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Your KEY to success for Pervasive Encryption and Multicloud Key Management Isabel Arnold IBM Denmark, CryptoCenter November 2020 Session 2AW

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  • Your KEY to success for Pervasive Encryption and Multicloud Key Management

    Isabel ArnoldIBM Denmark, CryptoCenter

    November 2020Session 2AW

  • The safest door in the world becomes useless

    If you lose your keys

  • Encryption made easy with IBM Z Pervasive Encryption

    – Encrypt data automatically, immediately and efficiently at the time it is written

    – Decouple encryption from data classification

    • Reduce labor-intensive data classification work

    • Reduce risks associated with incorrect classified or undiscovered sensitive data

    – Achieve application transparent encryption

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 3

    But where to keep your encryption keys?

  • Do I need a key management system?

    Yes, if you want any of these:

    More than 10 keys

    Periodic, staggered key rotation

    Avoid manual distribution

    Easy overview of keys

    Keystore backup and recovery of individual keys

    Strong security and compliance for key management operations (e.g. dual control)

    Enforced key naming conventions

    Downsides of < 10 keys

    Large amount of encrypted data affected if a single key is compromised

    Less granular control of how to separate people from data

    Difficult to stagger rotation periods for keys

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 4

    You need good datasetnaming conventions!









  • EKMF Web for Pervasive Encryption on IBM Z

    When implementing pervasive encryption it is very important that a robust key management system is in place.

    IBM Enterprise Key Management Foundation (EKMF) has a proven record of meeting the key management requirements you find in large financial companies like banks and card processors.

    IBM offers EKMF Web for Pervasive Encryption that helps you manage the keys involved in dataset encryption.

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 5

  • EKMF Web for PE features

    Single central key repository

    • Stores metadata (activation dates, usage, etc.)

    • Single-point backup and recovery

    Key Management

    • Generation based on policies

    • According to NIST recommendations

    • Using Hardware Security Modules (HSM)

    Pervasive Encryption Support

    • Dataset dashboard

    • Import and management of existing PE keys

    • Central support for multiple z/OS systems

    Security & Compliance

    • Role-based access

    • Dual control implemented using separation of privileges

    • Audit logging

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  • Web Browserwith EKMF Web

    Hardware Security Modules

    EKMF components

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation


    Central EKMF repository

    Cloud key stores



    re ro


    EKMF Workstation

    ü Can be placed in secure roomü Utilizes IBM 4767 HSMü Generate new keys by users

    authenticated with smart cards or automatically based on requests

    Browser-based key generation & management for ü Pervasive Encryptionü Cloud

    (not in product version yet)

    ü Contains keys and metadata for all cryptographic keys produced by EKMF

    ü Easy backup and recovery of key material


    FIPS140-2 Level 4

    IBMCrypto Express

    4 IBM 476x4




  • EKMF Web Architecture

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation








    Cloud key stores

    Master Catalog

    EKMF datasets database

    EKMF keyrepository

    PE Dataset Scanner Job

    Web Browser


  • EKMF Web prereqs

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation








    Master Catalog

    EKMF datasets database

    EKMF keyrepository

    Dataset Scanner Job

    z/OS 2.3 or later with fixes

    • Crypto adapter assigned to LPAR with fully initialized master key sets (AES, RSA, ECC)- TKE required

    • IBM Z14 & CEX6 or later recommended to generate AES cipher keys

    • IBM Z13 & CEX5 can only generate AES data keys

    Configured to use variable key length tokens Required databases, tables, views must be

    created in Db2 (V12 recommended)

    HKMGAS0 (min. PTF level KMGS006) orHKMGAL0 (min. PTF level KMGL010)

    Firefox or Chrome

    Web Browser


  • Data-encrypting keys

    AES CIPHER keys• Use symmetric variable-length key token • The key value is always encrypted. • Keyblocks contain attributes allowing for

    detailed control of key usage and exchange options

    • EKMF Web wrapping for AES Cipher keys based on AES encryption

    AES DATA keys• Use symmetric fixed-length key token• Key value can be either encrypted or in the clear• Do not have associated key attributes - Export

    of AES Data keys must be controlled by other means, such as RACF

    • EKMF Web wrapping for AES Data keys based on RSA keys

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 11

    Used to encrypt and decrypt data & can be 128-bits, 192-bits, or 256-bits in length

    The use of AES Cipher keys for Pervasive Encryption is recommended for any system which supports their use.The minimum requirements for using AES Cipher keys for PE are z14 with CEX6 and ICSF HCR77C1.

  • EKMF Web Key Hierarchy

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 12

    Master Key (AES)

    Data KEK (RSA) Cipher KEK (AES)

    Cipher Key (AES)Data Key (AES)

    EKMF Web Recovery Key (AES)

  • EKMF Web for PEScreenshots DemoCreate a key to encrypt your first dataset

  • EKMF flow

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  • These are the policies that define how your keys are created

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  • IBM Z13 can only generate AES data keys.We recommend to use AES cipher keys, available from z14 with CEX6 or later.

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  • What to do with the key

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    Dataset profiles DFP DATAKEY User Access






    Profiles in CSFKEYS class User Access




    1. Define key profile to RACF2. Assign key to RACF dataset profile3. (Re-)allocate, existing datasets are

    not encrypted (e.g. BANKING.OLD)4. User needs RACF access to

    a) Keyb) Dataset


  • 1 2 3 4

    Setup for use of key label in RACF

    Allow secure key to be used as protected keyvia ICSF segment- SYMCPACFWRAP- SYMCPACFRET

    Grant access to key label

    – AND –



    Associate the key label with the desired data set(s)

    In RACF, alter DFP segment in data set profile - DATAKEY()

    PERMIT ‘’ ID(groupid) ACCESS(READ)

    In DFSMS, assign to data class

    ALTDSD ‘’UACC(NONE)DFP(RESOWNER(owner)DATAKEY(keylabel_name))

    – OR –

    z/OS data set encryption – Detailed description

    Migrate to encrypted data

    DB2:Online Reorg

    IMS HA Database:Online Reorg

    VSAM or Seq data set:1. Stop application2. Copy data3. Restart application

    zFS Container:zfsadmin encrypt


    Generate an encryption key and key label, store it in the CKDS


    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 24

  • IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 25

    If you lose your key, EKMF Web

    can restore it

  • Already started PE? No problem, import existing keys

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 26

  • 27

    A keytemplate for these types of keys must have been defined for your keystore you’re

    importing from

  • Check dashboard for encryption details about datasets

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  • Encrypted dataset with key details

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  • Encryptable data sets

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 31

  • Not encryptable datasets

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 32

    Will be


    ed soo


  • IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 33

  • Filter and show details

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  • Multicloud Key Orchestrator

  • EKMF Cloud support


    EKMF Web supports key distribution to IBM Key Protect, Amazon KMS and Azure


    AWS KMS IBM CloudKey Protect

    Microsoft AzureKey Vault

    Google CloudKMS


    Web Browserwith EKMF Web

    EKMF Workstation

  • 38

  • Define cloud keystores and key templates

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  • AWS support in EKMF Workstation

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  • Further reading

    Announcement letter

    EKMF Agent Installation and Configuration Guide

    EKMF Web Installation and Configuration Guide

    EKMF Web UI User's

    IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 43

  • EKMF Web for PEVirtual WorkshopParticipants who attend this Virtual Workshop will learn about key management, Key management considerations, EKMF web Architecture and dataset encryption.Agenda:• 9:00 AM Overview Pervasive Encryption, Key

    Management and EKMF Web• 10:15 AM TKE Demo• 10:30 AM Hands on Lab EKMF web and dataset

    encryption• 12:30 PM Key Management considerations and

    wrap up

    Virtual Class requires students to connect to Webexand have access to internet via browser to connect to virtual desktop.

    Contact [email protected] Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 44

  • IBM Crypto Competency Center / © 2020 IBM Corporation 45

    Service Offerings• Cryptography-as-a-Service• Crypto Agility and Quantum readiness• Crypto APIs for payment processing industry• Enterprise key management solutions

    • Pervasive Encryption key management• Multi-cloud key management

    • Advanced XML signing solutions

    Consulting & Implementation Services• Specialists in PCI compliant crypto solutions • Cross-industry experience

    Encryption PKI - Digital Signatures& Certificates

    Crypto APIs Enterprise Key Management

    Policy Compliance

    IBM Crypto Competence Center Copenhagen• 100+ clients, mainly in Financial Services

    • 13 out of the 25 largest Banks in Europe• 25 years experience

    Securing the world, one bit at a time

    Crypto Analytics Tool

  • Please submit your session feedback!

    Do it online at

    This session is 2AW - Your KEY to success for Pervasive Encryption and Multicloud Key Management

  • GSE UK Conference 2020 Charity

    The GSE UK Region team hope that you find this presentation and others that follow useful and help to expand your knowledge of z Systems.

    Please consider showing your appreciation by kindly donating a small sum to our charity this year, NHS Charities Together. Follow the link below or scan the QR Code:

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    Thank you

    © Copyright IBM Corporation 2020. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM’s current intent, is subject to change or withdrawal, and represent only goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks of IBM Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available at Copyright and trademark information.

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