[ 24 - 110 ] m.tech. degree examination. industrial process instrumentation first ... ·...

[ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First Semester ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS (Effective from the Admitted Batch of 2007 - 2008) Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 70 Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. ] . a~ccoun~ ofprinciple.af operation and constructional details .~ grating type instruments In spectroscopy. ·4 Describe the qualitative analysis offlame emission spectroscopy. 2. arExplain the energy dispersion analysis in X-ray diffraction ~troscopy. bJ'Describe the X-ray absorption fluorescence spectrometry with necessary sketch. ~escribe the constructional details and principle of operation of NMR spectrophotometer. b) Explain broadband spectrometer in NMR and mention the applications ofNMR spectrometers. 4. a) Describe the constructional details and working principle of any electron spin resonance spectrometer. b) Explain the commercial mass spectrometer and give the advantages of it. 5. a) Describe the fuel gas analysis using thermal conductivity principle. What are the constituents of a typical fuel gas? [P.T.O] .~

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Page 1: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation

[ 24 - 110 ]

M.Tech. Degree Examination.

Industrial Process Instrumentation

First Semester


(Effective from the Admitted Batch of 2007 - 2008)

Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 70

Answer any FIVE questions.All questions carry equal marks.

] . a~ccoun~ ofprinciple.af operation and constructional details.~ grating type instruments In spectroscopy.

·4 Describe the qualitative analysis offlame emission spectroscopy.

2. arExplain the energy dispersion analysis in X-ray diffraction~troscopy.

bJ'Describe the X-ray absorption fluorescence spectrometry withnecessary sketch.

~escribe the constructional details and principle of operation ofNMR spectrophotometer.

b) Explain broadband spectrometer in NMR and mention theapplications ofNMR spectrometers.

4. a) Describe the constructional details and working principle of anyelectron spin resonance spectrometer.

b) Explain the commercial mass spectrometer and give the advantagesof it.

5. a) Describe the fuel gas analysis using thermal conductivity principle.What are the constituents of a typical fuel gas?



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[ 24 - 110 ]

b) Using paramagnetic principles explain oxygen analyser.

~w to find the carbonmonoxide content in a gas using aninstrument? Explain with necessary sketch and principles ofoperation.

b~a short notes on Zircon ium oxide cells and Sodium analysers.

7~t are the different types ~f columns used in gaschromatography? What is a 'theoretical plate' in gas

yhfomatography ?

~ ~escribe the basic principle of chromatography and explain liquidchromatograph.

8. a) What are the different detectors used in liquid chromatography?Explain one of the detector in detail.

b) Give the application of high precision liquid chromatography andspectroscopic analysis.




Page 3: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation


, ""

[ 24 - 110 ]

M.Tech. Degree Examination

Industrial Process InstrumentationI

First Semester


(Effective from the admitted batch of2007 -2008)

Time: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 70

IAnswer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Describe the Fourier transform spectroscopy and explain one ofthe Fourier transform system used i~ra infra-red instrument. Givethe advantages of Fourier transform spectrometers.

b) Give the constructional detai Is of grating type instruments used inspectroscopy.

2. a) Explain the different radiation sources used in Xvray instruments.b) Describe the constructional details and working of ionization

chamber and scintillation counter with necessary diagrams.

3. a) Describe the absorption and relaxation processes in NMR withnecessary theory.

b) What are advantages of NMR spectrometers compared to anyother? Explain broadband NMR spectrometer.. .

4. a) Describe the construction and working of the reflex klystronradiation source used in ESR spectrometer. .

b) Explain the principle of operation of mass spectrometry.

5. a) Describe the different types of dust and smoke meters in detail.b) Explain how the content of silica can be estimated in steam. '."



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[ 24 -- 110 ]

6. a) Describe the construction and operation of remote sensing laserinstruments.

b) Using polarographic principle how dissolved oxygenmeter can beconstructed? Explain.

7. a) Explain how a gas chromatograph can use a microprocessor foranalysis applications.

b) What are the different recorders and associated equipment used inchromatography?

8. a) What are the salient features of liquid chromatography? Explainthe principle of operation of one of the liquid chromatographs.

b) Describe the recent trends in analysis instruments.

[09 1S1l9]


Page 5: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation


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M,T~ch. Dc.gree Examination... :..

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FrRST SEl\1ESTER, .': . .: ;., ... " '~: .. ' . . .. .':: ':·i" .Industr'ial Process. Instrumentation

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. {Effective from'the adm itted batch 0[2000':'2.00. I),- -- . .Tirrie.:3·hoursj '.~; ·.:.MaX.,Marks: 10.0

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'1, a) .Explain with a schematic diagram the working' ofFouriertransform.. ,!ntra1cd spectrometer. Mention the advantages otF6~~ie~ transform

. ,: .instruments. . _. (12)

."~)::Wh;'It is a grating monochromator'lHowis i~~£!s.tru~ted? {S).. . . ... . . ~ .. ",.. .... . ,-.- -.- ::-""'-'-'~-' .. ," .

";,.i:-::~n';~' ." . . .' . .;~.:.."",.:,:-~.:;.!J -r- " :-. ~'!.

~:.,~):Q.escril?e anapparatus that is used to'inauCi,iiiid:monitcir X~rqy~;',., "...; .; .. ~•. _ .• ,. .• _ :. ';'" ,..• '. .... . '" .......• :,_ .J.:,', '," ' .•~ ~_~J

. :;.;~.."fluorescence. . . ..... .' (10.). - ~ : r ):: ". • . _.1:- ~. :': .' . ';;'

.>: ;-i~.~~d·d~)}.:Explaiii"·the"\i;oTh.~g·principle of t.hcf9!lo~g ..X.:ray. detectors:

..···'··";;;;"~~:]~~i~:':;;4:~.~t~::;~oc.-'_...'" , .b) . E:<piam the' foU~ illoo-n.iie2tioilWitli~~Scopy: Double

rcs0r:-ance and chernical.shi ft ~eage[lts .. ::.;+.: - ...-.~ ..' - (10)! : ',.",.;:

.... ~ .. a) Explain the theory of electrons pin resonance spectroscopy. Why. . '... j; relaxation-necessary -in ES R? . - ( IOY

b) Wha;{ is the function of mass analyzer in a mass spectrometer?List-the different types of mass analyzers. What IS meant byresolution of mass aonlvvcr? (1m

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• _ •• :'.:".~ :::.. •• _,_ • 4.

5. a) Describethe ~on~tr~ctiqn andworking of a therma! conduc: . iCY

m('t~r:M~~'tigh~'iti~p:~!~tl6ri~"'::.' '.' ; :'J)

b) A direct i.ri:$ertTC;kpr~~'~~~~gen\l.~al:0:cris required () rneasnre

oxygen conccnrraticn.irr flue.gasjDescribe a suitable insrrun cnrfor this purpose. . . ( ,:

... : ' .. :; . . !!', ~.;~; ::. .. .

6. a): Explain how traces ofh.x~roge[1 sulphide and sulphur-dicxic.c r: 3'~"-- .. '-- -.--- ..- "~.- --'."' ... ,." .gas can be determined using electrical cond ucr iv ity C:;1r:!(:r ( ::

. ::"'::'.!:' .. :.:j \f', . • r : ,' "'.'

b) Describe the working of an instrumentthat can eSlII;I<\CL' [l1-.' a..... '.'',,""::.r: . 'I :."; :")'!" ,.:':' ," .

of dissolved oxygen in:steam. ..... , . i.' .r'

7.a) Gring outthe difference between packed column iJnd Ppc:!, t, ::. :...

c;!u'm~'~~cdU-Igas chromatcgraphy.How arc tbr,; di;l.J'le~·:r:;~ngth o(coiurriil chosen? (,, .

b) 'dn:~'p'a:rticuI~:r'25'c;n:io~;c~iu~ benzeneh:id'! ,icf",j· .... ~';~.. 0 ,

p. "- 33 n r:';~ -.:,,' a1. ,v:.·rrh.of 1:) I min Ca.cul, t ..~ ';':' "p,,,:,,,

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f: '\ 8.' a) .Explain ttlc"'vo·ftingpI-ir:icjpl~:i::if(i) liquid-iiquid chr~:[;;i::'·g;r ..,:;:,. ',--;,"..-...J

v. :~\";',~-.: ,an~p!! ~~ui~~~~id,c~;?ma~~Wa~.hY, ..,. ..... . ([(,}c. <r':: b)~Describeithe :wOrkmgtand advantages of-a' rrucronrocessor h:r..;:·'/~~.?:.spectrometer. . . . ~i> (i I.;

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Page 7: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation

T [ 24 105 iM.Tech. Degree Ex a m inat io n

Iudustr-ial Process Instrumentation7·· ••• .';- " ••

First Semester. . --'- ~,

'~:ANALYSIS:INSIRUMEi\lS',... .' -,~. .

. (Effective from, the Admitted 8a(ch.of200J - 2(04): . : . ~"'.... .

T;,..".;.·"'lU -•. I,.UJ,V • J 1.J.VU1~

'",.~.' ..Maximum marks: i00

, '. ;'.~.

... Answer any :FIVE questions ..

_-,-All QId.estioQ)):9lIT)'.equa l marks.----_.-_.-. --_.- . '" ... ~~-," . .~~

Describethetriple inter-ferometer system used in a Fouriertransform infrared instrument. Mention the advantages of Fouriertransform spectrometers.

b) Explain how qualitative and quantitative anal vses are carried 0\;[

using flamecrnission spectrometry. .


l. a)

2. a) State Bragg's equation. Describe the three types of sources used· in X-ray. instruments.· :.;, ~.~-'" -... , . ...

b),E~l?-in with a sketch the construction details _<l£lc ~9Lk.ing_oLa· -semiconductoc detector.i.ised.i.ii.X:ia y-i~s~u ents .

.•:~~~~~-~;f;~~~:;:;,:~~:.;~-..::~..:;;~;:.:.;.'~.~.;..."J'" iir:-EiPliln.theiheoqr.ofnuCl6u:.IJ.l?gnetic resonance highlighting the

/ __ .;...•...~:.-l.; ~.\_.,......... -. - .,. - .

uab:001ptloo' ami relaxation processes ... ,t. .:~ -

b) What is a broad band NMlz spectrometer? Discuss the applications.. ..()fNMR spectrometers,

4. a)" Explain with a sketch the construction and working of the rad .at ion- source 're-fleXkfy~u-~n "'-~s~d In ESR spectromc.er .

b) Describe the working of a time-of-flight 1l\(1~; ~i·l<":'::.~,);nc',·'·":(h,,diagram.

j; . ', ".

Page 8: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation

T [ 24 105 iM.Tech. Degree Ex a m inat io n

Iudustr-ial Process Instrumentation7·· ••• .';- " ••

First Semester. . --'- ~,

'~:ANALYSIS:INSIRUMEi\lS',... .' -'~' .

. (Effective from, the Admitted 8a(ch.of200J - 2(04): . : . ~"'.... .

T;,..".;.·"'lU -•. I,.UJ,V • J 1.J.VU1~

'",.~' ' ..

Maximum marks: i00, '. ;'.~.

... Answer any :FIVE questions ..

_-,-All QId.estioQ)):9lIT)'.equa l marks.----_.-_.-. --_.- . '" ... ~~-," . .~~

Describethetriple inter-ferometer system used in a Fouriertransform infrared instrument. Mention the advantages of Fouriertransform spectrometers.

b) Explain how qualitative and quantitative anal vses are carried 0\;[

using flamecrnission spectrometry. .


l. a)

2. a) State Bragg's equation. Describe the three types of sources used· in X-ray. instruments.· :.;, ~.~-'" -... , . ...

b),E~l?-in with a sketch the construction details _<l£lc ~9Lk.ing_oLa· -semiconductoc detector.i.ised.i.ii.X:ia y-i~s~u ents .

.•:~~~~~-~;f;~~~:;:;,:~~:.;~-..::~..:;;~;:.:.;.'~.~.;..."J'" iir:-EiPliln.theiheoqr.ofnuCl6u:.IJ.l?gnetic resonance highlighting the

/ __ .;...•...~:.-l.; ~.\_.,......... -. - .,. - .

uab:001ptloo' ami relaxation processes ... ,t. .:~ -

b) What is a broad band NMlz spectrometer? Discuss the applications.. ..()fNMR spectrometers,

4. a)" Explain with a sketch the construction and working of the rad .at ion- source 're-fleXkfy~u-~n "'-~s~d In ESR spectromc.er .

b) Describe the working of a time-of-flight 1l\(1~; ~i·l<":'::.~,);nc',·'·":(h,,diagram.

j; . ', ".

Page 9: [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation First ... · 2010-01-31 · [ 24 - 110 ] M.Tech. Degree Examination. Industrial Process Instrumentation


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I 24 1Q5i~.

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~/a)· List t!a~coost[tu~n'ts,.o~~}yP~ca.1 fl.ue·gas. Discuss the importanceof flue gas aO<l!jsis.

b) Describe a me(ho'd'o(cStini~tjog the silica con(~ot in steam.

6. 3.)". Explain with a sk~tch tltc principle: of operation·oEan in~lruc1ent. used to find the carbOn mo.noxide content in a gas.

b) What does happenwbcn-feed water to boiler contain significantdissolved oxygen? DescJiibc a method '~festimation of dissolvedoxygen.

Va) Describe tb c different types of columns used in gascbromalogrclphy. Wbat is meant by ~theoretical plate' in GC ?

b) Explain bow a gaS-chromatograph can be ·analY-:;cd using a. mlcroprocessoc

-:8'~~) List the [ou.rtyp...~.of!iq~d chromatography. F:xplain th,. "p""r:ltio,:.cf. one. 0[ Weill. in .detaib::


b) Define·~rcsoluticn.·\'i.a~s:2h.rorhatographY:~ FInd the rcso lu lion

5chveen two·aCljacentdiromatogrnp£llc-:-p:eajCS-:WrllChhaverct~tiontimes of22;9.iandQ1.;s_·:~rid~Widt.hiof5:8"a:n'd 6.1 min ..

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[04 I S/20l]


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