-pnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031159/1825-10-05/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · purlisfij$ qn wednesdays,]...

PURLISfIJ$ QN WEDNESDAYS,] toNL IX Nft 90 IP m m , vam rr m f.ffphktm , 1 CRMS t To vfii tge sub t-iibpta ami those wbo rcce/v e their paper by post-rnlers. two ilotlais pec annuqiy jriyaHc qiuu,U-i fi, or two doI I'm hity emits ft' not DBid.iill the en<l.i>t,ttie^ica>\ * H io tiiubtt ivlio leceive thciy papers at the-al- fius OJHP- iloli »P guy Cant j:aya* le ut a Ivapcey or tan 1 Ha s if not paid tilt the ei| I of tilt, yean ■ 1-lL Maul uubwribera. two dollars, payablb i« alvaace, oi two dollar ffitj aatk at the end »t •theyqac- ■- <-..__ J , _fY Altum-niage must bp pa 1,before paper IS di Rmtntut f *—■«-— - P R O H tFCL , of a rl km do, taken t n regular pay meats.at the prices the laerulnttus jnfow.iugooil • JrSTEAPLBCAr t'tO X'CAnJOTCTCE-f i ...... _ HA^B^LS,;^c: Sit. . . '■ EXECUTED WITH .NtAXriESS, ACCURACY,. AND DESPATCH.' nviMMiwiwiwaiMMwM *- tS> MACIi. .& ANBItCg Have-just p»~ri^tg».-atetheirj Boofetore, in Ithaca,-a consignment of the tollowwg ' ^ ' Approved FaiBily AIediciiises, Which are cele hrated fhrfijc cure o f jtipgt dissises that tin , '•■* ' hqinan.ffruufc.is subject to. •, . . - , ’V , 5 PnEBAaEn OSLV BY THS SOLE IT.OmETOa, •-*: c~ \T. W, DYGT3Y&L D, \- -? Grdngsoilof {h( laje tehftjQted,'2)f. Robertsm^ -777 . : , AND fpftfsh, wholesale fecetpil, M ills Dreg i a.;,t ^i|ii]y; .i'Ie;!icjne Wefohcttsa, Nos. 1$7. Kft nnrilt Atac£ ftihnni* nF '.?r»r»Am 1 on*! Do»« /■ - v . ; : "V --:vv . : ‘ 2".’ - - - - floods, - X ’M j 'jtffis dfy} rgcfivedfa. general as- 5^ 7 'sorttne.it of STARL.E & 'FANCY [OGiODS;' A#citg''*:whichy nue \ /.7 ,v©RYafO GDS, mb :& V..T 7 7 -."J"‘- •' Linens;,. Imeiv Tlm blm ^H od MMtcrpnte; '. , B(j , Di*. ELIfAR R. GQopWINi. •■ rrLeyqntine, and oj 1 p e r s ;. ■*?f. >eriorm a tap througb the Cay-” \\\dv~jSilLs J 711 lCaliciox»s..Chintz.,ancl jf day, (Suntiaye ex.^ |',Merioa> anff Gaslvy’l i pruned Musij'ns; son. wind nnrl-wnW•’ mieteShawls-pv ,■ fSilk' stripe. Fiarbn LA;Dgffege*; yftlveteeny «.iine?j; -• ;r. * .■ . nbd 7*other A,dregs | Datch Camblet; . ‘ handkerchiefs ; ^jifersefllegi, •ffipgifoce, | and;I HbbhinefLa-j i anti other Vestings, ces; ..'« •: i tfradFets'- and- Misses' 1825. 1 Bke every ADYJ|RI:l»RMKNl>in,serle«!-Ht the’ rdfe ot ; merddUarfpct square for. three fiu^rtIobs^aa#t2 S cents foreach eontloifon^e. , fcepl\Sdirfor,Ms9 )in.<iH ts v'frtMS ailistanee, mast lie a C c o iq ^ ^ d toy tW ■Of, rpfepeivce giyea fo .a and responsible agent here. 7 • • '., - 7 ' , , " Nq.adyeriisemeat diseonticiueil tyltbout prdyrs p:or- riseltfehient. " 7 “.'? — c^*; r, I d^:;Gom(nanicidiottS:fptt!ip.pbli5hers, must.be E jjaSt-iiauk _> . ,,.,.^4^.. ’ . - ...................... I -— «***»-.». >J *;/ivzcjq, IQg; . >r)ft a - " 1 JSoA, PmpMets, Blanks, Cards, jiBiut,, and a e ^ ta° ’- f c T r a S ^ * 0!? Fig!d ajd plain s »,s3 i r "Vr' “ “f" > - tT, * ^ - o r r v q -D.- - find ibwfe •(*•«# -m pkimim tome, to.attv uslins do TI P*r T ° !, » Uper '%LM a Vi ... J 1 V*v- cepted) during the season, iviud and water permitting. ■She vyiUleave Ithaca at five © .’clock fn the morning, rmd. the Cnyuga-Bridge ;»t !2 ofrclock ill tbe nfterppoj), Passengers tvifi bt | tntled sit the Cajjign, Bridge in; season .-fqij %'q.Qtt- iwl-Jg<wfe,.q#i.84.ips*'JihiN>*-^8fe RESULAJl .STAGES, I,^ f * “j ‘ST“F ■Pfv“ed for| Bine, I>!ac!c, Piive,'cfare,; mixed, and * . b , i t e S ^ ! ' ’“ 7' «;«»«i7'«V ^ ^ 7^^:.--_--AwwR^-PPXEtHST --- KLbi ‘ " AUGUSTUS PERKINS, WC'R COLLINS , ^ 'EUTHERrGffRE, , \-j ; . CHB. IY. CONNOR, ■ •-'■ Itfmdy Jbfay 10t 1825, ' !4 tf Directors. :c E ft< S S 5 iI 5 fc ., ^LJCONI^TldJT;;'' ' 7 . .7 ? What land la iliat so mcely.t.on)Hl •. • ,, ■■ By fftassachusatts and tligSoitnde:... .. -- -.. KfojdE={siandaad rG>Y;-Yoi'l5-at'€,und7; ~ ■ r~ • Where Yaosecstixckas hop?arefoiirid; •■ And hasty jniddings do abound? :■•• ! ,/ Conneeticat. wouidst have yielded all thy membera ser-- . .vants ’ef-iniquity; jnnd pdughj .'but filthy • 'eorritnupication' would have pr oceeded out “o^jby/tnQuthlrj^er^ ig pot u. pipe, of thja vif.m that spehdsvi jts Breiith in boasting o f its p|jfy||eges L it efimij'ne-»+ C ii— -p wfr # 0,6 v ,{91* it is ’no hpn? Gij'tft'tbe' Church' o f tfioii taken up a place ta rt jithou; earnest not j>Hh- :tfer~-o£4hy9el^^ fbrought thee.tir.'thfe-ptet^«n«i.;isfe!ite o f salva- Rod; anihxRtbe honpuu thou.hast j s ’buiTpvv- a m em her ; in tbla ere.*:-- * - ihoii ,irt *1 member u&elQbs lo him who Ihi; a- .~t. S M 3 ! OF'NEW-YORK. % S kjate , February IO, 1825. GROCERIES; ■fiftperialj Hyson, Young Hy- sop, aud Hy son S.kin !ivK/\S ; ] Cdffee 1 , liuot* ,ian3 brdwn Bh , St. Croix, aflft JanoaicaJRHM: Port and Mala ga WINES i t O ieel ^ .Kai ltaA--»»•(!«. 'PufYinhlAfc Plfh&pin fi.4 *. lb«i{ed,w . — ■ !»* J)r ItOBERTSON’a GstEnaATBb Ktojiacu, r- -J-*,*. ai-J h. -------------- * l-Sfc 0 . UM ifl Priet^ae Jj(lar and M y ^ ' 1 * Ptr bottle, 1 )R, ROBERTSON’S V-F.o8 ®int.E Nr.avrttrs £pKDi.*E, o'r Natopx’s CthX.no Hestqhativa: F 1 ^6fHul ^V^JI ****jr u*v%. M b jp to j.T ip u w thp jp}rit*,1 iead dpbe, treniour, faintness, bysterlclt licrueryqu; debility^ intemperance, mejeurial rilsehfo, iih|H>tency, i((#ehseftpecQjiar to females. 'fec.-e-PriceYmc/f.i/Air undjifly nenfsj 7 R^BK^OIfr’S/Csncii. 'AfrhR®t?eMiT>fP «axe»M,u 'cartfor.ttieKQut, rheiioia(i5m,Jinphago,'*tQne and jrivel. swelltafii'* and Jwodbaifp :o f tfiejolnts, .(■Mnftbrui^ir, yaiasdit tiiehcnil anti-face, frosted MU ka^Prhifi^dpiaTS jieebottjp. . Dlt.RQRPRl’iipNiSSTortxfaxcinUwEns.-- ..SfafiteM .‘fov;i^n^Mreiffog a weak etnfaicR, •iNip'boitrdfc .... . , . a * * j DistboXing Lokkhges.—A ikdieiHa umve^nh Ny mmAh* >?cpqUiageveyyripectes.tJ -wqrn*. "frorfi'the huinart body. .Pride mb’cents per pack- "* 5 «‘rlarge pack%J3onfi*il«tia^ « lDTZ 7 ^~~Di~ Dlt OYOJft’S PATENT ITCH OINT- ■-■'... Lgn JY IN E S ; No. 1 and 2 Resolml, . JI}htthefQH6 wing amen(|Euen,ts Mackerel; Codfish, jHening be proposed fa the ccinstitutioa of this state, &<?. &c. - ... toivit: ^ 7 7 ' 7- HARDWARE. That so much of the,first section o f thg “ Knives and Forks - pert and pocket Knives; second -aftiolr &;f-ltert^tmitHrirTrg=- sheepWdTtriefSbears ;vButts and S« rews; scribes the qiralificatipns e f voters, ether Norfolk Latches; SparrosVbiHs. &c, than. mMoti*. of coleavfthe und tbq sucne-is- - Woodbiirps Grass Scythes, Warranted; hereby iji'at.#&iP36ito'W-F4i-4)d,.^,Wri^. fe ^ ij^ O iniAlLS. suRmittci in jfiioilhereofF- 77^ ; . L 00 KING- G IA SE E S, j EyeFy,,ipple;ej!dzfe«i'6f thq'ngq--of ttV^enty- ' : • A ssorted F • ofiay.ear^, tvko phall have beop an irihdLlfont' (gJ-'One c ^ e hfLhdie^ IlegiforaTYATS^ o f This otsite ,oiie ysafjrtcxfprecediog;. any of a srtperioar quality.—Cpttoa Tijfii,* .Ainu Ejfectiom audfibf^. the last six |0pRth?,a fesf 5 to 14. . ' ' . dent of thd Cotmty where he muy olTer his Ithaca, May 9, 1825. ’04if votp, sbnll be entitled to vote in the To.vvn ^ 1 t o 1 ttiriTKi? ' orWard whor«>e actually resides, «adnot ® , m ; 7 S sn,„ 7 .' elsewhere, for all officers that now pre pr TJAVKfar sa.e, TEAS, WINES, LI- hereafter may he elective by the peogte. JJf. lofl/ 5 j ”!»¥■ Havanna and ' By oxder cf the fienatfo 7 . ©** SUGAIIS, of the best kuids. senateyotingtoiayoucthei'ertE ' Wagon and; cart Boxes, assorted; wi|L m 1 L ^uch Saw®3 Ploughs .Join* F. BMmrL . .! \ !ot of American . -STATE.D^fW.YOKH / .. W’i S " i aS BlS &C- . . I* AsssMBUVj AprtblG,-1825. * -- .van*- . «« • <*.«» 4 ,w <jaiA iijaI j U * . i r ■"».■""» ■■■i^».m^..' iiii^ 1 •> .ii...iii.»..i 1 .. 1 , ,, 1, ■Rtsolvtd, Tfaufc thia Hoase'do danciifc: with ; T o b e S o ld .'a t P u b l i c k A u c tio n , ;k0;.Sennte’inHieir. preceding resolution, sat ■ Mikemaiitherifiaievj-qKaai,', ‘' im ^orityjf tlta members elected to*.this’ On SATURDAY* toe \yventy-mnth day o f Iferose Yosiugia'jfavoiir theredE - . October uexbrit AT^’cleek-, AvM. 'H- *-€BAEESON1 CRGLIHS, Speakers 1 ........... If, ^ncsmn'Ciefh * - Iff ‘S enate, March IQ; {825. 7 ?cJhA,cd;-J F 4 iTthc-lbllotving lafienehfte v* -fc- *• u MVVltj m y je KArtiMB, . 1ITU \T;E ,on Jot No. 24 ? tjlyrises, In the I county o f Tomnkitis, known as tfte pub yiwio MAPJLMXU&SJ up * .utMoB , If ailml'ijstered la Time;ta pgfteve tte btfe ifrooi tha.stomaclii wilt prevent alf hiU0tji(,,c.9tn*i .plaiats, tPalignaBl Taveis, ngtre anif fETHr,'b91tP?;f , frcolick.. pleufisv. :\rona#, .dysentery, bead ,ache,' [~7hm idE^W^^4A^'aU*4Pi»etiTt7^cotftH^aimt cot^fis; ily*.- LjspMtt'- orTridjgestion, habitual cosUvci!ess,7i5?=^ ' ^rtj-icgr25:ceat s -T l^r -toi!X ; farflfehoxesiiOcents.. BR..VfLRBl«’ OINTMENT, • f„r the tmre Lfihe,T.eUec, Rhi^.Wiirin, fee. Price S7 L-& cents jwrbaic sutiuut? u i WJU urUYLSIODS. OI Xft0 tQ*StSGCllOl ..... ■i-tt-i-f- - rnuL ^tLlntei^jind payable(; . Tbat the pedple o f this Stnte^mJdMlx seV-* annBaIlv--8ald-Farms-aFep!eaSafrtkv sku:ited- - cral^ ffttas, shall, at (heihanhual EI^Uou, 0 ^ ^ l t faank of the Cayuga lake; sjltfj* und jiT^iTch'Tnantie(’7^isr the4 oegislalulr^ sa&ll' « vood statG o f improvement- and nffhiA hpcf t0rjti 6 ivtingu 0iujiUii 0V,*-^HRS,ao unpleasant SQ iejJ anil m'ty bo rtscJ ca theybans^at infant with safe AlCHERRQPSv Pfi^.riCfy AetotSj^aB vials ^ _ , .. ^ , J^wfttTfivaJeiils.^ a T . ' State ofimprovemcnt, aud of the best ritrecb elqct h^Hoftheir ^slices oflhe 0 f 5987 .^ ^ ' fnfm 8fi to 150 -Mcs, it hdmiaisteMJ » .il« e to r m n s v * t t e b ^ I j s n t i ^ f e w 3mtmt*6 'elected m attyr'bcifeseacE.'g^FoFfyrlhlr-^^partkuTars, op- ^ f r i s h 0 l U t d ^ ( f i ^ l | ; t h e r ^ h f i j ^ d e in A jbjuuk 'B. JrntS ^hetjsuod in fci& en ce oHpjupervi- |A a ^ d " BASfeilh^ittBsVarWa -' sor^and -------- --- nnr*It y»bioci kci 7 »*# w Iyk * ca -»I A l~'- F&i I ii5 teeth toil 7r»ittt*d *■ /5ftr»jon£f 8 iif»Thft^f_ i HAHY*8AP-vltf)YBi>i?L A^TER GLQTH. . *— A soi’ereign rotuedy fuftalL ulcers and sores, sore | 4KaastBvbi>UsT sccs7ei;^_swcllin'g?, 8prains, cut«, 'tnjjscs, paifis m d*0' (jhcI:-, an.d-,bceaBtJ.cprns on tfie fceq^ft /Ptlce, fiSS.cqatsj Sp qeats ajid one. dollar Pifotef.; .•■ Appitofvcd ami recuiuiiienileil by Dr. Rush anti Dr. Phys'sck, • df piiilattelphla,' and by the most 4emhiftBte.ff!iet8GttKy ia Hie United States. fti?” T*l(e'noiica, that, in order to prevent fiba. T.dSi,tio)j, ell aj|(j each of the aboyc geauuie ttefii- , -ciaes are neatly se,aUni up with full ilireotipiis for IwOsmg thCYri/aftil'signetl an the outside covers with the signafore of/tUeiisolfe proprietor;'" . ~. ? i' T. W. DyOIT,M.D. bmo.e .the introduction o f tires^; VBjuaUle^uiedi- cinea into the United Slates bf America, they have acquired the highest decree of celebiity for tfieir unp.irntlcjed success inalfevialjug and curinn rilsohses, which,in a variety uf instances, had balBeii Some of our ino$k experienced physicians. The •exfeasive anil fticrcadnj!-eraa*id for fhera-tlirou^li- oat Ike eonihifiHt, lor these*-1 wen ty years past, ’testifies their importance t« ih^public. For fa mi fii.es and individual?, \vliu.,e residence or circutii 'stances plnco them beyond the advantage of pro,, curing a.idiySician, they ..are peculiarly adopted/ apd foi4whose convenience they are accompanied with every instruction appertaining to the symp toms ol disease', and proper directions for using them. 4 July 43,1020. ,j|pr-.Sale, A 60 Spindle'^PINNING JENNY,— foqw). .’ 7 Q ;1 YnllpnJ BafeSj-SWt^Macblnes, ^ L Cjsy.)!' ' Rtltlcs* &C* Aff?» ;■* V . -vr _. rAPltffio 7 D A W AYEHS.& CO. •■ •'Sejpfetabcltf 6 ; L .... 7 ’ ' ca(jj-Gl;issr;tiia-ue.t}ti£aueEetl otie,. two,llir£e. nart four 7 tmtl the office of uambear one §bafl expire itf the end o f the first 3’dnV; Offittraberttvd lit the of'0aitibeii,4ltte?-.*hi‘the; enS~of the thifdi yettr \ and of'cbmberfoul’-attbe encl e f thej foarth yeftr ; in order that oneJastice' fnity thereafter be tiiihually elected ; and tliat so much qf the scyfenth section of the CourtL TIT , ticle o f the 'ClihisiitatbnrpiHlus^Gtefce^sfife ittconsistettt with tfiis ameadineat, he abro gated. A'nrnjority Gftha'Bfcth'her^ eiectdd to tire Sehate votiog In favour thereof. ' JPIESTALLMADGR, H renlcnt. JohnF-. BacojCIerfc. *7 1 st A sssmblv , April j ’,' 1825. Resolved, That thip House dq cdnctir with the Senate in tbeir preceding rgsoja tion. , A rnojority of the Members elected -to this House voting, in favour thereof, CLARKSON'CRQLIUS, Speaker. H. Msrc;ha.nt; Cletk* r ‘:" . Stxtc ov‘;New-YqiiE,) . Sccrctdry^C^ice. ) A J u n e 23,1825. I certify tfent the Ps;o preceding concijLr- rent resolutions were-daly delivered jo me pursuant to a concrtrVenfResolution of the Senate and Assembly of the 13th atwl SOtb of April, 1-825, aiid the sanie have been duly sent for publieatioti in the newspapers pur suant' tosucli dnstmentioned resolution.' J. V, -NV YATES. Secretary of State. - 7. j y 6 — 3m 7Septecuber fi, IS25. ’21tf ; : A GREAT BARGAIN,.. yal Ubls F ROPERTWOR SALE : SLNO the jpARM. fidw occtipieji by J -h * CAntyftE, in tho town o f Cacoiinr, Ti.ne* iuirtr-coirnty'.—i t is' sitiretfiii’ Oo Lpt-ATilv U r ^ hoqt siklwRos fcqip ibe Jloafisbiiig vliiage pf Ith- “ 0114 arid (he Gjcaf'Stale Ijoad, now survey ing t»: tlie .comihi.'siHocrs. W ilt in a ll pfbbabiUty pa, tliroilgh t f e prcinises. There are-frcwa four (0 live ?f LANS fone .fiUb'f Sllht*. i«,! SAW MILL, and severr.\ valuable water pri vileges, yet unoccupied. YiiS jdoperty will be .rid together, of ip parts, to salt pitrehasers. Fo. further infoHnation, apply to JOHN CANTINR, on the Premises. < OHART.Eri CaN'UNE, frfsfer'Cmmli;. A. D. W. BRBYN, ) u , . . ALDRICH & H-RATH, \ mac*- / Ithqca, Ana"^ b.ffrl'j. 17—-ty 1’ o'ef (lie sea hisfett’ers Sling, - And;tbjpfe to M t -uain tbch'rlB-',, WlVKjbgive the cry '• (7iert's wj\. ■Whoss'sons did Yankee JDoodle sing i - » 's-. Oomiectigut. Y7hatland is that, where folks are said To b e scrupulously bred, ft’o b e so steady iiabited ; AVhejre hearty girls and boys are Fed, Withjranipkin pies.aitd gingerbread :~i- ~7'-tfomr?cecut •*5 YYfet land is that Vhere old time walks In steady pace_o’er~rna\-jle blocks r - -' * 4 .- " Forsakfis his glass for wooden cloc ks 1 YVhereJteadstho Ijjgh w i i l j e e t with knocks; And land were more if. fewer rocksf Connecticut. . 1 lYhat land is (bat where, onions grow; Where maiden’s necfaare white as snpw, And cheeks like roaesi'tjd yon knew; tVh'ere joimy eakt-s ajc bak’d tioui deugli, . . The land where milk and honey flow ? : 1 ; . •■: - Qonnecficnt.- rXvhmce podlars come Attouaiuid miies or.moredoin.home, With, tin, with bass-wood ti-enehers; somo With p-atent iiatraegs and.|ie>v- rum, . 'Xtegndher tip (he coppers ?•—hum I ' .Connecticut. What land is that, where parsons live, Where men hear <3capd and'bclieve; Wherajramblc sinnei'B seek reprieve f Where women'stay at home tad weave, Nor gad withoiit their hnsband’s leave ? ' ConacctWt. “ What laud is that, where I gam trpce, Jily nineteenth eoudii.byhi 3(ace; ' ' • -•Where oiice 1 fish’d lor little dace, Andnever lenrned tlia duce from ace; ’ jVhere grand mother Ibis'night shys grace ? ' • ■■ ; v J . Cannectiout.’ YVIiat land is that whoii w e Lehold, Andadlilshistory nnfald, And all aborit the landis told, We like most thihgs but soraa w e scold ? ' Ah! .gehtfore^lSvttoM hs old ^ ' m tb ts statton, be not oath rhoqen the.e as an "The pat* . .m v.emzstp feitn thou seijst heye before*thee, i s , rthvays prepared to answer wheDJthe mnster touphes. it.—Oh, rnayst thou be. as ready to join at all tmoes with the great congregation int.ttt- teruqg the voice of. Blessing and Honours and Gloyy, and Power.,uato the Lamb that lutth rbtleented the from, thee world by his. own blood. ' When thy A%t®r calls. upon-- thee, he it in the, eveningV in the morning; at’ noonday, or at, midnight, do thou ajiswer, 7 Oh God my• heartk.ready, ttiy heayt is ready,! will sing and give praise_witfi the “ bestrm.emb'er tlidtTrHye.'TAvvake up my {< glory, awake lute and harp; I myself will “ awake right early.’.’ But the organsounds rtotvtiiUh^'ind eommnmctdcs. a vpice teit —EveryAhiug ihuH>atb kroafk may praise the Lpid''9-—nothihg that is withoqt bveptlx can dq it.—Yet §ucb is the organ e f man’s bofiy.' An. instfumftpt Humb and jifefess; , till ,003 !hgt » farmed it breathes .into it the DreatbTof Hie.'' Loo^. d’own, thepeffiF^ 0' Lord, with compassion upon the emptiness of my. naturb.* - -. .; '. Come Holy -Gliost, etcrnul God . . . ^ Proceeding irota above,' .Both from Ifie Father ancl fixe Son, • . '- "TlielG’od of rieaee gijirfrive. ----- ------------ Connaciicut. . ^7- . . ." Apme :' ' * , .‘comiwAtfc • __ There is a fejvrfiil spirit-bllisyricnV 1 i Arroady-ltaVe tilC-etemenfs unfurl’d -! Tlisirbamiers': the great sea wave 13 upcurl'd: Xlie cioutl cota’es^: the fievp.a -winds Le^n to Blow ’ About, kpdblmffly on.tbeir e r % nfe^.j; And f[iuck'y will the pale, red leaves be hurl'd ............................... - - Ysrorld Stripp’d o f its gride, b e like a ctesertshow Its the bleak gusts o f Autumn, for the soul - |EeeHsptKerinj£iSiigs &am. anofiier sphere ; And in sublime, mysterious, syinpatny, Man's boundiiig spirit ebbs.an'd-Wells more high, , Accordant to Qiebilloy's iofder ioll, . . J. S. L E E . ' , 1- . Has just received a fresh sup ply of DRUGS $ MEDK WE-. ' PAINTS, Fall & summer strained Sperm OIL. ' Ithaca, July 20, IS25. 7 ’14tf M. H 0 TC.eiN;^iN, . ATTQRNEt* C.OVDWtOfl. AT- b 0 > ^ | AS removed jus office to the brick BTl, baildingi.one i|oor west of the in OwAgo Street. -, ■ -- “ - IthaCuj D e c e m b e r 1 & 2 4 - Hotei, ‘POST-ROUTES./ ... T WO wdV-estabti?hed Fost-routes, with a profitable number of good sub-, sc fibers—-upon one ofvvhich tjie. niail is car ried—will bfidisposed c/fon favourable terms to a responsible person or persons, for a se ries of years. . Application.to be niade ipa rrediqtely. ivi aOK & ANDRUS. MacavJourncil Office,} . Mdy'%4,1825. ! - S Tallow, Ash.es, Soap Grease. abAte rtfticles^rj waptftd. % the ^.subsgri.bers, who miliexcjiange Soap ap3 QapdieSj Goods or. Casfiflar the satrie. 7* DAVID A # R S :,<fe Gfo t&b. 0 e$t. $ $ $ . ■>•; ; --------------------1,1,'^'"'“' '"'Oy..' ----- - *-lJ,l».lu.--• J . ORIGINAL STAINED ' - “V ; THOUGHTS _0N l^cHtMCfit roitOAN~ J.' BY VftE IIEV. WM. JON33 , bS "na.YX.AND'.' The structure of this instrument i- not unlike ,{iiitt.of my b.adily wfth its dif ferent powers and faculties— the marvellous work of Gad, who bui.ideth hll things. The matei’ials of. which it is cocnppsecl were'' ta , ken from the earth ; whan the- work vvafr complete, it left he world, and ;w,as bronght bitliei' lobc dedioatetlas long asjt.lasts to the service; of God. ’And .h®1'® it remnins-ab- stracted frotn nil earthly concerns, anil in, closed witbmrihe waHs of. this1 sucred buiki- iug f iUkepps coiifpany with.Hone but-those vviio come; to -worsbip, God, together with the departed, who in-the days.of their fiesh did the -Saare, arid. . never refuses to join in the sound of His praise, ''eithir by day of night,' “But jrrttwf itself it i 8.a ttmciiinedead and silent, incapable ef •acting;,till it be first acted upon, for it hath - no voice, unless tire air supplies it with breath, of which men hear the sound, but see not whence it com- eth, or whither it goetb.-r-Sucb, oh my Soul, is. every one that is born of the Spirit. God hath taken thee out of the world, and given thee a place in IIis Holy Cathoiick Church; the Temple of Jerusalem, whose walls are called ShlVation,and His gates-Fraise. This orgp.n by, its sitoeffyffts become Christian} it iri.ight-have been ■appropriated lik e many others ton profane use ; it might have been fixed irMome gnrden o f pleasure, tpjmar its pairt io nightly soygs o f praise to the God ot Ifijs worid.-T-aqd it might hafrp bqenihy Iot» buTffirGodfe gfacefffi hAve^tood iu-.file way ^ j , , „t,(. . At* t. »'i.; .♦* '* - the - . - .. w ~ > Tho’thro’ thy help, the praise of God Slay sound in every place.' ' Thus prepared, assisted, and fixed in xne Church bf tlie living God, 0 my soul, it is good for thee to be here; and mayst thou go out no mofe for any profime' purposes. • The Way to keep thy place is tp preserve thy use, to be serviceable iu returning to God the praises he put info: thy aaouth, and leading others forward to do the sameL Thou must he content to de this by iotervhis,- with the !:hurch below, till |3by voice shall sound in that other congregation, where they rest not day or night . . . .. • The Scotch are a very Inquisitive people- .- Their various questions are deemed obtrur . sive, pnd are c.irried tb a great lengih. Two geatlemed fell _ in leghther, both trnwBers rn iiorsphaclc, and strangers to each' other, . when the following conrersiitioo took place t —“ Raw evening, Sir, rather,” observed the one, with an Aberdeen accent: “ Yes, Taflierj” replied tke Pbhte* “ Y'pu wiit likely be a stranger in. these parts’’ contin ued the AberdeeiHunV [ fsdT' laconi- . • cally replied, the other, looking neither to the rigbfhand norAo the left. . “ Pertiaps; Hke.uiyselL you may be goiug on to Banff V* Perhaps/5 responded thP other, yawning. In fhafcase, piiclutpsjrou_wiltpuUup at Gtillen..?’- may ndt/f^mswered. . ■his icoittpampo. - ‘i-H'ardeaJaeHieKberJ^'df- the qiiestion, Sir, may I ask if*you are a .. r\i • “ Ro> uo.” “ Sir, I'. b<^ your pardon, I tnay bave unintenlionally touched upon a painfuls objectjryoar black dress oaghtfa I -I-' - - - - _*r^ ________ - ^*-vysl - have, chetfited mj inquirie? r I N g your oarden, Sibr-a widower ?” * tsNu, ndinft,?r jr a bachelor; uor marriod map, nqr widower.; in Heaveifa mime, Sir, then, whMjCifoymbei^^iTAjKaarfiedjnan^uiid be d;——-d to. you, since, yott must know 1 ’* exclained.the stranger, clapping spurs to his_. horse, and dashing out pf sight in an iasjtent.. —London Courier. * _L. Tbqmas Basterd, Esq. Fellow of .New- Coilege, 1588, wrote the following epigram on T 11 s th~r.ee wives : ' " . / “. v Though marriage by moat folks is reckoned a cars'!, Three wives did I mar!W, fm.beUer forjvorse :.. ’-'The first for her person—the riest for her purse— Tlie third for a warming pan', doctress and nurse. The above remiuds us of the clergyman * whose first wife waS'iirimfensely rich; his se cond ivus exquisitely beautiful yaudjhistiird. whom he married in. bis oJ|d age, tO nurse and comfort him in the decline of life, proved to have a 1 mpstf ungovernable felbper. He ob served to one of his friends, that hp bad had three-wives, the world, the flesh, and the devil. .- - • ‘ ’ ATROMPT REPLY./ An Arabian philosopher was once at the court of a certain, king, * who- was as much disiinguished for his injustice.; as bis despo tism T his king, agreeable to his character- lSti'ck, was desirous of irritating the sage by some of his insults., To this end he posi tively affirmed that in the ipfernal regions .W ,ms -a mill for the purpose op grinding the- heads t f the learned-—and theu demandeti o f veijernble philosopher if it was not so. He, to his ’urn, replied'with a firdiaess ancf dig- of 7 inaie5 tft ftevkfed to the pleasures of this yfprld, tlie |iaE(di |0 tif fcfois; wfiefe ................. *. ,tI* CT m uiuggS a ,ui!y WoffHy t # Cutogii 1 in. “ Ye,$T~blif it i§4 the b tw i -qf tyiWGf'ltilijkh the itiM A-iaJkfit. - -

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to N L I X N ft 9 0 I P m m , v a m r r m f . f f p h k t m ,

1 CRMSt To vfii tge sub t-iibpta ami those wbo rcce/v e

their paper by post-rnlers. two ilotlais pec annuqiy jriyaHc qiuu,U-i fi, or two do I I'm hity emits ft' not DBid.iill the en<l.i>t,ttie ica>\ *

H io tiiubtt ivlio leceive thciy papers at the-al- fius OJHP- iloli »P guy Cant j:aya* le ut a Ivapcey or tan 1 Ha s if not paid tilt the ei| I of tilt, yean ■

• 1-lL Maul uubwribera. two dollars, payablb i« alvaace, oi two dollar ffitj aatk at the end »t

•theyqac- ■- ■ <-..__J ■ ,_ fY Altum -niage must bp p a 1,before paper IS di Rmtntut f *—■«-— -

PRO H tFCL , of a rl km do, taken t n regular pay meats.at the prices the laerulnttus jnfow.iugooil •


i...... _ H A ^ B ^ L S ,;^ c: Sit. . .



MACIi. .& ANBItCgHave-just p»~ri^tg».-atetheirj

Boofetore, in Ithaca,-a consignment of the tollowwg ' '

Approved FaiBily AIediciiises,Which are cele hrated fhrfijc cure o f jtipgt dissises that tin

, '•■*' hqinan.ffruufc.is subject to. •, . . -■ ,’V , 5 PnEBAaEn OSLV BY THS SOLE IT.OmETOa,•-*: c~ \T. W, DYGT3Y&L D, \- -?

Grdngsoilof {h( laje tehftjQted,'2)f. Robertsm^- 7 7 7 . : ,AND fpftfsh, wholesale fecetpil, M ills Dreg i a.;,t i|ii]y; .i'Ie;!icjne Wefohcttsa, Nos. 1$7.Kft nnrilt Atac£ ftihnni* nF '.?r»r»Am1 on*! Do»«

/■- v. ; : "V --:v v . : ‘ 2".’ - - - -f lo o d s ,

- X ’M ■ j'jtffis dfy} rgcfivedfa. general as-

5^ 7 'sorttne.it of STARL.E & 'FANCY [OGiODS;' A#citg''*:whichy nue \/ . 7 , v© R Y a f O G D S , •

mb :&V..T7 7 - ."J"‘- •' Linens;,. ImeivT l m b l m ^ H o d M M tc r p n te ; '. , B(j , D i* .

ELIfAR R. GQopWINi. •■ rrL eyqntine, and oj 1 p e r s ;. ■*? f . —>eriorm a tap througb the Cay-” \\\dv~jSilLs J 711 lCaliciox»s..Chintz.,ancl

jf day, (Suntiaye ex. |',Merioa> anff Gaslvy’l i pruned Musij'ns; son. wind nnrl-wnW•’ mieteShawls-pv ,■ fSilk' stripe. Fiarbn

LA;Dgffege*; yftlveteeny «.iin e? j; -• ;r. *.■. nbd 7*other A,dregs | Datch Camblet; .

‘ handkerchiefs ; ^jifersefllegi, •ffipgifoce,| and; I HbbhinefLa-j i anti other Vestings,

ces; ..'« •: i tfradFets'- and- Misses'


1 Bke everyADYJ|RI:l»RMKNl>in,serle«!-Ht the’ rdfe ot

; merddUarfpct square for. three fiu^rtIobs^aa#t2S cents foreach eontloifon^e. , fcepl\Sdirfor,Ms9)in.<iH ts

v'frtMS ailistanee, mast lie a C co iq ^ ^ d toy tW ■Of, rpfepeivce giyea fo.a and responsibleagent here. 7 ■ • • '., -7 ' ,

, " Nq.adyeriisemeat diseonticiueil tyltbout prdyrs p: or- riseltfehient. "7 “.'? — c *; r,I d^:;Gom(nanicidiottS:fptt!ip.pbli5hers, must.beE jjaSt-iiauk _> . ,,.,.^4^.. ’ . -...................... I -— «***»-.». >J *;/ivzcjq, IQ g; . >r)ft • a - " 1

JSoA, PmpMets, Blanks, Cards, jiBiut,, and a e^ ta° ’ - f c T r a S ^ * 0!? Fig!d ajd plain s »,s3 i r "Vr' “ “f" >- • • tT, * ^ - o r r v q -D .- - find ibw fe •(*•«# - m pkimim t o m e , t o .attv uslins • do T I P * r T ° !, » Uper


a Vi ...J 1 V*v-cepted) during the season, iviud and water permitting.

■She vyiU leave Ithaca at five ©.’clock fn the morning, rmd. the Cnyuga-Bridge ;»t !2 ofrclock ill tbe nfterppoj), Passengers tvifi bt | tntled sit the Cajjign, Bridge in; season .-fqij %'q.Qtt-iwl-Jg<wfe,.q#i.84.ips*'JihiN>*-^8fe


I, f * “j ‘S T “ F ■Pfv“ed for| Bine, I>!ac!c, Piive,'cfare,; mixed, and * .b ,i t e S ^ ! ' ’ “ 7 ' « ; « » « i 7 ' « V ^ ^

7^^:.--_--AwwR^-PPXEtHST - - - KLbi • •‘ " AUGUSTUS PERKINS,


\ - j ; . CHB. IY. CONNOR, ■ ■•-'■Itfmdy Jbfay 10t 1 8 2 5 , ' !4 t f Directors.

:c E f t < S S 5 i I 5 f c

., ^ L J C O N I ^ T ld J T ; ; ' ' ' 7 . .7 ?What land la iliat so mcely.t.on)Hl •. • , , ■■ By fftassachusatts and tligSoitnde:... ..-- -..KfojdE={siandaad rG>Y;-Yoi'l5-at'€,und7; ~ ■ r~ • Where Yaosecstixckas hop?arefoiirid; •■ And hasty jniddings do abound? :■••

! , / Conneeticat.

wouidst have yielded all thy membera ser-- . .vants ’ef-iniquity; jnnd pdughj .'but filthy • 'eorritnupication' would have pr oceeded out “o^jby/tnQuthlrj^er^ ig pot u. pipe, of thja vif.m that spehdsvi jts Breiith in boasting ofits p |j f y | |e g e s L i t efimij'ne-»+ C i i — -p

w f r # 0,6v ,{91* it is’no hpn? Gij'tft'tbe' Church' o f tfioiitaken up a place ta rt jithou; earnest not j>Hh-:tfer~-o£4hy9el^^

■ fbrought thee.tir.'thfe-ptet «n«i.;isfe!ite o f salva- Rod; anihxRtbe honpuu thou.hast j s ’buiTpvv-

a m e m h e r ; in tb la ere.*:-- *-ihoii ,irt *1 member u&elQbs lo him who

Ihi; a-


S M 3 ! OF'NEW-YORK.% Sk ja te , February IO, 1825.

GROCERIES;■fiftperialj Hyson, Young Hy-

sop, aud Hy son S.kin !ivK /\S ; ] Cdffee 1 , liuot* ,ian3 brdwn Bh

, St. Croix, aflft JanoaicaJRHM : Port and Mala­ga WINES i t Oieel ^

.Kai ltaA- -»»•(!«. 'PufYinhlAfc Plf h&p in fi.4*.

■ lb«i{ed,w . — ■ !»*J)r ItOBERTSON’a GstEnaATBb K tojiacu,

r - - J - * , * . a i - J h .-------------- * •l-Sfc 0.UMifl

Priet^ae Jj(lar and M y '1* Ptr bottle,1)R, ROBERTSON’S V-F.o8®int.E Nr.avrttrs

£pKDi.*E, o'r N atop x’s CthX.no H estqhativa:

F 1 ^ 6 f H u l ^ V ^ J I * * * * j r u * v % . M b j p t o j . T i p u w

thp jp}rit*,1iead dpbe, treniour, faintness, bysterlclt licru eryq u ; debility^ intemperance, mejeurial rilsehfo, iih|H>tency, i((#ehseftpecQjiar to females. 'fec.-e-PriceYmc/f.i/Air undjifly nenfsj 7 R^BK^OIfr’S/Csncii.'AfrhR®t?eMiT>fP «axe»M,u'cartfor.ttieKQut, rheiioia(i5m,Jinphago,'*tQne and jr ivel. swelltafii'* and Jwodbaifp :o f tfiejolnts, .(■Mnftbrui^ir, yaiasdit tiiehcnil anti-face, frosted MU ka^Prhifi^dpiaTS jieebottjp. ■ . D lt.R Q R P R l’iip N iS S T ortx faxcin U w E n s.--

..S fa fiteM .‘fov;i^n^Mreiffog a weak etnfaicR,

•iNip'boitrdfc.... . , . a * *

j DistboXing Lokkhges.—A ikdieiHa umve^nh N y m m A h * >?cpqUiag eveyyripectes.tJ -wqrn*. "frorfi'the huinart body. . Pride mb’ cents per pack- "*5«‘rlarge pack%J3onfi*il«tia « lDTZ7 ~~Di~


■ - ■ ' . . . Lgn JYINES; No. 1 and 2 Resolml, . JI}htthefQH6wing amen(|Euen,ts Mackerel; Codfish, jHening

be proposed fa the ccinstitutioa of this state, &<?. &c. - ...toivit: ^ 7 7 ' 7 - HARDWARE.

That so much of the,first section o f thg “ Knives and Forks - pert and pocket Knives; second -aftiolr &;f-ltert^tmitHrirTrg=- sheepWdTtriefSbears ;vButts and S« rews; scribes the qiralificatipns ef voters, ether Norfolk Latches; SparrosVbiHs. &c, than. mMoti*. of coleavfthe und tbq sucne-is- - Woodbiirps Grass Scythes, Warranted; hereby iji'at.#&iP36ito'W-F4i-4)d,.^,Wri^. f e ^ i j ^ O in iA lL S .suRmittci in jfiioilhereofF- 7 7 ^ ; . L 0 0 K I N G - G I A S E E S,j EyeFy,,ipple;ej!dzfe«i'6f thq'ngq--of ttV enty- ' : • AssortedF •ofiay.ear , tvko phall have beop an irihdLlfont' (gJ-'One c^ e hfLhdie^ IlegiforaTYATS of This otsite ,oiie ysafjrtcxfprecediog;. any of a srtperioar quality.—Cpttoa Tijfii,* .Ainu Ejfectiom audfibf . the last six |0pRth?,a fesf 5 to 14. . ' ' .dent of thd Cotmty where he muy olTer his Ithaca, May 9, 1825. ’04ifvotp, sbnll b e entitled to vote in the To.vvn 1 t o 1 t t ir iT K i? 'orWard whor«>e actually resides, «adnot ® , m; 7 S sn,„ 7 .'elsewhere, for all officers that now pre pr T JA V K far sa.e, TEAS, WINES, LI-hereafter may he elective by the peogte. JJf. lofl/5 j ”!»¥■ Havanna and' By oxder c f the fienatfo 7 . • © * * SUGAIIS, of the best kuids.

senateyotingtoiayoucthei'ertE ' Wagon and; cart Boxes, assorted; wi|Lm 1 L uch Saw® 3 Ploughs.Join* F. B M m r L . .! \ !ot of American

. -STA TE.D ^fW .Y O K H / . . W’i S " i aS BlS &C- . .I* AsssMBUVj A p rtb lG ,-1 8 2 5 . * --.van*- . «« • ‘<*.«» 4 , w < j a i A i i j a I j U * . i ‘ • r ■ ■"».■""» ■■■i ».m ..' iiii 1 •> .ii...iii.»..i 1 . . 1 , ,, 1,

■Rtsolvtd, Tfaufc thia Hoase'do danciifc: with ; T o b e S o ld .'a t P u b l ic k A u ctio n , ;k0;.Sennte’inHieir. preceding resolution, sat ■ M ikem aiith erifia ievj-q K aai, ' , ‘'

im ^ orityjf tlta members elected to*.this’ On SATURDAY* toe \yventy-mnth day of Iferose Yosiugia'jfavoiir theredE - . October uexbrit AT^’cleek-, AvM.

'H- *-€BAEESON1 CRGLIHS, Speakers 1 ...........If, ^ n csm n 'C iefh

* - Iff ‘Senate, March IQ; {825.7 ?cJhA,cd;-JF4iTthc-lbllotving lafienehfte

v* -fc- *• u MVVltj

m y j e KArtiMB, .1 IT U \T;E ,on Jot No. 24? tjlyrises, In the I county o f Tomnkitis, known as tfte pub

y i w i o MAPJLMXU&SJ up *.utMoB, If ailml'ijstered la Time; ta pgfteve tte btfe ifrooi tha.stomaclii wilt prevent alf hiU0tji(,,c.9tn*i .plaiats, tPalignaBl Taveis, ngtre anif fETHr,'b91tP?;f

, frcolick.. pleufisv. :\rona#, .dysentery, bead ,ache,' [~7hmidE W 4A 'aU*4Pi»etiTt7 cotftHaimt cot fis; ily*.- LjspMtt'- orTridjgestion, habitual cosUvci!ess,7i5?=' rtj-icgr25:ceats -Tl r -toi!X ; farflfehoxesiiOcents..

B R ..V fL R B l« ’ O IN T M E N T , • f„r the tmre Lfihe,T.eUec, Rhi^.W iirin, fee. Price S7 L-& cents jwrbaic

sutiuut? u i WJU urUYLSIODS. OI Xft0 tQ*StSGCllOl . . . . . ■i-tt-i-f- - rnuL

^ tL lntei^ jind payable(; . Tbat the pedple o f this Stnte^mJdMlx seV-* annBaIlv--8ald-Farms-aFep!eaSafrtkv sku:ited- - cral f f t ta s , shall, at (heihanhual EI^Uou, 0 l t faank of the Cayuga lake; sjltfj* und jiT iTch'Tnantie(’7 isr the4 oegislalulr^ sa&ll' « vood statG of improvement- and nffhiA hpcf

t0rjti6ivtingu0iujiUii0V,*- HRS,ao unpleasant SQiejJ anil m'ty bo rtscJ ca theybans at infant with safe

AlCHERRQPSv Pfi .riCfy AetotSj^aB vials _ , .. ^ ,■ J^wfttTfivaJeiils.^ aT . ' State ofimprovemcnt, aud of the best

ritrecb elqct h ^ H ofth eir slices o flh e 0f 5987. ^ ^ ' fnfm 8fi to 150-Mcs, it hdmiaisteMJ ».il«eto r m n sv * tteb ^ Ijsn ti^ fe w 3 m tm t* 6 'elected m attyr'bcifeseacE.'g^FoFfyrlhlr-^^partkuTars, op-

^ f r i s h 0 l U t d ^ ( f i ^ l | ; t h e r ^ h f i j ^ d e in Ajbjuuk ' B. JrntS^hetjsuod in f c i& e n c e oH pjupervi- |A a ^ d " BASfeilh^ittBsVarWa-'sor^and -----------

nnr*It y»bioci kci 7 »*#wIyk*ca-»I Al~'-


Iii5 teeth toil7r»ittt*d *■ /5ft r»jon£f8 iif»T hft f _


HAHY*8 A P -vltf)Y B i> i?L A ^TER GLQTH. . *—A soi’ereign rotuedy fuftalL ulcers and sores, sore

| 4KaastBvbi>UsT sccs7ei;^_swcllin'g?, 8prains, cut«, 'tnjjscs, paifis m d*0' (jhcI:-, an.d-,bceaBtJ.cprns on tfie fceq ^ ft /P tlce, fiSS.cqatsj Sp qeats ajid one. dollar

Pifotef.; .•■Appitofvcd ami recuiuiiienileil by Dr. Rush anti

D r. Phys'sck, • df piiilattelphla,' and by the most 4emhiftBte.ff!iet8GttKy ia Hie United States.

fti?” T*l(e'noiica, that, in order to prevent fiba. T.dSi,tio)j, ell aj|(j each of the aboyc geauuie ttefii-

, -ciaes are neatly se,aUni up with full ilireotipiis for IwOsmg thCYri/aftil'signetl an the outside covers with

the signafore of/tUeiisolfe proprietor;'" . ~.? i' T. W . D y O IT ,M .D .

bmo.e .the introduction o f tires^; VBjuaUle^uiedi- cinea into the United Slates bf America, they have acquired the highest decree of celebiity for tfieir unp.irntlcjed success inalfevialjug and curinn rilsohses, which,in a variety uf instances, had balBeii Some of our ino$k experienced physicians. The

•exfeasive anil fticrcadn j!-eraa*id for fhera-tlirou^li- oat Ike eonihifiHt, lor these*-1 wen ty years past, ’testifies their importance t« ih^public. For fa mi fii.es and individual?, \vliu.,e residence or circutii 'stances plnco them beyond the advantage of pro,, curing a.idiySician, they ..are peculiarly adopted/ apd foi4 whose convenience they are accompanied with every instruction appertaining to the symp­toms ol disease', and proper directions for using them. ‘ 4 July 43 ,1020 .

,j|p r-.S a le ,A 60 Spindle'^PINNING JENNY,—

foqw). .’ • 7Q ;1 YnllpnJ BafeSj-SWt^Macblnes, L Cjsy.)!' ' Rtltlcs* &C* Aff?» ■ ;■ * V . -vr _. ■

rAPltffio 7 D A W AYEHS.& CO. •■• ■ • 'Sejpfetabcltf 6; L....7’ '

ca(jj-Gl;issr;tiia-ue.t}ti£aueEetl otie,. two,llir£e. nart four 7 tmtl the office of uambear one §bafl expire itf the end of the first 3’dnV ; Of fittraberttvd lit theof'0aitibeii,4ltte?-.*hi‘the; enS~of the thifdi yettr \ and of'cbmberfoul’-attbe encl e f thej foarth yeftr ; in order that oneJastice' fnity thereafter be tiiihually elected ; and tliat so much qf the scyfenth section of the CourtLTIT, ticle of the 'ClihisiitatbnrpiHlus^Gtefce^sfife ittconsistettt with tfiis ameadineat, he abro­gated.

A'nrnjority Gftha'Bfcth'her^ eiectdd to tire Sehate votiog In favour thereof.

' JPIESTALLMADGR, Hrenlcnt. JohnF-. BacojCIerfc. *7

1st Asssm b lv , A pril j ’,' 1825 . Resolved, That thip House dq cdnctir

with the Senate in tbeir preceding rgsoja tion. ,

A rnojority of the Members elected -to this House voting, in favour thereof,

CLARKSON'CRQLIUS, Speaker.H. Msrc;ha.nt; Cletk* r ‘:" .

Stxtc ov‘;New-YqiiE, ). Sccrctdry^C^ice. )A J u n e 23,1825.

I certify tfent the Ps;o preceding concijLr- rent resolutions were-daly delivered jo me pursuant to a concrtrVenf Resolution of the Senate and Assembly of the 13th atwl SOtb of April, 1-825, aiid the sanie have been duly sent for publieatioti in the newspapers pur­suant' to sucli dnstmentioned resolution.'

J. V, -NV YATES. Secretary of State. - • 7 . j y 6 — 3m

7Septecuber fi, IS25. ’21 tf


SLNO th e jpARM. fidw occtipieji by J -h * CAntyftE, in tho town o f Cacoiinr, Ti.ne*

iuirtr-coirnty'.—i t is' sitiretfiii’ Oo Lpt-ATilv U r ^ hoqt siklwRos fcqip ibe Jloafisbiiig vliiage pf Ith-

“0114 arid (he Gjcaf'Stale Ijoad, now survey ing t»: tlie .comihi.'siHocrs. Wilt in a ll pfbbabiUty pa, tliroilgh t f e prcinises. There are-frcwa four (0 live

?f L A N S f o n e . f iU b 'f S llh t* . i « , ! SAW M ILL, and severr.\ valuable water pri­vileges, yet unoccupied. YiiS jdoperty will be .rid together, o f ip parts, to salt pitrehasers. Fo.

further infoHnation, apply toJO H N C A N TIN R , on the Premises.

< OHART.Eri C aN 'U N E , frfsfer'Cmmli;.A . D. W. B R B Y N , ) u , .

. ALDRICH & H-RATH, \ mac*- / Ithqca, A n a"^ b.ffrl'j. 17—-ty

1’ o'ef (lie sea hisfett’ers Sling, - And;tbjpfe to M t -ua in tbch'rlB-',,WlVKjbgive the cry '• (7iert's wj\.■Whoss'sons did Yankee JDoodle sing i- » ‘ 's-.


Y7hatland is that, where folks are said ■To b e scrupulously bred,

■ ft’o b e so steady iiabited ;AVhejre hearty girls and boys are Fed, Withjranipkin pies.aitd gingerbread

:~i- ~ 7 '- tfo m r ?cecu t•*5

YYfet land is that Vhere old time walks In steady pace_o’er~rna\-jle blocks r - - '* 4.- "Forsakfis his glass for wooden cloc ks 1

YVhereJteadstho Ijjgh w i i l j e e t with knocks; ’ And land were more if. fewer rocksf

Connecticut. .1lYhat land is (bat where, onions grow;Where maiden’s necfaare white as snpw,And cheeks like roaesi'tjd yon knew; tVh'ere joimy eakt-s ajc bak’d tioui deugli, . . The land where milk and honey flow ? : 1 ;

• . •■: - Qonnecficnt.-

rXvhmce podlars come Attouaiuid miies or.moredoin.home,With, tin, with bass-wood ti-enehers; somo With p-atent iiatraegs and.|ie>v- rum, .'Xte gndher tip (he coppers ?•—hum I '


What land is that, where parsons live,Where men hear <3capd and'bclieve; Wherajramblc sinnei'B seek reprieve f Where women' stay at home tad weave,Nor gad withoiit their hnsband’s leave ?

' ConacctWt. “

What laud is that, where I gam trpce,Jily nineteenth eoudii.byhi3 (ace; ' ' •

-•Where oiice 1 fish’d lor little dace,And never lenrned tlia duce from ace;

’ jVhere grand mother Ibis'night shys grace ? '• ■■ ; v J . • Cannectiout.’

YVIiat land is that whoii w e Lehold, Andadlilshistory nnfald,And all aborit the landis told,We like most thihgs but soraa w e scold ?

' Ah! . gehtfore^lSvttoM hs old ^ “ '

m tb ts statton, be not oath rhoqen the.e as an

"The pat*. .m v.emzstpfeitn thou seijst heye before* thee, i s , rthvays prepared to answer wheDJthe mnster touphes. it.—Oh, rnayst thou be. as ready to join at all tmoes with the great congregation int.ttt- teruqg the voice of. Blessing and Honours and Gloyy, and Power.,uato the Lamb that lutth rbtleented the from, thee world by his. own blood. ' When thy A%t®r calls.upon-- thee, he it in the, eveningV in the morning; at’ noonday, or at, midnight, do thou ajiswer,7 Oh God my• heartk.ready, ttiy heayt is

ready,! will sing and give praise_witfi the “ bestrm.emb'er tlidtTrHye.'TAvvake up my {< glory, awake lute and harp; I myself will “ awake right early.’.’ But the organ soundsrtotvtiiUh^'ind eommnmctdcs. a vpice te it—EveryAhiug ihuH>atb kroafk may praise the Lpid''9-—nothihg that is withoqt bveptlx can dq it.—Yet §ucb is the organ ef man’s bofiy.' An. instfumftpt Humb and jifefess; , till ,003 !hgt » farmed it breathes .into it the DreatbTof Hie.'' Loo . d’own, thepeffiF^0' Lord, with compassion upon the emptiness of my. naturb.* - - . .; '. ■

Come Holy -Gliost, etcrnul God . . . ^Proceeding irota above,'.Both from Ifie Father ancl fixe Son, • . ' -"TlielG’od of rieaee gijirfrive. ----- ------------

Connaciicut.. 7- • . . ."A p m e : ' ' *

, ..‘comiwAtfc • __There is a fejvrfiil spirit-bllisyricnV1 i

Arroady-ltaVe tilC-etemenfs unfurl’d -! Tlisirbamiers': the great sea wave 13 upcurl'd:

Xlie cioutl cota’es : the fievp.a -winds Le^n to Blow ’ About, kpdblmffly on. tbeir er% n fe^ .j;

And f[iuck'y will the pale, red leaves be hurl'd ............................... - - Ysrorld

Stripp’d o f its gride, b e like a ctesertshow

Its the bleak gusts o f Autumn, for the soul - |EeeHsptKerinj£iSiigs &am. anofiier sphere ;

And in sublime, mysterious, syinpatny,Man's boundiiig spirit ebbs.an'd-Wells more high, , Accordant to Qiebilloy's iofder ioll, . .

J. S. L E E . ' , 1- .H as ju s t received a fresh sup­

ply of DRUGS $ MEDK WE-.' P A IN T S ,

Fall & summer strained Sperm OIL. '

Ithaca, July 20, IS25. 7 ’14tf

M . H 0 T C .e i N ; ^ i N , .

ATTQRNEt* C .O V D W tO fl. AT- b 0 >^ | AS removed jus office to the brick BTl, baildingi.one i|oor west of the in OwAgo Street. -, ■ -- “ -

IthaCuj D e c e m b e r 1 & 2 4 -


‘P O S T - R O U T E S ./ ...

TWO wdV-estabti?hed Fost-routes, with a profitable number of good sub-,

sc fibers—-upon one ofvvhich tjie. niail is car­ried—will bfidisposed c/fon favourable terms to a responsible person or persons, for a se ries of years. . Application.to be niade ipa rrediqtely. ivi aOK & ANDRUS.

M acavJo u rncil Office,}. Mdy'%4,1825. ! - STallow, Ash.es, Soap Grease.

abAte rtfticles^rj waptftd. % the ^.subsgri.bers, who miliexcjiange Soap

ap3 QapdieSj Goods or. Casfiflar the satrie.’ 7* D A V ID A # R S :,<fe Gfo• t&b. 0e$t. $ $ $ . ■>•; • ■;

--------------------1,1,' '"'“' '"'Oy..' ----- - *-lJ,l».lu.--• J .


; THOUGHTS _0N l^ cH tM C fit r o itO A N ~J.' BY VftE IIEV. WM. JON33, b S "na.YX.AND'.'

The structure of this instrument i- not unlike ,{iiitt.of my b.adily wfth its dif­ferent powers and faculties— the marvellous work o f Gad, who bui.ideth hll things. The matei’ials of. which it is cocnppsecl were'' ta , ken from the earth ; whan the- work vvafr complete, it left he world, and ;w,as bronght bitliei' lobc dedioatetlas long asjt.lasts to the service; of God. ’And .h®1'® it remnins-ab- stracted frotn nil earthly concerns, anil in, closed witbmrihe waHs of. this1 sucred buiki- iug f iUkepps coiifpany with.Hone but-those vviio come; to -worsbip, God, together with the departed, who in-the days.of their fiesh did the -Saare, arid. . never refuses to join in the sound o f His praise, ''eithir by day of night,' “But jrrttwf itself it i8 .a ttmciiinedead and silent, incapable e f •acting;,till it be first acted upon, for it hath - no voice, unless tire air supplies it with breath, of which men hear the sound, but see not whence it com- eth, or whither it goetb.-r-Sucb, oh my Soul, is. every one that is born of the Spirit. God hath taken thee out of the world, and given thee a place in I Iis Holy Cathoiick Church; th e Temple of Jerusalem, whose walls are called ShlVation,and His gates-Fraise. This orgp.n by, its sitoeffyffts become C h ristian } it iri.ight-have been ■appropriated like many others ton profane use ; it might have been fixed irMome gnrden o f pleasure, tpjmar its pairt io nightly soygs o f praise to the God ot Ifijs worid.-T-aqd i t might hafrp bqenihy Iot» buTffirGodfe gfacefffi hAve^tood iu-.file way^ j ,, „t,(. . At* t. »'i.; .♦* '* -


- . - . . w ~ >

Tho’ thro’ thy help, the praise of God Slay sound in every place.' '

Thus prepared, assisted, and fixed in xne Church bf tlie living God, 0 my soul, it is good for thee to be here; and mayst thou go out no mofe for any profime' purposes. • The Way to keep thy place is tp preserve thy use, to be serviceable iu returning to God the praises he put info: thy aaouth, and leading others forward to do the sameL Thou must he content to de this by iotervhis,- with the !:hurch below, till |3by voice shall sound in that other congregation, where they rest not day or night. . . ..

• The Scotch are a very Inquisitive people- .- Their various questions are deemed obtrur . sive, pnd are c.irried tb a great lengih. Two geatlemed fell _ in leghther, both trnwBers rn iiorsphaclc, and strangers to each' other, . when the following conrersiitioo took place t —“ Raw evening, Sir, rather,” observed the one, with an Aberdeen accent: “ Yes, Taflierj” replied tke Pbhte* “ Y'pu wiit likely be a stranger in. these parts’’ contin­ued the AberdeeiHun V [ fsdT' laconi- . • cally replied, the other, looking neither to the rigbfhand norAo the left. . “ Pertiaps; Hke.uiyselL you may be goiug on to Banff V*

Perhaps/5 responded thP other, yawning.In fhafcase, piiclutps jrou_wiltpuUup at

Gtillen..?’- may ndt/f^mswered. .■his icoittpampo. - ‘i-H'ardeaJaeHieKberJ 'df- the qiiestion, Sir, may I ask if*you are a

.. r \i •

“ Ro> uo.” “ Sir, I'. b< your pardon, I tnay bave unintenlionally touched upon a pa infuls objectjryoar black dress oaghtfaI -I-' • - - - -_*r ________ —- ^*-vysl -have, chetfited mj inquirie? r I N g your oarden, Sibr-a widower ?” * tsNu, ndinft,?r

jr a bachelor; uor marriod map, nqr widower.; in Heaveifa mime, Sir, then, whMjCifoymbei^^iTAjKaarfiedjnan^uiid be d;——-d to. you, since, yott must know 1’* exclained. the stranger, clapping spurs to his_. horse, and dashing out pf sight in an iasjtent.. —London Courier. * _L.

Tbqmas Basterd, Esq. Fellow of .New- Coilege, 1588, wrote the following epigramon T11s th~r.ee wives : ' " . / “ . v

Though marriage by moat folks is reckoned a cars'!, Three wives did I mar!W, fm.beUer forjvorse :..

’-'The first for her person—the riest for her purse—Tlie third for a warming pan', doctress and nurse.

The above remiuds us of the clergyman * whose first wife waS'iirimfensely rich; his se­cond ivus exquisitely beautiful yaudjhistiird. whom he married in. bis oJ|d age, tO nurse and comfort him in the decline of life, proved to have a1 mpstf ungovernable felbper. He ob­served to one of his friends, that hp bad had three-wives, the world, the flesh, and the devil. .- - • ‘ ’

ATROMPT REPLY./An Arabian philosopher was once at the

court of a certain, king, * who- was as much disiinguished for his injustice.; as bis despo­tism T his king, agreeable to his character- lSti'ck, was desirous of irritating the sage by some of his insults., To this end he posi­tively affirmed that in the ipfernal regions .W,ms -a mill for the purpose op grinding the- heads t f the learned-—and theu demandeti of veijernble philosopher if it was not so. He, to his ’urn, replied'with a firdiaess ancf dig-

of7 inaie5tft ftevkfed to the pleasures o f thisyfprld, tlie |iaE(di|0 tif fcfois; wfiefe

................. * . ,tI* CT m uiuggS a

,ui!y WoffHy t # Cutogii 1 in. “ Ye,$T~blif it i§4the b tw i -qf tyiWGf'ltilijkh the itiMA-iaJkfit. - -