your springboard for global growth


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An overview of the services UKTI provides for business looking to grow internationally.


Page 1: Your Springboard For Global Growth

Your springboard for global growthan overview of uK trade & investment services

Part of the UK Government’s portfolio of Solutions for Business

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Embracing international business opportunities is vital to maintaining a leading edge and ensuring future prosperity.

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MaxiMise your global potential

left: the petronas twin towers, Kuala lumpur, malaysia

we are witnessing an age of unprecedented change which presents challenges and opportunities of unparalleled scale for the uK and other countries around the this period of increasing global economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever that businesses, whatever their country of origin, raise their game to stay ahead of the competition, increase their bottom line and guarantee their future.

growing your business internationally could well provide the answer that you are looking for.

uK trade & investment (uKti) can help you every step of the way. it is a springboard for global growth.

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“ I am a great believer in UKTI activities. They are the catalyst that makes us go out and explore opportunities in far-flung markets.”

Dave Crump, Managing Director, Avesco Group

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left: business people, beijing, china

best For business

The UK is a world-class location for international business. Its vibrant and diversified economy and unique combination of success, confidence, innovation, quality and ambition make it a truly global economic powerhouse.

Competition in the world of international trade is increasingly fierce and we are experiencing an era of change, new opportunities and economic turbulence. The UK is embracing these new challenges and cementing its position as a world leader.

Building on the country’s proud history as a leading trading nation, UK companies recognise the importance of competing in a globalised economy and of becoming leaders in their field, not just at home but across the world.

And companies from outside the UK are increasingly choosing to locate or expand here, attracted not only by the strength and stability of the UK market, but recognising that it is also a jump-off point to further international growth.

With the clock now ticking to the opening of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the eyes of the world are firmly on the UK. This provides a perfect platform for UK companies to showcase their expertise and do business in overseas markets, and for firms across the globe to make the most of all that the UK has to offer.

for every £1 that uKti spends, £15 is generated for the uK economy.

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building prosperityUK Trade & Investment (UKTI) can help you take advantage of these opportunities. As the UK Government’s international business development organisation, working in close partnership with the English Regional Development Agencies and the Devolved Administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, we can give you the support that you need to help your business grow and prosper.

Boasting an unrivalled network of specialist advisers throughout the UK and in British embassies and other diplomatic posts across the globe, we build the capacity of UK exporters, both new and experienced, by offering strategic impartial advice and research, political support in overseas markets, introductions to key contacts and assistance with promotional activities.

Our clients cite consistently the importance of UKTI support in helping them to overcome barriers to new overseas business and enabling them to improve their business performance.

Our trade development services can make a real difference to your business. The first consultation with a UKTI adviser can normally be arranged very quickly and is completely free of charge. The cost of subsequent packages of support is then based on the individual requirements for your business and the amount of detail needed, and will always offer significant value for money. Understanding our customers’ needs is vital.

adding valueindependent research shows that:

– for every £1 that uKti spends, £15 is generated for the uK economy,

– over a 12-month period, uKti helped over 12,000 companies overcome barriers to entering new markets,

– uKti’s estimated total financial benefit to businesses across all trade services is around £3 billion each year,

– each uKti service generates over £100,000 in estimated benefits per customer, and

– more than 3,000 companies increased r&d activity in the uK as a result of uKti support in 2007/08.

“t he support of uK trade & investment has enabled us to take a fast-track route to success. when you go into a new market, you need to do so with knowledge. uK trade & investment has provided that for us. this support is not only highly cost-effective, but also totally reliable.”

peter blezard, Chief executive, plant impact plc

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case study Defence and security tavcom training

dedicated hampshire security and surveillance training company tavcom is branching out in the usa after carrying out in-depth research with uK trade & investment.

director of training mike tennent said: “it’s important to approach export with your eyes open and we wanted to minimise our risk by doing our homework properly.

“the guidance we received from uKti on who to speak to in the usa and how to assess the wider economic issues was invaluable and allowed us to take a very structured and focused approach to our research, which told us that there was a real gap in the market in the states.”

consequently, tavcom developed a clear and well-devised market-entry strategy, which has led to it delivering training courses for a major supplier of technical products, design and installation staff at atlanta airport, important opening training programmes with the us department of homeland security and, through a partnership with a local business, establishing a professional training centre in california.

“without uK trade & investment, we would not have been able to approach this opportunity with such certainty,” concluded mike.

£100,000uKti’s services generate an average of £100,000 additional profit per customer.

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For international businesses currently outside the UK or firms who have chosen to locate here, UKTI leads and guides an inward investment network comprising ourselves, English Regional Development Agencies, International Business Wales, Invest Northern Ireland and Scottish Development International. The network works with inward investors at all stages of their decision-making cycle, becoming their advocate in government and with other public bodies.

Every year, we help hundreds of overseas firms, from hi-tech start-ups to global industry leaders, discover global growth from a UK base.

Innovative, professional, entrepreneurial and customer-focused, no other organisation is better equipped to support globally minded companies, both big and small, saving them valuable time and money in the process. Let us help you be the best, too.

facts– in 2007, the uK was the

top global defence exporter, with a record £10 billion of new business.

– london is europe’s largest international banking centre, with an estimated 41 per cent of all the eu’s financial services.

– the uK is a world leader in university r&d, with more scientific research papers per head than the usa, germany, france or Japan.

– eight of the world’s top ten largest management consulting firms – based on fee income – are from the uK.

– the uK is number one for headquarter operations in europe.

case study advanced engineering trac precision machining ltd

uK trade & investment helped trac precision machining, a crewe-based designer and manufacturer of complex airfoil components, to decide to set up an operation in mexico as part of its expansion plans to reach new markets. the facility will manufacture turbine blades for commercial jet engines and power-generation equipment.

the company, part of the trac group, has chosen guayamas, in the state of sonora, as the location for the new facility, after discussions with the local authorities. this came after the uK trade & investment office in monterrey provided objective analysis on the aerospace sector in mexico, accompanied trac group in its pre-visit to sonora to review the site selection

and introduced it to senior local government officials to ensure it received the best-possible incentives.

business development director scott mawby said: “the decision to go to mexico was driven by our customers requiring a us-dollar source and a lower-cost base for components.”

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In 2007, the UK was the top global defence exporter, with a record £10 billion of new business.

raf tornado f3 in its rubb hanger

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case study logistics amazon

in april 2008, iconic global company amazon, headquartered in seattle, opened a new logistics centre in swansea, creating 2,700 jobs over the next five years.

the facility, which is roughly the size of ten football pitches, is the internet shopping business’s largest base in the uK, and was brought to swansea thanks to a close partnership between amazon and international business wales, part of the welsh assembly government and uK trade & investment’s partner in the principality.

wales’s first minister rhodri morgan said: “this is an extremely important investment, creating thousands of new jobs. other e-economy companies will sit up and take notice of amazon’s decision to opt for wales and the impressive turnaround time.

“the speed of delivery of this project has been exceptional, taking just 16 months from the initial approaches between amazon and the assembly government to the opening of this megafacility.

“it is a powerful shot in the arm for the welsh economy and the swansea bay area in particular. i am proud of the role that the assembly government has played in attracting amazon to wales. partnership has been the key to this success.”


– the uK is the world’s second-largest exporter of tv programmes.

– the uK has the top four universities in europe.

– london is the global centre for emissions trading.

– u K scientists have been awarded over 70 nobel prizes in scientific disciplines.

– the uK has the highest number of leading mba courses in europe.

– l ondon is the world capital for wi-fi hotspot use, racking up four times as many wi-fi sessions as new York and chicago.

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“ the help we have received from uK trade & investment has been excellent. it puts you in touch with the right people so that you can win orders.”

nigel rogers, Managing Director, lyncolec

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UK Trade & Investment aims to be the springboard for success by providing a range of unique export support services.

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enriChing exporters

When UK companies do business overseas, they benefit the UK economy by increasing productivity, competitiveness and innovation. Internationally active firms achieve a level of growth not otherwise possible, utilise their capacity more effectively, reduce their dependence on a single or small number of markets, become exposed to new ideas and increase the commercial life span of their products or services.

That is why UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is so dedicated to helping UK exporters in global markets.

Despite intense competition, UK products, services and expertise continue to be in demand across the world, and opportunities are more plentiful than ever before. This is particularly true in high-growth markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, whose dynamic economies provide a wealth of prospects for UK firms in the coming decades, not just in their established cities, but increasingly

in regional, lesser-known centres too. If Team GB’s world-beating Olympians and Paralympians can succeed with such style in Beijing, then there is no reason why you can’t follow suit!

UKTI aims to be the springboard for this success by providing a range of unique trade support services.

Whether you are venturing into selling overseas for the first time, or are an experienced exporter trying to break into new markets, these services, including support for participation at selected trade fairs and outward missions, advice on communicating overseas and bespoke market intelligence, can help make doing business internationally be as easy as doing business in the UK.

uKti’s estimated total financial benefit to businesses across all trade services is around £3 billion each year.

left: aircraft undercarriage

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how uKti Can help you...

Developing your international trade potential

UKTI’s services assist companies with tailored training, planning and support to help them prepare to succeed overseas. Getting started in international trade can be tough – there’s a lot to learn and often a lot at stake. That’s why it helps to have top-quality, cost-effective advice and support.

UKTI can provide:

– an export health check to assess your company’s trade development needs and help develop a plan of action,

– training in the requirements for trading overseas,

– access to an experienced local International Trade Adviser,

– specialist help with tackling cultural and language issues when communicating with overseas customers and partners,

– advice on how to go about market research and the possibility of a grant towards approved market research projects,

– ongoing support to help your business continue to develop overseas trade and look at dealing with more sophisticated activities or markets, and

– advice on a range of international trade help available from UKTI and others.

uKti can help make doing international business as easy as doing business in the uK.

“ since working with uK trade & investment, we have gone from strength to strength. Year-on-year sales growth has been significant, key markets have been opened, strategic alliances have been formed and business generated. the experience has been so incredibly positive.”

andrew eborn, president and Ceo, octopus Media technology

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case study life science integrated technologies ltd (itl)

flourishing ashford-based firm itl, which specialises in the contract design, development and manufacture of instruments for use throughout the life science sector, recently opened a factory in Jinqiao, china, after receiving help from uK trade & investment.

uKti provided support with areas such as documentation, the preparation and translation of brochures, and advice on china’s business culture and environment.

“when you’re attempting to do this sort of thing for the first time, you need a lot of support,” said managing director tom cole.

“we talked with uKti in the early stages of this project and very soon began to feel the benefit, receiving invaluable advice on aspects of who to contact in china, how best to progress the project and how to tackle bureaucracy. our international trade adviser worked tremendously hard on our behalf.

“we commissioned an overseas market introduction service report from uKti, which gave us really good contacts and led to our identifying five key suppliers in china. one of these is now our partner, and in June we opened our new Jinqiao facility.”

he concluded: “we are confident that it will lead to continued robust growth that will benefit not only our customer, but also everyone in our company, both in the uK and in china.”

the uK is a world leader in university r&d, with more scientific research papers per head than the usa, germany, france or Japan.

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how uKti Can help you...

accessing international markets

Once the initial homework has been done, UKTI assists new and experienced exporters with information, help and advice on entering overseas markets. To be a successful exporter you need to travel to your target markets and build lasting commercial relationships with your clients and partners. This is not always easy, but UKTI can help you with practical assistance before you go and ongoing help while you’re there.

Our services include:

– information, contacts, advice, mentoring and support from UKTI staff at home and overseas in our network of embassies, consulates and other offices in over 100 markets,

– support to participate in trade fairs overseas,

– opportunities to participate in sector-based trade missions and seminars,

– access to major buyers, governments and supply chains in overseas markets,

– advice on forming international joint ventures and partnerships,

– e xploratory visits to new markets, and

– alerts to the latest and best business opportunities.

world-beating networkIn England, our services are accessed and delivered through local UKTI International Trade Teams located in each of the nine English regions. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, they are delivered in co-operation with the respective national development agencies (Scottish Development International, International Business Wales and Invest Northern Ireland).

UKTI, which, as well as offering its own services, also helps to fund a number of export programmes run by partner organisations, has world-beating knowledge and expertise across key markets and industry sectors, with in-depth strategies in place for priority areas such as ICT, energy, life sciences, advanced engineering, financial services, healthcare and the creative industries.

Central to everything is our close and enduring relationships with our valued customers, relationships that can open the door to a whole new world.

Whatever your size and level of experience and wherever in the world you want to sell, talking to UKTI is one of the best moves your company can make. We’ll help you research overseas markets, gain the necessary international trade skills, identify opportunities and turn them into real business.

with 1,300 staff across all key global markets, no other organisation is better equipped to help companies do business internationally.

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“ uKti also organised a briefing, which really helped us to understand our brazilian customers in terms of both cultural and commercial differences.”

case study energy elstat electronics ltd

preston-based firm elstat, which designs and builds environmentally friendly systems that can dramatically reduce the costs incurred by running fridges and refrigerated cabinets, has enjoyed lucrative success in brazil after consulting with uK trade & investment advisers.

“a uKti specialist was able to explain the latin american approach to taxation and put us in touch with many helpful people,” explained commercial director mark ratcliffe.

“we then joined a uK trade & investment trade mission to brazil and found this an excellent way to further our business. the trip gave us a real fast track to brazil and what drives the economy there.

“uKti also organised a briefing, which really helped us to understand our brazilian customers in terms of both cultural and commercial differences, and this enabled us to move relationships on more quickly and efficiently. uKti’s help allowed us to secure business on a much clearer basis and helped us tie our plans together quickly and efficiently.

“we already have an order of £907,000 annually and have just received our first call-off to the value of £350,000. we are also negotiating more orders, including an ongoing enquiry from a brazilian beer giant, worth around £8 million, and are hoping to see considerable volume growth in latin america in the future.”

he concluded: “i would definitely recommend that other companies interested in doing business in latin america contact uKti to see what help is available to them.”

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“ If UKTI hadn’t been involved… I think I’d have stayed thinking that I was really small and the world was really big and the path from one to the other was impossible.”

Carol Thompson, Director, Star Learning

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what our business customers say about us

independently conducted business surveys tell us that uKti’s support helps them to:

– u nderstand how to do business overseas,

– identify opportunities and open doors,

– r each customers/business partners not otherwise accessible,

– r aise their profile and credibility overseas,

– o vercome barriers to entry or expansion,

– improve overseas marketing strategy,

– gain access to information not otherwise available,

– understand the competition,

– access powerful research to inform management decisions, and

– h ave the confidence to explore or expand in overseas markets.

“t he groundwork uK trade & investment undertakes to help us progress [export] initiatives is utterly invaluable.”

Kevin slater, Co-founder, petscreen ltd

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case study sport and leisure infrastructure innovision

uK trade & investment support proved crucial in helping london-based event marketing agency innovision win the contract to produce the opening ceremony at the 2008 africa cup of nations in ghana.

uKti, aware that ghana was looking to meet with specialists in opening ceremonies, matched africa cup organisers with innovision at its “meet the stadium manager” event at wembley stadium in 2007, marking the start of a fruitful relationship.

“i cannot put a price on the value of the uKti sports & leisure infrastructure team, which was instrumental in our success,” enthused chief executive andrew douglass.

“[after the wembley meeting] we worked closely with uK trade & investment to invite a key ghanaian decision maker to one of our major london events, le grand depart of the tour de france, in June 2007. as the invitation came from uKti it added extra weight and credibility to our offering. within 48 hours, i had an appointment to see the africa cup’s chief operating officer.

“uKti’s speed and efficiency were phenomenal and helped innovision open doors, which we’d never have been able to unlock on our own. the power of the uKti network and business credibility gave us an edge and ultimately helped secure our contract.”

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The UK’s innovative and knowledge-based economy... is synonymous with opportunity and global potential.

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DisCoVer global growth FroM a uK base

Maximising foreign direct investment

The UK’s innovative and knowledge-based economy, underpinned by excellent public services and infrastructure, is synonymous with opportunity and global potential. Supported by a stable political system and a well-established legal framework, it offers a skilled and flexible multicultural workforce and a unique spirit, individuality and all-round creative energy.

Blessed with a favourable geographic position and time zone, the UK is at the hub of international business, bringing the world to a company’s door. Unlike most of its competitors, it isn’t just an investment destination: it is rather an investment multiplier, a springboard to international growth that upgrades the value of a company’s investment.

The UK in itself offers the best of international business. Companies don’t do business in the UK just because they’re interested in the prosperous UK market. They also come here to become global.

In the UK, companies, including many of the world’s major corporations, plug directly into the heart of global finance, global creative and professional services, global media and global talent. They enjoy access to world-class science and academia and link into a wide network of smaller enterprises, many of which are also world leaders in their fields.

In short, the UK is the gateway of international connections. No wonder, then, that the UK is number one in Europe and second globally only to the USA in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Host of the biggest show on earth in 2012, it really is the place to be.

Talk to UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and you too could be at the heart of this global crossroads.

+83%r&d investment into the uK increased by 83 per cent in 2007/08

left: photovoltaic cells on the roof of city hall, london.image supplied by paul rapson

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how uKti Can help you...

UKTI’s comprehensive range of services assists overseas companies, whatever their size and experience, to bring high-quality investment to the UK. They are delivered in partnership with teams in the development agencies in England’s nine regions, and in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, whose job it is to promote economic growth in their area.

Deciding where to locate your international business is often a long and involved process. It is UKTI’s job to know the UK’s strengths and where investment opportunities exist. Our services help businesses coming to the UK get up and running with speed and confidence.

They include:

– impartial advice on where and how to set up business in the UK,

– in-depth tailored information, including advice on R&D, tax, human capital and visas,

– introductions to professional advisers and key contacts,

– access, through the UK Advisory Network, to lists of professional service organisations, such as accountants, lawyers and banks, that can support your move to the UK,

– practical help, including visits to suitable locations, finding business partners and accessing financial incentives, and

– a first-class aftercare service, offering investors an opportunity to raise questions and issues about their investment in the UK.

Once you’re established in the UK, we can then help your company to expand – both in the UK and overseas. We provide support with:

– n ew UK business opportunities,

– choosing a new UK location,

– growing your industry networks,

– having your say in UK Government,

– trading overseas, and

– setting up a European headquarters.

Take advantage of these services and you too could be part of the UK success story.


– the uK is the number-one inward investment location in europe and number two in the world.

– in 2007/08, the uK attracted 1,573 foreign direct investment (fdi) projects (uKti had significant involvement in 549 of these) from 48 countries, a record-breaking performance.

– it takes 13 days to set up a business in the uK, compared to the european average of 32.

– t he uK has the least barriers to entrepreneurship in the world.

– london is the leading city in europe in terms of languages spoken.

– r&d investment into the uK increased by 83 per cent in 2007/08.

– the uK is ranked as the best performer in the g8 leading economies per unit of r&d spend.

– t he level of fdi stock in the uK was us$1.347 trillion in 2007 – a record year.

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“ uK trade & investment really does offer a wide range of help to make it easier for businesses to set up in the uK.”

amir Mohamed, Ceo, billadam (Malaysia)

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left: the gateshead millennium bridge

what inward investment clients say about us

independently conducted business surveys of our inward investment clients tell us that locating in the uK enables them to:

– keep up with competitors,

– a ccess other markets in the region,

– be close to key centres of knowledge, research or expertise,

– access an established network of business services, and

– t ap into a knowledgeable and skilled workforce.

1stthe uK is the number-one inward investment location in europe and number two in the world.

“o ur partnership with newcastle university came about largely thanks to uK trade & investment and all the people it introduced us to. my advice to other companies considering investing in the uK is contact uKti and follow their guide.”

Jeong-Chan ra, Ceo, rnl bio (south Korea)

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“ Indian companies looking to start operations in Europe perceive the UK as the foremost investment location and an excellent platform to enter other European markets.”

Syed Anwar Hasan, Managing Director, Tata Limited (India)

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case study Creative industries lg electronics

in June 2008, Korean firm lg electronics, a leader in consumer electronics and mobile communications, opened a new european design centre in london.

the centre, which was formally opened by hrh the duke of York, the uK’s special representative for international trade and investment, will create european designs for its entire range of consumer goods, including mobile handsets and devices, flat-screen tvs and audio systems, white goods and other home electronics, based on european consumers’ requirements.

the designers will also be called upon to adapt products that will appeal to the european market, but which have been developed elsewhere.

“our new european design centre has been established to provide our design team with the optimum creative environment, which includes extensive libraries and leading technologies to aid in the design process,” said president and ceo James Kim.

with assistance from foreign direct investment agency think london, lg chose london and the uK as its european hub due to its business and finance environment, as well as its global position.

the duke of York stated: “lg could have chosen any of several global cities for this centre. that it chose london is tremendous news for the uK and testament to the world-class business environment we’re creating here.”

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“ our association with uK trade & investment gave us instant credibility in the eyes of potential partners. i’ve been thrilled with the help they have provided.”

louise rutten, yellow Culture (new Zealand)

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next steps

If you are interested in finding out more about UK Trade & Investment’s (UKTI) unique range of services, we recommend that you register on our website, which contains a wealth of information:

It also enables you to find your local International Trade Team and contains contact details of relevant UKTI staff to help you follow up on the areas that are of interest to you.

We also operate a customer enquiry line, which is staffed from 09.00–17.30, Monday to Friday. If you want to find out more, speak to someone directly or have any questions or feedback, then please give us a call:

+44 (0)20 7215 8000

Overseas-based investors and UK-based companies operating overseas can also contact the UKTI team at their local British embassy, high commission or consulate (see website for details).

Make that first contact and you will be one step closer to your springboard for global growth.

left: esplanade bridge, singapore

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Over a 12-month period, UKTI helped over 12,000 companies overcome barriers to entering new markets.

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a range of uK government support is available from a portfolio of initiatives called solutions for business. the “solutions” are available to qualifying businesses, and cover everything from investment and grants through to specialist advice, collaborations and partnerships.

uK trade & investment is the uK government organisation that helps uK-based companies succeed in international markets. we assist overseas companies to bring high-quality investment to the uK’s vibrant economy.

to find out more about uK trade & investment please visit or telephone +44 (0)20 7215 8000.

whereas every effort has been made to ensure that the information given in this document is accurate, neither uK trade & investment nor its parent departments (the department for business, enterprise & regulatory reform, and the foreign & commonwealth office) accept liability for any errors, omissions or misleading statements, and no warranty is given or responsibility accepted as to the standing of any individual, firm, company or other organisation mentioned.

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published november 2008 by uK trade &

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