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  • 7/21/2019 Zaban Fani


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    Prepared by Dr . Mousavi

    nglish for Students of

    Mechanical ngineering

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    Department of Mechanical Engineering

    Technical English Languagefor thestudentsof Mechanical Engineering


    COURSE CODE 12995 COURSE LEVEL Fourthyear

    COURSE TITLE Technical Englishlanguage COURSE TYPE DepartmentTechnical E lective

    CREDIT VALUE (2, 0, 0) 2 ECTS VALUE 3


    DURATION OF COURSE One semester Semester and year FALL/SPRING


    Name (group) Email Office Tel.

    Instructors Dr. S.A. Mousavi [email protected]






    Application of English for mechanical engineering.


    The main aim of this course is to;


    Help the students gain understanding of new specialized vocabulary for mechanical engineering.


    Help the students gain understanding in reading, speaking and listening skills for future carrier.


    Help the students the translation skills for mechanical engineering topics.


    Help student to write academic paper.


    On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed knowledge and understanding of special vocabulary for mechanical

    engineering. On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their skills in Reading, speaking, listening and

    vocabulary: On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their appreciation of, and respect for values and

    attitudes to English and its benefits for engineer.

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    Booklet of English for the student of mechanical engineering(manufacturing and production) (Dr. S.A. Mousavi)-Main Reference

    English for the student of mechanical engineering(manufacturing and production)-Farhad Tohidi

    English for the student of mechanical engineering(Dr. Heravi)

    Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering(Eric Glendinning)


    Cheating is copying from others or providing information, written or oral, to others. Plagiarism is copying without

    acknowledgement from other peoples work. According to university by laws cheating and plagiarism are serious offences punishable

    with disciplinary action ranging from simple failure from the exam or project, to more serious action (letter of official warning

    suspension from the university for up to one semester). Disciplinary action is written in student records and may appear in student




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    There could be some procedural and schedule differences between the lecture sections and programed sections, but all basic

    requirements, assignments, policies and other items are the same for each section. Most importantly, lecture class students are

    expected to attend class in person and submit assignments in person

    Lecture Hall Time:

    Week Date Topics


    1 Introduction to course

    2Phonics-Academic Paper wr iti ng

    3 Phonics-Academic Paper wri ting



    6Academic Paper writing-Unit 2

    7 Academic Paper Writing-Unit 2

    8 Reading Skills Improvement-Unit 3

    9 Reading Skills Improvement-Unit 3

    10 Tips for speaking-Unit 4

    11 Developing word attack skills for vocabulary-Unit 4

    12 Phonics-Academic Paper wr iti ng(Cl ass evaluations)

    13 Film(listening skills)

    14 Reading exam-Project prehension(4)

    15 Speaking exam- Project prehension(3)

    Final Exam

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    Chapter 1What is Phonics?

    Phonics is a word-attack skill in which you sound-out difficult words by using the commonsounds of letters in the word. It is often the first reading skill taught to people and is consideredone of the basic skills. Knowledge of phonics is most helpful in linking the words one knows

    through simply hearing them with the actual written word.

    Phonics Rules

    The vowels are a,e,i,o, and u; also sometimesy & w. This also includes thediphthongs oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo and many others. The consonants are all the other letters which stop or limitthe flow of air from the throat in speech. They are:

    b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z,ch,sh,th,ph,wh, ng, and gh.

    1. Sometimes the rules dont work.

    There are many exceptions in English because of the vastness of the language and themany languages from which it has borrowed. The rules do work however, in the majority ofthe words.

    2. Every syllable in every word must have a vowel.

    English is a vocal language; Every word must have a vowel.

    3. C followed by e, i or y usually has the soft sound ofs.

    Examples:central, andcity.

    4. G followed by e, i or y usually has the soft sound ofj.

    Example: gem, gym, and gist.
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    5. When 2 consonants a joined together and form one new sound, they are a consonant

    digraph. They count as one sound and one letter and are never separated.

    Examples: ch,sh,th,ph,gh,and wh.

    6. When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, that vowel is short.

    Examples: fat, bed, fish, spot, luck.

    7. When a syllable ends in a silent e, the silent e is asignal that the vowel in front of it

    is long.

    Examples: make, fete, kite,rope, and use.

    8. When a syllable has 2 vowels together, the first vowel is usually long and the second is


    Examples: pain, eat, boat, res/cue, say, grow.

    NOTE: Diphthongs dont follow this rule; In a diphthong, the vowels blend together to create asingle new sound. The diphthongs are: oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw, oo and manyothers.

    9. When a syllable ends in any vowel and is the only vowel, that vowel is usually long.

    Examples: pa/per, me, I, o/pen, u/nit, and my.

    10. When a vowel is followed by an r in the same syllable, that vowelis r-controlled. It

    is not long nor short. R-controlled er, ir, and ur often sound the same (like er).

    Examples: term,sir, fir, fur, far, for, su/gar, or/der.

    Basic Syllable Rules

    1. To find the number of syllables:

    count the vowels in the word,

    subtract any silent vowels,(like the silent e at the end of aword or the second vowel when twovowels a together in a syllable)

    subtract one vowel from every dipthong,(diphthongs only count as one vowel sound.)

    the number of vowels sounds left is the same as the number of syllables. The number ofsyllables that you hear when you pronounce a word is the same as the number of vowels soundsheard. For example:

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    The word came has 2 vowels, but the e is silent, leaving one vowel sound andone syllable.

    The word outside has 4 vowels, but the e issilent and the ou is a diphthong which countsas only one sound, so this word has only two vowels sounds and therefore,two syllables.

    2. Divide between two middle consonants. Split up words that have two middle consonants.For example: hap/pen, bas/ket, let/ter, sup/per, din/ner, and Den/nis. The only exceptions arethe consonant digraphs. Never split up consonant digraphs as they really represent only onesound. The exceptions are th, sh,ph, th, ch, and wh.

    3. Usually divide before a single middle consonant.

    When there is only one syllable, you usually divide in front of it, as in: o/pen, i/tem,e/vil, and re/port.The only exceptions are those times when the first syllable has anobvious short sound, as in cab/in.

    4. Divide before the consonant before an -le syllable.

    When you have a word that has the old-style spelling in which the -le soundslike -el, dividebefore the consonant before the -le. For example:a/ble, fum/ble, rub/blemum/bleandthi/stle. The only exception to this are cklewords like tick/le.

    5. Divide off any compound words, prefixes, suffixes and roots which have vowel sounds.

    Split off the parts of compound words like sports/car andhouse/boat. Divide off prefixessuch at un/happy,pre/paid, or re/write. Also divide off suffixes as in the wordsfarm/er,teach/er, hope/less and care/ful.In the word stop/ping, the suffix is actually -ping

    because this word follows the rule that when you add -ing to a word with one syllable,you double the last consonant and add the -ing.

    Accent Rules

    When a word has more than one syllable, one of the syllables is always a little louder than theothers. The syllable with the louder stress is the accented syllable. It may seem that the placement of accentsin words is often random or accidental, but these are some rules that usually work.

    1. Accents are often on the first syllable. Examples: ba/sic, pro/gram.

    2. In words that have suffixes or prefixes, the accent is usually on the main root word.

    Examples: box/es, un/tie.

    3. If de-, re-, ex-, in-,po-, pro-, or a- is the first syllable in a word, it is usually

    not accented.

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    Examples: de/lay, ex/plore.

    4. Two vowel letters together in the last syllable of a word often indicates an accented lastsyllable. Examples: com/plain, con/ceal.

    5. When there are two like consonant letters within a word, the syllable before thedouble consonants is usually accented. Examples: be/gin/ner, let/ter.

    6. The accent is usually on the syllable before the suffixes -ion, ity, -ic, -ical, -ian, -ial, or -ious,and on the second syllable before the suffix -ate. Examples: af/fec/ta/tion, dif/fer/en/ti/ate.

    7. In words of three or more syllables, one of the first two syllables is usually accented.Examples: ac/ci/dent, de/ter/mine.


    Short and Long Vowels

    1. To spell a short vowel sound, only one letter is needed:

    at red it hot up

    2. To spell a long sound you must add a second vowel. The second may be next to the first, in the VVC pattern(boat, maid, cue, etc.) or it may be separated from the first one by a consonant in the VCV pattern (made, ride, tide,etc.). If the second vowel is separated from the first by two spaces, it does not affect the first one. This is the VCCVpattern in which the first vowel remains short. Thus, doubling a consonant can be called "protecting" a short vowel

    because it prevents an incoming vowel from getting close enough to the first one to change its sound from short tolong:

    maid, made, but madder; dine, diner, but dinner.

    Spelling the Sound /k/

    This sound can be spelled in any one of four ways:

    1. c 2. cc 3. k 4. ck

    1. The single letter, c, is the most common spelling. It may be used anywhere in a word:

    cat corn actor victim direct mica

    scat bacon public cactus inflict pecan

    2. Sometimes the letter cmust be doubled to ccto protect the sound of a short vowel:

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    stucco baccalaureate hiccups

    Mecca tobacco buccaneer

    occupy raccoon succulent

    3. The letter kis substituted for cif /k/is followed by an e, i, or y.

    kin make sketch poker kind risky

    skin token skill keep liking flaky

    4. Similarly, the spelling ck, is substituted for cc if the following letter is an e, i, or y:

    lucky picking rocking finicky

    blackest mackintosh frolicked ducking

    Kentucky picnicking stocking Quebecker

    5. The letters, kand ckare more than substitutes for cand cc. They are used to spell /k/ at the end of a monosyllable.The digraph, ck, ALWAYS follows a short vowel:

    sack duck lick stick wreck clock

    The letter, k, follows any other sound:

    milk soak make barktank peek bike cork

    tusk hawk duke perk

    The Sound, /j/

    The sound, /j/ is spelled in three ways:j geand dge.

    1. The letterjis usually used if the sound if followed by an a, o, or u.

    just jam jungle injure major adjacent

    jog jar Japan jury job Benjamin

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    adjust jacket jolly jaguar jump jalousie

    2. Since the letter ghas the soft sound of /j/ when it is followed by an e, i,or y, it is usually used in this situation:

    gentle ginger aging algebraEgyptologist gem origin gym

    2. If /j/ follows a short vowel sound, it is usually spelled with dge. This is because the letter j, is never doubled inEnglish.

    badge ridge dodge partridge gadget

    judge edge smudge judgement budget

    The Sound, /ch/

    The sound /ch/ has two spellings: tchafter a short vowel, chanywhere else:

    witch sketch botch satchel

    catch hatchet kitchen escutcheon

    Exceptions:Which, rich, much, such, touch, bachelor, attach, sandwich, and ostrich.

    The Sound, /kw/

    This sound is ALWAYS spelled with the letters, qu, never anything else.

    Using -le

    Words ending in -le, such as little, require care. If the vowel sound is short, there must be two consonants betweenthe vowel and the -le. Otherwise, one consonant is enough.

    li ttle

    ha ndle

    ti ckle

    a mple

    bo ttle pu zzle cru mble a ngle

    bugle able poodle dawdle needle idle people

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    Odds and Ends

    1. The consonants, v, j, k, w, and xare never doubled.2. No normal English words ends with the letter v. A final /v/ is always spelled with ve, no matter what thepreceding vowel sound may be:

    have give sleeve cove

    receive love connive brave

    Adding Endings

    There are two kinds of suffixes, those that begin with a vowel and those that begin with a consonant. As usual, thespelling problems occur with the vowels:

    Vowel Suffixes Consonant Suffixes- - - age - - -ist - - - ness - - - cess

    - - - ant - - - ish - - -less - - -ment

    - - -ance - - -ing - - -ly - - -ty

    - - - al - - -ar - - -ful - - -ry

    - - -ism - - -o - - -hood - - -ward

    - - -able - - -on - - -wise

    - - -an - - -ous

    - - - a - - -or

    - - -es - - -ual- - -ed - - -unt

    - - -er - - -um

    - - -est - - -us

    - - -y - - -ive

    1. Words that end in the letter y must have the ychanged to ibefore adding any suffix:

    body - bodily marry - marriage

    many - manifold family - familiar

    happy - happiness puppy - puppies

    beauty - beautiful vary - various

    company - companion fury - furious

    plenty - plentiful merry - merriment

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    2. In words that end in a silent e you must drop it before you add a vowel suffix. The silent e is no longer needed tomake the preceding vowel long as the incoming vowel will do the trick:

    ride - riding cure - curable use - usual age - aging

    fame - famous force - forcing refuse - refusal slice - slicing

    pure - purity ice - icicle nose - nosy convince - convincing

    globe - global race - racist pole - polar offense - offensive

    3. Words that end in an accented short or modified vowel sound must have the final consonant doubled to protectthat sound when you add a vowel suffix:

    Quebec - Quebecker remit - remittance confer - conferring refer - referred

    upset - upsetting shellac - shellacking occur - occurred concur- concurrent

    Note that this doubling is not done if the accent is not on the last syllable. If the word ends in a schwa, there is noneed to "protect" it.

    open - opening organ - organize

    focus - focused refer - referee

    4. Normally you drop a silent e before adding a vowel suffix. However, if the word ends in -ceor -geand theincoming vowel is an a, o, or u, you cannot cavalierly toss out that silent e. It is not useless: it is keeping its left-handletter soft, and your a, o, or u will not do that. Thus:

    manage- manageable peace- peaceable

    courage- courageous revenge- vengeance

    surge- surgeon change- changeable

    notice- noticeable outrage- outrageous

    5. Adding consonant suffixes is easy. You just add them. (Of course you must change a final y to i before you addany suffix.)

    peace - peaceful harm - harmless age - ageless

    pity - pitiful child - childhood rifle - riflery


    When this sound occurs before a vowel suffix, it is spelled ti, si, or ci.

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    partial cautious patient vacation

    special deficient suspicion suction

    inertia delicious ratio pension

    musician physician optician quotient

    electrician nutrition statistician expulsion

    /ee/ before a vowel suffix

    When /ee/ precedes a vowel suffix, it is usually spelled with the letteri:

    Indian obvious medium

    ingredient zodiac material

    Spelling Determined by Word Meaning

    1. Mist and missed sound alike, as do band and banned. To determine the spelling, remember that -edis a past-tensetending.

    a. The mist drifted into the harbor.b. I nearly missed my bus.c. The movie was banned in Boston.d. The band played on.

    2. The endings of dentist and finest sound alike. Deciding which one to use can be tricky. One rule helps but doesn't

    cover all cases:

    a. --istis a suffix meaning someone who does something:artist - machinist - druggist

    b. --estis the ending used on superlative adjectives:finest - sweetest - longest

    3. The sounds at the end of musician and conditionsound alike. but....

    a. cianalways means a person, where...b. tionor sionare never used for people.

    4. How do you tell whether to use tionor sion?

    a. If the root word ends in /t/, use -tion: complete, completionb. If the root word ends in /s/ or /d/, use sion: extend, extension

    suppress, suppression

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    c. If the sound of the last syllable is the "heavy" sound of /zhun/ rather than the light sound, /shun/, use s:confusion, vision, adhesion

    Exception: The ending, --mit becomes -mission:

    permit - permission omit - omission

    submit - submission commit - commission

    The Hiss

    1. The letter sbetween vowels sounds like a z:

    nose result noise

    present partisan tease

    preside resound reserve

    2. The light "hissy" sound is spelled with either ssor ce. Predictably, ss, like any proper doubled consonant, followsaccented short vowels. Soft c is used anywhere else. (A soft c is one that is followed by e, i, or y).

    notice reticent massive bicycle

    recent gossip russet rejoice

    essence vessel discuss pass

    3. The plural ending is always spelled with a single letter s unless you can hear a new syllable on the plural word. Inthat case, use -es:

    loss, losses bank, banks twitch, twitches tree, trees

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    Reading Skills Improvement Strategies

    Reading Strategies

    Reading Efficiently by Reading Intelligently

    Good reading strategies help you to read in a very efficient way. Using them, you aim to get themaximum benefit from your reading with the minimum effort. This section will show you how touse six different strategies to read intelligently.

    Strategy 1: Knowing what you want to know

    The first thing to ask yourself is: Why you are reading the text? Are you reading with a purposeor just for pleasure? What do you want to know after reading it?

    Once you know this, you can examine the text to see whether it is going to move you towardsthis goal.

    An easy way of doing this is to look at the introduction and the chapter headings. Theintroduction should let you know at whom the book is targeted, and what it seeks to achieve.Chapter headings will give you an overall view of the structure of the subject.

    Ask yourself whether the book meets your needs. Ask yourself if it assumes too much or toolittle knowledge. If the book isn't ideal, would it be better to find a better one?

    Strategy 2: Knowing how deeply to study the material

    Where you only need the shallowest knowledge of the subject, you can skim material. Here youread only chapter headings, introductions and summaries.

    If you need a moderate level of information on a subject, then you can scan the text. Here youread the chapter introductions and summaries in detail. You may thenspeed read the contents ofthe chapters, picking out and understanding key words and concepts. At this level of looking at

    the document it is worth paying attention to diagrams and graphs.

    Only when you need detailed knowledge of a subject is it worth studying the text. Here it is bestto skim the material first to get an overview of the subject. This gives you an understanding of itsstructure, into which you can fit the detail gained from a full, receptive reading of the material.SQ3R is a good technique for getting a deep understanding of a text.
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    Strategy 3: Active Reading

    When you are reading a document in detail, it often helps if you highlight, underline andannotate it as you go on. This emphasizes information in your mind, and helps you to reviewimportant points later.

    Doing this also helps to keep your mind focused on the material and stops it wandering.

    This is obviously only something to do if you own the document! If you own the book and findthat active reading helps, then it may be worth photocopying information in more expensivetexts. You can then read and mark the photocopies.

    If you are worried about destroying the material, ask yourself how much your investment of timeis worth. If the benefit you get by active reading reasonably exceeds the value of the book, thenthe book is disposable.

    Strategy 4: How to study different sorts of material

    Different sorts of documents hold information in different places and in different ways. Theyhave different depths and breadths of coverage. By understanding the layout of the material youare reading, you can extract useful information much more efficiently.

    Reading Magazines and Newspapers:These tend to give a very fragmented coverage of an area. They will typically only concentrateon the most interesting and glamorous parts of a topic - this helps them to sell copies! They willoften ignore less interesting information that may be essential to a full understanding of a

    subject. Typically areas of useful information are padded out with large amounts of irrelevantwaffle or with advertising.

    The most effective way of getting information from magazines is to scan the contents tables orindexes and turn directly to interesting articles. If you find an article useful, then cut it out andfile it in a folder specifically covering that sort of information. In this way you will build up setsof related articles that may begin to explain the subject.

    Newspapers tend to be arranged in sections. If you read a paper often, you can learn quicklywhich sections are useful and which ones you can skip altogether.

    Reading Individual Articles:Articles within newspapers and magazines tend to be in three main types:

    News Articles:Here the most important information is presented first, with information being less and less usefulas the article progresses. News articles are designed to explain the key points first, and then fleshthem out with detail.

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    Opinion Articles:Opinion articles present a point of view. Here the most important information is contained in theintroduction and the summary, with the middle of the article containing supporting arguments.

    Feature Articles:These are written to provide entertainment or background on a subject. Typically the mostimportant information is in the body of the text.

    If you know what you want from an article, and recognize its type, you can extract informationfrom it quickly and efficiently.

    Strategy 5: Reading 'whole subject' documents

    When you are reading an important document, it is easy to accept the writer's structure ofthought. This can mean that you may not notice that important information has been omitted orthat irrelevant detail has been included. A good way of recognizing this is to compile your owntable of contents before you open the document. You can then use this table of contents to read

    the document in the order that you want. You will be able to spot omissions quickly.

    Strategy 6: Using glossaries with technical documents

    If you are reading large amounts of difficult technical material, it may be useful to photocopy orcompile a glossary. Keep this beside you as you read. It will probably also be useful to notedown the key concepts in your own words, and refer to them when necessary.

    Usually it is best to make notes as you go. Effective ways of doing this include creatingConceptMaps or using theCornell Note Taking System.

    Key points:

    This section shows six different strategies and techniques that you can use to read moreeffectively.

    These are:

    Knowing what you need to know, and reading appropriately.

    Knowing how deeply to read the document: skimming, scanning or studying.

    Using active reading techniques to pick out key points and keep your mind focused on thematerial.

    Using the table of contents for reading magazines and newspapers, and clipping useful articles. Understanding how to extract information from different article types.

    Creating your own table of contents for reviewing material.

    Using indexes, tables of contents, and glossaries to help you assimilate technical information.
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    In the next article, we look at the review techniques which help to fix information in your mind.To read these, click 'Next article' below. Other relevant destinations are shown in the "Where togo from here" list underneath.

    Reading Skills and Strategies

    Useful reading skills and strategies that will help you enhance your reading process

    The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places

    you'll go.

    Reading is one great habit that can truly change your life forever. Reading can entertain you;

    amuse you, but most of all it will enrich you with knowledge, and experiences narrated. Readingpurely for leisure is fun as we all know but there exist certain reading skills and strategies, whichif mastered at a nascent stage can help us, be better and far more comprehensive readers.

    Although the term reading strategies might sound to mechanical and dry for the ears of a creativebook-lover, these strategies can enhance your grasping power and help you get the most out ofany book or any text that you lay your eyes on. These skills might not necessarily be learnt asrigid theories or rules but if understood well once they can definitely enhance the reading processand increase the quality as well as quantity of output that you get from after reading. Not onlycan these strategies can be taught to children right from school, but can also be used by anyperson of any age to help improve their reading process.

    Speed reading:

    Speed-reading is actually a combination of various reading methods. The aim of speed-reading isbasically to increase the reading speed without compromising on the understanding or retention.Some of the strategies used in speed reading are

    Identifying words without focusing on each letter Not sounding out all words Not sub-vocalizing some phrases Spending less time on some phrases than others Skimming small sections

    Speed reading is thus actually not precisely defines by specific guidelines and rules but isactually just a process that increases the speed of reading without compromising on the retentionof the content.

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    Scanning :

    Scanning through the text is a reading strategy that can be used if you are particularly looking atthe text through a set perspective in mind. You can only scan for portions that interest you. Forthe highlights or important points you can skim through the summary or the preface of the book

    or the beginning and the ending chapters.

    Active Reading:

    There are times when you just cannot afford to skim through or scan through the text but need toget an in-depth understanding of the text that you read and hence you need to make sure you'reactively involved with the text while reading it. There are four important points that you need tokeep in mind during active reading which are as follows:

    Underlining / Highlighting:Identify the most important parts of the text according to your

    own understanding and highlight or underline them using a pencil or a marker while youare reading. You can even use different colors to highlight diverse aspects of the text. Note Key-words:Jot down the headings as you read and detail using one or two

    keywords for each point. Questions:Before you start reading prepare for your reading by writing down all the

    questions you want the material to answer. This helps you to read accordingly andensures you get the answers to all your questions and dont get distracted while reading.

    Summaries:After you've read one complete section of the text, summarize that portion inyour own words. Later, go through the text again to check how accurate your summary isand modify / upgrade it in case youve left out any details.

    Structure-Proposition-Evaluation :

    This is an interesting reading technique suggested by Mortimer Adler in his bookHow to Read aBook. The reading technique is mainly for non-fiction genre and elaborates about how a writtenpiece can be read in three passes

    Studying the structure of the work Studying the logical propositions made and organized into chains of inference Evaluation of the merits of the arguments and conclusions.

    This reading method advocates suspended judgment of the work or its arguments until they arefully understood.

    Survey-Question-Read-Recite-Review :

    This method facilitates a very deep understanding of the matter that you are reading. In fact thesystem aims to facilitate an understanding so clear that the reader should be able to teachwhatever he has learnt during the process of reading. Instructors who are preparing to teach

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    material without having to refer to notes during the lecture generally use this reading method.The process involves five different steps, which are as follows

    Survey: Survey involve getting a quick idea of what the whole writing piece. For exampleif it is a book, may be the introduction or the brief summary on the back will suffice.

    Question: Remember that you are not just reading the words or looking at the words butare actually trying to decipher the meaning that underlies them. Create questions in youmind and hunt for the answers while you are reading the text. In case you are reading thepiece for research, it is always advisable that you write these questions and their answersin brief.

    Read:Read selectively if you are looking for specifics. Learn to find out the portions ofthe text that are important to you and move over.

    Recite:Try and answer the questions in your own words, using only the key words orlistings that are required to sum up the complete idea.

    Review: Review of summarize the entire thing in your mind and rest assured that you willnever have to memorize it or learn it by heart.

    Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when you start reading

    Identify your aim while reading. Be clear about what you want from the text. Jot down important points, quotes or lines that you might find useful later. Notes taken

    while reading can come in handy while studying the subject later Even if you are reading fiction, do try and stretch your understanding about the writers

    writing style with regards to elements like language emotion and vocabulary. This willactually make the reading process more enjoyable for you.

    Every piece of text read gives you some information and enriches your knowledge insome way. Always concentrate and read with concentration. Reading for the sake of it

    will not yield in any fruitful outcome.

    So next time you try and read anything, keep these strategies in mind so that you dontjust read for the heck of it but actually retain the knowledge!

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    Tips for speaking English fluently! -Where

    do you get input from?

    There is English input available everywhere. Here are a few tips and suggestions for you to findinput of English around you and improve your English speech:

    This has many advantages:

    You will be able to compare the written words to the correct pronunciations. You will get a feel of how real English sentences are formed when speaking. You will be learning English but it will not be frustrating and boring because you will be

    watching a movie.

    Please note: When you watch the movie be sure to keep your dictionary handy. Whenever you

    come across a new word, pause the movie and look it up in the dictionary. If you dont do this,the whole experience will be quite pointless.

    Read about any subject that interests you

    There are a lot of English magazines available on a lot of different topics.

    No matter what subject interests you, there must be some magazine that talks about it. There areEnglish magazines about Business, Brides, Guns and Ammo, House Keeping, Stock Market,

    Sports, Computers, Electronics, Linux, Graphic Designing, Cooking etc.

    Find the magazine that interests you and read it cover to cover. Be sure to look out for newwords and new phrases and look them up in the dictionary as you go.

    If you cannot find a magazine of your choice, look for information you are interested in on theInternet. There is information available on every topic under the sun on the Internet.

    Read Internet forums of subject matter that interests youGot to Internet forums of the subject matter that interests you. Generally most of the forums arein English language and are a great source of English input.

    For those of you who are not familiar with Internet forums, these are places where peopleinterested in a particular subject can get together and share their views and opinions about a

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    particular subject. You can also ask specific questions to other people and they will help you outif they can. On the Internet, there are forums available about each and every subject.

    Forums are a great source of information. Also in forums real people talk about real problems.Most of the information typed in forums is written in an informal way. Because of this the

    forums make a good source for English input. Reading forums exposes you to a lot of phrases ofdaily use.

    You could find forums on any subject matter that interests you at: Google Groups

    You could also go to "Google" and search for the forum of the subject matter you are interestedin by typing in something like C programming forum or Cooking forum etc.

    When reading forums also make sure you find out the meaning of every new word or phrase youcome across or the whole exercise will be useless.

    Read English fiction novels

    Read English fiction of your choice. This is our India. Books are not costly here. You get cheapbook in every nook and corner. If you want to pick up an interesting cheap English novel, go tothe closest "raddi walla" (You know, the guy you sell your old daily news papers to...) They willgenerally also have old novels, book and magazines. These wont be good quality. They will allbe second hand. But thats okay, they will be nice and cheap. Pick up some thing that interestsyou. Take it home and read it. Be sure to look up all the new words you come across in the book.

    Listen to the radio and TV

    Our "All India Radio" has some good programs that are designed to teach English to the listener.

    Besides this, there are also many different radio stations available now-a-days in the big cities.Some of these radio stations are in English. Listen to them to get a feel of the language.

    Besides the radio, you could also listen to the "News In English". Its available on a wide variety

    of channels. The news is a good place to get input of the English language because it is spoken ina very clear, easy to understand way.

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    Chat with fluent English speakers

    Chat with fluent English speakers real or online. Make friends with interesting English speakers.Become pen-pals with a fluent English speaker.

    While talking to them look at their lip movement for tips on how to pronounce words correctly.

    Most effective tip: "Think in English"

    One of the most common mistakes that English learners make is, they think in their mothertongue. When they want to say something in English, they think in their mother tongue, translateit to English and then say it in English. The result is a very flawed English sentence. Never dothis!

    If you want to speak in English fluently you will have to learn to "think" in English. When youare constructing sentences in your mind before saying them, think in English and form them inEnglish in your mind.

    Class contr ibution


    1. WHERE?

    I worked with a firm of subcontractors specializing in car equipment

    They produce a range of electronic machines

    the R&D [Research and Development] department

    I used CAD [Computer Aided Design] equipment

    my tutor / supervisor...

    I worked on my own

    The staff were very friendly

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    I was in charge of ..

    I had to ,,,,,,,,, the warehouse

    My job consisted in ,,,,,,,,...

    I was asked to ...

    They made me .


    I carried out a study of the production line

    I think it was a great experience

    It gave me first-hand knowledge of life in a factory

    It forced me to master new skills

    It was not exactly as I expected [it to be]

    Contrary to what I expected, I didn't get any pay!



    ..yourself (studies, future plans, ...)

    .. the company (type of activity, location, assets, problems)

    Explain how you prepared your work experience.

    .. how you chose / found the company;

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    .. what you expected from this experience.


    ..your activities.

    (Did you analyse a problem? Did you create / improve something? What tools did you use? Whatwere your working

    hours? Did you work on your own or in a team?)

    .. the problems you had to face (technical problems, human relationships, ...)

    Analyse the results

    .. for the company (Will they use what you created? Did you change their way of working?)

    .. for yourself:

    in terms of professional skills (What did you learn / improve?)

    in terms of personality: what qualities did you develop (self reliance, team-work, creativity, ...)?

    what you liked and didn't like.

    Has it changed your attitude? your vision of working life? your choice of a career?

    Conclude by deciding if it was a positive / negative experience.



    General usage in British English

    Collocations: accept, undertake, find a work placement to be on, on a placement


    In British English, internship tends to be used more in a medical context or a business context (todo with MBAs).

    Sometimes used to refer to American context. American usage includes both medical and non-medical contexts

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    Collocations take up an, do an, complete an, begins with an internship


    Usually used with driving, computer, teacher, etc. Not work experience related.

    Collocations: go on a, teach a, sponsor a, run a, undergo a


    Seems more common in British English than the other terms. However, I found no examples of"a work experience".

    Collocations: gain, have, do, be on

    "But one graduate says that faking work experience is easy"


    I would use "gain work experience" (uncountable) or "placement" (countable). Although "workexperience" is far more

    common in the corpora I have checked, "placement" is the word used by my colleagues inBritain.

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    There is Form of Manuscripts for most of papers as it follows:

    Manuscripts should be double-spaced with 3-cm margins on only one side of the paper.Manuscripts should follow the usual layout for scientific papers and be as brief as fulldocumentation allows (rarely exceeding 20 printed pages). Display items (figures plus tables)should be as few as possible (no more than six per ten pages of text).

    1. Title Page The title page should bear the title of the paper and the name(s) of the author(s),together with the address(es) at which the work was carried out. The name, full postal address,and e-mail address of the corresponding author who will be responsible for reading the proofsshould be given on the first page. A running title must also be provided (not exceeding 50characters including spaces).

    2. Summary A summary must appear on the second page of the paper; it should be no longerthan 250 words and should be a single paragraph. It should state the subject, new findings, andconclusions of the article in generally intelligible terms.

    3. Keywords Up to five keywords identifying the nature of the subject matter may be used toalert readers. Keywords should be listed below the abstract. Use terms from the medical subjectheadings list ofIndex Medicus.

    4. Text Papersshould be written clearly in good scientific English. Avoid laboratory slang andminimize jargon.Organize the text for original articles in the following order:(1) Introduction;The section should contain a clear statement of the purpose of the work, the reasons forundertaking the research, and pertinent background to the study.(2) Materials and Methods;Description of methods should be brief, but with sufficient detail to enable the experiments to berepeated by the readers. The design of the study or experiments, any specific procedures used,

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    and statistical analyses must be described clearly and carefully. References to other papersdescribing the techniques may be given. The name and location (city and state/country) ofcommercial suppliers of uncommon chemicals, reagents, or instruments should be mentioned.(3) Results;The results should be presented concisely. Tables and figures should be used only if they are

    essential for the comprehension of the data.(4) Discussion;The purpose of the discussion is to interpret the results and to relate them to existing knowledgein the field. Information already given in the introduction or results should not be repeated.

    5. Acknowledgments: All acknowledgments, including those of financial support, should begiven here. Acknowledgments of people precede those of financial support. Names of grantsources should be spelled out.

    6.References: References should be numbered consecutively in the order of citation in the text.Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those in the latest edition on

    Index Medicus. In the reference list, give the names of all authors. Authors are responsible forthe accuracy of the references.(1) Periodicals;1. Boatman JB, Boucek MM, Rabinovitz MJ: Mitochondrial swelling during cold exposure ofthe rat and hamster. Am J Physiol 1962; 202: 1037-1040.2. Kennedy CR, McCann DC, Campbell MJ, Law CM, Mullee M, Petrou S, Watkin P, WorsfoldS, Yuen HM, Stevenson J: Language ability after early detection of permanent childhood hearingimpairment. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 2131-2141.

    (2) Books;1. Irving L: Comparative anatomy and physiology of gas transport mechanisms. In: Fenn WO,Rahn H, eds, Handbook of Physiology, Washington DC, American Physiological Society, 1964;177-212.Only papers that are published or in press may be cited in the reference list.

    7.Tables: Tables should be numbered (Arabic numerals) in the order in which they are referredto in the text. Each table should have a brief title, be on a separate page, and be double-spacedthroughout. Non-standard abbreviations should be used sparingly and must be defined in alegend at the bottom of the table. Table citations in the text should be boldface (eg., Table 1).

    8.Figures: All illustrations (line drawings and photographs) are classified as figures. Digitalphotograph files should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Figures should be cited inconsecutive order in the text. Figure citations in the text should be boldface. The abbreviationFig. should be used when using parenthesis (e.g., (Fig. 1)), otherwise the word Figure shouldbe spelled out (e.g., Figure 1) throughout the text. If a figure consists of multiple parts, capitalletters (A, B, C, etc.) should be used to label them (e.g., Fig. 1A). Legends for the figures shouldbe double-spaced, in numerical order, and on a separate page. Nonstandard abbreviations shouldbe defined in legends. For figure titles, use lower case letters with only the first letter capitalized.The magnification of microphotographs should be indicated in the legends or a bar should be

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    included in the figure to indicate the scale (or both). Lettering of figures requires carefulattention. Illustrations may be submitted in the final size or larger for reduction by the printer.Symbols and lines should be chosen to remain legible after the degree of reduction that will beused.

    9. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Typesetting Standard abbreviations for certain substances andfor units of measurement do not need to be defined. Other abbreviations that are considered to benon-standard should be kept to a minimum and must be spelled out on first usage, followed bythe abbreviation in parentheses. Mark gene names for typesetting in italics to distinguish themfrom gene products of the same or similar name, ad hoc designations for genes, gene segments,and gene clusters, families, complexes, or groups. In general, genotypes should be italicized;phenotypes should not be italicized. Using italics for emphasis should be avoided throughout thetext.

    Option 1o Peer review at the stage of the outline drafto Setting up the bibliographyo Proof reading and English improvement if required

    ( Note: analysis, initial outline draft and thefinal content draft is done by author/s )Click here for details on :Original article option 1 / Case report option 1

    Option 2( for only original articles )o Statisticso Peer review at the stage of outline drafto

    Setting up the bibliographyo Proof reading and English improvement if required

    ( Note: Initial outline draft andfinal content draft is done by author/s )Click here for details on :original article option 2

    Option 3( for only case reports )( recommended for private practitioners)o Peer review at the stage of draft outlineo Setting up the bibliographyo Proof reading and English improvement if requiredo Final write up of the article
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    3| P a g e

    Keys to Academic writing

    Establishing the importance of topic:

    One of the most significant current discussions in legal and moral philosophy is


    It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the .....

    X is the leading cause of death in western industrialized countries.

    X is a common disorder characterized by ......

    X is an important component in the climate system, and plays a key role in Y.

    In the new global economy, X has become a central issue for ......

    In the history of development economics, X has been thought of as a key factor in


    Xs are one of the most widely used groups of antibacterial agents and ......

    Xs are the most potent anti-inflammatory agents known.

    X is a major public health problem, and the cause of about 4% of the global burden

    of disease.

    X is an increasingly important area in applied linguistics.

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    Central to the entire discipline of X is the concept of .......

    X is at the heart of our understanding of ......

    Establishing the importance of the topic

    (time frame given)

    Recent developments in X have heightened the need for ......

    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in ......

    Recent developments in the field of X have led to a renewed interest in ......

    Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in ......

    The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many .......

    The past thirty years have seen increasingly rapid advances in the field of......

    Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in ......

    One of the most important events of the 1970s was ......

    Traditionally, Xs have subscribed to the belief that ......

    X proved an important literary genre in the early Y community.

    The changes experienced by Xs over the past decade remain unprecedented.

    Xs are one of the most widely used groups of antibacterial agents and have been

    extensively used for decades to .......

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    Highlighting a problem in the field of study:

    owever, these rapid changes are having a serious effect ......

    owever, a major problem with this kind of application is ......

    ck of X has existed as a health problem for many years.

    spite its safety and efficacy, X suffers from several major drawbacks:

    owever, research has consistently shown that first year students have not attained an adequate under

    ere is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged ......

    spite its long clinical success, X has a number of problems in use.

    uestions have been raised about the safety of prolonged use of ......

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    Highlighting a controversy in the field of study:

    date there has been little agreement on what ......

    ore recently, literature has emerged that offers contradictory findings about .....

    ne observer has already drawn attention to the paradox in ......

    many Xs a debate is taking place between Ys and Zs concerning ......

    e controversy about scientific evidence for X has raged unabated for over a century.

    bate continues about the best strategies for the management of

    is concept has recently been challenged by . studies demonstrating .

    ne of the most significant current discussions in legal and moral philosophy is ......

    ne observer has already drawn attention to the paradox in ......

    many Xs a debate is taking place between Ys and Zs concerning ......

    e controversy about scientific evidence for X has raged unabated for over a century.

    uestions have been raised about the safety of prolonged use of ......

    e issue of X has been a controversial and much disputed subject within the field of .......

    e issue has grown in importance in light of recent ......

    ne major theoretical issue that has dominated the field for many years concerns ......

    ne major issue in early X research concerned.......

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    Focus, aim, argument:

    State the aimin the first sentenceof this section. Write a few more sentences if

    necessary to justify the aimand/or explain your unique approach to realizing the

    aim. Make it clear to the reader that your aimor your approach is interesting and

    that your study is therefore valuable.

    This paper will focus on/examine/give an account of ......

    This essay seeks to remedy these problems by analyisng the literature of ......

    The objectives of this research are to determine whether ......

    This paper seeks to address the following questions:

    This essay critically examines/discusses/traces ......

    The purpose of this paper is to review recent research into the ......

    This paper will review the research conducted on ......

    This chapter reviews the literature concerning the usefulness of using ......

    The aim of this paper is to determine/examine ......

    The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate .....

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    In this paper I argue that .....

    In the pages that follow, it will be argued that

    This paper attempts to show that ......

    In this essay, I attempt to defend the view that ......

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    Most studies in the field of X have only focused on ......

    The experimental data are rather controversial, and there is no general

    agreement about ......

    The research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y.

    Researchers have not treated X in much detail.

    Previous studies of X have not dealt with ......

    Outline of structure:

    The main questions/issues addressed in this paper are: a), b and c).

    This paper has been divided into four parts. The first part deals with ......

    The essay has been organised in the following way.

    This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X.

    This paper reviews the evidence for .....

    This paper begins by ...... It will then go on to ......

    The first section of this paper will examine ......

    Finally, .......

    Chapter 2 begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research, and

    looks at how ......

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    Chapter 3 describes the design, synthesis, characterization and evaluation of ......

    The last chapter assesses the ......

    Outline of structure:

    The main questions/issues addressed in this paper are: a), b and c).

    This paper has been divided into four parts. The first part deals with ......

    The essay has been organised in the following way.

    This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X.

    This paper reviews the evidence for .....

    This paper begins by ...... It will then go on to ......

    The first section of this paper will examine ......

    Finally, .......

    Chapter 2 begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research, and

    looks at how ......

    Chapter 3 describes the design, synthesis, characterization and evaluation of ......

    The last chapter assesses the ......

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    Explaining Keywords

    While a variety of definitions of the term X have been suggested, this paper will

    use the definition first suggested by Smith (1968) who saw it as .......

    Throughout this paper the term X will refer to/will be used to refer to .......

    In this article the acronym/abbreviation XYZ will be used.

    Introductory Sentences: Differences

    X is different fromYin a number of respects.

    There are a number of important differences betweenX and Y.

    X differs fromYin a number of important ways.

    Smith (2003) found distinct differences betweenX andY.

    Women and men differnot only in physical attributes but alsoin the wayin which

    they ......

    Introductory Sentences: Similarities

    The mode of processing used by the right brainis similar to thatused by the left


    The mode of processing used by the right brain is comparable incomplexity to that

    used by the left brain.

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    The effects of nitrous dioxide on human health are similar to those ofground level


    BothX and Y generally take place in a "safe environment".

    There are a number of similarities betweenX and Y.

    Numerousstudies have comparedthe brain cells in man and animals and found

    that the cells are essentially identical

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    4| P a g e

    This dissertation follows a casestudy design, with in

    depth analysis of ......

    This work takes the form of a casestudy of the ......

    Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this investigation.

    The study was conducted in the form of a survey, with data being gathered via .......

    The semistructured approach was chosen because ......

    Smith et al (1994) identify several advantages of the case study, .......

    It was decided that the best method to adopt for this investigation was to ......

    A case study approach was chosen to allow a ......

    The design of the questionnaires was based on ......

    The X method is one of the more practical ways of ......

    What we know about X is largely based upon empirical studies that

    investigate how ......

    During the past 30 years much more information has become available on


    In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature on .......

    A large and growing body of literature has investigated ......

    Recent evidence suggests that ....... ((Smith,, 1996;; Jones 1999;; Johnson,,

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    such as that conducted by Smith (1988) have shown that ......

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    Several attempts have been made to ....... (Smith, 1996; Jones 1999;

    Johnson, 2001)

    Previous studies have reported ...... (Smith, 1985; Jones, 1987; Johnson,


    A number of studies have found that A number of studies have found that

    ...... (Smith(Smith , 20032003;Jones ; Jones, 2004).


    The causes of X have been widely investigated (Jones, 1987; Johnson,

    1990; Smith, 1994).

    Xs have been identified as major contributing factors for ...

    It has been suggested that levels of X are independent of the size of the Y (Smith

    et al.,, 1995))

    In 1975, Smith et al. published a paper in which they described .....

    In 1990 Patel et al. demonstrated that led to ......

    Thirty years later, Smith (1974) reported three cases of which .......

    In the 1950s Gunnar Myrdal pointed to some of the ways in which

    (Myrdal, 1957)

    In 1981, Smith and co workers demonstrated that X induced in vitro

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    resistance to .......

    In 1990, ElGuerrouj et al. reported a new and convenient synthetic

    procedure to obtain ......

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    One question that needs to be asked, however, is whether ......

    A serious weakness with this argument, however, is that ......

    One of the limitations with this explanation is that it does not explain why...


    The key problem with this explanation is that ......

    It seems that Jones' understanding of the X framework is questionable.

    Smith's interpretation overlooks much of the historical research ......

    One major criticism of Smith's work is that .....

    Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account

    Another problem with this approach is that it fails to take X into account.

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    46| P a g e

    The response rate was 60% at six months and 56% at 12 months.

    Of the study population, 90 subjects completed and returned the


    Of the initial cohort of 123 students, 66 were female and 57 male.

    The majority of respondents/those who responded felt that .....

    Over half of those surveyed reported that ......

    70% of those who were interviewed indicated that ......

    Almost twothirds of the participants (64%) said that ......

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    A strong relationship between X and Y has been reported in the literature.

    Prior studies that have noted the importance of ......

    The present study was designed t d to determine the effect off ......

    The results of this study show/indicate that .......

    This experiment did not detect any evidence for

    This experiment did not detect any evidence for ......

    The most interesting finding was that ......

    Another important finding was that .....

    In this study, Xs were found to cause .....

    Surprisingly, X was found to .......

    One unanticipated finding was that .....

    These findings of the current study are consistent with those of Smith and

    Jones (2001) who found ......

    This finding is in agreement with Smith's (1999) findings which showed


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    48| P a g e

    These findings further support the idea of .....

    A possible explanation for this might be that .....

    Another possible explanation for this is that ......

    It seems possible that these results are due to ......

    The reason for this is not clear but it may have something to do with ......

    The reason for this is not clear but it may have something to do with ......

    This inconsistency/discrepancy may be due to ......

    This finding was unexpected and suggests that ......

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    49| P a g e

    However, more research on this topic needs to be undertaken before the

    association between X and Y is more clearly understood.

    Further research should be done to investigate the ......

    Future studies on the current topic are therefore recommended

    A further study with more focus on X is therefore suggested.

    Further work needs to be done to establish whether ......

    Further experimental investigations are needed to estimate ......

    What is now needed is a crossnational study involving ......

    What is now needed is a cross national study involving ......

    It is suggested that the association of these factors is investigated in future


    Further research might explore/investigate

    This essay has argued that X is the best instrument to ......

    This study set out to determine ......

    The purpose of the current study was to determine ......

    Further research might explore/investigate ......

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    This project was under taken to design ...... and evaluate .....

    Returning to the hypothesis/question posed at the beginning of this study, it

    is now possible to state that .....

    It was also shown that......

    The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that ......


    An abstract is a short summary of your paper, placed at the beginning, usually on

    its own page. An effective abstract will:

    - describe essential content

    - be written in simple language

    - get your potential reader interested (abstracts are one of thehotspots in your


    How to write an abstract... After you have finished writing your paper, reread it

    and summarize the main parts.
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    5| P a g e

    When to include an abstract...An abstract is useful if your paper is going to be

    published in a journal, posted on the Web, placed in an abstracts data base, or put

    in any position where potential readers might make a decision to read your paper.

    It might be required as part of a Final Year paper. For shorter assignments

    submitted within a classroom or course context it would probably not be required.

    Check with your teacher.

    Abstracts use predictable language. Check these models:Using 'will' to describe

    the future,usingthe passive,usingthe simple present tense,usingbullet points.
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    Chapter 3

    Unit 1

    Find the Persian equivalents of the following terms

    and expressions and write them in the spacesprovided.

    Find the Persian equivalents of the following terms and expressions and

    write them in the spaces provided.


    2-Sub Munitions





    8-Sub Munitions







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    18-Dead Reckoning











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    54| P a g e



    After a tragic incident killed a marine who was clearing unexploded sub-

    munitions, the military decided to give the job to a robot. Enter Joe

    Jones and FETCH, a mine clearing robot being developed by IS

    Robotics. Jones showed a video of FETCH searching, picking up, and

    safely depositing sub munitions in a weedy field with natural obstacles.

    FETCH is a tracked vehicle that uses IR (infrared) to detect obstacles,

    GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) and an electronic compass fornavigation, a Radio Shack metal detector, and behavior-based

    programming for intelligence.

    FETCH goes to a predetermined position to start its search, using IR to

    navigate around obstacles while enroute. From its starting point, FETCH

    initiates a spiral search pattern. When a sub munition is found, a

    magnet is used to pick it up. FETCH then carries it to a dump site for

    later destruction. FETCH isn't a loner. A collection of these robots

    operate under "supervised autonomy" to clear a field of numerous

    mines. Each robot goes about its business, working on assigned targets,

    unless it detects a failure in its operation. It then signals an operator of

    the difficulty. The operator can intervene at many levels fromreassigning to another mine, to controlling individual wheel movements.

    FETCH uses the following sensors and behaviors:

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    For Dead Reckoning

    - Electronic Compass - GPS Receiver - Shaft Encoders

    For Searching - Metal Detector

    For Obstacle Avoidance

    - IR emitter/detectors

    For Obstacle Escape

    - Bumper

    For Supervised Feedback

    - Video CameraIn typical behavior-based fashion, a fixed-priority arbitration scheme is

    used to control the drive system. The robot is commanded to GOTO a

    start position, and then SEARCH unless the bumper initiates an

    ESCAPE, or the IR detector commands an AVOID maneuver, or the

    operator issues a remote CONTROL command. FETCH is an

    excellent example of the important work that can be done with low-cost,

    autonomous robots. Occasionally, an individual robot may by destroyed

    by exploding ordnance (= sub-munitions); however, at less than $2,000

    apiece (= each), that's a small price to pay.

    Comprehension exercises

    1 - Here is a summary of the document. Underline the passages whichdo not express the ideas of the text. After a marine had been killed by a

    robot / while he was looking for sub-munitions,/ the military decided to

    use Joe Jones's robot./ This robot can look for sub-munitions, / pick

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    them up,/ transport them to a safe place/ and destroy them.

    The robot is able to calculate its route, / to avoid obstacles and navigate

    around them./ But it can only move in spiral patterns./

    Once a magnetic device has detected and picked up sub-munitions, the

    unit signals an operator for instructions./

    In normal operation, no operator is required./ However if there is a

    problem, the operator issues commands / thus taking full control of the


    Since the robot is not very expensive / it is no problem if it is destroyed /when exploding the sub-munitions.

    True of False?

    . Joe Jones is the manufacturer of Fetch

    ..Navigation is possible by using only a compass.

    ..Fetch uses a metal detector to find the mines.

    ..Fetch's only activity is to find mines.


    What is the IR system for? ( answer with 'to')

    How does the robot move?

    How does it pick up the mine? What does it do it with?Is the robot completely autonomous?

    Who decides which mines to clear?

    What happens if there is a problem?

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    Has the operator got a wide choice of solutions?

    What are the advantages of the robot?


    GPS and an electronic compass allow ...

    searching for mines is done by ...

    The robot uses infra red .... and .... in order ....

    The bumper allows ...

    the purpose of the video camera is to permit ...Fill out the technical data sheet. (Write NA if data is not available)

    NAME of the product

    DEFINITION ( main use)









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    Complete the following summary by turning the verbs between brackets

    into the correct form.

    1 - This article is about a mine clearing robot ( call ) FETCH.

    2 - It ( develop ) by IS Robotics;

    3 - The robot ( send ) to its starting position,

    4 - and from there, it (navigate ) over the place in spiral patterns.

    5 - Its position ( calculate ) by GPS and a compass.

    6 - It ( use ) a metal detector: it ( search ) for munitions.

    7 - A magnet ( enable) the unit ( pick up) the munition.8 - the munition ( carry ) to a dump site later.

    9 - If the robot encounters a problem, the operator ( warn ),

    10 - and he ( can ) ( take) appropriate measures.

    11 - The robot is not expensive;

    12 - it is no real loss if it ( destroy ).

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    Unit 2

    Find the Persian equivalents of the following terms and

    expressions and write them in the spaces provided.

    1.Added value


    2.Assembly line


    3.automatic lathe



    5.beverage cans


    6.chucking machine


    7.competitive environment



    ............................. requirements..

    10.electrical insulator


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    13.industrialized nation




    15.labor costs..

    16.light fixtures






    19.material-handling equipment


    20.metalworking machinery

    ..21.monetary worth



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    6| P a g e








    26.sewing machine

    ..27.sheet metal






    30.well-organized plan


    31.wire coat hanger


    Section One: Reading Comprehension

    Manufacturing Technology

    As you read this introduction, take a few moments to inspect the

    different objects around you: your watch, chair, stapler, pencil,

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    calculator, telephone, and light fixtures. You will soon realize that all

    these objects have been transformed from various raw materials and

    assembled into the objects that you now see before you. Some objects,

    such as nails, bolts, and paper clips, are made of one piece. However,

    most objects such as aircraft engines, ballpoint pens, toasters, bicycles,

    computers, and thousands more are made of several parts from a variety

    of materials. A typical automobile, for example, consists of about

    15,000 parts; a C-5, a transport plane, consists of more than 4 million

    parts, and a Boeing 747-400 has 6 million parts. All are made byvarious processes that we call manufacturing. Manufacturing, in its

    broadest sense, is the process of converting raw materials into products.

    It-compasses the design and manufacturing of goods using various

    production methods and techniques.

    Manufacturing began about 5000 to 4000 B.c. with the production of

    various articles of wood, ceramic, stone, and metal. The word

    manufacturing is 'derived from the Latin manu factus, meaning "made

    by hand". The word manufacture first appeared in 1567, and the word

    manufacturing in 1683. Modern manufacturing involves making

    products from raw materials by various processes, machinery, and

    operations, following a well-organized plan for each step.Manufacturing comprises approximately 20 to 30 percent of the value

    of all goods and services produced in industrialized nations. Generally,

    the higher the level of manufacturing in a country, the higher the

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    standard of living of its people. Manufactured products are also used to

    make other products. Examples are large presses to form sheet metal for

    car bodies, metalworking machinery used to make parts for other

    products, and sewing machines for making clothing.

    Because a manufactured item has undergone a number of changes in

    which raw material has become a useful product, it has "added value",

    defined as monetary worth in terms of price. For example, clay. has a

    certain value when mined.

    When the clay is used to make a ceramic dinner plate, cutting tool, orelectrical insulator, value is added to the clay. Similarly, a wire coat

    hanger or a nail has added value over and above the cost of a piece of


    Manufacturing may produce "discrete products", meaning

    "individual parts or part pieces", or "continuous products". Nails, gears,

    steel balls, beverage cans, and engine blocks are examples of discrete

    products. Wire, metal or plastic sheet, hose, and pipe are continuous

    products that may be cut into individual pieces and thus become

    discrete products.

    Manufacturing is generally a complex activity involving people who

    have a broad range of disciplines and skills together with a wide varietyof machinery, equipment, and tools with various levels of automation,

    including computers, robots, and material-handling equipment.

    Manufacturing activities must be responsive to several demands and

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    A product must fully meet "design requirements" and


    A product must be manufactured by the most "economical"

    methods in order to minimize costs.

    "Quality" must be built into the product at each stage, from

    design to assembly, rather than relying on quality testing after the

    product is made.

    In a highly competitive environment, production methods must be

    sufficiently "flexible" to respond to changing market demands,

    types of products, production rates, production quantities, and on-

    time delivery to the customer.

    New developments in "materials, production methods, and

    computer integration" of both technological and managerial

    activities in a manufacturing organization must constantly be

    evaluated with a view to their timely and economic


    Manufacturing activities must be viewed as a large "system",

    each part of which is interrelated. Such systems can be modeled

    in order to study the effects of various factors, such as changes in

    market demands, product design, materials, costs, and production

    methods, on product quality and cost.

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    The manufacturer must work with the customer to get timely

    feedback for continuous "product improvement".

    The manufacturing organization must constantly strive for

    higher "productivity", defined as the optimum use of all its

    resources: materials, energy, capital, labor, and technology.

    Output per employee per hour in all phases must be maximized.

    All these factors collaborate to yield efficient manufacturing


    Part 1. Comprehension Exercises

    A. Put "T" for true and "F" for false statements. Justify your


    .... 1. The process of converting raw materials into products is called


    .... 2. Ballpoint pens and paper clips are both made of just one piece.

    .... 3. According to the author, the lower the level of manufacturing in

    a country the lower the standard of living of its people.

    .... 4. Sewing machines are good examples of manufactured products

    that are used to make other products.

    .... 5. The author defines "added value" as monetary worth of an item

    in terms of hard work.

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    .... 6. Ceramic dinner plates, cutting tools, and electrical insulators are

    instances of "continuous products".

    .... 7. According to the text, quality cannot be inspected after a productis made.

    .... 8. Manufacturing activities must not be considered a large system,

    because its parts are not interrelated.

    B. Choose a, b, c, or d which best completes each item.

    1.Engine blocks and steel balls are examples of.....

    a. added value b. certain value

    c. cutting tools d. discrete products

    2.For higher productivity,.....

    a.the optimum use of all resources must not be applied

    b.materials, machines, energy, etc. must be considered output

    c.output per employee per hour in all phases must be maximized

    d.the manufacturing organization must constantly be defined

    3.Each part of manufacturing activities is somehow related to another

    one. So ....

    a.we can study various factors while manufacturingb.we can consider the production methods thoroughly

    c.manufacturing activities must be viewed as product designs

    d.manufacturing activities must be considered a system

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    4.Timely feedback for product improvement is taken from .....

    a. the manufacturer b. market demands

    c the consumer d. production methods

    5.Value is added to the clay when it .....

    a. is used as a new material b. is used to make other products

    c. becomes a useful material d. becomes a certain product

    6.Using machinery and following a well-organized plan are two

    important characteristics of.....

    a modern manufacturing b. transformed processc. production methods d. raw materials

    7.The tools with various levels of automation that are used in modern

    manufacturing are.....

    a. engines and machines

    c. computers and robots

    b. sewing machines and presses

    d. computers and aircraft engines

    C. Answer the following questions and bring them in next


    1.How do you define modern manufacturing?

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    2.Where is the word manufacturing derived from?

    3.What is the difference between a paper clip and a toaster in


    4.Which one is more complex in manufacturing, a typical automobile

    or a transport plane? Why?

    5.What is the definition of "added value"?

    6.Why do we call nails and gears "discrete products"?

    7.What must manufacturing activities be responsive to?

    8.Why should we not rely on quality testing after the product ismade?

    Part I I . Language Practice

    A. Choose a, b, c, or d which best completes each item.

    1.Since not all manufacturing operations produce finished parts or

    products, additional .... may be necessary.

    a. organizations b. considerations

    c. processes d. dimensions

    2. Product diversification and high production ....invariably call fordiversity in the materials used.

    a. functions b. inputs

    c. materials d. outputs

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    3. Modern manufacturing is an industrial activity which requires.

    such as human power, materials, machines, and capital .

    a. resources b. activities

    c. concepts d. companies

    4. The main purpose of manufacturing is to produce useful products

    from .... materials.

    a. typical b. operational

    c. raw d. functional

    5. Individuals in large organizations are.... specialized in theirfunctions.

    a. directly b. entirely

    c. highly d. relatively

    6. Once the product has been.... and its production has been planned,

    the next step is to produce it.

    a. designed b. assembled

    c. manufactured d. consumed

    7. Most product designs are subject to .... demands, and usually

    reflect the changing likes and dislikes of society.

    a. manufacturer 'b. consumer

    c. producer d. such an important factor in manufacturing, companies

    have developed highly specialized methods and techniques to deal with


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    a. industry b. object

    c., cost d. power

    9.Manufacturing processes can four broad categories, based on

    the way parts are produced: shaping, assembling, finishing, and


    a. produced b. tension

    c. classified d. explained

    10.The forces used to form parts shearing, or....type.

    a. formation b. tensionc. molding d. welding

    B.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words




    For various products such as plant machinery required for chemical,

    civil, electrical, textile, etc., the....process forms a vital


    b. Some factories are engaged in the .... of plastics.

    c. products such as large presses and sewing machines are also

    used to make other products.d. The ....... must work with the customer to get timely feedback for

    continuous product improvement.


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    7| P a g e

    a. The product may be new, or it may be a newer model of an existing

    .... .

    b. Computer is a powerful and effective tool, particularly for



    c.The direct labor cost pertains to the labor directly involved in

    manufacturing the part. It is also called ....labor.

    d ..... is defined as the optimum use of all resources; i.e. materials,

    energy, capital, labor, and technology.

    3. Economy

    a. ....always has been a major factor in manufacturing and has

    become even more important for high-quality products.

    b. An entire manufacturing discipline, known as....order quantity, is

    now devoted to determining mathematically the optimum productionquantity.

    c.A slower production rate does not necessarily mean that the

    manufacturing process is inherently .....

    d. Fixed costs include the costs of power, fuel, taxes on real estate,


    insurance, and capital which are accounted .....


    a.We can ....manufacturing activities in order to study the effect of

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    various factors.

    b. The manufacturing organization must be....for higher productivity.

    c. Since not all manufacturing operations produce finished parts or

    products ....additional processes may be necessary.

    d. Manufacturing activities must be viewed as a large ....each part

    of which is interrelated.


    a.All operations on these machines are performed ....tnat is why,

    they are called automatic machines.

    b.The major goals of manufacturing facilities are to integrate

    various operations to improve productivity and reduce labor costs.

    c ...... and robotics assembly systems are replacing costly assembly by


    d. ...... lathes, also called chucking machines, which are usually

    vertical and don't have tailstocks, are used for machining individual

    pieces of regular or irregular shapes.

    C. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

    manufacturing quality lance

    machine tools design tool

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    implements output raw

    Manufacturing is the process of coordinating man power, tools, and

    machines to convert ........ materials into useful products. The first steps

    toward manufacturing can be seen in primitive people's early efforts to

    convert such raw