西元 1429, 英法战争如火如荼之际, 法 国偏远地区的一个小村落传开一个令法...


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西元 1429, 英法战争如火如荼之际 ,

法国偏远地区的一个小村落传开一个令法国人振奋的消息。该村落里一个十几岁的少女琼安 ( 蜜拉乔娃维琪 ) 对外宣称自己获得上帝的指示 , 将带领法国人击退来犯的英军 , 让法国恢复为一个自由的国家。原本流传于乡间的消息 , 逐渐为整个法国所知。

Listening on page 41

法国当时的储君查理 ( 约翰马可维奇 ), 在岳母的鼓吹下 , 接见琼安 , 并同时将大批军队交由琼安指挥。一时之间法国军队士气为之一振 , 接下来由少女所带领的军队战无不克 , 英军节皆败退。储君也如愿加冕成为真正的国王。

国王登基后 , 不再支持琼安 , 在缺乏援兵的情况下 , 法军节节败退 , 琼安落入英军手中成为众矢之的 , 所有人将少女指为妖女。不再有人相信她 , 视她为女巫 , 最后 , 她被处以女巫死刑活活被烧死。五百年后 , 梵帝岗教廷为少女平反 , 将她册封圣女贞德 , 平复五百年来的冤屈。

Before you listen, look at the

picture and read the exercises

below. Predict the content, and

then listen to the tape and check

if you were correct.

Listen to Part 1 and make notes in the

chart below.

Joan’s country

Her reason for fighting

Her enemy

How did Joan help?

Joan’s country France

Her reason for fighting

To drive the English out of France

Her enemy The English

How did Joan help? She joined the French army.

Listen to part 2 and fill in the blanks in

the sentences below.

1 That’s because she _______ God had

sent her. She had many ideas and the

French soldiers _________ her.



2 The English soldiers were very ______.

They caught Joan and the Church said

that she had not ________ as a woman s

hould. So they ______ her.

3 Much ______ they __________ that she

was ________ for her country. The chur

ch made her a Saint ( 圣人) .






Listening text

L = Luc LM = Ming

LM: Who is Joan of Arc?

L: She was a very brave French lady

who fought for her country about

six hundred yeas ago.

LM: Why did she do that?


L: Well, at that time the English were ruling France. They treated the French badly.LM: Oh, dear! Why didn’t the French

soldiers drive the English out of France?

L: They tried, but they didn’t have good leaders. So they lost every battle.

LM: How did Joan help?

L: She joined the French army. She

was a very good soldier and she

won battles against the English


LM: Were women allowed to be soldiers


L: No, they weren’t. The Church

didn’t allow it.

LM: So how did she become a soldier?

L: Well, she dressed up and behaved

like a man, and some people say she

went to see the king of France and

got his permission.

Part 2

LM: How could she be so brave?

L: That’s because she believed God

had sent her.

She had many good ideas for

attacking the English army. The

French soldiers followed her.

LM: I see, but what did the English do?

L: They were very angry. They caught

her and the Church decided she

had not behaved as a woman

should. So they killed her.

LM: How terrible! What happened to

the French after her death?

L: The French soldiers were

inspired by her spirit and won

more battles. Finally they ended

the English rule in France.

LM: So she won in the end. Did the

English feel sorry about what they

did to her?

L: Yes, they did. Much later they

understood that she was fighting

for her country. The Church made

her a saint!

Listening on page 41

Ding Lingyu is talking to Ms Jody

Williams about her work with the

international Campaign to Ban

Landmines ( ICBL ). Before you listen,

discuss the following questions in pairs.

1 Why are the landmines


2 What can the landmines do

to people?

Listen to Part 1 carefully and take notes.

Then fill in the chart.

Who is ICBL’s leader? Jody Williams

Why did Jody start the work?

What is ICBL’s aim?

Why do ICBL countries talk to each other?

Who is ICBL’s leader?

Jody Williams

Why did Jody start the work?

What is ICBL’s aim?

Why do ICBL countries talk to each other?

People were killed by landmines.

To help remove the landmines more quickly.

To stop the making or use of landmines.

Listen to Part 2 carefully and fill in the

missing information.

1 The Oslo Agreement of ________ stopped the ________ and ____ of

landmines. _____ countries signed it and ____ countries agreed to

make it part of their _____. We felt so happy and proud.making






2 Judy Williams and ICBL have

_________ an ever greater ________

since then. It was the Nobel _______

Prize in ___________________.



the same year / 1997


Listen to the whole dialogue and

write down at least two ways

ICBL tries to remove landmines


Now in pairs discuss these questions.

1 Do you think Jody Williams’s way to hel

p countries remove landmines from their

land is a successful one?

Give your reasons.

2 Jody Williams’s work is not easy. What p

roblems do you think she has?

3 What do you think might stop ICBL’s co

mplete success?

Listening text

DL = Ding Lingyu JW =Jody WilliamsPart 1 DL: Now Ms Williams, why did you start this work?JW: I found that people were being killed by landmines left by the armies long after a war was over. I was really concerned about it.


DL: So what does your campaign try to


JW: We try to remove landmines as

quickly as possible, and stop

countries making or using them.

DL: How do you organize your campaign?

JW: Small groups of ICBL members from

different countries talk to each other.

Then they can help each other.

DL: Can you give me an example?

JW: In west Africa, for example, there

have been many wars. Each country

tries to remove the landmines left

behind after a war ends. Some

countries are working faster than


DL: So you encourage them to tell the

others how to remove landmines

more quickly, is that right?

JW: Yes, in that way good ideas move

around the world.

Part 2

DL: I suppose all the information has

come to you, right?

JW: Yes, our organization speaks to

governments around the world. We

provide them with information and


DL: I see. Does that work very well?

JW: Yes, it led to our greatest success –the

Oslo Agreement of 1997.

DL: What did that achieve?

JW: It helped stop the making and use of

landmines. 181 countries signed it and

81 countries agreed to make it part of

their laws. We felt so happy and proud.

DL: Well, you and ICBL have received an

even greater honour since then. It was

the Nobel Peace Price that same year,

wasn’t it ?

JW: Yes, it meant so much to me, but

above all I hope we can remove

landmines forever and save people’s


When you have collected the

information from the survey of

speaking task on page 46, you will be

ready with the information to do a


First you need to analyze the information.

1 Did the women do the jobs they

always wanted to do? What were the


2 Were they able to do that? Why or

why not?

3 Any other interesting information.

Now you are ready to write a plan.

You need a beginning (the question y

ou asked and why you asked it), a mi

ddle (the survey and what you found

out from it) and the end (what concl

usion you can draw from the survey).