year 10 parents’ information evening i.c.t. department mr c. h . davies

Year 10 Parents’ Year 10 Parents’ Information Evening Information Evening I.C.T. Department I.C.T. Department Mr C. H . Davies Mr C. H . Davies

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Year 10 Parents’ Information Evening I.C.T. Department Mr C. H . Davies. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Year 10 Parents’Year 10 Parents’Information EveningInformation Evening

I.C.T. DepartmentI.C.T. Department

Mr C. H . DaviesMr C. H . Davies

Good News!Good News! G.C.S.E. Examination Results for I.C.T. G.C.S.E. Examination Results for I.C.T. have been on the ‘up and up’ in recent have been on the ‘up and up’ in recent years (from 55% in 2005 to over 86%) years (from 55% in 2005 to over 86%) and this summer’s results beat all and this summer’s results beat all records with records with 92.5% of pupils achieving a 92.5% of pupils achieving a GCSE grade A*-C. GCSE grade A*-C. Over 35% of the pupils were awarded an Over 35% of the pupils were awarded an A* or A grade and A* or A grade and half of the pupils beat half of the pupils beat their target grades in ICT. their target grades in ICT. In particular this year, In particular this year, a number of a number of pupils with Special Education Needs pupils with Special Education Needs performed particularly well in ICT, some performed particularly well in ICT, some beating their targets by 3 or 4 grades!beating their targets by 3 or 4 grades!

Controlled Assessment in ICT...… consists of five assignments.

… makes up 60% of the final assessment mark – probably the largest proportion of any subject at GCSE level.

… is all completed and supervised in school, in normal lesson time.

… mainly involves the use of software applications, with which the pupils are already familiar.

5 Controlled Assessment TasksTas

k No.

Topic Software Application


No. of marks



1 Database FileMaker Pro / Microsoft


by October

half term

2 Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel

35 byChristma


3 Presentation Microsoft Powerpoint

30 Februaryhalf term

4 Web Design Dreamweaver / Serif Web


40 End of Year 10

5 Game Development Scratch, GameMaker

or similar40

Start of Year 11

Marking Marking Schemes …Schemes …… are very straightforward

… are not a secret!

… are shared with the pupils

… are annotated to help the pupils achieve FULL marks if they follow the guidelines!

Homework…Homework…… is set regularly in line with school policy and … is set regularly in line with school policy and may may consist of: consist of:

• working on a ‘sample’ assignment in working on a ‘sample’ assignment in preparation for preparation for a controlled assignment.a controlled assignment.

• revision for class testsrevision for class tests

• research of ICT developments / applicationsresearch of ICT developments / applications

• practice examination questionspractice examination questions

• learning ICT terms, abbreviations and learning ICT terms, abbreviations and acronyms etc.acronyms etc.

• student workbook tasksstudent workbook tasks

Final ExaminationFinal ExaminationIn Year 11 – May / June 2013In Year 11 – May / June 2013

With the new specification, there is just With the new specification, there is just one tier of entry one tier of entry (no Higher / Foundation as (no Higher / Foundation as before).before).

There is just one 2 hour written There is just one 2 hour written examination paper examination paper (not two as before)(not two as before)

Learning ResourcesLearning ResourcesPupils are advised to use a range of resources Pupils are advised to use a range of resources when revising for internal and final examinations.when revising for internal and final examinations.

Good use can be made of various text books and Good use can be made of various text books and revision guide books, e.g. the revision guide books, e.g. the CGP ICT Revision CGP ICT Revision GuideGuide and the new and the new Letts ICT WorkbookLetts ICT Workbook. Pupils . Pupils have access to these in school and can purchase have access to these in school and can purchase their own copies from school (at a significant their own copies from school (at a significant discount! - £3) if they! - £3) if they wish.

While these guides are not tailored specifically to While these guides are not tailored specifically to our course, they provide very useful revision our course, they provide very useful revision materials for all the main theory topics.materials for all the main theory topics.

Learning SupportLearning SupportWe produce in-house revision materials which We produce in-house revision materials which pupils find particularly useful when preparing for pupils find particularly useful when preparing for mock and final examinations.mock and final examinations.

We also make full use of past examination paper We also make full use of past examination paper questions to help pupils prepare for the written questions to help pupils prepare for the written exams. Increasingly, class teachers will use such exams. Increasingly, class teachers will use such questions as homework exercises throughout the questions as homework exercises throughout the course.course.

Half-term or Easter Holiday sessions have been Half-term or Easter Holiday sessions have been held in recent years to support pupils who have held in recent years to support pupils who have fallen behind with Controlled Assessment tasks or fallen behind with Controlled Assessment tasks or those who will benefit from more intense those who will benefit from more intense preparation for the final written examination.preparation for the final written examination.

On-line ResourcesOn-line ResourcesPupils are also encouraged to use online Pupils are also encouraged to use online resources for personal study and revision. resources for personal study and revision.

Some good examples include:Some good examples include: