1 jg...calu; books, mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments...

fa'' - THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed aud published tit tho office, Quoen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 corns por Month. Addross all Communications Daili BULLETIN. Advortlsemeuu, tc cn3uro Insertion, should bo handed In before ono o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOIl Managor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing of all kinds done on tho most favorublo terms. Hull Telcphono No. 258 Mutual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 23 columns of reading matter on local topics, aud a complete resUmo of Honolulu and Island News. It is tho best paper published in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. Subscription: Island $1 00 year Foreign 5 00 " Commission Moiouants. FT riiVOIClTJEJUO & Co., General Commission Agents. 070 ly Honolulu Q. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, 1013 BREWER it COMPANY, 0, (Limitud) Gbnbral Mercantile and Commission Agents. list of oiwicehs: P. O. Joniss, Jr President & Manager J. O. Caktku. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary diuectobs: Hon. O. R. Bisuop. S. C. Allen, H. Watebuouse. 33d ly T. WATERHOTJSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Hounlulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle St OOOKE, CASTLE! Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 ClauB Bprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin. G-- . IRWIN & COMPANY, Bucar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. J- Bs CO., WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. GRINBAUM &s CO., MS. Importers of General Mer- - ohandiflo aud Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and " Ii4 Califoinitt stroot, 1 San Francisco, Cal. 'B. Lowers, P. J. Lowroy, O. M. Coolco. & Cooke, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumbor and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Gonsalyes &: Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 280 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Han-factori- ng Joweler & Watchmaker Has roraoved to one of tho Now Stores in the TUouirs Illock, King Street, Three doors from Cflstlo & Cookes', Where ho is prepared to manufacture all iduila f Jewelry. 00 A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, .Merchant Btreot, - Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel. an. Hell Tel. aos. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specially. Orders taken for Newspapers, Poriodi. calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 T KE PEOPLES' PAPER The Daily uunettn w cu per month, MALCOLM BBOWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Ofllco, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 30 tf SAMUEL K. KAEO, --Ajt1;orju.ey at; X-ja- Office, : No. 0 Kuahumnnu street. ap24.83.ly M. THOMPSON, Attornoy-nt-La- w. Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant SU ., Honolulu, H. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. EST When desind, will give tho law in a written opinion, as to tho probable re- sult of tho contention upon tho facts stated. ISBSly JM. MONSARItAT, ATTOHNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans nogotia ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazotto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 19 t' BROWN, Attorner and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for the Island ol Oahu. Metcliant btrect, Hono-'ulu- . 1 ALFRED MAGOON, J . ATtOKNEYATLANY. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. 1 J H. SOPEB, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth and Market ttreets. opposite Hawaii N-- i Millinery K&taW-lishmc- Sun Francisco. 23 Office 42 Merehant'St., Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly a. M. liENSON. a. w. smith. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Dcpot for Boericke & Bcechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickscckcr'a Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y. H0LLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0 Honolulu, II. I. WENNER & CO. JHniinfacturluB Jewellers, rvo. oa jroitT stkjeet. Constantly on hand i largo assortmon of every description ol Jewelry, Watches Gold nnd Silver Plated Ware, &c. 058 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared to fill orders at short notice. 1851 tf HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 07. E. O. Hchuiuan, . - Proprietor. t2T Stand Corner Merchant aud Fort Streets. 3- - ToloplioncB, BOB. -- S inch ly HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRIAGE CO. Carrlngcs at nil hours, day ami night. BnddUl Hordes, Buggies, Wagonettes and Village C'irtH wltu stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few norsos, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggiea, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to MILES & IlAYIiHY. 1574 V THE OLDEST DAILY, In the "Tho Daily Bulletin.'' .GO cents per month, Tho Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho Finest Brand of esfes!!?L I Slri!Vta2- - Always on XXantl. II. J. NOITJB, Proprietor. CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Denlci in Cents, LadlcH', &. Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers The Choicest Brands of Giprs, jg Tolled Always on Ilimil. B Orders from tho othct Islands solicited. 70 tf LI 73 HUUAHU STREET. MRS. ROBT. LOVE, PROPRIETRESS Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread &Crackers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS AND SALOON BREAD Alwnj's on hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. Island orders promptly attended to. OS Cm PIONEER STE1I CANDY FACTORY AND UA.JC3EK.Y. F..HORN, Practical ConfccUoner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- JUST Telephone 74 TUE Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Betail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Polled Anps StocK Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Ilellor Calves from 10 to 13 months old. APPLYTO J. I. D0WSETT. Honolulu Jnno24. 1BB7. 70 SALTER BROS., WATCH JS MAKERS, 81 KiliK Hlii't. (Stora formerly luciiipli'd liy Inte Wm. Turni"-.- ; All Kopairn "Wjiri-nutet-l. mv2J8-- J ly O LUSO IIAWA11ANO. ALL persons who want to communi with tlio PoitiiL'iicso, either fur liusiucsH, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will find it die most prolluililo way to advertise in tho Lvso Ilawaiiano, tho now organ of tho Portuguese r.o.ony, which Is pub. llshcd onUorchant street, Gaittte Build, inp, (Post-Olllc- o Letter Box E.), and only charges reasonable rates for adver tiHirniflntH NOTICE. MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. to collect fur the Bulletin Honolulu June 6th, 1837. 67 To Arrive per -- FOR 10-- 1 Fort Street, Honolulu. N. S. SACHS, - New Dress Goods, Now Lace New Kjld Gloves, New -- AND ALL THE- - 38TEntiro Stock will be "Australia" Popular Millinery House, Underwear, LATEST WOVELTIE! ThE Now. New offered suit tho time. THE A & Selected by Mr. Dillingham England nnd1 America. Call and examine the goods, now "being opened ly the Co., JPovt Street, Honolulu. A. Blacksmith "Work, Painting and 79 & 81 Hi Street J oJmqI Kgr llrom Klnjjr and Mex-clia- nt Stw. Every description vrork in tho above lines performed flrst-claf- s manner. Also, Horse a tSrBell Telephone, 107-- 1 (mrh 18-ly- ) BTBoll Telephone, 107- - ! 500 For Sale -- i ASV - - - Proprietor. 'Flounces, Trimmings, Hosiery, to Carriage Building, Trimming. For Sale Cheap Large Unique Assortment in Pacific Hardware MORGAN, Entrances of in a Shoeing Specialty. IRON TANKS GALLOWS Cheap I I UNION FEED CO,, Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh. & Queen Streets. JO! ITT, 1. 8 mam Street. Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods PLUMBING, TIN, C0PIEB. ANB 993 SHEET IRON WORK. Conti'noloi'H s BulUtcrB. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cp. timntcs given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. TO King street. Bell Tele- phone No. 1!. P. O. Box, 428. up 5.1y GEORGE LUCAS, and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla nado, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, nnd all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to nnd work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited NTEiPRI PLANING MILL. Alakeu, lienv (ueen St, Tulcpliono 55. J&r&n HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, gasfegai Steam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. O. MARCHANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-Dinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono-0- 2 lulu. . tf A. H. BASEMANN, Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. "W shes to notify tho public that he has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, C3T up staikh. -- a 81 Sm FERTILIZERS! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. For Halo by HASHOX JL 8JIYTH. "VXT'E nre now prepared to receive all YV orders for tho above Fertilizer of a superior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted one of tlic best nrticlcs of tho kind in the market. Orders may bo left with L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street, G. M. SMYTH, IInw. Hotel Stable. 93 2m OF SAN FRANCISCO. U3G3SX ROLLER FLOUR Made lu America. Meals Superior to all Otbers, GONSALVES & CO., Hole Acentx or tho Hawaiian iHlnmlH. 78 tf Hustace & Robertson, A Lh orders for Cartago promptly at-X- tended to. Pnrticulur attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho othor Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit ot lowest prices. Ofllco, adjoining E. V. Adams & Co.'s unction room. 093 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Tho Inter- - Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blacktmith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. NOTICE. MH. John Magron is nulhorlzod to collect for our account, und- sign receipts. J. E. BROWN. fc CO. Jan. 10, 1889. 1635 FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSUEANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire nnd Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation f" (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,009 South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly t 3 " $ ". fcrd CA8TLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insu'r'ce Agonta. AGENTS FOB Tho Xcw aeloua MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The JEtna Firo Insurance Co., of Hartford, Coun. Tho Union JPIre mod Marine Insurance Co. of SaTi Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y E8TABMBIIKD 1845, Capital 0,000,000 Relchimarfci THE undersigned, having been agent of tho nboye Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Uulldimga, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Farorablo Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEK, Jly-8- ly at Wilder & Co'. HOLIDAY PICTOBES Samoan Views ! At J. J. WM 81 tf 'wi '.- ".".. ..r :m: "

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Page 1: 1 jg...calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 TKE PEOPLES' PAPER

fa'' -


Is printed aud published tit tho office,

Quoen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 corns por Month.

Addross all Communications DailiBULLETIN.

Advortlsemeuu, tc cn3uro Insertion,should bo handed In before ono o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing of

all kinds done on tho most favorubloterms.Hull Telcphono No. 258

Mutual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.An interesting and comprehensive

publication, contains 23 columns of

reading matter on local topics, aud a

complete resUmo of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is tho best paper published

in tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

Subscription:Island $1 00 yearForeign 5 00 "

Commission Moiouants.


General Commission Agents.

070 ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street,1013

BREWER it COMPANY,0, (Limitud)

Gbnbral Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list of oiwicehs:

P. O. Joniss, Jr President & ManagerJ. O. Caktku. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

diuectobs:Hon. O. R. Bisuop. S. C. Allen,

H. Watebuouse.33d ly

T. WATERHOTJSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Hounlulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. CastleSt OOOKE,

CASTLE! Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

ClauB Bprcckels. Wm. G. Irwin.G-- . IRWIN & COMPANY,

Bucar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. J-

Bs CO.,WILDER Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu.

GRINBAUM &s CO.,MS. Importers of General Mer--

ohandiflo aud Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

" Ii4 Califoinitt stroot,1 San Francisco, Cal.

'B. Lowers, P. J. Lowroy, O. M. Coolco.

& Cooke,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumbor and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

Gonsalyes &: Co.,Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants280 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!


ngJoweler & Watchmaker

Has roraoved to one of tho NowStores in the

TUouirs Illock, King Street,Three doors from Cflstlo & Cookes',

Where ho is prepared to manufactureall iduila f Jewelry. 00

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

.Merchant Btreot, - Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel. an. Hell Tel. aos.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specially.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Poriodi.calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any partof tho world, havlug niado nil urrange.ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo.Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order.


TKE PEOPLES' PAPER TheDaily uunettn w cu per month,


NOTARY PUBLICFor tho Island of Oahu.

Ofllco, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.30 tf


--Ajt1;orju.ey at; X-ja-

Office, : No. 0 Kuahumnnu street.ap24.83.ly

M. THOMPSON,Attornoy-nt-La- w.

Ofllco in Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &

Merchant SU ., Honolulu, H. I.


EST When desind, will give tho law ina written opinion, as to tho probable re-

sult of tho contention upon tho factsstated. ISBSly


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans nogotiated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27

Merchant st. (Gazotto Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 19 t'

BROWN,Attorner and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for theIsland ol Oahu. Metcliant btrect, Hono-'ulu- .


ALFRED MAGOON,J . ATtOKNEYATLANY.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu. 1


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth and Market ttreets.opposite Hawaii N-- i Millinery K&taW-lishmc-

Sun Francisco. 23

Office 42 Merehant'St., Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18 ly

a. M. liENSON. a. w. smith.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Dcpot for Boericke & Bcechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickscckcr'a Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y.


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 0

Honolulu, II. I.

WENNER & CO.JHniinfacturluB Jewellers,

rvo. oa jroitT stkjeet.Constantly on hand i largo assortmon

of every description ol Jewelry, WatchesGold nnd Silver Plated Ware, &c.

058 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto fill orders at short notice.

1851 tf


Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 07.

E. O. Hchuiuan, . - Proprietor.t2T Stand Corner Merchant aud Fort

Streets.3-- ToloplioncB, BOB. -- S

inch ly


CARRIAGE CO.Carrlngcs at nil hours, day ami night.

BnddUl Hordes, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage C'irtH wltu stylish and gentlehorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few norsos, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggiea,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or apply to


THE OLDEST DAILY, In the"Tho Daily Bulletin.''

.GO cents per month,

Tho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho Finest Brand of

esfes!!?LI Slri!Vta2- -

Always on XXantl.II. J. NOITJB, Proprietor.

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Denlci in

Cents, LadlcH', &. Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers

The Choicest Brands of

Giprs, jg TolledAlways on Ilimil.

B Orders from tho othct Islandssolicited. 70 tf




Every description of




SALOON BREADAlwnj's on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.OS Cm


AND UA.JC3EK.Y.F..HORN, Practical ConfccUoner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- JUST Telephone 74


Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Betail Butchers



Polled Anps StocK

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Ilellor Calves from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu Jnno24. 1BB7. 70


81 KiliK Hlii't.(Stora formerly luciiipli'd liy Inte Wm.

Turni"-.- ;

All Kopairn "Wjiri-nutet-l.

mv2J8-- J ly


ALL persons who want to communiwith tlio PoitiiL'iicso, either

fur liusiucsH, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will find itdie most prolluililo way to advertise intho Lvso Ilawaiiano, tho now organ oftho Portuguese r.o.ony, which Is pub.llshcd onUorchant street, Gaittte Build,inp, (Post-Olllc- o Letter Box E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for advertiHirniflntH


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.to collect fur the

BulletinHonolulu June 6th, 1837. 67

To Arrive per-- FOR

10-- 1 Fort Street, Honolulu.

N. S. SACHS, -

New Dress Goods,Now Lace

New Kjld Gloves,New


38TEntiro Stock will be


Popular Millinery House,






offered suit tho time.


A &Selected by Mr. Dillingham England nnd1America.

Call and examine the goods, now "being opened ly theCo.,

JPovt Street, Honolulu.

A.Blacksmith "Work,

Painting and

79 & 81 Hi StreetJ

oJmqI Kgr

llrom Klnjjr and Mex-clia- nt Stw.

Every description vrork in tho above lines performed flrst-claf- s manner.

Also, Horse atSrBell Telephone, 107--1 (mrh 18-ly- ) BTBoll Telephone, 107--


For Sale-- i ASV


- - Proprietor.




Carriage Building,


For Sale Cheap

Large Unique Assortmentin

Pacific Hardware


Entrancesof in a

Shoeing Specialty.


Cheap I I

UNION FEED CO,,Telephones 175. Corner Edinburgh. & Queen Streets.

JO! ITT, 1. 8 mam Street.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods


Conti'noloi'H s BulUtcrB.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; cp.timntcs given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. TO King street. Bell Tele-phone No. 1!. P. O. Box, 428. up 5.1y


and Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Ksplanado, Honolulu.

Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, nnd all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing nnd Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to nnd workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alakeu, lienv (ueen St,Tulcpliono 55.

J&r&n HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,gasfegai Steam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; Iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. O. MARCHANT,(Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-Dinde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, Hono-0- 2

lulu. . tf


Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


"W shes to notify tho public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,C3T up staikh. -- a

81 Sm

FERTILIZERS!For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns,

Etc., Etc.


"VXT'E nre now prepared to receive allYV orders for tho above Fertilizer of

a superior quality, thoroughly curedand warranted one of tlic best nrticlcsof tho kind in the market. Orders maybo left with

L. P. HANSON, 200 Queen street,G. M. SMYTH, IInw. Hotel Stable.

93 2m



ROLLER FLOURMade lu America.

Meals Superior to all Otbers,

GONSALVES & CO.,Hole Acentx or tho Hawaiian

iHlnmlH.78 tf

Hustace & Robertson,

A Lh orders for Cartago promptly at-X-

tended to. Pnrticulur attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho othor Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit ot lowest prices.

Ofllco, adjoining E. V. Adams & Co.'sunction room.093 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Tho Inter- - Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blacktmith Coal

and a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.


MH. John Magron is nulhorlzod tocollect for our account, und- sign

receipts. J. E. BROWN. fc CO.Jan. 10, 1889. 1635


MARINEINSUEANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire nnd Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporationf"(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,009

South British Firo and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly

t 3

" $


CA8TLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insu'r'ce Agonta.



of Boston.

The JEtna Firo Insurance Co.,of Hartford, Coun.

Tho Union JPIre mod

Marine Insurance Co.of SaTi Francisco, Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

E8TABMBIIKD 1845,Capital 0,000,000 Relchimarfci

THE undersigned, having beenagent of tho nboye Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Uulldimga,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Farorablo Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable InHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEK,Jly-8- ly at Wilder & Co'.


SamoanViews !

At J. J. WM81 tf



".".. ..r:m:


Page 2: 1 jg...calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 TKE PEOPLES' PAPER


sr?) '


BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on tlio

Bank ot OulU'orttla, Sri. 3B

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Bon, London

Tho Commsrciil Bank Co., of Sydncj.London,

Tho Commercial Bank Co., of Sydnei8ydnoy,

Tho Hank of Now Zealand: AucklandOhrlstchurch, and Wellington,

Tho Bank of British Columbia, Victoria, B. 0., and Portland, Or


Transact a General Banking Biibtuese.OfiSUv

LLQISLATURE OF 1080. "The DallyBullotin" contains tlio

on'y correct and roliablo reports ot thoproceedings of the present Legislature.

theailtt SUTWtn

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,Sut established for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1888.


GUESE.Portugal has lind a constitutional

form of Government ever since theyear 1820 : to-da- y is the G8th anni-

versary of its inauguration. Portu-

gal has a parliament of two houses,one composed of members chosenfor life by the Sovereign, and theother of members elected by voters.Thus the people are represented inthe Legislature of tho nation bytheir delegates, and exercise largeinfluence in legislation. The Por-

tuguese people are not, as we fre-

quently hear stated, unaccustomedto representative and

To be sure, most people of

that nationality who come to thiscountry are from the outlying isl-

ands of the kingdom, where theyhave not the same voice and in-

fluence in public affairs as in Portu-gal itself. The Portuguese constitu-tion is classed as one of the freest andmost favorable to the rights of Un-

people in Europe.Although Portugal has long ceased

to play that prominent part in theworld's affairs which she held dur-

ing a considerable period of historj.The Portuguese people still retainmany of the characteristics whichrnado them famous in the past.They are unsurpassed as pioneersin a new country, where industry,frugality and perseverance arc need-

ed to make a wilderness a field ofprofitable vegetation. The Portu-

guese arc a people who teadilyadapt themselves to new conditions,and settle themselves down to makepermanent homes in countries towhich they immigrate.

Here we have but few Portuguesedirect from Portugual proper, butdescendants from the same originalstock, which have come from thePortuguese islands in-th- e Atlantic,comprise a large and important paitof our population. They have un-

doubtedly done well for themselvesand good for the country, on thewhole, by coming. They have alsocome to slay. They will figuie pro-

minently in the history yet to bemade of these islands. Of coursesome of these people return and will

return to their homes in the Atlantic,and others move off to California ;

but at least a large proportion, ifnot the majority, will remain hereand become permanent settlers.Their children will be Hawaiians,and will form no inconsiderable partof the Hawaiian nation. It devolvesupon the present rulers and direc-

tors of the nation to see that thesechildren are trained to intelligentcitizenship.


Editor Bulletin: Ah SaraSliue in his communication ofMay 18th, in the P. C. A.,says that the Chinese arc tbc onlyones that could or would preparethe ground and plant rice on theIslands.

Ah Sam, you are wrong, for if Iam not much mistaken lion. Sain.G. Wilder or Mr. C. II. Judd wasthe first to break the sod for g

in this country, 25 or 2G

years ago, in Koolau, and after-wards two other foreigners beganplanting rice in the same district,and are both there now and havemade for themselves good homesand raised happy families of chris-tian children, to cheer them in theirold age.

Rice was and is extensively raisedin the Southern States of America,whero a Chinaman is still looked atas a curiosity, and in that countrythe swamps arc full of malaria, andour rice land is comparativelyhealthy.

The natives hero managed with-

out .any trouble to raise their kalobefore Ah Sam Sliue or any of hispeoplo came to our country, and if

they were every one out of it thenatives would not only have wives, '

but raise taro, lieo and laigc Inmi-Hc- s,

instead of keeping bachelors'halls, having no chlklieu to incitetheir ambition in making provisionfor them. Tney all gravitate to thewhnrf, and then into the saloon.

It seems to mo that the piesontLegislature, composed as it is ofthe descendants of the-- missionariesto a great extent, should take hohlof the Chinese quest Inn in earnest.Of cnurse, the gentlemen and allfollowers of the Uathtngs of their

ig fathers, and eventhoufjh they may he largely inte-rested in sugar planting, they shouldallow nothing to interfere with themoral welfare of the native race.

The native makes one of the verybest plantation laborers, but ofcourse be cannot work so cheaplyand support his wife and family ashe can with none but himself to feedand clothe, and as it is so easy toget rid of his family by simply al-

lowing hordes of free Chinamen,without their wives, to come intothe country, I know it is a tempta-tion. But, gentlemen, stop wor-shipping the almighty dollar for ashort time, and do the best thingthat can be done for the native race,by stopping the landing of a singleChinaman, even if he has a stolenpassport. MuoiiAKic.


Editok Bt lm:tin' So much hasbeen written lately for and againsttotal prohibition, that it will hnrdlybe possible tobring any new argu-ments into the question. As this

--Legislature probably will have 19deal with the liquor problem again',though it he not prohibition, andtry to make more stringent lawsabout number of saloons, sellinghours and to whom it is to be sold,I will venture to call attention to afew measures that probably will bebeneficial.

1st. All saloons shall close at 10p. m. ever week day, except onSaturdays, when they shall close at5 p. m. No saloon to open doorsbefore 8 a. in.

2d. All obscene pictuics to bestrictly forbidden in saloons.

Urd. To issue two kinds of li-

cences, one for selling all kinds ofliquors with high feu; and anotherfor selling beer under a certain percentage of alcoholic strength with alow fee.

I th. To establish by law the alco-

holic strength and puriti of liquorsto be sold the liquor to be subjectto be tested at any police court.

fth. To make the line or punish-ment for illicit selling or distilling,or for selling at unlawful hours,vervhigh, and in case a holder of a li-

cence breaks the law, the licence tobe taken from him on piool of guilt.

This of course is by no means allthat is desirable to do, or that oughtto bo done, but 1 know that lawsvery much like the above sugges-tions have been in operation formany years in another country, andthat they have been very good. Ifthoy have showed themselves to ef-

fectually put a stopper to the drink-ing abroad, they may do the samehere.

There is another way of fightingthe liquor selling, and that is, thatonly a limited number of licences be given, and a board ap-pointed by the Legislature to Inl-and sell the liquor, paying into tin--

treasury the same licence fees as aprivate liquor dealer, and then usethe net proceeds for improvementson roads, planting of trees, buyingbooks for the public libraries, etc.The board to serve without pay, andthe manager of the saloon to be paida fixed salary, whether he sellsmuch or little. Ho would then takelittle interest in the business, andthat is just what is wanted ; the lesssold, tho better.

What can be done in other coun-tries can be done here also, and Iam convinced that the majority ofall tho will be infavor of restrictions as those above,and I think that it will prove to bebetter than a total prohibition law,which, as long as there are pricklypears, ohnlos, bananas and ti rootto be had, and as long as thesale of hops and sugar is not for-

bidden, only will be a farce or per-haps worse than that.

A Fitinxn op Restiuctiok.



San Fiuncisco, May 21.The Mills Bill has been debated

by the House of Representatives,but nothing final has been done re-

garding it. This bill 1 educes theduty on sugar 20 per cent. Randall'sbill makes changes in the exibtingtariff in tho direction of protection,but although it has been lead asccoud time no one notices it. TheRepublicans aie consideiing a tariffbill, and it has been given out thatit will reduce the duty on sugar byone-hal- f. If it will be introducedit will be by McKiuley, of Ohio,who brought up tho minority reporton thu tariff bill from the Committeeof Ways and Means. McKinioynmdo a strong .speech against theMills Bill, and accused tho Dcmo-ciat- s

of inconsistency for not put-ting sugar on the free list, as solittle of it is raised at home. Thisline of attack leads to the conclu-sion that there may be somethingin tho rumor from Wasuington thattho Republicans want to 1 educe thesugar duty as thoy think this willpunish the "solid South" for itsconsistent adhesion to the Demo-cratic party. Tho situation is so



interesting as to almost becometable Toi Hawaiian planters.

Sho.il'l the Republicans propose a50 per cent re luction of sugar dutythe Diinocats will not oppose it,nltliouih as the San Francisco "Bul-letin" snys, it would transfer $29,-000,0-

a year to tho pockets of thoSugar Ti list. A a pieventive

ie, however, nil trusts maybe legislated out of existence befmotlie could lake advantage of thetin ill luiUiulinii.

There it iio talk of tiirting anopp "sltion stianifhip line to Hono-lulu at present, although on thatsubject one can hardly be certain asto rumors for five minutes together.Everyone knows that there was tobe a great fruit transportationsteamship company to carry ba-nanas; also a powerful auxiliaryscrew sugar transportation line ; andlast but not least, tho oppositionlino of steam frigates from llllo;but somehow tho Oceanic Com-

pany's Hag still llics unchallenged,and it is probable that anotherstaunch ten-kn- ot freight boat willbe added to its fleet. The CostaRica, of the Do Campo CentralAmerican line, is under offer to J.D. Spreckcls & Bros., and may bepurchased for the Honolulu tirade.She is 1274 tons, and carries steer-age passengei 3. It seems thereforeas if Honolulu will have to be con-tent with the Oceanic Company.And it would be very hard to pleaseif it is not thoroughly Katislled withthe facilities provided by this com-pany both for freight and passen-gers.

It is to be hoped the Legislaturewill not be induced to pass any lawthat would embarrass or interferewith the Oceanic CoinpanyVs busi-ness. It may be taken for grantedthat it will do all it possibly can todevelop the trade of Honolulu andthe islands generally, because it willpay to do so.

The two great political partieshave locked horns-o- the tariff, andCleveland and Blaine will be thecandidates. The Democratic parlybeing in ollicc will have an advan-tage this election which was wantingat the last, and John Kelly of Tam-many Hall fame being dead, thereis no chance of the Democraticvotes ucinjr, tiaucu 011 to elect anIiish-Amcric- Mayor of New Yorkand a Republican President as wasdone last occasion. The issue ofthe campaign interests Hawaii onlyso far as the tariff on sugar is con-cerned. The Democratic policy ismore favorable than the Republican,and if one may judge of the facilitywith which your rabid

became Sugar Trust men theieis every reason for supposing thattho Republican fervor of yourAmerican residents will turn stronglyon the Democratic side in the coin-ing campaign.vl'ho failure of Win. T. Coleman &

Co.vthe J. Lusk Canning Companyand other concerns identified withthe former house, shows upon whata very small basis a gre.it reputa-tion may be built. If tho estatepays 15 cents on the dollar it willdo well. But Win. T. Coleman willnot go suppeilcss to bed. His wifehas accumulated wealth which putsher beyond the freaks or vicissi-tudes of fortune. But this failurehas hurt business greatly. So alsohas the misdeal ot the Nevada bankin getting its stock subscribed for.Real estate south is unsaleable atanything like former rates. Citypropel ty hangs fire, and generaldullness prevails in business. Thewheat crop will be very short. Thescene of development at present isPuget Sound Country and EasternOregon.


befori: rnr.sTON, j.

Fhiuav, June 1st.Estate of Henry Cooper. God-

frey Brown 1 enouncing his appoint-ment. The Court orders that lettersof administration be issued to CecilBrown under $2,000 bond. . CecilBrown for petitioner.

isr.roiti: dole, j.Lucretia Aea vs. Hezekiah Aca,

taxation of costs.The Court orders defendant to

pay costs in this matter taxed atSl'J.25 on or before Friday June 15,1888, on pain of being adjudgedguilty of contempt of Court. J. L.Kaulukou for plaintiff ; defendant inperson.


inuoiii: judo, c. j.

Fiuiuy, Juno 1st.Tho King vs. All Lin, violating

Sunday law.Defendant's appeal from Polico

Court, Honolulu. Over from yes-terday.

Judgment of lower Court ($25fine and costs) confirmed. DeputyAttorney-Gener- al A. 1'. Petcrsou fortho Crown; Henry N. Castle fordefendant.

The King vs. Kamokuiki, assaultand battery.

Defendant's appeal from PolicoCourt, Honolulu. Over from yes-terday.

On motion of Prosecution con-tinued until June term day. DeputyAttornoy-Gener- al A. P. Peterson forthe Crown j J. L. Kaulukou for de-

fendant.Tho King' vs. AVo Weo Shing,

malicious injury.Defendant's appeal from Police

Court, Honolulu. Over from yes-terday. Nolle prosequi entered.


Deputy Attorney-Gener- al for theCrown ; P. Neumann for defendant.

The King vs. Mis. Louisa Doerk-in- g.

keeping a dlsordei ly house.Defendant's appeal "from Police

Court, Honolulu. Continued fromMarch 29, April 2G, and May 01,1888.

Fin ther continued on account ofillness of defendant until Monday,June 18, 1888. Deputy Attorney-Gener- al

A. P. Pileison for theCiowiij Paul Neumann mid J. L.Kau ukou for defendant.

Quotiii Choi vs. Leo Chun, as-sumpsit $200.

Plaiulill's appeal from PoliceCourt, Honolulu. Continued fiomMarch 29, April o and 2C, 1888.Partly heard yesterday and con-tinued until to-da- y.

Heard and decision reserved. V.V. Ashford for plaintiff ; A. b. Ilarl-wc- ll

for defendant.


A great many good stories arctold about II. C. Brokmeyer, form-erly Lieutenant-Governo- r of theState of Missouri, who is a frequentvisitor in Washington. GovernorBrokmeyer comes hero in the inte-rest of pending legislation, his chiefbusiness for a number of years hav-

ing been the duty of looking aftervarious measures in Congress, or inthe Legislature of Missouri. Gov-

ernor Brokmeyer is a tall, broad-shoulder- ed

man, whose complexionand hair suggest the Indian type.He used to preside over the sessionsof the Missouri Senate' in the mostinformal manner, usuall with theamber mouthpiece of a meerschaumpipe between his lips. Some of theSenators, after discussing tho mat-ter among themselves, came to theconclusion that the presiding officer'sdemeanor was not stillleiently digni-fied ; so one da' one of them aroseand called the attention of the Se-

nate to the fact that the presidingofficer was smoking. Mr. Brok-meyer laid aside his pipe, and ad-

dressing the Senate, said:"The president is not smoking.""AVcll, he was smoking," said the

member, persisting."lie has done a great man'

things in his time," said Mr. Brok-meyer, "but he is not smokingnow.

A ml, Having escaped censure onthis little technicality, he lcsumedhis smoking within ten minutes.From that time forth his attentionwas frequently called to his infringe-ment of the rules, but he neverstopped smoking moie than ten orfifteen minutes at a time. WhenThomas T. Crittenden was inaugu-rated as Governor of Missouii, theSenate chamber was, of course, fill-

ed with people. Mr. Brokmeyerwas in the chair. As the hour forthe ceremony drew near expectationamong the spectators was at itsheight. Just as the hands of theclock indicated the hour the doorsof the Senate chamber swung openand a pompous door-keep- er in adeep voice announced :

'Mr. President, the Governor ofMissouri approaches!"

"Veil, let him come right along,"said he. "Dat's what we're herefor."

.The roars of laughter that greetedthis announcement somewhat inter-fered with the solemnity of the occasion. I IN. 1. Tribune.

The Danish Minister of Justicewaited till an expensive crematoryhad been built at Copenhagen.Then he decreed that no corpesshould be burned, as it was contiaryto law.


NOTIFIES tho customers and tbein general that, their prices

for menu tire as low as thore as anyother butcher in town. Gl Bt

notice!T4TR.M. N. Saunders lias full powerlxA. ofaitorny to net for me in. tillmailers ot iiiisines uuring my absencefiom the Kingdom.CO Iw A. MORGAN.

NOTICE.IS Ex..I. O. Dowiinls is authorizedH1 to traiuaot my private business

durine: iny absence from the Kingdom.00 lw J II. BltOWN.


CHECK No. 2 drawn by Hon. Bella,on Bishop & Co. 'a bank, fo-- if

80 50. All persons are hereby warnedagainst iiuntlntlng the above, as pay.meat lins been stopped. CO lit


INTENDING ihortly to leave Bono,Francisco, I request

the payment of nil dibts owing to me,before tho 22nd of June. All accountsnot settled by that dato will bo placedin the hands of n collector.00 3t . G. H. BUDDY.

llfhJune, 38Parlies wishing to secure lots


efreshiUBM Stands !

In Kapiolani I'nik, will apply to

At the office of Win. G. Irwin & Co.

A. S. LEGHORN,President, Kapiolani Turk Assocln.

tion. 01 tf


X in the Kinedom "TheDaily Bulletin." 60 cents per month.

Auction Salos by Lewis i, toy.

Special Sale of New QqoQs

A.T AUCTION.Eir. 3, S. Takftago Muru from Japan.

On THURSDAY, June 7, 1888,

at 10 reijJt a. jf..1 will st.ll nl Pub 1c A ictiuii, at my

tities rimm

A Collection of (Vlorcliandise t

Dlieo' fi'im .Jnn.in, cuiM-Uni- r, of

Ladies' & Gents' Silk Umbrellas

Pieces ot Kino Flannelp,Lots of Straw Hats,

Bamboo ffalli Caiies, &c

IiEWIS J. LEVEY,01 2t Auctioneer.

Hawaiian Opera Mouse.Grand Entertainment

On Monday Evening, June H, 1888,

At 8 o'clock, by the


Features entirely now. Boxing anilSpirrimr by both local and ship fnvo.rile. WreVtllng, Hm locomic amiClou mid Jig D mcing1.

Music, to ho furnished by the stringorolii'strn oPtlie Hawaiian bund.

Admission, : : 50c, 7lic. & SI.Box plan opens at 0 o'clrck a. m., on

Thnr.-day- , 7ih inst., for reserved seatsat .T. 13. Urown & Cu'f, Merchant street.


Washington Irving Bishop


Under Distinguished Patronage.


In aid of tbc British Benevolent Society,tin- - Ameriom Benevolent Society

and theLiliuoknlani liduca- -tiouat Sociely.

Mr. Washington Irving Bishop,

Tlio Oilginul and World Eminent


avu&ikA'drfAU t

In Startling Experiments,Mind Reading,

Do tho Do ad Rolurnl

By special request,

Miraculous Sprit Manifestation in the

Full Gaslight!

Charming Music by tbe Royal IlawnilanBand, by kind pcrmitMon of His

Excellency GovernorDomini:).

Mystery, Miith and Music !

ISTBox plan now open at J. E.Jirown & Go.',, Merchant Birect.

P. S. Holder ot i e:orvcd seat ticketsor blubs duted June 2nd, are requestedto present same at thu nfllec of J. E.Brown & Co on or before Thursday,the 7lh inst., at noon, in order to becurcseats tor Tuesday evening, the 12thidem. A few seats are still available.

01 td

Bishop Entertainment.

IN consequence of tho misadventure(viz: an overdose of cocaine), which

prevpnted Mr. W. I. p from pro.ceeding with the entertainment on Sat-urday evening' last for tho benefit oflocal charities, it is'propo-e- that thepeiformanco by given at ihe OperaHouse on TUE&DAY EVENING, the12th inst.

Duplicate tickets for reserved seatswill be issued by the undesigned tothose who aro desirous of attendincsame, or tho monev returned on appli.entlon. J. E. BROWN & CO.,CO tf s.'8 MiroliniitSucet.

THEFacile Hoase Muni,

SO KING STREET.(Over D. McKcnzlc & Co., Ship

Chandlery.Mesn. Baibcr & McLean havine re.

tired entirely from the managemeht ofthe above popular Restaurant. Sir, DMcKcnzlc, from this duy Bill assumeilia entire crnlrol tf tlio Fame. ThoRestaurant will bo iuii etrlclly iu n flrtClass style. The nim of the new pro.prlctor being to enter sitUfactorilv tothe public taste. Meals will b,) solvedat all hours and in the most approvednianuer.

d. Mckenzie,Pacific House Itestnuiant, 20 Fort St01 3t


PRICE, $'0 cash Mygjggrrjv carringe Horse.

14 tlinrnill.lllv linlrnart?1 r F& and litis a vciv casv caltunder the suddlo. C, M. HYDE,c- - tf No. 122 13erctia Stieet.


HORSE, BrakoHoreo


can bo warranted.Brake and Harnessalmost now, Apply toJOHN MoLEAN,

59 3t Bcrelaiiia stiei'i, near Fort,

NOTICE.TVTOTICK s herein- - eivcn that I willXT not pay any debts contracted inmy uumu wiuiout my written order.

W. O. A011I.Honolulu, April 21, 1883. 28 tf

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.





At tlm tcildr-uci- of Cant Win. Ungcr,t Pn'inUis, Union s ree', I

will sell nt I'nblli! Auction, (on nccounof dej arturc),

The Entire Househ'd Furniture,. " COM I'll isixa

One Wsbnr Spare Piano

(A splendid Instrument, in good order )

Black W. Marble-to- p Center Table,

Wicker Roekeia,Largo Center Hugs, Sofa Rus,1 l'entlaut Chandelier,

One Ebony Parlor Set !1 L'irgc B. W. Hook Ca e,Kmlnoldorcd Tables Is Scarf,Lace Curtains & l'ole1-- ,

Kentlnglon Embroidered Pictures& Tables,

3 B. W. Marble-to- p Bedroom Sots,

1 It. W. C'lii'flnnlue,S ilmiM'ittiiutes,Mi sirfihoNe's,Hingliiy Lamp?,

Decorated OJiumtoei Set1 Ash Ikdrrom Set,

'i Pine Hedrcom Sts,1 Wheeler & Wl sou Sewing Machine,

1 Carved B.W. M.T. Sideboard,

Vienna Dining & Arm Chairs,1 Dcccratcd Dlnuor Set,

1 Jupaiu.se Tea Set,An nssoittncnt of


lBff. K.trn inn Diiiing Table,Silver Pinied Win1 UpholK ered Bed Lounge,1 Clock, 1 11. W. Desk,

Ouo Vot-wooc- l Stove,Kilrhrn Utensi s,1 Rifriguutor, 1 Meat Safe,

Lawn Mower, Veranda Chairs, &c, &c.

ESTbe premhf's will he open for in-

spection on TUESDAY, June 5ih, from0 a. ji. to 3 1'. M.

JAS. A. 3IORGAN,53 td Auctioneer.

Teachers' Convention

The Ag3nts of the

Oceanic S. S. Coni'yHavii arranged for an Excursion

of Teachers wishing to viaitthe Convention of the


Held in San Francisco,

July 1 YClx to SOtli.Round trip ticket from Honolulu to

San Francisco and return :

Which includes the initiation or mem.bership fee and all the privileges

of the Association.JSP-F-or further particulars apply to

W. G. IRWIN & CO.,591 Agen's, O. S. S Co. tf

For Japan & ChinaThe Nippon Yusen Kaisha'd Fine


ft mam m

- y aKasas ;o Mam,"(2121 Tons.)

Will sail for the above poils

On TUESDAY, June 12tii, '88,This lino vessel haa firsi.clas accom.

modati n for Saloon, Second Class orbteiTHgu Passengers. I'aswigL-r-s forChina iU be tianhfeired at Yokohainn.

BSTFor further particulars apply towm. a. iawiN & co.,

43 tf Agents.

NOTICE.amounts duo tho firm of Brown

. rr&('o., Wino.v Spblts Merchants,

" "uiiiiiiuu, nun wuie contracted pre.vioustolhoHOth day of Match last, ifnot fettled befoie tho fith day of Junonest, will bo placed in Ihe hands of alegal protccutor, with instructions tosuo for, and recovpr at once.


Assignees of Brown &, Co.Honolulu, May 2, 1888. 481m


MESSRS. J. E. Urown & Co. desirethat Mr. John Magoon,

n consequent of failing health, hasbeen compelled to temporarily relin.quUlt itho collection of tho "Dally Bui.letin" subscriptions. Thcv furthorilcMroto lemurk that Mr, Magoon, by hisurbanity, energy and strict integrity,has earned their best wishes, and thatthey trust tho day Is not tar distantwhen lie will again be nolo to resumehis connection with them. 08 3t

TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING.X. advertise it in tho Daily Builktjh!

HumuiujamiiJHU.m. mjHawaiian Jockey Club.

NOTIOE Is hereby given that tho finalfor the Hawaiian Deiby,

fX mllo dash for olds, nativebred, to bo mn under the auspices oftho Hnwuiinn Joekev Club on tho 11thof Juno, 188D, will be closed on the 80thof Juno, 1888.

Alfo, that nominations for the follow-ing laces must ho haiuh il to tbe Secre-tary, accompanied Utii entrance fee,on or beforo ihe 30th of June, 1888 :

"Hawaiian Deiby," lSOtt loa a of18S8 Sw eeptak( s of (?G0 added. To bedivided as the Club may direct . miledash for olds, native bred, 810to be paid on nomination, and 81C ouorbefoic the 30th of June, 1889, forfeitunless filled by payment of the remain-ing 25 on or befoie Juno I, 1890.

"Hawaiian Jockey I lub Cup," for1889 Sweepstakes of $25 added. 1 mllodash for olds, native bred, 310 tobo paid on nomination, fot felt unlesstilled by payment of remaining $15 onor befoie June 1, 189.

"Hawaiian Jockey Club run," for1890 Si ecpstiiKcs of 8i0 added. To hodivided as tho Club may direct. 1 mllodah for olds, native bied, foalsof 1887, 810 to bo paid on nomination,and 815 on or before the 80th of Jnne,1880, forfeit unless filled by payment oftho remaining 82u on or befoio Juno 1.1890.

"Hawaiian Jockey Club Cup," for1891 Sweepstakes of $100 added. Tobe divided as tho Club maydlicct. 1mile dash for old", native bred,foals of 1888, 810 to ho paid on nomina-tion, 815 on or before June 30, 1889,and 8-- '5 on or befoie Juno 80, 1890, for-feit unless tilled by payment of tho re-maining 50 on or before June 1, 1891.

BSf Entries made after above datesmust pay double.

C. O. BERGER,Secretary, Haw. Jockey Club.

53 tf


Hawa'n Jockey Club.

kaieISeha day.



Races to Commence at 10 o'clock Sharp.

EN'S PLATE, $100.

RUNNING RACE i Mile Dash.Free for all.

2nd HIS MAJESTY'S CUP, $100 added.

RUNNING 11ACE 1 3111c Dash.For Hawaiian bred hoises ownedby members of the Jockey Club.Cup to become the properly of thoone winning it twice.

3rd KING'S PLATE, S75.

TROTTING and PACING RACEFor Hawaiian bred hor&es only toharness Mile Heats, best 2 in 3.

PLATE, $100.

RUNNING RACE 14 Mile Dash.Fiee for all. If but one starts tobeat 2 :50.


TROTTING and PACING RACEJlile Heats, best 3 in 5. Free forall. All horses having a record of2 :30 or better to go to wagon.

PLATE, $75.

RUNNING RACE? Mile Dash.Open to all old Hawaiianbred horses only.

7lh-R0- CHALLENGE CUP, $100added.

RUNNING RACE 1 Mile Dash.Fiee for all. Winner to beat the re-co- id

of "Angle A," 1:45J. To borun for annually.


OF $100 AND CUP added.

RUNNING RACE- -4 Mile Heats,best 2 in 3. Hawaiian bred horses.Cup to become the property of thewinner two consecutive years.


SwEErsTAKi:sOF 825 TROTTINGand PACING RACE Mile Heats,best 2 in 3. Free for all horses thathave not a record of 3 minutes orbetter to be driven In Fiazier roadcaits by members of tho Club.

PURSE, $75.

RUNNING RACE? Mile Dash.Free for all.

11lh-P0- NY RACE, $75.Open to all ponies orunder, and old or over.

All entries to close at 12 o'clock noon,on WEDNESDAY, June Oth, 1888, atthe oflleo of the Secretary, and all en-trance fees to be 10 per cent, unlessotherwiso specified. All races to borun or trotted under tho itilcs of theHaw aliau Jockey Club.

C Rules regarding entries andstai ting are suspended fii races againsttime.Admission C0 cents eachTo Grand Stand, extra.. 50 cents audSlCarriages luslde of Course. .".S2 CO eachQuarter Sti etch Budges 85 00 each

C. O. BERGER,22 tf Secretary, IL J. O.


Carriage Wraps, Kid Gloves,

Ladles' and Childrcns

Black Diamontt D?b HosieryAnd a full lino of .

Sateens, All Colors,FOK HAIiK AT

J.T.WATERHOUSE'SMJ No. 10 Store. tew

THE DAILY BULLETIN-T- hepopular paper published.





v ;






i&i-- -- id'-m w

Page 3: 1 jg...calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 TKE PEOPLES' PAPER






4 ,

(?.!. )




AjMMiiXTiiiWuyyiyiiflrK ajwji mwannjgtina SJ mm Ml .mm IULHI ffWHi'M'fm nm'IW MMfL1, ItffBWIffffIT lJlJWJJLfiil'1U!l,i TffrmFBmBrmmBtafirt i mn i iiwwiiinrfiin) n m wmwmmPBi mat rtvut

TkoArcado-EGA- N& CO. lints in great variety, CSrGcnts Fine Clothing and Fur-


JCQTAt the Ahcade you can buy WaTDo not fail to call nt liteKinh.o'duryl'liuiiilli-- , Anasenc, Ilih-bocii- c, Wh'to and Colored Laces ntGoods, lints, Shoes, Trunks, prices Arcade and examine the Splendidliinhroltlcry Silk, Zephyr that will astonish you. These Goods

Leader of Low Prices, find Worsted in nil similes at the Valises, 13tc, go to the Lenders of have never been offered so cheap Slock of Embroidered Suits at re-

ducedAix'AJji-- . Cheap Prices, the Ahcade. before in this Kingdom. prices.ii mr w


HaiTg tttlitfittTUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1888.

AllftlVALS.Juno C

Bk l.ueh Lee from Newcastle, N S W

Dtl'AiifUKES.Juno r

8 tun Lelnm for Ilmiialnm at 5 p inS S Austinlln for Sun Francisco nt noonStun V w Hall f"' Lalnilna, A.iinlnc.i,

Kona and Kan at 10 u mStnu JMlkaliala for Kauai at " p in


Stmr Iwalani for Lalialna anil Ilnniaktmnt 8 a m

Bk Forest Queen for San FrnnuWco


For San Francisco, per steamshipAustialla .lutieo-- S llardeastle, U.int.IBrown. Mrs -. Talor and !J clihhcn,Ileniy Taylor and '2 clilldicti, l'iofc.-o- r

Pomcioi and wife, Jll-- J M Brewer, GeoE llowo and wife, Or II L Curtis, Mrs(helghton unil daughter, J La, mis, XV

Blower, wife and son, In Sutliff, wifeand 2 children, Miss Sutliff, Airs S UAllen, J Nathan, Mrs It U Spalding andFoil, Dr Andrews, A P Hopper, Jr, Mrand Mis G XV Feaion, Miss J P Spear,G II Tweedle, J M O.it, xrs D Center,Miss AlfMii, Alls 0 Iiattc, V ii Gr.icn-lialg- h,

Mrs L S Dickinson, Mtss Iv

W II Page, II Pennington,Lieut Col Dunn. Miss Seailc, MrSearles, A Becbee. II Gr y, R Otto, Itllay, Mis,, liny, Miss Pellctt, J llanip-Boi- i,

Cnpt La'ttlnioic, Alls Taylor, PHastings, wife and 1 children. fsTcnu-AG- E

Airs N Waller and 3 chlldicn, Mrs11 C Smith, A Moigan, A Guild, (J v

Pelstcoin, O Signoux, A E William,E It Liiul, wife and 3 ehildien. wmlaltosa. Mrs J Itaprosa, A Muniz, L Wag-nc- r,

E Wagner, J Ilopke, E Peteison,F Midcisou, Claud Dlunnet, D Kanuha.J Wilkinson. E ltallton, . Hi'ia, w ileand 5 Lhildivn, J J Arnold, Al .Uller,AI T Alinsliall. wife and v clilldicn, MtssF Rosu, Uavld Kaoi, Ml-- s A Uoislleli),XV A Scott, G E Watt, It McICennon,F Selioltz ami daughter, 11 Giotheer, i

Hose, J Rudolph and wile, X Gullck-go- n,

J i ainpbcll, J oDiin.ild, ThosMorgan, J Wilson. S Donnell, P Burns.T AlcClement, S rwuijy, ASuthuilaud, AI OTlagherly, t) Doidey,

Y Lane W J Taylo , A J U i af-ter, w J James, .1 F Giuliani, 37 Portu-guese, 10 Chinese and 7 Japjiast1.

For Maui and tluwui per stmr XV GHall,.iuuu-- 5 Their "Majesties the Kingand Queen, II It 11 Pmieess Llliuoka-lan- l,

ihe two i liiiees, r P Neumann.Mrs Searle and 3 fiicnds, W U Lane, TK Robuits, A Hanuebeig, Alrn and .MissTuitun, J Baker, Jus L Wilcox, AirsKatnaka, Airs Kaal, is Duseh Kl:y, l

IJ Nahlmi, G l.uk, v Kulhelaul audwlte. Chun I'eu and 150 deck.

For Mulii and I awtiil pur stmr Ki-na- u,

June E H Bailey, J NBobluson and wife. Air Holmes, J w

Covllle, J S Uan.u io ana family, AI UMiipmau aud family, Miss Lizzie Roy,G KEwait, lion XV A inuuey audabout 100 deck.


There will be no dance at the Ha-waiian Social Club this evenjng.

Mn. L. J. Levey will hold his regu-lar cash sale on Thursday next, at10 a. m.

iA notice from the Germania mar-

ket, states that their prices for beefetc., aic as low as the lowest.

Parties wishing to secure stall inthe Kapiolani Park, should apply to"Vm. M. Gifliiid, at Irwin & Co.'s

Mr. Boardman found a shawl atthe Opera House Satuiday evening,and will gladly return it to theowner.

The engagement of Air. B. F. Bur-gess, formeily of Honolulu, and MissAI. E. Coitibtock of Napa, Cal., is an-


His Majesty has intimated his in-

tention ot having Kailua, Hawaii,supplied with electric lights at anearly date

A young Hawaiian lady, studentof Kawaiahao Seminary, graduadedyesterday morning and was maniedin tho evening.

The lcgular monthly meetini: oftho St. Andrew's Church Associationwill not be held on Thuisday night,but is postponed to Thurbduy, Juno14th."

, -.'" -

Mn. J. A. Cummins gavo a partyat his jesidence last evening, whenMr. Washington Ining Bithup gavoseveral marvelous exhibitions of mindreading.

. . .

The fish in the pond at Noniilu,Kauai, aio dying for soino unknownreason. A bottle of tho water fromthis pond has been bi ought to Hono-lulu to bo analyzed.

Dr. and AIis. Brodio left for thoCoast on the Muriposa. Dr. Brodiohas gone to see his bister who is Biiid

to ho quite ill. He expected to le-tu-

on the Austialiu-i- u threo weeks.Dr. Wood will attend to his practiceduring his abbenco.

...... o .

Mn. II, 6. Tii'glouu's case came upin tho Polico Court this morning.Tho charge appears to be that goodshuvo been pasted through the Cus-

tom House undei valued. In thecaso of theso goods Air. Tiogloun hadneither handled nor fccon tho goods,nor huvo they been in his possession.Tho caso was postponed lor ft week.

Aln. Turner, btoiekeeper at Kolon,Kauui, and his wife and baby wereriding in a biako at Koloa last week,when tho horto became fiightenedat something and shied against astono wall. All of tho occupantsweio thrown out. Tho brake ranover Mrs. Turner's arm, tho horsestepped on Mr. Turner's leg, and tho

baby was struck on the back of thehead. Nono of tho injuries receivedwere very serious.


Drill of Co. B Honolulu Rifleswill drill this evening at 7:30o'clock.

Meeting of. Excelsior Lodge No.1 1. O. O. F. in Odd Fellows' build-ing, Fort street, at 7:30 o'clock.

Rchearsnl of the Honolulu ArionSociety.

Lecture in tho Seventh Day t's

Church by Elder Ilnrq.Subject: Is the end near?



At 10 o'clock n. in., at tho resi-dence of Capt. Win. Ungcr, tho en-

tire household furniture.


The departure of the S. S. Aus-tralia, like nil previous times, drewa largo crowd of people to sec heroff. One hundred and ninety sevenpassengers, G3 in the cabin, left bytho steamer. The cargo was valuedat 8149,403.00. The shipment ofbananas this steamer, (see shippinglist) was exceptionally large. Thevessel got away in good stylo, noth-ing out of tho usual line happening.

A PORTUGUESE ANNIVERSARY.To-dn- y, Juno 5th, i3 the 08th

anniversary of Constitutional Gov-ernment in Portugal. In celebra-tion of the day the Portuguese BrassBand assembled at the PortugueseClub House, on the slopes of Punch-bowl, at an early hour this morning,and from theie marched to the resi-dence of Mr. Canavano, the ofll-ci- al

icpresentative of Portugal, andsaluted that gentleman withavaiielyof national airs. On the icturn,thoband halted at the residence of Mr.II. V. Schmidt, and plaj'ed a fewtunes.


Mr James F. Morgan will sell atthe residence of dipt. William Un-ge- r,

Alonsarrat piemises, at 10 a. m.the entire household

furniture and effects. The furni-tui- e

is nearly new and embracesevery article to be found in a wellappointed liou-- b. Particular atten-tion is called to an elegant Ebonypailor set and one NVeber squarepiano, a splendid instrument ingood order, also three black WalnutAI. T., bedioom sets but little used.This is a raie opportunity of ob-

taining a lot of flne furnituie at auc-tion pi ices.

ANNIVERSARY MEETINGS.The Hawaiian Evangelical Asso-

ciation began its annual session inKaumakapili Church this morning.There is the usual average atten-dance of pastors and delegates.Rev. T. B. Hanaiko jvas chosenModerator, and Rev. S. L. Desha,Scribe. A half hour was spent indevotional exercises. The Com-mittee on Overture, reported, andin accordance with its recommenda-tions, the first business was readingthe statistical returns of thechurches. Following this, this af-ternoon, there are to bo read narra-tion of the state of religion on thethe different islands. The scssiouswill be resumed morningat 9 o'clock.


A very pleasant little dinnerparty of old and intimate friendswas held at the Palace last evening.Including the roynl host, His Ma-

jesty, ten gentlemen sat at the ta-

ble. Everyone, excepting one, waBeither native born or a very old re-

sident. Three of Inte-rior were in tho company. Thospecial guest, of the occasion wastho Hon. Dr. J. Mott Smith, andthose invited to join him were per-sonal and intimate friends. Theother gentlemen were Hon. II.Widemann, Hon. W. C. Paike,Hou.S. G. Wilder, Hon. Geo. W. Mac-failan- e,

F. A. Hchaefer Esq., Hon.W. J. Smith, Hon. Paul Neumannand Col. C. P. Iaukca. All thesegentlemi'ii, except Mr. Schaefer, areor have been councctcd ilh tho Gov-

ernment of the countiy. Dr. Smith,Judge Widemann and Mr. Wilderaio the three of Inte-lio- r,

,Mr. Neumjjnn was at onotime Attoinev-Uenera- l. Mr. Parkewas Marshal of the Kingdom forover thirty years consecutively.The royal host entertained in a waygieatly to enhance- the plensuro ofthe lcunion,


llEFOItE JUDD, 0. J.Satukday, Juno 2d.

In re Chiin Wat, application forwrit of habeas corpus. On motionof respondent and by agreementcontinued to Monday next June 4,1888.

W. R. and II. N. Castlo for peti-

tioner Attorney-Gener- al C. W,Ashford and Deputy Attorney-Genera- l

A. P. Peterson for tho Marshalthe respondent.

THE OLDEST" DAILY In theJL Kingdom '1'Jie Uuily Bullctiu."

CO cents per month.



Professor Sidney Dhkcnson's en-

tertainment at tho Opera House lastnight was thoroughly instiuctivc andinteresting, and was enjoyed by afnirly huge audience, which lookedand listened with noiseless attentionfrom beginning to end. The oldMoorish fortress of Aflinmbra wasshown in its many parts and aspectsby large and truthful illustrationsaccompanied by explanations and arecital of many thrilling incidents.Either the exhibition of pictures orMr. Dickinson's lectuic alone wouldhave been an evening's enjoyment,but the two combined made a 'doublepleasure. The cnteitainment ter-minated with an exhibition of Ha-waiian views. These were too famil-ial- to the audience to require anydescriptive accompaniment. Excel-lent pictures of tho King and Queenended this series.



The annual election of engineersfor the Fire Department was heldlast evening, at the Bell Tower. Mr.Henry Smith officiated as chairman,Mr.M. Kennedy as clerk, and Mr.AV.Aukl and Mr. Lau Cliong as tellers.The polls opened at 7 and closed nt9 o'clock. Good-nature- d enthus-iasm ran high. Two candidates foreach position Chief, 1st Assistant,and 2nd Assistant weie put "fo-rward Mi. 0. B. Wilson and Mr.John Nott, for tho first position ; Mr.Julius Asch and Mr. F. Iluslacc, forthe second ; and Mr. Geo. Nortonand Mr. Jas. F. Moigan, for thethird. The balloting was under therule which allows only 00 membersof each company to vote. The re-

sult of the poll was as follows:IOU CHinr ENGINEER.

C. B. Wilson. 18GJohn Nott. . 91

Majoiity for Wilson . . . 92ron rinsT assistant engineer.

Julius Asch 101F. liubliieo 121


Geo. Norton 171Jas. F. Moigan 112

Majority for Norton 50The declaration of tho nail was

followed by the usual speeches.


The other morning a handful ofpeople were discussing the death of"Smut" the well known dog of J.P. Bowen, and from the answers tothe many intenogatories put to Mr.Bowen, the following was gleanedof the habits and traits of the dog.She was presented to Mr: Bowen byGeorge Porter, a character exten-sively known in the States, whenquite a pup. Though somewhatungainly in appearance, "Smut,"nevertheless possessed a history sel-dom equaled in the annals of thecanine race. She had traveled overthe entire extent of tho UnitedStales, and Canada, had made fivetrips from New Yoik to San Fran-cisco, aud threo from Honolulu toSan Francisco. She was one of themost intelligent of dogs, in fact somuch so, that Oglesby of Kansascity, made her owner an offer ofSGOO for her, which was refused.One of her pups was hid for $2f0by Fred. Ilartwell the banker ofColorado, but without success, whenshe was only six months old. Mr.Bowen had taught "Smut,' a greatnumber of tricks, in tho perform-an- d

of which she equaled thoseof the trick dogs o the circusshows. For instance, by the simplecommand of tho voice she wouldopen or shut a door; assume theattitude of devotion when command-ed to pray; extend her head forsleeping when bid ; gap and showsigns of weariness when told to doso, mount and descend the ladderand perform the chair acts andtricks. The most lemarkablo of hertricks was assuming the position ofa dog when kicked by amnio. Thisslio learned from dear esporienco,having been kicked and almostkilled by a mule at Silver Cliff,Colorado. The death of "Smut"in the opinion of those who knewher many traits and habits, will bean event long to bo mourned asalthough but a poor humble memberof the Canine Rare, her rare intelli-gence and instinct were nlnioitunman, making her moro than ndog.

In England a four-wheele- d cyclehas been invented for military usi-s- ,

which will c.irry tluce lidcrs, and Isfitted with u Maxium gun at thorear and a liflo inside the right-han-d

fiont wheel,Miss Agnes Ramsey, daughter of

a Scotch Baronet, has beaten all themule students in classics this yearnt Oxford College, England, andwas the only ono to pass in thatdivision, it is stated.

Sir Arthur Haliburton, a NovaScotian by birth, and a son of thooriginator of "Sam Slide," has beenappointed an Under Secretary in thoUritish War Ufilco, after serving athorough civil tervicp apprentice-ship.

Legislative Assembly.

7th Dat Juno 5th.

The House opened at 10 a. m.,President S. G. Wilder in the chair.


Rep. Brown presented a petitionfrom Hilo prnying that tho ofllco ofGovernor be not abolished. Referr-ed to Judiciary Committee.

Rep. Knmnuoha presented a peti-tion from Kona that konohiki senfisheries bo made free. Referred toJudiciary Committee.


Rep. Brown reported from thoPrinting Committee, that the bill toregulate tho practice of dentistrywas printed and ready for distribu-tion.


Minister Thurston slated that thePostmaster-Gener-al had been con-sulted about a mail carrier fromWailau to Pukoo, and he stated thatMr. Meyers had been authorized tomake arrangements for that service,lie also stated that thero were nevermore than 5 or G letters exchangedbetween these places at any onotime. Laid on the tabic to bo con-

sidered with tho Appropriation Bill.


Rep. Kalaukoa asked severalquestions of the Minister of Interiorrelating to wood supplied to thelepers.

Minister Thurston stated that allwood at the Settlement belongs totho Government. The wood that isgrowing there is free to all. Thewood that has recently been takenthere was sent under misrepresenta-tions, parties writing from thereslating that the supply of wood wasexhausted, and that they were suffer-ing for want of fuel. The Ministerwent to the Settlement aud found itthat there was plenty of wood, andcould bo obtained for S3 aud SO percord, according to quality. Thewood is free if the lepers wish toget it, but if it, is brought to themthey have to pay for it. The Gov-ernment decided to charge the samefor the wood supplied from othersources, as it costs to get it there,which is $G a cord. This is the onlyarticle that the lepers are not fur-nished with face of cost. Theirclothing, food and all other requi-sites are furnished free. They havenothing to do from week to weekand if they choose they can goand get their own wood, and it willcost Uicm nothing.

Noble Smith said he would like toask the Attorney-Gener- al about anexpression he is said to have madein the house, to the effect that the"King's paupers would like to seethe bill."

Minister Thurston answered forthe Attorney-Genera- l, that no suchexpression was made by the Attorney-G-

eneral. What he did say was,that the King's Caucus would liketo sec the bill.


Second reading of the bill to re-

peal the law relating to the desertionol married people fiom each other.Referred to Judiciary Comiuittec.

Second reading of tho bill to re-peal session laws of 188G, relatingto taxes on property.

Rep. Brown moved to indefinitelypostpone this bill, as the financialcondition of tho country is such thata reduction of taxes should not beconsidered. He said that this wasa measure of the new regime. Wehave many obligations to meet, theloan to adjust, etc. Wc did notknow how much this was going tocost us, or where it would stop.

Noble Smith moved to refer thebill to tho Finance Committee. liesaid that one of the planks of thereform platform was, a reduction oftaxes, and therefore this bill shouldhave favorablo consideration.

Noble Widemann stated that Rep.Brown had evidently not read therepoit of tho Minister of Finance,as in that report he states that hewants to borrow moro money, with-out considering this reduction of re-venue.

Noble Young said that the taxesmust remain as they are for somotimo to come. It is no fault of thepresent administration 'that such istho case. "We have been handi-capped by n previous administra-tion, and we must "grin and bearit." Many people bcliovc that thoreform movement is going to por-foi- m

miiacles. It is not so. Wohave to work diligently and faith-fully, and then wo may be able toicduoc taxes.

Noble Hitchcock said that thowhole amount asked for in this re-duction is $1G2,000, and our currentexpenses are over 8120,000 morethan this sum, so it seems that wesliould indefinitely postponed thebill.

Noble Castlo said that ho shouldvote as ho thought a majority of theHouse would vote. He did notthink that tho Government couldafford to make this reduction ntpresent, but he did believe incommittco work, and as this com-mittee would bo governed by the re-

commendations of tho House, hethought that the bill would bo safeIn their hands.

Noble Wnterhouso said ho hopedtho bill would go to the FinaucoCommittco, na their constituents

wished to seo tho figures.Noble Baldwin said, as a member

of tho Finance Committee, ho did notsoe the use of referring the bill totho committee. The country wasnot ready for any reduction in taxes,and as this was a specific bill, hedid not sec how an benefit could bederived from referring it to theFinance Committee. If n generaltax bill .was referred, they could re-

port intelligently.Minister Green said that the Cabi-

net had carefully considered thisquestion, and had come to the con-clusion that it was impossible tomake any such reduction at present.Although such a step would do muchtowards making the Governmentpopular, ho should not advise it tobo done.

Rep. Kalaukoa stated that he likedtho manner in which the men of pro-pcr- tj

in tho assembly opposed thislaw. The object of this law was toraise money to fill up a gap that hadbeen caused by the illegal use ofmoney in previous administrations.The enactment of this law in 1880was tho cause of the reform move-ment, which culminated in a change ofGovernment on the 30th of Juno.Now the same people say, oh I letthe law alone, it is all right, plentyof time to reduce taxes by and by.

Rep. Kamauoha said he was infavor of rcfening the bill to a com-mittee. He introduced the bill, be-cause his constituents, as also manypeople of the Kohala districts askedhim to do all ho could for the reduc-tion of taxes. Ho said that a fewrich people in tho House arc in favorof keeping taxes as the' arc, butthe poorer people, were for a lcduotion, and he believed that the com-mittee should take this bill underconsideration, and eventually patsit. On a risinjr vote the bill was indefinitely postponed.

Second reading of bill to regulatethe practice of dentistry. Referredto Sanitary Committee.

Minister Austin, under suspensionof the rules, repotted that the Kinghad signed the following bills: anAct to provide for the expenses ofthe present session of the Legisla-tuiejanda- n

Act to authorize theChief Clerk to sigu licences.

Minister Ashford read for thefirst time a bill to repeal Chap. 53of the Penal Code-relatin- g to a divi-sion of fines, etc., also an Act toprovide for the bringing of suitagainst the Government. Referredto Printing Committee.

Adjourned until 10 a. m. Wednes-day.

Up to the present time there hasbeen nearly 100,000,000 spent onthe canal system of India. Andthis sum only represents the amountspent on the main work3, construct-ed by the Government or Englishcompanies.

Oliiectionablo realism Iins lprnmia hobby in Parisian society, accord-ing to the London Lancet, which isusually an accurate authority. Ittakes the form of parties made upto witness medical and surgicaloperations and scenes at the Morjgue.


ANHEUSER-BUSC- H Draughtnil the way from St.

Louis, for sale at the Pimthton. 57 tf

ANOTHER" lofof Drnucht'lleorway from St. Louis,

for snlo at the Pnntheon. 57 if

MESSRS. DODD & MILLERreceived ev Ausliulm

another lot of that " PHILADKLI'IIIALAGER BELR" in keg-- , which theyare offering to their customers. 55 lw

CLEAN RAGS and second handwilt be gratefully receiv.

cd for tho uso of the inmates of IliaBranch Hospital for Lipers at ICiiknako,or at the Leper Settlment on Molokal,if left with J. T. Watcrhouse, jr.. at theQueen Street Store. t&f tf

APRICOTS, Cherries, Peaches,and a largo usort-men- t

of ico house goods nrrlvcd by thoAiistiiilia for the California FruitMarket. 65 3t

RYAN'S BOAT BUILDINGRear of Lucas' Mill.



forma Poll, Madeira and llalngu,for salo in kegs nnd cumm by

GONSALVEsj & CO.,01 Queen sircot.

APRICOTS, Cherries, . Poaches,and u largo con.

signmcnl of ice hnuso goods arrived bytho Australia fur the Ban Franci-i- o

Fruit Depot, Fort street. 05 Ut

rPHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- XIsland biihsuripllon, 84 pur annum.

EGISUTURE OF 1880. "Uio Dailyami Weekly Bulletin" contains the

only correct and reliable reports of thoproceedings of the present Legislature.

TOB PRINTING of all kinds exe-t- i

cutrd Rt the Daily Bulletin OlUce

HPHE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERi. "Tho Dally .Bulletin." 00 cuntsper month.

HE DAILY BULLETIN has tholargest circulation of any paper

printed in this Kingdom. CO cents permonth.

IF YOU really want your money'sworth, of tho finest IIomc-Miid-

French and Plain Cdndles, tho mostDelicious Ice Creams, or Fancy andPltiiii CakoK, coll at tho Pioneer SteamCandy Factory, Bikeiy iiuil Ico Ur.-ii-

Parlorc, 1803. Hotel, oppo.slio Bethel street. F Han-,- , PracticalCoal eciionir, P.iBtry C iok and Orua-uiuute- r.

P. S, Tha only phico wherothe Genuine Butter Scotch is iniuiu.facturcd and sold, 10 tf


Ladies, Please



w kV-sj-y "

I.Mm k " IkJkZ



Lais' Lafliss

In Balbrignii) Merinos and India Gauze at a

0-3S.3EA.- T r--Received by last steamer a Finu and Elegant Lino of

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BED ROOK PRICESReceived diicct from Now York and Philadelphia a Fine Line of

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j i




Irwin & tf

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Are every steamer from San


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63 65

TWO WEEKS ONLYKilet Mr-M- , KiitM Mermr


Boys' and Childrens' Clothing

Gents', Ladies' Childrens' Shoes






receiving- - incoming;








Crockery Ware, Baby Carriages,

Bird Cages, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


Take Notice



New Goods

Fancy Goods


Fiirnitiire, Chairs, Pianos, Guitars, Pictures,





Sold on the Installment Plan.

MATRASSES, CORNICES & FRAMESAlways on Hand and Made to Order.

Canary Birds, Canary Birds,( Warranted Sin'gers.)


& GO.'S, 105 Fort Street,laLOJSOXuTJJUTJ. - ly



Page 4: 1 jg...calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 TKE PEOPLES' PAPER



$- -

W4wi)HniWlaiiitiiK!l wmrtlMStcnm Works, Bunny South,

Tolc, Boll 180, Mutual 845.Depot, 28 Merchant Street,

Telo., Bell 172, Mutual S60.


LFMIUMD shwiii


Tho Only English Apparatus making High Class


Grenadine, Raspberryade,And PURE, STJRONG EFFERVESCING

PLAIN SODA WATER.fjF Orders dolivercd to any part of tlio city. Island orders solicited. jpGF

1G tf

Just Received at Holster & Go.'sA large assortment of


Comprising the well-know- n brands of




For Sale at Reasonable 3?3ticeev1592 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.


Groiiora.1 AscntsExpert Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo &. Life Insurance

Agents, Custom-Hous- e, Loan and Exchange Brokers.Departments of Business:

Books end Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collctions will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titla

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and hand- -

somcly engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general ure is this Kingdom.Real Estato bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured,Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.

Fire and Life Insurance effected in firstclass Insuranco Companies.Custom-Hous- e- Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favorable rales.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article- purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

3T All Business entrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful attention atmoderate chargos.

Having had an extensive business experience for over twcnty.fivc years', inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. JEXa-waila- n JSusincssian. 8 ly


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFresh California Produce by every Steamer, All orders faithfully attended to,and Goods delivered to any part of the city freo of charge. Island orders soli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office TJox 145. Telcphono No. 02. 108 ly

Telephone Both Companies 340. l 0. Box 297.


FRESH GOODS from California on ICE, by each steamer of tho O. S.. Co.A COMPLETE LINE OP -




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats !

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING FINE.1650


: HAS JUST ItEOEIVEDDupee Haras & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Brown Bread, Tablo Fruits, Gormea,

IlnckiiiH & Franco American Feed Wo.'n A'uNortM .Soiii,Ridges Food, Imperial Granum, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafers, Oaten "Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCrackers, Ginger "Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nut3, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

rAnd a General Assor't ol Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit tlio Times.- Leavo your, orders, or ring up 119. -- a

The "Daily Bulletin Weekly Summary,"Will bo Issued on June 12th.

29 Columns of Interesting News The Best Paper to Send Abroad.




FOR S SALE'Tho Kntlre Plant of tho

Star 111 .Coiiipi, Mala,IsoflV-ro- For Siln. Tho ilnclilncry

is in perfect worhi g uderand comdt-- t of

One 28x48 Mill with Engine,Trail-carrie- r, Etc , complete,1 Pair cf Boilers Gx20,1 Doublo Etlsct G and 7 loci Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with tho usual assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Mnchlnery usually fouudin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

California S Island Mite,Cane Oavts & Gcn'l Plantation

Implements.Delivery will bo given after next crop

hai been harvested, sny about July 1,1SSQ.

E2TFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohaln, Hawaii.

48 tf


Wliite Bros.' Port. CeioitBlacksmith Coal,Fire Bricks,Firo Clay,

Goal Tar, SiocMm Tar,Steel Rails,Wiro Nails,F. W. Staples,

Filter Presses, Sugar Coolers,

Iron Tanks,F. P. Cloth,Hnbbueli's Paints,

'Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.


H. Hackfeld & Co.oo tf

Australian Mail Service.

"FOK SAN FKANC1SC0,The new and flue Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

bo due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

Ju!y I, 1888.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to"WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and fine Al steel steamship

it Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from SanFrauoisco on or about

June 7, 1888,And will havo prompt dUpatch withmails and pntsongors for the above ports.

For freight or passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

to37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ajjonts.


Steamship Comp'y

FOR SAN FllANOISCO,. Tho Al Btcnmship

"AUSTRALIA,"Will leave Honolulu for tho abovo

. port on

Tuesday, June 5th,AT ISTOON.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WE G, IRWIN & CO., Agents.55 lv


WE havo again on hand a fow ofour exceptionally superior Suit

Boat? in sizes from IB to 'l feet. Asthese boats speak for themselves, vo invito Inspection. Piico as low nanny.Wo havo also seveial 70 lb Clinker,copper.fabt,' recreation beats, with oarsand rowlocks, complete. Capable ofholding tlireo pen-one- , Just tlio ihingfor an impromptu rogattn, spin aroundhiirbor, hil;o or river. Price from 50 toCO dollars. Also a light Baggage Ex.press wltU two portablo cushioned fccnt3,handy for business or a family out of.town, and one f trout; Hand Cait. Cheapfor cash, at J. A. DOWER'S,

Pi inter's Lane, Punchbowl St.Mutual Tele. No. 825, P. 0. Box No. 459.




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Arrlvo at Honolulu from San Francisco.

Alameda..... Juno 7Australia Juno 20Mariposa July 5Australia July 24Zealandia .August 2Australia t .August 21Ahimeda August 3C

Australia September 18Mariposa September 27Australia October 1G

Zealandia October 25Australia November 13Alameda .November 22Australia December 11

Loavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Australia Juno 5Zealandia July 1Australia July 3Alameda July 29Australia July 31Mariposa August 2G

Australia August 28Zealandia .September 23Australia. September 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 16Australia December 18Alameda. -. .(1889) January 13

Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,ITish, Ve;otallcs, Se., Sec.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCamllcfs),

No. O fcuccn St., : : Fish 3InrKct,Honolulu, II. I.

CSfFamlly and Shipping Oidcrs care-fully nttended to. Xitvo Stock furnishedto vessels nt short notice. my 17-8- 8

WRI&HT BROS,,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

Ship's Blacksmithing, Carriage

Building & Repairing.

Drays, Carts & Wagon Building a Specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a first-clas- s

manuer and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.

Orders from the oilier Islands solicited.my-23-8-

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. arlvurtiso in Ihe Daii.v IUilletim.


ABOUT seven acres of good pasture,or garden land, at Kapalamn,

about a mile and a half from town, witha two-stor- dwelling house, kitchenstable and oilier out houses.

Terms gBO Iei Montli.CSApply to

Wm. fOTcCANDLESS.27 tf

THE BEST PAPER to subscribeis the "Daily Bulletin." 50

cents per month.


TWO COTTAGESbeautifully


located, within 5 minutes'walk of the Post Office. An opportu.ntty seldom offered to secure a comfort,able homo within easy reach of thobusiness part of the city. For parti-culars inquire at001 tf GULIOK'S AGENCY.

TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX nrlvertito in the Daily Huixk-un- .


Imported Direct from Havana.

0. Oi BER&ERi33 tf

Honolulu LibraryAND- -

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alakca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at tho presenttimo of over Five Thousand Volumes.

Tho Reading Room is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapersnud periodicals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationind games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents ajiontli, payablo quarterly In advance.No formality required in joining exceptsigning tho roll.

strangers from foreign countries andvhltors from tho other Islands are wel-come to tho rooms nt all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OAllTWJtlGHT, Prcs.,JI. M. SCOTT, nt,

II. A. PAKM1SLKE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

"'chJSi" :t P SSmOSSOB



A Specific for

RHEUMATISMHcrofiiln, Hnlt Itlicum,

Ncnrnlsln, Itlnc Worm,And oil othor Skin and Blood Diseases.

It Regulates tho

LIVER AND KIDNEYS,Ourot Indigestion, nn1 nil Diseases

nrlslng Irom nn enfeebled con.dlilon of tho syetcm.

Dr. Mattlne, of Lonilon. the crlobratedspecialist, fays of PARDEE'S REMEDY :

" havo used It for twenty years forBlood Disunscs, such as bcrofula, SaltRheum, Titer and Cancer, and I cannotrecommend It too highly."

'I lie llev, Dr,ThHiius, of Hone Koug,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY Is awonderful medicine for tho blood. Ihavo prescribed 1c hundreds of times forleprosy, and, when given in time It alwuys cured the patient. I enn f afoly saythat leprosy will never break out on per.sons who mko Pardee's Remedy regit,larly, and I advise nil persons living incountries where leprosy is prevalent totake Pardee's Remedy as a proventlvo."

For Salo by all Druggists In Honolulu.Ap-- 3m

Hell Tel. 318. Mutual Tol. 180.r.O.Box415.

Ofilco . . 38 Merchant Bt., Honolulu


Conveyancing a Specialty Records search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

iCopying, Translating, and engrossing in all

languages in general uso in the King-dor-

Custom llouso brokerage Firo and LifeInsuianco'reeeive piompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuahlo properties In andaround ihe city now for sale on cesyterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted byseveral men andboys, who will make thcmseUrcs use-

ful in performing the various officesand chores required by pnvate fami-lies.

Full particulars given on 'applicationat the agency.

Orders. Irom the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Bell Tel. 172. .Mutual Tel. 8C0.P. O. Bor409.

J.E. BROWN & CO.,Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.


General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof tho

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.Through tickets granted from Honolulu

to all points East.

Merchandise stored nnd sold onConsignments solicited.

Shipping and Custom House Businessattended to.

Books and Accounts kept and audited.Avoragcs nOjustcd.Propel ties leased, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.

Horse Clipping!NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEh STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 8?tf


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked0 Whale Boat, ao feet long, 8 foetdeep; 8 feet wide; 222 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Burf Boat; 2 Decked Plunger,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 Indies wide, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mnst nnd Bulla allcomplete; 1 21 feet Bulling Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Applv to,

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 tf


IS hereby given (hat Ohong Lconghas fold all his light and in.

tcrest in tho Kong Pook Yuen, Pro.vision Crmpiny, on Mnunnkca street,and la the Kong Fo"k Tnl stoto atHunnlfi, Kauai, to Ohong Yuen Hoarid Cheng Pong, who will mnnagothe two companies, and will collect andnav all debts of tho firm of Kong Pook

I Yuen Co. U lw

.i '

Richard Cayford,VETEltLNAIlY

Shooing DPorg-e- ,

TO A 81 KttiR Htrcct.Shoeing, from 81.50.

Horses and Cattlo Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alultca StreetI. O. BOX 4.08.


Yosemite Skating

B Dai TX JE3ISkating! Skating! Skating!

Cornor Queen & Richard Streets.

AVlll bo open every evening from 7 to0:30 v. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays and Saturdaysvening for the Public in General.

THOMAS E. "W .A:LX.,1C01 Proprietor. lyr

74 King st. 74 King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORmCEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


PITT &SC0TT'SGeneral Shlpitins Agency' and For-

eign Parcels Express.

Chiol Offico, 23 Cannon St., London, E. CJ

Goods, Parcels, Baggage, Etc, Etc.,Forwarded to and from all parts of

tho world.C. O. D. amounts of invoices collected

In any country.

JB3Tarins of Rates on Application-- !

General Agents for Hawaiian Islands,

J. E. BROWN and CO.,09 28 Merchant Street. tf

THE ONLY LIVE PAPER in'The Dally Bulletin.'

50 cents per month.

IlEfcEJOElX'VEJXBy the S. S. "Australia" 8th February,

--AND NOW ON SALE- --California Oranges---prlm- o sample, Barrels

Saurkraut. Kegs Saur kraut, Crates WhitoHeart Cabbage, Colcry on Ico,

Crates Cauliflower,



A largo consignment ofPotatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Je'llies,Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Wal.nuts, Hardnuts, Almondnuts, CannedTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., EtctfflTLOW PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES-- B


Ob King street, Honolnln. tf

rrHE WEEKLY BULLETINX 28 columns, purely local matter

Mailed to foreign countries, $5 perannum.


Continental and ColonialAGENCY.

36 Euo de Dunkerque, -- . - Paris,

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Bwls, German, and English Goods, attho host Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two-and.- a Half per cent.All Trade and Cash Hifcounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen rcquesieil.

Itemlttances, through a London orParis Banker, payablo on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themumigcr.

The Agency ItcprcEcnte, Buys, andSells, for Homo and Colonlul Firms.

i'icco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,SHUs. Volvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,MupliiiH, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-war- Cloolts, Watches,Jowollry, Fancy Goods,Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical nndOpticnl Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books, ArtistioFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. &o &o.



Page 5: 1 jg...calu; Books, Mush;, etc., from any part of tho world, havlug niado nil urrange. ments therefor whilst In Situ FraueUoo. Jjlcil Itubbcr Stamp to Order. 71 TKE PEOPLES' PAPER


