yreka`ssad error hiding near bantu santa...

YREKA`S SAD ERROR Facts Tend to Prove That Innocent Men Were Lynched. STORY OF A BURGLAR. A Cellmate of Moreno Bears Out the Confession of "John Doe." LETTERS IN A STRANGE HAND. The Mexican Had a Companion Who Probably Committed the Murders. PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.—The recent publication of a letter from Arizona, signed John Doe, in which the writer confesses to the murders for which Moreno and Semlar were lynched in Yreka last Ausust, has created a ripple of excitement here because of a corroborative statement made by a young burglar, Andrew A. Crawford, in a newspaper interview on the 27th of last September. "When I went to jaillast January," said young Crawford, in introducing at that time the history of Moreno, which in- clines him to the belief of Semlar's inno- cence, "I was placed in a cell with Moreno. I found him an easy man to get along with ana we struck up a sort of friendship. At that time ho coula hardly speak good Eng- lish, and I taught him so that we could converse. He had a habit of sitting up laic and staring into space, and one night 1 asked him what troubled him. He an- swered: "'1 am thinking of my wife and child- ren in (naming a place in Mexico op- posite Eagle Pass) whom I won't be able to see till 1896.' " 'How's that?' I asked him. " 'I'll tell you,' replied Moreno. 'Up to 1889 I was a non-commissioned officer in the Mexican army. Some time before that two young officers had me suspended by the wrists in the guardhouse, and I swore vi-ngeance upon them. In 1889, I one day called at the home of one of the officers, in the outskirts of the town. He an- swered my rap on the door, when I, with the aid of some fellow- soldiers, kidnaped and carried him a short distance into the woods, where I plunged my knife into his heart. The other oflicer shared a similar fate at my hands that afternoon. The killingof the two officers created a great sensation the day follow- ing when their bodies were discovered, but I was very popular with my men, they did not inform upon me and the Mexican au- thorities are yet in the dark as to the iden- tity of the slayer." " 'It was a month or two later when I killed an officer at a game of cards, and then I knew I hnd to flee. I hurried to the City of ' Mexico, where my brother practices law. He counseled me to leave the country at once and remain absent seven years, after which my prosecution would be barred by the Mexican statutes of limitation. I sailed in a Spanish ship as carpenter from New Orleans, visiting nearly all parts of the earth, till I reached Seattle from Liverpool in the ship J. B. Thomas last fall.' "Moreno left the County Jail a little more than three months before I did," contin- ued Crawford, "and he promised to write and keep me informed where he was, so I could join him after my release. The last letter I got from Moreno (it was not in his handwriting) was two weeks before he was hanged. My theory is that the writer of the letters accompanied Moreno to Yreka, and that he alone was guilty of the double murder for which Moreno and Semler were hanged." PORTLAND PEOPLE FLEECED. Numerous Business Men Contribute to the Exchequer of a Chicago Con- fidence Man. PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.—About a month ago Victor D. L. Mudge of Chicago came here and established a concern stylea the Northwest Commercial Agency. He claimed to be a lawyer with wealthy connections in the East and made a big spread. But no business poured in upon Mudge, and for the past week creditors have besieged him. » One of the advertising creditors of the agency called on Mudge on Wednesday to get a settlement of his balance. Mudge happened to be just out of funds, but he gladdened his visitor's heart, all the same, by exhibiting a letter received from his mother on that day, announcing that she would get $2G,000 on Thanksgiving day, out of which she would wire him $ 1000 at once. The advertising man was to call on Fri- day and pet his money. He visited the office of the agency this morning, but Mudge was not there; in fact, some one told him that the consulting attorney had "skipped" the town. Muuge could not sicip because he is under arrest for having appropriated some money belonging to one of his employes, and is being held on a felony charge. This afternoon there was a small mob of angry creditors about the agency, but Mudge was safely .-tored away. Another attorney of the company, A. F. Groves, was before Justice Geisler this morning, and arraigned for the alleged embezzlement of $30 from J. K. Brown, a client. Glenn Holman filed this informa- tion, stating that Groves had collected $30 for Brown fome weeks ago, and appropri- ated it to his own use. This man willalso have an examination next Tuesday. FIVE YEARS FOR FRICK. The Topsy Grade Bandit Escapes With a Light Sentence. PORTLAND, Ok., Nov. 30.—Adolphus C. Frick, the convicted stage-robber, who repeatedly halted the Klamath Falls stage, was before Judge Bellinger this morning for sentence, and the judgment of the court was that the prisoner should spend five years of his life at hard labor in the !>enitentiary. The court stated the reason for this comparatively light punishment to be that the prisoner* had no real weapon in his possession when he attempted to rob the mails. Frick, as he resumed his seat, drew a lons breath, which might have been taken as an expression that while five years in the "pen" at hard work seemed a long time, it was a good deal shorter than to be compelled to spend his life behind prison walls, and he fully realized what a "close ehave" it was for vim. barring Sailor* \Rtach Port Toumsend. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Nov. 30.— The achoouer Reporter arrived here this '?eniii X , twenty-eight days from San Pe- dro. The crew was in an almost starving condition and complained that food ran short when fourteen days out. Since then the seamen have been subsisting upon short rations of stale bread, unwholesome salt meat and bad coffee. COULTERVILLE TO MAR IPOS A. New Bridge Over Merced River With New Roads Shorten the Distance One-Half. BEAR VALLEY, Cal., Nov. 30.— The San Francisco Bridge Company his fin- ished the construction of the new bridge over Merced Kiver at Benton Mills, rive miles from Bear Valley. Itis a handsome structure, of wood and iron, and was built in twenty-five working days under the supervision ol William Bates. The bridge has a span of 175 feet in the center and two short spans in the approaches, thirty feet at each end, in ad- dition to which there is a small amount of trestle work. Men are at work finishing the approaches, and the bridge will be open for traffic within a lew days. The Supervisors have let a contract to Mr. McCandlish for eight mi!es of road to connect the north end of the bridge at Benton Miils with Ooulterville, by way of Scotts (iulch. The contract price is $0000. The distance between Coulterville and Mariposa. the county seat, by this rond will be twenty-five miles. From Mariposa to Bear Yallev th.c distance will be twelve miles; thence to Benton Mills Bridge five miles; thence to Coulterville eight miles. The total distance is thus reduced one- half. The rain during the week has softened the ground, and will enable the roaa-con- tractors to push on with the work more speedily. ________________ NEWS OF LOS ANGELES. Poisoner Busby Escapes With a Verdict of Imprisonment for Life. Suburbanites to Vote Upon the Ques- tion of Annexation Mayne's Death Is Near. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—The jury in the case of J. Busby, the poisoner, returned a verdict at 5 o'clock this after- noon of murder in the first degree and re- commended a life sentence as the penalty. Busby was the negro who sent to a Pullman-car porter a bottle of wine into which he had put strychnine, hoping by the porters death to obtain his position. The bottle fell into the hands of two train- men, W. J. Thompson and A. J. Martin, who drank the contents and died in horri- ble agony. OREATJER LOS ASGELES. Suburbs to Decide the Question of Annex- ation by liallot. LOS ANGELES, Ota., Nov. 30. -The land committee of the City Council to-day recommended the calling of an election tor the annexation of certain territory south- west of the city, provided the residents of the district to be annexed pay one-half of the expense to be incurred. The boundary of the district that wants to become a part of the city is changed materially from that of the district which sought tube annexed several months ago. The territory wherein resides the majority of the opponents to annexation is left out by the new petitioners. It is likely the Council will accept the recommendation of the committee and call the election at once, for itis understood the suburbanites are willing to defray their share of the ex- penses. AWARDS FOR CALIFORNIA. Gratifying Success of the State's Exhibit at Atlanta. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.-It is very gratifying to Californians to note evidences of the success with which the exhibit of this State has been received at Atlanta. Out of seventy-five medals awarded to California, Southern California received thirty-nine, or fifty-two per cent. Of these the Los Angeles Chamber of Com- merce receives thirty-seven medals, which speaks volumes for the completeness and cure with which its exhibit was prepared. The rewards for individuals in this section of thi3 State are numerous and include prizes for wines, fruits, preserves, sugar and vegetables, and one woman receives a bronze medal for silk in cocoons, a fact which suggests great possibilities in the direction of silk culture in this section of the State. \u2666 DECREASING OIL HELD. Supplies from Xew Wells Do Xot Coun- teract the Loss in the Old. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Not- withstanding the reports in the papers that the product of oil is increasing, the exchange believes that the contrary is true. The amount derived from new wells does not counteract the loss in the old ones. Although the wells are giving out the field is exhaustless, but is shifting. The location for the oil refinery of the Puente Oil Company has not yet been de- cided upon. The refinery will in no way be a rival of the gigantic Standard Com- pany, but will sell and allow its product to be handled by that corporation. , \u2666 JUAIXE NEAR TO DEATH. He Continue* to Call for the Young Ward Whotn He Wronged. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Clifton E. Mayne suffered another hemorrhage this rooming in his cell at the County Jail, and his death is expected at any mo- ment. Nothing has yet been heard from Delia Shipton. Mayne wants to see her before he dies and his constant request is for her. It is presumed that his desire to see her is to have her, in whom he has every faith, wipe out the stain that now smirches his name in case of his death. There is abso- lutely no hope for his recovery. Exporting Thorne'* Hooka. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—The ex- pert examination of the books of Lewis Thome, ex-secretary of the Sixth District Agricultural Association, has commenced, No report willbe made as to the condition of affairs until the examination is com- pleted. It is understood that General A. W. Barrett will be down to-morrow to watch the progress of the investigation. \u2666 Au Incendiary lilaze. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Alex- ander Burley's planing-mill at Main and Washington streets was destroyed by tire last evening. Indications are that it was an incendiary blaze. The engine and boiler of the mill were saved, but all the rest of the property was destroyed. Loss, $7000; insurance, $4000. \u2666 Fortv-Titree 3Vt» Htiildingn. -LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Super- intendent of Buildings Strange issued per- mits from his office for the week to the number of forty-three for buildings to cost in the aggregate $115,000. There were fewer permits issued this week than last,' but the cost of the buildings was consider- ably more. \u2666 Tveo Firemen, Injured. CHICAGO, ItU, Nov. 30.—At a fire in Neeman & Co.'s commission house on South Water street at midnight Firemen John Doering and James Doyle were knocked f.enseless by an explosion of hot air. Both were painfully, but not seri- ously, injured. The property loss is small. HIDING NEAR BANTU Vain Search of a Posse for the Old Man Who Shot Buzzell. RETURN EMPTY-HANDED Tyson's Son Refuses to Lead the Officers to His Father's Retreat. SYMPATHY FOE THE FUGITIVE. Developments Tend to Prove That the Campers Fired in Self- Defense. STOCKTON, Cal., Nov. 30.-Sheriff Cun- ningham, Chief of Police Kingsbury and the other members of the posse which started this morning to search for H. C. Tyson, the old man who killed Deputy Sheriff Buzzell on the McLaughlin ranch, near Banta, in the battle in the darkness on Thanksgiving night, returned this evening empty handed. Tyson's youngest son, whom they took with them, indicated no disposition to aid in the search. Sev- eral supposed clews were found to be mis- leading. The impression is now that if Tyson is not dead or dying in some thicket from his wounds he has made his way into the foothills. One of the officers said on his return: "1 suppose the old man is frightened, but in the light of developments so far I do not see any occasion for his flight." Deputy Sheriff Buzzell's body will be buried, and the inquest held later. The Sheriff returned the thirteen-year-old son to jail. Some hope is still expressed that Tyson may conclude to make his way to the city and surrender. Considerable criticism is directed at the officers for not prosecuting the. search last night, inasmuch as the Tyson boys' state- ments to the officials at the County Jail indicated that the old man might be dying by the roadside from his wounds. Sym- pathy is expressed for Tyson, as it is thought that lie was, in the light of pres- ent information, justified in the shoot- ing. It is only regretted that he is sub- jecting himself to hardships unnecessary, under the impression that be is being hunted as a deliberate murderer. Several of the Sheriff's deputies searched the house of the Tysons on Fremont street this morning, thinking that t!ie father might have returned during the night. Of course, they did not rind him. Tyson's 1.5-year-ola son, who was taken along by the pos?e, evidently feared that lie was be- ing made the medium of information which might bring his father to the gal- i lows, for when they arrived at the scene of the midnicht light he refused to lead the otlicers to the spot where he had last seen the old man or to give any information that might put them on the trail. Henry Tyson, the eldest son, made a very complete statement of the affair to a reporter at the County Jail to-day. "We started on Thursday," said he, "to go to the Coast Range on a hunting trip. Toward evening we concluded to find some place to camp. After driving on for a while we saw a nice place near some trees to put up for the night, and decided to camp. Father made a fire and started to cook supper. "The fire was made at the foot of a big tree, for there was quite a hole in the ground at the root of the tree. After we had made our meal we found that the tree was on fire on the inside, and we all went to work packing water to put it out. After working for some time we foupd that we could not get at the fire on the inside, and that it was impossible to extinguish it. After finding that we could do nothing with the fire we all lay down to sleep. "I think father and one of my brothers was asleep when we heard a rig drive up. There wero two men, and one of them called to us. Father answered, and then they came nearer. One of them wanted to know what right we had to come into the field and set lire toother people's property. "Father told him that we did not fire the tree intentionally and that we had done our best to put it out, but could not. The man was very abusive. I don't know who he was, but we supposed from the way he talked that he owned the place. Father then said he would try again to put the fire out and would pay what dam- ages there were if he could not and the tree was burned down. The man said he would give us two minutes to put the fire out or he would make us do it. The man then said : 'Ifthat fire is not out in fifteen minutes I will De back with a Winchester and make you put it out.' "The men then went away and we set to work again to try to extinguish the blaze. We worked hard. Then we con- cluded it was no use to try further and quit, father was afraid the men might come back when we were asleep and shoot us. He thought the men might do this, for the one who talked ao much said he was coming back with a Winchester. Father took my rifle and placed i: against the wagon, where he could get at it easily. "Pretty soon we heard someone on horse- back and three men rode up. One of them got off and came up to where we were. He said he was a Deputy Sheriff, but we djd not believe him, lor the men did not come from the direction of the bridge. He asked what we were burning trees for, and said we ought to know better than to de- stroy other people's property. Father again explained how the fire started, and said he was willing to settle for the tree if itburned down. The man ordered father to put the fire out, but he wouldn't, be- cause he knew it wa9 no use to try. "When he refused the man reached over to catch hold of father, and he stepped back to where his gun was. The man then drew his pistol from his pocket and ordered father not to take his gun. I called to him to pot that pistol down and so did my father, but the man would not listen to us. The man then started to shoot. The pistol snapped and he fared again before father shot at him. It was fully three seconds after he shot before father fired, as he could not get his gun up in time. The man fired a second shot, and father cried out that he had been hit. "My brother and I then got our pistols and began tiring. We fired two shots apiece. Father also fired again with his rifle at the other men when we began firing. One of them shot and the bullet went close to father's head. They then lit out. "After the men had gone we began to think what was best to do. Father said the best thing to do was to catch our horses ami go buck to Stockton and tell what had happened. We did not know then that the man was killed. My brothers and father went out to look for the horses, while I put the things back in the wagon. •'When I stepped around by the tongue I saw the man lying on the ground, and found that he was dead. Presently the others came back and said that the horses were gone. W T e supposed the men had driven them off. "When father found the man was dead, he did not know what to do. He was half crazy with nervousness from the effects of drink and the excitement. We urged him to go back with us, but he said he did not know what to do. He thought he would strikeout alone, and might go to StocKton and might not. "He took the rifle and left, but we met him later. We did not want to be ar- rested, but wanted to give ourselves up in Stockton. When we got to the bridge my little brother said he saw some men pa- trollingit. We thenhran back and; got under a car for a while. Then we started back to try to make the McDougald bridge again. We walked and walked, going through the brush. Somehow we got away from the river and lost our bearings. It was very dark and storming. Finally we struck a heavily wooded spot with plenty* of brush about and decided to lie down until morning. "When morning came father could not get up. I forgot to tell you he was wounded. The ball went across his stom- ach, but I do not think it went very deep. He is rather fleshy, and I think the ball went through the fat on his stomach. I had to lift him to his feet, for he was stiff and weak. I begged him to come on with us, but he said he could not. He tol^l us the best thing for us would be to come into Stockton and give ourselves up and let him lie where he was until he was able to walk. I took the Winchester from him and my brother gave him a 38-caliber re- volver. We cave him what money we had. He promised to go to some farmhouse as soon as he was able and get something to eat. Then we left him and came to Stock- ton." MOURNED AT PORTLAND. Drummer Dixon's Sudden Flight Regretted by a Host of Creditors. Cashed Many Bogus Checks Before Starting on a Tour of Canada. PORTLAND. Or., Nov. 30.— James A. Dixon, manager of the Western Shipping and Commercial Company in this city, is a fugitive from justice. On Thanksgiving day he raised about $1000 in checks on the London and San Francisco Bank, in sums of $20 and $25, which he cashed among his friends about town. Yesterday morning the rush of check- holders began. The majority came straight from the bank, where they had been in- formed that Dixon had no account there, while others had been met on the way by those informed. To all the same cold com- fort was given— "he's skipped!" and with that they were forced to be content, for Dixon had many hours before crossed the Canadian line at Biaine, Wash., and even then was well on his way to Montreal. Dixon first made his appearance in Port- land some four years ago as a drummer for an Eastern distillery ; at least he claimed to be such, although it is not known that he ever filled an order. Portland seemed to suit him, and dropping the whisky business he tooK a line of syrups out on the road, working through some agency in this city. The fellow was a good dresser, invariably appearing on the street, sum- mer and winter, wearing a high silk hat and well-fitting Prince Albert. He pos- sessed a good tenor voice and was soon a warm favorite in certain circles. The returns from the treacle business proved entirely inadequate to Dixon's ex- I penditures, and finding himself getting > into debt the fellow resolved on a bold stroke. Two years aeo. renting room 43 in the McKay building, Dixon had painted on the door the following sign: "Western i Shipping and Commercial Company, Gen- j eral Merchants, Agents for American ITramp Steamship Company, James A. Dixon, Manager." One doleful creditor as he gazed on the sign this morning re- marked : "That 'Tramp Steamship Company 1 hits it off all right, doesn't it?" During the two years he was known to do little but spend his nights around concert- halls and preside over the sessions of the "Chicken Club," an organization for the cultivation of the voice and the appetite. This did not bring in cash, and Dixon had to borrow, a procedure that had become a habit acquired in other cities, and one he rather liked. His pilferings amount to well into the thousands. Racetrack for Santa Monica. SANTA MONICA,Cai.., Nov. 30.—G. L. Waring and others are organizing a stock company for the purpose of constructing a mile racetrack here, just outside the city limits, adjacent to the Southern Pacific track. It is proposed to capitalize the company at $25,000 and lease sixty-five acres of land, with a privilege of purchas- ing. The Chamber of Commerce has ap- proved of the proposition and appointed a committee to confer with the gentlemen. CAPTAIN HEALY OF THE BEAR. The Veteran of the Revenue Cutter Serv- ice Denies All the Charges Against Him. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 30.-Cap- tain M. A. Healy of the United States revenue cutter service has sent to the Secretary of the Treasury his reply to complaints made against him by twenty- live officers of the revenue marine service. He enters a denial to each complaint. In the list of complaints filod Captain Healy is charged with drunkenness, neg- lect of duty, conduct unbecoming an officer and and a gentleman, lack of discipline, favoritism and varions other offenses. These complaints are now being put into specific charges, and when formally filed with Secretary Carlisle in regular form, a board of revenue marine officers will be convened at San Francisco to make an in- vestigation of the charges and submit a re- port. Upon the report and findings of this body Secretary Carlisle will take definite action. The board will be announced, it is said, within the next ten days. Captain Healy is 58 years old, and has for a number of years been engatred in cruising in the northern seas, where he is said to have contracted his bad habita, partly because of the rigorous climate. Much sympathy t9 expressed for him in official circles here, where he bore an ex- cellent character as a sturdy sailor and an officer of good judgment. I'olice Jleaetie « Murderer. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 30.—Alexander Boyle, who murdered his mistress, Jessie Sims, yesterday morning, was captured in East St. Louis and taken to the Morgue to identify the body this morning. A crowd of 400 negroes attempted to lynch him, but he was rescued by a squad of fiftypolicemen after a hard struggle. SANTA CRUZ'S PLIGHT Laveaga Heights May Be Lost to the Seaside City. HEIRS WANT THE LAND. They Combine in an Action to Have the Bequest Set Aside. WILL CONTEST IN THE COURTS. Fierce Legal Battle for the Possession of the Beautiful Park Is Promised. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., Nov. 30.—When Jose Vicente de Laveaga of San Francisco died in this city he bequeathed to Santa Cruz a large portion of Laveaga Heights, a beautiful section of country near this city, with the recommendation that the land be maintained as a public park to be enjoyed as a place of recreation for the rich and poor alike. Now it seeni9 that Santa Cruz is not to have the enjoyment of this muniticent bequest without a tierce legal battle with the combined heirs to the dead man's estate. The heirs are not only to contest for the portion bequeathed to Santa Cruz, but also for fifty acres to be used for a hospital for the deaf and dumb. The heirs claim that when Mr.Laveaga bequeathed the property to Santa Cruz for a public park it was a bequest to charity, and upon this showing the court will be asked to scale down all charitable bequests to the one-third limit. City Attorney Charles M. Cassin has for the past few months interested himself and has been looking into the affairs of the late million- aire's estate, and his opinion is that the grounds taken by the relatives will not hold. In fighting the suit he will claim that the bequest of this property to Santa Cruz does not come within section 1313, for the reason that it is not a charitable be- quest. Should the court decide otherwise Mr. Cassin has another strong point that can be brought to bear upon the case. This was found in the will itself, for instead of bequeathing the land for park purposes only the will gives the land to Santa Cruz with the recommendation that it be main- tained as a park, its use as a park, how- ever, not being made compulsory. With this construction placed upon that clause of the will the land may be used for what- ever purpose seems best in the judgment of the administration, but with the prefer- euce given to park purposes. The case will be watched with much in- terest by the people of this city, as the park is in one of the most beautiful spots of the county. It is on the foothills, about a mile from the city, and the view from it is a grand one, overlooking the city and Monterey Bay. When Mr. Laveaga was alive he spent much of his time and money on this place, and it is Jaid out with drives, paths through the forests and pretty shrubbery, with fruits and vines of all kinds planted upon the fertile slopes of the hills. This noble gift i 3 one whfch the people of Santa Cruz may yet be deprived of. Ii EDUCEJt OXE- THIRD. Sweeping Cut in Wages of Colorado Mid- hi ml Employes. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov. 30.— It is announced that the employes of the Colorado Midland are to receive a 33V£ per cent cut on the first of the year. This is said to be because they are receiving large wages, amounting in some instances, with extra work, to $200 and $300 per month. Receiver Risline thinks that wages are too high, and consequently gave the men the required thirty days' notice of the re- duction. A strike is not probable, but the men will undoubtedly appeal to Judue Caldwell. relying on his fairness and good judgment. SEATTLE JIAXK FRAVOS. Charges of Conspiracy I'rcferred Against President Hooker. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 30. —H. H. Wheeler has petitioned the Superior Court asking that the Seattle National Bank be placed in the hands of a receiver. Con- spiracy on the part of Robert G. Hooker, the president, is charged. About a year ago the Commercial Na- tional Bank, of which Wheeler was presi- dent, was consolidated with the Seattle National. The plaintiff claims that Hook- er has been fraudulently disposing of stock and otherwise seeking to defraud the for- mer stockholders of the Commercial Na- tional, and that the liabilities of the Seat- tle National exceed the assets by $50,000. Wheeler himself is now under bonds, charged with fraud in his management of the Blame National Bank, Blame, Wash. OUR CHANCES ARE GOOD San Francisco as Likely to Win the Convention as Any City. The Interior Towns Continue to Do Ex- cellent Work for the Promotion Committee. For the last few days the dispatches from Chicago would indicate to those who do not understand the situation that the convention has been arranged for at that point, and that the entire matter is set- tled. As a matter of fact, the location of the convention will not be definitely known until the National Committee meets on the 10th of December, and in the meantime it may as well be stated that San Francisco has as much of a show of winning the prize as Chicago or Pittsburg. There are a great many ins and outs ofpreparation that have not yet been made public, and will not be, until our delegates are ready to come before the National Committee. Chicago's boom is merely confined to Chicago, and is not likely to disturb any other city's chances. Our delegates are circulating through the doubtful States, and some very effective work is being done. While they arc on a still hunt for votes, the interior towns of California are going right along, with the intention of getting all the weight behind onr delegates that it is possible to accumulate. Yesterday Chairman Castle of the committee on pro- motion received the following resolutions from Madera: Whereas, The committee of promotion of San Francisco is muking efforts to secure tbe Re- publican National Convention for that City; and whereas, we believe that the holding of that convention in San Francisco will be of great benefit to the State; therefore be it Resolved, That we the citizens of Madera County, in mass-meeting assembled, regardless of party affiliations, do hereby pledge our hearty support to the committee inits great work, and we willencourage the movement as much as we can, so that the efforts of the com- mittee may meet with success. Other interested cities are keep the mat- ter before the public, and the Pacific Coast generally will reap the most substantial benefit from the convention if we succeed in securing it. If not, the people of Cali- fornia will have shown that they are able to stand together when itis for the good of the State. Last night in Oakland the committee having in charge the matter of aiding San Francisco in bringing the Republican Na- tional Convention met in the council chamber, and the following committee was appointed to canvass subscriptions: Ex-Mayor W. R. Davis, President G. L. Fish, Merchants' Exchange; Stephen T. Gage, P. E. Bowles, J. A. Brittan, D. C. Brown and G. W. Arper. The committee will report next Satur- day night. VISALIA JOIIfS WITH US. They Draw Tip Some Resolutions Re- garding the Plan. VISALIA, Cal., Nov. 30.—The mass- meeting called by Hon. J. W. Davis to take action relative to the Republican Na- tional Convention of 1896 was held inthe City Council rooms this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and was attended by representa- tives of all political parties. Judge Davis called the meeting to order. On motion Mayor D. M. Adams of Visalia was elected chairman and C. P. Ruffner, editor of the Porterville Advance, was chosen secretary. Upon motion a committee consisting of George M. Stewart, editor of the Delta; Ben M. Maddox, editor Times; W. H. Gil- strap, editor News; Major C. J. Berry, C. T. Lindsey and J. W. Davis were ap- pointed to draft resolutions expressing the sense of the meetirg. They reported as follows: Whereas, We believe it is to the material in- terest of the State of California and the entire Pacific Coast that one or more of the National political conventions should be held in our midst; and whereas, a visit to this State by the representative men of the Nation would be to them a revelation and a source of education, enabling them to learn by personal expe- perience and observation the vastness of our territory, our wonderful natural resources, the nature of our legislative wants and our claims for National recognition, and thus qualify those who are in official life to act with greater intelligence and understanding in all matters concerning this State and coast; and whereas, it would be a graceful act upon the part of the members of the National committee represent- ing that portion of the country to which dele- gates from the Pacific Coast have for many years gone to attend the National assemblies of their party to recognize the claim of the minority and send the Republican National Convention for 1896 to San Francisco; there- fore Resolved, That we, citizens of the county of Tulare, State of California, in non-partisan convention assembled, do cordially indorse the efforts of San Francisco, and of the people of the entire State, in endeavoring to secure the holding of the next National Republican Convention at the leading city of this Western Slope. Resolved, That we heartily unite'in the invi- tation to the National Committee of the Re- publican party to give to the delegates to the convention the opportunity to leave their homes in the East and South and come to the City where they may gaze through the Golden Gate upon the placid waters of the Pacific and drink inits cool, refreshing breezes, free from the sultry heat of summer. Bcsolvcd, That California's most cordial wel- come awaits all who shall attend such, conven- tion, and our people will guarantee that, when they shall have performed their duties and turned their faces Eastward, it will be with the feeling that they have done well to come to California. Respectfully submitted, George W. Stewart, Ben M. Maddox, W. H. Gilstrap, C. J. Beret, C. T. Lindsey, J. \V. Davis. Dated Visalia, Cal., November 30, 1895. Upon motion the resolutions were adopted and the secretary instructed to furnish J. W. Davis with a certified copy of the same to send to the promotion com- mittee in San Francisco. The meeting then adjourned. San Francisco* Jioston Hoom. BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 30.—The Call correspondent this evening secured inter- views with a number of the leading Repub- licans of the East in regard to the choice of a convention city and individual choices for a Presidential candidate. As a result of this canvass, as has been predicted, San Francisco still leads all other cities in the convention race. Seemingly the lavish outlay by the Pittsburg and Chicago agents has caused little or no change in the sen- timent. The entire East is solid for Reed of Maine, and no amount of canvassing or wire-pulling can change the result. During the past month the Maine mtn's candidacy has, if anything, thriven on the oppo- sition, and each day hi 3hold on the cov- eted honor is growing stronger. Confession Is Good. On a Michigan-avenue car a day or two ago two man, each of whom had an umbrella in his hand, sat side by side. After a few minutes one of them said : "If I am not mistaken I once owned that umbrella you are carrying." ! "I was thinking the same about yours," was the*eply. "If my memory serves me right I left that umbrella in an office on Griswold street about a year ago." "Don't doubt itin the least. Just about a year ago I was in an office on Griswold street and it began to rain. This umbrella stood there in a corner and after a little maneuvering I managed to steal it. A week previous to that I was making some purchases in a store on Woodward avenue. When I started to go out I found that some one had stolen my umbrella. I think you are the man." "I know lam," replied the other. "Yes, I was in a store on Woodward avenue about a year ago. It was raining and I had no umbrella. I saw you stand yours up against the counter and walk away, and I gobbled it. Shall we exchange or let things go as they are?" "I m satisfied." "so'm I." "Then we will continue to believe that honesty is the best policy. I get out here good afternoon." "Same to you, and integrity is the road to success."— Detroit Free Press. Parasol Ant. The greatest known curiosity of insect life, as far as habits are concerned, at least, is to be found in the queer "parasol" or "umbrella" ant, so common in all parts of tropical America, from Texas to Vene- zuela. The common name by which the creature is known has been bestowed because cf a queer habit this species of ant has of stripping certain kinds of trees and shrubs of their foliage and carrying the leaves to their nests. An army of these ants which have been off on a foraging expedition presents the queerest sight imaginable, as they march in long col- umns by twos, four and sixes, each holding the stem of a leaf in its jaws, the leaf itself shading the insect's body as a parasol does the face and shoulders of a lady. The early naturalists im- agined that these ants carried leaves for the sole purpose of protecting themselves against the rays of the tropical sun, but recent investigation by the Direc- tor of Agriculture, Trinidad, phows that they have another use for the bits of green they gather. The leaves, accordiug to our authority, are only want<fcl as scil upon which to grow a certain species of fungi which the parasol ant is very fond of.— St. Louis Republic. ITEMS OF LNTEEEST. Strawberries in marketable quantities were gathered in Greenville, Or., last week. A skilled workman on the docks of Hol- land makes from $4 to $4 80 a week the year round. Tea-rollers, who. with their fingers, roll the tea leaves into pellets, earn from 7 cents to 10 cents a day. A farm laborer in India is fortunate if he receives 10 cents a day laboring from dawn until dark. Laborers in the shipyards of North Ire- land realize no more than $3 77 for a week's hard work. In Berlin a skillfulmachine-maker, with constant work, earns no more than $250 60 per annum. Cigar-makers in Spain receive $4 80 a week; inFrance, $4 65; in Germany, $3 63; and in Italy, $3. An Irish plumber makes, in his native country, about $3 75 a week, and pays hia assistants $2 67. Printers in New South Wales receive $14 10 a week; in England, $7 17; in Italy, $4 (JO; in Spain, $4 50. An expert tea mixer in China com- mands high wages, being paid from (JO cents to ?1 a day for his work. Skilled female labor in Munich, in what- ever calling, is rarely paid at a higher rate than 72 cents a day. In Holland the average rate of wages for skilled Jaborer3 of every description is from 8 cents to 10 cents an hour. Carriage drivers in France received $4 82 a week, in England $5 15, in Germany $3 -11, and in Italy $2 60. To circumvent an overpowering desire to killhimself, Albert Mayo, a destitute scene painter, applied to the Denver police to be locked up. About 1000 dozen crawfish are being shipped every week from the five-mile slouch just above Westport, Oregon, to the markets of Portland, San Francisco and Chicago. Attempts are now being made to accli- mate Scotch grouse in Denmark. The birda thrive well on the extensive moorland of Jutland. They are fenced until the end of next year. The American Girls' Club of Berlin held a bazaar in the Kurfurtenstrasse last week, which was a conspicuous pecuniary and social success, as anything which Ameri- can girls take hold of is apt to be. Amherst College is preparing to send out its first eclipse expedition. It will be un- der the direction of Professor David P. Todd and will tixa station on the island of Gezo, Japan, to observe the eclipse of 1896. One of the chief physical elements in the phenomenal racing power of the bi- cyclist Zimmerman is said to be his ab- normally large heart, which ih declared by the doctors "to be two inches longer than the average. Notwithstanding their reputation for speed, the Indian racers of the Northwest and Canada have repeatedly been beaten by white men, while in wrestling they never attain the skill of the whites, and do not seem to learn boxing at all. Frederick William, the father of Fred- erick the Great, was slightly deaf, and gen- erarly conversed in a yell. Although pro- fessing to be pious, he often lapsed into profanity in conversation, and commonly ended an argument by cursing las oppo- nent. The Indian pharmacopoeia comprised thoroughwort, spurge and Indian hemp, U3ed as emetics; Icfl bark of the horse- chestnut and butternut, used as cathartic?. They were also acquainted with many poisons, most of which were used on their weapons. Edward Simmons, the artist who de- signed the decorations for the new Crimi- nal Court building in New York, rejects the idea of blind Justice, and lias depicted that deity with both e\es open, holding her scales in one hand and the American flag in the other. The steamer W. O. Huehart, jrhich re- cently passed through the Portage canal en route to Cincinnati via the Wisconsin, Mississippi and Ohio rivers, was tied up at Dekorra, _Wis., on account of the low stage of the Wisconsin. It will proceed on the trip when navigation reopens in tha spring. An lowa audience last Saturday night made a pleasing departure from the hack- neyed practice of saluting an obnoxious performer with ancient eggs. Four women, sisters, who attempted to give an enter- ment at Cedar Rapids, were pelted off the stage with a shower of apples, oranges and lemons. E. H. Thompson, Government entomol- ogist of Tasmania, has discovered that plants make 85 per cent of their grov.th between midnight and 6 a. m., while be- tween noon and 6 p. m. they do not grow at all. Now will some scientific observer ascertain whether the same rule holds good on this side of the world? THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SDNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1895. 5 NEW TO-DAY. FOR The Master Remedy. Master is an old-fashioned word, not much relished or used in these days of freedom, but itis the only term that fully distinguishes "77" for Colds from the mass of cough mixtures which are charged to tlie danger point with Squills or Tartar emetic, to sicken the stomach; or Lauda- num to oroduce drowsiness, and possibly lead to the Opium habit. Avoid these dangers by using " 77." It is entirely harmless, and cures, not by drugging, but by acting directly through the capillaries and nerve centers. The pellets are hardly dissolved upon the tongue before the cure commences. "77" for GRIP Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Pains in the Head and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat, Gen- eral Prostration and Fever, and prevents Pneumonia. "77" will "breakup" a stubborn cold that "hangs on." Dr. Humphreys pots up a Bpeclflc for every dis- ease. They are described in his .Manual, which is pent fre?. Small bottles of pleasant pellets— flt your vest pocket: sold by drucgists, or sent, on receipt of price, VJ5c, or five for $1. Humphreys' Medicinß Company, 111 and 113 William St., New York. Be sure to get H-U-M-P-H-R-E-Y-S' ABSOLUTELY FREE To those afflicted n-ith Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Troubles, A'asty Hacking Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, Hemorrhages, La Grippe or its evil after effects. Wasting J/iteasts, Emaciation, Anaemia, or Scrof- ula, we will give a regular size bottle of Dr. Got- din's Chocolate Emulsion of Cod I.ivtr Oil with Hypophosphites (whichis a de.liciois preparation to take), that we may prove its sterling worth to those so afflicted. Individuals themselves (only) may ©6- tain same at Laboratory, til Davis St., S. F.

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YREKA`SSAD ERRORFacts Tend to Prove That

Innocent Men WereLynched.


A Cellmate of Moreno Bears Outthe Confession of "John



The Mexican Had a Companion WhoProbably Committed the


PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.—The recentpublication of a letter from Arizona, signedJohn Doe, in which the writer confesses tothe murders for which Moreno and Semlarwere lynched in Yreka last Ausust, hascreated a ripple of excitement here becauseof a corroborative statement made by ayoung burglar, Andrew A. Crawford, in anewspaper interview on the 27th of lastSeptember.

"When Iwent to jaillast January," saidyoung Crawford, in introducing at thattime the history of Moreno, which in-clines him to the belief of Semlar's inno-cence, "Iwas placed ina cell withMoreno.Ifound him an easy man to get along withana we struck up a sort of friendship. Atthat time ho coula hardly speak good Eng-lish, and Itaught him so that we couldconverse. He had a habit of sitting uplaic and staring into space, and one night1 asked him what troubled him. He an-swered:

"'1am thinking of my wife and child-ren in—(naming a place in Mexico op-posite Eagle Pass)

—whom Iwon't be able

to see till1896.'"'How's that?' Iasked him."'I'lltell you,' replied Moreno. 'Up to

1889 Iwas a non-commissioned officer inthe Mexican army. Some time before thattwo young officers had me suspended bythe wrists in the guardhouse, and Isworevi-ngeance upon them. In 1889, Ione daycalled at the home of one of the officers, inthe outskirts of the town. He an-swered my rap on the door, whenI, with the aid of some fellow-soldiers, kidnaped and carried him a shortdistance into the woods, where Iplungedmy knife into his heart. The other oflicershared a similar fate at my hands thatafternoon. The killingof the two officerscreated a great sensation the day follow-ing when their bodies were discovered, butIwas very popular withmy men, they didnot inform upon me and the Mexican au-thorities are yet in the dark as to the iden-tity of the slayer.""

'It was a month or two later when Ikilled an officer at a game of cards, andthen Iknew Ihnd to flee. Ihurried tothe City of

'Mexico, where my brotherpractices law. He counseled me to leavethe country at once and remain absentseven years, after which my prosecutionwould be barred by the Mexican statutesof limitation. Isailed ina Spanish shipas carpenter from New Orleans, visitingnearly all parts of the earth, tillIreachedSeattle from Liverpool in the ship J. B.Thomas last fall.'

"Moreno leftthe County Jail a littlemorethan three months before Idid," contin-ued Crawford, "and he promised to writeand keep me informed where he was, so Icould joinhim after my release. The lastletter Igot from Moreno (itwas not in hishandwriting) was two weeks before he washanged. My theory is that the writer ofthe letters accompanied Moreno to Yreka,and that he alone was guilty of the doublemurder for which Moreno and Semler werehanged."


Numerous Business Men Contribute to theExchequer of a Chicago Con-

fidence Man.

PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 30.—About amonth ago Victor D. L.Mudge of Chicagocame here and established a concernstylea the Northwest Commercial Agency.He claimed to be a lawyer with wealthyconnections in the East and made a bigspread. But no business poured inuponMudge, and for the past week creditorshave besieged him. »

One of the advertising creditors of theagency called on Mudge on Wednesday toget a settlement of his balance. Mudgehappened to be just out of funds, but hegladdened his visitor's heart, all the same,by exhibiting a letter received from hismother on that day, announcing that shewould get $2G,000 on Thanksgiving day,out of which she would wire him $1000 atonce.

The advertising man was to call on Fri-day and pet his money. He visited theoffice of the agency this morning, butMudge was not there; in fact, some onetold him that the consulting attorney had"skipped" the town.

Muuge could not sicip because he isunder arrest for having appropriated somemoney belonging to one of his employes,and is being held on a felony charge. Thisafternoon there was a small mob of angrycreditors about the agency, butMudge wassafely .-tored away.

Another attorney of the company, A. F.Groves, was before Justice Geisler thismorning, and arraigned for the allegedembezzlement of$30 from J. K. Brown, aclient. Glenn Holman filed this informa-tion, stating that Groves had collected $30for Brown fome weeks ago, and appropri-ated it to his own use. This man willalsohave an examination next Tuesday.•


The Topsy Grade Bandit Escapes Witha Light Sentence.

PORTLAND, Ok., Nov. 30.—AdolphusC. Frick, the convicted stage-robber, whorepeatedly halted the Klamath Falls stage,was before Judge Bellinger this morningfor sentence, and the judgment of thecourt was that the prisoner should spendfive years of his life at hard labor in the!>enitentiary. The court stated the reasonfor this comparatively light punishmentto be that the prisoner* had no real weaponin his possession when he attempted torob the mails.

Frick, as he resumed his seat, drew alons breath, which might have been takenas an expression that while five years inthe "pen" at hard work seemed a longtime, it was a good deal shorter than to becompelled to spend his life behind prisonwalls, and he fully realized what a "closeehave" itwas for vim.

barring Sailor* \Rtach Port Toumsend.PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Nov. 30.—

The achoouer Reporter arrived here this'?eniiiX, twenty-eight days from San Pe-

dro. The crew was in an almost starving

condition and complained that food ranshort when fourteen days out. Since thenthe seamen have been subsisting uponshort rations of stale bread, unwholesomesalt meat and bad coffee.

COULTERVILLE TO MARIPOS A.New Bridge Over Merced River With New

Roads Shorten the DistanceOne-Half.

BEAR VALLEY, Cal., Nov. 30.—TheSan Francisco Bridge Company his fin-ished the construction of the new bridgeover Merced Kiver at Benton Mills,rivemiles from Bear Valley.

Itis a handsome structure, of wood andiron, and was built in twenty-five workingdays under the supervision ol WilliamBates. The bridge has a span of 175 feetin the center and two short spans in theapproaches, thirty feet at each end, in ad-dition to which there is a small amount oftrestle work. Men are at work finishingthe approaches, and the bridge will beopen for traffic within a lew days.

The Supervisors have let a contract toMr. McCandlish for eight mi!es of road toconnect the north end of the bridge atBenton Miils with Ooulterville, by way ofScotts (iulch. The contract price is $0000.The distance between Coulterville andMariposa. the county seat, by this rondwill be twenty-five miles. From Mariposato Bear Yallev th.c distance will be twelvemiles; thence to Benton Mills Bridge fivemiles; thence to Coulterville eight miles.The total distance is thus reduced one-half.

The rain during the week has softenedthe ground, and will enable the roaa-con-tractors to push on with the work morespeedily. ________________

NEWS OF LOS ANGELES.Poisoner Busby Escapes With a

Verdict of Imprisonmentfor Life.

Suburbanites to Vote Upon the Ques-tion of Annexation


Death Is Near.

LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Thejury in the case of J. Busby, the poisoner,returned a verdict at 5 o'clock this after-noon of murder in the first degree and re-commended a life sentence as the penalty.

Busby was the negro who sent to aPullman-car porter a bottle of wine intowhich he had put strychnine, hoping bythe porters death to obtain his position.The bottle fellinto the hands of two train-men, W. J. Thompson and A. J. Martin,who drank the contents and died in horri-ble agony.


Suburbs to Decide the Question ofAnnex-ation by liallot.

LOS ANGELES, Ota., Nov. 30. -Theland committee of the City Council to-dayrecommended the calling of an election torthe annexation of certain territory south-west of the city, provided the residents ofthe district to be annexed pay one-half ofthe expense to be incurred.

The boundary of the district that wantsto become a part of the city is changedmaterially from that of the district whichsought tube annexed several months ago.The territory wherein resides the majorityof the opponents to annexation is left outby the new petitioners. It is likely theCouncil will accept the recommendationof the committee and call the election atonce, for itis understood the suburbanitesare willing to defray their share of the ex-penses.

AWARDS FOR CALIFORNIA.Gratifying Success of the State's Exhibit

at Atlanta.LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.-It is

very gratifying to Californians to noteevidences of the success with which theexhibit of this State has been received atAtlanta.

Out of seventy-five medals awarded toCalifornia, Southern California receivedthirty-nine, or fifty-two per cent. Ofthese the Los Angeles Chamber of Com-merce receives thirty-seven medals, whichspeaks volumes for the completeness andcure with which its exhibit was prepared.The rewards for individuals in this sectionof thi3 State are numerous and includeprizes for wines, fruits, preserves, sugarand vegetables, and one woman receives abronze medal for silk in cocoons, a factwhich suggests great possibilities in thedirection of silk culture in this section ofthe State.



Supplies from Xew Wells Do Xot Coun-teract the Loss in the Old.

LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Not-withstanding the reports in the papersthat the product of oil is increasing, theexchange believes that the contrary istrue. The amount derived from new wellsdoes not counteract the loss in the oldones. Although the wells are giving outthe field is exhaustless, but is shifting.

The location for the oil refinery of thePuente Oil Company has not yet been de-cided upon. The refinery will in no waybe a rival of the gigantic Standard Com-pany, but willsell and allow its product tobe handled by that corporation.,



He Continue* to Call for the Young WardWhotn He Wronged.

LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—CliftonE. Mayne suffered another hemorrhagethis rooming in his cell at the CountyJail, and his death is expected at any mo-ment.

Nothing has yet been heard from DeliaShipton. Mayne wants to see her beforehe dies and his constant request is for her.Itis presumed that his desire to see her isto have her, in whom he has every faith,wipe out the stain that now smirches hisname incase of his death. There is abso-lutely no hope for his recovery.•

Exporting Thorne'* Hooka.LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—The ex-

pert examination of the books of LewisThome, ex-secretary of the Sixth DistrictAgricultural Association, has commenced,No report willbe made as to the conditionof affairs until the examination is com-pleted. Itis understood that General A.W. Barrett will be down to-morrow towatch the progress of the investigation.—

\u2666Au Incendiary lilaze.

LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Alex-ander Burley's planing-mill at Main andWashington streets was destroyed by tirelast evening. Indications are that it wasan incendiary blaze. The engine andboiler of the millwere saved, but all therest of the property was destroyed. Loss,$7000; insurance, $4000.


Fortv-Titree 3Vt» Htiildingn.

-LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30.—Super-intendent of Buildings Strange issued per-mits from his office for the week to thenumber of forty-three for buildings to costin the aggregate $115,000. There werefewer permits issued this week than last,'but the cost of the buildings was consider-ably more.


Tveo Firemen, Injured.CHICAGO, ItU,Nov. 30.—At a fire in

Neeman & Co.'s commission house on

South Water street at midnight FiremenJohn Doering and James Doyle wereknocked f.enseless by an explosion of hotair. Both were painfully, but not seri-ously, injured. The property loss is small.

HIDING NEAR BANTUVain Search of a Posse for

the Old Man Who ShotBuzzell.


Tyson's Son Refuses to Lead theOfficers to His Father's



Developments Tend to Prove Thatthe Campers Fired in Self-


STOCKTON, Cal., Nov. 30.-Sheriff Cun-ningham, Chief of Police Kingsbury andthe other members of the posse whichstarted this morning to search for H.C.Tyson, the old man who killed DeputySheriff Buzzell on the McLaughlin ranch,near Banta, in the battle in the darknesson Thanksgiving night, returned thisevening empty handed. Tyson's youngestson, whom they took with them, indicatedno disposition to aid in the search. Sev-eral supposed clews were found to be mis-leading. The impression is now that ifTyson is not dead or dying insome thicketfrom his wounds he has made his way intothe foothills. One of the officers said onhis return:

"1 suppose the old man is frightened,but in the light of developments so farIdo not see any occasion for his flight."

Deputy Sheriff Buzzell's body will beburied, and the inquest held later. TheSheriff returned the thirteen-year-old sonto jail. Some hope is still expressed thatTyson may conclude to make his way tothe city and surrender.

Considerable criticism is directed at theofficers for not prosecuting the. search lastnight, inasmuch as the Tyson boys' state-ments to the officials at the County Jailindicated that the old man might be dyingby the roadside from his wounds. Sym-pathy is expressed for Tyson, as it isthought that lie was, in the light of pres-ent information, justified in the shoot-ing. Itis only regretted that he is sub-jecting himself to hardships unnecessary,under the impression that be is beinghunted as a deliberate murderer.

Several of the Sheriff's deputies searchedthe house of the Tysons on Fremont streetthis morning, thinking that t!ie fathermight have returned during the night. Ofcourse, they did not rind him. Tyson's1.5-year-ola son, who was taken along bythe pos?e, evidently feared that lie was be-ing made the medium of informationwhich might bring his father to the gal- ilows, for when they arrived at the scene ofthe midnicht light he refused to lead theotlicers to the spot where he had last seenthe old man or to give any informationthat might put them on the trail.

Henry Tyson, the eldest son, made avery complete statement of the affair to areporter at the County Jail to-day.

"We started on Thursday," said he, "togo to the Coast Range on a hunting trip.Toward evening we concluded to find someplace to camp. After driving on for awhile we saw a nice place near some treesto put up for the night, and decided tocamp. Father made a fire and started tocook supper.

"The fire was made at the foot of a bigtree, for there was quite a hole in theground at the root of the tree. After wehad made our meal we found that the treewas on fire on the inside, and we all wentto work packing water to put itout. Afterworking for some time we foupd that wecould not get at the fire on the inside, andthat it was impossible to extinguish it.After finding that we could do nothingwith the fire we all lay down to sleep."Ithink father and one of my brothers

was asleep when we heard a rig drive up.There wero two men, and one of themcalled to us. Father answered, and thenthey came nearer. One of them wanted toknow what right we had to come into thefield and set lire toother people's property.

"Father told him that we did not firethe tree intentionally and that we haddone our best to put itout, but could not.The man was very abusive. Idon't knowwho he was, but we supposed from theway he talked that he owned the place.Father then said he would try again toput the fire out and would pay what dam-ages there were if he could not and thetree was burned down. The man said hewould give us two minutes to put the fireout or he would make us do it. The manthen said : 'Ifthat fire is not out in fifteenminutes IwillDe back with a Winchesterand make you put itout.'

"The men then went away and we setto work again to try to extinguish theblaze. We worked hard. Then we con-cluded it was no use to try further andquit, father was afraid the men mightcome back when we were asleep and shootus. He thought the men might do this,for the one who talked ao much said hewas coming back with a Winchester.Father took my rifle and placed i:againstthe wagon, where he could get at iteasily.

"Pretty soon we heard someone on horse-back and three men rode up. One of themgot off and came up to where we were.He said he was a Deputy Sheriff, but wedjd not believe him, lor the men did notcome from the direction of the bridge. Heasked what we were burning trees for, andsaid we ought to know better than to de-stroy other people's property. Fatheragain explained how the fire started, andsaid he was willing to settle for the tree ifitburned down. The man ordered fatherto put the fire out, but he wouldn't, be-cause he knew itwa9 no use to try.

"When he refused the man reached overto catch hold of father, and he steppedback to where his gun was. The man thendrew his pistol from his pocket and orderedfather not to take his gun. Icalled to himto pot that pistol down and so did myfather, but the man would not listen to us.The man then started toshoot. The pistolsnapped and he fared again before fathershot at him. It was fully three secondsafter he shot before father fired, as hecould not get his gun up in time. Theman fired a second shot, and father criedout that he had been hit.

"My brother and Ithen got our pistolsand began tiring. We fired two shotsapiece. Father also fired again with hisrifle at the other men when we beganfiring. One of them shot and the bulletwent close to father's head. They then litout.

"After the men had gone we began tothink what was best to do. Father saidthe best thing to do was to catch our horsesami go buck to Stockton and tell what had

happened. We did not know then thatthe man was killed. My brothers andfather went out to look for the horses,whileIput the things back in the wagon.

•'When Istepped around by the tongueIsaw the man lying on the ground, andfound that he was dead. Presently theothers came back and said that the horseswere gone. WTe supposed the men haddriven them off.

"When father found the man was dead,he did not know what to do. He was halfcrazy with nervousness from the effects ofdrink and the excitement. We urged himto go back withus, but he said he did notknow what to do. He thought he wouldstrikeout alone, and might go to StocKtonand might not.

"He took the rifle and left,but we methim later. We did not want to be ar-rested, but wanted to give ourselves up inStockton. When we got to the bridge mylittle brother said he saw some men pa-trollingit. We thenhran back and; gotunder a car for a while. Then we startedback to try to make the McDougald bridgeagain. We walked and walked, goingthrough the brush. Somehow we gotaway from the river and lost our bearings.Itwas very dark and storming. Finallywe struck a heavily wooded spot withplenty* of brush about and decided to liedown until morning.

"When morning came father could notget up. Iforgot to tell you he waswounded. The ball went across his stom-ach, but Idonot think itwent very deep.He is rather fleshy, and Ithink the ballwent through the fat on his stomach. Ihad to lifthim to his feet, for he was stiffand weak. Ibegged him to come on withus, but he said he could not. He tol^l usthe best thing for us would be to come intoStockton and give ourselves up and lethim lie where he was untilhe was able towalk. Itook the Winchester from himand mybrother gave him a 38-caliber re-volver. We cave him what money we had.He promised to go to some farmhouse assoon as he was able and get something toeat. Then we left him and came to Stock-ton."

MOURNED ATPORTLAND.Drummer Dixon's Sudden Flight

Regretted by a Host ofCreditors.

Cashed Many Bogus Checks BeforeStarting on a Tour of


PORTLAND. Or., Nov. 30.— James A.Dixon, manager of the Western Shippingand Commercial Company in this city, is afugitive from justice. On Thanksgivingday he raised about $1000 inchecks on theLondon and San Francisco Bank, in sumsof $20 and $25, which he cashed among hisfriends about town.

Yesterday morning the rush of check-holders began. The majority came straightfrom the bank, where they had been in-formed that Dixon had no account there,while others had been met on the way bythose informed. To all the same cold com-fort was given— "he's skipped!"—

and withthat they were forced to be content, forDixon had many hours before crossed theCanadian line at Biaine, Wash., and eventhen was well on his way to Montreal.

Dixon first made his appearance inPort-land some four years ago as a drummer foran Eastern distillery;at least he claimedto be such, although itis not known thathe ever filled an order. Portland seemedto suit him, and dropping the whiskybusiness he tooK a line of syrups out onthe road, working through some agency inthis city. The fellow was a good dresser,invariably appearing on the street, sum-mer and winter, wearing a high silk hatand well-fitting Prince Albert. He pos-sessed a good tenor voice and was soon awarm favorite in certain circles.

The returns from the treacle businessproved entirely inadequate to Dixon's ex-

Ipenditures, and finding himself getting> into debt the fellow resolved on a boldstroke. Two years aeo. renting room 43 inthe McKay building, Dixon had paintedon the door the following sign: "Western

iShipping and Commercial Company, Gen-j eral Merchants, Agents for AmericanITramp Steamship Company, James A.Dixon, Manager." One doleful creditoras he gazed on the sign this morning re-marked :

"That 'Tramp Steamship Company 1 hitsitoff all right, doesn't it?"

During the two years he was known todolittlebut spend his nights around concert-halls and preside over the sessions of the"Chicken Club," an organization for thecultivation of the voice and the appetite.This did not bring incash, and Dixon hadto borrow, a procedure that had become ahabit acquired in other cities, and one herather liked. His pilferings amount towellinto the thousands.

Racetrack for Santa Monica.SANTA MONICA,Cai.., Nov. 30.—G. L.

Waring and others are organizing a stockcompany for the purpose of constructinga mile racetrack here, just outside the citylimits, adjacent to the Southern Pacifictrack. It is proposed to capitalize thecompany at $25,000 and lease sixty-fiveacres of land, witha privilege of purchas-ing. The Chamber of Commerce has ap-proved of the proposition and appointed acommittee to confer with the gentlemen.


The Veteran of the Revenue Cutter Serv-ice Denies All the Charges

Against Him.

WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 30.-Cap-tain M. A. Healy of the United Statesrevenue cutter service has sent to theSecretary of the Treasury his reply tocomplaints made against him by twenty-live officers of the revenue marine service.

He enters a denial to each complaint.In the list of complaints filod CaptainHealy is charged with drunkenness, neg-lect of duty, conduct unbecoming an officerand and a gentleman, lack of discipline,favoritism and varions other offenses.

These complaints are now being put intospecific charges, and when formally filedwith Secretary Carlisle in regular form, aboard of revenue marine officers will beconvened at San Francisco to make an in-vestigation of the charges and submit a re-port.

Upon the report and findings of thisbody Secretary Carlisle will take definiteaction. The board will be announced, itis said, within the next ten days.

Captain Healy is 58 years old, and hasfor a number of years been engatred incruising in the northern seas, where heis said to have contracted his bad habita,partly because of the rigorous climate.

Much sympathy t9 expressed for him inofficial circles here, where he bore an ex-cellent character as a sturdy sailor and anofficer of good judgment.

I'olice Jleaetie « Murderer.ST. LOUIS, Mo., Nov. 30.—Alexander

Boyle, who murdered his mistress, JessieSims, yesterday morning, was captured inEast St. Louis and taken to the Morgueto identify the body this morning. Acrowd of 400 negroes attempted to lynchhim, but he was rescued by a squad offiftypolicemen after a hard struggle.

SANTA CRUZ'S PLIGHTLaveaga Heights May Be

Lost to the SeasideCity.


They Combine in an Actionto Have the Bequest

Set Aside.


Fierce Legal Battle for the Possession

of the Beautiful ParkIs Promised.

SANTA CRUZ, Cal., Nov. 30.—WhenJose Vicente de Laveaga of San Franciscodied in this city he bequeathed to SantaCruz a large portion of Laveaga Heights,a beautiful section of country near thiscity, with the recommendation that theland be maintained as a public park to beenjoyed as a place of recreation for therich and poor alike. Now it seeni9 thatSanta Cruz is not to have the enjoymentof this muniticent bequest without a tiercelegal battle with the combined heirs to thedead man's estate. The heirs are not onlyto contest for the portion bequeathed toSanta Cruz, but also for fifty acres to beused for a hospital for the deaf and dumb.

The heirs claim that when Mr.Laveagabequeathed the property to Santa Cruz fora public park it was a bequest to charity,and upon this showing the court will beasked to scale down all charitable bequeststo the one-third limit. City AttorneyCharles M. Cassin has for the past fewmonths interested himself and has beenlooking into the affairs of the late million-aire's estate, and his opinion is that thegrounds taken by the relatives will nothold. In fighting the suit he will claimthat the bequest of this property to SantaCruz does not come within section 1313, forthe reason that it is not a charitable be-quest.

Should the court decide otherwise Mr.Cassin has another strong point that canbe brought to bear upon the case. Thiswas found in the will itself, for instead ofbequeathing the land for park purposesonly the willgives the land to Santa Cruzwith the recommendation that itbe main-tained as a park, its use as a park, how-ever, not being made compulsory. Withthis construction placed upon that clauseof the will the land may be used for what-ever purpose seems best in the judgmentof the administration, but with the prefer-euce given to park purposes.

The case willbe watched with much in-terest by the people of this city, as thepark is in one of the most beautiful spotsof the county. It is on the foothills,about a mile from the city, and the viewfrom it is a grand one, overlooking thecity and Monterey Bay.

When Mr. Laveaga was alive he spentmuch of his time and money on this place,and it is Jaid out with drives, pathsthrough the forests and pretty shrubbery,with fruits and vines of all kinds plantedupon the fertile slopes of the hills. Thisnoble gifti3one whfch the people ofSanta Cruz may yet be deprived of.


Sweeping Cut in Wages of Colorado Mid-himl Employes.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Nov.30.—Itis announced that the employes of theColorado Midland are to receive a 33V£ per

cent cut on the first of the year. This issaid to be because they are receiving largewages, amounting in some instances, withextra work, to $200 and $300 per month.Receiver Risline thinks that wages aretoo high, and consequently gave the menthe required thirty days' notice of the re-duction. A strike is not probable, but themen will undoubtedly appeal to JudueCaldwell. relying on his fairness and goodjudgment.

SEATTLE JIAXK FRAVOS.Charges of Conspiracy I'rcferred Against

President Hooker.SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 30. —H. H.

Wheeler has petitioned the Superior Courtasking that the Seattle National Bank beplaced in the hands of a receiver. Con-spiracy on the part of Robert G. Hooker,the president, is charged.

About a year ago the Commercial Na-tional Bank, of which Wheeler was presi-dent, was consolidated with the SeattleNational. The plaintiff claims that Hook-er has been fraudulently disposing of stockand otherwise seeking to defraud the for-mer stockholders of the Commercial Na-tional, and that the liabilities of the Seat-tle National exceed the assets by $50,000.

Wheeler himself is now under bonds,charged with fraud in his management ofthe Blame National Bank, Blame, Wash.

OUR CHANCES ARE GOODSan Francisco as Likely to Win

the Convention as AnyCity.

The Interior Towns Continue toDo Ex-cellent Work for the Promotion


For the last few days the dispatchesfrom Chicago would indicate to those whodo not understand the situation that theconvention has been arranged for at thatpoint, and that the entire matter is set-tled.

As a matter of fact, the location of theconvention will not be definitely knownuntil the National Committee meets on the10th of December, and in the meantime itmay as well be stated that San Franciscohas as much of a show of winning theprize as Chicago or Pittsburg. There are a

great many ins and outs ofpreparation thathave not yet been made public, and willnot be, until our delegates are ready tocome before the National Committee.

Chicago's boom is merely confined toChicago, and is not likely to disturb anyother city's chances. Our delegates arecirculating through the doubtful States,and some very effective workis being done.

While they arc on a still hunt for votes,the interior towns of California are goingright along, with the intention of gettingall the weight behind onr delegates that itis possible to accumulate. YesterdayChairman Castle of the committee on pro-

motion received the following resolutionsfrom Madera:

Whereas, The committee ofpromotion ofSanFrancisco is muking efforts to secure tbe Re-publican National Convention for that City;and whereas, we believe that the holding ofthat convention in San Francisco willbe ofgreat benefit to the State; therefore be it

Resolved, That we the citizens of MaderaCounty, inmass-meeting assembled, regardlessof party affiliations, do hereby pledge ourhearty support to the committee inits greatwork, and we willencourage the movement asmuch as wecan, so that the efforts of the com-mittee may meet with success.

Other interested cities are keep the mat-ter before the public, and the Pacific Coastgenerally will reap the most substantialbenefit from the convention if we succeedin securing it. If not, the people of Cali-fornia willhave shown that they are ableto stand together when itis for the good ofthe State.

Last night in Oakland the committeehaving in charge the matter of aiding SanFrancisco in bringing the Republican Na-tional Convention met in the councilchamber, and the following committeewas appointed to canvass subscriptions:

Ex-Mayor W. R. Davis, President G. L.Fish, Merchants' Exchange; Stephen T.Gage, P. E. Bowles, J. A. Brittan, D. C.Brown and G. W. Arper.

The committee will report next Satur-day night.


They Draw Tip Some Resolutions Re-garding the Plan.

VISALIA, Cal., Nov. 30.—The mass-meeting called by Hon. J. W. Davis totake action relative to the Republican Na-tional Convention of 1896 was held intheCity Council rooms this afternoon at 2:30o'clock and was attended by representa-tives of all political parties. Judge Daviscalled the meeting to order. On motionMayor D. M. Adams of Visalia was electedchairman and C. P. Ruffner, editor of thePorterville Advance, was chosen secretary.

Upon motion a committee consisting ofGeorge M. Stewart, editor of the Delta;Ben M.Maddox, editor Times; W. H. Gil-strap, editor News; Major C. J. Berry, C.T. Lindsey and J. W. Davis were ap-pointed to draft resolutions expressing thesense of the meetirg. They reported asfollows:

Whereas, We believe it is to the material in-terest of the State of California and the entirePacific Coast that one or more of the Nationalpolitical conventions should be held in ourmidst; and whereas, a visit to this State by therepresentative men of the Nation would be tothem a revelation and a source of education,enabling them to learn by personal expe-perience and observation the vastness of ourterritory, our wonderful natural resources, thenature of our legislative wants and our claimsfor National recognition, and thus qualifythose who are inofficial life to act with greaterintelligence and understanding in allmattersconcerning this State and coast; and whereas,it would be a graceful act upon the part of themembers of the National committee represent-ing that portion of the country to which dele-gates from the Pacific Coast have for manyyears gone to attend the National assembliesof their party to recognize the claim of theminority and send the Republican NationalConvention for 1896 to San Francisco; there-fore

Resolved, That we, citizens of the county ofTulare, State of California, in non-partisanconvention assembled, do cordially indorsethe efforts of San Francisco, and of the peopleof the entire State, in endeavoring to securethe holdingof the next National RepublicanConvention at the leading city of this WesternSlope.

Resolved, That we heartily unite'in the invi-tation to the National Committee of the Re-publican party to give to the delegates to theconvention the opportunity to leave theirhomes inthe East and South and come to theCity where they may gaze through the GoldenGate upon the placid waters of the Pacific anddrink inits cool, refreshing breezes, free fromthe sultry heat of summer.

Bcsolvcd, That California's most cordial wel-come awaits all who shall attend such, conven-tion, and our people willguarantee that, whenthey shall have performed their duties andturned their faces Eastward, itwillbe with thefeeling that they have done well to come toCalifornia. Respectfully submitted,

George W. Stewart,Ben M. Maddox,W. H. Gilstrap,

C. J. Beret,C. T. Lindsey,J. \V. Davis.

Dated Visalia, Cal., November 30, 1895.Upon motion the resolutions were

adopted and the secretary instructed tofurnish J. W. Davis with a certified copyof the same to send to the promotion com-mittee in San Francisco. The meetingthen adjourned.

San Francisco* Jioston Hoom.BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 30.—The Call

correspondent this evening secured inter-views with a number of the leading Repub-licans of the East in regard to the choiceof a convention city and individual choicesfor a Presidential candidate. As a resultof this canvass, as has been predicted, SanFrancisco still leads all other cities in theconvention race. Seemingly the lavishoutlay by the Pittsburg and Chicago agentshas caused little or no change in the sen-timent. The entire East is solid for Reedof Maine, and no amount of canvassing orwire-pulling can change the result. Duringthe past month the Maine mtn's candidacyhas, if anything, thriven on the oppo-sition, and each day hi3hold on the cov-eted honor is growing stronger.

Confession Is Good.On a Michigan-avenue car a day or two

ago two man, each of whom had anumbrella in his hand, sat side by side.After a few minutes one of them said :

"IfIam not mistaken Ionce owned thatumbrella you are carrying."

! "Iwas thinking the same about yours,"was the*eply.

"Ifmy memory serves me right Ileftthat umbrella in an office on Griswoldstreet about a year ago."

"Don't doubt itin the least. Just abouta year ago Iwas in an office on Griswoldstreet and itbegan to rain. This umbrellastood there in a corner and after a littlemaneuvering Imanaged to steal it. Aweek previous to that Iwas making somepurchases in a store on Woodward avenue.When Istarted to go out Ifound thatsome one had stolen my umbrella. Ithink you are the man.""Iknow lam," replied the other. "Yes,Iwas in a store on Woodward avenueabout a year ago. Itwas raining andIhad no umbrella. Isaw you stand yoursup against the counter and walk away, andIgobbled it. Shall we exchange or letthings go as they are?""Im satisfied.""so'm I.""Then we will continue to believe that

honesty is the best policy. Iget out here—good afternoon.""Same to you, and integrity is the road

to success."— Detroit Free Press.

Parasol Ant.

The greatest known curiosity of insectlife, as far as habits are concerned, at least,is to be found in the queer "parasol" or"umbrella" ant, so common in all partsof tropical America, from Texas to Vene-zuela. The common name by which thecreature is known has been bestowedbecause cf a queer habit this speciesof ant has of stripping certain kindsof trees and shrubs of their foliageand carrying the leaves to their nests. Anarmy of these ants which have been off ona foraging expedition presents the queerestsight imaginable, as they march inlong col-umns by twos, four and sixes, each holdingthe stem of a leaf inits jaws, the leaf itselfshading the insect's body as a parasoldoes the face and shoulders of alady. The early naturalists im-agined that these ants carried leaves

for the sole purpose of protectingthemselves against the rays of the tropicalsun, but recent investigation by the Direc-tor of Agriculture, Trinidad, phows thatthey have another use for the bits of greenthey gather. The leaves, accordiug to ourauthority, are only want<fcl as scil uponwhich to grow a certain species of fungiwhich the parasol ant is very fond of.— St.Louis Republic.

ITEMS OF LNTEEEST.Strawberries in marketable quantities

were gathered inGreenville, Or., last week.A skilled workman on the docks of Hol-

land makes from $4 to $4 80 a week theyear round.

Tea-rollers, who. with their fingers, rollthe tea leaves into pellets, earn from 7cents to 10 cents a day.

A farm laborer in India is fortunate ifhe receives 10 cents a day laboring fromdawn until dark.

Laborers in the shipyards of North Ire-land realize no more than $3 77 for a week'shard work.

InBerlin a skillfulmachine-maker, withconstant work, earns no more than $250 60per annum.

Cigar-makers in Spain receive $4 80 aweek; inFrance, $4 65; in Germany, $3 63;and in Italy, $3.

An Irishplumber makes, in his nativecountry, about $3 75 a week, and pays hiaassistants $2 67.

Printers in New South Wales receive$14 10 a week; in England, $7 17; in Italy,$4 (JO; in Spain, $4 50.

An expert tea mixer in China com-mands high wages, being paid from (JOcents to ?1 a day for his work.

Skilled female labor in Munich, in what-ever calling, is rarely paid at a higher ratethan 72 cents a day.

InHolland the average rate of wages forskilled Jaborer3 of every description isfrom 8 cents to 10 cents an hour.

Carriage drivers in France received $4 82a week, in England $5 15, in Germany$3 -11, and in Italy $2 60.

To circumvent an overpowering desire tokillhimself, AlbertMayo, a destitute scenepainter, applied to the Denver police to belocked up.

About 1000 dozen crawfish are beingshipped every week from the five-mileslouch just above Westport, Oregon, to themarkets of Portland, San Francisco andChicago.

Attempts are now being made to accli-mate Scotch grouse in Denmark. The birdathrive well on the extensive moorland ofJutland. They are fenced until the end ofnext year.

The American Girls' Club of Berlin helda bazaar in the Kurfurtenstrasse last week,which was a conspicuous pecuniary andsocial success, as anything which Ameri-can girls take hold of is apt to be.

Amherst College is preparing to send outits first eclipse expedition. Itwill be un-der the direction of Professor David P.Todd and will tixa station on the islandof Gezo, Japan, to observe the eclipse of1896.

One of the chief physical elements inthe phenomenal racing power of the bi-cyclist Zimmerman is said to be his ab-normally large heart, which ih declared bythe doctors "to be two inches longer thanthe average.

Notwithstanding their reputation forspeed, the Indian racers of the Northwestand Canada have repeatedly been beatenby white men, while in wrestling theynever attain the skill of the whites, and donot seem to learn boxing at all.

Frederick William, the father of Fred-erick the Great, was slightly deaf, and gen-erarly conversed ina yell. Although pro-fessing to be pious, he often lapsed intoprofanity inconversation, and commonlyended an argument by cursing las oppo-nent.

The Indian pharmacopoeia comprisedthoroughwort, spurge and Indian hemp,U3ed as emetics; Icfl bark of the horse-chestnut and butternut, used as cathartic?.They were also acquainted with manypoisons, most of which were used on theirweapons.

Edward Simmons, the artist who de-signed the decorations for the new Crimi-nal Court building in New York, rejectsthe idea of blind Justice, and lias depictedthat deity with both e\es open, holdingher scales in one hand and the Americanflag in the other.

The steamer W. O. Huehart, jrhich re-cently passed through the Portage canalen route to Cincinnati via the Wisconsin,Mississippi and Ohio rivers, was tied up atDekorra, _Wis., on account of the low stageof the Wisconsin. Itwill proceed on thetrip when navigation reopens in thaspring.

An lowa audience last Saturday nightmade a pleasing departure from the hack-neyed practice of saluting an obnoxiousperformer with ancient eggs. Four women,sisters, who attempted to give an enter-ment at Cedar Rapids, were pelted off thestage witha shower of apples, oranges andlemons.

E. H. Thompson, Government entomol-ogist of Tasmania, has discovered thatplants make 85 per cent of their grov.thbetween midnight and 6 a. m., while be-tween noon and 6 p. m. they do not growat all. Now will some scientific observerascertain whether the same rule holdsgood on this side of the world?




The Master Remedy.Master is an old-fashioned word, not

much relished or used in these days offreedom, but itis the only term that fullydistinguishes "77" for Colds from themass of cough mixtures which are chargedto tlie danger point withSquills or Tartaremetic, to sicken the stomach; or Lauda-num to oroduce drowsiness, and possiblylead to the Opium habit.

Avoidthese dangers by using"

77." Itis entirely harmless, and cures, not bydrugging, but by acting directly throughthe capillaries and nerve centers. Thepellets are hardly dissolved upon thetongue before the cure commences.

"77" for GRIPColds, Influenza, Catarrh, Pains in theHead and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat, Gen-eral Prostration and Fever, and preventsPneumonia.

"77" will "breakup" a stubborn coldthat "hangs on."

Dr.Humphreys pots up a Bpeclflc for every dis-ease. They are described in his .Manual, which ispent fre?.

Small bottles of pleasant pellets— flt your vestpocket: sold by drucgists, or sent, on receipt ofprice, VJ5c, or five for $1. Humphreys' MedicinßCompany, 111 and 113 William St., New York. Besure to get


ABSOLUTELY FREETo those afflicted n-ith Bronchitis, Asthma, LungTroubles, A'asty Hacking Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy,Hemorrhages, La Grippe or its evil after effects.Wasting J/iteasts, Emaciation, Anaemia, or Scrof-ula, we willgive a regular size bottle of Dr. Got-din's Chocolate Emulsion of Cod I.ivtr Oil withHypophosphites (whichis a de.liciois preparationto take), that wemay prove its sterling worth tothoseso afflicted. Individuals themselves (only) may ©6-tain same at Laboratory, tilDavis St., S.F.