zimbra admin mailbox import

Zimbra Getting Started Guide PST Import This Getting Started Guide is provided to you as the Email Administrator for the purpose of instructing yourself and your End Users on how to migrate email messages and other information from Microsoft Outlook (2003 or 2007) to your new Zimbra accounts. For you, the Email Administrator, this includes three steps: 1. Create the email accounts in your Zimbra Administrator Console 2. Create the PST file in MS Outlook for each End User mailbox that is being imported 3. Use the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Import Wizard to import the PST file You can instruct your End Users to do the second and third steps with these instructions if you choose. Introduction for Email Administrators The Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Import Wizard is downloaded from your Zimbra Administrator Console. It is located in the Downloads section, listed as “PST Import Wizard”. If you want your End Users to migrate their own PST files to their Zimbra accounts, you will need to provide them with the ZCS Import Wizard and the information listed in the sections labeled for them further in this document. Creating Zimbra Accounts for your End Users Your Administrator Console includes the tools you need to create email accounts for your End Users one at a time. Introduction for End Users The Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Import Wizard enables you to import the information contained in your .pst file to your Zimbra account. Each email account needs to be imported individually. Before using this tool, the email account must be created in your Zimbra account by the Email Administrator. Note: Wherever you see “your_domain.com” in this Getting Started Guide, substitute your domain name, or the IP address that was sent to you in your Activation email message.

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Zimbra administration manual


Zimbra Getting Started Guide PST Import This Getting Started Guide is provided to you as the Email Administrator for the purpose of instructing yourself and your End Users on how to migrate email messages and other information from Microsoft Outlook (2003 or 2007) to your new Zimbra accounts.For you, the Email Administrator, this includes three steps: 1.Create the email accounts in your Zimbra Administrator Console 2.Create the PST file in MS Outlook for each End User mailbox that is being imported 3.Use the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Import Wizard to import the PST file You can instruct your End Users to do the second and third steps with these instructions if you choose. Introduction for Email Administrators The Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Import Wizard is downloaded from your Zimbra Administrator Console. It is located in the Downloads section, listed as PST Import Wizard.If you want your End Users to migrate their own PST files to their Zimbra accounts, you will need to provide them with the ZCS Import Wizard and the information listed in the sections labeled for them further in this document. Creating Zimbra Accounts for your End Users Your Administrator Console includes the tools you need to create email accounts for your End Users one at a time. Introduction for End Users The Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) Import Wizard enables you to import the information contained in your .pst file to your Zimbra account. Each email account needs to be imported individually. Before using this tool, the email account must be created in your Zimbra account by the Email Administrator. Note: Wherever you see your_domain.com in this Getting Started Guide, substitute your domain name, or the IP address that was sent to you in your Activation email message. Important: The ZCS Import Wizard is for use with Microsoft Outlook 2003 or 2007. It does not work with MS Outlook 2010. The ZCS tool does not import the following Outlook items: Notes Rules and alerts Journal Files created in Outlook Contacts without a complete email address in a Personal Distribution list About Your Zimbra AccountWe provide you with online access to your new Zimbra email account. The Zimbra Control Panel enables you to manage your email account and settings. To access your Zimbra account:1.Start your web browser.2.Type https://webmail.your_domain in the address bar and press Enter. The Login window appears3.Type the User ID and Password provided to you by your Email Administrator. Passwords are case sensitive. If your User ID/Password combination is incorrect, an error message appears.Note: When you first access your account, we recommend that you change your Password. To create a secure password, please use the following criteria as a minimum guideline. Minimum password length 8 charactersMinimum 1 upper case character Minimum 1 lower case character Minimum 1 punctuation symbol Minimum 1 numeric character If these guidelines are not met, an error message is displayed and the new password will not be set. Importing Your PST File from Outlook Your Email Administrator will give you the information listed in the instructions below. Keep them on hand when you import your .pst files using the ZCS Import Wizard. The main .pst file is usually in the Microsoft Outlook folder in the Local Settings/Application Data directory. If your .pst file is not located there or you arent sure which file to import, check with your Email Administrator. Creating your PST File in MS Outlook Before you can import your PST file into Zimbra, you need to create the PST file by exporting your mail using MS Outlook.Important: The ZCS Import Wizard is for use with Microsoft Outlook 2003 or 2007. It does not work with MS Outlook 2010. 1.From MS Outlook, click File, then Import/Export. The Import and Export Wizard opens. 2.Click Export to a file then click Next. The Export to a File dialog box appears. 3.Select Personal Folder File (.pst) then click Next. The Export Personal Folders dialog box appears. 4.Select the folders you want, and select Include subfolders, then click Next. The next page of the Export Personal Folders dialog box appears. 5.Type a name for the .pst file and note the location where it is being saved so that you can find it later. 6.Select Replace duplicates with items exported then click Finish. The Create Microsoft Personal Folders dialog box appears. 7.Name the Personal Folder and optionally Password protect it if you want. Click OK. Outlook creates your PST file in the location you indicated in the wizard.Note: This process may take longer to finish depending upon the size of your Outlook account. Importing your PST file using the ZCS Import Wizard Once you have downloaded this file, follow the steps below: 1.Open the ZCS Import Wizard for Outlook. The first field window will give you basic information about the Import Wizard for Outlook. Click Next. The Import Destination Window appears. 2.Enter the information that your administrator has given you in each of the following fields: oHostname. The Zimbra server domain name (DNS). oPort. The port number for the server. Use 443 for a secure connection. oUse Secure Connection. Check this box to use a secure connection. oUsername. Your Zimbra account email address. The address should be entered as name@your_domain.com. oPassword. Your Zimbra account password. 3.When you are finished, click Next. The Import PST dialog box appears. 4.Select the .pst file that you want to import. You can click Browse to locate the file. Once youve selected the .pst file to import, click Next. If you have protected your .pst with a password, you must enter your password to continue. 5.Import Items. Select which items in the .pst file to import, and select calendar options. The item options are as follows: oImport Items. Select whether or not to import Mail, Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar Items. oCalendar Options. Choose if you want to: oConvert meetings. This converts meetings organized under your old email address to your new email address. Provide your old email address in the field provided if you select this option. 6.When you are finished selecting your import items, click Next. The Import Options dialog box appears. 7.Set the import options. You can choose from: oFolder options. Select whether to import your Junk-Mail and Deleted Items folders. If you choose to not import these two folders, it may take a shorter time to import your PST file. oProgress Logs. Select whether to ignore previously imported items. If you do not check this box, you will have duplicates of any previously imported items in their Zimbra account. oDate Filter. Select whether to import items received after a specific date. If you do not select to filter items by date, all items will be imported. oImport Message without Body enables messages that do not include the body of the message to be imported. If you configured your IMAP to download only the header and to ask before downloading the body, this option will import any email messages that you have not downloaded the body to yet. If you do not check Import Message without Body, messages with only the header information are not imported. oLog messages on failure enables extra data to be created if the import fails. If a message is not imported and this option is enabled, the message that failed to be imported is logged on the client side. Users can inspect the message to determine if the message content was the cause of the failure. 8.When you are finished selecting your import options, click Next. The Begin Import Process? dialog box appears. 9.Click OK. The ZCS Import Wizard will begin importing your .pst file. Note: If you have Outlook running, you will be prompted to close it. During the import of your pst file, if the Import Wizard detects that some messages need addresses from Active Directory, you are prompted for information to connect to Active Directory. If you do not know what to enter, ask your system administrator. Note: If you are prompted to log on to your Active Directory while importing files and you do not connect, some of the imported messages will have blank From and/or To headers. 10. When your import is finished, an Import Completed message is displayed, showing the total errors and total warnings for your import. Click Finish.Congratulations! Your Outlook mailbox has been successfully imported. Viewing the Import Log Any errors or warnings generated during the import process are displayed on the Import Complete dialog box. You should review the information on this page. If you need more information click the Open Log File button and search the log for details. Note: Dont close the ZCS Import Wizard until you have reviewed the log. If you close the ZCS Import Wizard while the Delete all log files box is checked, you will not be able to view the logs at a later time. The log opens in a .txt file in Notepad. Use Ctrl+F to find the word warning to locate any import issues in the log. Where To Find Help Before setting up your email, there are a few points to mention: If your Zimbra email account is not accessible immediately after creation, consult your Email Administrator. The process of account creation may not have yet completed. Your Zimbra email interface includes context sensitive Help files that is searchable and can be browsed by topic. Forgot PasswordIf you forget your email password, please contact your Administrator. They have the access to reset it for you. Version 1.0 October 13, 2011