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J fjaiig gatelligeufc* CAMPBELL & H'DEBHOT, EDITORS A5D PAOrJUXTOEB. f KRMIL.DaSIY,delivered la dtjr, par veek, 10 etnt ¦ TM-Wtaa^by m*0, in *^^0* WmiTtby tamfl. inadranr*, l,«b W H K R I, JNG: Friday Morning, May 3,1861. Caloa Candidate for Coagrcas, WILLIAM G. BROWN or FKUTOX COCtfTY. Up, up with that tnsnar! whera'er it may call, Oar sQUansabaU rmUj atwod; A nation of frtomre that moment Khali fall Wban tta stan ahall ba trailad on the snmod. *If Kentucky to-morrow unfurls the banner of resistance, t never will jipht under that banner. I owe a paramount allegiance to the whole Union.a subordinate one to my own State.".Henry Clay in the United States Senate, 1050. Ohio Conntjrpaya no Revenue to the Traitors. The most enthusiastic meeting that was ever held by the merchant! of the city of Wheellcg wat held yesterday afternoon at the Conrt House. Tbey there met almost in a solid body, and without one dissenting volte resolved that they would pay no rev- en ties to the rerolntionary junta of con¬ spirators and traitors who now hold swny at Richmond. Not only did the merchants do this, but the Assessor of Revenue, Mr. Elijah C. Day, resigned his office, and re¬ fused to be a party !o the work" of assess¬ ing taxes on our merchants, which if col¬ lected would only be appropriated bj* the traitors to purchasing arms and ammuni¬ tion with which to strike a blow at our Government. The enthusiasm rose to the highest pitch when Mr. Day's resignation was announced, and on the spot a resolu¬ tion was made and unanimously carried that the full amount which he would have derived from his office on the year's assess¬ ment be made up to him. The Union feel¬ ing rose as the meeting progressed, until at last Mr. Wm. Tallant, being seized by a patriotic impulse, got up and proposed " three cheers for the Union forever/' which were given and repeated with a vim and a will that was good for the ears to hear. We point the country with pride to this meeting of our merehaots. Let their pat riotic example be followed everywhere throughout Western Virginia. Let the conspirators get their funds the best way they can, but let them understand that they can expect nothing from the loyal and pat¬ riotic city of Wheeling. Tha Scceaalon Organ Wastvth Away* With a great deal of interest, together with a vast amount of crocodilc sorrow, we have been for tome tirno watching the steady decline of that orthodox sbeet, the Wheeling Union. With a pain in our hearts that was "tremendous and fierce to behold/' we saw it collapse from its whilom dimensions to its present size. With nn Agony that was killing, wo saw "all them" tales, and other nice readin*, disappear from the first page, and "tears like rain drcps fell without measure," when. J&e poetry went from the fourth page. Bat yesterday, we took our bed, on seeing the telegraph go from the third page. Wo did suppose that that ornamental feature would tarry with us while the sheet tarried.. But ool one by one the blossoms fall, and what may be expected next we have not the heart *o contemplate. Wo suppoae all * the lovely buds that have been odorifering our noses for months past, will soon disap¬ pear, and that, finally, a pale blank sheet will regale our sight. If it must be so, it must be. We have no useless repiningsor reflections. We have been bereaved so much that we have quit shedding any more briny tears. The Argut nearly broke our heart when it expired. The Timet* decease rent our heart strings, and now, having got over the frenzy of our two youthful loves, we shall adopt the. philosophy of the widow of Pierre Drouet, who, on the day of her husband's death, inscribed this affectionate memento on his tombstone: "Here lies Pierre Drouet, the tenderer and best of husbands. His disconsolat widow still keeps the shop at No. 18, ru Lapalletier." And so we say. now that we are dail losing the companionship of oar affectioi ate partner, the Inttlh'ptncer still takes tel egraph, aud still goes on in full blast- "not a star dimmed nor a stripe erased"- . at the corner of Qaincy and Main, Whee ing, V*., U. S. Terms cash. INFAMOUS. We candidly confess that, much aa w* have seen of the Wheeling Union, and we as we supposed we knew its capacity any treasonable utterance, we never e* pected to see la its columns such ao ed toriel ai the following. Imagination rt fuses to credit the fact that any paper, ou aide of Charleston or Richmond, couS- give vent to such language: We act jflad to vee how profusely tl Honbern bankers end capitalists are bleet tag themselves for the benefit ot the rott< . and worthless.government they live unde They are piling gold mountain high, ar tumbling tt Into the rump treasury, whicfc we doubt not, sadly needs it. We are ii finitely dcjrlibted at this rousing speetac of self-phlebotomy, and ardently hope th* *4very vein and artery may be struck deep as the lancet cau go. We want ab©» ?. all things to see that fool den of heartle* a- gamblers,' WmU otmt. wcii Meetfarf. Vf© » -??, v '-2 warn to see it drained to the Inst drop. It will be all the better for :he South. In the end phe will have the gratification of see- ing a great and cfimmercijl ex- I plosion on the other side of the line that will shiver into fragments the power that fed and fattened up her trade, and then used the money which she put in its pock- ets io attempts to enslave her. We wish that we could sec a daily annunciation of tenders from Northern bankers and capi¬ talists to the awount of twenty millions, 'because the more they bleed the weaker they pet. If there be such a thing as a righteous retribution, it is in reserve for these money changers who are just now »in league with the ruuip Government that is iuiprisoued in Washington city. ? .; Tiic Capture of W»«Uiugtoa. As a- specimen of thi kind cf food that is daily dished np to the monocracy around Richmond; we give the following from the last Richmond Examiner Frotn tho mountain an : .valleys to the shores of the sea, lb era is one wild shout of fierce rcrioTvi;" fo" capture \> asli- ingtou city nt all and tvnT human hazard. The filthy cage of unclean birds uiust and will assuredly be purified by lire. 'The people are determine ! upon iit an.I are clamorous for a leader com!net them to the onhlongbt. That jfsder will assuredly [arise, ayer and that rir'it speedily. Iris not to be endured 4Uoi_tiiis flight of Aboli¬ tion harpies shal! com? dmvn from the, black North for their ruosurinthe heart of the'Soutb, to'defile and Urutiiiize the land. Th»y come a* our rcuamie**-jthey act as our most deadly rfoes.thej* promise -jus bloodshed and fire, an i tins is the only promise they have ever redeemed. The< fanatical yell for the immediate subjuga¬ tion of the whole South is going up hourly from the united voices of all the North; and for the purpose of making their work sure, they have determined to bold Washington city as the point from wbencc to carry on their brutal warfare. Our people can take it.they will take it .and Scott, the arch-traitor, aud Lincoln thk Bkast, combined, <:a.n.u»t prevent it. The just indignation of an outraged and deeply injured people will leach the Illi¬ nois Ape to repeat his r ue ami retrace his journey across the borders of the free ne¬ gro States still more rapj^iy than he came; and Scott, the traitor, will be given au opportunity at the same time try the difference between '-Scott's tactics'** aud (he Shanghai drill tor quick movements. Great cleansing and purification are needed and will be given io that festering sink of iniquity, that wallow of Lincoln and Scott.the desecrated city of Wash¬ ington.and many indeed will be the car¬ casses of dogs and caitiffs that will black¬ en the air upon the g.illows, before the great work is accomplished. So let it be. (For the IntfUIgeticor.] Wcrit Vlrgtutn Still 3IorWtg» itu*r*. Editart:.There #.« another tin- rising ol' tbo people in Grafton last Sritur- diy nig lit. The meeting "its assembled on ,i verv short notice. but wliou the time cnme'there wercul least three u:' four hun¬ dred people assembled. It was a pleasant time indeed, nnd made one feel good to be there. It was n genuine Western VirginM meeting, nnd no mis'nke. About halt lmat 7 o'clock John S. Burdctt. Es.)., called the meeting -o order in the street, no ball be¬ ing found large enough to accommodate the crowd; nnd 011 his motion, Harmon Siusel. KRq- was elected I'liiiirmHn and James M. Scrogin.Esn .Secretary. A com¬ mittee consisting of 1.. H. II.ill, George H Latham and Henry P. Davidson, was ap¬ pointed to report business for the meeting. During their absence, F. 11. l'eirpuint. Esq.. addressed the meeting for about nn Hour nnd a half In a most effective nnd eloquent speech. Ue laid bare t'.ie iniquities and oppression of the East and South, nnd showed most conclusively \\ extern Virginia ought to take uo part »u this nn- holy vrar brought on by the traitors ot the South, except in defence ot our own posi¬ tion, which the speaker said was now, ought to be, and lie believed would be, under the stars and stripes of our coun¬ try. The people were fully aroused, and shout after sliont went up Irom the crowd whenever the speaker touchid upon the ri-hts of the West in the Union, and the lolly of going out of it at the hiil.hng ot the South or nuder the, u bluet: lath of Eastern Virginia. 1 cannot follow the speaker, but all who know Mr. Poirpoint will know that it was a Ul.tslerly effort. The committee returned nnd reported the Clarksburg preamble nnd resolutions, nnd the names of eighteen of our best cit¬ izens as delegates to the Wheeling Con¬ vention, to meet on the 111th ol May, and the report was adopted by acclamation, with tint one dissenting voice. Thus Tay¬ lor tnarclics into line, ready for the worst. Her Union men are not of the tuilk nnd cider kind, nnd intend to liiiiiji ^ the Star Spangled Banner long as there is a shred of it left. She will j;*» to the Wheel¬ ing Convention with a desire for peace nn.l for amicable adjust incut, but she will 8tuy there till something is agreed upon where¬ by tve shall not be dragged agaiust our w'ill out of the Union of our fathers into the rattlesnake oligarchy reigning at Mont¬ gomery. After the adoption of the report, sho-t addresses, breathing deep- devotion to the Union, were delivered by C°U Downy, of Piedmont, and by JuhnS. tturdctt, E-q., our delegate to the Convention, and R. R. Hall stnd 15. F. Hughs, B-q*.. of this coun¬ ty. Mr. Burdett gave us an insight into the way things are done at Richtnonil, de¬ claring that the city, during the whole sitting of the Convention, was an almost unbroken scene of violence and mobocra- cy; but accounted for it by saving that 1,700 of her citizens pay uo tixcs. being returued delinquent- He thinks thi3 class of gentlemen composed most of the mobs and secession rab'ile of the city. He said that the scene during the pa ««*£.* of the secession ordinance, reminded him more of a nation's funeral than the re-asserting of the rights of sovereignty, so mu-li lauded nt this time by some people. He denonuced the ordinance iu the most un¬ qualified terms, us a tr.a.d and cheat upon the people, doo* b\ violence, and agaipH the will «if the people. He pronounced old Henry A. Wise nn infinitely worse man tliau old John -Crown, the truth of whlch"but few men iu tbia county will ever dispute. Urge op the Union men to come up in full force to the Wheeling Convention. Very truly, yours, Guaftos. Thb Hon. J;>hn F. Potter has just re¬ turned from Washington to his home in Wisconsin. He informs tbo Chicago pa¬ pers that of the 60,0i*0 stand of arms at Harper's Ferry previous to its abandon¬ ment, 45,000 stand hud been shipped north to Pennsylvania, and westwardly through Parkersburg, fur ermine t'.ie Western troops, and that they are the arms that were stopped and seized at Cincinnati.. They had been marked lor Fort Smith, and other Southern points, sn'.ely with a view to mislead prying nataief, and ensure tueir passage through Virginia. The remainder of the arms nt Harper's Ferry, 15.000 stand. wt«re of an inferior character, and were rendered wholly use¬ less by the fire at ttxc time Lieut. Jones left the arsenal. The Wheeling Union. [From the Pittobnrg Dally Dk patch.] The Wheeling Union, a secession orpin, in its issne of Tuesday, endeavors to ham- bug the people of Wheeling with the lying assertion that the citizens of Pitisbnrg j wish to destroy Wheeling, by aiding the people of Western Virginia against the in¬ solent attempt of the secessionists to force the State ont of the Union, without asking the consent of the people, and in violation of their expression, by 60,000 majority.. That is all stuff, and the Union well know* j it. It says: "It Is quite natural that Pitfeburg should desire to retain W heeling In the Northern union, or to blot her out by a sttuggle to keep her. Oo this Issue de- |«a<h the question whether in the futute Pittsburg or Wheeling shall be the chief seat vf manufactures on the upper Ohio. If *e remain with the South, the advantage* in the race of competition will be on the «ide or Wheeling. If we go with the North, our city would sown be *ur*lloured up by Pittsburg. Pitts¬ burg is quite shrewd enough to see these things, es- penalty when her wits are sharpened by an ancient enmity. Her Journals, therefore, threaten us with forcible detention in the Union of the North.** We can tell the people of Wheeling^ on j the contrary.and they also know ii.that to unit* that city and section with the Southern Confederacy will be inevitable ruin, for the safety neither of Pennsylvania nor of Ohio could admit of the establish- ing of secession garrisons, maintaining troops and erecting forts anywhere in the Panhandle. Nobody is fool enough to believe that J Wheeling will be brongbt any nearer to i Pittsburg by becoming part of a great free J state of Western Virginia. Her local ad- ! vantages and facilities will remain un- [changed.whiie as a free city of a free commonwealth she will become a great hive of industry. As a dependency of a decaying slave State, hereafter to be ruled by the power of a slave oligarchy, more daringly and insolently outraging popular majorities and popular rights than any monarchy in Europe, she must hasten to edcay and ruin. But we need not argue the question.. The people of Western Virginia are fortu¬ nately not so easily deceived by dema¬ gogues as these of the eastern counties like Accomac, where Wise boasted that no newspapers are taken or read; and they will not be influenced by such stuff as that of the traitorous Union. They will attend to their affairs in good time,and the Union had better prepare, as soon as possible, to be a Union instead of a secession organ.. Its true interests.it3 hopes of existence .depend upon its advocacy of the new commonwealth of Western Virginia.un¬ less the whols State return to loyalty. Dedication of White Oak Hall to the Sacred Cause of Liberty, April 30th, 1861. Pursuant to notice, the citizens of Far- is school district assembled in White Oak school house, in said district, for the pur¬ pose of taking soine action in regard to the present condition of our country. Pere Whitham was called to the Chair, and J. C. Paris appointed secretary. Mac. C. Blayney being called upon re¬ sponded nobly for the cause of his coun¬ try, nnd the interests of Western Virginia. Other enthusiastic speeches were made.. The following resolutions were submitted, and unanimously adopted: Whebbas, The present condition of af¬ fairs in our country is of a character gjv- ing rise to ming'ed feelings of sorrow and anger. Anger at the manifest treachery of the pretended friends of a free govern¬ ment ; nnd sorrow at the horrors of civil war about to be tliru3t upon us by artful demagogues, who are determined to rule or ruin j and wfio are at present engaged in attempts to tear down that noble fabric reared by the wisdom and patriotism of our fathers. Therefore, Resolved, 1. That we are determined to stand by 'rThe Union, the Constitutionaud tUe enforcement of the laws." 2. That, as citizens of Western Virginia, having always been in the habit of atten¬ ding to our own business, we respectful¬ ly iuforin Jelf Davis, John Letcher, aud their fellows, II. A. Wise, aud J.M. Mason, that we tire still able to settle our domes¬ tic affairs without their itterference. 3. That all the efforts of the "White Oaks" will be cast upon the sido of our common country, and against the moboc- racy and demagogism is now At¬ tempting to erase the star of Virginia from our natioual banner, and subject us to a Southern despotism. 4. That the proceedings of this meeting and these resolutions be forwarded to the Wheeling fntrllifjencer und Wheeling Union for publication. On tuoliou, a committee was appointed to draft a Constitution for the purpose of governing us in the formation of a pro¬ tection club. After some enthusiastic and warlike re¬ marks by John Brown, in his defense of the stars and stripes, the meeting adjourn¬ ed to meet ou Monday evening. May Gth, 1861. Pbek Whitham, Pre3. J. C. Faris, Sec'y. The Martinsville Company in Camp. [For the Intelligencer.] Camp Jackson, nkak Columbus, 0., \ May 1, 1861. / At a called meeting of the Belmont Guards, Company B, lath Ohio Rfgiineut, Capt. Wallace Commander, held on the reception of :> bnx of provisions from the ladies of-Martinsville, after three cheers and a tiger for the ladies of that place, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we hereby tender to the Indies of Martinnvtlle, who have so kindly remembered their absent husbands, broth¬ ers and friend*, our heartfelt thanks for this evidence of their patriotic feelings to¬ wards those who have left their homes and firesides in defeuce of their country's flag Ordered, that the above proceedings be sent to the Wheeling Intelligentr and the Belmont county papers, and request the same to be published. Hurrah for FanoB Brownlow. We copy the following from the Tennes¬ see Whig Brown low's paper of the 23d tost. Qen. Pillow, who is a clever gentleman in the private relations of life, and a very companionable man, sent us a message re¬ cently, which is explained in the following reply. Kxoxvillb, April 22. 1861. Gen. Gideou J. Pillow..I have just re¬ ceived your message through Mr. Sale, re¬ questing me to serve as Chaplain to your Brigade in the Southern Army; and in the spirit of kindness In which this request is made, but in all candor, 1 return fur « an answer, that when 1 shall have made up my mind »o go to Hell, I will cut my throat and go direct, and not travel round'by'way of the Southern Confederacy. I am, very respectfully." &e. W. G. Brownlow. Good New* From Kentucky. We learn that Mr. Crittenden, spoke at Lancaster, Kentucky, a few days since, to a very larpe and enthusiastic crowd. The Uniou feeling is strong and growing. . We have, also favorable news from Garrard, Lincoln and Casey counties, as w*ll as Rockcastle, Laurel. Whitley, Knox, Clay, Estill and Owrnley. Mr. Crittenden's speech at Stanford aUo was a powerful and excellent effort. The Hon. Joshua P. Bell, used up A. G. Talbot, of coarse, at Liberty, In Casey county. The ball is rolling on rapidly..Louitvillt Democrat. Tub following, from the iexington, (Ky.) » Oherier and R*portpr% lays bare theunAlt. igated selfishness of the Cotton Confede- j racy, and shows for what purpose weof^ the bolder States are wanted. We are to be the sufferers, whose families are to be subjected to all the horrors of a war, wbil* the Cottonocrata, in languid ease and safe y protected, are to look at our struggles: j A Cavdid Avowal..One of our moat j intelligent and' reliable fanners returned a j day or two since from New Orleans, and i informs us that during f portion or his trip in the South, the Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, was a passesger on the cars with him. At different points on the route Mr. Cobb addressed the people, and , he invariably said to theis that they might. now dismiss all apprehensions of any hns- .. tilities in their midst and* return to their tlanting duties*, that tbVtheater of war lmd been transferred to tlieborder States, and there it would be kept. This ju*J what thene Southern States desire; and it is siraplj an open aVowatJof what has all along been the purpose of the disnniontsls. They precipitate the revolution, bring on war, and now wish and expect to change j the scene of desolation-and strife from their soil to ours. Kentucky will not be the willing dupe of thelfearcb agitators and disturbers of the pobKc peace Bringtug matters lo*sU»u« In West- j era VlrftlM*« [From the CtadanaU Oommeraal.] The Wheeling the ; Ifying announcement that? the Democratic j Union candidate for Congress in the Pan¬ handle, Vll. District, VMS. Brown, Esq, has been nominated bytiwo contentions, and will undoubtedly gel? two-third« vote in the District. ! The* election conies of on the 4th Tbnrs- day in Hay. As the Session District* in j Virginia will choose nojiepreientativw in the United States Oongrfia, this will bring tbe question of a division of the State j right homo to the Secesionlsts. On their own principles, they will, be compelled to let Western Virginia secede. Fkvkb .\»d Agbk.A' Case or Eight Month's Staxdi&o Cento BY BtERllAVa . lloiXAXD Bittkks.Mich»l Kelly, No. 117 Seventh, near Grant street, says: '.Last July, while running on the river, on a cotton boat plying between Natchez' and New Orleans, I was taken with Fever and Ague. For eight long months I suffer- | ,-d with this dreadful disease. The greater part of. this time 1 wn* unable to work, £nd spent at least Bfly dollars for different medicines, but found no] lermanent relief. Three weeks ago, line ofany friends insist¬ ed upon my tryingp^n ire's Jlolwnd Jtu- tcrs, saying that a'furez^pd* guaranteed.. After taking it for fr«*e #eek, I mtfst state I was a sound man. VLtiave been at work now for two weeks, andlhavc had no return of tlio Chills and Fever whatever." I certifv that the above statement true.; Thomas Adams, Diamond House, or at It. Chester's Gothic Hall. apl-lm SPECIAL NOTICES. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYEThAIR DYE! tv*. A. BATCH EROU'3 HAIR DYK. The only llarmlcst and HelfnWs Dj/t Kwnen. All other* .re mere imitative, and .Uonld be avoid- ed lr yau wish 10 escape ridicule. I OBEY, UEDOR RUS1YIIAIR dyed instantly to a boautlful and aataral Brown or Black, without the least injury to Ilair or Skin. HVTKKK MBUAL8 AND BBRWIAK bate been awarded to W*. A. BlTCBSlOB .inc. 1S39, «nd over 20<l,000 applications have b^aa made to the h*lr of the patrons of hU fatnoo* PyVt Wm. a. BATCUBLOlt'S IIAIR DYK produce, a color not to be dlstlnguUheifrom nature, and U warranted not to Injure In Aclca.t, lmwerer long It may be continued, and the 111 effect, of bad Dye. remedied. The la Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is properly applied at So. 18 Bond Street. New York. Sold in all the cltie. and town) of the O nlted State!, Ba.chelor," an-l addreunpon a steel plate enpavlng.on the four bitlea of oat-h box. ,i-. ~ Wnouuu ?sotei*, »1 BtactAT St aptO-ly late -J33 Broadway.New York. Mothers, read tale. Thefollowlngli an extract (Wmatetter written by the Pastor of a Baptist ChurcbtUi the "Jonrnaland Messenger," ClndnnaU, Ohio, and speaks volume. In favor of that worid-rcuowned**Bed(cin..Mas. ias- tow's soornixo Sracr roe Cnonasa Tssruisa: " an advertisement Id yonr columns of Mrs. Winslow's Syrnp. Now we never said a word la favor of a patent medicine before In our lire, -but we feel compelled to say'to your readers, that this Is nohumbug.waoaTS eaten i*, aan mow IT TO as all tt cutis. It Is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, became It Is one ot tbe best. And those of Jour readers who hate ba¬ bies can't do better than to lay In a snpply. octl«-ly-dfcw Read the Following- It is True! Pajlxxbbbcko, April 16. T. II. Looav, Esq., Dear Sin I wrote to you Rome time sine® for a Bottle or Brentlinger'a Fluid Kxtract of Saraaparilla and Ixin- delion, and moat sajr that It has acted upon me like a charm. I have been afflicted for nwr two yearn with Dyspepsia; two-thirds of the time I roiuited from one to three time* a day. I had given up the idM of erer getting well, hud indeed my Mends had given up all hopes of my ever getting well again. Added to this, I suffered with the Scrofula very much. Since last September one side of my ne~k was one entire sore, compared of some sevon running eorcs. The use of one Bottle* ha* much improved! me. My atomach is relieved and my neck has im¬ proved beyond my moot aanfriktne expectations. I! feci much encouraged and think by the use of one or two bottles more 1 shall be relieved entirely. You Will please send me two bottles by the Boat. Yonrs respectfully, s . J.W. I10MKR. The above medicine la prepared by F. A. BURNT, L1NUKR A 00m No. 141 Market atreet, Wheeling and sold by most of the Druggists of the city. ap3 UELIEF Ilf'TBN MINUTES BRYAN'S PCLMOIIC WAFERS Tnx Original Medicine Established In 1837. and first article of the kind ever Introduced under the name of ^Pcuioxic Watiu," la Utf« or any other coun¬ try; all other Pulmonic Waters are counterfeit*. The genuine can be knowtt by the name BRYAN being stampedon each WAFBR. Barax's Pcumno Wawm Believe Coughs, Golds, Sore.Throat, lloarseaeas. piy^y PrvH"!!1? WaIDI Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing. Brtas*i Pulbomc .Waters Relieve 8pltting orBlood, Pains In the Cheat. .Betas** Pulmonic Wafees Relief Incipient Consumption. Lung Disease. Bbtax's Pcijcoxic "Watana Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsila. BlTix't PctnonC ^xltM Relieve the above Complaints In Ten MlnuUe. BSTAX'S PCLXOXIQ WaFEES Are a Blasting to eU Claasee and Constitutions. Betax's Pcmoirrc"WA?r*a Are adapted for VecalisteaktPublic Speaker*. Betas's Pcucoxk Watoi Are In » simple form and pleasant to the taste. Barons PnwHOft.WAim Not only relieve, but effect rapid and Tasting Cores. Betas'* Pnsoni Watex* Are warranted to give aartd^rtlori to every one.. No fondly should be without a bos of ~ Betax*s Pcuuwnc Vmu In the honae. No traveler should bo without a supply of DaWe Ptttaoxrt Waru tn his pwhti No person will ever object to give for Betas*s PnMae Waiiu Twenty-five Cents. JOB MOSES, Soto Proprietor, Rochester, N. T. i I/30X2C A 00. sad < NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LOST, ON MAIN STREET, BETWEEN BRIDGE ST. and Market, or somewhere in the vicinity, a Ten Dollar Uill on the Merchant** and Mechanic#* Bank or Wheeliag. The llniler will be suitably re- wardedby leaving the bll at this office- my3-lf 4 NEW ORLEANS SUGAR."G2 hhds' prime to choice, jut received per steamer Sil- rrr Ware, and for ealo by my3 * M. RE1LLV. xjjsrio^r jvxeiST OP OHIO COUNTY, Rally! Rally! Rally! TO THE SUPPORT. OP YOUK HONOR, YOUR Hit*HTS, AND YOUR INTERESTS UN¬ DER TH E CONST1TUTION AND JJf TUB UNION. I MBETNG of the fricixU of tli* Union, in Oh# j\. County, win be held at the C JUII* HOUSE, In the city of Wheeling. on Saturday, 31 ay at 3 o'clock P. 91* Let KVKRY C1TIZKN who will stand «y Hie Guv- erument founded by Washington and his fellow pa¬ triots; who will support the -'Oto Flw" the time honored emblem of our nation'* glory and power. TURN OUT to this meeting. IT 13 TIME that we iriiould consult tjpetberon the measures necessary to preserve our iuterett* from the i»erils with which they are threatened. LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK! P'.v« Special Notice to Farmers. Spring & Harvest Implements. JOHNSON A PROST CALLTIIE ATTENTION OF Farmers and Gardeners to their own make of IRON DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOUGHS, the pat¬ ent guard attached, which prevents dirt and stonen from being thrown ujion the young corn; the*e Ploughs with their ground anil polished steel hhove!s and peculiar set or shovels are the BEST IMPLE¬ MENT IN THE WORLD for working Corn and Po¬ tatoes. Also superior Single mid Double Wooden Shovel Ploughs rmidt expressly for us and fully war¬ ranted. Steel teetli expanding Cultivators, either wooden or iron stocked, with the patent reversaLle shares. Also the largest stock of HAY AND MANURE PORKS, with ihe new Solid Strap PeaniB Fork, together with Garden and Field Hoea of all kind* aud of very unperior worltmaiudiip. "We would call particular atteution to the tact that we are the General Agents and the distributing house for W00l)*8 IMPROVED MOWING MACHINES for six counties in Ohio, six counties in Penu»ylvania and twelve counties in Virginia. Every Machine fully warranted. JOHNSON A FROST. »yl 21 Main St. For Sale. rpiIE VERY COMPLETE A VALUABLE WORKS J. for refining C* al Oil, situated near the Hemp* field Railroad, 12 utiles east of Wheeling, Virginia, consisting of one superior eight hor»e pow-r Steam engine, one Still, 1000 gallons capacity, one ditto, GOO gollous, twe 400 gallon tanks or receivers, two 1000 gallon tanks, and one 1200 gallon ditto, all made ot the very be*t clean stuff. Also 12 D Retorts, capacity of 0 bushels each. The property embrace* In fee simple near five acres and has mineral right on about 215 acres. There is a vein of bituminous shale of an average thlckne*H of aboot 4 fret under¬ lying the premise*. Coal uil is found in the vicinity of these works. Parties desirous of «mborking in the business of refining Coal Oil may now have *u opportunity of doing so to great advantauc. For further particular!! apply to the subscriber at No. 342 South Front Street, Philadelphia. ap23-Sw-eod JOflX CRESSON. Sew Spring & Summer DRY GOODS! GEO. R. TAYLOR XTTILLOOMMRNCE THISfFRlDA V) MORNINO, f f April 10th, receiving and o|>ening his SECOND STOCK of new Spring and Summer Goods. This stock will embrace a large assortment of Drtu Good*. Lace Mantles, Silk do. Embroideries, Domestic Goods, Pamsols, MOURNING GOODS, *c^ Ac. All of which I can with confidence nxsnre my cus¬ tomers and buvers generally arb cukapkk than ever offered in this market. fapltfj GEO. R. TA YLOIt. Uf\{\ BARRELS PLOuKrOP VA^ \J\J\J JilOUd favorite brauds, such as Higgen^port. Pearl Mills, CItty Mills, Snow mil, !. I Imptto Mills, Just received and for sale br / ,_npl0 LICT. MORRISON A CO. Wall Paper, Books & Stationery J. O. ORB, & CO., 100 Mniii .Street* WE HAVE OPENED FOR SPRING TRADE A large and well assorted stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, WINDOW SHADES, VIRE*BOARD PRINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS; CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPERS, AND ENVEL¬ OPES OP EVERY VARIETY. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS atlo each. 49" Call and look at our stoe'e. No chat-go for showing Good-. J. C. OltU A Co., >pl3-tiillnt jy 100 Main it. I. O. O. F. Attention. 4 CONSIGNMENT OP SPLEND1D CAMP AND x\ Fifth Degree Regalia. rwo!Y«i this day and for sal* at manufacturer's price*. C. P. BROWN. _np5 No. 2 Washington Ilall. HANDSOME LACE CDItTAIXS..We have received a fine assortment Lace Curtains, which we arc offering cheap. aplU COJ PER k SEXSENF.V. "Wheeling Money." WE WILL CONTINUE TO TAKE WHEELING Money and branches at par for Gr>ods and on account. «P*a MAXWELL. CAMPRELL A TlNOLE. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR IvmU prime to choice. Just received per steamer St. Cloud, and foraalo by (ap'i4) M. R EILLY. pAPF'S WHITE WHEAT FLOUll. \JT 60 barrels Extra Family, very clioice, just re- cclved per steamer Eunice, and for Nil* by ap'J^ M. R BILLY. Cheap Ribbons. Having dkteicmined to quit this branch of the business, we will sell our BON¬ NET RI BOONS at a great sacrifice to close them out. up?4 COOPER k SENS EN EY. Desirable Mourning Dress Goods. Black grenadine bkkege for dresses, Shawls and Mantillas, .*>-4 and 8-4 wide, at ap30 GEO. R.TAYLOR. PARIS ORGANDIES AND GRENA¬ DINE DEKKOES, in beautiful styles, Just re¬ ceived and oOered very low by ap30 GEO. R. TAYLOR. " NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTEDTOTns LATE FIRM of llelskell A Swearingen are earnestly request¬ ed to make immediate payment. np27. 0. W. 1IF.ISKKLL. AMERICAN FLAGS. WK 11 VVJ5 A FEW LARGE k SMALL FLAGS on hand, and can furnish to order any nutnbet at short notice. D. N1COLL k RRO.. Varletv Store, ap2fi 109 Main st. 1STEW GOODS JOHN ROEMER'S, No* 33 Mnin fit., Centre Wheeling, [AM NOW DAILY RECEIVING A LARGE AS¬ SORTMENT of Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold extremely low tor CASH! The citizens of Wheeling and the pnblle In general, are respectfully Invited to give me a call before purchas¬ ing elsewhere*. No. S3 Main St.. Centre Wheeling. »pl3 JOHN RORMER. THE UNION FOREVER! T AIRD'S BLOOU Of YOUTH. OR I j LIQUID PEARL wilt not only remove all kinds of Humors. Tans, Freckles Sun-bnms. and other cu¬ taneous disease* of the skin, bat it also will impart frvshneM. smoothness and transparency to the skin, that can only be produced by the use of this article. It wilt give the complexion a pearl like tint, such as can only be found in youth. Try it. Ladles, and do not ruin your complexion with Idly White, etc. K. BOOKING, Agent, Odd Fellows* Hall Drug Store. ap25 PAINTED BUCKETS.-100 doaen assort L «d colors, just received and for sale by ap* M. RETLLY. OLD PORT WINE.OLD H ARMONY. Sherry Wine, Old Mndeir* Wine Imperial Calinet, and Chas. Heldsick*s Champaigne Wines, in Mora Mid tov sals by BfaSZ W.>. XDWAEDg * BEO. Photographs, Ambrotypes, 6c, PARTRIDGE, No. 118*4 MAIN STREET, Having purchased a lot op cases ami FRAMES at PANIC PRICES propos»e* to till them with pictures at prices to astonish the MIL¬ LIONS. Come in. Ladies and Gentlom^n. while the assort¬ ment is complete an<l avail yourselves of the GREAT- EST BARGAINS ever offered In Wheeling. photographs and Pictures of evety style, as usual. in the best manner. A variety of Lockets uud Pin* nt u difconub Also, a lance and l»eantifnl as¬ sortment of Gilt Frames,cheap. Jaa3 | Something New. 12 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ONE DOLLAR! AT PARTRIDGE'S GALLERY, No. 118J4 MAIX-ST., East Side, mhll A few doors above Monroe St, Public Stock Sale! Thorough Bred Durham Cattle, Horses, and Cotswold and Southdown Sheep. OX TUESDAY. MAY ilsr, 1 WILL SELL BY AUCTION, without rewrve, nt niy farm, 4J4 miles frum Wheeling,. A'a~ «»n the Rethaoy Pike, a lame number of Wurliaui Cattle, (chiefly herd I*ook) C"USi»>ting ot Bull-. Cows, lleifers ard Calves. Also,a number of grade Cows, Heifers and Calves. Hortes, Mare* and Colt*, including a Stallion 8 years old. col¬ or sorrell. by imported "tilencoe," daui -Alleip-o," by ?.Trumpeter." her dam by Hsxale's Moses. Ac. Also, sundry Colts sired by the above Stallion; %ix Brood Marcs, seven Hoi »es. and seven Farm Hones. Three hundred ami ninety flue Sheep, including Cotswold Ewes, with their Lain*. s,aml several South¬ down and Cotswold Ilams and hues of various ages. Also a number ot Agricultural lmpletneuts. The Stock cau be examined at any time prior to .a'e, of which due notice will be iriven. Catalogues containing classifications of the Stock can be had by applying to me at my Brewery office. GhO. W. SMITH, mh2o Wheeling, Va. REMOVAL. 4 S^I P. BROWN ha* removed his Watch and Jew- Vy» «Iry store from No. 11S Main street to No. 2 Washington Hall, Monroe street, opposite the 3IcLure House. tnhlS For Rent and Sale rpHE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR RENT: STORE JL Rooms, small and large: also Officer in cnod buidling?, history: Dwelling Houses for rent; Build¬ ing Lota and other real estate for sale. Tints. HORNHROOK, Offico, No. up stairs. Main at.. feb26 between Monroe and Union. Wo More Bad Bread! EXCELSIOR BAKING POWDER. Y\rHEN THIS ARTICLE IP USED YOU WILL T * always have light and nutritious Bread. Rolls and Griddle Cakes. The dough is ready to bake as soon as mixed. Bread »r Bi*cu?ts made with this Powder will not turn yellow, even ?>hould an exceM 1k> added. Ladle.* who have trl.'d it. say "it is the bwt article they have ever nawl/' A*k for the ** Ex¬ celsior Baking Powder.** For salo in quantities to suit, by T. 11. LOGAN & CO., Main *t. ahovoQulncv.nud LOG AN. LIST A CO . Bridg« Corn r iuh&! somethingHnew aTgoodI "ALEXANDER'S SILA9IEAX." Fir restoring the color of the iiair, from a grey to a beautiful iirown or Black, O.N'I.y ONE BOTTLE: This new discovery surpasses all others for easy application for producing a permanent and natural color, a soft and glossy appearance of the Hair, not staining the «kiu. and producibg any <*hade desired. Price, One. Dollar. For sale by T. II. LOG AN A CO. mli22 *ud LOG AN, LIST A C->. WHEN YOU WISH TO MARK your Linen, get EBB'S 1NDELLIBLR INK, an English preparation, and the best In use. Sold by T. II. LOU AN A CO. mh23 and LOGAN, I.It»T A C*T, 'I'OOTII PASTE,..Hulllhen's Pari.ianTooth l Paste. A supply freshly prepared and-.for sale by T. II. LOGAN A CO. and LOGAN, LIST A CO. mh'22 Sole Agents. NEW GOODS. W. D. SAWTELL & BROTHER Haye JUST RECEIVED THEIR SPRING STOCK of Clotlies, Cnsslmcres and Vc>tingS| Also, a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnlsh- ng Goods. apl Good News! Good Mews! New Spring Goods FOR GENTLEMEN, JUST OPENED AT. No. 103 MAIN STREET. JOHN T. LAKIN. ap23 MERCHANT TAILOR. Interesting News! A New Oil Well Just Discovered! Bat a Small Amount Required for ev¬ ery one to take a Share* Entry 50 cent* inverted will ifit hi SI irorth IN ADVANCE OF TUB NEW 11X011 TARIFF. inn CASES OK NEW SPRING AND SUMMER lUW DRY GOODS have just been received, which the subscriber is able to scl> for leM than half their original valne. Hcaldrs nt-iny other ir »oda receive*!, he will only mention 150 pieces of Silk of all.the latent styles at nil price*, some us low as 50 ct». per yard worth at least #1. and some Plain Silks'a* lew nx 47c per yanl. 25 pieces of Plain Black Silks for Ureses and Man¬ tilla*. Dre§« Goods, a large and varied assortment. Some Traveling Drees Goods for only 8c per yard, worth at least *J0c. t Liwna and Lawn Rubes, plain and figured Rereges and Berege Robes. Double width grey, black and white Bereges for Shawls and Duster*; some worth $1, for only 50 eta per yard. Chulliea and Delaine*. Glnxhams and Chintzes, a large Mock: wnu> 4-4 dark French Chintzes for 15c per yard, worth at least 37c, and light Chintzes at 25c per yard. SI(AVLK.100 Crape Shawls, all colors, from & to 50 dollars a piece: 20 Twfoted Silk Shawls, new styles: 400 Stella Sliawls, some as low As $1. Silk and Cloth Dusters an I Clotks, at all prices fo** Ladies awl Misses. French Lace Mantles of all the latest ntylrs. A large stock «<1 Embroideries and White Goods. 600 dux. Ladles' IIone, tome worth 15c, for 0XA cts npnfr. * Para«ols. Ifoop Skirts and forseta. a large stock. DOMESTICS..Fast colored Prints, {warranted.) for 10, 8 and 6*<fc per yard, worth 12*4. 10 and £c per yard. Bleached and nnltlenched Muslins of all widths and qualities. Irish Linen ami Linen Table Cloths a»l prices. CAHPET5..75 pieces oflnieraln, 3 ply and super¬ fine Carpets at nU pricca. A good assortment of Boy«* Heady Made.Clothlng, and jnsiny other goods, too numerous to mention, all of which havelieen bought for cash fmm Importers, and will be sold at greatly reduced pricM l»y A LEX, 11 £Y MAN, ap2 137 Main 6t., Wheeling, Va. Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry, Of Every duality and Style. TXfK ARW NOW^ RKCEl VINO OUR «PRIXC v > STOCK.. Call and examine, as we design sel.Ing at prices to snlt everylKvIr. J..T* EtVTT k CO- No. lvr.Mala Street, Dealers and Jobber* in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware. Fancy Goods, Watchmaker's Tools and Materials. Glasses. Ac. Particular ntteatfon given; to orders. mhCfi WERK'S CINCINNATI german Soap.50 boxes Just received, and for sale bi ap2 M. BET! XY. 7^ HHDS. FAIR TO PRIME SUGAR .J J tut received per *te»mec Courier, at Jatao LIST. MORRISON *.0*8. UT A- LACE GOODS. CJ Assortment complete. ee?t3 GEO. R. TAYLOR. Mustard, ginger, cinnamon M ice. Close*. Nutmegs, Ca»ria, jost n reived and for sale by (Use W. X.E&WABD$ A BRO-. NEW SPRING STOCK .fit. C AEPETSI WAIL PAPER AND Famishing Goods JTJST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE CHEAPER THAN EVER .BY. J. C. HARBOUR, aplO-lut 143 MAIN S DR. E. G. WINCHELLr~" ^DENTIST,^ Ofllce aud Residence 145 Market»St, WHEELING, rj. ALLT1IR REAL IMPR0YF31ENTS IX Tilt ahx that have ben thoroughly tested will L* lironmu ly adopted nt this office. Prices as low as good aud pennauent work can be produced. All operations warranted. detlQ ADR. ROBEETSON, 31. I*. JAMES 01& ROBERTSON & ORE, No- 142 Marliet-St., WIIEKL1.\0, VA. Retexkxces..II. R. Weed, D. Dillon. G.W.Tbotat. son, Hon. Alfred Caldwell, John Ktiute, Ktq_ B. >1 EofT,Esq., John KrLwell.Sl.D., W.J. Hales, 31. D. H II. Cummins, M. D~ E. A. Hildretli. M. D., A. S. Tod4 SI. D., Tallaut A belnplain, 3IcClallen*. Knox A Cs. Marsh A Tavlor, Bergcr A Iloffninn. Wm.Krvtcr, 0 W. Franrheim. J. X. Zimnier, John Amick, John Sal. »de, John Pfnrr, C. Dieknian,F. Miller. Mpts TWO HOUSES FOR REST ON J TUB ISLAND.One i.r them now occupied b* Capt. Thomis Moore: it h'U a good tardea attsch*! to it. The other was lately occupied by Oeo. Whel- lfer, E*q. Enquire of j air25-tf C. L. ZAXK k CO gr. FOR RBNTi-'The new brick dwtlliBg corner ot Monroe and Kifllirtrvet, cootaiaivr seven room#. pos§ession 1st April. Enquire of P. C. 1I1LDRETII A BKO., Jan21 M Main *tr*«t. THE PEOPLE'S BANK OF WHEELING. Office No. 59 Slain screot, first door ?uuth of IUak«t Wheeling. Discount day*, Wednesdays, 10 A. 51. f pH ANSI EST AND SPECIAL DEPOSITS TllASli J[ fully received. Interest paid on Special Deposits. Exchange on the East lmught and sold. Collection*, at home or from abroad, will rtcrift prompt attention. DIRECTORS. John Ivnote, John Yockhr, J. C. Ilarbonr, Christian lies*, J.T.Scott, LorenxoD. Wait, Richard Carter. J. 11. DICKEY, Oith.. JOHN KNOTR. j : octlB NOTICE MplIB CO-PARTNERSHIP IIKHET0F0RE F.X- JL IST1NU between Cha«. II. Berr> and A'Ium DinIxoii, firm of llerry A Dodwn. was iliiMlvbl t'ula day l»jr mniual cr»iis«.f»t. All pernuis knowing theu- aelves indebted to the firm will p ea*e call an<l»tN tin the Mine, and those having clalu.s. pre»ent them f«>r settlement. Either member of the* firm U au¬ thorized to set tie up the business. Cll AS. II. RKHRY. ADA3IS D0DS0N. The Cordage bii«ine«i will he continued at th« warchonsf. No. IS Water *t.. by tlie oobscriber- th« intention l»eing to close out the »tock in store at th« lowest rash price. CUAS. II. REftRY. Wheeling, April 19, '61.Iw ^^3rtuuiit*- sehbih. NESBITT & BRO., / JJAXCrACTCREES or J NO. 4G MAIN STREET, Centre Wheeling, Va. WE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON UA>'D If all kinds or the Above wares, besides eTerj* thin* appertaining to our line of business. We par¬ ticularly invite cash bnyers togiTe ui a call lleftr* purchaMui: eltewhere. anjrJO-tt NESB1TT 4 BKO. A PULL ASSORTMENT OP Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, UST 11 EC KITED AND FOR SALE BY JOILV T. LAKIN. ap23 Merchant Taller. BAR IRON. BAR IRON. Round, from S-lfttoSin. DA It IRON, Square, fr.rtn 3<to2U,^ IIA It IRON, Flat? froiu UXWto4XU, DAIt IKON, Oral. from^tolU, BAR IRON, llalf-oval, trorn to \\i% BAH IRON, cut toleiixtlnfor tire. HOOP IRON, from Jd to 4}4In. wide. Norway and Slit Nail Hod, a large stock on baud at reduced prices, bv I\ C. HI LDRETII t BltO.. oct25 MMaln >lwt. BbACK RIVETS, from Juniata Iron, assort ed lizitf, received by octi6 P. C.HTLDHETH A i:R<). SHEET IKON. DDLS. S1IKET I HON. a**sorted, No.14 tofl. 80 ""Galvanized Sliret'do. *. 'JO t»2t. On band and for sale cheap by .250: leap by oct25 |». C. HI LDRETII A BRO. "HOWE'S" Standard Scales. nOWK*8 STANDARD SCALES, all sixe- Counter, P at form. Hay pr Cattle Scale*, for sale at Fac¬ tory price*, by p.C. IllLDRfctllI BRO., oct2.ri-'lA\r Agents tor tbe Manufacturer Hot pressed nuts..5,000 it-. h*»« Pressed Nuts, aborted.x/x to 114. for wle by octU5 p. C. IlILDPfiTlI k HBO. Wall Paper, Books and Stationery. AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIK TIJIES. I1IAVK JUST r.ECKrVED A VBRY LA1S0K addition to my stock of Wa|l Paper. Ac., com¬ prising new and elegant styles, never before in tbs city, which I will sell at pries that cannot fail t* please. My stock is now larper than tlmi of snjr otb» r similar establishment In tbe city and etubracu* a greater varietv of style*. Give me a rail *««s£i>n» purchasing elsewhere, as It Is my dererndnntisc »* sell to all who desire to purchase. Raps taVearte exchange, or for cash, Jo?. L. WI1.DK. Rpi corner of Main and Uni«»n- SECRET OP BEAUTY. TAIRD'S BLOOM op YOUTII. OR UQCIP j PEARL, for Beautifying and Preserving tbs Complexion sttf Skin. , This article is entirely different ftpm anything «* tbe kind nver ateemptcd. an«l is warranted free 'n*w all mineral and poisonons sulwtAnc« s or any matter Injurjops to tbe.skint^ It will pdre_ tho compleXi«« a ]K-arl like tint, such sis can only be found in youta. It is also Invaluable for removing all kind* of !».. mors. Tans. Freckles. Sunbnro*. andothercutsneons diseases from the skin. It has riven such- entlrs satisfaction to all that have used it that only to My. LADIES TRY IT. E. BOOKING. Agt. Odd Fellows' nail Drugstore, where at ail times can be fonnd everything kept in a.flrn cla»* Prescription Store. *1* Stereoscopes and Views. "tTTE IIATK -ID8T HECKJVKD FROM MR. T' W ASTnOHV. of tfew Turk. « l»ra of Btei^OKom-x and View.. We would .oNcit «i amination'of the stock by those wish His anvthi#S In that line. The vlewa comprise scenes from »» land. France, Cnba. California and A merica. W'Wj inc the lata Japanese reception. These goW« *"x be sold at New York ptic»-e. at the Yariefty Store of mb2g D. NTCOLL * BR". IhrjlAKC-y BASKETS. A «ond*MBrtw»|«' iH bind at 1>. KTCOIX t n»0 j- tL mh22 Viu-iety» Bran CAGES.A rrwh ivmtr JnK from tbe Manufactory, for *ale cheap at mh22 D. NlfY)LI. * PRO'S Variety St^re^ IRON iWOOI) TUUNDL1SO HOOPS for Boys and Girle. at mb22 l>.'yieOLLJtBnO's Variety St^r>._ rpOTWnBKLBARHOW8*ClBT» X * fresh supply Jn*t i*ce|ve«l at ml.22 1>. N1COLL t BRO>-109 Ma a T A DIES' CORSETS A HOOPJ*"1** l-i Just received at 1). NIOOIX A fJig* I ni» vasst* *

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Page 1: · J fjaiiggatelligeufc* CAMPBELL&H'DEBHOT, EDITORSA5DPAOrJUXTOEB. fKRMIL.DaSIY,deliveredTM-Wtaa^byladtjr,parveek,10etnt¦

J fjaiig gatelligeufc*CAMPBELL & H'DEBHOT,


fKRMIL.DaSIY,delivered la dtjr, par veek, 10 etnt ¦

TM-Wtaa^by m*0, in *^^0*WmiTtby tamfl. inadranr*, l,«b

W H K R I, JNG:Friday Morning, May 3,1861.Caloa Candidate for Coagrcas,


Up, up with that tnsnar! whera'er it may call,Oar sQUansabaU rmUj atwod;

A nation of frtomre that moment Khali fallWban tta stan ahall ba trailad on the snmod.

*If Kentucky to-morrow unfurls the bannerof resistance, t never will jipht under thatbanner. I owe a paramount allegiance tothe whole Union.a subordinate one to myown State.".Henry Clay in the UnitedStates Senate, 1050.

Ohio Conntjrpaya no Revenue to theTraitors.

The most enthusiastic meeting that wasever held by the merchant! of the city ofWheellcg wat held yesterday afternoon atthe Conrt House. Tbey there met almostin a solid body, and without one dissentingvolte resolved that they would pay no rev-enties to the rerolntionary junta of con¬

spirators and traitors who now hold swnyat Richmond. Not only did the merchantsdo this, but the Assessor of Revenue, Mr.Elijah C. Day, resigned his office, and re¬

fused to be a party !o the work" of assess¬

ing taxes on our merchants, which if col¬lected would only be appropriated bj* thetraitors to purchasing arms and ammuni¬tion with which to strike a blow at our

Government. The enthusiasm rose to thehighest pitch when Mr. Day's resignationwas announced, and on the spot a resolu¬tion was made and unanimously carriedthat the full amount which he would havederived from his office on the year's assess¬ment be made up to him. The Union feel¬ing rose as the meeting progressed, untilat last Mr. Wm. Tallant, being seized by apatriotic impulse, got up and proposed" three cheers for the Union forever/' whichwere given and repeated with a vim and awill that was good for the ears to hear.We point the country with pride to this

meeting of our merehaots. Let their patriotic example be followed everywherethroughout Western Virginia. Let theconspirators get their funds the best waythey can, but let them understand that theycan expect nothing from the loyal and pat¬riotic city of Wheeling.Tha Scceaalon Organ Wastvth Away*With a great deal of interest, together

with a vast amount of crocodilc sorrow,we have been for tome tirno watching thesteady decline of that orthodox sbeet, theWheeling Union. With a pain in ourhearts that was "tremendous and fierce tobehold/' we saw it collapse from its whilomdimensions to its present size. With nn

Agony that was killing, wo saw "all them"tales, and other nice readin*, disappearfrom the first page, and "tears like raindrcps fell without measure," when. J&epoetry went from the fourth page. Batyesterday, we took our bed, on seeing thetelegraph go from the third page. Wo didsuppose that that ornamental feature wouldtarry with us while the sheet tarried..But ool one by one the blossoms fall, andwhat may be expected next we have notthe heart *o contemplate. Wo suppoae all


the lovely buds that have been odoriferingour noses for months past, will soon disap¬pear, and that, finally, a pale blank sheetwill regale our sight. If it must be so, itmust be. We have no useless repiningsorreflections. We have been bereaved somuch that we have quit shedding anymore briny tears. The Argut nearlybroke our heart when it expired. TheTimet* decease rent our heart strings, andnow, having got over the frenzy of ourtwo youthful loves, we shall adopt the.philosophy of the widow of Pierre Drouet,who, on the day of her husband's death,inscribed this affectionate memento on histombstone:"Here lies Pierre Drouet, the tenderer

and best of husbands. His disconsolatwidow still keeps the shop at No. 18, ruLapalletier."And so we say. now that we are dail

losing the companionship of oar affectioiate partner, the Inttlh'ptncer still takes telegraph, aud still goes on in full blast-"not a star dimmed nor a stripe erased"- .

at the corner of Qaincy and Main, Wheeing, V*., U. S.

Terms cash.

INFAMOUS.We candidly confess that, much aa w*

have seen of the Wheeling Union, and weas we supposed we knew its capacity f«any treasonable utterance, we never e*

pected to see la its columns such ao edtoriel ai the following. Imagination rtfuses to creditthe fact that any paper, ouaide of Charleston or Richmond, couS-give vent to such language:We act jflad to vee how profusely tl

Honbern bankers end capitalists are bleettag themselves for the benefit ot the rott< .

and worthless.government they live undeThey are piling gold mountain high, artumbling tt Into the rump treasury, whicfcwe doubt not, sadly needs it. We are iifinitely dcjrlibted at this rousing speetacof self-phlebotomy, and ardently hope th**4very vein and artery may be struck >»deep as the lancet cau go. We want ab©» ?.all things to see that fool den of heartle* a-

gamblers,' WmU otmt. wcii Meetfarf. Vf©» -??, v '-2

warn to see it drained to the Inst drop. Itwill be all the better for :he South. In theend phe will have the gratification of see-

ing a great and cfimmercijl ex-

I plosion on the other side of the line thatwill shiver into fragments the power thatfed and fattened up her trade, and thenused the money which she put in its pock-ets io attempts to enslave her. We wishthat we could sec a daily annunciation oftenders from Northern bankers and capi¬

talists to the awount of twenty millions,'because the more they bleed the weakerthey pet. If there be such a thing as a

righteous retribution, it is in reserve forthese money changers who are just now

»in league with the ruuip Government thatis iuiprisoued in Washington city.

? .;Tiic Capture of W»«Uiugtoa.

As a- specimen of thi kind cf food thatis daily dished np to the monocracy aroundRichmond; we give the following from thelast Richmond Examiner :¦

Frotn tho mountain an : .valleys tothe shores of the sea, lb era is one wildshout of fierce rcrioTvi;" fo" capture \> asli-ingtou city nt all and tvnT human hazard.The filthy cage of unclean birds uiust andwill assuredly be purified by lire. 'Thepeople are determine ! upon iit an.I areclamorous for a leader com!net them tothe onhlongbt. That jfsder will assuredly[arise, ayerand that rir'it speedily. Irisnot to be endured 4Uoi_tiiis flight of Aboli¬tion harpies shal! com? dmvn from the,black North for their ruosurinthe heart ofthe'Soutb, to'defile and Urutiiiize the land.Th»y come a* our rcuamie**-jthey act asour most deadly rfoes.thej* promise -jusbloodshed and fire, an i tins is the onlypromise they have ever redeemed. The<fanatical yell for the immediate subjuga¬tion of the whole South is going uphourly from the united voices of all theNorth; and for the purpose of makingtheir work sure, they have determined tobold Washington city as the point fromwbencc to carry on their brutal warfare.Our people can take it.they will take it.and Scott, the arch-traitor, aud Lincolnthk Bkast, combined, <:a.n.u»t prevent it.The just indignation of an outraged anddeeply injured people will leach the Illi¬nois Ape to repeat his r ue ami retrace hisjourney across the borders of the free ne¬

gro States still more rapj^iy than he came;and Scott, the traitor, will be given au

opportunity at the same time t» try thedifference between '-Scott's tactics'** aud(he Shanghai drill tor quick movements.

Great cleansing and purification areneeded and will be given io that festeringsink of iniquity, that wallow of Lincolnand Scott.the desecrated city of Wash¬ington.and many indeed will be the car¬casses of dogs and caitiffs that will black¬en the air upon the g.illows, before thegreat work is accomplished. So let it be.

(For the IntfUIgeticor.]Wcrit Vlrgtutn Still 3IorWtg»

itu*r*. Editart:.There #.« another tin-

rising ol' tbo people in Grafton last Sritur-diy nig lit. The meeting "its assembled on,i verv short notice. but wliou the timecnme'there wercul least three u:' four hun¬dred people assembled. It was a pleasanttime indeed, nnd made one feel good to bethere. It was n genuine Western VirginMmeeting, nnd no mis'nke. About halt lmat7 o'clock John S. Burdctt. Es.)., called themeeting -o order in the street, no ball be¬ing found large enough to accommodatethe crowd; nnd 011 his motion, HarmonSiusel. KRq- was elected I'liiiirmHn andJames M. Scrogin.Esn .Secretary. A com¬mittee consisting of 1.. H. II.ill, GeorgeH Latham and Henry P. Davidson, was ap¬pointed to report business for the meeting.During their absence, F. 11. l'eirpuint. Esq..addressed the meeting for about nn Hournnd a half In a most effective nnd eloquentspeech. Ue laid bare t'.ie iniquities andoppression of the East and South, nndshowed most conclusively \\ externVirginia ought to take uo part »u this nn-holy vrar brought on by the traitors ot theSouth, except in defence ot our own posi¬tion, which the speaker said was now,ought to be, and lie believed would be,under the stars and stripes of our coun¬try. The people were fully aroused, andshout after sliont went up Irom the crowdwhenever the speaker touchid upon theri-hts of the West in the Union, and thelolly of going out of it at the hiil.hng otthe South or nuder the, u bluet: lath ofEastern Virginia. 1 cannot follow thespeaker, but all who know Mr. Poirpointwill know that it was a Ul.tslerly effort.The committee returned nnd reportedthe Clarksburg preamble nnd resolutions,nnd the names of eighteen of our best cit¬

izens as delegates to the Wheeling Con¬vention, to meet on the 111th ol May, andthe report was adopted by acclamation,with tint one dissenting voice. Thus Tay¬lor tnarclics into line, ready for the worst.Her Union men are not of the tuilk nndcider kind, nnd intend to liiiiiji ^ theStar Spangled Banner n« long as there is ashred of it left. She will j;*» to the Wheel¬ing Convention with a desire for peace nn.lfor amicable adjust incut, but she will 8tuythere till something is agreed upon where¬by tve shall not be dragged agaiust ourw'ill out of the Union of our fathers intothe rattlesnake oligarchy reigning at Mont¬gomery.

After the adoption of the report, sho-taddresses, breathing deep- devotion to theUnion, were delivered by C°U Downy, ofPiedmont, and by JuhnS. tturdctt, E-q.,our delegate to the Convention, and R. R.Hall stnd 15. F. Hughs, B-q*.. of this coun¬ty. Mr. Burdett gave us an insight intothe way things are done at Richtnonil, de¬claring that the city, during the wholesitting of the Convention, was an almostunbroken scene of violence and mobocra-cy; but accounted for it by saving that1,700 of her citizens pay uo tixcs. beingreturued delinquent- He thinks thi3 classof gentlemen composed most of the mobsand secession rab'ile of the city. He saidthat the scene during the pa««*£.* of thesecession ordinance, reminded him moreof a nation's funeral than the re-assertingof the rights of sovereignty, so mu-lilauded nt this time by some people. Hedenonuced the ordinance iu the most un¬qualified terms, us a tr.a.d and cheat uponthe people, doo* b\ violence, and agaipHthe will «if the people. He pronouncedold Henry A. Wise nn infinitely worseman tliau old John -Crown, the truth ofwhlch"but few men iu tbia county will everdispute.Urge op the Union men to come up infull force to the Wheeling Convention.Very truly, yours, Guaftos.Thb Hon. J;>hn F. Potter has just re¬

turned from Washington to his home inWisconsin. He informs tbo Chicago pa¬pers that of the 60,0i*0 stand of arms atHarper's Ferry previous to its abandon¬ment, 45,000 stand hud been shipped northto Pennsylvania, and westwardly throughParkersburg, fur ermine t'.ie Westerntroops, and that they are the arms thatwere stopped and seized at Cincinnati..They had been marked lor Fort Smith, andother Southern points, sn'.ely with a viewto mislead prying nataief, and ensure tueirpassage through Virginia.The remainder of the arms nt Harper'sFerry, 15.000 stand. wt«re of an inferiorcharacter, and were rendered wholly use¬less by the fire at ttxc time Lieut. Jonesleft the arsenal.

The Wheeling Union.[From the Pittobnrg Dally Dkpatch.]

The Wheeling Union, a secession orpin,in its issne of Tuesday, endeavors to ham-bug the people of Wheeling with the lyingassertion that the citizens of Pitisbnrg

j wish to destroy Wheeling, by aiding thepeople of Western Virginia against the in¬solent attempt of the secessionists to forcethe State ont of the Union, without askingthe consent of the people, and in violationof their expression, by 60,000 majority..That is all stuff, and the Union well know* jit. It says:"It Is quite natural that Pitfeburg should desire to

retain W heeling In the Northern union, or to blother out by a sttuggle to keep her. Oo this Issue de-|«a<h the question whether in the futute Pittsburgor Wheeling shall be the chief seat vf manufactureson the upper Ohio. If *e remain with the South,the advantage* in the race of competition will be onthe «ide or Wheeling. If we go with the North, ourcity would sown be *ur*lloured up by Pittsburg. Pitts¬burg is quite shrewd enough to see these things, es-penalty when her wits are sharpened by an ancientenmity. Her Journals, therefore, threaten us withforcible detention in the Union of the North.**We can tell the people of Wheeling^ on

j the contrary.and they also know ii.thatto unit* that city and section with theSouthern Confederacy will be inevitableruin, for the safety neither of Pennsylvanianor of Ohio could admit of the establish-ing of secession garrisons, maintainingtroops and erecting forts anywhere in thePanhandle.Nobody is fool enough to believe that J

Wheeling will be brongbt any nearer to i

Pittsburg by becoming part of a great free Jstate of Western Virginia. Her local ad- !vantages and facilities will remain un-

[changed.whiie as a free city of a freecommonwealth she will become a greathive of industry. As a dependency of a

decaying slave State, hereafter to be ruledby the power of a slave oligarchy, more

daringly and insolently outraging popularmajorities and popular rights than anymonarchy in Europe, she must hasten toedcay and ruin.But we need not argue the question..

The people of Western Virginia are fortu¬nately not so easily deceived by dema¬gogues as these of the eastern countieslike Accomac, where Wise boasted that no

newspapers are taken or read; and theywill not be influenced by such stuff as thatof the traitorous Union. They will attendto their affairs in good time,and the Unionhad better prepare, as soon as possible, tobe a Union instead of a secession organ..Its true interests.it3 hopes of existence.depend upon its advocacy of the newcommonwealth of Western Virginia.un¬less the whols State return to loyalty.Dedication of White Oak Hall to theSacred Cause ofLiberty, April 30th,1861.Pursuant to notice, the citizens of Far-

is school district assembled in White Oakschool house, in said district, for the pur¬pose of taking soine action in regard tothe present condition of our country.

Pere Whitham was called to the Chair,and J. C. Paris appointed secretary.Mac. C. Blayney being called upon re¬

sponded nobly for the cause of his coun¬try, nnd the interests of Western Virginia.Other enthusiastic speeches were made..The following resolutions were submitted,and unanimously adopted:Whebbas, The present condition of af¬

fairs in our country is of a character gjv-ing rise to ming'ed feelings of sorrow andanger. Anger at the manifest treacheryof the pretended friends of a free govern¬ment ; nnd sorrow at the horrors of civilwar about to be tliru3t upon us by artfuldemagogues, who are determined to rule orruin j and wfio are at present engaged inattempts to tear down that noble fabricreared by the wisdom and patriotism ofour fathers. Therefore,

Resolved, 1. That we are determined tostand by 'rThe Union, the ConstitutionaudtUe enforcement of the laws."

2. That, as citizens of Western Virginia,having always been in the habit of atten¬ding to our own business, we respectful¬ly iuforin Jelf Davis, John Letcher, audtheir fellows, II. A. Wise, aud J.M. Mason,that we tire still able to settle our domes¬tic affairs without their itterference.

3. That all the efforts of the "WhiteOaks" will be cast upon the sido of ourcommon country, and against the moboc-racy and demagogism is now At¬tempting to erase the star of Virginiafrom our natioual banner, and subject usto a Southern despotism.

4. That the proceedings of this meetingand these resolutions be forwarded to theWheeling fntrllifjencer und WheelingUnion for publication.On tuoliou, a committee was appointed

to draft a Constitution for the purpose ofgoverning us in the formation of a pro¬tection club.

After some enthusiastic and warlike re¬marks by John Brown, in his defense ofthe stars and stripes, the meeting adjourn¬ed to meet ou Monday evening. May Gth,1861. Pbek Whitham, Pre3.

J. C. Faris, Sec'y.The Martinsville Company in Camp.

[For the Intelligencer.]Camp Jackson, nkak Columbus, 0., \May 1, 1861. /At a called meeting of the Belmont

Guards, Company B, lath Ohio Rfgiineut,Capt. Wallace Commander, held on thereception of :> bnx of provisions from theladies of-Martinsville, after three cheersand a tiger for the ladies of that place,the following resolution was unanimouslyadopted:

Resolved, That we hereby tender to theIndies of Martinnvtlle, who have so kindlyremembered their absent husbands, broth¬ers and friend*, our heartfelt thanks forthis evidence of their patriotic feelings to¬wards those who have left their homes andfiresides in defeuce of their country's flagOrdered, that the above proceedings besent to the Wheeling Intelligentr and theBelmont county papers, and request thesame to be published.

Hurrah for FanoB Brownlow.We copy the following from the Tennes¬

see Whig Brownlow's paper of the 23dtost.

Qen. Pillow, who is a clever gentlemanin the private relations of life, and a verycompanionable man, sent us a message re¬cently, which is explained in the followingreply.

Kxoxvillb, April 22. 1861.Gen. Gideou J. Pillow..I have just re¬

ceived your message through Mr. Sale, re¬questing me to serve as Chaplain to yourBrigade in the Southern Army; and in thespirit of kindness In which this request ismade, but in all candor, 1 return fur « ananswer, that when 1 shall have made upmy mind »o go to Hell, I will cut my throatand go direct, and not travel round'by'wayof the Southern Confederacy.I am, very respectfully." &e.

W. G. Brownlow.Good New* From Kentucky.We learn that Mr. Crittenden, spoke atLancaster, Kentucky, a few days since, to

a very larpe and enthusiastic crowd. TheUniou feeling is strong and growing. . Wehave, also favorable news from Garrard,Lincoln and Casey counties, as w*ll asRockcastle, Laurel. Whitley, Knox, Clay,Estill and Owrnley. Mr. Crittenden'sspeech at Stanford aUo was a powerfuland excellent effort. The Hon. Joshua P.Bell, used up A. G. Talbot, of coarse, atLiberty, In Casey county. The ball isrolling on rapidly..Louitvillt Democrat.

Tub following, from the iexington, (Ky.) »

Oherierand R*portpr% laysbare theunAlt.igated selfishness of the Cotton Confede- jracy, and shows for what purpose weof^the bolderStates are wanted. We are tobe the sufferers, whose families are to besubjected to all the horrors of a war, wbil*the Cottonocrata, in languid ease and safey protected, are to look at our struggles: jA Cavdid Avowal..One of our moat jintelligent and' reliable fanners returned a jday or two since from New Orleans, and iinforms us that during f portion or histrip in the South, the Hon. Howell Cobb,of Georgia, was a passesger on the carswith him. At different points on theroute Mr. Cobb addressed the people, and ,he invariably said to theis that they dismiss all apprehensions of any hns- ..tilities in their midst and* return to theirtlanting duties*, that tbVtheater of warlmd been transferred to tlieborder States,and there it would be kept. This ju*Jwhat thene Southern States desire; and itis siraplj an open aVowatJof what has allalong been the purpose ofthe disnniontsls.They precipitate the revolution, bring onwar, and now wish and expect to change jthe scene of desolation-and strife fromtheir soil to ours. Kentucky will not bethe willing dupe of thelfearcb agitatorsand disturbers of the pobKc peaceBringtug matters lo*sU»u« In West- jera VlrftlM*«

[From the CtadanaU Oommeraal.]The Wheeling the

;Ifying announcement that? the Democratic jUnion candidate for Congress in the Pan¬handle, Vll. District, VMS. Brown, Esq,has been nominated bytiwo contentions,and will undoubtedly gel? two-third« votein the District. !The* election conies ofon the 4th Tbnrs-day in Hay. As the Session District* in jVirginia will choose nojiepreientativw inthe United States Oongrfia, this will bringtbe question of a division of the State jright homo to the Secesionlsts. On theirown principles, they will, be compelled tolet Western Virginia secede.

Fkvkb .\»d Agbk.A' Case or EightMonth's Staxdi&o Cento BY BtERllAVa .

lloiXAXD Bittkks.Mich»l Kelly, No. 117Seventh, near Grant street, says:'.Last July, while running on the river,on a cotton boat plying between Natchez'and New Orleans, I was taken with Feverand Ague. For eight long months I suffer- |,-d with this dreadful disease. The greaterpart of. this time 1 wn* unable to work,£nd spent at least Bfly dollars for differentmedicines, but found no] lermanent relief.Three weeks ago, line ofany friends insist¬ed upon my tryingp^n ire's Jlolwnd Jtu-tcrs, saying that a'furez^pd* guaranteed..After taking it for fr«*e #eek, I mtfst stateI was a sound man. VLtiave been at worknow for two weeks, andlhavc had no returnof tlio Chills and Fever whatever."

I certifv that the above statement i» true.;Thomas Adams,

Diamond House, or at It. Chester'sGothic Hall. apl-lm


tv*. A. BATCHEROU'3 HAIR DYK.The only llarmlcst and HelfnWs Dj/t Kwnen.All other* .re mere imitative,and .Uonld beavoid-

ed lr yau wish 10 escape ridicule. IOBEY, UEDOR RUS1YIIAIR dyed instantly to

a boautlful and aataral Brown or Black, without theleast injury to Ilair or Skin.HVTKKK MBUAL8 AND BBRWIAK bate been

awarded to W*. A. BlTCBSlOB .inc. 1S39, «nd over20<l,000 applications have b^aa made to the h*lr ofthe patrons of hU fatnoo* PyVtWm. a. BATCUBLOlt'S IIAIR DYK produce, a

color not to be dlstlnguUheifrom nature, and Uwarranted not to Injure In Aclca.t, lmwerer longIt may be continued, and the 111 effect, of bad Dye.remedied. The la Invigorated for life by thissplendid Dye, which Is properly applied at So. 18Bond Street. New York.Sold in all the cltie. and town) of the Onlted State!,

Ba.chelor,"an-l addreunpon a steel plate enpavlng.on the fourbitlea of oat-h box. ,i-. ~Wnouuu ?sotei*, »1 BtactAT StaptO-ly late -J33 Broadway.New York.

Mothers, read tale.Thefollowlngli an extract(Wmatetterwritten by

the Pastor of a Baptist ChurcbtUi the "JonrnalandMessenger," ClndnnaU, Ohio, and speaks volume. Infavor of that worid-rcuowned**Bed(cin..Mas. ias-tow's soornixo Sracr roe Cnonasa Tssruisa:" an advertisement Id yonr columns of Mrs.

Winslow's Syrnp. Now we never said aword la favor of a patent medicine before In our lire,-but we feel compelled to say'to your readers, thatthis Is nohumbug.waoaTS eaten i*, aan mow IT TOas all tt cutis. It Is, probably, one of the mostsuccessful medicines of the day, became It Is one ottbe best. And those of Jour readers who hate ba¬bies can't do better than to lay In a snpply.octl«-ly-dfcw

Read the Following- It is True!Pajlxxbbbcko, April 16.

T. II. Looav, Esq., Dear SinI wrote to you Rome time sine® for a Bottle or

Brentlinger'a Fluid Kxtract of Saraaparilla and Ixin-delion, and moat sajr that It has acted upon me likea charm. I have been afflicted for nwr two yearnwith Dyspepsia; two-thirds of the time I roiuitedfrom one to three time* a day. I had given up theidM of erer getting well, hud indeed my Mends hadgiven up all hopes of my ever getting well again.Added to this, I suffered with the Scrofula verymuch. Since last September one side of my ne~kwas one entire sore, compared of some sevon runningeorcs. The use of one Bottle* ha* much improved!me. My atomach is relieved and my neck has im¬proved beyond my moot aanfriktne expectations. I!feci much encouraged and think by the use of one ortwo bottles more 1 shall be relieved entirely. YouWill please send me two bottles by the Boat.

Yonrs respectfully, s . J.W. I10MKR.The above medicine la prepared by F. A. BURNT,L1NUKR A 00m No. 141 Market atreet, Wheelingand sold by most of the Druggists ofthe city. ap3UELIEF Ilf'TBN MINUTES

BRYAN'S PCLMOIIC WAFERSTnx Original Medicine Established In 1837. and firstarticle of the kind ever Introduced under the nameof ^Pcuioxic Watiu," la Utf« or any other coun¬

try; all other Pulmonic Waters are counterfeit*.The genuine can be knowtt by the name BRYANbeing stampedon each WAFBR.Barax's Pcumno Wawm

Believe Coughs, Golds, Sore.Throat, lloarseaeas.piy^y PrvH"!!1? WaIDI

Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing.Brtas*i Pulbomc .Waters

Relieve 8pltting orBlood, Pains In the Cheat..Betas** Pulmonic WafeesRelief Incipient Consumption. Lung Disease.Bbtax's Pcijcoxic "Watana

Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsila.BlTix't PctnonC^xltM

Relieve the above Complaints In Ten MlnuUe.BSTAX'S PCLXOXIQ WaFEES

Are a Blasting to eU Claasee and Constitutions.Betax's Pcmoirrc"WA?r*a

Are adapted for VecalisteaktPublic Speaker*.Betas's Pcucoxk Watoi

Are In » simple form and pleasant to the taste.Barons PnwHOft.WAimNot only relieve, but effect rapid and Tasting Cores.Betas'* Pnsoni Watex*

Are warranted to give aartd^rtlori to every one..No fondly should be without a bos of ~

Betax*s Pcuuwnc VmuIn the honae.

No traveler should bo without a supply ofDaWe Ptttaoxrt Waru

tn his pwhtiNo person will ever object to give for

Betas*s PnMae WaiiuTwenty-five Cents.

JOB MOSES, Soto Proprietor, Rochester, N. T.

i I/30X2C A 00. sad<


ON MAIN STREET, BETWEEN BRIDGE ST.and Market, or somewhere in the vicinity, a

Ten Dollar Uill on the Merchant** and Mechanic#*Bank or Wheeliag. The llniler will be suitably re-

wardedby leaving the bll at this office- my3-lf 4

NEW ORLEANS SUGAR."G2 hhds'prime to choice, jut received per steamer Sil-

rrr Ware, and for ealo bymy3

* M. RE1LLV.

xjjsrio^r jvxeiSTOP OHIO COUNTY,



JJf TUB UNION.I MBETNG of the fricixU of tli* Union, in Oh#

j\. County, win be held at the C JUII* HOUSE, Inthe city of Wheeling. on

Saturday, 31ay at 3 o'clock P. 91*Let KVKRY C1TIZKN who will stand «y Hie Guv-

erument founded by Washington and his fellow pa¬triots; who will support the -'Oto Flw" the timehonored emblem of our nation'* glory and power.TURN OUT to this meeting.IT 13 TIME that we iriiould consult tjpetberon

the measures necessary to preserve our iuterett*from the i»erils with which they are threatened.LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK!


Special Notice to Farmers.Spring & Harvest Implements.JOHNSON A PROST CALLTIIE ATTENTION OF

Farmers and Gardeners to their own make ofIRON DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOUGHS, the pat¬ent guard attached, which prevents dirt and stonenfrom being thrown ujion the young corn; the*ePloughs with their ground anil polished steel hhove!sand peculiar set or shovels are the BEST IMPLE¬MENT IN THE WORLD for working Corn and Po¬tatoes. Also superior Single mid Double WoodenShovel Ploughs rmidt expressly for us and fully war¬ranted. Steel teetli expanding Cultivators, eitherwooden or iron stocked, with the patent reversaLleshares.

Also the largest stock of HAY AND MANUREPORKS, with ihe new Solid Strap PeaniB Fork,together with Garden and Field Hoea of all kind*aud of very unperior worltmaiudiip. "We would callparticular atteution to the tact that we are theGeneral Agents and the distributing house forW00l)*8 IMPROVED MOWING MACHINES forsix counties in Ohio, six counties in Penu»ylvaniaand twelve counties in Virginia. Every Machinefully warranted. JOHNSON A FROST.

»yl 21 Main St.

For Sale.rpiIE VERY COMPLETE A VALUABLE WORKSJ. for refining C* al Oil, situated near the Hemp*field Railroad, 12 utiles east of Wheeling, Virginia,consisting of one superior eight hor»e pow-r Steamengine, one Still, 1000 gallons capacity, one ditto,GOO gollous, twe 400 gallon tanks or receivers, two1000 gallon tanks, and one 1200 gallon ditto, allmade ot the very be*t clean stuff. Also 12 D Retorts,capacity of 0 bushels each. The property embrace*In fee simple near five acres and has mineral righton about 215 acres. There is a vein of bituminousshale of an average thlckne*H of aboot 4 fret under¬lying the premise*. Coal uil is found in the vicinityof these works. Parties desirous of «mborking inthe business of refining Coal Oil may now have *uopportunity of doing so to great advantauc. Forfurther particular!! apply to thesubscriber at No. 342South Front Street, Philadelphia.ap23-Sw-eod JOflX CRESSON.

Sew Spring & SummerDRY GOODS!GEO. R. TAYLOR

XTTILLOOMMRNCE THISfFRlDA V) MORNINO,f f April 10th, receiving and o|>ening his

SECOND STOCKof new Spring and Summer Goods. This stock willembrace a large assortment ofDrtu Good*.

Lace Mantles,Silk do.

Embroideries,Domestic Goods,

Pamsols,MOURNING GOODS, *c^ Ac.All of which I can with confidence nxsnre my cus¬tomers and buvers generally arb cukapkk than everoffered in this market. fapltfj GEO. R. TA YLOIt.

Uf\{\ BARRELS PLOuKrOP VA^\J\J\J JilOUd favorite brauds, such asHiggen^port.

Pearl Mills,CItty Mills,

Snow mil,!. IImptto Mills,Just received and for sale br /


Wall Paper, Books & StationeryJ. O. ORB, & CO.,

100 Mniii .Street*

WE HAVE OPENED FOR SPRING TRADEA large and well assorted stock of



OPES OP EVERY VARIETY.STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS atlo each.49" Call and look at our stoe'e. No chat-go forshowing Good-. J. C. OltU A Co.,>pl3-tiillntjy 100 Main it.

I. O. O. F. Attention.4 CONSIGNMENT OP SPLEND1D CAMP ANDx\ Fifth Degree Regalia. rwo!Y«i this day and forsal* at manufacturer's price*. C. P. BROWN.

_np5 No. 2 Washington Ilall.

HANDSOME LACE CDItTAIXS..Wehave received a fine assortment Lace Curtains,which we arc offering cheap.


"Wheeling Money."WE WILL CONTINUE TO TAKE WHEELINGMoney and branches at par for Gr>ods and on


NEW ORLEANS SUGAR IvmUprime to choice. Just received per steamer St.Cloud, and foraalo by (ap'i4) M. REILLY.pAPF'S WHITE WHEAT FLOUll.\JT 60 barrels Extra Family, very clioice, just re-cclved per steamer Eunice, and for Nil* byap'J^ M. RBILLY.

Cheap Ribbons.Having dkteicmined to quit this

branch of the business, we will sell our BON¬NET RIBOONS at a great sacrifice to close them out.


Desirable Mourning Dress Goods.Black grenadine bkkege for dresses,Shawls and Mantillas, .*>-4 and 8-4 wide, at


PARIS ORGANDIES AND GRENA¬DINE DEKKOES, in beautiful styles, Just re¬ceived and oOered very low byap30 GEO. R. TAYLOR.

" NOTICE.ALL PERSONS INDEBTEDTOTns LATEFIRMof llelskell A Swearingen are earnestly request¬ed to make immediate payment.np27. 0. W. 1IF.ISKKLL.AMERICAN FLAGS.

WK 11 VVJ5 A FEW LARGE k SMALL FLAGSon hand, and can furnish to order any nutnbetat short notice. D. N1COLL k RRO..

Varletv Store,ap2fi 109 Main st.


No* 33 Mnin fit., Centre Wheeling,[AM NOW DAILY RECEIVING A LARGE AS¬SORTMENT of

Spring and Summer Goods,which will be sold extremely low tor CASH! Thecitizens of Wheeling and the pnblle In general, arerespectfully Invited to give me a call before purchas¬ing elsewhere*.No. S3 Main St.. Centre Wheeling.»pl3 JOHN RORMER.

THE UNION FOREVER!T AIRD'S BLOOU Of YOUTH. ORI j LIQUID PEARL wilt not only remove all kindsof Humors. Tans, Freckles Sun-bnms. and other cu¬taneous disease* of the skin, bat it also will impartfrvshneM. smoothness and transparency to the skin,that can only be produced by the use of this article.It wilt give the complexion a pearl like tint, such ascan only be found in youth. Try it. Ladles, and donot ruin your complexion with Idly White, etc.K. BOOKING, Agent, Odd Fellows* Hall DrugStore. ap25PAINTED BUCKETS.-100 doaen assortL «d colors, just received and for salebyap* M. RETLLY.OLDPORT WINE.OLD HARMONY.Sherry Wine, Old Mndeir* Wine ImperialCalinet, and Chas. Heldsick*s Champaigne Wines,in Mora Mid tov sals byBfaSZ W.>. XDWAEDg * BEO.

Photographs, Ambrotypes, 6c,PARTRIDGE,

No. 118*4 MAIN STREET,

Having purchased a lot op cases amiFRAMES at PANIC PRICES propos»e* to till

them with pictures at prices to astonish the MIL¬LIONS.Come in. Ladies and Gentlom^n. while the assort¬

ment is complete an<l avail yourselves of the GREAT-EST BARGAINS ever offered In Wheeling.photographs and Pictures of evety style, as usual.

in the best manner. A variety of Lockets uudPin* nt u difconub Also, a lance and l»eantifnl as¬sortment of Gilt Frames,cheap. Jaa3|

Something New.



mhll A few doors above Monroe St,

Public Stock Sale!Thorough Bred Durham Cattle,

Horses, and Cotswold andSouthdown Sheep.

OX TUESDAY. MAY ilsr, 1 WILL SELL BYAUCTION, without rewrve, nt niy farm, 4J4miles frum Wheeling,. A'a~ «»n the Rethaoy Pike, a

lame number of Wurliaui Cattle, (chiefly herd I*ook)C"USi»>ting ot Bull-. Cows, lleifers ard Calves. Also,anumber of grade Cows, Heifers and Calves. Hortes,Mare* and Colt*, including a Stallion 8 years old. col¬or sorrell. by imported "tilencoe," daui -Alleip-o," by?.Trumpeter." her dam by Hsxale's Moses. Ac. Also,sundry Colts sired by the above Stallion; %ix BroodMarcs, seven Hoi »es. and seven Farm Hones.Three hundred ami ninety flue Sheep, includingCotswold Ewes, with their Lain*. s,aml several South¬down and Cotswold Ilams and hues of various ages.Also a number ot Agricultural lmpletneuts.The Stock cau be examined at any time prior to.a'e, of which due notice will be iriven.Catalogues containing classifications of the Stock

can be had by applying to me at my Brewery office.GhO. W. SMITH,mh2o Wheeling, Va.

REMOVAL. 4S^I P. BROWN ha* removed his Watch and Jew-Vy» «Iry store from No. 11S Main street to No. 2Washington Hall, Monroe street, opposite the3IcLure House. tnhlS

For Rent and SalerpHE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR RENT: STOREJL Rooms, small and large: also Officer in cnodbuidling?, history: Dwelling Houses for rent; Build¬ing Lota and other real estate for sale.

Tints. HORNHROOK,Offico, No. up stairs. Main at..

feb26 between Monroe and Union.

Wo More Bad Bread!EXCELSIOR

BAKING POWDER.Y\rHEN THIS ARTICLE IP USED YOU WILLT* always have light and nutritious Bread. Rolls

and Griddle Cakes. The dough is ready to bake assoon as mixed. Bread »r Bi*cu?ts made with thisPowder will not turn yellow, even ?>hould an exceM1k> added. Ladle.* who have trl.'d it. say "it is thebwt article they have ever nawl/' A*k for the **Ex¬celsior Baking Powder.**For salo in quantities to suit, byT. 11. LOGAN & CO., Main *t. ahovoQulncv.nudLOG AN. LIST A CO . Bridg« Corn r iuh&!

somethingHnew aTgoodI"ALEXANDER'S SILA9IEAX."

Fir restoring the color of the iiair,from a grey to a beautiful iirown or Black,O.N'I.y ONE BOTTLE:

This new discovery surpasses all others for easyapplication for producing a permanent and naturalcolor, a soft and glossy appearance of the Hair, notstaining the «kiu. and producibg any <*hade desired.Price, One. Dollar. For sale byT. II. LOGAN A CO.mli22 *ud LOGAN, LIST A C->.

WHEN YOU WISH TO MARK yourLinen, get EBB'S 1NDELLIBLR INK, anEnglish preparation, and the best In use.Sold by T. II. LOUAN A CO.mh23 and LOGAN, I.It»T A C*T,

'I'OOTII PASTE,..Hulllhen's Pari.ianToothl Paste. A supply freshly prepared and-.for saleby T. II. LOGAN A CO.and LOGAN, LIST A'22 Sole Agents.


STOCK ofClotlies, Cnsslmcres and Vc>tingS|

Also, a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnlsh-ng Goods. apl

Good News! Good Mews!New Spring Goods




Interesting News!A New Oil Well Just Discovered!Bat a Small Amount Required for ev¬

ery one to take a Share*Entry 50 cent* inverted will ifithi SI irorthIN ADVANCE OF TUB NEW 11X011 TARIFF.inn CASES OK NEW SPRING AND SUMMERlUW DRY GOODShave just been received, which the subscriber is ableto scl> for leM than half their original valne.Hcaldrs nt-iny other ir »oda receive*!, he will onlymention 150 pieces of Silk of all.the latent styles atnil price*, some us low as 50 ct». per yard worth atleast #1. and some Plain Silks'a* lew nx 47c per yanl.25 pieces of Plain Black Silks for Ureses and Man¬tilla*.

Dre§« Goods, a large and varied assortment. SomeTraveling Drees Goods for only 8c per yard, worth atleast *J0c. tLiwna and Lawn Rubes, plain and figured Reregesand Berege Robes.Double width grey, black and white Bereges forShawls and Duster*; some worth $1, for only 50 eta

per yard.Chulliea and Delaine*. Glnxhams and Chintzes,a large Mock: wnu> 4-4 dark French Chintzes for15c per yard, worth at least 37c, and light Chintzesat 25c per yard.SI(AVLK.100 Crape Shawls, all colors, from & to50 dollars a piece: 20 Twfoted Silk Shawls, newstyles: 400 Stella Sliawls, some as low As $1.Silk and Cloth Dusters an I Clotks, at all pricesfo** Ladies awl Misses.French Lace Mantles of all the latest ntylrs.A large stock «<1 Embroideries and White Goods.600 dux. Ladles' IIone, tome worth 15c, for 0XA ctsnpnfr. *Para«ols. Ifoop Skirts and forseta. a large stock.DOMESTICS..Fast colored Prints, {warranted.)for 10, 8 and 6*<fc per yard, worth 12*4. 10 and £c

per yard. Bleached and nnltlenched Muslins of allwidths and qualities. Irish Linen ami Linen TableCloths a» a»l prices.CAHPET5..75 pieces oflnieraln, 3 ply and super¬fine Carpets at nU pricca.A good assortment of Boy«* Heady Made.Clothlng,and jnsiny other goods, too numerous to mention, all

of which havelieen bought for cash fmm Importers,and will be sold at greatly reduced pricM l»yALEX, 11£YMAN,ap2 137 Main 6t., Wheeling, Va.

Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry,Of Every duality and Style.

TXfK ARW NOW^ RKCEl VINO OUR «PRIXCv > STOCK.. Call and examine, as we designsel.Ing at prices to snlt everylKvIr.

J..T* EtVTT k CO-No. lvr.Mala Street,Dealers and Jobber* in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry.Silver and Plated Ware. Fancy Goods, Watchmaker's

Tools and Materials. Glasses. Ac.Particular ntteatfon given;to orders. mhCfi

WERK'S CINCINNATI germanSoap.50 boxes Just received, and for sale bi

ap2 M. BET!XY.

7^ HHDS. FAIR TO PRIME SUGAR.J Jtut received per *te»mec Courier, at


Mustard, ginger, cinnamonM ice. Close*. Nutmegs, Ca»ria, jost n

reived and for sale by(Use W. X.E&WABD$ A BRO-.








J. C. HARBOUR,aplO-lut 143 MAIN S

DR. E. G. WINCHELLr~"^DENTIST,^Ofllce aud Residence 145 Market»St,

WHEELING, rj.ALLT1IR REAL IMPR0YF31ENTS IX Tilt ahxthat have ben thoroughly tested will L* lironmuly adopted nt this office.

Prices as low as good aud pennauent work canbe produced. All operations warranted. detlQADR. ROBEETSON, 31. I*. JAMES 01&ROBERTSON & ORE,

No- 142 Marliet-St.,WIIEKL1.\0, VA.

Retexkxces..II. R.Weed, D.Dillon. G.W.Tbotat.son, Hon. Alfred Caldwell, John Ktiute, Ktq_ B. >1EofT,Esq., John KrLwell.Sl.D., W.J. Hales, 31. D. HII. Cummins, M. D~ E. A. Hildretli. M. D., A. S. Tod4SI. D., Tallaut A belnplain, 3IcClallen*. Knox A Cs.Marsh A Tavlor, Bergcr A Iloffninn. Wm.Krvtcr, 0W. Franrheim. J. X. Zimnier, John Amick, John Sal.»de, John Pfnrr, C. Dieknian,F. Miller. MptsTWO HOUSES FOR REST ONJ TUB ISLAND.One i.r them now occupied b*Capt. Thomis Moore: it h'U a good tardea attsch*!to it. The other was lately occupied by Oeo. Whel-lfer, E*q. Enquire of

jair25-tf C. L. ZAXK k COgr. FOR RBNTi-'The new brick dwtlliBgcorner ot Monroe and Kifllirtrvet, cootaiaivrseven room#. pos§ession 1st April.

Enquire of P. C. 1I1LDRETII A BKO.,Jan21 M Main *tr*«t.


Office No. 59 Slain screot, first door ?uuth of IUak«tWheeling.Discount day*, Wednesdays, 10 A. 51.fpHANSIEST ANDSPECIAL DEPOSITS TllASliJ[ fully received.

Interest paid on Special Deposits.Exchange on the East lmught and sold.Collection*, at home or from abroad, will rtcrift

prompt attention.DIRECTORS.

John Ivnote, John Yockhr,J. C. Ilarbonr, Christian lies*,J.T.Scott, LorenxoD. Wait,Richard Carter.J. 11. DICKEY, Oith.. JOHN KNOTR.

j : octlB

NOTICEMplIB CO-PARTNERSHIP IIKHET0F0RE F.X-JL IST1NU between Cha«. II. Berr> and A'IumDinIxoii, firm of llerry A Dodwn. was iliiMlvbl t'uladay l»jr mniual cr»iis«.f»t. All pernuis knowing theu-aelves indebted to the firm will p ea*e call an<l»tNtin the Mine, and those having clalu.s. pre»ent themf«>r settlement. Either member of the* firm U au¬thorized to set tie up the business.


The Cordage bii«ine«i will he continued at th«warchonsf. No. IS Water *t.. by tlie oobscriber- th«intention l»eing to close out the »tock in store at th«lowest rash price. CUAS. II. REftRY.Wheeling, April 19, '61.Iw^^3rtuuiit*- sehbih.



NO. 4G MAIN STREET,Centre Wheeling, Va.

WE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON UA>'DIf all kinds or the Above wares, besides eTerj*thin* appertaining to our line of business. We par¬ticularly invite cash bnyers togiTe ui a call lleftr*purchaMui: eltewhere.anjrJO-tt NESB1TT 4 BKO.


Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,UST 11 ECKITED AND FOR SALE BY

JOILV T. LAKIN.ap23 Merchant Taller.

BAR IRON.BAR IRON. Round, from S-lfttoSin.DA It IRON, Square, fr.rtn 3<to2U,^IIA It IRON, Flat? froiu UXWto4XU,DAIt IKON, Oral. from^tolU,BAR IRON, llalf-oval, trorn to \\i%BAH IRON, cut toleiixtlnfor tire.HOOP IRON, from Jd to 4}4In. wide.Norway and Slit Nail Hod, a large stockon baud at reduced prices, bv

I\ C. HI LDRETII t BltO..oct25MMaln >lwt.

BbACK RIVETS, from Juniata Iron, assorted lizitf, received byocti6 P. C.HTLDHETH A i:R<).SHEET IKON.

DDLS. S1IKET I HON. a**sorted, No.14 tofl.80 ""Galvanized Sliret'do. *. *» 'JO t»2t.On band and for sale cheap by.250:

leap byoct25 |». C. HI LDRETII A BRO."HOWE'S" Standard Scales.nOWK*8 STANDARD SCALES, all sixe- Counter,P at form. Hay pr Cattle Scale*, for sale at Fac¬

tory price*, by p.C. IllLDRfctllI BRO.,oct2.ri-'lA\r Agents tor tbe Manufacturer

Hot pressed nuts..5,000 it-. h*»«Pressed Nuts, aborted.x/x to 114. for wle byoctU5 p. C. IlILDPfiTlI k HBO.

Wall Paper, Books and Stationery.AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIK TIJIES.I1IAVK JUST r.ECKrVED A VBRY LA1S0Kaddition to my stock of Wa|l Paper. Ac., com¬prising new and elegant styles, never before in tbscity, which I will sell at pries that cannot fail t*please. My stock is now larper than tlmi of snjrotb» r similar establishment In tbe city and etubracu*a greater varietv of style*. Give me a rail *««s£i>n»purchasing elsewhere, as It Is my dererndnntisc »*sell to all who desire to purchase. Raps taVearteexchange, or for cash, Jo?. L. WI1.DK.Rpi corner of Main and Uni«»n-

SECRET OP BEAUTY.TAIRD'S BLOOM op YOUTII. OR UQCIPj PEARL, for Beautifying and Preserving tbs

Complexion sttf Skin.,This article is entirely different ftpm anything «*

tbe kind nver ateemptcd. an«l is warranted free 'n*wall mineral and poisonons sulwtAnc« s or any matterInjurjops to tbe.skint^ It will pdre_ tho compleXi««a ]K-arl like tint, such sis can only be found in youta.It is also Invaluable for removing all kind* of !»..mors. Tans. Freckles. Sunbnro*. andothercutsneonsdiseases from the skin. It has riven such- entlrssatisfaction to all that have used it thatonly to My. LADIES TRY IT.

E. BOOKING. Agt. Odd Fellows' nail Drugstore,where at ail times can be fonnd everythingkept in a.flrn cla»* Prescription Store. *1*

Stereoscopes and Views."tTTE IIATK -ID8T HECKJVKD FROM MR. T'W ASTnOHV. of tfew Turk. « l»raof Btei^OKom-x and View.. We would .oNcit «iamination'of the stock by those wishHis anvthi#SIn that line. The vlewa comprise scenes from »»land. France, Cnba. California and America. W'Wjinc the lata Japanese reception. These goW« *"xbe sold at New York ptic»-e. at the

Yariefty Store ofmb2g D. NTCOLL * BR".

IhrjlAKC-y BASKETS.A «ond*MBrtw»|«'iH bind at 1>. KTCOIX t n»0j-tL mh22 Viu-iety»

Bran CAGES.A rrwh ivmtr JnKfrom tbe Manufactory, for *ale cheap at

mh22 D. NlfY)LI. * PRO'S VarietySt^re^

IRON iWOOI)TUUNDL1SO HOOPSfor Boys and Girle. atmb22 l>.'yieOLLJtBnO's Variety St^r>._rpOTWnBKLBARHOW8*ClBT»X * fresh supply Jn*t i*ce|ve«l atml.22 1>. N1COLL t BRO>-109 Ma a

T A DIES' CORSETSA HOOPJ*"1**l-i Just received at 1). NIOOIXA fJig*I ni» vasst* *