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  • 8/10/2019 ZPoint Life Transforming Manual


    The ZPoint ProcessA Transformational GuideA Transformational Guide

    Grant Connolly, CHt, &Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW

  • 8/10/2019 ZPoint Life Transforming Manual



    Copyright 2004 by Grant Connolly and Carol Ann Rowland

    All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not

    be reproduced in any form without permission of the authors.


    Grant Connolly: [email protected] or tel. 416-915-3381Carol Ann Rowland: [email protected] or tel. 905-691-0330

    An Important Note: The techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions in this book are not

    intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of physicians or other health-care providers. Any application of the techniques, processes, ideas and suggestions in

    this book is at the readers sole discretion and risk.

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    Chapter 1: An Introduction to ZPoint11

    Chapter 2: The ZPoint Process13The Installation Program13

    The Three-Step Process14Linking the Ways14Listen to a short ZPoint Session15

    Psychological Reversal15

    Chapter 3: The Big Picture17The Eight Tasks17

    Chapter 4: The Energy System20The Energy Model20

    Our Energy Centres20

    Chapter 5: Task One Balancing and Strengthening the Energy Pathways23

    Homolateral Energy23The Triple Warmer Meridian25

    Balancing the Chakras27The Energy Grids27

    Chapter 6: Task Two Releasing Sacred Agreements30Clearing Statements for Releasing Sacred Agreements30

    Chapter 7: Task Three Moving Into Your Own Power32Clearing Statements for Moving Into Your Own Power32

    Chapter 8: Task Four Transforming Core Beliefs34

    Clearing Statements for Core Beliefs34

    Chapter 9: Task Five Healing Your Relationships38

    Working with the Process38Roles Releasing What Doesnt Belong to You39

    Clearing the Relationship with Yourself41A Case Study42

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    Chapter 10: Task Six Healing Past Experiences of Trauma44

    Big-T Traumas44Small-t Traumas45

    Dealing with Traumas45

    Processing Traumas with ZPoint49When Multiple Traumas are Present52

    Working with Parts of Self54Releasing Connections to Those Who Have Harmed You57

    Chapter 11: Task Seven Moving Beyond What You Dont Want59An Exercise to Help You Move On with Life60

    Chapter 12: Task Eight Treating Specific Life Challenges62

    Physical Challenges62Releasing the Fear of Public Speaking63Healing Love Pain64

    Clearing Procrastination67Long-Term Change The Simple Way68

    Discovery Statements to Uncover Deeper Issues69

    Chapter 13: Using ZPoint with Children73

    A Case Study73

    Chapter 14: Combining ZPoint with Other Modalities74Combining ZPoint with Energy Medicine74Combining ZPoint with EMDR74

    Using ZPoint with TAT Statements75Combining ZPoint with Bodywork Modalities76

    Chapter 15: Stories from ZPoint Users77A Sense of Peacefulness77

    Keeping ZPoint Simple77ZPoint and an Allergy79

    A Huge Weight is Lifted80ZPoint Results in a Dramatic Shift80Falling Asleep Quickly81

    ZPoint and Joy81

    Appendix A: The Original ZPoint Process82

    Appendix B: ZPoint on a Page85

    Appendix C: Protocol for Clearing Relationships86

    Appendix D: Protocol for Clearing Traumas87

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    How to Learn More about ZPoint88Books89

    Internet Connections90

    About the Authors 91

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    We would like to acknowledge the genius of Larry Nims and his creation of Be Set FreeFast (BSFF). ZPoint takes his basic idea of using a healing program and a cue wordand approaches it from a completely different point of view.

    I am deeply grateful to Judy Davidson who helped me bring my original vision to life. Ialso thank Savitri Galardo for her deep wisdom and experience. I also wish toacknowledge the help of the many other individuals who supported and encouraged this

    work in its early stages. You know who you are.Grant Connolly, CHt

    I wish to thank my husband, Kevin, for all of his support, as well as the many therapists,

    healers and colleagues who have assisted me on my own healing and professionaljourneys while teaching me, through instruction and example, how wonderful energy

    work can be. I also would like to thank the many clients who have allowed me to be part

    of their own journeys. A special thanks to Linda for her unwavering friendship, supportand encouragement through both happy and difficult times. Without all of these people,

    this work would not have been possible.Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW

    Our gratitude goes to Margaret Condy for taking on the task of editing this manual. Her

    editorial eye and knowledge have added immeasurably to the readibility of this project.

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    ForwardGrant Connollyinitially conceived the idea for ZPoint in the summer of 2003. Well lethim tell the story in his own words

    It is my belief that everything in life is a process. For me, the process that culminatedwith the creation of ZPoint began in the spring of 1999.

    At that time I was working in the Computer Department of Sir Sandford Fleming College

    in my home town just east of Toronto Canada. I was a very unhappy person and wasnever satisfied with anything. I think Id been that way all of my life. I was filled withanger, resentment, deep disappointment with my life and a bottomless longing for

    something more that I couldnt define. I think I may have been an undiagnosed Bipolar. Iwas either up or down and seldom in between.

    One day I came across a reference to a book about a fellow who claimed to have

    achieved enlightenment while serving a term in a Florida jail for selling drugs. The ideathat this could happen under such conditions intrigued me so I immediately ordered thebook. It was calledFrom Onions to Pearlsby Satyam Nadeen. You may wish to check itout.

    There was something in that book that laid waste to every idea, belief and cherishednotion that I had ever had. That book was a hand grenade thrown into a room filled withfurniture, and the furniture was everything I believed and held to be true. For somereason, the ideas in that book completely cleared away all of my old ways of being and

    left me bereft and adrift. I didnt know what to believe, what was right, what was wrong,what was up or what was down. I was a completely empty vessel.

    For the next month or so I wandered around completely oblivious to everything. I canrecall sitting on my couch at home just staring off into space. Just being. Gradually, I

    started rebuilding the furniture of my mind and my life began to make sense again.However, nothing was the same after that. I was different. I had changed.

    Some months later I "chanced" upon a website advertising an opportunity to become aCertified Hypnotherapist. I immediately remembered back to when I was a teenager, and

    the dreams I had for myself. There were three things I wanted more than anything: towrite a book, to become "enlightened" and to learn hypnosis. I read everything I couldabout the latter two and trusted that one day I would write that book.

    I can recall buying a simple how to book on hypnosis when I was about 14 and set out tohypnotize some of my friends, sometimes with hilarious results. In late 1999 I fulfilledthat dream and became certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists as a Hypnotherapist.My wife, the handyperson in our family, converted our dining room into an office and I

    began seeing clients on a part time basis.

    My life continued to change, often in ways I could not have imagined. It becameincreasingly more difficult to keep my mind focused on my job. It just didnt seem to fit

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    me anymore. More and more my thoughts became centred on becoming a full timeHypnotherapist. I started talking more and more about leaving my job and devoting

    myself full time to my practice. Unfortunately Peterborough is a relatively small placeand I wasnt earning enough to pay my way. My overwhelming desire for change led to a

    crisis within my marriage.

    Quite often in our relationships we have unspoken contracts, shared goals, dreams andways of being. When these ways of being change, as mine did so dramatically, seeminglystable relationships can come apart revealing difficulties that lay buried beneath the

    surface. One person wishes everything to remain the same while the other is movedinexorably along a different path, in a different direction entirely. This is what happenedto me.

    In the summer of 2003 I was sharing an apartment with a friend in a suburb of Toronto. Iwas earning a bare subsistence living as a full time Hypnotherapist and EFT, TAT

    Practitioner. Although financially things were difficult, emotionally and spiritually I wasthriving. The ups and downs were gone. Having said this, there were still deep issues I

    needed to resolve and was looking for a means of resolving them. I felt that I had gone asfar as I could with EFT and TAT alone.

    Around that time I read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. That book had a hugeimpact on me. I practiced being in the Now constantly and after a while could enter into

    the NOW state at will. I vividly recall how magical it was to simply walk down the streetand watch the flowers and trees and suddenly my awareness would shift. Everything tookon a life and a brilliance Id never noticed before. Id walk to the Scarborough bluffs and

    spend hours sitting on a certain park bench overlooking Lake Ontario, just watching theclouds, the birds, and the trees and drink in the magic that I saw spread before me. It was,

    as Ive said, a magical time.

    Right at this time two things happened that changed my life. First, my flat-matepurchased Larry Nims BSFF Manual, and second I read Power vs. Forceby David R.Hawkins. I read Larrys manual and tried using BSFF but somehow it didnt feel right tome. It is a brilliant piece of work, but it just didnt resonate with how I thought and

    especially how I felt. I am very intuitive and approach everything from a feelingperspective. So I set it aside.

    Then I read HawkinsPower vs. Force. In it he speaks about M-Fields. As I understood it,these are simply energetic patterns containing all of the possibilities inherent within an

    event or a circumstance or a condition. My life for example can be viewed in these terms.It is a large M-Field with my name on it. Within that field are all of the smaller patterns

    that go to make up my thoughts, feelings and circumstances. A bubble, within a bubblewithin a bubble. Taken in ever broader terms, the world itself and the universe andeverything that exists or has the potential of existing is its own M-Field, one within the


    I recall sitting in the washroom one night, where I often do my best thinking, andsuddenly I put everything together. M-Fields, how to adapt the cue word and healing

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    program from BSFF and Eckhart Tolles Pain Body. I saw how everything fit together soperfectly and so simply. Whole and complete. I saw it all in one instant.

    I was overwhelmed and immediately set to work translating what I had seen into a usable

    process. I spent hours and hours trying this and trying that. I recall reading a post on theBSFF list about the agreements we make with ourselves, and this was added to theprocess. I read about the importance of forgiveness and this too was added to the mix.

    Friends would have an idea and we would try it out immediately. These were veryexciting times. I spent many hours sitting on that park bench filled with the possibilities

    of this concept. The end result was the original ZPoint version you will read in theappendix at the end of this manual.

    As I said when I began this story, everything is a process. Almost exactly a year later,after having used the original ZPoint Process on many people and having written theoriginal manual, I had another idea. I was walking through High Park in Toronto, just

    enjoying my walk and decided to clear something that had been bothering me. I startedgoing through the process, which at this time was 12 or 13 steps when I found myself

    sayingI clear all the waysI .

    I stopped dead and backtracked in my mind what I had said to myself. I was astounded.Again I saw the concept clearly of how to simplify the process and make it more effectiveat the same time. I recall that I didnt have paper and a pen with me so I walked all the

    way home repeating I clear all the ways over and over so I wouldnt forget it before Igot home. And that is how the current version was born. I expect there will be others intime.

    On October 8th of 2004 I felt compelled to create a Yahoo group and share what I hadfound with as many people as possible. I called it SharingZeroPoint for that reason. One

    of the first members was Carol Ann Rowland. I was so impressed with her caring and herintelligence I was guided to ask her to be co-moderator of the list. That may have been

    one of my better decisions. Thank you Carol Ann for helping me spread the word of thisincredible process. You have added immeasurably to its development and to its success.

    I am very grateful to be the bearer of this process. I promise to always do my best tobring forth that which is given to me in trust for all of you.

    Grant Connolly,

    Toronto, March 2005

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    Prefaceby Grant Connolly

    In The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle writes about what he calls the pain body. As Iunderstand it, the pain body is the accumulated experience of an individual, feelings and

    all, stored like a recording within the subconscious mind. There is also a collective painbody representing the whole of humanity. Carl Jung called this the collectiveunconscious.

    Everything weve ever seen, heard, thought, felt or imagined is stored within the

    subconscious, both personally and collectively. Portions of this recording are triggered toplay back whenever we experience or think we are experiencing circumstances similar tothe one stored in the recording. When this happens, we seem to get lost somehow and

    completely identify ourselves with that pattern or recording. In effect, we become thepattern. The pattern takes over and we just go along for the ride. All too often this

    happens with disastrous results.

    Many years ago I spent a weekend in Canadas capital, Ottawa, and opted to eat dinner

    one evening at McDonalds (this was before I knew anything about nutrition!). It was lateand the place was filled mostly with teenagers. Suddenly, one young man stood up and

    sent chairs and tables flying, throwing anything he could find to the floor. I stood againstthe wall and watched as this young man trashed the place. I felt drawn to watch his eyesand the expressions on his face. It struck me that that young man really wasnt there. The

    lights were on but clearly, there was no one at home. In other words, he was playing outsome of his patterns, but was not truly present in the moment as he acted.

    The patterns we delete are simply pre-recorded, choreographed responses we have tocertain situations. Smoking is a pattern, as are overeating, procrastination, self-destructive

    behaviour, fears, phobias, body-image problems, financial difficulties, relationshipproblems and so on. And, like a recording, these patterns play back when activated by

    some interior or exterior event. When this happens, just like the young man inMcDonalds, you are no longer present within your body as the witnessingconsciousness and are literally taken over by the recording. The result is that you the

    real you is no longer making the decisions; the pattern is.

    You are not the pattern and never have been. Youve just given over your power to thepattern. ZPoint is simply a means of taking back what already belongs to you. You aretaking back your right to choose for yourself! In effect, you are waking yourself up from

    a long, long sleep.

    It is a simple matter, using ZPoint, to delete these patterns completely and safely. Afterthey have been deleted, you the real you is back in charge. Once you begin to clear

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    these patterns, you will no longer be driven to overeat, procrastinate, sabotage your ownsuccess or do whatever it is that your particular pattern drives you to do. You will be free

    to make your own choices, to make your own decisions. You will be wide awake to thepossibilities of the present moment.

    The purpose of this manual is to give you enough information to be able to use thisprocess on your own and begin the task of freeing yourself from the dominance of the

    pain body. And once you begin deleting patterns, you will find it easier and easier to befocused in the present moment and to make choices based on what you want and what

    serves you, rather than following the needs of the pattern and mindlessly repeating pastanger, pain, disappointment, shame and blame over and over again. You will be free.

    Another way of understanding patterns and our relation to them is to think of yourself asbeing very much like a computer. The subconscious mind is the default program or basic

    operating system that tells you how to do things in life. It tells you how to react to certainsituations, it tells you how to have a relationship, it tells you how to live a wonderful,fulfilled and happy life.

    However, what if over time that program has become corrupted or damaged in some

    way? What if that damage was caused by other programs that you loaded on top of theoperating system? What if you accepted these new programs without understanding thatthey were harmful? How could you fix this? Just as you would on your computer, you

    could install an anti-virus program that would delete these damaged areas and replacethem with healthy code. Wouldnt that be a good thing to be able to do?

    In effect, you can and will be doing exactly this with ZPoint. You will be loading asimple, effective and completely safe healing program into your subconscious mind. This

    program marshals the incredible power of your subconscious mind when activated byyour cue word, and will release or clear all of the old, unhealthy patterns or ways of

    thinking that have caused so much difficulty in your life. You will heal yourself. Thecombination of the cue word and the other instructions you will give to yoursubconscious are like a magic wand that you will wield to great effect.

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    Chapter 1

    An Introduction to ZPoint

    ZPoint is a very simple process that is designed to heal all the ways we are in conflictwith ourselves and others.

    It does this by quickly and easily allowing us to release strong feelings of anger,judgment, criticism, blame, shame, guilt, resentment, disappointment, hatred, fear,

    sadness and unforgiveness, whether directed toward ourselves or others.

    In this manual you will learn how to very quickly heal and clear away those feelingspermanently and with surprisingly little effort or upset. Then, amazingly, you will findyourself responding peacefully, even when facing some of lifes most difficult situations.

    Your life will become easier, more loving and infinitely more enjoyable.

    The method by which ZPoint works is twofold. One aspect of this involves the use of thesubconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls many aspects of what we say, feel,think and do. The subconscious mind does what we tell it to do, on a continual basis. One

    way that this manifests can involve how we relate to others. Often, early in our lives wehave an experience of being hurt by someone, and have the automatic thought, Ill never

    let anyone close to me again. We may or may not remember having had this thought, butour subconscious mind remembers it for us. Years later we may wonder why we feeldistant from others and struggle to feel close again; the reason is that the subconscious

    mind is doing exactly what we have asked it to do.

    With ZPoint we are using this ability in a very conscious way, to allow ourselves toreprogram the subconscious mind. The old patterns and agreements that we needed in thepast are often no longer useful to us now, and so we simply ask to have them replaced

    with what we would like to feel, do and experience in the present.

    When ZPoint was first created, it was believed that the process was so powerful becauseof the subconscious mind alone. However, it became apparent that something even morepowerful was at work. People using ZPoint very frequently describe body sensations and

    energetic experiences that indicate that universal energy the same energy that is utilizedduring Reiki, Healing Touch and other channeling approaches is facilitating the healing

    that occurs during the ZPoint Process. As a Reiki practitioner, Carol Ann first assumedthat the energetic experiences she was having when she used ZPoint herself wereoccurring because she had been attuned to Reiki. However, again and again we received

    reports from people friends, family, colleagues, members of the SharingZeroPoint liston Yahoo.com and clients who were experiencing something similar.

    The energetic experiences reported have ranged from sensations of tingling or buzzingoccurring in the hands, feet and chakra areas (we discuss chakras further in Chapter 4)

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    and sometimes throughout the body. If a large clearing has occurred, people sometimesreport feeling as if their entire body is vibrating. At times this sensation is so strong that it

    feels as if even the internal organs are vibrating. People who are energy sensitive areoften most aware of this type of experience. However, we have both worked with clients

    who have never knowingly been exposed to universal energy before and had no

    framework to understand it. Even so, they would comment on how the top of their heador their forehead felt warm, tingly, open or otherwise unusual. These areas correspond

    to the crown and third-eye chakras, which often become activated in relation to spiritualand/or intuitive experiences.

    On one occasion Carol Ann had the good fortune to teach a clairvoyant colleague how touse ZPoint Processing. This person sees energy, and she described seeing a holographic

    light bridge extending between herself and Carol Ann as they worked together. Withsome of her ZPoint statements she saw big vortices of energy going down deep into the

    earth, and with others she saw similar vortices going up into the universe. She reported adeep sense of being connected energetically not only to Carol Ann but also to othersaround the world, and a sense of unified oneness joining all of humanity. It would

    appear that something more powerful than a reliance on the subconscious mind is at workhere!

    The purpose of this manual is to present, in very simple terms, a process oftransformation and healing that has proven to be quite profound. The book itself is

    broken down into chapters that start from a general perspective and progressively worktheir way into more specific applications of the basic process.

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    Chapter 2

    The ZPoint Process

    The ZPoint Process begins with a simple, one-time installation program. After you have

    completed this, you then go through three easy steps each time you use the ZPointProcess.

    The Installation Program

    You only need to read the following installation program one time. After that, you will

    never have to refer to it again. You will only need to remember your cue word 1.

    To activate the program, first choose a cue word. Any word will do, but try to avoid usingwords that have a strong emotional content attached to them, such as money or sex.Some of the cue words people commonly choose are peace, free and shazam.

    Now read the following instructions, aloud if possible:

    I hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious

    mind, to effect the best of all possible outcomes by this

    clearing, and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I

    wish to eliminate, as I say or think my cue word, you will

    eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns

    completely and safely. Each time I repeat my cue word in

    sequence, you will access deeper and deeper layers and all

    parts and aspects of my being.

    1Cue words are like a flashlights on-switch. You point your flashlight in the direction you wish to shine

    some light. This act of pointing or directing is the clearing statement (step 1 of the ZPoint Process). Then,

    when you switch on your flashlight say your cue word the beam illuminates your target.

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    I clearall of the waysthat I am stressed.

    I clearall of the waysthat driving in traffic causes me to be stressed.

    I clearall of the waysthat I am impatient.

    I clearall of the waysthat I hate being stuck in traffic.

    I clearall of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my body.

    I clearall of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my energy field.

    Then finish this set with steps 2 and 3:

    I clearall of the patterns connected to all these ways. I clearall of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    Listen to a Short ZPoint Session

    Ive recorded a short introduction to ZPoint. Just go to the following linkhttp://www.zpointprocess.com/sharing/intro.wmaand you will download a shortWindows Media audio file. This will let you hear me taking you through the steps. There

    is no substitute for the actual experience.

    Psychological Reversal

    Readers who are experienced wit h energy work particularly EFT will likely be

    familiar with the term psychological reversal. While we have found that, for whateverreason, psychological reversal appears to be less of an issue when using ZPoint than it is

    with EFT or similar approaches, it does occasionally need to be corrected for.

    Psychological reversal refers to what is occurring when you consciously want to heal

    something, yet part of you is trying to prevent this from happening. This is an experiencethat most of us can relate to. An example might be when you have firmly decided you are

    going to lose weight, and yet you find yourself unable to follow your plan to eat healthier

    and exercise more!

    Often when part of you is trying to prevent a change from occurring, it is because thatpart is getting something out of holding onto the problem. This frequently relates to

    feeling safer. An example of this is someone who has a fear of confrontation thatinterferes with their ability to discuss upsetting issues with others. Part of them may beunwilling to let go of this problem because they believe that if they were no longer afraid

    and were to say what they thought, then they might be harmed. Alternatively, part of

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    them may be afraid that others would be harmed if they were to express their feelings andopinions.

    In order to correct for psychological reversal, simply clear with some or all of the

    following statements:

    I clearall the waysthat I have psychological reversal.

    I clear all the waysits not possible for me to clear these issues.

    I clear all the waysits not safe for me to clear these issues.

    I clear all the waysits not safe for others if I clear these issues.

    I clear all the waysIm not willing to clear these issues.

    I clear all the waysparts of me get something out of holding onto these


    I clear all the waysparts of me get something out of these issues.

    I clear all the waysI dont believe that this could ever work for me.

    Follow this with steps 2 and 3.

    Many people will quickly correct for psychological reversal before doing any energywork treatment. It isnt always necessary to correct for it we arent always

    psychologically reversed. However, it is very fast and easy to correct for, so it oftenmakes sense to do this first as part of a routine. That saves time having to repeat thetreatment later if it didnt have the desired effect.

    However, if you find you dont always remember to correct for psychological reversal or

    find it to be one further step you dont want to bother with, dont worry about it. You will

    know if ZPoint is working for you because you will feel peaceful and you will notice thatthe previously troubling thoughts, feelings, memories, beliefs, behaviours and

    relationships are no longer of concern. Just remember that if at some point a treatmentdoesnt go as planned, this is one strategy you can try.

    If the only way you ever used ZPoint were as weve just described it, you would stillhave an incredibly powerful healing method at your disposal anytime and anywhere.

    However, we have some suggestions for approaching the bigger picture in order tomaximize healing on all levels and strengthen the overall energetic system.

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    Chapter 3

    The Big Picture

    The more we do this work, the more we come to believe that there is an overall pattern to

    clearing all the ways we are unhappy, unfulfilled or challenged in some way.

    A number of months ago, I had the idea that this work could be approached in much thesame manner as orthomolecular medicine. This relatively new branch of medicine has asingle premise: bring the body into balance and it will heal itself. Discover what

    nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids the body lacks and begin the process ofrestoring equilibrium by giving the body what it needs to be well. This isnt a new idea,

    but it is one that has been largely ignored by many until quite recently.

    It occurred to me that this idea might be a good premise from which to base ZPoint aswell. The old paradigm of medicine is to treat the symptoms and ignore the root causes.To a large extent this is what we had originally been doing in our work with ZPoint. Thisisnt to say that what weve been doing hasnt been effective, because it has. However, it

    is our belief that there are foundational steps that can be taken first, to bring the body,mind and spirit into an overall state of balance. We believe that if we begin by bringing

    ourselves into a state of balance and wholeness, this in turn will facilitate the process ofspiritual, emotional and physical transformation.

    The Eight Tasks

    In the following eight chapters, we explore what we believe to be the prerequisites toachieving emotional, energetic and spiritual homeostasis. Each of these tasks by itself

    wont solve deep-seated spiritual, physical or emotional challenges. However, takentogether, they will put you into a place where major shifts can more easily happen.

    Task One Balancing and Strengthening the Energy Pathways (Chapter 5). Thisincludes correcting for homolateral energy, calming an overactive triple warmer meridian

    (when appropriate), balancing the chakra system and repairing fractured energy grids.Homolateral energy, triple warmer meridian, chakras and energy grids will all beexplained in this chapter. In effect, you are balancing your bodys energy system.

    Task Two Releasing Sacred Agreements (Chapter 6). These are agreements we

    make with ourselves during emotionally charged periods. These can also be agreementsmade in other lives and other existences that are brought forward into this life. Forexample, suppose you take a risk that leads to disastrous consequences. In the emotional

    aftermath that follows, you have the thought that Ill never take a risk again.Agreements like this are quickly forgotten by the conscious mind, but are still fully in

    force within your subconscious. Decades possibly even lifetimes later they may still

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    be in place. This may not always be for your highest good; sometimes it is good to takerisks! If nobody ever took risks, new ideas wouldnt be shared.

    With ZPoint we reprogram the subconscious mind and release energetic connections to

    past agreements or contracts in a very conscious way so that we can start doing,

    expressing and feeling more of what we do want and less of what no longer serves ourbest interests.

    Task Three Moving Into Your Own Power (Chapter 7). Too often we tend to shy

    away from using our own personal power. This may manifest in any number of ways,including being unable to speak our truth, being unable to advocate for ourselves, beingunwilling to embrace and reveal our personal gifts and being reluctant to be fully open to

    energetic experiences. Clearing all the ways you fear coming into your power, whileupholding the responsibility to use your power in a balanced and loving way, in effectallows you to open your life to joy.

    Task Four Transforming Core Beliefs (Chapter 8).A core belief is any central belief

    that other beliefs are based on. Core beliefs tend to permeate many or even all areas ofour lives.

    Clearing or changing your core beliefs to ones that serve you rather than those that arebased on fear can dramatically affect all of your ways of being. Since we know that

    ZPoint affects us at a deep subconscious level, any positive affirmations and changes youmake to your core beliefs will affect you in a very powerful and positive way.

    Task Five Healing Your Relationships (Chapter 9). Relationships form the backboneof our lives, whether we like it or not. We have relationships with practically everyoneand everything in our lives. We have relationships with family, co-workers, our boss, our

    customers, friends and those we dislike. We also have relationships with money, cars andthe things we prefer to avoid. And, of course, we have a relationship with ourselves.

    Relationships can be difficult or they can be incredibly rewarding or anything inbetween. The only difference between a good relationship and a bad one is the level of

    resistance you experience with each.

    Task Six Healing Past Experiences of Trauma (Chapter 10). Left unhealed, pasttraumas whether big T or little t leave areas of upset and vulnerability, drain yourenergy and change your view of yourself and the world.

    Task Seven Moving Beyond What You Dont Want (Chapter 11). Resistinganything sets up an energy dynamic that activates the spiritual Law of Attraction. This

    law states that whatever you focus on whatever you give your attention to will tend toexpand and be attracted further into your life. In this step you focus on those things you

    wish to bring into your life.

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    Task Eight Treating Specific Life Challenges (Chapter 12).Now that the root causeshave been taken into consideration, you can address specific challenges such as illness

    and poverty with some confidence.

    Obviously, these eight tasks are interrelated. The effects of systematically addressing

    each of them in turn should have a dramatic impact on your state of well-beingemotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.

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    Chapter 4

    The Energy System

    It has been known for thousands of years that the universe and everything in it, whether

    seen or unseen, is composed of energy. And because we are part of this universe and allthat exists within it, we are composed of energy as well.

    The Energy Model

    The energy model can be stated as follows:

    1. Everything that exists is composed of energy.

    2. Energy is only energy it isnt good or bad, right or wrong.

    3. Energy is designed to flow, and is not designed to be held or stored.

    4. Human beings are conduits for energy, not energy containers.

    5. Problems and difficulties show up as a result of a disruption, blockage or

    resistance to the flow of that energy.

    According to Gary Craig, who developed Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT),

    The cause of any discomfort, disease or pain is a disruption in the energy system.When your energy system is out of alignment or a blockage occurs, such a disruptiontakes place. Our belief is that our thoughts and beliefs themselves and the subsequent

    build-up of emotions surrounding them are the prime cause of this disruption of theenergy system. If we either clear the emotion surrounding the belief or transform the

    belief itself, we free the trapped energy to move as it was designed to do.

    You can visualize this process by imagining a logjam in a river. Clearing the right log

    will release all of the logs and allow them to flow freely again, down the river to the mill.

    Our Energy Centres

    It is widely believed that there are seven main energy centres or transducers in the humanbody. In Sanskrit, these are called chakras.

    A transducer is a device that transforms one form of energy into another. The chakrasystem appears to be the connecting link or main distribution device between energy

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    pathways that run throughout the body. These energy centres transform spiritual energyinto matter-based energy for our use.

    While an in-depth explanation of these centres is beyond the scope of this manual, we

    have named each chakra here, along with its activating colour, location and a general

    description of its function in our lives.

    Base or Root Chakra

    Colour: redLocation: the base of the spine

    Contains the primary eight cells that have all of the knowledge

    of creation and remain the only cells in your body that dontchange in your lifetime.

    Grounds us in the physical world.

    Sacral ChakraColour: orangeLocation: just beneath the navel

    Related to your sexual and reproductive capacity.Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt.

    Solar Plexus ChakraColour: yellow

    Location: the solar plexusSeat of the emotions. Gives you a sense of personal power

    in the world.

    Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

    Heart ChakraColour: green

    Location: the heart

    Blockage can manifest as immune system or heartproblems, or a lack of compassion.

    Throat ChakraColour: blue

    Location: the throatTied to creativity and communication.

    Feels pressure when you arent communicatingyour emotions properly.

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    Third Eye ChakraColour: indigo

    Location: between the eyebrows (pineal gland)Is a physical eye with the capabilities of

    looking inward spiritually.

    Crown Chakra

    Colour: purpleLocation: crown

    Connects you with messages from higher realms.Can be experienced as a pressure, warmth or

    tingling on the top of the head.

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    Chapter 5

    Task One Balancing andStrengthening

    the Energy Pathways

    Homolateral Energy

    When your body is functioning well energetically, your energy crosses over from one

    side of your body to the other. If energy is moving straight up and down each side of yourbody instead of crossing over, it is referred to as running homolaterally.

    Signs and symptoms of being homolateral include being more clumsy, having a hardertime healing from physical and emotional difficulties, tripping over words, feeling

    scrambled, and having even little things kind of hit you harder and cause upset whennormally they wouldnt. When your energy is homolateral, everything is more upsetting.

    Carol Ann states that she has found that when she is upset about something, sherecognizes that sometimes she is homolateral. If she corrects for homolateral energy, the

    issue will no longer feel nearly as upsetting, even if she has done nothing to target the

    actual feelings and concerns involved.

    Everyone is homolateral some of the time. Stress, illness or upset can cause you to gohomolateral in the moment. Most people move in and out of being homolateral.

    Some people however, are chronically homolateral. Having chronic homolateral energypatterns can make it very difficult to heal properly and to function in the world. Thats

    why its important to correct for this when it occurs.

    Donna Eden, in her book Energy Medicine, teaches an exercise called the homolateralcross crawl. This exercise can be used to persuade the energy in the body to begin

    crossing over again. The exercise isnt difficult to learn, but it takes a few minutes tocomplete. If you are chronically homolateral, you need a lot of discipline in practicingyour energy work regularly in order to correct for this issue over the long term. The

    exercise may need to be done a few times a day every day for a few weeks in order tocoax your body into a new way of being.

    Carol Ann was chronically homolateral, and found that many of the people she saw asclients also shared this issue. She noticed that most people herself included dont

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    possess the level of discipline required to regularly and continually correct for havinghomolateral energy. So Carol Ann began to use ZPoint to correct for this energetic


    The statements that follow are ones that we have found extremely useful in correcting for

    a pattern of chronic homolateral energy. Since first correcting for her own pattern ofhaving chronic homolateral energy, Carol Ann has found that her energy is now crossing

    over most of the time. If she encounters illness, upset or some other kind of trigger, herenergy may start running homolateral again. However, it no longer feels like an overall

    way of life, and when she does notice she is homolateral, she is able to correct it quicklywith a couple of statements, and she begins to feel balanced again once more.

    As we explained in the introduction, at the end of each statement, repeat the cue word for15 to 30 seconds, or until you experience a shift.

    I clear all of the waysthat my energy is homolateral.

    I clear all of the waysthat my energy is chronically homolateral. I clear all the reasons my energy first began running homolaterally.

    I clear all of the waysthat these ways and reasons have been held in my body.

    I clear all of the waysthat these ways and reasons have been held in my energyfield.

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    I install new ways of my energy crossing over. My energy crosses over in a continuous way.

    If something startles me I am able to stay not homolateral.

    If ever my energy does go homolateral, I notice this and easily correct it.

    All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, the present and the


    If this isnt sufficient to clear a pattern of chronic homolateral energy, you may want to

    use the original 12-step version of ZPoint, found in the Appendix A.

    For more information about homolateral energy, as well as a wealth of knowledge about

    energy and the body, we highly recommendEnergy Medicine.

    The Triple Warmer Meridian

    One thing found to be almost universal among people who have experienced significanttraumas particularly when the traumas have been severe or repeated, and/or have

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    occurred in childhood is that their triple warmer meridians become habitually over-energized.

    The meridian system is the bodys own energy system. Much of Eastern medicine

    involves working with the meridian system. In acupuncture, needles are placed in

    different meridian points. Similarly, EFT and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) involvetapping on different meridian points to clear congested energy and thus release fears,

    traumas, phobias and other concerns.

    The triple warmer meridian governs the fight/flight/freeze response. With repeatedtraumatic incidents, the body can become locked into a fight/flight/freeze state and thetriple warmer meridian may become chronically over-energized.

    This can be a concern not only because of the problematic symptoms (hypervigilance,

    anxiety, insomnia, difficulty focusing and so on) that then may become a way of life, butalso because the triple warmer meridian is connected with the spleen meridian. When thetriple warmer stays over-energized, it draws energy out of the spleen meridian, which

    supports the immune system. As a result, the immune system becomes weakened. If thebody stays in this state long enough, the immune system can start attacking itself, and

    autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue mayresult.

    Again, if you would like further information about the triple warmer meridian, you willfind Donna Edens bookEnergy Medicineparticularly useful.

    Part of clearing trauma and related symptoms involves teaching the body that theemergency is now over. Donna Eden teaches a method of sedating the triple warmer

    meridian by holding triple warmer meridian points in sequence. This is a wonderfulmethod that Carol Ann has used extensively in her work with those who have

    experienced violence. Clients who learn how to sedate their triple warmers and practicethis regularly experience an immediate and dramatic reduction in their more fear-basedtrauma symptoms such as hypervigilance, anxiety and insomnia even when the traumas

    havent yet been directly processed.

    However, sedating the triple warmer can take several minutes, and in order to reprogramthe body, it needs to be done two to three times a day, every day, on an ongoing basis tobring about lasting results. This can be time consuming, and people often find they have

    trouble making it a priority.

    Concern about this, and recognition of the importance of clearing triple warmer issues,led Carol Ann to try using ZPoint to clear the pattern of having a chronically over-energized triple warmer meridian, with remarkable success. The triple warmer will still

    get set off at times. Given that it is a mechanism that our body possesses in order toensure our survival, it is neither possible nor desirable to eliminate this response

    completely. However, it gets set off much less often, requires increasingly larger triggersbefore becoming activated, and it doesnt take as long for it to re-settle afterwards.

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    Here is an example of how you can go about clearing the pattern of having a chronically

    over-energized triple warmer meridian. In this example, we also have some statementsinvolving the spleen meridian, which runs into the triple warmer meridian. When the

    triple warmer meridian is over-energized, it tends to draw energy out of the spleen

    meridian, so it is best to address this as well.

    We highly recommend first correcting for psychological reversal (see page 5) on thisissue, because anyone who has been through trauma may have parts of self that naturally

    believe it isnt safe to ever let their guard down. This, in fact, is the very reason the triplewarmer becomes over-energized, so it may be necessary to target for massivepsychological reversal before the clearing.

    Remember to repeat your cue word like a mantra with each statement until you

    experience a shift:

    I clear all of the reasons I have a chronically over-energized triple warmer.

    I clear all of the waysthat this is held in my body.

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all these reasons and ways.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all these patterns.

    I install new patterns of feeling calm and relaxed, and I am able to distinguish

    when I need to be on alert and when I do not.

    My triple warmer meridian is now sedated.

    My spleen meridian is now strengthened. My triple warmer meridian and spleen meridian are in perfect and natural balance.

    All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, the present and the


    This should go a long way in helping you be less reactive to having the fight/flight/freeze

    response being triggered by innocuous sounds and events. When you encounter asituation that does set off the triple warmer, and you experience intense anxiety, fear or a

    startle response, it may be enough to focus on the emotional and physical sensations andthink your cue word repeatedly. Then say to yourself, I am safe now, and again repeat

    the cue word.

    If you attempt this clearing and it doesnt appear to bring lasting results, try using the

    original, longer version of ZPoint (found in Appendix A) to target the pattern of havinga chronically over-energized triple warmer meridian.

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    Balancing the Chakras

    As noted earlier, when the chakras are blocked or out of alignment, you might experiencea variety of symptoms. Clearing blockages from the chakras and bringing them into a

    state of balance will help to address these issues while simultaneously strengthening the

    overall energy system.

    I clear all of the waysthat my root chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my sacral chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my solar plexus chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my heart chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my throat chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my third eye chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the waysthat my crown chakra is blocked.

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

    I clear all of the emotions and all of the meanings connected to all of these


    I bring all of my chakras into a perfect state of alignment.

    All of my chakras are balanced as they were designed to be.

    My entire chakra system is now functioning optimally.

    Very powerful energy surges are generally experienced during this clearing. Many people

    will experience the sensation of an opening of the core channel of their body, in a waythat is similar to a kundalini rising 4, though less overwhelming.

    The Energy Grids

    Some people find when doing energy work that it is effective at the time, yet it doesnt

    seem to hold very well. They notice that they have to revisit the same issues andincidents, over and over again. Sometimes what is happening is that different aspects ofthose issues or incidents are coming up. This is very normal. However, it may be that the

    very same parts that previously had felt successfully cleared have again becomeproblematic.

    Why does this happen? According to Donna Eden, the body contains an energy gridsystem that supports the overall energy system of the body. During times of shock or

    trauma, the individual grids may break. Having breaks in your energy grids can lead toenergy work not holding well. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to repair the bodys grids.

    4Kundalini is a spiritual energy that lies dormant in everyone, coiled at the base of the spine. Once

    awakened, through meditation or other spiritual practices, i t travels upward to the crown chakra, leading the

    person to a spiritual awakening.

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    This is usually done by an energy grid practitioner who has been specially trained byDonna Eden.

    But grid practitioners can be difficult to access in many parts of the world, which led us

    to the idea of using ZPoint to repair energy grids. We have seen excellent results with

    using ZPoint in this manner.

    Before doing clearing statements to repair energy grids, please work on the chakra-strengthening statements listed earlier in this chapter. The grid system requires a strong

    chakra system in order to function optimally. Although the instructions in installation ofthe cue word specify tha t use of the cue word will allow only the best of all possibleoutcomes, it is still wise to first strengthen the chakra system. It isnt always in your best

    interest to repair grids unless the chakra system is strong enough to fully support thegrids. (For further information on the energy grid system, seeEnergy Medicineby Donna

    Eden, or visit Donna Edens website at www.innersource.net.)

    I clear all of the waysthat my energy grids are broken. I clear all of the waysthat my energy grids are misaligned.

    I clear all the reasons my energy grids originally broke.

    I allow my grids to repair gently and easily.

    I allow my energy field to realign to its natural state.

    I allow my energy grids to connect with the grid lines of the earth.

    I allow my grids to repair completely.

    My energy grids are now realigned.

    My energy flows in all the waysit was designed to.

    I clear all of the waysany and all other energy pathways are misaligned. I clear all the reasons why these other grids may be misaligned.

    I clear any energetic imbalance between my right side and left side.

    I clear any energetic imbalance between my top half and bottom half.

    I clear any energetic imbalance between my front and back.

    I clear any energetic imbalance between my inside and outside.

    I clear any energetic imbalance between all these eight aspects.

    I allow my energy to flow without hindrance or blockage.

    My grids are now resistant to shock.

    I clear all of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my body.

    I clear all of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my energy field.

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways and reasons.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    I allow my subconscious mind to create statements based upon the

    content of this clearing and run them now.

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    I extend all of this clearing to my past, present and future.

    I now retroactively repeat all of the clearings that I have ever done.

    I now run all statements from my higher self that I would benefit from hearing

    right now.

    I clear all of the statements I did not say but could have, would have or should

    have said.

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    Chapter 6

    Task Two Releasing Sacred

    AgreementsWhen we are confronted with a situation that causes great upset or pain, we often make

    an agreement with ourselves not to put ourselves in a position where we would bevulnerable to feeling this way again. These sacred contracts with ourselves remain tucked

    away within our subconscious minds and act just like a filter on a camera, letting in onlyexperiences that dont act against or break the contract.

    These agreements are made and kept for our protection. However, a difficulty arisessooner or later when a personality reaches a certain level of awareness or growth.

    Emotionally, they are no longer in their spiritual infancy where they need to be protectedfrom the consequences of their own thoughts. They have reached a point where thisprotection stifles further growth and must be set aside. This is the point each of you is at


    There is a second type of sacred agreement: these are the agreements made betweenourselves and others. Although contracts of this nature are essentially contracts withourselves, for our purposes we will treat them differently.

    On a soul level, balance is the most sought-after quality. And balance implies being at thezero point, where there are no attachments either way. If I, as an individual, feel that I

    owe you something, I will feel the pull of that obligation until it is fulfilled. This mayalso be viewed as a karmic debt. Using ZPoint to clear this debt automatically brings the

    issue into balance and releases the debt.

    Clearing Statements for Releasing Sacred Agreements

    Use the following statements to clear sacred agreements with yourself, and betweenyourself and others:

    I set the intention to be my authentic self completely.

    I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being. I acknowledge that my natural state is one of grace and acceptance.

    I fully allow myself to be my authentic self completely.

    All false beliefs and ideas that do not serve my joy fall away now.

    I am at peace.

    I am enough.

    I am wonderful.

    I am amazing.

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    I am filled with light.

    I am filled with joy.

    I acknowledge my connection with all that is.

    I acknowledge my connection with all aspects of myself.

    I am grateful to be alive.

    I am grateful for my place in this web of life. I acknowledge that I am a powerful spiritual being.

    I clear all of the agreements that I made with myself before coming into this life.

    I clear any and all agreements made with anyone before coming into this life.

    I release everyone and everything that no longer serves the divine plan of my life.

    I affirm that everyone and everything that no longer serves the divine plan of mylife releases me.

    I release any and all sacred contracts that no longer serve my joy.

    I clear all of the patterns connected with all of these contracts.

    I clear all of the emotions connected with all of these patterns.

    I extend this clearing to my past, my present and my future.

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    Chapter 7

    Task Three Moving Into Your Own

    Power1The idea for this clearing first occurred when Grant noticed he was having difficulty

    clearing a personal issue. No matter how he tried, it would not seem to shift.

    Finally, in discussing it, we agreed it was not about the issue directly but rather fears ofcoming into his own power that were likely holding the problem in place. We came upwith some statements to address this, and he noticed huge energy surges during the power

    clearing. He also found that the other issue then cleared more easily. Others who havetried this clearing have reported similar and incredibly powerful experiences with it.

    Clearing Statements for Moving Into Your Own Power

    Use the following statements to help you remove fears about coming into your own


    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to be powerful.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I need to hide.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my happiness.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my prosperity.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my joy.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my peace.

    I clear all of the waysthat I let others hold the keys to my moving forward in life.

    I clear all of the waysthat I hide my potential.

    I clear all of the waysthat I fear coming into my power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I block myself from coming into my power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I pretend I dont have power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I choose to not use my power. I clear all of the waysthat I take on less than roles.

    I clear all of the waysthat I take on responsibility for how others feel.

    I clear all of the waysthat my past-life issues affect my feelings about being


    1 Power used in this context does not equate with force. This is not a technique to become more forceful,

    rather it is a way to connect to and align yourself with your highest aspirations, whatever they may be.

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    I clear all of the waysthat my past-life issues affect my willingness to be


    I clear all of the waysthat I am scared what will happen if I come into my power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I will not allow my power to flow.

    I clear all of the reasons I see myself as less than others.

    I clear all of the reasons I am unwilling to come into my power.

    I clear all of the reasons I have anxiety about coming into my power.

    I clear all of the reasons I dont want to come into my power.

    I clear all of the reasons I resist knowing who I am.

    I clear all of the waysthat I am afraid I wont know who I am if I embrace mypower.

    I clear all of the waysthat I sabotage myself.

    I clear all of the waysthat I fear getting lost in my ego if I embrace my power.

    I clear all of the wayspart of me would choose to get lost in my ego if Iembraced my power.

    I clear all of the waysthat I still uphold belief systems about empowerment that

    no longer serve my best interests.

    I clear all of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my body.

    I clear all of the waysthat all of these issues have been held in my energy field.

    I clear any and all past-life issues connected to all of this clearing.

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways, decisions, reasons andissues.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    I clear any mechanism or vulnerability within me that would allow any of these

    issues to return.

    I now am aware of who I am.

    I fully embrace my power.

    I fully embrace my strength.

    When the opportunity comes, I take it and do it.

    It is safe to be powerful. It is safe to fully be who I am.

    It is safe to let energy flow through me.

    It is safe for me to use my voice.

    It is safe for me to hold strong to who I am.

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    Chapter 8

    Task Four Transforming Core

    BeliefsWhen we work with clients, it is often apparent to us that people tend to play out certain

    themes in their lives over and over again. We believe that this occurs partly because earlyin life, in response to things we are told or experience, we make a decision about

    ourselves, others or the world. Our later behaviours and experiences then play out andreflect these earlier decisions or core beliefs.

    In order to change our core beliefs, therefore, we work on clearing the originaldecisions that were made, which led to the creation of these beliefs. It doesnt matter if

    you can remember when or why you first came to these decisions your subconsciousmind will clear them for you if you simply ask it to. You can then be more open to havingnew experiences and creating new life patterns that are reflective of the essence of who

    you really are rather than the erroneous conclusions you came to early in life.

    Clearing Statements for Core Beliefs

    Some examples of clearing statements for common core beliefs follow. Not all of thesewill be central themes for everyone, but most of you will relate strongly to at least some

    of them.

    You also may have internalized any number of additional core beliefs that arent on the

    list. In order to figure out what your core beliefs are, when you experience upset, distressor confusion, stop and work first on clearing the upsetting emotion, with an awareness of

    noticing any beliefs hiding behind it. Often these hidden core beliefs tend to run inthemes over time and will permeate many areas of your life.

    For ease of use, we have divided these examples of core beliefs into sections according tobeliefs about self, beliefs about others and beliefs about the world.

    Core Beliefs about Self

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not good enough.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am incompetent.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am alone.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am unwanted.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am inherently flawed.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am defective.

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    I clear the original decisionI made that I am powerless.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am wrong.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am inferior.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am nothing.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am worthless. I clear the original decisionI made that I am invisible.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am insignificant.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am unacceptable.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I dont belong.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am unwelcome.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I dont fit in.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am a nobody.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am nothing.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am boring.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I dont matter.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am ugly.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am dirty.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its all my fault.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am crazy.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I have no control.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am out of control.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am a failure.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I will fail.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am undeserving. I clear the original decisionI made that there is something wrong with me.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am weak.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I have to be strong.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am ineffective.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am a victim.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I have no choice.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I cant stand up for myself.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am a loser.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not worthy.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I dont matter.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not interesting.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am wrong.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am stupid.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I cant understand.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not understood.

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    I clear the original decisionI made that I am a mistake.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am bad.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not safe.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am helpless.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am vulnerable.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am afraid. I clear the original decisionI made that I am uncertain.

    I clear the original decisionI made that bad things that happen are my fault.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am not capable.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I cant say no.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I cant say what I need.

    Core Beliefs about Others

    Many of the preceding statements can simply be reworded with the word others. Forexample, instead of I clear the original decision I made that I am less than, you can

    say, I clear the original decision I made that others are less than. In addition, thefollowing may be relevant:

    I clear the original decisionI made to not let anyone get close to me.

    I clear the original decisionI made that men/women are bad.

    I clear the original decisionI made that men/women are less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that racial minorities are less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that children are less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that the elderly are less than. I clear the original decisionI made that people with disabilities are less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that people who are gay or lesbian are less


    I clear the original decisionI made that any minority group is inherently less


    I clear the original decisionI made that any member of any spiritual faith is

    inherently less than.

    I clear the original decisionI made that anyone who is different from me is

    inherently less than.

    Core Beliefs about the World

    I clear the original decisionI made that the world is bad.

    I clear the original decisionI made that the world is not safe.

    I clear the original decisionI made that the world is evil.

    I clear the original decisionI made that I am alone in the world.

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    I clear the original decisionI made that I cant trust God/the universe to protect


    Core Beliefs about Rules

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to be myself. I clear the original decisionI made that its not okay to show feelings.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not okay to express feelings.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not okay to feel feelings.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to be happy.

    I clear the original decisionI made that all good things must come to an end.

    I clear the original decisionI made that we get what we deserve.

    I clear the original decisionI made that there isnt enough to go around.

    I clear the original decisionI made that you have to work very hard to get ahead.

    I clear the original decisionI made that true love is only found in fairy tales.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to say no.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to say what I need.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not okay to ask for help.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to ask for help.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to feel good.

    I clear the original decisionI made that its not safe to stand up for myself.

    I clear the original decisionI made that life is not fair.

    Following the core belief clearing, do the following clearing:

    I clear all of the ways that all of these decisions were being held in my body.

    I clear all of the ways that all of these decisions were being held in my energy


    Finally, finish with steps 2 and 3:

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these decisions.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    As you can see, the applications for core beliefs and the potential of tremendous

    benefits to yourself and the world if unhealthy beliefs are cleared are endless.

    You may also want to take the time to figure out what new core beliefs you would like to

    embrace to take the place of the ones you have cleared, and install them accordingly.

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    Chapter 9

    Task Five Healing Your Relationships

    Healing relationships with ZPoint is a very simple process that clears away the debris of

    past anger, resentment, disappointment, hatred and other negative emo tions that are oftenexpressed through our everyday relationships. In this chapter, you will learn how to heal

    and clear away those difficult feelings permanently and with surprisingly little effort orupset. Then, amazingly, you will find yourself able to hold only love in your heart,allowing you to move forward to experience tremendous personal growth, love and self-

    expression. The result is that you will become peaceful about the relationship you wereworking on.

    Most people who have used ZPoint to heal relationships report that what previously got

    them upset just wasnt all that important any more. They were no longer bothered by thedeep anger, resentment or whatever it was that had previously caused them pain or upsetwhenever they thought about that particular individual.

    Clearing a relationship with someone you love, such as a deceased parent, can bringperspective and loving acceptance while releasing any residual anger, guilt or upset.

    Clearing a relationship with someone you hate can bring peace, perspective and

    acceptance as well. While you may never choose to be around that person in the future,he or she will cease to be important in your life and in your thoughts.

    Working with the Process

    Decide on the relationship you wish to heal.

    Write down the name of the person you are working with. Make certain yoursubconscious knows exactly what you are clearing.

    On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 represents no upset at all and 10 is the highest level ofupset possible, how intense are your feelings associated with this relationship right now?

    After setting your intention to heal the relationship, say the following three statements.Remember to stay tuned in to your body for signs of release:

    I clear all of the ways that I feel anything less than love for [name of person].

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

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    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    Check In: If, after completing the three steps, you dont feel completely peaceful towardthe person you are working on, use the following steps:

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel any anger toward [name of person]. I clear all of the waysthat I judge [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel critical toward [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I blame [name of person] for anything.

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel shame in connection with [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel resentment toward [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel guilt in connection with [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel any fear toward [name of person].

    I clear all of the waysthat I remain unforgiving toward [name of person].

    I clear all of the sadness I feel in relation to [name of person].

    I clear all of the worry I feel in relation to [name of person].

    I clear all of the anxiety I feel in relation to [name of person].

    I clear all of the loss I feel in relation to [name of person].

    Then do steps 2 and 3:

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    Roles Releasing What Doesnt Belong to You

    We have a friend who believes that up to 80 percent of who we think we are is simplyroles that we willingly assume from people with whom we interact every day.

    Most families have created roles for their members. For example, Mary is the smart one

    of the family. She is the one who is responsible and who works hard at everything shedoes. She is unselfish and uncomplaining about putting other family members needsbefore her own.

    Mary accepts this definition of herself willingly, because it gives her identity and securitywithin the family. She may also extend that role to her work life and her relationship life.She may have assumed the role so completely that she cant imagine herself notresponding to life and everyone in it in this way. And this may work well for her until she

    comes up against a situation that requires a different role. Then she may re-evaluateherself in relation to this role and decide that it is too limiting.

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    How often have you gone to a party and had someone asked you what you do for aliving? When they say, Hi; what do you do? what they are really asking you is: What is

    your role in life? Are you a teacher, taking on the teacher role? Or are you a nurse,doctor or therapist, taking on the healer role? Perhaps you are a mother or a father and

    see yourself almost exclusively through the lens of this particular role. The more

    successful among us recognize these roles and allow themselves to assume more than onerole at a time.

    The only problem is that we are more than the roles that weve decided to adopt. We are

    human beings, and at our core we rebel against assuming such limited definitions forourselves. When we allow others to define us, we limit how we see ourselves. No onedoes this to us. We do it to ourselves.

    Life is about choices. When we limit our choices by mindlessly accepting the roles that

    others assign to us, we limit our ability to choose ways that will move us toward our ownhappiness. If you live in a box, sooner or later you will run up against one or all of thewalls of that box.

    What if your happiness lies beyond the confines of that box?

    Therefore, please take the opportunity to clear all the ways that you have assumedunconsciously limited roles from your mother, your father, your sisters and brothers, your

    uncle and aunts, your grandmothers and grandfathers. Clear all of the ways that you arestill connected to and expressing all of these roles in your life. When you do, you will

    begin to see your life in terms of who you are right now. Today. This moment. And fromthat perspective, seeing who you really are and recognizing what you really need to behappy frees you to be able to move boldly in that direction.

    Being happy is not a selfish act. And anyone who would tell you that you are being

    selfish for choosing your own happiness first is asking you to assume a role that is notyour own.

    It may also be the case that you have assigned roles to others that are not in either of yourbest interests. For example, if you have assigned the role of caregiver to someone else,

    this may create concerns for them while also preventing you from taking as much care ofyourself as you otherwise might.

    You can clear on the following by making make a list of everyone you may haveassumed roles from or assigned roles to, plugging in their names or your relationship with

    them and doing the following steps:

    I clear all of the waysthat I took on any roles that werent mine from [name of


    I clear all of the waysthat I assigned any roles to [name of person] that were not


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    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    Clearing the Relationship with Yourself

    Clearing this relationship can have the most profound and lasting impact on your life.

    Your relationship with yourself affects virtually every aspect of your life, including yourrelationship with money and abundance. There is a direct correlation between how wefeel about ourselves and how willing we are to allow ourselves joy, ease and financial

    security. The more we accept ourselves, the more good we will allow into our lives.

    Just clear the following:

    I clear all of the waysthat I am angry with myself for anything. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I sit in judgment over my actions. < cue> I clear all of the waysthat I criticize myself. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I blame myself for anything. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I am ashamed of anything Ive ever done. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I am guilty about anything Ive ever done or by

    omission refused to do. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I dont trust myself. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I seek to limit myself or limit my feelings. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel resentful toward anyone because of the choices

    Ive had to make in my life. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I fear my own power. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I wont forgive myself. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I feel responsible to others for anything. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I wont nurture myself. < cue>

    I clear all of the waysthat I refuse to love and accept myself completely.

    I love myself. < cue>

    I love who I am. < cue>

    I accept myself fully and completely. < cue>

    I accept who I am. < cue>

    I accept my life completely. < cue>

    I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways.

    I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns.

    A Case Study

    Grant had four sessions with a lovely woman of 60. To preserve her anonymity, well call

    her Jennifer. He tells her story:

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    I liked Jennifer as soon as I met her. She confided that hers was a difficultmarriage, where she felt ignored and abandoned. Her husband was very

    successful in his field and had little time and patience for her. In fact, she felt thatmost of the people she knew treated her this way, including her 90-year-old

    mother-in-law, who was strongly disapproving of Jennifer.

    Her original reason for calling me was to get some help in her relationship with

    her husband, and for the first two sessions we focused on clearing these primaryrelationships in her life. We cleared her mother, father, children, mother-in-law(which took a fair amount of work) and, of course, her husband. We also worked

    on how these relationships made her feel about herself. We cleared the wholegamut of feelings and patterns, including anger, resentment, fear, being

    judgmental and unforgiveness.

    After the second session, Jennifer told me she saw a big improvement in the way

    her husband treated her. He seemed more attentive and had more patience for herpoint of view. She was thrilled.

    In the third session, we focused on relationships outside of Jennifers familycircle. We cleared everyone for whom she felt anything less than love. And last,

    we began working on clearing her relationship with herself. We finished this inthe fourth and final session.

    I followed up with Jennifer about a month after our last appointment. She told methat she was amazed at the changes in her life. She saw a major change in the way

    she felt about herself. Other than a brief time of upset, which we cleared with animpromptu session, she continued to feel peaceful, relaxed and loving. Therelationship with her husband has continued to improve, and the changes she is

    experiencing are also being reflected in him. Jennifer says that her mother-in-lawhas remained the same, but Jennifer is no longer upset by her behaviour in the

    slightest way.

    One of the most amazing things I see, time after time, is that there appear to be

    invisible connections between people. These connections extend from one personto another and dont seem to be affected by time or distance. Jennifer told me thatfour of the people outside her family that we had cleared called her out of the blue

    just to talk to her, even though they had no idea what she was doing. Each of themspoke to her with kindness, respect and consideration. These are people who

    before the sessions wouldnt have had the time of day for her. She was astonishedthat clearing all of those feelings of less than love within her could affect each ofthose four individuals. But it did and in a very powerful way. This is a big

    change, and is well beyond the realm of coincidence.

    If you identify with Jennifer and would like to create positive change in your life, we canthink of no better way of doing it than by sitting down and preparing a list of everyonefor whom you feel anything less than love. Use the process and work your way though

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    that list. Then just sit back, relax and watch how your actions have affected everyonearound you. You will be astounded!

    Here are some additional statements to help you work through conflicted relationships.

    These were provided by a member of the SharingZeroPoint list on Yahoo.com. You can

    use any that you feel are appropriate.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a parent].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of family member].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of relatives/a relative].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a friend/ex-friend].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a workmate/ex-workmate].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of my boss/ex-boss].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of any person I have mixed

    feelings about].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a particular race]. I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a particular religion].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a particular political


    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a particular profession].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a particular type of music].

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate [name of a recurring problem


    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate the world.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate life itself.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate hatred.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate love.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate relationships.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate myself.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate my body.

    I clear all of the waysthat I love and hate my life.

    Then complete the ZPoint process by repeating steps 2 and 3, clearing patterns andemotions.

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    Chapter 10

    Task Six Healing P