НЕДІЛЯ СВЯТИХ ОТЦІВ sunday of the holy...

_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin HOLY EUCHARIST CATHEDRAL КАФЕДРАЛЬНИЙ СОБОР ПРЕСВЯТОЇ ЄВХАРИСТІЇ _________________________________________________________________ 501 - 4th Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1S2 The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster Eparch: Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski НЕДІЛЯ СВЯТИХ ОТЦІВ Sunday of the Holy Fathers The 7th Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha is observed by the Byzantine Church as the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. This day commemorates the 318 God-bearing Fathers who gathered in Nicaea in 325 at the request of the Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, to address the heresy of Arianism together with other issues that concerned the unity of the Church. Today the Holy Church sings: "Let us celebrate today in prayerful memory the God-bearing Fathers from every part of the world who assembled in the brilliant city of the Nicaea. For these pious wise ones put down the godless teachings of the terrible Arius, and expelled him from the unity of the Catholic Church, and clearly taught everyone to profess their faith in the consubstantial and coeternal Son of God, existing before the ages, expressing this clearly in the symbol of faith". WELCOME TO ALL PARISHIONERS & GUESTS WHO HAVE JOINED US TODAY! Parish administrated by: Fr Mykhailo Ozorovych Mailing address: 408 - 5th St., New Westminster, BC V3L 2X6 Church: 604.522.7711 Fr Mykhailo’s cell: 604.704.5889 Sundays: 8:30 (ENG) 10:30 (UKR); Tue-Sat: 8:30AM; Holy Days (Великі свята): 8:30AM&6PM Web: www.newwestminster.nweparchy.ca E-mail: [email protected]

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin




501 - 4th Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1S2

The Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster

Eparch: Most Rev. Ken Nowakowski


Sunday of the Holy Fathers

The 7th Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha

is observed by the Byzantine Church as the Sunday

of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. This

day commemorates the 318 God-bearing Fathers

who gathered in Nicaea in 325 at the request of the

Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, to address

the heresy of Arianism together with other issues

that concerned the unity of the Church.

Today the Holy Church sings:

"Let us celebrate today in prayerful memory the

God-bearing Fathers from every part of the world

who assembled in the brilliant city of the Nicaea. For

these pious wise ones put down the godless teachings

of the terrible Arius, and expelled him from the unity

of the Catholic Church, and clearly taught everyone

to profess their faith in the consubstantial and

coeternal Son of God, existing before the ages,

expressing this clearly in the symbol of faith".


Parish administrated by: Fr Mykhailo Ozorovych

Mailing address: 408 - 5th St., New Westminster, BC V3L 2X6 Church: 604.522.7711 Fr Mykhailo’s cell: 604.704.5889

Sundays: 8:30 (ENG) 10:30 (UKR); Tue-Sat: 8:30AM;

Holy Days (Великі свята): 8:30AM&6PM

Web: www.newwestminster.nweparchy.ca

E-mail: [email protected]

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

First Antiphon

Clap your hands, all you nations;* shout to God with the voice of joy.

Refrain: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save, us.

For the Lord most high is awesome,* a great king of all the earth. Refrain

He has subdued peoples to us,* and nations under our feet. Refrain

God ascended amid shouts of joy;* the Lord at the sound of the trumpet. Refrain

Glory… Now… Only-Begotten Son…

Third Antiphon: We sing usual verses with the following refrain:

Son of God, who ascended in glory,* save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Troparion, Tone 6: Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became

like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb* seeking Your most pure body.* You

captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O

Lord, risen from the dead,* glory be to You!

Troparion, Tone 4: You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,* giving joy to Your

disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit,* and assuring them through your blessing* that

You are the Son of God,* the Redeemer of the world.

+Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 8: The apostles’ preaching and the Fathers’ doctrine* confirmed the

Church’s one faith,* and wearing the garment of truth* woven from theology that descends

from on high,* she rightly imparts* the mystery of godliness* and sings its glory.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 6: When you had fulfilled Your plan for us* and united things on earth

with those in heaven,* You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,* in no way distant, but

remaining in separable,* You cried to those who love You:* I am with You and there is

none against you.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4 Blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers, and praised and

glorified is Your Name forever.

verse: For You are righteous in everything that You have done to us. (Daniel 3:26,27)

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

Антифон 1

Всі народи, заплещіте руками, воскликніть Богові голосом радости (Пс 46,2).

Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Бо Господь Всевишній – страшний, цар великий по всій землі (Пс 46,3). Приспів

Він покорив людей нам і народи під ноги наші (Пс 46,4). Приспів

Зійшов Бог під оклики веселі, Господь – під голос сурми (Пс 46,6). Приспів

+Слава. І нині. Єдинородний Сину

Антифон 3: Співаємо звичайний третій антифон, але зі приспівoм:

Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що вознісся у славі, співаємо тобі: Алилуя.

Тропар (глас 6): Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм* і сторожі омертвіли;* Марія ж

стояла при гробі,* шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого.* Полонив Ти ад і, не переможений

від нього,* зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя.* Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава


Тропар (глас 4): Вознісся ти у славі, Христе Боже наш,* радість сотворивши

ученикам обітуванням Святого Духа,* утвердивши їх благословенням,* бо ти єси Син

Божий,* ізбавитель світу.

+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові.

Кондак (глас 8): Апостолів проповідування і отців догмати* єдину віру утвердили

Церкві,* яка і, ризу істини з богословія вишнього носячи,* право править, і славить

благочестя велике таїнство.

І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні.


Кондак (глас 6): Сповнивши

промисел щодо нас* і те, що на землі,

з’єднавши з небесним,* вознісся ти у

славі, Хрйсте Боже наш,* ніяк не

відлучаючись, але невідступне

перебуваючи,* ти кличеш до тих, що

люблять тебе:* Я з вами і ніхто проти


Прокімен (глас 4):

Благословен єси, Господи, Боже отців

наших,* і хвальне, і прославлене ім’я

твоє на віки (Дан 3,26).

Стих: Бо праведний єси в

усьому, що сотворив ти нам (Дан


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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

A Reading from the Acts of the Apostles: In those days, Paul had decided to sail past

Ephesus, so that he might not have to spend time in Asia; he was eager to be in Jerusalem, if

possible, on the day of Pentecost. From Miletus he sent a message to Ephesus, asking the

elders of the church to meet him. When they came to him, he said to them: “Keep watch

over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to

shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. I know that after

I have gone, savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Some even from

your own group will come distorting the truth in order to entice the disciples to follow them.

Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to warn

everyone with tears. And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a

message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are

sanctified. I coveted no one’s silver or gold or clothing. You know for yourselves that I

worked with my own hands to support myself and my companions. In all this I have given

you an example that by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the

Lord Jesus, for he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” When he had

finished speaking, he knelt down with them all and prayed. (Acts 20:16-18, 28-36).

Alleluia: The God of gods, the Lord, spoke and summoned the earth from the rising of sun

to its setting. verse: Gather to Him His devout ones, who with sacrifice make covenant with


Instead of “It is truly…”: O my soul, magnify the Lord who in glory ascended bodily into

the heavens. O Mother of God,* you transcended both mind and word,* and in time,

ineffably bore the Timeless One:* it is you who, with one accord,* we, the faithful, magnify.

Communion Hymn Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm

148:1)* Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous. (Psalm 32:1) Alleluia,

alleluia,* alleluia.

Instead of We have seen the true light and Let our mouths be filled we sing:

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, above all the earth be Your glory.

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

З діяння святих Апостолів Читання: Тими днями Павло вирішив плисти

попри Ефес, щоб не баритися в Азії; поспішав бо, щоб, по змозі, на день

П’ятидесятниці бути в Єрусалимі. З Мілету він послав у Ефес і прикликав пресвітерів

Церкви. Коли ж вони прийшли до нього, він до них промовив: «Ви знаєте, як з

першого дня, коли я вступив у Азію, увесь час поводився я з вами. Зважайте на самих

себе й на все стадо, над яким Дух Святий поставив вас єпископами, щоб пасли Церкву

Божу, що її він придбав кров’ю власною. Я знаю, що по моїм відході ввійдуть поміж

вас вовки хижі, які не щадитимуть стада. Та й з-поміж вас самих повстануть люди, що

говоритимуть погубні речі, щоб потягнути за собою учнів. Тому чувайте, пригадуйте

собі, що я три роки, ніч і день, не переставав кожного з вас із сльозами наводити на

розум. А тепер передаю вас Богові і слову його благодаті, що може збудувати й дати

вам спадщину між усіма освяченими. Ні срібла, ні золота, ані одежі я не вимагав ні від

кого. Ви самі знаєте, що моїм потребам і тих, які зо мною, служили оці руки. У всьому

я показав вам, що, так працюючи, треба допомагати слабосильним і пам’ятати слова

Господа Ісуса, що сам сказав: «Більше щастя – давати, ніж брати.» Промовивши це,

він упав на коліна і з усіма ними почав молитися. (Ді 20,16-18. 28-36)

Алилуя: Бог богів, Господь мовив, і призвав землю від сходу сонця до заходу (Пс

49,1). Стих: Зберіть йому преподобних його, що заповідують завіт його в жертвах (Пс


Замість Достойно: Величай, душе моя, Господа, що з плоттю во славі

вознісся на небеса. Тебе, вище ума і слова

Матір Божу, що в часі безлітнього

несказанно родила, вірні однодумне


Причасний: Хваліте Господа з

небес,* хваліте його в вишніх (Пс 148,1).*

Радуйтеся, праведні, у Господі,* правим

належить похвала (Пс 32,1). Алилуя (х3).

Замість “Ми бачили світло істинне…” та

“Нехай сповняться уста…” ми співаємо:

Вознесися на небеса, Боже, і по всій землі

слава Твоя (Пс 56,6).

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

• Happy Birthday to Bill Lesyk, Khristina Blajkevitch, Vlada Mazur and all those who

celebrated their birthdays this past week. May the Lord Our God continue to bless you

abundantly and the Holy Mother of God protect you at all times. Многая Літа!

Happy Mother’s Day!!! – We wish all mothers, god-mothers and spiritual

mothers many God’s blessings, good health, joy and peace on this special day.

May you be greatly rewarded for your love, care and commitment in this

privileged and demanding call of being a mother.

• PARISH PRAZNYK&PICNIK: Please, mark in your calendar JUNE 10TH. There will be

one Divine Liturgy at 11:00AM with a festal picnic to follow.

• NEW Moleben to the Mother of God (Маївка): Friday May 18th at 6:00PM.


OUR PARISH. I would like to thank everybody who contributed their time, talent and

treasure towards different renovation projects that are happening in our church. May the

Almighty God bless the work of your hands and reward you abundantly.

• NEW VYSHYVANKA DAY PICNIC - Sunday, May 27 @ 3 pm at Central Park,

Burnaby, Picnic Site 1. Wear your vyshyvanka and bring a plate of food to share!

• NEW May 14-June 4 Fr Mykhailo will be away on his annual vacation. During the time of

his absence, in case of an emergency please contact Fr Andrii Chornenkyi at 778 387 7071.

• NEW NATIONAL UCWLC DAY will take place on May 27, 2018! Holy Eucharist

Cathedral congratulates all the members of our local branch of UCWLC on this special

day dedicated to their Patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary. May God's love and blessings

be with you today and remain with you always. Mnohaya i Blahaya Lita!

Condolences We extend our love and sympathy to the family of Jeanette Oucharek who passed

away last Sunday, May 6th. May our Lord welcome her into His Kingdom and grant the soul of

His handmaid Jeanette a place of rest where all of the Saints are and make her memory ever

lasting! Jeanette will be greatly missed by all the parish family and those who knew her. The

arrangements for her funeral is the following:

Friday, May 25th @ 7:00pm - Divine Liturgy and Panakhyda at the Holy Cross Parish,


Saturday, May 26th @ 10:00am - Funeral service at Valley View Funeral Home, Surrey.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, please pray for the repose of Jeanette Oucharek and may her

example of service to our parish and her active role with UCWLC inspire us to wholeheartedly

give ourselves to Christ and be instruments of His love and mercy in this world.


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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

NEW May 6 Sunday collection: $645; May God bless and reward you


Windows Replacement Project!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, At our Parish Council meeting, we discussed the need to replace 16

windows in the dome of our church for couple of reasons:

- to save money on our heating bill;- to get proper UV protection for

the new icons;

- since we will already have scaffolding there, this is the best time to

do it.

- to replace cracked windows.

Your contribution towards this important project is much

needed and will be greatly appreciated!

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

Thursday, May 10 - Sunday, May 20

Mission Days - A Ten Day Journey

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

holy Spirit," Mt. 28.19

Dear parishioners, you are invited to embark an

extraordinary pilgrimage that will last for ten days - from

the Ascension (May 10) to the Pentecost (May 20). During

this time the attention of our entire Church will be towards

our common vocation as “missionaries,” that is to say a

community ready to share God’s Word of salvation with


We read in the Mission Days Guidebook: “By taking an active role in the spiritual efforts of

these ten Mission Days, we are called to better understand that, by their very nature, our parish

communities and families (domestic churches) have a missionary character. This missionary

spirit is a consequence of the gift of our Baptism, by virtue of which we, as Christians, take

upon ourselves the responsibility to believe, live, serve, and share the witness of our faith in

Christ, not just among our family members, but with our neighbours, wherever we may live.”

Let our entire parish community gather on May 10, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, in

our church to begin this pilgrimage together. MISSION DAYS SCHEDULE

Introduction - Thursday, May 10: Feast of the Ascension

1st Day - Friday, May 11: A Divine Love that Brings Joy

2nd Day - Saturday, May 12: Liberation from Sin

3rd Day - Sunday, May 13: God is With Us - We Belong to God

4th Day - Monday, May 14: Branches that Bear Fruit

5th Day - Tuesday, May 15: Where to Look for Truth?

6th Day - Wednesday, May 16: Personal Responsibility

7th Day - Thursday, May 17: Community of Prayer

8th Day - Friday, May 18: Serving Those in Need

9th Day - Saturday, May 19: “Tend my sheep!”

10th Day - Sunday, May 20: Our Mission: to Carry the Holy Spirit to Others... -

I invite your whole family to embark on this pilgrimage at home. Dedicate 5-10 min of

your time during these 10 days for praying with the “Mission Days Guidebook”. Please let Fr

Mykhailo know if you would like to have an electronic version of the booklet.

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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin


August 19-26, 2018 Start planning your summer holidays now! Come join us to celebrate our 34th year of camp for

children in our Eparchy! Camp St. Volodymyr is a great place to be physically active, build self-

confidence and self-esteem, develop life-long skills while reconnecting with nature and building

friendships. Our camp is also a wonderful opportunity to experience God through nature and the

companionship of others.

Campers will learn about the Ukrainian language and culture along with games, hiking,

sports, arts and crafts, camp fires, water activities and much more!

If you are between the ages of 7-15 this is a summer must do! Registration is $380. Book by

July 4 to save $50. Bus transportation is also available to and from New Westminster. Register

online using Eventbrite. Search “Camp St. Volodymyr BC 2018.” For more information contact

Jennifer Caldwell @ 604.220.0584 or [email protected].

WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR CAMP Camp St. Volodymyr is a nonprofit camp, run on a volunteer basis. Please contact Jennifer if you

are interested in helping.

VOLUNTEER as a Camp Counsellor

We are seeking between 8-10 individuals to help plan and organize our camp activities. Apply

online using Eventbrite. Search “Camp St. Volodymyr BC 2018.” Applications due May 15, 2018.

All volunteers will be subject to a criminal record check and must sign the camp code of conduct.

VOLUNTEER as a Camp Chef

We are seeking between 4-6 individuals to help us each day in the kitchen. It is your opportunity to

get creative and be a part of the campers top 5 things at camp; The Food! VOLUNTEER as our Camp Nurse

We are looking for an individual to be our camp nurse. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to

know the children in our Eparchy. This position would require valid first aid and nursing

certification. Responsibilities would include administering medications brought by campers/staff as

well as recording all incidents and treatments. Supplies and medications are provided by the camp.


We are always happy to accept food donations of fresh fruits and vegetables, breakfast items;

cereal, syrup, pancake mix, jam, Nutella, lunch items; chicken soup, Kraft dinner, cheese, drinks;

juice boxes, powdered drinks, brownie/cake mixes, Jello, snack bars, cookies or treats. Gift

certificates to Superstore and Costco are also welcomed.

DONATE Monetarily

Each year the Eparchy sponsors several children to attend. You can help send a deserving child to

camp through your donations. Donation can be made through the Eparchy or online at our

Eventbrite page. Tax receipts can be issued for donations of $25 or more.


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_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

Chancery Office

Eparchy of New Westminster

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! 22 April 2018

Dear Friends,

I would like to share with you some wonderful news for our Eparchy. In

December of 2015 Andriy Malysh visited our Eparchy at my invitation. He was

in his final year of a Masters-Licentiate Degree in Evangelization at the Pontifical

Lateran University in Rome. He completed his seminary training at Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv

and his Philosophy and Theology from Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. Andriy was born in

Nadvirna, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine. After his studies in Rome, he married Ivanka Danylyk

of Lviv. They have a daughter, Daryna who was born in October of last year.

As you know I was appointed the head of the Vibrant Parish Working Group of the Ukrainian Greek

Catholic Church in 2011. In the autumn of 2016, I hired Andriy to be our full-time Administrative

Secretary of the Working Group. In 2017 I was asked by His Beatitude Sviatoslav to head a special

team to conduct an audit of the financial structures and activities of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic

Patriarchal Curia (Chancery). Among the team members I brought on board Andriy Malysh who

assisted in the coordination of our audit team.

Andriy has visited our Eparchy a few more times since 2015 including 2017 for our Holy Week and

Easter celebrations with his wife Ivanka. During these visits Andriy along with Ivanka and I have

been on a journey of vocation discernment. I am very pleased to announce that Andriy will be

ordained a sub-deacon and a deacon for our Eparchy. These ordinations will take place in Lviv. His

ordination as a deacon will be celebrated at the Patriarchal Centre Chapel of the Annunciation in

Lviv on Sunday 20 May of this year. Andriy will continue to work in Lviv with the Vibrant Parish

Working Group for the next year or so and then God willing he will be ordained a priest for our

Eparchy and will come to British Columbia with his family to begin his

pastoral ministry with us.

I would like to ask you, dear Sisters and Brothers to pray for Andriy as he

prepares himself for ordination asking God to bless him. I would ask that at

each Divine Liturgy we add a special petition/litany for him:

Priest: We also pray for the servant of God, Andriy that the Lord

would send his Holy Spirit to guide him as he prepares for his

ordination as a sub-deacon and a deacon for the Eparchy of New

Westminster, Lord hear us and have mercy!

Faithful: Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy!

Certainly if you will be in Lviv on 14 May (ordination as a sub-deacon) and

on Sunday 20 May for Andriy’s ordination as a deacon you would be most welcome to attend!

With prayerful best wishes,

+Ken, Bishop of New Westminster

Page 11: НЕДІЛЯ СВЯТИХ ОТЦІВ Sunday of the Holy Fathersnewwestminster.nweparchy.ca/.../2/2018/...e-Sunday-of-the-Holy-Fath… · Sunday of the Holy Fathers The 7th Sunday

_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin

Page 12: НЕДІЛЯ СВЯТИХ ОТЦІВ Sunday of the Holy Fathersnewwestminster.nweparchy.ca/.../2/2018/...e-Sunday-of-the-Holy-Fath… · Sunday of the Holy Fathers The 7th Sunday

_______________13 May 2018_______________________________________Holy Eucharist Cathedral Parish Bulletin


SUN, May 13 For the faithful of the New Westminster Eparchy

For the Parishioners of the Holy Eucharist Cathedral



TUESD, May 15 Divine Liturgy 8:30 AM


THUR, May 17 Divine Liturgy for the repose of +Mary Beley 8:30 AM

FRIDAY, May 18 Moleben (Маївка) 6:00 PM

SAT, May 19 Vespers 6:00 PM

SUN, May 20 For the faithful of the New Westminster Eparchy

For the Parishioners of the Holy Eucharist Cathedral



NB: to request a Divine Liturgy for a special intention, please see/call Fr. Mykhailo to arrange for it!




May 13 Acts 10:18-36 Lil Saranchuk Maria Loutsik Maria Lyseiko

Thank you, Epistle readers, for your service in proclaiming God’s Word!


CHAIRPERSON…………………..…..…..Orest Lyseiko - 778-875-4853 VICE-CHAIRPERSON……………..…Oleh Kalynovych - 604-502-9986 TREASURER………………….……..…Polina Mullaeva - 604.264.8656 SECRETARY.……………………………Natalia Legan – 778.322.4106

FIFTH MEMBER………………………Victor Slupsky - 604-395-4273

CONFESSIONS….……………………1/2 hour before every service

EUCHARIST……….……..………….…for the sick - any time

BAPTISMS……………………….………..…..by appointment

MARRIAGES…… Six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and

he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made.

FUNERALS……..……….……………….……by appointment

ANOINTING…………………………..……..…..……any time

HOSPITAL VISITS……..………….….………..…..…any time UCWLC PRESIDENT..………..……… Lil Saranchuk - 604-936-4972