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WASH Data for Constructing 50 Latrines in Mangkoso Responding to the instruction of Barru Regent in 2016 for the sub- district offices to allocate the 2017 APBD budget for constructing sanitation facilities, Mangkoso urban village in Soppeng Riaja sub- district planned to use this budget to build 50 latrines for households. The plan to build these latrines is referred to in the community work plan developed in participatory manner as one of the reference documents to implement the water supply and sanitation program in its area. However, the lack of WASH data and information made it difficult for the Mangkoso village officials to identify which households are entitled to be the beneficiaries of this program. To overcome this challenge, USAID IUWASH PLUS has collaborated with the urban village office and Puskesmas to support the Mangkoso urban village to have the required WASH data and information. This data and information was collected from August to September 2017 through WASH social mapping as part of the participatory assessment from 332 respondents living in 7 RTs (neighborhood units) located in 2 neighborhood areas in Mangkoso. The aim of WASH social mapping is to provide valuable data and information, for example the number of households who do not have a latrine and septic tank in 7 RTs. This WASH data was very useful, especially for Mangkoso urban village office because it can be used to support the office to identify potential beneficiaries for receiving latrine construction support. “WASH social mapping under the participatory assessment activities is really helpful for us, because it can provide accurate and real time WASH data, since the data was collected directly from the Haslinah Hamka/USAID IUWASH PLUS SSEI Community members actively involving in the WASH social mapping for collecting the WASH data and information in

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WASH Data for Constructing 50 Latrines in Mangkoso

Responding to the instruction of Barru Regent in 2016 for the sub-district offices to allocate the 2017 APBD budget for constructing sanitation facilities, Mangkoso urban village in Soppeng Riaja sub-district planned to use this budget to build 50 latrines for households.

The plan to build these latrines is referred to in the community work plan developed in participatory manner as one of the reference documents to implement the water supply and sanitation program in its area. However, the lack of WASH data and information made it difficult for the Mangkoso village officials to identify which

households are entitled to be the beneficiaries of this program.

To overcome this challenge, USAID IUWASH PLUS has collaborated with the urban village office and Puskesmas to support the Mangkoso urban village to have the required WASH data and information. This data and information was collected from August to September 2017 through WASH social mapping as part of the participatory assessment from 332 respondents living in 7 RTs (neighborhood units) located in 2 neighborhood areas in Mangkoso. The aim of WASH social mapping is to provide valuable data and information, for example the number of households who do not have a latrine and septic

tank in 7 RTs.

This WASH data was very useful, especially for Mangkoso urban village office because it can be used to support the office to identify potential beneficiaries for receiving latrine construction support. “WASH social mapping under the participatory assessment activities is really helpful for us, because it can provide accurate and real time WASH data, since the data was collected directly from the community,” said Amirullah, the Head of Mangkoso urban village expressing his appreciation for USAID IUWASH PLUS support.

By using the WASH data collected from the mapping activities, Mangkoso urban village office identified 50 households as the beneficiaries to receive support in the form of latrine constructions. The latrine construction process started in December 2017, and by the end of the


Community members actively involving in the WASH social mapping for collecting the WASH data and information in Mangkoso urban village


(Left) The constructions of latrine started in December 2017. (Right) Finished constructions of latrine in Mangkoso urban village.

month, all 50 latrines had been successfully built. As a follow up action, USAID IUWASH PLUS will keep providing assistance for those households related to the operation and maintenance of the latrines.

Profil Kelurahan Mangkoso, Kabupaten Barru

Kelurahan Mangkoso merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Soppeng Riaja, Kabupaten Barru. Wilayah ini terdiri dari dua Lingkungan yaitu Lingkungan Wiringtasi dan Lingkungan Mangkoso. Lingkungan Mangkoso berada di pinggir jalan poros Makassar-Parepare, sedangkan Lingkungan Wiringtasi berada di pesisir pantai. Dari hasil penilaian awal, diketahui bahwa jumlah penduduk di Kelurahan Mangkoso ini adalah 2120 jiwa yang terdiri penduduk laki – laki sebanyak 1,021 orang dan jumlah penduduk perempuan adalah 1,108 orang. Mayoritas penduduk yang tinggal di kelurahan ini berasal dari suku Bugis dengan mata pencaharian utama sebagai nelayan. Sisanya adalah petani dan hanya sebagian kecil berprofesi sebagai Aparat Sipil Negara (ASN).

Kondisi Akses Air Minum dan Sanitasi di Kelurahan MangkosoAkses air minum masyarakat di Lingkungan Mangkoso sebagian besar adalah tersambung dengan PDAM, sisanya meggunakan Sumur Gali dan Sumur BOR. Di Lingkungan Wiringtasi, masyarakat yang menggunakan PDAM sebanyak 76 KK dan selebihnya menggunakan sumur gali dan sumur bor. Terkait akses masyarakat terhadap fasilitas sanitasi, sebagian besar rumah tangga belum memiliki jamban sehat. Berdasarkan hasil kajian awal, 113 KK yang masih melakukan praktek Buang Air Besar Sembarangan (BABS). Namun, berdasarkan hasil Musrenbang Desa, 50 dari 113 KK tersebut akan mendapatkan bantuan pemerintah melalui APBD Kecamatan untuk membangun jamban sehat.

Program – Program Sektor Air minum dan Sanitasi di Kelurahan MangkosoDukungan Program USAID IUWASH PLUS telah dimulai di Kelurahan Mangkoso sejak tahun 2017. Kegiatan yang direncanakan akan didukung oleh Program USIAD IUWASH PLUS di Kelurahan Mangkoso adalah sebagai berikut:1. Melakukan kajian awal program melalui beberapa kegiatan yaitu sosialisasi

program, pemetaan sosial, penulusuran lingkungan, Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus (FGD) dan Rembug Warga untuk menyusun Rencana Kerja Masyarakat (RKM).

2. Melakukan kajian untuk menentukan rumah tangga yang akan menerima bantuan pembangunan jamban sehat. Kajian ini telah berhasil mengindentifikasi 50 KK yang akan menerima bantuan pembangunan jamban. Pendampingan Program Tangki Septik Individu: USAID IUWASH PLUS telah melakukan advokasi di tingkat kelurahan agar masyarakat yang belum memiliki jamban bisa mendapatkan akses sanitasi yang layak. Dari hasil advokasi ini, direncanakan akan dibangun 50 tangki septik bagi 50 KK di wilayah RT 3 dan 4, Lingkungan Wiringtasi menggunakan dana APBD.

3. Bekerjasama dengan Dinas Kesehatan melalui kegiatan Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) yang dilaksanakan oleh sanitarian.