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Scotties Facial Tissue Regular 94-126’s ASA 81mg Preventative Therapy 120's Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5 People First Dr. Hister On Pharmacists & Doctors, Your Local Health Team Time To Quit Smoking The Benefits Of Omega Fatty Acids Save On Health & Wellness Products Company’s Coming Recipe PDM 202 Vol. 12 No. 1 HOT BUY! 7 99 Ea. Helping People Live Better Lives 7 99 Ea. 1 49 2 FOR BONUS POINTS 10 X PEOPLES DRUG MART PEOPLES PHARMACY Jamieson Vita-Vim Adult 50+ Multivitamin 90's

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Scotties Facial TissueRegular 94-126’s

ASA 81mg Preventative Therapy


Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5

PeopleFirstDr. Hister On

Pharmacists &Doctors, YourLocal Health TeamTime ToQuit SmokingThe Benefits OfOmega Fatty AcidsSave On Health &Wellness ProductsCompany’s Coming Recipe

PDM 202 Vol. 12 No. 1


Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5


pleFiHelping People Live Better Lives

799Ea.PDM 202 Vol. 12 No. 1




Scotties Facial Tissue 1492

JamiesonVita-VimAdult 50+Multivitamin90's

Page 2: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

Your Source For Cold & Flu Relief

Benylin Cough ReliefMultiple formulationsdesigned to provide youwith the relief you need.250mL


Vicks NyquilorDayquilCombo PackDaytime or nighttimerelief for cold and flu.8 + 16’s or Sinus 16 + 8’s


Nasal SprayDecongestant Helps to keep the nasalarea clean and moistwhile providing longlasting relief of nasalcongestion.0.1% Soulution 20mL


AdvilLiqui-GelIbuprofen Temporary relief ofminor aches, pains andinflammation.72 + BONUS12 orExtra Strength 50 + BONUS10


Aleve Liquid GelsLiquid gel capsulesspeed relief when youneed it fast.Liquid Gels 20's


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Pepcid Acid Controller Relieves and preventsheartburn for longlasting relief.Regular Strength,Maximum Strengthor Complete25 - 30's


BismuthRelief from heartburn, indi-gestion, upset stomachand nausea.127mL


ElectrolyteGastroRehydrate your body’slost water and minerals,especially when lost indiarrhea or vomiting. Thisgreat tasting instant mixis suitable for all ages.8 Pouches x 4.9g


Advil Cold &Sinus Fast, effective relief ofsinus congestion, painand fever. 40 + BONUS 10


2 People First TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5

NeilmedSinus Rinse or

NasalfloNeti Pot

Soothing therapeuticsolution that gently washes

the nasal passages.Kit or Refill 100’sKit or Refill 100’s


See Back Page For Contest Details



Page 3: Your Health Magazine - Optimized



4 The Pharmacist, DoctorAnd Patient RelationshipDr. Hister looks at how to take charge of your health by build-ing a trusting realtionship with your health team.

5 Vitamins & SupplementsSave on a wide selection of quality nutritional supplements from Peoples Pharmacy.

6 Smoking CessationPeoples Pharmacist Ian Lloydon how to break the smoking habit and live a healthier life.

7 Great Health BuysHelping people live better lives with quality health products.

9 Pharmacist RecommendedHelpful advice on children’s feverand health news on how baked fish may ward of Alzheimer’s.

12 35th AnniversaryPrize Draw Winner See the lucky person that won theApple prize package.

14 Omega Fatty Acids Darlene Booth talks about the good fats in your diet and how they can improve your health.

15 Wild Gumbo SoupBrand new feature recipeFrom Company’s ComingHealthy Recipe Makeovers.

Butt OutPage 7

Live a healthier life by quittingsmoking. Read about the optionsavailable at Peoples Pharmacies

on page 6.

Good FatPage 14Read an informative articleon the many health benefitsof Omega 3 fatty acids, agood fat for your body.


contentsPeople First

good fat for your body.

9good fat for your body.

9good fat for your body.

99good fat for your body.

99good fat for your body.

Butt OutPage 7

Live a healthier life by quitting

Good FatPage 14Read an informative articleon the many health benefitsof Omega 3 fatty acids, agood fat for your body.


good fat for your body.

599good fat for your body.

99good fat for your body.

to9good fat for your body.

9good fat for your body.

Helping People Live Better Lives

Page 4: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

Know how I know for certain that I’m getting prettyold much more quickly than I want to be aging? It’ssimple, really: because my pharmacist has become myvery best friend.And lest you think I’m kidding, rest assured that I’m

completely serious when I say that because if youjudge a BFF (for those without a teenager at home tohelp translate that reference, that’s text talk for “bestfriend forever”) by how often you see them and byhow often you solicit their advice about matters thatare of vital importance to you (who should be theCanucks regular goalie? Do you turn off the TV whenDon Cherry comes on or do you just mute it till he’sdone, and so on), my pharmacist is not only my num-ber one BFF, but also my BFF number 2 and BFF num-ber 3.But the even more curious thing is this: as the days

pass (all too quickly, alas), I am becoming ever moredetermined to spend even more time with my BFF (infact, if my wife were to allow it, I would even contem-plate adopting my pharmacist, or at least having himsleep over several nights a week) because as a typicalbaby boomer getting on in years (which does, ofcourse, still beat the only known alternative), I am(very reluctantly) finding it necessary to take moreand more medications every year (for the curiousamong you, it’s for my GERD, my high blood pres-sure, my abnormal cholesterol levels, and severalother less complicated conditions), and that’s a prob-lem that I’m trying to get as much help with as I can.Why is it a problem to be taking more and more

medications every year? For a start, many of the drugsthey give you these days are not the drugs they gave

your mother or father way back when because quitesimply, many current medications are significantlymore powerful than the medications they used to giveout just a few decades back. For a very common example of what I mean, just

consider how we treat a problem like gastric acid re-flux these days. Back when I was an intern, the onlymedications we had for “stomach ulcers” (that wasjust about the only diagnosis we had for all gastriccomplaints) were one or two antacids and a very re-strictive diet, what we used to call the “milk, rice andMaalox” treatment (an interesting aside: most pa-tients hated this regime so much that they refused tostick to it, which is why we interns sometimes foundpizza boxes hidden under ulcer patients’ beds, clearevidence that despite what their specialist had or-dered them to do, these patients had brought in take-out pizzas from delivery services near the hospital).Nowadays, not only do we have several different

forms of antacids, we also have medications to “coat”the upper gastrointestinal lining, as well as several dif-ferent drugs to reduce stomach acid output includingsuch “milder” ones as cimetidine (Tagamet) and ran-itidine (2antac) and very powerful ones (proton pumpinhibitors or PPIs) such as omeprazole (Losec) and (theone I’m on) esomeprazole (Nexium), a drug that vir-tually eliminates stomach acid output, which is botha good and bad thing.It’s a very good thing in that Nexium has certainly

reduced my reflux symptoms dramatically and mademy life much more pleasant, but it’s also a bad thingin that not only is it very hard to discontinue a druglike Nexium (when you try to discontinue a PPI, your

Continued On Page 11

��� ���� �

Managing MenopausePharmacists

� People First

Page 5: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5

Great Savings On Healthy Choices People First 5

JamiesonEchinaceaPromotes resistance tocommon cold infections.High Potency Formula1200mg, 120’s


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Skin CareHypoallergenic, antioxidant-

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Cream120mLorOil 28mL

JamiesonSalmon & Fish Oils Omega-3 Complexprovides essential fattyacids which promotescholesterol health &heart support.150 + BONUS 50

JamiesonSalmon & Fish Oils Omega-3 Complexprovides essential fattyacids which promotescholesterol health &heart support.150 + BONUS 50

Glucosamine Sulfate Nutritional support thattargets joints and bones.500mg, 250's


799Ea.150 + BONUS 50



Page 6: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

Continued On Page 8

Smoking cessation is a timely topic, especiallyaround the beginning of the New Year. We makeresolutions to change our routines, start the goodand stop the bad. This is a great idea, but the tim-ing may be wrong. Before, and after, the New Yearcan be a stressful time. There are holiday bills topay, people to visit, parties to attend, and so on. Sopick another day: February 1st, January 15th, or thesecond Monday after New Year's Eve. Pick anyday and stick to it.If you are truly committed to quitting, here are a

few tips that can help. Tell as many people as youcan about your plan. If you announce it to every-one, there will be more people to cheer you on andmore people that will catch you if you cheat. Re-ward yourself. Quitting smoking is difficult andshould be rewarded. Choose something indulgent;a fancy dinner out, a vacation, a new stereo, oreven a new car. Think of the many reasons why youshould stop smoking, then write them down. Dur-ing the tough times, this will remind you why youare quitting.To understand why smoking is addictive and how

drugs can help you quit, you should learn moreabout nicotine. Nicotine is the most addictive sub-stance found in cigarettes. There are believed to beothers, but nicotine is the most prominent. .poninhalation of cigarette smoke, nicotine can reachthe brain in about 10 seconds. Its effects can lastabout 1-2 minutes. Drugs with a rapid onset and a

short duration of action tend to have the highestpotential for abuse. Other drugs that share nico-tine’s quick acting nature include crack cocaine andheroin.What does nicotine do once it enters the brain?

Nicotine causes a rapid release of a brain chemicalcalled dopamine. One of dopamine’s primary rolesin the brain is to facilitate the sensation of pleasure.Dopamine also enables us to remember specificpleasures. This 5remembering’ is why people canbecome addicted to other 5pleasurable’ activities,such as eating, shopping, sex, etc. But these thingsare not as readily available as smoking; so the 5plea-sure memory’ can be re-enforced over and over andover again. This is also thought to be the reasonwhy people crave cigarettes even after they havequit for a year or more.This year there is a provincial program that can

help you quit smoking. The B.C. government willhelp pay for the non prescription and prescriptionmedications to help you quit smoking. Every calen-dar year, eligible BC residents can obtain a 12weeks supply of nicotine patches and nicotinechewing gum. There is no cost for the patches northe chewing gum. Talk to your Doctor or PeoplesPharmacist to see if nicotine replacement therapy isright for you. Then call 8-1-1 (B.C.'s health infor-mation phone number) and ask to speak to a “Quit-Now CareCoach.” Your CareCoach will provide youwith an authorization number for your supply of ei-

Ian LloydPharmacist, Peoples Pharmacy

Smoking Cessation

6 People First

Page 7: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

TWO WEEK SALE PERIOD - Prices In Effect Until Feb. 5 People First 7

Sleep AidHelp for a restful sleepwhen experiencingoccasional sleeplessness.Extra Strength50mg, 20 caplets


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799Ea.Dermal TherapyHeel CareDeep penetrating moisturizing heel care cream.60mL


Polysporin Eye & Ear orEar Drops Sterile antibiotic fortreatment of infectionsof the external eye/earsuch as pink eye orswimmer's ear. 10mL


Lubricating Gel Water based, alcoholfree and fragrance free.113g

499Ea.Bandages Speeds healing whileprotecting cuts.60 Plastic Bandages


Polysporin OintmentHelps to speed healingand prevent infection.15g


George's Dry Skin CareDaily moisturizing lotionor dry skin cream.360mL, 90-450g

25%Off Regular Retail

Healthy Solutions Start Here

Nicorette understands that all smokersare different; that’s why we offer thewidest range of nicotine replacementproducts to help you quit smoking inthe way that is best for you.

You can increase your chances of quit-ting by registering for a personalizedprogram to quit with the freeACTIVESTOP program to make it rele-vant to you and your life. Go for details.

NicoretteStop SmokingAidHelping smokers quit by takingit one craving at a time2-4mg, Gum 105's or Inhaler Refill Pack 42’s

Healthy Solutions Start Here

NicoretteStop SmokingAidHelping smokers quit by takingHelping smokers quit by takingit one craving at a time2-4mg, Gum 105's or Inhaler Refill Pack 42’s





Healthy Solutions Start Here

Nicorette understands that all smokersare different; that’s why we offer thewidest range of nicotine replacementproducts to help you quit smoking in

You can increase your chances of quit-ting by registering for a personalizedprogram to quit with the freeACTIVESTOP program to make it rele-vant to you and your life. Go to

Healthy Solutions Start Here

Page 8: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

ther nicotine patches or gum. Once you have yournumber, you can either pick up the nicotine re-placement products at any Pharmacy or have themmailed to your home. That's it: make the phone call,visit a Pharmacy and quit smoking. It has neverbeen easier.The B.C. government may also pay for smoking

cessation prescription medications. Just visit yourDoctor for a prescription and then have it filled at aPharmacy. You do not have to call 8-1-1 for author-ization. You might qualify for medication coverageif you are a resident of a residential care facility (PlanB), on income assistance (Plan C), or have Plan Gcoverage. People who have reached their yearly de-ductible with Fair Pharmacare might also qualify forcoverage. Talk to your Peoples Pharmacist to learnif you might qualify for no cost smoking cessationmedications.There are two prescription medications that

could be covered by Pharmacare: bupropion(Zyban®) and varenicline (Champix®). Originallyused to treat depression, Zyban works by blockingthe breakdown of dopamine in the brain. This in-creased, and more constant, level of dopamine inthe brain helps to reduce the cravings associatedwith low levels of dopamine. Many people find thatafter a few weeks on Zyban, the cravings for ciga-

rettes slowly subside. While quite effective, Zyban isnot for everyone. People who are taking other anti-depressant medications or have a history of seizuresshould talk to their Doctor before taking this drug.It should also not be taken with alcohol, because ofthe increased risk of having a seizure. The mostcommon side effects include; nausea, insomnia, anirregular heartbeat or a skin rash. Speak with yourDoctor or Peoples Pharmacist for moreinformation about Zyban.The newest medication to help you quit smoking

is varenicline (Champix®). Champix works differ-ently from Zyban. Champix acts like nicotine in thebrain and also blocks the rapid dopamine releasecaused by cigarette smoking. After about 8 daysyour nicotine cravings should decrease and youshould be ready to quit smoking. Therapy is usuallycontinued for 12 weeks. People with depression orother mental health issues should use this medica-tion with caution. Side effects include nausea, sleepproblems and stomach upset. Speak with your Doc-tor or Peoples Pharmacist for more informationabout Champix.What these patches, gums and drugs do is to

help you rid your body of the nicotine addiction.With this addiction under control, the only thingleft to do is to rid yourself of the habit. There are al-

Ian Lloyd...Continued From Page 6

Continued On Page 10

8 People First

Don’t Play A Guessing Game WithYour Daily Medications

Peoples Drug Mart and Peoples Pharmacyoffer a medication compliance program called“Med Manager.” The Med Manager is a med-ication compliance card that conveniently or-ganizes your medications for a full week andhelps you easily identify what medications areto be taken at what time of the day.

Talk to your Peoples Pharmacist about theconvenient Med Manager program.

Page 9: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

pharmacistrecommendedHealth & Wellness Information From Your Peoples Pharmacist

A fever is an abnormally high body tempera-ture. Most of the time this is a normal response toinfection. However, just because your child has aslight fever does not necessarily mean that he orshe is seriously ill. (Generally, if your child feelswell enough to do so, he or she can still go toschool or child care). Keep in mind that your childcan also be sick and have a temperature that isnormal or below normal.Normal body temperature is 37°C (98.6°F)

when measured orally, although there can beslight differences in temperature between chil-dren. Normal body temperature may even varyslightly — by 0.5°C to 1°C (1°F to 2°F) — depend-ing on how and when it is measured. It is typicallylower in the middle of the night. A child may have a higher body temperature: • round mid-afternoon• in hot weather • during active play or exercise • when crying • while wearing warm clothingYou can do a quick check for fever by using

your cheek to feel if your child’s forehead is hot.However, you should use a thermometer for an

accurate temperature reading.To treat a fever, follow thesebasic guidelines:• Give your child plenty ofliquids.• Maintain a comfortableroom temperature.• Dress your child in light cottonclothing. Keep bedclothes to aminimum.• Wet a sponge or cloth with lukewarm waterand wipe your child’s face gently. • Do not use baths or alcohol rubs to cool downyour child.• If your child is uncomfortable or the fever ishigh, use acetaminophen (Biomedic brand,Tem-pra or Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Biomedic, Motrin orAdvil). Do not exceed recommended doses.Important: Children and teenagers should nottake ASA (Aspirin) or “baby” Aspirin when theyhave a fever. Giving ASA to children with fever hasbeen linked to Reye’s syndrome, a serious disease.

This basic information on fever but is not a substitute for profes-sional medical advice. Talk to your doctor or go to a hospital emer-gency department if you have concerns about your child’s health.

Eating baked or broiled fish as little as once a week may boostbrain health and lower the risk for mild cognitive impairmentand Alzheimer's disease, new brain scan research suggests.The study authors found that eating baked and broiled fish

-- but not fried -- helps to preserve gray matter neurons,strengthening them in areas of the brain deemed critical tomemory and cognition.The study noted that people who eat baked or broiled fish hadlarger brains and they had larger brain cells in areas of the brainresponsible for memory and learning. And the reason that's im-portant is that these brain areas are at high risk for Alzheimer'sdisease."In those people with larger brain volume, the risk for

Alzheimer's and mild cognitive impairment went down by five-fold within five years following the brain scans that were con-ducted.Millions have Alzheimer's disease, an incurable, age-related

disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking and lan-

guage skills. Older adults with mild cognitive impairment haveless severe memory loss than those with Alzheimer's but oftengo on to develop the disease.To assess the impact of fish on cognitive health, the authors

focused on 260 mentally healthy elderly individuals.The study team observed that people who ate baked or broiledfish weekly displayed better so-called "working memory," en-abling them to more effectively execute routine tasks.But fish and chips lovers, take note: No cranial benefit was evi-dent with respect to consumption of fried fish.The team cautioned that while eating baked and broiled fish

appears to exert some cognitive benefit, other lifestyle and so-cioeconomic factors may play a role. For now, the connectionmust be viewed as an association, rather than a cause-and-ef-fect.One has to wonder if there are other factors associated withfish consumption that they didn't measure that might be pro-tective, possibly, people who eat fish exercise more, or eat lesstotal calories.

health news

Non-Fried Fish Might Help Ward Off Alzheimers

Children’s Fever People First 9

Page 10: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

�an ��o�d...Continued From Page �

ways certain things that you associate with smok-ing. Some people only smoke at the bar. Othersmay smoke after dinner, in the car or while watch-ing TV. If people do not change their lifestyle toavoid these associations, they will likely begin smok-ing again. So the other half of successfully quittingsmoking is changing your routine, or 'breaking thehabit'? If you smoke after a meal, go for a walk in-stead. If you smoke while watching TV, chew carrotsticks instead. Only you can be creative enough tobreak your own habit.For more information about and help with quit-

ting smoking, check out the many internet websitesthat offer ideas. is a great website op-erated by the BC Lung Association. Every nicotinereplacement manufacturer has a website with ex-cellent resources to help you quite smoking. Googletheir websites. Type in “Champix”, “Habitrol” or“Thrive Gum” to find great websites dedicated tohelping you quit smoking.

Another problem encountered by people whohave quit smoking is the temptation to restart.Don't fool yourself; this possibility is very real, evenafter a year or more. You must remind yourself fre-quently, "I am a non-smoker.” If you ever find your-self at a moment of weakness, leave or go for awalk. Never say, "I'll just have one." This is the mainreason why people start smoking again.Set a date to quit smoking. You will thank your-

self later, perhaps with a new car. You think I'm ex-aggerating; do the math yourself. Smoking onepack of cigarettes a day can cost about �300 everymonth. Isn't that close to a car payment? After ayear, you can fly yourself to a Mexican resort for anall-inclusive week of pampering. This is just onemore reason to quit.

Written By Ian Lloyd, Pharmacist & Chartered Herbalist,Peoples Pharmacy

10 People First

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Page 11: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

Dr. Hister...Continued on Page 13

Dr. Hister...Continued From Page 4

stomach responds with a strong and very uncom-fortable rebound in acid production, a sort of cry of“Hey, dude, I want you back on that stuff – NOW!”);and it’s also potentially a bad thing because stom-ach acid has important functions.For example, stomach acid helps us absorb nutri-

ents from our diet so no surprise that in studies, peo-ple on PPIs have been found to have higher rates offracture than people not on those drugs, an effectmost likely due to the fact that a PPI can interferewith the absorption of calcium and other bone-nec-essary nutrients. Stomach acid also helps fight offsome infections so that people on these strong acidreducers have been found to have higher rates of allsorts of significant infections like pneumonia.On top of that, though, over the last few decades,

we’ve also discovered lots of vitally important infor-mation about how all medications interact with atleast some other drugs and some of those interac-tions can be very serious, even deadly (warfarin, forexample, is a commonly-prescribed drug to preventclotting, and so is ASA or Aspirin, and needless tosay, one has to be very careful about combining thetwo), not to mention that we’ve also discovered thatfor many drugs, it makes a big difference in effec-tiveness as to how and when an individual takesthose drugs. Some drugs, for example, are bettertaken in the morning, some at night; some drugsshould be taken on an empty stomach, some arebetter taken with food; for some drugs, specific foodsinterfere with how they work (for example, grape-fruit juice, which is otherwise delicious, can interfereand interact with a very long list of drugs includingsuch common ones as statins and some high bloodpressure pills), and so on, and the more we researchthose important variables, the more complicated thisissue becomes.Just over the last few months, for example, I’ve

seen two excellent studies that concluded that manypeople with high blood pressure are better off takingtheir drugs at night instead of earlier in the day (it’sall to do with when blood pressure is highest, which,for a lot of people, is overnight), although I have tovery quickly add that absolutely no one shouldchange their drug-taking routine on their own with-out consulting their doctor first.

PEOPLES PHARMACISTSHelping People Live Better Lives

We Can HelpWith VaccinationServices.Qualified pharmacists now


vide shots for both the seasonal

flu and travel vaccines.

Talk to your Peoples Pharmacist

and ask if they provide this

health service. People First 11

Andrew HoffertPharmacist & Owner, Nelson

We Can Help YouLive A Better Life.Besides being medication


Peoples Pharmacists provide

many health services like:

smoking cessation, hypertension

management and asthma educa-


Talk to a Peoples Pharmacist

about your health and wellness.

Navi KandolaPharmacist & Owner, Kelowna

We Can HelpWith MedicationCompounding.Medication compounding


pharmacists to create custom

medications to suit your specific

health needs. Talk to a Peoples

Pharmacist about medication


Mario Bruno BossioPharmacy Manager, Victoria

Page 12: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

12 People First

Congratulations to Kim Harrington,Victoria,B.C. on being the grand prizewinner of Peoples Drug Mart’s 35thAnniversary prize draw for an Appleprize package. Kim won an iMaccomputer, an iPad and an iPhone.

Naz Rayani, owner of four PeoplesDrug Marts and Peoples Pharmaciesin Fairfield, Shelbourne and CadboroBay, congratulates Kim on winningthis great prize package.

Thank you to all customers for enter-ing the prize draw and for helping uscelebrate 35 years of helping peoplelive better lives.

We can help you takethe right precautions• Traveller’s Diarrhea• Hepatitis• Maleria• Cholera• Dengue Fever

Vaccination ServicesCertain Peoples Pharmacists can provide shots for the seasonal flu

or for travel vaccinations. Talk to your Peoples Pharmacistand ask if they provide this health service.

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Biomedic is a Peoples family brand thatoffer unbeatable value! Biomedic offersnational brand quality at great lowprices.Trust the Biomedic brand for all yourhealth needs.

35th AnniversaryPrize Draw Winner

Page 13: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

Dr. Hister...Continued From Page 11 PEOPLES PHARMACISTSHelping People Live Better Lives

We Can HelpImprove VenousLeg Disorders.Do you have painful, tired


Select Peoples locations offer

compression stocking and fitting

services which help treat painful

venous leg disorders.

Let us help. People First 13

Ron DowneyPharmacist & Owner, Port McN


We Can HelpYou Manage YourDiabetes.Talk to a Peoples Pharmaci


about the effective ways to take

charge of your diabetes.

A Peoples Pharmacist can help

with medication reviews, and

advise on effective monitoring of

blood glucose levels.

Frank LucarelliPharmacy Manager, Vancouver

We Can HelpWith TrustedCounselling.Taking the time to talk to


pharmacist, so you fully

understand your medications, is a

very important factor in your

overall health treatment.

We can help with personal and

trusted counselling.

Mel BairdPharmacist & Owner, Rossland

Now you might at first think that as an experi-enced physician, I would know all there is to knowabout the drugs I take, and in fact, I do know a lotabout drugs (why do you think I spend so muchtime reading studies? It’s largely to find out moreabout the stuff that affects me).But you can never know all you need to know, and

besides, there’s the world of studies and then there’sthe real world, and often things that seem straight-forward to researchers conducting studies on howdrugs work don’t end up being nearly as straight-forward when people in the real world take the samedrugs.I have never, for example, heard of a drug that

worked nearly as well post-marketing as it seemed todo in the studies that led to its being allowed on themarket. Even more worrisome, though, far too often,the side effects of many drugs – and worse, their im-portant complications - are not nearly as promi-nently discussed or detailed in pre-marketing studiesthey should have been, which is why over the lastcouple of decades, at least a dozen very populardrugs were withdrawn from use because of prob-lems that became much more evident in the realworld than they had been in the pre-marketing stud-ies.All of which is to say that because pharmacists

spend so much time talking to the public about theirobservations and experiences with the medicationsthey have to take, they learn many “practical” andmany not always-evident things about how drugswork in the real world, which is why, despite myknowledge, still spend lots of time with my pharma-cist discussing my options for treatment. And soshould you, I strongly suggest.Your pharmacist is a terrific resource for drug infor-

mation, and often, in fact, an easier resource to ac-cess than your busy family doctor, so do yourself areal favour and avail yourself of that service.You don’t, of course, have to do as I do and buy

him flowers every few weeks, but you know, it does-n’t hurt if you do.

Dr. Art Hister can be heard on CKNW and other Corus Radio Network stationson House Calls on Saturdays at 10 AM, as well as seen on Global TV news onSaturday mornings at 9:20.

Page 14: Your Health Magazine - Optimized

���� � B����R.H.N

When it comes to the nutritional category of superfoods, weoften think of exotic, nutritionally dense foods like blue greenalgae, wheat grass juice, acai berries and bee pollen. Whilethese are wonderful additions to a healthy diet, they aren’t al-ways that easy to find on your neighbourhood supermarketshelf. Many of the common nutritional superstars are oftenoverlooked; one of these stars is salmon. Not only is this fish anexcellent source of healthy protein, vitamin D and selenium, it is an excellent dietary source for omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids belong to the family of essential fatty

acids 3EFA4; this means that they cannot be manufacturedby the body and must be obtained from the food we eat..nfortunately, much of the standard western diet is imbal-anced and fails to provide the optimum levels of omega-3fatty acids needed for good health. This can lead to manyhealth problems and conditions such as dry skin, moodswings, fatigue, and heart disease.Suffice to say that omega-3 fatty acids are a good fat; they

are classified as a polyunsaturated fat 3P.FA4 and salmon is aparticularly good source for DHA 3Docosahexaenoic acid4 andEPA 3eicosapentaenoic acid4; these two long chain fatty acidsare more potent and easier to assimilate than ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is a short chain fatty acid found in non-animal food sources like flaxseed. Don’t get me wrong though,ALA is a beneficial omega-3, but it doesn’t carry quitethe same punch as the DHA and EPA found in salmon.It seems that the omega-3 connection is essential for optimal

health in so many areas including:1. Brain power – Omega-3’s may help with mood regula-tion, especially for people who suffer from depression. Stud-ies also suggest that omega-3’s play a role in neuraltransmitter formation and may lower the risk of memory loss,dementia and Alzheimer’s in seniors. Some studies correlateomega-3 deficiency during pregnancy to lower IQ’s in someschool age children. 2. Heart health – 4 decades ago, researchers studied the in-digenous population in Greenland who ate a high fat dietbut were not prone to heart disease. They linked this to theconsumption of omega-3 fatty acids found in the fish they were

eating. Other studies have since found that these fatty acidssupport heart health on many levels including lowering risk forheart attack, stroke, arrhythmia and high blood pressure. 3. Prevention – I am a firm believer in a preventative approachto health. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to improvedimmune system function as well as contributing to a decreasedrisk for colorectal, breast and prostate cancer. As with all preven-tative measures, there is no magic bullet; success usually provesto be a combination of a number of diet and lifestyle factors.�. Anti-aging – If you wish to preserve your eyesight and retainthat youthful glow, then include 2 or 3 servings of salmon toyour diet plan each week. Omega-3’s lock moisture into theskin, help prevent collagen breakdown, reduce blemishes andkeep hair shiny. They are good news too when it comes to agerelated macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome. 5. Joint health – Fish oils have two benefits for stiff and achyjoints; they help keep them lubricated and also help reduceinflammatory responses. This is also good news for our 4-legged friends. Supplementing your pet’s diet with fish oilcan add more shine to their coat and a bounce in their step.Farmed salmon versus wild salmon; this is a big debate forsure. There are numerous voices condemning farmed salmonbased on a lower protein�higher fat ratio and an increase intoxins and contaminate levels. There are others that suggestthis is now changing in the fish farming industry and thatfarmed fish are not such an unhealthy choice after all. Per-sonally, I always advocate for the highest quality food when-ever possible and find wild salmon more preferable on mypalate than farmed. Canned wild Alaskan salmon is a versa-tile food and an affordable option over fresh; use it in salads,soups, casseroles, fish cakes, dips and sandwiches. There are overarching concerns around environmental

contamination of the ocean, which poses a subsequent riskassociated with consuming fish in general. Some fish seemto be worse than others when it comes to mercury levels andPCB’s but the general consensus seems to be that the bene-fits of adding 2 – 3 servings of salmon to your weekly menufar outweighs the risks. Good Health to You!

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

1� People First

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598-3233• 10212 - 152nd St.




VICTORIA• 3825 Cadboro Bay Rd.

477-2131• 15-1594 Fairfield

598-9232• 1282 Fairfield Rd.

595-5997• 2642 Quadra St.

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285-2275PORT McNEILL• 1584 Broughton St.

956-3126PORT HARDY• 100-8950 Granville St.





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768-7645PENTICTON• 166-1848 Main St.

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364-1993ROSSLAND• 2060 Columbia Ave.



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Healthy Recipe MakeoversCookbooksare available at participating


Cookbooksare available at participating


Healthy Recipe MakeoversCookbooksHealthy Recipe MakeoversCookbooks

Wild Gumbo Soup

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Recipes For Good Health

Wild rice has a lovely earthy flavour that

sets this thick low-fat soup apart from the

traditional gumbo-and also helps to reduce

overall calories by nearly half.

Canola oil1 tbsp. 15 mL

Chopped celery11⁄2 cups 375 mL

Chopped green pepper11⁄2 cups 375 mL

Chopped onion11⁄2 cups 375 mL

Garlic cloves, minced 2 2

(or 1/2 tsp., 2 mL powder)

Dried oregano1 tsp. 5 mL

Dried thyme1 tsp. 5 mL

Dry mustard1⁄2 tsp. 2 mL

Pepper1⁄4 tsp. 1 mL

Prepared vegetable broth6 cups 1.5 L

Sliced fresh (or frozen, thawed) okra, 2 cups 500 mL

1⁄2 inch (12 mm) thick

Diced kielbasa 3⁄4 cup 175 mL

(or other spiced cooked lean sausage)

Wild rice2⁄3 cup 150 mL

Bay leaves2 2

Chopped cooked chicken breast 2 cups 500 mL

Chopped seeded tomato1 cup 250 mL

Hot pepper sauce1 tbsp. 15 mL

Heat canola oil in Dutch oven on medium-high. Add next 8 ingredients.

Cook for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened.

Add next 5 ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low.

Simmer, covered, for about 40 minutes until rice is tender. Remove and

discard bay leaves.Add remaining 3 ingredients. Stir. Coo

k, covered, for about 5 minutes

until heated through. Makes about 10 cups (2.5 L).

Healthy Recipe Makeover Results

BEFORE: 1 cup (250 mL): 281 Calories;13.6 g Total Fat (1.1 g Sat);

677 g SodiumAFTER: 1 cup (250 mL): 150 Calories; 4 g Total Fa

t (2.0 g Mono,

1.0 g Poly, 1.0 g Sat); 35 mg Cholesterol; 15 g Carbohydrate;

3 g Fibre; 14 g Protein; 458 mg Sodium

Wild Gumbo Soup

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