yashodapur eco village creating vedic village models in the kingdom of cambodia


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Page 1: YASHODAPUR ECO VILLAGE Creating Vedic Village Models in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Page 2: YASHODAPUR ECO VILLAGE Creating Vedic Village Models in the Kingdom of Cambodia


ECO VILLAGECreating Vedic Village Models in the

Kingdom of Cambodia

Author : Sriman Guna Avatara das

E-Mail : [email protected]

Date Produced : February, 2013

Editor : Srimamati Vrindavan Lila d.d.

Serial No. : 21 of 54

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Page 4: YASHODAPUR ECO VILLAGE Creating Vedic Village Models in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Location of Yashodapura AsramaPrasat village, Chup Te Traw Commune,

Angkor Thom District, Siem Riep.

(50 kms from Siem Reap Town)

Tel: (+855) 11368114 or 972801649


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Respected Founder of Yashodapura Asrama

H.H. Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaja

In the year 2006, Maharaja became involved withpreaching activities and community development inCambodia. Here he established an NGO called the“Global Varnasrama Educational Social CulturalOrganization” (GLOVESCO) and is spearheading arural community called “Yasodapura Asrama”.

His Holiness has concentrated his preaching mostlyin Asian countries such as India, Indonesia andCambodia. He travels extensively and holds seminarspromoting the varnasrama mission. He has authoredseveral books such a “Make Vrindavana Village”,“Varnasrama Education” and “Village Life” TheSanskrit word Varnasrama is formed by joining 2words “Varna” and “Asrama”. “Varna” refers to aperson’s social order or caste, whereas “Asrama”refers to a person’s order of life or order of hisspiritual culture.

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COWSYasodapura Asrama aims to assistvillagers to value their land andcows by demonstrating naturalorganic farming and traditionallifestyle for the benefit of children,youth, householders and allmembers of society.

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YASODAPURA ASRAMA aims atgiving special emphasis ondeveloping self-sufficient andsustainable eco-villages inCambodia.

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MOTHER EARTHYASODAPURA ASRAMA placesspecial emphasis on the need topreserve a healthy eco-balance andpursue policies aimed at preservingour natural forests, maintaining ournatural water resources by avoidingchemical pesticides and chemicalfertilizers which bring harm toMother Earth.

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TRAINING & EDUCATIONYASODAPURA ASRAMA will introducethe ancient system of Gurukula for theyounger boys and Varnasrama Collegefor the older boys, covering both formaland non-formal education. The schoolplans to have a library for both studentsand all the villagers.

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Yasodapura Asrama will train andencourage the villagers to keep theirnatural seeds and to start a nursery.We will help preserve a cleanenvironment and help restorenatural forests which are useful forfuel, shelter and water preservation.

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SMALL SCALE/ COTTAGE INDUSTRYYasodapura Asrama encourages itsresidents to weave their own cloth byusing traditional handloom. Otheractivities such as pottery, masonry,construction and similar artisanshipare also supported so that thevillagers are self-sufficient andlocalized for meeting theirnecessities.

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SPIRITUAL PRACTICESYasodapura Asrama introduces the artof mantra meditation, yoga andgeneral spiritual practices which aremutually inclusive, respecting boththe Buddhist & Vedic teachings. Theresidents will have their own place ofprayer and worship.

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Traditional village technologies such asnatural water lifting devices, jaggerymaking units, oil ghani, stone grindingof wheat flour, de-husking of rice,making of flat rice and other suchvillage technologies will be taught tothe villagers.

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YasodapuraAsrama gives information about natural medicines and natural herbs. Wherever possible, a small Nature Cure Unit will be established.

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YASODAPURA ASRAMA is meant to serve as a prototype eco-village where natural principles of self-sufficiency &

sustainability based on holistic farming and cow protection are practiced, with the aim of bringing a healthy and happy life for the children and youth of

Cambodia. The program addresses the immediate needs of food, shelter, health, employment, education,

environment, protection of women and children with the ultimate aim of spiritual emancipation.


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We acquired 5.5 hectare of land in the District of Angkor Thom, 40 KMS fromAngkor Wat.


We completed the payment of other 5.5 hectare. We cleared the land of thebush and began working on the Master Plan for the proposed community. Basicinfrastructures like cottage, well, boundary fence were constructed. Achievedproduction of our own crops, transplanted the fruits trees from the nursery tothe ground. Also imparted learning and teaching skills to the local villagers.

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PHASE III * Year 2011We established our small temple and one local family began staying. Our Indonesian brahmacari devotees began spending few days a week regularly at the farm. At the end of the year we got our first rice production. We also harvested a good quantity of beans, cassava, and sweet potatoes, besides other vegetables.

PHASE IV * Year 2012Another family joined the Ashrama to stay on the farm. Our brahmacaris started the second season of farming and also began prolonging their stay at the ashrama. We conducted wide scale prasadam distribution programs along with noon kirtan. We also made an effort to run a summer camp for children and adopt Mother Cows.

PHASE IV * Year 2013We began building a traditional Vaisnava school with local wood that was readily available from our lad. We also excavated two ponds and expect to make better water irrigations facilities in the near future.

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1. SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIPBecome a Monthly Supporting

Member. Contribute in cash or kind.

2. SHARING YOUR SKILLSShare any skills you may haveto help us realize our project.

3. SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE* Land * Cows * Building Materials * Tools * Seeds * Books * Saplings

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*** CONTACTS ***www.iskconcambodia.com

Cell: +855 11368114KISORA KRSNA DASA

[email protected]

GUNAAVATARA [email protected]

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www.iskconcambodia.comCell: +855 11368114

KISORA KRSNA [email protected]

GUNAAVATARA [email protected]

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Sriman Guna Avatara das

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Name Sriman Guna Avatara das

Age and Gender 27/Male

Country/Province of Origin Indonesia/Bali

Educational Degree and Year Diploma 2 PGSD/2008

Educational Institution University of Lampung/UNILA

Professional Work/Experience Social Worker/Monk

Affiliation with ISKCON March 2007

Present Service in ISKCON Yasodhapura Eco Village, Siem Reap, Cambodia

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