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ﹾﻭ ﹸﻁ ﹾﻭ ﹸﻁ ﹺﺨ ﺓ ﺒStep by Step Arabic for beginners The easiest way ever to learn reading and writing By Umm Ziyad

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خطوةة بخطو

Step by Step Arabic for beginners

The easiest way ever to learn reading and writing

By Umm Ziyad

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��� ا ا���� ا����� Bism-i-llaah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem In the name of Allaah the most Gracious the most Merciful

المالس كمليع

Assalaamu 3alaykum

Peace be upon you (all)

المالس كمليعو

Wa 3alaykumu-s-salaam And upon you be the peace

Assalaamu 3alaykum means "peace be unto you." The response for it is " Wa 3alaykumu-s-salaam ", which means" and on you be the peace". Muslims commonly use this greeting in all parts of the world, Arabs & Non-Arabs alike as it is the greeting of Islam.

Very good action or deed should be started with reciting Bismillah: before meals, when coming home, when leaving the house ,when feeling pains, before ablution, when night falls, writing Bismillah in our letters, when placing the body of the deceased in the grave, when slaughtering an animal… Bismillah is literally in every aspect of our lives


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All praise is for Allah. We praise Him, seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our actions. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness

that Muhammad صلى اهللا عليه وسلم is His servant and Messenger.

We all feel touched when we open up a good interpretation of the meaning of the Qur’aan and we ponder and wonder at the beauty of the words and the deep meanings within. In reality though, we are just seeing a glimpse of the real treasure that the Qur’aan is. Imagine how you’d feel if you could understand the words of Allah in the form in which they were sent down and not just rely on a interpretation of the meaning in English. Imagine the power of the words and the directness of the message then! The potency would be outstanding!

The Qur’aan is the word of Allah; a direct message from Allah to His creation and Allah chose the Arabic language as the language of this message. Indeed Allah tells us this in the Qur’aan emphasizing to us that to understand the message in its fuller form one must understand the language:

!$‾Ρ Î) çµ≈ sΨ ø9u“Ρ r& $Ρ uö� è% $wŠ Î/u� tã öΝ ä3 ‾= yè ©9 šχθ è= É) ÷è s? ∩⊄∪ ⟨

“Indeed we have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’aan, in order that you may understand” (Surah Yusuf, Aayah 2)

Arabic and the message of the Qur’aan cannot be separated and translators throughout the ages have tried to convey to the non-Arabic speaking people the beauty of the meaning of the Qur’aan but have always called it ‘The translation of the meaning of the Qur’aan’, emphasizing the fact that the Qur’aan’s direct translation is not possible, because so much of the potency and splendor of the words and their meanings which are inextricably linked to the Arabic language are lost in English or any other language. Indeed to even appreciate the poetic beauty of the Qur’aan one needs to have an understanding of Arabic.

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A Priority for all of us

Scholars throughout the ages, from the Companions to the present day, encouraged the Ummah to learn the Arabic language. Ubay ibn Ka’b نهاهللا ع يضر said, “Teach

Arabic like you teach the memorization of the Qur’aan!” Abu Bakr نهاهللا ع يضر said, “That I recite and forget (a portion of the Qur’aan) is

more beloved to me than to make a grammatical mistake!”

And ‘Umar نهاهللا ع يضر once passed by a group of archers who missed their targets.

He admonished them and they responded that they were only beginners, but in answering back they made a grammatical mistake in their wording. He told them, “Indeed, your mistakes in Arabic grammar are more difficult to bear than your mistakes in archery!” Imam ash-Shaafi’ee said, "Therefore it is imperative that every Muslim should strive to learn Arabic as hard as he can, so that he can testify the shahada, and recite the Book of Allah and say the invocations that are mandatory upon him, such as the takbeer, tasbeeh, tashahud and other prayers. And the more he learns the language that Allah Himself chose to be the language of him who sealed the Prophets, and to be the language of His final revelation, the better it is for him!” Imam ash-Shaafi’ee also said : "It is compulsory for every responsible Muslim to learn what they can of the Arabic language."

The great 8th century scholar Shaykul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah even went so far as to say that, “The Arabic language is part of the Religion, and knowing it is an obligation.” Unfortunately, we have become comfortable with simply relying on translations and spending all of our time and efforts in studying other things, (other languages even!) which may not even benefit us in the hereafter and have forgotten that the Qur’aan is in a very approachable language and we all have the ability or rather the responsibility to study and understand it.

If you knew that Allah had a message for you, personally, would you then not want to understand it in its original form? Think about it. We have the last revelation to mankind, the only communication from our Lord and Master, which is preserved in its original form, and yet in a 70 odd year life we do not give it the attention which it deserves. We should realize that Allah has honored us with the Qur’aan and chosen for us the noblest of languages. Attention to Arabic is attention to the Book of ; therefore, we should make learning it a priority. I remember the feeling of tasting the sweetness of Allah’s words in my Salaah when I first embarked upon my Arabic studies. I just repeated the same aayah of the Qur’aan again and again savoring the words and suddenly feeling a deep emotion that I’d never felt before though I had read the same aayah many times

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before studying Arabic. It was as though a light had been lit for me and I’d suddenly discovered a new part of a house that I’d been living in for years.

One of the definite benefits of learning Arabic is that it aids Khushoo’ or consciousness in salaah and helps us to improve all of our acts of worship. Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan becomes a new experience!

Practical steps towards learning Arabic Alhamdulillah (all praise for Allaah) with all the teaching aids and easy access to information that we have, learning Arabic does not necessarily mean traveling on arduous journeys to distant lands as it once used to. With discipline and commitment, the student can study much in his own

Here are some tips to help you:

1. Make Du3aa' (Supplication): As with everything we work towards, we should ask Allaah to help us and make learning easy for us.

2. Discipline yourself: Put a set amount of time aside every day or twice a week for your Arabic studies and stick to it.

3. Know your basics well: going step by step is the best way to master any language. Concentrating on improving your basic reading and writing is the first step in learning Arabic, even if it is repetitive. You can build on that firm foundation.

4. Invest in a good dictionary and Arabic books: A good dictionary is the Hans Wehr or Al-Mawrid, available in most Muslim bookshops and on the Internet.

5. Study under an Arab friend or tutor: The importance of a good teacher cannot be stressed enough. Although there is a lot of self-study involved, a friend who knows Arabic or an Arab brother or sister who you could go to regularly for guidance would be very valuable. You could even start going through your Arabic books with them.

6. Speak Arabic whenever you can: One of the biggest obstacles to speaking Arabic is being shy about making mistakes in speech and so not speaking at all. You must overcome this shyness and use whatever you know whenever you can. This is how you will eventually improve insha Allah. Maybe you could meet some Arab brothers or sisters who only speak Arabic. This way you’ll be forced to speak what you know and they’ll be pleased that you’re making the effort.

7. Relate your knowledge back to the Qur’aan and other worships: Don’t forget that your aim is to understand what you recite of the Qur’aan especially in your salaah and other adhkaar. Try to recognize Arabic words as you come across them in the Qur’aan and apply your knowledge in understanding the Qur’aan. Ponder over and pay attention to the words in your salaah. May Allah help us all to master the language of the Qur’aan and to aid its spread throughout the Ummah.

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1- The notes below are important and should be read carefully before starting the book.

2- The book is divided into units with each unit gathering the letters similar in writing.

3- Some parts of the book can be learned without a teacher, but it is always better to have a native teacher to learn the correct pronunciation.

4- The Arabic Language is easy to read as it is pronounced as written; so as soon as you finish learning the Alphabet & the Marks (indicate short vowels) you can easily read any text.

5- The Arabic Alphabet is composed of 29 letters.

6- The Arabic words are written from right to left.

7- The letters of the same word are usually connected from both sides, with an exception of six letters that can be connected from the right side only. We call them the non-connectors.

8- The letter in the original form is different than the connected form. The change is usually by cutting the left side of the letter. Some letter don't change of form at all.

9- Only three vowel sounds exist in the Arabic Language. Each one can be short or long.

10-You’ll find six letters that are completely new for you so they are to be learned by imitating the native speakers.

11- The Arabic letters are divided to heavy letters and light letters: Heavy letter: By giving the letter a quality of heaviness by elevating the tongue. Light letter: By giving the letter a quality of lightness by lowering the tongue away from the roof of the mouth. Ex. Letter “b” in "bag" is light but “b” in "bath" is heavy

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12- The Arabic letters cannot be read without The Marks which indicate the vowels following the letter. In the modern writing these marks are normally omitted as the reader is used to the pronunciation of the words but for beginners the presence of mark is essential.

These short vowels in Arabic are:

1- Fat-hah ـ: represents a short (a) as “a” in “tablet”

2- Kasrah ـ: represents a short (i) as “i” in “bin”.

3- Dammah “ represents a short (u) as “u” in “bull ـ:

4- Sukoon ـ absence of the vowel as "n" in "ant ","t" in "cat"…etc

5- Shaddah :ـ the letter should be stressed (pronounced twice) as ".. t + t." in hot

tea. They are called in Arabic ( Harakaat)

13- The Long vowels have same sound of the short ones but longer in time, and are represented by three letters:

1- Alif: If the letter Alif ( ا ) comes after a letter with Fat-hah, then this Alif will be pronounced like double Fat-hah as “a” in “father”. We will represent that by "aa" 2- Yaa’: If the letter Yaa' ( ي ) comes after a letter with Kasrah, then this Yaa’ will be pronounced like double Kasrah as “ee” in “ cheese “. 3- Waaw: If the letter Waaw ( و ) comes after a letter with Dammah, then this Waaw will be pronounced like double Dammah “oo” in “loop”

The detailed explanation of the marks and the long vowels will come in special lessons in the book insha'Allaah.

14- Transliteration is the technique that changes Arabic writing into a Latin substitute. Since there are many letters in Arabic which have no Latin equivalent, either the combination of two letters, or special qualities are added to normal Latin letters. Table in next page is showing the equivalent of each Arabic letter.

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Letter Name

Figure Vocaliza-


Transliter- tion

Example New Heavy Light At the end In the


At the


Connected from right


1 Hamzah ء first

sound in

( a, o, e, i )

a,o,e,i 'Apple *

2 Baa’ ب b b Back * بـ ـبـ ـب

3 Taa’ ت t t Tab * تـ ـتـ ـت

4 Thaa’ ث th th Thank * ثـ ـثـ ـث

5 Jeem ج j j Jar * جـ ـجـ ـج

6 Haa’ ح - h - * * حـ ـحـ ـح

7 Khaa’ خ - kh - * * خـ ـخـ ـخ

8 Daal د d d Data * ـ د ـ ـد ـد *

9 Dhaal ذ th dh That * ـ ذ ـ ـذ ـذ *

10 Raa’ ر r r Right * ـر ــر ـر *

11 Zaay ز z z Zoo * ـز ــز ـز *

12 Seen س s s Sand * سـ ـسـ ـس

13 Sheen ش sh sh Shadow * شـ ـشـ ـش

14 daaS ص s s Sauce * صـ ـصـ ـص

15 daaD ض - d - * * ضـ ـضـ ـض

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Letter Name

Figure Vocaliza-

tion Transliter-

tion Example New Heavy Light At the end

In the


At the


Connected from

right only

16 Taa’ ط t t - * ط ـطــ ـطـ

17 Dhaa’ ظ th dh - * ظ ـظــ ـظـ

18 3ayn ـع عــ ـع * * - 3 - ع

19 Ghyne غ - gh - * * ـغ غــ ـغ

20 Faa’ ف f f Fat * فـ فــ فـ

21 Qaaf ق - q - * * ـق قــ قـ

22 Kaaf ك k k Kid * ـك كــ ـك ـ

23 Laam ل l l Lamp * ـل لــ لـ

24 Meem م m m Map * ـم مــ مـ

25 Noon ن n n Name * ـن نــ نـ

26 Haa’ هـ h h Hat * ـهـ هـــ هـ

27 Waaw و w w Wing * وـ وــ ـو *


Maddiyah * __ وـ ـو * oo oo Moon و

28 Yaa’ ي Y Y You * يـ يــ يـ


Maddiyah __ يــ ـيـ ee ee Deep ي

29 Alif

Maddiyah * ـ ا .اـ ـا * Long a aa sad ا

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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This group of letters has the same shape. They are distinguished only by their dots.

Unit 1

b ب

t ت th (thin) ث

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Baa' اءب

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like B in English. Exit (The point of articulation of each letter): Between the lips by shutting them.

Baa’ is a light letter as (b) in bag not as (b) in bar.

1- Fat-hah تفةح ( ) is a small diagonal line placed above a letter, and represents a short (a). This (a) is

pronounced as (a ) in (tablet). The word Fat-hah means opening, and refers to the

opening of the mouth when producing an (a)

The mark of Fat-hah ةفتح is up, and my mouth goes up

2- Kasrah كسةر ( )

is a small diagonal line placed below a letter and represents a short (i). This (i) is

pronounced as (i) in bin. The word Kasrah means breaking.

The mark of Kasrah is down, and my mouth goes down bi كسرة

In this lesson we will study the letter ) ب ) and the short

vowels Fat-hah ( ), Kasrah ( ) and Dammah ( ) They are represented by marks called in Arabic (Al Harakaat)


My name is….

القةراء Al-qiraa'ah

The Reading


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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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3- Dammah ةمض ( ) is a small curl placed above a letter and represents a short (u). This (u) is pronounced as (u) in “bull “.The word Dammah means a hug

The mark of Dammah .looks like a whistle, that I blow in ضمة


Iqra'(m) / Iqra'ee (f) Readاقرئي/ اقرأ

١- (waahid=1) ب ب ب

٢- (ithnaan=2) ب ب ب

٣- (thalaathah=3) ب ب ب

٤- (arba3ah=4) ب ب ب

٥- (khamsah=5) ب ب ب

m =masculine

f = feminine

Qul (m) قل

Qoolee (f) قولي Say

Tadreebaat اتيبتدر


Baa' with Fat-hah is ba = ب

Baa' with Kasrah is bi = ب

Baa' with Dammah is bu = ب

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Unit 1 ب ت ث


Isolated (1)


بغر gharb ب

Notice that:

1- When is initial or medial, it ب

2- When it is final it is in the full

.can be connected from both sides ب -3

.is always written on the line ب -4

(1) The letter is written in the by a non- connectorA non-connector is the letter that cannot be connected from left sidestudied soon insh

ب ت ث


Medial Final



رقب qabr قلبqalb

�ـ ـ�ـ

is initial or medial, its left side disappears and becomes

s final it is in the full form.

can be connected from both sides.

is always written on the line.

is like a Boat. It has to float ب

It has one dot Beneath

The letter is written in the isolated form when it comes at the endconnector.

connector is the letter that cannot be connected from left sidestudied soon inshaa' Allaah (God willing).



Page 12



bayt بيت �

s left side disappears and becomes shorter.


oat. It has to float.

it comes at the end preceded

connector is the letter that cannot be connected from left side. It will be

kitaabah ابةالكت

The Writing

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Copy insakh(m) / insakhee(f) يانسخ / انسخ

ب ب ب+ب+ب ب+ب ب

ب ب ببب بب ب

.......................... ..........................

.......................... ..........................


.......................... ..........................

.......................... ..........................

















qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ نسخ قل وا

Say and copy ١

idhwaa ٢

ithnaan ٣

thalaathah ٤

arba3ah ٥


.............. ..............

............... ...............


.............. ..............

............... ...............



















Tadreebaat اتيبتدر


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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Where isب ? ayna ب أين ب؟

يدحتو ربص نور بر ينت

قلب نبي انشيط كلب ارج جبل

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and Copy

Gharb غربQalb قلبQabr قبرBayt بيت
























Inshaa' Allaah "Inshaa' Allaah" is one of the most common expressions, or verbal appendages, in the Arab world and beyond it: Persian, Turkish and Urdu speakers… This Arabic expression meaning 'If Allaah wills it' or "if God wills it." It is a conjunction of the proper name for God (Allaah) and the Arabic words for he wills. This expression is usually said when referring to a situation in the future e.g. inshaa' Allaah I will go to the grocery shop tomorrow.

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Unit 1 ب ت ث


Phonetics Pronunciation: Like T in English.Exit: The tip of the tongue and the roots of the twocentral incisors. Taa’ is a light letter as ”t” in

What is The Absence Of Vowels (

Linguistically, the word SukThis mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that thfollowed by any vowel’s sound. It is pron


Important Notes:

1- An Arabic word never starts with Suk2- If you pause on any wordword, even if there is a different mark on

In this lesson we study the letter

(Absence of a Vowel )

ب ت ث


Taa' اءت

T in English. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the roots of the two upper

Taa’ is a light letter as ”t” in "tab” not as "t" in "target"

What is The Absence Of Vowels ( Sukoon )?

the word Sukoon means "calm". mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that th

vowel’s sound. It is pronounced as (n) in ant, (t)

Sukoon is a pause on the letter:

the letter and then you say the next letter.

Stoooooop at the red circle

An Arabic word never starts with Sukoon. you pause on any word, you have to pause with Sukoon on the last lettereven if there is a different mark on it.

In this lesson we study the letter ) ت ) and the Sukoon (

(Absence of a Vowel )


القةراء Al-qiraa'ah

The Reading

Page 15

mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that this letter is not ) in cat…etc

you just stop on

say the next letter.


Sukoon on the last letter, of the

) and the Sukoon ( ــ )

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

تب تب تب بت بت بت -١ تب بت تب بت تب بت -٢ تبت تبت تبت -٣٤- تت تب بت بب تب ٥- تت تتببت بت تتب

tab تب = ب + ت

ت =ت + ببbat

ت= ت + تت tit

tub تب= ب +ت

tubtu تبت =ت + ب + ت



Qul (m) قل

Qoolee (f) قولي

taa‘ with Fat-hah is ta = ت

taa‘ with Kasrah is ti = ت

taa‘ with Dammah is tu = ت

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Unit 1 ب ت ث




ooth حوت ت

Notice that: ت has the same rules of writing as


ب ت ث


Medial Final



تابك kitaab بنتbint

�ـ �ـ

has the same rules of writing as ب

T = تHelp!

Two dots on the



Page 17



رتم tamr �


dots on the Top

kitaabah الكتابة

The Writing

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Copy insakh / insakhe انسخي/ انسخ

ب+ت ت+ب ت+ت+ت ت+ت ت ت ت تب بت تتت تت ت ت ت

............. ..............

.............. .................

.......................... ......................


............. ..............

.............. .................

.......................... ......................























qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and copy

٥ ٤ ٣ ٢ ١






















Tadreebaat اتيبتدر


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Unit 1 ب ت ث

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 19

Where isت ? Ayna ت أين ت؟

بلق تين بت ورتح

بثو موي يح ة بنت اةقرب

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and copy

رتم Tamr تابك Kitaab بنت Bint وتح ootH
























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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Thaa' ثاء

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like Th (thin) in English. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the tips of the two upper central incisors. Thaa’ is a light letter.

thaba ثب = ب+ ث

ث = ث + بب batha

thabata ثبت = ت+ ب+ ث

tabuthu تبث = ث+ ب+ ت


القةراء Al-qiraa'ah

The Reading

thaa' with Fat-hah is tha = ث

thaa' with Kasrah is thi = ث

thaa' with Dammah is thu = ث

Qul (m) قل

Qoolee (f) قولي

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Unit 1 ب ت ث


What is Shaddah ( _This mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that the letter should be stressed (which means to pause on the letter and then to say the same letter with a vowel).

Shaddah can be with the Fat

Help Shaddah is repeating the letter twice without moving the tongue: once with a sukoon and once with a vowel 1-Shaddah with Fat Example: when you say: On the first 't' there is a Sukoon and on the

2- Shaddah with KasrahExample: when you say: On the first 't' there is a Sukoon and on the

3- Shaddah & DammahExample: when you say: On the first 't' there is a Sukoon and on the

In this lesson we study the letter

ت + ب ( ت with

ت + ب with ت)

ت + ب ( ت with

ب ت ث


_ )? This mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that the letter should be stressed (which means to pause on the letter and then to say the same letter with a

with the Fat-hah or the Kasrah or the Dammah

Shaddah is repeating the letter twice without movingtongue: once with a sukoon and once with a vowel


Example: when you say: what time is it?

s a Sukoon and on the second there is a Fat

Kasrah Example: when you say: Do you like hot tea?

s a Sukoon and on the second there is a

ammah و Example: when you say: I like it too

s a Sukoon and on the second there is a

In this lesson we study the letter ) ث ) and the Shaddah (

with shaddah and Fat-hah) is batta =

with shaddah and Kasrah) is batti = تwith shaddah and Dammah) is battu =

Page 21

This mark written on the top of the Arabic letter indicates that the letter should be stressed (which means to pause on the letter and then to say the same letter with a

ammah Shaddah is repeating the letter twice without moving

tongue: once with a sukoon and once with a vowel

there is a Fat-hah.

there is a Kasrah.

there is a Dammah.

) and the Shaddah ( ـــ )



= تب

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

تب بث تث ثب بت -١٢- بثت تثت بتت ثبت ثبب تب بث بت بث بت -٣ ثب تب بت -٤ بثت تبت تبت -٥

ت = ت+ ببbatta

tabba تب= ب + ت ث= ث + بب bath-tha

tabbat تبت= ت + ب + ت

tabuth-thu تبث= ث + ب + ت

ث + ب ( ث with shaddah and Fat-hah) is bath-tha = بث

ث + ب = is bath-thi (with shaddah and Kasrah ث) ثب

ث + ب ( ث with shaddah and Dammah) is bath-thu = ثب

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Unit 1 ب ت ث


Notice that: ث has the same rules of writing as



ثإر 'irth


ب ت ث


has the same rules of writing as ب and ت

TH = ث Help!

THree dots on the

Medial Final



Thuluthثلث Unthaa أنثى

�ـ �ـ



Page 23




ثوب Thawb أنثى �

kitaabah ابةالكت

The Writing

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Copy insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

ت+ب+ث ث+ب ث+ث+ث ث+ث ث ث ث تثب بث ثثث ثث ث ث ث

............ ...........

........... ..................

.......................... .....................


............ ...........

........... ..................

.......................... .....................
















ruf ha-ilee alsil / ifsif األحرف افصلي/ افصل Separate the letters

ثبت ب ث بث تبث تب

بثت ثت

Where isث ? Ayna ث أين ث؟ ريق شهدتشفى ثالثة صسم

ثلثثل مث مطش غيشي انارع





Tadreebaat اتيبتدر

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Unit 1 ب ت ث


qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee

Say and Copy

ت ث Th

Three dots above

ثإر 'irth






ب ت ث


qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ


ت ث ب Th T B

ree dots above Two dots above One dot

Thuluth ثلث Unthaa أنثى











Page 25

قل وانسخ

Right to left

One dot Beneath

ثوب Thawb












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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Connect sil / silyصلي / صل

ت ب تب ............ ث ب ........... ب ت

............ ت ب ت

............ ت ب ت

.......... ت ب ث

عسما / اكتب ي ثمعمسكاكتبي / ارالحات* Isma3 / Isma3ee thumma uktub / uktubee al-harakãt Listen, then put the marks.

ثبت -٥ بثت - ٤ تبت - ٣ تب -٢بت - ١

عسما / اكتب ي ثمعمسمة اكتبي/ االكل * Isma3 / Isma3ee thumma uktub / uktubee al-kalimah Listen, then write the word.

٣........................ -٢...................... -١ - ........................

٥........................ -٤- ......................

ععي/ ضل ضودائرة ح الكل نل ماألو فرالحةم هعمعينها/ ا التي تسمتس* Circle the first letter al- harf from the word al- kalimah that you hear.

ت ب ث - ٣ ث ت ب -٢ ب ت ث - ١ ت ث ب - ٥ ب ث ت - ٤





Tadreebaat يباتتدر

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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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عمسا /ي ثمعماس اكتبي/ اكتب ورةت الصتح قمالر

Listen then write the number under the picture

؟ ... كم Kam How many…?

ةدائر عبرثلث مم

Muthallath Murabba3 Daa'irah

* These exercises are to be done with your teacher




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Unit 1 ب ت ث

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Arabic is Easy

Didn't Allah say:

ô‰ s) s9uρ $tΡö�œ£o„ tβ# uö�à) ø9$# Í�ø. Ïe%#Ï9 ö≅yγ sù ÏΒ 9� Ï.£‰ –Β ∩⊄⊄∪ ⟨ � ٢٢ا! �

"Wa laqad yassarna-l-Qur'aana li-thikri fa-hal mim-mudakir" We have indeed made the Qur'aan easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?

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2Unit ن ي

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Unit 2

n ن y ي ee

Initial or medial: they are written as ب ت ث

Final or isolated: they are written under the line.

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2Unit ن ي

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Noon نون

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like N in English. Exit: Between the tip of the tongue and the gums of the two upper central incisors. Noon is a light letter.


القةراء Al-qiraa'ah

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

Noon with Fat-hah is na = ن

Noon with Kasrah is ni = ن

Noon with Dammah is nu = ن

ب + ن = is banna (with shaddah and Fat-hah ن) نب

ب + ن بنis banni = (with shaddah and Kasrah ن) ن + ب (ن with shaddah and Dammah) is bannu = نب

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2Unit ن ي

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ن +ب = نبnaba

ب + ن =نبbuna tathni تثن= ن + ث + ت

bintu بنت= ت + ن + ب

tabanna تبن= ن + ب + ت

ن + ت= ت + بنب nabbata

ب + ن =نب bunni

Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

(sittah = 6) ٦- نب بن نت نث ثن (sab3ah = 7) ٧ - نبت تثن تت نبنب بنت

٨- (thamaaniyah = 8) نت تبن نثن تثن ثبنب

(tes3ah = 9)تت نثبت تثبت تنبت -٩نب ١٠- (3asharah =10) نثت بت بت تبتثنتتنب

Remember: An Arabic word cannot start with Shaddah.

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2Unit ن ي




3ayn udhun أذن ن

Notice that: 1- When ن is final or isolated it is in2- When is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it ن like ب ت ث on the line. .can be connected from both sides ن -3



Medial Final



انإنس 'insaan ني3عayn

ـ ــ

final or isolated it is in the full form beneath the line.edial, it's left side disappears and it becomes

can be connected from both sides.

a ball North of a N is likeن


Page 32



نار naar �ـ

beneath the line. becomes


Al-kitaabah ابةالكت

The Writing

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2Unit ن ي

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insakh / insakhee انسخي /انسخ

ن ن ن ن ن ن +ن ن نن

ن +ن+ن ننن


............ ............

............ ...............

............... ......................


............ ............

............ ............

............... ...............

...................... ..........................

























ilysil / s Connect صلي/ صل ...........................ب ن ت - ١ ...........................ن ب ت - ٢ ...........................ث ن ت - ٣ ...........................ت ث ن - ٤ ...........................ت ب ن - ٥





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2Unit ن ي

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Where isن ? ayna ن أين ن؟

قهف رنص خالق نور ينط

نبي عبد ذنب ذيل اسن نبت

qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

١٠ ٩ ٨ ٧ ٦

.............. ..............

............... ...............


.............. ..............

............... ...............




















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2Unit ن ي

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qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and Copy

نار naar انإنس 'insaan ني3عayn udhun أذن






















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2Unit ن ي

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Yaa' ياء

Consonant Long vowel Y ee

1- Yaa' as a Consonant

Phonetics - Pronunciation: Like Y (yarn) in English. - Exit: The middle of the tongue with what corresponds from the roof of the mouth. - Yaa' is a light letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

Yaa' with Fat-hah is ya = ي

Yaa' with Kasrah is yi = ي

Yaa' with Dammah is yu = ي

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

ن+ ي (ي with shaddah and Fat-hah) is nayya = ني

+ ي ي) ن with shaddah and Kasrah is nayyi = ني

ن + ي = is nayyu (with shaddah and Dammah ي) ني

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2Unit ن ي

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

٥- يب ني تي ثي ٦- ثني ثنينيب بيت بيت -٧٨- ني ني ني نتب ٩- نبي نبي ت نبيبي ١٠ - نيبي نينب نيتب ينيب

ن +ي = نيnaya

ي= ي+ ببbuyi ب + ن= ن + ييب bayni

ي + ث= ث + ببي yabuth-thu

ث + ي + ن =ثني yuthanni

ب + ت= ت + ييب bayyata

ي + ب + ي + ن =نيبي yubayyinu


Exercises ١

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2Unit ن ي




ghan شاي shaay ي

Notice that:

1- When ي is final or isolated it is in the full form under the line.

2- When is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it becomes ي

like .on the line ت ث ب

.can be connected from both sides ي -3


ي www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com

Medial Final



رخي khayr يغن ghaniyy

ـ� ـ ـ

is final or isolated it is in the full form under the line.

is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it becomes

can be connected from both sides.

Looks like a Duck and has ي


Page 38



ومي yawm �ـ

is initial or medial, it's left side disappears and it becomes

two Yolks

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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2Unit ن ي

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 39

insakh / insakhee Copyانسخ

ي ي ي ي ي ي+ي+ي ي+ي ي ي ي ي ي ي ييي يي ي

............ ............

............ ............

............... ...............

...................... ..........................


............ ............

............ ...............

............... ......................


























ني ؟يأي ayna ? ي Where is

قهف فوسي نور ين تقيع

نبي يمين ذنب سيون تحت يوم






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2Unit ن ي

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Say and Copy qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee خانسيقولي / قل وخوانس

sil / sily Connect صلي/ صل

............................. ب ن ت بيت ب ي ت

............................. ت ث ت ......................... ب ث ت

............................. ب ي ن ......................... ن ب ن

............................. ي ب ن ......................... ي ب ت

............................. ت ث ت ......................... ن ب ث

............................. ت ي ن ......................... ن ب ت

............................. ث ن ي ......................... ن ب ي

١٠ ٩ ٨ ٧ ٦ ٥ ٤ ٣ ٢ ١











































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2Unit ن ي

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qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and Copy

ومي yawm رخي khayr يغن ghaniyy شاي shaay





















ruf ha-ilee alsil / ifsifافصلي األحرف / افصل Separate the letters

بنت ت ب تب ثن تبن

ثنت نبت



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2Unit ن ي



Two Yolks under a



ي ن

olks under a DUCK A ball North of a

Page 42

orth of a Net

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2Unit ن ي

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Thank You


:ملسو هيلى اهللا علاهللا ص ولسر الق

"من صلإ عنيه معفل القف وفراعله :جزخ اهللا اكيق، فارأ دغلب ي الثفناء". The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said: "To whomsoever good is done and he says to the doer of it, May Allah reward you, he has done his utmost in praising."

زاهللا ج راكا خي(male)

(Jazaaka-llaahu khayran)

زاهللا ج راكا خي(female) (Jazaaki-llaahu khayran)

May Allaah reward you with Good.

اكمإيانا اهللا وزج(Jazaana-llaahu wa iyyaakum)

May Allaah reward us and you all.


(Shukran) Thanks


(3afwan) Welcome

Jazaaka-llaah khayran (may Allaah reward you with good) is the best form of thanking a man for any benefit or gift received from him. It is both an expression of thankfulness to him and a prayer for him, and it is the common form in which a Muslim thanks another.

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2Unit ن ي

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2- Yaa‘ as a Long Vowel

Yaa' Maddiyyah (Prolonged) يةياء مد

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like ee (deed) in English. Exit: The interior or the chest area.

Yaa' Maddiyah

- If the letter Yaa' ي ( ) comes after a letter with Kasrah and has no mark above or below it, then this Yaa' will be pronounced like double Kasrah as “ ee ” in

“ beep “. bi ي +ب ) بي is short but bee ب ) is long. - We call it "Maddiyah" (prolonged) because it is doubling the time of Kasrah - An Arabic word cannot start with Yaa' Maddiyah.

ةالقراء Al-qiraa'ah

ي + ب is bee = بي

ي + ت is tee = يت ث ي + is thee = ثي

= is nee ي + ن ني

ي + ي is yee = يي

* (Yaa' Maddiyah has no mark)

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

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2Unit ن ي

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 45

Read Iqra'/Iqra'e اقرئي/ اقرأ

يي ني ثي تي بي -١ يييي نيني ثيثي تيتي بيبي -٢ تيب ثين تين بين بيت -٣

٤- نثني بنتي تبني نبني يثني نني يني نبني تني نبيت -٥

neeني = ي+ ن

ي= ي + ن + بنبbanee ي + ت + ن =ينت teenu

بيت= ت + ي + ب + يي yabeetu

ب + ي + ي= ي + تتيب baytee

bintee بنتي= ي + ت + ن+ ب

ثي= ي + ث + بب bath-thee

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2Unit ن ي

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Initial Medial Final Isolated*

Can not be initial




..... ينت teen الي3 عaalee يناد naadee ي ـ� ـ ـ .....

• Yaa' Maddiyah has same ruling of writing as Yaa' consonant

ruf ha-ilee alsil / ifsifافصلي األحرف / افصل Separate the letters

نبي ب ي ت بيت بني ني

ينيب يبت

Al-kitaabah الكتابة




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2Unit ن ي

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 47

?Ayna Yaa' Maddiyahأين ي مدية؟

يتق ينمف يوسي نيب نيع

عظيم نبي طين ن يوم ذيل تي

يسى ع يمحت ر رت خيحيغن كريم

?Hal hathihi al_Yaa' Maddiyah? Limaathaa؟ لماذا؟ هل هذه الياء مدية Is this yaa' Maddiyah? Why?

The word Is it

Maddiyah? The reason

ينت Yes Has no mark, preceded by kasrah (Teen)








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2Unit ن ي

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 48

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

........... ينت teen الي3 عaalee ينادnaadee






















Easy grammar lesson: Possessive pronouns in Arabic are letters attached to the end of nouns. Yaa' Maddiyah is the equivalent to the pronoun "my"

So if we attach Yaa' Maddiyah to the end of a noun, it will mean "my"

Ex. بنت means girl or daughter & يبنت means my daughter

يبيتmeans house & بيت means my house

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3Unit و

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It has only one form. It is a non-connector (Cannot be connected from the left side) It is like ي: It can be a consonant and a long vowel.

Unit 3 w و


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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 50

Waaw واو

Consonant Long vowel w oo

1- waaw as a consonant

Phonetics - Pronunciation: Like W (wood) in English. - Exit: Between the lips by opening them. - Waaw is a light letter.



Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

Waaw with Fat-hah is wa = و

Waaw with Kasrah is wi = و

Waaw with Dammah is wu = و

ن +و = is nawwa (with shaddah and Fat-hah و) نو

ن +و = is nawwi (with shaddah and Kasrah و) نو

ن +و = is nawwu (with shaddah and Dammah و) نو

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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 51

و +ب = بوwaba

نو =و + نnawi و + ن =نو wun

thuwwiba ثوب= ب + و + ث

ن + و + ن =ننو nawwana

ن + و + ت= ت + يينو nawaytu

wee وي= ي + و

tawba توب= ب + و + ت

Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- وب تو نو ثو وي

يو تو ثو بو نو -٢

٣- ببي ثوت ثويت بيب

٤- بثو بوب بتو بوب ثبو

نثوي نبوي ثويت توب نويت -٥

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3Unit و




rabw ود3 عaduww و

Notice that:

is in all cases in the full و -1

.is connected only from the right side و -2

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic)



Medial Final



مقو qawm وبر rabw

ـ ـ

the full form under the line.

is connected only from the right side.

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic)

و Whistle

I look like a whistle

Page 52



لدو walad و

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 53

insakh / insakhee Copyانسخ

و و و و و و+ و و

و و و و و وو و

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............























Where isو ?أين و؟

ناس قوم رزق رب رسول

وه يه وانيح ضأر ينمي نبي

الولي ولي كتاب تحت يسار فوق







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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 54

sil / sily Connect صلي/ صل

بو ب و وب و ب

.............................ت و ......................... و ت

.............................ث و ......................... و ث

.............................ن و ......................... ن و

.............................ي و ......................... و ي

.............................ن ب و ......................... و ب ت

..........................و ت ت ......................... ب و ن

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and Copy

لدو walad قمو qawm وبر rabw ود3 عaduww























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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 55

2- Waaw as a Long Vowel

Waaw Maddiyyah (Prolonged) ةيدواو م Phonetics - Pronunciation: Like oo (moon) in English. - Exit: The interior or the chest area.

Waaw Maddiyah ( Prolonged ) - If the letter Waaw و ( ) comes after a letter with Dammah and has no mark

above or below it, then this Waaw‘ will be pronounced like a double Dammah

As "oo" in "moon" ( bu ب is short but boo وب is long)

- We call it "Maddiyyah" or prolonged because its time is double the time of Dammah. - An Arabic word can't start with Waaw Maddiyyah because Madd is like Sukoon.

Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

و + ب is boo = بو

= is too و + ت تو

ث = is thoo و + ثو

و + ن is noo= نو

و + ي is yoo = يو

* (waaw Maddiyah has no mark)

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3Unit و



وو يو



I look like a



نو ثو تو

بوبو يويو توتو

يوني نوبي توبي

تتوبي نتوب ثوبي

و Toot Whistle

I look like a whistle I sound as a


tootتوت= yooni يون= ن

+ ب =توبي yatoobu

waneetu ونيت= ت +

thoobee ثوبي= ي +

Page 56

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اقرأ

بو -١

نونو -٢

توتي -٣

٤- توبي

a whistle

نو =و+ ن

= ت + و + ت ن + و + يو + ت + ي + ي + ن+ و ++ ب + و + ث

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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 57

Initial Medial Final Isolated*

Cannot be initial


I hope

I appear

..... نور noor وجأر arjoo ودأب abdoo و ـ ـ ـ .....

Waaw Maddiyah has same ruling of writing as Waaw consonant

ruf ha-ilee alsil / ifsifافصلي األحرف / افصل Separate the letters

توبو تو ب ي وتبي

ينوب نويت

يثني وثب

Al-kitaabah الكتابة





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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 58

Where is وMaddiyyah ? أين و مدية؟

نوم ولد نوح يوسف فوق

سورة واحد ثواب قوم و وقت

وسوم فول ى متوت قي ودو عبر

?Hal hathihi al waaw Maddiyah? Limaathaa؟ لماذا؟ مدية الواوهل هذه

Is this waaw Maddiyah? Why?

The word

Is it Maddiyah?

The reason









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3Unit و

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 59

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

....... نور noor وجأر arjoo ودأب abdoo






















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4Unit ا


It has only one It is a non- It is only a long vowel.

Alif is like a


It has only one form. -connector( Can not be connected from the left

only a long vowel.

Help! !

Alif is like a high paaalm tree

Unit 4

ا = aa

Page 60

Can not be connected from the left side )


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4Unit ا

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 61

Alif Maddiyyah ة ألفيمد

(Prolonged) Phonetics Pronunciation: Like 'a' (dad) in English. Exit: The interior or the chest area.

Alif Maddiyah

1- If the letter Alif ا ( ) comes after a letter with Fat-hah, and has no mark above

or below it, then this Alif will be pronounced like double Fat-hah as “a” in “dad“ 2- We call it "Maddiyyah" or prolonged, because its time is the double time

of Fat-hah. (ba ب - baa با) 3- An Arabic word cannot start with Alif Maddiyyah because Madd is like Sukoon.


ةالقراء Al-qiraa'ah

= is baa ب + ا با

= is taa ت + ا تا

= is thaa ث + ا ثا

= is naa ن + ا نا

= is yaa ي + ا يا

ا + و is waa = وا

* (Alif Maddiyyah has no mark)

Qul قل

Qoolee قولي

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4Unit ا

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 62

Read Iqra'/Iqra'e اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- ان اث تا اب اا يو

واوا يايا نانا ثاثا تاتا بابا -٢

ياب ناب ثاب تاب بات -٣

٤- اببات ينب نثاب ناتي بناتب

بنيات وثاب ثبات بنان نبات -٥

ا+ و = ا وwaa

ي + ن + ا + ب =يابنbaanee toonaa ونات= ا+ ن + و+ ت

niyyaatu نيات= ت+ ا+ ي+ ن

ب +نات= ت+ ا+ نب banaatu

ن +ا+ و +م =امنو nawwaam

ب +نا= ا+ نب bannaa

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4Unit ا




shadhaa شذا ـ ا

Notice that:

.is in all cases in the fullform above the line ا -1

.is connected only from the right side ا -2

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic

3- An Arabic word can't start with

Looks like a palm


Medial Final

Can not be initial



ابب baab اصع aas3a

ـ ـ ـ

is in all cases in the fullform above the line.

is connected only from the right side.

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic و ا د ذ ر ز) An Arabic word can't start with ا Maddiyyah.


lm. If you see it or say it, you have to go high.


Page 63


Can not be initial

..... .....

see it or say it, you have to go high.

kitaabah- الكتابة

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4Unit ا

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 64

insakh / insakhee Copyانسخ

ب+ا+ب ا+ت ا+ب ا+ا ا

با ب تا با اا ا

.............. ..................

.......................... ..........................


.............. ..................

.......................... ..........................












ilysil / s Connect صلي/ صل

تابت ا ب با ب ا

............................. ن اب ......................... ت ا

............................. و ا و ......................... ان

............................. ي ا ي ......................... ي ا

ب ي ا ن بيان ثاني ن ي ا ث

.......................... ن ب ا ت .......................... ب ا ن ي

.......................... ب ن ا ت .......................... ن ا ب ي





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4Unit ا

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 65

نية؟ )ا( أيدمAyna Alif Maddiyah?

لدب نات ودادب طل قلدب

قام قائم نامي ظع ينط قل يم

وناره لوط الحأ صنب دمغالي أح

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

....... ابب baab اصع aas3a شذا shadhaa
























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4Unit ا

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 66

Al-hamdu-li-llaah Praises be to Allaah

We have fininished all vowels.

You can now learn the rest of the letters, by knowing the sound, the form and

That's it !

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 67

These are the rest of the non-connectors.

They have only one form. Al-hamdu-li-llaah.

Unit 5

Dh ذ R ر

Z ز

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 68

Daal الد

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like D in English. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the roots of the two upper central incisors Daal is a light letter.


ةالقراء Al-qiraa'ah

da = د

di = د

du = د

د + د) ن with shaddah and Fat-hah is nadda = دن

+ د د) ن with shaddah and Kasrah is naddi = دن

ن + د = with shaddah and Dammah is naddu د) دن

daa = اد

dee = يد

doo = ود

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 69

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- دب تد ند ثد دي دو

٢- دب تد ند ثد دي دو

٣- دب تد ند ثد دي دو

٤- يدي دين دون ودا ندا بدا

بدا دان بدين دوني يدين بدون - ٥

٦ - دن دو دي ودو نود دب

٧ - اديتن ودن اديييث ادي اندنب ينند

ت + و +د = وتدwatadu

د + نا= ا+ ندdanaa ب +د =دب badda

ي+ د +ن =يند deena

و+ د +د =ودد doodu

niddu ند= د+ ن

و+ ن + د+ ي =ينود noodiya

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5Unit د ذ ر ز




دربbard ـ د

Notice that: is in all cases in the full د -1.is connected only from the right side د -2 (Only six letters are like that in Arabic


د ذ ر ز


Medial Final



dubb ردب badr دي yad

ـ ـ

the full form on the line. is connected only from the right side.

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic. We have learned ا

is half of D د


Page 70



بد dubb


(.before ،و

kitaabah الكتابة

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 71

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

د د د د د د+ د د د د د د د د د د

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............
















ilysil / s صلي/ صل .........................د ب ي دب د ب

......................... ن ا د ي ......................... و ت د

......................... ن د ب ......................... د ي و ا

......................... ب د ن ......................... ب و ن





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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 72

ل اي / فصلفصفاراألح ruf ha -ilee als/ ifilsif ندين د ن ا دناتدو يثد

نادي بدني

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

بد dubb ردب badr دي yad دربbard























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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 73

Dhaal ذال

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like TH in "this" in English. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the tips of the two upper central incisors. Dhaal is a light letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

dha = ذ

dhi = ذ

dhu = ذ

nadhdha نذ = ذ + ن

nadhdhi ذن = ذ + ن

nadhdhu = ذن ذ + ن

dhaa = ذا

dhee = يذ

dhoo = ذو

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 74

Read Iqra'/Iqra'e اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- ذب ي ذنذو ذا ذ٢- ذاب ذ ذاننذ ب ٣- ذوبي يبوذا ذب يوذب ذبي

dhaaذا = ا+ ذ

dhaabatذابت= ت+ ب+ ا + ذو + ذ+ ي +ب =ذوبي yadhoobu

dhoobee ذوبي= ي+ ب+ و+ ذ

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5Unit د ذ ر ز




ladheedh ذاذر radhaadh

ـ ذ

Notice that:

is in all cases in the full ذ -1

.is connected only from the right side ذ -2

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic. We have learned

د ذ ر ز


Medial Final



dhiraa3 ذبور budhoor يذلذladheedh

ـ� ـ�

the full form on the line.

is connected only from the right side.

(Only six letters are like that in Arabic. We have learned د

د ذ Do This


Page 75



اعرذ dhiraa3


ا ،و ، د before.)

kitaabah الكتابة

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 76

insakh / insakheeانسخ

ذ+ د ذ+ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ د ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............

...................... ......................


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... ......................


























?Ayna dhaalأين ذ؟

نذر بعد عذاب قدر

ذرةعبد ذنب ناس ذروة

ilysil /s صلي/ صل

........................ذو ذا ذ ا

........................... ذ ن ب .............................ذ ي

.............................ن ب ي ذ ............................. ن ب ذ

.......................... ي ذ ن .......................... ذ ا د







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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 77

ل اف/ فصري األحلفصا ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif ذنب ب ذ ن يبنذ نذب يبذ

نبيذ ذب

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

radhaadh رذاذ ladheedhذيذل budhoor بذورdhiraa3 ذراع























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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 78

qul wa insakh /qoolee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

Say and copy ١١

ada ha3ashar

١٢ ithnaa 3ashar

١٣ thalaathata

3ashar ١٤

arba3ata 3ashar

١٥ khamsata


.............. ..............

............... ...............


.............. ..............

............... ...............


















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5Unit د ذ ر ز

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Raa' اءر

Phonetics Pronunciation: It’s similar to the American English pronunciation of (r) between vowels: waiter Exit: The tip of the tongue and it’s back with the gums of the two upper central incisors. Raa’ with Fat-hah or Dammah is a heavy letter. Raa’ with Kasrah is a light letter.


ةالقراء Al-qiraa'ah

ra = ر

ri = ر

ru = ر

raa = ار

ree = ري

roo = ور

darra رد = د+ ر

darri رد = د+ ر

darru رد = د+ ر

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

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Read Iqra'/Iqra'e اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- بر رب رد يرد ٢- اربد وردري يود ارود ٣- دري ادرب ريدا بنار

ن؟ رأي

رقد نذر دعب سلي

ذرة خوص دب ناس ذروة

ا+ ر +ن = انرraana

turaabuتراب= ب+ ا+ ر + ت د +ر +ب =برد darraba

ي + ر+ ن +د =نريد nureedu

thubooraa ثبورا= ا+ ر+ و + ب+ ث


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5Unit د ذ ر ز

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Initial Medial Final Isolated





أسر ra's درق qird رشع sha3r ورسsoor رـ ـ ـ ر

Notice that: .is in all cases in the full form on the line ر -1 .is connected only from the right side ر -2 (Only six letters are like that in Arabic. We have learned ،د ذ ا ،و ، before)

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 82

Zaay زاي

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like z in English. Exit: The tip of the tongue and between the lower incisors. Zaay is a light letter



Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

za = ز

zi = ز

zu = ز

zaa = از

zee = زي

zoo = وز

dazza زد = د+ ز

dazzi زد = د+ ز

dazzu زد = د+ ز

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 83

اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- دبز دبز ي زدزيد ٢- زينر اززي بزيد زيدي يزبد زوري زيات زيوت -٣

ا+ ز +ن = ز انzaana

ن +ر= ر+ زنزnazri ي + ز+ ي +د =زيدي yazeedu

ر +ز =زر ruzzu

ن + و + ز +ر =ورنز nazoora

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5Unit د ذ ر ز





kanz زومmawz زـ

Notice that:

ر has same rules of ز

د ذ ر ز


Medial Final



kanz كنزkhazaanah ةخزان

�ـ �ـ


ر ز


Page 84



زر zirr ز

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 85

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

ن؟ زأي

كنز نار نذر مزيل

ةوزيز ذرع بد زة فوذر

ز ن ن ز ر ب ب ر ز ر ر ز ز ر زن نز رب بر زر رز ز ر


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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 86

sil / sily Connect صلي/ صل

Before writing, remember that the non-connectors are:

ا ز ا ز ار ا ر .............................و ز ......................... و ر

.............................ي ز ......................... ي ر

............................. ذ ا ......................... ا و

ي ت زيت ز رانا ن ر ......................... رو زي .......................... ب ر د

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

أسر ra's درق qird رشع sha3r ورسsoor






















د ذ ر ز ا و


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5Unit د ذ ر ز

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qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

زر zirr انةخز khazaanah

كنز kanz زومmawz






















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5Unit د ذ ر ز

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 88

The letters we know are:

The numbers we know are:

tes3ah ةعس٩ ت idhwaa داح١ و

3asharah شةع١٠ ر 'ithnaan ثنان٢ ا

ada 3asharha شرع د١١ أح thalaathah ٣ ثالثة

ithnaa 3ashar ثناا شع١٢ ر arba3ah ةعب٤ أر

thalaathata 3ashar

شثالثة ع١٣ ر khamsah ةس٥ خم

arba3ata 3ashar

ة ععبشأر١٤ ر sittah تة٦ س

khamsata 3ashar

ة عسشخم١٥ ر sab3ah ةعب٧ س

thamaniyah ةيان٨ ثم

١ - زر rice ت - ٢يز oil ٣ - يند religion ٤ - ردب full moon valleyوادي - ٦ house بيت - ٥

٧ - نار fire ٨ - دبز butter

٩ - نور light ١٠- ريدب post

١١- درب cold ١٢- ابتر dust

debt دين -١٤ Worldly lifeدنيا -١٣

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز

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5Unit د ذ ر ز

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A gift for someone specialA gift for someone specialA gift for someone specialA gift for someone special

Separate pronouns in Arabic (1st person)

The person who speaks

I m./f. s. anaa انأ

We m./f. d./p. nahnu نحن

(2nd person) The person you speak to

You m. s. anta تنأ

You f. s. anti نأت

You m./f. d. antumaa تنأام

You m. p. antum تنأم

You f. p. antunna تنأن

(3rd person) The person you speak about

He/ it m. s. huwa هو

She/ it f. s. hiya يه

They m. /f. d. humaa هام

They m. p. hum هم

They f. p. hunna نه


Æìsùö� tƒ ª!$# tÏ% ©!$# (#θãΖtΒ#u öΝä3ΖÏΒ tÏ%©!$#uρ (#θè?ρé& zΟ ù=Ïèø9$# ;M≈y_u‘yŠ 4 ª! $#uρ $ yϑÎ/ tβθè=yϑ÷ès? Ö��Î7 yz ⟨∩⊇⊇∪ (Al-Mujadilah)

"Allaah will raise up, to (suitable) ranks and (degrees), those of you who believe and

who have been granted knowledge. And Allaah is well-acquainted with all you do."

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allaah will ease for him the way to paradise." (Related by Muslim)

m. = masculine f. =feminine s. = singular d. = dual p. = plural

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Unit 6س ش

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When they are final or isolated, their right side is written on the line and their left side is a semi-circle under the line. When they are initial or medial, we cut the semi-circle.

Unit 6


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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 91

Seen سين

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like S in English . Exit: The tip of the tongue and between the lower incisors. Seen is a light letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

sa = س

si = س

su = س

dassa دس = د + س

dassi دس =س +د

dassu دس =س + د

saa = ا س

see = ي س

soo = وس

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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 92

Iqra'/Iqra'ee / اقرئي اق◌رأ

سد سر سن سب -١

سار راس ساد ناس -٢

تسود يسود سود سور -٣

٤- يسير يسري يسرا يسر

يسر تنسي نسي نسب - ٥

sanaaسنا = ن + ا+ س

sooruسور = ر + و+ س tirsi ترس = س + ر + ت

yusree ييسر = + ي ر + س + ي

yaseeru يسير = ي + ر + س + ي

wassada وسد = د + س + و

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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 93

Initial Medial Final Isolated





naasناس khass خس3asal عسل sukkar سكر سـ سـ ســ سـ

Notice that: 1- When س is initial or medial, it is written on the line and it's left side disappears. 2- When it is final it is in the full form with a semi circle under the line. .can be connected from both sides س -3


is like a Snake س

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 94

insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

س +س س س س س س س سس


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?Ayna Seen؟ سأين

نذر رئيس شيد مسد

سبيل درس نبيت نسير نبث

ilysil / s صل / صلي

......................... س ن بس ب س

......................... س د ......................... س ي

......................... س س ......................... ر س

......................... ي س ......................... ب س



يباتتدر◌ Tadreebaat



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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 95

......................... ر س ......................... د س

......................... ن س ب ......................... ب ب س

......................... د رس ......................... د س ي

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif فصل / افصلي األحرف ا

نسر ن س ب نسب

يسد سار

تيس سير

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee لي وانسخيقل وانسخ / قو

naasناس khass خس3asal عسل sukkar سكر























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Unit 6س ش

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qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

١٦ sittata 3ashar

١٧ Sab3ata 3ashar

١٨ thamaaniata

3ashar ١٩

Tes3ata 3ashar

٢٠ 3ishroon


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Unit 6س ش

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 97

Sheen شين

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like ”sh” in English. Exit: The middle of the tongue with what corresponds from the roof of the mouth. Sheen is a light letter.


sha = ش

shi = ش

shu = ش

shaa = شا

shee = شي

shoo = شو

rash-sha رش = ر + ش

rash-shi رش =ش ر+

ر+ ش= رش rash-shu

Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

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Unit 6س ش

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Sheen with Fathah is sha = ش

Sheen with Kasrah is shi = ش

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اق◌رأ / اقرئي

Compare between س and ش

نشر نسر ٧ ش س ١ شد سد ٨ ش س ٢ بشر بسر ٩ ش س ٣ داش داس ١٠ شا سا ٤ يشد يسد ١١ شو سو ٥

يشير يسير ١٢ شي سي ٦

shadaaشدا = + ا د + ش

shadhaaشذا= + ا ذ + ش nashara نشر = ش + ر + ن

yashee يشي= ي+ ش + ي

rash-shaashi رشاش = ا + ش + ش + ر

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Unit 6س ش

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Initial Medial Final Isolated





3arshعرش mishmishمشمش khashab خشب Shams شمس شـ شـ ـشـ شـ

س follows the same rules of writing of ش

Sun Shine

س ش

s + h = sh

ش = ∴س +

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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Unit 6س ش

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insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

?Ayna Sheen؟ شأين

ذنب س شم شكر عسير

نشر يعيش وثب قرش سكر

ilysl / is صل / صلي

ا ش ا ش اس ا س ............................. و ش ......................... و س

............................. ي ش .............. ........... ي س

............................. شت ......................... سي

ي ش شن شر سب ش س ش س ش س

يش شن شر سب شس سش ش س

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بشر ٢

يباتتدر◌ Tadreebaat

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Unit 6س ش

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بشر ر ش ب سبت ت ب س .......................... ش ب ا ...................... .... س ب ي

.......................... ش ب ن ....... .................. ر س ب

..........................ب ش ي ر ....... .................. ن س ي ر

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif / افصلي األحرف فصل ا

نشر ش ب ت بتش

نبش شر

ورش يشر

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

خشب shams شمس

khashab مشمش mishmish




















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Unit 6س ش

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The letters we know are:

Count in Arabic:

1-Sheeth (Seth) is propet's Adam's son. When Adam's death drew near, he appointed his son

Sheeth (Seth) to be his successor, and taught him how to call people to worship The Creator of

heaven and earth alone and not to associate any partners with him in worship.

After Adam's death, his son Sheeth (Seth) took over the responsibilities of prophethood, to

him fifty psalms were sent down.Sheeth (Seth) was followed by Prophet Idris (Enoch).

hand span شبر - ٢ human بشر - ١ Prophet Sheeth 1 شيث - ٤ lesson درس - ٣

٥ - سر secret بابش - ٦ youth

chant نشيد - ٨ ease يسر - ٧

hapiness سرور -١٠ fence سور - ٩

mirageسراب -١٢ reward ثواب -١١

١٣- سد dam نسر -١٤ eagle

ا د ذ ر ز س ش ب ت ث ن ي و

٣ ١

٨ ٤

١١ ٥ ٧

١٠ ٢ ٦











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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 103

-Their right side looks like an egg and when you say them as if you put an egg in the mouth. -Two of them ( ض ص ) look like ( س ش( and have the same rules

of writing. -The other two have only one shape. - They are heavy letters: By giving the letter a quality of

heaviness by elevating the tongue. In Arabic We have 7 heavy letters ( ص ض ط ظ ق غ خ) *See page 4

ص ض ط ظ

Unit 7

S ص

D ض� T

� DH

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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 104

Saad ادص

Phonetics Like “s” in English but heavy in sound. Exit: The tip of the tongue and between the lower incisors. Saad is a heavy letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

sa = ص

si = ص

su = ص

nassa ن + ص = نص

issnaنص =ص +ن

ussna نص = ص + ن

saa = صا

see = صي

soo = صو

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee اق◌رأ / اقرئي

Compare between س and ص

نصر نسر ١١ صي سي ٦ ص س ١

صیب سیب ١٢ صب سب ٧ ص س ٢

صید سید ١٣ صد سد ٨ ص س ٣

نصیر نسیر ١٤ صاد ساد ٩ اص سا ٤

صاب ساب ١٥ ناص ناس ١٠ وص سو ٥

abbas صب = ب + ص

eebusna نصیب = ص + 0 + ب + ن abru s صبر = ب + ر + ص

ب = ب + ص + ن aba ssna نص

aadirus صادر = د + ر + ا+ ص

ooriyyu s صور0 = + 0 ر + و+ ص

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Initial Medial Final Isolated





soos صوص sameeq قم3ص r sqa قصر alaatus صالة ـ ص صـ صــ صـ

Notice that: 1-When ص is initial or medial, it is written on the line and its left side disappears. 2-When it is final, it is in the full form with a semi circle under the line. .can be connected from both sides ص -3


ص س S S

س is like a heavy ص

Al-kitaabah الكتا6ة

I look like you I don't think S !

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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 107

insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

ص +ص ص ص ص ص ص ص صص


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aadSAyna؟ صأین

اص خ عسل صبر نسر

نفس نمل اح ص6 قمر قصر

ilysil / s صل / صلي

.........................ص ن صب ص ب

......................... ص د ......................... ص 0

......................... ص س ......................... ص ر







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Unit 7ص ض � �

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......................... 0 ص ......................... ب ص

......................... ر ص ......................... د ص

.........................ب ص ر ......................... ن ص ص

......................... ب ر ت ص ......................... ن ص 0 ر

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif فصل / افصلي األحرف ا

تصدر ب ص ر 6صر

صدور صبر

نصیبي تصب

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

soos صوص squr قرص r saq قصر alaatus صالة























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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Daad ادض

Phonetics Pronunciation: This is a new letter. (It looks like a heavy D) Exit: One or both edges of the tongue along with the upper molars. -The Arabic language is called "The Language of Daad" as this letter doesn't exist in any other language. - Daad is a heavy letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

da = ض

di = ض

du = ض

nadda ن + ض = نض

iddnaنض =ض +ن

uddna نض = ض + ن

daa = ضا

dee = ضي

doo = ضو

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee رأ / اقرئياق

Compare between د and ض

ب3ض بید ١١ ضي 0د ٦ ض د ١

رض رد ١٢ ضب دب ٧ ض د ٢

وض ود ١٣ ضن دن ٨ ض د ٣

ضبي دبي ١٤ ضان دان ٩ اض اد ٤

ضد0 ضد ١٥ ضیر دیر ١٠ وض ود ٥

anaad ضنا = ن + ا+ ض

urrud ضر = ر + ض aba dna نضب = ض + ب + ن

ر = ر + ض + ن ara ddna نض

udbay ب3ض = ض + 0 + ب

i doodru رضوض = و + ض + ض + ر

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Initial Medial Final Isolated





ة irsd ضرس عرض dnab 3ard ن6ض ah ddfi فض ـ ض ضـ ضــ ضـ

ص follows the same rules of writing of ض


ض د D D

د is nearly a heavy ض

Al-kitaabah الكتا6ة

And I look like you S rry!


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Unit 7ص ض � �

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insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

aadDAyna؟ ضأین

ر عصر فصل ظبي نض

ضرر صبر ضد أرض قصر

ilysil / s صل / صلي

.........................ض ن ضب ب ض

......................... ض د ......................... ض 0

......................... ص ض ......................... ض ر

رض دض 3ض نص 6ص ض ص

















































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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 113

......................... 0 ض ......................... ب ض

......................... ر ض ......................... د ض

......................... ر و ض ......................... ض ب 0

......................... ر 0 ا ض ......................... ن ض 0 د

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif فصل / افصلي األحرف ا

رض ن ض ب نضب

ضد ضار

نروض 3ضیر

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee وانسخيقل وانسخ / قولي

ة irsuD ضرس dba3oo 6عوض dba3 6عض ahddFiفض



















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Unit 7ص ض � �

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The letters we know are:

Are you still hungry... two eggs are left!

� �

to be patient صابر -١٢ patience صبر -١١

harm,damage ضرر -١٤ chest صدر -١٣

رCاض garden -١٦ opposite, against ضد -١٥

eyesight 6صر -١٨ lizard ضب -١٧

eggs ب3ض -٢٠ hunting صید -١٩

ب ت ث ن 0 و ا د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Taa' طاء

Phonetics Like “t” in English but heavy in sound. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the roots of the two upper central incisors. Taa' is a heavy letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

ta = �

ti = �

tu = �

batta Q6 = � + ب

Q6ittba =� +ب

Q6 uttba = � + ب

taa = ا طــ

tee = طي

too = طو

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee رأ / اقرئياق

Compare ت and �

طي يت ٦ � ت ١

ن ط ن ت ٧ � ت ٢

اب ط اب ت ٨ � ت ٣

طین تین ٩ اط ات ٤

سQ6 سبت ١٠ وط وت ٥

ayrut طیر = 0 + ر + �

uyoorut طیور = 0 + و + ر + � attna نQ = � + ن

bi tra رطب = ب + � + ر

eerutya 3طیر = 0 + ر + � + 0

a tiraas صرا� = ا + � + ر + ص

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Initial Medial Final Isolated





Tطب abaqt مطر ar tma Qق ttqi siraat صرا� ـ ط طـ طــ طـ

Notice that: .is in all cases in the full form on the line ط -1 .is connected from both sides ط -2 .is not cut from any side ط -3

I've got a big stick on my back! No one can change my form!

Al-kitaabah الكتا6ة

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

� � � Qن Q6 ر� Qط

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ............... ......................


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... ......................


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... ......................








aa'TAyna؟ �أین Qطعام ضرس صبر ق

صاحب صدق طین ص6ح مطر

ilysil / s صل / صلي

......................... � ن طب � ب

......................... � د ......................... � 0

......................... � س ......................... � ر

......................... 0 � ......................... ب �

......................... ر � ......................... د �







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Unit 7ص ض � �

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.........................ب � ر ......................... ص ر ا �

......................... � 0 و ر ......................... � ب 0 ب

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif فصل / افصلي األحرف ا

طنطن ب � ر 6طر

طور نطبب

رسطو 3طیب

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

Tطب abaqt مطر ar tma Qق ttqi siraat صرا�



















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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Dhaa' ظاء

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like Th in "this" in English but heavy in sound. Exit: The tip of the tongue and the tips of the two upper central incisors. Dhaa' is a heavy letter. (Tongue should be between upper and lower teeth as in ث & ذ)


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

dha = �

dhi = �

dhu = �

nadh-dha Wن ن + � =

idh-dhna نW =� +ن

udh-dhna نW = � + ن

dhaa = ظا

dhee = ظي

dhoo = ظو

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee رأ / اقرئياق

Compare between ذ and �

ظي 0ذ ١٦ � ذ ١١

ظب ذب ١٧ � ذ ١٢

ظل ذل ١٨ � ذ ١٣

نظر نذر ١٩ اظ اذ ١٤

نظیر نذیر ٢٠ وظ وذ ١٥

abyudh ظبي = ب + 0 + �

unnu dhya 3ظن = � + ن + 0 iru dhyunaa یناظر = ن + ا + � + ر + 0

eeru dhna نظیر = 0 + ر + � + ن

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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 122

ط follows the same rules of writing of ظ


ظ ذ HD HD

� is like a heavy ذ

Initial Medial Final Isolated




Name of an old arab market

عZا� dhah 3ikaadh حm dh3a W عظم ahrhd ظهر ـ ظ ظـ ظــ ظـ

Al-kitaabah الكتا6ة

We look the same with our "Beauty Spot"

But I look much younger Miss egg!

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Unit 7ص ض � �

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insakh / insakhee / انسخي انسخ

aa'Dh Ayna؟ �أین

ام طع ضرس ظمأ ظن

6طل ام عظ طین عظ3م مطر

ilysil / s صل / صلي

.........................� ن ظب ب �

......................... � د ......................... � 0

� W6 طW ظر W3 و� د�

















































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Unit 7ص ض � �

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......................... ص � ......................... � ر

......................... 0 � ......................... ب �

......................... ر � ......................... و �

.........................� ب 0 ت 0 ......................... � ن ن ت

......................... � ن و ن ......................... ن � ر ت

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif / افصلي األحرف افصل

3ظنون ن � ر نظر

نظرتي ینظر

ناظر0 ظبي

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

عZا� dhah 3ikaadh حm dh3a Wعظم ahrhd ظهر



















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Unit 7ص ض � �

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The letters we know are:

line سطر -١٦

bird طیر -١٧

steenbok ظبي -١٨

Prophet David داوود -١٩

doubt ظن -٢٠

ب ت ث ن 0 و ا د ذ ر ز

س ش

ص ض � �

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Unit 7ص ض � �

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 126




























12 letters are left

Ya Rabbu a3innee أعني 3ا رب Oh Lord, Help me!

Βr& Ü=‹Åg ä† §� sÜ ôÒ ßϑø9$# # sŒÎ) çν%tæ yŠ ß#ϱ õ3 tƒuρ u ûθ �¡9 $# öΝà6è= yè ôf tƒuρ u!$ x�n=äz ÇÚ ö‘F{ $# 3

×µ≈s9 Ïr& yì ¨Β «! $# 4 WξŠÏ=s% $ ¨Β šχρ ã� ā2x‹ s? ∩∉⊄∪ ⟨ النمل

Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls on Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations? Is there any 'ilaah (god) with Allaah? Little is that you remember! Quran 27:63

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8Unit ل

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Unit 8

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8Unit ل

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Laam الم

Phonetics More or less like “ L” in English, but the french pronunciation

is more apropriate to ل.

Exit: From both edges of the tongue and the upper gums. Laam is a light letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

la = ل

li = ل

lu = ل

talla لط ط + ل =

illat لط = ل +ط

ullat لط = ل+ ط

laa = ال

lee = ليloo = لو

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8Unit ل

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

ذل دل نل ظل بل -١

تال ظال يال وال بال -٢

٣- سل لييل نيبيل نل سيو

٤- ولدي دلل صليت زلت ظل

of Writing ا+ل

If the lettre Laam is followed by Alif and preceded by connector it is written

�= ا +ل+ بIf the lettre Laam is followed by Alif and preceded by a non connector it is

written و"= ا +ل+ و

laaال = ا + ل

bilaaبال = ا + ل + ب

layluليل = ل+ ي + ل

aalibut طالب= ب+ ل + ا + طالل= ل+ ا + ل + دد dalaal

dhaloolu ذلول= ل+ و + ل+ ذ

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8Unit ل



Cell phone

jawwaal الوج لـ

Notice that: 1-When ل is initial or medial, disappears. 2-When it is final it is in the full.can be connected from both sides ل -3


Medial Final



قلم qalam layl للي

ـ ــ

edial, it is written on the line and it's left side

the full form with a semi circle under the line can be connected from both sides.

L ل

is like a reversed Lل


Page 130



نلب laban ـ�

it's left side

with a semi circle under the line

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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8Unit ل

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 131

insakh / insakheeانسخي / انسخ

ن؟ لأيAyna Laam

قلب اننار ب كالم

دالل ليل طار علم بلد

ilysil / s صلي/ صل ليت ل ي ت ال ل ا

......................... ل ش ي ......................... ب ل ا

..........................ب ا س ل ......................... ب ل

الد بال لل زل دل بل ل ل ل

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ............... .............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... .............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... .............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... .............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............

............... .............

............ ...............







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8Unit ل

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.......................... و ن ل ب ......................... ي ل

......................... ل ي ل ......................... ط ل ا ل

......................... ص و ل ......................... ل و ن ي

ل اي / فصلفصفاراألح ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif لصوص ل ا لب بالل

ظلي ليت

زالت ليطي

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

نلب laban قلم qalam layl للي jawwaal الوج























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8Unit ل


Don't cofuse between

is not connected from left side but ا

The letters we know are:

نانلب Lebanon انلس tongue لص thief

tail ذيل


proof دليل

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز


Don't cofuse between and ا ل

is not connected from left side but ل is.

The letters we know are:

لبنان - ٢ shade ظلنلو colour ٤ - انلس

لص - ٦ messenger رسوللدب country ل - ٨ذي

ال -١٠ he prays يصليطلب request ليل -١٢د

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز ل ظ ط ص ض

Page 133


ظل - ١٣ - نلورسول - ٥٧ - لدبيصلي - ٩

١١- طلب

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز س ش

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9Unit ك

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Unit 9

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9Unit ك

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Kaaf كاف

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like “k” in English. Exit: The innermost part of the tongue toward the mouth and what corresponds of the roof of the mouth. Kaaf is a light letter.


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

ka = ك

ki = ك

ku = ك

dakka كد = ك د+

د+ ك = كد dakki

د +ك= كد dakku

kaa = كا

kee = يك

koo = كو

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9Unit ك

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اقرأ

٣- لك لك لكت

٤- كباك شبش اركب

٥- لكس لوكس تابك

٦- نكتب كبير كلب

كا = ا + كkaa

ل + ك + ب = كلبkalbu

كبير = ر+ ي + ب + كkabeeri

ا + ب + ك +ر =راكبbaakiru ر + ك + ب =بكر rakiba

tawarruku تورك= ك + ر + و+ ت

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9Unit ك

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Initial Medial Final Isolated




Natural toothbrush

كوب koob كتبم maktab malik كلم Siwaak(1) اكوس

ـ ك ـ ــ آـ *Notice that: 1-When ك is initial or medial, it is written on the line, it's left side,its decoration disappears and a small stroke is added to the right side. 2-When it is final it is in the full form and is also on the line. 4- The small letter in the middle is only a decoration and has no relation with the pronuciation of Kaaf .can be connected from both sides ك -3

Z آـ

is like a reversed z آـ La KaZa

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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9Unit ك

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 138

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

كد كل دك لك بك كـ ك

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............























Ayna Kaaf أين ك؟

تابل كمع كمح يمكح

مالئكة ليل كلمة علم حكمة

ilysil / s صلي/ صل ......................... ك و كا ك ا

......................... ر ب ك ......................... ك ي ......................... ك نت ......................... ن ك ب ......................... د ك ا ن ......................... ن ك ص ت







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9Unit ك

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 139

......................... س ن ك ......................... ي ك

......................... ك ل ب ك ......................... ش ك ل ك

ل اف/ فصري األحلفصا ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif سكين ك ن ت كنت كاتب لكن

كطلب شرك

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

كوب koob كتبم maktab malik كلم Siwaak اكوس























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9Unit ك

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 140

The letters we know are:

Easy grammar lesson:

Whenever we attach ك (Kaaf with Fat-hah) to the end of a noun, it will

mean "Your m.s"(masculine singular): If you talk to a boy, you say:

Your book = kitaabuka = كتابك

And whenever we attach ك (Kaaf with Kasrah) to the end of a noun, it will

mean "Your f.s" (feminine singular): If you talk to a girl, you say:

Your book = kitaabuki = كتابك

dog كلب - ٢ all كل - ١

٣ - كينس knife ٤ - كبير kabeer

٥ - بكذ lie ٦ - شكر thanks

٧ - كرس sugar ٨ - لكس wire

٩ - يركث much ١٠- النكس lazy (m.s)

١١- كاند shop ١٢- كرش polytheism

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ك

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9Unit ك

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Akmil / Akmilee أكملي/ أكمل Noun Meaning My… Your…Ahmad

(boy) Your…Fatimah


بيتي house بيتbaytee

تكيب baytuka

تكيب baytuki




*Notice that when we attach the noon to Yaa' Maddiyyah to say my, we keep a Kasrah for the last letter, but we do not do so for Kaaf as it is not a long vowel, we just keep the mark of the last letter as it is.

(1) Al-Siwaak (or miswaak):

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9Unit ك

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Siwaak means cleaning the mouth and teeth with a siwaak, which is the name given to the tool used. The siwak is a stick or twig used for this purpose. Siwak is a method of cleaning the mouth which also earns the pleasure of Allah

(Allaah (Arabic: ا* ) is the standard Arabic word for "God", it is derived from al-ilaah, the God.

Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allaah. The term has no plural or gender. It is interesting to notice that Allah is the personal name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic. The Aramaic word for God is alôh-ô (Syriac dialect) or elâhâ (Biblical dialect), which comes from the same Proto-Semitic word (ilaah) as the Arabic and Hebrew terms; It is transliterated in Greek as elō-i.And the Hebrew word for deity, Elōah.) , as is proven in the hadith of Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, 'Siwak cleanses the mouth and pleases the Lord.'" (al-Bukhari, Ahmad and al-Nisa'i) Use of the siwak is repeatedly encouraged, as in the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who reported that the Prophet said: "Were it not for the fact that I did not want to make things too hard for my Ummah (nation), I would have commanded them to use the siwak at every time of prayer." (al-Bukhari and Muslim). According to another report narrated by al-Bukhari, he said: "…at every time of making wudoo'."

A scientific study comparing the use of miswaak with ordinary toothbrushes concluded that the results clearly were in favor of the users who had been using the siwaak. Recent research by Dr Otaybi from Saudi Arabia opened a new area for research on the systemic effects Sewaak after discovering its great positive effect on the immune system. Dr. Rami Mohammed Diabi who spent more than 17 years researching on Siwaak effects on health and especially its anti-addiction effects on smokers (curative and preventive sides) had opened a great field of science and researches by his last research: "Miswak Medicine theory" or Sewak Puncture medicine which led him to what is so called Beyond Sewak: World of Science and Research. (Go on internet for further information)

Times When the Use of Siwaak Is Recommended 1. When entering one's home to be with one's family: Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was asked what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did when he first came home. She said: "When he e ntered his house, the first thing he would do was use the siwak." (Muslim) 2. When getting up from sleep: Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) got up during the night, he would clean his mouth thoroughly with the siwak. (al-Bukhari and Muslim). 3. When the smell of one's mouth changes: Siwak is cleansing for the mouth, which means that it should definitely be used when the mouth needs cleaning, whether this is because of eating food with a strong odor, or because of not eating or drinking for a long time, etc. 4. When going to the mosque: Using siwak is a part of the adornment that we are commanded to wear for every prayer, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): "O Children of Adam! Take your adornment while praying…'" [al-Aa'raf 7:31]. It is also important because the angels are present in the mosque, and one is going to meet with other worshippers there. 5. When reading Qur'an and joining gatherings in which Allah is remembered (dhikr), because the angels are present on such occasions.

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10Unit م ف ق

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A circle above the line but with different tails

Unit 10

F ف Q ق

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10Unit م ف ق

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Meem ميم


Pronunciation: Like M in English. Exit: From between the lips by shutting them. Meem is a light letter.


maa = ما

mee = مي

moo = مو

ma = م

mi = م

mu = م

namma نم = ن م+

nammi نم = م +ن

nammu نم =م + ن

Al-Qiraa'ah راءةالق

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10Unit م ف ق

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اق◌رأ

20 = 3ishroon or 3ishreen (1) ٢٠- موس منك مل

30 = thalaathoon or thalaatheen ر نمل سمك -٣٠شم

40 = arba3oon or arba3een صدم ثوم -٤٠ يلم

50 = khamsoon or khamseen دومي كريم تميم -٥٠

(1) 3ishroon or 3ishreen: grammatical reasons

minن م = ن + م

samaruسمر = ر + م + س dammamaدمام =م + ا + م + د

tumooriتمور = ر + و + م + ت ameemu s صميم = م + ي + م + ص

mumtaazu ممتاز = ز + ا + ت + م + م

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10Unit م ف ق


*Notice that: 1-When م is initial or medial, disappears. 2-When it is final it is in the full

fonts you can see it without the stroke .can be connected from both sides م -3



Thoom ثوم


م ف ق


edial, it is written on the line and it's left side

the full form with a stroke under the line

fonts you can see it without the stroke م ) can be connected from both sides.

Looks like a Mallet م

Medial Final



masjid قمر qamar fam فم مـ مــ


Page 146

it's left side

with a stroke under the line. (in some




masjid مسجد


kitaabah الكتابة

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 147

insakh / insakhee انسخي /انسخ

Ayna Meem ؟م أين ط فق يقلم اح ر علم

اء مس كالم امل ك مصر عمل

ilysil / s صلي/ صل

مدص د مص ال مل ا م

.........................ر مس ......................... ي ل م

زم فم مل م م م

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


يباتتدر◌ Tadreebaat




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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 148

.......................... ت م ا ل ......................... ي م ر م

.......................... ن و م ......................... ي ا مص

......................... ك ل ا م ......................... م ش م

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif افصلي األحرف / فصل ا

نمير م ل ل للم

نوم يملك

رنيم مثاب

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

فم qamar fam قمر masjid مسجد Thoom ثوم























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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 149

Faa' فاء

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like F in English. Exit: The inside of the lower lip and the tips of the two upper incisors . Faa’ is a light letter.


Al-Qiraa'ah راءةالق

faa = ا ف

fee = ي ف

foo = وف

fa = ف

fi = ف

fu = ف

laffa لف = ل ف+

laffi لف = ف +ل

laffu لف =ف + ل

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10Unit م ف ق

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اق◌رأ

فلكي فلك فاك -٢٠

صرف ظريف شفاف -٣٠

طرف صف سفنك -٤٠

يشف نفسي ضيفنا -٥٠

feekiفيك = ك + ي + ف

fakkartuفكرت = ت + ر + ك + ف

nafsuنفس =س + ف + ن

utshaffaa شفاط = ط + ا + ف + ش infu s صنف = ف + ن + ص

taluffu تلف = ف + ل + ت

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 151

Initial Medial Final Isolated





نصف htuffa nisf تفاح feel فيل harf حرف

فـ فـ ـفـ ـف *Notice that: 1-When ف is initial or medial, it is written on the line and it's left side disappears. 2-When it is final it takes the full form. .can be connected from both sides ف -3

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 152

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

'Ayna Faa؟ فأين

فلفل نار قف قلب

لفيف قبل حروف نفل نقل

ilysil / s صلي/ صل

صفر ص ف ر فال ل ا ف

......................... س ف ر ......................... ف ي ل

دف زف فن فل ف ف ف

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............



ات يب تدر Tadreebaat




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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 153

.......................... ل ف ت ......................... ف ر

.......................... س ر ف ......................... ص ف

......................... ك ف ......................... ش ر ف

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif افصلي األحرف / فصل ا

رظف ل فل ف فلفل

فصر ليف

يصاف طنف

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

نصف htuffa nisf تفاح Feel فيل harf حرف























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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 154

Qaaf قاف

Phonetics Pronunciation: new letter. Exit: The innermost part of the tongue towards the throat and what corresponds to the roof of the mouth. Qaaf is a heavy letter.


Al-Qiraa'ah راءةالق

qaa = ا ق

qee = ي ق

qoo = وق

qa = ق

qi = ق

qu = ق

shaqqa شق = ش ق+

shaqqi شق = ق +ش

shaqqu شق =ق + ش

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 155

Iqra'/Iqra'ee Read اقرئي/ اق◌رأ

60 = sittoon or sitteen (1)

قص قارب قلب -٦٠

70 = sab3oon or sab3een نقل رقيب فقط -٧٠

80 = thamaanoon or thamaaneen صدقي طبق برق -٨٠

90 = tes3oon or tes3een ٩٠- ق رقل دقثق

qabruقبر = ر + ب + ق

faqruفقر = ر + ق + ف

naqqabaنقب =ب + ق + ن

raqeeqaرقيق = ق + ي + ق + ر uqoora s صقور = ر + و + ق + ص

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 156

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ رأ اق

Compare between ف and ق

ر ق ن ر ف ن ١

٢ د دف ق

سقر سفر ٣

قيل فيل ٤

ق طري ف طري ٥

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اق◌رأ

Compare between ق and ك

ق ك ١٣ ق ك ٦

قال كال ١٣ ق ك ٧

اد ق اد ك ١٤ ق ك ٨

قلب كلب ١٥ اق اك ٩

قليل كليل ١٦ وق وك ١٠

يقبر يكبر ١٧ يك يك ١١

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10Unit م ف ق


*Notice that: 1-When ق is initial or medial, disappears.It is like ف but with two dots2-When it is final it takes the full form.can be connected from both sides ق -3

ف comes first and has one dot and ف

*The word fiqh is an Arabic term linguistically meaning deep understanding or full comprehension.

Technically it refers to the science of Islamic law extracted from detailed Islamic sources and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him)




3unuq sharq شرق

ـ ق

م ف ق


edial, it is written on the line and it's left side but with two dots.

final it takes the full form with a semi circle under the linecan be connected from both sides.

F I Q H ه فق

ف ق has one dot and ق comes after with two

The word fiqh is an Arabic term linguistically meaning deep understanding or full comprehension.

Technically it refers to the science of Islamic law extracted from detailed Islamic sources (The book of God: Qur'aan ammad Peace be upon him)

Medial Final



عنق baqarah 3unuq بقرة قـ قــ


Page 157

it's left side

with a semi circle under the line.

comes after with two dots.

The word fiqh is an Arabic term linguistically meaning deep understanding or full comprehension.

(The book of God: Qur'aan



qabr قبر قـ

kitaabah الكتابة

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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 158

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

Ayna Qaaf؟ قأين

نفر توت بقال قلب

حفل فلق كفن قدير فقير

ilysil / s صلي/ صل

رقر ص قص ال قل ا ق

......................... ط قس ......................... ي ل ق

.......................... ق ث و ......................... ف ق

طق رق قف ل ق ق ق ق

............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............


............ ...............

............... ............

............... ...............



يباتتدر Tadreebaat




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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 159

.......................... ي ق ف ر ......................... ر ق ب

......................... ش ق ي ق ......................... ق ف ن

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif افصلي األحرف / فصل ا

لقبو ق ي ل لقي

قسو لثق

قشن لبقا

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

عنق baqarah 3unuq بقرة qabr قبر sharq شرق























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10Unit م ف ق

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 160

The letters we know are:

I hear the word من فضلك (min fadlik), Can you tell me what does it mean?

Lit. It means " From your favour ", it is used by Arabs to say " Please " Learn more Arabic and listen to the pronunciation of the letters and expressions @ www.searchtruth.com/arabic

annersMood GThe

The prophet peace be upon him said:

"Any two Muslims who meet each other and shake hands, Allah forgives them before they separate." "And your smile in the face of your brother is a charity." "He who is not being merciful with the people, Allah will not be merciful with him." "The Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. He does not oppress him, He does not

abandon him when he needs help; Whoever helps his brother when he is needed,

and Allah will help him at the time of his need. And whoever clears a distress for a

Muslim, Allah will clear for him one of the distresses of the Day of Judgment." "He is not from us (Muslims) who is not merciful with the young and does not know

the right of our elders."

favour فضل -٦٠ king ملك -١٠ Devine decree قدر -٧٠ poor فقير -٢٠ angel ملك -٨٠ divorce طالق -٣٠ little قليل -٩٠ zero صفر -٤٠

-١٠٠ travelling سفر -٥٠mi'ah

heavy ثقيل

ب ت ث ن ي و ا د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ك م ف ق

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 161

Unit 11

J ج

H ح KH خ

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 162

Jeem ���

Phonetics Pronunciation: like “j” in “ jam”

Exit: The middle of the tongue with what corresponds from the roof of the mouth.

Jeem is a light letter.


jaa = ا ج

jee = ي ج

joo = وج

ja = ج

ji = ج

ju = ج

najja نج = ج ن+

ن+ ج = نج najji

ن +ن =جج najju

Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

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11Unit ج ح خ

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اقرأ

١- دج مل جج جن

٢- جدم دجل سجف رجض

شجر دجال سجل سجل -٣

٤- جفر ثج فج جوز

يل = ل + ي + م + جمجjameelu

ف +ا + ج +ا= ا+ جاججف fijaajaa ب +ن +ج +ر = رنجبbanjaru

ن +ا+ ج +ر =ارنجnajjaru sijjeeli سجيل= ل+ ي + ج+ س

farraja فرج= ج + ر + ف

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 164

*Notice that: 1- When ج is initial or medial, it is written on the line and its lower left side disappears. 2- When it is final, it is in the full form with a semi circle under the line. .can be connected from both side ج -3

Initial Medial Final Isolated





khurooj خروجthalj ثلجfajr فجرjamal جمل ـ ج ـ ـ ـ ـ�

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 165

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

ن؟ جأيAyna Jeem خرب رجل خيل جيل

برجب يرح جرباحر رجح

ilysil / s صلي / صل ......................... ف ج ر جمل ج م ل

......................... س ج ي ن ......................... ج ي ن

ج ج ل جج نج جر

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11Unit ج ح خ

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.......................... س ر ج ......................... ف و ج

.......................... ج ن ا ن ......................... ف ج ا ج

......................... و ل ج ......................... ث جي

لاف / فصري األحلفصاruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif دجال ج ي ر جير

ناتج سجال

جالد مروج

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

ثلجfajr thalj فجرjamal جمل khurooj وجخر























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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 167

Haa' اءح

Phonetics Pronunciation: New letter. Exit: The mid-throat. (It is like you Shout "Hey" without a voice.) Haa’ is a light letter. Middle part


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

haa = ا ح

hee = ي ح

hoo = وح

ha = ح

hi = ح

hu = ح

sahha حص = ح ص+

ص+ ح = حص ihhas

ص +ح= حص uhhas

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11Unit ج ح خ

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اقرأ

٥- دف حح رل حمح

ضدح سحري بحر قحط -٦

طحال نحري بحور سحار -٧

٨- فرح فالح شح الحص

م+ ا + ح +د =دامح miduaah

ن +ال= ل+ ا + حنح aalahhna يل = ل+ ي+ ح+ ككح eelahka

uhbasha بحش= ح+ ب+ شس +وري= ي + ر + و+ ححس ooreehsu

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11Unit ج ح خ


Notice that: has the same rules of writing as ح

What is hajj? See page 176



hmil حرج hjur

ـ ح

ج ح خ


has the same rules of writing as ج

*+- Hajj ح ج

6 - 177

Medial Final



ablh لنح lhna لحم h

�ـ �ـ ـ


Page 169



abl حبل


kitaabah الكتابة

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 170

insakh / insakhee انسخي/ انسخ

ن؟ حأي aa'HAyna

رحب رل نهمج رحس

رل جساح ق قفصدف صخو

ilysil / s صلي / صل ......................... ف ر ح ل حب ح ب ل

......................... ر ح ي م ......................... ح ق ب

ح ح ل حح نح حر

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 171

.......................... س ر ح ......................... ش ب ح

.......................... ح ا و ل ......................... ي ل ح

......................... ج ح د ......................... ي د ح ر

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsifافصلي األحرف / افصل مرح ر ب ح حبر

رابح نحر

حسيب سحور

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

ملحl hna milh نحل abl hحبل jurh حرج























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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 172

Khaa' ��ء


Pronunciation: New letter. Closest part Exit: The nearest part of the throat. Khaa’ is a heavy letter.

Bakh-kha خب +ب خ =

خ +ب = خب bakh-khi

خ+ ب= خب bakh-khu


Al-qiraa'ah القراءة

khaa = خا

khee = يخ

khoo = خو

kha = خ

khi = خ

khu = خ

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 173

Iqra'/Iqra'ee اقرئي/ اقرأ

٥- خد خل خم نخ

رخو فخم سخر مخل -٦

بخيل ضخم فخم زخات -٧

٨- صراخ شروخ رخ سيخ

khaadimuخادم = م + د + ا + خ

fakh-khaaraفخار = ر + ا + خ + ف خ + م + وص =ص + و + صخصم isoosmakh

sharkhuشرخ= خ + ر + ش thakheena ثخين= ن+ ي + خ + ث

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11Unit ج ح خ


Notice that: has the same rules of writing as خ



mukhkookh كوخ



ج ح خ


has the same rules of writing as ج ، ح


Medial Final

palm tree


مخ nakhlah mukh-kh نخلة ـ ـ �ـ


Page 174



tkhay خيط ـ!

kitaabah الكتابة

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 175

خ اي/ نسخنسا insakh / insakhee

'Ayna khaaأين خ ؟

رحل نخلبمخيجم

فرخ خلخال حاجب ساحل سيخ

ilysil / s صلي / صل ......................... خ و ر خيط خ ي ط

......................... خ ص م ......................... ا م خ

رخ نخ خل خ خ خ

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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 176

.......................... ث خ ي ن ......................... م خ ز ن

.......................... ش ر خ ......................... ص ر ي خ

......................... ص ا ر و خ ......................... خ ل خ ا ل

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsifافصلي األحرف / افصل صارخ خ م س خمس

مريخ خسر

فرخ بخل

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قولي وانسخي/ قل وانسخ

مخ nakhlah mukhkh نخلة tkhay خيط kookh كوخ























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11Unit ج ح خ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 177

The letters we know are:

donkey حمار -٦٠ eclipse خسوف -١٠٢٠- بح love يل -٧٠مج beautiful mountainجبل -٨٠ sheep خروف -٣٠٤٠- اريخ cucumber ٩٠- برح war

٥٠- ابحس clouds ١٠٠- خرص rock

س ش ر ز ذ د و ا ي ن ث ت ب خ ح ج ق ل م ف ك ظ ط ض ص

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 178

Unit 12

3 ع GH غ

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 179

3ayn عین

Phonetics Pronunciation: New letter. (symbol 3)

Exit: The mid-throat.

3ayn is a light letter. Middle part


3aa = ا ع

3ee = ي ع

3oo = وع

3a = ع

3i = ع

3u = ع

sha33a شع +ش ع =

sha33i شع = ع +ش

sha33u شع =ع + ش

Al-Qira'ah راءةالق

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 180

Iqra'/Iqra'ee رأ / اقرئياق

id wa hwaa= 123ishroon عد عش عم عد - ٢١

22 = Ithnaan wa 3ishroon د قعر سعر نعض - ٢٢ جع

23 = thalaathah wa 3ishroon صنع شروع ش)ع قرع - ٢٣

24 = arba3ah wa 3ishroon ٢٤ - برع ضفدع صدع شع

3amila+ م + ل = عمل ع

na3aamuن + ع + ا + م = نعام fa33aaluفعال =ع + ا + ل + ف

shu3oobuشعوب = ع + و + ب + ش aree3i dضر7ع = ر + 6 + ع + ض

a3nu tطعن = ع + ن + 8

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 181

*Notice that: 1-When ع is initial or medial, it is written on the line and its lower left side disappears. 2-When it is final, it is in the full form with a semi circle under the line. can be connected from both sides and in that case it is written as a ع -3triangle.

Initial Medial Final Isolated





ر;ع su3aal rub3 سعال eers3a عصیر usboo3 ع أسبو

عـ عـ ـعـ ـع

Al-kitaabah الكتا)ة

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 182

insakh / insakhee انسخ / انسخي

شع )عد عي ع ع ع

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Ayna 3ayn ؟ عأین

عبیر غ)ار نهر )عد

غصن فرع )حر معلم حلEم

ilysil / s صل / صلي

......................... ق ع ر عمل ع م ل

......................... م ع د ن ......................... ع ن ب ر





7)اتتدر Tadreebaat

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 183

.......................... ن ع و د ......................... س ع ل

.......................... ض ب ع ......................... ص ع ب

......................... ع ل ا م ......................... ق ل ا ع

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif / افصلي األحرف افصل

رفع ع ل ا عال

عسجد ضلوع

معرف معك

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

ر;ع su3aal rub3 سعال eers3a عصیر dufda3 ضفدع























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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 184

GHayn غین

Phonetics Pronunciation: New letter. ( It is the sound of gargling )

Exit: The nearest part of the throat. Closest part GHayn is a heavy letter.


ghaa = ا غ

ghee = ي غ

ghoo = وغ

gha = غ

ghi = غ

ghu = غ

laghgha لغ +ل غ =

laghghi لغ = غ +ل

laghghu لغ =غ + ل

Al-Qira'ah راءةالق

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 185

Iqra'/Iqra'ee رأ / اقرئياق

25 = khamsah wa 3ishroon غل غال غدا - ٢٥

26 = sittah wa 3ishroon غب مغص نغض - ٢٦E

27 = sab3ah wa 3ishroon ل شغل رغب - ٢٧ شغ

28 = thamaaniyah wa 3ishroon ٢٨ - EصEغ ص)غ س)غ

29 = tes3ah wa 3ishroon ٢٩ - یراوغ وزغ فراغ

ghasala+ س + ل = غسل غ

ghuraabu غ + ر + ا + ب = غراب agheerus صغیر =غ + 6 + ر + ص

faarighaفارغ = ا + ر + غ + ف thughooruثغور = غ + و + ر + ث

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 186

Notice that: ع has the same rules of writing as غ

I am gargling ع ع ع

Food is stuck here ع ع ع

Initial Medial Final Isolated





صمغ ragheef samgh رغیف ghaar غار faarigh فارغ

ـ غ غـ غــ غـ

Al-kitaabah الكتا)ة

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 187

insakh / insakhee انسخ / انسخي

غ ) ل غ ) ي غ غ غ غ

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Ayna ghayn ؟ غأین

اغ فر خیل عالم مغضوب

Eعود غEاب خل غیر عبر

ilysil / s صل / صلي

......................... ف غ ر غیر غ 6 ر

......................... غ ص ا ......................... غ ف 6 ر




7)اتتدر Tadreebaat


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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 188

..........................ن ع و د ......................... غ د 6 ر

.......................... ن ز 6 غ ......................... ص د غ 6

......................... ن ب و غ ......................... ب ل ا غ

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif / افصلي األحرف افصل

راوغ غ ا ل 6 غالي

رسغ غلب

ولغ شغلي

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

صمغ ragheef samgh رغیف ghaar غار faarigh فارغ























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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 189

The letters we know are:

The Teaching Crow

Have you ever heard about a bird that may teach somebody? And guide him to behave

correctly in what he is doing? This man has learnt from this bird and did what it advised him to


I am that teaching bird.

Do not wonder and say: "that is impossible."

I will now tell you my story, and narrate to you my novel mentioned in the Qur'an:

It is a cute and witty story, in which I was a teacher to Qabil (Cain) [the son of Adam] when

he committed a forbidden act. Allah says:

"And [O Muhammad] recite to them [the Jews] the story of the two sons of Adam [Habil and

Qabil (Abel and Cain)] in truth; when each offered a sacrifice [to Allah], it was accepted from

the one but not from the other. The latter said to the former: "I will surely kill you." The

former said: Verily, Allah accepts only from those who are pious. If you do stretch your hand

against me to kill me, I shall never stretch my hand against you to kill you: for I fear Allah, the

Rabb [Lord] of the 'Alamin [mankind, jinn, and all that exists].

Verily, I intend to let you draw my sin on yourself as well as yours, then you will be one of the

dwellers of the Fire; and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers. So the Nafs [self] of the

anger غضب -٢٥ mule )غل -٢٠ blaze سعیر -٢٦ small صغیر -٢١ world عالم -٢٧ fox ثعلب -٢٢ west غرب -٢٨ difficult صعب -٢٣

crow غراب -٢٩ public شعب -٢٤

ب ت ث ن 6 و ا د ذ ر ز س ش ع غ ج ح خ ص ض 8 \ ك ل م ف ق

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21Unit ع غ

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 190

other [latter one] encouraged him and made fair-seeming to him the murder of his brother; he

murdered him and became one of the losers. Then Allah sent a crow, which scratched the

ground to show him how to hide the dead body of his brother. He [the murderer] said: "Woe to me! Am I not even able to be as this crow and to hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he

became one of those who regretted." (Qur'an, 5:27-31)

This story was mentioned in the Qur'an to teach people what wrong, envy, and aggression

could do to the best two sons of Adam. And the story is about Qabil and his brother Habil. The

two sons of Adam and Eve, and narrates the very first murder Allah was not pleased with.

Eve used to give birth each time to twins: a boy and a girl. And Adam used to couple the boy

from the first pregnancy to the girl from the second pregnancy and vice versa.

Eve gave birth to a beautiful girl the time she gave birth to Qabil, and with Habil, Eve gave

birth to a less beautiful girl.

When years passed, Adam wanted to couple Habil and the beautiful girl, Qabil objected to that

and said: "I am worthier than my brother to her", but Adam said to him: "O my son, Allah has

ordered me to do this and all the Bounty is in the Hand of Allah. He grants to whom He wills."

The conflict, then, never stopped until they reached an agreement which satisfied them all,

that was; each one of them should offer a sacrifice to Allah, and the one whose sacrifice was

accepted would have the beautiful girl.

Habil offered a fat sheep because he had many, and Qabil offered a bunch of wheat because

he was a farmer; then they both waited for the reply from Allah. Soon, Allah sent a white fire

that ate what Habil had offered and left Qabil's. The latter then became so angry with his

brother and the Shaytan (Satan) had control over him, then he decided to kill his brother.

However, Habil refused to fight his brother and even refused to defend himself.

Satan totally dominated over Qabil, so he took a stone and hit his brother's head and

eventually he died.

Qabil then was so confused about his brother's body since burying the dead was not known at

that time. Finally, Allah sent two of my ancestors (the crows) to fight each other in front of

Qabil until one of them killed the other.

After a minute, the killer crow dug a hole in the ground to bury his dead brother in order to

teach Qabil how he should bury his brother after he had killed him.

Therefore, that was guidance and an inspiration from Allah to the crow to teach Qabil how he should bury his brother. However, after he did that he regretted and felt sorry for his crime.


Two letters are left

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31Unit ه

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ه ه ه ه

Hole Hen How Hitch elegant!

Unit 13

H ه

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31Unit ه

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Haa' هاء

Phonetics Pronunciation: Like “H” in English. Exit: From the deepest part of the throat. Haa' is a light letter.

Lower part


haa = ا ه

hee = ي ه

hoo = وه

ha = ه

hi = ه

hu = ه

mahha م ه = م ه +

mahhi ه م = ه + م

mahhu ه م =ه + م

Al-Qira'ah راءةالق

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31Unit ه

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Iqra'/Iqra'ee اق◌رأ / اقرئي

د ه ش ه م ه د ه - ٢١

ردهم ساهم درهم موهم - ٢٢

فهم ظهر رهب سهم - ٢٣

٢٤ - عنه نفسه شبه وله

٢٥ - نهاه حده الموه ضره

hadafu هدف = ف + د + ه

hishaamu هشام + ا + م = ش + ه nahruنهر = ر + ه + ن

murhaqaهق مر = ق + ه + ر + م ffahuas صفه = ه + ف + ص

sahhalaسهل = ل + ه + س

nawwaha ن + و + ه = نوه

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31Unit ه

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Notice that:

1- When ھ is initial or medial after a non connector,It looks like a hitch ھ. 2- When it is medial after a connector it looks like a ribbon ـھـ

3- When it is final after a connector it looks like a hen ـه. 4- When it is final after a non connector it looks like a honeycomb ه. .can be connected from both sides ھ -5

Initial Medial Final Isolated





وجه nahr wajh نهر haatif هاتف shifaah شفاه

ـ ه هـ ھــ ھـ

Al-kitaabah الكتابة

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31Unit ه

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insakh / insakhee انسخ / انسخي

ه ذ هب ر ه ن ب ه ذ ب ه

ذه به نهر ذهب هب


............... ...............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............ ...............

'Ayna Haa ؟ هأين

شكره حكمه عمل سهل

مهمل أنهار كالم عنده فقط

ilysil / s صل / صلي

......................... هق و ت منه هم ن

........................ ر هظ ......................... ف و ا ك ه







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31Unit ه

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......................... ه و ج ......................... ب ه

......................... ه ب ع د .......................... ذ ب هم

....................... هق ب ر ......................... و د هج

ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif / افصلي األحرف افصل

مدهم ه ن ي هني

هعن مهند

رشهي وجوه

qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee قل وانسخ / قولي وانسخي

وجه nahr wajh نهر haatif هاتف shifaah شفاه



















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31Unit ه

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The letters we know are:

Prophet Solomon and the hoopoe bird

Prophet Suleiman had a very large army of men, jinn and birds. One day, he was

checking the army. "And he looked amongst the birds and he said: "Why can't I see the hoopoe bird or is he absent?" (Sura Naml, Verse 20)

hoopoe bird has the duty of searching for water when the army needed it.On that day, it had left without asking for permission to do so and Prophet Suleiman decided to punish it if it came back without a good excuse for its absence.

When the bird came back, it explained to Prophet Suleiman what it had seen: "… I come to you from Sheba with sure news. I found a woman ruling over the people, she

has been given many blessings and has a mighty throne! I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allah…" (Sura Naml, Verses 22-24). When Prophet Suleiman heard about Queen Bilqis (Saba) and her city in Yemen, he

was very surprised and decided to find out if what the bird had said was true. He wrote a letter to her asking her and her people to accept Allah as their God and to

stop worshipping the sun. Then he sent the hoopoe bird to take the letter to the Queen and see what her answer was.

fruits فواكه -٣٥ easy سهل -٣٠ target هدف -٣٦ hoopoe هدهد -٣١ alarm منبه -٣٧ pyramid هرم -٣٢ engineer مهندس -٣٨ arrow سهم -٣٣

hate كره -٣٩ month شهر -٣٤

ص ض د ذ ر ز س ش ب ت ث ن ي و ا ه ع غ ج ح خ ف قظ ك ل م ط

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31Unit ه

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When Bilqis read it, she did not know what to do and asked her ministers for advice.

Her commanders told her that they were willing to follow her decision. Queen Bilqis knew that an ordinary king would be greedy for power and try to take

over her land. She decided to test Prophet Suleiman to see if he was a true prophet of Allah or if he just wanted her wealth. She sent a group of men with gifts of gold, silver and other treasures to Suleiman as a

gift from her. When Prophet Suleiman saw all this, he said: "What? Will you try to help me with wealth? What Allah has given me is better than what He has given you

and your gifts look valuable to your eyes (not mine)." (Sura Naml, Verses 36-37) The envoy returned with all their gifts to Sheba and told Queen Bilqis all the wonders that they had seen and heard.

When Bilqis heard of the grand kingdom of Ptaphet Suleiman, she realised that he was a prophet of Allah who had been granted such great powers by Him.

She decided to go to him and see his kingdom for herself. When Prophet Suleiman (a.s) heard of her intentions, he wanted to show her some of the favours Allah had given him, so that she would believe and accept one God.

He said: "O Chiefs! Which of you will bring me her throne before she arrives?" (Sura Maml. Verse 38)

One of the Jinn offered to do it before Prophet Suleiman stood up from his throne, but one of his ministers, said: "I will bring it to you in the blink of an eye!" (Sura Naml, Verse 40)

Queen Bilqis's throne appeared infront of Prophet Suleiman before he opened his eyes, even though the distance between the two kingdoms was great as Bilqis ruled

over Yemen and he ruled over Palestine. Prophet Suleiman thanked Allah when he saw this! He then ordered that a palace should be built whose floor was made of clear glass. The floor itself was to be laid

over a large pool of water, so that when a person walked over it, it looked like he was walking on water!

When Queen Bilqis arrived, he welcomed her into this palace. As she entered the huge doors, she saw the floor and assumed it was water. Gently lifting her skirt so that it would not get wet, she put out her foot to step into the wondrous room.

Prophet Suleiman saw this and smiled. He told her she did not need to do such a thing and explained that the floor was made of glass and it only seemed that the water was

on it. Queen Bilqis was a clever woman and as soon as she heard this, she realised the

lesson he was trying to teach her. She understood that she had been mistaken in worshipping the sun when there was a Being who could not be seen but who was much greater than the sun - Allah! Immediately asking for forgiveness, she

surrendered to Allah saying:"I surrender with Suleiman to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds."(Surd Naml, Verse 44)

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41Unit ء

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Last letter but never Least

"The Queen"

In translitaration hamza will be represented by an apostrophe ( ' )

Unit 14

' ؤ أ ئ ء The first sound in The

vowels ( a,o,e )

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41Unit ء

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Hamzah هم ز ة

Phonetics Pronunciation: The sound of Hamzah ( glottal stop ) is available in the English language but at the beginning of words only. English words beginning with the vowels (a, e, o) are starting with a Hamzah. In Arabic it can be anywhere (beginning, middle and end).

Exit: From the deepest part of the throat. Lower part Hamzah is a light letter.

No Hamzah with shaddah. It is hard to pronounce.


' a = ء

' i = ء ' u = ء

' aa = ا ء

' ee = ء ي

' oo = ء و

ال ق راء ة Al-qiraa'ah

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41Unit ء


The Hamzah is represented by a sign. This sign is sometimes written over or under certain letters called “seats”, or else aloof.

- The seats can be:

) أ (ا The seat is not pronounced, but is only an orthographic convention in the spelling of words with Hamzah.

There is a cardinal rule in the reading of Hamzah:

If the queen is present,

If there is a seat, ignore it


represented by a sign. This sign is sometimes written over or under certain letters called “seats”, or else aloof.

ا , ) ؤ (و , ) ئـ orئ (ى

The seat is not pronounced, but is only an orthographic convention in the spelling of words with Hamzah.

There is a cardinal rule in the reading of Hamzah:

"The Queen"

present, no one cares to look at her

If there is a seat, ignore it.

Page 201

represented by a sign. This sign is sometimes written

The seat is not pronounced, but is only an orthographic convention in the

her throne.

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41Unit ء

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رأ ا ق ◌ ا ق ر ئ ي/ Iqra'/Iqra'ee

دأ ب أ ب ي - ٣١

ب ؤ - ٣٢ ب ؤ ن ؤ ب ن د ؤ وب

ن ب ئ نائ ب بائ ن - ٣٣

٣٤ - ر داء ب ناء ب د ء

anaa أ ن ا= ا + ن + أ

إ يمان = ن + ا + م + ي + إ 'eemaanu ت ي =ي + ت + خ + أ أ خ ukhtee

س م اء = ء + ا + م + س samaa' na'ila ن ائ ل = ل + ئ + ا + ن

ب ؤ ر = ر + ؤ + ب bu'aru

ت د ر يبات Tadreebãt



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41Unit ء


- The hamzah can be written

1- Alone ء: not connected from right or from left

2- With a carrier, in which case it becomes

a- above and under an

b- above a waaw

c- above a dotless

- If Hamzah is with a carrier, we follow the ruling of writing the carrier.- The way of writing it,

studied later In sha



samaa' سماء


can be written:

not connected from right or from left.

ith a carrier, in which case it becomes like a diacritic

bove and under an alif and أ إ

ؤ above a dotless yaa' ئ

with a carrier, we follow the ruling of writing the carrier.The way of writing it, depends on some voweling rules and to be

shaa'-Allaah ( God willing ).

Medial Final



سؤال bi'r Su'aal بئر


Page 203



with a carrier, we follow the ruling of writing the carrier. depends on some voweling rules and to be



بئر ab أب

ال ك تاب ة kitaabah

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41Unit ء

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ا ن س خ ا ن س خ ي/ insakh / insakhee

ء ؤ ئـ ئ إ أ

............ ...............

............... ...............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............... ............


............ ...............

............... ...............

............ ...............


............... ...............

............... ............


............ ...............

............... ...............

............ ...............

أ ي ن Ayna Hamzah ؟ء

ع م ل ب د أ م اء أ ن ا

م ع م ل ر ئ ت ه ئ ن ور س ؤ ال ش اط



◌ ت د ر يبات Tadreebaat

ب د ء

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41Unit ء

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ل ص ل ي/ ilysil / s ص

س ؤ ر سؤر م و ئ ل موئل

........................ ب ن ا ء ......................... أ س و د

......................... ش ا ء ......................... أ ح م ر

......................... ب ؤ ر.......................... ي ؤ و ل

....................... ع و ا ء......................... ش أ ن ي

ل ا ف ص ر ف / ل ي األح ا ف ص ruf ha -ilee alsil/ ifsif

أكتب ف ي ء فيء

مئتين سماء بؤبؤ

ق ل و ا ن س خ ق ول ي وان س خ ي/ qul wa insakh /qulee wa insakhee

سؤال bi'r Su'aal بئر ab أب samaa' سماء

















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41Unit ء

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The letters we know are:

Letters in Alphabetical order

ء ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي

م ا ش اء اهللا

That which Allaah wills

Saying, 'Masha'Allaah' (What Allah Wills)

When seeing something they like

Meaning: Literally means 'Whatever Allah (God) wills'. It is often used in occasions where there

is surprise in someones' good deeds or achievements. For example people say

Mashallah when someone does very well in their exams The muslim then use it whenever the see something good to remember that all good

they have is a gift and bounty of Allaah alone, but also to prevent harming people with

"Evil Eye". They also use "Allaahumma barik" Oh Allaah bless the same way. They don't use expressions as "Touch wood"… as wood is a creation of the Lord and

can not save anyone of harm.

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41Unit ء

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Just a second!

I want to tell about myself. You have seen me many

times in that book at the end of many words.

I am…

The Tied Taa' ahtTaa' Marboo

ه+ ت - It is a combination of the letter ت and the letter ه

- Taa' Marbootah occurs only as the last consonant of a noun.

Ex فراشة –وردة - It is a sign of femininity in singular nouns. - If we continue the reading after a word ending with Taa' Marbootah, we

pronounce it as a Taa' ت, but if we pause on such word, we pause on

a Haa' ه with Sukoon.


ز ان ة khazaanah خ

Dammah Kasrah Fat-hah

وردة وردة وردة Full form wardatu wardati wardata Pausal form

wardah wardah wardah meaning rose rose rose

If you fly to the next word, take the upper dots of ت with you

& if you stop suddenly and fall down, you say oh!

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41Unit ء

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حروفي الجميلة My beautiful letters


ث ت ب



ح ج

د ز

س ض ش ص

ي و م

ط غ ظ ع



ق ف ل



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14Unit ء

www.quranicarabic.wordpress.com Page 209

م د ال ح ال حات هللا ال ذي ب ن ع م ت ه ت ت م الص

All praises are for Allaah who by his favor good deeds

are accomplished

And for all who helped me and supported me:

اك م ج ز يـ ر ا خ اهللا