so;ono bushels of i d: & t; fields, 3i!ns...

“I / ® A L L-C B E B Ifc ‘ • ITHACA, Tfg now irtQperation under the'abpertotend- | ^nce.^fMr. JAMES TRENCH, an'\x- W wrknian, apd a proprietor., foil ffintdngp. -avA-.'Iffim&iting1 [ NfAPCR, is munufictuied at this mill, of as War* Quality, an(laj( as "reasonable prices, as >tsoy of the mills in this section ofothe state. Pbinters, and PjiBtisimits, can depend' v ’ upon being supplied on contract a*, this milj, Ypon reasonable terms, and without disap- j p^igtment , ni thebe is a sufficient Supply ofj \vateiat a ll 8easons of the year, and tbe_pio% prietors endeavour to keep on band ov full supply o&slbck, of the .various qualities re-.- AiER€H}ANT3,-vvili also be supplied on reasonable -terras, for- cash or unassorted RAGS. {^Merchants and others are cau- tiened how tb -y permit their rags to be cull- ^d,-and the whitest scud the best carried out _^ot the CQutvrt}. by pedjars from abrpad. J f ^goodpaperm desnafife, caVe should betaken •(o preserve the best stoc&\in the country i [gubltc spirit, a s weU as self-ctecotntnQdatiQny requires and justifies it \\ e will knowingly purchase no tags which haveheeifo^ulled. as |!i must umlfrrgo this operation at the null, lad poor rigsw ill scarcely pay for the . trouble. \ MORGAN having becofon Interested: in th e above mill, will transact bu iiness as generar'agenls for the same. Pa- -jfer m b y te tiwi at their Book-store, and al 1 -fordejrs -lefTyitfaUltultriictedLiojheinjy lH ^ veive upnaedlste attention. CASH, Backs, cr Paper, will foe paid by them for RAGS* . M a c s , Oct. 2 4 , 1«23* - IV JJV 3*45 0 , SO;OnO Bushels of . u7 M*"10R which C \S H ^ and„ the RiQHhpt1 J5. pbice \yi|l be given by J DOOLIT TLE, next door \& Nathan Herrick *s, in: Aurora street— lyhere'he is jqst receiving a large stock of well selected % ' f a l l A\D wmTBR GOODS, **. which will beaold at the lowest cash price.— -MoaLkiadsjof-produce received in payment - Also— -=A_I^RGR StlkPLT OF S A L T , r - Ithaca, Oct."27. 1823. ~ r'Sdif 3 foLE \UJjf tiuen rntt la ju the paym j J L / of moneys, secured io bepsitf by a mortgage, sE U p te ope * chm ap , A t AUCTION. - * .* -- - *. TLL be sold at AUCTION, on Sat w Olrd^y <he Tfct day o f November, at -Brick Store, occupied by PRES the Y e llo w CG IT ■&? ' Co. a large and; general assort ment of ,V ' :-0 R $ -G G ffo S 5 ,: Fatter Goods, &c. &c. ‘tcf_ supply themselves illht fasfeiqfipble and .seasonadle ^oods Cheap, Cheapo Cheap* ' ' ‘ ' ,;i; ,. AMOKtf m i c n :kK& TUB FOLLOWING J ■ i^ tie Black A Blue BftOAiljGLOTHS, ' do. J ck : , do . - CASSIMERES, do.. \ytiite, R«d,&¥el!ow Flannels^ do." BoenbaxetU, of alt colours, r *U*l«)l%cotn.4Bnd bettquality,-., -r tlo feM te* a^BfockfottAWfoS, aSHHe’-Sbaiw®^ .. ' il^ailkJicUcft^Fornitoi^Gatito^, .lHU p # - and Sbipt- . - 'vV - • Furniture. «(bi^nl5«v^r:^|0,-'at-'6b-diyii ;■ twsr At indorsed Wfii lU rnlder iOj Cash on delivery of the: (wdi.. ‘ '■/ .. , { ^ i k d i i i JErnip -Hie country and the *il- bp^wiil find »eati in tlie rear of the afore. a ? , . r/ ; BE cQ-paitnershlp .hAtwien-tbO'-ihbkOid-. litthe Ropemakiing business, foat i«id.-: Jlif fcusiness will be coijtinued by ABONUAII BARNEAR0,2d. a^24tl* Hannah Daltej/.-' fwlji-Mtitofr iind Julia Am Halsey. I Npurflisnceofan order ofthe Cptirt of. Corn- tnon Pl&a's, in and tor tbe.county of Tompkins, tndde ia thi«, cause— -We-lntenq to Kejixat .puWic vendueJLo. t)ie highest bHder/jt tlio ^liouss «t Gfiorgei nower, . ip said cobnty cl rompli.iai,on Aturday ihe third day 'of;jmugf) text, at ieft of the clock in tlio forenoon oVth 8*me day, all thoi’c two 'pieces or paresis of lsWi, "ituated iq Imflsiog, eforCtiii'i, and Jeing parts of lot number sixtjr-raeven, in said (own, and boundei as follows, to wit r—Baginniug «t the sontli-\mt corner ofthbaUta huntlreil acre*, on said lo tj run ning tben'ce north one -hundred and tweenty.g!* roda aada batlj thence wMtfSfiy./^ur rods; tbencp- toutb Vue hundred «njt tir«nty-*ix roil* and a jialf; atfd thenca *i«t (ifty-foar rods, Jo tfio piece of be ginning, ciatnining fUrty-three acres of land - A l so, one other piece of th“» lartie lot—Beginning ol tbe north-east corner i f survey fifty, acres, on said lot; running thence north thirty si* rods and ft- 4 tenths; thence westihiriyYodia'ad seven tenth*-; thenha south thlrty^sit rods and five tenths ;: and thence out thirty’rods andssvea tenths, to tie place of*brgintiiog, iJoiilainingie^ii acres offend : as foa skid Ode ts to hp, rasde by. us as commissitm er* aetiagtrader » raie.ofoourt,«a abovcraentidr.' •-ed, our coafey&Bces to the purchaser* wi If h?.r contain any covenant! warranting the title, foa- ted Oatoherffllf*. 162S. •. . 3UCHARU TOWjiE»E5f, LCommit w f-sW .. u, fO T E ^ .o f the foiloyriug incorporated L^UankSs will W* received ait Jthl* office, P^BEIG' LAND, untiI otb fvrne iiistrutted by the Secretary of the Banks- aflHichigan^ Boston, .Nefo^erki: Philadelphia, BaUiin€fe,Richmond,andDis- iifetefi Columbia, ieifepttfio, elly Banfe of Palfituof^ and4 the^’MerchautsUfenk nnd TfoiibyJRai?iitj Get l«f,T8?3. is^ASm* W .M | 7>. u 'tf» public gen: 1 efally, that she has just received patterns i Newlfoikfor j r m s m s ^ c m s ^ . ...... OF THE'.. ^eNfest ¥as\V\<ms. I'^SlieAVOuld be.-happy to wait on those who pill call qjiber at 'Mr, B. Dn ake’s dwelling' ithaca, October 13237 ’24w4. A IR. PALEN, propneror. of a museum of WAX FIGURES, presents his Np nuenlrtQ the ladifs and gentlemen of Maca and informs them,, that |he wij! remain Ludlowyllte one week longer than he had nteffiplatedj^as stated m the bills,) and con* juently wjU not be, ready to exinbit at the timtoLin fast, until Wednesdiy-Nov. 5th. " ^7lf, 1823. jl. 4 ABOLfo’S ARITHMETIC, kept con- r stantly on hand and for sale, at the ^shweof M ACR 4 MORGAN. executed ly ll|anj*> Ri„giQ, apd Xlmna Lib wife Ui Jo|in Jane." Speed, duted tbe tilteenlb day Oi Vlarch, one-thousand eight hubdied and seventeen, ot ifaqt certain piece of lapd siluaie Su the towi i>f Carolnu*, now in the county of 1 otnpkins, oh - ng in the Keventh Motion on tlie Qweg j Cieek, i towoihi; number elevbn, F(ini% pm chace — JB^gummc at foe nurtiTvcst curnei o/ aid section, rutintng tlit-nce on the lyt'ot line, of saul section fo ly-mqecbain* And seventy line links, thence sautii < igh / eight ddgreet* ea t -iXteen charna and seven lialt^ foence north tvvo degrees easgonw parallel wifo the west line o *.sid section, lorty-nme chains and seventy-hint, links to the north line of said section, thence wem o tbe noithuine- thereof, sixteen chains an I sevr n huks. ;to th/pl§«e of beginning, contami vfocrefi of lnnd, ’niore or less—Notice is hereby "igfib. that-hy vitttt&jnf a power, contained-iq-geni - n rtsW anti in pursuanco of the statute iff such, and provided, foe above desbnbed pre* Be (old at public vendtfo, on tbe. six teenth day of April next, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, a t foe . Gourt House at lth&ca. base anses October 2 5 3 ,1SSS Dated JOHN JAMEES SPEED i TOMPKINA COM. P1EAS. Henry Wilier, m. ~ Vaney Halsty, HoltyHalsey r tioa of Band. ENCAMPMENT. AN- Etfra-Conyocation ai New Jesriisdlem Bneampmcrti, wfll foe held at tbe houie of 1-- «-==.- — t he o^clock By brder o f tlie G. C, ^1 . MACK, Reterdet, I2fA, 1828. - tJBirfea Oafler, in » a n ^ 7 o n “Ffraay - ^Ol/THERN t*AND-DlSTRlCT, thirty-firsc-day of October Inst, at 4 o’cl BEEQRlr£R*S OFFICE. J -- * -* - - P. M TAttom*s»ww*ssr: D: & T; Fields, g t inform the public, J O R B a t tkey Mill coutmue tbe above ku* sipess, theiffofo sfond '^in J* Beiijaimn’s Brick Building) whpto they will give tbOir unremited Rtldhtioii to all-orders in tljeir tine o f |usincss. ' Gentlemen that wish clothes to be made well, and in a fashionable manner, may* be assured that every exertion trill be made to please. ■< *" Tbey'ieturn their sincere (hanks for the liberal patronage they have received3anci ie* quest a continuance o f the same. ^ ; ifotnediately,-three Journeymen T a y lm r w Ifo; are first whom theyr will pay on DEMAND in CASH, the following pri- ces, and^ive-constant employment, I1 or- Fashionable Coats, ^3,75 j Great Coats*. 4,50 ; Cloaks, Surtouts, Pantaloons and Vests,mtl)e sam&proportion. . - Ithaca. Oct. 22,1823. u’2 3 tf LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office at Trumans- b v $ i OcU A 8amuel Akeley, U HJ W . & E. J. M OuR'E, JVUFT BRICK STOM, (Next doo) to jrGrant's Ta»eu\.y A V R now ot\ Jianfi a handsome-., aortment of.GQ^DtS, .adapted tontlte pr esent aiitl proaching seasb»r; amougst which are the'foUoWijig —-viz; BROAD CAOTHS of IlifeE t colors - • and qualitie^y Cassimeres, Satinetts» Flannels an£ Bonibazetts. ' AN Ej Aterino Shawls of thefirst Quality; * t’ASUMKUE SHAWLS, plain and bordered; together with a genera assortment o f raf Gi'Gcerles, Groclcerj, -li8rd|vafe, Iron, \ -■■'* i . o (>k T n g ..; glasses , with almost elfery article generally kept in a country atqre-^and as one of the; Sfm sides in New*7ork, they are, and"'will conslanily receiving additional suj|)liea^- \{ l of which, they will sell on the lowest tetms, for cask and most kinds of country irA produce. Ithaca,v20, 1823 t' >23 tS A NW CR. A L L person^ indebted, to the subacrifoer 1 %^ eltheisby note or on hook account, ate requested to £all and make either payment or settlement. circumstances rendei fin im mediate settlement bthis account* Ueceisary, ir is hoped this notice will prevent the tie cessity of reSorting\o other mean*. - - xccp ; heermans . Oct. 21st, 1823/ ^ ^23wS. RU FJtom S & WOOD. ESPECTFULLY inform! iheir friends and the public,- thatihejr have bjj hand at their store, a very extensive assortment of Geilemen’s and Ladies’. BOOTS & SHOES b S - • ' ' - .-F-. - . ' 1 A ' of all kinds, which they "Offer to sell, on the mest reasonable terms-*—made of thefoesi materials and warranted not to bp inferior in beauty or workmansliip to anyfoade, in the state Apd, also, they have pii hand , A uAPbSonn, assortment of . „ » Ladies1 Morocco BjGOTS and SH aW ' Kid o f all colors / Dmmarh Sating Phi- ntile and Sattn Jane. And theyhavejust recieived frpm.New* York and Newburgh,-a qnatttity of ..UPPER and SOAL LEATHER, Curracoa, MogUf| dore and Calcutta •MOROCCO. . Alio-^- Bindmg and lining o f all color?, which they will sell low, for cash. All kinds of country PRODUCE taken in excMogn for StiOES Mac(t,Oti. 2t, n i b ' T3tf - GtNSAlITH, M ESPECTFULTA informs- the nublic, that he lias again commenced ii«sme!s ih the shop lately occupied by- A P- Bpl vihete h&w ill attend t o the _making aii(l pairing of . - , Muskets, Rifles, Fowling‘Pie -••• &e;p--— ysr~- and tnistsfthat his former experience in-fonsl- densivilfue ahadvantage to lvimself-atid Crus tomers. Ha returns thanks to his old friends and customers for their former favors, and hopes to merit and receive a renewal of their javor*- ; W anted,- 100 or 200 fcet'of ■M ATLB.-HVAX! as soon as cadi be delivered asabove Ithaca, October?, 1823- FANCYj Chak Facibry. ^ H E subscrfoer- respectful* 3 ly informs the pishlic, that he has removed from Fall- Greek* end established a Facr tory in the village o f Ithaca, I on Six-Mile CfeeKvlb Owega* street, iienr Bennett^ Mrlb, ivfoereh he manutactures all 'Imdsof \VFNDSOR, a n d " FLAG SEAT IV . A M . A l ‘4 i $ s> ..... Which' hp will sell CjHEAPEE* than foe sstntej quality of work has usually been sola, eitlier in city or.gottntry* He itetuph7|ha^s tb fp#j|iefr. ifriends„a!nd cifofohiefj^ and/Ftipesi|n; iris new^"sitaaiiotb to nqeiTt a ^nhtiBuince at their favours.- •'•*.- 'V'-’’'.’ ' 1 ;;' OmAM mW ~L, IfJG GQ^Am S/GN executed as ‘usual. B .' ^ A good ifospfofrientof kept coustantly on hand ; aijd ml orders for custom work. will be efocujfed at,short no-: i:r Av W. HDWLAKp, John Archer, 3 i!ns Abor. TOtejr Bellas, M a lbetv Behan, Frter Branpe, rIsuac^l5|opn|er, John B rown . - _ 0.- J(jlm Cole, 3. Jauies-.Craw Con!, biptuel Cotliljngtpn, ^-fmer Giidf-e, ..... Th inn iil^Gook , - _ Sttb Curey . _ ! - . - D.- .V-75 J iis iah DurHitt!,- Dovu t DavK 2 « % ^ ’’ Tunac Farrington, James If, Fiif>gi?raUI* G. . FJw ifiGoo iUv in , . MilbuiU .CrUnsey., H - Tospph E^ tyAV il, “ i'UKZtSf H a lt, Itmtiafo Tfnll, Isaac H igg iu r ,- , : -.. . ik. . l. John C . Jtihusom- K. Isaac Kirby, John Ifack , ' E lizabeth M ary ine . f IS2?, ; Q. Boris® Oshorm -Ephraim Odmnn, - Mw.E.p|mhtcA . Noah Flielpg, ^ IiOuivFlielpj, Israel Peas?, « -T lioinag P d jt, orl J Benjanajn Jrnnings, ( George H. Em it. . Peter or William Rogeri, rAbralmiu Ropkafelier, James Hunncy. Junr. I WHObESAtE FRIfcfeS CUHKBNTT . [Corrected m A front Neia York papers^: -ASHES^oVJob1 x I l do. Pearl Ootton, ■ Coflee,-. $135 Solomon-Suntbi; J^efoe-Selo/er^Lf.-- D»vid Silla, ; L OUbcrt ^tephensbuV' Hugh SmiLjL^ , Aliijabbtur,. .. .. . Hobertbtonb.L.; Wiili»m Stcwarri, . - : David Hi 8ayc«,' Plilllij* Siiuih, Orin Smith,s * Qbaijiah STaith, . Nufoanielfoirles. ■■ qf; i ' E[ifoa Ti'^bifdw/', W. Thomas Ward 7 . V, David W»res, ■ Eiisba Wakeipaq, Elizabeth Wager, or Platt Snath, OWdCWHi-ncr, * ' Knberi W. Wright,' Ijiiihttrd W elK HERMOV CAMP, PTM- Cheese, Amerfo^n, for Oodles, dipped, ,, , -a.— .Mnnlil, ? . DomeAfo Shirtings,. Sheerings. Feathers, llv^, - _ Flaxeeed, clean cask, Furs, I}ehver, lb. — Raccoon, ————Muskrat, -Martittr —— Hear, —1— Bed Fox, ' Mmk, > Otter, Gluej^Ameriuan, Jb Flour, Supeffiae, By*. tm L rrriR s IieminingM ike Fo$t jOfj&e dt Dryden; lsf 7 f Ocfo&cf, 1823. 'A. Elifoa Albright,. NiSlidlS?Allen,; Susan Allen. 7 . JB. Cyrus Bradley, ;. foinies P- Borry, Jujue? Et.j3.iker, Josiah Backus. .— c ; --------- AVm. B, Chafe, JJiivift Grosby, - »* Wm. S. Corwin, D. Christlaa A'Deicon* , . dresj '2. ; Henry &. Buseuburg, Eyipaii ®ae(i * ' Cavi Davir. " f , •- - . F- . Iraec Ferguson. Henry k jnluj Fricce, Charlei, Fitts, George. Fox, . - Davul .Hook . -c»w Abrahana Goodwin, Daniel Green. . . . . B. ' Jaraea Holl,. . Amabiaji Ilackefi - 1 j » . ' Sarauel Levyij, < M. Xiseph. MtGraiv, Jofepblf. Mitltr, lAllliuni M’Oraw^ ■" - •- Steplieii Nickerson. , - Jfocqb Ovejocker. . ' >^M '.cah Hoot.. '• tl. , John Heed. ' . . • ■ Jonathan Stottt, Katlian SiuifoT« , .Jonathun Sjperry, • Jofpph .Sherwoodf Mary Smith.' ... ----------- . .T. peter Tatraatlke, Gyrus Tyler. . ■•Y. . ^ WiHiwh Yau Nortwick, Allen Vorse, ’. W. James WeaVrr, . ' Parley Wliitinore. M PHILLIPS, P. M. N O T I C R . gentleman, who took by mistake a jL ixiadte of Spatush Plate Indigo, from the store of Le&$* Baxter, on the 14th info. Is requested to return jifa same as ^oon as convenient. Oct.. 21. , - 5■ . : THE..snbs/'rifar*, havfo just feceived 1 Ten Plato Stoi^e, And a fre*h .supply Of PAINTS^-Aisoj >o»poo teazles;. >■; ' " LEE>& BAXTER'. ■ Oct. 21} 1823, n’2 3 t f . e a ' L Beebe k Mums, X , - ' (Brick Roto, Corncf o f Otrtego and Cay* - - ~ u g a & t T e e t $ ry AVFkHirlmBd~a^svetk^^ssotteaMocteisf fg American, Iadi%'Rritlsh and French DRf-GODDB, Hardware, Groceries, \ Crockery, &<c. &c. AfopJte WBICH ABB THE .FOLLOWING a 200 pieces superior quality brOWn Shirting and Sheeting, * * - - * 1000 ibs, Cotton Yarn, assorted from No. 8» tO 14* •’ - €(j pajkagemCfpckery and Glass-wa?e. 13 tons, Rusisia, Swedes and English Irottj fiatysqnare and round; .. Hoop, Band and. Sheet Iron of all kinds* English blistefed, Ger|muj.Cast+andSwedes - Steels’ - i' -\ ■ - ’ . -v- SmiUi8’ Anvllsj Vic?s, Sledges and Hammers Tin Plate.and VVire^ of assorted No’s. Sheet Brass, and Sheet Lead. 5000 Ibsv TroyNails, from 3ri, .to 20 d. Wrought, d». sit?,- 8d and lOfo. 100 boxes Glass, 7 by 9 , to 12 by 16. Shovels, Spades; Scythes anti SickleSi 300bbls. SALT, Indian Meat Wheat, bushel, Hje. Corn, Oats, Barley, ■ 1 Hams, fo. - JHoir*’ Lard, Honey ; - • . . ■ . Hops, Leather, sole lb, —p i—d ressed , upper^ fodc , Oil ! iweed, gull, Sperm. Summer strained Winter-strained; Pork,bbl Skins, Beer, In bait', Jb. do Shaved, Timothy seed, tierce, TaltowVlbr ■ --■*—■— Wh akfty; gall. W'oot, Merino, washed; lb. — —-ImlC breed i T-Comufonj AiriericarrHattefo,' liauk Note _ r (CORMSRTED WEEXX.V.) -7 ------------- NuSfYafk, ~Qct, 24,1823- Netr-Vork city Notes LaHsiu^iurgJk^fovvliurg-bKnk||- . .. Albany, 1 V b. bank pote^ not payable in N; Yprk W do Nei tiorg signed With UW ink. vf ; .. v *>•' Do Branch a t Ithaca -*-7 . dor _eneva7^abiwnr€kntrtl-iGh<s'n« Plattiburg-bink JefferjoA County bank •: . ' ,.;5x.6,-Ho Washington and Wfcren baifo.^ , „ ?5 s Raiak. Jacob Burkei** Notssis ^ &T 1:S do Niagarabank . .'-.7,--; . db Conoectieut-lmuks payabl# in NewvYork. psr —•li others at 1-2 per cent <li«, Boitou. biabl*tt*2 ur cE and MaisuhbmsttfefSff- rally, t ai 14 p«rei, liis. New-Jerwy banks »t par, nicept the state (witka . at.Morrl*towit, C5*wka;.New-Bni*»wink,J^t* tem h, Mtwfit Hollay ifod fkwiberiia# banks; whichar*l.«atpercsiit diswuat . ... Philadelphia fclty baaki,' ; , t-*v Lanoister, Harriitang fc 0er«Bsntowii, i a l U% Moatgbnfory oounty a t N o r r t s t o w a . t , do ■Other FeuhsyifoqW' Nofoa uwtmrtsia. ‘': NeV-Hamikbire & Ycradfti b*»kf '• 1 i-tta3J> Maine notes, <txcept Portlwd if thtfom* as:-N . Hamp«fiire);uncertiln. . _ Hm^*fo]and-Hote*' • - * - - • “1 Baltinwre ■ - * Fattaafo bank of Dafowtr* Wilmingfon & Bmdytvtae !;"> Oilier DeIawata.Nofoi . - Canada Note# . . ' Becr, rae*», bbl. . ' . ^-prinae,’; . - - Carp). -new . . . ' Beans, 7 busbell, <*•: t a t 1*4 34 a % Bo ttles , Porter (g roce) Brittjes; AmBrican, Jb. Butter, fir 8 t.qu i|tty ,-lb« >—:-^for-exportttfon^-_. • Beeswax, yellow lb., 3 15 •6'50‘ S 75 fo- i sa SQ. ' '-ft- ' 7 * r,3S i*)-; 3® J;- fit? 4 Yfiq- 5ft 15 10., -~i . subscribers hare, now o* bend. for sale,at tfair Haf Store> negt door to William Lesley’s stqre, and1 at tboff store inLndlowville. . * ** of every description, (from x lamb’s tail tq a beaver’s nose,) which wilhbe sold for ready pay, CitEapkr than has been sold m this ■market. ■"v ■-.■* v ■ j'-r Country merchants will be suppHed on thk** best'possible, terms. Tfay are respectfully invited to call and examine. Waktcd, '-f- ' ^00-,CUSTOMERS to whom they wil! retail Wats, f a*" they can wish, if-they ;will. withall We have taken a^^meh i0i select good stock and empVy good Workmen as others, and are d e t e r r e d not to^fa oat* done. ' . / ' : ./■ V. ’y ± L : - ;7 I S K I I . > 7 25* Chests of Young Hyson and ,Hys6iiirS.irin„ ■TEAS. ■: T<? Hatters. JUST received from Netv-York, a genet* al assortment of '■ ' ' - Hattnrs? Stock fy Trimming*, \ comprising alrnostmi the articles- used by:- natters, which wiil be sold at a Very snaalt’ad* varice,-for CASH only. t > J. & G. JV Ackley, • foil which; WJth a great v|riety:bf other artl-J. m~nJT(c * tbij otojfi WitfUBSKB « m. *¥»> « .,82S- . TAIL, on the best terms. As mey receive regular additional supplies once a fortnight 'rSifl are en abled to keep up a cdaiplete assortnuent at all times, and tpjsell as eheap as cdfars. Ithaca, July 23 d, 1823. Gafih Bags. N.B. WANTnb—as above, 2000 DOLt LARS, from old customers, to pay old debts. ________ ^n’21tf1 Sfcott’s Life^4 And'TheOlogical (TritmgSj complete, Just received and for sale at the Bookstore ot MACK & MORGAN Aug. 18th, taap. - ) . • - i.. fax \99* J&tm original stained 'Al

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Page 1: SO;OnO Bushels of I D: & T; Fields, 3i!ns Apd, also, they have pii hand , A uAPbSonn,assortment of. „


/® A L L - C B E B Ifc

‘ • I T H A C A ,Tfg now irtQperation under the'abpertotend- | ^nce.^fMr. JAMES T R EN C H , an'\x -


wrknian, apd a proprietor., foilffintdngp. -avA-.'Iffim&iting1

[ NfAPCR, is munufictuied at this mill, of as War* Quality, an(laj( as "reasonable prices, as >t soy of the mills in this section ofothe state.

Pbinters, and PjiBtisimits, can depend' v ’ upon being supplied on contract a*, this milj,

Ypon reasonable terms, and without disap- j p igtment , ni thebe is a sufficient Supply ofj

\vateiat a ll 8easons of the year, and tbe_pio% prietors endeavour to keep on band ov full supply o&slbck, of the .various qualities re-.-

AiER€H}ANT3,-vvili also be supplied on reasonable -terras, for- cash or unassorted RAGS. {^M erchants and others are cau- tiened how tb -y permit their rags to be cull-

^d,-and the whitest scud the best carried out _ ot the CQutvrt}. by pedjars from abrpad. J f ^goodpaperm desnafife, caVe should betaken •(o preserve the best stoc&\in the country i [gubltc spirit, a s weU as self-ctecotntnQdatiQny requires and justifies it \ \ e will knowinglypurchase no tags which haveheeifo^ulled. as |!i must umlfrrgo this operation at the null, lad poor r ig s w il l scarcely pay for the

. trouble. \MORGAN having becofon

Interested: in th e above mill, will transact bu iiness as generar'agenls for the same. Pa- -jfer m b y te tiwi at their Book-store, and al 1

-fordejrs -lefTyitfaUltultriictedLiojheinjy lH ^ veive upnaedlste attention. CA SH , Backs, cr Paper, will foe paid by them for RAGS* .

M a cs , Oct. 2 4 ,1«23*

- I V J J V 3 * 4 5 0 ,

SO;OnO Bushels of. u7

M*"10R which C \SH ^ and„ the RiQHhpt1 J5. pbice \yi|l be given by J DOOLIT­TLE, next door \& Nathan Herrick *s, in: Aurora street— lyhere'he is jqst receiving a large stock of well selected %

' f a l l A \ D w m T B R

G O O D S ,— -» **.

which will beaold at the lowest cash price.— -MoaLkiadsjof-produce received in payment

- Also—-=A_I RGR StlkPLT OF

S A L T , r -Ithaca, Oct."27. 1823. ~ r'Sdif

3 foLE \UJjf tiuen rntt la ju the paym jJL/ of moneys, secured io bepsitf by a mortgage,

s E U p t e o p e * c h m a p , A t

A U C T IO N .- * .* -- - *.

TLL be sold at AUCTION, on Satw Olrd y <he Tfct day o f November, at -Brick Store, occupied by PRESthe Y ellow

CGIT ■&?' Co. a large and; general assort­ment o f • ,V '

: - 0 R $ - G G f f o S 5 , :

Fatter Goods, &c. &c.‘tcf_ supply themselves

illht fasfeiqfipble and .seasonadle ^oods Cheap, Cheapo Cheap* ' ' ‘ ' ,;i;,. AMOKtf m ic n :kK& TUB FOLLOWING J■ i ^ t i e Black A Blue BftOAiljGLOTHS, ' do. J ck : , do . - CASSIM ERES,

d o .. \ytiite, R«d,&¥el!ow Flannels^•• do." BoenbaxetU, of alt colours, r •

*U*l«)l%cotn.4Bnd bettquality,-., -r ‘ t lo f e M t e * a^BfockfottA W foS,

aSHHe’-Sbaiw® . . ' il^ailkJicUcft^Fornitoi^Gatito^,

.lH U p # - a n d S b ip t -

. - 'vV - •


• «(bi^nl5«v^r: |0,-'at-'6b-diyii ;■twsr At indorsedWfii lU rnlder iOj Cash on delivery o f the: (wdi.. ‘ '■/ .., { ^ ik d ii i JErnip - Hie country and the *il- bp^wiil find »eati in tlie rear of the afore.

a ? , •• — . r/ ;

BE cQ-paitnershlp .hAtwien-tbO'-ihbkOid-. litthe Ropemakiing business, foat

i«id.-: J lif fcusiness will be coijtinued by

A B O N U A II BARNEAR0,2d.• a^24tl*

Hannah Daltej/.-' fwlji-Mtitofr iind ’’Julia A m Halsey.I Npurflisnceofan order ofthe Cptirt of. Corn-

tnon Pl&a's, in and tor tbe.county of Tompkins, tndde ia thi«, cause—-We-lntenq to Kejix at .puWicvendueJLo. t)ie highest bHder/jt tlio liouss «t Gfiorgei nower, . ip said cobnty cl rompli.iai,on Aturday ihe third day 'of;jmugf) text, at ieft of the clock in tlio forenoon oVth 8*me day, all thoi’c two 'pieces or paresis of lsWi, "ituated iq Imflsiog, eforCtiii'i, and J eing parts of lot number sixtjr-raeven, in said (own, and boundei as follows, to wit r—Baginniug «t the sontli-\mt corner ofthbaUta huntlreil acre*, on said lotj run ning tben'ce north one -hundred and tweenty.g!* roda aada batlj thence wMtfSfiy./^ur rods; tbencp- toutb Vue hundred «njt tir«nty-*ix roil* and a jialf; atfd thenca *i«t (ifty-foar rods, Jo tfio piece of be ginning, ciatnining fUrty-three acres of land -A l­so, one other piece of th“» lartie lot—Beginning ol tbe north-east corner if survey fifty, acres, on said lot; running thence north thirty si* rods and ft- 4 tenths; thence westihiriyYodia'ad seven tenth*-; thenha south thlrty^sit rods and five tenths ;: and thence out thirty’rods andssvea tenths, to tie place of* brgintiiog, iJoiilainingie^ii acres offend : as foa skid Ode ts to hp, rasde by. us as commissitm er* aetiagtrader » raie.ofoourt,«a abovcraentidr.'

• -ed, our coafey&Bces to the purchaser* wi If h?.r contain any covenant! warranting the title, foa- ted Oatoherffllf*. 162S.

•. . 3UCHARU TOWjiE»E5f, LCommitw f - s W . .

u ,

fO T E ^ .o f the foiloyriug incorporated L^UankSs will W* received ait Jthl* office,

P^BEIG' LA N D , untiI otb fvrne iiistrutted by the Secretary o f the

Banks- aflHichigan^ Boston, .Nefo^erki: Philadelphia, BaUiin€fe,Richmond,andDis- iifetefi Columbia, ieifepttfio, e lly Banfe of Palfituof^ and4 the^’ MerchautsUfenk nnd

TfoiibyJRai?iitj Get l«f,T8?3. is^ASm*

W .M|7 > . u

'tf» public gen:1 ef ally, that she has just received patterns

i N ew lfoikforj r m s m s ^ c m s ^ .

...... OF THE'..^ e N f e s t ¥ a s \V \< m s.

I ' SlieAVOuld be.-happy to wait on those who pill call qjiber at 'Mr, B. Dn ake’s dwelling'

ithaca, October 13237 ’24w4.

AIR. PALEN, propneror. of a museum

o f W AX FIGURES, presents his N p nuenlrtQ the ladifs and gentlemen of Maca and informs them,, that |he wij! remain

Ludlowyllte one week longer than he had nteffiplatedj^as stated m the bills,) and con* juently wjU not be, ready to exinbit at the timtoLin fast, until Wednesdiy-Nov. 5th." ^7lf, 1823. jl. 4

ABOLfo’ S ARITHM ETIC, kept con- r stantly on hand and for sale, at the

^shweofM ACR 4 MORGAN.

executed ly ll|anj*> Ri„giQ, apd Xlmna Lib wife Ui Jo|in Jane." Speed, duted tbe til teen lb day Oi Vlarch, one-thousand eight hubdied and seventeen, ot ifaqt certain piece of lapd siluaie Su the towi i>f Carolnu*, now in the county of 1 otnpkins, o h -

ng in the Keventh Motion on tlie Qweg j Cieek, i towoihi; number elevbn, F(ini% pmchace — JB gummc at foe nurtiTvcst curnei o/ aid section, rutintng tlit-nce on the lyt'ot

line, of saul section fo ly-mqecbain* And seventy line links, thence sautii < igh / eight ddgreet* ea t -iXteen charna and seven lialt^ foence north tvvo degrees easgonw parallel wifo the west line o *.sid section, lorty-nme chains and seventy-hint, links to the north line of said section, thence wem

o tbe noithuine- thereof, sixteen chains an I sevr n huks. ;to th/pl§«e of beginning, contami vfocrefi of lnnd, ’niore or less—Notice is hereby

"igfib. that-hy vitttt&jnf a power, contained-iq-geni - n rtsW anti in pursuanco of the statute iff such,

and provided, foe above desbnbed pre* Be (old at public vendtfo, on tbe. six­

teenth day of April next, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, at foe . Gourt House at lth&ca.


October 253,1SSSDated


i TOMPKINA COM. P 1E A S.Henry Wilier,

m. ~ Vaney Halsty,

HoltyHalsey r tioa of Band.

E N C A M P M E N T .

AN- Etfra-Conyocation ai New Jesriisdlem Bneampmcrti, wfll foe held at tbe houie of

1-- « - = = . - — the o^clock

By brder o f tlie G. C, 1 . MACK, Reterdet,

I2fA, 1828. -

tJBirfea Oafler, in » a n ^ 7 o n “Ffraay - O l/TH E R N t*AND-DlSTRlCT, thirty-firsc-day of October Inst, at 4 o’cl

BEEQRlr£R*S OFFICE. — J -- * -* - -P. M

TA ttom *s»w w *ssr:D: & T; Fields,

g t E S fE C .T fB tt .ir inform th e public, J O R B a t tkey Mill coutmue tbe above ku*sipess, theiffofo sfond '^in J* Beiijaimn’s Brick Building) whpto they will give tbOir unremited Rtldhtioii to all-orders in tljeir tine o f |usincss. ' Gentlemen that wish clothes to be made well, and in a fashionable manner, may* be assured that every exertion trill be made to please. ■< *"

Tbey'ieturn their sincere (hanks for the liberal patronage they have received3anci ie* quest a continuance o f the same.

^ ;ifotnediately,-three Journeymen Taylm rw Ifo; are first whom theyr will pay on DEMAND in CASH, the following pri- ces, and^ive-constant employment,

I1 or- Fashionable Coats, ^3,75 j Great Coats*. 4,50 ; Cloaks, Surtouts, Pantaloons and V ests,mtl)e sam&proportion.

. - Ithaca. Oct. 22,1823. u’23tf

L I S T O F L E T T E R SRemaining in the Post-Office at Trumans-

b v $ i OcUA

8amuel Akeley,



W . & E . J . M O u R ' E ,

JV U F T B R I C K S T O M ,(Next doo) to jrGrant's Ta»eu\.y

A V R now ot\ Jianfi a handsome-., aortment of.GQ^DtS, .adapted tontlte

pr esent aiitl proaching seasb»r; amougst which are the'foUoWijig —-viz;

BROAD CAOTHS of I l i f e E t colors - • and qualitie^y

Cassimeres, Satinetts» Flannels an£ Bonibazetts. '


Aterino Shawlsof thefirst Quality; *

t ’A S U M K U E S H A W L S ,plain and bordered; together with a genera assortment o f

r a fG i'G ce rle s ,G ro c lc e r j ,

- l i8 r d |v a f e ,I r o n , ‘ \ -■■'*

• i . o (>k T n g ..;g l a s s e s ,with almost elfery article generally kept in a country atqre-^and as one of the; Sfm sides in New*7ork, they are, and"'will conslanily receiving additional suj|)liea^- \ { l of which, they will sell on the lowest tetms, for cask and most kinds o f country irAproduce.

Ithaca,v20, 1823“ t ' ‘

>23 t S

A N W C R .A L L person indebted, to the subacrifoer

1 % ^ eltheisby note or on hook account, ate requested to £all and make either payment or settlement. circumstances rendei fin im­mediate settlement bthis account* Ueceisary, ir is hoped this notice will prevent the tie cessity of reSorting\o other mean*.

- ■ -xc c p; h e e r m a n s .Oct. 21st, 1823/ ^ ^23wS.

R U F J t o m S & W O O D .ESPECTFULLY inform! iheir friends

and the public,- thatihejr have bjj handat their store, a very extensive assortment of Geilemen’s and Ladies’ .

B O O T S & S H O E Sb S - • ■ ' ' - .-F-. - . ' 1 ‘ A '

of all kinds, which they "Offer to sell, on the mest reasonable terms-*—made of thefoesi materials and warranted not to bp inferior in beauty or workmansliip to anyfoade, in the state Apd, also, they have pii hand ,

A uA PbSonn , assortm ent o f . „ »

Ladies1 Morocco BjGOTS andS H a W '

Kid o f a ll colors / Dmmarh Sating Phi- ntile and Sattn Jane.And theyhavejust recieived frpm.New*

York and Newburgh,-a qnatttity of ..UPPER and SOAL LEATHER, Curracoa, MogUf| dore and Calcutta • MOROCCO. . Alio-^- Bindmg and lining of all color?, which they will sell low, for cash. All kinds of country PRODUCE taken in excMogn for StiOES

Mac(t,Oti. 2 t, n i b ' T3tf


MESPECTFULTA informs- the nublic, that he lias again commenced ii«sme!s

ih the shop lately occupied by- A P- Bpl vihete h&will attend to the _making aii(l pairing of . - ,M u s k e t s , R i f le s , F o w l i n g ‘P i e

-••• & e ;p - -— y s r ~ -and tnistsfthat his former experience in-fonsl- densivilfue ahadvantage to lvimself-atid Crus tomers. Ha returns thanks to his old friends and customers for their former favors, and hopes to merit and receive a renewal of their javor*- ;

W a n t e d , -1 0 0 o r 2 0 0 fcet'of

■ M A T L B . - H V A X !as soon as cadi be delivered asabove

Ithaca, October?, 1823-


Chak Facibry.^ H E subscrfoer- respectful*

3 ly informs the pishlic, that he has removed from Fall- Greek* end established a Facr tory in the village of Ithaca,

I on Six-Mile CfeeKvlb Owega* street, iienr Bennett^ Mrlb, ivfoereh he manutactures all

'Im dsof ‘\VFNDSOR, a n d

" F L A G S E A TIV.

A M . A l ‘4 i $ s > .....Which' hp will sell C jH E A P E E * than foe sstntej quality of work has usually been sola, eitlier in city or.gottntry* H e itetuph7|ha^s tb fp#j|iefr. ifriends„a!nd cifofohiefj^ and/Ftipesi|n; iris new^"sitaaiiotb to nqeiTt a ^nhtiBuince at their favours.- •'•*.- 'V'-’ ’ ' . ’ ' 1 ; ;'O m A M m W ~ L , I f J G G Q ^ A m S /G N

executed as ‘usual. B .'^ A good ifospfofrientof kept coustantly on hand ; aijd ml orders for custom work. will be efocujfed at,short no-:

i:r Av W. HDWLAKp,

John Archer,3i!ns Abor.TOtejr Bellas,Malbetv Behan, Frter Branpe,

rIsuac^l5|opn|er,John Brown.- _ 0.- J(jlm Cole, 3 . Jauies-.Craw Con!, biptuel Cotliljngtpn, ^-fmer Giidf-e, . . . . .ThinniilGook, -_Sttb Curey. _■ ! ■ - . - D.- .V-75Jiisiah DurHitt!,- Dovut DavK 2

« % ^ ’’ Tunac Farrington,James If, Fiif>gi?raUI*

G. ..FJwifiGooiUvin, ... MilbuiU .CrUnsey.,H-Tospph EtyAVil, “i'UKZtSf Halt, Itmtiafo Tfnll,Isaac Higgiur,- , :

-.. . ik. . l. John C. Jtihusom-

K.Isaac Kirby,

John Ifack, ' Elizabeth Maryine.

f IS2?, ;Q.

Boris® Oshorm-E phraim Odmnn, -

Mw.E.p|mhtcA— .Noah Flielpg, ^ IiOuivFlielpj,Israel Peas?, «

-T lioinag P d jt, orl J Benjanajn Jrnnings, ( George H. E m i t . .

—Peter or William Rogeri,

rAbralmiu Ropkafelier, James Hunncy. Junr.

I WHObESAtE FRIfcfeS CUHKBNTT . [Corrected m A front Neia York papers^:

-ASHES^oVJob1 x I l do. Pearl Ootton, ■Coflee,-.


Solomon-Suntbi;J^efoe-Selo/er^Lf.-- D»vid Silla, ; L OUbcrt tephensbuV'Hugh SmiLjL , Aliijabbtur,... .. .H obertbtonb.L .;Wiili»m Stcwarri, . - : David Hi 8ayc«,' Plilllij* Siiuih,Orin Smith,s *Qbaijiah STaith,

. Nufoanielfoirles.■■ qf; i 'E[ifoa Ti'^bifdw/',

W.Thomas Ward 7 . V, David W»res, ■Eiisba Wakeipaq,Elizabeth Wager, or Platt Snath, OWdCWHi-ncr, *' Knberi W. Wright,' Ijiiihttrd W elK


Cheese, Amerfo n, for Oodles, dipped,,, , -a.—.Mnnlil, ? .DomeAfo Shirtings,.

Sheerings.Feathers, llv , - _ Flaxeeed, clean cask, Furs, I}ehver, lb.— — Raccoon, ————Muskrat,— -Martittr—— Hear,— 1— Bed Fox, ' Mmk, >

Otter,Gluej^Ameriuan, Jb Flour, Supeffiae,


t m L r r r i R sIiem iningM ike Fo$t jOfj&e dt Dryden; lsf

7 f Ocfo&cf, 1823.• 'A.Elifoa Albright,..NiSlidlS? Allen,;Susan Allen. 7

. JB.Cyrus Bradley, ;. foinies P- Borry,Jujue? Et.j3.iker,Josiah Backus.— .— c ; ---------

AVm. B, Chafe,JJiivift Grosby, - »*Wm. S. Corwin,

D.Christlaa A'Deicon* ,

. dresj '2. ;Henry &. Buseuburg,Eyipaii ®ae(i * 'Cavi Davir. " f ,

•- - . F - .Iraec Ferguson. •Henry k jnluj Fricce,Charlei, Fitts,George. Fox, . -Davul .Hook . -c»wAbrahana Goodwin,Daniel Green.

. . . . B. 'Jaraea Holl,. .

Amabiaji Ilackefi -1 j» .

' Sarauel Levyij, <M.

Xiseph. MtGraiv, Jofepblf. Mitltr, lAllliuni M’Oraw^

■" - •- ■Steplieii Nickerson. ,

- Jfocqb Ovejocker.. ' F»

> M'.cah Hoot..'• t l . ■ •

, John Heed. '■ . . • ■ Jonathan Stottt,

Katlian SiuifoT« ,. Jonathun Sjperry,

• Jofpph .Sherwoodf Mary Smith.'

...----------- . .T.peter Tatraatlke,Gyrus Tyler.

. ■•Y. . WiHiwh Yau Nortwick, Allen Vorse,

’ . W.James WeaVrr, . ' Parley Wliitinore.M PHILLIPS, P. M.

N O T I C R .

gentleman, who took by mistake a jL ixiadte of Spatush Plate Indigo, from

the store of Le&$* Baxter, on the 14th info. Is requested to return jifa same as ^oon as convenient. Oct.. 21. , - 5 ■ . :

THE..snbs/'rifar*, havfo just feceived

1 Ten Plato Stoi^e,

And a fre*h .supply Of PAINTS^-Aisoj> o » p o o t e a z l e s ; . > ■ ; '

" LEE>& BAXTER'. ■ Oct. 21} 1823, n’2 3 t f .e a '

L Beebe k Mums,X , - „ '(Brick Roto, Corncf o f Otrtego and Cay*

- - ~ u g a & t T e e t $ ryAVFkHirlmBd~a^svetk^^ssotteaMocteisf

f g American, Iadi%'Rritlsh and French

D R f-G O D D B,Hardware, Groceries,\ Crockery, &<c. &c.AfopJte WBICH ABB THE .FOLLOWING a

200 pieces superior quality brOWn Shirting and Sheeting, * * - - *

1000 ibs, Cotton Yarn, assorted from No. 8» tO 14* •’ -

€(j pajkagemCfpckery and Glass-wa?e.13 tons, Rusisia, Swedes and English Irottj

fiatysqnare and round; ..Hoop, Band and. Sheet Iron of all kinds* English blistefed, Ger|muj.Cast+andSwedes- Steels’ - i' -\ ■ - ’ . -v-SmiUi8’ Anvllsj Vic?s, Sledges and Hammers Tin Plate.and VVire of assorted No’s.Sheet Brass, and Sheet Lead.5000 Ibsv TroyNails, from 3ri, .to 20 d. Wrought, d». sit?,- 8d and lOfo.100 boxes Glass, 7 by 9 , to 12 by 16. Shovels, Spades; Scythes anti SickleSi

300bbls. SALT,

Indian Meat W heat, bushel,Hje.Corn,Oats,Barley, ■ 1 Hams, fo. - JHoir*’ Lard,Honey; - •. . ■ • • .Hops,Leather, sole lb,—pi—dressed, upperfodc, Oil ! iweed, gull,— Sperm. Summer strained

Winter-strained;Pork,bbl Skins, Beer, In bait', Jb.

do Shaved,Timothy seed, tierce,TaltowVlbr ■--■*—■—Wh akfty; gall.W'oot, Merino, washed; lb.— —-ImlC breed i T-Comufonj— AiriericarrHattefo,'

l i a u k N o t e_ ’ r (CORMSRTED WEEXX.V.) - 7------------- NuSfYafk, ~Qct, 24,1823-Netr-Vork city NotesLaHsiu^iurgJk^fovvliurg-bKnk||- . ..Albany, 1V b. bank pote^ n o t payable in N ; Y prk W doNei tiorg signed With UW ink . vf ; .. v *>•'Do Branch a t Ithaca -*-7 . dor

_eneva7^abiwnr€kntrtl-iGh<s'n« Plattiburg-binkJefferjoA County bank •: . ' ,.;5x.6,-HoWashington and Wfcren baifo.^ , „ ?5 s Raiak. Jacob Burkei** Notssis ^ &T 1:S d oNiagarabank . .'-.7 ,--; . d bConoectieut-lmuks payabl# in NewvYork. psr

—•li others at 1-2 per cent <li«,Boitou. b iab l* tt* 2 ur cE and MaisuhbmsttfefSff-

rally, t a i 14 p « re i, liis.New-Jerwy banks » t par, nicept the state (witka . at.Morrl*towit, C5*wka;.New-Bni*»wink,J^t*

tem h , Mtwfit Hollay ifod fkwiberiia# banks; w h ic h a r* l .« a tp e rc s i i t diswuat. ...

Philadelphia fclty baaki,' ; , t - * vLanoister, Harriitang fc 0er«Bsntowii, i a l U%

Moatgbnfory oounty a t N o r r t s t o w a . t , do ■Other FeuhsyifoqW' Nofoa uwtmrtsia. ‘': NeV-Hamikbire & Y cradfti b*»kf '• 1 i- tta 3 J> Maine notes, <txcept P ortlw d i f th tfom * as:- N . Hamp«fiire);uncertiln. . _Hm^*fo]and-Hote*' • - * - - • “1Baltinwre ■ - *Fattaafo bank of Dafowtr*Wilmingfon & B m dytvtae !;"> ■Oilier DeIawata.Nofoi . - Canada Note# . ‘ . 'Becr, rae*», bbl. . ' .— ^-prinae,’; .- - Carp). - new . . . 'Beans, 7 busbell,

<*•: t a t 1*4 3 4 a %

Bottles, Porter (groce) Brittjes; AmBrican, Jb. Butter, fir8t.qui|tty,-lb«>—:-^for-exportttfon^-_. • Beeswax, yellow lb.,

3 15•6'50‘■ S 75 fo-i sa

SQ.' '-ft-■ ' 7 * r,3S

i * ) - ;

3® J ; -

f it?4Yfiq-

5ft • 15


-~i. subscribers hare, now o* bend. for sale,at tfair Haf Store> negt door

to William Lesley’s stqre, and1 at tboff store inLndlowville. . * **

of every description, (from x lamb’s tail tq a beaver’s nose,) which wilhbe sold for ready pay, CitEapkr than has been sold m this■market. ■ "v ■-.■* ■ v ■ ■ j'-r

Country merchants will be suppHed on thk** best'possible, terms. Tfay are respectfully invited to call and examine. W aktcd , '-f-

' ^ 0 0 - , C U S T O M E R Sto whom they wil! retail Wats, f a*"they can wish, if-they ;will. withall We have taken a^^meh i0iselect good stock and empVy good Workmen as others, and are d e t e r r e d not to^fa oat* done. ' . / ' ’ :

./■ V. ’y ± L : - ;7

I S K I I .> • 7 ■25* Chests of Young Hyson

and ,Hys6iiirS.irin„

■TEAS. ■:

T<? Hatters.JUST received from Netv-York, a genet*

al assortment of '■ ' ' -Hattnrs? Stock fy Trimming*, \

comprising alrnostmi the articles- used by:- natters, which wiil be sold at a Very snaalt’ad* varice,-for CASH only. t >

J. & G. JV Ackley, •foil which; WJth a great v|riety:bf other artl-J. m ~ n J T ( c * tbij o t o j f i WitfUBSKB « m . *¥»> «.,82S- .TAIL, on the best terms. As mey receive regular additional supplies once a fortnight 'rSifl are en­

abled to keep up a cdaiplete assortnuent at all times, and tpjsell as eheap as cdfars.

Ithaca, July 23 d, 1823.

Gafih Bags.

N.B. WANTnb—as above, 2000 DOLt LARS, from old customers, to pay old debts.

________ ^ n’2 1 tf 1

Sfcott’s Life^4And'TheOlogical (TritmgSj complete,

Just received and for sale at the Bookstore o t MACK & MORGAN

Aug. 18th, ta a p . - ) . • -i..fax\99* J& tm

o r i g i n a l s t a i n e d■'Al