zontagram january 2015 - zonta club of everett washington...zontagram january 2015 zonta of everett...

Zontagram January 2015 Zonta of Everett • P.O. Box 5204, Everett, WA 98206 • www.zontaeverett.org • www.zontadistrict8.org Inside This Issue: Zonta Meetings and Information 1 President’s Message 2 Advocacy Alert - WEPs 3 Visit with Pearson College Students & January Birthdays 4 Founder’s Day & Holiday Auction 5 Zonta Club Meeting Schedule 6 Z-Lightful $$ & Raffle Reminders 7 Celebrate Amelia Earhart Month 8-10 Upcoming Meetings & Events —**see Zonta Calendar for details and committee meetings: Jan. 15 th – 11:30am – Business Meeting (Amelia Earhart Speaker) Legion Memorial Golf Course Feb. 19 th 11:30am Services Awards Meeting – Sno Isle Skills Center ** See page 6 for full meeting schedule ** Club Officers: President: Dr. Suzanne Poppema Vice President: Linda Lepak Secretary: Carol Janowicz Treasurer: Karen Fugate Immediate Past President: Dr. Susan Zakos Directors: 2013-2015: Debra Bordsen & Luanne Kunz 2014-2016: Nedra Shumaker & Judy Gish Newsletter Deadline for Submissions: 26 th of the Month Email to [email protected] Check out your NEW and much improved website: http://www.everettzonta.org/

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Page 1: Zontagram January 2015 - Zonta Club of Everett Washington...Zontagram January 2015 Zonta of Everett • P.O. ox 5204, Everett, WA 98206 • • Inside This Issue: Zonta Meetings and

Zontagram January 2015

Zonta of Everett • P.O. Box 5204, Everett, WA 98206 • www.zontaeverett.org • www.zontadistrict8.org

Inside This Issue:

Zonta Meetings and Information 1

President’s Message 2

Advocacy Alert - WEPs 3

Visit with Pearson College Students &

January Birthdays 4

Founder’s Day & Holiday Auction 5

Zonta Club Meeting Schedule 6

Z-Lightful $$ & Raffle Reminders 7

Celebrate Amelia Earhart Month 8-10

Upcoming Meetings & Events —**see Zonta Calendar for details and committee meetings:

Jan. 15th – 11:30am – Business Meeting (Amelia Earhart Speaker) Legion Memorial Golf Course Feb. 19th – 11:30am – Services Awards Meeting – Sno Isle Skills Center ** See page 6 for full meeting schedule **

Club Officers: President: Dr. Suzanne Poppema Vice President: Linda Lepak Secretary: Carol Janowicz Treasurer: Karen Fugate Immediate Past President: Dr. Susan Zakos

Directors: 2013-2015: Debra Bordsen & Luanne Kunz 2014-2016: Nedra Shumaker & Judy Gish

Newsletter Deadline for Submissions: 26

th of the Month

Email to [email protected]

Check out your NEW and much improved website:


Page 2: Zontagram January 2015 - Zonta Club of Everett Washington...Zontagram January 2015 Zonta of Everett • P.O. ox 5204, Everett, WA 98206 • • Inside This Issue: Zonta Meetings and

Page 2 Zontagram – January 2015


Happy New Year! Phew, we survived the Holidays and can now enjoy that momentary sense of having plenty of time ahead to accomplish even more this coming year! Before we launch into plans for next year, here are some highlights from last year: I think we can feel justifiably proud of our Zonta work.

We really did provide education about advocacy for women in each of our program meetings (thanks Michelle), the issues discussed were all so relevant, Advocacy for victims of violent crime, working in the aerospace industry and being a role model for young women in STEM career paths, advocacy for women needing a boost to get back to a place to successfully mother their children, efforts in Nepal to free women from human bondage and trafficking among others. We provided useful housekeeping gifts to DVS’ transition housing women as a special event during the “Zonta Shelters Women” drive.

Our Club put on a wonderful District Workshop, well attended and appreciated.

We got to give away $36,000 to 9 local agencies, $9000 to three WIT recipients, the usual $2000 each to YWPA and Jane Klausman scholarship recipients and still were able to give $5000 to ZI Foundation and $5000 for ZISVAW and $1000 toward the Amelia Earhart scholarship. Amazing, we’re such a small group and it’s even more impressive to look at this retrospective of finances and see what we were able to accomplish! Not only that , we ALSO planned and put on a marvelously successful Auction and inspired sponsors for Two of our scholarships for 2015, the Young Women in Public Affairs(thank you Chris!) and the Jane Klausman (thank you Kathryn, Isbell’s sister)!

We have a very well thought out plan for fund development in place which will help direct our efforts effectively (thanks Windsor).

We welcomed three new members and one “rejoiner” (thanks Membership, Susan and then Linda).

We welcomed a ZClub at Interlake High School (thanks Cynthia). This is a truly inspirational group of young women!

We got to have such a nice time at the Holiday Auction (brilliant, Program Advocacy women!).

Unfortunately we sadly received news of the death of Jean Cooley McKay an inspiring Zontian last April.

Impressive list, is it not? It most certainly energizes me for the year to come. We have such exciting plans for 2015 such as our International Women’s Day/Zonta Rose Day luncheon featuring Ms. Kat Taylor to inspire and energize our work to empower women economically and politically. We get to choose our scholarship recipients, make our agency donations, travel to conferences together and just have some fun together. I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy 2015 and truly look forward to continuing our work together.

Suzanne T Poppema, MD

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Page 3 Zontagram – January 2015

Advocacy Alert: Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

A new platform for advocacy is being offered to Zonta clubs and districts. In

addition to influencing the making and

implementation of laws and general attitudes, we

can now extend our advocacy efforts to the business


The Women's Empowerment Principles - Equality

Means Business is a partnership initiative of UN Women

and the UN Global Compact that encourages

engagement with business, civil society, the United

Nations and Governments to advance and empower

women in the workplace, marketplace and


The Seven Principles were designed as a tool for

business to strengthen and create company policies

and programs to achieve gender equality. The

Principles also provide a platform for a multi-

stakeholder approach to advancing gender equality.

Clubs and districts are encouraged to use the WEPs

as one of their advocacy tools and, when possible, to

seek collaboration with UN Women offices, UN National Committees and local

UN Global Compact representatives.

To learn more, go here:


Zonta is a powerful organization creating positive

change in women's lives throughout the world.

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Page 4 Zontagram – January 2015

Visit with our Pearson College Students

As most of you know each year our Club is assigned 3 rooms of students at Pearson College to adopt for the year. This year we have 3 rooms in the Japan House with 4 students in each room. During my recent trip to Victoria, BC, I was able to visit the College and enjoy a very lively lunch with 7 of our students. Seiya from Japan, Isaac from Canada, Tianxing better known as Roger from China, Martin from Czech Republic, Tommaso from Italy, Kami from the Marshall Islands and Keegen from Canada. What a delightful lunch we had as they filled me in on what it is like to be a Pearsonite. Six of the seven that joined me were all 1st Years, only Martin is a 2nd Year and he is very sad about leaving Pearson at the end of the school year.

They were all very appreciative of the goodie bags that they received on behalf of the Club. I am sure they were munching on the Christmas Cookies, mandarin oranges, popcorn and of course the Nutella spread as soon they had a minute. Their days are long with breakfast around 7:30, then 3 classes in the morning and 1 after lunch. But their days do not end after the last class, they have to find time for discussion groups, special projects, dinner, studying, Rehearsal for the One World Concert just to name a few. They tell me that they usually return to their rooms around 9:00pm for more studying. Good news is that their internet access goes down at Midnight so no night owls allowed. I hope you will all have the opportunity to make a visit to the College or attend the One World Concert in Victoria in 2015. Submitted by Cindy Phillips

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Linda Polverari – January 14th

Patty Monteith – January 18th

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Page 5 Zontagram – January 2015

2014 Founder’s Day Award

The Zonta Club of Everett presents a Founder’s Day Award each year to a present or past member of the club that has shown exceptional service to the local club, to Zonta International and to her community. The recipient of this year’s Founder’s Day Award is Cynthia Weaver. Cynthia joined our club in 2008 and since then has been very active. She has served as an active committee member, a board member, auction chair and as President. While she was President, she served as our club’s international delegate to the Zonta International meeting in Torino. Cynthia has spent countless hours on the phone and over coffee or lunch talking to prospective members about Zonta. She even was a guest on a local radio station talking about Zonta. She has been a super advocate for Zonta’s mission. Outside of Zonta, Cynthia serves on many other boards for service agencies. Because she is so busy it took us this long to catch up with her to give her award! Even in her work, she strives to live the mission of Zonta by being of assistance to the underprivileged. Congratulations to Cynthia on receiving the 2014 Zonta Club of Everett’s Founder’s Day Award!

2014 Holiday Auction

THANK YOU Michelle D. and your Program/Advocacy committee members for putting on such a wonderful Holiday Auction!!! I know how much work that was and we ALL really, really, appreciate it!!

Photo: Carrie Blair & daughter

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Page 6 Zontagram – January 2015

Zonta Club of Everett Meeting Schedule 2014-2015

Location: Legion Memorial Golf Course

144 West Marine View Drive

Everett, WA 98201



February Location: Meeting is at the Le Bistro at the Sno Isle Skills Center

9001 Airport Rd, Everett, WA 98204

The March Meeting is on Wednesday March 25th

and is a longer special Meeting located at the

Holiday Inn in downtown Everett

January 15 Bus/Meeting (Amelia Earhart Speaker)

Cornelia (Corky) Townsend, Director of Aviation Safety for Commercial Airplanes

11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Meeting starts at noon

February 19: Services Awards Meeting at the Sno Isle Skills Center

11:30 am to 2:00 pm. Meeting starts at noon

March 5: Business Meeting

7:30 am to 9:30 am. Breakfast served at 7:30 am

Wednesday March 25: International Women's Day Meeting (Ms. Kat Taylor Keynote Speaker)

11:30 am to 2:00 pm. At the downtown Everett Holiday Inn. Meeting starts at noon

April 2 Business Meeting

7:30 am to 9:30 am. Breakfast served at 7:30 am

April 16 Meeting (Everett Police Detective on Human Trafficking and Crime Prevention)

11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Meeting starts at noon

May 7 Business Meeting

7:30 am to 9:30 am. Breakfast served at 7:30 am

May 21 VIP Dinner (YWPA, Jane Klausman, WIT Scholarships) Officer Installation

5:30 pm to 9:00pm--approximate time frame

June 11 Business Meeting

7:30 am to 9:30 am. Breakfast served at 7:30 am

June 25 Meeting (Wise Women)

11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Meeting starts at noon

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Page 7 Zontagram – January 2015

Raffle Donations:

Thank you, to all who have volunteered. Upcoming reminders: Jan. 15th – Lunch – Janice Henning Feb. 19th – Lunch - TBD

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Page 8 Zontagram – January 2015

Celebrate AE Month this January

Help women get their wings.

Use the materials below to celebrate Amelia Earhart month this January. Honor Amelia by

sharing information about our AE Fellowship to women in aerospace-related sciences or

aerospace-related engineering or make your donation today to the Amelia Earhart Fund on ZI


Amelia Earhart Paper Airplane | instructions | letter-sized

(give this to a girl and let her imagination take flight)

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Page 10: Zontagram January 2015 - Zonta Club of Everett Washington...Zontagram January 2015 Zonta of Everett • P.O. ox 5204, Everett, WA 98206 • • Inside This Issue: Zonta Meetings and