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  • ARM Embedded System Design
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  • What is a System? Satellite Networking Defense Protocols Computer Automotive Semiconductors Industrial Electronics Wireless System is what you are building
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  • A way of working, organizing or performing one or many tasks according to a fixed set of rules, program or plan. Also an arrangement in which all units assemble and work together according to a program or plan. What is a System?
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  • 5 An Embedded System is a microprocessor based system that is embedded as a subsystem, in a larger (which may or may not be a computer system). OI What is an Embedded System?
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  • 6 A short list of embedded systems And the list goes on and on Anti-lock brakes Auto-focus cameras Automatic teller machines Automatic toll systems Automatic transmission Avionic systems Battery chargers Camcorders Cell phones Cell-phone base stations Cordless phones Cruise control Curbside check-in systems Digital cameras Disk drives Electronic card readers Electronic instruments Electronic toys/games Factory control Fax machines Fingerprint identifiers Home security systems Life-support systems Medical testing systems Modems MPEG decoders Network cards Network switches/routers On-board navigation Pagers Photocopiers Point-of-sale systems Portable video games Printers Satellite phones Scanners Smart ovens/dishwashers Speech recognizers Stereo systems Teleconferencing systems Televisions Temperature controllers Theft tracking systems TV set-top boxes VCRs, DVD players Video game consoles Video phones Washers and dryers
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  • 1. An embedded system is a system that has software embedded into computer-hardware, which makes a system dedicated for an application (s) or specific part of an application or product or part of a larger system. 2. An embedded system is one that has a dedicated purpose software embedded in a computer hardware. 3. It is a dedicated computer based system for an application(s) or product. It may be an independent system or a part of large system. Its software usually embeds into a ROM (Read Only Memory) or flash. It is any device that includes a programmable computer but is not itself intended to be a general purpose computer. Wayne Wolf, Ref: 61 Embedded Systems are the electronic systems that contain a microprocessor or a microcontroller, but we do not think of them as computers the computer is hidden or embedded in the system. Todd D. Morton What is an Embedded System?
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  • 8 Application areas Telecommunication Aircraft electronics Automotive electronics Trains
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  • 9 An embedded system example -- a digital camera Microcontroller CCD preprocessorPixel coprocessor A2D D2A JPEG codec DMA controller Memory controllerISA bus interfaceUARTLCD ctrl Display ctrl Multiplier/Accum Digital camera chip lens CCD Single-functioned -- always a digital camera Tightly-constrained -- Low cost, low power, small, fast Reactive and real-time -- only to a small extent
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  • ARM What is Advanced RISC Machines ARM Embedded System ?
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  • Why ARM here? ARM is one of the most licensed and thus widespread processor cores in the world Used especially in portable devices due to low power consumption and reasonable performance (MIPS / watt) Several interesting extensions available or in development like Thumb instruction set and Jazelle Java machine - High code density.
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  • What is an Embedded System Design?
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  • 13/105 ARM-based System Design Processor cores ARM On-Chip Bus: AMBA Application programs Development tools Software development Debug tools Development kits EDA models Development boards
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  • The Structure of ARM Tools C/C++ source C libraries asm source object libraries C compilerassembler linkerLibrarian.o ELF object file With DWARF2 debug tables.axf ELF/DWARF2 image debug ARMsd ARMulator System models development board ELF: Executable and linking format DWARF: Debug With Arbitrary Record Format
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  • 15/105 AXD Desktop ToolbarMenu Status bar Disassembly processor view Source processor view Console processor view Control System view Variable processor view Watch processor view Watch system view
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  • Debugging with Multi-ICE The system being debugged may be the final system
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  • Development Familiarize with ARM software development tools, ADS. Project management Configuring the settings of build targets for your project Writing code (driver) for ARM-based platform design Software cost (code size) estimation. The cost of a program includes Read Only (RO) data, Read Write (RW) data and Zero-Initialized (ZI) data. Mixed instruction sets, ARM and Thumb interworking, is learned to balance the performance and code density of an application. Profiling utility can be used to estimate percentage time of each function in an application. Memory configuration E.g., an embedded system might use fast, 32-bit RAM for performance- critical code, such as interrupt handlers and the stack, slower 16-bit RAM for application RW data, and ROM for normal application code. Debug skills to be used to debug both software of processor and memory- mapped hardware design running at the target platform.
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  • ARM ARM architecture ARM assembly programming
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  • Syllabus 1. Introduction to embedded systems, Processor and memory organization. 2. ARM embedded system, ARM processor fundamentals. 3. Introduction to ARM instruction set, Introduction to thumb instruction set 4. Writing and optimizing ARM assembly code, Optimized primitives 5. Introduction to DSP on the ARM, FIR filters, IIR filters, DFT 6. Exception and interrupt handling, Embedded operating systems 7. Advanced DSP and SIMD support in ARMv6, System and multiprocessor support additions to ARMv6 implementations, Future technologies beyond ARMv6.
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  • TEXT BOOKS: Chapter 2 to 7 ARM System Developers Guide, Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright
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  • TEXT BOOK: 2. Embedded Systems, Rajkamal, Tata Mcgraw-Hill publishers, 2008 Chapter -1
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  • REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Embedded system design, Frank vahid/Tony givargis, John wiley &sons, 2003. 2. Embedded/Real time systems, Real-Time systems, Dr.K.V.K.K Prasad, Dreamtech press, 2004. 3. Embedded Linux system design and development, P Raghavan, Amol lad, Sriram Neellakandan, Auerbach publications 2006.