輔仁大學英文能力畢業門檻 英檢 gept 托福 toefl ibt 多益 toeic 雅思 ielts 博思...


Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 輔仁大學英文能力畢業門檻 英檢 GEPT 托福 TOEFL iBT 多益 TOEIC 雅思 IELTS 博思 BULATS 全校中級 575504 ALTE 2 英文系中高級 複試 79 750 6.0 ALTE 3
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全校 中級 57 550 4 ALTE 2

英文系 中高級複試

79 750 6.0 ALTE 3

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簡介• 測驗在國際職場環境中的英語溝通能力

• 一般認為多益 700 分以上在職場上才能游刃有餘, 台灣企業多半要求員工多益在 500 分以上

• 2008 年大陸多益成績平均 636 分,台灣為 533分, 2009 年大陸多益平均成績 710 分,台灣是539 分,台灣比大陸少 171 分


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多種口音• 美式• 英式• 澳洲 / 紐西蘭式• 加拿大式

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一般商務 契約、談判、行銷、銷售、商業企劃、會議

技術層面 電子、科技、電腦、實驗室與相關器材、技術規格

製造商 工廠管理、生產線、品管

採購 比價、訂貨、送貨、發票

金融 / 預算


旅遊 火車、飛機、計程車、巴士、船隻、渡輪、票務、時刻表、車站、機場廣播、租車、飯店、預訂、脫班與取消

企業發展 研究、產品研發

職場情境 (1)

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外食 商務 / 非正式午餐、宴會、招待會、餐廳訂位

辦公室 董事會、委員會、信件、備忘錄、電話、傳真、電子郵件、辦公室器材與傢俱、辦公室流程

娛樂 電影、劇場、音樂、藝術、媒體

人事 招考、雇用、退休、薪資、升遷、應徵與廣告

保健 醫藥保險、看醫生、牙醫、診所、醫院

房屋 /公司地產


職場情境 (2)


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第一大類:聽力 (45 分鐘 )

I Photographs 照片描述 10 題

II Question-Response 應答問題 30 題

III Short Conversation 簡短對話 10 組 30題

IV Short Talks 簡短獨白 10 組 30題

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第二大類:閱讀 (75 分鐘 )

V Incomplete Sentences 句子填空 10 題

VI Text Completion 段落填空 30 題VII Reading

Comprehension-Single passage-Double passage

閱讀測驗- 單篇閱讀- 雙篇閱讀

7-10 組 28題 4 組 20題

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計分方式• 每一大類(聽力類、

閱讀類)答對題數轉換成分數,範圍在 5 到 495 分之間。兩大類加起來即為總分,範圍在 10到 990 分之間。答錯不倒扣。

原始分數 評量分數

聽力 45 210-260

閱讀 64 265-315

總分範圍 475-575

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多益口說與寫作測驗• 2008 年元月首次辦理• 網路化測驗,從報名開始到實際測


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口說測驗 (20 分鐘 )內容 題數 作答時間 準備


Read a text aloud 朗讀 2 45 秒 45 秒

Describe a picture 描述照片 1 45 秒 30 秒

Respond to questions 回答問題 3 15-30 秒 無

Respond to questions using information

provided 依據題目資料應答3 15-30 秒 無

Propose a solution 提出解決方案 1 60 秒 30 秒

Express an opinion 陳述意見 1 60 秒 15 秒

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評分重點• 口說測驗共劃分為八個等級• 發音、語調、輕重緩急、文法、字彙,以

及回答是否切題及完整• 在口說測驗部份,還會針對應試者在發音

(Pronunciation) 及語調 (Intonation) 兩方面的表現分別給予評語

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五級 (110-20)• 基本上, 5 級的考生只能有限的發表意見或回覆複

雜請求,回應時會出現下列的問題: – 語言不精確、模糊或重複。 – 只有少許或沒有聽眾能夠理解。 – 出現長時間停頓和頻繁的遲疑。 – 意見表達能力有限和論點間關連性不大。 – 字彙量有限。

• 5 級的考生通常可以回答問題,並且傳達基本訊息。然而,有時候他們的回應較難理解或解讀。

• 5 級的考生朗讀的文章通常可以被理解。然而,造句時,他們的發音、語調或是重音可能會不協調。

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寫作測驗 (60 分鐘 )

內容 題數 作答時間Write a sentence based on a picture

描述照片 5 共 8 分

鐘Respond to a written request

回覆書面要求 ( 如電子郵件 )2 每題 10

分鐘Write an opinion

陳述意見 ( 並提出理由與例子佐證 )

1 30 分鐘

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評分重點• 分為九個等級• 文章的整體組織,使用文法是否允當


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6 級 (110-30)• 6 級的考生在給予明確訊息時通常能夠局部成功,

或者使用原因、例子或解釋來支持意見。 • 當他們給予明確訊息、問問題、下指令或提出請


• 當他們試圖解釋意見時,其文字能夠呈現相關論點並提供支持。這個級數出現的典型弱點包括: – 主要論點沒有得到足夠的支持論述,未能充分發展。 – 論點間的連結不清楚。 – 文法錯誤或用字遣詞錯誤。

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台灣官方網站 http://www.toeic.com.tw/

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ETS 台灣區代表忠欣股份有限公司

地址/台北市復興南路二段 45 號 2 樓服務專線/ 02-2701-8008 ; 傳真/ 02-2755-2822E-mail / [email protected]服務時間/週一至週五 09:00-17:30

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(A) The hotel is booked.(B) The books are sold out.(C) The bookcase is packed.(D) The case is incomplete.

I. 照片描述

* 注意易混淆字

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Will our company have a booth at the trade fair?

(A) I assume that we will.(B) The fair is held annually.(C) I didn’t think it was very fair.

II. 應答問題

* 注意聽第一個字** 注意易混淆字

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III. 簡短對話

* 預先掃描題目 或 邊聽邊掃描

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• (man): What is the average time for packages to be sent from NYC to Moscow?

• (woman): It depends on how heavy the package is and what type of service you choose.

• (man): Oh, are the prices for all the carries the same? I really don’t mind what carrier I use as long as it gets to the destination on time.

• (woman): The system here says that Fed Ex would be your cheapest option. You are already too late to ship through DHL. The cost would be $23.50.

• (man): That sounds about right. Could you hand me a customs declaration form?

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#1. Where does the man want to ship his package?

(A) Portland(B) London(C) Bangkok(D) Moscow

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#2. What is most important to the man?

(A) The speed(B) The service (C) The price (D) The carrier

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#3. How much does it cost to ship through Fed Ex?• (A) $18.50

(B) $23.50(C) $28.50(D) $32.50

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IV. 簡短獨白* 有目的地聽:一邊聽一邊問 what, who, why, when, where, how

** 聯想已知文化情境

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• Several commuters were injured when a train on the light rail system derailed earlier today. The incident occurred during the morning commute on the busy red line near the Jenkins stations. The cause of the derailing may be due to the train traveling at excess speeds around the tight Jenkins road corner. This caused the first car to jump off the track and flip and skid before coming to a rest just feet away from the Jenkins station platform. There have been several instances in the past where trains have nearly derailed due to taking the corner at slightly faster than average speeds. Firefighters and rescue teams were on the scene to tend to the injured. Sadly, four people including the operator and three passengers riding in the first car were declared dead at the scene. Passengers in the other cars were shaken but unharmed. A few were taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

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#1. What kind of incident is described?

(A) An auto accident.(B) A fire.(C) A broken down train.(D) A rail accident.

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#2. What caused the incident described in the report?

(A) Excess speed (B) A faulty brake.(C) An injured rider.(D) A train operator.

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#3. Who was taken to a hospital?(A) Several passengers.(B) A train conductor.(C) The driver.(D) Several rescue workers.

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IV. 句子填空

A free watch will be provided with every purchase of $20.00 or more for a ________ period of time.(A) limit(B) limits(C) limited(D) limiting

* 考字彙與文法

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VI. 段落填空

• Athletes in virtually every field have been accused, and found __________, of taking drugs, which have been proven to increase an athlete’s strength, speed, energy, etc. The revelation of such behavior has resulted in a number of athletes being banned from competition for a number of years, or for life.

(A) identical (B) guilty (C) sensible (D) capable

* 注意上下文意義的連貫

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VII. 閱讀測驗 - 單篇閱讀 - 雙篇閱讀* 注意文章最前面的描述• Questions 164-166 refer to the following

information. ** 學會辨別題型

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Dade County Police DepartmentJunior Patrolman Program

The Dade County Police Department’s Junior Patrolman Program allows young men and women aged 13-18 to explore career opportunities in law enforcement. The program begins each year in June and ends in late August. The following activities make up the program:

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1. Twice-weekly workshops on law enforcement taught by a career officer.

2. Weekly ride-along opportunities (limited availability—each applicant is guaranteed at least two ride-along opportunities).

3. Weekly community service projects, in conjunction with the Department’s Community Service Division.

4. A commencement banquet held in honor of all graduates of the program.

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Participation Requirements: • 1. Must be between 13 and 18 years of age on

June 1st.• 2. Must have a minimum grade point average

of 2.0. • 3. Fee of $45 must be paid prior to start of the

program.• 4. Parental permission slip must be signed

and handed in by start date of the program.• Participants will be provided with a uniform,

police cap, and program handbook.

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#1. What kind of program is described?

(A) A professional police training class (B) A volunteer firefighting seminar (C) A youth law enforcement program (D) A forum class for educators


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#2. What kind of event will be held for graduates of the program?(A) A graduation dinner(B) A rookie orientation (C) A career fair (D) A dance

細節題 * 利用關鍵字找答案

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#3. Which of the following is NOT an eligibility requirement for the program? (A) Proper age (B) Fees paid on time (C) Parental permission (D) High test scores

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Who would be most interested in reading this chart?

(A)Accountants and tax preparers(B)Convenience store clerks(C)Retail food managers(D)Financial institutions

* 文章沒有直接提及, 需推論得知的

Page 45: 輔仁大學英文能力畢業門檻 英檢 GEPT 托福 TOEFL iBT 多益 TOEIC 雅思 IELTS 博思 BULATS 全校中級 575504 ALTE 2 英文系中高級 複試 79 750 6.0 ALTE 3

推論題What can be inferred from the essay?(A)Talent is more important than hard work when it

comes to writing a good essay.(B) It takes time, diligence, and focus to write a really

good essay.(C) The best way to write a good college application

essay is to imitate the best college essays you find in books.

(D)The best way to write a good essay is to follow a set pattern.

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牛刀小試 : 猜猜下面問題的題型

• 1. What is implied by the first letter from Laura Smith?

• 2. What is Ms. Morita’s purpose in writing to the Registrar’s Office?

• 3. Which of the following is NOT among the irresponsible fishing practices mentioned in the article?

• 4. Where will the classes be held?

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The End