yamaha malta manual

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  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    ---- -- - - - - - - - -


    MODELRecord your outboard motor and enginenumbers in the spaces provided to assist youin ordering spare parts from your Yamahadealer or fo r reference in case your outboardmotor is stolen. (See page 18, 19)

    -- - --,


    SERIAL No.I c2..( ~ 7 9

    I i""\ A L. TA-o. . . __ _ _AMAHACODE[ . , - -c.i-j -3. _ J


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    A ~ ~ O O S '


    , 1990 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.1s t Edition, April 1990

    All rights reserved. Any reprinting orunauthorized use without the writtenpermission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

    is expressly prohibited.Printed in Japan

    - - ~ - - - ~ - - ~ ---- --.-J

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    A-301 EThere are the following differences in specifications between the 2-hp, MALTA (3-hp), 4-hp and 5hp series.

    --------------.- ............. Model I 1 1 !2B MALTA 4AC 4AS 5C 5CSItem ~ ~ 1 , IGear-shift device Not fitted Fitted Fitted Fitted Fitted FittedFuel tank , Built-in type I Built-in type Built-in type Separate type Built-in type i Separate type


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    NOTE: _A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.

    CAUTION:A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must betaken to avoid damage to th e outboard motor.

    Yamaha Motor Co., ltd.

    Because we have a policy of constant product improvement, the p roduct may no t be exactly as described inthis Owner's Manual, and specif ications may be subjectto change without prior notice.

    1. A lway s a tt ac h t he engine stop switch lanyard toyour wrist wh il e ope ra ti ng t he outboard mo to r.

    2. Before operating this outboard motor , familiarizeyourself with l ocal l aws and regulat ions relating tothe use of outboard motors.3. Petrol (gasoline) is highly f lammable, and it s vapoursare flammable and explos ive. Handle and store petro lwith special care.

    4. Do no t attempt to modify this outboard motor.5. Always wear a life-jacket on board.6. Respect and protect the natural environment.



    Thank you fo r choosing a Yamaha outboard motor. ThisOwner's manual contains information needed f or p roperoperation, maintenance and care. A thorough understandingof these simple instructions will help you obtain maximumenjoyment from your new Yamaha.If you have any quest ion about the operat ion or maintenance of your outboard motor , please consult a Yamahadealer.


    Failure t o f ol low WARNING instructions could resu l t insevere i nj ur y o r dea th to th e machine operator, a bystander, or a person inspecting or repairing th e o utboard motor.

    ATTENTION: _Before operating this outboard motor, read this Owner'sManua l and a ll l abels carefully and completely. It willgive you a good grasp of the engine's characterist icsand th e technical information required fo r it s operation.In this Owner's Manual particularly important information isdistinguished in the following ways.J9I. The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION I BECOMEi l l ALERTI YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVEDI

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual




    - 4

    - 56

    -7._- 8--9


    6LSA 11 f

    . ..- (3-

    \ ~~-1-- -

    iT~ ~ ~ - " : f \

    \ ~ r f } - - ' C . . .



    f1l13)- - - - - -

    18)-11':- .

    @ - - - - ~

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    1 Air - ve nt scr e w

    2 Fuel t an k c a p

    3 Recoil starter handle

    4 Throttle-cantrall steeri ng-hand Ie

    5 Stop switch

    6 C ho ke k n ob

    7 Carrying-handle

    .8 Transom c l am p h a nd l e

    9. Rope attachment

    10 Free-lock mechanism

    11 Anti s pl as h p l at e

    12 Propeller

    13 Anode

    14 Anti-cavitation plate

    4 -

    15 Trim angle adjusting-rod

    16 Tilt support lever

    17 Fuel cock

    18 Gear s h if t l e ve r

    19 T o p c o wl i ng

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    Turning the gear-shift lever towards you engages the clutchwith the forward gear so that the boat moves ahead.

    8200SGears -selecting forward an reverse4AC/4AS/SC/SCSTurning the gea 1ft lever towards yOll ellClages the clutchwith t he f g; :war d gea r so that the boat moves ahead Turll1119 th j7 ' fever away from you ell,Jaqes the reverse 'lear sothqK{he boat moves astern.


    8 ~ 2 1 osGear-shift leverMALTA

    ; ; : ~ ~ " " ~28 /

    P u s r ~ J this knob upwards Increases both (:nqine and bOLltr:"ls.



    6 A 1 H ~ O L



    \ \ I\

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    B-3005Stop switchPushing this button opens the ignit ion c ircuit and stops theengine.

    B-2505Throttle-control/steering-handleMALTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CSTurn the g ri p to adjust the throt tle, and move it sideways toadjust the steering angle.

    - 1 O ~









  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual




    4AC/4AS/SC/SCS . /



    600831 L

    8-4005Tilt support knob26To keep the outboard to r in th e tilted-up position, movethe tilt support kno nder the swivel bracket.

    B-4205Tilt support leverMALTA/4AC/4AS/SC/SCSTo keep the outboard motor in the t i lted-up posi tion, lockthe tilt support l ever to the c lamp bracket.

    - 1 1 -

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    B-4505Trim angle adjusting-rodThe trim angle can be adjusted by changing the posi tion ofthe trim angle adjusting-rod

    - 1 2 -



    ~ IMALTA



  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    push" hp cowlingle COWI"l( j , lock It

    The t op cow li ng can be r emoved bylock lever rlownwarrl. Afteragain hy moving the lever u

    Choke knob2B/4AC/4AS/SC/SCSTurnlllg this knob to right \s nq It to ON! supplies d rich1l1ixture requlrerl to 5t le cnqlne.

    Cowling lock lever4AC/4AS/SC/SCS



    The top cowling can be removed and refittE,d by operat ingthe cowling lock levers. Pulling the rear lever and pullingthe front l ever up unlock the top cowling for removal . Afterrefitting the cowling, lock it with the levers.

    Cowling lock leverMALTA

    - 1 3 -




    6A 1BSOS


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual






    B ~ 8 6 0 SChoke knobMALTAP ul li ng t hi s k no b ( se tt in g i t t o ONI supplies a r ich mixture re-qUired t o s ta rt t he e ng in e.

    B - 9 ~ ) n sRecoil starter handlePulling t his handle vigorously c r an k s t he e n gi n e t o s t ar t .

    C-200SCarrying-handleMALTACarrying-handle is Integrated into thp sWlvpl bracket. Thecarrying-handle e n ab l es y o u to c ar ry t he e nq in e r ea di ly Witha single hand.

    1 Carryincj-handle

    - 1 4 -

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    To decrease resistance:Turn the adjusting-bolt anti-clockwise.

    To increase resistance:Turn the adjusting-bolt clockwise.

    C-150SSteering adjustmentResistance to steering movement is provided by a frictiondevice, and this can be adjusted by means of the adjustingbolt on the swivel-bracket.

    - 1 5 -6tOC20M

    6A 1COlO



    ~ ~ i\ ", I, I



  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    C llUSThrottle-control adjustmentMAL TA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CS

    Whell constant speed is reqUired, t ll Jhl en the iJrljllstllllj-boltto nwintall) th e rcqlllrerl th,ottlc SCttlillj.

    Resistance to th e o pe ra ti on o f t he throttle-qrip is provICledby a frictloll device located within th e stcerinq-handle, dn dthis can be adjusted by an adjusting-bolt

    To decrease the resi s tanceTurn th e adtustincJ-bolt iHltl clockwise .

    To deer se th e resistance:Turn e adjusting-screw anti-clockwise.

    To increase the resistanceTurl l tbe adjusting-bolt clockwise.

    (-110SThrottle-control adjustment28

    To i ncrease the resl nee:Turn th e a dj us tl - sc re w c lo ck wi se

    R es is ta nc e t o t he o p er a ti o n o f th e thra control lever ISp r ov i de d b y a f r ict ion device locat within t he aprons, andthis can be adjusted by an ad ' ting-screw







    28-- j

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    1 2 3

    6 10 0 , I j I4 5 6iU D-+~ D - +7

    i ~ ' -9~ . .'0& "6 12A

    13 14 15

    1 \ ~ ~ \ " ~ 1- 17 -


    1. A serious risk is present.Read and follow the Instructions before operating.

    2. Electrical swi tch funct ions -ON, OFF.3. Empty -Half full -Full4. Engine fuel5. Fluid level6 Gea r- sh ift lev er f or se le ctin g Forward-Neutral/For

    ward-Neutra I-Reverse7 Oillubllcation point8. Outboard motor tilt movement9. Portable gasoline fuel container

    10. Position of throttle-control deVice fOI stOPPlllCJ motor11. Starter-sWitch for engine12. Warning against f ire hazard13 Shallow water dllvP14. Outboard motor till up15. Outboard motor f ree lock

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    The outboard motor serial number is stampedattached to the upper part of the swivel br et.The engine serial number is stampe n the port side of thecylinder body.

    C ~ 6 0 0 S


    ATTENTION: _Quote both serial numbers when asking for a servi ce tobe carried out or when ordering parts . Keep note ofthese numbers.

    The outboard motor serial number is stamped on t he p la teattached to the port side of the clamp-bracket.The engine serial number IS stamped on the port side of thecylinder body.

    ATTENTION: ----7"

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    - 2 0 -

    700SCOATING OF THE BOAT BOTTOMAnti-fouling paints c ont aining c opper s h ou l d n o t be used fo rc oa ti ng t he b oa t bot t om, as such p ro du ct s t en d t o causemore r a pi d e n gi n e c o r r o s i o n ~

    OPERATION IN SALT WATERA f te r o p e ra t in g in s al t w at er , w as h ou t the c ooling-w at erpassages with fresh w at er t o p re ve nt t he m f rom becomingclogged-up with s a lt d e p os i ts .

    OPERATION IN TURBID WATER4AC/4AS/SC/SCSIt is s t ro n g ly r e c om m e n ne n that the -U=" , al c hromiumplated water - pump kit be Ir - outboard IS to beused Ir l turbid (m

    REPLACEMENT PARTSIf replacement parts are necessary, use only lJcnuineY am ah a p ar ts o r e q u iv a le n ts o f t he s am e type iln d of equ ivalent strength a nn m a te ri a ls . An y part o f i nf er io r q ua li tym a y m a l fu n c ti o n , and the resultlnSJ loss of control c ou ld e ndanger the operat or and passencJers.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    0-25 mm (0_ 1)

    The optimum moun ti ng hei gh t o f t he outboa rd motor isaffected by th e pur pose o f th e b oa t and t he outboardmotor, and may be determined by making test runs.

    6G1D01 L

    MOUNTING HEIGHTTo run your boat at optimum efficiency, the water-resistance (drag) of the boat and outboard motor must be madeas little as possible. The mounting-height of the outboardmotor greatly affects the water-resistance. If the mountingheight is too high, cavi tation tends to occur, thus reducingthe propulsion; and if the propeller t ips cut the air, the eng ine speed will rise abnormally and cause the engine tooverheat. If the mounting-height is too low, the water-resistance will i ncrease and thereby reduce engine efficiency.Mount the engine so that the anti -cavitat ion plate is between the bottom of the boat and a leve l 25 mm (1") belowit.r:miImmI _

    - 2 1 -6G1DOOL

    RIGGING0-001 S

    Overpowering a boat may cause severe instabil i ty. Dono t i ns ta ll an outboard motor with more horsepowerthan the maximum rating on the capac it y p la te o f theboat. If t he boa t does no t have a capacity plate, consultyour Yamaha dealer or the boat manufacturer.

    OUTBOARD MOTOR MOUNTINGMount the outboard motor on the center-line (keel-line) ofthe boat, and ensure that the boat i tsel f is well balanced.Otherwise, the boat wi ll be hard to steer. For boats without akeel or which are asymmetrical , consult your Yamahadealer.r:miImmI _

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    2) The use of a safety-chain 01 safety-cable IS recommended. At tach one end to the safety-chain f lxin(J-polfl t(located beside the clamp-screw! ami the other end to asecure mOlJrlt l fl (J-polfl t on the hoat

    Ensure the t ransom clamp-screws are tightened se-curely, and occasionally check their t ightness whi le themotor is in operation .

    0-110SCLAMPING THE OUTBOARD MOTOR1! Pl ace the outboard on the transom so that it is posi

    tioned as close to the centre as possi bl e T ight en t heclamp-screws evenly and securel y. Check the clampscrews for t igh tness occas iona ll y during opera tion o f themotor as they can work l oose due to engine vibration.Loose clamp-screws could al low the motor to fal loff Intothe water (for example. when the boat makes a sharpturn!. or could cause serious Injury

    - 2 2 -"LSD010

    6L 50000

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    4AC/4AS/5C/5CS NOTE: _ To obtain better steering stability when operating

    against a strong wind, It is a dv i sa bl e t o r ed uc e the trimangle slightly. Conversely, if the wind is fa vou r ab le , th etrim angle ma y be slightly increased to improve thesteering stability. To lower t he b ow , move t he r od towards the mountingplate. To raise the bow, move t he r od towards t he en-gine.

    Improper trim angle can cause loss of control . Set thetrim angle carefully.

    D-2005TRIM ANGLETo ensure stee r in g sta b il ity and g o od p e rf o rm a nc e , it isessential to have t he c o rr e ct trim angle. I f th e trim angle ism ad e t oo great, the b u o yan cy ce n tr e of the boat will shifttowards the stern. In th is co n dit io n, and if t he s ta bi li ty m oment at the bo w is large, t he b oat w il l t end to 'porpoise',and could cause the operator and passengers to be thrownoverboard. If the trim ang le is in sufficie nt, th e bo w may'plough', m a ki n g t he b o at unstable.T o a dj us t t he trim angle, r e mo v e t he a d ju s ti n g- r od from thestern b r acket a sse m bly, a n d - wh ile ti lt in g the m otor -reposit io n t he r od in t he d es ir ed hole. The appropriate trim angled ep en ds o n t he combination of b o a t e ng in e a nd p r op el l er ,as well as on the operating conditions, bu t g en er al l y t heboat will be in stable trim when the trim angle is 3 degreesto 5 degrees by the stern..1 Trim angle adjusting-rod~ - - - - - - - - - -

    - 2 3 -GEOD 12L

    6LSDll L


    4 IMALTA26

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    71 /4x4 - A-,---- , -.--1 2 36A 1D20M



    1 / 4x714 - B",.......,- ,.......,- -r1 2 36EOD21 M


    D-930SPROPELLER SELECTIONThe performance of you r outboard motor w il l be criticallyaffected by your choice of propeller, fo r an incorrect onecould adversely affect performance and could seriouslydamage the motor. The engine speed depends on the propeller size and the boat load. I f the engine s pe ed is too highor too low for good engine performance, this will have anadverse effect on t he engine.Yamaha outboard motors are fitted with propellers chosento per fo rm well over a r an ge of applications, but there maybe u se s where a propeller with a different pitch would bebet ter. For a greater operating load, a smaller-pitch propelleris more suitable as i t enables the correct engine speed to bemaintained. C on ve rs el y, a larger-pitch propeller is moresuitable fo r a smaller operating load.Yamaha d ea le rs s to ck a r an ge of propellers, a nd ca n adviseyou and in sta ll a propeller on your outboard that is bestsuited to your application.1 Propeller diameter (in inches)2. Propeller pitch (in inches)3 Type of bushing~ - - - - - - - - - -Before commencing to remove or install a propeller.remove the spark-plug cap to prevent the engine starting and causing accident or injury. It is good practice toinsert a piece of wood between the anti-cavitation plateand the propeller to lock the propeller and thus protectyour hands from injury.

    - 2 4 -

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    FUELUse Regular-grade petrol (gasoline).


    -- -_.--------Fuel tank capacity:

    ---';h.Llllre.s..L\L. g ~ .26 Imp ga I)1.35 l i tres 1036 US gal, 0.31 Imp gal)

    , z . 4 J J ' ~ a t ' - c r : t ' ; - n 1 T m 1 P g aI)l,;;'-li-s--.. . . .---'t"'Hinlp ga I)

    CAUTION:Use on ly new clean petrol which has been sto red inclean containers and is not contaminated with water orforeign matter .

    ENGINE OILRecommended oil: Yamaha outboard motor oilIf Yamaha outboard motor oil is not available. anothpr2 st roke engine oil with certified Te-WlI may be used.

    75 -

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    011 : Petrr_)_i----I. ~ O _ ~ _ - - J. 100 !

    2 Petroii,

    CAUTION: Avo id usi ng any o il o the r than th e designated type. Use a t "oroughlv blended fuel-o il m ix ture. If th e mixture is not thoroughly blended or th e mix

    in g ratio is i nco rrec t, t he fol lowing problems wil loccur.Low oi l ratio:Due to lack of oil, major eng ine trouble such asseizure wil l result.

    H igh o il rat io:Fouled spark -p lugs , smoky exhaust , o r heavy car bon deposits will result.

    1) Pour ali and petrol Into the fue i tank, III that order.

    21 Then InIX the fuei thoroughly by Shilkl l l 'l3'1 Make SlJr l ' the oil is fliixed with petr'ol zmd pOLJr thE:: mix

    tllre IIlto the fllel tank ioeeted on top of the "n' line

    MIXING RATIOI - - - ' ~ I -I Running-In period I--

    fter Runnlll,j-1Il

    25 -

    6A 1 F-U1U

    -1,1_ . ~ : _ ~ . , ~ . _ u ... .:..,-_ ...


    L?/ .

    ' ( 1 E ~ P 4AS/5CS


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    - 2 7 -

    Failure to follow the running-in procedure may result insevere damage to the engine.

    Mixing ratio on first tankfulOil/Petrol (gasoline) 1.50

    ----- - ----- - - - -AUTION:

    Procedure11 Run the engine at the lowest possible speed for the f irst

    5 minutes2) Next, slowly open the throttle up t o 1 /2 .31 Cont inue operat ion at half-throttle or less until fuel 111 a

    tank is exhausted.4) After first tankful, to 1 100

    F ~ S 3 0 ERUNNING-IN PROCEDUREYour new engine requires a per iod o f running-in to allowadjacent surfaces o f mov ing par ts to wear in evenly andthus ensure proper performance and longer engine life.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    CAUTION:1. Check that there is sufficient fuel in th e fuel tank.2. Place th e fuel tank on a flat s ur face. T he fuel-line

    must be posit ioned so that it is no t twisted o r f la tt en ed , o r l ik el y to come i n to c o nt a ct with s ha rp o bjects.

    3. Check that th e necessary service tools a nd sp ar eparts ar e on board.

    4. Do no t start th e engine ou t o f w a te r .



    ---------------- - - - - - - - - -

    - 2 8 -6L.,GIOO

    6AIGOOOc-. Jt===

    I\ 0



    MA LTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CS


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    21 Place the fue l cock knob in the OPEN position

    When th e a i r-ven t screw is loosened, petrol vapor wil lbe released. Pet ro l ( gaso li ne ) is h ighly f lammable , andit s vapors are f lammable and explosive.Refrain from smoking, and keep away from open flamesand sparks while loosening the air-vent screw.

    ~ - -11 Loosen the air-vent screw attached to the fuel-tank cap

    by 2 or 3 turns.

    Before starting th e engine, make sure that the boat ist ight ly moored and that you can s te er c le ar o f any ob structions.


    ~ - - - - - - - - -STARTING PROCEDURE2B/MALTA


    6A 1C20l

    -"- \--, ,' ~ ~ . ~



  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    4) Place the choke k .ob In the STARNOTE: T position.But if t h - e ~ ~ : : ~ - - - - - -E engine ISposition. warm, place th ' -----______________ c- choke kn b - -- o In the RUN

    MALTA3) Place t he t hrottle-g .ip In the START position.

    MALTA2) Place the6 gear-shift lev .er In the NEU3) TRAL position.


    - 3 0 -

    I!I6A IG545



    CIJ Ie !,='""': I~ L J6L5G40S


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    NOTE: _If t he choke knob IS left in the START position, the enginewill stall.

    7) After usi ng t he choke , p lace the choke knob in the RUNposition.

    6) After t he eng ine starfs, do no t let go of the starterhandle, but r et urn i t slowly to its home position beforereleasing it.

    5) To start the eng ine, pul l the starter-handle slowly untilresistance is felt, t hen g ive a strong pull.

    NOTE: _Shoul d t he eng ine fail t o s ta rt on t he f irs t pull, repeat theabove procedure several t imes. In t he event that the enginewil l not start , refer to the section on troubleshooting.

    - 3 1 -




    6A 1G70M



  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual





    6A IIOOL

    6L5101 L


    35 -

    1-3005ENGINE WARM-UP1. B efore beginning operation. allow the e n gi n e t o warm up

    at i dl in g s pe ed fo r 3 minutes. (Failure to do this willshorten the engine life.)

    2. Check that water runs from the cooling-water pilotholes.

    CAUTION:A continuous flow of water from the cooling-water pilotholes is necessary to prevent overheating and seriousdamage to the engine. I f water does not flow from thepilot-holes during running, stop the engine and check tosee if the water- inlet on the lower casing is blocked.Clear any blockage; otherwise take the engine to yournearest Yamaha dealer.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    6 L ~ B O O O

    i i = - - - ~

    6L "H030~ 3 7 -


    ~ - - - - - - - - -I f t he ou tboa rd motor hits an underwater object, checkthe gear case and brackets. Damage could make the outboard motor unsafe to operate.

    ForwardTurn the gear-shift lever quickly and firmly f rom Neu tral t oForward

    ReverseThe outboard motor IS deslynerl to make a full 360 turn(ful l-pivot system) The boat can be backed by s impl y t urnIny the enSline 180.

    ~ - - - - - - ~ - -When operating in Reverse, be sure to keep the throttleno more t han 1 /2 open. If not, the boat will be unstableand loss of contro l may resul t, thus causing possible in jury to persons.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    11 Push the stop sWitch to stop the engine.

    CAUTION:Before s topp ing t he eng ine, reduce t he e ng in e temperature by running it at id ling speed or low speed fo r 2to 3 minutes.


    39 .



    fiA 1H200




  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    2) After stopping the engine, tighten the air-vent screw andplace the fuel-cock knob in the closed posi tion.


    - 4 0 -

    6A 1H30L



    6A 1H4DS

    C l O S E D ~ J



  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    ~ ) 6 0 STILT-UPMALTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5csIf the engine wi ll be s to pp ed f or som e t ime, or if t he b oa t ismoored in shallows, the engine should be t il te d u p to protect the propeller and cas ing from damage by col li sion withobstructions, and a ls o t o reduce salt corrOSion.

    11 Tighten the air-vent Screw anel place tilE! fuel -cock knobIn the c losed position.

    CAUTION:1. Do not t il t- up th e eng ine by pushing the steering

    handle as this could break the handle.2. Keep t he power uni t higher than the propeller at all

    t imes to prevent water running into the cylinder anddamaging it.

    3. When the outboard motor is in Forward or the gearshi ft lever is in Neutral, t i lt ing-up is possible, butwhen it is in Reverse (turned back 180) or the gearshift lever is in Reverse, tilting-up is impossible.



    6A 1H30L





  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    4AS/SCS1) D is connect t he f uel-line from t h e m o to r .21 Place the gear-s hift lev er in Neutral.3) Place the motor in Forward.

    5) W he n b ri ng in g t he e ng in e t o the h o m e p o si ti o n, s l ig h t lytilt u p th e e ngi ne , pull back the tilt-support lever andslowly tilt t h e e n g in e down.

    4) H ol d t he rear of the to p cowling with one hand, tilt theengine up, and the tilt-support lever IS tu rn ed to thelocked pos ition aut omat ically .

    4AC/4AS/SC/SCS4) Hold t he r ea r of the to Ing with one hand, tilt the

    up, an the tilt-support lever to t he c la m p-the other hand.

    To prevent fuel leaking out, it is important to tighten theair -vent screw and place the fuel-cock knob in theclosed posit ion or disconnect the fuel-line if the engineis to be tilted up for more than a few minutes.

    r:mmImI _

    - 4 4 -






  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    tJL ~ j I 2 ( ) O

    46 -

    1-0305EMERGENCY STARTING PROCEDURESMALTAI f t he s ta rt er d oe s n o t w o rk , the engine ma y be startpd withan emergency starter rope,

    Procedure1) Place the gear-shift lever in the NEUTRAL position,2) To r em ov e th e c ow li ng : p ul li ng t he rear le ve r u p an d

    pulling the front lever up unlocks th e to p COWllllll fo rremove.

    3) Remove th e s ta r te r b y r e mo v in g th e 3 bolts securing th erewllld mechanism to th e flywheel

    4) To start th e engine with the emprclcncy starter rope PI1suring t hat loose c l o t h l n ~ 1 ane! ot her oblect s a rc k ep t wellaway from the engi ne, insert th e knotted one! of t he r op oInto the notch In th e flywheel rotor, wine! th e rope on e 012 turl1s clockwise, t he n p ul l t o s ta rt , R ep ea t If necessary~ ------- - - - - - - ------When start ing or o p e ra t in g t h e e n gi n e, d o n ot t ou ch t he

    i gni ti on-c oi l, h i gh-v olt age w i re, spark-plug ca p or othere l ect r ic a l par ts c arr y ing high voltage,Keep loose clothing an d o th er o bj ec ts a wa y f ro m t he en gine when start ing it wi th an emergency starter rope,An unguarded r o ta t in g f ly w he e l is v e ry d a ng e ro u s, Don o t a tt em p t t o replace th e to p c ow li ng w he n t he engineis running, Proceed at once to th e nearest port to g et t heengine repaired, Take care to prevent water splashingo n t o t h e f ly wh e el ,

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    6 L _ ~ ) I S O U


    SHALLOW WATER CRUISINGMALTA11 Place the gear-shif t lever In the NEUTRAL position.21 Slightly tilt up the enCJlne ami the tilt-support lever IS

    tu rrwe l t o th e locker! posit ion IWlUil lat lci l l 'y tu suppurtthe cngine

    31 When iJrinSllIlg the engille tu the honle pusl tlon. sllClhtlytilt li p t he eng in e, p ull h ilck thc tilt-support lew:r anelsluwly t i lt the CI1'JlllC elown.

    4AC/4AS/5C/5CSThe OLJtho;:lrd rnotor J. up In 3 positions so th;:-Hsha ll ow wdter c:r"UISlrlq oss if Jl (; . To tilt t!owrl, III-st till upthc Ollth()lrrrl ill() sl",htly lH1d then Pllt th e tlltsupportlever towarc LJ while tiltlflq dOWll

    In shallows, run th e boat a t th e lowest speed possib le.The free-lock mechanism wil l no t operate and may thuscause th e engine to l i ft o u t ~ o f th e water and t he boa t tolose c on tr ol w he n t he l ow er casing hits an underwaterobstacle. Personal injury ma y r es ul t when t he engine isoperat ing in reverse, as it can easily be l i f ted by th eforce of reverse thrust.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    OUTBOARD MOTORTo t ransport or store the outboard I l lotor, follow thiS procedure:

    USlnq fresh water, f lush the cooling-water pilssac]es amiwasil the n lo tOI body. (Refe'l to "ClecHlinq the OutboardMotor";

    2B/MALTA/4AC/5C2. Tiqbte'n the im-vent screw iHld p lace the fuel-cock knob

    II I the CLOSED POSltlOll4AS/5CS2 RCfllUV(; thE: fucl IlrH; c o n n e c t l o ~ l S frul l l the motor.3 Rur) the f : IHJIIH: dt icJlirlq S p C t ~ d II the carhun::tur IS

    Cllll-Jty4 COll1plf:tc:ly dr-dill the er uu t 01 tht.: outhudrd lT1utor

    iliHI liHlIOllqllly elf' IllI' budy.R ( : 1 1 l ( ) V C ~ the drk-l-lllJq, pour d tr'i.lspocmful of CICdl1 el lql l1e 011 I U the cyllllder-, ;:lIHI r(;pl

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    PERIODIC INSPECTION CHARTFrequency of maintenance operat ions may be adjusted according to the operat ing condi ti ons, bu t the following table gives generalguidelines.

    The mark I. ) indicates the c h e c k ~ u p s whi ch you may carry ou t yourself.The mark indicates work to be car ried out by your Yamaha dealer.

    Maintenance interval Initial Thereafter everyr- -10hours 50 hours 100 hours 100 hours 200 hoursItem 3 months 6 months 6 months 12 months

    S p a r k ~ p l u g Cleaning/Adjustment 1- Greasing pOints Greasing Gearboxoil Change Fuel system Inspection Fuel tank (Separate tank) Cleaning Idling speed Adjustment Anode Inspectlon/Repl aceme Ilt Outboard motor body Inspection C o o l i n , j ~ w a t e r passages Cleanlnej Propeller Inspection

    S h e a r ~ p l n and c o t t e r ~ p l n Inspection / Re placement -51-

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    ~ - - - - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - - + - - - - - - ~ - - - -

    Thereafter every

    ~ ~ - - - ----- 200 hours12 months100 hours6 months- -r --

    100 hours6 months

    Initial50 hours3 months

    - 5 2 -

    ~ - : : : " ' - - - - -10 hours

    M ai nt enance i nt erval


    Inspection/Adjustment I- - - ~ - - jInspection/Adjustment

    Fuel tank (Built If l tank)Bol ts and nuts

    Carburetor set t ingIgnition timing


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    NGK BR-6HS10NGKP200

    . 5 ~ 0 . 6 rn n(0. 0024")

    MALTA 09-10 mrn(0.035 0039")

    Spark-plug torque:20 Nm (2.0 rn 0 kg, 14 ft olb)

    When removing or installing a spark plug, be careful notto damage the insulator . A d a ma g ed i ns u la to r couldallow external sparks. which could lead to explosion orfire.

    ~ _ . _ - - - - - - - - -

    NOTE: _If a torque-wrench is not available w he n y ou are fitting aspark-plug, a good est imate o f the correct torque is 1/4 to1/2 a turn past finger-tight. Have the spark-plug adjusted tothe cor rect torque as soon as possible with a torquewrench.

    - 5 3 -

    Spark-plug gap:2 C/ /5C/5CS

    When f i tt ing t he p lug, always clean the gasket surface anduse a new gasket. Wipe of f any dirt from the threads andscrew in the spark-plug to the correct torque.

    05-0.6 mrn 0.020-0.024 in)MALTA 0.9-1.0 rnrn (0035--0.039 in)

    Before fitting the spark-plug, measure the electrode gapwith a wire thickness gauge; adjust t he g ap to specificationIf necessary.

    K-100S'SPARK-PLUG CLEANING AND ADJUSTM ENTThe spark-plug is an important engine component and iseasy to inspect. The condition of the spark-plug can indicatesomething about the condition of the engine. For example, ifthe centre electrode porcelain is very white, this could indicate an intake air leak or carburet ion problem in that cylinder . Do not a t tempt to diagnose any problems yourself. Instead, take the outboard motor to a Yamaha dealer. Youshould periodically remove and inspect the spark-plug because heat and deposits will cause the spark-plug to s lowlybreak down and erode. If electrode erosion becomes excessive, or if carbon and other deposits are excessive, youshould replace the spark-plug with another of the correcttype.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual




    I II


    ,.~ ~i

    I- - - - ~~ YAMAHA Crease A-55


    L - ~ ~ ~

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    1 Oil-level plug2 Oil drain-plug5) When oil b eg in s t o f lo w o ut of t he o il -l ev el p lu g hole, in

    sert and tighten the oil-level plug.6) Screw In the oil drain-plug.CAUTION:

    Replace the gearbox-oil after the first 10 hours of operation, and thereafter every 100 hours or at 6-monthly intervals. If the gearbox-oil becomes "milky," consult aYamaha dealer.

    ~ 1 ~ 5 ! ' r U S OZ, 3.70 Imp oz)Gearbox-oil capacity:

    45 r . . R " l " ' T I " " " ' i - l S ~ . . . . , , : ; R ] m r , ; - r z)MALTA 75 cm ' (253 US oz, 2.64 Im p oz)4AC/4AS/SC/SCS

    4) With the outboard motor in an upright posit ion, using af le xi bl e o r p re ss ur is ed f il li ng device, inject outboardmotor hypoid gearbox-oi l (SAE 90) into the oil drain-plughole

    NOTE: _For disposal of used oil consult your Yamaha dealer.

    K-4005'GEARBOX-OIL CHANGE1) Place a suitable container under t he gearbox.2) R e m ~ e the oil drain-plug.3) R em ov e t he o il -l ev el p lu g t o allow the oil t o d ra in com


    - 5 7 -

    6L5K 12M




    - 2

    6EOK 14M


    o Q)--+--/





  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    Failure to check fo r fuel leakage may resu l t in fire or ex ,plosion.

    Checking points1 Carburetor leakaCjc2 Fuel tank Icaka'le.3 Fuel hose 10lnt Icakdlj"4 Fuel hose cracks (H d l ly clc1rllWW~ - - - -

    Check the f ue l system fOl leaks. cracks. or mal functions Ifany problem IS found. do the neccssary repall 01 replilcc'ment as required. If no caLJSp- ca l l he found. r:onsult VOLJInearest Yamaha dealer .


    Petrol (Gasoline) and it s vapors a re high ly f lammableand explosive. Keep away from sparks, cigarettes,f lames or other sources of ignit ion.

    r:mimImI _

    - 58 -

    6A 1K31U



    \-34 1)' ~ 1 : -.1




  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual






    &K 72L

    6EOK 74L

    - 6 1 -

    K-800SIDLING SPEED ADJUSTMENTProcedure1) Start the engine and allow it to warm up ful ly by running

    in Neutral, and check that it is running smoothly.2) Adjust the throttle stop-screw to set the idling speed to

    specification (see "SPECIFICATIONS") by turning thestop-screw clockwise to increase the idling speed, andturning it anti-cl;ckwise to decrease the idling speed.

    NOTE: _Correct idling-speed adjustment is only possib le if the engine is fully warmed-up. If not warmed up fully, the speedsetting will tend to be too high.

    1 Throttle stop-screw

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    CAUTION:Do not paint the anode. for this would render it ineffec-tive.

    Check the anode periodical ly . Remove the scales from sur-faces of the anode.Without removing them. it is imposs ib le to bring the anodeinto full play.For the periodic inspect ion and replacement of the anode,consult a Yamaha dealer.

    L-250SANODE INSPECTION AND REPLACEMENTYamaha outboard motor is protected from corros ion by asacrificial anode.

    - 6 2 -



    6A 1L21 L

    / ~.\- ..~ Io 0. I< ~




  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual





    L330SCLEANING THE OUTBOARD MOTORMALTAAfter use, wash the body o f t he o ut bo ard I l lotor and f lushthe coolingwater passages with fresh water to reilloveIllud, salt, seaweed etc. which cou ld c lo g or corrode thepassages and thereby shorten engine life.

    To clean cooling-water passagesFit the outboard I l lotor on the water tank, and fill the tankwith fresh water to a ho ve the level of the antlcavltationplate.Shift Into Neut ra l, s tart the enCJlne, and run at low speed fora fe w Illinutes.

    CAUTION:If the fresh water level is below the l evel o f the anti-cavitation plate, or if the water supply is insufficient, engine seizure may occur.

    1 Water surface2 Lowest w;;ter level

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    6LSL 76U


    PROPELLERMALTA~ - - - - - - - -When removing or installing the propeller, remove thespark-plug cap from the spark-plug.Otherwise, the engine may start suddenly, and a seriousaccident may result.

    [How to remove]1) Usi ng the pl iers provided. s t r a l ~ l h t e n the cotter-pm and

    pul l i t out .21 Remove the propeller nu t3) Remove the propellel[How to replace]1) Apply Yamaha lJrease A (water-resistant qreasel to the

    propel Ier-shaft.21 Sl ide the propel ler ovel the propeller-shaft3) Align the hol e i ll the propeller-nut with the hole ill the

    propeller-shaft and 1I1sert the cotter-pm 1I1to the hole. Besure to bend the cotter-pin ends.

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    SUBMERGED MOTORThe engine wi ll be very seriously af fected if submerged, andan engine which has been submerged should be t aken to aYamaha dealer for servicing as SOon as possible. I f thiS cannot be done qUickly. carry out the following First A id mea sures:

    Thol'Oughly wash away, mud, salt, seaweed et c Withfresh water2. Remove the spark-plug. and crank the enqirw several

    times with the spark-pluq hol e f ac inq downwards toclrain water ou t of the enqlne aile! ciJrburetor

    3. Freed the enqirw-oll 1I1tO the motor throuqh t he spa rk plug hol e and carburetur while t L J r r l l r l ~ J the (;l lqlfW overrepeated ly by opera ting the mdllual starter su that allspr-pads out over- the s lH fn ces o f t he !rifl\:r peH Is of the

    c n ~ J ' n c .4 Refi t the spark-plulJ

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    o JellS TROUBLESHOOTINGProblems with yuur outboard motor can largely be prevented by regular prevent ive maintenance. Many prob lems ill ise flOm carelesshandlinq ami ahuse The following table lists some common difficulties and thei r possible causes. Should you still have difficultiesafter investlgatln,] these, please contact your Yamaha dealer.

    Specified f-Jllqine-oil has Ilot heel l used

    Possible Cause

    SpeJrk-pluq is ill irH;orrect h f ~ a t r'c1riqe.

    - 70--

    Fuel is cuntarnil1ated or s t a i l ~

    Incorrect spark plu' l l)ap.

    Spark-plulJ is fouled or d"f,,,t lvl '

    Illconcct startinq procedure

    Fuel hose is flattened or k inkedFuel hose is incorrectly connected.

    Fuel pump is malfunctlor1lrlCj. MALTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CS

    Fuel tank is empty.H

    A The en,Jine wil l not start.B. The encline runs irreCJularly or stallsC. The engine idles unevenlyD. Engine speed wil l no t increase.E. The engine is overheating.F. Enc]ine speed IS higher than normal.G. EnlJlne specd IS lower than normalH Boat speed is low

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    CDI Ullit is malfunctioning. MALTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CS~ _ + - - _ + - _ + - _ - + - _ - + - _ - + _ - l - _ - - +__Ignition-coil is malfunctioning MALTA/4AC/4AS/5C/5CS

    Transom is too high


    Load on boa t is improperly cllstrrbuted. -----Transom is too low.Incorrect tllm-angle.

    Propeller is damaged.Propeller is incorrect pi tch or diameter.

    Clogged water passages.

    Possible Cause

    Wiring or electrical connections faulty.Spark-plug cap incorrectly f i tted.


    ' ! - Faulty water-pump.-+. ' -_ . t l . ~ +,__+ t-_--+_T_h_e_"_l'_ostat clogged or faulty. M A L T A / 4 A _ C _ / 4 _ ~ S / ~ ~ / 5 C S --1' Cavitation is occuring


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    : ~R W G W

    R/W G W



    - 7 3 -

    a ----{J>Q-- a4

    P (J(JlS

    B i BlackBr i BrowrlG GreenC;y GreyL Blueo I O r a r l ~ j Pp PinkR ,RedSh Sky-hlueW Whitt)y y"llow iL

    ~ 1 L I ( l h t - ~ J r e e r 1 1

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    1 Pulser-coil 1

    2 Pulser-col12

    3 Charqe-coil


    4 Ignition-coil

    5 CDI unit

    6 Sto!' sWitch

  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    -77 -


    - ~


    b'-\ 1 f ) ( l ( l f


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual



    ---- -m m (in.) . - ~ 1185 (73) - - - - - -mm ( in ) 920 (36.2)mm (in.) 420 (16.5)mm (in.) 400 (15.8)kg (lb.) 10 (22.0)-----'--- ----.L __ . _ ._ L 17.5 (38.5)

    L 1,123 (44.2)L 569 (22.4)


    Two stroke146 x 42(182 x 165170 (4.27)Water coolinqCOl systemBR-6HS100.9 10 10035 0039)

    4,500 '- 5,5002.2 (31 5,0002.2 (31/5,0001,150 1,250

    285(11.2)S: 996 (39.2)S 442 (17.4)375 (148)S 16.5 (36.3)

    - - - - - j ' - - - ~ ~ ------B

    Two stroke139 x 36( .54 x 1.42)43(262)Water c olingPOint stemBR-5 S0.5 0.610.020 00241

    - 78 -

    4,000 - 5,0001.5 (2)/4,5001.5 (2)/4,5001,100 - 1,200



    mm(in.)ern' (cu.ln.)

    revs/min. (rpm)kW (HP)/at rpmkW (HP)/at rpmrevs/min. (rpm)

    --------__ '

    Model----- ---- -- -------- - -------- ---- - - - - - -

    -Type-Number of cylinder-Bore and stroke-Piston displacement-Cooling system-Ignition system-Spark-plug-Spark-plug gap

    -Full throttle operating range-Maximum output-Average maximum power-Idling speed

    -Overall wid th "A "-Overal l height "B"-Transom height "C"-Overall length "0 "-Weight





  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    ........ __ ............... ____ .. I Unit 28 MALTAtemDR IV E UNIT-Gear positions Forward I Forward-Neutral-Gear rat io 2.08 (27/13) 208 (27/13)

    FUE L AND O IL-Fuel Regular-grade petrol (G a soli ne) Regu lar-g rade I:loeFuel ta nk capacity L (U S gal, Imp gal ) 1.2 (032, 0. 26) 135 (0.36, 031)-Rec om mend ed engine-oil Yamaha outboard motor oil I Yamaha outboard motor o il-Re co mmende d gearbox-oil Outboard motor hypoid Outboard moto r hypoidgearbox-oil (S AE 90) I gearbox-oil (S AE 90)-Gear-oi l capaci ty cm l (U S oz, Imp oz) 4 5 (152, 1.58) 75 (253, 264)

    1. T he average maximum po wer represents the maximum po wer at the center of the ful l-thro tt le speed ran ge .

    -79 -


  • 8/23/2019 Yamaha Malta Manual


    AWARNINGCertain components used in the construction of this product contain asbestos.Asbestos may be found in the fol lowing: gaskets and heat insulators.Breathing asbestos dust is hazardous to health.Please take care when working with/servicing parts containing asbestos.1. Always work out of doors in a well ventilated place.2. Do not drill, file or cut the component unless essential and then use only low

    speed tools equiped, if possible, with dust extractors.If high speed tools are used they must be equiped with dust extraction facility.

    3. When possible dampen before cutting to reduce possibi l ity of dust.4. Dampen dust and place it in a properly sealed receptacle and dispose of it safely.

    - 8 4 -