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The following by Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13 th 1939, Long Beach, California The physics of flow. The world around us is flow. Energy is conserved in the first law of thermodynamics, moves toward entropy in the second law of thermodynamics and generates flow systems that create evolutionary emergence at all levels of hierarchy in logos, the narrative of flow. Language captures the narrative of flow in the human mind and human speech. In the external world, energy moves into energy dissipative structures and develops evolutionary emergence and higher and higher levels of organization. In the internal world of the mind, phenomenological systems flow, and the flow is toward the atoms of the infinitesimal, generating passion from energy and focus and awareness from involution based flow, that converts information into phenomenological knowledge and integration

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The following by Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13th 1939, Long Beach, California

The physics of flow. The world around us is flow. Energy is conserved in the first law of thermodynamics, moves toward entropy in the second law of thermodynamics and generates flow systems that create evolutionary emergence at all levels of hierarchy in logos, the narrative of flow.

Language captures the narrative of flow in the human mind and human speech. In the external world, energy moves into energy dissipative structures and develops evolutionary emergence and higher and higher levels of organization. In the internal world of the mind, phenomenological systems flow, and the flow is toward the atoms of the infinitesimal, generating passion from energy and focus and awareness from involution based flow, that converts information into phenomenological knowledge and integration into passion and joy and disintegration into pain and suffering.

The embryology of these events are tied to the union of egg and sperm to make a zygote. In the language of the Chinese I Ching, eldest son yang sperm unite with eldest daughter yin eggs to generate middle son yang zygotes and middle daughter yin blastula, this blastula generates a blastopore, where cells move inward to form the gastrula in middle daughter yin and

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youngest daughter yin, The formation of the neural tube in youngest son yang completes the process.

The union of sperm and egg in Heaven Trigram is the beginning of the sequence of the I Ching Trigrams. The formation of the zygote as the result of the fertilization of the egg in Lake Trigram sets the stage for the cleavage of the zygote in Water Well Trigram and the formation of a morula in Earth Trigram. The hollowing out of the morula to form a blastula and the formation of the gastrula from the blastula leads to Thunder Trigram. In Flame Trigram, the gastrula forms endoderm in Middle Daughter Yin, mesoderm in Eldest Son Yang, and ectoderm in Youngest Son Yang. The formation of the neural tube from this ectoderm and the development of the brain and spinal column from the neural tube leads to Wind Trigram.

This moves us up the hierarchy of elements as major yang changes to Heaven and Wind Trigram and minor yang generates Water Well and Lake Trigram, major yin generates Earth and Thunder, lesser yin generates Heaven and Wind in neural tube five dimensions the Chinese Wood Element.

The egg is one point in eldest daughter yin of Wind and Water Well, major yang becoming lesser yang, so the sperm is a

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second point in eldest son yang of Heaven Trigram and Lake Trigram as the sperm fertilizes the egg, to generate the youngest daughter yin thesis of Lake Trigram and the eldest son yang antithesis in Lake Trigram and the middle son yang synthesis in the zygote of Lake Trigram and Water Element. At this point, the one point of the egg becomes the two point vector of the sperm in Chinese Metal Element and the three point triangle of egg and sperm and zygote that cleaves the resulting morula into a blastula and blastopore in Chinese Earth Element generating the four point three dimensional differentiation of the embryo on Chinese Fire Element and the five point phenomenological involution of space in the imaginary space of the neural tube in Chinese Wood Element.

Energy flows thorough the geology of the earth as the magma of eldest son and the continental plate of eldest daughter, that integrates in middle son yang generating the water cycle and disintegrates in middle daughter and blocks the flow of water and air generating glacial conditions at the pole, and finally generates elevation in youngest son yang and erosion and delta formation in youngest daughter yin. The resulting trigrams are Heaven Trigram tropical archipelago formation and Earth Trigram temperate plains, Wind Trigram alpine peaks and Thunder Trigram ocean wave erosion and lowland weather, Water Well Trigram river valleys and Lake Trigram lakes and marsh formation, Mountain Trigram irregular uplands and

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Flame Trigram islands and spreading oceans. With the avoidant hexagrams and tropical rainforests and the narcissistic as glacial erosion, with the schizoid as tropical highlands and the histrionic as glacial lowlands, with the sadistic as faulting and the masochistic as river erosion, with the paranoid as canyons and the borderline as coastal beaches, with the compulsive as upland plateau and the antisocial as spreading marine basins, with the schizotypal as belts of volcanism and subduction and the dependent as areas of erosion and sedimentation.

So eldest son yang is magma flow and oceanic rock formation and eldest daughter yin is geologic history in continental rock formation, middle son yang integrates in geologic collisions in equatorial areas of high rainfall and middle daughter yin separates in faulting and fragmenting in polar glaciations, youngest son yang creates through faults and volcanism and youngest daughter yin assembles through deposition and sediment accumulation.

Three kinds of openings generate the novelty of Flame Trigram and Fire Element, schizotypal subduction, antisocial ocean plate spreading and hot spot activity, and sadistic fault activity. Three kinds of erosion generate the dissolving actions of Water Element and Lake Trigram, tropical rainforest in the avoidant, ocean waves and rising ocean levels in the borderline, and rivers and water erosion in the masochistic. Three kinds of soil

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formation are active in Earth Element and Earth Trigram, sediment accumulation in the dependent, glacial erosion in the narcissistic and beach and ocean activity in the histrionic, including the exposure of ocean generated sediments. Finally, three kinds of Air Element and Wind Trigram alpine activity can be found, the exposure of sediments and volcanic deposits in deep canyons in the paranoid, the collusion of plates generating high elevations in the schizoid, the rise of high elevation plateau in the compulsive, all exposing hidden sediments to the light and providing a window for the generation of a models of geologic formations.

Flow can be observed in all things, philosophy, art, politics, religion, the operation of the brain, the formation of the personality. Heaven is the infinite source and Earth is the finite product, Mountain is the simple analysis and Lake is the complex synthesis, Water Well is closed order and Flame Trigram is the open and free. Wind Trigram is elevated and ideal and Thunder is common and vulgar. Heaven is romantic and Earth is realistic, Mountain is impressionistic and Lake is post-impressionistic, Wind is Classical and Thunder is expressionistic, Flame is Cubist and Existential and Water Well is Baroque and Traditional.

Ethics flow as well, with Heaven Trigram inspirational ethics against Earth and the utilitarian, Wind Trigram virtue ethics and

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Thunder Trigram hedonistic, Mountain Trigram as rational individualism and Lake Trigram, dialectical, divine command, human concern, sentimental ethics, Flame Trigram existential and tribal against Water Well Trigram rational and duty ethic.

The personality flows from the embryo in a Lake Trigram womb, and the infant in Thunder Trigram behavior, the child in Freudian stages of Earth Trigram, the older child in the family systems of Water Well, the rebellious team in Flame Trigram, the adult ego in Mountain, the ideal parent in Wind Trigram and moving up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to the self-actualizing ancestor in Heaven Trigram.

So with the brain, with eldest son yang as the brain stem and eldest daughter as the hippocampus and the memory systems of the cerebrum, with middle son yang as the creative integration of the right hemisphere of the cerebrum and middle daughter yin as local words and facts in the left hemisphere, with youngest son yang as the planning and executive functions of the frontal lobes and with youngest daughter yin as the sensory association areas to the back of the cerebral cortex.

Language flows as well, with youngest son yang as the subject, eldest son yang as the predicate and middle daughter yin as the object, with youngest daughter yin as the indirect object and predicate compliment and the passive voice, with eldest daughter yin as helping verbs determining tense and middle

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son yang as helping verbs determining mood. So the sadistic hexagrams are nouns and the narcissistic hexagrams are adjectives, the paranoid hexagrams are pronouns, the antisocial hexagrams are action verbs, the histrionic hexagrams and interjections and the borderline hexagrams are adverbs, the dependent hexagrams are prepositions and the masochistic hexagrams are conjunctions, the compulsive hexagrams are helping verbs and the avoidant hexagrams are participles, the schizotypal hexagrams are gerunds, and the schizoid hexagrams are articles and determinants. Flame Trigram is transitive verbs and Thunder Trigram is intransitive verbs, Mountain Trigram is proper nouns, and Earth Trigram is number words and measurements. Lake Trigram is coordinate and Water Well Trigram dependent constructions, Wind Trigram is modals, and Heaven Trigram is infinitives.

Youngest son yang is the WHO and youngest daughter yin is the WHERE, eldest son yang is the HOW and eldest daughter yin is the WHEN, middle son yang is the WHY and middle daughter yin is the WHAT. Flame Trigram is the open game and Water Well is the closed. Mountain Trigram is the known game and Lake Trigram is the unknown. Heaven Trigram is the infinite game and Earth Trigram is the finite, Wind Trigram is the rule formulating game and Thunder Trigram is the rule changing rule evolving, gene evolving game.

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All things flow, god flows, atoms flow, science flows, history flows. The geometry of flow operates everywhere and flows through the I Ching and the five Chinese Elements from the one pt. egg in Water to the two point one dimensional magnetic line of egg to sperm in Metal to the three point two dimensional cleavage plate in Earth to the four point three dimensional embryo in Flame to the five point four dimensional neural tube time machine of neurology in Wood Element, carrying the three dimensional I Ching into the four dimensional Wood of the Tree of Life and beyond.

In the flow of Eden, Yahweh is Eldest Son and Elohim is Middle Son and Adam is Youngest Son, and the Tree of Life is the Eldest Daughter, with Eve as the Middle Daughter and the children of Eve in Babylon as the Youngest Daughter, but Yahweh flows toward the Father and Elohim toward the Holy Spirit and Adam flows toward Christ as Son and this Alpha Logos story narration flows toward Omega in the Wood of the ever growing tree of holy wisdom, that becomes the paper of the Holy Book. The mother of all books of this line of creative flow, climaxing in the Narnia stories of C. S. Lewis, but flowing on from there.

Flow moves at infinite levels out of Heaven Trigram into the cosmic embryology of Lake Trigram, generating improbable designs in Wind Trigram and systems in Water Well Trigram. This flow from major yang to lessor yang generates finite and

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measurable flows in the thermodynamics of major yin and continues at infinitesimal levels over infinite periods of time back to major yang through the individualism and phenomenology of lessor yin. This generates the hidden astral world associated with karma and dharma, with astrology and ancestry, with reincarnation, and rebirth. It is this hidden world that the great religions seek to conquer. Conquest of this realm of hungry ghosts and rebirth was the goal of Buddha, and Pythagoras, of the great names of Hinduism and Jainism. The answer to this quest lies in the middle son yang of Joy and Charity, Peace and Faith, the Nirvana Brahman Holy Ghost Allah of Sanctity, of the hidden integration of all things in the path of virtue that is Wind Trigram.

The accounting cycle is a good example of the structures of flow with Heaven Trigram as manufacturing and Earth Trigram as the cost of goods sold, with Wind as profit and Thunder as loss, with Flame Trigram as assets and Water Well as liabilities, with Mountain Trigram as owner’s equity and Lake Trigram as investments, receivables and payables. The equivalent in genetics, make Heaven mutation and Earth adaptive phenotype, Wind becomes adaptive peaks and genotypic set points, Thunder becomes evolution as entropy, the extinction of maladapted genetic expressions and natural selection. Flame becomes competitive exclusion and Water Well becomes reproduction, replication and feed back driven homeostasis,

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Mountain becomes speciation and Lake becomes recombination, sexual reproduction, gene pools, population genetics and hybridization.

In ecology, Heaven is the producer organism and Wind is the consumer, Mountain is the carnivore and Flame is the scavenger, Water Well is compost formation, and Earth Trigram is saprophytes, Thunder is microbes and pathogens, Lake Trigram is lichens and symbiosis. In a green plant, Heaven is the leaves and Wind is the flowers, Water Well is the flower buds and inflorescence and Lake Trigram is the fruit and seed. Thunder Trigram is the germination of the seed and the developing roots. Earth Trigram is the shoot and the developing stem. Mountain Trigram is the branching of the stem and Flame Trigram is the apical meristem and the leaf buds. These growing tips are eldest son yang and the xylem and phloem and rings of wood of the trunk are eldest daughter yin. The stomata of the leaves are middle son yang and the root hairs that absorb the water that transpires from the leaves are middle daughter yin. The phototrophic response of the branches and their growth toward the light is youngest son yang and the geotrophic response of the germinating seedling and the growth of the radical into the soil and the growth of the roots toward the deeper soil, is youngest daughter yin.

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Thus youngest daughter yin is the WHERE of the flow of the energy in the tree and the soil water and its ions are the WHAT of that which the root hairs absorb, the middle daughter yin, while transpiration of water from the leaves and the absorption of carbon dioxide and light in the manufacture of sugar in photosynthesis is the WHY of the of the tree in middle son yang. The growth of the tree toward the light in youngest son yang allows the tree to obtain its own space and develop its unique photosynthetic WHO in youngest son yang. The WHEN of the tree is measured in the rings of wood that it lays down in the trunk of the tree in eldest daughter yin. The HOW of this growth is in the meristematic tissue of the tree and the creation of new cells in mitotic cell division. This is the WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN, and WHERE of the flow in a tree.

Marlow’s hierarchy of needs represents flow from the physiological needs of the embryo in Lake Trigram to the security needs of the developing child in Thunder Trigram and the social needs of the maturing child in Earth Trigram and the family systems of Water Well Trigram, the self esteem issues of the teenage and adult ego in Flame Trigram and Mountain Trigram and the need for self-actualization in the parent and grandparent in Wind Trigram and Heaven Trigram.

Various form of flow show up in human history, with food gathering at the Heaven Trigram source and chiefdoms and

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aristocratic orders developing in Wind Trigram that become city states and republics in Mountain Trigram and are raided and compete in wars in Flame Trigram. Under these pressures, per Study of History by Arnold Toynbee, universal states arises in Water Well Trigram, that begin to decay and are absorbed by external proletariats and internal proletariats as the problems of population supply in Earth Trigram and internal and external decay in Thunder Trigram lead finally to reactions by the internal and external proletariats in the formation of universal churches in Lake Trigram. The final disintegration of the universal state my lead to primitive social and economic conditions, to the rise of feudalism in Heaven Trigram, and the reemergence of complex church dependent cultures in Lake Trigram. Either new universal states may develop, or in the case of the West, exploration of trade with external areas may stimulate a new era of trade and marketing in Thunder Trigram, leading in the expansion of manufacturing and utilitarian economics and politics in Earth Trigram, causing further expansion of empire in Water Well trigram, or rebellion, war, revolution in Flame Trigram and the rise of independent states in Mountain Trigram and aristocratic develops in some of these states that cultivate Wind Trigram virtue and the exploration of new levels of organization in Heaven Trigram challenge and response.

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These cultural flows encourage romanticism in Heaven Trigram and Classicism in Wind, impressionism in Mountain, and post-impressionism in Lake (also symbolism). Cubist and existential responses may arise in Flame and Baroque responses in Water Well, expressionist response in Thunder. Flow occurs in human focus, magic in Heaven, metaphysics in Wind, philosophy in Mountain, art and design in Flame, science in Earth, law and government in Water Well, business and technology and trade in Thunder, literature, scripture, poetry, ideology and mythology in Lake Trigram.

Flow occurs in the personalities of the gods, for example, paranoid in Hera, narcissistic in Zeus, sadistic in Apollo, schizotypal in Artemis, schizoid in Athena, compulsive in Hephaestus, avoidant in Poseidon and Hades, masochistic in Demeter and Persephone, dependent in Hestia, histrionic in Hermes, aggressive and antisocial in Ares, borderline in Aphrodite.

Astrology represents flow in mythology and symbolism. Languages flow as well, with English claiming the narcissistic and traditional Chinese the avoidant opposite, French the histrionic and Hindi the schizoid opposite, Persian the compulsive, and the Spanish speaking drug lord the antisocial opposite. Russian tends toward the dependent and Bengali toward the schizotypal, Portuguese toward the borderline and

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German toward the paranoid, Japanese toward the sadistic and Arabic toward the masochistic, though sadism and masochism easily trade places. Flow occurs through associated cultural activities, thus the narcissistic new age American and the avoidant traditional Daoist Chinese practice, the schizoid Buddhist Hindu approach to religion that can be opposed to the histrionics of French Opera, or Protestant religion. The Catholic Church in Portugal support the borderline splitting of good and evil, but German Protestants were paranoid about these practices, suspecting Papal plots. The schizotypal approaches of the guru practicing religion in Bombay are quite diffenent from the dutiful dependence associated with the Russian Orthodox religion. The compulsive practices of the Iranian religion can be contrasted with the gang lords of Spanish speaking El Salvador. The masochistic devotion demanded by traditional Islam may be contrasted with the warrior version of Zen practice in Japan, Still there is a complementary pairing in the geometry of these flow systems that allow a yang to flip to its opposite in yin. This is one of the basic principle of the flow system developed in the I Ching.

Numbers flow also, the negative numbers are sadistic, but sums and products and sequences of positive numbers are masochistic. Rational numbers are dependent and irrational numbers are schizotypal. Roots are paranoid and exponents and logs are borderline. Natural numbers and real numbers are

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histrionic, but complex and imaginary numbers are schizoid. Unknown numbers are avoidant and known numbers are narcissistic. Algebraic numbers and formulas are compulsive, but vectors and functions can be antisocial. Youngest son yang is the square root of minus one and youngest daughter yin is the equal sign of an equation. Numbers are middle daughter yin, but pi and integration are middle son yang. Zero is eldest daughter yin and logs to the base e are eldest son yang.

Arithmetic is Earth Trigram and statistics and probability are Thunder. Set theory is Water Well Trigram and group theory and manifolds and topology are Lake Trigram. Algebra and theoretical algebra is Wind Trigram and Calculus is Heaven Trigram. Analytic Geometry is Mountain Trigram. Trigonometry and differentiation are Flame Trigram.

Euler’s identity requires six elements, the equal sign from youngest daughter yin, the number one from middle daughter, the zero from eldest daughter, the square root of minus one from youngest son yang, pi from middle son yang, and e from eldest son yang. This links the thermodynamics of flow in eldest son yang to the mathematics that it stimulates as its sperm fertilizes eldest daughter yin.

The great flows of the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable in Heaven and Wind Trigram and major yang are easy to see. They generate the grand cosmology associated with the

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big bang in lesser yang that manifest in the visible world of major yin and space time relativity in youngest daughter yin and quantum mechanics and atomic structure in middle daughter yin, in natural systems and mathematics in eldest daughter yin in entropy and thermodynamics and evolutionary emergence in Earth Trigram and Thunder Trigram.

The infinitesimal flows that generate results only over infinite stretches of time that connect lesser yin in phenomenology and existential inexistence with youngest son yang involution and middle son yang integration of all things are hidden, unseen, cannot be measure, are implied only by the neural tube, the rabbit hole that leads to the land of imaginary numbers in the looking glass of lesser yang and eldest daughter yin. Yet, over infinite stretches of time, this sattva guna of the infinitesimal builds up and expands, generating the improbable out of the probable and altering energy into passion, disintegration into suffering and pain and integration into pleasure and joy, altering information into knowledge and individuation into freedom and creative expression from within.

This land of sattva guna, of involution, of neural tube formation, of phenomenological gates to the Dao, is our hope of true liberation from bondage to the caves and chains of lessor flow.

The reactions to this flow also, borderline splinting in Orthodox Christianity vs paranoid purity in Jainism, schizoid withdrawal in

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Buddhism vs. histrionic display in Protestant Christian Fundamentalism, new age egotism in narcissistic New Thought against avoidant mythology in Chinese Daoism, schizotypal novelty in Bengali gurus and Hindu inspiration against dependent submission in Russian atheism and theism, Communist and Greek Orthodox, compulsive Hebrew adherence to the Torah against antisocial morality of a cult or a criminal gang, sadistic actions of a Zen warrior against masochistic submission by a Muslim woman.

These possibilities dance around a tetrahedron of responses, atheistic in Earth Trigram and Earth Element, theistic and dogmatic in Water Element and Lake Trigram, skeptical and questioning, competitive in Fire Element and Flame Trigram, and transcendental and metaphysical in Air Element and Wind Trigram. There is no resolution to this dance, It is flow and process itself.

Where you have a leading major yang that is an infinite flux that makes the improbable probable, is very common to have many factual items that are quite untrue in the finite, in major yin of Earth and Thunder Trigram, but are still true in a symbolic sense in lesser yang and in a phenomenological sense in lesser yin and in an integrated boundless sense in the ultimate. In a flow system truth depends, in part, on the Water Well Trigram of youngest daughter yin as Voice, eldest daughter yin as

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Tense, and middle son yang as Mood. This is the trinity of Buddha, Dharma, Sanga, with the Buddha as Mood, and the Dharma as Tense, and the Sanga (community of the faithful) as Voice.

The infinitesimal youngest son yang neural tube of brain involution links the youngest son WHO subject with the middle son yang WHY boundless one in the HOW of eldest son yang thermodynamic flow generating the HEAVEN TRIGRAM source of all things. This involution links lesser yin to major yang creating the missing link in all being and becoming. This existential inexistence provides the sattva guna Buddhjmind passage that saves us from the destruction of the Cave and the chains in our local position in the finite atoms of the material world. Socrates and Pythagoras found this way out of the Cave, Socrates in the philosopher’s quest to see the form of the Good, the Wind Trigram set points for the world vision, and Pythagoras in his search for the mathematics and music of this integration in eldest daughter yin systems and number.

Unfortunately, we have lost faith in this vision and choose to remain in our chains, chained to lust, chained to desire in the pit of our own despair. Lust itself has flow, becoming pride in Heaven Trigram, aristocratic greed in Wind, partisan envy in Mountain, martial anger in Flame, addiction and gluttony in Earth, lust in Thunder, dogmatic sloth in Lake, slavery in Water

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Well Trigram. The eldest son yang of this is passionate desire and the eldest daughter is fixed reaction, the youngest son is status and the youngest daughter is public attachment, the middle son yang is absorption and the middle daughter yin is sensation.

The problem is that this flow is linked to the notion of the great chain of being. The great chain of being is a complex flow system, some of it mythical, some of it based on natural flows. There is a great chain of being and becoming in a tree that starts with the Heaven Trigram of photosynthesis in its leaves. From an ecological standpoint, the great chain of being that supports human civilization is photosynthesis in green plants and the producer organisms that support the pyramid of energy. We occupy the first or second consumer level depending on whether we are carnivores or herbivores in this chain. Our status as herbivores or carnivores is unimportant in religions like Islam or Christianity, but it can be a critical aspect of various domains within Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Thus hierarchy, flow, chains of being, systems of being and becoming are seen differently within different ideological systems, cultures, language systems. Duty ethics, Virtue ethics, Divine Command ethics, Inspirational ethics in some of the South Asian ethical systems may involve avoidance of meat eating, avoidance of feeding that is carnivorous in any way.

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Generally, atheism is defined within the narrow limits of the culture opposed to it. Socrates was given poison hemlock, not for eating meat, not for disbelief in the Buddhist scriptures, the Vedas, but for failure to support a conservative position on the gods of the poetry of Homer as seen by the citizens of ancient Athens. Thus, it is really about the partisan jealousy of one group in respect to another group, it is about group selfishness and loyalty. Scientists can be very partisan, in a selfish way, toward astrologers, since astronomy and psychology are sacred grounds for many of them. They see astrology as a set of ancient ideas, now disproven, that continues to provide rival options for the explanation of natural events. An undesirable result, in the view of their power position, their status as a new priesthood.

Although trained in psychology, a certified school psychologist, I find astrology to be a more effective predictor of events in my life than science. Thus, I have my own bias. I still am a scientist. I have a perfect score on the graduate record examination in biology and I have taught biology at the college level in a number of institutions. I just finished obtaining the advance biology teaching certification from the State of California, by examination. So the flow of ideas can drift through unexpected patterns. Just as the death of Socrates for atheism was not something the young Plato expected. Human history is very complex in reference to question such as these.

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Buddha, after all, was not a theist in the Christian sense, and did not believe in obtaining salvation from gods, in fact, the gods of his day are creatures that needed Buddha’s help if they were to be saved from the effects of their own karma and dharma.

The last word on this subject has not been said. The flow of ideas and beliefs continues, an endless river through the heart of human passions.

A problem with astrology is coming up with a flow system. I constantly revise the possibilities. The latest has me making the Sun sadistic and the Moon masochistic, Jupiter as compulsive and Mars as antisocial, Saturn as paranoid and Venus as borderline, Neptune as avoidant and the Moon’s North Node as narcissistic, Pluto as schizoid and Mercury as compulsive, but here the roles reverse in some strange was, with Mercury becoming cold and schizoid and Pluto generating deep passion. This one is still an object of study. Uranus is schizotypal and the Moon’s South Node is dependent.

Both Venus and Mercury play double roles, becoming perfectionist under the influence of Jupiter and becoming paranoid under the influence of Saturn. Enough said there.

I use both fixed and movable signs. The movable signs represent the nodes of the Sun, matching those of the Moon in respect to solar and lunar flow. Movable Aries begins with the

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start of Spring and is lead by Mars, Taurus by Venus, Gemini by Mercury, Cancer by the Moon, Leo by the Sun, Virgo by the South Node and Mercury and Libra by the North Node and Venus, Scorpio by Pluto and Mars, Sagittarius by Jupiter, Capricorn by Saturn, Aquarius by Uranus, and Pisces by Neptune. The signs are also ruled by Fire Element in Flame Trigram, Earth Element in Earth Trigram, Water Element in Lake Trigram, Air Element in Wind Trigram. Aries is Fire, Taurus is Earth, Gemini is Air, Cancer is Water, and Leo begins with Fire and so forth. The signs alternate between positive and strong influence of youngest son yang active voice and negative and strong influence of youngest daughter yin passive voice.

The truth or falseness of astrology is not as important and the physics of flow that manifest in the history of its symbolism, like the metamorphosis of Ovid, which is a literary narrative generated in the neural tube generated phenomenology of a human brain. Because the geometrical and mathematical systems potentials of flow design transcend their local manifestations, like the abstract patterns in abstract art.

Existence, becoming, in both the infinite and finite games, is rich with the geometry of flow.

June 3rd 2016, Bakersfield, CA.