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  • 8/13/2019 01372507



    A Low-Cost Digital Controller for a Switching DCConverter With Improved Voltage Regulation

    M. Murshidul Islam, David R. Allee, Siva Konasani, and Armando A. Rodriguez

    AbstractA new control algorithm with improved regulationis presented for a switching dc buck converter. The controller isrealized with hardware description language (HDL) and can beimplemented in any process. The controller uses four decisionlevels, combines pulse frequency modulation (PFM), pulse widthmodulation (PWM), and uses dithering for improved regulation.The controller is prototyped on a field programmable gate array(FPGA) and experimental results show good performance overinput and load disturbances. Importantly, the controller does notrequire high resolution analog-to-digital conversion for signalprocessing, and also does not require fast digital clocking. Thiscontroller has significant potential to be widely used in industrialapplications where cost and design time are of great concern.

    Index TermsDc-dc, digital controls, dithering, duty, fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA), pulse frequency modula-tion (PFM), pulse width modulation (PWM), rapid prototype,regulation.


    THE OUTPUT voltage regulation for a dc-dc converter

    has traditionally been accomplished using analog circuits

    that are custom-designed for particular applications [1]. While

    this approach has been commercially successful over many

    years, it does lead to relatively long design, layout, and testing

    times. However, a digital controller can be quickly designedwith high-level language, and automatically laid out using

    appropriate software. This automated process dramatically

    decreases the length of the design cycle. Moreover, digital

    controllers are flexible and allow the implementation of more

    functional control schemes [2][5]. Digital circuits are poten-

    tially less susceptible to noise and parameter variations. The

    disadvantage with digital control is generally inferior voltage

    regulation. Other issues hampering the applications of digital

    controllers are cost/performance, availability, and/or ease of

    use [3]. Available digital signal processing (DSP) systems or

    micro-controllers require a high-resolution analog-to-digital

    converter (a/d), which in turn increases the word length for

    DSP calculation, area and cost. In [3], the conventional flasha/d has been replaced with a time delay a/d and the digital

    pulse-width modulator (DPWM) has been designed with a

    hybrid delay-line/counter [3], [6]. The design is a significant

    advance but still requires an a/d that depends on process param-

    eters to get the expected delay and the a/d demands a redesign

    for a new process. However, it is preferable to design a digital

    Manuscript received June 16, 2004; revised November 4, 2004. Recom-mended by Associate Editor J. Sun.

    The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona StateUniversity, Tempe, AZ 85287-5706 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPEL.2004.840256

    Fig. 1. Buck converter with digital controller.

    Fig. 2. Window definition for a four-level controller.

    controller that works with few decision levels for simplicity

    and can be realized in HDL for rapid transformation from one

    process to another without any changes in the algorithm. The

    design also needs to be small in area to be cost-competitive

    with traditional analog controllers.

    In this letter, a digital controller is presented that uses only

    four decision levels to achieve improved regulation and better

    performance. A block diagram of a buck converter with its com-

    parators and controller is shown in Fig. 1. The basic algorithm

    is presented in Section II and is realized with verilog-HDL.

    The experimental results for various disturbances are presented

    in Section III. The results show good performance considering

    complexity, area, and output regulation. The controller is en-

    tirely digital, making it less sensitive to process variation. It can

    also be implemented on any process.


    Due to flexibility and short design times, digital controllers

    are becoming popular in power management. Recently, a

    few companies have introduced dc-dc converters with digital

    controllers [7]. In [8], a digital controller has been proposed

    that uses two decision levels and takes the advantages of two

    different types of control schemespulse width modulation

    1540-7985/04$20.00 2004 IEEE

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    Fig. 3. State diagram for a four-level controller.

    (PWM) and pulse frequency modulation (PFM) control. The

    algorithm attempts to maintain the output voltage between the

    two decision levels. Better regulation is achieved by reducing

    the voltage separation between the two levels. However, if the

    separation is too small, instability arises. A good compromise is

    to take at least of output voltage spreading on both sides

    of the expected output voltage level [7]. Another disadvantage

    of two-level control is that the regulation is poor, as the con-

    troller lacks information while the output voltage is between

    the two voltage levels.

    To take advantage of the window concept and also improve

    the regulation problem, a four-level controller is proposed here.

    This controller has two internal levels ( high, low) that

    are used for improved regulation and two external levels ( high,

    low) that are used for fast recovery (Fig. 2). The state diagram

    for the four-level digital controller is shown in Fig. 3. Two com-

    parators with decision levels above and below the output

    voltage determine the states for fast recovery. These states are

    discontinuous state and ramp-up state. The two-internal levels

    are set from the effective series resistance (ESR) of output ca-

    pacitor or the maximum possible ripple voltage. These two in-

    ternal levels create three more states realized here as dither-up,

    dither-down, and continuous states.

    If the output voltage decreases below low, thefinite state

    machine moves into ramp-up mode. This usually is the result ofa sudden increase in the required load current. The quickest way

    Fig. 4. Output regulation (around 35 mV) for two-level controller with load

    disturbances from 200600 mA at a rate of 200 Hz.

    to return to the desired output voltage range is to hold the power

    switch (Sw1 in Fig. 1) on. The current through the inductor lin-

    early rises providing more current to the load and raising the

    output voltage. At the end of each digital clock period, the output

    is monitored to determine if the output has risen to the desired

    range. When it does, thefinite state machine returns to the con-tinuous state, but with a slightly larger duty cycle. If the duty

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    cycle is still too low, the output voltage will again fall below

    low and the cycle repeats further increasing the duty cycle.

    Since the controller is digital, the duty cycle can only be

    set at time increments corresponding to the digital clock. For

    example, with a 10-MHz digital clock (100-ns period) and

    a 100-KHz switching clock (10- period), the duty cycle

    can only be set at increments of 0.01(100 ns/10 ). Thisresults in a coarse setting of the output voltage. A simple

    way to achieve high duty resolution is to increase the digital

    clock frequency. A digital clock frequency of 1 GHz with

    a switching frequency of 100 KHz allows the duty cycle to

    be set to 1 part in 10 000. That is, there are 10 000 digital

    clock periods in 1 switching cycle. However, this would lead

    to excessive power consumption in the digital circuitry and

    require an expensive deep submicron process. An alternative

    approach to achieve high resolution using a slow digital clock

    is known as dithering. The idea behind the digital dither is to

    vary the duty cycle by a least significant bit (LSB) over a few

    switching periods, so that the average duty cycle has a value

    between two adjacent duty cycle levels. The output LCfilterperforms the averaging action required for dithering [9]. As

    an example, a duty cycle of 0.3633 could be achieved with a

    dithering over four-cycles with subsequent duty cycles of 0.36,

    0.36, 0.37, and 0.36. To achieve this high resolution in duty

    cycle, dithering was done in our controller as long as the output

    stays in dither-up or dither-down states. In dither-up state the

    duty is increased by one step after subsequent wait cycles

    to drive the output voltage into the desired internal voltage

    window. Similarly, in dither-down state the duty is decreased

    by one step after subsequent period to achieve the desired

    regulation. If the output voltage is in the internal window,

    the controller works in continuous state without any changesinto the duty cycle. If the output voltage exceeds high, the

    finite state machine moves into the discontinuous state. This

    usually is the result of a sudden decrease in the required load

    current. The quickest way to return to the desired output voltage

    range without wasting energy stored on the output capacitor

    is to simply allow the load to draw all its current from the

    output capacitor. The power switch (Sw1 in Fig. 1) is kept off,

    preventing any additional current flowing through the inductor

    to the load. At the end of each digital clock period, the output

    is monitored to determine if the output has fallen back into the

    desired range. When it does, thefinite state machine returns to

    the continuous state but with a slightly decreased duty cycle.

    If the duty cycle is still too high providing too much load

    current, the load voltage will again rise above high and the

    cycle repeats further decreasing the duty cycle.

    From the previous discussion, it is obvious that the discontin-

    uous and ramp-up operation ensures fast response in case any

    disturbance occurs and the dithering ensures better regulation

    when the load is constant or the change is small.


    Two-level and four-level control schemes have been imple-

    mented on a Virtex1 XCV300-6PQ240C field programmable

    gate array (FPGA). The two-level controller designed here1 Virtex is a registered trademark of Xilinx Incorporated, San Jose, CA.

    Fig. 5. Output regulation (around 10 mV) for four-level controller with loaddisturbances from 200600 mA at a rate of 200 Hz.

    Fig. 6. Output regulation (around 40 mV) for two-level controller with inputdisturbances from 35 V at a rate of 200 Hz.

    has only three states: continuous, discontinuous, and ramp-up.

    The window definition and the state diagram for this two-level

    control scheme can be easily realized from thefigures (Figs. 2

    and 3) presented for the four-level controller by just ignoringthe dither-up and dither-down states. The buck converter as

    well as the comparator schemes is implemented on a printed

    circuit board (PCB) with standard components. Thefilter com-

    ponents are and . The rated input

    voltage is 35 V and the output voltage is 1.8 V with a load

    current of 200600 mA. The digital clock runs at 50 MHz

    and the switching clock is at 100 KHz. As can be seen in

    Figs. 4 and 6, the output regulation for the two-level controller

    is very poor for load and input disturbances. The regulation

    with two-level control for a load disturbance of 200600 mA

    at a rate of 200 Hz is around 35 mV. Whereas, the regulation

    with four-level control is around 10 mV for the same load

    disturbances (Fig. 5). For input disturbances from 3 V to 5 Vat a rate of 200 Hz, the regulation in two-level control is about

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    Fig. 7. Output regulation (around 5 mV) for four-level controller with inputdisturbances from 35 V at a rate of 200 Hz.

    40 mV, and in four-level control it is 5 mV (Fig. 7). In brief,

    a four-level controller gives much better regulation than its

    two-level counterpart in low-frequency disturbances. It should

    be noted that the improvement in regulation in four-level con-

    trol comes with only two additional comparators. However, at

    high-frequency disturbances (beyond 10 kHz) the four-level

    controller provides regulations similar to the two-level con-

    troller. So, a four-level controller is preferable if the load/input

    disturbances are at low frequency. The numbers of gates used

    in the FPGA for implementing the two-level and four-level

    controller are 1.3 k and 1.7 k, respectively, which represents

    about 2% and 3% of resources on a XCV300 device. During

    the experiment, it was observed that both the two-level and

    the four-level control become unstable if the external window

    separation is below (40 mv) of output voltage level.

    More research needs to be done to determine the exact min-

    imum window separation needed for stability. To compare the

    window-based design with a standard redesign technique, a

    DSP implementation of the Type-3 analog compensator was

    also performed using Xilinx System Generator. This implemen-

    tation uses 16 16 multipliers to realize the digital filter and

    requires about 30% of the chip area on the same FPGA device.

    So, the four-level controller is a good choice for improvedregulation considering simplicity, area, and performance.


    A four-level controller is presented with state-diagram and

    experimental results. The controller shows good performance

    for input and load disturbances over its two-level counter-

    part. Replacing the high-resolution a/d, required for most DSP

    calculations, with comparators is a significant improvement

    considering area, costand complexity. Also, the pulse-frequencyoperation described in ramp-up and discontinuous mode pro-

    vides fast recovery for any disturbances. The extra window

    allows the controller to work in dithering state, which eventually

    improves the regulation. Moreover, the algorithm is realized

    in verilog-HDL and implemented on a Xilinx Virtex FPGA

    device. The controller uses logical comparison to make any

    decision and avoids any complexity related to multiplication,

    addition etc. to implement the algorithm. Thus, this control

    technique is appealing for commercial applications due to its

    simplicity, performance and rapid transformation from process

    to process.


    The authors wish to thank D. Gervasio and F. Zenhausern

    of the Center for Applied NanoBioScience for the support and

    fruitful discussions.


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