zitto kabwe africa berlin

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  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    CLASH OF INTERESTSBetween economic

    aspirations and social


    Economics Conference

    Commitment to Africa

    Initiative on 9-11

    December 2012 Berlin,


    Presentation by Zitto Kabwe

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Developmentcooperation needs

    to be configured to

    ensure it takesplace within a

    framework of

    partnership while

    involving as much

    of the population

    as possible.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Mindsets are changing - slowly

    Implications for encouraging a major role of the privatesector in responding to societal development and at thesame time promoting their own aspirations.

    Identification of possible areas for partnership.

    In Africa private companies have for ages been definingtheir interests as simply profit maximization and side-liningthe communities and the society they make that profitfrom.

    The mindset is however increasingly changing - but social

    responsibility is charity instead of acting responsibly andsustainably.

    Broad definition of CSR and underlining factors thatinfluence businesses to act in a responsible way.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Example of a business successfully

    achieving both goals

    By definition, a successful business will aim at

    improving itself through growth, market

    control, and distributing benefit to its


    This is how business was done for years and is

    still done in some enterprises.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Critics of business as development

    Contribute to economic development, but not humandevelopment or wellbeing.

    Focus on value appropriation than value creation

    Inefficient use of resources

    Add to social problems and economic inequality Undermine government role and capabilities

    Do not account for the external impact of their activities

    In Africa, there are many examples of corporations acting in

    an irresponsible way, and the reason is believed to be theirpursuit of profit and financial performance. Some of thechallenges we see are linked to tax payment, corruption,Illicit money transfer, money laundry etc.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    What motivates responsibility?

    Companies acting responsibly are performing

    financially as well (or better) than

    irresponsible companies, even in the absence

    of coercion.

    How do they reconcile their business

    aspiration and social responsibility?

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    What is CSR?

    The methods mainly based on financial engineering worked

    until the actors in the market started changing their ethics,

    their models and their own aspirations.

    Businesses had to become creative and innovative, and had to

    analyse the context, then adapt to the new changes.

    In the late 60s and early 70s businesses became increasingly

    aware of the fact that their activities had positive and

    negative impacts not only on the shareholder, but to a group

    of people, and that compliance with fair rules that benefitedthe stakeholders had a positive impact on their financial

    performances (aspirations).

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Charity and corruption

    CSR is not just charity actions conducted by a company in thecommunities where it operates, CSR is not an action. CSR is abehaviour and can be defined as a process that aims at influencingthe company action in order to maximise its positive impact on itsstakeholders or its surroundings.

    In Africa, private companies from the developed world performwhat they label as CSR in regards of i.e. school buildings, mosquitonets or rehabilitation etc.

    Requesting more school desks or more mosquito nets would resultin a negative performance in their financial books. At the sametime, some of these companies use accounting techniques to

    transfer most of their revenues to offshore and pay less tax inAfrican countries or not at all.

    A socially corporation acts responsibly by paying its taxes.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Pay tax

    Amongst many responsible CSR examples, trainingtheir employees in new technologies of production andkeeping their health and safety records positive,business save money and increase their performance.

    CSR hence isnt a specific action done to avoidreputation damage or sanctions, but is part of thebusiness model to maximize profits for all stakeholders.

    By paying their taxes to governments companies

    enable governments to pursue their mandate properly.By denouncing corruption they participate in sustaininga healthy environment for business etc.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    A succesful business in Africa

    Distribution of a two page case study on a

    successful business that has had great impact

    on the development of local communities in

    Africa as well as a high profitability, by

    focusing on the aforementioned key areas.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Robbing Africa

    Africa is being robbed of its resources through tax avoidance done bymultinationals.

    From 2000-2010 more than USD 844bn was flown out of developingcountries yearly through capital flight and 69% of this was from Africa(Global Financial Integrity Report 2011).

    The global FDI inflow in 2011 was 1.5 trillion USD (UNCTAD 2012) whilecapital flight from developing countries is averaged at 0.84 trillion USD peryear and 0.58trn USD of this money is from Sub-Saharan Africa.

    The total FDI to Africa was a mere 37 billion USD - 2011 almost samefigure to total foreign flows to Sub Sahara Africa. So while a total amountof 538 billions of USD leaves Africa illicitly as proceeds of bribery, theft,kickbacks and tax evasion and avoidance, only around 80bn USD flow into

    Africa as FDI and aid combined. For every 1 USD coming to Africa, 7 USD illicitly leaves Africa! This is

    unacceptable and henceforth must be mainstreamed into thedevelopment cooperation agenda.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Possible areas for partnerships?

    In order for businesses to express their CSR in the most beneficial way forstakeholders, they are influenced by:

    Good domestic tax law that raise the price of irresponsible behaviours and rewardcompanies that act responsibly in their countries of operations.

    Well-organised institutionsboth normative and cultural - with a clear framework.A set of standard best practices that could serve as a guideline in specific fields.

    Increased competition between businesses to emulate good behaviours. Increasing transparency and strong governance issues.

    Independent organisations monitoring businesses behaviours and mobilising tochange it.

    Participation of businesses in academic and research fields.

    Their membership to associations of several business sharing the same ethics and

    promoting CSR The main challenge is the creation of institutional framework with countries in

    Africa to stop capital flight as countries in the north have a role to play in thischange, given the money flow from north to south and more so vice versa.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    What can governments do?

    Governments in Europe and in Africa mustconsider the above elements and focus onfriendly laws, researches and networking, in

    order to foster the participation of businessesinto development of developing countries

    Countries like Switzerland and other tax havensfacilitate illicit money transfer by maintaining

    policies that obstruct transparency efforts, andare hence participating in the process ofimpoverishing Africa.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    What can Germany do?

    My country is a top recipient of foreign aid but more thanthird of the population is still anguishing in poverty.

    Transformational Development Cooperation is that ofempowering the people to take care of their own lives.

    Germany must up its efforts in pushing for governanceissues in Africa especially in exploitation of Africas naturalresources.

    Germany must support African countries in ending illicitmoney flows through capital flight done by multinational

    corporations. Germany must encourage its private sector, especially SMEs

    to invest in Africa.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    Future of development cooperation?


    which ends a donor-

    recipient relation

    between developingcountries and

    developed ones.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin


    [A] man is developing himself whenhe grows, or earns, enough to provide

    decent conditions for himself and his

    family; he is not being developed if

    someone gives him these things.

    Julius Kambarage Nyerere, from his book Uhuru na Maendeleo

    (Freedom and Development), 1973.

  • 7/30/2019 Zitto Kabwe Africa Berlin
