rocks & minerals the table below shows the physical & minerals © k. coder...

Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #1 The table below shows the physical properties of diamond and graphite. Mineral Color Luster Streak Hardness Density Chemical Composition Diamond Varies Glassy Colorless Hard 3.5 g/mL C Graphite Black Dull Black Soft 2.3 g/mL C Why do diamond and graphite have different physical properties, even though they are both composed entirely of the element carbon?

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Page 1:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #1

The table below shows the physical properties of diamond and graphite.

Mineral Color Luster Streak Hardness Density Chemical Composition

Diamond Varies Glassy Colorless Hard 3.5 g/mL C

Graphite Black Dull Black Soft 2.3 g/mL C

Why do diamond and graphite have different physical properties, even though they are both composed entirely of the element carbon?

Page 2:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #2

The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite.

Based on the table, what is the best way to tell gold from pyrite?

Page 3:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #3

A geologist grinds a mineral to a green-black powder; he then analyzes it and discovers that it

contains sulfur. What is the name of this mineral?

Page 4:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #4

The data table below gives characteristics of the gemstone peridot.

Peridot is a form of which mineral?

Page 5:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #5

A student created a table below by classifying six minerals into two groups, A and B, based on a single property.

Group A Group B Quartz Halite Talc

Galena Graphite


Which property was used to classify these minerals?

Page 6:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #6

The diagram below shows the results of one test for mineral identification.

Which property is being tested?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #7

The diagram below represents a mineral. This mineral has cubic cleavage and in colorless.

Which mineral is shown in the diagram?

Page 8:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #8

The diagram below represents a mineral.

The original shape of this mineral was altered when it was hit with a rock hammer. Which physical property caused the mineral to break as it did?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #9

The diagrams below shows a mineral test being performed.

Which mineral property is being tested in the diagram?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #10

On the grid on your answer sheet, construct a bar graph to represent the hardness of the

minerals galena, pyrite, olivine, selenite gypsum, and sulfur.

Page 11:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #11

The diagram below represents geologic processes that act continuously on Earth to form different rock types.

Identify rock types 1, 2, and 3.

Page 12:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #12

The photograph below was taken by a student of the igneous rock, granite.

Complete the table on your answer sheet with descriptions of the observable characteristics used to identify granite.

Page 13:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #13

On the grid on your answer sheet, draw a line to

best show the relationship between the compositions of different igneous rocks and their


Page 14:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #14

The diagrams below represents felsic igneous rocks, lettered A, B, and C.

Based on the descriptions provided, identify rocks A, B, and C.


Page 15:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #15

The diagram below shows the mineral composition of an igneous rock drawn to scale.

Which igneous rock is this?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #16

The diagram below represents an igneous rock with large crystals.

What does the large crystal size indicate about the rate at which this igneous rock formed from magma?

Page 17:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #17

The diagram below represents the formation of a sedimentary rock.

Name two processes that formed this rock.

Page 18:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #18

In the box on your answer sheet, draw the map symbol for the rock that is composed of the mineral halite that formed when seawater


Page 19:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #19

The diagrams below represent two sedimentary rocks, conglomerate and breccia.

Describe one physical similarity and one physical difference between these two rocks.

Page 20:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #20

The sequence of diagrams below shows how coal is formed.

Describe the material and two processes involved in the formation of coal.

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #21

The diagram below represents part of the rock cycle. The igneous rock, granite, and the characteristics of sedimentary rock X and metamorphic rock Y are shown.

Identify sedimentary rock X.

Page 22:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #22

The diagram below represents a rock sample a student found.

What is most abundant mineral found in this rock sample?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #23

The sequence of diagrams below shows four stages in coal formation.

State the form of coal which normally has the highest density and explain your answer.

Page 24:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #24

The diagram below shows a sample of gneiss.

What observable characteristic could be used to identify this rock sample as gneiss?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #25

The diagram below indicates physical changes that accompany the conversion of shale to gneiss.

Which geologic process is occurring to cause this conversion?

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Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #26

The diagram below represents part of the rock cycle. The igneous rock, granite, and the characteristics of sedimentary rock X and metamorphic rock Y are shown.

Identify metamorphic rock Y.

Page 27:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #27

The photograph below was taken by a student of a foliated metamorphic rock which show shiny foliation surfaces and contains mica, quartz, feldspar, amphibole, and garnet

Which metamorphic rock is shown in the photograph?

Page 28:   Rocks & Minerals The table below shows the physical ......Rocks & Minerals © K. Coder 2015 Task Card #2 The mineral chart below shows some physical properties of gold and pyrite

Rocks & Minerals

© K. Coder 2015

Task Card #28

On the geologic cross section below, location A is within the metamorphic rock.

Which metamorphic rock is most likely shown at location A?