rq 1 - marist collegeno deber

?Pc'jf?L.A·,S I.J,'K / 1 r'{l'"'rrf- -h, RQ /,'prf .<. _ ,(,{ /_ <'-<"-': ()'t-1_.._ !Hen. _, [.f/-e_do•c; / f)ewJ "'-'4f, 1 t._.,_,t,:.-,. v{(. ')...- h(.,/o,/ 1/y' v c ..j.. ;,- 1 J-.,:r· M- 2-'( t.Jr_s- 0 -Yf f -{Y Q. 6D ·t:,

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Page 1: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

?Pc'jf?L.A·,S I.J,'K / 1r'{l'"'rrf- -h, RQ /,'prf .<. _

/(.esc~LL ~6 ,(,{ /_ <'-<"-': ()'t-1_.._ !Hen. _,

[.f/-e_do•c; ~<'-<<r{"S /

f)ewJ "'-'4f, ~ 1 t._.,_,t,:.-,. ~qcc~ /~J'lort';.. v{(. ')...- h(.,/o,/

1/y' v c ..j.. ;,- 1 J-.,:r· ·~~:::.

M- 2-'( t.Jr_s-0 -Yf f -{Y Q. -£ ~~- 6D


Page 2: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 3: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Seostate, ~.'ashington.


AlRORAM ~~£/~-~

FROM .~~N}-~ Tegucigalpa, Honduras

~::::er 2, lCPNTROL COPY !>""0 1 DJ · Octcb'lr 7, 5 p.m.

A-021, October 2, 12:00 p.m.

Department's sacret circular nirgram of September 19, 19441 9:15 a.m., c oncernir!g hold ere of I,n t}n-hmcrioe>n documents.

The Government of Honduras does not have R list of the holders of such documents because the formf'r honorary consular officers who solr: them to the interested persons or organizations neglected (quite naturElly!) to supply the ncmes or the Honduran Ministftf for Foreign Affairs. For the same reason, the Govern­rrent of Honduras would b~ unable to cheok any list which might be submitted by the Swiss or other· authorit1as. · ·

A responsible officivl of the Ministry for· Foreign Affaire told me this morning that as tar as is known only three

"' ll2Jl!. LlSJ, Hondurans ramain in Germany~r in German-Ce,Ptrolled territory; theea· are Antonio ALDlWIN, Enrique LOZANO, and Violate. Viotoria lofALTHEn."\The bet wfl.e born il'll Hondurae of a Oerman father and a Honduran mother.)

704/711.5 "!C JBF:mb


Transmitted via courier pouch oloaing October 3 1 1944 9 a.m.

\, '

Page 4: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


CONTROL ~OPY .. ::;~~;-:~r, r ...

. :.\. ';-J.~::·.:?c::


1\::~:tE:::.::;i:J.=Il'.l j.~ '36_f. Ui!€11· t :h.·.}'.~:

/ . ' ' ' '

./,, --~

rJ.,:l._;:-.t•(a.~tr~~~ s~:crot ·:t;.•cu!t.l' uh~~r· 1.ur. o~· ."!.t~f::-'J91; 0r Hl·'i4_. Ll:OO n.r:1., '-"!l·:.i.f:J.~···1 ".3:\f::1tjttr.t1in;: or L~vo~ :>1' .u •. o:-).cz·n :'\epulllics '~·r:c;_:mE'r:'; J~cld<1i's'1 ~

;.·,,_-:_}~y-;1I;~ :!.s ~ r~~e tt"<!l1Sl:.::tion or i\cr::.~ r-ro: 263 C:it.ui! lli..·.:~u~.t .iJJ~ 19'1-~ f.ro::1 t.t:~ .;i')n•.:•:.!.'::ln l.i!i.isf.~:· fol' £o.ee! 1~r: ,.J'ft,ir.:;:

!PJ"r;iy t!':.tet!t.i·H:ly ~nd tht'O\•f;h tl~~ ;'torth:{ J"fi3Jiu':~~ Of· rc:l:t' z.': ::.lJxEe·. 1 · I t1 •~c;,ur.:-nt th£!_ Go\·t:~;-n:._!•:Jal,. -;._y tt1u :)·:JisD Jo=,r~~l~rotion,

n :·;.; :~{- t'.:,_,""IJ:1.:.."n, t-~ ~":lk~- cnc·:'f;t· c:r t!cf•.!;.w,s~ itltta·c·etu ih i'.: 1

': ";-.,..·'!/, in tllH !J'J!;,IS! ;t"cr~'l itl :;hi eli 1(~ l"'ti-l tf.kG)l Ol':Ht"~d 10 : . -··· G~' ,:, 1.~/:J nlld. in Lh ;l nrJl,,'.tr.'.C[) "lfh':Upt,;.:, oy Gtirinf.!\Y.

''I ~:\'olJ.l ~~·y.'t·,J.f of tl-.1~ l)!',r.-oettn.!~ty t'J ag.:lin t.ilc.nk t.h~ :..\ 1 ,.(t.'n;:H~::t of" 2\':::.t~ei.~lurtd for t~!c '!1~:: in. which it; is CUl':'j'lng -:ou~ C~'.E. i-r.pr?se':i:-u··;:!.ort oC Hon~Ul.'Ui1 in·i;t::eentn ~n tho ~~mmt.t·ieJ .. "-':'' :·::·r.< ~:.') f.;.b<.1\'d•.

·: 1 •. :-:.:nc:, ';r..1 YOHl' .... :ttH:J.l'~\'l~y,..the • fl:)U!JI"u.noe5 o.:."' !;.y hi(~fH3t 1-'lll•J l·C.?.t ~~i~tin~ni~l··~·i conni:l-Jre,i;i·.:-n~''--

_.:o \s ucJ.i;JVC~ t:v0 ,ti\<;> tal';•.; Ol'-thu al•o;'~ COJT.MUniclltior. IJI·a· l!Ul'­~te::·.::!l!~\:· i·,:;·~a:! to cot·:~l' lih~ protectiVe J'Y;:lttbr5, in--wh.i·~h-tho_ DP.;~H)rtwent L:; 1.o~.~;tn"'£::;\ta;t ~

?04/'il.Lo sr; ,JB!.t':r~b

. ·,_

·rrAnsmtCtod vio couri"r polt<:h olosine Aur.us·~ 11, 1914, l'> p.rr .•

DECLASSIFIED Btato Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. lL Parks Doto..s.E.£...2 0 1972



Page 5: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


··) z.._~( .. , rnt/.-'1-( ~ ~ I { ,7M,1A1)


Teglioigalpa, Honduras, Augue~ 9, 1944


SubJeC!_t: O_la~_n.ts ~o Honduran Rat1Qnali~7


The Honorable The Secretary ot.State,

Waah1ngto~~ D. c. "'"" -- v---t4-~

·,~ ... " Sir: j~· < Wi~~terence to the Department's instruction

No. l6~ot July 5, 1944, concerning 'Certain claimants

to Honduran nat1ona11t7, I have the honor to enclose

a copy ot Note No. 216 ot August 8, 1944, troa the

Honduran Ministry tor Foreign Attaira.


John D. Erwin


Cop7 ot Note ae. eta ted.

JBr:hew '111.6 S0/704



Page 6: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


I' .,


Sole enclosure to Deapatoh Ro. 2092, Allerloan l:abaee;r, Tegucigalpa, Bonlhlraa. Auguat 9, 19''· ·



Ot. llo.216

Exoelleno;r' ·

I ~Te the honor to aokDowle4Ke the'recelpt ot Your '

Exoellez:'OT'• kind. note lfo, 230/ elated J~;r 10 laat, ill

whloh, wi~ inetruotiona.troa ;your ellli.Bh~ened Goternaent,

JOU were good enough to 11ranea_1t the e11oloaurea to a _

despatch tro• the Aaer1oan M1n1ater at Bern,-·-swuzerland,

4ate4 ·MaT ~~- 18"• The enclosure• ooneiat ot anen . . . -

applioatlone ~or doo\illen~atloll ae BunduraD citizen• (bJ

l!iraona. held) aa o1T111u interne .. a~ Tittel, rra~~oe, ' .

wboae naaea 'are; loeri1gU, Steta~~LiaQheaJa~ Jfaloion, - ' . .;

l:en1s1l aDd Sara, all baTlq t~. taailJ na• ot SoaJnbau. . - ' ':· .. -. - - - --- ....... '

Lite~•• Your ExoellenoJ la sood enough to 1ntor• lie

that 1n a note 4ated MaT 2&, the M11l1atr1 ot roreip Atta1ra

ot SwUserlaDd aate4 to be 1ntor•4 'wbether the GoTernaent

ot Bondaraa reo01Jl1zea the Bonlhll"aal 'n.:uonalitJ ot the


Page 7: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


:"'· .. · .) . . . ~.


aeYen applicants and Whether it authorize• the Swiss

Lega~ion in Berlin to i~aue thea Honduran paespor~

In replJ, I haYe the·honor to. into~·xour Exoellenor . .

that •1 Gonrnaent recognizee th,_ Yal,141tr: or the Honduran . nationalit7 ot- the SoaJnbauma,* o~Yilian intarnaea at

Vi ttel, Franoe, and request, tbrougli Xo11_r Ex_!:!e:L1enor, _ tllat

the Swiae ·Legation in Berlin be good enough to iseue

Honduran paaaporta to the pereona aboye naaed eo that the7

.., aooredit their Honduran nationalitr.

I anil. (etc.)

/8/ 811Yerio Laine&

~- / *· Spelled •SaJDbaua• in the original.- !0



Page 8: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'. -- ~


,., . \

•••• ~x···

.... -

"'- ;.;u!Jjact; !'or sons Clair:lint; tlondut•r,r, ;,.,tiona.:.i ty ~~1·1 by \.he GorrMns o

Ihu :ionorable


The ::.ccrutary of Stato, uaohlngtotl~


• .... 09'

;,ith reference to the Je; ~rt:tcnt '~ iretl-uct.!.on iio, l'/14· of Jctl.y '2.1,, 191.1, cc.ncemiq; cortr.~r. c l:.L-;.nt:, to lion·iuren tllltiona.l i ty vlho nrc boj rl-~ ho..L-.i oy t;•t' -JtJJ~i. . • ,, , l t•AVft th~ honor to oncloac copy of ;.ot.e ·•<-. i '17 of ll<lL"\4$\. 4, , ·11.1, frof.l tho iiondurnn llinistry for foreicn rJ':'nir" •,.. fr<'c ll''u1alation . is also enclosed, \ · ·

!les~ctfully ycurn,

John D, Lrwin

• hnclosnres:

DECLASSlfH:n State Dept. I.ctter, 1-11· 72

·.· 111 B. H. P~ko DntoSEP '"~ \; i:J12 .-. l, Copy of llote ho, lo/l., 2, Translation of No, l

Pile. 7ll.5 JBI'': lliB uzalid

))y R. 11. ..... " ••

Page 9: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

., Enclosw·e !;o, l to t~spatoh lio, ,.meri cun ilib<.ssy, Teguciealpa, Hor.duras, -.up,ust 4, 1944,

SJ:.Ca:..;J"i.l'. ::>;;; i!tJ..-.Civ;,;.:, KXT.:JUORES !)[ L.n

R.I.:):.: ~LlC h Jl-. th..~. :.JUJA.:l


C., 4 de llfooto de 1941.,


Por el <tif,Tlo 11e-Ho de Vuestra !::Xcolencia, el Gobierno de

Hor.da!'f.s desoa trasmitir la situionte comtmicncion al Gobiemo do

la Confojer:,ci6n 3uiza:

"El Gobiorno de ~londur.1s hu n~bi:lo 1ue los siguientes posoe-

dares de pasa;.;ortes cmitidos en su norabz·o h'll< sido sacndos ,Jel

c;,:.,p<mJento de concentr~<cion de civiles en Vitte:, Francia, por las

autorictades i.lennms:

SZJ::liDEHG, ::i1l1!luol !:i:..:.L::B~:t'J, l:.stera S<::J:.J::Jt.:lG, !Jolla S.:..EJ;suaG, Jersy SZill!li::.-iG, Ella

~He:~:..:. srr..n:, -.bz·nhrun HJ;l.U:0TI:J.~, 1 1!;3t OJ' a KJ·~c.:..:~:L~CU, Jcehok L.~~,...J...:N::, '·i'li

El Oobiorno de h~n.t~rns protontn en6ratcnrrcnto do cstc tr.ato

a be mencior.adns personnn ;,· urrr.,ntcmonto solicitn informon on euanto

a su par:~doro :; hionostar nctunl, Ademiin, solicita inforn:ncion en

cuanto a lc~ r.ombros, parnc!ero y 1bicnent.'lt' do tCYtn otrn persona que

posea cccw.:entoa en noMhrc del Gohio;ro dp llondurao y <.Mi ones haynn

sido asir.lismo sacnc!os <je, o detcnido(l en, otros lurrnre:~ que no st'an

camprunentos para concentracion de ci vilos,

El Gobierno de llondura:~ espera <!l irntcdiato trnslado do todns

estus rersor.as a crunprunentos r~~ra cor.centracion de civiles en donde

ost,1ran facilmerte acceoiblcs para au caf\jo cuarxto las negociacionea

J.lttguen a un grndo de dooenyalvimionto pnl'll rpe j:Uedan aor incluidoa

f.xcelcnt!simo Senor John D, Erwin,

EmbnjP.dor Extraordinario y i'lenipotencinrio

de los Estados Unidos de AmBI:,I.ca

El!llAJADA /.llill!ICA11A



Page 10: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


t - 2- ol en un canje, :r ·1on.:lo, or. ospera ie dicho canje, estad.Rn bajo la

supervision de la poter.cin protectora y la Cruz l!oja Internacional.

Aderoiis, ol Gobinrno de Honduras aprovecha ~stn oportunidad para

rei terar su decl.si6n de no ponrJ. tir que la vnlidez de ninrrU.n docu-

~,nento onitido en su nombre sen puesto on duda por /~eruanin, y que

espern 1uo el lfobierr.o Aleman de n los poseodores de tales docl.lr.len­

tos, el misno trntnmiPnto -JUO os;JtH'a ol Gobierno nleman sea riallo a

sus nacioc.:;.les an Honduras, Ad!l!aas, la aencion de ciortoa nombros

no deber<i tomc.rse cor.:o ur.a lL'llitacion en e~nnera nlcum, de la pro-

tee cion dada ro • el Gobierno de P.orduras a toda persona 'iUC tengn

documentos emitictos en Bt! nombreo 11

~~ agri!.:lecer nntic!pnd:unente a Vuestra Lxceler.cia la ntoncion

:1ue lu ;:,erezca la presents, n.,rovocho la ocr.sion f:ar:. reite1•arlc

el tPstimonio do :ni conirieracicin Dllls alta y distinrruida,

(:., J

(;opied hy. !/18

Page 11: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

·~ · . .. ..,


i;Jlclosu.rc ::oo 2 to '<to- 3F~ Ho~ 2076 ,;oeric:.n J:h'lass,,, 'l'<l"~'Ucigalpa, Horduras, h\.l8UBt 1,1 l<ji, I • •

.kll~Is:·;~-; \..F F\.:,ll:J.31\ ~·~Tl~!i:J 0F 1h~

lW ~:J;..lC JF HU;DllllhS

Through tho ,., rthy r,odiuz~ of 1our E:-:c!!ll,(tncy, the Government of Horcluras Jesires to trammit the foHowing communication to the Govarment of tl·.o Swiss Confcdvration:,

.,.~~\8 Cloverr.'!l~t of Xonclurc,e has leanoed that the followinP. holders of ;>as sports i •sct"d in its nazle have bPcn r<l!'loved by ./ Gerr:.1r. nuthori ties fro::J the civilian internment camp at Vittel, France:

.,/ SlaJ.l,B:JiQJ Samuel :,;.::.::Ju"1G, isters s.::;;;;n:.:lo, Jolla .:Jil2·.3~W, Jc1·9y q;,;&.J:.OIG, Ltla

I~ViL..-',.J'i'L:t:; J ~-braham IIU:U!J;sn.u;, r;stora

v't;r.Cr.:;i:J.:ll.il•, Jcehok i(,,CJ-.ll~;z, l.ivi

'i'he Govern.':lent of Honduras strongly protests tlrl.o treatment of the ~hove naoed persor.s, c.rd i ~ urgently roqoo sts inforruatJ.on con­cerning thai r present •>hereabouts ard ;volfare, Further, it rc;jUestR inforoation concerni ne tho nat~es, whereabouts, and vrelfaro of any other persons to ~hom documents h~ve been issued in the nar.e of the Government of Honduran and l'llo nay have be~m similnrly rouoved froc, or who arc detained nt places other t.lmn civilian internment Cl•mp~, ' .i ·

··rhe Govol'I'U',ent of Honduran expects irernediato trnl!sfer of all such persons to civilian internment cnops uhero they ll\ll)" be readily available for exchange men nogotiati<>ns ronch a .stage at l'lhich they may be included in such axchilllgo IUld wi!Ofe1 . pen:Ur.g. such cxchang~1 th c:r would bo under tl:e ,supervision of the protectin8 power an:l the International Hed Cro an:

Furhher, tho Government of Honduraa tnkos this opportunit~· to reiterate its,st!Uld that iLwill not pennit tho vall.dity of any docw.ente issued in its nar.e to be questioned by Gonnany, nnd that it ·expects the Oennen Government. to accord holders of ouch document a the same treatment which th<! German Governuent. hopes to obtnin for its nationals in Hor.duras, Further, tho mention of particular names is not. to be construed as lWting in any ,ay the protection oxterded by the l!orduran Uov0l'JIL1ent of all persom holdl.ng documents is sued in its name. "

In thanking your Excellency in ndvanoo for the attention which this request. nay merit, I avail myself of the occasion to reiterate the expression of m,y highest and distinguished conllicleration,

His Excellency . (a) SILVERIO LAIN£<: Ambasoador ilittraordinary arrl l'lenipot8ntiAry of the United States of ~rica American &!basay

translated by: ma

Page 12: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~ecr8tery a; ~Lb~n, .e.sn lnt.t.on.


,, .t .. L.

;t-0::11, June <J, ll;..h> u.c,


i'tq;u~ i,:.".:.ll.JO, i:onrlw•!.s A~2ll • · J~n.: ~, ·1944

.c' .: ""'ffiRTM ,1' Of STATE

CONT~Q,tCJIP.1. -:~r~.:l'encn Je~IJ['t,,t!IH • 3 sec rat. circular ulrt;rc::. of . B.~· 11, 1~4~ •

7 :-JJ '.<: .• ·· n H'JV lou' co;. o.urtiau~ ic.nu on l>nha!f of .• tlr .{cfugce llotir~.

l"hu ... vv;,rnrr.:.:nt. o!.' t•un ~u:·cu he~ 1t-noreJ un:! !'1r.d. nothinL· to do with tow ..;;>un!ur. , in1a!.c.:·, :.twa~ resiUonc<J ib at ..;un 1u1vu1o.r. I'ne rl!l)l'e­:;.antat.Lons su :ccs~;eJ in tl.e airgrH.·t. undee .rvfot'enco therefo1 .. c tlo not. a;Jpear ~c oa ;Jn.lC~ic.nble ut thi~ tiu.e. ln tn&su 'ctrQt.:: .. atun(}t1EJ, 1

shr.ll t>t~o n~ furtt.or action on this subjoot unlous Lho 'JopurLn.ent :l.ireccs.

DECLASSIFIED Btato Dept. Letter, 1·11·?2

By_ R. II. Pnrks Dnto S E p . 2? 1972

Page 13: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


1 L \\!:\

•Uiii:~lll.lw;.;Y, V,\'

1'ii:UUCIU.,Il...l-.1. (HONDUHA'J), · t~n .. ~\•> ... 11'

FOR 'l'IiJ:; -~·····£-.. ItlFOlUiAi'lON Oi~ '.L'Hp; CfiARUlf l> t Ali'li'AI&:S J~l) lti'i't:Hlt-1.

'l'he Department and the l~ar Refugee l..lonrd are h1~hly Sl'at1f1ed

over the resulto reported in your noo. 127, 120 t\ncl 129 of Apr1l 26.·, !ol·

fleaoe convey to tile Honduran au1lJlor1 ties this Uoverntlent • r. deep \

appreciation of their attitude.

111e cable ooeta for trQnnm1tt1ng tho meooago contained in

Honduran note no. 1646 and other result1f18 oommun1ot1tione •·rill be

noattmed by this Governmont.

Heferring to 1ihe oeoond !JnragruJJh of your no. 127, it 1e i

bo11ovod that tho 1gnor1ne C\f 1nqu1r1on or the Opan1ah Uovornmant . ree~dlng th~ Vn11d1ty Of)~eeporto might lead to Opaln BiV1ng


UeJ'fJ!aQy m1elead1~ information C~orioorn11~{ the Hondurun ntti tud.Ei •.

'therefore, pletu!e euueeet to the l."ore1gn H1n1oter th.~t in Oafle ot

inquiries by ;;p,.in (or if you deem lt v.dv1sable, even ~a.thout. a•"'lit•

ing such 1nqu1l'1eo) the .Up~o,n1sh.l-!J.n1ster be 1ntorn~ed ot the, sub-" ot~~oe or Honau~~m notes 1046 and 1647.

Page 14: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Department and War Ref'U&ee Boal.'ll highly gratitiM reaulte reported in your 1271 128 and 129 ot April 26. Pleaae convey Honduran authorities this Governaent'e deep appreciation of their attitude.

Ca'llle ooete tor tranemitting mea1age contained in Honduran note No. 1646 and other resulting coDDUnicationa wW 'be a1eumad 'by thie Goverruaent.

Referring to second paragraph of your 1271 it ie 'believed that ignoring inquiriea of Spanish government reaarding the v.U.iait:t of paaeporta !light lead to Spain giving 0el'llai1Y ll.l.eleading intonaation concernin& H~duran attitutle. Therefore, pleaae eusceat to Forei&n J.liniBter that in oaee ot inquiriee 'by Spain (or if you deem it adviaa'llle, even without awaiting such inquiries) Spanish ltiniater 'be Wol"'lled of the llii'llstance of llonlluran notes 1646 anti 1647. '

•••••••••••• Maf 6, 1944 aaso P.M.

~. BAicsinajp

.t. s.t. S/S/44


Page 15: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Jecre~~ry a: ~L~tc, .cshln£:ton.


l.'et:u~i.;al,Jo., iiOOdli.I':e.s

A·2ll Jun c 9, 191i4 .-{~:_Juuu_

fJ t P ~ R T Mt N;~T '";;O::Uf ~ST'""A T=-=E--..

wr: 1" 1~.1

OIVISIO~' OF __ ,- .. ''-'~IC. 111 •UN".. li RECORDS

;~c-0::11, June 9, ll:.JJ u.r.. \

.~eft:('\JOCC Jtt;lUI'tae:nt. Is secret cirC\o.l::ar alr~.re:'l. or ... ay 11, 1V44. 7:JO l.r: .• !'n 1['uvlous co;~: •. urdoutlvnu on Uuhalf of .• ur .~efugea douc:1.

;he -..;ovornr1~cn~ o~"' 11on.~u:•u!J b::::.a 1t.nla~eJ un-J h::..d nothin,· to do with tno .~;wni!Jr.. i.nle!.c:·, :.hoa":l .roultloncu ill nt ...Jun "..ialvi.1.:l01' ... l'he ra~)ro­tSantatlonn nu_:£.cstuJ in tl.e :-tirgruot. undor rofocencu therefore cto not apper,r to ce i"'''ctlcnrle ut thin tiu.o. ln ta~a~< c!rQur .. s~untlee, ! sh~ll tuKtJ n~ rurtr.or t.ction on this subjoot unless Lho ·;opurtment :iirects.

J':" • .:..;rr.t:

f.rur.s.rittar! v1C\ ~o"ourior :JOUCh closing June !i, 19{1j. 1 1:~0 p.;o ••

DECJ,ASSIFIED Stale Dept. Lollcr, l·ll·72 'l,O 1972

By R. lL Parka Date~

Page 16: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

CONTROL COPY KE;!-250 This tE1E[;l'Ctm must bE pcrcphr~sEd bEforE bEing conununicCttEd to Ctn;fonE othEr thCtn c GovErnmEnt c.:::;Enc:,-. (Bn) •


DCttEd MCty 2, 1944

fiEc'd 9:10p.m.

,J /~:,,.1Y~fl ~~ v .. ~n'"

,, .. •·' Jl ,r 133, J:~y 2, 5 p.r•. ..;'" ~I'

)' ......--·-It is CSSUl'lEcl thct 101y c'Espntch l!o, 1002 of

~pri1 28 EntirEly COVErs thE mcttE~S diSCUSSEd in

thE DEpcrtJ'\Ent's circulcr uir::;rmn of ;~pril 22,

?:30 p.m., rEceivEd this aftErnoon,

hE l'E?


DoEs thE DEportmEnt dEsirE c_ny furthEr cation


Page 17: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber





1'.-\H.rJ>HHAS.Z 01!' 'l'.l!:LZGHJI!f. R::.:C.HVED

American Embassy~ Teguoigalpa;·

Secretary of State, ;·:ashington

April 26, 1944

127 CONTROl COPY This morninG the matters oontE.ino.d in the Department 1 s

A-77 of "''ril 20, l'oooived last eveninr,, wero dlooussed by

me wi tll the !.:ini"ster for .'oroign Affairs, Complete success

on all points, I vms e;iven by tho l.!inister two sir•ne<1 notes~

r4luting respect! vely to exchange ne~:otiatlons and to the

mntonial at top of page three· of the air •ram which is under - 0 -

reference, Later todny we \"till oablo translat'f'~ns. c..,:; tv: ·o

Inquiries rror.t the Spanish Mi~lote:Z.. conce~1ng~r~d-1ty of thtl passports' have not been received by ~~he M_Hi~~-

·~ 1 .1,1 ~J

try for I•'orelc;n Affairs and such lnquSlries as * be~:t~~:. eel ved lat'er will be ignored by him. ~ =


\, \


Page 18: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber





Amerioan B:mbaeeJ, 'feguo1galpa v

Beoretai'J ot State, Vaehington

April 26, 1944

NUHBEt\1 . 'I. 128

a •:. Given below '1s the substance of note No. 1647 signed 'b7

'I . , B11Yer1o Laine~ ~10h the Minister ot Foreign Affaire handed

to me this morrlins.'t'aee my oable No. 127). The idea that an exchange ot German nationals tor

persons in Europe who are nationals of Honduras/or who

have document• as euOh be arranged wlth GermanJ through

appropriate mean• bJ the United States 1e approved by the

Government of Honduras. Legitimate oi~izena of Hondur~a,

which ie to aaJ those bOrn in the Republic of Honduras,

~ill have prior1tJ over all othere in these negot1at1one •.

You ehould not~ that the Honduran Government aeeuma1 no

obligation to admit p~reone who are·not legl•ate Honduran•

into its territo~J, even temporarilJ.

'fhere follow• another oablt.


Pleale aocept, eto.

DECJ.ASS1!111';11 State Dept. l ... d't"·L i·i 1-72

By R. lL Pe.rl<o Dotc.stJ2..-2 0 1972

Page 19: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber








American Embaasy, Teguciglllpa /

Beoretar7 ot State, Washington

Apr11 261 1944


0 a You are requested to rater to m7 cables ot toda7 1 s date

Nos, 127 and 128•

Given bel.ov 1e the substance ot note No, 1646 signed b7 (

Silverio Lainez which the Foreign Minister handed me this morning:

The illustrious Government ot the United ,Statee is re­

quested by the Honduran Government. to tranemlt to the Bvies Government the following meesage:

The Swiss Government, in representation ot Honduran

interesta before the Herman Government, ls requested b7

the Goverr~ent ot Hond"ras to advise' the Government ot

German7 that those persona poeseeelng Honduran paseporte;'

or vho accredit Honduran oltlunablp on the baele ot o.,. • .,.,~.,. ~e•eial doouments1be .eatagua,._& and that all the

immunltiee, <Privileges, and rights accorded ~o oiviliane

internees)ot ~nations ln aooordanoe vUh vhat 1e .. tab­

li~ed 1n the Geneva Oonvention concerning treatment ot

prisoners or war qr vbloh hat application b7 analog,1


aooorded to those perao~e.

I bke tble opportunUr, eta.

It le aeeuaed that the Government ot the Unlted ltatee DECLASSIFIED

State D<pt. Letter, l·ll·?ll

. By R. H. Parks Doto StP 20 1972 vlllpq

\ \

Page 20: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

v1ll pay all cable ooeh fllnoe the M1nlotol' wroto thh

note r.t my nugt;ort1on, mnde 1n aoooJ'danoe with the Depart -

• raent 1 s ftlJ'GI'flll of A'Jl').l 20 1 19-lt. No. A•7'1.

Page 21: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

' "' ~ -t-~1" J'¢ ~t: •-!~CONTRO~ 'G~PY - -l ~~~;I -~) 2:30PM I .....

'~ l~lfu\:J 'jJ{ 1

. April 2lO, 1!1411

!'.::GU;;lc!AL,hl. (llOiiDUl{;iJ.;) '.

1•'vH '.L':iJ:: l-!~r:Jc:·:.-u., ,,.N ) - .~'!''.l'O::N'i;lOti vl•' l'H:.:: Ml0,;0,;illlOH.

Refer our !>revious commun1oat1ono regnrd1ns 1·:a.r Hefugoo :Joard. a1:rgram March ~1,

Reference 1e m:ulo to ileY)nrtruent 1 o Y.h:!.1X1rxo::lh~dat 1 :o5 p.m.

111n1oter llarr1(:on nt uern ho.a 1nform•H'l uo tllnt tho G•~loo

•'orei~n Into:rente D1 v1ulon hce ndvioot\ ll1r~ informally tli.:\t the

Jyan1nh ffOV'll'nment !lad been r&quortoc1 by tho Ue:l:'lJ(.mG to inquire

.l.nto tile bona f1r1.oo of certe1n Latin Al;ler1ctin p.:~Mporto, held by

intornooo in onemy-controllec1 ter1•i tory nn<t. th~:~t tho Latin American

govornwento have tlonied reeponn1b111 ty no ~tall M nny ol.r:\1rao o1' the

peroono hold1JllS ouch ponC~porte. l:'lenP.O npprouch np~>rO);ll'itlta otr1-

c1al n of the £$OVernr,Jent to •!hiob you are nccrodi tea. &.nl1 · 1nou1re

•!l1ether 1t hao l'oceivcd any D\lCh 1nqu1r1eo throut:;h tho ~ovornr:~ent

l)f :.!pain or· otller•-•1oo 1'roo tho l!o:rnw.rio t•1th roopoct to the vn11tU.ty

of paaflporte hela by ouoh 1nterneofl 'mld 11' ouch 1nqu1:ry han been

lllalie, plenoe asoertn1n tho nature of tho roaponee, -if any.

In v.1eu ot the perilous situation 1n ~-!hich theeo 1ntarneeo

flna thetleelveo, the oonolue1on bao been reached t~t perhapl tho

only ~~y of oafeu~ard1ng the lives of theo0 untor~1nnte v1ot1ms ot

llaz1 t:>OI'eecut1on 1r torthH1tb to 1n1t1(tte tbrouch propel' Olt:lnnelo



State Dept. Letter, l·ls"[p 2 0 1972 By R. H. Parka Date __

Page 22: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

-r~~n~- -2-

ncgotint1onc for all exchange of R'\tiOI.'Io.lll for nhioh thene people

uill be ol1e1ble. In contemplntinB !J\lCh CXOh..'"\llge neeot:l.ations, ~

1 t io not expootccl that ti'UJ ~ove:rnment to •·rhioh you twe t100roul tea

~-·111 pllye1oally n(i.m1 t v.ny mtoh persona into its terri tory even on

a tempore.t'l' or tentnt1ve baeie. '!'his Governr.1ent 1a prept,red to

taite full :ror.pol)oibllity for all e.:rrull(:;emente neceAMrY to l'oute

th€Jse )JG:reono to 11laceo elne•·•he:ro.

l'rocood1ng on this bao1o, iJlenoe llPPl'Oaoh tha t~ove:rnrJent to

'·1hioh you uro aoored1tec1 •·dth the requeot that it give ito l•\pproval.

to thu oovernn~Gnt of the United Otntoo npproach1~ the Uer1aan

~ovornr.lont; tllX'ouell appropriate ollnnnalo uith n vietr to !nitiat1rl8

ouch negotiutionn. I'leaoo aleo ut1v1oo appr•oprinte off'io1C1.la or of floridurae

the J<iU~a)tXii ~overnmont tllt:\t nimllar requests nre bo1TJ« L~O.e ot " other Latin Amsr1onn oo~ntr1ee, it bolng tho hope o1' th,.o Government

th:\t it •·11ll be put in a poo1t1o~ to initit\te ogcll:lnge it1eouaa1ons

on C\ haLl1eplter10 bua1a o :.1enoc cttlllO o.<l.Vir.tl ~\\Oh otdo1alo thl.\t :l.n

uny cxchant·;e neJSot1o.tiona that may bo ontorod into, it 1a or oouroe

understoou that unqueJJt1onod citizens of tho ·unitell. :Jtatot\ ~d of

the Latin J\mOt'1oan countr1~o .. ,s.u bo oonP.1derec1 b;v thin Government

ue boina in a category entitled to priority over others.· . \

l'leo.ee alao request the government to •·oh1ch you are aoozood1terl•


Page 23: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~~~ -~ .. on uuma.n1tnr1~ ~roundo, at:f1rraat1vel;y to npproao11 tho 0o:roan , (SOVCI1lment tltrout;h the protecting por.-er •:·1 th a demand th .. 'lt the

l1vee of .u.l perFJonr. holcl.in.o,:; P:lncports 1~r.ruoo. in 1tn n::.;.te Ol' oln1ro-

1~ ito o1tlz<>nshlp on the b::1elo of oonoulnr Oocur;!Onto be aa1'e~

g1.1arclot1 nn!l thnt they be {Slvon all r1fi'htn, pr1v1logee nncl 1nummit1eo

a.ocor<1ed to c1v1l1nn lnternoen o1' onemy nationality to •ol1om tho

Jenovu i;onvention regnrCl1~~ the trent~rant of pr1oonoro of •·rar 1a

curran tly am)11ed by annl.Ot:iY.

In vie•·• or' the 1rru:\lnont d.:-.1\;;er in "IU.ch the perr.onr.' concerned

t1nJ tilcmoelV1.HJ, you nre raquente\1. to act ~··1 th tho ::;re~toot poos1blo


1>'1nally, •·'fl oonunun1oate to you, for oomr.1Un1oat1on to tho uovot•n~

ment to •·h1oh you a.ro acoroCJ.1 ted, the Elttblltnnce ot a. cable •i11oh the >

Department hno oent to our l!in1otoJ> at ,Jorn ae tollC?Ho: .;.UOl'll!

AJ.thoush tho rnot1voo or tho Oormano 1~ uooorc1.1~ bettor. treatment to

Je•·•s ot l'oliah or1s1n holtl1ng pnooportE1 and other do.our.umts ioouod

in the llalilOEI or .t..at1n Atler1otln countr1eo uro not too clear, it noulcl

appear tbat thcf inclu(1o (1) come hope tilnt thof rui(',ht be ooneic1ere0.

axollanue mnter1~ aeainot Germane in the '~€~stern llomio!Jhe:ra LU\d (2)

oome fear that their ill-treatment llllght af.ford the Lat1n ~~merionn

countries a pretext tor further l1m1t1ng th~ t~eedom;anu eoonomio

aotlv1t1eo ot Oermano resident in ouch countries.


Page 24: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


TQ..t~~ ~-,1 -4 ..

The maasu~ reported 1n your 1950 of Haroh ;::{) may be an

1nd1oation that Germany io beginning to doubt •·ohathor ouch Je,~o

e.re conGiclerod exohnnge 11lc'lter1al nnd •ohether their treatment ..,ould

att·eot the treatment or uerrnane in L..'\tln iunerica. 'l'h1s Government

regards 1t ae essential th.'\t these doubto be promptly anu effectively


t~ooord1ngl;y, ploMe requent the ~ood oft'ioee of the :;,.,lea Govern­

mont 1n informing the Germano tht\t tb1n Government is unc1.ertalting

discueo.lons .-,•ith Lut1n lllner1oan oountr1ee for a further exchange ot

Gerlilafls in the 1·1eetern l!om1opllere for persona in l~ermnn-oontrolled

territory and that 1n this oonnootion, tho llnito<1 ~1it\teo oonsit!oro

that all pereono in Vi ttel 1.-mrl elne•lllore boltU.n6 pv.ooportn anli other

~!ooumonte issued in the numeo of .L.:lt1n 1\.n1er1onn countries ulll be

eligible ~or such exohanse.

:Jimultanooualy, plense l'0(1uest tile appropriate U•·rioa authori­

t1eo to adY1ne the Germano that 1n the menntltno thi~ Government

e:xpocte that theeo peraono ,.,111 bo aooorliea the earne r1~hto, pr1vile~es

una 1llll'JlUn1t1eo thut tlle Ger!lllln BOVernn:ent expects 1·-il·l be nooorded

to Germans 1n tho ~·estern llomiephere. You may add thnt e. cono1der­

nble number of Gorman o1v111ano 1nternec1. by vnrioufl Lntin :l.tlerioe.n

countx•1es bave been placorl bJ euoh countries in the ~uotoay of the

United Ota.teo and are presently in ouch custody ~··1tb1n continental


Page 25: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


L;'or your info:n1ation, tho substance of this r.lef!r.a{r,e ir.: being

:Jommtm1oatetl. to oux• llies:!.ona in the Ll.!.tin i\mericnn countriao

cuncernod. l'e are also J;Jdting 1nqu1Ty of ouch L.<:~t!n Alli01'1onn

.Jounti·iec "ith rG!'!peot to tho nuthent1o1ty of the lnforrJ..'ltion

\nformt"\l.J.y conveyo(\ to you by the :.ltH!so Jl'oro1csn Intoroeto ll1v1n1on

·-Jhloh you refcrl'od to in your 1004 of lln.roh 31 Ui-i.~UCi.'E,

:.l.t':;CI!.L IN~'J.'HUC'l'l!2ll:l 'l'O j,'H:~ I!J·WJ~oQ:hOOfi, It·

lCou are 1notruotec1 to memorize the contents of tllio u.1reram,

l~l."n the document Gl1tl c11acusa the llk'\ttar orally tf;lth the government

1;0 .. hioh you oro aoorc<11 tocl. ouch report 1.\0 you oubm1t to the

t)opt\:rtment on thio DUbJect oboul<l bo by oeorot courie1•.


~:Rll: GLtJ: KU <./19/44


Page 26: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 27: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


FROM: Seoretar,r of State, Washington .r

TO: .American Vatican, Bome

DATil: October 26, 1944

66 CONTROL COPY v -J'or l(yron Taylor, Bome, ltal.¥.

Wi\h reference to Bern'e 6938 of October 19 repeated to Jmpolad for Ackermann, the following letter has been addreeeed to the Jpoetolio Delegate-in Walhington b,v WRB&

Q.OOTE !he following ie the substance of a meuage re­ceind b,v the :Board from lte representative--in Bern under date of October 19:

liNER qDOTB ~ courier ~he reoent}1 a1'rived 111 hi~erland from BraUelava riiJ?Or\1 that .300 to 400 .rna holding LaUn American doCIUIIenh han been lll"l'eeted in that oit;y. He tur\her reporte that, al­tho~ they were firet inteme_d at Ma1'iathal near Bratielava, th111 were au.mart11 traneported~oeeiblJ to Oel'lllaey, on or about October 8 •. !he Slovak Gonm­ment, according to the courier, ie aware of·their deetinaUon. ·Of ~evgroll}), 90 hold ~~ionalit;y cerUfioatee of Jill Salvador while Par~an pau­porte a1'e held b,v \he o\here, . )00) bl' Ilrtn!B. Q.OOTE

Tau will note ~t the report ~bove quoted .epeake ae of a date ltibeetuent to the reporte referred to in ;your letter of October 14. · '

It would be of innlua'ble aealetance :to the'Joard it 1 t could aeoertain where· the Oeraana intend to locate thil group. l'or th1a reason, \he :Board would greatlJ appreciate U 1t the BolT See were to find U appropriate to attMpt to eeO'IIl'e \hrouch the Jfunolahre d :BraUalava, or otherwise, auoh and 811.1' other lnto~Uon 11h1oh mq be available r-sar«.­ing the group m.enUoned or 811.1' elailar t;roupe. It would greatly facllUate the Jloa1'4'a effort• if the Bol7 See would make IUoh infol'IIIIUon, 11hen r·~~. :l~reo\17 available to \he M&rioan Miedone,in lien an4. ilatiiA.!·;i'•c.ooH ,,.,-i !he Icard would eppreoiate ~·~r.•~1.~~~ ;you oan lad in this matter. · ·-~lf!<·.c•l o.·,,

·' t>•f:':~-f;'t],~·,, 1

DECLASSIFIED SDtfiiilQ$ Stat.. Dept. Letter, 1-11·72

ml'XJI B; R. H. Parks DateS E P 2 9 J97.L

Page 28: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




With reference to Bemis 6938 of October 19 repeated to Ampolad for Ackor~~~ann, the following letter hes been addressed to the Apostolic Delegate in llasbington by ftRB 1

• c

QUOTE The following is the substance of a mesaage received by the Board from Hs representutive in Bern unaer date of October 191

INNER ~UOTE A courier who recent~ arrived in Switaerland from Bratislava reports that 300 to 400 Jewa holding Latin .ber­ican doCUIIents have been arrested in that city. He further reports tbll.t, altboUJh thq were first interned at llariathal near Bratialava, thBT were IWIUIIIlr~ transported, po81ibly to Germany, on or about October 8. The Slovak Government, accordine to the courier, h aware of their deatination. or thh group, 90 bold nationality certificatea of .El. Salvador while Paraguayan pa11ports are held by the othere. L'ID OF IIUiiR,:.QUOTE

You will note tbll.t the report above quoted epeaka as of a data BUb­sequent to the reports referred to in your letter of October 14.

It would be of invo.luable &lliatanoa to tbs Board if it could ascertain where the Germans intend to locate this group. For this reason, the Board would greatly"appreoiate it if the Uo~ See were to find it appropriate to atthpt to secure throuah the Hwloiature at Dratielava, or otherwiae, euoh and ~ other information whioh ~ be available regnrding the il'Oup aantioned or anr aiaJ.lor groupa. It would great~ fucllitate the Boardla efforts if the Ho~ See would rake euoh inforiiUI.tion, when reca1vld1. direotq available to the American lli111ione in Bern and Madrid. UNQUOTE 1 ..

The Board would appreoiate anr asaiatance you can lend in thia ~attar.

2100 p.m. OCtober 23, 1944

·l.tl.es lltwn~ (/./~,the Seely) Abrahamson, Cohn, DuBois; Friedman, l!odol, Lesser, !lann~dbiilac1c, Files BI~zin:LSLcsser:ar 10-~3-44

\ \

Page 29: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Secretory of Stnte, ~aahington

Jwu1 as, 1944

Ve repoa\ belo~ T1ttman 1a rnoeeage of Junt 37, Bumber 215,

whloh vat draf,ed May 3.

Refertnoo la made to Dopnrt~on, 1 a ~e•r~e \o Dtrn dated

~Ia¥ 6, Nulaber 1500.

The Bx-ltiah lw.ve be~n oontaohd directly throueh tha

lUnietor bei'O by the VaUoan tn ncoordanoo vlth ;cu.r \fhhn,

DECf,ASSIFn:D BU.to Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. 1!. Parka Dnto~ Q 1972

- :'-. \.1

Page 30: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


FROih American Oonaulate Oenenl, Naplea

TOt Secretal'y of State, Waah1n~ ~'o;..n"';

Do\'l'ED• Jun• 2a, 19u .. ~t..rc •. J <· , :: ,:.~ t. "'Ooy • c 0~ 1 c ·) RIJMBER I 29,

' \ ~ ,\'

The following meaeage, whloh ••• drafted Ma7,81, 1a

Tlttman•e no. 213, of June Q7. J(

(1) In compliance with J'OUI' requeat the oommuntoat1on ' waa tl'anam1ttedo The Hol')' See doea not dea1re to be tdent1-

,fied aa aotluallJ collab0nt1ng with an7 Government, therefore,

it prefare taking independent, although par.llel action.

(8) Stnoe laat December the Bol')' See, u a. reault of

1nt1matl1on b7 the Apoatolio Delegate 1n Washington, haa bean

occupied wtth the fate ot the referred to internaae. The

paaaport reoognttton queetton waa ·ftrat take up 'filth !

PaNsuar and alm11ar appl'oa.ohee weN than made to the o'her

Oonl'llllanta, ot South Amtrioa. Continual eftorta have at tbe I

••• tlae bean made b)' the Hol7 Sea .thro\18h Nunotatuna 1n

MacJrld aDd a.rn to prennt the hw.na.('er alaeWhara of tbaea

tnterneea. Plnal171 the HolJ See baa ari'1Yed atl the ooli•

olualon that thJoough an eaoball£e llea the on17 aolutton ot


(8) S,inetl'llott.oaa

DECfA\!'SJFIRD State Dopt, l.c·ttcr, 1·11·72

Dy ti; H.l'nrko D.1to S[p 2 0 197?

4"c• ••

Page 31: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


(15) llf inetsruot1ona aent from hire, dated Janua17 111 -~arch 11 and April 28 of tble Je&r, tbe Apoetol1o Delegation

1n Washington were kept 1ntormed of the etatue or this . ~~~&tter. The Delegation ebould have the 1nfol'll&tion on tile

ae thtr~•pl1ea'Peoe1vetl t&>om the nr1ou Nunoi&turea regard•

1ng the q,uut1on \'lOtTe o0111llun1oa ted 1n detail to them,

(4) The steps .,aken by the Boly See tor the a1leY1a• I

tion Of non•Acyane 1n Bungai'J, ~1a and Slovakia WeN

a1eo conve7ed to the delegation ·~ Waeblnston.

Reference Departm~t'• cable ,to Bern, no. 1502, April 8~.


~Vl' \ \

\ \

\ \ \

l I i


-~gC-• ~r. • •!t.H - .I-~

,-.· I . . ~.


Page 32: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 33: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

I,. •I /J...: ·' ..

Rt:., _; :~u 01 ION OF


\945 MAR 31 /1M II 26

iilTiiii '"J'D DC/L LIAISON

/ :!'1•or.u London

Dated: !~or. 23 1 1945

I:ooc:. : llarch :.m, 5p .. u.


·~·here is quoted.!. be lou (.1 latter dutod r:uroh 20. 1945. from P.abbi Dr. :3. nohoni'olcl, :,;xooutive Director or the Chief nnbbi'o liol1Gioua imercanoy \Jounoil 1 req~tinr, thnt tho IJnitod :;totes ;Jovernmc:mt aslc Upnin os the l'roteotin{'; .l·ot;or or l'nrn.:;uuyan intereots to rer.und nornmny or tho l'urncunyap,- otatuo or the peroono (oapooially ~LJ.)>bi Swnuel David Unc.;ar) lloldinc l:'arasunyan paooports: · ·

. " .. s prom:l.ood oval' the telephone, l enoloae o oopy or tho l?oreien Ofi'ioo lottor oonoornin ~ Jm·1ish ro:CU!,;Ooo in anomy torri­torioo uho ho,l.d l'nrar.uo~•an punovorts.

''i,s you ooe 1· tl~ooo po.poro oro nubjeot to tho llPlll'OVIll or the U .::;. ~lbnso;r :.mel \'10 ollould bo :;ra toi'ul if you uould urronr,e for tho /.J'lorionn repreoontati voa to oo!: tho l'l•otootine l'o\'/er (D:pnin) to rouincl tho !1ort;l011 autho1•itioo or tho l'urn6uuyon stntuo of tho :?OOplo liotod on tho o.ttoohod.

·l'lle toxt or tho enolooure (oopy of a lettor dated L:uroh 2 1 1945 1 from tho ~'oreic..n 01'.1'1oo to l.>r. Sollonfeld) thereto is:

''ln your !otter r.~;oj:JI>/H or the 27th llovoqbor 1

you told ::to that l~abbl :;nr.1uol Dnvid Un13nr was tho hol<Jor or n l'arar,uayon puosport loouou' in Dorne in 1942 ond aaltorl uo to tnlto up the question with tho ol'l1sa Govornoon. ~. ~ .. 1 ~~:o ,i,dul. y dill so end asl:od thea to notify tho :(}O~~(N~erMont

. . . ''') .. , t. ~ c1 ~t·.t!l _ · · ot/

\~ \

Page 34: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

01' t)lo fact. 'ehcvo am1 ht1d 11 ro~ly to ooy t: .o t •~ s tho result of' 0.:1 ar.,roor1ont


bot1·.uon tLo ~punish i}overlll.lont - the iroteotin;~ 1-'o·.:or i'or l··nrr.cuay - r.11u the Paror:uo.yan '1ovorn­~1ent, tho United .>tates Govorn;::ent ulono are :;ualif!od to jU{](;e~f the Validity Of 1-'Ul'O­-:uayan idonti ty c1oow:1onto ~!llooa holclol's ure in onony torr i tory. On t:1io aooount tho uwioo noverm:J.ont l'e;~ret tho t t!•oy aro unable to OOf.lf.liL'licuto l"lit1l tho !·:erl":Gn Govornuent roeurll­in~ nnob! U~ar until tho validit;~-· or hio puso­pol't hun 'be on confll•r,\ou u:t the United :;tatoo Lo~otion.

"Gur Lo;:;utlon at :3orno oro tui~inG up infor~1nlly witll the '-'llitotl !:;tntou Lor:;ation tho spooii'ia ·;ueotion 01' ;to'bbi Unt~m.· 1:nd l'lill no doubt let uo l::tlOW in due oom•ae whut oun bo· dono.

"L1ou:lwh1lc I tllinlc I allould brine; thia decision to your notice ,oinoo it ooor.1s to uffoot t;ho whole proooduro !'or brin{5in~ to the Ooroon Govornnen t' o notice tho norlOa o!' lioldors or I'oracuaynn pno!Jporta. 3inoo it io the uooision or tho r·aru.:.;unyoa nud tipnnioh r.ovorn.monto that only tho United ~totes Goverrur.ont con dotornino tl~o vul1cl1 ty or l'rll'ngunyun pnoapot•ts, I onn only our:;eot thnt you ol1ould in 1'utm•a oaoes or thin oort mldrooo yourself direct to tlle United Gtntas ·-:nbaosy hero,

·• :'or tl;io rena on ~:o huvo, on you ·.-1111 unclor­stond • boon unable to tul:o any c{otion on your lot tar to :rcmc1orson t I~:JG/S/1: of tho 30th January t ill wl1ich ~·ou o:1olosod o list or holtlers of l'nrn­,:uaynn poos:pol•to otill in Ger~an oooupioll territory. Incidentally nabbi unaar 1'1curao in that liot-o.o well nnd '1 thinlc you :llr;llt perhapo do wall to nolt tho Un1toc1 '.ltatoa Oovorn:1ont throu;~h their !;obnooy hero 11' they \till oo::u1Unioate it to the S\'!ios nnd · tho Cpanish Oovornnanta."


Page 35: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


:'11e li.ot of poraona lwld:tnr: Inrar;uaynn passports· is:

~:~ :='CI.LO :I ;Jo} I·~;:s<;: !G, Cni:~::r.: .. IJ.Y :·,l~U.: ;a :l'I~l .. , !.;LOV.::IH, :J<:; .,IJ .. ~l:'JL,;~: ;~:1 .J.'.l .. 1> :;::iY.~:JD, ~LOV.~·,z:L\, OL :.Gt Ol::::'..l):

~ulooon z;J J!::!l'."'i!AL ·.1f'e und three ol!ildren,

J:obbi Jooua s:;;:ILL O!"tl1 1'un1ly,

~:abbi Benzion U:JGJ'J? nncl i'W!!ilY,

i\abbi ~n::J.uol David u:IGJ.R, wife :rolona, oh1ldron: Johanna, Hlllla, :,ron, ;:arkua, ·~ather, H1ld~.

Jerllolt uo;;:n;i3,\tJ1i :.lexnndor DOilliJ;.3AUJ.;

'·' l:elnrioh DO:.t'rJJAU.:, \·.'ii'e ,\urolin, oh11<1ron: .•altllor,

:a len u:rot.n o:1d ohildron,

I a a:: nnCl Judith l':.:J.O!.:t.:~.

Iie1•uonn lr.YOAr. , w11'o :Jnr bnr n,

::>u?;anno, 1homoa, :::rllca, Anno.

i"iohnol Door •.miSGi: .• i!DL, •;1ife l!aohel, children: na1o::1on, Juditn, Perla, Josef, t.;o!lulO!:lit, ~otor.

:;alouon ~l'O/Jl 1 w!i'o ~·:1donn1 1 ollild: .<brnltO!:l, razol ~·.:;rns:.:,-u:ma., children: ~rnoot, naohol, ;:ur,onia. :lor son :J'.i'Bim 1 , w11'e ..:other, oh1l<lren: 1.:1r jnc1, Jooof. ::coos Fn::Y, w11'o .:.:n~cit.



Page 36: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


i:5chnrc1 Loob, u:tro: Lulno

:Joro /~L:.;I.::; .. J:!~J 4 childron

J 0301' '':"::::: :n:: :~ J:: r:iro: Pe<lui, son: Dornllard

J osol" HO·i~~GJ::I!.D wife: Uooa

I suuo Gol'BOn L . .;!\}3 1t11'o: ::ella eli iltlron: q orson,


r.aollel i :ones

Loa 1:~1

Jilla :un:;;nu..:~

~:m-olino a;.~;n:,:! otdld: .:.ni tn

David ··;o:nr:;JJ:;TIO wife: Jlora oh1lclron: ':'on1

:·oaoo 01L1on

;·.alria LI:J:kJI!i.~:.:::! oh1ldron: :arl:o


I lll.3o ~;s~;:~;;

11i1'o: :Jar tho o~d.ld: :;vn

:ol?can.:; L·~r;:;!.ll~ 11H'o: ;:uth c:dld: Loonio

l:u,::;o r.:; : . .l.D •:1i1'o: Lotto child: J:utl:

··.ie;;wol't · :>IL wire: :runny ·

~··onny n:.;I13U'( children: ··.alther


!lax Israel J::o:;:;:r wiro: •;uzabeth ollildt•on: J·:nrin

,. Jacob :iouri


:::C.'!O.nuel ;.~·J:;::uu 1·t11'o: ; :artlla oldlc1ron: Ifornlla,

I.eo Jona Go.n 't3ernnrd 3ollo ;•'olix 3ontr1oo

iloftoli A3JC.!li.! .. C wifo: Jont.l•ioe oh.Hcl1•on: ::iohel

Helono lr.rnn Hone nuth Lily

l':abbi Israel ~Jl>IRA \tiro: l'erla oon: J:'e1wel

In::;. Otto THl:n~ >:li 1'0:>:;;1 wii'a: Dagno w1fo: i :eta DOl'Otoa

Jnoob i'Of.ru;y wifo: :rolono AT 'JJJ:P nAV:~;IU!.lflU:!O!:

!to. 28682, ;.l:rroa L;::v:r ;nook ~'l.~ wife: r:ortn t:fi:;tJir:tm ohilllron: l!o1nz- ---.clau(11ttero: 3hurlotto

:ain r:nrcuer1to. . Jonn

niator: ifoooi



Page 37: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


.:'he ·.:nbnnay htlll orally l!lf'Orr".od D1•. ::.ohonfold thut tho .f.'.er'.con '·~·1thori t.ies lwvo fror. th:c to tir.1e l:luc1o ro:":i'e:;on:.otiono on bol:nll" o..:' j)er!lono llol<lin;:; m1 hoc pnns­:'o~·ts. It i:J :;oliovall thut ~he :lr:ins ,,ncJ otllor ?i'iiti.ori tioo rJ.!Y have oonf'uoou tho <~uestlon o!' intervoiltion ana protoo­',ion of ?arsons ";l\o ~ro in 1or:mny nnd ·.tho hold ucl hoo :>ooo:1ortn nncJ tho 'tUe:Jtioa of' tllo o:r.ohnnce oi' au'Oti 3Q'roono <md tLoir ultiuoto clostinntion.

'.'ho llo!J{U'tnont'e inotructlons Ol'O roquooted.

' .·


Page 38: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

Q) ~ _c +' " :'i 'Jl c .,

I "- t'.:l"t" T. ru l ~ ..•

Q) "' ' I. Q) . I!

~ l~ ' ,.,... , . ., ·-I. ,r.l

ll "' ' I) ,_ . II) 0 .., t1 r~ ~ 1.>

~3~ !!II"'


J'=.-1016 I

:J!ondon ni:tribution of trUE rEc~inG only b1 snEcinl :.:•rn;1g En!Ent. Cf;pa ·a ·.n DntEd DEcEmbEr 9 1 194~

nEe 1d 6:55 Q.lr,o

~ SEcrEtnry ~r StatE

CONTROl COPY Washington


10936, DEcEnbEr 9, 6·p.~.


ThE ChiEf Hnbbis l£li :ious EmErgEnl'y Council :u·.s r!':-

lc ~ivEC. from Stockholm '" c:cblE st.:-.ting C:cuudorinn !lO.~s;)ol•ts

v ~lidity ExpirEs in Janucry nnd nskin~ !cun(orian PrEsidEnt

b E ~.kEd to L~thcrizE Consul Stockhclrn r£nEn v.:-lidity of

" -~s~ports nnd instruct t~[ protEctins powEr to protEct ;/

i ntErnEd holdErs of such .-=~sports. IntEr-gcv£rnrnEntnl

0 -o:1::~ittEE :1ndE inquiry of .::c•_~:\dorinn ~!inistEr hErE. r1ho

' tatEd that stEps havE bEen takEn to prEvEnt u~E in

Fz•c.ncE of such p:-.sspo1·t~ lcr.:Jlly. inirnlid. !:inistEl' io

:;oin.:_; thErE soon to disc"".':J matt'Er' 1·1ith li'l'Ench GoVEl'nL:Ent.

hElj by pEoplE in EnEmy ~r EnEmy occupiEd tErritory,

but c.ll passports v~lid only for onE yEnr unlEn:J prolong-

Ed. IGC has askEd MinistEr to ask his covErnmEnt to

p1•olon::; all t:cuadoriun pussportq hEld by 'Jr:.ws in Go•m&n or


DECLAS-~IFIED State Dopt. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. ll. Parks Dato.s.£l?...2 0 · 1972

Page 39: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

-2- Ruah, 10936, DEcEmbEr 9, 6 p.m., from London

G Err.J(;n occupiEd tErritory. Bo~.rd ~.nd DEpQrtmEnt mQy

r:~.nt to considEr t~.l<in(l up r.1~.ttEr \:it:1 Ecu~dori~.n GovErn-

mEnt Qnd rEquEstin(l thQt ~11 p~ssports thou(lh irrE(lUlarly

issuEd bE prclonsEd ~nd no~E inv~lidntEd not EVEn in

lib Ernt Ed nrE(;S s il"c E thia if knonn to G Ermnns l~lir;ht

prEjudicE ~ny protEction non nccordEd to holdErs by

G Err.1:-.ns.



Page 40: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

L,. ,,..,




7/. ? ~/' fc t . 1:?~(. MF-262

J ,~(,E,S9~S

Landen ~er<~( )~&t r liJ£t ) This telegram QU"t be paraphrased before being communicated to anyon~ other than a Government Agency, (._ 0)

Dated November 4, 194·(·( (/

Rec 1 d 9:26 p,m.

Secretary of State

CQ,~fROh COPY \'Tashington

7355, ~'ovcmber 4, 10 p,lm_._ . , .'' " , X ,., ,_..fJ•-'\•,.~,.r \ ·t····'- ~tr~~,·lJc

FOR lffiB FROM l·ICCLELLAND ___ .... __ .... - ··

,--Permission for entry into S1·1itzerland for 155

, . Sophardic Jews r.wntioned lr>.st po~·agraph your 3702 was

/ obtained from Swiss Federql Police some l·reeks ago by

r Saly l·layer.

(Department 1 s 3702, October 30,) Problem is ho11 r

to r;et them out of Borgen Bolson.' S11iss 11ould welcome ' ,.

formal request from S~ani~h Government concerning this

group as tpi s might parmi t S11ias. to specifically raise

question of their do·,arture ~:ri th Germane •



F6r seauri text or thi ty rhasons tho hq e 1 s rne s sa,ge lllua 't

- OSCly IJ!I~rri'lct,

DEOMSSJFIEO Btato Dept. Lotwr, 1·11·7a

. By R. H. Parks DMu.S(P:_20 1974.


I. :1 ·-~

I '

Page 41: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber





cc~:-:EcTro:• ) . We/L---

;~~~~~;~i~ ~ ThL3 ~~lrcrnm must jE ""'0.1"':-!. ):-:r 3EC~ ')EfOr'E 0(1\l::.'

cor.o:·ci.u:: cc tEL to :1ll:f0l1E• ot~!EI' t:1:1n .~ QovErnr~Ei~t

!._cnc:;, ( I • C')

For security reasons the text of this mesoagfl muot be closely· guu:rded.

DECLASSIFIED . Bhito llopt. Letter, l·li·72

By R. lL Parks llnto.s££...2 0 1972

Page 42: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

J,~~~ _ .tlAPHRASE OF 'rELEGMl~ S!lliT ,./J ~ _

!.<'ROM: Secret~try ot State, \'laohlngton ~ ./




A.1E~U3ASSY. London

September 25, 1944 CONTROL COPY "

Will you try to secure at once trom SHAEF a com~lete ,/

lis to or claimants t•) the nnt1onal1 ty of UU and or any ot the v -- v

other tuner1cnn republica found 1n Draney, Comp1egne, Vittel and

CleX'I'!f6nt internment camps and tonlll.rd the nnmee-by nat1onal1t7

groups vin airmail to the Department. Send such other data as

may be secured concerning the 1ndiv1duala involved, including

places ~tnd datee of their birth and the ad<lreeeee to wb1ch.theJ

intended to go after leaving oampe,by tollowlng mall./- :.-- r ''"'

Concerning Department' e telesram 7614[ September la,

tor addlt1onnl reference to the matter d1eousee~,aee Telegram 37

tor Chapin from the Department.






DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11·7ll

By R. H: Park• Dnte.s.Ef._2 0 1972


Page 43: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


:.>ecl'etur;• of stnto, ./us~1in ·.ton

";:;or icon .::l".b:J.S3Y, london"'

.. ucu~t 25, 1')44

• Fror.: .:ar Lofu;co Joard,

CONTROL COPY :ith rofe~enoe t:J ~·otlT 1?252 of J\Uf;Unt 2 please inform

IGG t!:ot J\I:!Cl'ioon l'lnis'~vr 1,t 3ol'n IIHS instructed on April

10 to rtF~uo:;t !J'wl as to i :i'Ol'l". Germano thr:t nll JomJ holding

Loti 1: i;:o:c1ricon clocv .. :~entu ere: eligi blo for exchnnco' e.t:;c inst

Gorr:nns in .:o:,tern hor.isphel'O. _ Gerr.mns have clrouc'.~· included

sct:e ;.uol. :por.'Jons in c;,:clmnce groU'Jlb and probcbly ,-:l.ll continuo t•)

do su. All :nch ~0!.'!10fl!; <:I·<• aoco:pted by t~is Government in

actual exchnn,;e.. Ir,r;larion or spuo11'io narr.es in l.r.!oricun ox-

cin.r. pl'"::_1:-Jil'>l9 !1~,~ teen <1oemod pointless by ilr.>.flrloon author!- .

tion in ""~-:-;:"o of o7.olwnge c.rl'ongaqents ninoa neltlwr purty I'

nclooto '-lxo!len~o eronps in pooord.onoc \'lith othox· pt<rty 's oueGeB-,· '!'"

tions~ bnt 11pl-:eu ito own sa:.ootions umong nll oliglblon.

Fw·thor~oro, in vio1-: 01' r•nrute:r in vthioh nuoh documents were

iSSUOd, in!'Ol'i~Ution r.t3 t-0 identity Of :flCl'SC::!~ }lolilJ.nr, 1;ltom

and names in ,·.ilioh they huvo be.en isauod in fragmentary.

:111ile eli.'~illility oi' those pero9ns ,for exchange is thus

knO\'IU to Germany. ycur ond roc' u nttantion is drawn to po.ss,ago

in ICC's oommunicntion l'ogcrdinr, aooopttinoo by Berlin of l:i:.Ot


"i. <•~y.t, . ._. \ .. ,t ;.{d '\·\Y<U ·:, ' I l '{ 'I . DEb;.AS~~

State Dept. L<lt!cr, 1·11·79

Dy R. H. Parks Dato_sre, 2 Q 1972

Page 44: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

for rO)(:triction of I'):'Oili) to l'alustino end ro.~az·dine look

of 001lfirl'llltion thereof' by London. It is hoped thut such

oonfii~ction hos since been obtained.

For your infor:1ut!on, ,lf.'~ogation De1•n is being inst1•uoted

to :'rc~oot :.Jh:.;r~J.y n;~c\nst tho t:o:,ortctions reported b~· IGC,

A s;)()c.~al ·;::our.d far ]Jro;;f:lst is ;Jrascnt by reeson of formal

Qs:>uronccs ~~ ven b;r Gorrr.on Foroicn Oi'l'ioe to b'wiss Logcti on

Berlin en !·~;y 11 t.o tho u:t'fect thnt boginnin~ t!wt duto all

;>arsons t,olding l.r ~i.n-,\m3r1onn paooporto in oivilian intern-

1.ont ccrl~'!l rrJ!Drvcd fer IH;t~Lonals of Anorioon continent l':ould

be trec.te<i t:s ilrzlr'..cun nntionnls notv:ithstanding any 'doubt t1s

to t'10 voltdit~· or tlwir C:ocunentn, Copy or !nstruotion to

Born i:J ~uinc rc.rontot to you, 1.'o1• your rmd -[GO's iw~ortnnt~on.

l'urnl.lf)l rrrotento r\nd :.'UbJ.io ntr·l·r,~o-.~7 hy B:ritisll o:~.f'ioinls


\ \'


Page 45: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

OABliR To Alt~B~sr, LONDON, ·:NuuHD

With reference to your 17253 ot AU«Us\ a plenaa inform IOC that A.arlenn N1n1Ater at Eern ~an in~\ructed on April 10 to request Swlee tn intom Oe'"""'nq thAt ~ll Jevo holding Lntln Amer1or.r. tooumentn are eUsible for sxolv!nge aga1no\ GorMnn ln lie•tllrn heahphere. GeriMn• haYe nlr<~arty inoludet\ •one ft\tch Jtllroons ·tn oxchnnt:e groupn nnd pro­bably will contlnu~ to do •o. All nuoh .per•ons kre accepted b7 thi• Chvernmnnt in actual I!Xch•nge. lnaluolon of npeoific nr,n'l•e in ~""'''ic:rn exohanr.e uropo~aln hno been deeacd polntleo• b7 A•ericfn nuthoritien in nlu:!rv 11f AXcl11>nge errnngo~~:rn\1 since neither pr_rt)' soloctn exohr.nfie groupq 1n nooordenoe vlth n\her port7 1 s RU«~a\iona, but meken its ovn wt~eotlon~ nmon~ ~11 eltglblas. fUrthe~oro, ln view of mnnnAr in whloh tuoh doowu•nt~ ver" ~~~uet\, lnfon~nt\on no to identity of l•BrR<>nn hnld­lnr, tllea nnd Ml'lf'• in vhloh thl\7 hnYe boon i••ued io frnt;'tlentnrJ.

Vhl\~ 'li~lb11it7 of theqe p~rnon• for exohnnse i• thun !mown \o OermAnJ, your end 1001• ntten\ton in drawn to pnft~age in 100 1 ft onn­munloat1on re~rdlng acoeptenoe b7 Berlin of li•t for ropntr1nt1on of grnup to Pn1ent1ne nntl rogerdin" laolt of oonflrlllation th8rAOf by London. It Ia hn~ed thnt suoh oontlrmatton han si~oe bee~ obtainod.

for your 1ntormatton, A•le~&tion Bern is btln& in•truot8d to pro­te•t ohArpl7 against the deportation• reported by 100. A epeolal ground tor nroteot h presen' 'by reaaon ot toi'ISI\1 atnuri\ncen i;1ven ·'b7 OerJilllll Vorel«Jl otftoe to Swlao Lteatlon Berlin on »ay ll to tho ~ffact tr~t bes1nnlng tha\ date all pernona holding Lat1n-Amer1orun pn••ports in ol't1lian lnhrnaent onmps runrved for nr.ti.,nnh of Ame:rionn cnnttnent would be trented ne Aaeri~tn nnt1~nnle no,wlthRtnndlng all,7 doubt aft to the Ynlldity ot their t\ocuaentR, Copy nf tnatruatlon to Barn ls belns repee\ed to 7ou, tor 7our nnd IOOia lntormr.tlon. Parallel prn­\ea\• and public ata\ellltnh by llrithh otfiob.h voult\ be llppreninted.

9a25 a,!ll. August 18, 1944


1l118 Chauncey (tor jhe Seoty) AbrahiiiiUJon, Cohn, ~Boia, Fr1edlllllll, Hodel, Lau~ Leeser, Jt;~~n, MoCoi'Jill\ok, cable Control Files

B.Ablnalll.' 8/l6/4A \\- •

Page 46: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



FRON: Amer1c11n F:1nbns~y 1 Lom'.or.

TO: Secretary of !'ltnte, ~~a~hlnt~ton



!\Uf'U~t 16, 194~

6F06 X

AnP•·•erlnf" certa.i.n remnrka of C?cchos1ovak r>nr Polieh dele­

' reteP et a rlenrry Pe£Plon of IGC AU:·U!'t 15, the dirf.'otor re-

0 Uf.'Rten the rree~ not to renort him. It had been suercsted by

th~ PoliAh de1er~tP th~t 'he Inc extPnd a~~l~t•nce to rcr~ecuted

peorle in coun~.rleo of nerae,·utlon prior to their ef'CFY'C to

countlre~ of !Rfcty nnd t~c fnllure of attcm~t to rescue 1nmRtee

of the '11ttc1 ern·· holdlnr l:f1t1n /' . .:,erican pn~pnorte •·•as deplored

by both delefates.

It T••as Cr.J~hntlcrlly asrrctod by the olreotor that ll_1d ~·I!B

b"lng Elven to ~er~onn ln tountr1es of ne~ecutlon but that he

could not dl~cuPs the ~oint narc fully because of the cl~ndee­/ tlnc mean!1. Concerninr; the V1 ttel ote f'tlon he fl£11d thAt LRtln

1\rncrlcen Governrncnte •·•eN r~ uePt<d to condone 1rrecull.lr illflU­

a!lcc of ::>llP!1•)orte to refuteeA end ~o m:lte repreeentati~n~U. the

Oermnn GC?vernment on thclr b•>hi:>lf I th£>t nr8cticPlly llll ht?il done.

Ao -but •·1. thout r1ucceP.r.. He pointed out poPever, that some

per£>onf' holr'l nf>: "t.ch r.ae~r:ort'P. Md been exchenred for detained

Germane Bnd that efforts to enlr>rpe th11' mer>ntt of rescue t·•ere

beine- mAde. -"!t



State Dcpl Lcllcr, 1·11·72

By R. II. l'.'fl;s Dato S E P 2 0 1972. >-,

Page 47: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

03VI~~n; -. PARAPERASE~:\ilil ihhlUo~1W~ .RE~EIVEC .Jv0 .ii'Jf1';'1'itl· ·

FF.OI.!: Ame~iaan embassy, London

Searetat¥Jt ~'tat~,Cll#a~'h~ngton ~

:::·' •• 1944 cuNlR~~ :oP' TO:


N ID! Bl:.F. I

Please deliver the message g1 ven be lew to Mr. Pohle,

WRB, at request of the Lirector of IOC:

A detailed report on recent~ngic developments in

Vittel, dated July ?, has Just been furnished us by

the Polish Legation at Lisbon, and Polish authoriti.es heJ:>e.

Report includes the names of two-hundred•si~ty Polish Jews

holding Latin American aertlficatos of nationality classified'

by issuing country ond listed according to whether and when

each pers'On was deported or whether in V1ttel yet. Exchanged

British internee brought this report., Telegram haa'been

sent to Genova by Jewish agency here requesting offoJ:>t be

made to ascertain whereabouts and condition of deportees

since apparently Palestine certificates are held. by most of

them also. The only hope for either those deported already

or those still in Vittel seems to be that they be included

1n actual exchange list for Palestine or the American homis~

phere. Exchange authoJ:>ities of the British Oovernme~t and

Jewish agency have been consulted and everything possible,

we are convinced, 1s being done here and in Jerusalem to

include in the next exchange those in possession or Palestine

certificates and to advise German Government's exchange


Page 48: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

authorities of the inoluoion of theoe people. As regards

next exchange, arrangements have been begun already, How­

over, we have !leon advised by Geneva Jewish ageno-y that

Ce:rmnna prefer· South Amerioo.n exohan~e, and Jewish agency

here is reque~~ing that matter be taken up with WRD by

Jewioh agency ~lew York. V/Rll mny already have been furnished

with recent rctports in this regard by its Lisbon representative •

.;opies of matnrial mentioned are being forwarded by us via

a1 :rmnil in viuw of WRB' s lon£.1 and active interest in this

matter and th·r' information of its report for week ending·

July 1, espec~.ally ps.gee 8 and 9, for whatev.er aotion may

be found poss~ble,

OOR:EDH G/4/44


Page 49: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

L. ''1h( ,,

Seostnte · · ;ashin{;ton



Dt\'.1'£: JUly 20, 11144

J•-926" J\lly :w. l\H4 CONTROL COPY l.lr. Linton of tho London offioo of the JeVtish

Jicency for Palestine requesta that tho follo\'tlng t:teasat;e be trnnsmittt>d to UI'o Mahum Goldmann{ Jor1ish .. hgenoy, · 1720 16th Stroot, tl. • ... , .. ashinc,ton, DoCol

"I•'or your confidential information .2!!! llri tisb alro»dy offered exchange fourth ,>alostino r.rou? pro:,ably over 200 STOi' though no reply yet from Germnna reasons believe reaction fnvourul;lo :.lTOJ' S\'liso all•erodk'uslted try trace r.t(lJI,imum .Jo!lsihle from or&B1nnl exchange lists con­sist~ mainly wives children !'alestinian· and Palestinian rilsidents STO•' vio\'1 dangfll' furt: 01' d090l'tations from Vi ttol Colon!o.l Of.L'ico at our request nsltint;; ~\?iss infol'!ll Gel'Jmns that tao1;1bors Vittel :::;roup with :•ulostino !JOrmito including those de;1ortod !Jranoy olsewheX'O will nlso come into consideration and request latter be traced STOl> sug(~ost you dieou~s \'t1th ~tate IJOpartment ·Josslbillty obtalninr; Geri11Bn c1vllinns from U~t. and South A!:ter1cnn States oovor those w1 th South Mler!:cnn :JasoporteVVt1 thout l'nlestino ;JOrmits and balance 11' any with .~rmlts Two as Dutch received no re?lY to off~r n~ohanGe JowsTn ;,ostorbor[); \71th per1:11ts no\1 1n Belsenberr;on and 'l'her1oeenstndt made at our reques't months ago we recently lltl!~~;estod they hand oval' thnir Germans to l.'ritish who should arrange exchange for them 3TOJ> .uutch no.w nr,roed und appronchinc;·IJri tish aocorditlbly Three we discussed with i'elc;1nns eir.t1lur action ree;ard1ng !Jelg!nn veteran lists which now under oon" sidorationo Linton."

tiro Bucknell Uro Allison il!r o Brovme

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72

By R. H. Parks Dato SEP 2 0 1972

Page 50: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

Dear Dr. Goldmann 1

The following confidential message for you from llr. Linton of the Jewish Agency for Palestine wae received from London under date of July 2a, 19441

"For your confidential intormat.ion one British alreaqy offered exchange tourt.h Palestine group prOSib~ over 200 stOP though no re~ yet from Germane reasons believe reaction favourable STOP Swiss alreaqy asked try trace maximum possible from original exchange lists consisting mainly wives children Palestinian and and Paleatinian reaidenta STOP view danger fUrther deportations from Vittel Colonial Office at our request aeking Swiss inform CermanA that mllllbers Vittel group with Palestine permits includ­ing those deported Draney elsewhere will also oome into consider­ation and request latter be traced STOP suggest you discuss with State Departroent poeeibility obtaining Oer.an civilians from USA and South American Statea cover thoae with South American .paas~. porta without Palestine pemita and balance it an;y With permits Two lla Dutch reoeiVI!d no rep~ to otter exchange Jna in Wester­oorg with permits now in Belaenbergen and !herieaenatadt made at our request months ago 'lfll recentl;y suggested the;y hand over their Germans to British who should arrange exchange for them STOP Dutch now agreed and approaching British aooordingl;y Three we dieoueaed with Belgians aimilar action regarding Belgian veteran lists which now under oonaidaration,n

Dr. NahWD Ooldaann, Jewish Ageno;y tor Palestine, 1720 16th Street, N.w. · Tiaahington 1 D. c.

FHalab 8/S/~


J, W, Pehle Bxacutive Director

\· \

Page 51: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




July 21, 1944

5725 f.

Heferencu your 5598 of July 15, 1944!

You may in :rour lUtJcref.;ion advise Ur. Koz1ebrodzk1"'and Dr.

La cbs "'that ~h·~ mnkine of appropriate l'tllll'•Jsentnions to tho

Germans by .\Jael•ionn republics whoso passports are held by persona,, /

removed 1'roi.: V 1 t tal has nlroudy bacn auggestsd to ·llloh goverruaents.


DECI.ASSIFIED State Dept . .l.cltcr, 1·11·79

lly R. H. .Parks Dnto.s£e..2 0 1972

Page 52: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


• lllttl'aoe )'Our &1598 ot .1\llJ' 10. lt44.

fR Ill,)' Ia JGV dlaoreUn ail'liao Hr. ltoslo'bl'tdltl Ma Dr.

Laoill ~' "• ~ ot appropriate I'OpJ'OMatatloat to "- Ooaaao

'bJ' Allol'lC&Jl NpUllCII wboaa PQipOl''l al'O hold liT POHOal I'OIItft&

Ina YUki uo a1ftl.l,y \tell l\liPittl k nob Cftlnatab.

!HI II 1111 0018 18 MIIBOI Rc -·


Page 53: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

:I-~~79L ~~

"L'm::,~•aC4N1R GL ~OPY .Amel'ican Embeeey, Lon4on ·· /!•.,· 1 ····' FROM:

TO: Secretet•y of State, Washington !\ S I ! -, -·~~.··J :.

. f

July lo, 194.4

NUlffi,.R: 5598


F'ol1o•··1nr; 1e for tile ett£:nt1on of the \~ar Hefugce Board,

Today ;.:r, Kor.1ebrodzk1 nnd Dr. Lache, officialr Of the Pol•

ish Forelfn Office and members or its sub-committee on uar

crimea, "1a1ted the EmbaBI\Y, It was ~tated by them tha~ they

heve evidence t .. at many refugees holding South Americen pass­

porta 1Jh'J have been removed from the camp· at Vlttel are o1 t1 ..

zena of l'olr.nd, It is auggeeted that ~he respective South -!\JII81'-

1oan oountrlen be re•·ue~te<'i to n?tlfy the Gorman Oov'ermu~nt,

throue;r. the t>n'!)ropriate oilllnnels, th:'t they ·l·rill tnkc retalia-

'tory nctlon egr,inat ·Ga1•.nnna l'eeidlng in t~oir territories 11'

111 trertment 1e ncoorded b/ the Grrmane to .the holders of the

South Amerlcnn paeenorte,


DECLASSIFIED Btato Dept. Letter, 1·11·7a

By R. H. porko Doto.s.EU Q 1972

Page 54: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber







!Jneri o "n \mba say 1 London

Secretory of Stote 1 'Vash1n~ton

L'ny 1?, 1944

31l82 }( , m CONTROL COPl

l.!essage below refers to L!ay 6 telegram No. 3644

from the Department.

=. Foreign Off'1oe has just informed the :mbnssy that

H1s~lajesty's !11n1stor at Habono has been instructed

~':;?to i8sure the rn :-;.. -~

Government of Cuba thot t.tte recognition ~:· c. c· ""'':-of' Clban passports issued to Jewish persons in countries Oc:.'C)

c, -. ""--' ... 'Uilde~enemy control is welcomed by Ilia Uajesty•s-· . IV

Government end latter opprecintos the Cuban Government's

" reply to the Vatican regarding this JMtter •.


DECLASSIFIED State Dept. J.ctlcr, 1·11·72

By R. H. ParksDato S£P 2 OJ972 "'"' - ' . ' --::-·;<

Page 55: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




Secretary of State, Wa~ington

American Embaea;y, London~

May 6, 1944


Refer to your 12822 of December 181 1943, 1708 of Maroh 21 and

3033 of April 14, 1944,

The Department nnd the 1/ar Ref'u&ee llo~d hnTe been apprised by

Minister Harrison "' Bern that the Vnttoarl' ha.d nthmp\ed to work out

relief oeasuree for Polis~ and other European Je~e in Oerman-oontrolled

territory vho hold Llltili Alllericnn dOOWQonh but wbo face <lepo1·\ation

and ,:'lnth o,.ing to \he lnok of oonflrna\ion of these documents by the

oountrle• in whose name they were iuued, Cuba h reported to have

replied to th~ Vatioan that paasporh iomed in the name of Cuba to

Jevn in Oermn,-oontrolled;.torrltory vould be recognhed _by OUba U' no

objection ie made by Great Jlrital'n and the United States,

Allbaoea<lor. Braden in IInbana has been •inatruohd to convey to the

CUban e-uthor1Uea the Derarben\'e appreoiat,ion of Ouben attitude and

the assurance that the United States baa no obJeotio~ to Cuban

reoo6n1tlon of auoh doouaen''• Pleate a)lp~oaoh ~he appropriate ottiolalt

ot loroign Office vl\h the rtqueat that it glYe a almilar asauranoe to


Jar rour confidential information, thlt Goyernuent lt aeking all

La'in Aaerloan oountriet oonaerned·for their content. to 'he United

~\atet initlatlng thro~1Proper ohannele nego,latlons vi\h Oera&DT

DEci.ASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72 · 1

Jly R. H. l'iaks Jlnle~ Z i) 1972'>,

Page 56: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

for an exchange of nationals on n homllpherlo bneia for which refugee•

hold ln.; 1.9.tln Aller loan p"asporte would lle eligible, Aanuranoea bP.ve

bean 6\ven to the OO\\nt~ies uoncerned that in &Tent of exchange \hey

··oul,l not bo expected to t;l'Nit phyalQ!\1 ad.lllnlon \a persona involved

but trw. t such pBrsona voul·~ be routed elsewhere, A~tong the La \in American

• ouuntriee approached, Hond~as end Vsnesuel& bAvo already aooeded to all

our reo.uesta in thl s ll".atter,



Page 57: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


This 1B \'iRB Cable to London No. _. Refer to your 12822 of Dece:~~ber 1.8

1 1943 1 1708 of llarch 21 and 303.3 of April l41 1944,

The Departlll8nt and the War Refu&ee Board have been apprised by ~iniater Harrison at Barn that the Vatican had attempted to work out relief measures for Polish and other European J••• in Gorman-controlled territocy who hold Latin American docwents but who face deportation and death owing to the lack of confirmation of these documents b,y tho countriu in "hose name they were issued. Cuba 1B reported to han roplled to the Vatican that passports iesued in the name of Cuba to Jews in German-controlled territory would be recognised by CUba if no (repeat no. objection is .ada by Great Britain and the United States.

Ambe.seador Braden in Habana has been instructed to convoy to the Cuban authorities the Department's appreciation of Cuban attitude and the a1surance that the United States has no (repeat no) objection to Cuban recognition of such documents. Please approac'h tlie appropriate offiolalo of Foreign Oi'£1oa with the request that it gl.a a o1m1lar assurance to Cuba,

For your coni'idl!nt.ial ini'ol'llllltion, th1B Gonrn111ent. 1s asld.ns all Latin American countries concerned tor their consent to the United States initiating through proper channels negotiations with Germany··· for an oxchaJiie of nationals on a bolllispberio be.eis for which rafu&ees

. holding Latin American pas1ports would ·be ellgibla. Assurance& ha"fa ·been gi"fen to the countries conceriled that in ennt of n:chanse they would not (repeat not) be expected to grant phfeioal admiaeion to persons iDYol"ffd but that ouch persons would be roUted elsewhere. Among the Latin American countries approached, Honduras and Voneauela han already acol4ed to all our roqueate ·4n thili utter,

••••••••••••••••• llq 30 1944 13&16 P,H.

\, \

Page 58: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


EOC This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEd bEforE bEing c01mnunicatEd to anyonE othEr than a GovErnmEnt agEncy,(BR)






: 2~~~:~~:~~·-


Kindly transn:it a para:)llrftSE of thE followin13

mEssagE to Dr, Ignacy Schwarzbart, 45 1,UE£ns Com•t,

London, W2:

QUOTE Th£ War iiEfugE£ ::Joard is ;~ivinB thE closEst

,,_ attEntion to th£ problEr.: of !.:hE int£ rnE E s in BElsEn­

E£rgEn, VittEl, Titmoning~ CompiEgnE and LiEbEnuu,

ThE missions of thE t:nitEd statES GOVErnmEnt in Spain • and SwitzErland havE bEEn instructEd tq rEquEst thE

GovErnmEnts of Spilin and SwitzErland to advisE thE

GErman authoritiEs that thE UnitEd Stat£ s· GovErnmEnt

is giving activE considEration to thE trEatmEnt as

ExchangE matErial of all intErnEES in possEssion of

Latin AmErican passRorts, ~hE coopEration of Latin

AmErican oountr1Es in this mattEr has also b££n.

sought~ l!ahum Goldmann, !lEW Yor\{, World JEWish

CongrEss~ ut!1UCTE,




Page 59: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

The dnr llof\la:ee Board requeata that you trano.Ut the follv<ting ra'l&Bage to Dr, Ignnoy Sohw41'1bart1 45 Quevnll Court, London, W.2a ~UOTE The queetion of the internees in Vittel TitDOning !J.ebenuu Coapi!lgne and Beloen-lJeraen 1e ginn tJ1e oloaest a.tt.ention by the llar Ref'ua:ee Board. The United St,llte. gonrlllll&nt hal requuted Switaerlund and Spain to infona the Oel':lllln 1.1Uthorlt1ee that 1t 1P prepared to co!Ulider nll 1utllrnllee in posseusion of !.&tin Amoricm pae11porte All oxoh&l18e l!lllterlal. Stops haYo aleo been taken to secure cooperation of L~tin A:nor1oan countr1ee. llil}led Goldmann, \1orld .Tedeh Congn1e1 New York. UH®O'lE

\. -~

Page 60: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



REC 1 d 1;55 p •. -:;.

~:.~ shi ngton. ,,, . .... ,.

3033, FourtEEnth ;.:~::_.



n;,ccor<'ling Cf'blEs JEwish ;\gEncy, JErus,....lE:,:l 1 nEI·T

COd .. :nndEr VittEl C~,-;]p llc'lViSEd l·lnrch 20 f'bout·250 to

,.000 intErnEEs holding South •>.:lEric'\n pnssl?ot'tr tp:..t

thEy IIErE not rEoogniZEt'l by 1gOVEl'nmEnt COilOErnE(I,

It is nllEgEd thEsE pErsons nlrE'1ily isol.,tEn fol'. c1Epol'-\ ,, .

tP.tion Which CPUSEd. p'1nic "nc'l dESpnil:'o AgEncy hErE

h~s pnrtinl list of pEoplE nffEctEt'l 1 r.10stly\Pol1sh

JEws prEviously put on list of vEtErf'ri Zionists,

RP.bbis, Et CEtErn 1 for grnnt of P'11Est1nE' ~Er1;1f1cntE •.

Compl'.ring 1·11 th our list of Vi ttEl intErnEEO, out of

pnrti:-.1 AgEncy li'st of pEoplE nffECtE:o 128 nf'.f.IE:S pn.ss­

porto hElo no follows:' Pnrflguny 105, PEru ? 1 Eic.~l'­

ngun ,1, Costn Rion 9 1 Honilur<>.s 2 1 Bolivi-:1, 1, r,:


\ \'


Page 61: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

-2- #3033, FourtEEnth, from London

AgEncy trying to obtain from Colonial OfficE formE>~

assurnncE to SNiss protEcting poNEr that thESE pEr­

sons 9lacEc1 on PalEstinE ExchRngE list in ordEr to

stavE off dEportation. Can you contnct abovE Lntin

ArnEric!ln govErnmEnts involvEd? ThErE may bE othErs

us list not complEtE, PlEFISE !lc1ViSE, 11



Page 62: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

_,._ ::.;.:.a )l

The Honorable


The Secretary of State Washington

LONDON, llareh 21;, 191<4 ..

Su~ott Present position or Polish vict.ima or Nazi persecution! supplementary informa­tion regarding pass-port difficulties.

Referring to the Dopar~snt•a inetruetion No. 634 of Januacy 28 regarding measures tor the reecue and relief ot victims of !Iaiai paroecution ;md to the Etlbase;r1n DafiiP~toh 5Y:' of litLJ'cl\ 2 rogard1n~ tl'.~; pNstmt position o! PoJ.i:5h refuGeu, I h!>VIi: tho ;.on.or tv l'ilport that thl' l!'l!bii!!Bl' j.n llO\f in.\(•rmed b;y cr.unt Em&r;yk Butr.en­Csapeld., Head of the Rei'Ugee Department of tho Polluh lliniatr;y of Foreign Affairs 1 that tho goverllll!outo of ParaguQ7 and Chile iosue pausports to Polish citizens to help them flee from oountrieo collaborating ~ith Gerz&fiJ" or from Gerl!IIU1y l.tuolf but that PeN, Eoundor and Vencmuela have adopted an untavor~ble attitude in 1111ch IIIP.ttere. · ·

It 1'1111 r<'l ro"alled that iu tho \ln;warolntion ro• ported in our D.tapatch Ito.· !1.39 o.t l!o.l'oh 21 Count O:.lapeki expreeeed the 'opird?n that one o! the moot :I.Jlportarit things th~~.t C()\'' 1 be done,i.mmediately t.o a'eaiat. tba ree.:ue ot 'h'li "'lctiln-, wJ.s t.ho Pl't>Vision or r~ore: vaes-­port.a ent.itlt.'V, ret'Ug11e11 to t:6 L<i cSoath '.Alnet'i~U'a· <onuitriee 11nd that hCI !tU'th~t' 11tated .tl:&t OCJ'<o of the· Sou~!\ Atos,•i.•an count.ricll hP..d ·rt>~aenUy tightened up Oil iaouing thoe" pP.aur,ortc


Rudolf E,. Soho;mf&ld, Cn~rge 1 1 Aif~r~a ~d L~taria,

! •

,., IUu 01\au.r~E:ey (Fo:.o tha So•.' 1.r), Ab.rahll!~on, Abin, Bernstein, Oolu\, DuBoiS, Friedr..nnp C!Mtor., Rodd~ l.(lllgl)lin, L&ea~r, ~;;.fd,, ~~ .Mannonn . liarks, ll~Oom.llek, 1!urphy1 Paul, Pohlo, Polld;, Rairui,· Sargo;y, Sadth, · . stMdish, Stel'lart~ .WdnQtein, H. p • . ~lhito8 File~ · ·


Page 63: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\L. ... ~. ,1~,

!·:;· H·.Jno).~P.o·:_;t

'(i:f:' ~~! a:rl·t · ·:r· \."\' -St£.:.t·1~ ,:,-. ;','>.t , ::: .... ·;·


,_.f _::~:nii~!'/ 2{~ :~·t.,·:,;,_rri\.n~~

i't..11Je{ {\!- ·:J~~tJF .. :~ ·.-f •! •

pcnitl<··· ~~i!ri.t tL-. C?~- ~:~,oL-'­

~F.-~ }',,~

!·. f.:~·:i~·· ~ ;; ;:c.r ..,~-i t•f t!-,{~ n~f:.J"c[:: ;.;- .;_··

~!~·-:;'1d ·:,r: •\f fili.r:~ ~1t~ \· U;.

Present poui.tl on ~, ... Polish vidL•c, nf tlazi p«'>l·necut:i oil: 3Uppl:ernMtur~· infonr.iv .. Uon l•£•gnrJtug pa~~· · pos·t dl.ffl.oul t.io8 .

'.11.1_~ \..1:;; '\,&~G[Il:.-

_,,:._ \H' ,_\_, r...:iJ:or·t.

G-.n-:{t,T\f fi·c-,1 •--~-.. -,-.··,:\Y '.'.;·'.'!! ~-\lt ~-1.,;:;.1, p,!ri.~; }_> .. ·OH.•)\q'

;,1').,~ Yen~..,. t!)~~ h·~\'•-. ':·i.C;l}i#::.i ·lh i.lttClV\1~.'.':: \ ,,_~,t~_t;.id~ ;.·,1

.-..,i:,:'.it L~.., t.t.:;r•,

It u\11 ~" .,-~~--~d !.h.tt ·:_: ;-ii:\ ·;.._~;·~,.et~~~: ... _~.:la r~·.._

pt't'ted J.n ')Jr 0 ,"'~·-'.c::! ~!·1· 5·39 .,::- !l.::.~·::n 2j t,;v,m~ l!zapek~. ~:'J?l'!JBEW~ l:h<' O)>i rc'. ':P thQt or~e of t~:c· ;a out iU!'(·i't~>.nt t.rang!l tn1t.t r..v· 1 -:t h~: d~n& ir.tncdiatlH.y to ;t~JQi.et tn6

;:~;~~e e~~l ~:;~'~,';' :;~i,1;~~c~'~o 1:_.. {:~;:;:~~(~11~~,{~~~ !-"'""" ".~.;d._~·:: •:n.~ ~-:'~•J.\I:c; f';·:-·-':_}1L_ 8~-;d~~-: i h ... t-· UCG.fl o\· th~

S·~-·, '; ;L e·:·u':i!;.rlc:: j.;.·! 1.'f';:pY~~ iJ' '!.i~ht.cn-;_Lo up_ OU

tt-~\~;~"'$ t!:.~~ r;:l<ir,,·-rt!.-


Rudolf E- Sohocnfel<!, t;\..j,i~t- ._>ltAif'lir·o3 ad. .tr~c.arJ.Ji:.

'lu Uw Onpa1·t,r~t.,!\t. .in ~n.11.11-1l mtd !.t 3-{ltugl.•&.pJL

>l~l iUB:t> Chuu.'\~ey (Fo•• t!&<• /lll':';r}, Abre.t.!>i•.l!on, /.kz1.n,· Bornat.oln, Cohn, DU.BOla1 Yri·edrnnn, Olston, !!odd> I..uughlin1 .Leaso>ri .lmt!ora, Xl!nn, llnnMric li!l.l'lrn, J.!~C0:n~'1~k, l!urph;-, P11ul1 Pnhlo 1 i'ollf.~:, Raine, Sarp:o;r, Sllith, Standiah, St.e><art, \'id.nHt!t~n, It D·. lihit.e, FHell

Page 64: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


,~, i

) \'/

HS-713 PLAIN /


j> DatEd March 2, 1944

HEald 10:16 p.m.

SEcrEtary of StatE


1708, 2nd •


DirEctor IGC has writtEn Embassy furthEr rEgarding ,,. l. "·. '~. \'

passports rEfErrEd to in Embassy' a 1543; FEbruary 24th,

His lEttEr datEd FEbruary 29th which suggEsts at its . . .•'

conclusion cErtain action by DEpartmEnt statEs as


11 Doctor Kullmann has rEtu'rnEd from Swi t!IErland I \ ~

whErE hE was -ablE to obtait:~ o.good.dtal of information. ,. HE discussEd thE mattEr with various Swiss authoritiEs,

. \ "-.'· - . . . , with thE UnitEd StatEs MinistEr,' thE Polioh MinistEr,

thE IntErnational REd Cross and with ri:pl'Es Entati v Ea of

sEVEral voluntary organizations.

ThE facts arE briEfly lis follows. ThErE has bEEn

a largE tradEin passports. It is EstimatEd that 4,ooo ~'1. -

haVE bEEn iSSUEd from.3witzErland and it is known that

othErs havE bEEn is~uEd from othEr nEutral countriEs

including DECI,ASSJ!'IED

Slate Dept. Loiter, 1·11·72 2

O 197

2. By R. H. bt:;,. JJ;to~ •

l.·-----'----~~-__:_-~--~-- ----~------~- --~~---~~-...._._.._!·---~-~---

Page 65: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

-2- #1708, 2nd, from London

including SwEdEn. Som~: informants EstimatEd thE total

numbEr to bE as high a's ninE to_-tEn thousand but somE

thought that it did not EXCEEd 5 1 000. In SwitzErland

it was organizEd by privatE individuals and rEachEd :_ ------ -- -- -- ----- - --

such proportions that thE Swiss FEdEral GovErnmEnt had

to intErVEnE sincE it thrEatEnEd to Embarrass th~ir

position and to givE thE GErman a•Jthoriti,El) thE prEtExt

of intErfEring with thE Swiss administration of rEfUgEES

affairs a mattEr in which thE Swiss GovErnmEnt has

hithErto succEssfully avoidEd any intErvEntion and has

bEEn ablE to oarl'Y out; a libEral policy to thE g'i•tat

advantagE of rEfugEEs in gEnEral. t.:gal notion was

takEn agaihst sEVEral of thE organizErs and at th.:_ samE ' '

timE Enquiryiwas madE rEgarding thE authority of aomt

of thE rEprEsEntativES_· of t}lE South AmErican statEs to

carry on th'E_s E transaoti'~ns .- ,-Doctor Kullmann wa:i in­

formEd for instancE that thE Honduras Consul who had

lost his EXEquatur for oth-Er rEasons in 194_2 had sub­

sEquEn.tly issuEd 400 passports·. HE furthEr lEnJ:>nt that

thE Consuls in SwitzErland of Haiti,' ParagUay and PEru '

had bEEn dismi~sEd. ThE avEragE pricE paid for a pass-

port was approximatEly 700 Swiss francs, OnthE othEr

hand thE Consul of San Salvador has actEd from purEly


Page 66: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~ I ..

'· ·3"1 i;!l700, 2ncl, from London.

humanita1•ian motivEs and has chargEd no fEE nt all.

ThErE SEEms littlE doubt that thE GErman author­

itiEs arE m·tarE of what•hus bEEil·-.coing on but for

rEasons of thEir ol'm thEy haVE hithErto not adoptEd

a gEnEral policy of vtithdrawing th_E passports, _ l]hilE

in \1\any casEs ttiE possEssion of thESE documEnts hns'

affordEd thE ownElls protEction agutnst pErsEcution and

EVEn spEcial trEatmEnt in somE of thE c'umps, in othEr

casEs thEy havE affordEd no !)l'f>tEction ~t all and

particularly so rthErE thE pErsons cone Ern Ed I'! ErE not

intErnEc1o Oric;inally thE: GEl.'man authoritiEs SEEm to

hnvE chEl'ishEd thE hopE: thnt thE pErsons with' thE-·sE

South AmEric::~n passports might constitute a basis fol' . 'I

the E;whan[;E of GErm~.n nationaln it! South AmErican \

countriEs ahd\ it is t~ot improbable tl'iat thEy :Jtill

hiWE VOGUE hopEs of this'. OthE1' reasons havE bEEn - \ ,, _;·

su.ggEs ted for thEir laclc of cbns i::J tEnoy. nEcEntly

howEvEr thEy haVE bEEt1 malting EnquiriEs throuch some

of thE [ll'OtEcting powErs of thE South AmErican GovErn•

mEnta concErnEd rEaarding thE r,EnuinEllEss of thE

documEnts and thEy h..wE bEEn subtnit~ing lists of PEl'SC\na ;);l

concE:rnEd with n viEw to vErification,

Of thE countriEs mEntionEd in your lE:ttt'r of thE


Page 67: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\ -~- ;:!1?03, 2ncl fpo,n London

13t:t Jmnw.1•y the: Consuls in 8111 tzn•lnnt'l of Chile:, Hni t:!,1

Po.Pa;:.·t·.a~·, Pe:ru an(l probably Ecuaoor l·le:re: conce:rne:d in

thE insuo: of passpo1•ts. It ·is probable: though 'not

• CEl'tain ti1at pasuports of Costa Rica,_ Nicaragua and

Ve:;~rzue:ln ha'IE: bf-En issue:d by Consuls· 1:: count1•1e:s ot::e:r

t:11•.n Suit ze:rlan<l ..

Ti1E above: is a briEf state:me:nt of facts. In 1•c.::l'.l'C\

to notion the: S~11ss author! tie:s are: ve:ry de:flni te: thnt

any a~)l'Oach to the: Ge:rman authorl tle:s woulc( not only

infruct:·.oae: but l·rould do more: harm ~han goO(\. The::·e:

re:::c.ins t::e: approach to the: Gove:rnme:nts 'of th'e: count1•ie:s

conoe:Pne:~, l·lhich I •ite:ntlone:il in my' le:tte:r of the: 21st

Fi(Jl'L:ru•y. It is no1·1 cle:ar that this approach should

cov:P t11o points 1 (first) that the: Gove:rnme:nts shoulcl

" re:fl'l'.in ;'rom wi thc1I'm71ng the: passports 11)11ch have: b::e:n

issue:c1 ancl ( se:oon·c1)·. that i~ an,d \:fhe:n the: !)rote:cti ng •·c .f·

poue:r on the: l'E:que:st of the: GE:rman autho1•1 tle:s sui) ,:1. ·<;a I . - .. -

Us'Gs or !)El'sons i1l th such passports· the:y should

1 nstr•.!Ct the: p:rote:cting powe:r that th'e: pnssports have: ,•

be:e:n con~'.l.1•me:n. -The: se:oond is a ne:1~ point b~t, a VEl'Y

l::t;1o1•t•:nt one: and t l>!oult'l ask that the: State: De:p,a:rt1.ie:nt

bE rr.c~Lte:ste:n to includE 1 t in its re:pr<::se:ri-tations. I

1/0l\lcl. also re:que:st that rr.pre:sr.ntntions be: madE to '.;l:e:

Govr-:1~nr.u:nt of San Sal va(lorn.


\ \

Page 68: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'L. ~ ,'t\~··



Page 69: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber






Dated July 24, 1944.

Hectd July 29, 6 am

~- ---- . ···--· vJ.,.:,.. ---~ t..i !.,., • .,~[

Secretary o.f State, IJ''""'•nf\l OF l'iaahi~ton. .JlJL ~~f) 19~ l A~303, July 25, 10:30 a.m1~·~;0··--~~·;~7,'.~~;1 1 jl.,, 11. ,. ·' •>

Department t s nlrt:;ratll no:-A:233-~ -JUly-~7~ c 11:20 a.m., and l!..mbnssyts nir.::;ram A-290, July 21·, 10:30 a.m.

If . ·. . 'l'ho •rropionl 1\odlo Telegraph Company hao informed

tho lUcal'n.~uan l''oroir:n O;('fice t!\nt its telegram to ·tho Swiss l•'oroign Of!'ioo dated Ap1•il 22, 1944, was deli verod in nern on April 21, 1944.

It would appear that tho swiss lo'oreign Office was in error when :l t informed l<11nister llt~rrison that no ro" quest had boop. ·roceivo9, from llionrav;ua to aafocsunrd from enemy porBeoution porsom• po~ring lllonraeuo.n paaaports.

In any l:lvent, it is p~~tsumed thnt the swfaa I!'oroit;n Of!'ioe nao noV!, rocel.vod the· nddidonal roqueet oontaJ.nod in the lUOal'll<_!;Ulln l•'orcil)n Office· to1e[!;ratll or July 19. I)

802.1 l!DF/gp


DECLASSIFIED Stnto Dcipt. I.ct!or, 1·11·?9

By R. ll.l'orks Date~ 0 1972


Page 70: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


,. '·


,,., ·;,-'. "" '" .,

i"'f;f.:;~~~~:l.'.~ \

CDNIROL COPY &I Dated July 20, 1944.

(" ··------·· ...... Rectd

Socroiary of ~tnto, .. a.si1inctor..

A-298, July ,21, 10:30 a.n., ).<

Departn.~mt•s airgrrun no. A~233, July 7, 11:20 a.m.

!;ioarn~an r'oroi0n O!'flce etutoo ti1nt raeaaa;:;;e quoted in my A-17'1, dat:od ll.pril 25, 10:30 a .t:o., 1•iao hnndod to t:.o 'l'ropico.l ilo.c.li o '1'olo~;l'n;>h Co1•1;1nny in .l.l£~nn;:;ul\ ou .April 22 for truusmioli:lon, t:o l'Ci'Ol'onco to tho l~aosa~o has 'been t•ocoived by tho i••ioura::;unn :Jovernmcnt from the Swiss Por­ol~:n Of fico. Tropical ttud:lo :l.n !>rosontl;r trnc.tns tl1e mooonce.

!.:oanwhilll, t::c i'Ol'e:f.:.:.:n Office dl S,;_,atchod tho follow­ill~~ telocl'B.l'l (:1~1 trnnolntJ.on) t:o tho ·:::wins l•'oroi,:,n Office on July lll; ; · ·

./ 11

1 rp1Jca t {;o Youl•. J::xcclloncy my radiogram ol' ilprll 22, in l'l'lich I·requootod that the Gorman Govo1•nmont bo n:t!<od. to lliJr>ly into;rnatlonal oon­,nntions on pJ•It~one:rn or war· to twe:r,- fntel'ned poraon ln n concont:t' .. ti.on camp who in tho beo.ro:r o£ a i'llcal:'a.-;uan paespcit•t, und pa_rticulnrly thoae onullleratod ln my radio or -I•'ebl"unry 16. Accept, oto."/ ·

001.2 J~DP/Gp.


Df:c• A'l"'IFIED State Dcp~ !.otter, 1·11·7~

B,y a: a Po.rks DaooS E P 2 0 1972

Page 71: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

' . '\'-' ,l . ·., '


A-233 )(

llz20 Olil


JUL 9 lfl~H

CO V:llll!N!fAliOr;S .

-- _:~~ L~: ;_"~_ . .:__.I

ft\NI\GUA, OllOARii.OUA) •

He terence ie made to tba Depi.U'tmont 's J\.-204 Qf __ J!Jr\O · 10. and

your A-249 or June 16. On June 13 the Ouii'Jo Foreign Otrice .

.\ntorrned U1n1eter lias-rison th·~t no l'ectUost baa 1111 ye' boen

l<'6ce1ved bf Ot.,1tzerland trom Nicaragua to eategt.1ara persons in

onemy territocy holdlng doot~ments ioeued in the nur,10 ot ·NioarQ3U,a

trom.onemr pereoout1on.

l:'lonee olel'.r up th1s a9parent contradiction and ascertain

uhnt roplr ~~no rooo1vec1 trom l3wi~zerl0.ntl. Iri otino ronueet hao

not gone out, ltinO.ly t>epresent to Nioaranua.ri nuthor1t1'lls the

opooinl importance a~'taclled by thh <lovernment to the lwlllllnl­

tar1an tack or eaving t~le peopie ooncsrnod. and prooo tor an

immedinte deepn.toh ot the oueae~ntod rbr,uer.t.

WllaiMMV:KG '7/6/44

~E .

llull W{!rf'

COA :Jt-11'.

DECLASSIFIED Btato Dept. LC!t<>r, 1-11·?1

By R. lL Parks Dni<!S£E...2 0 1972




Page 72: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




Reference ill made to Department• a A-204 of June 10 and your A-249 o! JUne 20. On June 131 Swba Foreign Oti'ioe 1n£ormtd Minister Harrison thAt no rc~ueat haa ua 7et been received b7 Switaerlan~ !1•om NiclU·agua to safeguard penons in en~ territocy holding documents hsued in the name of lliaaragua from enem,y persecution,

Ploaoe ol~ar up apparent contradiction and ascertain what reply l'8ceived !ro11 SW1taerlan4. In oase request hall not gont out, ~ repreaent to Nicaraguan authorities the special illportance attached ey thh government to the lmlaniterian task of aaving the people concerned and pre11 !or an il~Maiate deapatah o! the IIU8&eated requept,

......... Jul7 s. 19M 101415 a.m.

co~~· _A~a, Ooha, Dallolte ..,1.a- • at~,~-· •lfl• C.\lle Oe11trel JU•••

BAkzin:nr 7/4/1~,

Page 73: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




JUL 1 1944 DIVI' 10,._~ OF

COMfi.UNtCATIONS a RLCOROS -----·-------

&ocrntary ot' :;ta to, .:nsh1n•_: ton.

A-:H!J, Juno 20, 10:30 :l.lh · X

) . .. ·, I

. c~V t-..._.-'-. :/

;)d (/, . j

. v~·

CDNTRllL . ~JJW· . f,<annp;ua

Hoc td June :;J, &11n

Plonnc: rot'•n• to t.i:tl fl.;hn11r.:r' ll n1r::;:t•n,.. no. 17.7, duted wn•il ~5, 10:::1\) n • .-,. On htwll ~~. the i:lcnrn:•,uan Forol,:.n O.l'!lco dlu!)r.tcl1•1d t.h~ !'ollowln:·~ tel$r.;rrur. to the S~tl!!$ FOt•d(:,ll U1'.fic11;'

"1 r~c;uca t ·:rom~ E.x.ccller•c:r to addi•o•n hlMuclf' to t!iu oom.ll!i GO'Ierru•.cnt aaltltiL; . tllr:t 1nterw• t.J onul oon vontl on:s oovet·l n•; ,>1'1 aorwr·a ol' unt• b~i up.)lieu t...> nll lntci•rwea 5 n' <H;r~contro t lon CllrrM:s who .. 141'0 the· b11nror~1.of -!!1cnz•n:::,\l.llll pR.sn;>ortt:. ·Accept, oto ,n

IL ! u Uol.i~ \·c.H.i i.,i.,'ht;. __ LI.!Cf: l:Uo·w·~-qi.luLctJ i;u'i_~(~.z·~t} ~-~o~·~"~Xl~iclliy fulfills tho DoparLr·:crit •• ivlahoa.

001.2 l!Dl•igp


-- DECI,MlSIFtr.U Stato Dept. l.<>ll<r, 1·11·72 .

By R. IL Pi!rl<o Jlnto S E P 2 0 1972.


\. \


Page 74: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



' 5:G<•k-'•··


i;\·11 , ... _;iy Iii $t.ll<:




Hofersnoe 1u r.l!\dO to your 11.-200 of U .. '\)' ti ,-,nrl·. your tho

l\-f!26 of Nuy 27. 'A'h1t1 t~o·rornnent approu1ntoc/tlti:1tu.:\e or

\ihe ::i(tnraguan 1\\\thor•1t1ou oonoern11]6 m:albnrio, 11pproo1n­

t1on if; :1lso ex:;>J'OE:seil <11' tho l·lic.nr.::~tw::rt nppronoh. to ··J~\in

oonocrn~.ne: the J'eturn ot r10J>OJ•toea to·1Ji tttll~ x•opopte<l in

your J~~2P.G, ns NquaRter:l in· D<l}.)a:rtn;ent 'fl o1:ranJ.ar l.I,.J>B~~~~~~ of 11:n:r1l 22, 7:~o p.m.

C:.n the otlle;r hand, 1t rloel'l not npps::~r 1'rom your oom*

mun1o~t1onfl th~1t i'iiO:u'O{~r.. h:1tJ ·;yet t~vr>roaollSd \lerttany

through the prothcting ·do•·1lf:" •:1th n _t\on~md th~\t tho livea

Of all })eJ>OOllD hOJ.a1ng ))!~ep;,)ort~ 1soued in l·lioni'£1t~tla 1 D

nama (lr olailllin~ ~l1onr~\Unrf ~1 t1nenah1p on the bnoio <1t' ,

. ' coneulru• dqcuments bo oufe~ua:c•cled r:\ml th!l.t thoY, be. given

c.ll rJ.r;hto, !W1v11oean a.nd 1mrmn1t1ea uooordet1 to c1v1l:lo.n

internee a ot' enemy ll::\t1onul1 ty.

l'lfl:aco repror.ent to tllcn:rauuan nuthorition tl.to oxtromo

\llf~<moy <lt r~.:tlt1l'l{~ thin npp:ronoh,

o~}~V!I<.U 'J·tr:ttln1uo

( ... r'

DECLASSfFlE'o Stntc Dept. Letter, l-11·7g

lly R. lL !'arks Dnto....s.E.e. 2 0 1972 -. ..,-,

\ \•

Page 75: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

' . . (\.f. ,t ~ . ' . ; . ~


Reference is lt~de to your A-200 of 1/.ay 9 and your A-2£6 of a!ay 27. This government appreciates ~t~tude of Nicaraguan authoritiea concerning exchange. Appreciation h aloo expressed of Ntcarl'lgu!lll r.pproeoh to Spsin concerning return deporteee to Vittol7 reported in your A-2?.6, as re­quested in Department'~ circular nirgrnm of April 22, 11~0 p.m.

On the other hand, it doos not r.ppeer from your coJNr<unicrti~ns that Nlceregu& has yet appro!l"hed Oormeny through the protecting Power with a dnand th11t the lives of nll pereonn holding· pasHporta-iesfied··fn NicAr&gua' s ne.~~e or claiatlng Ri011raguan cithenohip on t.h., bnsio of con8ulnr docuaAnts be e•feguarded Md that they be givrn 1111 rlght.s, priv­ileges and lldiUnit.iea accorded to civll11t11 intornnet! or ene!lly nr.tionelity.

Please r<'prl!rent to !UceregUNI nuthori tl Oil the extr"""' .Url!enr.y ·of making this approach.

••••••••• June 1! 1 l()t.-1 fill5 p.m.

~;- -lJJ .. BAkzinlar 6/8/44

Page 76: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

• J\l!!G~1AI


GrJcretn.r,y c.i' Ltatu, !, IJEPAAlMtfiT OF STATE ,.nnili.~~· on. JIH\. 1,1 ~~~ll

!i.·•?~~l ; Unl) 10, 10 :31), ? ol'.;, OIVISIO'I 0~ ;"f- . l f:OMMlHHC.\ llotiS b nECOROS

UCt)Rl.'b,,::ntt~ S~C:l1e~ !"}).;c(:lJlUJl o;r 1'[.11'!'!. l:n;_r. ;l.l-1 .?.:30

'f'lw ;,::.c•:rn.,:.t•on t·o~c:l;:·n t-.l'.l'lcc i "' ln.r~wM~d tilt! ::Ja-­htlo&y l.im t ,J :: l1n n roco1 V<l<l l:l t~>l~f~~'' ;,, _,'J•o:n tr:c ;;J.c~l.'ll­e::uan C;;flr:·r. ,: '!lffn~l'<)S in. ;.nr!J.•i.d lltHbl!. ·: thnt 1,!10 ~i0)1J.l'l­illh FONJ.t,~r. ; l11Lnto1• i~ns oi'lr.rod to\, ... _, hiv ,•,oo<i of.t'icos ln tile ic•t•:.r::s\; ol' !mVlliG r<J·:;!n.'l!().\1 j.,, ,'j. t.tol ~ io'l'<lllC0 1

r.n;i OOOl'EH':l ,; [' :;iC<Il'I'<J;;l . .WU ';·.•.i<in ll>l'tll v:' ... , l~<ll:/ h!lV<> boon rc ... oved fl'"': th·~ t. plnoo •. ·

COlet2 :iDL•'/GP

m:CLASSII'IF.D State DciJL (Ntf('r1 1·11·'12

l!y R. ll.l'rirka DnwSEP 2 0 1972



Page 77: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.. ·


1 1 4'i~;rqn~ . .


p',.<itecl J:ny 2'1, 1044

R~o 'c1 June , ; 6 p.r:t ~ -,,. .. ,--;.-;.~rr, .

~>•'CT' ".t.'u'?. of' ,;tn te, I UL~I\', _ _ .~.~st~ :tn·-: t o .. :t ~ I A-2qp. Ln~r 27, 13:00 ll ,.,. ·"' ~ 19•14 I Do•_)f.,rt!'.:ont Is ll~l·~,Nl:'\ 0. x~r.:I1P~'9~11~.

- I ·~ rr ,...~-1.,~

'i':.H:~ l'~:l caro~~u.l.ll'l C:'oV~L"~!::.:~ont uuthoPizc.i:. '· -htH .. 1 Govor-nr:!~-nt of t: ~\::': t:1 ii !..\:~d ... .'~at C·s ·~o tn::n ·up. t;lc ::icr.-rz_li~:unn ;1as Sl!Ol"t;:-; held·:).'! .·Ul'Cqe:mc 1·,:-dc!i ar.•rJ.vc :i.u -the Un:i.t.EO. :~tatoo fron co-.:ntrios of <JCC14niod :.1~ro~1o excopt ht.. the al\se t::fd; ~:1o Hicarngunn Co·Jcrm .. ont Elhall lY<Ve av.\;ilotoizod t.!w 'l•'Li:>sion ol' such l'.ropcl:ul!l' to it:) conn\a~-.

'i.'llo Oov,)rJ::-ocni; of liicnrn,-;un u\J.thorlz'ocl tho· :Jove:i-'m•Jvnt of tiw lt1itcd .;ta>t·c·,::J !;o no:_;ot;int;e fop t!oo oxc1lflil':•• of r;uroponn!i \~·:!. t"i1 ~.J.Ci":Pa .':\au:. pas::: "lO!.'ts i'OP Gel~~ ;:.u' tJ:t tionuJ.s. It ic t!n.:·ol•sto\x.:., :or.·cv(.t .. , t.u...~. t; 1lj st;ch cxcll&nr..a i)re­f'et•cwo o ull ould, be :··i v,,n to p,>ro.oroc of ;iicE.l'llf':ti!lll nnt:tnnnllt;,i in t(Hl ordo~ r:hicil !~;,., Govd;m;11mt of' ;,;;.cm•u::t.'a hau ocnt tho swi~s 'ioV'.1l;il•ownt am' l?hjch is. :;.lrocr,dy ltm>'~u to t:1c i:r.;bnsay onti iJo)ut•tm:nt; ,;ti'! ::n;o!l a miJ' t'·at U.cm•r.o;~u~J.ns :;hull bo cx:chanr.;ed ':~n t!L f!J.•st inctanc u ..

T.Jnd or c!a ~;,,\ of !'uy 2::l, ''th<J- 1:1 onrn~uo.n :Jc•c1•otnry for !~Ol'Ci\';n !ii'i'•li ~U oon1; th<; f'OllOI'Iiil:·;. !'.\O'J~n:;o (in trnucliJ.tion) to ~;a·.:. ~.icuPaeuLul_ CHHzl::·t~ U' ili'l"ll.il''ct. -:-~n 1,l':lnin:

"r:·:.,Gc!ii!t.l;; ::·o to;nC:1•id nud lri· t::c b0st !'O:t'r'' solicit fro. l:i1Ut frlen~11~' :?oJ::.t•m.;c:nt ito i70l·t··,:; coo}err:tion i!: t~!t' censo of brln:::;:'1:~·: nl:lo1,;t. t;:;.: l'ott:,r.; !.>~· the non:!nn Gov:;rm.:cnt . to th.; concontrn tion cunl) u t Vl t. tol, .! rnnc <::, t~1000 !JC&.l~~l·li ~Of' I~_: CUt'-Ei:uan "')!l.S:r·)O):-ts \';!.!.0 h;IVU been. DEll1t to ot:ml' conco\:tPa tl 011 Clli .p!J l'lhO t'll"O :!.u clnw~·:•l' Of their• livca, l.'Ul1ifeat to I;)Jo

·npun:!.ah Gov :.l'l1!::ont the Cl'J ;)r ::ciu tion of my Gov:.:z·i'~·:on t for 1 tc wortlly a sill stnno o J.n t~.w senile :!.nCicated. Jnfon:, i•.c or· tho results."

All tho obov•.; lr. tr•nnslnt.,d froo,l a 1-'nJ•oien Office mo•·10Pandlm: datod. l '''/ 25, 1:!,14 t>Oc!li v.~d by the •r;:bassy yestcrdn•;, . DECJ,ASSIFIF:D

' State Dept. l.o::lt<·r, 1·11·72 2

. By R.IL Pnrl:o D"t" S£P 2U 197 .';';,'L',;Iu';~~

Page 78: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber





. ~~w.~~

:;t;tl'l' BX __ £~~£ .URORAl·\ ~- OEPARTM~NT -~F ~~AU. ;ilili:1~\;jl)Y. M /W 1 ?. • I

v I'll'"'~ I lL1.1~\0Ut~ (tiiCl!u\JillUi~) • ..r:CURIJ~ j

---··--·w-o-o• b'OR 'iiiU: ••••• lk., li'l~'OHliA'l'lU~l OJ/' 'J.'fG CIIJi.l{(}]:!-n•,~b'll':~llbU t\D IU'l'•::iUN,

'rhe l>epartn1ant Bnd th9 '·Tar Hefugao J3oard ax-e gro.t1f1ed •·r1th

the re~ulte reported in your no. 2137 of April 1?. Ploaoe convey

to the tl1cal't~'U!ltl nutllor1t1ee th1e Uoven'lfuont 1 o-··appxoeo1at1on of

their att1tuil8.

You may 3ive tllo ~liont>a«Uo.n ·o1'i'1oio.lo the uoeurcmcon requested

in paragraph 4 of your no. 215?. prov1cla.d po~rer to take Ul> ..

N1oal'a6Uan passports be «elogt\tod to reprosontat1voo of this uovorn-

tlent b;r tl1cal'l.18\lll• ' "

l'loaee tcy to obtain (\0 feoon o.e poea1ble a torms.l approval by '·

tlioaragua of our nog,otiat1~ t-.n,. exol't~tlf}O on their be~to.lt. IUSO

ple!.\ee urr;e that u nbte 'be oent-to the. l'rotoot11'18 l'O<·tOr. x-eg!ll'd1J:l6

tho vul1d1 ty or O.ocumente a.nii the trentmont 'of boarero.

WlUHl#IV:KG D/8/44

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. L<lltcr, 1·11·7ll

Dy R. H. Parka Dnto..s.EU 0 1972


Page 79: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


~- I


Department an• W~ RefUgee Boar« gratified result& reporte4 in your 2l'R of April 17, Please convey Nica­raguan authoritieo this Gover~nt'a appreciation or their att1tu4o.

You may give Nicaraguan officials the aasurancea roqueate4 in paragraph 3 ot your 21.37.

Pleaae tr.y to ~tain as soon as poeai•le a toraal approval "1 Nicaragua or our negotiating an exoh.mge ou their •ehalt, Aleo please urge that a note •e aent to the Protecting Power regarding validity or documents an4 treatment of •earera,

•••••••••••• " ~ s. 1944

3150 P,lf.

~. t.s.t. Biksinajp 5/~/44


Page 80: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

''w I . •

~I . . ~. , . .,



MAY1519·;' ........ ~tt;ATIONS


r.ocratst•y of State, \.allhillJ:;ton,

~- i

Dntod tiny 5. lO·l·L

D<'Pill'i;nont•;; ntt•,::,rnr:~ no. llJl or ·r:.ay J., <l.P ·.n.

rn l\ no to dn tod ! uy 2, t;l~c. ll\qnrn~~um l·'O:t'Oi""ll OJ't'lco utnt,od :;lint ~t I'IOUld bo· :;lnd to ~cc the s~loc­tlon o1' llja nntionnlo rm.• cltchon;;o t;~nde in tho !'oll,o11~ inc oz•do1• :


?a ll:>o Xlll!.rrn r:ay-o_rgo. ~:rnf!r:l t9 J>oi•tocnrrero Joso de lo Luz (luort•ot•o; hl a wH'o • Su11nna;

nn!l .ti~eil• chifdl•on, Jgonillo~ Jo11otto, .]eon C:lnlJclio, ~d. ,J?Vc ·

flquilos :.:;olor:r.nno · .. ·· , Idn nonlclep- ond hot• Clmtc;htcro, r<nquelln ond

Gonia . ·

'l'llo last nnr.>od t!u•nc ·~cr:.onn nro !'oloa .l~hQ hnv0_ obtninod liicr:J·n~;twn :)(l:.ltl;1or';u nml. 1'/~:.o:.:o oxc!HU1[~0 1a desired on h•;:Jnr,i tm•1.m t;rotu:ds.

i\11 .t'O.t' tho ot,i10l' !)Ol':JOlliJ in OCCU:>lo d !•.Ut'O)EJ 1'/l!O nro bosroN• undol' •'lnu oircm:s tnnco or nno1;hor of l!1cn·· rn;:;u.a.'1 po:.~ll:'Ol•ts, I;;JC no to otat~s tho t tho 111 o£u•ncunn Gove!'n;:J.ont. oonsentu to tiwir oxchonj,';o bUt\pt•osunnbly on tho basis o(' tho n1luux•nncoa (:,1 von by th~ !.~>bnss:r U!)On nuthori~ntion i'l•ot·. the Dopnrt1.wnt ·thnt tlwao ;)ot•· sonn will not reach m.oat•nr;un.


DECLASSIFIED Stale Dept. Letter, 1·11•7ll

By R. lL P(ll'ks Da!<>;.& ~ 0 : 1~72

\ \

t), '

Page 81: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

l:L ~ ~·''11!1' ·-





The abo' n is Blli'>:::;oo.te ft'Oin and in nddi tlon to tho ntlthor•izntiol ::.:1. von b;: the t1icarnc;uan Government to tho l!icaro.gu:, 1 Gon~Jul at Born, Switzot•land,' to gt•ant 100 children ::1cnl'o;,:~t:: n vi sus and to ltoep their vj_11~-~~ valid until :!'nns;>or•lj bocor:cs available (ace· tho J:lllbnss;Yt v· telegrru:: no. :::•11 dnto1l !. ny 5, 4 !>.!R•).

801.2 liDF/gp




Page 82: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


···--··~.· ... '~- ·•


'l· . ·-. -~~ . . V: .. co.~ TRO C.Of!.L_ A-151



!D:( OOURiii:R


o'E"rMl .. T .. ·MEHTOf ... STATE -.

1 "--MA¥..3._\944 •

COh1MUNIQATIO,~\ _ j ._.,.~llrt-,trll_!i\l~llL_ .... ~

Nll~H.lll\tlllY /

1-J.iill!I.GUA HliO;I.it.I.OUJ\;) •

Hater to'Depnrtmont'e oll'cular ail'l'Srameo? MUioiis:L; ll06p.lll., -

ot i~prU 11, ll.lOO a.m. and ot April 22, '7:~~0 p._m. Tbe l)epartment has . J

not·• been apprized thnt l'oP<'~ Nunoio nt Durn informad..' ?linioter> Harrison

that Va.tioar/ had attempted to. t-Y(ll•lt out ~el1er me~,A~roo l'or Je~'l3 holaing

ll1c:.U't1(S'Uan <1oouments tlnd 1ntex11ed lJy \Jermany. Appa.rently, the question

of eventual 1rum1grntion as re.sult of possible exchange •·'1.\0 raised in

nddition to the qUestion of rooo$n1t1on ot (locur.tento. Uioa~agUa is

reporteD. to h:.we replied that it 'in tUepooed to rooo~nhe pasop'OJ't!l

loDUed by ito Ooneule,only to tbe extent ot eight trun1l1oe, anil that

th:ae far,t111oa uould be. nllo•->U(~ to HIBiftn in 'Nicaragua only tor the . ~ .

duration oi' the ·t-rar, unieoa the peroo~a oonoerneCI. are e1 ther tarruere

or 1n«uotr1oi1oto. ,. -

J\t the t1ma th1o reply ~n l'I;)J)OJ'ted to h::tV~ bean (¥ivan to llat1onn,

tbe aosurnnce oontnine« in our o1rculnr ~rg:ra~- ot hpril. U llnd

evidently. not (ropeat not) yet 1'0!\0hBt\ triot:iraeunn (SOVerriment~ It 1B

therefore telt adviaable to re1ternte tile assurance ot tb1s Govezonment . . . _· . . \; . . . . ·,- -

that N10al'a(.'Un N-111 rot (r,epent no_t> be e~toted to grtmt -pbfs1oal. \

admiosion to iiny ot .tho persona concerned in the ennt oj' exoba~ or -- - . ot

.DECLASSIFIED Btaio Dept. LCiter, 1·11·79

. B; R. H.P~rks Dn~~t0-1972

Page 83: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

• ~. j

. '

A. is1 ', 4:00 p.m. ~~~ -P.-

of any other p_rocer1U:ra loadl~. to tl1e1r l'elense. Unrlu:r thane as.our­

ancee, Nioar.:lB'ta tJOUld not be aelted to parmi t an:r 01' theee persons to

" enter 1ts terr1tor;y even tomporar1ly, unlono 1t eo t1ea1rea, .-~ooord-

1ngly, the numer1oul l1ntitat1on stated in N1onra8uan reply to the

Vatican seems no lollt\Ol' Justified, nnd the-hope·-ts-exp:reseed that

Nioaragua t-rill ogrea to aot in tho sense of our circular a1rgrCUil of

J\prU ll 1>.•ithout any numerical l1mitv.t1on11 ~rhatsoevor.

In ·the 11ght ot these asourancee, please impress upon tho tl

NioarQ8Uan Govemruent the extreme urgency ~·1 th ~-•h1oh this Government \

viet~Fl tho neoose1ty of aouncr favorably ·ritliout delay on proposals

p!'flV10Uely SUbm1ttecl and dotn~led in the ~1rgramound~~ reference •.

lrou should 1mpreos upon N1ohr811'\lal1 officials that a1noe taJ.lur'e to

not t·roulcl almost certainly a:pell (lOt\th for the porsono involved, and . . '

thv.t since no (repeat no) reepons1b1l1t1es or obl1gut1ons '"'0UH reoult ' ' i

tor N1ooregua from aoquiascon~o ,1n our reqUoote, T'G ,.,ould be DOrel;v-•. ; t

c!l1sa.ppo1nted 1f tl1caraguan nutbor1t1es ohould not ·{repo:tt not) •·•hole-\ .. . '

heartedly cooperate ••1th ottl' effOl'tO to flaVO thooa people.

WRB:GLWIXG 4/2'1/44 Ill&.




I· I

Page 84: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

I·· I"




Reter to Department'• oinular ail'~ ot llaroh 31, laOS p,a,, ot Apl'illO, 11100 a.m, and ot !he DeP4l'tmant has now bee apprized that ~Pap&i-._.,N""un-o1""'o-a"'"t-­Bem·1nfomecl Jllnieter Harrieon that YatiNon hall attemptett to M:>rk 0\lt reliet meaaura. :Cor .r ... boLting lfioaraguan dOCIWaente and interned b7 Oe~. AppaNntl;y, the queetion ot enntual iaaigrat1on ae reeult ot pol81ble IXIIhange wu raieecl 1n addition to the queetion ot reoogni.Uon or doo1111011t.a, Nioar&illa 1e reportecl to have replied that it 18 dlepoee<l to reoogniH paHpOl'te iaaued b7 ita Ocaeula- onl;y- to the went ot eight faaUiaa, and that th ... faaUiea 'IIOilld be allowed' to ruain 1n JU.oaraaua OQl.y tor the duration ot the nr, unlt8e the peraona 6oneerned are either f&l'lllllra or 1ndue-trial1ate. ·

At the time tlda repl,y ie r.porte4 to haYe been gben to Vatioan, the aeauranae contained 1n our circular ah·gr .. ot April 10 had endently not (repe~t llOt) yet reached lliearaguan goyemment. It 1e theratore felt aciYiaable to rliterate t.be aaauranoe of this Oover11111erit that Hioarii&Ut 111.11 not (l'epeat not) be upeotld to grant pb,yaionl a<ltd.aa1on to u,y of the par1on.l oonoei'MCI 1n the ennt of exobanae Clr ot an,y other procedure lMding to thell' l'lleaae• Under · · · th .. e auurano .. , JliO&I'apa tr01ll4 not be •*14 to perait ID,}' ot UtaH peraOM to enter ita terl'itor,y nen temp<lraell¥

1 unleaa it 10 deairea, Aooo~, the nwaerital limita­U<~n atate4 1n lUoaraguan :repl.T to t.be Vat.ioan lltlld no lonaer Juat1t1ecl, and the hope ie upn...ct t.bat NiO&I'a&U 11111 &,ll'8e to. ••t in the; eenae of 0111' eircnllar ail'grq of .AprU 10 ldt.hout an,y auaeri.U ~tationa 11bata08Yel'o

In the light of theaa .;.~~' plMh il9reaa UJIOA t.be 11earacuan-goyerment the ..V.. ur.-o,y of aoqu.iening_ 1n our requt8ta an4 of aethlc 1J10ft t.b• wi~ut 4elq. till eh0Ql.4 htpre• Upcill lieara.auan ottiei&la that a1noe failure to aat. 1IOill4 alaoet ~ .,.U Mt.h tor the Pll'IOila inYol.Ye4

1 an4 that einee 110 (repeat 110) ~u .. ott ~tiou wouU r..W.t tor ll..,...aa Ira. oeq~t ...... 1n our requata, w .....U be ·~ ~~ lt I~ aut.borit.i .. wouU uot (rapeat Mt.) 'llbolM~ eoopnate with our effort• to .. ,. th•• people •

****************~ April 24, 1944 2:15 p.m.

. ::

-/dJ4 :f. (.. ;e. '- -~ BAIWJURIS.itb/jp ~ - 4121/41+-

- -- --



Page 85: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


AJHGHA!.1 ..

'" Uf -;1 h ?~

Sccrotl1PY of U1;tttu, \·:ushii\;~ton ..

;-r:bn~1!i~..-, !J ~n~; .,~ictu:'n;'.\\(tn .. .LUl'O lC ..




3'/ 1 dutcd 1\'ill'il 1?; l'oc;ard·· li~' :;\li'OilOllHD in Occtt)iod

'i':.w li.tcm•u ... wm ·l·'oi•oi:;n Ofl':tce info)'l':;s the Gdla.aay of it's d!npatch o1' t;hc J:'ollol'll n,: tclo::;1•run to t:.,o swiss I''ot•oi [.)n CJ1'1'.i cc on · t.;n•11. 22, 104•1 ( trnnsl::tti on•):

. \"I rcqu1ost. Youv· hKoolloncy to add1•oss him­

oclf 1 t.'l the Gon.nn covorn~iont ~altin~ tllnt .1ntcr­nn tiono.l c onVE:'Il t.toh11 covorilJJ: ;n•l.sonora of war bo np:>ll.cd l;o {ll'J. l·ntOl'llOGil in concoiltrotl on oru.l{'~ \::~'!0\~n! 0 t'·;~_ bc:.·..-:·c;.·.~· ~-....... .. ::t•J.f.l.~ u~·;L..ui;. ,tfu1-3lh.;rt.:J~ iu;·" cc,-t, etc ~' 1 -


DECLASSIFIED'. Btato Dept. 'teller, l·n·72

By R.' lL PnrkA DRlc_stJL20_J972

Page 86: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




\No. 2137. X

Sub'Ject: Ni.cnrnguan Pas~p01•ts Held by :C.Ul'Opean.s in Occupied h\lrop£J.

The Honorable ----~-~~-----The Sccretat•y of State, -



I have tho honm· to -refer to tlio Do-pnrtmen t • s fut•t.her circulnt• secret airgrrun of Apl•illl, HH4, 11 o..:;,, regardln13 tho attitude which the Department· hopes will bo adopted by the l\lc•1raguon Govornn1ent toward the boat•el'S in occupied ;;;m•ope of !ilcaragti:m passports. 'l'~1is wo.s the subject, likovtiso, of tho Enbassy•s secret dospotoh no, 2128 dntod A?ril 13,

"1944. -

In view or tho instructions cont,alnod in:<t;he nh•­cram under rcfcroncc, and ns forecast in my dospntch, I hnd an opp~t·tuni ty today of ·disc\tssing thJ.s subject with Dt•. ABGUI!;LLO, the Foreign IHniotor. . . _

Dr, Arr;uello stated thn t tho NicaJ'll£5Uon Govern­ment believed that between 125 to 150 persons in ocnu­pled J:.ut•opo had .t:raudulently obtained NicaJ•agunn pnsa-

' port!!. It hnd boon tho · prnctico of his oovernn1ent hert>­tofot•e generally t9 declin!) to confirm the vnlldlty ol' nny such travel i<locumen-'ts when questions wore asked by tho Gc:rr.um Gove1•nnwnt through,the Svliss Governnwnt ns protecting power. In a few ca'ses involving humnnl­terlan considerations, they had oonf'il'lllCd tho bearers ns llicaraguan nn u'.onnls, nltl1oligh tl,ey l'rere awat•a that the travel documents had been- fraudulently obtained.

- ' .· - ; - \- ---- ·-Dr. Ar£5Uello said that he ~could

1not s'ay. ,)fflumd

who thor any reque_sts for confirmation of vnlidi ty had boon received through tho Spanish Government. He. would look into the matter and let me know. Similarly, he would discuss with President Somoza the feasibility or sending thr.ough this Embassy and the Ar)lericru1 Lega­tion at norn a telegram beseeching the Goi'lllon author­ities to safeguard th"e lntereota of the bearers of all Nicaraguan passports. He thought that tho President would accede and that this might be done. He intimated, howe·ver, that Nicaragua would pro'Qably not want to receive many of these persons as permanent residents ot' the country. He thought, however, that if we could assure the Nicaraguan Government that the Nicaraguan

D~~ passports Bta!4 Dept. I.cllor, l·l1·72

By R. H. Parks Dala S£p 2 0

c (: r•

0 :1

' \, \

Page 87: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.l -.::.· ....

~e.sDnoets of t~H)S .. ) ~~t>J'1le woull~ be· ta:{{HJ nn f._1ll~w1 nr· ih.e1 i" -ex iF fl"('-:;: oot~~~·-'1 Oct o..lil'0~J(' ai't.er oXchfinc4 e fo1• · Cet•:c,n:1 lloitionals, nn·i t,tu:t (a~- I ind!cntcd t~ hiJH') t!;.ene t-~eP~•f..'~ns would Hot I'•3flJ::l r:ic.s.rn~~\1nJ tho ?residoLt. ·,;ot:ld !fl'O~,nbly r;.~)provo cn:J· nc~:o tl nt.iY'H: fop .s~iC~l nr. ~>~~:-:a~~~~~ on beLnl!' of" 1 \~:• ~i)\'f:1l'rnncnt.

d~:;,•:•t:~~·:; /'·::~~;~l~ ~": :·~r:L~~~:~d l,~·~~;l~i ~~n;0~~d t;;IY;'\,~~ j;;~~e b<;)l\wo diacussJil:: tlw t:wttcl' \'!; tll Pro~l cl.mt :,on;oz~, · bt;t wl.en 2: heal ox;;l.,lneL! t'!:d. T was r(!luctant. t•J trans­::.lt n:1y va·l~·t:t~n d~.·~ct~:.•;.!n.t. on t:.ls st..bjcct, he seemed to occt"";:;L that :..'lositic:tA

As so .. _)n a~~ a i'til'!:.r_t~::"' cr.nvePsnt.:!.on is Ju.i.(i wl t~' tn-·. t\r~·G~~l.lo on thi!i ·s~l~t~.fEct, 1 n~\nll not f'nJ.) :,r·on~1tl~r to!'':'. C'Pt t:hu l:'nst~lt~;.

l)hr0l~1 D. PJ nle..,-J ~.:HJ·-~~~ ti'Hf'fn.ll'e:~ n(; ~nt.or-~n

Page 88: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 89: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 90: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

..... J



~1otnl. tilt or m..o.w. 8air .. .. ,_,-'. - . ; _,,'·

. ·~ ·~ ' Seoretaey ot State, WUhi.ll

Allitnoan OollWl, ·.~~~-- · ,.·.


JMIBBRi 121 ).

'_· __ .-::,

Pl .. lo deU.nr the to~"Di ........ hoi~ til• .·w.i Ji.•tuc_;; ~ - ' '. . . - . . . ~· ;.. . - ,_

\. \ \

_:s __ _ ·"'

Page 91: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


FROM: Secretary ot State, Washington

TO: American Consul, Jerusalem'

DATED: April 20, 1944

NUMBER: 86 {.,

f~ONTROl COPY The War Refugee Board requeste_1;Mt. you d~l1ver the

following message to Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog:v-

?:. juoTE. Your radiograms of April 4 and- 7 have been ~.:_ ~eceijfed.

cc;n:;: g; ' ~g;,. ~e safety of Jewish and other h~ldere of Latin !!!n~Amer!Ban passports in Vittel and other cempe has been a ~~iatt~J! of deep concern to thle Government. It has made 0:g<!]epe~ed efforts to. eave all these persona~ To this end,

•_;~t ha approached the governments of Spain, Swlt?.erland aand ~tin American countries involved and is maintaining oons~nt commun1ont1on with Inter-governmental Committee and International.JRed Cross. - . .

Special steps· have been t·a.ken to snve the lives of 238 persons deported from Vittel,

The Board hopes that, as a result of these efforts, the danger threatening these persons trill. be averted, Signed,· J,ohn lT. Pehle, Executive Director, Wal' Refugee Board, UNQUOTE,

DECLASSWJEI) · · Stato Dopt. Letter, 1-11·?9

~y R. H. l'nrko Dato.s.E.E-2 Q 1972

Page 92: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~' l


The War Refu&ee Bon nqueete that you. c&llinr the following ....... to Cbiet Rallttl Inaa Heraoaa

~UOTE.~'•pe ~ r' ldJilall...._.lt.>Of Jour radlognma ot April 4 and ?~•have been l'eceived.

The eatety of Jewlth~ .ot.ller ~olderJ of Latin .A~Derlon ________ pa .. porh in Vlttel an4 other OUtpl hae been a matter of .deep

ooniem to-t.hla-Oonmment. It haa II&Cle repeatt4. ettort.e to eaTe all the•• peraona. To tbh end, lt bu approe.lhH the gonrNW~tl o£ spain, Swlteerl.and and Latin AJDerioan oou.ntrl .. lnvoln( and l8 malntalnlng oonetant o-.ntoatlon Tilth Inter.; &OTinllllllltal 00111111 ttee and IntemaUoDal RW 'Oro11.

Speolal atepe haTI been taken to ea'fe the llYee o£ 238 pereone deported troa Vlttel.

'lhe Board hopee that, aa a reeult ot theae altona, the dan&ar threatening theee pareone w1ll be anrtlll,. /UIQUOTE.

'Signed; John \'1, Pohle, Executive Director, \'lnr Refugee Board.

- tA, '/', c; . ;;( MJqiaujp 4/17/44

\ \·

Page 93: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

RF'""'"'"'n n_1.1 t 2 CONNECTICUT AVF.., WA~HINGTON 6, ~.~A Is AMs'f~~RD Tlt.CI 1'/15 GB\'/3649 JE RUSALF.M 61~/63 7 , , · .· 7/~,. u'rt .... .. ·


·. -, ;;<- ip- 3).~ ' ' cS ' "2--- ' ~ ' ' t


' ' ,. ' -~-- • t-=·





Telephone: National 2600 r-lltW~TO" _

To HOU.re prompt aoUon on lnttulrloa, tbtl orlgia·al RADIOORA.l! 1hould be preMt\te4 at the om~ lt R. C. A. COIDCUNJOATION8, lao. In tolcphono Inquiries quote tho numbor (lreeedlng tho place ot o~.

----~----~--- ' '

Page 94: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

IL .. ,, . ._, .. t'


\'11.5 GB\'13649 P2= 71m RCA




'.. h N II I 4,.-"" To .oaure prompl MUon on lnqulrfee, -t.hta orlgtnai RADIOGRAM: ahould bo p~86nl&d at the offtoe ol ep_ One: Q _OfiQ AVVU 'l· C. A. COlfMUNICATIONB, Inc, In tolophonolnqulrtooquotothonumborprecodlngthoplllCoolorlgln.

r-lltWNTDU ---- -

Page 95: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.. ,


W!3t; GBWt!" JEftUSA~EM VIA RCA , .. 4 "'' i ?Ita RCA NLT JOHN P!HL£ '2.--- ,tp ~ -!z_

EXECUTfVE DIRECTOR OFFtCE OF Pft!Slb!NT RBFUG!£ BOARD ' ···~······ . .,, ' .... ·-·". WASHINGTONDC •:


~ Two HUNDRED FtFrv ....os·:r-:u&~;£Ci!ii"'J'!Wls-.t FAMlttrs Now tN J . . :



Page 96: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

lL. ~ ,i'~·





. W!,, Wt219 PAQE TIOi ilia RCA . ' ' \







Page 97: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber
Page 98: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

... 4 ._ ...

I(-~,:~:~) ·<i-,"':·· ?!J

~ -. ~~

J.ladrid, Spain, February 6; 19~5 • .,. Nc;>. <lOH ,. 1'ransr.utting Copy c:f tiote Verbale from l.~inistry of fooryJ-t;n Affairs Goncornir'e 'i'reat!.lent,..of l'orfJ:>i:rll in, · Ool"Wn Custody in l'ossession of l'arat;uayan llocunentation

f.upject r

CUNTROL COPY ,. Tho ioo:lO table

t' ..... -.... ~·he !.iccre.tary of &tate, '

\',ashi~tan, ~ >"'"'

tiir• . / . . ·~·t· ··, . ·:_,' ..

;·.~th rc:·erence to T·lY despatch l:o, 3928 of__<!?.mi-'!r.~,.;!')~-_.:1,9.~.?. cnclosJ.n& a -cony of the Ernbaesy 'n llote verlJS_Io Ho.-")6w _of ___ __ Jn:mar:. 1&, 1945 t.rana.1ittinti tc tho l:ini.~try of l'oreit;1l Affa;l.rs a copy of the r'Dl'il(uayan Goverru.1ent 1 R co.~wnmicntion of 'ioveabor J:/, 19!.4 t.o the American Ambassador at As1mcj.~n rcquer.tint: thnt. tl1e 5panisi1 ( overnmcnt, an thfJ protocti.ng uovumment 11i. th ro~!'cct to .'arEot;uaynn intoreat.s in .C.en,;any and Cerr.m:-ocm\piod territory, protost to the tle1wm C·ovcr~ro ruent at_;c.in:>t its unjuat trcat1.\Cni. o.L persons in its custody to Y:ho•~ t:·c Para!l•iayan l;ovcrru.u;nt has extended 'i. ts protection, I l:ave tr.e honor to enclose u copy and t;·nnal<\ti.on of tho ~:.i.rc~tr: 's 1!ote Verbale ;:o. 8/, of Jamror;:. Jl, 1945 in reply, in \!i:.inh it in stated that. in~tJ'lctiom in tl;at sense have aLoin hocm nont to tho E"•Janidi 1,·1baanndor in r arlin, to t.ire. end tr~•t. tim position of tho t>::r•mnH ir: o.11onl.ion r.m;.r be fnvol'•'d ;_ri nll 11osr.iLlc ways. '

r.eSf'OCtfull;: ;rours,

J..;nclor.nl'Q: ~ \\ {Froo1 l·ot'<lit;n ul'i"ico,

Jnnunr~ 31, 1945 ·

; ,· ~--' / ;·,alto,, !-u1;teJ·;mrtio

~a.~.rl./: c:i 'llff':~:; res a<.l i.nt{lriJ:~

m:cr.,\SSJFIF.D File :1~. ?04 m:u/jf .

Stole IJcpt. Lotter, ggp9Z O 1972 lly H. ll. l'nrka llnto __ _

Oritrinal to Department (for ozalid machine)

Copiea to !.>ern nnd i•sunci6n -

.. ,.


·. ;

··-.. ·a

' '



Page 99: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

Enaloauro to despatch No. 40l4ctnted February 6, 19/15 from W, l'inlton Butterworth,· AmElricnn Chat·g6 d •Affairee ad interioa, a t l.:adrid, Spain on subjoot of Pet•sone in German Custody in Posseesion of i'liraeua~-an Doaumootation

\· (SEIJ.O) !.fT.!fl:'1'I::RlO DB A'·111T\i:'

r.-2. ~!(u, 8J,

\ EXTERIOlU:.'S' '·

N 0 T (\ Vl':HliAL

],;], llinister'~o de Am:ntos }!;xtoJ'iores saludn a ten to .wnte a la rhha.~ada do los rstndos !irddos de /un6rioa yen roopucnta a su t'ota \'erlml no. )6!l6, de 1~. del actuql, se co:~hce en nanifot:tarle quo hon m.tln l't·j tcn·a~ias lu s. oportuna.~ i.n~tn1ooionf.s a~ :..r" L.11bc~jador en ,-~~·l~r: fn ~1 sot~t.'-rlo !Jiiorcsado !'Or el Cobierno del l'arapw;; a fir• de r;wJ ''" fuvorezc:;. on todo lo posible la s.ttuacitn de las personas prc.•:iRtas de dc·cu•.I•'Htacl 6n ~·ara[,l>a~·~~ a las quo so rofiere la .aiudida Uotn Verbal,

(SLAT,) 1-!IiiH-·'t'EY OF FOJ~ION AJ."Filll~f

;;-2. llo, !l/,

.. . 'i~:o itinistr~· of i'drcd1;n LfJ'nirn <'l'O~c.nts Hs co .. 1phr.wnt.s to

t.!1c !llbauo;; of the ~:nite<l ::tat~:s of '":oli<'a arrl in l'q•lj• to j_ts ;:ot.a '.<:>rhalo Ho. Jo!'6. of ~atOI\l\1';; 16, 194$1 hall the honC\r to s !.ate that tl:e 'opportune inotruotious have been rei terhted to tho bnba:"'"ic.r in J:erli.n in tho :;'llnGO lll'f~!'ld· b:· tho liovor:'l:nont of l'arat:'""Y ,to'., t.he ond ~k•t tho pol!itlon of thr pe:rsone pmvirled vri til J'ar.~tull;von d<)~\1:\Cni.'lt.lqn to wlwn t.ho cited ~·oto Vcrl\lle l'r.'~~ ~t·~ iJCJ favorPCl in li...._l :pos,~ibln '(ta:.·!J o


Page 100: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber







AHF.HJCAN r:LHA3~:t 1 A'>llNGIO:·l

Seoretal'Y of 2tat e 1 ·.:~:whin~ton

l!ovember 20 1 l~!~A

654 (l{e;Jeuted tc. l·:adrln) A"

,?. uJ ~ 4 4--1--, {!Jdh)

Ti11' GOVE!l'nment of Po:N\(.:Ua:r ln i' note_numb'e~"_l0o5 of

the ecventNmth o.f ::ove8l::er !'equests that otu' govavnmPnt tre.nami t

thr 1·e.;ueet to tho Gove:f'n;';l:mt of G;Ja1n to muke onercet1c protest

Ht once to the Gnvf.l'nnent of UermHny ugnlnat the .femoval from ~ ~

tl:e: camp at l'almrtel, !•'ranee nftc:r e:-:nEiinntlon·· hol<1ers of PHra~uaym

puSS:JOPts an('.. cler.:unc1 <latf, resurding theh·.~lhere:C~bouta and "Jell

beint; ut once. !leo ah•(;re:,! 2118 from the Dcyn·tment of tho

fourt': of 1:over.1ber. ~

In this requeat nll h:':llde.rs of PoN:gua:rRn docun;ents

'nol'l <1etu1ned in o't;hcr .'lr,oco sl'o inoluued nnd 'lcola:rea that

Pare[;ucy 1·:1ll not. Gi\}.o•,, clisdusr.lon 'or euthentl.o1ty or documents

lthioh 1t huo rr.tlfiod >:m1 vaU<1tty~9f documents 1saued in its

name. Po.raaua.y e:X)J1cots the G·)ve'i•nment of' v(;l'nmny to grant tho

same treatment to boldors 0 of ·such documents aa Germany wishes

to obtaln 1n Paraauay for its cltizona.

text or the note follo1w,

By a1rmn11 the

DECLASSIFIED Stato Dopt.. Lct!cr, 1-11·72

B:y R. lL l'lll'ka Dilto..s.Ef..2 0. 1972

\ \

Page 101: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

·-298 I(

211~ P.M.

American Embaesy,



i: . ....

CONT~~:) ------. ........ ·

On October 2, F.mbaasy at Madrid reported that Spanltb

OoYernment bad as yet rece1Yed no request from Paraguayan

OoYernmsnt through tb~ Spanish Legation Paraguay regarding ~

Y1e1t to camps.

Please dlsouaa matter wltb the F9re1gn Ott1ce w.itb

a view to clar1ty1ng tbla matter.

840.48 Retugeee/10-244

~lfP l HOE/SILt tAR 11/1/-14


Aotlng .AC


Page 102: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

''-' '· '

.J .. : ,· ,•




PARI\PEIW3l!. OP 'l'H . .:.GHt\i•· REJEIVJW v

Americgn h'mbassy, Anuncion

Secretary of Stato, V111shin{!-tnn • September 20, 1944

NID:rli!.R: 549 X ~CONTROL COP.Y

The message f!lven below has been repeated to Madrid ro'r

the 1nfo:nno.t1on of our f.mbnssy there. .,

Reference is m11de herein to the Lepartment'' s a lrgram of

September 1 Ho. 238.

In a note of September 27 numbered 1366 relative to tha

serious position of indi •!!duals in c'on::ontration oamps holding .r'

Pnrar:unynn passpo1•ts which aro·due to expire ahortly,· the'

Pnl•ae:uayun Ministx•y of Forcl[ln Relations now states thnt sin:~e

"' this matter ia related to proposed exchar.ge. our Mildrid r:.~~~'onssy \ '

~ ' may advise tho Oovern'n:ent of Spain that it is authorizod·here-, with to issua throur.h its l:.mbns.sy nLo'erUn new passports to

\ ... , c"

take the plaoe of those about to· expire and which are held b~· ,. .

persons to whom the protection of Parai,uay fins been extended, r

especially those in the noreen nelson ·camp.


DECLASSIFIED sta~ Dept. Letter, 1·11·711

By R. H. Parks Dn~~ 197Z

' '' \ \' ,·

Page 103: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


It ' /)iL) dl II t\ ( ·. \i '{;_~ ~:~~-r

{)hr @Jlf'} Sept, lG, l\ '4•,


,-.Jb~un.~~~;:~ ;_-... ~::;;:~Tw.::T~-- -:: \i 0'-~~~-~~r.f'~~lr :, II Sr.J J :•· rn ... • !I ~~ .,, •. u,-.!1 -~~~~),.:;:

~ t~~;~~ -S~t:;·.:-~~~--~ ~'he follol!lll{S 1o :from i·,or Hefugee Domocl, -==~· · ·· -·--- - "' Heforenoe 1o mnclu ~ our enrl1er co1Wllunlcr;>.t1one on the

(lUl.>jeot or holl1exon of Lf.t1n Jllllo:ro1ot'n ciooumento ln eitellly terl•ltoJ>f, , . . -- .- --

.1\.t tho BIAS~Oot1on Of St;oiao t>.Uthor1t1ea, tm!l in Ol'dtU' to eo.fc­eiUt\rd the liven of holders of dooumento 1cwuca 1n the nnmus of .lllllO.t'10P-Il .t'Cf.tU'bl1uo in O'&rr.lfl.n-oontrolled terri toxoy

1 thlo UoVOl"IIUlOilt

lo omle~ vor1ng to compile lints ·or ouoh llol,loro for trlmeru1at:1on to the IJoX11!nn GovGrnmemt. A POI't1on of n oo.ble <kteu l$eytember 14, 194:!: to tho LeD.gnt1on at Dorn follot·ll!: ·. · .

J.iO'!'I~ l•1 t;h refe1•anoo to l1uto of bl:ll-ll•er,; of Lntln Jllllor1o~n iloctUG<":ntc o~~ested ln ul t1ma te li.ll(i ponUl time~ te Pfll'I'Hrt;•)Jhr. ot your 6889, U.Loturobed ww oondl ticmr. lln.vo 1ntat>1'eroeu 1:i til <:orll!: un1-o•·.t1ono lJot::C:l<m Lro.tln i1Dlt;x•1o.~u ;~OVt;Y.'JIIitt:Jnto Nt<l' the1l' ,;uropunn t:i1attionf1, 1· ur,ul tbll?: ill lncoml)lute· vooox'<'ie l!llloh n•dte the oom­!>llt!tlon r,t' nuoh 11~t.u c11f.f1<Jult .. llouovex-, to P.BP.1ot Jiho ;;)~;!aa 1n thin lllltttv:r 1t 1o 'bol1evet'\ tll:>.t -tlle Logntlon r.hoUld endef'.Vor to -ohtn1r, l't1th tfie F1d ot· l·ioUlollt>nd ntit the loc111 rocpreeontr-tlveo of (l~£'.1l'l.zRt1ono tlv't h.·we :vaool'<.la on tle oubJaot, 11otn \:hloh ore

· na oo1upl \:Ito no poeo1b1.a Hi th o v1eH to trnncrnl ttlnB them to tho ' SHinn £'~'•tlto:r1 t1afl, 'ihu iJupl·.rt~1tmt 11111 OU(~({eot to Vf1l'10Uf' Lr•.tln

blti('J:·ior:n {~overumimtu the urgency of' oonf1vtn1UB to s,.:lca n.uthoX'1t1oa th~ t•utlwnt1c1 ty or1 nttoh 11atP.. Xt 1C' hoped, i101·;·ovor, tJw.t 111 vi ow o'.' the hw.1r·yi tl\l'lt.Jl oour.1r1ttl'ltt.1onp 1nvol veil l'.nd of thitJ country' o (1tntuc tlr; .L

1ot!er hnrl(tll~ nxchhnt~a· of poreonp 1·1ho1'e nl1~,;1b111ty

~.'ottl.<:< bll oot.'1.bl1P.hecJ. by bo1r~t·L.n1Hor.C\ on ;nho 11ot, fl1·:iso oft1c1c.la \·-111 :•aX'oo to trl'r~c·rni t the l1ote to Clal'lntmy c:vcn 111 thout ouch <:on:<'1uat t1vn. t.;;;.;IJO'.i.'l.!!

l:-lunse li.lOOUOO thltt J;iatter \rittl tho f10Vl1X'IUIH:IIlt to ~;h1ob you m:e noor<:tUtct:l 'rith I' vlm·r of ol)1:P1111ng 1tn oo.,.t'irnwtlon of tJ1e ruthtmtio1ty of· 1:111! 11 ct oul:tu1 ttE.'Cl l>y thu Lu£Sf.'t1on ~~.t iJorn.

In l!ll'lt1ng th1r. requoRt,' you m"y eXJ:Jlri1n th~t 1:hc fl.srml•t-,lloos prev1ot\Eily g1von on boholf of th1o Govn:r-t1lutmt · thnt tho t~ovct•l'lJllent,

to vlllch


DECLASSIFIED Slaw Dept. Lcllor, 1·11·71

By 'R. JL Parks Dn~ 0 1972

\ \• '

Page 104: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


-·~ ...

to l':h1oh you nra auoracU ted '1111 not be SXJ>Ootod to grt•nt physic~~ c.dm1se1on to the peraone 1)l:Volvod nnt1 thnt no obJection 1·.1.11 I.Je raised to on ext>m1nl\t1on by tJwt f\OVernment of etr.tue of euoh per­sona onoe th~y nra ante from enemy persecution, fully o.pply to the persona \!hone nr>llteo t·lill be 1nolul'icd on tho liate ~erein env1o(l{$ad.

:.lhould the government ·to 1·1llioh ;you are ncored1 ted .. in atl.<l.1 t1on to oend1ng euoh oommwt1o~tion, be ln u pool t1on 1 taelt . to compile

-r.nd ouhmi t to 6pt\1n L\ l~ot of holde1•o of 'tlooun1ontn 1fiDUod in 1 ta m·rue or other per(!one Wtdor enemy control to uhom it declree to .1vo m·otootion, thic Governm11nt 1·1ouli! be tslt•a to extonct to ouch perr..:~ne tho bune1'1t of ito not1v1t1os 1nttmO.od. to ov.t'eauv.:rd· tbelr l1voe. If t1oo1.rad, this Government 1·1111 {Sl'H<Uy t:rl.\llr.m1t nny ouoh \'1· l1rt to thu llp(mieh Govorl1mont. .

uent to .ioSUllolon. Cop;r to Ln l'vz, llol1ViF.> .•

1HJ:W:. mmv

,.;.·.-·~·;; l·leaoo J\e!iil Qopy to ·LI,·, l'nz, Bo11v1r... \-- -

iL U

· .; DECLASSil'IED \.Siato Dept. l:"'ltor, ~~p~2 U

1972 By R. lL Parks D•l<l-

\ \'\.

Page 105: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Reference is .ade to our earli~r eommunicatlona on the subject or holders oi' Latin American docWJients in enemy territory,

At suggestion of ·r.,~!'A~ authorities, and in order to safeguard the lives of holders oi' duattmenta iosued in the namQs of American republica in German-controlled territor,y, this Government is endeavoring to compile lists of auoh holders for transmiusion to the GerllUin Govern­r.~ent. It is requested that you suggeat to tho goverlll!lcnt to.whioh you are accredited the illportanoe of imlllodiatel¥ __ notii'ying the Spaniah _government that such lists as may be handed to the. latter by Ameabaasy, in so far ·~ they relate ~ holders of documents iseued in the nama or th~ government to which you are accredited, may bt accepted by Spain as authentic evidence thnt the plll'sonu named therein are entitled to treat­ment as nationals of an AJiel'ican republic and are elit:ible tor exohanie•

; ' J

In Slaking this request, you 7IUlY explain that the assurances previ-oual.1 given on bch&lf oi' tlus Goverru:umt that the goverruaent to which you an accredited wll-'- not (repeat not) be expected to grant pi1Yilicul adllliso1on to tho pel'Bons involved and that. no (repeat no) obJection will be raised to an elUUIIination by tlu.t government of atntus of such peraonlj onc11 thoy at·e sai'e fro11 enom,y paraoCIUtion, 1'ull1 apply to the persona whuoe namu& will. be included on the llsta ilel'Uin envisaged,

Should tho govorruacnt. to Wltich you are accredited, in addition to aending such coa~munication, be in a position itself tv compile and sub11it to Spain a, list of holders of doCUIIenta issued in ita ll&llle or othor pcr3ona undill· eneii\Y control to whom 1t desires to give protection, this !Jovemoent. would be glaq to extend to IIUCh pe1•uona the benefit of its ll.Ctivitioa inte'1'led to Safeguard thei;r liVOOo It dttsired

1 thia

Govot'l\!.'ent will gla<lly trans11it aey s!lch list to the Spanish Government.

Repeat to A~e~bassy, La Par.~ Bolivia.

5a00 p.m. September 13, 1944

!.U.ea Chauncey (for the''Sec•y) Abrahemson, Cohn, I)!Boie, Friedman, Hodel, Laughlin, Lesser, Mannon, UoCoroaok, Cable Control Filoo

--~, BAkzinlar 9/12/44

Page 106: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'L ~ ,·,,~--




-- -----;--.----

1. Reference in made to previoua oomn;uraicnUonr:> :re:l:1tive to Jo~l1.sll v1ot1Lto of !laz1 oppresnion holC1.1ng .L.at1n-it.mer1onn pnos;Jorta. ·

. '!'lle follo11ing f.\Sf!s~e ot 'I.U8URt 9 hao bean rooeived fi'OL'I !l.lltembo.e~>y, lla<lrid:

;;.LIO'l'lt In renponAe to .>c,basay1" roprenent~t1onA l•'orolgn vtfioo hAD 1'0J'Ill1\lll' GXJ.ll"808Brl w1ll1J'IBilODO of .Span1oh GOVOI'IliiiEint to ooopo~~te in bringi~~ to euooeoatul oonolua1on proposed arrangements for exohane;e on Sptmifl~ tenitorJ or r.ern11.\J\ n.'\tion~s in 1·:-U'..tt\"UL\l' and Hol1v1·a for )Jernone 1n UeJ'IItm-oocupiad terrltor1eo oo .. ,¥·1~ iloc:umant,.tion ot tllooe oount,.1oa :but.·bas 1n1'orr:oed t..nll>tlt'D.V orally th:~.t 1t 1o not l'Ot in reoei.~>t or N:pre­oentationc Clll th1o oubJaot from .L-'nr~'R\t.'\Yutl nrid l>Ol1Y1<An Uovem­raentP dloo<. J'(I:Jr'Jeentat1ves in r·:adr1<l nre ot1ll \l"ithout ,tnotr-uctione. · UIUJ~v'l'c: ·

ln ViuH of tlarlJ,~r J.)l'OJILlOOP l~1Ven to rou in thin z•aopect ana l'tlportell in )'our .~139 or '~l>I'U P.;~, in ~our IL~l48 ot ~lll'il n9, nnd in enolonure to yobr'2163 of JUne 8, pleuse urue J:•.\l'ucu,·.y:·Jl oi'f1c1u1a to t:~ke · D)leeu1ost P.ctlon noconsnr;r to en:1ole :.l;,':Ain to oriltjS to oonolU1.1ion oa1<1 oxcllAni:;o _nrn\neer,JOnts, In thin conrJOotion, you LJ·).)' l"'U{10!~t !Hl~U:ro.nce11 ,:;lvon 1n l)opJl't­r.~ent•s ,~.-ue of ·•r>rll 11 otating thnt :.;UOl"I:; -In oontemplnt1tlf~ euoh e:r.oil.Uli?.e ne(~ot1nt1ons, it is not o.xpeotud t.bi.\t fnr~tl)' ~:ill phyo1onllJ L\!lm1t th!Jile holders of &ni'M;UU)'eut ~'\SflJ,OI'to J,r.to .l t.r~~u~y even on c. tompor:;try or tont:lt1ve bu.o1o. :i.'b1a ~em•.ent is !.Jl'O"!l:..red to to.Jte full rosponn1b1lltJ v1a-a-v1o .-:~:!)' for nll nrl'atlf~err.ente mioeMnr.v to route these l)OI'flona

· ~ ~n otttt'!itle bl'at..'lll\Y. UK ,~(;:f~

,'-f!' ·· ~-ifue tollowlne "1R ·the subotanee or a message reco1ved · . gation Bem: ,

.,. ./

'tlJvi'li. l. reooaucoend that JOU ull'ge the l'al'a(,u:ti.'lft UOTel'l\m&nt \n

DECLASSIFIED Btato Dept. Lotter, 1·11·72

Jly R. lL Parks Dn~ 197g ' ' -,.\

.. ·~·~

\ '

Page 107: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'L ,. ,!'~·




- 2 -

1n Pt~t1cular (see our onble ot July 14, 1944, No. 4518) to ~1ve the s~nn1eh Oovel~ment nutho~ity to extend through its I!.Cibaasy at 1Jerl1n the sbo~tly expiring I'nragu,\Yan pnasports which percone, oepeoiallJ those in Dersen Delsen camp, are holding~ Several Jewish ozua.n1utt1ons and. ind1vit'lu(\].s ht!.Ve addreeeed to me despernte appenls calling to our attention the fact tllat J·aragut\Yan po.osporta held by many ·tn l:lergen iJeloen were issued originally in 1942 und 9.1'e -clutf to· o xp1re- -eoon. · ·

i,1 tll rosHeot to tlle ~neral queotion ot re))reeuntl.\t1on by Opu1n or &uraguuyun 1ntoreots in Uerwnn territor,, 1t 1s oluh:ed by <>ternbUoh of Union ot Orthodox Rabbis that a · telephone conversation -..lith the Spnninb r..mbnssy in llorlin 11b 1n miC.-July s·evea.led th..'\t oven nt that lttte flo.to_ tllBt Z..b~osy bud no knowledge of remoy~l from Vittel ot any persons llolcU.ng noouLwnto 1soued by J/arn(I;Uay. l;hile ~re hnye not con­timed ttl1a ft\at, it soomG fuirlr olel\r thnt tho Opunleh hnvo nevor protootod lllth ~<IUoh dtHI))l\toh _or E!n&J'Sf thtJ .bolaero of huootu · .Y<ln ;ioouraonto ~1ho ure 1n Uorm..-m ton1t01'7• UN:.WO'l'~

J:louae t~lto l\pproprlato uut1on.

a. J\ppreo1at1on 1a CX)>r&0eed ~•t intormaUon oont'lined in ·¥OUr 2302 ot Jul;y 21. 'l'his 1tlt'omo.t1on h beint5 tOP.fo.rded to Jl.llle~baua;y '1adr1d l'or support1U« uot1on.


e T"t'Z

DECLASSIFIED BtatoDcpt. L<lltcr, 1·11·7ll

By R. IL}Parks Dal<l S EP,,? 0 1972


\: \

Page 108: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

- ...•

\ 4•ll6 p.m. · .A at :n. 1944 ,.


l. W..-.. II ... h pNYa... -llltleq nlat~w tlledtla ....... et .............. Willie~ ........... _ ......... .

tile ,.u ........... ., ................... , .... , ................. . Cllln. Ja ...,._,, te •• .,,, ~..._. .. ._, l'llna. Wtht 11M ·tel'MllF

...... "' wtU ....... ., ........ ..,. .................. -........ .......... hl etatlulll ,..,.. .. Ul r•tl fe• ••'r•• .. .,..... ttinltefr f/1 --. ... !Male .. ~ .. lllbl8,_,. __ ..... lllllleltu-........ ......_ c.-tatt•"' ...... .._.._ "'' ... ..,. ......... ... •NUr , .. , " a. ............ .,. 114 ............. - ,._. ........ ,... ........,.. ulltUYIM ....__,, ... ..,,.._._.1 ... b W.U an ttW wltJIMt laltnett... .... -

Ia .... Of I!Ull•• ,...-. ....... ,.. .. tltll ...,... ........... JOV A-111 of Afl'U a, Ia,.. A-Wl II jpU •• .... Ia ...S..... " reu 1111 ., , .... ;1eMI ... llal'f .. , ... tfftdal• .................... ... .......... to....,.. .,... .. -..... ................. , .. .,.... ....... . Ia Wt ........... ,_- ..,.., ..,...._.,, .. .,.. Ia .......... ,, A-111 II Afrilll ........ tllat .... fa --..aata.. ... I ' ....... tiatllu, It II ........... , .. , ........ wtU .-.a.u, .... , ....... u...,.......,.. ,...,..., bM .........,. .,. • a .......... tataUw ~··· ate ......... _,II,..,.... .. tPI ~ ........ \Uitl' ...,_.,..., ......... t• rll ........ _ ............ to ................. ,. »laaN ........ .........,. .....

J. 1M loU ..... II tllle ........ ef a ....... ....a-. 1.-~ ..... ·- . . . .

tp)fl I Nil 1 I, .. ,,_ .... U.l'ano&r,.. IIYear It Ia putl..aa&o c .......... le ., hlr w. u.M, ...... , .. &1ft ... .,.... .......... ....... ,, ...................... •..u. ... IIMitlr........ . J'artf!'l,.. ,...,. ... tllltlll ,......, IIJU&alll' tlllll Ia ..... IIlia ..... Me Wf.llc• ~ lewllll ............... IIIIUYu...li ............... .. - ........ ~·...wac ................. , ....... bm ..... ..... ,. ... lliU"'.., ....... w ............ •...-..ur .. lNI ... ... ............. -. . j

.. ~·- ............. ..,...., - ........ ... ,..,i .... "' '-1J ll. 1 ..,.,_,._ II W.C ,.....,... M ' .ft1 . .,. ...... lift...,..... ......... . ' .. . ... .

:BAkst;~ -:/. .. ':f~c~;{:.,: seo•7) Abr~n. Cohn •. ~Boie, Fri.edlwl.' • /~1. Laudl~! 1JA11er; Xarulon1 XoCormaOit, Cable control Filet


Page 109: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\L. ~ ,),..,. . "



NUNBER: 265 t

(I\ ',, 'I._


It;. CONTROL COPY It 1o reported by the imbaaay nt J.lndl'1d that informally

• tile Spnn1oll Foro1c;n Otfico hno expl'O!lSild tllc .l11ll1ngnosR of the

Government of Spn1n to cooperate 1n i'e,c111tntlnf$ nn ·axohnnge of

German natlonnlo in Pa:m;:;ww for incltvldunlo in-. German-occupied .--tOl'l'1 tori co bearing Pl\l"fll;llf\:;nn p~poro. Tho repl'eocn ta ti ve of Paraguay


hO\~ever, hnn not l'aonlvorl nn:r instruot1ono in tho matter frorn h1e

\jovernmen t.

i\lthou~h He.rlricl hns boon advised th11t the GOvernment of

l'al'nf,llny has empolicred tl11o GovornrJen t to not on 1te' behalf in this

mat tor, nevoX>thoJ.eeo, the Dopnrtmen t · 1A 'of tho opinion thn t it would

be helpful 11' tho G.>vernmcn t or l'nraguny ~toultl npproprin tely advise

lta reprenontnt1vo at l·lnclricl nnu ISivc him 1net:ruot1ona not only \

formAlly to notify the .Spnn!oll lo'orc1en Office ~ut nloo to cooperate \ '

1~1 th the rcpx•oeontnt1vcil or Amor.t'cn an<.\ to aivc tho o.um>ort neooeenry

in thio l'etjnl"d,

'l'he Govol'nrnent o't l'nrat.Juny, '·i~ 110tlld nppenr, has been-relying

mainly upon the SpPn1eh llinioter u't Aouno1on to p1oture to the

. Government or 3pA.1n its concern for tho pnrsons in enemy terri tory

~tho o;m Fnragunyan pnooports nnd thnt the repree,untfltive of VarnBUaY

therefore mny luwe fnllod to rcoe1vo 1ndoctrinat~on ooncernin() hie

Government's 1ntoroot in th~ matter. Nnturally 1n the oommunioat1one ·

bot\-!eell the l,nrAf3Unyan m1an1on at Madrid nnd the l)panish Forei(:in -..

Office ouch n· o1 tun t1on HOuld be reflected nnd could reault in Ft lese • DECLASSIFIED

Btnto Dcp~ _Let tor, 1·11·79

By R. H. Parks Daro S E '!, 2 0 1972

Page 110: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.. '1\t

., ~<.-


encrgetlo nttitud.c on the pP.r~ of the 'roprcsentflt1Veo of Spnln of

the lntoreata of i'nrnt;'Utty,

It 1e am:1ouE\ly desired b:1 tho l>epnrtmant to naoertl\1n '!>That

progreao the. tipanl~;h Lee;11tlon 1o f;lHit.l.lltS .l.n .1. ts comp11nt1on of the

llsto of G{Jrmt~n nnt1onnls ln l'al'liGl\ll~l 1-1ho w1oll to be. repntl"1atod,






Page 111: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




/).A . )~ ' ~· J - Jt~;;f}t I~ ·o.. ~--

; -~~~Ci) ' .. :_ ' . ~" ... ;· .

~ . ,',,

/ ~-~-----.__ Asuncion, Paraguay ·~ July 21, 194_4

Paraguey:~ :Gover~ent renlests German Government· to permit ace~~ of Inter­nctionel Hed Cross Conunissioncl'S J•o Concentration Camps. Jlu/{}J

; '/.- '" .11 I). I I/(/ U-'L ( J.~ /~, /.Ja,>!i<Lr '· 1/!.1 1!1.. £'__ I:.-, t ) l The lionorable

The Secretery of State, Washington.

JWM l(!t«,fl!. (JIJll/ltf. (vlllt411•",~ , ---------+'---- ---------

Sir: f_tucO :~;


I have the honor to refer to the DepOl'tment•'s secret airgrem of June 26, 1944, 1:00 p.m.' stet_il!g thet there ere concentration cemps situated in·-Germony and- German..:con­trolled territory to which the lrotecting Powers end the Internetionel Red Cross hove been granted no acceas·or else nuo:1 extre1nely limited forms of Pccess thv.t they have been unable to assist the netionols of the United Stctes end other l,J~Jericen republics who ere held there, mentioning certrin specific c~:mps, ond ret~uesting thnt'the situation be reported to the P~:.regueyru1 Government with the suGgestion that -it esk its Protecting Power_ to investigate this situ­::tion end tl:rt in othe1• ocmps c.nd es;teblishments ui1der con­trol of Germtn-dominatcd r,utllol'ities,

This l!,c·tt.er \'lr-o presented to_the Lin.istry of Foreign !lelotions in this i!:mb£,s!ly's !~ot~ No, 303, July 'G, 1\144, c.nd there is trensmitted herewith 1:, copy of thnt t-iinistry 's reply, Note Ko. 637, July 17, 1944. The reply strtes thet the I'e.ragusycn Government ht-s reQuested the Spcnish Govern-

" ment to tcl~e_'r:ppropriete steps in its nome with e view to permittinG the. Commissioners of the Jnternr.tionnl Hed Cross to visit such ooncentri::tion comps vnd to report re~n·ding

·the possible ol'aims to Pareguoyon citizenship which moy be rur.de by pcrs~ns held there. '

-''1~1· spec,ttuhy, yo .. lfs, , . i ' OL-~ - N-~~-···_ ..... ~

Lealie E. 1~eed ;.·:F.nolosure: ObP.rge d 1 Afte.ires e.!.

Copy ot Note 637, ~uly 17, · 1944, trom Poraguoyon Jl.inistry ot Foreign Reletfons


Slni<J llc: ' 1 -'!hr, 1'11·'1ll .......

By n.. ll.P..;. •• lJat6SEt_? 0 1972

:.:1 ·i --.


Page 112: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


• Enclosure: to Despatch No •. 2002 from Asunc ion, July 21, 1944-

1it D.-P. yD.-No. 637

0 0 p y

Asuncion, 17 de Julio de 1944

senor S'1.ot1l'gndo de NoJooios:

Tengo el cgrado de ecusar re?ibo de le note No. 303, de 6 del c orriente, en lt: ':ne Vuostre Senoric. tuvo lc 13ontileza de info1•rur.1' que el DepE:rtamento de Estc:do y ja Junta de Re­tugicdos de Guerra do los Eatcdos Unidos tienon informes t'idedignos do ttue lE:s ~:utoridtd~s t:1emrnn~ han restrinr,;ido oonsidere.blemente y en algunos cnsos hen 11egc.do <• :prohibir e1 r.oceso e. los cumpos de concentraoion a los oomisionados dQ 1c Cruz Hojr. Internc:oioncL

Como en esos cer;,pos de concentrE:oion __ se_encuentran :personas E: los cur:1os el Perc.3ury, por rezones de hummidr.d, 1111. extendido­su protecoion, mi Gobierno on es·tu mismu fochc y f.undedo en' el i•rt. 86 de le Convoncion do Genovc• sohro Prisioneros de Guerra, so ha clirigido f 1 Goh!erno do Espr.nc· ro,sr.ndo1o pr.rc. Quo rea11ce en su nombre las gestiones oorreapondiontes a fin de ohtener que los oorr.isionudos de 1£. Cruz Roja Internaoiohfll pueden visitor uquellos ca:upos do oonc~ntre.c ion e informer aob~·o las posibles reclemeoiones que sob1•e ch\de.donie :poragur:.y& puedun formuler aleunas personas elli retenidea.

' I. ~

ll'ucho egre;dezco o Vuestro Seboriu lc. informaCiOn propor­oionade, y sobre ouya bose mi Gobiorho hn podido rormuler aquel pedido por oonducto del Gohier)lo do-£spmic·., quo .es el, el).ce.rgado do sus int eresos en terrltorio 'OUl'Opeo ocupndo por tlerealila.

Aprovecho 1c oportunidcd prrc s::;lud!!l' u Vuestrn :3enoria oon mi mas distinguide oonside1•ooi6n.

Psi lioro:oio Chiriani

J.. su Senoria El Encorgudo de Negooios de loa Estados Unidos de .imerioa, Dootor Don Leslie fleed.-S/D.-

- ":_/' '

( !...._~

' \' \

Page 113: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

, .


Asuncioti, Paraguay · June a, 1944 J 1/t.A.-v~

No. 2163·

\' X

Holders of .l'aragua.yan PasE1ports in {'J~ ~\ Gen1wn Concentration c~em 11s J (/)< f( /J , ij ~


........ I {fJ!t{~(.Jit....,!:').tYI 'l't.e f:onora b1e


11,e Secreto.r:.· of ::iio,te, Washington

I lJF,ve the J,nnor.t"o refer to tl;rJ Doi)!lrt~ent 1 s-­secret e.ir~~!ll t.-1E8,· ~:n~· 2<:., 6:15 p.m., mr re.l;llY A-230, June 3, 11:15 a.m., end my te1e':)rrun no. 315 of .Tune a, {1:00 a.m., 1944, re.gording the action l'1hioh t.iw l'm'a­gur,yllr. Govermt~nt ,n·oposes to t~:~ko oonccrnio3 tho hoLlers of .'.>araguayan paas,!)orts who are interned in German con­centration c&mps, particularly in l<'rance. ·

As the pr0vlous s ta temen ts of the PH~~guaran n t.­titude hud been made orolly, I oonsldsred it &~vissble t0 obtain a :!tOl'o form:1l oomr.-.unlontl.oll', and,' tr.ereforo, after discussion with the Uuder Secretary of Foreign Relations, and at his !luggriot.ion, I arltlressocl a NotP. Verbalo to tho :,!lr:istr:r afll<ing for ini'o1·a:e tloll on th··: tt1o poipts mentioued in tho Depar't!!lent' s A-158, r,:ay 22. A Note Verbale In reply has ucw been reoeivt:'d fro!~ tl;o i.:in'istry of Foreign RclDtions, l;o. 48L~, Juno 6, 1(14.4, Copies and trausla tiona or bcith oommunloa ti ons e rc trnns­Ini ttcd herev.i tt ..


l.enl ie E, Reed Charge d • Affeires a.i,

. V Enclosures: ~<.. Copy and, trans1a tion of ~' }:ote Verb:;.le !\o. 282

Copy and trnuolatlon of Note Verbale No. 483

848 LER:pa


Bt~to Dept. !.<>ttor, 1·11•72

lly Ji 11. P1irkn !Jnl<l SE.!:J l) 1972 _•_ A~

... ·r

:, ' '

. ~~· ........ _

·~.~-... ·.-t




\ \

Page 114: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

• ' Enclosure to Despatch No, 2163 tram Asuncion, Paraguay JunE! e, 1944



N"8. 2a2 l\O'l'E VERDALE

The Onarga d'Affaires a.i. of the United Stutes of America presents his compliments to His Exceilency the fiini­ster of Foreign Relations and Worship of Paraguay and with reference to negotiations carr1ed on with the P..onorable Wesley Frost, former American lunbassedor to Pnraguey, con­cerning certain persons now interned in Gennan concentration oarr.ps "'ho o leim Paraguayan na tiona 11 ty end arc the holders of Paraguayan passports, has th~ honor to request infonaation as to tl1e steps whior. may hove been taken by the Paraguayan Government to obtain from the German Government due respect for the ·Paregunyon documents of identity in question.

Infonnat!on is also requested us to v1hett<er tfie -Para­guayan Government authorizes the Unl ted Stetes Ck>vernment to negotiate for en exchange of the persons now detained in German concentration comps holding .Paraguayan passports,

' :l .

Asunoiou, June 5 1 1944.

.•; ..

Page 115: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

''w ' . j,l- --,':.- ·•


~ i

Enclosure to Despatch No. 2163 from Asuncion, Paraguay June a, 1944



El Enoargado de Negocios u.i. de los Estados Unidos de America saluda muy a ten taueute a Su Excelenoia el Miniatro de Relaciones Exteriores y Gulto del Paraguay y con referenoia a las negotliaciones mantenidas con Ql l!onornble '.'lesley ~'rost, anterior J>mbajador en el Paraguay, sabre oier~as personas actua~ente internadas en campos alemnnes de ooncentracion que menifiestan ser de nacioniilldad para~ayo y son portadoees de ;Jasaportes paraguayos, tiona el honor de pedir informacion sobre los pnsos que hay~ dade el 3Qb1erfio Parasuayo para ob­tener del Gobierno Aleman debido respeto pllro los documentos pera~uayos de indez;tldnd on cuostion.

Turabien so d'lsea infonuacion aoeroa cle si el Gobierno Paraguayo au torizc al Gobierno de los Estodos Unido~ a ilego­olar un conde de l:1s p~rsonas actualraente detcnidas en cnrupos alemanes do concentr~oion que tienen pr.saportes P'.ll'll !.\lt:lYOS • .

Asuno~Oll' <Tunio e de 1944.


Page 116: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

Enclosure to Despatch No. 2163 fro~ Asur.oion, l>e.raguay June 8, 1944

QQf.! ~


El !.~inisterio de Relaciones Exteriores y Cul to·, saluda atentamente n la Embajada de ll)s E12tados Unidos ,do America y acusnndo reoibo de ln note l!o, 282, de 5 del ooaieJJ.te tiene el agrado de expresarle lo siguiente:

1) El Gobierno paraguayo oonoodio validez a los pasa­portes extondidos por Represontaptes consulcres para!}twyos a favor de oiudadnnos polecos, hebreos y de otras nooionalidades ·1ue sctaaL'llente se encuentrlln on los campos de Cl)r.centraoion nlomanes; extendienllo de estn forma su proteooion a las·per-sonns beneficicd,Js cou ::.ca miu:nos; ·

2) El 0obierno paroguayo ?,estiouo por conduct" dol· Gobierno de Expana la forma de obteuer la snlida do dichaa pm•nonas do terri to rio europe:> -'>oupndo por .'l.le~:::nio; ·

3) El 'Jobierno pnre~:wyo outorizR al 'Joblorno de los Estados Unidos de Ar:eriou e nagoolar un onnjo de 'lnu personas ectuaL'llente detenidn~: tln los c~.mpl)s elemoner, de·c9noontr.1cion que tienen pasnportes parP.etinyos. Diohns personas, sin embargo, no podran ingresar al terri to rio pr.::.·e..;tw~·o sin0 q1.1c deberen diriglrss a los lueeres qua inili-1uon las autoridudes amerioanas.

4) ~n C'l pedldo de Cf.ll;je cl l't..rngu£.~ ruugt1 ,sf, de la pr-eferenc ia 11 los oiudl\dano.> _;l')!'~t..'UHyoo 'lUC por <•c.cso se en~ cuen trcn ('Jl terri torlo eu ro i1oo oqupndo por Alo:nnnin

1 los ·

...mJ..nles s!. dcbernn nr:r ro :m tri~u!,,n paro rcintcc;rurHe al a olar nat.ivo,

' El Min:lstnrio de' Relaolones :~xtoriorco y Oul to, aproveoha est~ oportunidt:>n !Je.r!'· rei teror ln ln f!lr.bojr.dE: ·amoric:·na los seguridadeo de su oonsi~ernc ion· :nos distinf,'Uida.


Asuncion, 6 de Junia de 1944

Page 117: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~ . . . 1

Enclo!'ure to DePpatoh No. l::l63'from Asunoion, Paraguay ,ir'lne 8 1 1~44 , 1 '

' ' '

'l'RA!-~S' A 'l'ION



'l'lls :.anistr~ of ForeiP,n Rel'ltions nno 'liorship respect­fully salutes tt.e E!.!!bnssy of tl•O Uni te.:t States of huerioa and, acknowledging rE-ceipt of Note.282 of the 5th instant, r.r.s plea~urc in s Luting as follo\Os:

1. 'l'i~c Ps.re.guuyc n 'Joverr~1iilU'u recc~nlze<o tLe V'llidi ty of the passporto grcnted by Pu:t:aeu11you consular representatives ir; l'uvor of :·olisli und Lebre\: citl~cwo f.nd thow of other natinnclicies now in Jennan concentration cr.mps, extending iU pr;-,tco~l:>:: in t:.is n •. ·~.ncr t·J tl.e persons holding them.

z. 'i'i.c Pr..r•,_;;·;::~:,rr. 'k.v:;rr:.1 • .o::t Ln~:.tr,J~cn up-_through the Spanl~lh %•·erruneht t.i.e menner of obtaining the departure of S'Jr'!·. >•ersoi . .; fro;n Ellropear. tcrr~ tory occt:?icd by Ger.aony,

;;, The Peru;;u:Jjdl .1cve:n;•:or.t authorizes the United States G-)vel-:J.J.en t to nose.; tiu t<· on exoh!:nJe ·of the persons now detained t.. Ch:m.ot~ cr.!hCC~ .... ::.r':\t .. i~r: ~---.!!:pt• ;· 1:~ b)lc1 Pul~Agu~~·en passports; s,_;ch persens, ho·:·cnE;~r, ;r.o.y not ei•ter Parusuayan territory but 1;:.0u' d ;rccoed tc ti.e places lnd ic<. tecl t-y tlie l•merioan author­ities.

'•· I;, tt.c re,tt:Dst. for ox:olmnse, l'are.{':uny asks that pre­fnrenoe tl:'}' lw ~'~\'cl\ to Pv.r~·~uq·tn citizcn:o: who her>;;e'n to be in 1:t:r<' ocn ·~crri t•)ry oocupl.ed t~· '1enr:or.~· 1 who. shou.ld be r<J ,,_,~ ti' ~c te :1 ir. o r<lor to \'el.::rn to tl,!'ir IJ(' ti ve s01l. .·

'l'l:e :an~s try of Fc:-:rc~.•::,n Rcln ti0nn ~n•1 \'iorshi :- .~kes , thl~. or•:?Ol·tuni t~· to rei tn•nte to tho M.eri cun Emuussy the

"!ls·.:r:::-.cee of i.t:- mor. t distinr_ruiohed consldcretlc-n.

As~ncian_ June Q.~ 1944

\, \

Page 118: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

oll:lOl'ioun ;.,;nbuoa~r 1 J\SUnoion

Tv: JeOl'.:J LU17 01'

Juno <l, 1944

::i.Jil.ct·:;,: )15 J(

Fl'Ol'l- th<3 J.~lniotry o.r b'orol,,;r: _ Holutiona -wo hnvo now. ro-

- ooi VOti: U note 1 ao, 48) Ol' JUIJO 6 1 OOilOHl'll in1; tlte no into ruiaed - ~.1.

r-. by th~ -.!·.orio~>n <;o-. i3l'Ht101lt ;J!l l:ay 22 in tho DepCil'L~<·Jnt 1 a ., - :,;:

.;;~:i~orot; nlrgrw:; no. 158. Thel'O i'ollovm u trnnu1o Uon of the m--.

;f,:~:~to whioh o r:tu!ris ita otntumonts. Jy r.:.h:rnnil \'IO ure sandillf~ Ca; • -~

0~ ~~81 copy-. '-' ~

- DECT,ASSII'!liD Btnlo IkpL J.dh·r, 1-11·72

. SEP 20 197.2 By R. H.!.' c:; !1,:1.<' __ _

' v

Page 119: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



AND RECORDS r<+n r· ... ey


\!.!HF-464 1\.s\mcion .. . . {I ·:.t'his tologram 1nust be pm•aphl'asod. bcfo1•o being conummicntcd to anyone ethel' thun a Govel'nment Agency. ~~i81R&@!3D}

Dated Juno 01 1944,

Socrctary of St':l te, •

washington, \~i-::,.:.~z


315, June a, 9 a,m, (SEC'I'lONTWO)~.­'J..

One, Tho Paraguayan Govormnont rocognizos tho

validity of tho passports granted by Paraguayan Consular

Representatives in favor o.r Polish .nl'ld IIobrow citizens

and those of athol' nationali tics now in Gorman concentra­

tion orunps; oxtending.it~ protection in this mnnnor to

tho porsc;ms holding them, ·

_Two, Tho Paro.guuyo.n Government h~s taken up through

tho Spanish Govo1•nmont tho manno1• of obtaining tho \

departure .of such persons i'rom ~ropcan territory occupied

by Germany ,1

Throe, Tho Par(!.g'uayhu·oovorrimont authoriilos tho

United St~tos Governlfl~n't "to ·negotiate iin excnal1go of

tho persons now det~ined in dorm~n conco~tration camps

who hold Paraguayan passports; · such persons however mo.y

not ontor Paragua!nn territory but should proceed to tho

places indicated by tho Americim a_uthori tios, -- ~

In tho request for exchange Paraguay l\Sks

tho.t prcforonco may bo given to Paraguayan citizens

who happen

Page 120: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


~ I

.. 2-#315, Jtme a, 9 El:~m, (SEcrroN TWO) from Astmcion

who happen to be in Etu•opeun territory occupied by.

Germany, who. should be repatriated, in order to·rettu'n

to their native s;il•



' ,


Page 121: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

•. ·

IL, ~ ,\1...,.



Hec 'd: · Jw1a3 2pm

CONTROL COPY ,;o:shJ.ngton.

The U&oretax·y or :.to:~ a,

A-195, 3:1~ &.a •• , •. s;.y ;ts., 1944~ , ~

1~1-.4 1 7:JiJ f-oOl. ;·;itll l'O~u·r(l tl) th~ pi'ot~cl;ion 01' ref~\ti.f1(13

;d t.h fura~unyan cloalw.•uli:~ in Uon,tut ocou.pJ.cd t<~rri 1<vl'Y hur.~

uot 11~1'11 di.\'IH.ltly dis<J\165t:d •·;i th th:• Forcit~n U1'1'J.EJ~, s:i.r•r.·11

m~inl0u1n1n~ of its passports 11HJuc( t<.l l.ho uon~ne.tion•ll:l

in <:u~stion. Tho· I•'orsica :·l1nillteJ~ ini'oi·mocl 1nc this w:~:rnl.ilg

the. t larueuay h~a& no uproa.Qnt.a tl't P £At ,; o.drld; :.,iii! t'-'l' thla

l'~ll.aon .l d14 riot. rir.i:J~ wi t.h hilil tll<: JJlllttur or obtu.l.n1n~ i'l''-'lU.

G<ari1Qny th1; return t.o Yitt.:>l of p·cvi.lu~ly ·d.,portllld Ni'u­

e~o;. It wi.\:l bo robtAll~d tLClt. il1o·Oovol.•nment lfltlt VIOI.'Ii: ' ~'

u<'lare:n>Hlc\ "' 1"irm lllil1titoJ.:y nb"tQ t.o 'tho ~lpr.n.l.nh Ghior17,.U d 'Af~

1"niree lHH'Q \o QO QONG\Ut.lfont'L<\ to-,thlll lll)l~I'Wn Go,·ornr.ten't,

DF:Cf,ASS!FIED Sla_!o Qcpt.. Letter, 1·11·7ll

By R. H. Parks Dnto.s..E.e.J 0 1972

\ \'-

Page 122: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

~~ \ ._ . ,-f . ·_' ·• ,,



~'ror;.: .. sunoion

u,.;,tu: June 3, 1944

;;,cc:. t~.<.~tl .. t.sllJ.P~tun, :;,c •

... uy G2. 19441

6:15 !Joru., ~-\.,;~ '1'1~4--~ .• : .,~:.:..lil! .. L· ,.itJ \Yv:r.:tiu...J·h:I .. _L

r.~-·~.:l·r-.t: ---~ J.!!... , _ _;·;,,::J .... J..:., dir~c~int; this ...uubussy to

continu<~ its <lf1',n·ts to .~>l''·C\IJ.·u t. 1'::;V<Jl·ubld·' r.otion on t\•v

pcir! ts 1r.un tioncd in this -~~~tiv.osy' s uirr~rt.lh .r.-139, "J!l·il ~~.

such ft.VO!·e.>1v uction ne.s ·~.l..L·ov.ay b""ll t~,;Jc~n, us'stu:L'ud in

tnie ..... b~:.soy'~ •. -1•181

.. _.,l~il .-.9, 10 ·u.m., 1<nd •• -185, .. o.y ;;0,

' ' i·· · Copy of .t~J. 1\~_;uc.rt.n not':' t,o ;;lJ~.nish .!.u~t.-uion hue not

y.,t bu~:~n ob '-t:.invd, but ul'f.'oi•t.s \;ill b.; continut3d to tn~:A u



~34?.. ~ . .-:·./r.):.l

Stato Dopt. Letter, l·ll·?ll

. Dy R. lL Pn.ks DnwS£lL2 0 1972


Page 123: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


~--- \,


ill!al'l.' l3X' -.. ii.IHU·Il!\f.I



!JAY ~ ij 1lli1L1 I AIJUNOXON (l'.;ll!..I\GUA-:l) : . Dlvi.-.10-N or: I

-~'-lt~llNICAlil.NS t1 5~':··- __ .· ~

~'OR '.l.'lfii: l'i::naONJU. .IUID •tiiS!!Ii.!!l .. I&SII.IIbt..• !Ni•'OH!!:i.'XICN UL•' 'J!llE ANllA01lAJ)OR.

i'lw Depaxotment oncl the l·'uX' Hl)fue;e'a IJoanl are fll't:'ltit1e(1

by tlla l'eoui te l'aported in_ YOt\1' A-139 ot A1n•il 22. !'lease

continuo your efi'orte to )'ll'OOl\1'8 fa-1/ora.ble notion on the·

tno pointe ind1ol.\tetf thox•ein: e reque~:~t to Hormany by

hirueunY to honor all C.\ocm;;onte immoo. in th!(nMlo of

i'uruguay, anc1 up)lroval of the nei)Ot1at1ono by the Un1ta0.

OtutOf! ~-·1 th Uarm!lny tor. exoht.\ilfSO • . '. i•

l'loase 1nto1'11l tho :t>apv.rtmont or !>:roerovs nL'\do.

~llUJ :111-lV:KU· 6/22/44

Ill' A


lllll.r .. go··

DECLASSIFlED . Bta~ Dept. Letter, 1·11•71

By R. H. Parka Dato.s£e...2 0 1972

. I

\ \

Page 124: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Department and war Refugee Board aratified reaulte reportecl 1n rour A-139' ot April 22, Ple~ae contim~e rour ettorte to obtain favorable action on the two points indicated therein, via, approval o_t negotiations b7 the United States with Ge~ tor exchange, and a request by Pare~ to Germany to honor all doouments_iasued 1n Par~'• nme, · -- --

K1ndl7 advi1e Department o! progress,

~**~~*****~*-~"** !.lay 20, 1944 llcJ5 A, ld,

M, f.s:l. BAksinljp - ')/18/44

Page 125: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

·~ ' ~ .

'! ' ~ '


. '



As •me ion/

Date: L!uy 20, 191,1,.,

lice, d: l!~y2'/ 8ar.I

~~ -~fr·~_w;::n ·:r--:-:~.TATf=-~

I IUY ' ., ., ldl.· '

I A.-185, i·:uy ;;?0, '):l!i u.u.., 1944. --·t '• .. •··t-:f.:.i::~~-~~~.

10 o.·n., ~nd thn J.l~;pnrtment.'n ~1rculo.r c.h·Grum N:->, lJ5, . . ' - ~

;,·.c,y 1, 4:1,0 !>,m., I havo 0J••lvm.9r to rcp<.n·c tl'!'tt. a iiotn

wu:. \lrol'tua uy thP I'ura.;ut:yan 1•\•rol&n Ufi'ice un ;,:oy.~~~··t.o

th~ Spuni!llh Chur~e d 'Affalrus in/,gutv.ii6n,_ urtox- ropeat\<tl

-. inl}l.llrl.oe by muj ;d t;h r~uurd to tJ;e: rat<J "'f tho huldure in

Uermon concentrt1tion onmP,.'J of l'tl~o 1 :u._y,~1{ _pQtllport~. Un-'

fortunutoly the Note danlt u1talli ,fi th the lii;Jr•lllitulltion

erea1ocd by the existenoG of 'those paa:a}>or·~t.o moro t.han 'wl t.n

til~ ~'l"-~"!' '" whtoh,.M1~I~ hnl<J~rfl wnrtli f<>nnd, -Acoordin!~lv

l orranee<l, throuch. 'l'hird s~crotnry lim'ld;~r!Oon, to ha vo tho

~arnuuayan Under:ooor!ltRry or ~·oreien j,fi'airii t•odra.t't tbt\

OOlU!.oUniG~ttion ~io that the lnttor Slto.iUld COIIIJitJt tH.>lely Of

u 1'lrm uclmonit.ion to t.ILo \lc)'::lun Guvurruu~nt. The .furm11r

lJnderssQr~tlll,')' int'Ullae<l me on tll111 lltll thut ll~ i1ud eent.

DEC!.A!lSIFIF.D Btato Dept. l.cttor, 1·11·72

Dy R. ~ Pn~ks Dnto.s££...2 0 1972

\. \

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1,"' I ·._ •

~~ - •' - '



the hcvin~d Note; aud t7he new Ufldersecrlltttr;~ st~:ted yestor­

duy in the rr<!ounoe v!' tho :ho.t·lll.t;il .llln1/,lt~r th~t he had.

just cle$patolled ~;uch a •iottl ov·~r hi:l_()W!l_::'c\tna~lU.O. ilhl.ot\~

ever vffi cl ul .-,J gnutl t.ho :;ot.o, it !HHllDS 1·C<•sonrtlll.y · ot~z•tal,l

ti1ut a rnirly ::<he~rp ~~urnln.,; hH:> thus been convoyed to

\J(:J'a.:uny; but ctrorta will b(l continued ·,to .::UeoUl'e on ac-

tuul cor-y or the oom. .• unication,

'l'h~ lJepart•••Gut will huvll in ;.1~nd the ~1n:dety of the

the ... uo.Ke Histol'$ and ~cgard.ln;; th11 po~;~tHhHl'\.y o"t in­

cludint:: U\ttch' nation<>la ln uny cxclHm~;es' ol' pl'isonc:rll.

!l48, :Fjajl


Page 127: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

l~ ~ ··'"'lf·



A-lr, ;.;uy 20, '):l!i u.m.,

.. i th ret'q,runcG to :ny

li~c 'd: l!oy2'/ llru:J

~·liEPARf~\EN(OF STATII I MAY , .• , ~'14t1

1944 • 1 f" '"~~:~~:~.·:~ zi .... , . , 1

uir,:raoi· No. -[4ll'::-OT-I~pdJ:- :?9,

10 ~.~., und thn U~pnrt~ent'n ~~~cular nl~crum Na. 1J5,

;;.,,y 1, 4:1,0 11.1n., I have tb;• lionor to rc;,ox·t tlilt~ ·a ilot~

th~ Cpllniuh t.!bur"e d 'Affalr~s in Asmnei6n, u.rter repeat,od I

1nquir1.ec b;r •mu, ,with r~uurll to the T;~t.lol ..1f. tllo holdoru. in

t:cr~1an concent]\t.tion O!llllP.S of 'l'tlro1:u,.ylln p~asport:lil. Un-­

fortunately the Note dealt; ar~uln :.i th t.he hgrd e1t.uotion

ereatcd by the. existClnoc ot'· thol!e pau:_11porti1 more __ th•n with

ttl ... <1!1n~"l' iri wntoh .thnil~ hn11tt'l1'~ VIAl'll ,i'Oil!l" ·- Aoooriun~ly

I arr'aneed' throuch i'hird 's,Cl'Otary Hondllrllon, to ha vu t;}l!)

1-urnt;;unyan Undersoorotnry or l<'oreien Afi'alr» redraft tll~t

oowuun1o11.t1on s'o that the lattor shouid consist t<!Jlely or

a 1'lrm admon11.1o~t• to t.he llf:l':~un Govurnment. The J.'ormer

Und.eree~retr.l;'y i111'ormed mo on tLI" J.ll.h tlatt h~ had e•nt


DECLASSIFIED BtatO Dept Letter, 1-11·79

' SEP 20 1972 By R. H. Pntks ~nto~ : . ,, l


Page 128: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'"" ' ' ,_! • - ~ - •

.. ·. tha hevi1:ed Noto; 1111d th~ now lJndersecrettlr,V sttJted yen-~o::~

duy ln the rrl'!sc.zwe vf tho l'Ol'illr:;.n •• :inister that he li&.d

just nenpatolltld ~uch a .:ottl ov'.lr hln o\·m s.l.tn!!.LVJ:&. -·Ihlen~

ev<:r vffi olul :-lcnu!l \.he hOt.e, it soo10s l'<lftSOIIAIJly oort.;;.ln

thut u .rnirly shurp ~~urnln.,; has thus boen conv('yod to

u~r .. ;uny; b\lt otror~!l will bo cont.lnued to !Jc_curo.!ln ao­

tuul cofly ol' the oom ..• unication,

't'h<~ IJapurt.;,wnt ;·;ill huvo in 1.1lnd the· unxiet.y of t.hc

J:'on;icn .. :inistcr to :s~Qu.t' o u t·o·!•ly 'reaa:rc.11ug th·~ ca:~o ot'

the i .. lloKo sisters und rc~ardin~ the posaibl.li.ty o.(' in~

cludin~ uutch ll{•tlonuls ln any cxcll!lll!:us of' prisoncr~J.

Page 129: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

. J.

18../..;~.~-: rr.:¥· 1 o·-r )I /·' t . ()_·-· . . >A... . UNIT£0, STATES OF AMERICA · f '~


. ~~ ~.:.f~(~''' \ ~~~·~' ~~ ~\~.'\!{

--- ..

~rxmAssy 01:-' THe:

-~'--- ~~ \ No, 2052 _. _• ____ :_~sunoJ!in.., __ Paraguay_, __ .IJay .. 5.~:l-9,'.4.;~~-----~~~.:__~-c-~~~---------. -~--- v. .


Subject: Polish nationals who hold Paraguayan passports in G~rman concentration camps,

Co. 'rroo" '10P\ · Ia il L u The Honorable

The Secretary of States, Washington. •


.~ ' '

• t ·r-:_._ v..:.;{ ~ Referring to my Airgram No. A-148 of_/\P.!"_ll 29, ---,Aft([~

10 a.m., 1944, I have the honor toctratfsrnit herewith ?rtf ;-1. · a copy and translation of a Note which has been deli..; 1 ') -

ve!'ed to the Paraguayan Fore! gn Office under date of April 25, 1944 from the Polish )linister at Buenos Aires, M, Miroslaw ARCISZEIVSKI, with reference to 52 (approximately) Folish israelitos confined in the German concentration camp at Vittel, end one confined in the camp at Compiegne, This was furnished me by tqe Polish Consul at Asuncion, S~nor ·Raul Daumas LAROUCE, , ..

I I am infonned by the Vndersecretar~ of Foreign ·•

,-'! Affairs that the Paraguayan Government ;9111 ado,~>t a_. favorable attitude with regard to the request of the Ministe1: of foland, ··

It is noted that the Minister indicates that the persons in question need not necessarily be accepted for entry into Paret.,'Uay, b~ause they. are holders or permits to En1ier Palestine, As the Paraguayan Govern­ment has given its approval. t~ negotiations by the United States Government for the exchange of all per­sons holding passports from any American republic, it would appear that the case's •'of the Polish na tionnls mentioned by the Polish Minister could be taken up by th~ Unit~d States Government; so that the Polish Mini­st,r•s demarche may be supererogatory.

j On the Jrd instant , the Foreign Minister of • Para.,. gu•y informed me that he was about to sign a Note .ad­dr.ssed to the Spanish Charge d 'Atfaires at Asunci6n for transmission to the Oennan Government, admonishing the latter that Paraguay expects the Paraguayan pass­ports held by prisoners in German concentration camps to be tully respected, so that any drastic measures against those pris?ners would be regarded as an of~~nse

DECtASStml> against Blotc Dept. L<Her; 1·11·7?. .

n,y n. ll.l'atka now..SEP 20 1972

....... m ')

6 fJl

·o m ..... 0 ::r:,

I J.


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-.. ~ -

. .... '~~

'· -·- aga1ns~l'araguay---;··-an··uay·li, . however~-theUnderiieoretlu'y~------~.

informed me that he bad already sent such a uote two days previously, to the Spruiish Charge d'Affaires over his cwn signature at. the. instruction of the Foreign Minister. There seems to be some confusion between t~e Underseoretary and the Minister of Foreign Affairs; an~ as soon as it oan be oleared up a further report. will be mde to the Depar.!;~

i .I

Respeotfull~ your ,

" l·~~ Weeley Frost ·

, " ) 'l II If

I nclosure: 1 Copy of Note from Polish M nister V in Buenos Aires and tl'anslation.

801.2 WF/ajl

Origl.nal with reverse oarton to the DeJl!lr,tment.

\ .

Page 131: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

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.... \~/





Por orden de ~ Gobierno· tengo el honor de dirigirme a Vuestra Exoelencia para ·aometer a su elevado ori­terio lo a co~tinuac16n expuesto:

La magnanima actitud tomada por el H, Gobler­no Paraguayo respecto a oierta cantidad de israelitas polacos portadores de pasaportes paraguayos, internados en los campos de ooncentraci6n alemanes (Nota de S,E, el Seffor Minlstro de Relaciones Kxterlores y Culto, doctor D, Lu!s A. Argana, diri­gida al que suscribe, N-o,D,A.C, y L. - 2.-, techa J de Enero de 1944), condujo a que loa mencionados han podido basta la teoha gozar de una seguridad condichonada por la posibilidad de acreditar su pertenencia paraguaya, Rmpsro la situaci6n de las mismas Rersonas tiende a empeorar a medida de entrar e+ contlicto b611co en su tass culminante,

Por el intermedio de facto res- neutral es sa ha sabido que las autoridades germanas ordenaron la deporta­ci6n de una parte de ciudadanos extranjeros internados en el campo de conoentraci6n en Vittel, haoiendo saber al mismo tiempo que los extranjeros internadoa que aoreditan su perte­nencia auramericana quedar~n reoonocidos como extranjeros tan s6lo en el caso en que las respectivas Republioas americenas oonsientan de canjearlos contra cludadanos del Reich residen• tea en las mlsmas Republicas, En caso contrario estas person­as deJaran de gozar del trato aoordado a extranJeros', lo que, vista a~ cond1ci6n de ijebreos, equivale ~1 extorminio de ellas,

El Gobierno de Polonia se enouentra en pose!'" - .-· si6n del intorme exacto que en el oampo de conoentraoi6n en Vittel permaneoen oerca de cincuenta personas /menores inclu­sivamente/, y en el de Compiegne- una, con dooumentaci6n pa-

. ragu~a. La n6mina d_e ~llas so ad Junta a la pres en to nota.

Aduciendo' conceptos de orden humanitario, el. Goblerno de Polonia recu~e nuevamente a la acostumbtada gene­rosidad del H. Goblerno Paraguayo, solioitandole oon la mayor atenc16n, quiera disponer se estudie la posibilidad de la in­clusi6n de los internados en cuesti6n .. en la lista de personas que ese H, Gobierno estar'la dlspuesto a ·oanjear con el de Ale· mania, contra un n\imero -de oiudadanos alemanes u. otros _extran­Jeros, seg\in lo indioarta el Gob1erno del Reich,'

El Gobierno de Polonia se da ·cuenta de las diticultades con las cuales tropezar!a la realizaci6n del oanJe aludido; sin embargo en el moaento poHtico actual, el simple heoho de indicarse las personas susoeptiblea de ser can­Jeadas podr!a sin duda alguna retorzar el estado .de aeguridad de las mislllaa,

nados en el nados

Para el caso de lograrse el oanJe, los inter-en cuest16n no .tendr!an que ser necesariWilerite abeptados territorio de la Republioa del Paraguay, puea los menoio­disponsn de permiscs de ingreso a Palestina.


MINIS'l'RO DE RELAOIONES lUTERIORES Y CULTO~ Ul_~-----------PAU ___ c~ro~n~E~L~a-o_B~I~~-~o~,_A __ s_u~N-o __ I_·_o~N-. __ ~~----~----~

\, \

Page 132: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

''· .,

-. 2 -

. f Confianoo en el iiUIIutable humanitarismo -del

H. Gobierno Parsguayo, en presenoia del que tan solo los 1m- ' ped~mentos de orden superior podr!an obstaoulizar un gesto oomo··aquel que forma I'll objeoto de la presents enoareoida so-· lioitud, aproveoho la oportunidad para reitararle, Seftor Ml~ nietro, las seguridades de m1 mas alta y distinguida oona1de-rao16n. "

/•/ Miroslaw Aroiszewski

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ -~-'----

~ !! !L! .Q Lista de ~ersonas oon dooumentaoion ~arasuaza 1. Josef FRAENKEL Internadas en el oampo

y eaposa Paula o Perl FRAENKEL de Vlttei.

2. Alexander FRAENKEL Esposa Joohwet FRAENKEL e hijos Ruda, Matel o Uata, Lei busch, :Pinkas

). Nathilde FRAENKEL e hija Doris o Debora

4. Mendel FRAENKEL y esposa Rose

5· Sohabse o Sami RAPAPORT Esposa Gitla o Gut a e hi(j.os ldatel y Rat ere

6. ; Israel RAPAPORT Esposa Dewora e hijo· Jaoob


'l· ChaJim•Leib BBRGLAs y Esposa Alta

8. _ Abraham Y/BINOORT Esposa Mathilde e hija Rosa

9: .. Leo-Osias WEINGORT y Esposa Bstera

10. Samuel o Sam! WOLF e hijoa Saul, Leo 1 Erne. Eaposa Rosa -

11. Jaoob RAPAPORT • hijas _ Anna y Rosa RAPAPORT-y eu.hijo/o hija/



! I !

··II· - l'


Page 133: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


-~ lJ,







Ssposa e hijos

y Esposa

Esposa e hijos

y familia

- . .J -

Saul RAPAPORT --Jdina-


.... ·-~)

R;ywka-Lea· Abram-Hirsoh-Majer e Izohok

Simon o Symohe RAPAPORT


Josef LIEBER Frymata Henryk y Frajdla

Ssyja o Szaja ErSENZWEIG

Internado en el campo de

oonoentraoion en Compi~gne:


Page 134: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



\\ '•

.. ,

&lclosure to de.spatch No, 2052, dated l!ay 5, 1944 from the Amer­ican Embassy, Asuncion, Paragu~


•l'OSlllS'lWO RZEcz'ffusror.rTEJ POtsKIEJ

llr. l!inister&


Buenos Aires, April 25, 1944

By ot·der of my Goverrunent,· I have the honor to address Your Excellency and to submit to your elevated judgment. the followaing~

The magnanimous attitude taken by the Paracu~nn r.overnmant With respcc~ to a certain quantity of Polish israelites, holders of Paracu~!n passports, interned in Germnn_·concenl:.ratiori camps (Note of !lis Excellency, the Uinister of Foreign Affaira and t/or­ship, Dr, Luis A, Arg&na, directed to the undersigned, No, D.A.C, y L. - 2,-, dated January 3, 1944), made it possible for the above-mentioned to enjoy up to the Jlresent security conditioned by the _possibility of accrediting that they belonged to Paraguay,- --·:­However, tho situation of these oame persons tends to worsen as the war enters its climactic phose,

Throueh neutral ele~ronts, it has boen learrod that the Gorman anthorit.ies ordered the ddportatiol) of a part of tho foreign , nationals interned in the concentration camp at Vittel, mnkine it known at the samo time that the forei~;rlers interned who accredit their South Ar.!erican rutionality will remain recoenizcd as foreigners only in the case that the respective American republics consent to exchange then against German citizens l'eoidcnt in the same re'­publics, l1' not, these persona t.ill otop· enjoying the troatmen1l accorded to foreigners, which, since they are· h8btsws, is equivalent to thoir extennination,

The Government of' l'olancl i:l in possession of an exact :report that in the conccnt1•ation camp at Vittol, there aro about fifty persons, including minors, and in the canp at Compieenu, one, with Paragua.Yan docwoont.s, Their nsmes are attached to thio No~o.

' Adducine humanitarian concepts, the bovemment of Poland l'ecurs again to t~ accustomed gll'lerosity of the ParneuaY,an Ooverrvnent, soliciting with the greatest attention, that Paraguay be disposed to study the possibility of including the int.emees in question in tho list of pe1•sono that Your Excollency•e r.overnrnent would be disposed to exchange with German Government, against_ a nlllllber of Genitan citizens and other foreigners, as indicated by the German Reich, · · ·

I. .

. The Polish Goverm::ent. realizes the difficulties l'ihich ·would be '-met in the exohango alluded to; h0t1ever, in the actual political

IUOment, the simple -indication of persona ausceptible to exchange would be able without any doubt to strengthen tho state of seolil'it;Y of the II!Ulle,

In the event the exchange is made, the internees in question ··would not necessarily have to be accepted into tho territory of the

Republic of Parqcuny, as they, have permits to en tor into Palestine,


Page 135: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



- 2-'

Having confidence in tha unchangeable lnunnnit.Lwianism 'of the ...

Purr,E' >aylU\-Goverrunent ,--in-~hc-prosence ·of whi¢lr-·only-j_mpediments-uf --------­" s'tpedor or·let· coul<l :Jlace obstacles before a gestune snch as i_,,-ns the ob,joc~ of the pt·esent enrnost petition, I take' this op­;:>('l'tunity to rei terat.e to :10u1 llr. Mini>~t.er, the assurances of my r.;ost hi,;h an.:i d.iatingUished con:iHeration. ,. '


List. of per·non~ with ParaP.unyan documents in­terned in the concentr••tion camp at Vittel.

l. Josef FnAEt.lCEL and wife Paula or Perl FUAENKt;L, 2, Alexander FR.U:NKEL, wifo Jochnet FHAENKEL, and .children Ruda,

Matol o J.!ata, Leibusch, .Pinkas. J, Mathilde Fiu.E/lKEL and dnut\htcr Doris .or Uobora. 1., l.:endel FHAEIIY.EL and ·.dfe Hose, 5, Schabso or· S<>rti 1\APAPOhT, wife Gitla ~r Guta, and children

Mate! w-.J C:stera, 6. Israel RAPA.-"'CHT, wife Oewor·a, and aon Jacob._ 7. Cha,ji:'l-Leib IJERGLAS and wife Alta, - -ll. Abrah111'1 \'/EINGO!tT, wife Uat..hil<lo, and daughter 1\osa, 9. Leo-Qsias WElllGORT and wife Bstera. 10 Samuel Ol' Sami iVOLF, wife Hosa, and children Saul, Leo and Erna, 11 Jacob HAPAFCRT E•n1 daught.ors Anna and Rosa RAPAPORT, !lnd hor

son or daught.or. 12 Saul iillAPOin' ami wife llina, 13 Jacob RAPAI'CRT, wife Rywka-Lea,. and children Abrtllll, Hirsch·,

~~ajer and Izchok. li, Simon or Syncchc RAJ' APOhT, 15 Aron IIA?APC'RT am Ylifu R,ywka, 16 J•,sof LIEDEl!, vlifo Frymata, ·and ·children l!enryk and Frajdla, 17 Szyja or Szaja F.ISEIIZHEIG and footily,

Int.un.l"d in IJ10 concentration camp at. Compiegno

18 Josef RAPAnGRT.

Page 136: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\L,. ,)\~'·











WUh reterenoe to DapartHnt 1 • A-118 of A pi'~~ 11 anci A-129,

April 22, ea•& p.a.,· the Departaent baa· now been apprlaed that

Papai Nunolo a_t Bei'Jl 1ntorll!t4 111n1tt~i',.~•r1ao~ .. tha- v-.uou bat .. _,.

atte~~pted to wort wt reU.et Matur .. for Jeva ~4lpg Puap.,aa . . . • I

doo~nta an41nter~4 b)' IJel'll&ftJ'• ~pparenu;, \be ~eaUon _of

eYentu&l1MllrAt10n &I renU. Of pOI~.~-le tXObabO waa l'*lttd • . . '-~- • - i • . .

1n a4UUoll to the queatJ.on~o_t r,oqp_1UOI\ of 4o01:lflle"*'-"

h"auai 1a t'epol'te4 to han J'tP11e4 th&t tbe paeeportit' ot Pollih . . ~- - ' .

Jewa at VUtel ha'fe bt_en reoop1ae4'br_Pa...,..,..

, It 1a ~ther learned trooa'vau...J ....... that the tro11'blt . - .. '· . . - -\. .

uo1e when tbe prepoa&l' waa •4• to exohaftp_ 't~li• J~a;~t'*'~ CJer.ae

1ooatt4-1n a.tath Aaerl~. Jewe w~«P ~ ~~ pa~~~- ., • .,. --_-,,_ - . ' - ' --t, - - -· . - _. '·

1no1\l~~ l1L~e.l1et bJ 0..,....,_ .. ·-·~-~.,,.,. .•• ~. brPua,.a, 1fh1~ ••·•~ ~.tbt t:be. paatpOJ'tit· ~": ~~~~-..~iecatlT -~••llt4 'ana __ - .- ... _ / .. __ . ·.: _,. · ,-,·~:-c;-;.-- · ·; ·.-··c ~·

Parap&J refuted . to reoephe. tile pa~.....,._,. on.. Ge~f''Yi._ r I ' - ' .: '

J~2i~!~s•~· •••~a,,

~::5"t&w'~*~t~7Z \..

Page 137: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




'..,.-- ,

-·- ... , .. ·~.


Plea•• Yar1f1 information reoe1Ye4 froa Bern an4 reiterate

th11 Gonrnaent I • &18ur&noe that' 1n the eYent of exohange' . - ~ - - . Parapar will not (repeat not) be expeoted to grant pbJI1oal _

a4a111_1on to anr of the per1on1 ,o_ono~rned eYen on·~ teaporarr

01' t•nt~t1Ye ba111.

_ _ iln _the 11Sbt of thue aaeuranoe~, plt!llt 11iprlll ~pon the

c-~~_::;Jar4id7P Ocwel'!'aent .the extr••• ursenor w1th,wh1oh th11 Gnern"" .,n~!::• , . . -\ I .. ' . ., ' . ,

g;;;;f~men.-uvs.ewl ,the n10~111t7 of aoUns taYorab~J W1~b01lt delar on ;::.o-rr· L:.· 1- · · -- · _ ."" . -'"- .' . - :· .

~~~oP!:eale Pl'8Y1oual:r nba1tt,e4 ant\. 4eta1le4 1n tbe a11'1ra•• ·

~?·uaet",referenoe. You lhould 111P!"ell upon P&nppn oft1o1aia \_) - . ' _ ... . :. . . . . ·- -' . ', ~ -_ - :. . _-·. .' '· : .. _ i: _ ...

that .11noe faUure to aot wo\114 ~lao1t oerta1nlJ lp~l1 4t!lth

tor .the peraon• s.nnln4, •na that .S.ttoi 110 Cre~t '~o) .n~p011 ... e1b1i~,.~. o~ obl1pU.one wo~l4 re.~l~ ;.,. P~ t~oa· -

_._ . . -. . - _, :- - -; . ·.;-- -~.0 -.... ---<-~Y;. , -~. . -:_ .. :- . aoqu1e•o•noe 1n :,our ~eca~eate, we wo\tl.4 h •or•lr·;s+~pp~s.._.-e~: _

1t Parapajan -~u.hor1U~~ ~Oui4 _net (l'~peat- iatt} vbole-~t~41:r . -. - .' . "~ . ' ' .• ·_ ---~:'f. 't~ -',~- _.- -·<~i-:..~:;_,- .- ' - ·:· \ .

oooperah with ~ur effort•')o lliye tbeli~P.•JJl.••

\, '

Page 138: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



'l;r,; . .. - .r


~lth rotertmc:c to OoJ:ertr.Mnt•e !.•llS of lprll 10 end ..,..,....,.....,..-_,.. __ ,__, U1e lli!~rt!stmt b111 now b•.t>tl sn·rilc·d tlmt i'"J"l ::unoio at. Qtrn Jnfornttd :tl.l\i,tor l:l!.n-lron thnt Vat1ct~n l~«d at""'P~~ to worli o11t rolh·r I'M'IUo\U'Gl' for Jc110 hohll"B l'lll't'i'\UI:fllfl doow:aon'b fln•t intnned lq GillUIIJo ~f'l'RT&Iltl#t the que.ti(lll of OVflnt\Mil h:11&t"flt101l a,e _He.ult of }.'Oflelble •xcllln~te wu mired in R•!dltion to the q"ec;Uon or roeoant tion or doCNI!KIDt.. l'lltlltU.1 -11 1'0f'()l'ted to han npllfd that the ptty;-orts of l'olhl! Jen at Vitt.l MWI betln nCO£niaed_ ey i'llrllt:uf#o

tt 111 ful'thn loernlld tro:1 Vnt.iCGn I'OUl'C:tll tl.at tJ1o woubl• ..roae II hem the f'l'CJ:>OPl 'Will ·~d(c. to &J<ctollo~e theao .r•• ror Col'tllltUJ locattd in tOll~ AIIN'ica. Jwr. who h.nd t'areppon ~nu1 one 11ere inellldecl in thlt. lht. lo' Germ~. J. ,.rotept •~e !lll•lo b1 t'ara~ .tlleh etat.ed. t.Mt the tn•rlll't.e t.ad b~M Ulo~;lllly iPWed tiM i'UI&'\1111 refu&IJd to rcioo{\llll9 U1e 1 IISt.porte. 'fhfl Gor,'l@li 'Ill tl-Art'lt nt n 'r<:oul t ot thb 1100 r.rotootl()ll \'If' t OUII}lCII1d~ ll7 to} &in 0

At. tha tir.4'1 thh nt.t.itlldll h r•rortl14 to hn~ \l4:M tnk~.n by cornauny, the 11or.urano~o con\aiued ln <::ur oitc:ul10r ait·irtllll or -'1 ril 10 bt.d eylc!entq not (teJ:eat not) ;;«l rf1loh('d illn~tll~ £0VOJ'II!A0~1.o

:•l~a:a Ynlt,y infor1111'tiot1 n~lved tro·1 norn nne! -:roit<r:mw tbh CO'NT7111ctnt111 lii~IWII that, In tho tl'fent or 11.\0iianl!lt l'llh6'ift1 11.111 not (J'OfO'lt not) 'be 8J<Ffl0\.lld W I!J'Mt pliJ'IlC:d 111dldat1on to rmy or \hf) Pll'•cn• tonclll'llod ow., 011 tt tct"J>OM:ry c;r tent.otiore llcl1111, · • · •

ln htt l1cht ot ~;.eo ar~~nO.e, r.lea1o iiq.nae-\q>(Jil the rem~p!n iOWI'MIIn\ \ho eatreae ur.:onq of "oqu!csclhf; in 011r requeat.1 alld ot ••tiD& u,;on ~ wltbollt 4dft7o You tbould U}ll'eJa UJ·CIII ?e~an ort1olale. thAt tine~ t.Uun to lOt WOI&ld al,._t .... \ainl7 IJ:f>ll dHI~ for the peHonl in¥01'1Cd 1 end that liMe no (J'CS*I\ no) ""f0l\l'ibll1t1oa or olllil\lt.IGU •ould ntNlt for fani\IQ 1YOII acquhto&r.cq lr.l ClUJ' J'cqliUUt we •ould be IOl'el)' d1MpJ'o1nW 1t i'aft~ &llUlol'1t1u W4Uld not. h•1•t. not.) ·~ .. ~rt.edl,- ooorerate wUb aur etrgrta to Mn tllfte ~OFl•·• ·

••••••••••••••• April 34, 1944 2&16,1·~· i.

/fJ£1, 't.' s . . aAkdnlliUIIltb/lCII lt/~1.4

\._ ' \


Page 139: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



As U!l<~i on Dato; April 29, 191,1,

Hcc ~<I: lilly 10 Bam

'l'he !::coretury 0 r :-tate.

A··l4H, •<Pl'il. 29, 10 u.m., 1944.

1\ttforrlng further to tho llc.[lllrt.ment 'a <!il'CUlur. Hh··~

t_;ram A-118, 11:~5 a.m., April 11, \944, 1 lun·e Jllfll\.l<lr6 .'.:c\

reporting hereby that tho r'or\lign -~~1.n1st~;~ inforcui tn..,

or~lly but officially that his Gov11':rnmcnt will be glnd t.·~

hnve the Uni~&d Rtutco bov~rnment no~otiatc tor an exchan[e

or pertlon~ from Arnerican countri os, 01· boldine pnosportr.

or such countrl.oe, including 1ttruc;ut.~y, now dotnined in c:erme~n conce!ltrtt.tion cumpn. 1-!c: tuo.\. painu t.o lltlit.e th11t.

\ . I \ ~~

thl:1 1 s on tho 1-iasu•~rt.i.)n \.hut pors.Jna llo.lclinl( l-lu•u,-,.uuyan ' .

pa,sporta ;,·ho •u·o_ Jtcit. in ro.ct htratt:;uay IIXUI shall not be \ "l:_~ ,,.:..

lUlu t. .;o' I'urn~ullly unlvscll the h ~tor doold~:J :r.rcim the.lr qual i-

ticE<tiun:s tne.t t.huy .would be desirable itwr.11;ranta.

Tho ll.i!lh tcr likowis$ •te ted thll.t h~ ha$ been in!! I.! , ;:-t.ed

tQ t~.kt1 ai'tl rcwt.i va ~ction in addres:sint- thu~ GeN,,:;, \:iJV()l • . •r.ont thl-ou: :, tho Spt~ni:llh Charco: d 'Affuiro:~. J.u ilf<Uncl c.ln,t ') ., Btute thtot ·:.-arn:..uby J.~ lnt!irel!\.lld iu l.ho rut-~ or veruoAg


J>ECI.ASSIFIIID Stato J>cpl. l.c!lcr, 1·11·7ll

- By R 11. Parks D~to..s..E.£..2 0 1972

\ '-

Page 140: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


wlthiR n ro~ dayu ta be ublu to confirm Lhe fact t~at t~in ~

act.l.·;n rhall :;ct.,,u .ty h&V·J tlt~ntl taxon.

\.he :-;rc:ni!1t·, Cii•H·e~ !s th&t ... hU.c t.l:a passpol't.a -••ore_ not._.-.

J e(':ally is:-.uert, full r•.•co;.;uition ft.'!' tl:tw ·>~·ill t...: ··•"lnt.uinou

ur• c.~l poncu !lUp•·•··H·no;;.

Th·~ "~:1hltcl' e.11:<.·.!cl l-lH1t f'J:e•.dul attt·nt.toh b.'l r\01<1 ·r.<:

t't~ ces~ of two ,. 1 rlP. ap,cd fiftel':n nnd ~~) xtr:&~ Y•ltll. :1, hn:rn

in t,he town of' llltl ro Jw.n ;:aba.llHro in I •1rucu ay of e Ge]':>l'l.U

fat.her, Frt'.driok :.:J\Ci.i•:•nn•l 1:\ lin·nr;uay11n not.hcr numnd ,\nl·c..,

L.;·,,ci .. >O. 'l'ttey renide in u town nuu!'xl 0Rt-erden in ~he· J\;:c•ilnce

or llnr.ovor, ..>cl':UUOY. Ill~; U.;>vornrutlni; Ul't;t•ntly desires .t,l:u<; I

thtme r.:irlu bw incl uc.ted in a,wy Q.);chun~:~e E rrun~o;u.,nt, t\0 1.hc,y ' '

11re not.ivtt l·fi.\' ·t:u~:/~n c1t1~enB •. ~th il)flt•ent.i~:~l l:'ttl'ttc;tHt;>llJl .. l'nr.l!.lY rdur.iunc Llt.rout:;h thoir rnothilr. 'l'ho rdnl,tnr in<t1.1i~oa

·v i.i -,~---""·""""~~'-'J i..l,, .. fw 1;-, t..U,1 ).-v.;.,...i,Uj.J..,l~::.)~OWl~-"'--llh, ... ;~~IQ:::;, 1 ... \,;~oo-.-a--;,c.•J-;,Jll<.d .• .,.

80L,2_ ·.JI'/a.ll

DECT.ASSIF'IIID Stnlo Jlc!JI. l.cltcr, 1·11·7ll

By It ll. !',r!:o Dnto~ 0 1972

Page 141: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber




Rec_•,l: Hay 10 Bam

The Cccr~tary of ~tate, ... A-1413, April 29, 10 a.m •• 1911-4.

('-K11forrl.ng f\U'tllcx· to tho Llcpnrtment 'a •J.ll'CUl!ll' >lir····

gram A··ll8, 11:~5 ll,!ll.·, April 11, 1'~44, I haYo' ple"3ure h•

reporting hereby thllt tht l'or~i.\.gn tHniot..,r informe mtt

orclly but officially that his \lovo:rnmunt will be ~lnd t.c

ot pcr:;um1 from Arlericnn oountrlen, 01· ho:tdine !Jnssport1: \.

ot such count~·i eo·, lnoluding l ~rnt;uf.ly, now dotaincid in

. \ i· German oouc~nt.rlition colllll::l. He tuo.\. p11.inu tc~ :stot.~ 1;hatt

this is on tho tuauuort.ivn t.lu.\t 'p!ltsJnll llo.lci1.Jl~ 1-aru.,.uuy.ln \ "-' ~0-·

pe.lls)Jort.o who are not. in .ract f'il.t'll.,.;uay 1111ll shall not be -. - - -

stm t. ~o Purll~\lllY uull'sa the la t.tor docldi.i:s'. from thdx- qw~li"

tlcE<tiuns tho.t th11y wouh\ be 0 esirable iiWr,i,;ranta.

The J.liuillter likowiso etnted that hl!l hns been i.o~1.: ct.oa

tQ t~o~ko n1'1'iront1vo nct.ion in e.<ldre$e1n;,; ';ha Ge)'t.l.•." -:ovo;:, ...

•nent thl'0\1:_', t.hu Spaninh Char1.1l>- d 'Affulre:l ln i•suno!>iu ~-)

6tate th&t 1-~ra:;.UI.IY 1:~ lnt6reet.lld in 1.he futu of verson!l

oont ined

DECT.ASSIFIED Bwto Dept. Letter, 1·11·?2

lly It. JT, Pa;ks Onto S E p ?. 0 1972



Page 142: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


'I ~ :

,, ;..h.Ctt... ... ...-·;Ll.".~,-. (•:.. .;.~wlttl1-t-d. '~u· u.uy .. J~cl;un~;.·"! ~rl:"l•JlLt-~:a~Jn~_, L,l:

1Jl~ !\t:i.lV~ 1lll.'.l 1..:::.-.~·;.·•u''· clt4i~OIHI .. ~.t~~: tn.t.~;t;?Ut.it.:). :·l:"·!'i:· ).\:·.'-

<!OL2 . 1-'/a.ll

Page 143: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

, ..


JERUSALEM 48 ..; 20 =/

-R)ZRoTtME ~ .





INFORMATI ou. RECEIVED wAl· SEI'JJ To·· uNI<~t~·N .J ' ...



ACC9RD I NG .' . }




, _ _// &~~~-~_1 SE~ MEL TiER ~:o~F \~~ .. ·



T I h HAn. · 2 1811 To ae.euie pfompl action on Inquiries, tbJe orlai~ RADtOORAJd should be p!"Mt'aat.d a& t":e omo. ot e ep One: 0Vef • _:R.C.A.COMidUNICATION,, lno.lnlolophonelnqultloo quote tho numbot'procedlostheplaoeofo.Cp, ._tn••-.. ~ 1- ir.\ l. ~~ ... :.

Page 144: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.. ··'

. •, ~__, ...

R 0 UGH. -:------


Refer yourd.:ilJ.or ,;A-Jrr/tZC.. Department gratified results of your efforts. Will

cable soon to clarity various pO~t.s . ariain& therefrom.

in the meantime, you are requested to brin&

Lo{ Parasuayan ~ut.horit.iesJto the at.t.ent.ion1• the indi­

vidual case of Grand Rabbi )(oahe Friedman from Boyan, y

Polanll, bearer of passport issued in the name 'ot,

Parasuay. Friedma~ is out.st.andins Jewish reli,;ious

lealler anll hh case . has been .leo tell- to te~t the -~ea:ree . '

ot protection which the persona concernell will enjey - \

in Ge~-ocaupied areas under the policy anno~cell

in your A - 1.3 9. Friell.man rep'ort.ell to ttave been in Tamow, Polanll,

\ . \ ~

till September 3,'1943 anti to_ have, been ~baequeat.l7 sent. to llllknown\concent.ratiori•oup.

I .---- --, .' -~~-

Please have Parquayaa .,uthor1t.iea ur&e pret.eot.ina ;· - -· -- ----

power te obtaia imaelliat.e iatormatioa conoerninl hia

whereabouts an. welfare and to obtain alleqU&t·~;~_auraneee :;.~~c

nrprllina hie future treatlllent., inclulliill tacsuitiea tor

protectina power to~auperviae ~.

Please bave Parquayu ~thor1tiee emphaeile te •' . - .

preteetina pewer the teat-ease character •t prel8nt

Page 145: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

- 2-

i9eue an4l that eimilar assurances Wlci !acil1t.1es are expec­

ted concerninc all other bearers ,or Para&Ua,yan 4locuments.

Page 146: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


0 HAHATZA·Lfl C~mmillee for Re/riJtee Scholars,

Ycsfrivoth, Rabbis a11d Commutlal Leaders) 132 /'IASSAU STREET

CROOM 018)


May i, l'il44~

Hon. John\'/, Pehle, Director­War Refugee Board Treasury !luild ing Washington, D.C,

A~t. Mr. L, Lesser:-

Dear Sir:

·- --,\

We enclose a copy of a cable from Palestine which concerns the fate of one of_ the greatest, religious leaders of the dey, Grand Rabhi Moshe Friedman,

May we r..;specttully urge 'the Board to take the effective action petitioned in the cable and to request the intercession of the Gover;.men t of .:Paraguay,

_\: ~,-_~i·:·-. With our expressions of deepest appr~ciation,

~ I

Very resp~;cttul:ly yours,






Page 147: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber



Qtrr;l( lf!Wt(C onutCO OfMC_,M 'MH$AOC ""''-•Citlolf'A1' rvt.t.ll4f'C

......,.. -r\IU.-.n: f\1\LMfl 7'estal Tel~gt1aphe

.. (-~~ ........ ·. . . . 'W·- - · .. .




/, ..... ·"""' I





Page 148: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Suite 819·820 New York City



i~?' ~;{,/


-:;.,. __

Page 149: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

i"'' 1 ·_ .--

;1_ - ._i ·•

!L'.{ ?!Z:.@f 2.2!lli.!lili. FRO~:


Dat.of, April 22, 1941+ -----b Hec • c1: li~<Y 1 Oo.m

~ ·.~ushlnt;ton.

~~-. :1 ""::.Awl~, April 22, J.O:OO u.m., 1944

~~g. ::!.~ og;~ kJI took up w1 t.h tho F'or&ien 1/.inillte~· on April 20 thu {!!Q._!: >ITlO ,, arn:.:poi~ll raioecl in tho Departuumt 1 t> l'OOeilt cti.•cullll' airgraru,


~oJ\o·lftl, 11:25 o..m •• Aprilli,-1941;, (v~qoMQ ~;~pecial dJ.rootioiu ~ • 0 .

hoYtPl·t~~uivod OOJlj>l1anc~).

'l'ha Min in tor at i'irut et~tcd _that ho was unaware or ~=

cny inquirioo troll'. th_o S}lanish dovnrunont 1·1~th reaMrl! to ' \ i'

oastorn il:urops~n& in llorulllll conC611ltrution OBIIIPI

Pt~rar;uuyun'~aRnpol~ts, Uo I'IQ!I ttt~l~ar v;lth tho

who hold

\ qUC'Stion, ho;iQVOl' 1 and nftirme<J. \.111rt h1:;~ GQVoX'lUJltlllt will

ntoadtnatl;r rouogni.:l:e tha 'lt~lidity or linch p~~oporto untiJ..

tl_1e wor· shall hllYQ tGrllllnatud.

Tho ;,!1nister provhioniHiy took a rovor!lbh attitude

with roeard to atJouring nn excruo ng1o1 or p~raolis holdin"

Po.rtt~uuyan pt.asporta !'or perr.ons of Oc~·~dlln not.ionuli tr

in~orned in the United Stc.tu Qr cls.-whcrc in ~he Auujrictus.

___ H~ --;o._()c_o_p~ed the view that this n~ay brin~ the po:uibp.i~y '-~NiO.~·

that Ned. bt;ent.zs in h;.re~:uay;~ aome ot· whom are appiirtintly' - DJ'CtASo-l :·1~.11

st.ate Dept. l.dtor, 1·11·72 a bout By B. lL Patks Do to S £ p _.2 Q 19,72

il \


Page 150: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\L .. ,\,..,,

nbout to bt~ int:u·nod here,=' could eventur.Hy bo rct;>atriutod,,

tl) \}erotar.y. lll'l m:.all l'lrlttcn·~ntJttJ or· t.hs !'oct. that 1r uny

i1or,t.: fido l'nruguuyan d. til'. ens uro f,)und in the Gert:l~n ·con~

cliG.HgG; and O:lso that _por!:ons holding_l't~:<-LiGnr.iyun pasr-por~s.

wh(J u:-:: n ;t ir. roP.li t:; Pur:J•:·•Jf-~'!'!1~ 'J:\11 n0:t bo ~ent to

Faru1!,ttay. (On thl s lntter _point he a::.cumed ~ha~' in caso

ony such por:o.o ns worll e! howlll to. bCil s'<illed ~Gtlo,>ll turl11ts, ·

Poragul'\y could t\nrl ·nould r~eciv4l th~lo'\.) H~: nl::w clearly

understood th~t thie Dl'_cpor.u1.1s ,huill!..:; ijllllh by our Govern-'­

i1ont to th6 c;ovcl'JUlcn ts o1' t bo otncr Ll\tin i\mcl'i c:u!l· go.l\ritrhl-1

.l.nvolvod. H~ st..utod thut .l.t thlol Spnuish Uovc;:rnmont on be ..

h~lr of tl.t" Gtir .. ,un authol iti~11 :ollould Ol.li>!Qit lists or po~·-·

toons' holdln~:; ~uuh'JJO.IInoortrs, tho r¢ply •)ould t>c ~l.lnt'tha ' \ • t" :


pu:u;ports ur e bel~ :a11lnt~lu~d. , ,

'l'he Fo;r-eil',;n f':tnir. tt:l' like;·,J.so lnecrll.lod in hi a note:>~

the reqn11s t the t t'ho Pllr>;F.uny an Govorn~~n.t ai'tirmn Ll v~ly

n.pp.t'ouch tha CJot·~t~<n Gov~l'ruQcnt ,.:; by o.ddrs11nine; n note to

the protootlnr,: powe1• 1 Spo.in, tl~rvu..;h its Charge d'Jittairolil

hure , ... to d0mnnd thr:.t tho 1:-arllt.:Ur.tyan .fJIIIHIJlOrta bo houorvd

11nd th~t holders re:o;poctcd aa ret:~o~.rds thei'r live:;s, ri,;hta

flnd pl.'J.vilttgea,

:,:y visit wns ti11ed to precede iWo.e<liutely a C11blnet

-·met~trng; end tho .Forolrrn t:inistor proll1ised to take up the

matter with the Fres1dont uttel· th' Cabinet meeting. Jlo DECLASSIFIED

Shoto Dept. L<ttor, 1·11·72 stn tetl;

!ly It ll.l';rk• Dolo SEP 2 0 1972

' \

- ~.

Page 151: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

\~ ... ·'''-~·

-- .,~·




.P..!.l._S.G. AirtJ:!!Ln A-J..~! .L..!.\J:,l'il 22 1 lO_~~lli!!!.QiOQ

etutod ho wr:a coutiden c.Jf rocel vine tho Pre~idont 's per~

:r,L:-;•lon to give d trlni -iV1Jly :rava:rnblu ra3p.:msoo on nll

ch·,: point:!! roieJ~d (ear •cinlly, (a) tho a"provol or ne&OQ

ti<ctlons by th& Unit<lc States ·;.i th Ger.••ony_ for c»xohnn~;e:i 1 <l.il-1 (b) tho I•Jak i.ne or 1n ad::-.oni tory rer::on:~~trano~ by r oraGuay

to ll!:r .. 10ny) •

llr, CIUHIA~U tho . 3 UlUC!OJIQt;\ tho Undorj;locrotl.ll'Y.o who . ' (

has lloan in chm·c.:~ of tho ia·ub1t:D1 for :;ome won"the p~.st;

and tho lattc1· tvo•~ m1 to.hi:~ ufl;ioo uhd showcdJ!.IO motJt or

thl!l COl'l·eapondor.nC<Il !".1 dl •.. ~·rom the r:n._, 01¥1 t'l'Oll.! the Under~

sac1·etory 1 ~ 11t~ tomenl· •, th\l roUoVIine ~:ituution wus devcloptd:

Ily Doorqe Nu. 21.7 or !:;optcCJ:ber 4 I 1943 I tho PtlrCit;Uuyo.n

'-Supremo Court c:\ecl tla• ( n) thnt l>r. Hodol1'c: lnTGJ.J. 1 Porn{'.UCtyan

Honorury Consul at ,11\:rno, ~w~ tzerlunc\, ·li!ul.tlu h;; dlsllli:!lslld \

frum hl.s poeition, a.,d (b) thnt. "tho; pasq,ort.u wh.l.c;J ho he~d

1ssulld to easto1•n t& ·upeuns shovling the1n tu I.>G i·urt&~WI,Yone

Mhould. be Hnnulled.

During the next· throe or four nvnths·, howov•r, tho

l'lill'R£:'11l)'Un· GovcrruneJ t l'Ucci vecl nppQal:o: :C'1·om I oland, Beleium

end llollnnd thl•ou,~h their repr,oaltntll.tlvee ot l3uenoa 1\iree

re.'JllO::'ti~. that the pOStlpOrtll 1\0t be annull~d 1 fOr hWJ11101;,

tarilln reaaone·: 111nd lato in J)ccc:uber hud thll 11111110 roquut

from tl.ia .t:mbaasy, (11ld~ 41t t.lle D•I·Dr ~uun~' :o:1 ~U~«estiun.

The reply-glV~;~n in all c ..... Willi tha~: tho f·ll.rli&';llii,YIIII

IJoverruncnt. h•d J.lOt OWlc.:ellt~d. the .(lassr:urt: in question •nd . DECLASSIFnm

• .State Dept. tcltor, 1-11•71 , · · SEP 20 197?. ., _ -·-·---~~------------.,Dv ILH.J~nrh.DntA--.-

did :

Page 152: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


.Ed, s .c. AJ.r_e;Z",!lUl .A··l12...,~£rll 2-~-'-)}L!'W!:...&.. Asuno1on

35!1.&1 ;; hit£

did not intend t' ·do s·~ while ~he wa~ oontinuo11, (Sa& -~

roy telcftra:.t ~:.;. ( 38, Dooernbur ~8, 3: JO. p :m,, 1943,)

'J11 Ju.nuary ;: , 1~41, the For olen Ot'flct~ addressed· tilt~

:-. ' ;.-.:h Ct!t.rgo d · li.!'i'ai res ut J•sunci.;ln,~c-in- res-:foiiiio~ to-u

11.ot.e rocci vall. fl'• :z; hiht, ~tnting tht.t Cunsul Jiugli had

pout~ssud no l&g 1 l'it;ht to confer. 1-'nrf-ILUC.yt\n n'1t.iono11ty;

--but -that \'i:;ilu t .o ~\tpromt.~ Court .bact orcleroct\i/n to J..o

rllsmltssed un<1 th passp..>rts to ,be tl'$11\.cd 1111 null, nevor­

thflllliJII the htt- lr !)ar~ or this ord.o~ ~·,o'uld n~t b• pluo~;~d

lnto erroct unti. ufte\' the turnin1.1tiou ~r tho ll:uropot~n

',\·wX'. It turthCJI rc:q,ucut~d t..ho Cho.r~~6 to tu1flr,:re._ph to hi•

c;ovcrnment li.Sk1l.; it C.o ln.t'orru the G<il'u,un Onvorl!iaent tho.t \

tho passports nrn ~till rccounlzed an v~lid, 0R Sunu&ry J, ' \ ;, .

~h·• .lo'oroit;n or rio~ '"-ddrelSsed t.1·.o. cap;unt<l lu~tx•uctlon!ll to

t.no Pnrarunyan J\Jnb&uaadol' in f~ono:s ldx·oll, ·hv hl!.d boon .\' ·· • · • ·oc . -

o~pprowched l:>y t ht Dutch an:! folia 1'1. !Unl storo in that Cllpi hl.

He wo.s t•>l·l to int'vl'ln t-he :.anl,~tera. i'n quo'!t.~~n (1) t.hat

tho pO.•sporh ·,yort r~too8nizod o.a v&lid ror tho duration ot

~ the ;1ar and ( 2) that 1 t !Jad l•oquostea til• , Sp11.nish Char~;' ·

htu·e ~o to 1nroru1 tho Oernan Government. h'l•r.:ru.ph1oullJ

'Yia. kiadrid. On .l<'~bx·uary 8 1.ho ForeiGn ()ffioo od.dre11:sed a

tu1·the:r holie t.o the i.pn.uhh Ch~trt.:e conr1rmlng ita vrovloua

The. Cha1rr:lBn or t.h& i·11ra.,;v.ayan Rod Orosa, D1·; Andrea

Bl1RBEitO, vlfllted the Foz·elen 01't1oo OBJ.'ly thie mont~:;OP.. :


Page 153: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

.!?_: 5, S .c; Ai.r.c,!P!l!..~.::U~£11 22, 10 u.r...., Asunoi6n

7 .. QiillBIJiilt(


b· lllllt' or & lbt. ut rorty oases: of intGl"nel'l oaastern

~ roJluune huld~ne. l'aru::;m.yun J'<'eq:oi·to. Ho rgcci vcd ..

~ , April 10 thQ :.>punish Chart;~ com ... unicutod a.,;aln with

.·..,r~it~n Ofl'.\.oe to the effect. ttiut slnoe l'ara~ul\yon lilw

·t.y t.lu:lro w'w u11t porcu1 Yod. u~enl conaistenoy in l·arucuuy •s

vn ll.l'ril 17 t.llo F'orei;;;n orne~ ropllod flntly um! simply

reasserting lts ot.tit\~o. (~hilo lta note did not ao

atat&, th11 theory or tho r·al.'lli.\UilYIIIl ~·oreien Otfico :Jcerns

to ba that tho !'upremo Court. D11croo d10olnring tho p:usporto

itUlJ.,., neCJd no:; ~tl Bi Villn, efhct immeditttely.) 'i:hn Chnrae

ot Spdn waa intorne~ t.h!\t thi:s I al'lli(::Ur..w,.tt <1!l;; i.m was takon ~ .

if$ a r.osul t or intcrcclillltons by the ·f.O\ r.rn;;cm ~'<' ?\" l'olcnd. ' t'

i.<·~.,l;;iuru, tlollund: and (r~rormally l tJle Unil.·~:;:. .. ,-;.;, t'il~, as

well -ua or s.,vc.ral !-hil(lhthroP,ic ()l't:t.nizutloni:, and that

1 t i" baJJod on humani tnrian ·~x·uun<ln •

. ln ruaponrae to informal i~:~quh·y on the 21st instant

the ,f'or ei~n ,,lin is ter stated thot ho hud not yet reot~i vu4

an artirllative dct9ls1on as ,to oxohollf50 nflr;oth.tlona und a

I aracuaynn de!llMd UJlOn Germany.

801.2 · :iP/aJl



State Dept. J.cttcr, 1·11·71

Dy R.·lL Parka Dn~.s.f.e..2 0 1972

Page 154: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

'· --··

Rot'e:.•r!J1ti to tile Departt1ont 1 A 118 of ,\pr11 lO, the follou1nt:

1o the s1.~botance or ll mem::se-a reoeivec1 {:rom Lontlon hy il1r Het·~ert

L:Moz•non, Dir•actor or tlw lntargovel'fllOOllta.l 0olllQ1 tteo, ··~ho . .!a nO,.,

in t)ueh;tn~ton: •.).UOT.:: :i.caort'ttnc:; onblen Jat·•ioll ~~~n.oy. Jerul'!o.loin,

ne•• oor.munctor· Vittel Camp ndviead garcll 20. about 2M to ::100 interno~s

llold.9.ug Uouth NlOl•ionn I>tUlfl!JOl'to that thoy t·.'Ore not recognizuct by


Habl>io, at ootel'n, 1'or g1•unt ot l'o.leot1ne ·. ·\·

,. nc:rm:ra.noo to U•·ino l>l'Oteotill(S po•·'Or th .. -..t tl1oov pur-cons pl!toed on

}l.'.lontir.•J"' excl:J.,"ll~c Hot in Qr:::.o:r to otavo off O.oport~\t1on ml:).IO'i'~.

In vie•·• o1' th<> ir.w1nont tloil~or ·~ich f.'lo!Hl tho·· por>oono involved, ' \ ·f· . ,.

anll in thG l1(·;ht of thio Oovornmont 1r. ewrip cpnco:i•n fo:r:o thail• ~·oalf .. wa,

yuu choi\10. e:om:"1m1c:1te to t.'\Pl~:roprio.to off1olnln of .the Uove1•nraont to

~!ll1ch yon v.ro aco;:•a;1.1 tof.t tho ·tirr~unoy ,,1 th •··llioh ,f:.wo1:nblo ronpQnMo

c.ml. nct1ve wo~murtHl tlJ.on(~ the liner. o.ancx•ibecl 1n ou:<' 118 of Ap1•1l !O

ore ncou.o;;cl., iou r.J>.\Y nloo n1oh to 1nfot'IJI m.tch off1c1ulo tllo.t 1n


DECLASSil'IED Stal<l Dop~ Letter, 1·11·7ll

By n. H. Parks Dnl<lSEP 20 1972

.. I


Page 155: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber

ac1.cU tion to ·~he nppronoh \to :1~"1 tr.t&l•lanc1 r~forred to in 011r 110

ot, .-.prH 10, •rS H~we nJ.ao' re,lueste<l '~mlJtlcandor Hayes n1mllorly

to ar:9roaoh tho Op,\nlsll Govornn1ent. · l'loattc ltoep the Dopurtll.'ent '

pNmptly nt1v1ned of ~\ll devolopl!lenta in th1a matter.

\'nil3 :ULlT:lt(f 4/19/44



.- .. ·:

Page 156: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


Rer.rring to the Department'• ll8 of April 101 the following 18 the aubat.Anco ot a 111eeeage rueiY.U froln I.ondou by Sir He1'bert &leraon, Director of the Intergovei•nmentRl COlllllittee1 who io now 1n Haehingtonl •lUOTE According cables Jewleh Agency, Jeruealem, new oGDaander Vlttel Oamp advised ~h 20 about 250 to 300 internee• holding South Aluorican paeeporte t&t the,y were not reoognll!ed by sarer~ent concernod. It ia alleged theae paraona alreud¥ ieolated for daportatlon whiolt oauae<l panic and despair. Agency here. hae partial list of people afteoted, moat!¥ Poliuh'Jcwa previouely put on list ot nt.eran Zionlota, Rabb181 et cetera, for Bl'IU'I~ of Palcatine certificates, Aaenc.r trying to obtaill from Col~friial Ol'iice fol'lilal-.-- -ueurance to Swiss protecting powv that th88e peraona placed on Pale1tlne exehanee Uat in order to stave ott deportation, UN :UOTE,

In view ot the irmdnent d~U~~er whillh !aces tho paNona involved, and 1n the light of this Guvel'tnent 1a deep concern !or, thoir welfare, you ahould ~oate to appropl'inte .ottiolala ot the· UovemJUnt to · which you. are aooredited the uraeno;y with 1\ilioh favorable reBponau and aotiYe measure• along tho linea de .. r1bed 1n our US or AprillO. are nee4ed. You. aay aleo wish to intora such otfilliP-1•· tha.t in addition to the approallh to Swltserlnnd reterretl to in our 1111 of April 10, we have aleo requested ,\mba•ndor Hll¥8• · aiallarl¥ to approach the Splllli•h Oonrllllent. Plea .. keep t.h· !Jepfol'tnwnt praptl¥ adrtatd of ull dnelo)llllenta 1n thia matter. · ·


April 181 191./, 12:55 p,m,

LSLeuerrala 4/17/44 ~


Page 157: RQ 1 - Marist Collegeno deber


0 0

p ·-:i:

. .~·· / ·\' .v EMBASSY OF THE


'I( No, 1602


Tbe Honorl'.ble

Asuncion, ·paraguay, December 3, Hi43

/ •/ . '·, Attitude of Paraguayan Immigration·Bureau regarding.any-semitiam,--

S'IRICILI 8611f!B!!II!llsb

The Secretary of State,

:~aching ton.


I hl'.ve the honor to report that thia Embassy has learned

from n confiden'tial and; reliable source that the Acting Director I \ ,

Ganernl of Immigration· of .~arnguay has recently authorized the '

Paragunynn Consul in Madr~d Bonin, to grant an immigration ·vi~a .;'

to one Edmund METZGER, Provided that he does_not belong to the

Jewish race and complies with other Paraguayan regulations.

Respectfully yours,

·.·. ' .; Wesley Frost

866, m:CLASSII'IBD lltolo lJot>t. Lctt~r, 1·11·7~

LE!t/~11r ily It 11. Parka Dote MAR 7 1973 Original (oarbon.revereed) to Department by airmail.

\ \~