated bankrupt has flied his petdebts la bankruptcy and that Ms creditorsand persons interested are required toenter their appearance In opposition if any

o on or before tiM 3 TH DAY OFJULY IMt K S aieCALMONT Hf rw iaBankruptcy ItSUPRKMK COURT of the District of Co-Iwnbta Holding Pratate Court No 1SK-SAdmlntatratlOB Tin is to give notice That

District oc Columbia letters tefltamwtarrthe estate of LoviM Allen late ofthe District of Cotumbte 4 oeaa d All per-sons baring claims against the deceasedare hereby warned to exhibit the samewith the Touchers thereof legally authenti-cated to the aub cr0 r OB or before the 10THDAY OF JULY A D M otherwise they

mid estate Given under mr bend this J thday of July IMC M JSXNIB XcEUFRESH MM H at nw SealJAMES TANNSR Register of WillsDistrict of Columbia Clerk of the ProbateCourt HILL ROGERS MATTINGLY-Attorneys JyllJSJS


OFFICE of the Commissioners of the Dietrict of Columbia July 1 IMS N Uee ix

given that the printed modem reby section 9 of Aa Act i regulate

the employment of child labor ia the District-of Columbia approved May 3S to beposted ia a conspicuous place ia every roomwhere minors under X years age are employed will be urnUfaed upon application tothe Secretary to the Board of Commieers of the District of Columbia Room LieDistrict BatWtaK 14th and E streets north-west HENRY B F XACFARLANDHENRY L WEST WILLIAM KELLYActing Commissioners of the District oi

Columbia JylLlXlt



Per annum Interest for YOUIn banking department of thiscompany Why not open anaccount Deposits subject tocheck

Government supervisionfySafo Deposit Boxes 3U S TRUST CO 1405 G


The Safest Investmentsthose that do not Cucroate during S-

Itcrbed condlUorn of the money or stock msskets Pint deed of trust note first mortgages wen secured ca real ia theDistrict of Columbia edg-wJavtitraeati They d not depend upon thefpifimi respoosibUlty of laOivlduals or cayporatloas for their stabllty and are exemptfrom taxaton as personal property rtisupply Investments ia axaoaataCX upward Send for Coaceralna

and vestmentsSwartzell Rheein 3

Hensey Co727 loth St X W

Capital nOOOOOOSurplus 1500009

RAFTS issued direct on theprincipal of theworld

Exchange bought and soldof Credit Issued

by cableStocks Bonds bought soldCollections Investments made


Pa Avo Opp U S Treasury

Capital and Surplus 6500000 I

You Can TourFo-

reign countries with greaterconvenience if carry yourfunds In the form ofOF CREDIT issuedbank Available throughout the

SIOITET boughtand at current rates


Uptown branch 1126 Corn AveDowntown branch Center Market




















D cites










and Second streets claims 510000


hereby given tt te abeeaems benkrizp


ed are required to enter their aprence inOpposition If any as on or before the

of Colambis In ye Max

ties praying for a discharge from allother


the aebecriber ut the District Colsmbhas obtained fma the Prshate of the


y by law be excisded from an benet of




such fro


you 11


















Our Specialty Is to Pay 02Loans of HighRate


tfc tr aioaay They will advance any mountfrom M to J oa furniturete eec and

raw We ctergaM one me We M one mo L l-

JS ODe moJL JK one mo rlI-K ODe nojL ncd one mo t K

one J3W one mo 06We also make a naU charge for spprols-

l ff property Loans made oat In easy

w Ic a specialty of loans ron Sift to

yea a Jc for Call write or telepbcaoPOTOMAC GUARANTEE


Floor Singer BuildingPhone 2X639-



Why Pay Morenotary fee of Me Other amounts up to

eves lower rates We will pay oSthe loan you now caT and youmore money at oar reasonable rates Calland get OUr terms before make a IcoaPrivate offlcea Confidential


3 o 48 Commercial Bank BcildiarN W Cor nth and G fits 4thJystr



Xo charge for drawing up peen Xotalag recorded or published Abaetately nopublicity Xo delays We sever lose a ccstamer because they are all satisfied to dealwhere they can get the lowest rotes andmost liberal terms Remember this U therate sPewed pawnbrokers by lawpawnbroker holds the security We do aitdisturb it bet allow you to keep it la yooA-pOMCoalOB You have both moaey suit eientity not be fooled by the adsof other companies They claim lowest rateswill show you bow exorbitant their chargesare

National CaThompson Bldg 703 15th St 27 STOpp Treasury Next to StoreThe Only Independent Company


system s the broadest fairest anteasiest that has ever been put before tiepeople ec this cityKO sznooEssamaTH B3jjk aTnrcssA-

RRrrywM n yjiMj V9

If not convenient to call at our omce xrttor telephone and wo will call at your homewill make you a loan


Phone Main 3012 Second floor rant

OUR RATESF-or Lbans on

PUBXITUSE PIANOS AMBdrroir 10 pay back IL50Borrow 815 pay backBorrow 20 pay back 2255Berrew 25 pay back 0Borrow 50 pay back S54W

This pays both principal and In-

terest Other amounts in proportion

Union Loan and Trusl Go-

jas 22SOPC rirBUILDING Oifi Gu r 9 nooEntrance 810 F St

2d Floor Front

913 G StreetSEE US FIRST

We Make Loans atRates That Defy

Competition36c a week interest

and principal on a J18 Ioa4S9c week pays interest

and principal OB a 15 loaaTic week pays interest

and principal on 8 39 loanSOc a week pays interest

and principal on a 25 loaxga week paysand principal on a 53 loaq

275 a week pays interestand principal on a 100 loai

Other amounts in proportionPayments may be made

If desired

Mutual Loan and Trust Co913 a STREET N W

We Loan Money on jFornltortand Pianos at a fair Sate of In-terest SES US PXBS7


602 FST616 F St N W-

Is the place to your loan whetherit be JMOO or a iarger sum V7erareliable money lenders and our rates

are LOWER than the lowest By earliberal rebate system you caa pay yourloan ahead of time and savechargesIT you cannot call write or phone andwell call on you


61C st aw Room oLook the Blue and White Slra1

Money Loaned Salaried Peopteand others without eoerfty paymentsomeN In 63 principal dUes save yourselfmoney by getting my terms teat D HTOLHAK Room MS BSS lath t nw de5tr

Our low rates OB faralttire Jeans absolutelyno publicity no prytasT late private Tsinand DO delay


Columbia GuaranteeF ST N Booms 1 and 2

Twentieth CenturyEmployment Bureau

The TimesWant Department




Mold p-

iM w-Ile rte

etcymenia time from 1 month tit 1 yurWe

and can give YOU the amount the dyIt




may ry Ute lean as long asand there Is DO ether charge xceZta

pie at

Citizens Loan Go



I The


Do coaxing

but we mn Oft you rates and terms

Lsan and InvstmelllDrug




Even It roil lOW another company WI












Co-W w


meansag sstls6e5 with a imsU per Cent 05

1105505 emplosea etc


iso L5S





Yeu 705please







Phone II










