zewipro brochure en

Zero Emissions Wine Production www.zewipro.com ECO - 10 - 277384 “The content of the brochure reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.” ENCO s.r.l. Project Coordinator Mr. Marco de la Feld [email protected] ALGAELINK Technical Manager Mr. Peter van den Dorpel [email protected] www.enco-consulting.it www.fazibattaglia.it www.solarviejo.com www.algaelink.com Z Zero Emissions wine production ZEWIPRO project aims at introducing an innovative technology on the wine pro- duction’s market. The technology could be very useful to sol- ve problems the wineries face in relation to the handling and the disposal of developed gaseous pollutants during the wine fermen- tation process. The innovative solution allows the reco- very of carbon dioxide gas and the wa- stewaters degradation. Four partners from Italy, Spain and The Netherlands will work to enhance the first full deployment of the technology. ENCO (Italy) will be invol- ved in market analysis and dissemination activities. ALGAELINK (The Netherlands) will work on the technology implementa- tion presented with the ZEWIPRO project. BODEGAS SOLAR VIEJO (Spain) and FAZI BATTAGLIA (Italy) will provide the neces- sary expertise in relation to the wine ma- king process. www.zewipro.com

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Zero EmissionsWine Production


ECO - 10 - 277384

“The content of the brochure reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be

made of the information contained therein.”

ENCO s.r.l.Project CoordinatorMr. Marco de la Feld

[email protected]

ALGAELINKTechnical Manager

Mr. Peter van den [email protected]





Z Zero Emissions wine production

ZEWIPRO project aims at introducing an

innovative technology on the wine pro-

duction’s market.

The technology could be very useful to sol-

ve problems the wineries face in relation to

the handling and the disposal of developed

gaseous pollutants during the wine fermen-

tation process.

The innovative solution allows the reco-

very of carbon dioxide gas and the wa-

stewaters degradation. Four partners from

Italy, Spain and The Netherlands will work

to enhance the first full deployment of

the technology. ENCO (Italy) will be invol-

ved in market analysis and dissemination

activities. ALGAELINK (The Netherlands)

will work on the technology implementa-

tion presented with the ZEWIPRO project.


BATTAGLIA (Italy) will provide the neces-

sary expertise in relation to the wine ma-

king process.


Z Zero Emissions wine production


Decrease of carbon dioxide’s emission produced during the wine fermenta-tion period.

Implementation of a zero emission wine production.

Developing algae market.

Repetition of the project in other sec-tors having similar features.

Remarkable improvements concerning the safety conditions for cellar staff.

Resource savings compared to the traditional algae-breeding practices.

Diversification of economic benefi-ts for cellars and wine producers and image payback.

Considerable increase in the depura-tion of wastewaters.

Fostering renewable energy source.

Marketing of an eco-friendly process for the breeding of algae.

Contribution to the transition to a more sustainable society and bio-ba-sed economy.

Net decrease of the greenhouse gas emissions.

Net decrease of ethylic alcohol otherwise released onto the atmo-sphere.

Drastic reduction of odours emitted by the cellar during the fermentation period. This specific aspect turns out to be very important mainly for cel-lars located near populated areas.

Net reduction of nitrogen and pho-sphor contained in the waste-wa-ters.

The system will work thanks to a photo bio-

reactor, a patented automated cleaning sy-

stem, a pump, hardware and software con-

trols. CO2 produced into the cellars will flow

throughout a pump into the photo bioreac-

tor. The photo bioreactor itself promotes mi-

croalgae growth by controlling environmen-

tal parameters. The system is also capable

of recovering up to 95% of the water used.