· ... relay setting details ... training programme on protection audit methodology and relay...


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Page 1:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection
Page 2:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection
Page 3:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection
Page 4:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Agenda for the 60

th Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 22

nd December, 2016 Page 1


Agenda for the 60th Meeting of Protection Coordination

Sub-Committee of SRPC to be held on 22nd December, 2016 (Thursday)

1. Introduction

2. Confirmation of Minutes of last PCSC meeting

Confirmation of minutes of 59th Protection Coordination Sub-Committee meeting held on 22.11.2016.

3. Grid Occurrences

3.1 Grid Disturbance (GD), Grid Incidences (GI), and trippings due to failure of Auto-reclosing (A/R), and Mal-operation of PLCC equipment that occurred during the period November-December, 2016 given at Annexure-I would

be discussed in the PCSC meeting.

Constituents are requested to furnish the following information in respect of the above grid occurrences to have fruitful discussions in the PCSC forum.

(a) Single line diagram of the station with switching devices, CT, PT and relay

details. (b) Cause of the tripping & Remedial Action taken (c) Relay setting details

Constituents are requested to bring/ give full particulars of the tripping events pertaining to their system.

3.2 In compliance of Regulations 5.2 (r) of IEGC, the Constituents are required to

furnish the following information in respect of Grid Occurrences: (a) First Information Report (FIR) (b) Event Logger (EL) output (c) Disturbance Recorder (DR) output (d) Trip event analysis report (with pre and post fault system

conditions) Non-furnishing of tripping details (FIR/DR/EL/TR) for the period 01.11.2016 – 30.11.2016 had been brought to Constituents’ notice vide SRPC letters (i) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC-60/ 2016/7732 dated 24.11.2016 and (ii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC-60/ 2016/ 7829 - 33 dated 06.12.2016. Non-compliance in this regard would be discussed in the meeting.

4. Submission of reports/compliance by Constituents

4.1 Status of pending Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC) Recommendations

Status of the pending PCSC recommendations (up to 58th PCSC meeting) given at Annexure-II may please be sent latest by 18.12.2016.

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Agenda for the 60th

Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 22nd

December, 2016 Page 2

4.2 Remedial measures for "Transmission Elements under Forced Outage"

The Constituents are requested to send the remedial measures/ action taken by them for the tripping events as circulated vide our emails. (Annexure-III)

The trip events are based on the daily reports at SRLDC website http://srldc.in/ DailyReport.aspx under the menu: Reports->Daily-> "TL under Forced Outage")

4.3 Certificate for Healthiness of Batteries

As per the MoP direction given in pursuant to recommendations of the Enquiry Committee (NEW grid disturbance on 30th & 31st July, 2012), RPC’s are required to obtain from their respective Constituents the monthly certificate for healthiness of batteries, installed at 220 KV and above voltage level Substations (for power supply to Relays, RTUs and PLCC equipment) and furnish the same to CEA/ MoP.

With reference to above, the Constituents have been requested to submit the certificate on healthiness of batteries on monthly basis (i.e. status for a month shall be sent by the 7th day of the following month) to SRPC.

The sought status for the month of November, 2016 is awaited from the following SR-Constituents:


5. GSC-Task2: Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay

Settings Calculation & Coordination NLDC vide their letter No. NLDC/ System Operation/ RPC/ Training dated 05.12.2016 intimated that as part of GSC-Task2 activities, the Consultant, M/S Tractebel Engineering, would be conducting a five-day training programme on protection system operation with specific focus on protection audit methodology and relay setting calculations & coordination for SR-Constituents during 16-20 January, 2017 at SRPC Secretariat, Bengaluru. The schedule of the training programme is as follows: DAY 1:

Protection audit scope Description of the works during the audit General observations Comments and general recommendation after the audit Q&A

DAY 2-4: Presentation of the steps needed to be done for the future 90% of the

electrical substation, based on the protection audit experiences for 10% of the of the substations

Necessary input data for protection settings Line protection settings for different relay types (ABB, SIEMENS,ALSTOM,

GE, etc),

Page 6:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Agenda for the 60th

Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 22nd

December, 2016 Page 3

Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection settings for different relay types

(ABB, SIEMENS,ALSTOM, GE, etc), Practical settings calculation base on real case, Q&A.

DAY 5:

International practices presentation, SCADA system description, general architecture, General protection principles for typical elements (line, transformer...), Protection functions for typical elements (line, transformer...), Relay settings carry out process, Q&A.

In this regard, SR-Constituents are requested to kindly send their nomination of suitable personnel for the five-day training programme to SRPC Secretariat ([email protected]) latest by 31.12.2016 as follows:


No. of Nominations


max. Two each


max Three each


One each

6. Auto-Reclosure (A/R) Implementation on all 220 kV & above transmission lines of southern region It is common knowledge that majority of the faults that occur on transmission lines are of transient nature; hence provision of Auto-Reclosure certainly helps not only in preventing forced outage of the subject transmission line, but also in averting cascade trippings, in some cases, of adjacent transmission lines due to consequent over-loading. The provision for Auto-Reclosure is also mandated by Regulation 43 (4) (c) CEA Technical Standards for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines, 2010, which has force of law. Therefore, it is in the interest of grid security that all Constituents implement auto-reclosure feature on all 220 kV & above transmission lines in their respective control areas. Any exceptions to this needed to be properly justified. In this regard, all SR-Constituents are requested to kindly furnish the following details before or during the 60th PCSC meeting:

Page 7:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Agenda for the 60th

Meeting of PCSC scheduled to be held on 22nd

December, 2016 Page 4

1. Status of implementation of A/R: Sl.

No. Name of the Constituent

220 kV

400 kV 765 kV

Total no. of lines

No. of lines where A/R is in service

Total no. of lines

No. of lines where A/R is in service

Total no. of lines

No. of lines where A/R is in service










10 PED





15 NLC






21 IL&FS



24 SEL

2. Action plan for implementing A/R on those transmission lines, where it is presently not in service. 7. Status of procurement of DTPC’s for loads identified for Kudankulam Unit-II


At the time of finalization of KKNPP-II SPS in August, 2016, it was informed by PGCIL that procurement & commissioning of new DTPC’s would be completed in two-three months. The status in this regard would be furnished by PGCIL.

8. Other Protection Issues, if any, with the permission of the Chair

9. Sending Agenda items for the PCSC meetings

As per the Guidelines of CEA/MOP, it has been decided to conduct the PCSC meetings on monthly basis. It is requested that Agenda Items for the PCSC meetings, if any, may please be sent latest by 5th working day of the month to SRPC Secretariat to compile and circulate the same so as to have fruitful discussions in the PCSC meetings.

10. Date of next PCSC meeting

The 61st PCSC meeting would be conducted on 27th January, 2017 (Friday) at

Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC), Neyveli, TamilNadu.


Page 8:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Grid Occurrences-60 For all tripping events involving failure of substation equipment, Constituents are requested to kindly furnish the SLD or equivalent pictorial representation showing (i) Location of the fault, and (ii) Bus-bar arrangement/ Configuration of feeders and other connected equipment with proper CB positions (OPEN/ CLOSE) at the time of occurrence of the fault.

I. Details of Grid Disturbances:

Sl. No.

Details of Event Date & Time Reason Remarks Category

1 Complete outage of 220kV Brahmapuram substation.

15-11-2016 at 00:31 hrs

220kV Cochin Kalamassery line#1 and 220kV Cochin Brahmapuram line #1 tripped due to distance protection operation at both the ends. Meanwhile bus bar protection acted at 220KV Brahmapuram substation tripping all the connected elements of bus 1 and bus 2.

Load loss : 160 MW


2 Partial disturbance in Tamilnadu

25-11-2016 at 17:22 hrs

Running units at Neyveli complex (NLC TS-2 stage-1, NLC TS-1 and STCMS) got tripped. 400/230kV ICT#1 and #2 at Trichy and NLC TS-2 got tripped due to operation of overcurrent protection.Bus fault had occurred at 230kV Alandur substation due to snapping of conductor in 230kV Pudukottai feeder

Load loss : 1500MW Gen loss : 800MW


3 Complete Outage of 400kV NLC1EXP Station

16-11-2016 at 02:13 hrs

Failure of R-phase bus coupler CT blast resulted in operation of bus bar protection at NLC1EXP

Gen loss : 395 MW



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II. Details of Grid Incidents:

Sl. No.

Details of Event Date & Time

Reason Remarks Category


Tripping of 400kV NTPL-Tuticorin PS line #1 and #2

15:37 hrs on 04-11-2016

400kV NTPL- Tuticorin PS line #2 due to failure of Lightening Arrester (LA) at NTPL end. 400kV NTPL- Tuticorin PS line #1 tripped at Tuticorin PS end ono operation of zone 2 of distance protection but line was holding at NTPL end. Running units tripped due to tripping of evacuating lines

Gen loss 350MW



Tripping of 400kV Kalivandapattu-Vallur line-1

04-11-2016 at 23:19 hrs

Y-phase to earth fault had occurred in line. At Kalivandapattu end 3 phase trip was given due to powerswing detection which resulted in tripping of breakers at Kalivandapattu



Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-1, 2 and 3 at Somanahalli substation

08-11-2016 at 16:10hrs

Bus bar protection operated at 220kV Somanahalli substation during fault in 220kV Somanahalli-Malur line.

Load loss 700 MW


Tripping of Unit#2, 3, and 6 Vijayawada Thermal Power Station (VTPS)

18:31hrs on 08-11-2016

LBB of 220kV bus-2 got operated resulting in tripping all the units and lines connected to bus-2

Gen loss 480MW



Complete outage of 220 kV Vijayawada TPS of APGENCO

12-11-2016 at 10:26 Hrs

Suspected mal operation of LBB relay of bus coupler resulted in the tripping of bus 1 and bus 2 at 220kV VTPS. All 220kV connected elements of VTPS got tripped

Gen loss 950 MW



Tripping at 220kV Vizag switching station

14-11-2016 at 9:32 hrs

220kV Bus bar protection got operated at 220 kV VSS due the failure of Y-pole breaker limb of 220kV Gajuwaka feeder.



Tripping of 400kV Hassan-UPCL line-1&2

14-11-2016 at 18:23 hrs

R-phase to earth fault in Line- 1 and B-phase to earth fault in line-2. Distance protection Main-2 relay at UPCL end sensed R-B-E fault and issued a 3 phase trip

8 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-2 at Hoody

19-11-2016 at 11:27 hrs

ICT-2 tripped on overload during bus changeover

9 Tripping of HVDC Bhadravati Pole #1

21-11-2016 at 01:14hrs

Pole-1 tripped due to suspected control card mal-operation



Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-2 at Kurnool (AP)

25-11-2016 at 17:15 hrs

ICT-2 tripped on operation of WTI & OTI trip


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11 Tripping of 400kV Dharmapuri PS-Tuticorin PS line-1

27-11-2016 at 2:55 hrs

line tripped due to due to failure of line reactor B-ph bushing at Dharmapuri Pooling Station end

III. Details of Failure or non-operation of Auto reclose events:

Sl. No.

Element Date & Time Reason

1 Tripping of 400kV Tumkur-Bidadi line

13:01:06 hrs on 01-11-2016

B-phase to earth fault had occurred in line at During 2nd fault it was observed that breaker at Bidadi tripped on Pole discrepancy and at Tumkur end it was a 3 phase trip.


Tripping of 220kV Gummudipundi-Sullurupet line

28-11-2016 at 11:54 hrs

line tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Auto reclose was successful at 220kV SS Sullurpeta, however no DR and El were furnished to validate the same. Line did not auto-reclose from Gummidipundi end and relay issued a 3 phase trip.

IV. Trippings due to PLCC mal-operation:

Sl. No.

Element Date & Time Reason


Tripping of 400kV Hassan-UPCL line-1

17-11-2016 at 17:23 hrs

line tripped on direct trip receive at Hassan end and line was holding from UPCL. No relay operation at UPCL end.


Tripping of 400kV Ramagundam-Gajwel line

18th & 19th Nov 2016 at 10:56 hrs& 9:32 hrs

line tripped at Gawel end only on direct trip receive and was holding from Ramagundam end. There was operation of protection at Ramagundam.


Tripping of 400kV N’sagar-Mahboobnagar line

19-11-2016 at 14:46 hrs

line tripped at Mahboobnagar end on DT receive and was holding from N’sagar end


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V. Details of specific Over-voltage trippings:

a) Tripping of 400kV Uruvakonda-Jamalamadugu lines:




1 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 2

29-Nov-16 18:58 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. DR & EL was not furnished to validate the tripping

2 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 2

28-Nov-16 13:02 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. DR & EL was not furnished to validate the tripping

3 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 1

25-Nov-16 23:45 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. DR & EL was not furnished to validate the tripping

4 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 2

18-Nov-16 20:56 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. DR & EL was not furnished to validate the tripping

5 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 2

10-Nov-16 23:41 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. Tripping could not be validated with submitted DR & EL

6 400 kV Uravakonda-Jammalamadugu - 2

09-Nov-16 21:57 line tripped on overvoltage operation at Uruvakonda. Tripping could not be validated with submitted DR & EL

b) Tripping of 400kV Uruvakonda-Mahboobnagar line-2




1 400 kV Uravakonda-Mahboobnagar line - 2

18-11-2016 18:26 hrs on line tripped on operation over-voltage protection at Uruvakonda and direct trip was received at Mahboobnagar. Over-voltage tripping could not be validated with the submitted DR of Uruvakonda station.

2 400 kV Uravakonda-Mahboobnagar line - 2

23-Nov-16 23:49



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Meeting No /


Details of Event Date & Time Reason PCSC Recommendations Utility responsible for


Status of Recommendations

as on 05.12.2016

Remarks Latest Status

(To be filled up by

the Constituent)

Pending Implementation of PCSC Recommendations (up to 58th Meeting)

Complete outage of 220kV

Yerraguntla substation and

tripping of running Units at

Rayalaseema TPS

52/I/2 (GD) PendingMail received on 27-07-2016:

1.The drop out relays of reducer oil pumps time setting was increased for

all mills.So there will not be any trip under transient low voltage condition.-


2.The recommendation regarding 2 sec time delay will be implemented

during unit shut down and will be intimated immediately after


APGENCO 1. APGENCO to check associated logic for lube oil pump for correct

operation under transient low voltage conditions at Rayalaseema TPS,


2. APGENCO to keep appropriate time delay/ fault ride through delay

(typically 2 sec) in VFD speed sensor relay at all its generating Units

including Rayalaseema TPS Units.

HV B-Ph Current transformer of 100MVA

Power Transformer -1 failed resulting into a

bus fault on 220KV Bus-1. Unit-1 and Unit-

5 at RYTPS tripped during the fault at

Yerraguntla substation

21-02-2016 at

10:39 hrs

Andhra Pradesh

Mail received on 27-05-2015:

1)Failed metering PT was replaced with new PT.

2) 220kV Ragulapadu is a single bus system. Hence there is no provision

for bus coupler at Ragulapadu SS.

Mail received on 24-06-2015:

APTRANSCO Vide Ltr. Dt. 23/06/2015, requested KPTCL to furnish the

details of available tele protection equipments and details of the

equipments going to be procure for enabling the carrier aided protection on

220KV Ragulapadu-Alipura line. Based on the KPTCL information we

will take further necessary action.

Mail recieved on 22-08-2015:

APTRANSCOhas planned to commission ABB make ETL-41 type PLCC

terminal along with NSD-50 type protection coupler at Ragulapadu end

towards Alipura. vide our Ltr Dt 23-07-2015, it is requested KPTCL to

arrange ABB make ETL-41 cabinet with NSD-50 type protection coupler

for establishing PLC communication between Alipura- Ragulapadu.

KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016:

KPTCL is ready with ETL-41 cabinet with NSD-50 type protection

coupler at Alipur end.

APTRANSCO mail received on 24-02-2016:

Protection coupler equipment is ready at Ragulapadu end. Wave trap

errection is pending at Ragulapadu end. To maintain the ground clearenace

structural modification works are going on for errection of wave trap.

APTRANSCO mail dated on 22-06-2016:

Protection coupler equipment is ready at Ragulapadu end. Wave trap

errection works are going on.

APTRANSCO mail dated on 15-11-2016:

Work is under progress. A/R feature will be enabled soon.

Pending42/II/3 Outage at


station of


21-02-2015 at

00:49 hrs

Y-Ph Metering PT failed at 220KV

Ragulapadu Substation. Fault got cleared by

tripping of lines from remote ends.

1. APTRANSCO to furnish the remedial measures taken in consequent

to the tripping incident along with the status of bus bar protection and

bus coupler at Regulapadu S/s.

2. A/R feature to be enabled on Regulapadu – Alipuira 220 kV inter-

state line.


57/II/9 Tripping of 400 kV Nellore

(PG) - NPS line-1, 400 kV


(AP) lines -1&2 and 400kV

NPS - MEPL line

18-07-2016 at

19:05 hrs

Triggering incident was snapping of Y phase

conductor in 400kV Nellore (PG) - NPS line-

1. Distance relay at Krishnapatnam end over-

reached in Zone-1, and resulted in tripping of

400kV Krishnapatnam – Nellore (AP) lines -

1&2 from Krishnapatnam end. Distance

relay at MEPL over-reached and resulted in

tripping of MEPL-NPS line from MEPL end.

APGENCO to furnish a report on the remedial action implemented

w.r.t. overreaching of Krishnapatnam end distance relays during the

tripping of 400 kV Nellore (PG) - NPS line-1

APGENCO Yet to be informed Pending


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58/I/8 (GD) Tripping of 220 kV lines

and ICT’s at 220kV

Chinkampalli substation of


22-08-2016 at

3:15 hrs

Failure of B-phase CT had occurred in 220

kV Chinakampalli - Kalikiri feeder at

Chinakampalli end.

(i) APTRANSCO to furnish Equipment failure Report on the CT failure

to PSE&TD division of CEA with a copy marked to SRPC.

(ii) APTRANSCO to provide GPS time synchronization facility at their

220/ 132 kV Chinakampally SS.

APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated on 15-11-2016:

1. Equipment failure report was furnished to CEA by

CE/Transmission/APTRANSCO vide letter no: 662, Dt: 19-09-2016.------


2. GPS panels are drawn. The associated equipment is under procurement.-



58 TSGENCO The issue was discussed in PCSC-58 meeting held on 18.10.2016, when

PCSC forum agreed to de-link the implementation of the Item from the

scope of Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR), and pursue it as part

of PCSC Recommendations.


44/III/2 Tripping of 400kV




at 2:03 hrs

Line tripped at Mamidapalli end only and

was holding at Ghanapur. Overvoltage

protection had operated at Mamidapalli

TSTRANSCO to make DR functional at Mamidipalli TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO informed vide their mail dated 24.06.15 that the existing

relays would be replaced with numerical relays in DPR works.

TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Main-2 distance relays replaced with P-444 & DR are made functional



APTRANSCO 1. SLD furnished vide APTRANSCO mail dated 22-06-2016.

--- Completed.

2. APTRANSCO vide their mail dated 24.02.2016 that 220KV chittoor

substation is a old 220KV substation with single bus operation. Bus bar

protection has both main & checkzone are in service. ----- Pending.

APTRANSCO mail dated on 31-08-2016 & 15-11-2016:

220KV chittoor substation is a old substation with single bus operation.

Both main & checkzone are in service in Bus bar protection. The split bus

operation is not possible as there is place constraint for extension of the

swithyard. (Substation was located at the corner of the site).


1.APTRANSCO to check the healthiness of the connecting cable

between Gooty (PGCIL) and Gooty (APTRANSCO), and replace it, if


2.APTRANSCO to ensure that the distributed architecture employed in

implementing busbar protection at their Gooty 220 kV SS does not

introduce any unwarranted delays in transmitting the triggering signals to

the Central Unit.

APTRANSCO APTRANSCO mail dated on 31-08-2016:

To avoid the unwanted malopeartions due to the external LBB trip

initiation from PGCIL, Vide letter Dt: 04-08-2016, APTRANSCO has

requsted the PGCIL to arrange the Master trip relay and breaker contacts

of ICT-1 &2 LV side to enable the internal LBB feature in the Busbar

protection scheme at 220kV Gooty Switching station. Waiting for the

PGCIL response.

APTRANSCO mail dated on 15-11-2016:

To avoid the unwanted maloperations due to the external LBB trip

initiation from PGCIL, vide letter Dt: 04-08-2016, ARTRANSCO has

requested the PGCIL to arrange the Master trip relay and breaker contacts

of ICT-1&2 LV side to enable the internal LBB feature in the Busbar

protection scheme at 220kV Gooty Switching station. Waiting for the

PGCIL response.


For the line under consideration, the following shall be carried out by

TSGENCO in coordination with PGCIL:

I) End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be

ensured by testing at both the ends.

II) Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at

both ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/


TSGENCO Yet to be informed PendingLine tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Line

auto - reclosed at Khammam end and did not

auto-reclose at KTPS end due to Direct Trip



at 19:15 hrs

Tripping of 400 kV

Khammam-KTPS line-1


Provision of differential protection for Jurala line 1 & 2 (line length-1.45 KM) feeders at 220 kV Jurala HPS [Carry-Over from Protection Audit Recommendations]

02-06-2016 at

00:41 hrs

Triggering incident was R-phase to earth

fault in 220 kV Vijayawada TPS - Podili

line. Breaker at Vijayawada TPS end was

under lockout and this resulted in operation

of LBB protection and further leading to

tripping of 220 kV Bus-1 at Vijayawada TPS

1.APGENCO to ensure full-fledged redundancy of supply to the

auxiliaries of all Units in the to-be-reviewed LT arrangement by (i)

ensuring that each Unit’s auxiliaries are fed from two Station

Transformers connected to different buses, or (ii) any other better design.

2.APGENCO to keep LBB time setting as 200 msec at their Vijayawada


3.APTRANSCO to take steps to provide PLCC carrier communication &

Auto-reclosure facility between VTPS and Podili SS.



APTRANSCO mail dated on 31-08-2016 & 15-11-2016:



3.PLCC carrier aided protection wasprovided.----Completed

A/R feature ----Pending



Multiple tripping at

Vijayawada TPS

(Gen Loss : 750 MW)

50/II/14 Tripping of 220kV Chittoor-


18-11-2015 at

11:20 hrs

During testing of DC earth leakage, DC got

extended to bus bar protection relay. Hence

bus bar protection operated and tripped the

220KV BUS connected transformers and


1. APTRANSCO to furnish SLD of 220/132 kV Chittoor SS,

2. APTRANSCO to confirm whether 220 kV side is on single-bus

operation with only one main-zone. If so, APTRANSCO shall examine

the feasibility of providing split-bus operation or multiple main-zones for

bus bar protection, and take necessary steps to implement it.

LBB protection got operated for 400/220kV

ICT-2 breaker which had resulted in tripping

of 220kV Bus-2 at 220kV Gooty Substation

24-06-2016 at

16:04 hrs

Tripping at 220kV Gooty

Substation of



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48/III/4 Tripping of 220kV Gajwel-

Shankarapally line

20-09-2015 at

2:24 hrs

line tripped at Gajwel end on R-Phase to

ground fault. Reason for non-auto reclose

could be established as DR and EL of both

ends were not furnished

TSTRANSCO to furnish a detailed report on the tripping event along

with remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Company Engineer visited Gajwel Substation during 29-08-16 to 07-09-16

and rectified the faulty BCU and checked for correct operation of Auto



51/IV/1 Tripping of 400kV Gajwel-


29-12-2015 at

6:11 hrs and

7:11 hrs

Line tripped at Gajwel end only due to

suspected PLCC mal-operation at Gajwel


TSTRANSCO to check the integrity of all DR’s and EL’s, and sort out

communication related issues at 400 kV Gajwel SS.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Company Engineer visited Gajwel Substation during 29-08-16 to 07-09-16

and configured all the DRs and ELs.


52/I/6 Complete outage of 220kV

Malyalapalli station of



18:41 Hrs

CT failure occurred in 220kV Ramagundam-

Malyalapalli line-1 at Malyalapalli end. The

CT failure resulted into a Bus fault. All

220kV lines and transformers at

Malyalapalli station tripped during the


TSTRANSCO to furnish the Equipment Failure Report for the R-ph CT

blast to Power System Engg & Technolgy Divison (PSETD) of Central

Electricity Authority with a copy marked to SRPC.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Report is being sent to Central Electricity Authority(CEA) by

TSTRANSCO vide Lr.No.CE(Tr)/ SE(Tr)/DE(SS)/ADE-3/F.Equipment

failure report/D.No.324/16, Dt:17-09-16.


54/II/2 Tripping of 400kV

Shankarapalli -

Mamidapalli line

04-04-2016 at

00:03 hrs

Y-Phase CT failure had occurred in 400kV

Shankarapalli-Mamidapalli line at

Mamidipally end.

1.TSTRANSCO to revise A/R dead-time on 400 kV Shankarapalli –

Mamidipalli to 1 sec at both ends.

2.TSTRANSCO to furnish Equipment Failure Report of Y-ph CT blast

to CEA with a copy marked to SRPC.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Report is being sent to Central Electricity Authority(CEA) by

TSTRANSCO vide Lr.No.CE(Tr)/ SE(Tr)/DE(SS)/ADE-3/F.Equipment

failure report/D.No.324/16, Dt:17-09-16.


56/I/2 Complete outage of 220kV

Sedam Substation of


19-06-2016 at


220kV Sedam-Humnabad-2 tripped at

Sedam on Distance protection, Zone-2.

Sedam-RTPS-1 &2 lines tripped at RTPS

end only. 220kV Tandoor inter-state line was

hand tripped due to incoming supply failure

1.TSTRANSCO to revise distance relay settings at Tandur end for Tadur

Sedam S/C line appropriately so that mal-operations due to it are


2.TSTRANSCO to resolve issues in providing DR & EL of Tandur end

relays by 15.08.2016.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

Relays are replaced with numerical relays and revised relay settings have

been adopted. Breaker company engineer is called for incorporating Auto

Recloser features in the Breaker.


56/III/3 Tripping of 400kV



03-06-2016 at

20:58 hrs

Line tripped on R-phase to earth fault. Line

did not auto-reclose.

1.TSTRANSCO to take steps to furnish (upload) tripping files

(FIR/DR/EL/TR) for the lines involving their substations in time (within

one day of the occurrence of the tripping event) as per IEGC Regulation

5.2 (r).

2.TSTRANSCO to put A/R into service on 400 kV Shankarapalli –

Mamidipalli line with immediate effect.

TSTRANSCO TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

As per the Event Loggers at Both ends Auto reclosure acted at both the

ends. Hence event may be deleted.


Yet to be informedTSTRANSCO07-09-2015 at

2:58 hrs

Line tripped on operation of over-voltage

protection at Mahboobnagar and direct trip

received at N’sagar station. DT receive was

observed in DR and EL of N’sagar station.

D.R/EL of Mahboobnagar was not furnished

to validate the overvoltage tripping

Pending TSTRANSCO to furnish a detailed report on the tripping event along

with remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.

Tripping of 400kV


Mahboobnagar line



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KPCLThe PCSC forum recommended for replacement of existing

electromechanical relays with Numerical relays. Spl meeting held at RTPS on 13

th and 14


March 2014

Mar-14RTPS Tripping incidents

and the Spl meeting held at

RTPS on 13th and 14th

March 2014

30/I/A Pending


Mail recieved on 28-05-2015:

1. e- Tender folated for the retrofit of existing static relays with

Numerical version for lines M.nagar,M.bad,ICT-1 & 2 -Technical Bid &

Price bid opened . Bid evaluation and approval to place P.O. is in progress.

2. Retrofit of existing bus bar (CAG-34) with numerical version -

Budgetetory offers obtained and is in process.

3. Order placed on M/s Siemens to replace relays. The work will be

completed by May - 2015.

Mail recieved on 07-07-2015:

1. Retrofit of existing static relays with Numerical version for lines

M.nagar, M.bad and ICT- 1 & 2 -- Inspection of the Numerical relays at

M/s Siemens works completed on 11-06-2015 and Dispatch clearance has

been issued. Materials received.

2. Retrofit of existing bus bar (CAG-34) with numerical version –

Budgetary offers obtained and is under process.

Mail recieved on 07-09-2015:

1. Replacement of Old electromagnetic relays with Numerical relays has

been completed for RTPS-BTPS line & commissioned on 18.03.2014.

Raichur-PG1 & Raichur-PG2 lines have already retrofitted with numerical


The retrofitting of electromechanical relays with Numerical version for

ICT-1, ICT-2 and Munirabad line has been completed.

Retrofitting work for Mehaboobnagar line is pending. Awaiting for line


2. Job order placed on 26.06.2015 on M/s Alstom T&D India Ltd. Chennai

for retrofitting of relays for all 220kV lines at RTPS.

3. Retrofit of existing bus bar(CAG-34) with numerical version–

Budgetary offers obtained and is under process.

Mail recieved on 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015:

1) Replacement of Old electromagnetic relays with Numerical relays has

been completed for RTPS-BTPS line & commissioned on 18.03.2014.

Raichur-PG1 & Raichur-PG2 lines have already retrofitted with numerical


The retrofitting of electromechanical relays with Numerical version for the

following lines/ICTs have been completed/commissioned as follows:

a) ICT-2 –Commissioned on 01-08-2015

b) ICT-1 ---Commissioned on 08-08-2015

c) Munirabad line--- Commissioned on 16-08-2015.

d) Mehaboobnagar line-- Commissioned on 09-09-2015.

2. Job order placed on 26.06.2015 on M/s Alstom T&D India Ltd.

Chennai for retrofitting of relays for all 220kV lines at RTPS.

3. Retrofit of existing bus bar(CAG-34) with numerical version–

Budgetary offers obtained and is under process.


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A fault had occurred in 220 kV Kadra and

Kodasalli. As A result, de-energization of

220kV bus occurred at Kadra and Kodasalli.

13-11-2014 at


KPCL vide their mail dated 07.07.2015 informed that revised relay settings

would be incorporated in co-ordination with KPTCL.

Mail received on 07-09-2015 , 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015:

Revised relay settings are awaited from KPTCL.

Revised relay settings furnished by KPTCL will be incorporated in co-

ordination with KPTCL shortly.

Mail received on 28-05-2015:

1. Main-2 relays already installed and commissioned.

2. DC fuses are intact. Till date no such incidence occurred.

3. Possibility of DC-1 & DC-2 arrangement and splitting of DC will be


Mail received on 07-07-2015 , 21-10-2015 and 23-11-2015:

1. Completed.

2. Completed.

3. Possibility of DC-1 & DC-2 arrangement and splitting of DC will be


Triggering incident was B-phase to earth

fault had occurred in 220kV Kadra-

Kodasalli line. Line tripped from Kodasalli

end only. 220kV Kaiga-Kadra tripped in

Zone-3 from Kaiga end. Tripping of

evacuating lines caused bus shut down at

Kadra hydro station.

1. KPCL to make functional the Main2 (EPAC) relay with the help

of KPTCL at the earliest.

2. KPCL to investigate the reason for DC fuse fail during transient

fault in 220kV Kadra-Kodasalli line including the testing/ checking of

DC supply cables, breaker control cables, and trip coils.

3. KPCL to ensure supply for Main-1& Main-2 protections, Trip

Coils (TC1, TC2) from separate battery banks.


Mail recieved on 28-05-2015:

1) e-NIT floated on 28.07.2014 for procurement of Numerical distance

relays & GPS. As there is change in scope of work and quantity of relays

by more than 25%, which is not permitted as per KTPP act. Hence, tender

cancelled and refloated on 05.05.2015 with revised scope of work and

revised PQR.

2. However, as per the recommendations of PSAG, Relays were

temporarily rearranged, replaced and wired up. testing & commissioning

shall be completed with the assistance of KPTCL.

Mail recieved on 07-07-2015:

1. Cover -1 of the bid is scheduled for open eing on 25.06.2015.

2. As per the recommendations of PSAG, Relays were temporarily

rearranged. testing & commissioning completed with the assistance of


Mail recieved on 07-09-2015:

NIT floated on 5.5.15 through e-portal. Bid evaluation completed.

Obtaining of Administration approval to place P.O is in progress.

However, as per therecommendationsof PSAG-10, Relays

weretemporarilyrearranged.Testing & commissioning completed with the


Mail recieved on 21-10-2015:

NIT floated on 5.5.15 through e-portal. Bid evaluation completed. LOA's

issued to M/s Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd. on 08.10.2015.

Mail recieved on 23-11-2015:

LOA's issued to M/s Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd. on 08.10.2015.

Engineering work is in progress.

Status informed during Special Meeting held on 03.06.2016:

LOA’s issued to M/s Schneider on 08.10.2015. Inspection of relays

completed and received at site. DI issued for all balance materials except


PendingKPCL1. The PCSC forum requested KPCL to speed up the installation of

Numerical Distance Protection relay in Kadra –Kaiga and

Kodasalli –Kaiga.

2. The PCSC forum requested KPCL to submit the implementation status

of PSAG-10 recommendations within a week’s time.

KPCLKPCL to check the possibility of providing line differential protection

between RTPS and Yermarus stations.

GD-1 at Kadra and

Kodasalli hydro power


GD-1 at 220kV Kadra

power Station of KPCL

ICT tripped due to operation of Over current

and Earth fault relay

14-01-2015 at





Tripping of

400/220kV ICT-1 at



16-02-2015 at

12:56 hrs



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49/II/15 Trippings at Raichur TPS 12-11-2015 at

00:30 hrs

Running Unit-4, 5 and Unit-8 and 400kV

RTPS-Yeramaras TPS feeder got tripped due

to de-energization of both 400kV Bus-1&2

at Raichur TPS

1. KPCL to carry out hot-line washing of RTPS-connected lines

regularly to avoid trippings due to fog and dust.

2. KPCL may see the feasibility of providing breaker flashover

protection at RTPS, and implement the same if possible.

KPCL Status informed during Special Meeting held on 03.06.2016:

1. Hot line washing was done previously.tender process is on for silicon

coating of insulators.


54/II/4 Tripping of 400 kV Raichur

TPS-Mahboobnagar line

05-04-2016 at

10:23 hrs

Line tripped on operation of Backup

impedance protection of line reactor. Direct

trip was received at Mahboobnagar end.

KPCL to keep the functioning of the concerned electro-mechanical back-

up impedance protection relay under observation, and replace it with a

spare at the earliest.

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending


07-06-2015 at

01:35 hrs

Trippings at 220kV Raichur


Yet to be informed14-04-2016 at

12:29 hrs

Y-ph Pole of Tie-breaker of Unit-4 at RTPS

failed. Unit-4 got tripped on operation of

Generator Differential, Reverse power &

LBB protection. Operation of LBB

protection led to tripping of BUS-2 at RTPS

1.KPCL to undertake the following remedial measures to avoid breaker


(i) Replacing all porcelain insulators with composite insulators

(ii) Carrying out hot-line water washing of all insulators on regular


(iii) Applying Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) Silicone high

voltage insulator coatings to all bus-connected ceramic insulators of

equipment like CT, PT, CB, Isolators etc.

2.KPCL to take steps to provide dedicated breaker flashover protection

to all breakers at Raichur TPS at the earliest.


Mail received on 21-10-2015:

1) Anti-pumping contactors of all the nine 220KV Lines are in circuit and

tested periodically during AOH works of lines along with other protections.

2) Completed.

3) Possibility to use both the 220kV buses as main bus under normal

operation is under review.

Mail recieved on 23-11-2015:

1) Completed

3) Two bus operation for 220kV buses : In place of existing CT switching

relays, High speed manual heavy duty change over switch of sufficient

current capacity will be retrofitted to all feeders at 220kV station and same

will be operated manually during changeover of feeder by one bus to the

other and this arrangement may facilitate to put both buses in service. Time

required for this retrofit is around 90days . However, this work will be

taken up only after retrofitting of electromagnetic relays with numerical

relays for Main-2 protection of all 220kV lines, for which work is in


13-04-2016 at

21:12 hrs

Yet to be informed Pending

Pending54/I/4 Tripping of Nagjheri


Tripping of 400kV Raichur

TPS Bus-2

1. KPCL to check the operation of anti-pumping relay on 220 kV side

and keep it in healthy condition.

2. KPCL to provide manual reset to the 220 kV side master trip relay.

3. KPCL to use both the 220 kV buses as main buses under normal

operation, and should go for single bus operation only during




1. KPCL to revise the settings of GT’s back-up O/C and E/F protections

considering their individual contribution to solid bus fault at 220 kV bus

of Nagjheri PH.

2. KPCL to upload/ make available various tripping files

(FIR/DR/EL/TR) for all tripping involving their stations in compliance

of IEGC Regulation 5.2 (r).

220 kV Nagjheri - Bidnal line tripped on B-E

fault at 12:28 Hrs. At the same time, five

running generating units (1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) at

Nagjheri tripped on operation of Generator

Transformer’s back-up Over Current &

Earth Fault protection.

46/II/21 KPCL


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56/I/2 Complete outage of 220kV

Sedam Substation of


19-06-2016 at


220kV Sedam-Humnabad-2 tripped at

Sedam on Distance protection, Zone-2.

Sedam-RTPS-1 &2 lines tripped at RTPS

end only. 220kV Tandoor inter-state line was

hand tripped due to incoming supply failure

KPCL to disable GFC protection on all lines emanating from their

generating stations.

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

57/II/3 Tripping of 400/220 kV ICT-

2 at Raichur TPS

07-07-2016 at

3:32 hrs

ICT-2 tripped on operation 400/220KV ICT-

2 was tripped on operation of 220KV side

Instantaneous over current protection during

B-phase to earth fault in 220kV RTPS-

Sedam-II line.

KPCL to review appropriately the high-set of ICT’s back-up O/C

protection at their 220 kV RTPS so that they do not operate for a normal

through fault.

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

58/I/2 (GD) Complete outage of 220 kV

Nagjheri PH of KPCL.

31-08-2016 at


Bus dead occurred at 220kV Nagjheri PH

due to tripping of evacuating lines.

(i) KPCL to disable high-set operation of DEF relays

(ii) KPCL to block DEF relays whenever corresponding distance

protection relays pick up at Kodasally end on Nagjheri – Kodasalli lines,


(iii)KPCL to provide stand-alone Event Logger at their 220 kV Nagjheri


KPCL Yet to be informed Pending


Multiple tripping at 400 kV

Raichur TPS Station

Complete outage of 220 kV

Kadra power station of


Yet to be informed

Yet to be informed

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

KPCL Pending

(i) KPCL to check settings of LBB protection in all relays from which it

was implemented, and ensure that their configuration, logic, and timing

are in order at their 220 kV Kadra PH.

(ii) KPCL to furnish details regarding the existing LT auxiliary supply

arrangement at their 220 kV Kadra PH, and take steps to provide a

suitable Auto-Main-Fail (AMF) panel for DG set to effect its auto-

starting in case of failure of LT supply.

(iii) KPCL to ensure time-sync of all relays (DR’s & EL’s) with GPS at

their 220 kV Kadra PH.

(iv) KPCL to provide stand-alone Event Logger at their 220 kV

Nagjheri PH.

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

01-05-2016 at

21:44 Hrs

Triggering incident was failure of R-phase

CT of 400/220kV ICT-1. 400kV YTPS-

RTPS line got tripped from YTPS end.

400kV RTPS-Mehaboobnagar line tripped

on a B-phase to earth fault.

LBB of 220kV Kodasalli breaker at Kadra

end got operated which resulted in tripping of

Bus at Kadra and in turn led to tripping of all



at 14:40 hrs

1.KPCL to properly configure the distance relays at YTPS end on both

YTPS – BTPS line and YTPS-RTPS line with specific focus on reaches

and timings of Zone-2, Zone-3, and Zone-4 (reverse).

2.KPCL to ensure the healthiness of Direct Trip circuits and relay coils

at YTPS.

3.KPCL to ensure time sync of DR’s and EL’s at YTPS with GPS.

54/II/13 15-04-2016 at

15:36 hrs

Tripping of 400kV Bellary

TPS-Yeramarus TPS line

and 400kVYeramarus TPS -

Raichur TPS line

31-05-2016 at

17:21 hrs

Direct Trip was sent from YTPS to RTPS

and BTPS

58/I/3 (GD)

In view of the availability of two buses along with healthy bus-coupler

at 220 kV RTPS, KPCL is recommended to put in service the double-bus

operation at 220 kV RTPS by suitably distributing loads within 15 days.

KPCLTripping of Units at Raichur


During testing of retrofitted distance

protection in 400kV Raichur-2 feeder, LBB

protection trip DC got extended to Bus trip.

This resulted in tripping of 220kV bus at

RTPS and all connected 220 kV elements.

Unit-4 which is connected to 400 kV Bus got

tripped due to tripping of Station Utility

Transformer that is connected 220 kV bus

1.KPCL to enable zero-sequence compensation feature, if not already

done, in all differential relays of transformers at RTPS.

2.KPCL to examine in detail the reasons for SOTF operation at RTPS

end for the fault on RTPS-Veltoor line, and if required relay

(configuration) settings at RTPS end may be suitably got revised with

the help of their OEM.

3.KPCL to take steps to enable auto-reclose for the Tie-CB’s in the dias

containing Munirabad and Veltoor (Mehboobnagar) at RTPS.



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58/I/7 (GD) Complete outage at Varahi

Hydro Power Station

15-09-2016 at

14:06 hrs

LBB protection operated and caused bus shut

down at Varahi PH

(i) KPCL to check and correct configuration settings of LBB protection

in all relays from which it was implemented, at their 220 kV Varahi PH.

(ii) KPCL to provide stand-alone Event Logger at their 220 kV STR PH.

KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

(i) KPCL to ensure the integrity of the connecting cable/ conductor from

Generating Unit-3 to its corresponding GT breaker at their STR PH.

(ii) KPCL to ensure the healthiness of Manual Current Regulator (MCR)

of Unit-3’s AVR at their STR PH.

(iii) KPCL to ensure the healthiness of AVR’s of all Units of STR PH.

(iv) KPCL to provide stand-alone Event Logger at their 220 kV STR


KPCL Yet to be informed Pending

Partial disturbance occurred in central

Kerala grid due to overloading and tripping

of 220 kV lines. Loss of in-feed to 220 kV

Kalamassery, 220 kV Brahmapuram, 220 kV

Ambalamugal, 220 Pallom & 220 kV Kochi

occurred. Generation at Neriamangalam,

Panniar, Chengulam and Pallivasal also got

affected during the incident.

(i) SLDC, KSEB to put in place proper mechanism to ensure adequate

load-generation balance is maintained in their control area at all times,

and due vigilance is exercised in operating an already depleted

transmission network.

(ii) KSEB to put UFR in service at New Pallom end on 220 kV New

Pallom – Amabalamugal line as part of Kudankulam Regional Islanding



Complete outage of 220 kV

Sharavathy Tail Race PH

Yet to be informed Pending

Fault had occurred in 220kV

Mahalingapura-Narendra line-2. Due to the

failure of relay operation at Mahalingapura,

breakers at remote end tripped which resulted

in bus dead condition.

Pending1. PCSC forum recommended KPTCL to replace the old static

distance protection relays with numerical relays.

2. PCSC forum also requested KPTCL to provide a broken conductor

alarm indication in Control Room.

3. Standing instruction needed to be given to the all substation personnel

for not changing the relay settings without approval of RT/MRT wing.

Mail received on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL) & 29-07-2015:

1.Existing Back up relays will be replaced by numerical type distance

relays.Procurement is in tendering stage.

2. Completed.

3. Completed.

KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016:

1. Existing back up relays will be replaced by Main-2 protection. LOI

issued M/s Alstom for taking up the works.

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 25-05-2016:

Under the Scope of R&U. The work will be taken up by M/s Alstom


9-09-2016 at

11:19 hrs

Spurious operation of LBB protection of line

feeder had led to tripping of 220 kV bus at

Sharavathy Tail Race power house.

12-09-2016 at

14:47 hrs


58/I/5 (GD)

Disturbance in Kerala


58/I/6 (GD)

GD-1 at Mahalingapura

Substation of KPTCL

25-10-2014 KPTCL


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GD-1 at 220kV Ambewadi

Station of KPTCL

Mail received on 28-04-2015:

1. In view of operating 220kV Ambewadi SS in split bus mode, action is

being taken up by KPTCL. Problem in the 220kV bus coupler breaker is

attended and isolator overhauling work is under progress. Spilt bus

operation at Ambewadi will be made possible at the earliest.

2. ICT protection system at Ambewadi and trippings occured at Supa GS

during the instance is checked up and remedial measures already furnished

in this regard. ---- Completed

Mail recieved on 29-07-2015:

1. Action is being taken by KPTCL for operating Ambewadi in split bus

mode. Problem in bus coupler breaker is attended.Isolator overhaulling

work is completed.PTs are already provided to 220kV Bus-II. After

commissioning of Bus-II PTs, Ambewadi can be operated in split bus

mode. Pending works will be completed within a months time.

KPTCL mail recieved on 23-01-2016:

Bus-II PTs yet to be commissioned.Planned to complete before end of



KPTCL1. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB protection,

KPTCL shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at

Ambewadi and submit the details of the same to PCSC forum.

2. KPTCL shall provide the details of the tripping of Supa hydro station

connected downstream from 110 kV bus.

KPTCL was requested to explore the possibility of providing A/R

feature to this line and submit the remedial measures to the PCSC



PendingMail recieved on 29-07-2015:

Carrier protection is being restored for 220kV Sedam-Tandoor line at

Sedam end. After restoring the carrier protection , AR will be enabled.

KPTCL mail recieved on 23-01-2016:

Carrier protection is being restored for 220kV Sedam-Tandoor line at

Sedam end. After restoring the carrier protection , AR will be enabled.

KPTCL mail recieved on 25-05-2016:

SEE,SCADA to update the latest status

KPTCL mail recieved on 28-06-2016:

Action is being taken to restore carrier protection.AR will be enabled once

carrier signal is restored.

Triggering incident was B-phase to earth

fault in 220kV Ambewadi- Nagzari line-1. B-

pole of breaker did not open at Ambewadi

end. LBB protection not available at

Ambewadi end. All elements tripped on Zone-

2 from remote ends.

22-12-2014 at

21:22 hrs

40/IV/1 220kV Sedam-

Tandur line

Line tripped on Yphase to earth fault from

both the ends


at 22:20 hrs

Mail received on 27-05-2015 & 29-07-2015:

1. C&R panels of 500MVA ICT 1&2 will be replaced under scheduled

R&M works.

2. O&M personnel are instructed to take sufficient care in order to avoid

unwarrented trippings. --- Completed.

KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016:

New C&R panels(with numerical relays) erected for 500MVA ICT-1 &2

under R&M work, which will be commissioned shortly.

KPTCL mail received on 25-05-2016:

New C&R panels(with numerical relays) erected for 500MVA ICT-1 &2

under R&M work, which will be commissioned shortly.

KPTCL1. PCSC forum recommended KPTCL to replace the relay with a

different make.

2. KPTCL was also requested to train the O&M personnel adequately

before performing any maintenance works to avoid such unwanted


Suspected mal-operation of 220kV side


over current relay

01-12-2014Tripping of 400/220kV

ICT-2 at Hoody

substation of KPTCL





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Mail received on 28-04-2015:

Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering stage.

2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-

Tandoor line. AR will be enabled.

Mail received on 29-07-2015:

1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering


2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-

Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.

KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016:

1. Bus bar protection panels pocured and erected at Sedam. Wiring ,

testing ,commissioning is being taken up.Planned to complete by April


2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-

Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.



PendingYet to be informed

12-03-2015 at

7:51 hrs


PendingMail received on 27-05-2015:

1. Bus Bar protection will be provded under R&U.

2. A/R yet to be enabled.

Mail received on 29-07-2015:

1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering


2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-

Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.

1. KPTCL to provide Bus bar and LBB protections for 220 kV bus

at Sedam S/s.

2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV Sedam-Tandur inter-

state line.

KPTCL to activate non-directional Over Current protection with a time

delay of 600-800 msec for Fuse

failure condition at Lingasugur.

Mail received on 29-07-2015:

1. Procurement of Bus bar and LBB protection is in the final tendering


2. Action is being taken to restore the carrier protection for 220kV Sedam-

Tandoor line. AR will be enabled after restoration of PLCC.


15-02-2015 at

14:24 hrs

Complete outage of 220kV

Ambewadi substation of


220kV RTPS-Lingasugur line-2 tripped at

TPS end on operation of distance

protection zone-1. 400/220kV ICT-2 got

tripped on operation of earth fault

protection. 220kV RTPS-Lingasugur line-

1&3 tripped on distance protection zone-2

and zone-3 respectively. Due to tripping of

ICT-2, the running units got overloaded and

it was mentioned that under frequency

occurred as units are on load control. The

Units got tripped on under frequency.

1. KPTCL to provide Bus Bar protection and LBB protection at Sedam

S/s and furnish the status of their implementation to PCSC forum.

2. KPTCL to implement A/R feature on 220 kV Sedam-Tandur inter-

state line.

Complete outage at 220kV

Sedam Substation of


Complete outage of 220kV

Sedam substation of


42/I/1 (GD)

Tripping of Unit-1&2

along with 400/220kV

ICT-2 at Raichur TPS

KPTCL1. KPTCL shall provide A/R feature on Ambewadi – Ponda 220 kV D/C

inter-state line.

2. Till the completion of R&M works for bus bar and LBB protection,

KPTCL shall explore the possibility of having split bus operation at

Ambewadi and submit the details of the

same to PCSC forum.

06-08-2015 at

4:51 hrs

Fault in 220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2

27-01-2015 at

8.00 hrs

Fault occurred in 220kV Sedam-Shahpur line


42/I/2 (GD)

R-Phase to ground fault occurred on 220kV

Sedam-Shahpur line. Fault not cleared from

Sedam end due to stuck-breaker condition.

While the Sedam- Sahapur line tripped from

Shahapur end in Zone-1, the other 220 kv

lines from Sedam tripped at remote ends in

Zone-2. This caused complete outage of

220kV Sedam substation.



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Page 22:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

47/III/8 Tripping of 220kV

Ambewadi-Ponda line-2


at 13:20 hrs

Line tripped on a transient fault in B-phase.

There is no

provision for auto reclose.

47/III/10 Tripping of 220kV

Ambewadi-Ponda line-1

08-08-2015 at


hrs and 09-08-

2015 at

Line tripped on a B-phase to earth fault. Line

tripped as there is no provision for auto-


47/III/12 Tripping of 220kV

Ambewadi-Ponda line-1


at 13:20 hrs

Line tripped on a transient fault . There is no

provision for Auto reclose.

52/I/3 (GD) Complete outage of 220kV

Shimoga substation

22-02-2016 at

15:03 hrs

220kV Bus Bar protection operated during

failure of R phase CT in DVG-2 line bay.

KPTCL to operate 220 kV Shimoga on multi-bus operation under normal

conditions, put it on single-bus operation only under emergency


KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending

29.10.2015 at

14:34 hrs




PendingKPTCL KPTCL Mail received dated 25-05-2016:

SEE, RTC, Bangalore to update the status


Yet to be informed

KPTCL mail received on 25-05-2016:

Presentl 220kV Nelamangala -Hoody(i.e. nelamangala-Peenya-Hebbal -

Hoody line is made LIILO at Yelahanka sub station and breaker at

Peenya is kept open, necessary modification in distance relay settings

adopted for new configuration.

Yet to be informed

220kV Ambewadi-Nagjheri line-2 tripped on

B-phase to earth fault. This resulted in loss

of supply to 220kV Ambewadi bus. 220kV

Ambewadi-Ponda line-1&2 were hand

tripped after deenergization of bus at


30-09-2015 at

10:41 hrs

KPTCL Mail received dated 25-05-2016:

SEE, RTC, Bangalore to update the status

KPTCL Mail received dated 28-06-2016:

Providing numerical bus bar protection to 400kV buses and GPS time

synchronising equipment at Guttur is considered under R&U. Work is

awarded to M/s Alstom, execution will be taken up shortly

1. KPCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from Nagjheri


2. KPTCL to provide A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from

Ambewadi SS.



1. KPTCL to configure all DR’s and EL’s at 400 kV Guttur SS so that

they will also get triggered for BBP operation.

2. KPTCL to ensure time-synchronization of all DR’s and EL’s with

GPS at their 400 kV Guttur SS.

KPTCL mail received on 23-01-2016:

Will be complied in a months time.



16-03-2016 at

11:39 Hrs

27-09-2015 at

4:23:17 hrs

All connected 220kV lines and transformers

were taken on 220kV North bus as South bus

was under shut down for conversion of strung

bus to rigid bus and isolator replacement

under R&M works. Failure of HV side Y

phase CT of 150MVA Transformer-3

occurred at Peenya Substation which resulted

in operation of Differential and HV REF

protection. The failure of CT also resulted in

KPTCL to revise distance relay settings at Nelamangala end for 220

kV Nelamangala – Hebbal - Peenya line – 1 for the effective line length

of 17 km. These new settings can be appropriately reviewed as and when

the tie-arrangement at Hebbal is done away with.

48/I/3 (GD)

Failure of Lightning Arrestor of Y-phase

Line Reactor of 400kV Guttur-Hiriyur line-1

and line tripped on distance protection Zone-

1. Bus-bar protection of 400kV Bus-2 at

Guttur substation also got operated during

the event sensing this through fault. 400/220

kV ICT-1 & 2 at Guttur, 400kV Kaiga-

Guttur-2, 400kV

Guttur-Narendra-2, 400kV Guttur-Hiriyur-2

and 400kV Guttur-Munirabad which are on

400kV Bus-2 got tripped during the incident.

400kV Guttur-Narendra-1 which was on Bus-

1 also tripped at the same time.

51/II/21 Multiple tripping at 400kV

Guttur sub-station

17-01-2016 at

18:53 hrs

220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-3 tripped on B-

E fault at both ends. At the same time,

220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-4 tripped on R-

Y fault only at Nelamangala end, and was in

service from Peenya end. Due to tripping of

these two lines, 220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-

2 tripped on overcurrent protection.

48/I/2 (GD) Complete outage of 220kV

Peenya Substation in


49/I/1.3 (GD) Complete outage of 220kV

Ambewadi Substation of



Till A/R is put into service on Ambewadi-Ponda line-1, KPTCL to

reduce Zone-2 time setting to zero sec. at Ambewadi end.

220kV Nagjheri-Ambewadi line-1 tripped at

13:33 hrs due to B phase to earth fault.

Ambewadi was radially fed from Nagjheri

power station through 220kV Nagjheri-

Ambewadi line-2. Tripping of this line

caused 220kV Bus shut down at Ambewadi

and remaining lines and transformers were

hand tripped

KPTCL to fast-track providing A/R on all 220 kV lines emanating from

Ambewadi SS to prevent Station shut-down on temporary faults.

Complete outage of 220kV

Peenya Substation of


Outage of 220kV

Ambewadi station in


KPTCL to furnish a report on the tripping of 220 kV Peenya-

Nelamangala line-4 Nelamangala detailing the remedial measures taken

including the settings adopted for Z1B (Zone extension) and Power

Swing Block.



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Page 23:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

55/II/4 Tripping of 400/220kV ICT-

1 & 2 at Hoody substation

27-05-2015 at

08:08 hrs

Triggering incident was failure of newly

erected R and Y phase sectionalizer CT of

220kV North bus at 220kV Hoody SS.

KPTCL to furnish Equipment Failure Report (EFR) CEA with a copy

marked to SRPC.

KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending

56/I/1 Complete outage of

400/220kV Hoody

substation of KPTCL.

02-06-2016 at

4:56 hrs

Bushing of R-phase ICT -2 got failed at

Hoody station at 3:09 hrs. ICT-1&3 and

400kV lines at Hoody substation were hand

KPTCL to furnish Equipment Failure Report (EFR) CEA with a copy

marked to SRPC.

KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending

56/II/6 Tripping of 220kV

Ambewadi-Ponda (Xeldam)


10-06-2016 at

13:33 hrs

Line tripped on Y-E faut due to DPR, Z1


KPTCL to keep A/R for Ambewadi – Ponda (Xeldam) line-1 in service

with immediate effect.

KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending


1.KPTCL to take steps to provide busbar protection at their 220 kV

Chikkodi inter-regional substation, and furnish a time-line for the same.

2.KPTCL to review distance protection settings for 220 kV Chikkodi –

Kudachi line.

3.KPTCL to furnish equipment failure report of the current incident to

PSE&TD Division of CEA with a copy marked to SRPC.

Triggering incident was failure of B-ph PT of

220kV Bus-2 (western bus) at 220KV

Chikkodi substation. 220KV Chikodi-

Belgaum-I line tripped on DEFR (Inst),

220KV Chikkodi-Kudachi line tripped on

Distance protection and also 100MVA

transformer-2 tripped on E/F protection.

KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending

1. To avoid tripping of transmission lines on transient faults, KPCL/

KPTCL is recommended to carry out periodic patrolling of lines, and

ensure their proper maintenance by carrying out jungle/ bushing

clearance and trimming of tree branches within the RoW of transmission

lines as per the SRPC transmission line patrolling guidelines (available

under the menu item "All Uploads Operation Miscellaneous

Transmission Line Patrolling Protocol / Guidelines for Southern Region"

on SRPC website).

2. KPCL/ KPTCL to review operation of SPS at NPH for functionality

(reduction of generation with tripping of evacuating lines) and


3. KPCL to put 220 kV Kodasalli - Nagjheri D/C lines into service if

more than 200 MW generation from Kali Complex (with Nagheri

Contribution not less than 50 MW) is ensured on sustained basis.

1. KPCL to furnish a report on the reasons for Unit-6 tripping at

Nagjheri PH.

2. KPCL/ KPTCL to modify suitably the SPS at Nagjheri Power House

such that it would also factor in the over loading of Ambewadi-Narendra


3. KPCL to put 220 kV Kodasalli - Nagjheri D/C lines into service if

more than 200 MW generation from Kali Complex (with Nagheri

Contribution not less than 50 MW) is ensured on sustained basis.

Status informed during Special Meeting held on 03.06.2016:

1. KPTCL informed that the matter had been taken up with concerned Line

Operation and Maintenance wing to carry out corridor clearance and

maintenance as per schedule to avoid frequent line faults in this corridor. A

letter had also been addressed to Chief Engineer, Bhagalkot zone, to ensure

lines in & around Kali complex are maintained in healthy condition. ---


2. KPTCL assurd that the final modified SPS would be implemented at

Nagjheri PH at the earliest. ------ Pending

3. KPCL informed that Nagjhari- Kodasalli Lines 1 & 2 had been kept in

service since 23.05.2016 @ 08.06hrs. ---- Completed

KPTCL Mail received dated 28-06-2016:

Modifications to be carried in Nagzari SPS logic is submitted to

SRLDC/SRPC for verification and approval


KPTCL Mail received dated 28-06-2016:

Modifications to be carried in Nagzari SPS logic is submitted to

SRLDC/SRPC for verification and approval



01-07-2016 at

03:03 hrs





KPTCL Mail received dated 25-05-2016:

SEE, RTC, Bangalore to update the status

16-03-2016 at

11:39 Hrs

Tripping of ICT-3 at

Raichur Substation

15-03-2016 at

12:28 hrs

ICT-3 tripped due to operation of back-up

earth fault protection during fault in 220kV

RTPS-Raichur line-1.

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 25-05-2016:

SEE,SCADA to update the status of healthiness of carrier protection of

220kV RTPS-Raichur 1 &2 lines

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 28-06-2016:

Details sought from KPCL for review of ICT's back up (high set) proection

settings as suggested. KPCL is yet to furnish the details required to give

the revised settings.

PendingKPCL/ KPTCL to check the ICT’s back-up (high-set) protection

settings, and ensure that they operate with a time delay of 100 msec.


Ambewadi Narendra line-2 tripped on fault

and 220kV ambewadi Narendra line-1

tripped due to over-loading. Running Units at

Nagjheri also tripped during the event due to

tripping of evacuating lines

53/I/3 (GD)

220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-3 tripped on B-

E fault at both ends. At the same time,

220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-4 tripped on R-

Y fault only at Nelamangala end, and was in

service from Peenya end. Due to tripping of

these two lines, 220kV Peenya-Nelamangala-

2 tripped on overcurrent protection.


220kV lines from Nagjheri power house

started tripping from 11:00 hrs due to fault in

lines. The sequence of tripping is shown in

SOE list. At 12:33 hrs, 220kV Narendra-

Ambewadi lines-1&2 got tripped which

resulted in loss of evacuation path to

Nagjheri station resulting in tripping of

running Units and complete outage at

Nagjhheri power station. 220kV Ambewadi

station also got de-energized due to tripping

of source feeders i.e. 220kV Narendra-

Ambewadi-1&2 and 220kV Nagjheri-


Complete outage of 220kV

Peenya Substation of


KPTCL to furnish a report on the tripping of 220 kV Peenya-

Nelamangala line-4 Nelamangala detailing the remedial measures taken

including the settings adopted for Z1B (Zone extension) and Power

Swing Block.

22-02-2016 at

12:36 hrs

Complete outage of 220kV

Nagjheri power station and

220kV Ambewadi

substation of KPTCL

Tripping of 220 kV

Chikkodi-Mudshingi and

220 kV Chikkodi-Talandage


KPCL/ KPTCLComplete outage of 220kV

Ambewadi station of

KPTCL and 220kV

Nagjheri of KPCL

18-03-2016 at

14:40 hrs


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Page 24:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

56/I/3 Complete outage of 220kV

Ambewadi Substation of


24-06-2016 at


B phase to earth fault had occurred in 220

kV Ambewadi-Ponda line-2. Fault was

cleared by tripping of feeders from remote


1.KPCL & KPTCL to furnish an action taken report on the

recommendations given by PSAG-16 to PCSC forum.

2.KPTCL to keep A/R for Ambewadi – Ponda line-2 in non-auto mode

(i.e., only 3-ph trip should get extended on occurrence of a fault) till the

line is closed from Ponda end.

KPCL/KPTCL Yet to be informed Pending

48/I/1 (GD) Pending

Line-2 tripped on R-phase to earth fault.

Line autoreclosed at SVChatram end and

failed to reclose at Alamathy end. Bphase to

earth fault in line-1. Line tried for A/r but

due to permanent fault line did not reclose.

ICT tripped on operation of over flux


TANTRANSCO Mail received on 19-02-2016, 24-03-2016 and 27-04-


230kV Othakalmandapam - Myvadi feeder will be made LILO at Kongal

Nagar. Line restringing will be carried out along with the above proposal.

Mail Received on 20-05-2016 ,16-06-2016,25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016:

230kV Othakalmandapam - Myvadi feeder will be made LILO at Kongal

Nagar. Line restringing will be carried out along with the above proposal.

Mail received on 10-11-2016:

230kV Othakalmandapam - Myvadi feeder will be made LILO at Kongal

Nagar. Line restringing will be carried out along with the above proposal.


Tamil Nadu


TANTRANSCO vide their mail dated 24.06.15 informed that different

relays in Main-I & Main-II would be ensured at the earliest.

Mail recieved on 24-07-2015 ,19-02-2016 and 24-03-2016:

Different relays in Main-I & Main-II will be ensured.

Mail received on 27-04-2016:

TANTRANSCO: Not feasible in the existing SAS sub stations. Hence,

exemption may be given for these sub stations.

Mail received on 20-05-2016 ,16-06-2016,25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016 :

As discussed in the 52nd PCSC meeting, Swapping of Relays between two

stations is not feasible in the existing SAS sub stations. Hence, exemption

may be given for these sub stations.

Mail received on 10-11-2016:

Different make Relays will be ensured for Main-I & II relays at Alamathy



Tripping of ICT-3 at

Raichur Substation

15-03-2016 at

12:28 hrs

ICT-3 tripped due to operation of back-up

earth fault protection during fault in 220kV

RTPS-Raichur line-1.

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 25-05-2016:

SEE,SCADA to update the status of healthiness of carrier protection of

220kV RTPS-Raichur 1 &2 lines

KPTCL Mail Recieved dated 28-06-2016:

Details sought from KPCL for review of ICT's back up (high set) proection

settings as suggested. KPCL is yet to furnish the details required to give

the revised settings.

PendingKPCL/ KPTCL to check the ICT’s back-up (high-set) protection

settings, and ensure that they operate with a time delay of 100 msec.

TANTRANSCOTANTRANSCO was requested to swap the relays between two stations,

so that

Main-1 and Main-2 will be of different make at each station.

29-03-2015 at

15:29 hrs

Tripping of 400kV


SVChatram line-1&2

and 400/230kV ICT

at S.V.Chatram

TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO to take suitable measures like installing more stub-

towers along 230 kV OK Mandapam – Myvady line to avoid excessive

sag due to over-loading.

Complete outage of 230kV Palladam, 230

kV Othakalmandapam S/s, 230 kV

Coimbatore S/s, 230 kV Thudialur and 230

kV Sadayapalayam S/s

05-09-2015 at

14:04 hrs

Disturbance in 220kV

Tamilnadu system



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Page 25:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

58 TANTRANSCO The issue was discussed in PCSC-58 meeting held on 18.10.2016, when

PCSC forum agreed to de-link the implementation of the Item from the

scope of Protection Audit Recommendations (PAR), and pursue it as part

of PCSC Recommendations.


14-09-2016 at 11:13Hrs

Bus Bar Protection (Zone-2) of 230 kV Bus-B got operated at Alamathy Station during

fault in 230 kV Alamathy-Korattur feeder.

15-09-2016 at 22:14 hrs

Bus Bar Protection (Zone1) of 230kV Bus-A got operated at Alamathy Station during

fault in 230 kV Alamathy-OPG-1 feeder.

TANTRANSCO Mail received on 19-02-2016 and 24-03-2016:

Revision of Bus Bar Protection setting was carried out. The stabilizing

voltage setting was raised from 410 to 450 volts. After completing the

necessary test, the bus bar protection put in to service on 29.12.2015.

Mail Received on 27-04-2016 ,16-06-2016,25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016:

Revision of Bus Bar Protection setting was carried out. After completing

the necessary test, the bus bar protection put in to service on 29.12.2015.

Mail received on 10-11-2016:

Provision of Bus Coupler bay arrangement was included in the

Upgradation works proposed and the same was sanctioned by MoP through


Numerical relay allotted and being commissioned.

TANTRANSCO1. TANTRANSCO to examine the feasibility of providing two main-

zone operation for bus bar protection by exploring various alternatives

like replacing existing bus-coupler CB with a hybrid bus-coupler CB

that comes with inbuilt CT, replacing existing BBP relay with another

suitable relay that supports two main-zone operation, and implement the


Busbar protection got operated for a fault in

230kV Mywadi-Anaikadavu line

21-12-2015 at

6:28 hrs

Complete outage of 230kV

Mywadi station of


50/I/3 (GD) Pending

Multiple tripping at 230 kV Alamathy Station


Flashover of Auto Transformer- 2 HV

B-phase Isolator supporting insulator of

230kV Southern Bus occurred at

Gummidipoondi station. At the time of fault,

Bus bar protection relay was not in service

for pre-commissioning testing of Auto

Transformer-2. All feeders got tripped due to

operation of zone-2 protection from remote


Different type and Make of distance protection relays to be provided for Main-I & Main-II protection for 230kV feeders at 400 kV Sunguvarchathiram & 230 kV Sunguvarchathiram Substation [Carry-Over from Protection Audit Recommendations]

TANTRANSCO to check the healthiness of BBP relay by conducting stability test, and take appropriate remedial action like increasing

voltage settings, ensuring the healthiness of CT’s, using CT’s with

similar characteristics (equal saturation effects & equal winding resistances) etc. at their 230 kV Alamathy SS. TANTRANSCO to replace the existing high-impedance BBP relay with

its low-impedance/ numerical variant so as to accommodate variation

in CT characteristics at their 230 kV Alamathy SS.

TANTRANSCO Mail received on 10-11-2016:

The Bus Bar Protection scheme will be tested for healthiness including the

CT circuits.

High impedance BBP relay will be replaced by Numerical relay.


50/II/17 TANTRANSCO to check the LBB scheme for LV side CB of ICT-3,

and furnish the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.

400/230kV Myvadi ICT-3 tripped due to the

operation of 230 kV CB LBB protection at

230 KV bus (TNEB) of Myvadi station.

27-11-2015 at

17:26 hrs

Tripping of 400/230kV

Myvadi ICT-3

TANTRANSCO Mail received on 19-02-2016, 24-03-2016 and 27-04-


LBB scheme will be tested while availing Line Clear.

Mail Received on 20-05-2016 ,16-06-2016,25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016:

Revision of Bus Bar Protection setting was carried out. After completing

the necessary test, the bus bar protection put in to service on 29.12.2015.

Mail received on 10-11-2016:

Numerical BBP relay allotted and being commissioned. LBB scheme will

also be tested alongwith BBP.


Complete outage of 230 kV

Gummidipoondi Station of


12-05-2016 at

12:15 hrs

Fault had occurred in 230kV Madurai-

Sembatty line. Trip from distance relay was

not extended to breaker due to protection DC

fail. LBB protection got operated resulting in

a busbar trip at 230kV Madurai substation.

All elements got tripped as there is a single

bus operation at 230kV Madurai S/s

1. TANTRANSCO to provide split-bus operation with bus sectionalizer

CB for their 230 kV Madurai (Chekanurani) SS.

2. TANTRANSCO to provide two main-zone operation for the

numerical BBP that is being commissioned.

3. TANTRANSCO to examine the feasibility of providing Re-Trip

feature for the LBB protection, and accordingly take steps for

implementing the same.



TANTRANSCO mail received on 24-03-2016 :

CMR relay for extending LBB protection was released and LBB extended

from Distance Protection relay directly. CT is not available in the Bus

Coupler bay for zone segregation. However, during commissioning of third

ICT, Bus section Breaker will be provided for zone segregation. Numerical

BBP relay will be provided.

Mail recieved on 27-04-2016 and 20-05-2016 ,16-06-2016, 25-07-2016,

24-09-2016 & 10-11-2016:

CT is not available in the Bus Coupler bay for zone segregation. However,

during commissioning of third ICT, Bus section Breaker will be provided

for zone segregation. Numerical BBP relay will be provided.



Complete outage of 230kV

Madurai S/s (Chekanaurani)


51/I/1 (GD) 19-01-2016 at

11:56 hrs

TANTRANSCO to take steps to provide double-bus operation at their

230 kV Gummidipoondi SS.

TANTRANSCO Mail recieved on 25-07-2016 & 24-09-2016:

TANTRANSCO: Auto Transformer-2 HV side Bus isolator 'C'-phase

support insulator of 230kV Southern Bus was replaced and Bus Bar

Protection scheme was restored on 12.05.2016.

Mail received on 10-11-2016:

CT is not available in the Bus Coupler bay for zone segregation. CT latch

relay is to be provided for all bays for zone segregation.

55/I/1 (GD)


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Page 26:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

54/II/3 Tripping of 400kV

Sriperambudur -

SV.Chartam and 400kV

Nellore-Sriperambudur line-


05-04-2016 at

00:11 hrs

400kV Nellore-Sriperambudur line-1 tripped

on a R-phase to earth fault. 400kV

Sriperambudur-S.V.Chatram line tripped at

Sriperambudur end only on operation of over

current protection

PGCIL (SR-II) to check and revise Pole Discrepancy Relay (PDR) time

setting appropriately based on the type of A/R scheme being

implemented at their 400 kV Sriperambudur SS.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

54/III/3 Tripping of 400 kV

Kalvindapattu-Vallur line

10-04-2016 at

14:59 hrs

R-phase to earth fault had occurred in line.

Auto reclose attempt is unsuccessful/ auto-

reclose could not be established from

provided DR/ EL.

PGCIL (SR-II) to furnish a report on the tripping event detailing the

reasons for unsuccessful A/R operation at Kalvindapattu end, and the

remedial action taken to restore A/R to normalcy.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending


at 11:20 hrs

Triggering incident was conductor snapping

in 110 kV Kalamassery- Kaloor feeder

KSEB to take steps to provide the following at their 220/ 110 kV

Kalamassery SS:

i)Busbar protection at 110 kV level

ii)Connecting 220 kV and 110 kV sides on to a common earthmat

iii)Redundant DC supply for both protection (220 V) and communication

(48 V) applications

iv)Stand-alone Event Logger


Yet to be informed

44/I/1 (GD) 220 kV breaker of unit-3 at Idukki Power

house flashed and bus differential protection

acted. All Generators (6Nos.) along with all

220 kV feeders tripped during the incident.

1. KSEB to reduce sensitivity of REF protection appropriately at Idukki


2. KSEB to replace/ repair the faulty breaker.

3. KSEB to check the PLCC equipment at New Pallam and inform the

remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.

KSEB Mail received on 31-07-2015:

1. Reducing the sensitivity of REF protection of Unit # 4, 5, 6 at Idukki

PH: - Generation wing is planning to purchase new transformer

management relays with low impedance REF protection. Purchase

procedures initiated. ---------Pending

2. The replacement/ repair of faulty breakers are under the consideration of

Generation wing. Breakers will be replaced / repaired in a phased manner.

Unit #3 breaker was replaced with available breaker from the 220kV

IDMD feeder. The 220kV CBs of unit #2 and unit #3 will be replaced with

in two months.

3. No abnormalities were noticed in the PLCC equipment at New Pallom

station. It is kept under observation.

Mail recieved on 30-10-2015:

1. Purchase procedures is still in progress.

2. Replaced.

3. PLCC equipment Tested and found OK.

Mail recieved on 03-03-2016:

1. Even though repeated plans to have a joint inspection with M/s.ABB

who is the OEM of the relay panel for replacing the relays with numerical

ones, the same could not become successful. Finally, the inspection has

been fixed on 15.03.2016. It has been planned to replace existing REF

protection with low impedance ones after retrofitting the numerical ones of


Mail recieved on 25-05-2016:

1.Generation wing is planning ti provide low impedance REF protection by

retrofitting numerical ABB make transformer management relay in the

existing panel. ---- Pending.

2.Faulty breaker of Unit3 has been replaced. ---- Completed.

3.PLCC equipments in the feeder were checked and found OK. ------




ion No.1)

Yet to be informed Pending




1.PGCIL (SR-I) to properly configure EL’s at Hyderabad station with

time-scale resolution up to msec; further, DR’s should also be configured

for showing both Analog and Digital data with properly defined X-axis

and Y-axis scales.

2.PGCIL (SR-I) to follow the FILE Naming Nomenclature provided by

SRPC in naming various tripping files (FIR/DR/EL/TR) being uploaded

in SRLDC’s Tripping Monitor System (TMS) portal.

Line tripped on operation of over-voltage

protection at Hyderabad end and Direct Trip

was received at N’sagar. Over-voltage, Stg-2

operation was observed in EL of Hyderabad



4:57 hrs

Tripping of 400kV

Hyderabad - N’sagar line

55/II/5 PGCIL (SR-I)

Complete outage of Idukki

Hydro Power Station (GD-


28-04-2015 at

12:30 Hrs

58/I/1 (GD) Complete outage of 220 kV

Kalamassery Substation


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Page 27:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Yet to be informed Pending 1.PGCIL (SR-I) to properly configure EL’s at Hyderabad station with

time-scale resolution up to msec; further, DR’s should also be configured

for showing both Analog and Digital data with properly defined X-axis

and Y-axis scales.

2.PGCIL (SR-I) to follow the FILE Naming Nomenclature provided by

SRPC in naming various tripping files (FIR/DR/EL/TR) being uploaded

in SRLDC’s Tripping Monitor System (TMS) portal.

Line tripped on operation of over-voltage

protection at Hyderabad end and Direct Trip

was received at N’sagar. Over-voltage, Stg-2

operation was observed in EL of Hyderabad



4:57 hrs

Tripping of 400kV

Hyderabad - N’sagar line

55/II/5 PGCIL (SR-I)


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Page 28:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

55/II/9 Tripping of HVDC

Gazuwaka pole-2

19-05-2016 at

11:41 hrs

Pole tripped on operation of differential

current protection of east side of Pole-2

PGCIL (SR-I) to take up the issue of differential protection operation of

converter transformer on low voltage fluctuations with their OEM, and

submit a detailed report on it.

PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed Pending

56/II/11 Tripping of HVDC


19-06-2016 at

5:20 Hrs

HVDC Pole-2 got tripped on operation of

Bus differential protection

PGCIL (SR-I) to get the tripping of HVDC Pole-2 tripping on Win-Bus

differential protection thoroughly investigated for correctness of

operation, and submit a report thereon.

PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed Pending

56/III/7 Tripping of 400 kV

Khammam-N’sagar line-1

05-06-2016 at

22:41 hrs

Line tripped on B-phase to earth fault. Line

auto-reclosed successfully at N’sagar and

failed to auto-reclose at Khammam

1.PGCIL (SR-I) to configure DR & EL at N’sagar (Tallapalli) end so

that full operation of A/R is captured.

2.PGCIL (SR-I) to investigate the reasons for non-operation of A/R of

Tie-CB at N’Sagar end, and resolve them suitably.

PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed Pending

58/II/13 (GI) Tripping of 400 kV Raichur-

Gooty line-1 and 400 kV

Gooty-Tumkur line-2

01-09-2016 at

5:17 hrs

400kV Gooty-Raichur line tripped at Gooty

end only and was holding from Raichur.

400kV Gooty-Tumkur line-2 tripped on over


PGCIL (SR-I) to check the operation of OVR relays at their Gooty SS,

and properly configure lines’ DRs & ELs so that events pertaining to

OVR (Stage-I & Stage-II) operation (START & TRIP) get explicitly


PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed Pending

58/II/14 (GI) Tripping of 400 kV Gooty-

Tumkur line-2

02-09-2016 at

21:56 hrs

Line tripped on operation of over-voltage

protection at Gooty end and Direct Trip was

received at Tumkur

PGCIL (SR-I) to check the operation of OVR relays at their Gooty SS,

and properly configure lines’ DRs & ELs so that events pertaining to

OVR (Stage-I & Stage-II) operation (START & TRIP) get explicitly


PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed Pending

55/II/7 Tripping of 400kV Kudgi

PG (Narendra New) -

Narendra-PG line-2

18-05-2016 at

16:25 hrs

line tripped on B-phase to earth fault and line

auto-reclosed successfully from Narendra

end. Line tripped from Kudgi-PG due to

operation of over-voltage stage-1

PGCIL (SR-II) to properly configure dead-time of A/R (typically 1 sec)

on all lines emanating from Narendra (PG) substation.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

55/II/17 Tripping of HVDC Talcher-

Kolar pole-1

30-05-2016 at

09:49 Hrs.

Failure of main CT of AC filter (20C08A)

occurred and it in turn caused the operation

of filter bank differential protection. HVDC

Pole-1 got tripped on group Differential

protection operation

PGCIL (SR-II) to take up the issue of Pole-1 tripping on Group

Differential Protection (Stage-II) due to multiple commutation failures

with their OEM, and furnish a report on it.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

56/II/8 Tripping of HVDC Talcher-

Kolar Pole-1

17-06-2016 at

16:35 Hrs

Talcher-Kolar HVDC Pole-1 got tripped on

line fault and Pole-2 went to ground return

mode with 150MW

PGCIL (SR-II) to address & resolve DTPC and fibre-optic link related

issues raised by KSEB at Thrissur/ Madakathara substations, and

conduct a mock-test in coordination with KSEB to verify integrity of

signal transmission from Kolar to Thrissur/ Makadathara.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

58/IV/1 For the line under consideration, the following shall be carried out by

PGCIL (SR-I) in coordination with NTPC-Ramagundam:

I)End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may

be ensured by testing at both the ends.

II)Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at

both ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/


PGCIL (SR-I) Yet to be informed PendingLine tripped on Direct Trip receipt at

Ramagundam end and line was holding

from Warangal end.

12-09-2016 at

12:03 hrs

Tripping of 400 kV



03-07-2016 at

03:06 hrs

400kV Mywady- Madurai line tripped on a Y-

phase to earth fault due to agriculture fire.

Tie-CB LBB relay got operated at Mywady

end and resulted in tripping of Main

breakers of 400kV Mywady-Madurai and 400kV Mywady-Salem line-1 which are in

the same diameter.

PGCIL (SR-II) to furnish a report on the remedial action taken after

ascertaining the reasons for (i) non-opening of Main-CB of Mywady –

Madurai line at Mywady end on Tie-CB LBB operation, and (ii) delay in

sending DT to the remote ends after Tie-CB LBB operation.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending57/II/2 Tripping of 400 kV Mywady-

Salem line-1 and 400 kV

Mywady-Madurai line


Page 17 of 25

Page 29:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

58/II/3 (GI) Tripping of 400 kV Sriperambudur-SV.Chatram line

14-08-2016 at 13:49 hrs

Line tripped at Sriperambudur end only on operation of directional earth fault protection

(i) PGCIL (SR-II) to disable high-set of line DEFR’s, and (ii) PGCIL (SR-II) to block line DEFR operation when DPR is in active condition (has picked up) at their Sriperambudur SS.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

58/II/5 (GI) Tripping of 400 kV Neyveli

TS2-Pugalur line and 400 kV

Neyveli TS2-Neyveli TS2

EXP line

21-08-2016 at

10:35 hrs

Failure of Y-Ph tension insulator of tie

feeder bay at Neyveli TS2. Neyveli-Pugalur

line tripped due to over voltage at Neyveli

TS2 and direct trip was received at Pugalur.

PGCIL (SR-II) to check the operation of the DPR relays at Pugalur end

NLC TS2 - Pugalur line by trans-playing the event on another healthy

relay, and take suitable action including replacement of the relay


PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

58/II/19 (GI) Tripping of 400 kV Madurai-

Karaikudi line

15-09-2016 at


Line tripped on operation of OVR, Stage-I

protection at Karaikudi and Direct Trip was

received at Madurai

PGCIL (SR-II) to check the operation of OVR relays at their 400 kV

Karaikudi SS, and properly configure lines’ DRs & ELs so that events

pertaining to OVR (Stage-I & Stage-II) protection operation (START &

TRIP) get explicitly recorded.

PGCIL (SR-II) Yet to be informed Pending

58/II/16 (GI) Multiple tripping at 400 kV

Kalpaka SS

06-09-2016 at

16:43 Hrs

Y-Pole breaker of Bus reactor-3 got failed

during its charging. This resulted in a bus

fault in 400kV bus-1 resulting in tripping of

400kV elements connected to Bus-1

PGCIL (SR-I) & PGCIL (SR-II) to review their Reverse Zone settings of

distance relays so as to bring them in line with Ramakrishna

Committee guidelines at all their substations in the southern region.



Yet to be informed Pending

NTECLNTECL, Vallur to furnish a report detailing the reasons for mal-

operation of Vallur end relays for a fault on Alamathy-Tiruvalam line-1,

and remedial measures taken to PCSC forum. In the report, their

preparedness for implementing line differential protection on Vallur-

Alamathy lines may also be indicated.

TANTRANSCO mail received on 24-03-2016:

3Ф Trip at 400kV Alamathy end due to DT received from vallur end for

BФ LAS bursted in Alamathy -Thiruvalam - 1 # at Alamathy end.

Mail received on 27-04-2016 and 20-05-2016:

3Ф Trip at 400kV Alamathy end due to DT received from vallur end for

BФ LAS bursted in Alamathy -Thiruvalam - Line-1 at Alamathy end.

Pending51/II/4 400kV Vallur-Alamathy Line-2 got tripped

from Vallur end during failure of Y-phase

LA in 400kV Alamathy-Tiruvalam line.

Protection at Vallur end tried for an auto-

reclose and gave a 3 phase trip.

13-12-2015 at

22:42 hrs


Tripping of 400kV

Alamathy-Tiruvalam line-1

and 400kV Alamathy-

Vallur line-2


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Page 30:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

56/III/5 Tripping of 400 kV Neyveli

TS-2-Pugalur line

04-06-2016 at

16:36 hrs

B phase to earth fault occurred in line. Auto-

reclose had not operated at NLC TS-2 and

DT was sent to Pugalur end resulting in a 3

phase trip

NLC to review the necessity of providing Relay Definitive Trip, and

accordingly take steps to disable it on all lines emanating from their

generating stations.

NLC Yet to be informed Pending

56/II/16 Tripping of 400 kV Gajwel-

Singareni line-2

30.06.2016 at

23:43 hrs

Tripped on 3-phase Trip at Gajwel end SCCL to configure Jaipur end relay’s EL properly so that the time-stamp

resolution is extended downwards up to milli-second level.

SCCL Yet to be informed Pending


1.Singareni TPS to furnish single line diagram of their switchyard along

with the Over Voltage Relay settings adopted for various transmission

lines, and to ensure that they are in line with the SRPC provided


2.Singareni TPS to upload various tripping files (FIR/DR/EL/TR)

pertaining to a tripping event involving their station in SRLDC web-

portal within 24-hrs of occurrence of that event in compliance of IEGC

Regulation 5.2(r).

Line tripped on operation of Over-Voltage

protection at Singareni and Direct Trip was

received at Gajwel. DR & EL of Singareni

was not furnished

SCCL10-07-2016 at

1:56 hrs

Yet to be informed Pending

Yet to be informed

02-04-2016 at

17:08 hrs

B-phase CT failure occurred in 230 kV

S.P.Koil - MAPS line-1. Busbar protection

got operated at SP.Koil station. All elements

except 230kV Oragadam and 230kV

Kalivandapattu got tripped at 230kV

S.P.Koil station. ‘Y’ phase CT and support

insulators also got damaged.

 1.MAPS to furnish a detailed report on the tripping of SP Koil – MAPS lines 1 & 2 at MAPS end with focus on the correctness of the settings of Main-I & Main-II relays (for primary & back-up protections) on both the lines.

2.MAPS to take steps to provide down-loading facility for DR & EL

from Main-I & Main-II relays on all 230 kV lines emanating from


3.MAPS, in co-ordination with SP Koil, to carry out PLCC end-to-end

testing, on SP Koil – MAPS lines 1 & 2, and ensure healthiness of PLCC

communication & carrier-aided protection.

4.MAPS to put in service Auto-Reclosure feature on all four 230 kV

lines emanating from MAPS by June, 2016.

57/II/8 Tripping of 400 kV

Ramagundam - Dichipally


16-07-2016 at

4:38 hrs

Line tripped at Ramagundam end on

operation of over-voltage protection.

Dichipally end tripped due to receipt of

Direct Trip signal.

1.NTPC-Ramagundam to ensure correctness of operation of Over

Voltage relays by taking remedial measures like maintaining healthiness

of concerned CVT’s, setting drop-off to pick-up ratio at 0.97 & above,


2.NTPC-Ramagundam to ensure time sync of their station’s DR & EL

with GPS.

3.NTPC-Ramagundam to sort out analog values indication &

overlapping issue of time-stamp in their station DR’s.

4.NTPC-Ramagundam to properly configure their EL’s so that events

are recorded with msec. resolution.

NTPC (Ramagundam) Pending

NPCIL (MAPS) Yet to be informed

Tripping of 400 kV Gajwel-

Singareni line-2


54/I/1 Complete outage of 230 kV

S.P.Koil Station of



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Page 31:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

1. Bus bar protection shall be provided by asset owner ( i.e KPTCL).

2. Settings for main distance protection & Overcurrent protection

shall be examined and reviewed.

3. Time synchronization of the Substation shall be ensured.

As reported directional over current relay of

ICT’s operated due to snapping of line

jumper in 220kV Lingapur line.

Pending (with



(with KPTCL)

1. KPCL to review REF setting (DMT or IDMTL) for unit-7 by first

week of April, 2015 and inform the same to PCSC forum.

2. TSTRANSCO to furnish Mehaboobnagar’s DR and EL and the

reasons for distance relay operation at their end within a week’s time.

3. PGCIL (SR-I) to rectify the issues relating to A/R operation, relay

reach (Z2), reverse reach (Z4) and SOTF auxiliary contacts within a

week’s time, and submit the actions taken to PCSC forum.

1. Yet to be informed by KPCL. ---- Pending

2. Mail received on 26-05-2015 from TSTRANSCO:

It is found that the main-2 ABB make REL316 type distance relay was

defective and same was replaced with MICOM P444 by M/s.PGCIL on

23.04-2015. After replacement of main-II, DR can be extracted from this

relay. For EL in to service, some field winding is pending which is being

taken up in this month. -- Complied with


PGCIL mail recieved on 27-04-2016:

End to end PLCC tunning carried out.

PGCIL (SR-I) RVMD 14.07.2016:

Relay settings of all the stations in SRTS-1 were derived as per

Ramakrishna Commettee recomendations and implemented. - Complied


16-07-2014 Mail recieved on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL):

1. KPTCL has taken action to provide bus bar protection to 220kV buses.

2. Over current relay Settings of ICTs to be reviewed by PGCIL.

Mail received on 29-07-2015 (KPTCL):

Initial Tendering stage

KPTCL Mail recieved on 23-01-2016:

Detailed estimate prepared for taking up the work. CEE, Transmission

Zone, Gulbarga will take up necessary procurement and further execution.


1. Pending from KPTCL side.

2. Complied with as per PGCIL (SR-I) RVMD 14.07.2016, which stated

that "Relay settings of all the stations in SRTS-1 were derived as per

Ramakrishna Commettee recomendations and implemented."

3. Pending from KPTCL side.




Mail recieved on 28-04-2015:

End to end testing of PLCC has been done and problem in the PLCC is


Mail received on 27-05-2015 (KPTCL) & 29-07-2015:

End to end testing of PLCC has been done and problem in the PLCC is

atttended. Phase discrepancy in the relay operation is to be checked jointly.

Mail recieved on 02-09-2015 from PGCIL (SR-II):

Problem is in identification of phases at Talguppa end. To be rectified by


Mail recieved on 28-06-2016 from KPTCL:

The matter is reffered to the concerned Operation and maintance wing to

set right the mismatch of phases in 400kV Talaguppa-Nelamangala and

Talaguppa-Shantigrma lines at Talaguppa in cordination with PGCIL .


(with KPTCL)




40/II/3 Tripping of 400


– HASSAN line

01-01-2015 at

13:38 hrs

On account of R-phase to earth fault, line

tripped at Hassan end due to operation of

distance Zone-2 and non-receipt of carrier.

From D.R of Talaguppa end it is observed

that fault had occurred in Yphase.

1. PGCIL and KPTCL to ascertain the reason for the phase discrepancy

in the relay operation and take suitable remedial measures.

2. KPTCL to check the PLCC operation at Talaguppa end and submit the

report to the PCSC forum.

09-03-2015 at

06:36 hrs

Multiple tripping at Raichur

TPS of


42/II/18 400kV Raichur TPS-Raichur(PG) line-

1&2, 400kV Raichur-Mahboobnagar,

Unit#7 and ICT-2 at RTPS tripped

during the incident. B phase to earth

fault had occurred in 400kV Raichur

TPS-Raichur line-1


34/I/6 400/220 kV ICT-1 & 2 at



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Page 32:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

Tripping of Unit 1 at



at 19:13 hrs

ID Fan trip

Tripping of Unit 1 at MEPL 24-05-2015

at 19:13 hrs

Coal Mill tripped

Tripping of Unit 1 at



at 19:17 hrs

Generator Protection operated

Tripping of Unit-8 at RTPS 24-05-2015

at 19:19 hrs

Tripped on Overvoltage.

44/I/3 1. All Tripped units, viz., Krishnapatinam, MEPL, Raichur, NCTPS to

submit a detailed report on this event including the remedial measures

taken to PCSC forum.

2. KPCL to check the excitation system of Unit 8 of RTPS, and submit

the remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.



47/I/2 Complete outage of

Krishnapatnam TPS

08-09-2015 at

18:20 hrs

As per FIR submitted, CT damage observed

in Chitoor-Main bay (404). Main breakers

connected to bus-1 (401, 404, 407, 410) got

tripped on operation of bus bar protection.

Unit-1 tripped on operation of MFT. Unit-2

was not in service

1. APGENCO to furnish to PCSC forum (i) A3-size Single Line

Diagram of SDSTPS, and (ii) the sequence of events with time stamp

showing the protection that opened Tie-CB (405) at SDSTPS.

2. APGENCO to review STUB/TEED protection in all dias at SDSTPS

and ensure that they are configured for instantaneous operation.

3. APGENCO to properly configure the STATE of the tripping events so

that they get recorded appropriately like TRIP/ OPERATED in their

corresponding Event Loggers.

4. APGENCO to ensure time sync of all DR’s and EL’s at SDSTPS.

5. PGCIL (SR-I) to provide line differential protection for 400 kV NPS

–Nellore-PG lines 1 & 2.



TANGEDCO vide their mail dated 07.07.2015 informed that as per the

discussion and recommendation of 44th meeting of PCSC held on

28.05.2015, a time delay of 2 Sec had been introduced for the above

tripping for all the ID fans at NCTPS-II.

MEPL vide their mail dated 14.09.2015 informed that they had

implemented 2 seconds delay for under voltage tripping of all Drag Chain

Feeder Conveyors. And this has been done for both the Units.

APGENCO letter dated 18.03.2016:

The unit not tripped on Generator protection but tripped on Economiser

inlet flow protection consequent to tripping of TDBFP on lube oil pressure

low.Before tripping , dip in voltage was observed in the LT system which

caused tripping od lube oil pumps.After the incident,Changeover scheme on

under voltage of LT System was reduced from 80% with 2 sec delay to

40% with 200msec delay

Pending (with



APGENCO letter dated 18.03.2016:

1.SOE and SLD are attached. The DR of 405 CB is not generated during

the incident. Now the problem is identified and rectified.

--------- Completed

2.All the 3 lines i.e CHTR-2, MNBL-I & II tripped in zone

protection. The fault was in Blind zone i.e P2 side of CT, where it was

covered under Bus fault by the time fault moved on to P1 side when the

fault comes under STUB/TEED zone after 330msec all the feeders expect

CHTR-1 tripped in Zone-II and total fault persisted for 500msec before the

405 TIE CB opens and clear the fault. As a remedial the STUB protection

operation also checked and found OK.-------Completed

3.The Time Sync was missed on the day and found there was problem with

LAN Timer same was rectified. Now found OK.


4.Now the DR Time scale changed to 1 sec for Pre fault and 3 sec for Post

fault and STATE of events are corrected wherever found wrong/or

misguiding during analysis.---------Completed.


PGCIL-SR1 RVMD 27-04-2016:

Procurement of differential protection for 400kV NPS-NLR D/C and

400kV RCR-RTPS-D/C is under tendering.

PGCIL-SR1 RVMD 14-07-2016:

The proposal for procurement of Line differential Protections for 400kV

Raichur - RTPS-1 & 2 and 400kV Nellore - NPS - 1 & 2 lines has been

approved and tender is under technical evaluation

Pending with



Page 21 of 25

Page 33:  · ... Relay setting details ... Training Programme on Protection Audit Methodology and Relay Settings Calculation ... Transformer and Shunt Reactor protection

50/II/11 Tripping of 400kV Neyveli

TS2-Pugalur line

14-11-2015 at

4:01 hrs

Line tripped on operation of over voltage

protection at Pugalur end. However from DR

it was observed that the voltages were below

the O/v stg-1 threshold limits

1. NLC to configure DT receipt event from Pugalur for triggering DR

and EL at NLC TPS II.

2. PGCIL (SR-II) to check drop-off to pick-up ratio of OVR relay at

Pugalur and configure its operation as per SRPC provided OVR




NLC mail received on 25-03-2016 and 27-04-2016:

Recommended configuration of DR/EL will be done during shut down of


NLC mail dated on 25-06-2016:

Scheduled to take up the activity on 30.06.2016


31-07-2015 at

11:44 hrs

Tripping of 220kV Kadra-

Karwar lines - 1&2 and

220kV Kaiga-Kadra line




PGCIL RVMD 27.04.2016:

A/R blocked due to failure of PLCC link. The defective PLCCcards

replaced at Neelamgala end.

PGCIL RVMD 14.07.2016:

A/R blocked due to failure of PLCC link. The defective PLCCcards

replaced at Neelamgala end. End to end testing of PLCC carried out and

PLCC link is healthy. ------ Pending

2. Gooty end Time syc unit is replaced with new one and commissioned. ----

---- Completed.

3. Yet to be informed by KPTCL. --- Pending

PendingR-phase to earth fault had occurred in Line.

Line did not auto-reclose from both ends. It

was mentioned that Y&B pole breakers at

Neelamangala tripped on operation of pole

discrepancy and backup impedence

protection for line reactor got operated.

12-11-2015 at

00:20 hrs


50/II/8 Tripping of 400kV Gooty-

Nelamangala line

Mail recieved on 25-05-2016 from KPTCL:

Availability of week end infeed with eco feature to be confirmed by


Mail recieved on 03-12-2016 from NPCIL(KGS):

a.The 200 ms Definite time DEFR element in both Kaiga Kadra and Kaiga

Kodasally lines were disabled. IDMT DEFR is retained .

b. the 200 ms Definite time back up o/c element in both Kaiga Kadra and

Kaiga Kodasally lines were disabled. IDMT is retained. ------ Completed.

Pending1. KPTCL/ KPCL to see the possibility of implementing Weak Infeed

logic with Echo feature enabled by Under

Voltage (27) element on Kadra-Karwar lines 1 &2, and implement the

same if feasible.

2. NPCIL to time-coordinate Kaiga’s DEFR settings with (i) Zone-2

settings at Kaiga, and (ii) primary protections of the lines emanating

from Kadra and Kodasalli.

3. KPCL to ensure time-sync of EL’s, and healthiness of the Fault

Locators at Kadra.

Complete outage of TPCIL

power station


220kV Kadra-Karwar lines-1&2 tripped

on earth fault in B-phase in zone-2.

Kaiga-Kadra line tripped at Kaiga end

only on operation of directional eath

fault protection.

1. For Gooty –Nelamangala line, PGCIL (SR-I) and KPTCL to provide

3-ph trip logic at their respective ends upon detection of PLCC link

failure during dead-time of A/R operation.

2. PGCIL (SR-I) to make GPS functional at Gooty SS, and ensure time-

sync of various DR’s and EL’s with it (GPS).

3. PGCIL (SR-I) /KPTCL to furnish reason for the operation of Backup

impedance protection of the line reactor at Nelamangala end and the

remedial measures taken to PCSC forum.

PGCIL (SR-I) mail received on 27-04-2016:

1. The firmware of REL670 is being upgraded. ------- Completed.

2. The recording of events in msec interval is being taken up with OEM.

Henceforth, for analysis purpose, we will provide larm list which has msec

time stamp. -------- Completed.

3. End to end testing of PLCC code transmision and tuning of channels

carried out. ------- Completed.

4. Procurement of differential protection for 400kV NPS-NLR D/C and

400kV RCR-RTPS-D/C is under tendering. The legends modified in

Event/alarm list. Provision of diff. rel;ay for all short lines emanating from

NPS is being taken up with our corporate. -------- Pending.

PGCIL-SR1 RVMD 14-07-2016:

The proposal for procurement of Line differential Protections for 400kV

Raichur - RTPS-1 & 2 and 400kV Nellore - NPS - 1 & 2 lines has been

approved and tender is under technical evaluation

PendingPGCIL (SR-I),



1.PGCIL (SR-I) to furnish Action Taken Report on the findings of OEM

on relay mal-operation at NPS end on 400 kV NPS – NCCK line to

PCSC forum.

2. PGCIL (SR-I) to appropriately configure Station Event Logger at NPS

to record events at msec interval.

3. PGCIL (SR-I) to carry out PLCC end-to-end testing in coordination

with TPCIL for 400 kV NPS –TPCIL line.

4.PGCIL (SR-I), MEPL, SEL, TPCIL & NCC to take steps to provide

line differential protection at their respective ends on all 400 kV lines

(except Gooty line) emanating from Nellore Pooling Station, and furnish

an action plan to implement the same.

Running units at Thermal Powertech power

Station tripped due to tripping of 400kV

Nellore pooling station (NPS)-TPCIL line

and 400kV Nellore pooling station (NPS)-

ECC line

30-12-2015 at



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52/I/8 Complete outage of 400kV

NTPL station and CEPL


14-03-2016 at

01:36 hrs

Running Units at NTPL and Coastal Energen

power station got tripped due to tripping of

evacuating lines.

NTPL and PGCIL (SR-II) to furnish compliance report of the

recommendations given by PSAG-15 Committee that held its meeting on

12-13 April, 2016 at NTPL, Tuticorin.



NTPL mail received on 19.05.2016:

All General Recommendations will be done in the second week of June

2016 ---------- Complied by NTPL.

Yet to be informed by PGCIL (SR-II)


[with PGCIL


53/I/5 1. KPTCL to configure the Auto-Reclosure (A/R) scheme at Hoody

end for all lines emanating from Hoody end in such a way that in the

event of occurrence of faults during A/R dead-time, (i) it should

immediately give a 3-ph trip, and (ii) A/R should go into lock-out state,

i.e., it must not reclose after the elapse of dead-time of A/R.

2. As regards over-reaching of Kolar and Nelamangala end relays for

the fault on 400 kV Hoody – Kolar line-2, KPTCL and PGCIL (SR-II)

are recommended to modify the Z1B settings of the relays used

(7SA522) suitably so that they operate with a Zone-2 time delay.

3. KPTCL to check the ICT’s back-up (high-set) protection settings,

and ensure that they operate with a time delay of 100 msec.

4. KPTCL to take steps to replace the solid state relays at Hoody end

on Hoody-Nelamangala lines – 1 & 2 with numerical relays at the




KPTCL Mail recieved dated 25-05-2016:

1. Incorporated. --- Completed.

2. Yet to be informed.

3. With the existing electromechanical relays, it's not possible to add time

delay of 100 mSec. However, ongoing R&M works of Hoody included

complete ICT1 and ICT2 panel replacement having Numerical relays.

4.The solid state relays of Nelamangala-1 and Nelamangala-2 lines will be

replaced by numerical relays for which relays have been identified,Will be

attended in a month's time.

KPTCL Mail recieved dated 28-06-2016:

2. Clarification sought from OEM regarding Z1B settings,PSB settings to

be adopted in Seimens make distance relays. 3. ICT back up

(high set settings are verified and found to be in order. --- Completed.

4.At Hoody, Solid state relays of 400kV Nelamangala 1 &2 lines are

replaced by numerical relays. Now 400kV Nelamangala 1& 2 lines are

provided with ABB, REL 670 and Micom P442 relays. --- Completed.

Pending only

point 2

54/IV/2 For the line under consideration, the following shall be carried out by

TSTRANSCO and PGCL (SR-I) in co-ordination:

i.End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be

ensured by testing at both the ends.

ii.Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at

both ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/


Line tripped at Mamidipally end only on

Direct Trip receipt from Ghanapur end

30-04-2016 at

16:40 hrs

Tripping of 400kV

Ghanapur-Mamidapalli line



Yet to be informed

26-03-2016 at

12:42 hrs

Complete outage of 400kV

Hoody substation of


56/I/2 Complete outage of 220kV

Sedam Substation of


19-06-2016 at


220kV Sedam-Humnabad-2 tripped at

Sedam on Distance protection, Zone-2.

Sedam-RTPS-1 &2 lines tripped at RTPS

end only. 220kV Tandoor inter-state line was

hand tripped due to incoming supply failure

KPTCL and TSTRANSCO to take steps to provide A/R feature on 220

kV Sedam – Tandur inter-state line at their respective ends at the




Yet to be informed Pending

Tripping of 400kV



51/II/6 Pending


400kV Hoody-Nelamangala line-1&2,

400kV Hoody-Kolar line-1&2, 400/220kV

ICT-2 at Hoody tripped during the incident.

ICT-1&3 were hand tripped after the


PGCIL mail received on 27-04-2016:

Being pursued with APTRANSCO

APTRANSCO mail dated on 22-06-2016:

AS maintenance being carrired out by PGCIL(SR-1), the required relay

replacement (wiring/programming) may also be carried out by PGCIL(SR-


PGCIL RVMD 14.07.2016:

1. The CB problem has been attended by POWERGRID by using OEM

M/s BHEL services & POWERGRID's O&M spares.

------ Completed.

2. Being pursued with APTRANSCO to replace the faulty Event Logger at

Vijayawada (Nunna) SS. -------- Pending

APTRANSCO mail dated on 31-08-2016:

As maintenance being carrired out by PGCIL(SR-1), the required relay

replacement (wiring/programming) may also be carried out by PGCIL(SR-




1. PGCIL (SR-I), in co-ordination with APTRANSCO, to address the

problem with CB at the earliest opportune time.

2. APTRANSCO to take steps to replace the faulty Event Logger at

Vijayawada (Nunna) SS.

Line tripped due to operation of over voltage

protection at Vijayawada end and Direct Trip

was received at Sattenapalli end

25-12-2015 at

3:01 hrs


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56/III/4 Tripping of 220 kV Sedam-

Tandur line

03-06-2016 at

21:52 hrs

Line tripped on B-phase to earth fault. Auto-

reclose is not enabled for line.

KPTCL and TSTRANSCO to fast-track providing A/R on 220 kV

Sedam – Tandur line, and furnish an action plan of providing the same

by next PCSC meeting (PCSC-57).



Yet to be informed Pending

56/II/16 1.TSTRANSCO and SCCL to check drop-off to pick-up ratio of OV

relay and ensure that it is kept at 0.97 & above.

2.TSTRANSCO and SCCL to configure respective end ‘s DR & EL so

that they get triggered on OVR protection, and record relevant events.

3.SCCL to configure Jaipur end relay’s EL properly so that the time-

stamp resolution is extended downwards up to milli-second level.



Yet to be informed PendingTripped on 3-phase Trip at Gajwel end30.06.2016 at

23:43 hrs

Tripping of 400 kV Gajwel-

Singareni line-2


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58/II/16 Multiple tripping at 400 kV

Kalpaka SS

06-09-2016 at

16:43 Hrs

Y-Pole breaker of Bus reactor-3 got failed

during its charging. This resulted in a bus

fault in 400kV bus-1 resulting in tripping of

400kV elements connected to Bus-1

APTRANSCO, NTPC-Simhadri, Hinduja TPS and PGCIL (SR-I) to

furnish a compliance report w.r.t. implementation of PSAG-17



/NTPC -Simhadri

APTRANSCO mail dated on 15-11-2016:

1. The issue regarding breaker was addressed to the company.

2. Regarding providing of line differential protection the issue was

addressed to the concerned field engineers.


57/II/9 Tripping of 400 kV Nellore

(PG) - NPS line-1, 400 kV


(AP) lines -1&2 and 400kV

NPS - MEPL line

18-07-2016 at

19:05 hrs

Triggering incident was snapping of Y phase

conductor in 400kV Nellore (PG) - NPS line-

1. Distance relay at Krishnapatnam end over-

reached in Zone-1, and resulted in tripping of

400kV Krishnapatnam – Nellore (AP) lines -

1&2 from Krishnapatnam end. Distance

relay at MEPL over-reached and resulted in

tripping of MEPL-NPS line from MEPL end.


and SDSTPS to implement line differential protection on all 400 kV

transmission lines (of length less than 50 km) emanating from Nellore

PS, Nellore (PG) SS, and Nellore (AP) SS. [It may be noted here that the

cut-off length of 50 km has been specified with a view to exclude only

long transmission lines].





Yet to be informed Pending

57/II/6 Tripping of 400 kV



12-07-2016 at

00:13 hrs

Line tripped on operation of overvoltage

protection at Malkaram and Direct Trip was

received at Ramagundam. Over-voltage

operation was observed in EL of Malkaram.

DR not furnished.

1.NTPC-Ramagundam to ensure time sync of their station’s DR & EL

with GPS.

2.NTPC-Ramagundam to sort out overlapping issue of time-stamp in

their station DR’s.

3.TSTRANSCO to set right OVR, Stage-I protection issues at their 400

kV Malakaram SS by taking suitable remedial action.



TSTRANSCO mail dated on 23-09-2016:

1) As on 09-09-2016 the external Over Voltage relay is used for Over

Voltage protection. During the testing it is observed faulty. Over Voltage

function available in Main-I P-444 relay is utilized duly configuring DRs

& ELs.

2) As suggested in PCSC 57th meeting, the CVT Voltages are measured

and found normal and healthy.


56/IV/2 For the line under consideration, the following shall be carried out by

APGENCO in coordination with TSTRANSCO:

1.End-to-end communication for DT/ permissive & other signals may be

ensured by testing at both the ends.

2.Healthiness of PLCC system components (hardware and software) at

both ends shall be checked and faulty components shall be repaired/




Yet to be informed PendingDirect Trip was received at VTPS and line

was holding from Suryapet end

13-06-2016 at

16:55 hrs

Tripping of 400 kV VTPS-

Suryapet line

57/I/1 Complete outage of 220 kV

Karwar Substation of


12-07-2017 at

11:36 hrs

Triggering incident was failure of R phase

PT in Bus-1 at 220kV Karwar substation.

220kV Kaiga-Kodasalli tripped during the

incident. Also bus shut down occurred at

Kadra and Kodasally stations.

1.NPCIL (KAPS) to disable DefiniteTime O/C relay, and put in its place

by IDMT O/C relay for backup protection on both 220 kV Kaiga –

Kadra line and 220 kV Kaiga – Kodasalli line at Kaiga end.

2.KPTCL to put bus bar protection in service at their 220 kV Karwar SS

at the earliest.

3.KPCL/ KPTCL to implement Weak In-feed Logic with Echo feature

enabled by Under Voltage (27) element on Kadra – Karwar lines 1 & 2.

4.KPTCL to furnish equipment failure report of the current incident to

PSE&TD Division of CEA with a copy marked to SRPC.



NPCIL(KGS) mail dated on 03-12-2016:

A.The 200 ms Definite time DEFR element in both Kaiga Kadra and

Kaiga Kodasally lines were disabled. IDMT DEFR is retained .

B. The 200 ms Definite time back up o/c element in both Kaiga Kadra and

Kaiga Kodasally lines were disabled. IDMT is retained.




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Sl.No. Element NameOutage




Reason for

OutageSender/ Receiver

Remedial Measures/ Actions


1 220 kV SABARGIRI - THENI03-09-




TANTRANSCO: Temporary fault.

Both Main-1 & 2 at Theni end

sensed the fault (B-E, Zone-2) and

executed trip. AR lockout at Theni


KSEB: On 03.09.16, no indications

in Main I & Main ll relays.

Directional Earth fault relay

operated- B - Earth. The fault is

appeared to be a hlgh resistance

fault' Because both fault current

and voltage dip are low during

fault.( fault record

attached) . Normal tripping.

2 400 Kv KAYATHAR - KARAIKUDI -120-09-






TANTRANSCO: Temporary fault.

Auto Reclosed in the first

instance. Subsequent R-E Fault

during reclaim time, hence feeder



3 400 Kv KUDGI- KOLHAPUR-201-10-






PGCIL (SR-II): DT recd( Due to OV)

from other End.





APTRANSCO: Feeder was tripped

at 400kV SS Chittoor end on Zone-

1,R-ph to ground fault.

5 400 kV KAIGA - GUTTUR 210-10-






Pending Remedial Measures/ Actions taken

for the Critical Tripping Incidents (as on 05.12.2016)


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6 220 kV SEDAM - TANDUR10-10-






TSTRANSCO : Line did not trip at

Tandur end. It is suspected

spurious tripping of Breaker at

Sedam end.

7 220 kV SEDAM - TANDUR11-10-






TSTRANSCO : Line did not trip at

Tandur end. It is suspected

spurious tripping of Breaker at

Sedam end.

8 220 kV SEDAM - TANDUR12-10-




TSTRANSCO : Line did not trip at

Tandur end. It is suspected

spurious tripping of Breaker at

Sedam end.

9 400 kV KAIGA - GUTTUR 212-10-




10 400 kV SALEM - UDUMALPET -213-10-

2016/04:39:00R-Y FAULT PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

11 220 kV EDAMON - TIRUNELVELI 213-10-







KSEB/PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

12 400/220 Kv ICT-1 AT URAVAKONDA13-10-






APTRANSCO: ICTs at 400kV SS of

Uravakonda were Hand tripped,

as the connected 400kV

Jammalamadugu feeder was

tripped on over voltage.

13 400/220 Kv ICT-2 AT URAVAKONDA13-10-






APTRANSCO: ICTs at 400kV SS of

Uravakonda were Hand tripped,

as the connected 400kV

Jammalamadugu feeder was

tripped on over voltage.

14 220 kV AMBEWADI - PONDA 214-10-



2016/12:14:00B-PHASE FAULT KPTCL/GOA To-be-discussed

15 400 kV KAIGA - GUTTUR 217-10-




16 400 kV KAIGA - GUTTUR 223-10-

2016/11:00:00R-N FAULT NPCIL/KPTCL To-be-discussed


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17 220 kV AMBEWADI - PONDA 125-10-



2016/13:10:00LINE FAULT KPTCL/GOA To-be-discussed

18 400 Kv KAYATHAR - KARAIKUDI -129-10-






TANTRANSCO: Temporary fault.

AR close & lockout at both ends.

19 400 Kv NCTPS - VALLUR 130-10-







Temporary fault. Carrier fail due

to Fibre cut.

AR configured in BCU and Carrier

fail status is not given to BCU.

Carrier fail status will be included

in the PSL.

20 400 Kv TUMKUR - BIDADI01-11-



2016/13:47:00B-PH FAULT PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

21 400 Kv KLVDPT - VALLUR -104-11-






22 400 Kv KUDGI PG - TUMKUR-104-11-



2016/16:31:00R-N FAULT PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

23 400 Kv NTPL - TTRNPS-104-11-






NTPL: PGCIL has conducted

preliminary checking on PLCC and

found normal. However NTPL

requested PGCIL to carryout

detailed study with the help of


24 400 Kv NTPL - TTRNPS-204-11-




NTPL: Condition monitoring of LAs

will be carried out shortly





TSTRANSCO: Tripped on B-Phase

to ground fault and zone-1

indications at Dichpally SS end

only. AR acted and was

unsuccessful thereby the line


26 400/220 kV ICT-3 AT BANGALORE08-11-







PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed


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27 400/220 kV ICT-1 AT BANGALORE08-11-







PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed

28 400 Kv COASTAL - TTRNPS - 108-11-






29 400/220 kV ICT-2 AT BANGALORE08-11-







PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed

30 400 Kv GAJWEL - SHANKARPALLY 210-11-



2016/17:07:00B- N FAULT TSTRANSCO

TSTRANSCO: Tripped at both ends

on B-Phase to ground fault with

zone-1 & Carrier send indications

at Shankarpally end and Carrier

received indications at Gajwel

end. AR acted on both sides and

was unsuccesful and the line

tripped at both ends.

31 400 kV KHAMMAM - MAMIDIPALLY 113-11-








TSTRANSCO: Tripped at both

ends. Tripped on B-Phase to

ground fault and Zone-1

indications at Mamidipally end.

AR acted and was unsuccesful and

there by the line tripped.

32 400/220 kV ICT-2 AT VISAKHAPATNAM14-11-





DEADPGCIL (SR-I) To-be-discussed

33 400 Kv HASSAN - UPCL -114-11-



2016/17:53:00B-N FAULT KPTCL/ UPCL To-be-discussed

34 400 Kv HASSAN - UPCL -114-11-



2016/18:48:00R-N FAULT KPTCL/ UPCL To-be-discussed

35 400 Kv HASSAN - UPCL- 214-11-



2016/19:00:00B-N FAULT KPTCL/ UPCL To-be-discussed

36 400 kV NEYVELI TS2- NEYVELI TS-I16-11-








NLC To-be-discussed


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NLC/ PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

38 400 Kv HASSAN - UPCL 117-11-






39 400 kV RAMAGUNDAM - GAJWEL18-11-






TSTRANSCO: Tripped on direct

trip received indications at Gajwel

end only due to PLCC mal

operation at Gajwel end which is

being maintained by PGCIL.

Requested PGCIL to examine the


40 400 kV KAIGA - NARENDRA -219-11-

2016/13:35:00DT RECEIVED NPCIL/ KPTCL To-be-discussed

41 400 kV N'SAGAR - MAHABOOB NAGAR19-11-



2016/15:19:00SPURIOUS SIGNAL TSTRANSCO To-be-discussed

42 400 kV RAMAGUNDAM - GAJWEL19-11-




TSTRANSCO: Tripped on direct

trip received indications at Gajwel

end only due to PLCC mal

operation at Gajwel end which is

being maintained by PGCIL.

Requested PGCIL to examine the







CARD PROBLEMPGCIL (SR-I) To-be-discussed








PGCIL (SR-II)/ PED To-be-discussed

45 400/230 kV ICT-1 AT TRICHY25-11-







PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed

46 400/230 kV ICT-1 AT NLC25-11-





OVERLOADNLC To-be-discussed

47 400/230 KV ICT-2 AT NLC25-11-







NLC To-be-discussed


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48 400/230 kV ICT-2 AT TRICHY25-11-







PGCIL (SR-II) To-be-discussed

49 400/220 kV ICT-1 AT KURNOOL25-11-



2016/20:48:00WTA TRIP APTRANSCO To-be-discussed




2016/18:25:00H/T ON OVERLOAD PGCIL (SR-II)/ PED To-be-discussed

51 400 KV TUTICORN PS - COASTAL - 126-11-



2016/18:22:00AR CHECKING PGCIL (SR-II)/ CEPL To-be-discussed








PGCIL(SR-II) To-be-discussed




2016/13:00:00R - N FAULT TANTRANSCO/ APTRANSCO To-be-discussed

54 400 kV HASSAN - NEELAMANGALA 102-12-




55 400/220 kV ICT-2 AT KURNOOL03-12-











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