year 1 and 2 home learning week 9 peter pan · -with an adult’s permission, can you find some old...


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Page 1: Year 1 and 2 Home Learning Week 9 Peter Pan · -With an adult’s permission, can you find some old ... To go with your play, you might want to create some costumes and props for

Year 1 and 2 Home Learning – Week 9

Peter Pan

Hello everyone!

We hope you are still enjoying the home learning tasks we are setting you. This week’s theme is based on the popular children’s book ‘Peter

Pan’ written by James Matthew Barrie.

Our theme for the week is: Peter Pan

Our picture stimulus this week is:

Page 2: Year 1 and 2 Home Learning Week 9 Peter Pan · -With an adult’s permission, can you find some old ... To go with your play, you might want to create some costumes and props for

Spelling/Phonics: -Keep working on mastering the words you find trickiest from the year 1 and 2 common exception word spelling list (see separate document). -Choose a different monster of your choice so that you can focus on that particular sound this week. Revise the different ways to make this sound. For example: Yellow I has 6 ways to make the sound ‘i’. Practise reading and writing real and alien words specific to the sound you are focusing on. Choose a couple of the activities from the Monster Phonics website to practise your chosen sound. -Play a spelling game on Education City (Log in – Subjects – English – choose your year group – Activities and then choose a spelling game). Pick some words to learn this week. These could be monster phonics words or common exception words. -With an adult’s permission, can you find some old magazines and newspapers in your house to cut the letters of the words out to spell each full word?

Reading: -Read five times a week. -Miss Rogers and some other members of staff have recorded themselves reading stories for you to enjoy. Have a listen to some of these. -Throughout the week, find a nice, cosy place to sit and listen to the story of Peter Pan using this link. As you are listening, write down a description of your favourite characters. You might like to draw them too. Drama: If you fancy doing a bit of drama (especially those of you who are missing Drama Club)… Mrs Osborne’s friend Becky works for a theatre company called Saltmine who have recently delivered some Facebook Live drama workshops linked to Peter Pan. Because these workshops are a Facebook link, you will have to ask an adult before you go on them. Remember it is really important to keep safe online.

Writing: -Keep practising your letter formation / joins. Choose a letter/word a day to practise. Perhaps you could try some Peter Pan themed words such as: Tinkerbell, Wendy, Captain Hook, Peter Pan, and Crocodile.

Maths: -Log in to your Abacus/ Education City and choose a new game to play. -Practise your times tables or number bonds.

Page 3: Year 1 and 2 Home Learning Week 9 Peter Pan · -With an adult’s permission, can you find some old ... To go with your play, you might want to create some costumes and props for

- Write a play script for a scene of Peter Pan. It can either relate to what actually happens in the story or you could create a totally new scene. Once you are finished, you could put on a play for your parents. Otherwise, how about putting on a whole family play? I wonder if anyone will have to walk the plank? You might want to have a look at some example play scripts online to remind yourself of the features. To help you, we have included a reminder page of the main features and a Peter Pan word mat (see attachments).

To go with your play, you might want to create some costumes and props for each of the characters.

-Take a look at what is available on bbc bitesize: -Complete the Pirate Maths Challenge Cards (see attachments). There are two versions of these… one is more challenging than the other. -Spot the 2D shapes in the pirate themed picture (see attachment). -Complete the Mystery of the Missing Golden Goblet maths game (see attachment).

Question time:

-Look at the picture – which London landmarks can you spot?

-Look at the clouds in the picture. How many different characters can you spot?

-Go into your garden or look out of your window at the clouds. Can you notice any clouds which look like different animals?

-If you were one of the characters in Peter Pan, which would you be and why?

Mindfulness and keeping healthy: -Make sure you are getting plenty of fresh air. Can you challenge yourself throughout the week e.g. – how many star jumps/ press ups can you do in one minute? -Do something thoughtful for someone in your home. Perhaps you could do some chores without being asked or write a nice note for them to find. - Spend some time doing a jigsaw. If you don’t have any at home, you can always make one by cutting up old birthday cards or a picture you have drawn.

Page 4: Year 1 and 2 Home Learning Week 9 Peter Pan · -With an adult’s permission, can you find some old ... To go with your play, you might want to create some costumes and props for

-Peter Pan never grows up. If you could choose, would you like to be like Peter Pan and stay the age you are now forever or would you like to grow up as normal? Why?

Jigsaw: Take part in a family Jigsaw session. Use this link to find a Jigsaw story called 'Fowley's Wings' Life Skill of the Week: -With an adult’s permission, see whether you can be in charge of the washing this week. You will need to make sure you sort the colours really carefully and work out which temperature they need to be washed at. When they have finished being washed, hang them carefully to dry.

Creative: - With some old cardboard boxes or anything you can lay your hands on, create your own pirate ship. -Create a Tinkerbell peg fairy (see picture). -Create a fairy garden (see picture). -Have a go at sketching some of the characters from Peter Pan. -See what interesting shadows you can find outside. Perhaps you could draw around them in chalk and watch how they change throughout the day. -Using a torch or a lamp, create shadows of different animals on a blank wall. -Bake a Peter Pan themed cake. It could be called a ‘Pan Cake!’ -Take a quote from Peter Pan and write it in fancy handwriting then decorate (see pictures).

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E-Safety Computing

As we are all spending much more time online, it is important that we take a moment

to remember how to keep ourselves safe. Have a go at a few of the fun activities with

your family members to see whether you are an e-safety expert. Activities include:

think before you share and check it’s for real.


Can you complete a science experiment fit for a pirate?

Captain Hook needs your help! He is desperately trying to re-build his

beloved ship (The Jolly Roger) after it was destroyed in his last

confrontation with Peter Pan. Experimenting with different materials first,

can you design and build your very own Jolly Roger? You may need to

apply your trial and error skills here, testing different materials and deciding

which is best for your final model. (see attached documents for further

information and guidance).