yes parent guidebook 10

 YES! It is tough being a kid these days – particularly when dealing with the stress of belonging to a military family. Our Youth Development programs help kids cope while providing them with positive, fun opportunities to get to know themselves and each other.  YES! (Youth Enrichment Summer) outings afford children in military families, the opportunity to explore a variety of Southern California attractions. The Armed Services YMCA is delighted to offer the YES! program for the third consecutive summer to San Diego military kids. YES! youth trips, for children ages 7 to 12, include a day at  YMCA Camp Surf and the Balboa Park  We are proud to offer for the second summer, a YES! teen trip for kids ages 13 to 15 to Knott’s Berry Farm. It will be a great chance for military teens to meet and connect over the summer! This Parent Guidebook has useful information to prepare your child for YES! as well as an overview of YES! policies and procedures. Please take time to review this with your child and get excited about  YES!    Y    E    S    !  Visit our website for more information on the over 40 free programs and services available to your family! San Diego Armed Services YMCA San Diego Armed Services YMCA San Diego Armed Services YMCA San Diego Armed Services YMCA 3293 Santo Road, San Diego, CA 92124 PARENT GUIDEBOOK Free Day Trips for Military Youth Contents: Staff & Activities 2 Preparing for YES! 3  YES Policies 4

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 YES! Staff 

 YES! staff are full time ArmedServices YMCA Youth andCommunity Outreach (YCO) staff members that want to host anawesome summer packed with

fun, adventure, and exploration!

Our staff is passionate aboutsupporting military youth andtake pleasure in maintaining astructured, educational programin an atmosphere of fun andexcitement.

The ASYMCA takes seriously theimportance of child protection

and safety. We have specific,tested policies and proceduresfor all staff that work withchildren.

The following are some of our proven safety practices:

1. The ASYMCA has comprehensivepre-employment screening for staff members and program

 volunteers, including interviews,reference and nation-widecriminal history checks.

2. All staff members regularly work  with school aged youth ininformal educational settings andare certified in pediatric First Aidand CPR.

Knott’s Berry Farm

July 29th

Teens 13-15 years:Military teens explore Southern California and connect

 with other military teens through a day long excursionat America’s first theme park Knott’s Berry Farm.Experience great adventures!

San Diego Balboa Park  August 5th & August 12th

Kids 7-12 years: While visiting the park, campers will explore the NaturalHistory Museum in the morning and venture into theReuben H. Fleet Center for hands on science exhibitsfollowed by an adventure into another world while viewingan IMAX film.

 YMCA Camp Surf  August 19th & August 26th

Kids 7-12 years:Kids will have a blast learning fun new activitiesincluding archery, wall climbing, boogie boarding andsurf lessons. Children will have a water training andsafety course prior to water activities and will be closely supervised by both Camp Surf lifeguards and ASYMCA 

staff when they are in the water.

 YES! Outings:

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 YES! Clothes YES! is fun. Occasionally fun can also mean messy! Dressyour child in old clothes so they are ready to play hard andget dirty! Children are required to wear closed toed shoesand socks daily and should arrive to YES! with sunscreenalready applied. Remember, YES! Is not a fashion show!

 What to BringIt is recommended that you send your child with abackpack to keep all their belongings together. Allbelongings should be labeled with your child’s namebefore sending to YES! outings. Please also be sure your child has sunscreen and a sweatshirt.

 What not to BringChildren may not bring electronic devices (cell phones,digital cameras, iPods, video games), toys, jewelry, or money to YES!. The Armed Services YMCA is notresponsible for any items that are lost or stolen.

 YES! Staff Lyndsay Calhoun: Program Director Beginning her second summer atthe Armed Services YMCA, Lyndsay isa San Diego nativeand graduate of University of California, SanDiego with a degree in Sociology. Her passion for working with children of allages has made working at the ASYMCA a incredible experience. Lyndsay iseager to explore San Diego withmilitary children leading the way!

 Andrea Fields: Program Leader 

 Andrea is excited to begin her thirdsummer at the Armed Services YMCA. A Southern California native, summer 

has always been her 

favorite season! Andrea is a graduatefrom SDSU, with adegree in Women’sStudies and Social Work. She looksforward to directing

her passion for empowering youth andtheir families into meaningful summer programs for military youth.

Cathy Tann: Program Leader 

Cathy couldn’t be more jammed for her first summer at the ASYMCA!

Cathy is a Texas native with a degreein Interdisciplinary Studies andElementary Teaching Credential fromthe University of North Texas. She islooking forward tousing her background working with youthboth in and out of the classroom toenhance summer programs.

Kelly Christianson: Program Leader Kelly is thrilled to begin her first fun-filled summer with the ASYMCA. Kelly 

is a San Diego native who graduated lastyear with a M.Ed and aMultiple SubjectTeaching Credentialfrom UCSD. She ispassionate aboutteaching and working with youth, and she is

excited to experience new adventures

this summer at the ASYMCA!

 YES! YES! Eligibility  YES! is open to children of military service members from all servicebranches. The military servicemember must be rank E6 or below and assigned to a San Diego

military installation or San Diegobased ship. Children must bebetween seven and twelve yearsold by August 1st to be eligible for  Youth YES! and between thirteenand fifteen years by July 29th for Teen YES! There will be nononono ageexceptions. Priority will be givento children who have notparticipated in 2010 OperationOutdoors.

Financial Contributions

The Armed Services YMCA isproud to provide over 40 freeprograms to San Diego military service members and their familieseach month. Should you wish tomake a contribution to the ArmedServices YMCA in support of programs like YES! you may do soby sending your donation to the Armed Services YMCA at 3293Santo Road, San Diego, CA 92124or call 858-751-5755 for moreinformation.

Deposits YES! registration forms and atwenty dollar refundable deposit will be required to register.Deposits will be available for return to parents the final day of the last registered YES! outing.Should the family fail to canceltheir child’s space at least two weeks prior to the outing or thechild not attend, the deposit willbe considered a donation to thenon profit Armed Services YMCA.

Emergency Procedures

Contacting YES! KidsIf you should need to reach your child during YES! please call our front desk at 858-751-5755. They  will take your message and get theinformation to your child.Children are not permitted tobring cell phones to YES!

Child Illness or Injury 

If your child becomes ill at YES!our staff will contact you to pick them up. Please havearrangements to do so in a timely manner. If you child is injuredstaff will take whatever steps arenecessary to obtain medical care.If we are unable to reach you andyour child needs medical attentionthey will be transported to thehospital by an ambulance. Allexpenses for emergency medicalcare are the responsibility of the


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Field TripTransportation

 YES! participants will travel by  Armed Services YMCA buses.

The following are some of our transportation safety practices:

1. Each bus driver is a ArmedServices YMCA staff member whohas completed comprehensivepre-employment screeningincluding interviews, drug andalcohol testing, and referenceand nation-wide criminal history checks.

2. Each driver is required to performa pre-trip inspection for their busbefore transporting passengers.

3. Each Armed Services YMCA bus isoutfitted with seat belts androutinely inspected by theCalifornia Highway Patrol.

 We do our best to maintain a reliableschedule of departure and arrival timesand accomplish all planned activities.Please do your part to help by arrivingon time to YES! and ready for the day’sactivities. We appreciate your understanding that trips are subject tochange as necessary for health or safety of the participants and staff.

Important Times

8:00 a.m. YES! opens for drop off  

8:30 a.m.Buses begin leaving for field trips 

4:00 p.m.Buses return from youth YES! 

4:30 p.m. Youth YES! Pick Up

7:15 p.m.Buses return from teen YES!

7:30 p.m.Teen YES! Pick Up 

 YES! Policies 

Drop Off  YES! opens for drop off at 8:00a.m. each day. YES! buses beginto leave at 8:30 a.m. YES!participants that arrive after fieldtrip transportation has departedcan not be accommodated.

Pick Up All YES! participants must bepicked up and signed out by an

adult listed on the authorized pick-up list. Please show courtesy to YES! staff by arriving promptly for pick up. YES! participants notpicked up within 30 minutes of theschedule pick up time will besupervised by ASYMCA staff andevery attempt will be made tocontact parents and emergency contacts. If within an hour theparents are not reachable, ChildProtective Services will be called.

 Attendance YES! is a full day experience. YES!participants that are late, or absent will be dismissed fromremaining YES! outings. Deposits will not be refunded for thosedismissed from YES! If you child isfor whatever reason not able toattend please contact the ArmedServices YMCA as soon as possibleso that a waitlist child can beinvited. 

Behavior ManagementGuidelinesIt is the Armed Services YMCA’sgoal to provide a healthy, safe,and secure environment for all day camp participants. Children whoattend the program are expectedto follow the behavior guidelinesbased on the four core values andto interact appropriately in agroup setting.

Behavior Guidelines:

1. We will carecarecarecare for ourselves andfor those around us.

2. Honesty Honesty Honesty Honesty will be the basis for all relationships andinteractions.

3. People are responsibleresponsibleresponsibleresponsible for their actions.

4. We respectrespectrespectrespect each other and theenvironment.

Our staff is trained and is expectedto resolve behavior problems in a

positive manner. In the eventproblems persist the child may besuspended or dismissed from the YES! program. Some acts may result in immediate suspension or dismissal including but not limitedto: fighting, intentionally harmingothers, theft, and possession of  weapons or drugs. Deposits willnot be refunded for thosedismissed from the program dueto a behavior problem.