1 intro to induction supplementary notes prepared by raymond wong presented by raymond wong

1 Intro to Induction Supplementary Notes Prepared by Raymond Wong Presented by Raymond Wong

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Intro to Induction

Supplementary Notes

Prepared by Raymond WongPresented by Raymond Wong


e.g.1 (Page 4)

Illustration of “Proof by Contradiction”We are going to prove that a claim C is correct

Proof by Contradiction:

Suppose “NOT C”


Derive some results, which may contradict to 1. “NOT C”, OR

2. some facts

e.g., we derived that C is true finally

e.g., we derived that “1 = 4”



Illustration of “Proof by smallest counter example”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(m) is true for each non-negative integer m, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true

P(1) true

P(2) true

P(3) true

P(4) true

If we can prove that statement P(m) is true for each non-negative integer separately, then we can prove the above claim C is correct.

Suppose that I want to prove that the above claimis correct by “Proof by Contradiction”.

… true



Illustration of “Proof by smallest counter example”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(m) is true for each non-negative integer m, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true

P(1) true

P(2) true

P(3) true

P(4) true

We can assume that there exists a non-negative integer k’ such that P(k’) is false

Suppose that I want to prove that the above claimis correct by “Proof by Contradiction”.

… true


Suppose “NOT C”.

There may exist another non-negative integer k such that P(k) is false




Illustration of “Proof by smallest counter example”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(m) is true for each non-negative integer m, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true

P(1) true

P(2) true

P(3) true

P(4) true

Suppose that I want to prove that the above claimis correct by “Proof by Contradiction”.

… true


Suppose “NOT C”.


We can assume that there exists a smallest non-negative integer k such that P(k) is false


This is called by “Proof by smallest counter example”.


e.g.2 (Page 5)Steps for “Proof by smallest counter example”

Suppose “NOT C”.

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true

P(1) true

P(2) true

P(3) true

P(4) true

… true



Step 1: Suppose that claim C is not true.

Step 2: there exists a smallest non-negative integer m such that P(m) is false.

Step 3: We want to show that this value m must be greater than the smallest value (i.e., 0)

Step 4: We derive that P(i) is true for 0 i < m

Step 5: We consider a special case that P(m-1) is true.

Step 6: Consider the LHS (or some components) of P(m) Prove that P(m) is true (by using P(m-1))

Step 7: We have a contradiction that P(m) is false

Step 8: Thus, by the principle of proof by contradiction,claim C is correct.

e.g., P(n) is“0+1+2+…+n = ”




e.g.3 (Page 14)

Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true

P(1) true

P(2) true

P(3) true

P(4) true

If we can prove that statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer separately, then we can prove the above claim C is correct.

… true



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Verify that P(0) is true



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction”

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.






Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step


e.g.4 (Page 15)Prove that n 0, 2n+1 n2+2

Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n+1 n2+2“

Consider 20+1 = 2

= 0+2

We want to show that 20+1 02+2


Thus, P(0) is true.


e.g.4Prove that n 0, 2n+1 n2+2

Let P(n) be “2n+1 n2+2“



Prove that n 0, 2n+1 n2+2

Let P(n) be “2n+1 n2+2“Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 2(n-1)+1 (n-1)2+2 for n > 0.

2n (n-1)2+2 for n > 0.

Consider 2n+1

We want to show that 2n+1 n2+2

= 2n . 2

[(n-1)2+2] . 2

= 2(n-1)2+2. 2

= 2(n2-2n+1)+4

= 2n2-4n+2+4

= 2n2-4n+6

= (n2+n2) – 4n + (2+4)

What should I do next?

= n2+2 + n2 – 4n + 4

= (n2+2) + (n2 – 4n + 4)

= (n2+2) + (n – 2)2

n2+2 (Since (n-2)2 0)

That is, P(n) is true.

We prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0

By Mathematical Induction, n 0, 2n+1 n2+2

Thus, 2n+1 n2+2


e.g.5 (Page 16)Prove that n 2, 2n+1 > n2+3

Step 1: Prove that P(2) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n+1 > n2+3“

Consider 22+1 = 23

= 8

We want to show that 22+1 > 22+3

> 7

Thus, P(2) is true.

= 22+3


e.g.5Prove that n 2, 2n+1 > n2+3

Let P(n) be “2n+1 > n2+3“



Prove that n 2, 2n+1 > n2+3

Let P(n) be “2n+1 > n2+3“Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 2.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 2.

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 2(n-1)+1 > (n-1)2+3 for n > 2.

2n > (n-1)2+3 for n > 2.

Consider 2n+1

We want to show that 2n+1 > n2+3

= 2n . 2

>[(n-1)2+3] . 2

= 2(n-1)2+3. 2

= 2(n2-2n+1)+6

= 2n2-4n+2+6

= 2n2-4n+8

= (n2+n2) – 4n + (3+5)

What should I do next?

= n2+3 + n2 – 4n + 5

= (n2+3) + (n2 – 4n + 5)

= (n2+3) + (n2 – 4n + 4 + 1)

> n2+3 (Since (n-2)2 + 1 0)

Thus, P(n) is true.

We prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 2

By Mathematical Induction, n 2, 2n+1 > n2+3

= (n2+3) + (n – 2)2 + 1


e.g.6 (Page 18)Prove that k Z+, 1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2

Step 1: Prove that P(1) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(k) be “1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2”

Consider 1 = 12

We want to show that 1 = 12

Thus, P(1) is true.


e.g.6Prove that k Z+, 1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2

Let P(k) be “1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2”



Prove that k Z+, 1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2

Let P(k) be “1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2”Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 1.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 1.

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 1+3+5+…+(2(n-1)-1) = (n-1)2 for n > 1.

1+3+5+…+(2n-3) = (n-1)2 for n > 1.

Consider 1+3+5+…+(2n-1)

We want to show that 1+3+5+…+(2n-1) = n2

= 1+3+5+…+(2n-3)+(2n-1)

= (n-1)2 + (2n-1)

= (n2 – 2n + 1) + (2n – 1)

= n2

Thus, P(n) is true.

We prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 1 By Mathematical Induction, k Z+, 1+3+5+…+(2k-1) = k2


e.g.7 (Page 19)For what positive integer values of n is “2n > n2”?

Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”

Consider P(1) We want to see whether P(1) is true.

(i.e., whether “21 > 12” is true.)Consider 21

We don’t know the base case. Thus, we need to test the “smallest” value of n for the base case.

= 2

> 12

Thus, P(1) is true.

Consider P(2) We want to see whether P(2) is true.

(i.e., whether “22 > 22” is true.)Consider 22 = 4

Thus, P(2) is false.

> 22

P(1) is true.

P(2) is false.


e.g.7For what positive integer values of n is “2n > n2”?

Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”

Consider P(3) We want to see whether P(3) is true.

(i.e., whether “23 > 32” is true.)Consider 23

We don’t know the base case. Thus, we need to test the “smallest” value of n for the base case.

= 8

Thus, P(3) is false.

Consider P(4) We want to see whether P(4) is true.

(i.e., whether “24 > 42” is true.)Consider 24 = 16

Thus, P(4) is false.

> 42

> 32

P(1) is true.

P(2) is false.

P(3) is false.

P(4) is false.


e.g.7For what positive integer values of n is “2n > n2”?

Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”

Consider P(5) We want to see whether P(5) is true.

(i.e., whether “25 > 52” is true.)Consider 25

We don’t know the base case. Thus, we need to test the “smallest” value of n for the base case.

= 32

Thus, P(5) is true.

Consider P(6) We want to see whether P(6) is true.

(i.e., whether “26 > 62” is true.)Consider 26 = 64

Thus, P(6) is true.

> 62

> 52

Thus, we guess that P(7), P(8), …are also true.

Thus, we think that the base case is P(5).


P(1) is true.

P(2) is false.

P(3) is false.

P(4) is false.

P(5) is true.

P(6) is true.


e.g.7For what positive integer values of n is “2n > n2”?

Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”


Prove that n 5, 2n > n2

Thus, we think that the base case is P(5).



Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”


Prove that n 5, 2n > n2



Step 1: Prove that P( ? ) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”


Prove that n 5, 2n > n2

We want to show that “25 > 52”

Consider 25 = 32

Thus, P(5) is true.

> 52



Let P(n) be “2n > n2”

Prove that n 5, 2n > n2



Prove that n 5, 2n > n2

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 5.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 5.

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 2n-1 > (n-1)2 for n > 5.

Consider 2n

We want to show that 2n > n2

= 2n-1 . 2

> (n-1)2 . 2

= (n2 – 2n + 1) . 2

= 2n2 – 4n + 2

Thus, P(n) is true.

We prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 5 By Mathematical Induction, n 5, 2n > n2

= n2 + n2 – 4n + 2

What should I do next?

> n2 + n2 – 4n

> n2 + n2 – 5.n

> n2 + n2 – n.n (Since n > 5)= n2

Thus, 2n > n2



Prove that n 5, 2n > n2

Let P(n) be “2n > n2”Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 5.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 5.

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 2n-1 > (n-1)2 for n > 5.

Consider 2n

We want to show that 2n > n2

= 2n-1 . 2

> (n-1)2 . 2= (n2 – 2n + 1) . 2

= 2n2 – 4n + 2

Thus, P(n) is true.We prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 5 By Mathematical Induction, n 5, 2n > n2

= n2 + n2 – 4n + 2

= n2 + n2 – 4n + 4 – 4 +2

= n2 + (n2 – 4n + 4) – 2

= n2 + (n – 2)2 – 2

Thus, 2n > n2

Alternative Derivation

Since (n-2)2 is increasing when n> 5,

we have (n-2)2 > (5-2)2

= 32

= 9> n2 + 9 – 2

= n2 + 7> n2


e.g.8 (Page 21)

Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Weak Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Verify that P(0) is true



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Weak Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …

P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.






Step 2(a): Assume that P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Strong Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Verify that P(0) is true



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Strong Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.


Step 2(a): Assume that P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Strong Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.



Step 2(a): Assume that P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step



Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Strong Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.



Step 2(a): Assume that P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step




Illustration of “Proof by mathematical induction” (Strong Induction)

We are going to prove the following claim C: statement P(n) is true for each non-negative integer n, namely 0, 1, 2, …P(0) true





Step 1: Prove that P(0) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Step 2: Prove that “P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 0.



Step 2(a): Assume that P(0)P(1)…P(n-1) is true for n > 0.

Verify that P(0) is true

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

Inductive Hypothesis

Inductive Step




e.g.9 (Page 26)Prove that every positive integer n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers

Step 1: Prove that P(1) (i.e., the base case) is true.

Consider 1 = 20

which is a power of a prime number (i.e., 2).

Thus, P(1) is true.

Let P(n) be “n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.”We want to show that 1 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers

e.g., 4 = 22

12 = 22 . 3


e.g.9Prove that every positive integer n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers

Let P(n) be “n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.”



Prove that every positive integer n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers

Let P(n) be “n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.”Step 2: Prove that “P(1)P(2)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 1.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(1)P(2)…P(n-1) is true for n > 1.

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 1 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers. 2 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers. … n-1 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.

We want to show that n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.Consider two cases.

Case 1: n is a prime number.

Case 2: n is not a prime number.

n is a power of a prime numbern is a product of two smaller numbers, namely a and b (where a < n and b < n)Thus, n = a . bNote that a is a power of a prime number or a product of powers of prime

numbers.Note that b is a power of a prime number or a product of powers of prime numbersThus, n is a power of a prime number or a product of powers of prime numbers



Prove that every positive integer n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers

Let P(n) be “n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.”Step 2: Prove that “P(1)P(2)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 1.

Step 2(a): Assume that P(1)P(2)…P(n-1) is true for n > 1.

Step 2(b): According to P(0)P(1)…P(n-1), we deduce that P(n) is true.

That is, 1 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers. 2 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers. … n-1 is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers.

Thus, P(n) is true.

We prove that “P(1)P(2)…P(n-1) P(n)” is true for all n > 1

By Strong Mathematical Induction, every positive integer n is a power of a prime number OR a product of powers of prime numbers