eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

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Page 1: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


By Value English

(16 年度からの新試験についての対策法 )

Page 2: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

1. 準1級ライティングについて1.1 求められていること1.2 時間配分について

2. 構成と要素2.1 書き方1:パラグラフの構成2.2 書き方2:パラグラフ 1 の各要素(イントロ)2.3 書き方3:パラグラフ 2&3 の各要素(ボディ)2.4 書き方4:パラグラフ 4 各要素(結論)

3. 1文ずつの英作文について3.1 求められる語彙の難易度3.2 求められる文法の難易度


Page 3: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

1. 2級ライティングについて

Page 4: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

1.1 求められていること

16 年度改定は IELTS/TOEFL を意識



今まで これから

80~100 語


Page 5: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

1.1 求められていること

に使える時間最大ライティング 20 分


文法・語彙(15 分 )

長文 (50 分 )

ライティング(20 分 )

20 分で書くには…内容推敲 2.5 分執筆  15 分チェック  2.5 分

Page 6: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

2. 構成と要素

Page 7: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


( 参考)日本英語検定協会 HP よりhttps://www.eiken.or.jp/eiken/info/2015/pdf/20151225_pressrelease_1601renewal.pdf

【出題】 以下の TOPIC について、あなたの意見とその理由を2つ書きなさい。 POINTS は理由を書く際の参考となる観点を示したものです。ただし、これら以外の観点から理由を書いてもかまいません。 語数の目安は80語~100語です。

TOPICThese days, some people buy things on the Internet. Do you think more people will do so in the future?

POINTS Price Safety Technology

賛成? or 反対? ( スタンス、主張 )


Page 8: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


( 参考)https://www.eiken.or.jp/eiken/info/2015/pdf/20151225_pressrelease_1601renewal.pdf

【 Full mark Sample Answer 2 級・満点解答例】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future. ( 87 語)

Page 9: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


2.1 書き方1:パラグラフの構成

【模範解答】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

合格点を最短・最小の労力で狙う =考えよりこの型を使う

パラグラフ1 : まずは「私は~~と考えます」 (12 語 )

パラグラフ 2: 理由1「なぜなら~」 (46 語 )

パラグラフ 3: 理由 2「それに加えて~」 (11 語 )

パラグラフ 4: 結論「2つの理由から、私は~~と考えます」 (18 語 )

Page 10: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

【模範解答】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

パラグラフ1 : まずは「私は~~と考えます」 (12 語 )


2.2 書き方2:パラグラフの各要素(イントロ)パラグラフ1の役割は、「結論の提示」

I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

  【型のポイント】(1) 質問に対する自分のスタンス・主張 ( 賛成・反対 ) を明確に(2) 2級は 80 語を超えればいいので、パラグラフ1は、問題文にある情報を活用し、 I think that~ のような定型表現で文章を作成すれば OK

Page 11: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

【模範解答】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

パラグラフ 2: 理由1「なぜなら~」 (46 語 )

パラグラフ2 ( 理由① ) のポイント

2.3 書き方3:パラグラフの各要素(ボディ)Topic+detailの2文で構成、頭のつなぎ言葉、トピックの明示

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

  【型のポイント】(1) Firstly, secondly 等パラグラフの頭に構成を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる(2) 1文目( Topic sentence ) トピックから選んだも理由を明示(=ネットショップはとっても便利)(3) 2 、 3 文目 (Supporting detail) トピックセンテンスを経験や例などでサポート ※80 語の総語数を考えると、パラグラフ 2&3 で 2 文ずつが最もバランスがよい。サポート情報が思い浮かなければ回答例のように片方を充実させる

Page 12: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

【模範解答】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

パラグラフ 3: 理由 2「それに加えて~」 (11 語 )

パラグラフ 3 ( 理由② ) のポイント


Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

【型のポイント】※パラグラフ2と同じ(1) Firstly, secondly 等パラグラフの頭に構成を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる(2) 1文目( Topic sentence ) トピックから選んだも理由を明示(=ネットショップは安い)(3) 2 、 3 文目 (Supporting detail) トピックセンテンスを経験や例などでサポート ※80 語の総語数、パラグラフ2が3文あったため、パラグラフ3はトピックセンテンス ( 理由の明示 ) のみ。準1級以上ではバランスも重要だと考えられるが、2級では構成のバランスは大きな減点にはならないと推測

2.3 書き方3:パラグラフの各要素(ボディ)

Page 13: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

【模範解答】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future.

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like.

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores.

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

パラグラフ 4: 結論「2つの理由から、私は~~と考えます」 (18 語 )

パラグラフ 4( 結論 ) のポイント

2.4 書き方4:パラグラフの各要素(結論)結論を一番最後に再度明示して締めくくる

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future.

  【型のポイント】(1) 解答例のように結論を示すつなぎ言葉を入れる” So …”その他の例 : It is for these reasons that I believe...(2) パラグラフ 1 で述べた、自分の主張 ( 賛成・反対 ) を再度明確にする

Page 14: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


1. 型、つなぎ言葉、構成を丸暗記2. 日本語で、型通りに書けるか?確認3. 制限時間 ( 20分 ) 以内で英語で反復練習

Page 15: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)

3. 1文ごとの英作文について

Page 16: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


3.1 求められる語彙の難易度中学 (1000語 )レベルの語彙を「使いこなす」ことが重要

( 参考 )Word Level Checker   http://www.someya-net.com/wlc/index_J.html

ほぼ 100% 中学レベルの語彙1. 基本 1000 語 :89%2. 他も基本語彙(右記)


Page 17: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)


3.2 求められる文法の難易度関係詞 (that)や接続詞 (soのみ )でつなぎ 1文平均 10語

【 Full mark Sample Answer 2 級・満点解答例】I think that Internet shopping will become more popular in the future. (12 語 )

First, Internet shopping is very convenient. (6)Some people are very busy during the day, so they do not have time to go shopping at regular shops. (20)Internet shops do not close at night like regular shops do, so people can shop for things whenever they like. (20)

Also, Internet shopping is often cheaper than buying things in stores. (11)

People always like buying things cheaply, so they will start shopping on the Internet more in the future. (18) ( total 87 語)

太字:エッセイの構成を示すつなぎ言葉等赤:主な文法( that, whenever ;関係詞、 so; 接続副詞、 than; 比較級 )文章を接続する場合はほぼ so の繰り返しで可。

Page 18: Eiken 2nd writing (英検2級 ライティング)



オンライン英会話Value English 学長

堀場 英雄
