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  • 7/31/2019 yaap


    O R I G I N A L P A P E R

    Phosphatidylinositol 30-kinase signalling supports cell heightin established epithelial monolayers

    Angela Jeanes Michael Smutny

    Joanne M. Leerberg Alpha S. Yap

    Received: 17 December 2009/ Accepted: 31 January 2010/ Published online: 16 February 2010

    Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

    Abstract Cellcell interactions influence epithelial mor-

    phogenesis through an interplay between cell adhesion,trafficking and the cytoskeleton. These cellular processes

    are coordinated, often by cell signals found at cellcell

    contacts. One such contact-based signal is the phosphati-

    dylinositol 30-kinase (PI3-kinase; PI3K) pathway. PI3-ki-

    nase is best understood for its role in mitogenic signalling,

    where it regulates cell survival, proliferation and differ-

    entiation. Its precise morphogenetic impacts in epithelia

    are, in contrast, less well-understood. Using phosphoino-

    sitide-specific biosensors we confirmed that E-cadherin-

    based cellcell contacts are enriched in PIP3, the principal

    product of PI3-kinase. We then used pharmacologic

    inhibitors to assess the morphogenetic impact of PI3-kinase

    in MDCK and MCF7 monolayers. We found that inhibiting

    PI3-kinase caused a reduction in epithelial cell height that

    was reversible upon removal of the drugs. This was not

    attributable to changes in E-cadherin expression or homo-

    philic adhesion. Nor were there detectable changes in cell

    polarity. While Myosin II has been implicated in regulating

    keratinocyte height, we found no effect of PI3-kinase

    inhibition on apparent Myosin II activity; nor did direct

    inhibition of Myosin II alter epithelial height. Instead, in

    pursuing signalling pathways downstream of PI3-kinase we

    found that blocking Rac signalling, but not mTOR, reduced

    epithelial cell height, as did PI3-kinase inhibition. Overall,

    our findings suggest that PI3-kinase exerts a major mor-

    phogenetic impact in simple cultured epithelia through

    preservation of cell height. This is independent of potential

    effects on adhesion or polarity, but may occur through PI3-kinase-stimulated Rac signaling.

    Keywords Epithelia PI3-kinase Cell height



    Epithelial cells come in many different shapes and sizes:

    their precise morphologies have wide-reaching implica-

    tions for tissue physiology and pathology. In simple

    transporting epithelia, such as those that line many mucosal

    barriers of the body, cells seal their paracellular pathways

    by assembling specialized cellcell junctions and establish

    polarized apical and basolateral membrane domains that

    are necessary to support vectorial transport (Diamond

    1977; Rodriguez-Boulan and Nelson 1989). Such surface

    specialization is complemented by reorganization of the

    cytoskeleton and organelles within the cells (Rodriguez-

    Boulan and Nelson 1989).

    Analysis in cell culture has identified cellcell contact as

    an important step that triggers the biogenesis of many

    facets of the definitive epithelial phenotype (Vega-Salas

    et al. 1987a, b; Fleming et al. 2000). Epithelial cell struc-

    ture is induced and maintained by interplay between cell

    adhesion, the cytoskeleton, membrane traffic and cell

    polarity (Yeaman et al. 1999; OBrien et al. 2002). In turn,

    these cellular processes are coordinated by a range of

    signalling pathways, including signals that are active at

    cellcell contacts themselves (Wheelock and Johnson

    2003; Yap and Kovacs 2003).

    Phosphoinositides have recently emerged as major reg-

    ulators of cell polarity, morphology and the cytoskeleton

    A. Jeanes M. Smutny J. M. Leerberg A. S. Yap (&)

    Division of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Molecular

    Bioscience, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072,


    e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


    J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405

    DOI 10.1007/s10735-010-9253-y

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    (Weiner et al. 1999, 2002; Wang et al. 2002; Gassama-

    Diagne et al. 2006; Martin-Belmonte et al. 2007). Polarized

    epithelial cells characteristically show domain-specific

    differences in their distribution of specific phosphoinosi-

    tides. For example, phosphatidylinositol-4,5-P2 (PIP2) is

    reported to accumulate most prominently at the apical

    membranes of MDCK cells grown in 3-dimensional cysts

    (Martin-Belmonte et al. 2007), whereas phosphatidylino-sitol-3,4,5-P3 (PIP3) concentrates at cellcell contacts

    (Watton and Downward 1999; Gassama-Diagne et al.

    2006). Moreover, some of the enzymes responsible for

    either the generation (phosphorylation) or metabolic turn-

    over (dephosphorylation) of these signals are recruited to

    the cell surface in a fashion that would place them well to

    stringently control the morphogenetic expression of spe-

    cific phosphoinositides (Watton and Downward 1999). Of

    note, Type 1A Phosphatidylinositol 30-kinase (PI3-kinase;

    PI3K) can associate with E-cadherin and be activated by

    cadherin homophilic adhesion (Pece et al. 1999; Kovacs

    et al. 2002a), suggesting that it may be one key signal thatis activated by cellcell adhesion to influence epithelial


    PI3-kinase mediates signal transduction in response to

    a wide range of cell surface receptors (Rameh and

    Cantley 1999; Vanhaesebroeck et al. 2001). It is best

    understood for its role in mitogenic signalling down-

    stream of growth factor receptors, where it is implicated

    in cell survival, proliferation and differentiation (Fruman

    et al. 1999; Calautti et al. 2005; Halet et al. 2008).

    However, it is becoming increasingly clear that PI3-

    kinase also influences cellular morphogenesis in many

    different tissues. In migrating cells the localized genera-

    tion of PIP3 by PI3-kinase serves to regulate the actin

    cytoskeleton and contributes to anterior-posterior polari-

    zation necessary for productive translocation (Weiner

    et al. 1999, 2002; Chung et al. 2001). Modulation of the

    PI3K-PIP3-PTEN signalling pathway has previously been

    linked to the control of cell size and shape in myocytes of

    hypertrophic hearts (Luo et al. 2005) and during Dro-

    sophila development (Goberdhan et al. 1999). Finally,

    PI3-kinase can affect cadherin adhesion (Kovacs et al.

    2002a), and its major lipid product, PIP3, was also shown

    to specify basolateral membrane identity in MDCK cells

    (Gassama-Diagne et al. 2006), both important processes

    in controlling cell morphology.

    In this study we sought to further analyse the morpho-

    genetic impact of PI3-kinase signalling in simple polarized

    epithelia. We report that acute inhibition of PI3-kinase

    signalling in established epithelial monolayers caused

    reduced cell height, which was independent of junctional

    integrity, cadherin adhesion and epithelial cell polarity. We

    also identify Rac signalling as a further signal implicated in

    the maintenance of epithelial cell height.

    Materials and methods

    Cell culture

    MDCK and MCF7 cells were maintained in DMEM, CHO

    cells were maintained in F12 medium. CHO cells stably

    expressing human E-cadherin were described previously

    (Kovacs et al. 2002a, b). All media were supplementedwith 10% FBS, 1% non-essential amino acids, L-glutamine,

    and Penicillin/Streptomycin. Cells treated with inhibitor

    drugs were given fresh medium 1 day before treatment,

    and inhibitors were added directly to the medium. Tran-

    sient transfection of MDCK cells was carried out with

    Lipofectamine2000 (Invitrogen), according to the manu-

    facturers instructions, except that cells were between 25

    and 35% confluent at the time of transfection. Cells were

    grown to 100% confluence before being fixed for indirect



    The expression plasmids pEGFP-N1-PHGrp1 and pEGFP-

    N1-PHPLCd, were a kind gift from Dr Mark Lemmon and

    have been described previously (Kovacs et al. 2002a) and

    pEGFP-C1 was from Clontech. Inhibitors: LY294002 (final

    concentration of 50 lM), wortmannin (100 nM), blebbist-

    atin (100 lM), Y-27632 (50 lM) and rapamycin (1

    100 nM) were purchased from Calbiochem, NSC-23766

    (20200 lM) was purchased from Tocris.

    Antibodies were as follows. For immunofluorescence

    microscopy: E-cadherin mAB (Transduction Laboratories);

    E-cadherin (rabbit polyclonal, (Helwani et al. 2004)); ZO-1

    (clone 1A12, Zymed); anti-GFP (Molecular probes); Par3

    (Upstate); aPKC (clone C-20, Santa Cruz); Myosin IIA and

    Myosin IIB (Sigma); desmoplakin (clone NW6, a gift from

    Dr. Kathy Green, Northwestern University Medical

    School); Scribble (clone 7C6.D10) and Dlg1 (both gifts

    from Dr Patrick Humbert, Peter MacCallum Cancer Cen-

    ter); Lgl1 (a gift from Dr. Patrick Brennwald, UNC Chapel

    Hill); ppMLC (a gift from Dr. James M. Staddon). DAPI

    (Sigma), fluorescence-conjugated secondary antibodies and

    phalloidin were purchased from Molecular Probes. For

    western analysis: E-cadherin (DECMA-1, Sigma); pMLC

    (pS-19, Cell signalling Technology); MLC (clone MY21,

    Abcam); b-tubulin (clone Tub2.1, Sigma) and HRP-con-

    jugated anti-mouse and anti-rabbit antibodies (BioRad).

    Immunofluorescence microscopy

    Cells were either fixed in chilled (-20C) MeOH for 5 min

    or in 4% PFA/CSK stabilization buffer (100 mM KCl,

    300 mM sucrose, 2 mM EGTA, 2 mM MgCl2,10 mM

    PIPES) for 2060 min at RT. MDCK cells to be processed

    396 J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405


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    for electron microscopy were fixed in 2.5% gluteraldehyde

    for 1 h at RT. PFA-fixed cells were permeabilised in 0.5%

    TritonX-100/PBS (PBTx) for 5 min at RT. Cells were

    blocked in 3% BSA/PBS for 12 h at RT or overnight at

    4C, incubated with primary antibodies, diluted in blocking

    buffer, for 12 h at RT in a humidified chamber, followed

    by five washes in blocking buffer over 30 min. Fluores-

    cence-conjugated secondary antibodies and DAPI stainswere carried out for 1 h at RT. Coverslips were mounted on

    Superfrost slides (Lombe Scientific) with N-propyl-gallate

    and sealed with nail polish.

    Images were captured on a Zeiss LSM510 laser scan-

    ning confocal microscope, or an Olympus IX-81 inverted

    epifluorescent microscope fitted with a Perkin Elmer Ul-

    traView scanhead, KrAr laser, and Hamamatsu Orca ER

    1.3Mp monochrome camera. Cell height was calculated

    from XZ images of Phalloidin-stained MDCK cells, with

    the Ziess LSM510 software. Cells were selected for anal-

    ysis only if they were in interphase (i.e., mitotic cells were

    excluded), and if the XZ image had been taken through themiddle of the nucleus (as judged from the complementary

    XY image). Arrows were drawn from the base of a cell to

    the top at its highest point, at a perpendicular angle to the

    coverslip. The scale function of the program was used to

    calculate the height of the arrow in micrometres (lm).

    Western blotting

    Cells were lysed directly in SDS sample buffer (1 mg/ml

    bromophenol blue, 200 mM Tris pH 6.8, 4% SDS, 20% v/v

    glycerol, 100 mM DTT, protease inhibitor cocktail

    [Roche]), boiled for 5 min at 98C then separated by SDS

    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins were trans-

    ferred onto nitrocellulose membrane, blocked in either 5%

    skim milk powder in PBS-Tween (0.1%), or 3% BSA and

    5% fish gelatin in TBS-Tween (0.5%). Membranes were

    blotted with a primary antibody for 2 h at room tempera-

    ture or overnight at 4C. Membranes were washed, blocked

    and blotted with a horseradish peroxidase-conjugated sec-

    ondary antibody, developed with Super Signal West Pico

    chemiluminescent substrate (Pierce) and visualised with

    Fuji medical X-ray film. Protein bands were analysed by

    densitometry with ImageJ software.

    E-cadherin adhesion assay

    Adhesion assays were preformed as previously described

    (Verma et al. 2004; Shewan et al. 2005). Briefly, nitro-

    cellulose-coated six-well plates were incubated with hE/Fc

    in Hanks Balanced Salt Solution, containing 2 mM CaCl2(HBSS-Ca2?), or with just HBSS-Ca2?, overnight at 4C.

    The plates were blocked with BSA (10 mg/ml in HBSS-

    Ca2?) for 2 h at 4C. Cells were isolated by incubation in

    5 mM EDTA in HBSS for 2 min, followed by trypsinisa-

    tion in 0.01% crystalline trypsin diluted in HBSS-Ca2? for

    10 min (or 5 min for CHO cells). Cells were pelleted,

    resuspended in 0.05% FBS in HBSS-Ca2?, allowed to

    adhere to the hE/Fc- or BSA-coated substrata for 90 min at

    37C, and then subjected to systematic pipetting in ten

    areas of each well. Detached cells were removed from the

    wells with PBS washes and remaining cells were incubatedwith MTT for 2 h at 37C, followed by treatment of cells

    with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to release the colour in

    solution. Lysates were centrifuged to remove cell debris,

    and the supernatant read at OD595. Final index of cell

    adhesion was calculated as the percentage of cells adherent

    to hE/Fc compared with the starting number of cells, cor-

    rected for background binding to BSA. All data points were

    normalised to the average adhesion index value obtained

    for the controls.

    E-cadherin surface trypsinisation assay

    Cells were grown to confluence and then treated with

    HBSS-Ca2?, HBSS-Ca2? plus trypsin, or HBSS-EGTA

    [2 mM] plus trypsin. Cells were incubated for 30 min at

    37C before adding HBSS-Ca2?-FBS (0.05%) to stop the

    action of the trypsin. Samples containing trypsin were

    isolated by centrifugation and then lysed in 29 sample

    buffer. The control cells (incubated in HBSS-Ca2? alone)

    were lysed with 29 sample buffer directly on the tissue

    culture plate. Samples were analysed by SDSPAGE and

    immunoblotted for E-cadherin with an antibody directed

    against the ectodomain (DECMA-1). b-tubulin was used asa sample loading control.

    Statistical analysis

    Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism

    software, www.graphpad.com.

    Results and discussion

    PIP3 is found at epithelial cellcell contacts

    The major lipid product of PI3K is phosphatidylinositol-

    3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3, or PIP3) (Rameh and

    Cantley 1999). Accordingly, we began by examining the

    subcellular localization of PIP3 and its principal precursor,

    PI(4,5)P2 (PIP2), in polarized MDCK epithelial cells. These

    phosphoinositides were identified by transient expression

    of GFP-tagged fusion proteins bearing the PH domain of

    Grp1 or PLCd, which bind specifically to PIP3 and PIP2,


    J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405 397


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    As shown in Fig. 1a, PIP3 was present at E-cadherin-based cellcell contacts as well as on the basal plasma

    membrane. PIP2 was found in all plasma membrane

    domains (Fig. 1b), including at the apical surface, as pre-

    viously reported (Martin-Belmonte et al. 2007). GFP

    expressed alone as a control distributed diffusely in the

    cytoplasm and did not co-localise with E-cadherin at the

    plasma membrane (Fig. 1c). This confirmed that PIP3 was

    localised to epithelial cellcell contacts in established

    epithelial monolayers (Watton and Downward 1999;

    Gassama-Diagne et al. 2006) and raised the question of

    what role PIP3 might play in epithelial cellcell


    PI3K-PIP3 signalling maintains epithelial cell height

    To test the impact of PIP3 on epithelial organization,

    MDCK monolayers were treated with the PI3K inhibitors

    LY294002 (50 lM) or wortmannin (100 nM). Both these

    drugs readily depleted PIP3 from cell contacts in our cells

    (data not shown).

    We first assessed overall cellular organization of epi-

    thelial junctions by immunofluorescence analysis. E-cad-

    herin concentrated at cellcell contacts in control MDCK

    cells and we found that its distribution was not materiallyaffected by LY294002 (Fig. 2a). Nor was the organization

    of E-cadherin affected in human mammary MCF7 cells

    (Fig. 2a), which also displayed junctional accumulation of

    PIP3 (not shown). Similarly, ZO-1 and desmoplakin,

    markers for tight junctions and desmosomes (Fig. 2b, c),

    respectively, were unchanged in MDCK cells after inhi-

    bition of PI3-kinase. The persistence of junctions was

    confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (Fig. 2d),

    which showed that both tight junctions and desmosomes

    remained intact despite LY294002. Strikingly, however,cell height appeared consistently reduced in cultures after

    inhibition of PI3-kinase.

    To confirm this, we measured cell height by confocal

    imaging in xz sections of MDCK cells, which were cho-

    sen because they form columnar monolayers in culture

    (Fig. 2d). As shown in Fig. 3a, both control and

    LY294002-treated cells showed a characteristic domed

    morphology in xz profile, with apices at the centre of the

    cells. Measuring maximal cell height at these apices, we

    found that LY294002-treated cells were consistently

    *20% shorter than control cells treated with DMSO alone

    (Fig. 2b). Wortmannin reduced cell height to a similardegree (Fig. 2b). The effect of LY294002 was reversed

    upon wash-out of the drug (Fig. 2c), confirming that its

    effect on cell height was not due to irreversible cellular

    toxicity. This suggested that PI3-kinase signalling sup-

    ported cell height in simple epithelial monolayers without

    an apparent impact on the apical junctional complex.

    Impact of PI3K inhibition on E-cadherin adhesion

    In order to explore the cellular mechanisms that might

    allow PI3-kinase to regulate cell height, we first focused onE-cadherin function. E-cadherin is important for epithelial

    biogenesis and differentiation and cadherins can activate

    PI3-kinase signalling (Pece et al. 1999; Kovacs et al.

    2002b; Gavard et al. 2004), consistent with the observed

    accumulation of PIP3 at E-cadherin contacts (Fig. 1a).

    Moreover, PI3-kinase inhibition perturbed cadherin adhe-

    sion (Kovacs et al. 2002a) and assembly of adhesive

    junctions during epithelial biogenesis (Laprise et al. 2002).

    This suggested that, whilst junctional cadherin staining

    Fig. 1 Junctional localization of PIP3 in established MDCK epithe-

    lial monolayers. MDCK cells were transiently transfected with GFP-

    tagged biosensors that identify PI-3,4,5-P3 (PH-Grp1, a), PI-4,5-P2(PH-PLCd, b) or with GFP alone (c). Samples were co-stained for

    E-cadherin and also with DAPI to identify the nuclei. The confocal

    optical planes shown were taken from the apical region, at mid-height

    through the cells, and from the basal region in contact with the


    398 J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405


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    remained intact (Fig. 2), PI3-kinase inhibition might affectmore subtle aspects of cadherin function.

    To probe cadherin biology further, we used biochemical

    approaches to assess the total cellular and surface

    expression of E-cadherin (Fig. 4a, b). Surface expression

    was assessed by testing the proportion of total cellular

    cadherin that was susceptible to surface trypsinization in

    the absence of calcium (Fig. 4b) (Yap et al. 1997). Full-

    length E-cadherin is protected from trypsin digestion in

    the presence of extracellular calcium, but degraded when

    Ca2? is chelated (Takeichi 1977); this differential sensi-

    tivity of cadherin thus gives a measure of the amount of

    cadherin that is present on the cell surface. We found thattotal cellular levels of E-cadherin were unaffected by

    LY294002 when characterized by western blotting of cell

    lysates (Fig. 4a). Furthermore, all the cellular E-cadherin

    was degraded by trypsinization in the absence of calcium,

    both in control as well as in LY294002- or wortmannin-

    treated cells (Fig. 4b). This indicated that the vast majority

    of cellular cadherin was found on the cell surface, and

    surface expression was not perturbed by blocking PI3-


    Earlier we reported that cadherin adhesion in CHO cellsexpressing E-cadherin (hE-CHO cells) was supported by

    PI3-kinase signalling (Kovacs et al. 2002a). To test whe-

    ther this also occurred in epithelial cells we measured the

    adhesion of MCF7 cells to substrata coated with hE/Fc, a

    recombinant ligand that bears the complete ectodomain of

    E-cadherin. MCF7 cells were chosen for these experiments

    because hE/Fc derives from human E-cadherin. Consistent

    with our earlier experience, adhesion of hE-CHO cells to

    hE/Fc was significantly reduced by LY294002 (Fig. 4c).

    However, the adhesion of MCF7 cells was unchanged upon

    treatment with LY294002 (Fig. 4d). Overall, these findings

    indicate that the impact of PI3-kinase on cell height inepithelial cells was not due to a demonstrable change in

    cadherin function. They further suggest that the impact of

    PI3-kinase on cadherin function may be critically influ-

    enced by cell type and context. This is consistent with the

    observation that PI3-kinase inhibition had a more pro-

    nounced effect on junctional integrity and epithelial dif-

    ferentiation as Caco-2 cells grew to form monolayers, than

    in already-established monolayers (Laprise et al. 2002).

    Overall, these findings suggested that alterations in

    Fig. 2 Impact of PI3-kinase

    inhibition on junctional

    organization in MDCK and

    MCF7 epithelial cells.

    Confluent MDCK or MCF7

    cells were treated with

    LY294002 (50 lM, 8 h) or

    DMSO carrier as a control.

    ac Cells were fixed and

    immuno-stained for E-cadherin

    (a); ZO-1, marking tight

    junctions (b); or desmoplakin

    marking desmosomes (c).

    Apical views of E-cadherin

    staining are shown for both

    MDCK and MCF7 cells (a).

    ZO-1 and desmoplakin staining

    is shown for MDCK cells, with

    representative views at the

    apical plane and at mid-height

    through the cells. Bars are

    10 lm. d Transmission electron

    micrographs of control or

    LY294002-treated MDCK cells.

    Tight junctions (arrows) and

    desmosomes (arrowheads) are

    identified in both specimens.

    Images of identical

    magnification are shown; bar is

    2 lm

    J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405 399


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    E-cadherin function were unlikely to account for theimpact of PI3-kinase on epithelial cell height.

    PI3-kinase and cell polarity

    PI3-kinase and its principal lipid product, PIP3, have been

    implicated in various forms of epithelial polarization,

    including apico-basal polarization in simple epithelia

    (Gassama-Diagne et al. 2006; Martin-Belmonte et al. 2007)

    and anterior-posterior polarization in a variety of migrating

    cells (Weiner et al. 1999; Chung et al. 2001). Moreover,

    increased epithelial height has often been interpreted to

    reflect apico-basal cell polarization (Gassama-Diagne et al.

    2006). This prompted us to examine whether changes in

    epithelial polarity accompanied the loss of cell height in

    PI3-kinase-inhibited MDCK cells.

    We assessed epithelial polarity by examining the sub-

    cellular distribution of a range of polarity determinants by

    immunofluorescence analysis (Fig. 5). The apical deter-

    minants Par3 and atypical PKC predominantly stained in

    the region of the apical junctional complex, as previously

    described. Conversely, the basolateral determinants Lgl1,

    Dlg and Scribble localized to the lateral membrane at cellcell contacts. However, neither the distribution of apical

    nor basolateral determinants was altered in LY-treated

    cells. Overall, then, these findings indicate that the reduced

    cell height that occurs upon PI3-kinase inhibition is not

    accompanied by any overt disruption of apical-basal


    Myosin II activity and cell height

    We then turned to assess cytoskeletal molecules that can

    influence cell height. Notably, the actin-based motor, non-

    muscle Myosin II, facilitates changes in cell shape that

    accompany cell movement, division and adhesion (Conti

    and Adelstein 2008; Vicente-Manzanares et al. 2009).

    Myosin II activity also supported cell height as keratino-

    cytes differentiated in culture: lateral cell surfaces failed to

    grow when Myosin II was blocked with blebbistatin

    (Zhang et al. 2005). Moreover, the Myosin regulatory light

    chain can be phosphorylated by PI3-kinase signalling

    pathways (Huang et al. 2006), potentially leading to acti-

    vation of the motor. These data made Myosin II an

    Fig. 3 Impact of PI3-kinase

    inhibition on epithelial cell

    height. Confluent MDCK

    monolayers were treated with

    LY294002 (50 lM),

    wortmannin (100 nM) or

    DMSO carrier alone for 8 h,

    then fixed and stained for F-

    actin (phalloidin, green) or with

    DAPI (blue). a Representative

    XZ images are shown. Arrows

    indicate the maximal apical

    dimensions used to calculate

    cell height. Horizontal and

    vertical bars are 5 lm. b

    Quantification of cell height in

    control and LY294002- or

    wortmannin-treated cells. c

    Impact of LY294002 on cell

    height is reversible. Cell heights

    in control cells, cells treated

    with LY294002 (50 lM, 8 h),

    or 2 h after removal of

    LY294002 (LY?WO).

    ** P\ 0.01; *** P\ 0.001,

    Students t-test

    400 J Mol Hist (2009) 40:395405


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    attractive candidate to test as a possible downstream

    effector of PI3-kinase activity for the maintenance of cell

    height (Fig. 6).

    We first examined the impact of PI3-kinase on the

    subcellular localization of Myosin II in MDCK cells by

    indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Of the three

    Myosin II isoforms found in mammalian cells (Vicente-

    Manzanares et al. 2009), both Myosin IIA and Myosin IIB

    were found to concentrate in perijunctional apical rings

    (Fig. 6a) as well as in actin-rich pools at the basal poles ofour cells (not shown). LY294002 did not affect the apical

    localization of Myosin IIB, but did appear to alter the

    precise perijunctional distribution of Myosin IIA. Instead

    of the intense band found in control cells, LY-treated cells

    showed a more loosely-organized perijunctional ring of

    Myosin IIA. To characterize this further, we examined the

    localization of active Myosin II, identified using an anti-

    body directed against the active phosphorylated state of the

    regulatory Myosin light chain (ppMLC). As reported

    previously, ppMLC stains in an apical junctional ring in

    control cells (Shewan et al. 2005; Stehbens et al. 2006), but

    this was not substantively affected in LY-treated cells

    (Fig. 6a). Similarly, total cellular levels of active phos-

    phorylated MLC were unchanged by LY294002 (Fig. 6b),

    whereas they were clearly reduced when ROCK was

    blocked with Y27632. This suggested that, despite some

    redistribution of perijunctional Myosin IIA organization,

    the active pool of Myosin II was not significantly altered by

    inhibiting PI3-kinase.Then, we directly assessed the potential relevance of

    Myosin II by testing the impact of its inhibition on cell

    height in our MDCK cell system. We used both Y27632,

    which blocks Myosin II activation by upstream ROCK

    signaling, as well as blebbistatin, a direct inhibitor of

    Myosin II (Fig. 6c). In contrast to inhibiting PI3K, neither

    Y27632 nor blebbistatin affected MDCK cell height. This

    suggests that, in contrast to the keratinocyte system,

    Myosin II was unlikely to substantively regulate cell height

    Fig. 4 Impact of PI3-kinase inhibition on E-cadherin expression and

    function. a Effect on cellular expression of E-cadherin examined by

    Western analysis in lysates of confluent MDCK or MCF7 monolayer

    cultures treated with LY294002 (50 lM, 8 h) or DMSO carrier.

    b-tubulin was used as a loading control. b Effect of PI3-kinase

    inhibition on surface expression of E-cadherin. Confluent MDCK

    cultures were treated with LY294002 (50 lM, 8 h), wortmannin

    (100 nM, 8 h) or DMSO control. Parallel samples were lysed directly

    (WCE), after surface trypsinization in the presence of extracellular

    calcium (?Ca), or after surface trypsinization in the presence of

    EGTA to chelate extracellular calcium. E-cadherin levels were

    assessed by Western analysis; b-tubulin was used as a loading control.

    c, d Effect on E-cadherin homophilic adhesion. Cell adhesion to hE/

    Fc-coated substrata was measured as described in Methods. Adhesion

    was measured in CHO cells stably expressing E-cadherin (hE-CHO,

    c) or MCF7 cells (d). Cells were treated with LY294002 (50 lM) or

    DMSO carrier. Cadherin-deficient parental CHO cells (pCHO) were

    used as negative controls. *P\ 0.05; n.s.: non-significant

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    in established MDCK cell monolayers. Of note, blebbist-

    atin prevented growth in keratinocyte height when the drug

    was added to cells in the process of differentiation (Zhang

    et al. 2005). It is possible that the impact of Myosin II on

    cell height is greatest during epithelial biogenesis, rather

    than for the process of maintaining height in established

    monolayers that we studied.

    Analysis of the PI3K effectors mTor and Rac1

    in epithelial cell height

    We then chose to pursue potential signals downstream of

    PI3-kinase that might mediate its impact on epithelial cell

    height. The mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)

    pathway is a master regulator of cell size and is known to

    act downstream of PI3-kinase signalling (Penuel and

    Martin 1999; Ramalingam and Khuri 2009). This sug-

    gested that our observed reductions in cell height might

    reflect an overall decrease in cell size. To test this, we

    incubated cells with the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin, in a

    range of concentrations over the same period where PI3-kinase inhibitors clearly reduced cell height. In contrast to

    the impact of LY294002, rapamycin had no statistically-

    significant effect on MDCK cell height during this period

    (Fig. 7a).

    Finally, the small GTPase, Rac1, is commonly identified

    as a downstream mediator of PI3 Kinase signalling (Reif

    et al. 1996), and is well-known to affect the organisation of

    the actin cytoskeleton (Hall 1998; Machesky and Insall

    1999; Insall and Machesky 2009). Moreover, Rac signal-

    ling is activated by E-cadherin homophilic ligation through

    a pathway that is partially sensitive to PI3-kinase, placing it

    potentially downstream of PI3-kinase in cadherin signal-ling (Kovacs et al. 2002a). If Rac is a downstream mediator

    of PI3-kinase signalling in the regulation of MDCK cell

    height, we predicted that blocking Rac signalling should

    phenocopy the effects of PI3-kinase inhibition. We pursued

    this by directly inhibiting Rac with the small molecule

    inhibitor NSC23766 (Gao et al. 2004), using a range of

    concentrations incubated for periods where LY294002

    clearly reduced cell height. As shown in Fig. 7b,

    NCS23766 caused a statistically-significant reduction in

    cell height, with a trend towards a dose-dependent effect at

    higher concentrations. This is consistent with earlier evi-

    dence that dominant negative Rac1N17 decreased MDCK

    cell height (Bruewer et al. 2004) and therefore identifies

    Rac as a potential downstream target of PI3-kinase in the

    regulation of epithelial cell height.


    Overall, our findings identify a role for PI3-kinase in

    supporting epithelial cell height in established polarized

    monolayers. This potentially involves the well-documented

    capacity for PI3-kinase to signal through Rac, with

    downstream effects on cytoskeletal organization and

    membrane trafficking. Our current data are consistent with,

    and complement the results of, two earlier reports. Laprise

    et al. (2002) reported that chronic incubation of Caco-2

    intestinal epithelial cells with LY294002 prevented the

    characteristic differentiation that occurs as these cells

    mature in culture. Consequently, LY-treated Caco-2 cells

    were flatter and less-polarized than control cells (Laprise

    et al. 2002). In contrast, MDCK cell polarity was not

    overtly affected by the shorter exposure to LY2094002

    Fig. 5 PI3-kinase inhibition and epithelial cell polarity. Confluent

    MDCK cell monolayers were immunostained for Par3, aPKC, Lgl1,

    Dlg1 and Scribble (Scrib). Representative apical (Par3, aPKC) or

    basolateral (Lgl1, Dlg1, Scrib) confocal sections are shown

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    Fig. 6 Impact of PI3-kinase on non-muscle Myosin II in established

    epithelial monolayers. a Impact on junctional localization of Myosin

    II isoforms. Confluent MDCK monolayers were treated with

    LY294002 (50 lM, 8 h) or DMSO alone, then fixed and immuno-

    stained for Myosin IIA (MIIA), Myosin IIB (MIIB) or active,

    phosphorylated Myosin regulatory light chain (ppMLC). Confocalsections from apical junctional planes are shown. Bar is 10 lm. b

    Lysates from MDCK cultures treated with LY294002, Y27632

    (50 lM) or DMSO controls were immunoprobed for active phos-

    phorylated Myosin regulatory light chain (pMLC) by Western

    analysis. b-tubulin was used as a loading control. c Effect of Myosin

    II inhibition on cell height. Confluent MDCK monolayers were

    treated with LY294002 (50 lM), blebbistatin (100 lM) or Y27632

    (50 lM) for 8 h. Cell height was measured by confocal microscopy asdescribed in Fig. 3. * P\ 0.05; n.s.: non-significant

    Fig. 7 Impact of mTOR and

    Rac on epithelial cell height.

    Cell height in confluent MDCK

    monolayers was measured from

    xz images as described in

    Fig. 3. a Effect of mTOR was

    compared by treatment with

    either LY294002 (50 lM) or

    rapamycin (1100 nM) for 8 h.

    b Effect of Rac was tested by

    treatment with LY294002

    (50 lM) or NSC 23766 (20200 lM) for 8 h

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    used in our experiments, suggesting that the changes in cell

    height that we observed were not due to alterations in

    global cell differentiation. Alternatively, PIP3 may serve to

    specify basolateral membrane identity (Gassama-Diagne

    et al. 2006). Acute exposure to PIP3 itself induced the

    formation of basolateral membrane protrusions at the api-

    cal surfaces of MDCK cells (Gassama-Diagne et al. 2006),

    suggesting that a PIP3 signal induced the conversion ofapical identity to a basolateral identity, potentially via

    transcytosis. Such support of basolateral identity is con-

    sistent with the preservation of epithelial polarity found in

    our experiments, although our cells were exposed to

    LY294002 for shorter periods than in the study of Gass-

    ama-Diagne et al. (2006). How PIP3 and Rac signalling

    may coordinate the cytoskeleton and membrane trafficking

    will be an important issue for further investigation.

    Acknowledgments We thank all our laboratory colleagues for all

    their advice, technical assistance and moral support. Additional spe-

    cial thanks go to Rob Parton and Nicole Schieber for their assistance

    with electron microscopy, and Markus Kerr for many helpful dis-

    cussions. Confocal microscopy was performed at the ACRF/IMB

    Dynamic Imaging Facility for Cancer Biology, established with the

    generous support of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation. This

    work was funded by the National Health and Medical Research

    Council of Australia. AJ was a Dora Lush Scholar of the NHMRC;

    MS was an Erwin Schroedinger postdoctoral fellow of the Austrian

    Science Fund (FWF); JML is funded by an Australian Postgraduate

    Award and ASY is a research fellow of the NHMRC.


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