er - marist college


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Page 1: ER - Marist College
Page 2: ER - Marist College

'I'll: ER

1ROll: LAB

~: T»o l ettero and &&nuaoripta floa II'. 0. Osboma, Sb• nandoab, lowe.

I th i nk your friend Ur . Osborn is a bit cook-eyed .

Tbe firat aanuacript, mailed t o you on October 14th, 1846, il all about bow in this dietrea••4 world the wtaain abould take PTer. No practical auaeeatione , of ccur ... Lot or bot air, laboriouely preaentad , Very beaTJ, dull stutr. ll'othiag 1n it tor you t bat I oon aee.

Manuscript No. 2 , sent on October 18th, oeta forth Mr. Oaborn'o ballet that what the world needs 1e ao110 aort or at andard tor deaoor aoy I think the sut aay ha• o aoaotth1ng tbere, but it ia • ery badly pre­sented. I don't aea what you could do about it. And 11 you tried to take hie idea and de • alop it, be would probably aoouae you or plag­uar iea.

I aasume you will want to re t urn bit aanusoripto, ao I ' m sail ing them back to you.

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Jre. J11nor RooeeYil\ ~dl Pari:, Du•n C01111t:r Jew Ytll:

Dear Jn. RooeeYtl t1


011 JWu Ull, laet, I wrote 7011, tor ;rour pereoll&l a4droee, and I'HtlYO<l 70111' H~7• hr :roar ooa't'ealeaoe, &ad boo-• of t11o olr\184 .. delq 1D ~ preeeat Hepoa••• I • eaoloelac a OOJII7 of IIIIJ' pre't'loae letter,

Toa will tlad eaoloeod llerowt til a aaaaoriJt entitled •rt can .. Done,• Wllloll .._.lttlo la a llal\td .anner, what I had In a1nd la ~ preYlOill letter.

I will not bardea :roa w1 tll ·tlll'tller ..-ra \hereon, ezoept to .., \hat llloal4 7"• or aq et roar frlendl, bo latereUod I woald be pl ..... to tlrtlal ~ obeer .... u oae oa tllat oabjeot.

If I proper\7 jadao t11o •tt••• I u Rl'l \hat •-tlllac oan bo bat Ia tile deelnd dlnetloa. I bell•••• \hat llloald till .. tter bo p!Oferlr to~· lated &ad preeented to ~. at leaet n,v por-ent of our JOutlle, bU'IIen till IICII et '!::;.• and t'llllt)'• two, oo,ld beoo• alaol\ Tleloat 111- tt\ of Ita obJ••t""'-'• aad u a au lhlac eo lpBI la roae\lon17 Iowa alChoQih bora In Jew Tori: Cltr) aueb preJa4loea ae I a1pt aatarall7 aoqalre hero e!Mald aot bo ••••••lTel;r fa't'or&ble to eaoll 11\l .. tle.

11....,.11'8 f or .., attoaUoa tllat 7011 IIIIJ tift tllh .. uor, I \!lUI: 7"• Toa hl't'o •- 10 _. tor oer OOWI\17, '110\h lD U8all11 and dOOdo tile\ lt - U lQoel\loa to apJI'OMII 7" wltll aqWBI .U4 ..._, drew 01 7011r UM II' etre..-, 'lllltr 1 • ltllll .. _. a po11lbh faau, t or, .Uia w olun ..._, tellltiW eneuac ooadUloaa, lftl wltll a •U• -tt;::,{ 71t, reall7, the ohlldl'lll of tile world .... a ... •

........ 1, ,. .... . ~ .11#' ...... -:;....:--

Page 4: ER - Marist College

Boz 284 Sba.....,<lot.h , Iowa JUne ?tho 11148

Xra. Jlenor Pooaa•elt c/o United Nationa Org-nization 'Jew YoTk, Jf. Y.

purpo .. you, ln I would


Tille latter 1a aant wt \II t he a1,.1e ot detanoining •• to ... ra I can a44r••• •1 .. tter ot tun<l ... atal <lnoorao,., which wloh to ha•e reached 10u peraonally.

Youl<l you plaaee aend me the proper

Long yeara ago I wrote a book entitle<! •De•ocrac:r,~•r. Preeldent . • Jt wa1 intended t or the purpoae or lntoreatlng our daarl1 belaYed trlan<l, xr. Rooaa•e l t, in a new approach to the probl ... ot de•ocracy. It wae n•~•r prlnte4, and the .. tter wae n•••r l>roupt to hie attentloe.

It ia not rq purpoaa to hMn 10u with the paruaal or crlt1c1 .. or that aanuooript , but I do ha•• in ala<! the attort to aa,. aoaathlng worth whi l e in tho aatter or woaan an<l the t .. ooratlc effort. I bella•• that there l o nothlns that tha United Xatlono effort naada aore thaa an 1atallaotaal11 unaoaallable coaprahenalon or ... ntal daaocrao7. I bell••• that woaaftkind can aaolot towar<l pro<luelnc auab a conception .

w. o . Oebom

Page 5: ER - Marist College

lire. llleDor llooenel' .,,. :Pan Daolae ee CouDt,' • • • TorR

Deer lire. BooDDTel\o


,. . .

... , ... ., .. ...... ".

Page 6: ER - Marist College

Richard Oawald 6831 Odin Street

HollywoOd 28 Co.l i t ornia

Auaust 2nd , 46 .

Dear 1-!rs . Roo eeval t:

I t hank you vory much f or your letter of July 24th, though it was , i n a way , quite a disappointment to me . I have always been and still am the moat ardent admirer of your l ate husband t or, in my conception, ho was not only the greateat etateaman of our ti~o, but also the most brilliant per aonality . And the cooper a t i on and the i n terest Which you both have shown i n the and tor the wellbeing or huoan1ty - and sspecially the ~erican people - have g iven me reason to hope tor your ideal eupport or my project .

All my life I have tousht t or the thing o I believed necessary . In t hi s r esard it i s not important then , to askl "Will thia pi c ture be goOd?" butl • .1111 t hls picture help tho people?"'•

And a o soon a s one aft1rca thls queation - and the subject Whioh I do i nt end to make under the moat compl ete protesaional medical gui dance and a~erv1a1on s hould render the beat and broadeet educa tion - one muet tight thooe people, to whom tho eubjoot ie still 'taboo' • ./hen I wrot e to you, I trusted in your great per aonali t y and hoped f ervently r or your cooperation i n this groat f i ght .

A taw da~s ago I received a letter trom Edna. R. Sheldon, of tho Board if educa tion of the City of Loa Ange l es• , ot which I enclose a copy for your convenience .

I r egret to bother you again Wlth th1e matter, but I have been l ooki ng tqr~ard for your ideal aupport ao 1ntentely, that I took t lli a l1berty .

Look ing forward of hearing trom you aoon,

I remain,

Page 7: ER - Marist College

Q 0 p y


July 18 , 1946.

l!r . Richard Oswald 6831 Odin :otr<~et Holly•o~ood, Cal i forni a .

Dear l!r . Oswald :

Your script " Taboo" has bean read by tile State Chairman ot ~t­Educa t1on and myoelt . ./e tll1nk tile story 1B bot h 11\atruot1ve and dramatic and believe that, w1tn soma add1t1ono , 1t ohould become one ot the outotandins r1lmo. However, we are atronsly or the op1n1on that thoro snould bo greater emph&oia on moral v&luea; that moral values sbould be tha moat import ant point or the !11m ra~ t han the PrOgress of science and med icine during the l ast twenty years •

• lo believe thet the cllaracter or Dr. Parker should ba made somewnat more dynamic and attractive. ~loot any noroe.l girl would be attract­ed to the dissol ute brotllar because or his charming manners.

The danser which we discern in the story ad lt 1a presented now 1a t he interpretation wn1ch many young people may g ive t o it. The in­terpreta tion ~<ould be that 1n the old days (1924) before mOdern dis· coveriea and methOds or treatment were 1n use , tbe situation regard­ing veneral d1aoaaoa ·,ae superlat1Yely serious . But. nov since moden met hode may be employed to effect cures, infection or-mat sort be­comes leas territyins. ,/o are convinced that more definite ecpbasle should bo g iven to a hi gh etendard or living in order tllat thia film may become of greatest value to the youth or our country.

:tou •111 realize I am sure , t·!r. Oswal d , that young people or toda.y oa ture aocial l y about tour or five years earlier t llan they did 15 or 20 years a5o . They have been g iven more freedom by tbouaanda or pa­rente , and t hey d1ecuee subjects Which tile parents or 1924 would llavo considered ahocking. Becauee many edulta or tod&y are indulging ln loose l1v1ns and therefore pr<!eent an undesirable example to yo~ peopl e , we believe t het 1t 1s doubly important tor tblo film to lay greater strese upon mor&l values. Ir you will pardon the personal r eference, I Wisb you to know tllat young s1rll in their teen• have come to rrq office and said , " './ell , euppo•e I do run around nigbta and euppoae I do get oyph1ll1a, I can set cured 1n a rew daya by tha~ he&t process or by Other kinds of quick treatment that they knOW these days l" That 1e one or my rea.aona ror ursins more empbaa1a ~ moral values and clean l1v1ng. I am aura that my reaction to tllll scr ipt would represent the reel1n& or many member• or renth D1str1ot Parent-Teachers Aaaoo1at1on .

Very truly your a,

ai gneda Edna R. Bbaldon.