- - - -- i - city of charlottecharlottenc.gov/cityclerk/resolutions/july 23, 2001.pdfetes and bound...

b!&a - - - - - - - , -- -- . - - -1 I Pk&SBLUTLON DECLARING AN INTENT'I;O ABANDON AND CLOSE a podon of Endhaven Lane in the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North ~dina mereas,,Lichtin-TrammeU Crow ;South. ha filed a petition to close a W an of Endhaven lane in the city of Charlotte; aa Whereas, the portion &Endhaven Lme to be clbsed lies beginning approximately 965 feet soutbwemwdly from the intffsection of Endhaven Lane and Misty Ridae.Lane continuing approximately 1,514 feet muthwesnNlndly to its terminus as shown in ; mapmap&ed "Exhibit i'' I land is more particularly described by metes and bounds in a document marked "Exhibit B", both of vyhich &available for inspection in Ehe o&ce of the City Clerk, City Hall, Charlotte, North Carolina. Where&, the proidwe for c kbg stm&s imd asas outl~ in North Carolina General Statutes, &&n 160M99, &.that City ~fe~fust #opt a dution declaring it's intent to close the mt and ding a #8 hihg'& Sbk said statnte iiuther requires that the shall ~ ~ p u b ~ - o ~ a we& &m WB. weeks prior to the hearing, and a copy thereof be sent by reghd.? .mfti&dd.@@ %mess &groper@ adjoining the streex & awn on the w~ty @x Ws, and am& dth8 dosing & gtrblic hearing shall be prombently.po%ted in at t&'two dwg ssid or alley and Now, therefore, be b e i t mmlved, by &@&@ ~hcil of fh efb dCkW, at$% arly scheduled seaska~ of idpa3,2Q@$, &st &i@nds to close apwb &Eh#mm L.an1 d that the said streat (w pa* tbm$J being m~fe parSic&f&~dedbectw amp &d by a etes and bound ddption wailabjg firr &peeth ia the CCity GW's oP&wtt.d hereby calls C a public hearing hquestion Eobe h@M:& 7:tWpon u j @ 3% day ~ f h g u s t , 2001 in CMGC mag ehmber, 600 @a& W '%met ~btteGC~&tzsrCardk The City Clerk is h e d y hted to pabW rt eopy dthia xemktiosa .id &e Meoklenbwg Ti onceaweekfort~~~ska~d~&draceftdkgpCfBTsueh hearingas required by N.C.G.S. 160A-299. day of July ,2001.

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. - - -1 I

Pk&SBLUTLON DECLARING AN INTENT'I;O ABANDON AND CLOSE a podon of Endhaven Lane in the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North ~ d i n a

mereas,, Lichtin-TrammeU Crow ;South. ha filed a petition to close a W a n of Endhaven lane in the city of Charlotte; aa

Whereas, the portion &Endhaven Lme to be clbsed lies beginning approximately 965 feet soutbwemwdly from the intffsection of Endhaven Lane and Misty Ridae.Lane continuing approximately 1,514 feet muthwesnNlndly to its terminus as shown in ; mapmap&ed "Exhibit i''

I land is more particularly described by metes and bounds in a document marked "Exhibit B", both of vyhich &available for inspection in Ehe o&ce of the City Clerk, City Hall, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Where&, the proidwe for c k b g stm&s imd a s a s o u t l ~ in North Carolina General Statutes, &&n 160M99, &.that City ~ f e ~ f u s t #opt a d u t i o n declaring it's intent to close the mt and d i n g a #8 hihg'& Sbk said statnte iiuther requires that the shall ~ ~ p u b ~ - o ~ a we& &m WB. weeks prior to the hearing, and a copy thereof be sent by r e g h d . ? .mfti&dd.@@ %mess &groper@ adjoining the streex & a w n on the w ~ t y @x W s , and am& dth8 dosing & gtrblic hearing shall be prombently.po%ted in at t&'two dwg ssid or alley and

Now, therefore, be b e i t mmlved, by &@&@ ~ h c i l of fh efb d C k W , at$% arly scheduled seaska~ of idpa3,2Q@$, &st &i@nds to close a p w b &Eh#mm L.an1

d that the said streat (w pa* tbm$J being m ~ f e parSic&f&~dedbectw a m p &d by a etes and bound d d p t i o n wailabjg firr &peeth ia the CCity GW's oP&wtt.d hereby calls C

a public hearing hquestion Eobe h@M:& 7:tWpon u j @ 3% day ~ f h g u s t , 2001 in CMGC m a g ehmber, 600 @a& W '%met ~ b t t e G C ~ & t z s r C a r d k

The City Clerk i s h e d y h t e d to pabW rt eopy d t h i a xemktiosa .id &e Meoklenbwg T i o n c e a w e e k f o r t ~ ~ ~ s k a ~ d ~ & d r a c e f t d k g p C f B T s u e h hearingas required by N.C.G.S. 160A-299.

day of July ,2001.

J u l y 23, ZOO1 Resolution Book 37, Page 160

RESOLVITON DECLARING AN XNTENT TO ABANDON AND CLOSE a portion of Waecamaw Skeet, a 10*&ot abywiy aad a p d @ n ~f Smtk Erwin Avenue in the City of

Charlotte, ~klenburg Couuty, North Carolina

Whereas, The Comxnittee fa Restore ail Preserve Third Ward aad the C i of Charlotte has fled a petition to close a porfim of Wamamaw Street, a 10-hot atleyway a d a portion of SoatJm Irwin Avenue in the city of CharloEte; and

%%efcW, fh podon of Wa~uunaw Street to be closed'lies from South Sycamore Street southeaptw~ttl~ ,spptoitimately 327 feet to the intnssetion of South ' s ~ f , tile 1 0-foot alleyway l i ~ ' S b 6 Symore Street &u&mawady iqjmx&tefy 567 feet to its taminus and Smtb llwia S'Wt lies from the intersection of Wa-w SWSouth Irwin Street westwadg @proximately 100 f& to its &Winas as .shown in a map marked '"Exhihit A- 1, a d A-Z*'@d'b de1j1&jt d&&$& by and - h a a ~ @ ~ ~ ~ t .&kd ''E&&& B-f d 'B-2 ",b& of*h av&& f i W t f m in ~e of& of the city Clerk, City H& wldne, No& C , m b

~,&~ffordosEngstreetaatld~aso~edinNo&Carolina General Sta%tes,*Won 16bA~299, quim tWt City Council fitst adbh r resolusion ddating

requires that the resolution shall be published once a week for two successive weeks prior to the hearing, and a copy thereof be sent by register& or tertified mail to all owners of property adjoining the street as shown on the county tax records, and a notice of the clo$hg and public hearing shall be praminently posted in at least two places along said &eet or alley and

Now, thm&re, Im it resoltfed, by the City Conmc11 of the City of Cb&B-tte, at 2 s reeul8tly scheduled semion of3.d~ 23.2001, W'it Intenda to c k a mdaa af~accatmxw - . ~ & t , 10-foot alleyway and a portion of &I& Avenue a d th;rt the said street (or wrtion

q u o n to be &d at 7:0~pm on kon*, the 27th day of August, 2b01 in rnbetiug chetnber, 600 I&& 4th Street Charlotte North Carolina.

The City Ckk is hereby b t e d to publish a copy of this resolution in the Mdenburg Times once a weak for two swews:ive weeks next p&g t?ie da€e %ed here fix rsroch b r i n g as t e q d by N.C.G.S. 160A-299.

I, Brenda R. Fqeeze City Clerk of the City of charlotte, North Carolina, DO fJBREBY CEWTlFY that the &regoing is a tme and exaut adpy ofa fresoIution adoptea by the City Couaoil of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in regular session convened on tbe 23rctfayofJuly , 2 0 0 k , ~ 1 ~ : f e s e m h a ~ ~ & e i n m i n u t e 2 M o k l ~ 6 ,and - recorded in MI in Y E . ~ S O I ~ O ~ B ~ 37 . page@) 16Q

WI'INESS my hand and the caprate seal of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, this the2* day& July

&, /

July 23, 2001 Resolution Book 37. Page 161

mSaLU;riON D J ~ O & A K ! ' N O , ~ ,WT TO @.m.QyJ CLOSE 4 of r : l ; l~ .l ; $ ~

Jefferson Drivii in the City pfhsrh~e* QBcM, L,F: . ow& North Carolina

Whereqls, Stephen E. Myers b fil@:@.&tid~~t~! G~W a pjr.99 of JB~WWB Drive in the city o f , d b t t e ; and

Wherm, the portion of Jeffermi Drive to be ~l@ked ikes 'beghh~g appKudmtltely 145 ket north fim .the (Nnirrge~ei:ti~e of J ~ & w I % i i ( t ~ . D @ ~ ~ . 8aal.* w-a@ly 75 feet Mrth to its term&$ @ ~ h ~ w a h @ @~p,.@g&&%&$&.b'" iq~m. ~~&&wIz described by &. bou.nds h , a dw,um& mc)rk61FL":wMt W>,both bfarhi* we a v W e for inspection in sffiee of* City Ciw'W, C%X!O$~~&& bbt -

m e w s , 'tttep.~ooedure for c l q i n g ; ' s ~ e aud aU~:ys,w o u W b N& C.qolipa General SWtss:,. Secvion.:i @A-2.99, .re4&& %t C'i&!hw$il b t .d6& a~r@%WYn daeMw irs intent to &use the street and calling a puwa hear& an the qq@ti~,*; b ~ i d . s t a @ @ furtFLer qg i rw that the resolution shall be published once a week for two suixes+ve wt$gks priorto he hewing, suld a eapy & e r ~ f be wnt by r ? @ l d , I i ar .. c@@i@mail f~ all ORWXS . . , , I ofpqmty .,, i . <--)

djoiaing the sw&i & 6bav~l~ntb4 o~m&aayt:rau:~di,,~&,b~@w ?gM q?,Fasiqg e d pqb443 hir ing shall be.,pg0&~nt1~ posted in at i@ two , p b e along &aid stnet er alley and

. I , ' . . I

Now,fheref~p, be it r&lvpd, by!&, City. Coywil oft& City of ,C&rlottq, a$ itts regularly sehedu@i wsion a f ~ u l ~ ,25,20@1, that it &dd ter ~fsse a portion of J&Q, Drivr and that the @aid by a metes and bounds ealls a public hearing aa the question to be held at 7:Q8pm an Monday, the 27th day of Aqgusf 2081 in CMGC meeting xhmbe~, 600 East 4th Street. Gbplatte No& Garolina

The City Clwk is hereby directed to pubEdpa oopx of this ~eso1ution h tke Me@eaburg T i s onae a week for two mffiessive weeks next pnerx&q the date here for m h he* as required by N.C.G.S. I@A-299.

1, ~ Brenda -~ R. F q + @ ~ i q cJerkioftbe a@ o f h k ~ t t e * ~ a n h . ~ a r o 1 ' ~ DQ C ~ ~ ~ Y &at thgFbreg&ing is.8 true@dexae copy*fa & & W b a&g$t@dby &J:

City Council of the Cityof Char1otte, North Carolina, in regulmsession oonvened &i the 23rdfay of July ,2001, the ref%mCe ~ i , bee&m&kira minute bMk 116 , and ~-

recorded in-full in ResolutiQn Book 37 , pge(s) 161

WITNESS my $and and the corporate 5gd oftbe City of Charlotte. N& Ca~olina, tbig &le 25th day of July 2001.

Euly 23, 2001 Resolution Book 37, Page 162

RESOLUTION DECLARING AN IPJTENT TO ABANDON AND CLOSE a portion of CrispZn Avenue, Midland Avenue, Hillview Avenue, Forrestal Street, and Gary Street in the

City of Charlme, Mecklenbwg County, N& Carolina

Whereas, CMDC Willtinson No. 1 1000, LLc hrts filed a petition to close a portion of Crlspin Avenue, Mdlnad Avenue, Htllview Avenue, Forrestal Street, and Gary Street in the city of Charlotte; and

Whereas, Crigpin Avenue to be closed lies beginning from the right-of-way line of Willcinson Baulevard continuing south approximately 164 feet to its terminus, Midland Avenue begintxing &om the p p s e d rigkt-ef-way h e of W i o n Boulevard continuing south approximately 156 feet to its terminus, Hillview Avenue beginning from the proposed right-of- m y line of Wi&imon BouI~verd co&~Hing south ap-tely 494 feet to i?s temimrs, Fo r r ed Street b e g w g from the proposed right-of-way line of Wilkinson Boulevard continuing so* 274 k t t6 its terminus, and Gary Sbwt b g i i &om theproposed right-of- way line of WilkinsonBoulevard continuing south 493 feet to its temdntls as shown in the maps marked *Exhibit A-E through A-5'hd is more p ~ c u l ~ l y described by metes and bounds in a document marked "Exhibit B-1 through B-5" both of which are available for inspection in the office of the City Clerk, City H a , Charlotte, North Camlina.

Whereas, the procedure for closing streets and alleys as d i e d in North Carolina General Statutes, Section 16049-299, requires that City Comcil fust adopt a resolution declaring it's intent to close the stmat and calling a public h--on the question; said SatUte Mher requires that the tesalution shail be published once a week for two successive weeks prior to the hearing, and a ~ o p y thereof be sent by registered or c-ed ma3 to aI1 m r s of property adjoining the stteet as shown on the county tax records, id a notice of the ck~~ing and public bearing shall be prominently posted in af least two places along said street or alley and

Now, therefore, be it resolved, by the Ci*/ Cmcil of the City of Cklatte, at it's regularly scheduled session of July 23,2001, that it intends to close aportion of a portion of Crispin Avenue, Miulfand Avenue, Hillvim Awnue, Formtat S W , and Gary 5tr%et and tkat the said street (or @on thereof) being more particuhly described on a map and by a metes and bounds description available for iaspeetioa in the City Cl&*s office, and hereby d s a public hearing on the question to be beid at 7:00gm on Monday, the 27th day of Au-, 2201 in CMGC meeting &amber, 600 East 4th Street Chad.& North Carolina

The City Clerk is hwby dhcted to publish a copy of this remtutim l.n the Mecklenbwg Times once a week for two successive weeks next preceding the date fixed here for such hearing as required by W.C.G.S. 1rjDB-299.


I, Brenda R Freeze, CCity Clerk of the City of CJuulotte, No& CarMia, DO HEaEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a h e ancE exact cow of a Resolution adoeted by the Citv Catmil oft& Citv of Charlotte, North ~&ib&in mguk 8essiw coiened on the 23td day-of JUG, 2001. -& refaence having been made in Minute Book 116, a d recod& in foll in Resolution Book 37, Page 162.

WITNESSmyhilndandthec~sealofLhe City of , uliJ the 25th day of Jdy, 2001.

July 23, 2p01 Resolution Book 37, Page 163


EXTRACT FRW THE HICWUmS OF Ik regular MEETING OF THE Charlotte City Council HELD OH July 23, 2001 I


The following resolution was introduced by Council,me&er Eu~gpss

seconded by Counci lmeiqber Wheeler , read in full, considered and adopted.




AMERICA AND ~~ TME . - G I ' f Y PF CIWP&OmE, N0,RTH CAROL~~NA . . ~~~


SECTION 1. ' That saM City Counail hereby

authorizes, adapts, appraves, accwts and ratifies the executian of

a Grant Agreement between t$e Federal Aviation Administrattion on

behalf of the United States Of &eriCa and

the Ciky of Charlotte, North Carolina

SECTION 2. That the Ex$outian of said Gzaat Agreement in

quadruplicate on behalf of @+id ~ C i t y ~-~ . Cawcil. .

by T , J. Qrr. I . aviation - ~ - ~ ~~ -~ tiit'ector

and the impression of the official seal of the City of Charlotte and the attestation by Brenda Freeze ; City Clerk is hereby autlhorlzed, a<iopt&, apprrowd, aaeepted and ratified.

SECTION 3. That the Aviation Dinector is hereby

authorized to execute payment requests under these Grant Agreaents

on behalf of said City of Charlotte .

July 23,2001 Resalution Book 37, Page 164

I, Nancy S. Gilbert, Deputy City Cl& sf the City of C h a t l w Nbrth *line, hO -BY CERTIFY that the foreaoinn is a true aod exact cam of a Resolution adopted by the City C d l ofthe City of Charlotte, North - - Cardina, in mgwk -assision wnv& m @*-day of&-%Q1, tho mfmnce having been made in Minute & &- & g,tl'& B:**W& ~&&'s5, $@B-:ta ,.

~ . s S i ~ ~ a r t d l t b e ~ d ~ f ~ h s & o f C ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ t h k ~ ~ ~ f July, 2001.

.4!3 arll~o sqdsne q mprm pawpnw wq Sqq- Pw w%=!FwJ w prs m=d01aw 3nnm- 'PAI% UW!

~$0 To w Bd SB sot s)nana(,maJ umo&rq wandqaaa: Bnasuan-w ~nW@WqF!Fed~~dh~)tea4SXwf) EI8Z~~3ol~d

8 -0 G,~w-I, 4~.oc~~ =TI301 TW3 potr 5-f 'Wm

July 23, 2001 Resolution Book 37 , Page 166

I, Brenda R Fmtzc. City Clwk of thc C i of Charlotte, North Carvlina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the fongoing is a tnta and exact copy of a I C c a ~ h t h adwpkd by the C i Council gf tlLc City of Charlow, North ~ m l i o q i n m g a l a ~ w ~ ~ l l v e n s d m t t r e 2 3 r d d r y o f ~ u l p . 2 ~ ) i , t b e ~ ~ ~ b a c n m s d c i n ~ Bwk 1 16, ad recorded in f a in R c e o ~ n Book 37, WS) 165-166

July 23 , 2001 Resolution Book 3 3 , Page 167


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is necessary to acquire certain property as indicated below for the COFFEY CREEK TRIBUTARY TO SHOPTOM ROAD; and

WHEREAS, the City either in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the purchase of this property but hss been unabie to weh an agrtwmnt with the owners for the purchase price or, after reasonable diligence, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

AOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, that condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated b e b , under the authority and procedures of the laws of the Stab of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for COFFEY CREEK TRIBUTARY TO SHOPTON ROAD and estimated to be approximately 107,620 sqwre feet (2471acre) for a permanent aanlbry sewer easement and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to complete the Project, as it relates Tax Code No. 201-051-06, said property currently owned by STEELE CREEK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP; Any Other Parties In Interest, or the ownen' successor-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Meuklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

Jury 23, 2w1 Bssglution Boob 37, Page 168

Book 116, aad rwonled ie fall k Resdath Book 37, P M d ) 167-168.

'Bu!yel~o uoneJ%pq pue lu!ejdwo3 aw p Bu!lg aql qtyvr, ~aWBoj 'eulloJe3 WON 'Awn03 B~nquawayy

'W03 ~l.ted~ 40 w\!3 40 W!&.Kl wg U! pew oj WJotanW WW B! &&old aylro4 uonaswdurm isnl pasmnsa ayl leyl a370s3tl ~~ltlnd SI 11

'sueld uo~sum 18uy aq~ Aq pe~pbe~ aw uodn paseq pauguapp eq Asw se uo~esuedwcx, pnf pajewgse lpns

'#mJelU!+J!-JOms ,wW eylm '~..Jww ul rnIII8d -0 L~V !3.17 'MlGMWNn IWB Aq pww perwiaue~~m &Wd PW 'ZO-L ~v-6~ 'ON w3 xu seww I! se 'Wold

eyl apldum oj aupruapp hew 4!3 ayl se jsa~~u! w bado~d ~euopppe Aue pue iweutesee J- ltqw itleuewed 8 ~0) (at38 WQ) 8- aenbs 868'~ ~~~~o~dde eq 08 pelmn118

Pue 133f'OLld WSS083 llMll3N 3AN36M3MZIS AMVUHVS JOJ AJ~ssmu WnW

July 23, 2001 Resolutien Book 37 , Pew 170


WHEREAS, the City Council. ofthe CiQ of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is ne-er)c fa acquire certain prowfW as belwr tor the 45' #UNITARY SNYER- SERVE MARVSW BRAWCH PROJECT; an8

WHEREAS, the City either in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the purchaseofthis p r~bu t ) rasbemunerb ls to ~ a n a g ~ w d t h t h e ~ f w t h e pufihase priw or* aRer reasormble d i V j c e , has been unable to negotiate a purchaee priae;

AOW, THEREFORE, BEPT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, that condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for 15' SANITARY SEWER-SERVE MARVIN BRANCH PROJECT and estimated to be approximately 1 0 , W square fest (0,P acre) for a permanent sanitary sewer easement, and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to complete Me Project, as it relatea Tag Coda No. 229-021-19, said property cunently owncad by ROBERT N. WATSON end wik, LAURtE K WATSON; Any Other Parties in tntsrest, or the, owners' su~or-in-intereat.

Such estimated just compensation ae m y be determined based upon the takings required by the final c o n s t r u h plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the Offiae of the Clerk of Supe~'&r Court, Mecklenburg County, MOW Carolina, together wkh the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

July 23, 200.1 Rerralution Book 37, e 172


1, Bm&i R, Frmm, C i Cforfr of thtr C i of Charioftc, North Csmllnq DO liEREBY CERTIFY that the fbwpiq is a true and exact copy of a ResoMion adopted by the Glty C h x i 1 of* C i of Ghlotk, Nod Camlioqin~gulmseseirmwwGnadoetha2hrl~of~.2M)l,thowE~h~isp'bemmadeinMinute Book 116, andnrcotded in fullin Rosohtb Book 37, Peg+) 171-172.

¤j›� el k0 uo!twepaa pue tu!eldwo3 aw p 6u!1g ayl qtw ~qaBot 'auilo~e3 WN 'bun03 6Jnqualy3W

'mo3 ~orredns p WID ew 80 e3y~) a& u! msodap eq 03 pez!Jve Kqa~eq a! Nedo~d ayl ~04 uo~esuwo:, tW patw!w q? PY~ a3~70~3k~tl3~ltl~ SI 11

-suald uw~8sum leu& eyl Kq pl!nbeJ s6uHq ayl uodn paseq pu!uuaap aq Kew se uo!tesuad~uoa isn! patew!tsa q3ns

'~saJa)u!-u!-m833ns ,8~euh%o aqt JO ')rerqu( ul SeIXlwd Jew ~UV !kWJ!#~eg 'NOllVMWW03 3BVBlMOYY MOWHS !ee2olnJl

'HlV"T8 '01 N3UMVM !~UE 41 '@mods Pue SI'LIWH NOSN180'LI NP13an'LI r(4 Pmo KlluaJJn:, It3.l-d P!- 'SO-LBC-LLO we w-L~C-LLO .WN apo3 I! = 'pdau el^ e)eld~m 01 aupuetap Aew Kg3 aa se isemju! JO Nado~d leuonlppe Ku8 pug aueuI88i)e uo!)m~)suo~

&mod- pua elduljw~ rod (watt ,i,itt'~) wq enrnb~ COL~OC 4wwpo1dde aq ot pe,JW8sa Pue 133PO'LId ONIFQ3CIlM 3flN3AV 311tAS31VlS Jo4 hessmm UJnW

:eu!loJe3 rlvw p wws ~40 WI wt $0 ~Jnm~d pue &!Jw= aw lawn '~oyaq mwpu! AFrdo~d at& ~sure6~ ptnwui aq O$ pgzi~oqine Xq%ieq ere sBu!pee3atd uo~vuepum FIR 'eUopeq3

40 43 au 40 tnuno3 43 ayl r(q a3ios3~ w 39 '~EIO~R~~KL 'MOW '

July 23, 2001 Resolutim Book 37, Page 174

I, Bre* R Freeze, City Cl& of the City of CharlotteI North Cmofi11e, DO WEREBY CERTIFY that the fmgoing is a true and exsct copy of nResolution adopted by the City Council of tlte C i of Charlotte, Nolth Carolina, in regular session wnveDcd m the 23rd day of July, 2001, Ehe reference having hea made in Minute Book 116, and reomdea in foil in Resolution Book 37, Pads) 173-174.

July 23, 2001 Bes~lution Book 37, Page 175


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is necesmry to acquire certain prop* as indicated below for the STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT; and

WHEREAS, the City either in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the .

purchase of this pqer ty but has been unable to r- an agremmt wlth the ownets for the purchase price or, after reaeonabie ditiience, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

AOW, THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, that condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the l a w of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT and estimated to be approximetely 22,433 square feet (061 6 acre) far fee-oimplo, permanent MMty easement, and temporary construction easement and any additional property or interest as the City m y determine to complete the Project, as it relates Tax Code No. 077-058-1 5, said property currently owned by E. KINNEY FAMILY L. L. C.; Any Other Parties In interest, or the owners' successor-in- interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

Jury 23, 2001 Resolutfon Book 37, Page 176

. I, BreadaR Fraa, City Cl& ofthe City of Charhie, North Csrdinq DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the fmgohg is a tnw: and exact copy of a hIutim aaOprcd by fhe City Council of t$E City of CharIotte, North Cmlba, in d o n 08a~eabd on the 23d Qy of July, 2001, the ref- having been made de i n t e Book 116, sadiewrded in full in Resoldon Book 37, PMs) 175-176.


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is necessary to acquire certain p r o w as iM&eU Wow for the STAtESVflLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT; and

WHEREAS, the City either in g o d faith has undertaken to negotiate for the purchase of Wig property hi has been unable to raach an a g f ~ t with the ewmm for the purchase price or, after reasonable dilfgence, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

AOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of . Charlotte, that condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT and estimated to be approximately 4,916 square feet (0.1128 acre) for feeaimple and temporary construction easement and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to complete the Project, as it relates Tax Code No. 077-056-07. said property currently owned by JAMES E. PEELE, JR. and spouse, if any; Any Other Parties in Interest, or the owners' successor-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby euthorized to be deposited In the Woe of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filfng of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

July 23, 2501 Resolution B o ~ k 33, Page 178

I, Bra& R Inwu, City Cletk of* City of ChsdatteS N d Carofina, W HEREBY CERTIFY thot the fon-PO~B ib a true a d exact of a RaeoI& &oWd by the Cify Couocil of .f Citss.of Chsdotteotte Natb car&&-in re- d o x i cotrkml on the 23rd daybf &, 2001, the rehmceb&&n made in Minute Book 116, llad roaMnled in full m Resolution Book 37, P&s) 177-178.

July 23, POY 1 Resolution Book ,37. Page 179


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is necessary Zo adquire certain property as ihdlda@d below for the STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENINO PROJECT; and


WHEREAS, the City either in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the purchase of this prop* but has been unable to rawti an agreement wHh the owners for the purchase price or, after reasonable dHigence, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

AOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, {hat condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the propem indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT and estknaled to be approximately 8,037 square feet (0.1845 acre) for fee-shnple and temporary construction easement and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to complete the Project, a$ it relates Tax Code Nos. 077-056-05 and 077-056-06, said property currently owned by CHARLES L. ROSS and spouse, if any; PETER MCLEAN, Ill, Trustee; WAYT AREA REAlTY TRADERS, Benefltary; Any Other Partles in Interest, or the owners' sucoessor-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited In the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

JULY Z3, Resokution Book 37, Page 180

I, Bremta R F-, City Ckwk of the City of Wet$, North CamIina. W H E W Y CItRTIF7t that the f o m g o i n g m a ~ ~ a ~ a o t ~ o f a R s s o ~ m a d ~ b y 8 1 6 C T ~ ~ i l o f & C ~ a f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a f l ~ ~ i n ~ ~ ~ o n ~ 2 3 r d d a y d ~ y , 2 0 0 1 , t l s e ~ ' ~ b c a a m a & i n ~ 1 i r m t e Book 116, and mod& in frJl in RGsdution Badc 37, PageCs) 179-180.

July 23, 2001 Resolution Book grl, Page 181


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is necessary to acquire certain property as indicated below for the STATESVLLLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT; and

WHEREAS, the City either in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the purchase d thia property but has b n unaMe to reaoh an a m t with the owMlrs for the purchase price or, after reamriawe diligence, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

,NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, {hat condemnation proceedings are Rereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for STATESVILLE AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT and estimated to be approxirnatety 4,099 square feet (.0841aore) for heahnpte and temporary construction easement and any additional property or interest as the City may d & d m to complete the Project, as it relates Tax Code Nos. 077-051-20 and 077-061-50, said property currently owned by ROBERT OREN WRHERS and wife, NORINE WITHERS; Any Other Parties In Interest. or the owners' succes8or-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final wnstruction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

3Uly 23, 2061 Resolutkon Book 37, Page 182

.6u!yel40 woRwepaa pue p~plduro3 aq p Bu!ly aq qp ~aqaf3q 'eu!loJe3 WON '4uno3 B~nqualymw

'~03 P Y~IS w 40 w.w a~1 u! petwdep eg 01 PettJaRRe hww s! 4Jado~d a% Jo4 ~o!W~d~W tsn! PtmBsa aV 1eY1 OM1OS3tl H3Mltllld SI 11

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h~tuaum 4Jado~d p!es 'EE-COZ-is b 'ZE-mz-&sb ' CE-ZOZ-LBC 'OE-ZOZ-Ls c 'WN aPo3 xel mlaJ )! se '&~d 9441 a~eldum 08 euuurelep hew 413 ~LU SB wwetu! JO WJ~ P~~NPP~

hue pue jueweslre uo~~s-uo:, ktksodu~81 pue 'IU~UI~P~B 4~!w weuew~ed 'BI~WI!~

-eel JOJ (-8 8~01 wed wnh LOZ'CC ~~wmpcoldde eq oa pe~eurllse pus ~~N~~~AOM~WI N01133S31NI OVOU N013lllAl~QVO~ AUHIV NOHVHS Job h~esswau Wnwrt/

JULY 23, X001 Resolution Baok 37, Page 1 8 4 .

July 23, 2001 Resalutiwn Boak W, Page 185


WHEREAS, the City Col~ncil of the City of Charlotte finds as a fad that it is -w*b swim br&+ m y + ~ w WARON A#M"Y .R~AD~LV~~LET~N'R~A@'~N~_ERSEC~~~# q y @ q t $ ; , atq

WHEREAS, the City either in good fa i i &s undertaken to neaotiate for the purchase of this prop* but has baren & to rcltsch' en agtemmt wi& the cwwm for the purchase pria or, after raasonabfe d i m , has been unable ta nqatiate a purchevper price;

MOW, WEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, t6at txmdwmatim proceedingp are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and procedures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:


Amount necessary for SHARON AMITY ROADILYTTLETON ROAD INTERSECTlON IMPROVEMENTS and estimated to be approximately 10,QBS rquare feet (0.280 acre) for Qee- simpie, permanent sidewalk and utility earcemants, and tsm- pomry cowtruction erremeat and tpny M t i o n a ~ property or interat ae the C i may determine to complete the Project, as it relates Tax Code Nos. 163-101-30 and 163-142-01, said proparty currently owned by FIRST ALLEANGE CHURCH AT CHARLOTTE AND THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY AUIRNCE, INC.; FfRST STATE SERWE CORPORkTIO1JS Trmke; SOUTHTRUST BANK, B~neffcbry; JAMES C. MUE, JR., TrwtcH, THE BANK OF WINTER PARK, Beneficiary; Any Mher Parties In Interest, or the ownem' aucoessor-in- interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final comtruction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

July 23, 2001 ILes~lution Po& 37, Page 186


I, azsacia R Freeze, City Clerk ofthe City of Um1oWe, North C e W HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a tnre and emt copy of a R.soMon adopted by tttc City C o d oftha City of Chodotte, Noltb Cmulina, in r e d m d o n oosyened on the 23d day of July, 2201, fbe refemme haying been made in Minute Book 116, and reaaded in fuIL in M u t M a Book 37, Psgels) 185-186.

July 23, 2001 Eesolution Book 9 7 . Page 187


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it k mssacy to maoqdlire cwMn ~fop8Y& es Mbtd betow Wthe MCkLPlPYE CI(EEEY( REUEfi SEWER PROJECT anU

WHEREAS, the City either 6 good fa'& has undertaken to negotiate for the pu- of hbppopesty but hrw'br)en ,MI&& to reachan swmmmt with 'W mmws fa the purchase price q, aRgr r e ~ a b l a dlwm, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;

M W , TWREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, tirat condemnah proceedings we hereby authorized to be inst'ltuted against the property indicated belw, under the authority and procedures of the l a w of the State of N m Carolina:


Amount necessary for MCALPINE CREEK RELIEF SEWER PROJECT and estimated to be approximately 16,828 square feet (a.382 &em) for a p ~ l ~ n e n t sadtery wwer omment, and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to cornpiete the Project, as it relates Tax Code No. 21 1-341-02, said property m t l y owned by JOHN P. MCPHERSON and wife, FRANCES T. MCPHERS0.N; Any Other Parties in interest, or the ownem* successor-in-interest.

Such estimated just cornpensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby artWMrized to be deposited in the Mtioe of the Clerk of Supertsr Court, Meoklenburg Counfy, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Daclaration of Taking.

.July 23, 2961 Reeolutiotk Be& 37 , Page 188

. I, Bmda R F m , C i Clark ofthe C i of Churl- Nath Cardinq DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a irue md wrct copy of a RaPohttim &@ed by the City GnJncil of tbe City of Ch-, North Carolina, in rtgular acssim convened on the 23rd day of July, 2001, the rctkrmw having baan made m M h b Book 116, llnd mordcd m full m RasolPrion Book 37, Page(s) 187-188.

July 23, 2001 Resolution Book %?, Page 1189


WHEREAS, the City Council ofthe City of Charlotte finds as a fad that it is mceswyto acquire -in praperty as inilimted below for the 24-fWCH W A T e WAIN ALONG W. T. H A R W I A W E W L E IK)m 'b4tJECT; and

WWREAS, the City either in good faith has undwbkm to negotiate fw the pu~hage of this property but has been w b i e to reh an agreement with the ownem for the purchase price or, a%tsr reasonable dM$mm, has been unable to negotiate a purchase price;


* NOW, THEREFORE, BE If RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlate, that cmdemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be instituted against the property indicated below, under the authority and proaxlures of the laws of the State of North Carolina:



Amount necessary far 24-INCH WATER MAW A PROJECT and e6thst.d to be appraxlmately 4 , M % a r e feet (0.102 aan) for a



Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the ia'kings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be deposited in the O f f h x of the Clerk of Superlor Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration ef Taking.

July 24, P W I Resolution Book 37, Page 190

I, R pi@$, City Clerk oft& C i ofCharldte* N d Capha, M) WBEElY CERTIFY that the, foreag &r we isd mwcoplr e f a h l a t i a d@@ &:W &y Coyncfl,&h Citjr i$&&#& N* ~ ~ ~ i n ~ ~ a a s s i o n o o a p . c n t d O Q t h o 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 2 ~ ~ 1 , t h e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ E d 116,md wmded in Rdl in b1Ution Book 37, Page(s) 189-190.

July 23, 9001 Resolution Book 37, Page 191


WHEREAS, the City Counoll of the City of Charlotte Rnds as a fact thet it is netweary to acquire ceWn prqprlw as fIRdW below far the 24" WATER &%lN ALONG SOUTH POM STREET PW&T; and

WHEREAS, the City e%her in good faith has undertaken to negotiate for the p u ~ o f t h i s p r ~ b u t h a a b e g n ~ e t c E m t h s m ~ t ~ ~ b h e ~ f w h purEhase price or, after reasonable diligence, has been uneble to negotiate e purchase price;

MOW, THEREFOR& BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of The City of Charlotte, that condemnation p-hw are heretry authorized to be instituted against the property indicated belm, under the auhri ty and produres of the laws of the State of North Carolina:

Amount necessary for 24" WATER MAIN ALONG SOUTH POLK STREET PROJECT and es t imW to be approximately 8,959 square fed (0.286 sore) for perma-nent wakr main easement and any additional property or interest as the City may determine to complete the Project, as it redates Tax Code Na. 207-OQ4-03, said property currently owned by THE WESYORK EROUP; ROBERT W. MLEN, Substitute Trusteta; WTMQHOUSE CREDIT CORPORATION, Beneficiary; Any Other Partlea in Wrest, or the ownem' successor-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final construction plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just campensation for the properly is hereby @uthorked to be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of Supefior Court, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and Declaration of Taking.

July 23, 2001 ResoIution Beok 37, Page 192

I, I3reada.R F m , City Clerk of the City of Charldbs, ,North Carolina, DO MZREBY CERTIPl that the ~mgisaorutl lndwu~otmpyof aaEso1&~tp;dbyfheCityCol~l~ilof&CityofChedotte,North C m ~ i n ~ ~ ~ o n o o n v d o n t l w 2 3 d d a y o f ~ , 2 0 0 1 , i h e ~ ~ t h ~ g ~ ~ i n ~ l e Eook 116, and mcordcd in fall in M & a EboSr 37, P&s) 191-192.

July 23, 2001 Resolution Book 37, Page 193


WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Charlotte finds as a fact that it is newwary to acquire certain property'= inBIr&ed W ibt the OLD BtA7aWLE ROAD WENINO PRQJECT; smd

WHEREAS. the Citv either in aood faith has undertaken to nesotiate for the p u ~ a s e ~ ~ p m p w i y ' b \ r t t m - ~ & t o ~ a n g ~ t w t t h t h e o w n e n s ~ ~ e purEhase price ar,,hiffer reasonable d&pnee, has been unable to negotiate e pwcha- prim;

A W , THEREF ORE, EE WRESOLVED by the Clty Coundl of The City of Charlotte, &at condemnation proceedings are hereby authorized to be insUMad against the property indicated beiow, under the authority and procedures of the laws of ttre State of Nor€h Carolina:

Amount necessary for OLD STATESVILLE ROAD WlDENlNO PROJECT and estimated to be approximate& 3,303 square fiaet (0.676 acre) far te8.5tmple and temporary construction easement and any additional property or Interest as the City may determine to complete the Praject, as it relates Tax Code No. 037-421-09, said property curremtky owned by LARRY M. JOHNSON and spouse, if any; Any Other Parties in Interest, or the owners' successor-in-interest.


Such estimated just compensation as may be determined based upon the takings required by the final consiruetion plans.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated just compensation for the property is hereby authorized to be dep&hd in the OfRoe of the Clerk of Superior COW. Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, together with the filing of the Complaint and DeclaratSon of Taking.

July 23, 2001 Resolutioa Book 37. Page 194

I, Brenda R Freem, City Clerk ofthe City of Charlotte, ?id CamI'ms, DO REREBY CERTIFY that Vhe foregoing is a trite sad exsst wpy of a Resolutim acbpted by the City Council oftbe City of Charlotte, Nath C&inm~&mcogvedmthe~daydJuly, 2061, t h c h e ~ b e e n b e e n m a d c i n t e Book 116, ~ r s c o n i o d i n f n l l m ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ s ) 193-194.

W I ~ S m y t r a a d a n d t h e ~ w a l o f t b e C North Carolina, this the 25h day ofJuly, 2001.

A, - 2

ZuLy 23, 2001 Resolution Book 37 ,' Page 195


WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of C h i p 160A-299 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the City Council has caused YB bapub&kd a Resolution of Intent to close a

,portion of Gemml Drive w k h 4 1 s for a public baring on the question wd:

WI.EREA& the has mused a o~m oftb RfmIution ofhtent to close a portion of General Drive to be sent by FQ@S&& a ~ ~ i 1 to ow ma^ of prop@@ adjoining the said street and prominently posted a adice of the closing and public hearing in at least ,2~$aces along said &eet or alley, d mq.&ed by G.S. 160A-291); end .

WFEREAs,'the ~o~ w@ proyide an access easement to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities, l3&m&ing and Propeay Management bepwfment, BellSouth Teleoo~uniications, Inc., Duke Power Company, Time Wanier Cable and all ather owam of existing nnderground utilities and teleea~uoiCations to mainfain their facilities as shown on the attached map marked Exhibit A.

WHEREAS, the oublic hearina was bald on the 23rd day of July, 2001, and City Council deterruined that the dosihg of a port& of a w e d Drive is not&n&to the *public Bterest, and that no individual. hrm or cormration owning prow;rtJr ihthe viciniw thereof will be - - - - - deprived of nmoaable mcans bf ingress and egress to his or its property.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE JT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina at its regularly assembled meeting of July 23.2001, that the Council hereby orders the closing of a portion of General Drive in the City of Charlotte Mecklenburg County, Noah Carolina as &ow11 in the map d e d "Exhibit A* and is more particulmly described by metes and bounds in document marked "Exhibit B , both of which are attached hereto ttad made a part hereof.

BE IT RTRTHER RESOLVED that a ceaiftd copy of this ResoIntion be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Mffikdenburg County, North Carolina.


INsrRveNT I m11d7i10

I, Brenda R . Preeqe City Clerk of the City of Charlotte, No& Cwliina, DO HEWBY CERTIFY &at the foresoing is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted by the Ciiy Council of the City of Charlotte, North Caroli i in regular sessbn convened on t h e z x d a y of ~ u l y ,2001, the reference having been made in Minute book 1 16 , and recorded

in full in resolution book 37 , page(s) 195-197

WITNESS my hand and the corpo of the City of Charlotte, North Carolh, 25th dayof-

hmn by: City of Charl,,ttt, '~~ to: city of charlow.

JULY 23, Z W I RedoL~tion Book 37-. Page 196

muw 8-m-41 m m - 0 LISBBnmL- I

w-mwRE bSMH - M A R Y SEWER MAHwoLE Rct' - meED CONCRETE W E T W C - M M w A R N E R c m u



aW13 1.-110' UB'. 1 5 - w & 17-ss2 , * 3mw.

July 2 3 , 2001 Resolution Book, {Page 197 EXHIBIT B

- am '@&, . . & . G a d Drive (w&le wi$& *,,areht&~$&33 &$&&"s& .~ . ~ .. . easterly lgne..rrfthe ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ . . 11719, Rage 380 aL .

&&&&&g eaeff& Drive, and tlwnce * weswly m* of &-iw*:w (3,) 'm@mm d .*OW, as :Eo.hw&: 1) +& ~ B . m . a f a && to ;&wri@,- a @& @$ZlO.'JO f ~ f an di- af 1a,;zgyw,(&& & : z ~ ~ ~ . ~ - & w a I&@ 1.0 a.,md rod;. 2) m~ 09-34-06 Wm. @@:@$, peetitpi %;& *,sod; 3) H d ww&@$ ~~i f21 .a :@,to a new bon @nge a m . &,@ $OQ& #.-3&4$ ~ri;s:@&?j$j tb$m an$,pbe#&@,mG., cern%&iqg 29i07%$ sqm:@& or @r6@5 m, gf &id!= asb~&m, smpj! by 5.B: RWI 8s &~ociatt%, ,

PA l ? i , . R r y 2% 3,WP.

July 23, 2001 Resolutioti Book 37, Page 198

Resolution in Supped 0f Retaining the State Reimbursemfltlt Payments to Local Gorernrnents and OppwitiQa $0 &$w&tu- . . a Local Option Sales Tax for

/ . I I, , ~ N ~ A S , the Chmerrrtl Assembly &onf;hi& W M y bvid tams - the

Inventory tax in 1988 md tk Entang;ibh tax in 1995. In dkcdatinuing ttLese two local t-, .*,a$$#@ m.=d h*>.emh, amount ,p;-d &m& fPrd *o%#&mctnrantrma : * ~ t . . p a ~ , and

VJ&WFW4 tbs E ~ h W m t p@m& from ;f~et&e k..~wia.h ta mintt&irig local g~ .smieeg &tho.@ MOBjt&and

%%EREM, the City Couneil of the City of Cbmiotte is suppgrtiw ufmiahing the Rehbursmw payments &om the Srsde ofNorth Caroh , and

WHEREAS, the C&y CEJMC~~ of* City of Chariotte is o p p o d to enacting a locar option sales tax as a substitution &&ste &dwsements

MOW, TlE@+@%RE BE JZ mfFZYED &&the Ciby Chund~~lfjth City ~f mw.~~hP w.* 'P14twm3 * ctami? &%S&xlb1y, wad tb w e @ & ' , $ P 3 i g * n t & m m ~ R t : p a y l n e n L ~ ~ d rn the City i3falarlotre by the State, and tM

. &f@wl m,1~ m m m m D , ~ ~ w M & m @&&@.a Geners3. &%eably, and the Govenaor ~ p p ~ s e the loed option sales km p p m l as a

I, Brenda R Freeze, City Clerk af the City of Charlotte, North CaroVinrt, W HBIEBY CERTIFY that the fmgoiag b is true and exact copy of a Resohttion o$e9bed by the City Council of the Ciq of Chsrl*, North C a r e ~ i n ~ ~ d o n ~ 0 n ~ o n t h c U n i d e y o f J u t y , 2 0 0 1 , ~ ~ n a e h a x i n g ~ r n s d e ~ ~ u t e Book 116, and mcaded in fun m RcsohrtMn Book 37, Page(s) 1%.

WITNESS my hand md the corporate seal ofthe City of Chatldte, North Caroh, this tbe 25& day of July, 2001.