092011 lakeport city council - downtown improvement workshop

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  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop



    Lakeport RedevelopCity of Lakeport Municipal S


    RE: Proposal to Reduce the Scope of the Phase 2 DowntownImprovement Project


    SUBMITTED BY: Richard Knoll, CDD/Redevelopment Director

    PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item


    The Agency is being asked to consider a staff proposal to reduce the scope of the Phase 2 Improvement Project.


    Construction plan engineering of the Phase 2 Downtown Improvement Project has been useveral months. The original scope of the project was decided upon after extensive publicof the Governors and Legislatures actions to eliminate Redevelopment (unless a continuathe effect of several years of ERAF payments, flat Redevelopment revenues, and internal badjustments, City staff is proposing consideration of several options, in order to reduce con

    associated with the Downtown Improvement Plan project.The Downtown Improvement Plan, as presently being designed, includes the area of MainFourth and Armstrong Streets, Park Street between First and Second Streets, and Second aeast of Main. The current project includes replacement and widening sidewalks by two feetrees, relocation and new installation of street lighting, construction of sidewalk bulb-outs apatterned crosswalks, raised table intersections, reconstruction of the adjacent streets, instadrainage facilities, landscaping at bulb-outs, irrigation and electrical facilities, and the placemassociated street furniture such as benches, trash enclosures, and newspaper racks. The to

    of this project, which was intended to be bid in multiple phases, is over $5 million.

    In an effort to reduce construction expenses, staff is proposing several options, including roverall scope and design of the project to eliminate the intersection bulb-outs, raised table a portion of the new drainage facilities.

    The wider sidewalks, new trees/grates, relocated and new ornamental lighting, patterned cr

  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop


    as to the future of Redevelopment in California, the cumulative impact of prior ERAF payrequirement to pay a continuance fee, the flat growth of tax increment revenues, and internAgency budgeting.

    The Agency initiated the Phase 2 engineering design phase with the knowledge that the tot

    was estimated at $5 million plus and that there was insufficient Redevelopment revenue (cafund the full construction of the entire project. A decision was made to go forward with thdesign work for the full entire project with the understanding that incremental projects woand put out to bid based on the amount of funding available at the time.

    An important issue that should be kept in mind when considering options is that the new ineed to be maintained; and with the continuing City budget problems, it is becoming moreCity is having trouble maintaining some existing improvements in the Project Area.

    Another important issue to consider is that there is a need to make a decision on this mattethe developer of the Savings Bank of Mendocino can finish the design of the right-of-way for that project to be consistent with the decision on the Phase 2 Downtown Improvemen

    The City Council will need to take public comment into account before taking formal actioproposal.


    1. Terminate the project and reserve the funds for other public improvements in the ProExamples of alternate projects include the construction of a new round-about at the LBoulevard/South Main Street intersection, the new Courthouse roadway, or a new desuch as a lakefront hotel project.

    2. Consider approving a reduced scope project which would include the elimination of tbulb-outs, the raised table intersections, and associated new drainage facilities. The prhas provided a narrative, some renderings, and a comparative cost sheet with the full dreduced design (see attached). This reduced scope option involves the complete reco

    widening of the downtown sidewalks and adjacent streets and many of the originally iimprovements, such as street trees and grates, new and relocated street lamps, irrigatioinfrastructure, street furniture, and patterned crosswalks. Lane configuration and parkremain as planned. The biggest change involved in this option is the elimination of thbulb-out landscaping, and corner monuments. An important note, however, is that thoption would allow for the future construction of the intersection bulb-outs at a later determined financially feasible. Selecting this option will require the civil engineer to construction plans, and there would be costs associated with that task. However, the

    been prepared to date can be put on the shelf and used later if a decision is made laterbulb-out concept.

    3. Reject the reduced scope project and stick with the original plan.


    K i i i d h h i l i i h i i h h

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    RAU and Associates, and authorize the City Manager to execute the revised contract and paccordingly.

    Attachments: Engineers Cost Estimate

    cc: Bill HarrisHarris DesignCathy McKuenRAU and AssociatesLakeport Main Street Association

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  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop


  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop


  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop


  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop


  • 8/4/2019 092011 Lakeport City Council - Downtown Improvement Workshop
