1 e-government foundation project e-government readiness review july 2000


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July 2000

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Agenda for the Day


Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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This presentation summarises the key findings of the E-Government readiness review conducted by PwC with the various Departments of the Dubai Municipality, as part of the ‘E-Government Foundation Project’.













The E-Government Foundation Project

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E-Government is a new emerging operational model where government institutions use the Internet to deliver various services to the public, their own employees, business partners, suppliers, other governmental organizations, the private sector and other external and foreign entities.

What’s E-Government ?

World Class Service

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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Objectives Of This Review

Dubai Municipality has set up the E-Government Steering Committee to launch the E-Government programme based on a practical and world class foundation.

Primary objectives are to:

• Leverage experiences and knowledge from other leading governmental institutions world-wide.

• Reach a common understanding of where each department stands today with respect to E-Government

• Engage all Departments in the planning and implementation efforts.

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Objectives Of This Review

There are four key objectives for conducting this review:

• Raise awareness of E-Government benefits and potential opportunities.

• Share PwC’s implementation experience with world class organisations.

• Understand the level of preparedness and readiness of DM to achieve the target E-Government position.

• Identify the key challenges and constraints for achieving the target E-Government position.

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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How Did We Conduct This Review ?

We have used a 4-Step proven approach to conduct this review. The approach ensures the effective participation of a wide range of the Dubai Municipality management team.

DM E-Government Programme ManagementIdentified the key themes of the E-Government target position.

Joint Project TeamIdentified what is required to achieve the target position (i.e. best practice questionnaire)

DM DepartmentsAssessed what the Departments achieved so far in terms of E-Government requirements.

Review Approach

DM Department HeadsExplored E-Government constraints and obstacles

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How Did We Conduct This Review ?

We worked jointly with Dubai Municipality E-Government management to decide on what the target E-Government position should look like.

Focus on Public Service

Continuous Improvement

World Class Service

End to End Electronic Integration

E-Government To Cover All Services

Initial Focus to be on Services Provided For The Public

Electronic Services Should Be Continuously Improved

Target Position

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How Did We Conduct This Review ?

E-Government requires four key operational elements to be in place and to operate effectively. We assessed each Department’s level of E-Government readiness within each of these elements.


Overall DirectionSupply Chain IntegrationRisk ManagementCustomer Facing Activities

Organisation &Organisation &CompetenciesCompetenciesOrganisation &Organisation &CompetenciesCompetencies

Roles & ResponsibilitiesSkillsChange ManagementAlliances Management


MarketingSalesProduct DevelopmentCustomer ServicePurchasingLogistics & Distribution

Delivery Capabilities &Delivery Capabilities &OperationsOperations

Delivery Capabilities &Delivery Capabilities &OperationsOperations

Content Creation & ManagementIT & Information System ManagementMethodologiesProject Management

Example …

The organisation has a clear strategy for managing channel conflict.

The organisation has identified unsatisfied needs of existing customers to identify newmarket niches where additional revenue couldbe generated.

Example …

The organisation has a clear strategy for managing channel conflict.

The organisation has identified unsatisfied needs of existing customers to identify newmarket niches where additional revenue couldbe generated.

Assessment Scope

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

The E-Government Programme of Dubai Municipality is a high-profile strategic endeavour drawing internal and external attention.

• H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum announced an ambitious plan to transform current governmental organisations into the E-Government operational model within 18 months - target October 2001

• DM executive management has formed an E-Government steering committee to ensure early and effective sponsorship.

• Departments have taken positive steps towards identifying the potential E-Government services and its impact on existing operations.

• Some Departments have pioneered the implementation of E-Government through pilot implementation projects (e.g. NOC, E-Clinic, Revenue Collection).


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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

E-Government OperationalReadiness

E-Government Maturity Model

Assessment Tools

We have assessed the E-Government readiness level for Dubai Municipality using two key techniques:

Describes how close DM stands with respect to achieving the target

position Describes how much DM have achieved in terms of E-Government


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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? Assessment Tools

E-Government OperationalReadiness

E-Government Maturity Model

Describes how close DM stands with respect to achieving the target

position Describes how much DM have achieved in terms of E-Government


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E-Government Sophistication




t B



Static Information Sharing& Web Presence

Static Information Sharing& Web Presence



Dynamic, Interactive andPersonalised Delivery of Services

Dynamic, Interactive andPersonalised Delivery of Services

Full electronic integrationinternally and externally

Full electronic integrationinternally and externally

Online IntegratedBusiness

Transformation into aprofitability-based commercial


Transformation into aprofitability-based commercial



Set-up of Virtualorganisations through

outsourcing and convergence.

Set-up of Virtualorganisations through

outsourcing and convergence.



Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? E-Government Maturity Model


DM is currently in the early stages of defining and establishing

e-Government standards and practices.

DM is currently in the early stages of defining and establishing

e-Government standards and practices.

Most Departments have identified thetouch points with customers and others.Departments have explored how to puttheir paper-based forms and information on-line, while maintaining their back-office operations ‘as is’.

Most Departments have identified thetouch points with customers and others.Departments have explored how to puttheir paper-based forms and information on-line, while maintaining their back-office operations ‘as is’.

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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Dubai Municipality Departments are in the early stages of achieving the target E-Government position. The Departments fall into two categories:

Group 2

• Already have a presence on the web.• Deliver some informational or transactional services.• Need to further extend their web presence to cover more

services.• Need to improve the quality of the services through better

strategy, processes and organisation.

Group 1

• Have a very limited presence on the web.• Have basic understanding of what E-Government services to

provide.• Need to develop a comprehensive plan for analysing and

implementing the various E-Government services.

E-Government Maturity Model

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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Contracts & PurchasingDrainage & IrrigationPublic HealthPublic Parks & HorticulturePublic RelationsFinancePersonnel

Dubai Central LaboratoryEnvironmentGeneral MaintenanceGeneral ProjectsMarkets & AbattoirAdministrative AffairsAdministrative Development & QABuilding & HousingPlanning & SurveyingRoadsTransportTransportation

E-Government Leverage




t V





Online IntegratedBusiness

AdvancedOn-line Business



E-Government Maturity Model

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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? Assessment Tools

E-Government OperationalReadiness

E-Government Maturity Model

Describes how close DM stands with respect to achieving the target

position Describes how much DM have achieved in terms of E-Government


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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness


High (Larger than 60%)

Medium (Larger than 30%)

Low (Less than 30%)


Organisation &CompetenciesRequirements


Delivery Capabilities& OperationsRequirements

How much has DM achieved towards the E-Government requirements ?

Source: based on scores from individual Departments’ response to questionnaire

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Key achievementsKey achievements Work ahead to achieve target positionWork ahead to achieve target position

Strategy Overall Readiness Low

• All department have identified the touch points with the customers and business partners where information can be exchanged electronically.

• All department have identified in broad terms the key benefits of the proposed E-Government services.

• 10% of Departments have set key milestones for the implementation of the E-Government services.

• Identify how E-Government can help achieve department-specific and DM business plans.

• Explore the full spectrum of E-Government opportunities, including value-added services and new revenue streams.

• Identify the key business benefits delivered to the customers and DM for each of the E-Government services.

• Identify customer requirements, preferences and issues for each E-Government service.

• Establish a strategy for channel integration and channel management conflict.

• Establish effective implementation plans• Identify the key risks associated with E-


Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

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Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

Example: Purchasing Department has developed a strategy with two implementation phases and specific services to be introduced for each.

Phase 1 - Internal Automation (Linking Internal Customers)

Implementing the following systems:• Purchasing System• Stores System• Projects and Payment Scheduling System• Tendering & Supply System• Fixed Assets system

Phase 2 - E-Government (Linking External Customers)

Implementing the following systems:• Electronic Purchasing Services

• Entry of quotes electronically• Exchange of documents through e-mail

Adopt Industry Models(E-Procurement)

Adopt Industry Models(E-Procurement)

Analysis of Customer &Supplier RequirementsAnalysis of Customer &Supplier Requirements

Risk Analysis(e.g. Legal, Security, etc.)

Risk Analysis(e.g. Legal, Security, etc.)


Impact AnalysisImpact Analysis

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Key achievementsKey achievements Work ahead to achieve target positionWork ahead to achieve target position

Organisation & Competencies Overall Readiness Low

• 50% of department have identified the technical skills required to implement and support E-Government services.

• Identify the key skill requirements for each E-Government service.

• Set-up training plans.• Identify the impact of E-Government services

on existing roles in the areas of E-Government planning, web publishing and service delivery.

• Set-up a change management plan to implement organisational changes.

• Identify key alliances required to implement E-Government.

• Set-up Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with each business partner.

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

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Example: Finance Department has successfully identified some of the skills and training requirements.

Staff Name

David Hockin

George Stevenson

Position Training Requirements

Head of Section





Training Plan(Dates / Milestones)

Training Plan(Dates / Milestones)

Business Skills(e.g. Cross Functional)

Business Skills(e.g. Cross Functional)

Interpersonal Skills(e.g. Customer Service)Interpersonal Skills(e.g. Customer Service)


Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

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Key achievementsKey achievements Work ahead to achieve target positionWork ahead to achieve target position

Processes Overall Readiness Low

• 20% of Departments have analysed the impact of E-Government on existing procedures.

• Identify the key marketing requirements and potentials for E-Government.

• Define the mechanism for delivering each E-Government service in light of customers’ preferences and requirements.

• Define the overall mechanism for customer service over the Internet including follow-up and tracking, customer satisfaction, etc.

• Explore and implement e-procurement operational model.

• Review and change the existing work flows and procedures to leverage the benefits of E-Government.

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

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Example: Environment & Public Health Departments have successfully identified impact of E-Government on existing core procedures.

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

Applying for a waste collection service

Building owner submits application for waste collected services on WSS Form WSF 1 together with supporting documentation by Internet

If non approval reply sent by Internet with explanations of rejection

Application forwarded to concerned area office by e-mail and investigated by Concerned Area Officer. Findings recorded by area officer on hand held monitor and downloaded onto the control database. Internal report issued.

WSS requires certain conditions to be fulfilled prior to approval. 30 day period provided for compliance to the conditions.

WSS Approval

Permit granted by WSS Issued on Internet back to applicant with service reference number for customer follow up and complaints, etc*



Repeat evaluation after 30 days


E-GovernmentTouch Point Analysis(What the customer really

wants ?)

Touch Point Analysis(What the customer really

wants ?)

Customer Service(e.g. Follow-up)

Customer Service(e.g. Follow-up)

Link to Back-Office(e.g. Scheduling)

Link to Back-Office(e.g. Scheduling)


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Key achievementsKey achievements Work ahead to achieve target positionWork ahead to achieve target position

Delivery Capabilities & Operations Overall Readiness Low

• Established DM E-Government steering committee

• 90% of Departments have internal E-Government teams.

• Established a process to control the publishing of business information over the web site.

• Developed a tool to assist in publishing information

• Set-up a corporate web site with basic business information and some services.

• Launched a number of pilot E-Government projects.

• Established a central IT infrastructure and operations for E-Government.

• Set-up and enforce the IT standards and policies required to support E-Government.

• Review and upgrade the existing IT infrastructure to support E-Government’s technical requirements.

• Set-up and enforce flexible and effective web content creation and management mechanism.

• Adopt and deploy a structured methodology for the development of E-Government services.

• Establish an effective project management structure to guide and control the pilot and future E-Government projects.

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? OperationalReadiness

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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Department Specific



Challenge Source

Challenge Type







for e-gov.


for e-gov.


Lack ofResources

Lack ofResources

Rush-It AttitudeRush-It Attitude

Working AloneWorking Alone


Lack of CooperationLack of Cooperation

Governmental Laws(Audit, Purchasing &


Governmental Laws(Audit, Purchasing &


Complex DecisionMaking Cycle

Complex DecisionMaking Cycle

Lack of ProcedureDocumentation

Lack of ProcedureDocumentation

Lack of Customer Focus& Accountability

Lack of Customer Focus& Accountability


Lack of BusinessDirection

Lack of BusinessDirection

Lack of Training &Awareness

Lack of Training &Awareness

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ? ChallengesMatrix

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Key Challenges & Issues

It is misleading to say that ‘E-Government is just an IT Problem’It is misleading to say that ‘E-Government is just an IT Problem’It is misleading to say that ‘E-Government is just an IT Problem’It is misleading to say that ‘E-Government is just an IT Problem’

• Leading governmental institutions world-wide are considering E-Government to be a core business issue. This includes federal governments of the US, Canada, Australia & Hong Kong.

• 75% of E-Government requirements are business-related. This includes Strategy, Organisation & Competencies and Processes.

• Only DM Departments have the business expertise and operational knowledge to decide on what E-Government services should be implemented, why and how.

• Currently, ITD does not own any municipal service. There is no reason why ITD should own the electronic version of these services.

Issues List

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Purchasing Dept.

Personnel Dept.

Customer Service Dept.

PR Dept.

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Key Challenges & Issues

It is not accurate to say that ‘E-Government is all It is not accurate to say that ‘E-Government is all about transacting over the Internet’about transacting over the Internet’

It is not accurate to say that ‘E-Government is all It is not accurate to say that ‘E-Government is all about transacting over the Internet’about transacting over the Internet’

• PwC Report shows that “Of those now using Government websites, most are getting information on government programs and services (82%), looking for a phone number or address (54%) or searching for work or career opportunities (52%)”

• Industry reports show that on average, an internet user would spend 90% of his time reading and only 10% transacting.

• Each transactional E-Government service (e.g. filling an application form), requires an informational support service describing the nature of the service, target audience, policies and procedures.

Issues List

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“80% of services are informational”

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Key Challenges & Issues

It is wrong to believe that ‘E-Government should wait till operationalIt is wrong to believe that ‘E-Government should wait till operationalprocedures are fully documented and reviewed’procedures are fully documented and reviewed’

It is wrong to believe that ‘E-Government should wait till operationalIt is wrong to believe that ‘E-Government should wait till operationalprocedures are fully documented and reviewed’procedures are fully documented and reviewed’

• Documenting operational procedures is a key requirement for E-Government, but certainly not a show-stopper.

• PwC experience shows that operational procedures will change and evolve continuously in an E-Government operational environment.

• Justifiable Quick-Wins with high customer visibility exist within each department. Quick-Wins include informational services.

• Detailed documentation of operational procedures is a time and resource consuming process. It could cause DM to miss the 18-month deadline.

Issues List

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Key Challenges & Issues

E-Government is not only ‘service automation’E-Government is not only ‘service automation’E-Government is not only ‘service automation’E-Government is not only ‘service automation’

Issues List

• Automating internal procedures and functions through information systems is a key requirement for enabling E-Government, but is not E-Government in itself.

• E-Government is about delivering services electronically using the Internet and other telecommunication technologies.

• E-Government is about delivering personalised and interactive services to customers.

• E-Government is about enabling the customer to control how the service is delivered and self-service himself.

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“Full Internet access to various services. Back-office operations are already


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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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The Way Forward

The joint E-Government project team will:

• Submit a report detailing the findings of the E-Government readiness review to the E-Government Steering Committee.

• Conduct a ‘Visioning Workshop’ for DM management to prioritise the various municipal services for E-Government implementation.

• Set-up a high-level transition plan describing how to implement the identified E-Government services.

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• DM aspires to achieve an advanced E-Government target position of an ‘Integrated On-line Business’. Internet technologies will be used to connect internally (Intranet) and externally with customers (Internet) and business partners (Extranet).

• DM has made good progress in launching the E-Government programme, but still is in the early stages with respect to the utilisation of E-Government effectively and efficiently.

• DM Departments need to apply a structured approach for implementing E-Government by reviewing strategy, organisation & competencies, processes and delivery capabilities.

• DM has a tremendous potential for implementing E-Government. A number of quick-wins were identified across Departments. Quick-Wins represent E-Government services of high customer visibility and clear business feasibility.

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Objectives Of This Review

How Did We Conduct This Review ?

Where Does The Municipality Stand Today ?

Key Challenges & Issues

The Way Forward

Questions & Answers

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(Questions & Answers)