year of the yang earth dog

1 Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School Astrology for 2018 Year of the Yang Earth Dog by Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School

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Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School

Astrology for 2018

Year of the Yang Earth Dog

by Elizabeth Schermer

The Alchemy Mystery School

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Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School

Mottos for the Dog Year

Let the Beauty of what you love be what you do.

There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground. ~ Rumi

“Let’s step into the light. We get to carry each other,

carry each other.” ~ Bono, One

“In order to succeed this year, whatever you do be sure

you have fun doing it.” ~Pamela Grout, author E-Squared,

speaking in a radio interview on Feb. 23, 2018.

The Four-Fold Way & Four Agreements

Show Up

“Always do your best.”

Pay Attention with Your Heart

“Don’t take things personally.”

Speak Your Truth without Blame or Judgment

Be impeccable with your word.

Release Attachment to Outcome

“Don’t make assumptions.”

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Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School

This booklet was written by Elizabeth Schermer. For more information visit the Alchemy Mystery

School at

The Four Fold Way and Four Agreements are summaries of universal indigenous wisdom teachings, and attributed to

the work of Angeles Arrien and Don Miguel Ruiz.

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Elizabeth Schermer The Alchemy Mystery School

Astrology for 2018

Year of the Yang Earth Dog

Each calendar year holds new opportunities, including a unique flavor of energy that supports your growth as well as the cycles of growth for all life on Earth. In Chinese astrology the flavor of each year is described through the signature of a particular animal energy in relationship with a particular elemental energy. Using this system, the general signature of 2018 can be understood through a combination of the archetype of “Dog” and the element of “Earth.” Connecting with the qualities of the year through this temperament of “Earth Dog” can help you personally align with the underlying stream of momentum that the current year holds. General Characteristics of the Dog Year The Earth Dog brings a welcome quality of practical order and focus to the intense mental energy of last year’s Fire Rooster. The grounding aspect of the Yang Earth Dog holds the capacity to materialize and embody all of the potentialities that have been created in previous cycles, especially over the past six years.

Dog Strengths: Perseverance, Courage, Vision, Honesty, Valor, Loyalty, Responsibility, Kindness and Compassion.

In Depletion: Overly sensitive, distracted, stubborn, overwhelmed, fatigued, critical, isolated.

This is a year to embrace kindness as well as challenge, and to foster your connection to the physicality of daily life. The support of the group with whom you travel will be of paramount importance in the coming months.

Hours of the Dog: 7 to 9 pm

Direction: W 262.5° – 277.5°

Element: Yang Earth

Symbol of Earth Dog: Mountain

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The Four Pillars Astrology Chart for 2018

The Dog Year begins when the Sun is at the half-way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, on February 3rd or 4th. In Western astrology this is marked at 15° Aquarius. The Lunar celebration happens at the Aquarius New Moon, which was Feb. 16th this year.

The Four Pillars chart for the year indicates a period of harmony and blessing. Most recent years have had a clash between the energies of the element in the heavenly stem (upper box in the year column) and the element associated with the animal of the earthly branch (lower box in year column). This is a year of consistency and stability indicated by the elements of double Earth in the year pillar. Yang Earth is associated with the strength and solidity of a Mountain. The presence of Wood and Water in the month and hour stems provide just enough contrast to Earth, to keep things moving and prevent the Earth from becoming stagnant or too dense. There are other strong harmonies, including the day-master of Yin Fire, which gently nourishes the Earth element of the year. The presence of Tiger and double Rabbit represent the Dog’s best friends and indicate that this year can hold a natural good fortune through all endeavors. The double Rabbit pillars represent a special element of good fortune. In addition both Tiger and Rabbit are friends of the Dog, indicating a year of natural harmony. The Western astrology chart for Aquarius 15° also indicates a year of opportunity, blessing and balance. You can see a summary of the significant factors in the Western chart at the end of this booklet.

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Bringing Forward the Past

In order to acclimate to the flavor of the coming year it can be immensely helpful to identify the new abilities and habits you’re bringing forward from the previous year. While some qualities of the Rooster are in sync with the Dog, others are complementary opposites. All of these qualities, whether in or out of sync, have helped you prepare for this time. As you look over the following qualities from last year, reflect on what you have learned and created in your recent past. There has been a great deal of change in our lives since 2012. This is a year to apply what we’ve learned, join together, and bring it to form. As you learn about the Dog Year, it’s helpful to notice which of the Rooster Year tendencies are still favored, and which are now out of sync. In this way you can avoid confusion and frustration and more easily make the shift. Acquisitions of the 2017 Fire Rooster Last year was explosive in nature. One way to describe the intensity is to say that the year pillar of the Rooster chart held a clash between fire and metal which oppose each other. I like imagining the Fire Rooster energy as the Phoenix, who transcends and rises from the ashes of the past. The clash was all about exposing truth and the opportunity to transcend. Despite the turmoil in the world, the Fire Rooster held a quality of mental order and clarity that enabled us to navigate all of the conflict and transformation in the world around us. Rooster traits from 2017 included:


Vision, Creativity and Innovation. The merging of Science and Magic.

Strategic Thinking. This includes time management and the ability to prioritize planning and manage details within the constraints of time and space.

Curiosity and Love of Change.

Integrity and the Commitment to Excellence. The willingness to work hard to get there.


Abundance. The ability to harness and gather resources, including money.

Flamboyance. The willingness to be seen.

Communication. Especially the ability to articulate one’s vision. Also clear access to the intellect and intellectual endeavors.

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Roosters love change! The willingness to change enabled us to show up last year for unexpected circumstances, and navigate our path forward from inner choice rather that outer habits or societal constraints. The combination of strategic thinking with imagination meant that we were able to see things more clearly than perhaps we’ve seen before. The Dog is more a creature of habit. This is a year to ground and embody the new changes, to bring forward what was put into motion in the recent past. Qualities of organization, loyalty, integrity, and commitment to excellence and hard work enabled us to apply determination and effort toward new endeavors. These qualities will continue to carry us forward this year. Creativity through intellectual discovery is another key theme to bring forward in 2018. To the Rooster, science and magic are one. We had the opportunity last year to expand our thinking and belief systems, including our understandings about the very nature of reality itself. Other qualities included prosperity consciousness which enabled us to expand into new understandings about the nature of resources and how “money” works in our world. The Rooster’s quality of flamboyance led to the healthy willingness to be seen in the world and to freely offer oneself, one’s truth, and one’s gifts to the larger collective. Depletion aspects of the Rooster Year included: over confidence, impatience, and inflexibility; over-attention to detail, including micro-managing self and others; rash decision-making without adequate input or planning; showing off; impulsivity; and insensitive communication. All of these are just expressions of qualities that haven’t yet been fully balanced. The Active (Yang) Nature of 2018 Within the system of Chinese astrology the signature of the year is determined by combining 12 Animal signs, 5 Transformations (Elements), and the ebb and flow of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang years alternate. Since last year’s Fire Rooster was a Yin year, this year’s Earth Dog holds a Yang frequency.

The Yin flavor of last year helped us anchor to our inner truth, even in the midst of confusion and change. The Yang frequency of this year is external and outwardly focused, enabling us to anchor our new abilities through action and activity in the world. The predominance of Yang energy in this year’s Four Pillars chart says that this will be a busy year, filled with exploration of new opportunities and lots of physical activity.

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Women will continue to step forward as voices of the collective. This voice of the Divine Feminine within us all is an unstoppable wave of empowerment. The tide has turned against oppressive systems of power that have been maintained through external control, dominance, aggression and greed. What was initiated over recent years, especially since 2012, has the capacity now to come to form. Last year’s social movements of exposing shadow and organizing the speak the truth of what we choose to create moves this year into the willingness to work behind the scenes to get the job done. Because of the busy and active nature of the year, it will be important to balance all of the activity with self-care and ample time for rest, rejuvenation, and play. Personal Qualities of the Yang Earth Dog

Inner strength. Diligence, Determination, Perseverance and Endurance. Ability to align within and make things happen.

Commitment to Excellence. The nobility of work. Integrity of convictions and willingness to do whatever it takes to bring one’s visions to form.

Unconditional Love. This year is strongly heart centered. The Dog leads from compassion, a form of heart-centered embodiment that is expressed in a practical and physical way. Authentic kindness is the super power of the friendly Dog nature.

Connection. Relationships are of the highest priority. Family and friendship is highlighted this year.

Generosity of Spirit. Material wealth is inconsequential. The Dog’s values of well being are held within in the resources of the group.

Fierce Loyalty. The Dog is faithful to the inner circle, however that’s defined, and committed to the wellbeing of the Tribe. Willing to do whatever it takes for the good of the group and the larger vision.

Physical Vitality. This is a year for love of physical activity and challenge. Connection to the Earth creates the ability to work hard and play hard. The symbol of Earth Dog is a mountain, large and substantial. This is a great year to (literally) spend time in the mountains, as well as facing large challenges of other forms.

Home and Hearth. Domesticity is a super power of the Dog. This is a year to celebrate your home as a retreat and also a gathering place. Dogs love their den. The current theory, in fact, is that Dogs adopted us rather than the other way around!

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Enthusiasm. Dog nature is irrepressible and knows how to tap into the power of joy within the present moment.

Play. Dogs retain their puppy nature through old age. The emphasis on hard work this year means that it will be equally important to set aside time to play. It’s a great year to reconnect with activities that brought you joy when you were younger, including those from your childhood.

Adaptability and Diversity. Dogs have immense variety to their shape and size but hold the same core being. Their actual physical variety is only due to a couple of genes and the rest are identical. This is why big and small dogs act the same around each other; they see beyond the physical differences and know that they’re connected. This is a year to expand our boundaries of connection and comfort zones of friendliness. It’s time to see the pack in everyone!

The Significance of the Shadow For every strength and gift of the year there is a corresponding aspect of depletion. We can recognize personal shadow through all those qualities, habits and patterns within ourselves that cause us challenge and frustration, as well as those qualities in others that are triggers for us. The previous Rooster year activated shadow in both personal and public ways. In order to succeed we were required to claim responsibility for our circumstances, embrace self examination, and welcome the opportunity to refine ourselves and improve in every way. Last year’s total eclipse in August was a full activation of Shadow and gave us the opportunity to see more clearly our inner shadow in order to find our true light. A great deal of cultural shadow emerged over this past year, and people were called to be accountable for years or lifetimes of bad behavior. Here’s what’s key to understanding shadow: It’s not about blame. It’s about seeing clearly what’s always been there. As we continue to experience the revealing of what’s been hidden, the Dog year qualities of kindness, tolerance and generosity will serve us all well. This is how we heal. Last year required us to apply our powers of clarity internally toward self examination so that we could refine and improve. This year is about anchoring those improvements through good habits that will enable us to succeed moving forward. As you look at the following list of shadow factors for the year, pay attention to the shadow elements that are personal challenges for you, as well as those which are

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triggers when you see them in others. Both aspects will very likely become learning opportunities for you this year. This is especially true since the Dog Year began with two eclipses which activate these patterns in order to facilitate our growth. Shadow Aspects of the Dog The following aspects are natural forms of imbalance and depletion of the Dog’s many gifts and abilities. Reading through these traits it’s easy to see how then can combine to create imbalance and lead to the shadow traits.

Stubbornness. Difficulty changing course or receiving outside input once a course of action is determined. Over emphasis on established habits. “Can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

Distraction. Misplaced enthusiasm. “Barking up the wrong tree.” A definite issue this year because of the convergence of so many opportunities. We’ll need to use our tools of discernment and rely on multiple perspectives.

Isolation. The lone wolf. Excessive self reliance to the exclusion of receiving help. Preference to ‘go it alone’ if that feels like an easier way to get the job done. This is a recipe for disaster this year. We all carry adaptations of self reliance, however many of our old habits of protection are no longer necessary. It’s time to trust and travel together.

Pessimism. Discouragement. Impatience. Judging reality by what’s already manifest. Can also come from attachment to being right and difficulty considering other points of view.

Overwhelm. Taking on too much responsibility. In extreme can lead to martyrdom and victim thinking. “I have to do this all by myself.”

Impatience. Irritation at delays – tolerance is difficult when the dog is tired or pushed too far. In the extreme is expressed as Anger (barking/biting dog.)

General Themes for the Year

Qualities of Leadership

The nobility of work. For the Dog all forms of practical activity can become elevated to spiritual practice then there are guided by service to a larger vision. This is a year to align your visions of possibility with practical activity to bring them into form. The key here is that noble work always follows inner will. It’s never activity through misplaced responsibility, obligation or duty, which are all shadow aspects of the Dog. This is a year to learn about having fun while engaged in focused hard work.

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Commitment to the Collective. Last year’s commitment to the group carries forward. In Rooster year people joined together to speak the Truth and expose injustice. The collective voice of Divine Feminine was a groundswell of empowerment that carries us forward into a new movements for positive change.

Effort behind the scenes. Dog leadership is not necessarily about being seen. As opposed to the Rooster’s comfort with visibility, the Dog has a tendency to avoid limelight in favor of getting the job done. The traditional favorable position of power for the dog is to choose the place directly beneath the visible leader. This can be the point of greatest influence and power in any group or endeavor. On the other hand, last year’s Rooster trait of being seen and owning your brilliance can be a valuable new skill to embody. This is a good year to practice being seen for your brilliance and the truth of who you are, especially if that’s a new comfort zone for you.

Justice for the vulnerable among us. The value of group well being will fuel our inspiration this year and underlie group projects and activities. This includes sensitivity this year to those who are vulnerable, the “underdogs” among us. After a dogfight, for example, the dogs who witness the skirmish give their attention and comfort to the one who lost the fight (the underdog), not the winner.

Commitment to basic rights for others and the Earth. Because of the emphasis on Earth energy and physical embodiment, the attention to justice this year will extend very much to all basic human rights, as well as environmental causes and concerns, and the rights of all beings in our world.

Communication Communication this year has two themes. First, we communicate to create a connection from the heart. The second reason is for collaboration, in Dog language, it’s to get the job done. The two can be at odds, which is why the Dog is sometimes known for being abrupt and impatient. In either case, whether for connection or focused activity, there is little interest in over processing or intellectual analysis. More than anything, this year is all about relating from the heart and then getting down to work. Finding the connection and proceeding from there. Saying what needs to be said to make everyone feel at home. This is an adjustment from last year. While the Rooster is an excellent communicator and crows at Dawn heralding new opportunities for everyone to hear, there was an

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alignment with analysis the last two years that’s out of sync for now. This year it’s all about putting what we’ve learned into action. In terms of barking, the Dog barks for many reasons. We need to listen with feeling to each other this year in order to discern what’s going on beneath the surface Avoid alarmism this year which is a shadow aspect of the Dog’s bark. Body language is our primary form of communication and that’s highlighted this year. It’s a time to be in integrity of alignment with our words and actions. This is a year to walk your talk. Dogs are experts at reading physical signals and the meaning behind our words. Education The Dog Year trait of obedience is ultimately tied to developing and strengthening our connection to inner guidance and inner truth, so learning this year highlights training, including the interest to study techniques and practical tools for actualizing one’s purpose in the world. The last two years have strengthened our intuition and intuitive abilities. This is a year to put those tools to practice for concrete benefit. It’s a great year to enroll in a program that teaches you a modality you can integrate into your daily personal and/or professional life. It’s also a great year to learn and anchor practices for healing such as energy medicine techniques that connect with the body’s intelligence and ability to heal, as well as practical Feng Shui techniques for healing your environment. Finances and Resources Last year’s Rooster gave us new appreciation and tools around managing our money and finances. This is a year to put that momentum into concrete action. The resources of the Dog Year are less about financial security and more about what we create with our abundance. This is a year to learn about the true value of your resources and experiencing your responsibility as a steward of your abundance (including health, friendships, time, and other nonphysical gifts). Health and Physical Well Being As in other areas, health this year requires us to tend to practical matters. Get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, drink plentiful amounts of good water, and commit to quality sleep. This isn’t a year to cut corners. The density of earth energy can become clogged without enough activity, especially when we’re busy and our nervous systems are over extended. Exercise and physical activity will be rejuvenating and also important for health this year.

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Practical healing modalities will become of paramount importance. What used to seem esoteric now is understood through Rooster year and can be integrated as practical protocols for personal care. Universal healing modalities such as Reiki and tapping (EFT) will become more main stream as people experience the practical benefits of ongoing care for our nervous systems and energy bodies. This is a year when we could experience physical activations of deep seated patterns. It will be important to seek help when necessary, and be proactive about symptoms that emerge. Exciting new healing technologies and diagnostic tools will emerge, set into motion over the last two years Technology The last two years have been an important period of innovation, invention, and new discovery. This is a year to bring those creations to form. The last Earth Dog year in 1958, for example, featured huge advances in space technology as well as the airline industry. The significance of strong Earth also means that there will be emphasis placed this year on implementation of technologies that support the environment and our health. Feng Shui The combination of practical natured home loving Dog in an Earth year means that Feng Shui will play a big role this year. If you use your tools and pay attention you will establish a new and more rewarding relationship with your home. The significance of Earth element and strong action of the year means that it’s more important than ever to tend to physical clutter, whenever and wherever it appears. Most of us will be unusually sensitive to clutter this year. Have patience, understanding that it’s just a signal to remove some physical element of density in order to make more space available for new opportunity. This is a great year to learn about the Bagua and other practical Feng Shui tools related to the Form school approach. More esoteric approaches may not resonate as much unless they are already habits. Parenthood Since family is a key theme this year, the qualities of parenthood apply to us all, whether or not we are currently living with children. The value of investing your awareness to the following tendencies this year is immense and will carry forward. What you apply now will be anchored firmly as a foundation. Hold curiosity about how you can show up for these opportunities, including the ones that don’t come easily. There doesn’t have to be only one way. The following factors are equally significant and interrelated.

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Importance of routine. Honoring structure and time. This includes honoring the patterns and rituals within your family life, including meals, game nights, and personal time with your child. Transitions are a big part of Dog year. This is a year when you can refine and create new ease around all transitions in daily life, and how the pack can travel smoothly together.

Discipline and attention to personal habits. This is a year to explore the positive aspects of obedience, as a way to develop the willpower to choose good habits. The power that comes from obedience is ultimately the ability to obey our inner will.

Nurturing with clear boundaries. Compassion sees the truth of who someone is and holds space for the highest and best in that person. One of the most challenging arts of parenthood. A true spiritual practice.

Belonging. The Joy of the pack. The healing power of physical shared activities such as meals,

Contribution. This is a year for everyone to feel they have a part to play in the world. Chores and household tasks are an essential way that each family member experiences their own gifts and ability to contribute. Contribution is a crucial ethic this year and it is anchored in the home. The key factor is invitation and appreciation for the contribution rather than obligation as a burden or imposition which is the shadow side of responsibility.

Communication. Everyone has a voice and everyone has a part to play. Meal times and regularly ritualized family meetings are both powerful vehicles this year to create a regular space for the voices of your tribe. This is a year when meetings and group activities can be fun.

Integrity. This is a year when you the parent will be required to walk your talk. It’s always true you’re your actions and underlying beliefs are more powerful than words. Integrity is of the utmost importance. The older your child is, the more this is true. This is one of the super powers of adolescence, who require justice and don’t tolerate fools or hypocrisy.

Spiritual Focus this Year – Practical Spirituality This is a year to committing to daily practices, especially those that support your transitions between the worlds, when you wake and before you go to bed. All practices of breath work, mindfulness and heart presence will be valuable. Relationships are a key spiritual practice this year. Being willing to practice kindness toward each other. Intuitive tools strengthened last year, including imagination and holographic sight, can be applied now to daily life synchronicities, enabling us to read the physical world as an oracle. Animal medicine and Feng Shui will take on new meaning through new insights.

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The Twelve Animals of the Zodiac

The year in which you were born holds a particular signature. The animal energy of your year of birth helps to describe the energy signature with which you most easily adapt to the world, especially as a child when you are first learning to adapt and succeed. As we grow and develop we expand into other aspects of our nature. In this system of Chinese astrology these inner natures are represented by the animals that rule the month, day and hour of your birth. Your most inner animal, the one related to your hour of birth can be especially interesting to explore as the hidden part of yourself. How does your inner animal relate to the animal sign of your year of birth? This can provide interested tools to help you understand the dialogue between your inner and outer worlds.

As you explore the general attributes of the year, pay attention to what comes easily to you, as well as those qualities that you aspire to improve. There may be some traits of the year that run contrary to your personal preferences, or even rub you the wrong way. In this case you have the opportunity to develop patience and tolerance, as well as perhaps expanding your own skill set.

Depending on your own constitution, you may also possess significant strengths that aren’t particularly highlighted this year. When this is the case know that, while some of your gifts may not be fully appreciated, when you choose to show up and be present you’ll have the ability to tap into the opportunities that ARE available. This is a year when everyone in her or his own way can shine.

General Characteristics of the Twelve Types in the Dog Year

Rat Quick-witted, smart, charming, sociable, and persuasive. You are noted for your charm. You work hard to achieve your goals, are likely to be detail oriented and a driving perfectionist. You can be easily angered when expectations aren’t met. Although thrifty, you can also be generous with someone you love. You are a treasure hunter and love to have treasures around you. Usually very successful in the world. One form of depletion is expressed through patterns of hoarding and/or wasting. Especially compatible with Dragons, Monkeys and Oxen. Opposite the Horse.

Rats in the Dog Year. You appreciate the Dog’s quick wits and commitment to excellence. The Dog requires honesty so it’s important to pay attention to follow through this year. You have a special understanding of the Dragon, who is out of sync this year, so be aware that the grand gesture and large scale sweeping actions of Dragon may not be effective.

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Ox Patient, kind, dependable and strong. A strong leader. Patient and quiet. Commitment to hard work with unyielding inner strength. A good listener who inspires confidence in others. Tenacity brings great success in life. Hates to fail or be opposed, and doesn’t like competition. Prefers tradition and the prepared path to innovation and experiments. A common shadow aspect is stubbornness which can lead to anger. Especially compatible with Roosters, Rats and Snakes. Opposite the Goat. Ox in the Dog Year. Both Ox and Dog are native Earth elements, possessing integrity and commitment to hard work. This can be a fortunate year because of shared values. The shadow aspects of the Dog will also be triggers for you so pay attention to tendencies to overwork and commit to one path at the exclusion of outside advice or support. Tiger Authoritative, emotional, courageous, magnetic and intense. Courageous and adventurous to extremes. Charismatic with a flair for drama. Admired for playful personality. Sensitive and generous to loved ones. Thrives on competition so when depleted can be aggressive and impulsive. Especially compatible with Horses, Dogs, and Pigs. Opposite the Monkey. Tiger in the Dog Year. Tiger belongs to the Dog’s triune of affinity, so you will experience a natural alignment and ease with the qualities of the year. The Dog traits of idealism, motivation, and willingness to work hard are all values you hold dear, as is your ability to inspire others. Avoid tendencies toward competition however, as those are out of sync with the egalitarian pack-oriented dog. This is a year to play big, as long as you enlist help and work within the pack. Rabbit Intuitive, compassionate, sociable and authentic. Social and amenable. Outgoing in appearance yet very private within. Articulate, ambitious and talented. Natural strong intuition. Well-mannered, admired and trustworthy, leading to success in both aesthetics and business. Wise and conservative nature. Benevolent. Shadow aspect includes poor boundaries, including attraction to social drama. Especially compatible with Goats, Pigs, and Dogs. Opposite the Rooster. Rabbit in the Dog Year. Dogs and Rabbits are best friends. They appreciate and complement the best in each other. This is a year that is naturally aligned for you, which will be a relief from the intensity of the fiery Rooster Year, which was not well

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suited to your sensitive nature. Use the Dog tools of grounding and making your home secure, and then let your natural creativity flow! Dragon Energetic, fearless, warm-hearted, exotic and charismatic. Traditionally the most honored zodiac sign, displays power and boundless energy. An inspired leader who works with vision on a planetary scale. Inclinations to mysticism. On the outside, can be short-tempered and overly confident. Inside, gentle and soft hearted. Big picture vision can make practical follow-through difficult. Symbolizes long-life and good fortune. Especially compatible with Rats, Monkeys, and Roosters. Opposite the Dog Dragon in the Dog Year. Since the Dog Year is your opposite there are ways in which this year may feel out of alignment. The practicality and collaborative nature of the Dog can be irritating, since you are hard-wired to forge ahead on your own at all costs with boundless energy and immense visions of possibility. You are a leader, too, but don’t like to wait for others to catch up. This is a year to hold back, practice skills of observation and contribute when you have something to offer to the group. The coming two years will be more in alignment with your larger than life style. Snake Charming, both gregarious and introverted, mystical and wise. Seductively charming and mysterious, possessing great wisdom. The mystic of the group. Outwardly adapts to the situation, so can be calm and quiet or the life of the party, whatever is required in the moment. Immensely private and passionate on the inside. Hides the inner world. Sympathetic, determined and self-reliant. Also generous. Can be naïve, especially about practical matters. Especially compatible with Oxen, Rooster, and other Snakes. Opposite the Pig. Snake in the Dog Year. This is a more social year than the Snake might choose, but you know how to show up and be charming in a group, so just be sure that you set aside ample time for solitude and personal time. You respect the Dog’s generosity and integrity. The Dog respects and appreciates your mystical nature, even if not always able to understand you. Horse Energetic, independent, impatient, enjoys physical challenge, adventure and travel. Cheerful and gregarious, popular and loves playful activity. Seeks challenge and relishes the adventure of hard work, as long as there is freedom and self-direction. Independent, ignores outside advice, skillful with resources. Perceptive warmth, but hot-blooded impatience can lead to intolerance and fierce anger. Especially compatible with Tigers, Dogs and Sheep. Opposite the Rat.

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Horse in the Dog Year. You are good friends with Dog. You appreciate each other’s values and commitment to always do your best. In fact, Dog loves to run with you, even if he can’t keep up. This is a year to explore, travel, and relish your love of adventure. There’s a natural harmony to the year for you, and the conflicts that may emerge won’t discourage you. Since you love challenge and relish showing up when there’s work to do, you’ll be in a good place this year to help others. Goat Mild-mannered, sensitive, kind, and peace-loving. A true pacifist at heart. Has a gift for creating tranquility and harmony within relationships and all of life. Elegant, compassionate, and kind-hearted. Loves order and all forms of beauty. Natural reserve may limit traditional forms of (extroverted) leadership, but will always enjoy the best of life including true friends and physical comforts. Can have difficulty with strategic follow-through, as well as being seen or heard when others are more forceful. Especially compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, and Horses. Opposite the Ox. Goat in the Dog Year. Depending on how you approach the year, this could be a very productive time. Your affinity with the Rabbit and the Horse means that you can find fun and supportive companions this year who will help you thrive. The Dog and Goat can sometimes be at odds because they don’t always see eye to eye, but if you exercise patience and remember to ask for help you will find your comfort zone. Monkey Fun-loving, energetic, inventive, strong and active. Mischievous, inquisitive and adventurous. A natural trickster. Prizes freedom. Quick wit and audacious versatility bring success. Strong-willed and prone to impatience, but temper cools quickly. Inventive with good common sense. Can be insecure and overly emotional. Resents not being taken seriously. Especially compatible with Dragons, Rats, and Snake. Opposite the Tiger. Monkey in the Dog Year. There are some natural incompatibilities between Monkey and Dog that can create interesting challenges this year. Dogs, like Roosters, appreciate order, and you love to break the rules. This year, like last, you must hold back your impatience in order to succeed with the group. In addition, the serious Dog can come across as boring and your natural teasing nature is out of sync this year. Be aware: teasing isn’t necessarily appreciated this year and will often be interpreted negatively even when that’s not your intention. (Wait until next year when your abilities here will shine.)

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Rooster Independent, innovative, practical, hard-working, and observant. A deep thinker, determined, busy and talented. Visionary. A blunt communicator. Eccentric and extravagant, interesting and brave. Can be a loner prone to moods, but is also a loyal friend and inspiring leader. Can be competitive, impatient and intolerant. Especially compatible with Oxen, Snakes and Dragons. Opposite the Rabbit. Rooster in the Dog Year. Rooster and Dog are not traditionally seen as friends, however they share many common traits. This can be an excellent year to bring forward and continue your momentum from the previous year, including financial projects, provided you are willing to be patient with some of the qualities that now run contrary to your native constitution. You appreciate the Dog values of hard work, honesty, integrity and inspiration. Practice tolerance if your tendencies for precision and intellectual analysis are less appreciated this year. Dog Patient, diligent, generous, faithful, and kind. A born leader, honest, noble, charismatic and loyal. Protective of the pack and those in need of support. Prone to duty and works hard for the best of the group. Keeper of secrets. Playful with friends, appreciates simplicity and cares little for money or material comforts. The shadow side of the lone wolf can be emotionally distant and stubborn. Especially compatible with Tigers, Horses, Rabbits and other Dogs. Dog in the Dog Year. This is a year to come into your own, provided you are able to learn from and manage the shadow aspects, which will be activated for you. It’s a year to step into your power, and be ready to be seen and appreciated for what you have to contribute. Be mindful and diligent about self care and avoiding burn-out of all forms. You’ll be busy! Pig Loving, strong, tolerant, honest, and appreciative of comfort and luxury. Possesses the gift of inner contentment. Loves home and family. Studious and gallant with tremendous inner strength. Will not retreat from goals. Also fun loving and generous to all. The creator of parties! Can be quiet, but is always industrious and well informed. Especially compatible with Rabbit, Goat, Pig, and Tiger. Pig in the Dog Year. While Pigs and Dogs have differences they also understand and appreciate each other, especially through their generosity and the shared love of home, family, and good food. You will need to pay attention this year to the need for self discipline which is required in this strong Earth year. That’s not always easy for

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you, but the rewards will be great. This is a great year to build a foundation for the coming year in which you will step into your own.

Chart of Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch Combinations

In the system of Chinese astrology, the Animal of your birth year indicates a natural aspect of your constitution and a primary way you developed your personality as a child. As adults we expand into our inner nature, which is represented by the other three pillars of the chart, however a part of us will always interface with the world through this outer ‘skin’ and comfort zone that we developed as a child. If you are a parent it can be helpful to know the natural constitution of your child’s birth year in order to understand the types of freedoms and limits that will be most helpful in guiding your child’s development.

NOTE: For this system, the calendar year starts on Feb 4-5 (NOT Jan. 1). If

your birthday is before Feb 3rd, then you belong to the previous year. If your birthday

falls between Feb 3 & 5th, consult a calendar to see when the New Year (Aquarius

15°) fell on your particular year of birth.

Year Year Stem Branch Year Year Stem Branch

1924 1984 Wood Rat/Water 1954 2014 Wood Horse/Fire

1925 1985 Wood Ox / Earth 1955 2015 Wood Sheep/Earth

1926 1986 Fire Tiger/Wood 1956 2016 Fire Monkey/Metal

1927 1987 Fire Rabbit/Wood 1957 2017 Fire Rooster /Metal

1928 1988 Earth Dragon/Earth 1958 2018 Earth Dog /Earth

1929 1989 Earth Snake/Fire 1959 2019 Earth Pig /Water

1930 1990 Metal Horse/Fire 1960 2020 Metal Rat /Water

1931 1991 Metal Sheep/Earth 1961 2021 Metal Ox /Earth

1932 1992 Water Monkey/Metal 1962 2022 Water Tiger /Wood

1933 1993 Water Rooster/Metal 1963 2023 Water Rabbit /Wood

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Year Year Stem Branch Year Year Stem Branch

1934 1994 Wood Dog/Earth 1964 2024 Wood Dragon /Earth

1935 1995 Wood Pig/Water 1965 2025 Wood Snake /Fire

1936 1996 Fire Rat/Water 1966 2026 Fire Horse Fire

1937 1997 Fire Ox/Earth 1967 2027 Fire Sheep /Earth

1938 1998 Earth Tiger/Wood 1968 2028 Earth Monkey/Metal

1939 1999 Earth Rabbit/Wood 1969 2029 Earth Rooster/Metal

1940 2000 Metal Dragon/Earth 1970 2030 Metal Dog/Earth

1941 2001 Metal Snake/Fire 1971 2031 Metal Pig/Water

1942 2002 Water Horse /Fire 1972 2032 Water Rat/Water

1943 2003 Water Sheep/Earth 1973 2033 Water Ox/Earth

1944 2004 Wood Monkey/Metal 1974 2034 Wood Tiger/Wood

1945 2005 Wood Rooster/Metal 1975 2035 Wood Rabbit/Wood

1946 2006 Fire Dog/Earth 1976 2036 Fire Dragon/Earth

1947 2007 Fire Pig/Water 1977 2037 Fire Snake/Fire

1948 2008 Earth Rat/Water 1978 2038 Earth Horse/Fire

1949 2009 Earth Ox/Earth 1979 2039 Earth Sheep/Earth

1950 2010 Metal Tiger/Wood 1980 2040 Metal Monkey/Metal

1951 2011 Metal Rabbit/Wood 1981 2041 Metal Rooster/ Metal

1952 2012 Water Dragon/Earth 1982 2042 Water Dog/Earth

1953 2013 Water Snake/Fire 1983 2043 Water Pig/Water

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Hours of Compatibility to the Dog

The Twelve Animal Signs with Their Hours and Directions

Each animal sign is associated with two hours on the daily clock, as well as 15 degrees of a compass direction. You might find it interesting to pay attention to the Dog

hours of compatibility this year, as shown above.

Hours Associated with each Animal The animal sign associated with your hour of birth expresses an important part of your inner nature. While the animal of your year of birth represents your outer personality in the world, your inner-most animal represents your most private inner self. By exploring the relationship between these two animals, the year and the hour, you can understand more about yourself, as well as your relationships with others.


7 – 9 pm

Horse: 11 am - 1 pm


3 – 5 am


5 – 7 am

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Directions Associated with each Animal In space, each of the twelve animal signs is associated with a 15° section of the compass. If you locate this sector within your environment, and use a symbol to activate it, you can enable a type of constitutional support for your life in the world. You can use any symbol that personally resonates with you in connection with this animal signature. You can apply it to the area within an overall floor-plan as well as the sector within an important room, such as your office. For children, activate this degree within their bedroom. If you find it challenging to do this yourself, you can hire a Feng Shui consultant to align the compass with your floor plan and help you locate these sectors for yourself and your family - or you and your co-workers in a work-place environment.

Chart of Compass Degrees and Hours

for the Twelve Animals

Rat N 352.5° – 7.5° 11 pm to 1 am

Ox N – NE 22.5° – 37.5° 1 am to 3 am

Tiger E – NE 52.5° – 67.5° 3 am to 5 am

Rabbit E 82.5° – 97.5° 5 am to 7 am

Dragon E – SE 112.5° – 127.5° 7 am to 9 am

Snake S – SE 142.5° – 157.5° 9 am to 11 am

Horse S 172.5° – 187.5° 11 am to 1 pm

Goat S – SW 202.5° – 217.5° 1 pm to 3 pm

Monkey W – SW 232.5° – 247.5° 3 pm to 5 pm

Rooster W 262.5° – 277.5° 5 pm to 7 pm

Dog W – NW 292.5° – 397.5° 7 pm to 9 pm

Pig N – NW 322.5° – 337.5° 9 pm to 11 pm

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Western Astrology Chart for the Year of the Dog

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Some Key Aspects of the Chart:

North Node at Leo 15° is exactly conjunct the Sun (South Node). Indicates the potential to fully align our consciousness and future potential (North Node) with the physical world and the past (South Node). Sun conjunct South Node also means that we will clearly see what no longer serves us from the past, so we can let it go.

Uranus and the Moon are the edges of the bowl pattern. The bowl pattern indicates signature of harmony that holds the pattern for the year. With the Moon and Uranus as the edges of the bowl, this is a container held by consciousness itself. This year there is the potential to make new alignments with our intuition (Uranus) and use intuition with a new ability to navigate cycles and rhythms of change (Moon). These two bodies already work together to expand our ability to structure reality through our conscious awareness. As the two holders of the container for this year, there’s a strong indicator of new abilities this year to connect with our consciousness as our guiding force and container for our daily circumstances and decisions.

Sirius as the Midpoint of the Bowl: the Inner Truth or Outcome. One way to explore the inner nature of a bowl pattern is to identify the midpoint between the sides of the bowl, on the open half of the chart. There is no planet here, however when I investigated the location of the midpoint, I discovered that the star Sirius happens to occupy this position. In many spiritual traditions Sirius represents an important connection to our lineages of ancient ancestry on Earth, as well as several important teachers known as Ascended Masters. The position of such a key Star as the hidden factor of the chart indicates that this is a year when we will have the opportunity to clearly expand our awareness of the truth of who we are, as beings of light. The Sabian symbol for this point at 15° Cancer, and the inner outcome of the year, is of a banquet feast celebration. This is a beautiful image of the possibility this year holds, of our return “home” to the memory of who we are, both personally and as a human family.

Other key advice from this chart that aligns with Dog Year: It’s a year filled with activity and necessary to discern focus from inner alignment (the three key factors discussed above) so as to stay on track and avoid distraction.

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