-the-bgubs glosinclufc ah lost -mmww....

•iiuyinJ luiuifu'j j i I'I'P'-IJMUUHI 1 f it JlJSCOiND EDITION. ROMB, isr. t„ wmfc^isisixkxJCT .mLf4-muaiH!)8M TWO'C^TTS. ,J3U -THE-BGUBS GLOSINCLUfc DRAWING -THEIR UNES-TMOIIE TIGHTLY *>BOUT MAFEKlNQ. Brilliant 9W0M* Char£a Had* by the Brltiih—Xhey Are Unable to Hold tie Tranche* Wh»jr Captwra—The Iowa la In Condition to Resista tons Si«S«. CATS TOWN, NOT. 15—A dispatch re celved here from Pretoria, under date of ThursdayTTSbv. 9, says the report received therefrom Ladyamtth said heavy can- nonading started at daybreak and that gome of the Boer forces were within 1,500 yards of the British, when the cannonad- ing ceased and rifle fire commenced. The Pretoria dispatch also announced tbat all was auiet at Mafeking and Elm- terley An undated dispatch fifpm.Wafeiing, ic ceived-by^rnhriery -vi# Magjalapje Wedaesjay. Nov. 8 f saya-.' •Today all la quiet. Wefaave.bj^ftqom:- bard^^r^^fil^lK^rieeltr 1 !^^ and bay#etog;,npraber9-of-t)ietBoe>iii- who idtrnt have feet ye^.beayily/ The 1 charge was mojat gallant and determined. The partjr could not hold the trenches, and lost, six men 'Wiled,, two prisoners aria nine!wounded in their retirement, W.g!^ct#:j&£e^^^ j '»T^hoffi^ata%eat':iias~bfSBffitBiin f effectual'.- Ev«ry one remalris under shell proqj ooBteri. The sjaells. haye only wounded one man.. The enemy are using one 94 pound Howitzer and seven guria, "" " Bandera. Thy-towi*4a-mo»t cheerful an^ddetermined to realst the at- tack to the utmost The Boers are en- " tienehed on every Bide in great numbers, and ara pushing gradually closer and ' Uoser to the town fortiflcatlonjj, "TSfeare well off for provisions'and water, though very' tired, dodging sheila and fighting. The campaign Is quite on I oivil'zed lineal Qett eronje^inus always 4 given due notice of a bombardmemvand allowed an ambulance party two hours, on Saturday* to reooyer - the bodies of the six dead left in the vicinity of the Boer . trenches, i saggy •ED OUTRIGHT Ion Between tha 16tt- FIVE Kllil Jt^BmriWm Co''' _j*HL^5RW«^tod *no that team. AMBTEBDAM, Nov. 15—A London ex- preestrom flushing collided with another near-Capelle, during a fog this train, morning Five persons were killed outright and 39 were injured, of which number 15 Sustained injuries from which theycan not recover The trains in collision were not mail trains A hospital corps has been sent to the scene of the disaster from Rotterdam NEQUECTED JURY DUTY Cornelius Vanderbilt Mast Pay a Fine of „«10O and «*0 Costs Niw YCBK, Nov. 15 —Cornelius "Van- derbllt for neglecting jury duty had ad- judgment entered against him yesterday in the city court for $110, which was made up-pf-a-Qne of f ISO anoTJfO «6si»".:" i T?Ee I judgment, the Herald says, was entered upon the application of, Corporation Counsel Whalen, representing the corn- day n i g h ^ p t a l l tttzcl^rioeraJftSfl'1e#. Swlnblrn,,%!(£:'»'DV squa^Whpt^eiBrq- tector^fe^ginjgnf; nSade::a^a«r|i|cent , , . . . , „ ., - ._-- -- - - - - - --^- , havontt charge nTibVthyBoers^afehohV ^l^<>P^of4nrora r -Oharles-^gelde r aha^t irientB,"lrTvBgthem from thlripbiittdnr £•**•*"* on , • » affidavit- o f - A ^ t a n t f Corporation Counsel Adrian T. Klernan, showing that Mr. Vanderbilt hid not obeyed a summonstoserve as a juror. . Corporation Counsel -Whalen in the early part of October, obtained an order requesting Mr. Vanderbilt to show- icSuse on October 11, whythepayiaefitrdl fthe-fte»~6li6ttTd~n«fc be- ^nfbreedr-^nis* order was served on Mr. Vanderbilt October . 2 at hte residence 60S Fifth avenue, - but as he failed tp appear In obedience to command at the time stated, MartafA-hlr.ya« pntofl and t.hft One was Imposed In addition to $10 costs. This was followed up yesterday with the entry of the judgment. Cornelius Van- derbilt when called upon by a reporter declined to dlsonsa the subject. KCJU8E TO HOU8E.^ANVAS8. What tha Syracose Bnnday School Valbn Accomplished. 8TEACTJ8I, Nov* 15.—The men who had Charge of the recent- Sunday school can- vass have completed their report for pub- „, ligation, and it shows a great amount of "On Friday night Jan.Botha, the Well; work and perseverance oh the part of the known Boer coinhiaJidanr, told a man work, of the Sunday School Union, with the ambulanoe-partTithat their-lossl The totals of each,, denominationlathe 1 had been heavy .and thai* his heart was '---—-< --- • • - — - - ^ -*-*<•-•- «- - very sore. The wounded include Cap- tain tfltzclarenGQ and: -Lient. Swinburn, both slightly. inaeiclrmiBh afc-the out- posts yesterday one tifooper was Jellied and nine were wonhded.»-'- AHec«d Bad BatTotti, -.. v LOUDON, NOV. .15.—A letter written by an offloer on'board the transport Knbla asserting that ,l l,60& latioDB^of salt.car- rion, labeled JSeWYbrk," 1899, hkd'tft be thrown oyerbdaro',ja. JtLW«!tfnll jpf dis- ease, "adding! "They only wit 36'wh the very worst portions of very Inferior beasts andjjjgs," has. aroused a storm of indignation against the- "rascally con- tractors and incapable admlraltytrans- port ofilcers who allowed filthy, salted brisket beef-to be- furnished to the troops." ' •-. •-...,. 10,000 plum puadipgtior the troopsJin: South Africa. These..puddlngi will-ag- gregate upwards of tertton^n Weight. •" COMSTOCK'S PRACTICAL ^OK^. . He Oaasaa a G n a t Ooauavotloa In a Kaw York Hniiatl. NEW YOBK, NOV. 15.—A man with a square chin and side whiskers went into the museum No. J21 Park Bow yesterday and looked at a white screen f torn a n aper- tnre in which, projected ah ebonyJiead with shining ivory-white teeth, The man removed bis overcoat, put dowtt, a cfaaiter and tools .alx well worsthaae ball* frjom] the counter!; •'•''.' A quick movement.of the ann,, a whirl of the leather and.ihe_o^lbrMrien9»-Ool- lapsed In a,heap behind the screen. -At the same moment the ball rolled into a receptacle marked "cigars."Themus«um was in uproar. ; The screehwas brushed aside and since then, it has been alleged persons were seen playing games of chance. "• " •. .': ** ' , "How for Mgoci pnioke," siid the ball thrower. "S'trangeT/ r iaM tbe manager, "f dons know wBac olnh you,-pi^h for but I am glad tomeei*sport*. ~Her» , ii your oigats/' u. The man looked at the sodden weeds and compromised with the manager for a dollar. He then oauBefc everybody In/the- eatablishmenttobe^Trea^ahd-charged|- wlth: gambling. Hir was Anthony Comi stock.. •-.-..' *'.:'.,.. seventy-nine districts into which the olty was divided are as follows: Baptist', 3,140: CathoMos t .i>J£oXEift; olples, 182; Church of God,. 5;«Congrega- tional, 1,181; Episcopal, 1 4 086; :^rng&,' :caLAsaoolationv lSarferesv^tfethogl'st. 59; Jewish, 031; Lutherain; HfiTV; Methodist Bpiaoopal, 3,159;' MethodUf ProUetatit, 809j Presbyterian. 2.101, BefOrmedi^} reformed' IPreshyterian,' W; TeB»«Ti*f 200; tfalTersallst, 188; WeeleytoMethM- let, 144; no preference, 890; notat home, ; refnillTOtofmlUofi, S2^mWpIill- ous, 804; vWtowat WO>k t 5 , ^F28,S08 records were taken. .; : f" AH LOST -mmww. tm JCREW-OF-THr^EPNA EMMA WASHED OVERBOARD. AND Tha Captain ana tffs Wifa SbvcVt Befog* la tha Oabln.'Whar* Their bead Bodias Ware around Whan tha Wrtok Wat Dla- ooTered—An Uodalahea Dlaty. PBTLADBifBM, Nov. 15.,—Private ad-- •foes received here today from St Pierre, Miquelon, tell of thejwreck of the Ptilla delphta & Baltimore schooner Edna and Emma, and the loss of the captain, his wife, and the crew of five men. The schooner was reoently, towed "into St. Pierre, bottom up "When the ship was righted, fn the cabin, were found the bodies of Captain Richardson and his wife A water stained diary kept by the captain stated that on »May ~l the Edna and Emma en- countered a iiarce northeast storm, One by. one ,the members of the orejrwe^gj wailed overboard apd the^daptaTln and 1 bis wife sought refuge in the cabin. •• At this point the story of the diary ends.— J .BAPiP-,TRAN8r;T-m-NEW YOftK^ It Is Eitlmatad the. Ppdergronnd Bipta'm WU1 doit 0»or 830.00,0.000. Naw YORK, NOV. 15 —Advertising ap- pears ^in this, morning's papers r for bidders for the underground rapid transit road wbloh is to be owAed^iby the oity- [ind^pi^sefttiiy the^pj^ satiBttM th^iequtremehtrTriyesiamalJgai tbatthe-eostjof the-seta* wilLba.lietjre*nv| |30,(K)0;000 and |40,COO,000. . The successful contractor will get a lease forfitty.yearp,wiWrthe privilege of ajjgenewal for ^ years.,- He mnst pay charges consisting of Interest on bonds is suedby the cit^ and one per cent into: a sinking fund. He shall pay lniidditton a percentage of the proas receipts when they shall-exceed 5,000,000. The amount' of this percentage to depend upon the. value of thCtfranohise. Eaoh bidder must deposjt wlththe com- mlssioaerss certified oheblrtoT ftCO.OCO as a guarantee of good faith. Otherwise his bid. will not be noticed, if the bidder | s t6wfiom"theoontraqe~shall be awarded, _ does hot carry put the oontraot the oneck Ifistport. Will i>e forfeited. ' When the contaraot- Ijf^ delirered^he contractor will be ia attributed in the w i n to the genera) p^oefpe^l|yih bus!iew»evalent through- dht the'country.". '.^m The;n»o|t nQtablenlvent of the year was the bJ*nii^'Of4|iatate dam at the he^S^p^'aTalE^k^fe^oh^|g"Bto5^ millions pjfl?auons;-OTj?ater, and -whioh durtag-the latterjpartsj ' fin future season^ Mlj tant feeder for ChW spite of the continued summer the pn,liI(o:#n todeposit $1,000,000 In cash or to sfojtttfc ties;- Other guatante*s are-exact«4 that the contract shall be fully executed, _B_p9tON & ALBANY LEASE,. Form S»tl»f«otory to "ProHo»»« Coa»- tnlttab" and Will &a Ratified, "^r»^iOK,>(ov. ie> —An arrangenient nas been made by which the form of lease of the Boston & Albany Railroad to the Net'Ybrk Cehtial -Syifoaa tm bejEii made satisfactory to the so called protect- ive committee and an addition of f 1,500,* 000 has bees made to the cash about to be paid b f t u e New York Centra.! Bail« road. The protective committee basde ~~piiaea"that7 , nnaer H QtoeeiMumst^o«Hthfcra. it la for the best interests of the property and the stockholders that this new lease Bhouldbe ratified. .a I^ita Oat Down to 00 ¥«aii, FAILED TO ^|EE TwiHyEONlDS. CiDwatfng Olandi Kaka JU1 Ohsatvatloaa IpvaaslMa. * _ ^.n.^ ...... ,^— ^, , it —ig . t the , » Mjl> . 1n ._ tho gtockhblders' meeting, of the Boston & Albany Bee. .27 will be practically unanimous in favor of ratifying the lease of the property to the New York Central & Hudson River Rail- road Company.- In addition to the an- nouncement made -yesterday in Boston that an agreement had been reached sat- isfactory to the protective committee, It is understood that the oricinal term of the lease, which, w a s for 990 years has been cut down .to 99 years, and that the cask payment of fl?5O0,C00 more as orig- inally proposed will make the/ Boston & Albany stockholders realize about 8} per cent, on their holdings. ' The lea** JUtlQtd. Niw YOBK, NOV. 15,—At a\ s^ meetlng.of.the,NewJfotk C^tra^a^toct-, ore today the lease of Ihe Boston & Al : bany R. R. was ratified. / ' v ' 950 IDLE goYJVlOTS. N«w Indoitrlo-Axo Daidrad for Sing Valley went to bed this morning'without catching a glimpea-of the star showers of ieonioju. -From JDivenport eaittoNeW York, according to tha dispatches re- ceived by the weather bureau, the sky was overcast. Despite the -adverse* con- ditions, at the university parties of pro- fessors and students jtuok to the roofs and tar-the- cameras whioh thej- had mounted against the coming of the star shower. Carnal!* Offara'AnaUiar Xlbrary. LoTjiBvrjai; Ky, Nov. 15.—Andrew Carnegie has written to the Louisville Polytechnic Library Society offering to Bntscribe f 125,000 for the conjtrtictlon of a .public library building provided the city pay at least $10,000 a year for run- ulng eIp«Iiiw••andthe•'pnrchA^e'andre-- newa^ of bookii. The proposition Will prtsented to th%city councils v i' •'•' •« Was** of Ballrosd Maa Inowaatd. idHlclaQO, Niov. 15—The.Chloago, Bnr- lington & Quincy and the Chicago & Illinois railroad companies hate" decided to increaie the'wagis of their engineers, the part of each company fs volantary and is based on growth, in earnings. En- gineers andflremenon the Ess tern Illinois will have theJrwa«es'tocwased. ', MoKInlaT-araatana thatlllprnoa. - WASHntGTOJSfi^Nov.I4*^-TK6, president is making efforts to secure the protection of the Spanish prisoners^ with the* in- surgents in the Philippines. A cable message has''beeh^tejtt to: G^n. Otinaid by him forwarded to Gen. MacArthur with Instructions to get It to Aguinaldo, if posalbTe'relating to this-subject. The president requests the kindly and humane treatmcnt-of-the-Spanish- prlsoners^ffnd the message also contatnaah intimation that any orthe*InsurgentS responsible for the 111 treatment of suoh>prlsoner3 will be heldtostrict aoconntr when they are taken by the United-States forces operat- ing in the islands^ ; Fnnatonio Batnni^o Btanlla. TOP&KA^KBS., Nov; 5,5,-den. Pnnston si^e<prdpo«e-to4eave-hereHteday- for-| SanFianclsco, froouwhlchplace the gen- eral will sail for Manila. /The general i afraid the war in the Philippines will be over before he xeaches his destination,. Gen, Funstonsald'he would drop the suit (or libel against Archbishop Ireland. . AwardaAtoaSyraCTittFiraB. -^iBHTHGtd*i^v^io^T^ni^avy-de» partmeht hai awarded, the contract for the new steam engineering buildings at Brooklyn navy yar^toCBrleh &HonH-, bin of Syracuse. JTite price to be paid for the construction of the buildings is $83L- 000. The buildings are to be completed within Jen months,'-and are t o b e one-] paneljshpre of stahdaralength adverHsed* ^' Ix-8«eretarr Vottac'a K4w Offloa. "NBWYOBK:, Nov. 15.—Governdr-elect Nash of Ohio, a telegram to the World from Columbus, says, announces that be will appoint Charles poster one of the stateprison managers at a salary of $1,000 a year. Mr. Foster, who Is 71, was a member of congress four terms, governor two terms and secretary of the treasury under President Harrison. Cost Stewart Bnt »16 to Dtf*»t SBaset., NEW YOBK, NOV. 1$.—Berts M. Stew- -art's campaign expenses in'the 19th assembly district in/hrlnglng-Jabont the defeat of Robert Mszet are stated by him in his affidavit filed with 'the county cle^tohayeneen fl6rm«a« tfP at v«-| for eab hire and $10 for .canvassing' i . Tha Flags* on ^ St«»iner. TBIRSTB^NOV. 15.—The.captain of the f t Baton Lloyd steamer Bernice" from guitos for Trltste reports front the Cape verde Islands, Nov, 5, that he has ths Plague on board and that three of those attacked had since dleSy * r t> XAWMwea Xtp aarto'ttto nC fr NBw YORK, NOT. '15.-CoL I»-Jt»n» |ip, president of, the Subutban Bidtog & Driving CJttb, is reported to be very.ili athii home, 458 fifth ftTentw. \-*- jfg0 ItaM'WMsttad M the Hat Work*,- «5 North 3mm Jtwet to. hats fha? did s^le^attjt- m* d Into ths latost style ctari»VDiut* W<» Knox. >F6t*'t*w «W we *fll ty- Wo* one hat for -**ch psrsoft i«f » "wti, , Hit by a YaWac Itt*. WATRBTOWWr-^OTr-^=-^e8da^-aB-}- EdwardStlmson, wh^o^lives near Green- bOro, Oswego county, was working in the lumber woods for Wise &-Jenke, near West Center,~a tree fell and struck/him pn the head, cutting a cash-four Inches long and fracturing the Skull about six inches. He is"in a critical condition and. may not recover. , Sins and Clinton Pritoaa. Ara&BX/Nbv. 15,-^npertetsnsdsnkoi State Prfaoiia C. Y. Cbulns at t h e reeynt meetirlg of thr state prison oommlssion made a'request to that body that new In* dustrles be assigned to these state prlions sufficient to employ 600 Idle convicta at Sing Slngprison and 850atGlinbonprlson. .. At"the lattejLpjrtopn the convicts have beenfkeptemployedrdmlngthfr summer at oltdooFworfc -'•. ^\ -"Z "' This request was referred to t^e'obm BOlJCMrtjfe. BREAK _ .^ T .J^HKEM^^Mto ToraataanrtWSS-tho-PPly-Ona-ot-1— ] , •• ,°- ,„—•'-'', 'it -"•.-- -..- That at ?orastpt>rt WSS-tho-PPly-Q°a- a Seiioas tatora AOJJiMY, Nov. 15»«*The canal season this year hat been tinnsually successful. Tha canals opened affdate earHeV-tharr in fojrnter years andhaje continued with- out any marked inMrraption to render excellent service tlutfhghout thoeason. The Erie, ChampliiD s Oswego and Cayu- ga and Seneca oahals>opened April 26, and If they remain own until the con- templated date, Bee. l, they will have had a season ol 318 din, and under the circumstances antloipjucd the Black River Canal will have had ajeason of 198 days. The.numbet of tots carried on the canals this "season by far exceeds the number cattiedMastyeaav-^ £ The state department of public works has compilations xLjf&o November"!, which show that thewotal number of tbhsrcatrled'tWs^ysSllf* 3 3,161,679.,. as, c.6mps«Bd^'wltlft^f" " " 8pohding pericid;of :• this-year i7 of,2S>9,fl4|s ^frNttv^psj^-toei'tj^iui..,. so that tlie inoreiase'^Sie end of the sea son willbe hf abOn|M'iame proportion. The sea'gon has:-bee|. : one of good for- tune tOiCanal boat lBtJif8t3. The de _____ ment ol public^w.O.rs^^a "lot yefSnUer' takentoanalyze the} '8 for the cbrre- year, an increase 'nriug. the-moath~| ;e is usually light rounded up after being" watched for sev- er*l_months and were formally held by a police magistrate on the nominal-charge of being suspicious persons.. .^The police of New York say that they- have -been convicted of obtainingmany "thousands of dollar* under false pre- penses. The prisoners -are: Alonzo J. Whitemanof DansylUe^^". Y., a grad-J luateTof OolumblaTiaw~SohoTSl7"f o state senJitor of Minnesota, a former can- didate for congress and once a"million-1 aire; Frank Edmunds-, a olerk, of New Yorkt^^hnr^hompsonv^aliaflir-William •creased traffic' It f-Hartleyt aHa&Ps-Lawfony alias DftH^eor W. Johnson, olerk, residence nnknown; Robert-J. Knox, lawyer, of New York. There is under arrest at -Pittsburg a -fifth member of the gang, Charles, J). Stewart, alias Charles Ward, about 60 or W-years old. He was r arrested-at Pitte-- judicipus use ofi|t|e ; 3 various lakes an§^«i|ii system m% zM&M^M When hundreds fbf- 1 ! ceased operations'•' M. lack of Bnfflciehtwat private Jndnstriesahd] water from the sann t e r stored in the oira of the canal itinue narigationi! lis and factories [onsequence of a .power, ^Where e canals obtained Qtirce'the policy ate interests for fi'asfbeentosacrifice those of the stateiil There Iwva been few treaks. The most serious was a t th]r«at« regervoir at For- It was^MpaJ :d, however, be* fore any considerable - nonntof damage wasvdone. TBe«the>.i •eaks _ were of~a rninpr ohara^ter:.:*" ! aa ing the notable ejrTOtsotthe^iB^minliil .tionpf Superin- tendent Partridge Sai een the ad minis- tration p( the finances! his aepattment. When.helook; ohW|e •< his department he found that there practically a de- ficiency ; "t^bat IF, 'tRaVa argerfpart of the apj>r^pjjaaa&'thafefMlin propprtlort to' the«monntne>o©Bf»rrP---••--- - L - - partment to this sncl of |he fiscal year had been spent, He ctoaedlhevflecalyear on October 1, WIthQpi»^efic1S. Another fea'ture of the,year.w«f».the enforcement offthe 8hourlawlhtesard to lock ten- ders. On Oct. IfbirJasfenof thatstat- ttte, It was nec«ajaryt^irictease the'force of lock tenders on th|*Erlo Ca^al one- WILL YEAR* Uowaxd Benbnxn BtqefeDIe) tht Weak •* ___. .. •-'-^nxuf^i^^sA^^^-^ BATAvii, STov. 16.—iSt'oward Curtis Behhaa, oonvlcted of the* murder of his" wffe fn Batavvla on Javitiary 4, J897, arrived here, at 11;05 o'clock this morning from Aubnrn prison h>Cnarge of the principal keeper and, tr>s driven at once to the court honse^-where Justice Hooker, sitting in supreme conrt, set the week beginning January U,|900, as the time for his electrdcutiouT^TJenham lefc on his retnrn/to Aubura 'at ll:2i» via Canahdalftuniavhig been in town only 80'mlnntti. * , "When asked by the court if he hadany- thing to say w h y th« sentente should not be prono'nnoed, Benham, ina firm tone butnotabove ^whisper, saidl fNb. lT '^Chire was considerable Butprise when no - motion for a new trial Was made. Benham- did not ride back-tothe depot, bht walked, followed by* crowd of near- ly" 500 people. His three, sisters were :#l went to Elmira with his father's family, :|T»T:gnW"T^wa]r^ DAN8VJLLE MAN IMPLICATEtJ I N A BIG SWINDiLE.- - •- - Ha la Alleged to Bo tha Head of a Gang; That BUI Bqien OpsratlOB In Many ..0itlaf, Qbtnlninf-Thoiieands of DOLUBTS ITnder l^lse Pretenaee—flva Anmstfl Naw YORK, Nov. 15. —There is at police headquarters here a quartet of prisoners in whom the police of almost every large American city, many of the leading busi- ness houses, hanks and trust companies Fatal right with Boboora. , TiTOsyiiM, Pa.,. Nov. 15.—Chief of Police McGrath died this morning from Bloom, proprietress of "The Front," where t h g ; shpjtlng^jgfioatireoVhfla Jbeen taken to the bltyhospitaLsuffering from nervous prostration. McGfrath's death is third resulting from this affairs *,, ASK to see our Patient Leather Dress Shoes, former price $4, out price $2 98, _ and polished any time free of charge at SohoaTptormw| CroBar&- C^eonnor^sy - FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Acoofiaing to the : statomenirgfven out f ^XQ^tete-McCluBky, chief of aetecfetve's, Hartley, under the namtToTBr. George the-season-and : | be a most impor- iplain_Oanal. In y"weather-of t h e i ^ . g ^ in Bl . oo]t ]y n lor^he'purohaseuof A Dy I $10,000 house. Dft Johnson" said he would pay $5,000 \V. Johnson, entered into negotiations with the real estate firm of John F. James prices of'the, leading railways were •slightly if regular-in aympatliy with the unsettled tone of the London market. Southern Pacific w»s Lfttyored with simultaneous sales of 6,600 shares ranging- -from 4ii)£ .^'o 4S%. Lost night's close was 42H. -Th'6 specfaltiee generally shewed wid65.ritiftuatiom.Mefe-.Su R'J, Iciat JtJfr and a nfifeWj^Loth^rsranfiliig^efther^way. . . N0t»tt ^.Concerted attack on the Iroifc4nd.ateel "iStie» repfessfed the ^roup over a f>oint mi irn- l&rjced weakness all arouncl. Standard railroad-| Shares dropped t6 the lowest andSugar,I,eather., Broowyn Transit, Conapl.lda'ort Oas and.Gen. Eloc. lot WW Demand for N. Y. Or aiid Atchison pfti, developed at thn lower level and these stocks milled sharply. The general mftr- tef Ulso liardeued, hut Uiu muneiuuut laoXuU I down and wbuld carry « ^ „ » » a ^ l » e ^ S l | S j | l . . & 4 «^8S^o^ «^4JSJS $5,000 on afirstmortgage. In negotiating with the 1 Ceintrai Trust Company ,of Brooklyn reearding the interest on'the mortgage, "Dr. Johnson" managed tose- onre |3Q0 on a fraudulent', check front the company, he having deposited a drafts for $3,000 drawn on the Hoboken-Loan and Savings Institution. lids was one of the many oases of a similar nature, Captain MoGlusky says, Hartley will have to answer for. _ Several months ago-a man claimingtoI Bt'v'&X^'o^.'Z.m^ be " W. L. Howe, cashier ot the National "^ """^ ""' Bank ofJLawiencejNiYv^orderediO.QOQ draffs' ot a certiin design- from a flfmof lithographers in this city-and .paid for them in cash. They were sent to him "Care" of Mrs. Whitman,DanBviUeYN.Y." A few days later a North River ferry- boat deckhand found one of .the books of iBIh&retlJtoagj^ W«» w n t iaSbj •" 500 people. His three, sisters waiting for him as he cameout, and he kliaed them affectionately^' " i- 1*- jf. - : . j ^ *-L~ ^ - ^ - ^ ^ i _ . 1 Kara- ROUTE TO iCHJpAGO. tha Totk G*pltiIIiti Mm* Control _ W n i s r s aa*r?J»na-jS»i?fefrd; BaffflMOBt, NoV. 16.-j©eluite plans are now nnder consideration' for the safe of the city's holdings in the Western,] Maryland Railroad Company,toa syndi- cate of New York capitalists. Details of to a detective bureau, Soon reports of bogus drafts began to pour in from all over the country. They were all made on these forms and drawn on the Nation- al Bank of Lawrence, N. Y. Investiga- tion by the police traced them "back to Whiteman, who lived with his) mother in O.ansville, N. Y. There, it 1B alleged, he formulated t h e plans and hisJtools a l l over the country carried them out. Another operation recounted by Cap- tain MoOIusky occurred on October 8 last. The First National Bank ot WoonV 4lcckeVJt.X,.paid ! |8,00D on.a^f 10,000 worthless draft drawn by the Lawrence ^National Bank of Lawrence, Kan., o n trie First National Bank of New York city. This deal, the police state, was operated by Charles E, Stewart, alias Charles Ward, aided by Edmunds, Thompson and Knox, and directed fromDanav}lle by Whiteman. ' t After this money was secured the men except Whiteman went to Pittsburg, where the next Victim in the shape of the Tradesmen's National Bank was to bo worked. * , The Bcheme»there. according to the po- j-lloe, was to deposit $1,000 in cash to open an account and give tbe moo a stand- ing. This,was done.- A boga*draft-fox $4,000 was to follow and .then an effort made to draw $3,000. Stewart, alias .Wi«ajjra«J6Q dq.the work. . H t e ls„grajf and venerable. The bank was notified by the police and the plans were made for thearrest of the entire* gang When they .came on, Monday to draw- the $3,500. The plans miscarried and Stewarc alone was caught. The other three escaped to N e w York. Pitts- burg's: police "wired Captain McCInsky and they were caught soon after landing holdings of about 4,000 shaws of the rail- road'eompany's stocks are belpg arranged. mittea oh industries wlth-^inrtxucWons-fo^l^he-^w-^fork representatives have consult with Supk Ctollins.astothemost *— * - 1Li *--"• ' -'-* ' J - advisable assignments to make and re- port back at the next meeting. Hn.. iPlant Wants Mora Than «30,6o^, NKW Y/c$av v Nov. IS.—tfonferencjjs are. being jheld between the attorneys of the estate of Henry B. Plant and-the coonsel of his widow, Who la not satisfied with the provision of $30,000 made for her un- -derher huaband'TWill. Hhs^fBrtuhB—ir| rotighy estimated to be $lfi,000,000. Friends of Mrs. Plant think thatitis un- likely that the matter will get to the courts, as ever/ effort -is being made to reach an^underStandlng Without litiga- tion; V- ~ " - - L ThaValhyria to Ba Bacad Again. PAisLBt, Scotland, Nov. 15.—-!^ is an- nounced thajba manufacturer, of this place Is about to purchase the yacht Val- aytie„and that he intends to race.her against the Columbia, Shamrock and^C. D. Rose's Distant Shore, wbloh* is to b e launched from Henderson's shipyard December 5.* »•» " ' Ttmki'Mxkt folee ojf Brooni Corn. -'. AUSTI&DAM, Sov. 15.—The trust tbat4 has purchased eighteen-twentieth* of all this year!sL;crap_pf brootti_cornin,the United States, has agreed to makeithe price ot Illinois Central broom obrn'$l00 per ton f. o.b. cars, all other grades of broom corn to fbUowvm price according to quality. > X -. t" . ' jr^rry Boats colridfc - ^ ' N»WYote,Nov,i«.-^n«i Pennsvlva nia ferry Jjoat St Louis and the Dela war*, Lackawanna & Western Railroad boat Hamburg collided about ZBldnigat. Both boats were ooasidarably damaged, but were able to, make their, pleri. No onewafburt, , . * Horcan Matt Produce tha Books, NtffiJYOBg.ZNbj^lfi.-T-The' V. SZcit- cult court of appeals handed down's de- cision today affirming a decision of, the TJ. S. district court, Judge 'Brown, Im- posing a fine of $100 on Arthur J . Horgabj president of the Horgan &' m Srattery Cor* poration, for contemptof court in failing to produce the books Of the'cjCTporaiiott before a referee in bankruptcy, and - sen- tencing Horgantoprison till he shall pro- duce the books. .' i j ' VioUaltt Shot Dead. - - ••• KiHGSTOJf,Ont., Nov. 15.—John James, a wellknown Tiolinlstr was shot-and-ln- stantly killed this morning by* Charles Fraliok,^ proprietor of the Cataragnl Driving Park Hotel. FraHck gave him self up to the police. Great mystery sur- rounds the affair, which may h e . cleared up at the inquest. "• > * plan for the building o t a competing trunk lilejbo Chicago in conjunction with the Western Maryland Railroad. They claim, to have a route 56' miles shorter than, either t h e Pennsylvania or the-'Bal- tiniore & OhiotoBaltimore and, that by reason ot such diminished distance, they can make Baltimore the greatest coal cen-i cer on the Atlantic coast* thBSeT, In some way JKnox became acquainted with Whiteman. In 1898, in the City of- ,co, he purchased $7,000 . to ISjOOOj irth-of-dlamonda-andgavedraftedrawn on Whiteman. The drafts were returned unpaid and Knox was arrested and cpn- vioted and served a sentence of two'years' in prison. His friends\ have always claimed that bis conviction was unjust. •tatamerit Hada by County Klsctlon Com- , mlMipnara In Knox County, Kantncky— 1 Thay Claim thn\They War* Forcad by Xa Drnnkan Mob to Oarttfy tha Vote. FBAHKIOBT, Ky., Nov. 15.—It IS con- ceded here that the Kentucky election will remain in a tangle until the meeting ot the state election commissioners, the date of which has not been set, but will occur during the last, week of this month The county election conrmlsHloneru In Hnox county, who-certified to the vote in that county, will: filr a - supplemental" statement with the state board, stating that fraud and Intimidation were practiced by, the Republicans in every precinct and-that the county commissioners were overawed and forced by a mob of drunk- en men to certify the vote, and will olosja {hy-recommendingdihat. the entire viste bV thr/iwnout. Gen. Taylor received 1,884 majority in Knox county. » NlW StocW, Bbnaa andTtottiar. _; " . •. _ Yoaa.. %v. IS •?• Opening-, -i- Ooebing force' exceot the high, priced Industrials. Money I firm at Oa?^ 1 .?.9 DBr . at 5©6>ki Ex- 483 and 48<V^4B0^ r Corrnnerolnl bills. 480&. Silver cottiflcatee,' 59oC0. Bar silver, 5814. Mexican dollara, 47>^. Government ooude easier. Western Union... - 88!4 Am. sugar...;—16SJW Tonn. O. & I......114W OntrtSs- Weati..i.i-,-3t^ Atchison.., iH^fi U. B^*ather 25 •*- U. Bileathen- pfdi 70 U. 8. 6'8reg Ill U. B. B'B coup. 111 Erlo seconds ...... 71— West Shore 4'a. 118W TJ 8 4's rog. now -lSOIa Amer Express..,.148 Canada ^ X. 6M4 O.O. O &8t. L... 10 ' Delrifc~Hiid8on,. i ilS+*< Del.L. AW Ifc8« Lake 8hore .188 Manhattan! ..... '..U2U N, J. Central U2li No; PiroiflC pf d.... 745I Nr-Y-r^entral.«.^48744V Paolfto Mall V. 4S| U.S. 4's coup new.lS9 Qeh.Electrio, new.l EeadtoK—•, so; , "T ."" SKT0KB lOJiBD.' Raw YOBK, Nov. 16.—3 p.m.—Sugar was taken In hand and advanced, a point over last night. Othorwlso epooulotloa was dull and unlnterest- Inirnnd-pricea Bteody. Btaoks closed notivo and firm. Moatson—: ..... is WheuUnyft L J5.. Ity do prefairad .. SSVS do 1st pfd -58 Utnada Boutbtra Ones* Ohio... O.Dft<J , OOO* BtL. D«l* Hodsoa DelL*iW.„ I*keShore. u . Um*. Naah, Ainor fca^KM.. W 4m Tobacco .117^ do praWrred... 143 Oonsolldatad Qu loa^j CedaraT Steel fCn do preferred... 78H , BB Electric, iiwliH% A<m&f do do -* -" Mb, Kan*T«rptd ia T Hlasonrl Faclflo.- 48& N JOantral. J ..... t2l NY^XJentral.—.187M Northern PaelBo. Sijfi do jjweftifted,^ «» for W a a t ......... lC:?a '-||4iWaat-,i,i.iii-!i,6M. _-,-»;.—. ^ reav^.#-, 8t Vtki,^.'ZZ'jX4^, BtP*nl*0»»h».llv - Southern Paciflo.. 43)i BttBaJIway j>ffl 67 ntUoaPaclrie...... 47>4 D»IOB Fee ptd,..i-7fiM Wabaih.—.. .i- 7m _iRAniLia_i}iAB(ffl). REPUBLICANS ALLEGED TO HAVE PrtAGTICED INTIMIDATtON. _ * ^ ALBASY, Nov. 15.—Shortly after Dewey day was: celebrated in New York city De- partment Commander Joseph W. Kay, of theG. A. R. issued an^ order that he^ja*/ furnished the names of'members whoj^i- . _ raded te nnifoxmtbat day in violation of the,order ifeenedTprlfir to the. parade that"... -no €L Ai B-jnember was lo-maxch Wilfc - the column. In response to this order the reports which have been submitted . show that there \^ere only eight delin- quents and one of these was a suspended nymber. The other seven^ plead a mla- appfehenpioh or the order. ... Hoapltal for Coninrnptlvaa. 8YBACU8B, Nov. 15.—A number of Syr- aense phjsiclane are interested in having a bill introduced in the legislature this winter which will provide for the estab' lishmeht of hospitals for the^treatmentot ptttleniaBuffeTipgirom pulmonary tuber-. . culosls outside the limits' of cities ot the second class. The matter will be pre- sented to the Syracuse Academyof Med- icine. Last year a bill was passed by Whichrcttlesof-^herntetr-elasswere-g^ven the power of establishing such Institutions here. Whiteman, who camel from Danaville to this city on Saturday last, was arrested at St. Mark's Hotel ^on Fifth avenue, where he had registered as-"C. W. Cald- well of ShUa^elphla" He had bfeen _ ptd.. 70 raelflo Mall 4$H Peoble't G a s ..... lis Pullman Enlace...lfcrt* Snnr EcBnery 15% T«nn Coal * Iroa.lifiH W ViTelafrapsu. m U 8 t!t—.........ICO-M ,.,,.ii»x do B'i.ootip..j..tll Atohtlon4'B...»i- J.8-4 do A 4"8 ...... „ . 81% KKAT ad*.../.. 70 «• «•" rs„.L. 88M TtxTaoSndi ..... 66 WattBboretcBM.lsa MnAlrPow.Tbld.- Kaw Tork Product starkati NEW YOKX, Nor. 15.—Flour receipt*, 2«,831 barreui; salM, asoo paclcatM state and wnitern msrkats quiet and stltt in buyers favor, although not,quotably lower. Winter patents, $3.60 08-75; winter itralghts, I8.8CO3.60; winter ex- tras, t3.60a8.E5; winter low grafleav %SiJtsm 40; Minnesota.^patents, SS t 7r«a06; Baxeri $2/650 11,15, By»floor,easy: tales barrels; good to fair, *340as.«; choice to fancy. t3.4CA3.70 Wheat, recelbts. 131.450 bushels; nales,- 875,000 -bushelir-optiong weak and, lower—becaus«~«f- dlaappolntlng cables and foreign' selling Prices broke half a cent before midday 1 .- March, 7BH© 75«orOlay,, 755j07S9<a5 Dtcenlbef,. 71 5-18, western, 5914c r, 0. 0. alioat. to. arrive. (Jorn, reoelpta, 188.H00 buthels: sale*, 26.000 buidiels. Opt! >na ateady on light offerings la face of lower joaMea.and.thebreaklnjdwat. May,88M.-88MC. OatS, receipts, 20^5iTBlSnoi8. - Blow anchSBrflt Ml. Track whjte, state S0Q84a; track white, western,' SOaMp.-r-Beof-.-rosrltet llv. SIH.50O13 00 mesa, $10,50; tx .12.00. ^ork, steady; newmau.J* £030.75; torn. lljTsil.75O12.00; ahort^cleaK-$is[£!SiiS.OO. lard, ea?y^ prime, weateni .«t«aji..$5.90 nomlnaL outside the city limits. Tha'^ltoUnanx,Trtal'. " SEW y6aK, Nov. IST.r^The trial of Ro- land B. Molinetuc, who is accused of the murder of--Mrs. Katherine J. Adams in December hut, was re'sumed today. Tho work ot selectttrg a jary waa taken up again. ' Nfo juror was accepted at yegter^, dayi*seseTon-oi:- ttwj J OTurt.*~TEe-prisoner l s- : 7— father sat at the counsel table with his son today as he did yesterday. Not a ioror had beenjwoured up to &3G p* m. {<famea Monro*,* Alleged B'samUt.. BOCHSIBTSB. Nov. 15.—James Monroe, the alleged Digamist, who t\ accused of v marrying Mrs. Mary Jane Colthar of . BUnker Hill, III, for the. purpose of§- swindllng her out of her money, was [brought back to Rochester from Chicago this morning by Detective Kavanagb. JktrJM^ltftax^who^wapt-to cadaago, with - the detective for the purpose ot establish- ing tbe Identification of Monroe, returned dn thejthe sianje.train... Monro* was ar- raigned in police court, where he pleaded not guilty. Bis esse was Jid^manedLSSz -t ^ til the 21st Inst, on account of the absence ot his attorney. Xarlbirnake la I'arn. LmA, PerUj via Galveston, Tex., Nov. 15.—Tnere were no celestial phenomena last night, but at 12:30 o'clock this morn- ing there was a strong earthquake shock; accompanied by a great rumbling. The people of Lima and Callao were alarmed and rushed to the streets, public squares busbelir-optfdns we*k ftndJower-^ecaiiM-^H^nasca-DWUin. .,—^*^. ^hB^eahdJoie the oltyVytranrter <Wt»tBBndiasf ln^rfeMons^o-hhnaelt by tele-4 phrme^d?tiislegraphto occupy a b o i a ^ the horse jshow and to dine at various njfominent c l u b 3 L __^ WANTED AlonxaJ IN MANY PLACES. Harrow B»eap> at-ayraeaiyr STBAOOSKKNOV. 15.—A; rariid^ transit car on the North Sallna street line struck a canal Hit bridge in mid-air and barely escaped plunging^into the Oswego Canal yesterday morning SomeflfteehpasEeh^ ger»on the car werer^Tjfe''«,'BeVeife fright. Two women fainte|l-j.htifr quick- l y recovered. Thetopof the car: at the iranfc*jndL w a s demoliaheda : Itea tha bridge Wn a few feet-higher the cat would have plunged Into the canal with its load ot human freight. ~ "" - ~ """"^•""•^•"•••-aaani^BB^naaajai Th« Kantncky EUetion Kuddla. IiOnisViiiLK, Ky., Nov. 15 —One vote la tho~plurallty .credited to Ooebel In the whole staje by the Courier-Journal in its table of corrected election returns; This toMe includes a gain of IS&voteainHar- tteSTfoonntyj^where conuty-«ommissiori Whiteman la a Familiar Hun* In Pollen Olrelea. UKW YOBK, NOV. 15— Captain- Mc- Clusky of- t h e defective bureau baa re- ceived .Beveralrequest^^om'thejoAice_pf Idiflarent cities to hold Alonzo WMte- |Tnan, who was arrested here-Moitdajr| era today thraw out twoTaylor precincte. , The-CJomtaercial'sflgares show no change tllnTSefylterdayjTaylor being given-a plu- rality of 8<18^ Btutla Showing Ht»r Wand. " YOBXMEtiirA* Not. 8 - C y i * Victoria, B. C, Novr 15).—Russia Is now showing her •hand-without-reserve OK the continent tlstuang peninsula, which Japan was forced to Cede back-to China, is how Rus- slavn1*rtlt«ryi Its^ovenunehtrls^dmln Sight with three other men onsuspicTon of being engaged in a bigswindllng game. The four arrested here 'were re? mahded yesterday for 48 "hours and they will not bet taken to anyscourt today; Captain McCInsky received the folio wing dispatch from Chief of Bollce O'Mara of Pittsburg this morning which 'stated: I'Hold Knox. Will send requisition papers next mailT 11 state weA Penaiylvaali, I3J»4 vioia off; wattarn. ...... , . 1 _ atnsark, «s»soa. ,y|a|»f».rawf sssisdys talc reflntog. s 13-36?? flenftlMgal 90_test, 4J40! SnolaaseS, sti—- * ««»••-- - iteady; crushed, 511-Ti . Uted. JS S-I80. Coffe*, Tallow, quiet; city, "" . „^ ra JUue£yM''PP" 1 » 750^*3. Hops, I quiet choice, lSKi.'^'P'.iSSj 18 ? ! ' P 1 ^ S 9-16C ' Banned, iwdered. 5)<o: granu- SuU; Mo. 7, 6M0. « u n t r r ; 4X©4Ke, Ba; cood to cho? atate comntpn to crop, 1 cpas]L_ Jf .So; C»i 1899 croi -nominal; jM5c; FacIBo crop, nominal; crop, TKnnI \. =H«WSo; lBae crop, ilOlic: laS^drop, lasjlSo. Lead, market^ dull} bunion,JIMO; «xcEange price, $1.6' t%\i Potatoes quiet; Long Island; jtt iesH; *&*m&&mL Jpwey. ^<»» :aoutheraiweet*.$1.85#i,60; Jersey sweets, li.tibbl.75. Btraw, duUi™(Iwi8 r y e f d0«|70ei short rye,- «h» oat^itraw, 46a. Beans, at'ady; marrow, f8.G0A3.15t medlum'i S l f r ~ 1.60; pea, »i,60»t BmT*M kidney, $2. 285, Woo', market dull; domeatlo Sl096o; Texas dry, 14O170. fleeoei -«!' 'Jif* 5 " * ' **'~*kmt * "•..._• * Savad By tha Family Oat. . MroM*rowN, N t y . ^ ^ o v . . 15,—Jtffi and Mrs. William ipdell, an aged couple of Ciroleville, were saved from asphyxia- tion by coal gas yesterday morning by the family cat, whtch created a commo- . Btaadler: fnm-l'tlon In the house, arousing Odell, who WKiket, jiLBOffj w a s able to drag his wife out of the room. IP you wlsS'to sell something the Sen- tinel can help von. Little ads. three nays £00. ii.iiiiiii l i...,- t inii.i i.ii.i Boms Biarkat Onotatlana. Butter—Creamery*x»Si, retail S50S8, dairy 20 ,2,retallS909& Cheeee «.!> l%r«tan IS. tka, itorioUy fe»sh,*doe.,S^ retail 2 a o « . iflour—Baaaufffbhl. $5.00, pastry $4AJ0O4J». 'hlte wheat $4.50, Krahain>l.l»5. .. -, .^ _ Corn and oats > 100 Us. 9CO1.00, acraanla** ' l:O0, cracked corn 90, iblpaw, bran 90,' flax oil roeal |W0, Indian meal, fine, $1.00, coarse SO.middllnKS,coarse,90, fine96, hay Vicn$B.m OiO.OOt baled hay S» 10O »B. 00, ryeatraw 46, oat OTi. --.~s: . r5ky»-. ..J straw 40, com, stata *Jf trash 66, westetm 60, oats 83, retail 88, buckwheat« bush 66,, retaulO) rye 46iretaJieO: . .Hldes,trirximed.bunsail>6K,oows7J<.steaT«7}< murrato and grubby 4ft6 ) ,trunmed Teal skiaa up to 10Is,*lb 10, nntrfinmed 10to 15l>a.each90 hOJl-00, primeTJo. 1 deacon skins SSQ40, out and 1 deacon SKIM90Q36, wool, washed s>ft18© . iwaahed 18®lB7lamb pelts, each 40O70. shaarllnWlooeo, tallow U ^!Inw 3tnnx3to«^35^Butterf 'Aeelpta 4,4W^Jj^»S 0 ^2 i Sowf creamery, S0(^^; n ^a<5tory craarhery., 1 l 5«3;j!>« i tern,ao.;21 u ~&>T3pe*«< receipts;- Wo-; A Gift of »6%<S00forx*»I«. «5.t)WhasiusTWhm«detotheShemeldfl»^^by^ Bcientlflo School of Xal« tTnlvsrsity by William A. TSoger* of/ Buffalo, N, Y., a (traduato of the schooUtt the class of 1874 Tbe gift is for the fonndatldu of a sehoralahip to be awarded for excellence In chemistry, or biology. ' - (The Placna Still BsgiS In Oportat' OPOBTO, Not.- 15. r-^e 4*ad|ti<msl plague eases were reported y«st*rday with one death front, ths same cans*. King Charles vlsiteu the Pwtaua Hospital yes- tarda*. - - , J X C**'fiv rt «»0> naval and military forces under orders from the minister of the treasury at St. Petersbttrg., Port Arthur U^saeseatof government; . > i t » *• -< Baa I**'»»d the 'tValtM^ ^* , ^v*A*BBTOWJT, JSTov. i o V * J s f f s n » t t ' T, Raplee of ithta city has leased the Walton House at Qlayton and will take posses- aloh Jaatt|sT'*»' Mr. Raplse has beau connwstsd'wlth the Agtle%ltural,In3ttr- s>uae^G<Bnbsvtiy-ln this c i t y fox « number ^'ffH^ L^JS " .. ..s_„^, 1,. ..•-. Another dispatch Was- received from Chief Inspector Watt»„i»lB4*toi, L wbich read; "Hold Alonzo J. Whiteman on in- dictments." Captain McOlusky says-that White- man is under - indictment there for "put- ting down" checks. •''*"••' ' Chief Detective Colleran bt Chioago alsoieht a dispatch to McCInsky saying: "Hold Whiteman.- Offlcer will leave for hlmtombrrow.''' -:. • . £ Another dispatch from' Woonsocket, R. I, asked tbat.Edmuhds and Thompson I be hate - ^^ t: T.- —t - - - - -- ^-^ Thompson Wanted in DatrolU DETROIT, Nov. 15—John Thompson, one of the members of the gang arrested InNew York, i$ wanted here for passing a bogus check for |1S0 on the.-Russell House some monthSiftjo,, ,_ EeSras travel- ing under the alias of Rockefeller at that time and although a warrant wasJaiued. for his, arrest, he managed to elude the officers and get out of the city, Alonzo Whiteman is Well known to the local police; who- have arrested him sewal times on tha general charge ol suspltuou. He is not wanted here at present. Whiteman and Knox* eapecially the latter, are known to many In Rome. Robert J. Knot Was a son of the late Her. William E. Enoiy D. D., wfco war tor many years the pastor of the Presby- terian Church In this city. He was bora state creamery,2 Imitetlbn, do., 1' psckagea: steady,, „. farfee Oct.. fWeet^iaaWW* nbife, 12a small white, M— ored,, .lmE&ai smaU.colored, li ' W«star«'al'arktts, '' Oain*.ob, Nov lfc^Opajte* 'Wheati 0e»., 66?<a67oi^ May. J6?#fc^jffg" Dec., SlMo; May, , __, _.. _ selptsv 467S p&okages; steady; smansepfccoloze&lSHQISftc; r_» ~^ „-,i^. '"-^•" ,> - largo fancy coli " UMct farge 1: Ursa cot ai2«o. i>eo.,M^HC. L,aru, Pec, $8.10; Jan., aijp: 'V»ta.iaay. Dec.,Sl.8t: Jatfc r *5 ; $947. BibS.JapL»af8Hi< CmcAHOf ii6v«- "Tot^OIostuie.—Wheat, i}eC. fc eiHoi May, M>$jftttil0. Com* Nov., 8 «6; Dec.. "'i6a81Uc; .ian., 80Wc; May,K^c. Oats, Nov,, Hcl me'ifsmi Jfay'aSMe..WrK, NOV,,$8.06; Bee ,*a05o; Imt^mii, Msf, S»67«. I4rd, " WStm-Vm **<*%* r Jan., SJ&MgMilO; L*^3wiw, w lr m r |4.w/:Dec.,. $4 76, Jan, NOT. _„. . . May,. $a»,.sBlbs,^Nov, . Ctooioci Nov. 15.-^Hoga-sithii»tsd raeeiptt mixed sdtfnuteto«rfc»3 9amSo/* good to choice . Hght, |8 J ,MO<.0S;4 )Mt.J>t, Sales. $89504 Oj. |sOw^ier^eT«pt»*I^eBO^nea4^c<!ar-to- chdice steers steady^ strbwgi others slow; cow rua kefc about-.«teadv;,canilers nnhen,; Btocke.s and feeders steady ahd. •ctive/ t tBej(rp8 tv i $iiJ506,6Q > . COWH, 18 9654.7,5; heifek'JS60O5S5" canned «1.859>-05T8tookerS>. anQ feeders,-* »8.00o4.70: Texan grasa steers; $3.60*M 23; Texaa fed-beeves, i4tO^.6pjwestern*7l4 i 00aS J .!!3, , , * * Cotton. NEW YOM, Nov. 15,—(jfetton,—Spot cotton- quiet at 116 advance'; middling uplands,? 9-16c? imld^ulHg-KnlffriSlte. UaleSi-baJesi Ctotton futures dosed weak; Nov., fcflSo; Deo » 7 S8s Jan,,, 1 !' 266 gab,, t.gte; Marca t ,7i32Q; April, 7,84c; Mayi T^stetTnm'TSTo; iatfiWc^ Aug. fc 7S8c; Bept.,6S»oi Oct.,690c. v » f Buffalo wearkata BUTTALO, Nov. 15. Sprlne wheat. No. 1 north era, 7!«o} winter wheat, No. a red.Wo, Oow»,, NoVayeUow, 88M0. Oats, No. S.w^jite, S8«a»9o. Canal frel«hti^-Steady; wheat, 4c; ooniyJMia; oartoy 8^,c to New Yott, --' i Patroleum. ' j PrrftinoRfi, Jtov. JS.-OU opened at it.SBS Clo#«4atfl,5fl unwaahed 18^18, lamb pelta, eaoh 40O71 , arlinWiooeo, tallow hi rotten, f>x> s^ren. -Beaiia, medium . a a O ^ ^ S ^ i l - ^ r A t a l ) tiuaiMi,* Tn„. lOoTarquart, mSrrOwininTO, raSiu^8o7*Jl quart, jgg^i-JEBft 1 jKiUTujea. 8BO4ft^mi«hy.retaflve0r Jtair^aaF \ 80, retail BOS.' Apples, retail, »/ bush., 60 «0. OnionsSS, wtafl 40©80. ,. ; ._* eats—Pork V bbl, s-co. na, pork W» 7* bogs, dressed.« cwt |5.00QS^hanw ** 11. retail 14, shoulders?. ratallTooia, bacon 10, ret 12K.' „Lard, kettle rendnredT 8c, 9 » retails. Beef, s ar^Mied¥cwt: $5.0006 00, "western, S8.00O 8.50. beefsteak Vft1$$Q94, beer roasts l^ieiS, porksteak 10, pork roast 10, mutton 8014, lamb 10O18, real, cutlet 18, roasts 10O14, stews 8O10... veal,.Uve weight, first quality <6.H), oatcaai |^|8.noy^rt. r ^* Honey m'comb flft14, retail 18, lS^re^jw.jrinegar, pure cjdar- bee»waxl60 r galilSX, re- tail 20, salt V bbi^&B, retaQ |l.0^b«adUght oU» B< Poultry-<3Wcke»a 1ft * 106A retail 'i401§, iwhilo/retaIl.lj. duoJts 10, r S S i 14015. yonaK VeiilSasl'stove &1& CBeatnuttJB.76; pea. NiSO. •..,. -, ,.-, ... . :.,- ; .. ji ., Bonie Fire Alarm Stations. -.0. a Engine Jttouae, uoertv street. ^~~ t«8 Corner Court and Jamee streets. .- - 1-41 Corner Blooinfleld and Floyd aveane. l-B Corner of James and DomlnlokstreeN X-V Ccrngr IFomluck aalTOBstsWMtK ' 1-7 EaatDomlnick and Sixth streata. Jt^8 iKXSOhiotlve Works. . •• JM Bitasfana Copper Hal* / a-S CornerJamea and Front atraaU. a*8 MercnantlronMilli . .; CornerJarneaand Wright streets.- Corner Jamesr and Henry atteats. edrn|#Qe0ri»'an"4;Heii#iteeet».' CoraerGeors»,Md Front street*. I 8-1 'JfeL , * 3-8 'tHi ***!$r and reared W » j bijt.When % y o n ^ g n ^ l » n ^ l ^ p * Headache? "Owe cent a dose." WiI*»n%!»ath]Whyact6ryi7 Corner ^mlnick and ClaAstreets. " Corner Calvert and Doxfcater avenna. ^fernep-Mad^sma^ItoBajfgo streets. # •ig(^et^h^r»nmHdas<»straeta, < aaandJaystraeta. __ —ianajBtossnth streets. , - .ornejr Thomas and-Kxpense streets. 5-1 No. 1 l^UeHouse, Washlnirtonstraet, ^a Ctorner gbminick and WasMnrton atra#t« s,»*j';!c^rw©0!na«.iujt,. _ M O o r n W ^ m a s and'Jamea 1 t •*. y •n- i t

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JlJSCOiND EDITION. ROMB, isr. t „ wmfc^isisixkxJCT .mLf4-muaiH!)8M




Brilliant 9W0M* Char£a Had* by the Brltiih—Xhey Are Unable to Hold t ie Tranche* Wh»jr Captwra—The Iowa la In Condition to Resista tons Si«S«.

CATS TOWN, NOT. 15—A dispatch re celved here from Pretoria, under date of ThursdayTTSbv. 9, says the report received therefrom Ladyamtth said heavy can­nonading started at daybreak and that gome of the Boer forces were within 1,500 yards of the British, when the cannonad­ing ceased and rifle fire commenced.

The Pretoria dispatch also announced tbat all was auiet at Maf eking and Elm-terley

An undated dispatch fifpm.Wafeiing, ic ceived-by^rnhriery -vi# Magjalapje Wedaesjay. Nov. 8f saya-.'

•Today all la quiet. Wefaave.bj^ftqom:-b a r d ^ ^ r ^ ^ f i l ^ l K ^ r i e e l t r 1 ! ^ ^

and bay#etog;,npraber9-of-t)ietBoe>iii-who idtrnt have feet ye^.beayily/ The1

charge was mojat gallant and determined. The partjr could not hold the trenches, and lost, six men 'Wiled,, two prisoners aria nine!wounded in their retirement, W.g!^ct#:j&£e^^^ j '»T^hoffi^ata%eat':iias~bfSBffitBiinf

effectual'.- Ev«ry one remalris under shell proqj ooBteri. The sjaells. haye only wounded one man.. The enemy are using one 94 pound Howitzer and seven guria,

"" " Bandera. Thy-towi*4a-mo»t cheerful an^ddetermined to realst the at­tack to the utmost The Boers are en-

" tienehed on every Bide in great numbers, and ara pushing gradually closer and

' Uoser to the town f ortiflcatlonjj, "TSfeare well off for provisions'and

water, though very' tired, dodging sheila and fighting. The campaign Is quite on I oivil'zed lineal Qett eronje^inus always4

given due notice of a bombardmemvand allowed an ambulance party two hours, on Saturday* to reooyer - the bodies of the six dead left in the vicinity of the Boer

. trenches, i


•ED OUTRIGHT Ion Between tha 16tt-

FIVE Kllil Jt^BmriWm Co'''

_j*HL^5RW«^tod *no that team. AMBTEBDAM, Nov. 15—A London ex-

preestrom f lushing collided with another near-Capelle, during a fog this train,

morning Five persons were killed outright and

39 were injured, of which number 15 Sustained injuries from which theycan not recover The trains in collision were not mail trains A hospital corps has been sent to the scene of the disaster from Rotterdam

NEQUECTED JURY DUTY Cornelius Vanderbilt Mast Pay a Fine of

„«10O and «*0 Costs N i w YCBK, Nov. 15 —Cornelius "Van-

derbllt for neglecting jury duty had ad­judgment entered against him • yesterday in the city court for $110, which was made up-pf-a-Qne of f ISO anoTJfO «6si»".:"iT?Ee

I judgment, the Herald says, w a s entered upon the application of, Corporation Counsel Whalen, representing the corn-

day n i g h ^ p t a l l tttzcl^rioeraJftSfl'1e#. Swlnblrn,,%!(£:'»'DV squa^Whpt^eiBrq-tector^fe^ginjgnf; nSade::a^a«r|i|cent , , . . . , „ . , - ._-- - - - - - - - --^- , havontt charge nTibVthyBoers^afehohV ^l^<>P^of4nrorar-Oharles-^gelderaha^t irientB,"lrTvBgthem from thlripbiittdnr £ • * * • * " * o n , • » affidavit- o f - A ^ t a n t f

Corporation Counsel Adrian T. Klernan, showing that Mr. Vanderbilt h id not obeyed a summons to serve as a juror. . Corporation Counsel -Whalen in the

early part of October, obtained an order requesting Mr. Vanderbilt to show-icSuse on October 11, whythepayiaefitrdl fthe-fte»~6li6ttTd~n«fc be- ^ n f b r e e d r - ^ n i s * order was served on Mr. Vanderbi l t October . 2 at hte residence 60S Fi f th avenue , - b u t as he failed tp appear In obedience to command at t h e time stated, Ma rtafA-hlr. y a « pntofl and t.hft One w a s Imposed In addition t o $10 costs. This w a s followed up yesterday wi th t h e entry o f the judgment. Cornelius V a n ­derbilt when called upon by a reporter dec l ined to dlsonsa the subject.

KCJU8E TO HOU8E.^ANVAS8. What t h a Syracose Bnnday School Valbn

Accomplished. 8TEACTJ8I, Nov* 15.—The m e n who h a d

Charge of the recent- Sunday school c a n ­vass have completed their report for pub-

„, l igation, and i t shows a great amount o f "On Friday night Jan .Botha , t h e Well; work and perseverance o h the part of t h e

known Boer coinhiaJidanr, told a m a n work, o f the S u n d ay School Union , with the ambulanoe-partTithat their-lossl The totals of each,, denominat ion la the 1

had been heavy .and thai* his h e a r t w a s ' - - - — - < --- • • - — --^ -*-*<•-•- « - -very sore. The w o u n d e d include Cap­tain tfltzclarenGQ and: -Lient. Swinburn, both slightly. inae ic lrmiBh afc-the out­posts yesterday one tifooper w a s Jellied a n d nine were wonhded.»-'-

AHec«d Bad BatTotti, -.. v LOUDON, N O V . .15.—A letter w r i t t e n by

an offloer on'board t h e transport Knbla asserting t h a t , ll,60& latioDB^of salt.car-rion, labeled JSeWYbrk," 1899, hkd'tft be thrown oyerbdaro' , ja . JtLW«!tfnll jpf dis­ease, " a d d i n g ! "They o n l y w i t 36'wh the very worst portions o f very Inferior beasts andj j jgs ," has. aroused a storm of indignation against the- "rascally con­tractors a n d incapable admlraltytrans-port ofilcers who allowed filthy, salted brisket bee f - to be- furnished to the troops." ' •-. • •-...,.

10,000 plum puadipgtior the troopsJin: South Africa. These..puddlngi will-ag­gregate upwards of t e r t t o n ^ n Weight. •"

COMSTOCK'S PRACTICAL ^OK^. . He Oaasaa a Gnat Ooauavotloa In a Kaw

York H n i i a t l . NEW YOBK, NOV. 15.—A man with a

square chin and side whiskers went into the museum No. J21 Park Bow yesterday and looked at a white screen f torn an aper-tnre in which, projected ah ebonyJiead with shining ivory-white teeth, The man removed bis overcoat, put dowtt, a cfaaiter and tools .alx well worsthaae ball* frjom] the counter!; • ' • ' ' . '

A quick movement.of the ann,, a whirl of the leather and.ihe_o^lbrMrien9»-Ool-lapsed In a,heap behind the screen. -At the same moment the ball rolled into a receptacle marked "cigars."Themus«um was in uproar. ;The screehwas brushed aside and since then, i t has been alleged persons were seen playing games of chance. "• " •. .': ** ' ,

"How for Mgoci pnioke," s i id the ball thrower. "S'trangeT/r i a M tbe manager, "f dons know wBac olnh you,-pi^h for but I am glad tomeei*sport*. ~Her»,ii your oigats/ ' u.

The man looked a t t h e sodden weeds and compromised with t h e manager for a dollar. He then oauBefc everybody In/the -eatablishmenttobe^Trea^ahd-charged|-wlth: gambling. Hir w a s Anthony Comi stock.. • - . - . . ' * ' . : ' . , . .

seventy-nine districts into which the olty was divided are as follows:

Baptist', 3,140: CathoMost.i>J£oXEift; olples, 182; Church of God,. 5;«Congrega­tional, 1,181; Episcopal, 14086; :^rng&,' :caLAsaoolationv lSarferesv^tfethogl'st. 59; Jewish, 031; Lutherain; HfiTV; Methodist Bpiaoopal, 3,159;' MethodUf ProUetatit, 809j Presbyterian. 2.101, B e f O r m e d i ^ } reformed' IPreshyterian,' W ; TeB»«Ti*f 200; tfalTersallst, 188; WeeleytoMethM-let, 144; no preference, 890; n o t a t home,

; refnillTOtofmlUofi, S 2 ^ m W p I i l l -ous, 804; v W t o w a t WO>kt 5 ,^F28,S08 records were taken. .;:f"

AH LOST -mmww. tm J C R E W - O F - T H r ^ E P N A


Tha Captain ana tffs Wifa SbvcVt Befog* la tha Oabln.'Whar* Their b e a d Bodias Ware around Whan tha Wrtok Wat Dla-ooTered—An Uodalahea Dlaty.

PBTLADBifBM, Nov. 15.,—Private ad--•foes received here today from S t Pierre, Miquelon, tell of thejwreck of the Ptilla delphta & Baltimore schooner Edna and Emma, and the loss of the captain, his wife, and the crew of five men. The schooner was reoently, towed "into St. Pierre, bottom up "When the ship w a s righted, fn the

cabin, were found the bodies of Captain Richardson and h i s wife A water stained diary kept b y the captain stated that on »May ~l the Edna and Emma en­countered a iiarce northeast storm, One by. one ,the members of the orejrwe^gj wailed overboard apd the^daptaTln and1

bis wife sought refuge in the cabin. •• A t this point the story of the diary ends.—J

.BAPiP-,TRAN8r;T-m-NEW YOftK^ It Is Eitlmatad the. Ppdergronnd Bipta'm

WU1 doit 0»or 830.00,0.000. Naw YORK, NOV. 15 —Advertising ap­

pears ^in this, morning's papers r for bidders for the underground rapid transit road wbloh is to be owAed iby the oity-[ind^pi^sefttiiy t h e ^ p j ^ satiBttM th^iequtremehtrTriyesiamalJgai tbatthe-eostjof the-seta* wilLba.lietjre*nv| |30,(K)0;000 and |40,COO,000. .

The successful contractor will get a lease for fitty.yearp, wiWrthe privilege of ajjgenewal for years.,- He mnst pay charges consisting of Interest on bonds is suedby the cit^ and one per cent into: a sinking fund. He shall pay lniidditton a percentage of the proas receipts when they shall-exceed 5,000,000. The amount' of this percentage to depend upon the. value of thCtfranohise.

Eaoh bidder must deposjt wlththe com-mlssioaerss certified oheblrtoT ftCO.OCO as a guarantee of good faith. Otherwise his bid. will not be noticed, if the bidder

|st6wfiom"theoontraqe~shall be awarded, _ does hot carry put the oontraot the oneck Ifistport. Will i>e forfeited. ' When the contaraot- I j f^ delirered^he contractor will be

ia attributed i n the w i n to the genera) p^oefpe l|yih bus!iew»evalent through-dht the'country.". '.^m

The;n»o|t nQtablenlvent of the year was the bJ*nii^'Of4|iatate dam at the he^S^p^'aTalE^k^fe^oh^|g"Bto5^ millions pjfl?auons;-OTj?ater, and -whioh durtag-the latterjpartsj '

fin future season^ Mlj tant feeder for ChW spite of the continued summer the pn,liI(o:#n

todeposit $1,000,000 In cash or to sfojtttfc ties;- Other guatante*s are-exact«4 that the contract shall be fully executed,


Form S»tl»f«otory t o "ProHo»»« Coa»-tnlttab" and Wil l &a Ratified,

"^r»^iOK,>(ov. ie> —An arrangenient nas been made by which the form of lease of the Boston & Albany Railroad to the N e t ' Y b r k Cehtial -Syifoaa tm bejEii made satisfactory to the so called protect­ive committee and a n addition of f 1,500,* 000 has bees made t o the cash about to be paid b f t u e New York Centra.! Bail« road. The protective committee basde

~~piiaea"that7,nnaer H Q toe eiMumst^o«Hthfcra. it la for the best interests of the property and the stockholders that this new lease Bhouldbe ratified.

.a I^ i ta Oat Down to 00 ¥«aii,

FAILED TO ^|EE TwiHyEONlDS. CiDwatfng Olandi Kaka JU1 Ohsatvatloaa

IpvaaslMa. * _

^ . n . ^ . . . . . . , ^ — ^ , , i t — i g . t t h e, » M j l > . 1 n . _ t h o gtockhblders'

meeting, of the Boston & Albany Bee. .27 will be practically unanimous i n favor of ratifying the lease of the property to the New York Central & Hudson River Rail­road Company.- In addition to the an­nouncement made -yesterday i n Boston that an agreement had been reached sat­isfactory to the protective committee, It is understood that the oricinal term of the lease, which, w a s for 990 years has been cut down .to 99 years, and that the cask payment of fl?5O0,C00 more as orig­inally proposed will make the/ Boston & Albany stockholders realize about 8} per cent, on their holdings. '

The lea** JUtlQtd. Niw YOBK, NOV. 15,—At a\ s^

meetlng.of.the,NewJfotk C^tra^a^toct-, ore today the lease of Ihe Boston & A l :

bany R. R. was ratified. / ' v '

950 IDLE goYJVlOTS. N«w Indo i tr lo -Axo Daidrad for Sing

Valley went to bed this morning'without catching a glimpea-of the star showers of ieonioju. -From JDivenport • e a i t to NeW York, according to tha dispatches re­ceived by the weather bureau, the sky was overcast. Despite the -adverse* con­ditions, at the university parties of pro­fessors and students j tuok to the roofs and tar-the- cameras whioh thej- had mounted against the coming of the star shower.

Carnal!* Offara'AnaUiar Xlbrary. LoTjiBvrjai; K y , Nov. 15.—Andrew

Carnegie has written t o the Louisville Polytechnic Library Society offering to Bntscribe f 125,000 for the conjtrtictlon of a .public library building provided the city pay at least $10,000 a year for run-ulng eIp«Iiiw••andthe•'pnrchA^e'andre--newa^ of bookii. The proposition Will b« prtsented to th%city councils v

i ' • • ' • ' • «

Was** of Ballrosd Maa Inowaatd. idHlclaQO, Niov. 15—The.Chloago, Bnr-

lington & Quincy and the Chicago & Illinois railroad companies hate" decided to increaie the'wagis of their engineers,

the part of each company fs volantary and is based on growth, in earnings. En­gineers and flremen on the Ess tern Illinois will have theJrwa«es'tocwased. ' ,

MoKInlaT-araatana thatlllprnoa. -WASHntGTOJSfi Nov.I4* -TK6, president

is making efforts to secure the protection of the Spanish prisoners with the* in­surgents in the Philippines. A cable message has''beeh^tejtt to: G n. Otinaid by him forwarded to Gen. MacArthur with Instructions to get It to Aguinaldo, if posalbTe'relating to this-subject. The president requests the kindly and humane treatmcnt-of-the-Spanish- prlsoners ffnd the message also contatnaah intimation that any orthe*InsurgentS responsible for the 111 treatment of suoh>prlsoner3 will be held to strict aoconntr when they are taken by the United-States forces operat­ing in the islands^

; Fnnatonio Batnni^o Btanlla. TOP&KA^KBS., Nov; 5,5,-den. Pnnston

si^e<prdpo«e-to4eave-hereHteday- for-| SanFianclsco, froouwhlchplace the gen­eral will sail for Manila. /The general

i afraid the war in the Philippines will be over before he xeaches his destination,. Gen, Funstonsald'he would drop the suit (or libel against Archbishop Ireland.

. AwardaAtoaSyraCTittFiraB. -^iBHTHGtd*i^v^io^T^ni^avy-de»

partmeht hai awarded, the contract for the new steam engineering buildings at Brooklyn navy yar^toCBrleh &HonH-, bin of Syracuse. JTite price to be paid for the construction of the buildings is $83L-000. The buildings are to be completed within Jen months,'-and are tobe one-] paneljshpre of stahdaralength adverHsed*

' Ix-8«eretarr Vottac'a K4w Offloa. "NBWYOBK:, Nov. 15.—Governdr-elect

Nash of Ohio, a telegram to the World from Columbus, says, announces that be will appoint Charles poster one of the stateprison managers at a salary of $1,000 a year. Mr. Foster, who Is 71, was a member of congress four terms, governor two terms and secretary of the treasury under President Harrison.

Cost Stewart Bnt »16 to Dtf*»t SBaset., NEW YOBK, NOV. 1$.—Berts M. Stew-

-art's campaign expenses in'the 19th assembly district in/hrlnglng-Jabont the defeat of Robert Mszet are stated by him in his affidavit filed with 'the county cle^tohayeneen fl6rm«a« tfP at v«-| for eab h ire and $10 f o r .canvassing'

i — — .

Tha Flags* on St«»iner. TBIRSTB^NOV. 15.—The.captain of the

f t Baton Lloyd steamer Bernice" from guitos for Trltste reports front the Cape verde Islands, Nov, 5, that he has ths Plague on board and that three of those attacked had since dleSy

* r t>

XAWMwea X t p aarto'ttto nC frNBw Y O R K , NOT. '15 . -CoL I » - J t » n » | i p , president of, t h e Subutban Bidtog & Driving CJttb, is reported to b e very. i l i athii home, 458 f i f t h ftTentw.

\-*-jfg0 ItaM'WMsttad

M the Hat Work*,- « 5 North 3mm Jtwet to. hats fha? did s^le^attjt-m* d Into ths latost style ctari»VDiut* W<» Knox. >F6t*'t*w «W we *fll ty-Wo* one hat for -**ch psrsoft i«f » "wti, , „

Hit by a YaWac Itt*. WATRBTOWWr-^OTr-^=-^e8da^-aB-}-

EdwardStlmson, wh o lives near Green-bOro, Oswego county, was working in the lumber woods for Wise &-Jenke, near West Center,~a tree fell and struck/him pn the head, cutting a cash-four Inches long and fracturing the Skull about six inches. He is"in a critical condition and. may not recover. ,

Sins and Clinton Pritoaa. Ara&BX/Nbv. 15,-^npertetsnsdsnkoi

State Prfaoiia C. Y. Cbulns at the reeynt meetirlg of thr state prison oommlssion made a'request to that body that new In* dustrles be assigned t o these state prlions sufficient to employ 600 Idle convicta at Sing Slngprison and 850atGlinbonprlson. .. At"the lattejLpjrtopn the convicts have beenfkeptemployedrdmlngthfr summer at oltdooFworfc -'•. \ -"Z "'

This request was referred to t^e'obm

BOlJCMrtjfe. BREAK _ . ^ T . J ^ H K E M ^ ^ M t o ToraataanrtWSS-tho-PPly-Ona-ot-1— ] , •• ,°- ,„—•'-'', 'it -"•.-- -..-That at ?orastpt>rt WSS-tho-PPly-Q°a-

a Seiioas tatora AOJJiMY, Nov. 15»«*The canal season

this year hat been tinnsually successful. Tha canals opened affdate earHeV-tharr in fojrnter years andhaje continued with­out any marked inMrraption to render excellent service tlutfhghout thoeason. The Erie, ChampliiDs Oswego and Cayu­ga and Seneca oahals>opened April 26, and If they remain own until the con­templated date, Bee. l, they will have had a season ol 318 din, and under the circumstances antloipjucd the Black River Canal will have had ajeason of 198 days. The.numbet of tots carried on the canals this "season by far exceeds the number cattiedMastyeaav-^ £

The state department of public works has compilations xLjf&o November"!, which show that thewotal number of tbhsrcatrled'tWs^ysSllf*3 3,161,679.,. as, c.6mps«Bd 'wltlft^f" " " 8pohding pericid;of :• this-yeari7of,2S>9,fl4|s

frNttv psj -toei'tj iui..,. so that tlie inoreiase'^Sie end of the sea son willbe hf abOn|M'iame proportion.

The sea'gon has:-bee|.: one of good for­tune tOiCanal boat lBtJif8t3. The de _____ ment ol public^w.O.rs^^a "lot yefSnUer' taken to analyze the}

'8 for the cbrre-year, an increase 'nriug. the-moath~| ;e is usually light

rounded up after being" watched for sev-er*l_months and were formally held by a police magistrate on the nominal-charge of being suspicious persons.. . The police of New York say that they-

have -been convicted of obtainingmany "thousands of dollar* under false pre­penses. The prisoners -are: Alonzo J. Whitemanof DansylUe^^". Y., a grad-J

luateTof OolumblaTiaw~SohoTSl7"fo state senJitor of Minnesota, a former can­didate for congress and once a"million-1 aire; Frank Edmunds-, a olerk, of New Yorkt^^hnr^hompsonv^aliaflir-William

•creased traffic' It f-Hartleyt aHa&Ps-Lawfony alias DftH^eor W. Johnson, olerk, residence nnknown; Robert-J. Knox, lawyer, of New York.

There is under arrest at -Pittsburg a -fifth member of the gang, Charles, J). Stewart, alias Charles Ward, about 60 or W-years old. He was rarrested-at Pitte--

judicipus use ofi|t|e;3 various lakes an§^«i|ii system m% zM&M^M When hundreds fbf-1! ceased operations'•' M. lack of Bnfflciehtwat private Jndnstriesahd] water from the sann

ter stored in the oira of the canal

itinue narigationi! lis and factories [onsequence of a

.power, ^Where e canals obtained Qtirce'the policy ate interests for fi'asfbeen to sacrifice

those of the stateiil There Iwva been few treaks. The most

serious was a t th]r«at« regervoir at For-It was MpaJ :d, however, be*

fore any considerable - nonntof damage wasvdone. TBe«the>.i •eaks_were of~a rninpr ohara ter:.:*"!aa ing the notable ejrTOtsotthe iB^minliil .tionpf Superin­tendent Partridge Sai een the ad minis­tration p( the finances! his aepattment. When.helook; ohW|e•< his department he found that there w« practically a de­ficiency ; "t bat IF, 'tRaVa argerfpart of the apj>r^pjjaaa&'thafefMlin propprtlort to' the«monntne>o©Bf»rrP---••--- -L - -partment to this sncl of |he fiscal year had been spent, He ctoaedlhev flecal year on October 1, WIthQpi»^efic1S. Another fea'ture of the,year.w«f».the enforcement offthe8hourlawlhtesard to lock ten­ders. On Oct. IfbirJasfenof thatstat-ttte, It was nec«ajaryt^irictease the'force of lock tenders on th|*Erlo Ca al one-


Uowaxd Benbnxn BtqefeDIe) t h t Weak •* _ _ _ . . . •-'-^nxuf^i^^sA^^^-^

BATAvii, STov. 16.—iSt'oward Curtis B e h h a a , oonvlcted of the* murder of his" wffe fn Batavvla on Javitiary 4, J897, arrived here, at 11;05 o'clock this morning from Aubnrn prison h>Cnarge of the principal keeper and, tr>s driven a t once to the court honse^-where Justice Hooker, sitting in supreme conrt, set the w e e k beginning January U,|900, as the t ime for his electrdcutiouT^TJenham lefc on h i s retnrn/to Aubura 'at ll:2i» v ia Canahdalftuniavhig been i n town only 80'mlnntti. * ,

"When asked by the court if he hadany-th ing to say w h y th« sentente should not b e prono'nnoed, Benham, i n a firm tone butnotabove ^whisper, saidl fNb. l T

'^Chire was considerable Butprise when n o - motion f o r a new tr ia l Was made. Benham- did not ride back- to the depot, b h t walked, followed b y * crowd of near­ly" 500 people. His three, sisters were :# l

went to Elmira w i t h his father's family, :|T»T:gnW"T^wa]r^


Ha la Alleged to Bo tha Head of a Gang; That B U I Bqien OpsratlOB In Many

..0itlaf, Qbtnlninf-Thoiieands of DOLUBTS ITnder l ^ l s e Pretenaee—flva Anmstfl Naw YORK, Nov. 15. —There is at police

headquarters here a quartet of prisoners in whom the police of almost every large American city, many of t h e leading busi­ness houses, hanks and trust companies

Fatal r ight with Boboora. , TiTOsyiiM, Pa. , . Nov. 15.—Chief of Police McGrath died this morning from

Bloom, proprietress of "The Front," where t h g ; shpjtlng^jgfioatireoVhfla Jbeen taken to the bltyhospitaLsuffering from nervous prostration. McGfrath's death is third resulting from this affairs *,,

A S K to see our Patient Leather Dress Shoes, former price $4, out price $2 98,

_ and polished any time free of charge at SohoaTptormw| CroBar&- C^eonnor^sy -


Acoofiaing t o the: statomenirgfven out f ^XQ^tete-McCluBky, chief of aetecfetve's, Hartley, under the namtToTBr. George the-season-and:|

be a most impor-iplain_Oanal. In y"weather-of t h e i ^ . g ^ i n B l . o o ] t ] y n lor^he'purohaseuof A

D y I $10,000 house. Dft Johnson" said he would pay $5,000

\V. Johnson, entered into negotiations with the real estate firm of John F. James

prices of'the, leading railways were •slightly if regular-in aympatliy with the unsettled tone of the London market. Southern Pacific w»s

Lfttyored with simultaneous sales of 6,600 shares ranging- -from 4ii)£ . 'o 4S%. Lost night's close was 42H. -Th'6 specfaltiee generally shewed wid65.ritiftuatiom.Mefe-.Su R'J, Iciat JtJfr and a nfifeWj Loth rsranfiliig efther way. . . N0t»tt .Concerted attack on the Iroifc4nd.ateel "iStie» repf essfed the ^roup over a f>oint mi irn-l&rjced weakness all arouncl. Standard railroad-|

Shares dropped t6 the lowest andSugar,I,eather., Broowyn Transit, Conapl.lda'ort Oas and.Gen. Eloc. lot WW Demand for N. Y. Or aiid Atchison pfti, developed at thn lower level and these stocks milled sharply. The general mftr-tef Ulso liardeued, hut Uiu muneiuuut laoXuU I

down and wbuld carry «^„»»a^l»e ^ S l | S j | l . . & 4 « ^ 8 S ^ o ^ « ^ 4 J S J S $5,000 on a first mortgage. In negotiating with the1 Ceintrai Trust Company ,of Brooklyn reearding the interest on'the mortgage, "Dr. Johnson" managed tose-onre |3Q0 on a fraudulent', check front the company, he having deposited a drafts for $3,000 drawn on the Hoboken-Loan and Savings Institution.

lids was one of the many oases of a similar nature, Captain MoGlusky says, Hartley will have to answer for. _

Several months ago-a man claiming to I Bt'v'&X^'o^.'Z.m^ be " W. L. Howe, cashier ot the National "^ """^ ""' Bank ofJLawiencejNiYv^orderediO.QOQ draffs' ot a certiin design- from a flfmof lithographers in this city-and .paid for them in cash. They were sent to him "Care" of Mrs. Whitman,DanBviUeYN.Y."

A few days later a North River ferry­boat deckhand found one of .the books of i B I h & r e t l J t o a g j ^ W«» wnt iaSbj

•" 500 people. His three, sisters waiting for him as he cameout, and he kliaed them affectionately^' " i-1 * - j f . - : . j ^ * - L ~ ^ - ^ - ^ ^ i _ . 1


tha Totk G*pltiIIiti Mm* Control _ W n i s r s aa*r?J»na-jS»i?fefrd;

BaffflMOBt, NoV. 16.-j©eluite plans are now nnder consideration' for the safe of t h e city's holdings i n the Western,] Maryland Railroad Company, to a syndi­cate of New York capitalists. Details of

to a detective bureau, Soon reports of bogus drafts began to pour in from all over the country. They were all m a d e on these forms and drawn on the Nation­al Bank of Lawrence, N. Y. Investiga­tion by the police traced them "back to Whiteman, who lived w i t h his) mother in O.ansville, N . Y. There, i t 1B alleged, he formulated t h e plans and hisJtools a l l over the country carried them out.

Another operation recounted by Cap­tain MoOIusky occurred on October 8 last. The First National Bank ot WoonV 4lcckeVJt .X, .paid ! |8 ,00D on.a^f 10,000 worthless draft drawn b y the Lawrence

^National Bank of Lawrence, Kan., o n trie First National Bank o f New York city. This deal, the police state, was operated by Charles E, Stewart, alias Charles Ward, aided by Edmunds, Thompson and Knox, and directed fromDanav}lle by Whiteman. ' t

After this money was secured the men except Whiteman went to Pittsburg, where the next Victim in the shape of the Tradesmen's National Bank was to bo worked. * ,

The Bcheme»there. according to t h e po-j-lloe, was to deposit $1,000 in cash to open an account and give t b e moo a stand­ing. This,was done.- A boga*draft-fox $4,000 was t o follow and .then an effort made to draw $3,000. Stewart, alias .Wi«ajjra«J6Q dq.the work. . Hte ls„grajf and venerable.

The bank was notified by the police and the plans were made for thearrest of the entire* gang When they .came on, Monday to draw- the $3,500. The plans miscarried and Stewarc alone w a s caught. The other three escaped to N e w York. P i t t s ­burg's: police "wired Captain McCInsky and they were caught soon after landing

holdings of about 4,000 s h a w s of the rail-road'eompany's stocks are belpg arranged.

mittea oh industries wlth-^inrtxucWons-fo^l^he-^w-^fork representatives have consult wi th Supk Ctollins.astothemost *— * - 1 L i *--"• ' -'-* 'J-advisable assignments to make and re­port back at the n e x t meeting. Hn.. iPlant Wants Mora Than «30,6o^,

NKW Y/c$avvNov. IS.—tfonferencjjs are. being jheld between the attorneys of the estate of Henry B. Plant and-the coonsel of his widow, Who la not satisfied with the provision of $30,000 made for her un--derher huaband'TWill. Hhs^fBrtuhB—ir| rotighy estimated to be $lfi,000,000. Friends of Mrs. P lant think t h a t i t i s un­likely that the matter will g e t to the courts, a s ever/ effort -is being made to reach an^underStandlng Without litiga­tion; V- ~ " - -

L ThaValhyria to Ba Bacad Again. PAisLBt, Scotland, Nov. 15.—-!^ is an­

nounced thajba manufacturer, of this place Is about t o purchase the yacht Val-aytie„and that h e intends to race.her against the Columbia, Shamrock and^C. D. Rose's Distant Shore, wbloh* is to be launched from Henderson's shipyard December 5.* »•» " '

Ttmki'Mxkt folee ojf Brooni Corn. -'. A U S T I & D A M , S o v . 15.—The trust t b a t 4

has purchased eighteen-twentieth* of a l l th is year!sL;crap_pf b r o o t t i _ c o r n i n , t h e United States, has agreed to makeithe price ot Illinois Central broom obrn'$l00 per ton f. o.b. cars, all other grades of broom corn to fbUowvm price according to quality. ,« > X -. t" .

' jr rry Boats colridfc - ^ ' N»WYote,Nov,i«.-^n«i Pennsvlva nia ferry Jjoat S t Louis and the Dela war*, Lackawanna & Western Railroad boat Hamburg collided about ZBldnigat. Both boats were ooasidarably damaged, but were able to, make their, pleri. No onewafburt, , .™ *

Horcan Matt Produce tha Books, NtffiJYOBg.ZNbj lfi.-T-The' V. SZcit-

cult court of appeals handed down's de­cision today affirming a decision of, the TJ. S. district court, Judge 'Brown, Im­posing a fine of $100 on Arthur J . Horgabj president of the Horgan &'m Srattery Cor* poration, for contemptof court in failing to produce the books Of the'cjCTporaiiott before a referee in bankruptcy, and - sen­tencing Horgan to prison till he shall pro­duce the books. .' i j

' VioUaltt Shot Dead. - - ••• KiHGSTOJf,Ont., Nov. 15.—John James,

a wellknown Tiolinlstr was shot-and-ln-stantly killed this morning by* Charles Fraliok,^ proprietor of the Cataragnl Driving Park Hotel. FraHck gave him self up to the police. Great mystery sur­rounds the affair, which may he. cleared up at the inquest. "• > *

plan for the building o t a competing trunk lilejbo Chicago in conjunction with the Western Maryland Railroad. They claim, to have a route 56' miles shorter than, either the Pennsylvania or the-'Bal-tiniore & Ohio to Baltimore and, that by reason ot such diminished distance, they can make Baltimore the greatest coal cen-i cer on the Atlantic coast*

thBSeT, In some way JKnox became acquainted

with Whiteman. In 1898, in the City of-,co , he purchased $7,000 . to ISjOOOj irth-of-dlamonda-andgavedraftedrawn

on Whiteman. The drafts were returned unpaid and Knox was arrested and cpn-vioted and served a sentence of two'years' in prison. His friends\ have always claimed that bis conviction was unjust.

•tatamerit Hada by County Klsctlon Com-, mlMipnara In Knox County, Kantncky—

1 Thay Claim thn\They War* Forcad by Xa Drnnkan Mob to Oarttfy tha Vote.

FBAHKIOBT, Ky., Nov. 15.—It IS con­ceded here that the Kentucky election will remain in a tangle until the meeting ot the state election commissioners, the date of which has not been set, but will occur during the last, week of this month

The county election conrmlsHloneru In Hnox county, who-certified to the vote in that county, will: filr a - supplemental" statement with the state board, stating that fraud and Intimidation were practiced by, the Republicans in every precinct and-that the county commissioners were overawed and forced by a mob of drunk­en men to certify the vote, and will olosja

{hy-recommendingdihat. the entire viste bV thr/iwnout. Gen. Taylor received 1,884 majority in Knox county. »

NlW StocW, Bbnaa andTtottiar. _; " . •. _

Yoaa.. %v. IS •?• Opening-, -i- Ooebing

force' exceot the high, priced Industrials. Money I firm at Oa? 1 .?.9DBr. a t 5©6>ki Ex-

483 and 48<V 4B0 r Corrnnerolnl bills. 480&. Silver cottiflcatee,' 59oC0. Bar silver, 5814. Mexican dollara, 47> . Government ooude easier.

Western Union...-88!4 Am. sugar...;—16SJW Tonn. O. & I......114W OntrtSs- Weati..i.i-,-3t^ Atchison.., iH fi U. B^*ather 25 •*-U. Bileathen- pfdi 70 • U. 8. 6'8reg Ill U. B. B'B coup. 111 Erlo seconds...... 71— West Shore 4'a. 118W TJ 8 4's rog. now -lSOIa

Amer Express..,.148 Canada ^ X. 6M4 O.O. O &8t. L... 10 ' Delrifc~Hiid8on,.iilS+*< Del.L. A W Ifc8« Lake 8hore .188 Manhattan! .....'..U2U N, J. Central U2li No; PiroiflC pf d.... 745I Nr-Y-r^entral.«. 48744V Paolfto Mall V. 4S|

U.S. 4's coup new.lS9 Qeh.Electrio, new.l EeadtoK—•, so; , "T ."" SKT0KB lOJiBD.'

Raw YOBK, Nov. 16.—3 p.m.—Sugar was taken In hand and advanced, a point over last night. Othorwlso epooulotloa was dull and unlnterest-Inirnnd-pricea Bteody.

Btaoks closed notivo and firm. Moatson—:..... is WheuUnyft L J5.. Ity

do prefairad . . SSVS do 1st pfd -58 Utnada Boutbtra Ones* Ohio... O.Dft<J , OOO* BtL. D«l* Hodsoa DelL*iW.„ I*keShore.u. Um*. Naah,

Ainor fca^KM.. W 4m Tobacco .117^

do praWrred... 143 Oonsolldatad Qu loa^j CedaraT Steel fCn

do preferred... 78H , BB Electric, iiwliH%

A<m&f do do -* -" Mb, Kan*T«rptd ia T

Hlasonrl Faclflo.- 48& N JOantral.J . . . . . t2l NY^XJentral.—.187M Northern PaelBo. Sijfi

do jjweftifted,^ « » for Waat... . . . . . . lC:?a '-||4iWaat-,i,i.iii-!i,6M. _-,-»;.—. ^

reav^.#-, 8t Vtki,^.'ZZ'jX4^, BtP*nl*0»»h».llv -Southern Paciflo.. 43)i BttBaJIway j>ffl 67 ntUoaPaclrie...... 47>4 D»IOB Fee ptd,..i-7fiM Wabaih.—.. .i- 7m





ALBASY, Nov. 15.—Shortly after Dewey day was: celebrated in New York city De­partment Commander Joseph W. Kay, of theG. A. R. issued an^ order that he^ja*/ furnished the names of'members whoj^i- ._ raded te nnifoxmtbat day in violation of the,order ifeenedTprlfir to the. parade that"...

-no €L Ai B-jnember was lo -maxch Wilfc -the column. In response to this order the reports which have been submitted . show that there \^ere only eight delin­quents and one of these was a suspended nymber. The other seven^ plead a mla-appfehenpioh or the order. . . .

Hoapltal for Coninrnptlvaa. 8YBACU8B, Nov. 15.—A number of Syr-

aense phjsiclane are interested in having a bill introduced in the legislature this winter which will provide for the estab' lishmeht of hospitals for the^treatmentot ptttleniaBuffeTipgirom pulmonary tuber-. . culosls outside the limits' of cities ot the second class. The matter will be pre­sented to the Syracuse Academyof Med­icine. Last year a bill was passed by Whichrcttlesof-^herntetr-elasswere-g^ven the power of establishing such Institutions

here. Whiteman, who camel from Danaville

to this city o n Saturday last , was arrested at St. Mark's Hotel ^on Fifth avenue, where he had registered as-"C. W. Cald­well of ShUa^elphla" He had bfeen

_ ptd.. 70 raelflo Mall 4$H Peoble't Gas..... lis Pullman Enlace...lfcrt* Snnr EcBnery 15% T«nn Coal * Iroa.lifiH W ViTelafrapsu. m U 8 t!t—.........ICO-M

, . , , . i i»x do B'i.ootip..j..tll

Atohtlon4'B...»i- J.8-4 do A 4"8......„. 81%

KKAT ad*.../.. 70 «• «•" r s „ . L . 88M

TtxTaoSndi..... 66 WattBboretcBM.lsa MnAlrPow.Tbld.-

Kaw Tork Product starkati NEW YOKX, Nor. 15.—Flour receipt*, 2«,831

barreui; salM, asoo paclcatM state and wnitern msrkats quiet and stltt in buyers favor, although not,quotably lower. Winter patents, $3.60 08-75; winter itralghts, I8.8CO3.60; winter ex­tras, t3.60a8.E5; winter low grafleav %SiJtsm 40; Minnesota.^patents, SSt7r«a06; Baxeri $2/650 11,15, By» floor, easy: tales — barrels; good to fair, *340as.«; choice to fancy. t3.4CA3.70 Wheat, recelbts. 131.450 bushels; nales,- 875,000

-bushelir-optiong weak and, lower—becaus«~«f-dlaappolntlng cables and foreign' selling Prices broke half a cent before midday1.- March, 7BH© 75«orOlay,, 755j07S9<a5 Dtcenlbef,. 71 5-18, western, 5914c r, 0. 0. alioat. to. arrive. (Jorn, reoelpta, 188.H00 buthels: sale*, 26.000 buidiels. Opt! >na ateady on light offerings la face of lower joaMea.and.thebreaklnjdwat. May,88M.-88MC. OatS, receipts, 20^5iTBlSnoi8. - Blow anchSBrflt Ml. Track whjte, state S0Q84a; track white, western,' SOaMp.-r-Beof-.-rosrltet llv. SIH.50O13 00 mesa, $10,50; tx .12.00. ^ork, steady; newmau.J* £030.75; torn. lljTsil.75O12.00; ahort cleaK-$is[£!SiiS.OO. lard, ea?y prime, weateni .«t«aji..$5.90 nomlnaL

outside the city limits. Tha'^ltoUnanx,Trtal'. "

S E W y6aK, Nov. IST.r^The trial of Ro­land B. Molinetuc, who i s accused of the murder of--Mrs. Katherine J. Adams in December hut, was re'sumed today. Tho work o t selectttrg a jary waa taken up again. ' Nfo juror was accepted at yegter^, dayi*seseTon-oi:- ttwjJOTurt.*~TEe-prisonerls-:7— father sat at the counsel table with his son today as he did yesterday. Not a ioror had beenjwoured up t o &3G p* m .

{<famea Monro*,* Alleged B'samUt.. BOCHSIBTSB. Nov. 15.—James Monroe,

the alleged Digamist, who t\ accused of v marrying Mrs. Mary Jane Colthar of . BUnker Hill, III , for the. purpose o f § -swindllng her out of h e r money, was

[brought back to Rochester from Chicago this morning by Detective Kavanagb.

JktrJM^ltftax^who^wapt-to cadaago, w i t h -the detective for the purpose o t establish­ing tbe Identification of Monroe, returned dn thejthe sianje.train... Monro* was ar­raigned in police court, where h e pleaded not guilty. B i s esse was Jid^manedLSSz

-t ^

til the 21st Inst, on account of the absence ot his attorney.

Xarlbirnake la I'arn. LmA, PerUj via Galveston, Tex., Nov.

15.—Tnere were no celestial phenomena last night, but at 12:30 o'clock this morn­ing there was a strong earthquake shock; accompanied by a great rumbling. The people of Lima and Callao were alarmed and rushed to the streets, public squares

busbelir-optfdns we*k ftndJower-^ecaiiM-^H^nasca-DWUin. .,—^* .

^hB^eahdJoie the oltyVytranrter <Wt»tBBndiasf ln^rfeMons^o-hhnaelt b y tele-4 phrme^d?tiislegraphto occupy a b o i a ^ the horse jshow and t o dine at various njfominent c l u b 3 L _ _ ^

• WANTED AlonxaJ


Harrow B»eap> at-ayraeaiyr STBAOOSKKNOV. 15.—A; rariid^ transit

car o n the North Sallna street line struck a canal Hit bridge in mid-air and barely escaped plunging^into the Oswego Canal yesterday morning SomeflfteehpasEeh^ g e r » o n the car werer^Tjfe''«,'BeVeife fright. Two women fainte|l-j.htifr quick­l y recovered. Thetopof t h e car: at the iranfc*jndL w a s demoliaheda: I t e a tha bridge W n a few feet-higher the c a t w o u l d have plunged Into t h e canal wi th i t s load ot human freight. ~ • • "" - ~

""""^•"" •^ •" • • • -aaan i^BB^naaa ja i

Th« Kantncky EUetion Kuddla. IiOnisViiiLK, Ky., Nov. 15 —One vote la

tho~plurallty .credited to Ooebel In t h e whole staje b y the Courier-Journal in i t s tab le of corrected election returns; This toMe includes a gain of IS&voteainHar-tteSTfoonntyj^where conuty-«ommissiori

Whiteman la a Familiar H u n * In Pollen Olrelea.

U K W YOBK, NOV. 1 5 — Captain- Mc-Clusky of- the defective bureau baa re­ceived .Beveralrequest^^om'thejoAice_pf

Idiflarent cities to hold Alonzo J» WMte-|Tnan, who was arrested here-Moitdajr|

era today thraw out twoTaylor precincte. , The-CJomtaercial'sflgares show no change tllnTSefylterdayjTaylor be ing given-a p lu­r a l i t y of 8<18^

Btutla Showing Ht»r Wand. " YOBXMEtiirA* Not. 8 - C y i * Victoria, B . C , Novr 15).—Russia Is n o w showing her •hand-without-reserve O K the continent t l s tuang peninsula, which Japan w a s forced to Cede back-to China, i s how Rus-slavn1*rtlt«ryi Its^ovenunehtrls^dmln

Sight wi th three other m e n onsuspicTon of being engaged in a bigswindl lng game. The four arrested here 'were re? mahded yesterday for 48 "hours and they will not bet taken to anyscourt today; Captain McCInsky received the folio wing dispatch from Chief of Bollce O'Mara of Pittsburg th i s morning which 's tated: I'Hold Knox. Will send requisition papers next mailT11

state weA Penaiylvaali, I3J»4 vioia off; wattarn. ...... , . 1 _ atnsark, «s»soa. ,y|a|»f».rawf sssisdys talc reflntog. s 13-36?? flenftlMgal 90_test, 4J40! SnolaaseS, sti—- * ««»••-- -iteady; crushed, 511-Ti . Uted. JS S-I80. Coffe*, Tallow, quiet; city, "" . „^raJUue£yM''PP"1 » 750^*3. Hops, I quiet choice, lSKi.'^'P'.iSSj 18?!' P1^

S 9-16C ' Banned, iwdered. 5)<o: granu-

SuU; Mo. 7, 6M0. «untrr; 4X©4Ke,

Ba; cood to cho? atate comntpn to

crop, 1 cpas]L_ Jf

.So; C»i

1899 croi -nominal;

jM5c; FacIBo crop, nominal;

crop, TKnnI \. =H«WSo;

lBae crop, ilOlic: laS^drop, lasjlSo. Lead, market^ dull} bunion,JIMO; «xcEange price, $1.6' t%\i Potatoes quiet; Long Island;

jttiesH; *&*m&&mL Jpwey. ^<»» :aoutheraiweet*.$1.85#i,60; Jersey sweets,

li.tibbl.75. Btraw, duUi™(Iwi8 • r y e f d0«|70ei short rye,- «h» oat^itraw, 46a. Beans, at'ady; marrow, f8.G0A3.15t medlum'i S l f r~ 1.60; pea, »i ,60»tBmT*M kidney, $2. 285, Woo', market dull; domeatlo Sl096o; Texas dry, 14O170.



' J i f*5 " * ' **'~*kmt *

" • . . . _ •

* Savad By tha Family Oat. . MroM*rowN, N t y . ^ ^ o v . . 15,—Jtffi and Mrs. William ipdell, an aged couple of Ciroleville, were saved from asphyxia­tion by coal gas yesterday morning by the family cat, whtch created a commo-

. Btaadler: fnm-l'tlon In the house, arousing Odell, who WKiket, jiLBOff j w a s able to drag his wife out of the room.

IP you wlsS'to sell something the Sen-tinel can help von. Little ads. three nays £00.

i i . i i i i i i i l i . . . , - t i n i i . i • i.ii.i

B o m s Biarkat Onotatlana. Butter—Creamery*x»Si, retail S50S8, dairy

20 ,2,retallS909& Cheeee «.!> l % r « t a n IS. tka, itorioUy fe»sh,*doe.,S^ retail 2 a o « .

iflour—Baaaufffbhl. $5.00, pastry $4AJ0O4J». 'hlte wheat $4.50, Krahain>l.l»5. .. -, . _ Corn and oats > 100 Us. 9CO1.00, acraanla** ' l:O0, cracked corn 90, iblpaw, bran 90,' flax

oil roeal |W0, Indian meal, fine, $1.00, coarse SO.middllnKS,coarse,90, fine96, hayVicn$B.m OiO.OOt baled hay S» 10O »B. 00, ryeatraw 46, oat

OTi. --.~ s : . r 5 ky»-.


straw 40, com, stata *Jf trash 66, westetm 60, oats 83, retail 88, buckwheat« bush 66,, retaulO) rye 46iretaJieO: . .Hldes,trirximed.bunsail>6K,oows7J<.steaT«7}<

murrato and grubby 4ft6),trunmed Teal skiaa up to 1 0 I s , * l b 10, nntrfinmed 10to 15l>a.each90

hOJl-00, primeTJo. 1 deacon skins SSQ40, out and 1 deacon SKIM90Q36, wool, washed s> ft 18©

. iwaahed 18®lB7lamb pelts, each 40O70. shaarllnWlooeo, tallow U

^!Inw 3tnnx3to«^35^Butterf 'Aeelpta 4 , 4 W ^ J j ^ » S 0 ^ 2 i S o w f creamery, S0(^^;n^a<5tory craarhery., 1 l5«3;j!>« itern,ao.;21u

~&>T3pe*«< receipts;-Wo-;

A Gift of »6%<S00 for x*»I«.

«5.t)WhasiusTWhm«detotheShemeldfl»^^by^ Bcientlflo School of Xal« tTnlvsrsity by William A. TSoger* of/ Buffalo, N, Y., a (traduato of the schooUtt the class of 1874 Tbe gift is for the fonndatldu of a sehoralahip to be awarded for excellence In chemistry, or biology. ' -

(The Placna Stil l BsgiS In Oportat' OPOBTO, Not . - 15. r - ^ e 4*ad|ti<msl

plague eases were reported y«st*rday with one death front, t h s same cans*. King Charles vlsiteu the Pwtaua Hospital yes-tarda*. - • - , J •

X C**'fiv r t«»0>

n a v a l and military forces under orders f rom the minister of the treasury at St . Petersbttrg., Port Arthur U^saeseatof government; . > i t

» * •

-< Baa I**'»»d the 'tValtM^ * , v*A*BBTOWJT, JSTov. ioV*Jsffsn»tt' T ,

Raplee of ithta city has leased the Walton H o u s e at Qlayton and wi l l take posses-aloh Jaatt|sT'*»' Mr. Raplse has beau connwstsd'wlth the Agtle%ltural,In3ttr-s>uae^G<Bnbsvtiy-ln this c i ty fox « number ^'ffH^ L^JS " .. ..s_„^, 1,. ..•-.

Another dispatch Was- received from Chief Inspector Watt»„i»lB4*toi,Lwbich read; "Hold Alonzo J. Whiteman on in­dictments."

Captain McOlusky says-that White-man is under - indictment there for "put­ting down" checks. •''*"••' '

Chief Detective Colleran bt Chioago alsoieht a dispatch to McCInsky saying: "Hold Whiteman.- Offlcer will leave for hlmtombrrow.''' -:. • . £

Another dispatch from' Woonsocket, R. I , asked tbat.Edmuhds and Thompson I be hate - ^^t: T.- —t • - • - - - -- ^-^

Thompson Wanted in DatrolU DETROIT, Nov. 15—John Thompson,

one of the members of the gang arrested InNew York, i$ wanted here for passing a bogus check for |1S0 on the.-Russell House some monthSiftjo,,,_ EeSras travel­ing under the alias of Rockefeller at that time and although a warrant wasJaiued. for his, arrest, he managed to elude the officers and get out of the city, Alonzo Whiteman is Well known to the local police; who- have arrested him s e w a l times on tha general charge ol suspltuou. He is not wanted here at present.

Whiteman and Knox* eapecially the latter, are known to many In Rome. Robert J. Knot Was a son of the late Her. William E. Enoiy D. D., wfco war tor many years the pastor of the Presby­terian Church In this city. He was bora

state creamery,2 Imitetlbn, do., 1' psckagea: steady,, „. farfee Oct.. fWeet iaaWW* nbife, 12a small white, M— ored,, .lmE&ai smaU.colored, li

' W«star«'al'arktts, '' Oain*.ob, Nov lfc^Opajte* 'Wheati 0e».,

66?<a67oi May. J6?#fc^jffg" Dec., SlMo; May,

, __, _.. _ selptsv 467S p&okages; steady; smansepfccoloze&lSHQISftc; r_» ~^ „-,i^. '"-^•",>- largo fancy coli

" UMct farge 1: Ursa cot ai2«o.

i>eo.,M^HC. L,aru, Pec , $8.10; Jan., aijp: 'V»ta.iaay.

Dec.,Sl.8t: Jatfcr*5;

$947. BibS.JapL»af8Hi< CmcAHOf ii6v«- "Tot OIostuie.—Wheat, i}eC.fc eiHoi May, M>$jftttil0. Com* Nov., 8 «6; Dec..

"'i6a81Uc; .ian., 80Wc; May,K^c. Oats, Nov,, Hcl me'ifsmi Jfay'aSMe..WrK, NOV,,$8.06;

Bee ,*a05o; Imt^mii, Msf, S»67«. I4rd, " WStm-Vm **<*%* r Jan., SJ&MgMilO;

L*^3wiw,wlrmr |4.w/:Dec.,. $4 76, Jan, NOT. _„. . . May,. $a»,.sBlbs,^Nov, . Ctooioci Nov. 15.-^Hoga-sithii»tsd raeeiptt

mixed sdtfnuteto«rfc»3 9amSo/* good to choice . Hght, |8J,MO<.0S;4 )Mt.J>t, Sales. $89504 Oj. |sOw^ier^eT«pt»*I^eBO^nea4^c<!ar-to- chdice steers steady^ strbwgi others slow; cow rua kefc about-.«teadv;,canilers nnhen,; Btocke.s and feeders steady ahd. •ctive/ttBej(rp8tv i$iiJ506,6Q>. COWH, 18 9654.7,5; heifek'JS60O5S5" canned «1.859>-05T8tookerS>. anQ feeders,-* »8.00o4.70: Texan grasa steers; $3.60*M 23; Texaa fed-beeves, i4tO^.6pjwestern*7l4i00aSJ.!!3, , , * * Cotton.

NEW YOM, Nov. 15,—(jfetton,—Spot cotton-quiet at 116 advance'; middling uplands,? 9-16c? imld^ulHg-KnlffriSlte. UaleSi-baJesi

Ctotton futures dosed weak; Nov., fcflSo; Deo » 7 S8s Jan,,,1!' 266 gab,, t.gte; Marcat,7i32Q; April, 7,84c; Mayi T^stetTnm'TSTo; iatfiWc^ Aug.fc7S8c; Bept.,6S»oi Oct.,690c. v

» f Buffalo wearkata BUTTALO, Nov. 15. Sprlne wheat. No. 1 north

era, 7!«o} winter wheat, No. a red.Wo, Oow»,, NoVayeUow, 88M0. Oats, No. S.w^jite, S8«a»9o.

Canal frel«hti^-Steady; wheat, 4c; ooniyJMia; oartoy 8^,c to New Yott, --' i

Patroleum. ' j PrrftinoRfi, Jtov. JS.-OU opened at it.SBS


unwaahed 18^18, lamb pelta, eaoh 40O71 , arlinWiooeo, tallow hi rotten, f>x> s^ren.

-Beaiia, medium . a a O ^ ^ S ^ i l - ^ r A t a l ) tiuaiMi,* Tn„. lOoTarquart, mSrrOwininTO, raSiu^8o7*Jl quart, jgg^i-JEBft 1 jKiUTujea. 8BO4ft^mi«hy.retaflve0r Jtair^aaF

\ 80, retail BOS.' Apples, retail, »/ bush., 60 «0. OnionsSS, wtafl 40©80. , . ; ._* eats—Pork V bbl, s-co. na, pork W» 7*

bogs, dressed.« cwt |5.00QS^hanw * * 11. retail 14, shoulders?. ratallTooia, bacon 10, ret 12K.' „Lard, kettle rendnredT 8c, 9 » retails. Beef,sar^Mied¥cwt: $5.0006 00, "western, S8.00O 8.50. beefsteak V ft 1$$Q94, beer roasts l^ie iS, porksteak 10, pork roast 10, mutton 8014, lamb 10O18, real, cutlet 18, roasts 10O14, stews 8O10... veal,.Uve weight, first quality <6.H), oatcaai | ^ | 8 . n o y ^ r t . • r ^*

Honey m'comb fl ft 14, retail 18, lS^re^jw.jrinegar, pure cjdar-

bee»waxl60 r

galilSX, re­tail 20, salt V bbi &B, retaQ |l.0^b«adUght oU» B<Poultry-<3Wcke»a 1ft * 1 0 6 A retail 'i401§,

iwhilo/retaIl.lj. duoJts 10, r S S i 14015. yonaK

V e i i l S a s l ' s t o v e &1& CBeatnuttJB.76; pea . NiSO. •..,. -, ,.-,... . : . , - ; . . j i .,

Bonie Fire Alarm Stations. -.0. a Engine Jttouae, uoertv street. ^~~

t«8 Corner Court and Jamee streets. .- - • 1-41 Corner Blooinfleld and Floyd aveane. l-B Corner of James and DomlnlokstreeN X-V Ccrngr IFomluck aalTOBstsWMtK ' 1-7 EaatDomlnick and Sixth streata. Jt 8 iKXSOhiotlve Works. . •• JM Bitasfana Copper Hal* / a-S CornerJamea and Front atraaU. a*8 MercnantlronMilli . .;

CornerJarneaand Wright streets.-Corner Jamesr and Henry atteats. edrn|#Qe0ri»'an"4;Heii#iteeet».' CoraerGeors»,Md Front street*.




, * 3-8

'tHi ***!$r

and reared W » j bijt.When % y o n ^ g n ^ l » n ^ l ^ p * Headache? "Owe cent a dose."

WiI*»n%!»ath]Whyact6ryi7 Corner mlnick and ClaAstreets. " Corner Calvert and Doxfcater avenna. ^fernep-Mad^sma^ItoBajfgo streets. # • ig(^et^h^r»nmHdas<»straeta , <

aaandJaystraeta. __ —ianajBtossnth streets. , -

.ornejr Thomas and-Kxpense streets. 5-1 No. 1 l ^ U e H o u s e , Washlnirtonstraet, ^ a Ctorner gbminick and WasMnrton atra#t«

s,»*j';!c^rw©0!na«.iujt,. _ M O o r n W ^ m a s and'Jamea 1


•*. y


i t