xxxviith congress. « 7 - library of...

f aitin«.' ** froai Ftmt «Pue._ «_7 nty «*i«<'rtJ|,K xh<M,J Awn'-' *r'm"1 ArxX¦ *D<i ¦1"* .m Cao lick «nd «MME. i, lu l-':' " " - ' rem.iii. "it'i'¡ 1>'"r '" '. Oat on II.« «.nu-airi ev.*t mp K that I '. -'. Bin«<) nr'Ti-'J' i h" ".ri ,: <!*' 1.'"»-'-- Tt.aj C. :itr.i'a».nd r'«»'... tl'.it (I...!.-., lbs Ifhl «f _V.ud.iv, Um bo"»« I |* and ali lllPalli i-ot-iiain* were covered witli po «pie to witness the battit, avery une ex fie« tink»'.o .ce ta-ir MOOBI d.iieii latd ||,e l''_i¡-ii_ili.»:ii:'i;'. bat '.!.-i: l'i".v MM lire Biblia faunibKio«\ard:Íi«iii>, tie «._". .!. e. eeBBnBRMttBB «.anvaJÍeil. M,n.y A the aiih.ibKariis bave croseod tbe James Uivei, «xne«ring the niîv to he occupied by oor lro<Ji»s Boon. It il romored thst Gen. Magnider is going to ieaj4.11, having katMBM iii»ja*u».eii Vtiin iV K«Bjd.l MU« ton v fctliniii.--- t-'x.n. Wa 11» informed that »here are no tr.-ops l«w*«ii the IUpp&b__nn<»ck atei tbe army of the PetMBBI analer cotnmaud of Q«*n. M<-('lc!lnn. Everything hae be«n very quiet to-day. A Una' of ti-u.-e came in ti»- lay from Gen. n.igf r, Mking for the bodies of (len. Pettigrew, and iola. D.ivi». Ligli.i'oot, LaBJ. and Britton who were su|- poeed to have b.irn killed m tim lal«) binti«. Col. Davis was the only on« killed. Lightfoot end Long Or« piisoner». uni Ki.ti-n was woundc-d, »s BtM Gea. -Pettig.ew. foi. Dawiït bo-ty wU be MtBOai .-? The »¡allia ol' h. ».-ia OaL«. Bien An «»(»omIod«! CorreiiKjuaent- Bbi>t¿«i «J..>,!, .¦BSBBBSa-aBB M onlay. Jont 2. 19.Î. i-Wi-irday mg1'! leOM, u|kiii the l.t.iii« -tieiil cf that day with the enemy in full fciee in froaa» Our ti «.»ps were under arms all night along the t-ntira bo« of sclion, prepared lor the renewal of the fig! t the next im»rping. During UM night the enemy l».i<l advauwed tully np to t" furthest point made by iht-tn toe day befoie, and w«re Btrougly ¡«osied on both .aides-jI the ruilroiiil. (¡cn. Scdgwii-k'a division hail arrived on the right on Sntmd-iy eveninc, too l.tte to tekc -ian in the action ti that Ary, but tresli and «Mkger for tliat approaching. During the night, Bir¬ ney s briirade had beau pos'id at botter advantage of position thsn had Leen the hu tune of our troop» <*v- enpving that and the a«li-«d"i»t gioumls of the di«y before: and wit'i the detennination to rrdeeiu the losses of Saturday in.*»¡jiiiting our entire line, tin oetiou eotiiuieiiiH. Tiie re_.iai"Ut» to which the Brant of the battle fell were those which had not »ni* fried much in the coutonl of _l*o Jay before, al- thii'iigh all ot IleiuUi-imau'fl curpd!, or Hooker s and Kearney s dil liions, k«i»ii Key tra s corpa, were rep.c- wntcd in it. 1 cnn*jc' say that a'iy MgBBfantl bod) from Casey'«-« division juini'ipnted in Sunday's work. The affair is yet t.»o BMB to admit of a description io full that would du jnM-M to all t!:e partiiB AmmTb inc especial mentiou, arid to 1 en'ioii a part might do iijnfclico to o.hers. Two», however, whOM spheres of acuna were within the tirld of my ¡,er- eoual o'oaenatiou, I do not hesitate to nient: m, although («th.»ie maybe pajWmByAmmVtmtg* Then (*»ii !.«*» i,,«,_!,«». mu ii»; S ..-,:.-, - brigade in Hooker», and Birney s in Keturey'i division, covered ti.cir> Mlves with g'oiy in their Boveial rh_.ra.-4"*, «-ach a*"a:_ist a force much their fnir-erior in ni-.mhers. Un¬ fortunately hi UmmM. Gc-n. B.n-ey waa oideied antler arrest emly in the moraine for lorne infraction ot d.rdfrs, and »be cm'1 maud of h.s brigade devolved on Col. J. H. Hobart Waal at Um ^tu New-York. Under gallant officer, this brigade, eduit>¡u.t¡g of tlo :$>.th am'. 10th New-York and the Ud und -Itli Maine, and te which t!ie Ttit MBMBNMBMtl had 1>«H! te_npoiaril« attacliaxl, droie a mu« 1, »ti-.au_.-ei- lone 0: the enemy, t'trough a heaiT wu -J- -J rivamp, out oi the «soodi« .lit" au tpca 'iel J. nieie two iSfineoM of the biitri'le wee ¡ajnif-.i »kj an to ;ive them a galling tire ti »t s«»>n c«iiij»e!led IbantOfltD back; m 1,1 wheu OsLWaal naanátbs lajeaat eato-fe, like ealire lnl,».i«k* gave tieai ihe pvii.l, wid drove tLem foi 'lea-iy a nfls IBBBSMbel r.«.i!. Sickles'-- la%fedi mm 1 »ee tai mm wy t Mete at the Mtjroaat, and «Ji-div* them Vtiil _ ,.- ».:. |fl In eolef tbe r'.tlr- p.i*> heat Write) the] mm bsbIIbi A ith t«j oat Wa«!»»*. Ti.ese sueces-sj», l"ol!»-wed up wiih ooorage and i«ro:,.i>ii.ei>a, Sfeatoiaed hy -i,..« Ltaj.I GtgLting Is Bed "ariel -di\i.' a, rattkdtbeibrtaMal thaeay, Ble! cbaiii-ed « lint L«. bfcli lia» cit.e-; loliKr.-ieu it:... Mvereat enga-temenl n-' of t'.e «.Üeghanies int«, a NBaaaa lal lfian**h oi o:n ann. The Rebelt toll back all aftnt-i-oi., and a liMOBOOMMMM t«>-day Bn> rovers utxic a iihiit a dir.tiiu-c of IblM BBtoBMl OM positiou ti Siititialay. The tot id net <«i iii« Rebele in thi eugifNBBBMM ye«tetjay au'l lue da.» iie.'.rtr Vi ,u) IMMh if a bett« r «coûte. GeL'-m! «tucet» tyaak M 1 .¡.a.- cf their «bar-,-.-» ou -Sat! Ma 1 ai »j-leii'i «I. but thej OJOM if. strong fo:ce, the altin »ii.-' j.aii...:.(! aaVl the ___BfeM if Mama.Ihne Mian utiiei. ¦:; at¡u ii ihey Bad any feed ii<-ht m, it -I.mild SSBM o'li mini » euch (ire.'. MtaBMa T!¡ev ««util 1: ! artd our Hoops a(»cnt UV« in one, accordiny to the l»est recotini-ie- MMM t'aat MoU Ix; n.a.'e Ire dattiori lines 0!'h 1- t*ie. l.vicg in .arder, s*j|pordag M I utiic:. Theil lu«-. Bi'ist frcu'Tthan MWOWB iii I.ill«-«..»«.iliap. led 00 gie.-it i-. iioiindef1 Tuey In« »r: *i.i_.« oi one ball and li¡ive Inihthiil MOM etteiti- in theft ranges, and m-.T* IsOB ttitt than ¡he raaB pii/cl ritte-ball, as tiiey vf««c:ii,l WSM thai the»- Lill. Fi'ani psissaan t«W«*u jMMsaaj I hen of one Aia- lacia r«.;nti."ii i'...t v»eaf 11«» ,(,.- OBfafSMMB BOM 1,300 strong on Snltirday morning. Sov-hi MMaBM It reported o:ly j '. '.t. i*_,:- if the tat Sooth fa,- Ima tak»n pria i«'-r hy B .my » liii^ade con¬ firma that M.MBOBt, wai r"ivt-, ,,!..;Lr repruth ot other ('Kees. His 01« n r< _.:..'.'.:.t hid :r,or »Lau titty killed by one «ire of one ,i n rsgiaBMMS. Sl*nferj «aitli lbs Am nea Hu-' eil; on.- lo»« wa- ver, i:--.. » p !arly 1:1 wounded, aid in!!-« up to li aoj-wftsa. Bitais. » Bilga«.< .-. killel uri aoaaded !.>.-: Ira M BMaV/la aV 3i M.ii.« »nu MBh New«Yorh. The laiie* I...» aet yet hoeaahl .*¦ . BMMsM the hilled aad wool !- 'I Tork «Btta (..! «mm -, hal not »,, tbe szteal el rdthn ot tL, ¦>:' 1 iia-iicd \ih.le t!,<3 !tn iae hriag -wsted ne:u l! I :., ad ir-ai', ., wuk, liri lui vet.»'.«»». a*.J all-«I _B ,-.>. idfedboiog slightly- ii«.t aBeogsrkh¦ i>: rid i ihi Imwb »« ¦»- *-- tere, tL-: iiuuoci 01 wc«uii't»d leponeii being u.'«r 1,0 Ki. 'i].c»t «:e feOM '»t::!^ hteajjM '.er ¡or re Bioval hy « iir t-i White IIuum-, a 1 (,J the MOOadl _o !!. tit/-'.':i«H_j 6 ossfs b.tin»,; asea eaatml 'ile san lu'ive Lut »¡nui;, ai. «a. Be . for retan anfato) the g.«.mid .!.. h 1 i.. potten - WitL the wound.d. -'¡.itie -, ot u». iu win,.. ter; aadtoaanftethehenonerl tv-*-it ritaaBaa. »».« lasa baa tesen ihanhi Miaaa fla tw<» aiobM ia euix-esi.oti, to vii.uti these wietohad iisâaeiini ¦MRMl MOt 'Mi.M I IB 1 BUR To-night .he (MeWMM «"-i the iefi ;h«I. jv>ei;¡i,n m ed canee, y. u--' far <*.-«"_._« i - w-.-i, ¡i-j .: ¡, toiii;»» ...lud ,.. latarday. The empeaM full af ronaor» luat iii« l.uia 1 al it» eva,-, ¡ fe «i, ! it vi l...t¡..- .,1 «oottheia iattuth m 'Le raaw it B I taaUBa IO de¬ termina »mr«, ahiinu«*-!. m L,.u._ j, y c, ;...., low« e-inr, tim our toeeot rthsa fedraaeed eaaesaaaj Rebel cauiji- at tim pall of 4he hat-, sad tr.e M Mt] MBB the Ightef Satuniav w11» to « -i fe me nor* .»antill ti..* mar of i*. n_»y Le r. ;. I, ,i. v l..,i>. oot evacoaiod ktMhaHMB, and fa id leaaedtotolr io eo, lhere can b«- no fMMha that tv. an on tbe d of tlie m<*t Urrri'tl. latfs of the war. tamt w. re B-nrd thii feftenidon in the direction 0f itmWt Ulam .Bd then le a muí«»' thaï the |aa|eet! have BMeocî «tbe etolructifui, bul ia Lfeid'y believtd. li trur_ 'ihanllie great tinRJA coi~ot mutl. Jongei be d' layed. Ibe ii l«*iBg oddh-oTi« t-v the li*» of ejirniHltisr of S.i"" !,.s He,n...«".neii- ¡.r," »II li.' ¡in bl <'!': ¦'' 'I .'-... BM i" Bu% Kee IL .....',«.!' nile "(I'ei-d Set«.«I*. .' 'rli' ;Ul ]> in ike "i elk re, s . » wB\ tn\mtint b<" '' tiieconf ifi-'U and dieBpeknlna IBB» which Hie) In-tve ibu* been ikaeaia will be settled into u state of ndbi aniidBasg ikna te kaair "n.' en iheir killed ead -raaaaad. Large Banken b*\e been sen* orr fat tim bneyllel» kelea erben anan ead"!«-- iifcve,.»! le, i. .«Mc.n'K'd- »"J "'»»J* 0ftl,C IÍ!lcd »re olr-odv \nu-i IdeeaaVat¡on. Oen. Boomi Main», ¡-»i»«'1 ».'n ,..,.;,, v.,,inna «ivv-ii'KK. Km ¦o.-Jotn'jeid«. ÛOOOjBaf B . Albeit Ponorsfe Cem- 9 'u'inveri. '.!..:.( trm Basnatgililiifaatl bartil,C«as» «J,»I vitra v«v»r»,tV"ir.''v Jubo» inUrnon. Lociptny h T Sfaoaaa--1 H*-UIT tumulte, loi_p_ny C, Jobn-iorke. Company A, de. M-rfeaaa. Cot-p-ny K. 1 Ii li« U MK IIIiAV. Brot ".ntl»- 'sate "»öekel. Co H | (Jenrge (Jtrdier. le. H ; Oeoig» Kihby, li Oiter .S»iniu.i, Oe, li. him PBaasYtTAai. Bstt.trtr."fM We»«a. Wni simp.Dttvcji« M.-All!.tar, Wm. II. BelkerilotT. 0.m:-II1 nu!,I ]..»M>-"_« '.HD FI NS.YI.VANIA. lYnaaaa II aalai v. ( 0..« Joh» H. r»rdoipK Co. H. .iM-lllSt.! I |,»AN'I)--|)I1K)) PI.VI-ÏI.OM1. Woi »run.J. li Scott, Co. '».. OBI «iirsni P-AWMTOaBTB finn- TLVASIA. W',| -.-«»i». Ken*, in I.owder, Co 0| Cha» Kell«-, Co. Ii; (>,ri,ii.,ii Shermir, Co, K QiiarO-ri. nie» J. K. ilei.crick Lorl M. Brifkeia, Cr- 1 ; Len Rodney, io. H. Corp. Thou ta Hände. Co. K Anguatif Haiup«,x>u. Co li Wm Soily, Co 1 Janie» Betty, ( e M . Cbriitivi Ditter nan, Co. B. ; Win. .'.,. -.i Co O ». ti, .ia.- a .':,«. Co. O. ; Jtcoh R. Brink ST, Co B; Denial Crader I ... D| Win. C.rniel, Co. li John H imei, Co. It Si-nnel I'sp'or, I'o (1, l htriei hin|. Co (J Adiui J. Kuhn, Co. O, VViu. St.pie, Da K; Krauk Oenet. Co. K. -sau J1..111 lib e, ( o. Kdsx'trd B. Johnson, Co. B. Oea, S t ni,or, Co. ii, Amas* H. Deit», Co. I; Henry Del- weiter,Co. K Mt'tin ICttli-rd. Co. O. aaa bomdbbb is» fitth Pa-taeiaveaaiiu Kui an.Win. H Soialier, Co. A. »V ... »!>».!. . Jo»e|ih», C«. A. 1 uti .«Ki sara roasatXTABIA. Wur.M.nn. -(.en Hell. Co. B| Myron McDonald, Co. A. SIXTT--I s »NTH PI vssyi TANIA. Wor>n»i. .Win Templin«, Co, li; Jene Rlnb.r C«. Ii, Iiri»l .«.'pcrcex. to. A Corporal (MOT Atherton, Cs. I); J. A. klip, lu. K , l.ldor "su-i . i».oip (Jo. K. ItXTYTBIBD PBBBBYLv'ABIfea Woiaaaa PnM Mehnfey, to. te. mm pf.NNSTi.VASOfe WorMHii). .John J'atttrson. lo. A. IU . V--' V I NI It .VKW-lolll, WniMt»'.--i'»p! Van Ne»», M»rlin Alien, Botssoss-G. Mater, Co IoomoI Dewitt. PHIaTI MW-ToRK BATT88Y« Wot sr.,1«.-li. Ken.lugiou. Co. li. Bia_CTY*aSMTfl MW-TiiRK. Woi M«Hi».-lo«epu Huirles, lo B| ü«**>rge H. William» « a »:. IIITV.'IXTU VKW-YORK. «Yoi nit.:«.--Valentine BSOfeOMB, Cr E. i mi! T-«)'« UN I H SKW-TOBB. W.i ni,an .Aldi- -n Huntiii.'teti. Co A. BB< I'M) Mil HKiA.N. W l.oug. Co. E. » UBI IMH M U.M. Woi HMB . Ed»i!. 11.»...ek, le». B| 0 II- Iloni.i.ter. co. r. » n m BAeaicsn strrs, K11 1 "ti.Cant S,ii«tl. »'.pt. I).», Lieut I.eli'id. u, ,.,.»,._',.,, Me«, Co. 11, ti. l'.ord»n, I 0. R, ( Or- por.i II. 1». lioiuutli", I a J". Tue lollowing uie ¡i j>o:tion ol'the .asm-tie» ol (be buttle of Sunday, Jane I : Toll Tit >!«INF. Km i«.'.Vugjitri Poefcss It« K l)eiitia Kn-iwl»., Co I IVimrsp BsnfmS Cslsn, Co. 11 Oeorg» .Steel, «Jo. II «Si,»« ii._g,«», Co. HI J-lu. C. C.irn»r, I.,. K; Situ l_. Yt.n:i., teriuuily, t o. h. tatas maim. Hi-.».*.-Wa, TI»m!.. (o ( I D*a*a.O* 0 AC lit. I Y vv k. Mooorr, Co I J II lind, n- .', Co. 1 II. r. V!«.y», (el, Joba !'. «I» I 0. L VV ni NUKa- ( ipi Ki I.mond I'o. K. Uni Wortottfr. Co. _ieut iitttt:!. le. Y.. !_.:_!. I..«.. A. L. il»ir:l Co. II, Serat. K. M Br.Ji-t Co. B Bergt. H ¡i Hil 1 o. K -.- |t ( ).«. II«.,.,otu«, Ce. K Sa,,l. VVa.. Ia. I).,t.«|. 1 ,, I S«*.-g- Hnjgt, Co. 11. _.*__ O. i'. Morrill, Co- B; Ün-idíre. mt,-, Co K VV. H. Lv.ii, Cn B Funk in Thou.p».a ('¦« K Jotepi, !»«.¦ 1, O K. P««k«rd, («.. Y 11. vv . bar, Co. B| fe W. M-rrity, Co. h K. llyit. Cs. B EL N I. ign lea, Ce B, E. Tbaapeoa, C«. P| -Vit". Baataa] I. Otutot ( 1 «.,8. W..-g 1 -. Y. C. y \.»ni» Co. B. H O ¡*gi tu Co. C. h. Bafel « » C ¡ Bra». Horn Co. C ; Omle (Vooki 1 ( Cb»«. W'e h ( 0. C; J»» W i.huui. Co. ( Cbei I o. ( ...W PUleraek. Ce K J. Y 1 s.l.n. Ce. K; lt»i.ry P-i - m « h A. J. v. oíd be » ( ., ki N. ( Mas*. ( o a. J W *. sv.i Cn. a .1 il IV'eteea Ce. Ai E. P. Bbow, Co A, C A. Coot,,be. Ce A II. Í Y muna, ( o. .1 , It. U.ton, ( o II T. H M»-ry. C Di B I Krooklsnd« «o U I. M Hiy .1,,. Co Hi li K Dann:,. » D| N. Y Ilc.oai- a. Co I«, A. It. li Wood. ( o K, H. .. Nteell, ( o. K H. Jatiiitan ( .. K J C lllt.iot!. ( O K: B. W. Miitlt. ( Xi. K '»»» »Ji.dnei ( o. J. FH»*..1SO\TN WfJmBMBïïB Oh Jllli.OV Canal Iii»*«' lu Ihr «».li«i.iiii<lim»i I lus I, ta lb«- i -in»iriiflion of at »»ont«»«»» Itritl-gi l"(l l*ri"*'«tier» t'iiptiii i'i». Y ,1 «v ,"? I 1 .,,111:1,is, l I Moi 11 J «« »* > V... rridty. J ¡at fe 1 L ! r¡irti.«r paseaM cfdaekaea bas keea InpsaBklen* '..'.¦'.- .VU io Ibe sudden r'.se of the Slitiu.'nlouh l'ivn. I IKir,'«»..!. bridge, trplueiin' tlie bii.ljre basât oy ibe Bebele, w:_*i eee_iflsied, ead ¡-: rt Cm. K rem >nt's for. e SBaSBSl (bia morning, li ia.ned bard nil and day, and the river I.ex^HD to rho aery rapid!« ato! not li botiaBns biin¡», bl : don li fin! iiiiiiiitiliüri of driil-vviKul Mii-i li ,'¦' ai .«' «iiiully parted the bndfre iu th» nî-Mna. Tbe aasterial wa» nil ¦aed,eadaeaaes. deau eesatiada fearheadree1 penaaenbs e'»»»o', lekea. ? t**«;OM ISOIT HOYA I.. >t l/*.l.i:i. or (.KAIN ANO l-l oin. Spatial Ssf 4c» 10 'in- .*¦'. >. li.1.une. ! Mi I. it,, Kii'l«», June u 1 ¦,.'. Oaata Beadeceoa, iii.-f, h*. lakaa eoBea af el tke leer arias in tiio taaej isa» tlii-i with tl.e f/rüin and rlonr on bund. Befi Beards bees besa (paatei bj tbe ('oiiimbnd- kfej Geaatel I all famüie. erbe rt-(«ue«t theiu, v.;tii- oi.t respect to lucir lovalty or di»loyalty, ai.d tl.e .aldivi t\1io v''-.. »bein will do 01 under the |«e:i- i»if» of bein); imiuediotel» »hot. The weather »¡¡II un-rt.led. andllie n.»_ alii).*.', r -n),!». llf'.ii '.liitithei ol the K'ieiiundr»a'' nf «tifel e.kir!.*. «» I »1» HHM TO »MBIXK «Ol«. 1BT.are .«.nillir« » a| Illili, en III« pan al iii. Ileb« la, roam : * - I id»v. a «i ,n. Whick irata up .lane* 1,'isii- Baa. »j ai| ¦. !.«». -r» laka a.. .. 1 _«-.. ( neerea ead«, kail sainen Ism .-i-* . -irne-.i ii:» in rang, laiaalag bael kka a_i .. nilli hei. f.: ii. iiuj-ei pean »ed, ea beimü ui» G reiB-Beat, tbattbeboBaaesweald bs '.«'..- . ¡or the pin, .,-... Ai 'n. Bpealbil in' ni, .!,.- ;*ivau)«:» areas eaat aa, Msdaaikek a .nu! at Ubi ,-, ,tssriaa ol na» uii,- eawa ir-im Pstsaakari 1 a lag af tra atoieeetretken« T.i- eaaeeted keataaaaaoi adages keerd, kee . lae prirateenweN aetgleaaBp^bBtacM ni. i oa v 1 sata te the itakri Garema ata » lag aa eapbuiatioa. v,.-..«« n_m keek toi S effect I iba! Qea. Bngei ext !«!.'! Ida lotkerity, aad tkat lortkn c ntl!« «. ..¦¦¦¦¦.bl »,«_ meneen bel . ¦¦ tb« . iga eeaM ka eoneioted. li waa nmediafeara ra» pliad i.y t!,r ti., ol trace 1 -*r»t ihn ikej sraali r>- ii «in al Ch» Petal » raeeoaakle ti-.» ia ndn tai lad oaf» nae. 1. « nat io lbs Wnr Hop-«;: neiit .1 r Band,aadbaandia-i «..»s-.-i peanind tb« . Jii,r»*,t*. Toe M. ¡«.iii J t l| Um .lay! Bg ;' :"¦¦ " I r MlJilII. st fell iH-fii.:^ a l,oa: Baksre, and leii.n.',, - |_a( ti'U.n... -u «I aapeetedfro 1 Bitbasoad,ela .tatted aabarratani aaaa ibe r.«wi. Dariag kB Wey at (Sly Ma» '.' ¦. '. a:. .' 1. (j delay wkick '!.<... » iaeblifedte tabarii le, ead . i.'i'i'iiti-ni wi.« te< tmtiy expei ssad .>> erin ti bm the pa-.»-.}-., down. \«,«¦.»«.:* BtMiaelioiM wen ......,, keweaer, by Col, Wbipple, uio wa« in «a* i-iniid ni lbs Maj:, a:¡.l no .1 juhle hio.o. ? ruo M VOuVFREBS .lOM'ui.. I »li."i»), Kndsj lone _L ) .- TbeateaatM Mysticarrired ibisneaaiagwkb iii Bf-seeats leesatl) eaieura. ', Geaeial McClell «. kfe ludir«^ eleven 1 It raia Th. Bi ¡tish mam} ti'wgg Mtttt wie 1 Una morn- i OK* -ri,. ;.,,'ivi Heul se ems sad li ii'.' ampa, wbiCT ,..i i..«. , ,.¦ .¦.'¦,' : a «beal ;he MrfriaBM were aBBSrBBB in d10 uiiinld of om .v.! v- r.a... 'V ". M "' '1-, (T'l reeaandti »eld M , .-'¦.Ilalbi Beag. N-wport New« bss beerj a aii.loiited hi a military noel, i.ii»i tie on.uunre »tore«. ai 1 be:ng removed to the ?birrie. -nu: WAI IN' Tin: f OfTil WKST. Rum*. Mo., Tburtday. J nu« à, '.J Coir. White anil r-B-lsg Bl 'he Basel anny, and «lame» llaitiey, Secretary of State uneVr Clnib. Jack- Hn, withal-Ml twenty ortJinary Kcbels. ware csu* in red at OBBbHb. a t'-w dayl sime. Advice! from (»«-ti. Curtie'i «tnny in Arkanias say »hat ¡.cowing parti« from liena. Carr and Oller* I. ..tie's I)»4iei-Mis, ia front of Li'tle I ed River, g_l from Cen. Steel's on the left and rear, have been Vf-iy sue, e«sfnl lately in break »'nu mg Hebel i-ampi, and lunniiig down gnarril'as. Lietit.-Col. Lewi« ol (be lit MiTMiuti fell in with a party weit of S...riy, and charged on lln-ni, killin;; foui, aud vvDuiitlin»* about twenty, au«! «wat'eiing the rest. N"»ar West Point, a party was routed by Major Hawkins of the wh Missouri, ami a Hebel lieiiteuaui Mbea pii'ot-i'i. Lu-ut. Kicked of ihe '.bli llliuui* Cavalry attat-ked a paity at Ca»< l.e River, killing foTir, wounding four, taking two pri»>oners, aStd driv« Ing the reft ¡Bto llie saamps. Major Bowen, ©oin- ninnding a detachment of Lid or. u bati-lioii mid tbe 'Jil Iowa Cavalry, at 9 p. m. on the 8th of May, W upon a Hebel ramp at Kirkupoo Bottom, whii h ii weit of Hatesvi'le about li milei, killiug three, and lettering the Rebels in even- direction, capturing a lurg* ai-vjt'nt'jf MBBfBB. garriione jiipagc, til ¡irisou- ers, 25 horses, bi guns, .10 or 40 bowie-knivn, and 30 levolveta Thii wat a daring alt«« k, the mea leav- iBg their hones mid | harjiug in the laaim* will« tbeir BflBBBBSa Our uoope run take the bel») uu their own (-round of guerrilla warfare, and ahotv «uperioi arm« ami braver conduct. Pinr.iB, Fiitlay. Jtinaí, 186F. Col. Noble, coniman.linx at this poet, with nearly hi.« entire comniar.d, are BBSS! .'own the river, and will leave tomorrow. St. Loi:i, Jnn« '», U'l A aMMBBl ol-»»««! ir.,111 Ceri. Hnlle. k roy» t!i»t tbe Stale .-I Mia-on 11, except the Ctntntiei of Min.1tippi. j Nnw»Mailrid ami I'«-n,neate, will lier-afler c-ii-ti« tut« ibo Miliiary Heiartnent oi MhsMB-, io la? j Commanded by Rrigadier-Gen. Bl iliel-J. The ham io South-Weil MutoLri "tvili I«- itibje«.' to the «»»ti« 1 ¡ot JI.ij a-('en. C'liti», OmbBBBMlal and Mütu.v (I. vernoi ot AikanihH. The County of M>«n-ii|'pi will b.ja nu to tl,e I -t.t of Cairo, un.iri *«>u. Stt iug, and tbe Countin of Pemiscate um! New- Madrid lo liie Dill tit t of Coluuibtii. .uder (¡cn. QafaBb-f. _ _ FItO.1 lill- .MIKMInNIPPI t'l.OTIII.l. CoHtiniKii liiipro» en.rai ia our .'Inilnr- !.. n. ti» « A imiIIh 1 ."«¡MrroTv f'.n. ii|t- «I CJeii. Vllliplgui- I'lrlBg ef the K.tx-I*- .»hrtilnui 01 Death Despeialr Ikanc» 1er« «ii the "rlailn. 1 Ii . I A *«i ipr,i a, e HVplor-Sle t onduio« al Arkaaaa. 1 be i:t i.ruiwioa tal l'arialB. Hi. lFllerl mttimt 1««PiMrnl -III ImiIh- SBBB .». Pille**. Flora Oar Speti. ('orre.|-oi.d*n» e. F ».'.i,: Pi i low. M H *.. A,.... Mi.,1 ¦..-. «-.-...'-... M h-jbt, M.» j!. . «..'. ) I).i rilli/ il»«» en«' BuSl H I.» ». «icy« lbs tiling of nu: ni"! Lu » La» be. i. , iBetsgsler, ssdPI in Pain Baal lim, lo a certain ..' ^-r» e, pi-i;»v tit, ii ti e h|-j «a .. .. Ban » in-.- -i-1 IH41I4II.II 1411 IH14 I »I- N IN I'I» '"llttli" narau Oar asMlanan snd bniei niau» «m-,-, mi-i n iba Baan :. an ni ; ¡ihhC y aigaslafran beato ejtihg ot CfBbjbi-ii r M of Am «vesrtt.j ssd. , i, otu 'lui - fal me neal par! », ey pat Habla M as -'a. rba eagle al .-beb. ,i gani n asa sen diet.arg» aii-i-i'iv ...ii ',.. i| i.i-.uiiil tbe <jiiat.tit4 'ni BSWdM BS -veil.« i.ti my i.'iind.; *ev«-u Ipossda ti it.g tie r.arge M Ibi beiaba, wbkfa af ila Banb es 44. .e .'I j«' !,-.-i.-. .t.tier vu-!'-iu ev- pH :i:ei:», iii . i .<- vit!« li .ill'! hu ,n' ..! » w ' J.eil'l tl.e be«« .1 ulai «I to tbr .44 .¡a-1!. MtW li»' ¡lu»» i Fie sana] » MM I a A lum.'« i at beaaba bee beei pbMed tbns s/bhb till" J-UI" «i I.4-, UI.J irilll. (Li I. ;..l lu .". bli '., tia .¦uria baa bi ia ibssna bb», it ia ¡-»ir i> Bap] -.>»e s.eue ¡¡jay lo 'I' .ii».!,- baa baea arasagbta ano l in :: BAMBOU » »< til «n vi! ii i..i t. An iiii'-il-cen» .¡epf r;e, limn »i.. I'..-- -..»..ii, of tearbaaanbarn osTbsnday,esef tie ganpea F pied by tbe nei igenoftb« r.--- - ..- I thai ¡al«_.(' hajnestB.I intoViOipigse'eteat, »vi. » be wa» n-.iiLii.;-n'ai ¡i »«uti: a vv.iik »ti tnlbi» l'».ic- ti.. tit- ;i i-. 1,. v-Hit i.ieial blfjbn i-'t-lf in he » irth i.i n diitain - of ii"t more 'bau i»«ur feet lim;. : be Creole cbieC Tile (i.-neiul inil.TK ttty ¡ fn lie ..l'un a .|,. «ol the I'-iu. and a ginbti oi nldien eatside vtb.. «a»v tíiü bell b i-» ami ike li ice tatt it bad i ids bl j the < h:.rd«, ran into tbe oJb.ei« besdgSBI ti ii, .-».- IpeC.Bg '.< 'ii'd bim «lllid. .,r at ¡eli»' nSStelj 441) iitilf-d. luptiosed iii»» its Bren ivaH ed -rbestbeybebsld .ilnpigae,or"Btllc pig, usani '«>t bu meu «ai... assa ¡a -.. h, 11 i.i« rrrsf- sanr. ill liiui i.teteu m. ii SSM, BSd Ititiif is B "rnei »vbere Iii« »ml ten Bn«I,e vtraorililüiiv i»ili:.t|i-. bad tbrowii bim. , l lu I ..i¡:. ernie rorypli '. I .. .-.. .11 i.e |. ,, li :.i .. «.li»-.- Ila.: ¡ni- ii i! bimba sppeexed to asee i psititslar ania. i. .: "a-ItsF. .'.: I. TI t!:i« BBS 'le tbi'-l IÍBM ibsi i. ' - p»! tue ld_ tust be eotild enell -"i ¡I I. Villl| ¦¦¦ , bed i '-i .. n. sad I tboagb I' li- bel, «p-ealip IO I- ilaiu n ;- |. .... ,,f |)il t T ne r ¦- ;t ''"-e < alt .lila'i ..¦ b- . towera defective ble eo.*pri , -.i .-of i-. preeen 'int- asd -ti roaeJu. i :i¡IS«. »»I i l-l" BBB1 I .- . «-I»mmiii.» nr m «. i ii. «.'. !.. '- . I. II -i ila¦ ..Iii g1 Hie. Mi ..¦ ii«, h'.'i sasellj tim g .- »i made l heil ibetls nan bass njabi ead ¦*. a\, ne h ».ii» m narbeali 441" ml b iniag ant ii .. kaaartarol a aaeosd 1. .¦», .* .¦, i--i ...' t *.,-1.. -1. iiiu 01 :ha 1 aaa. »)¦ tba \;, .^*i«-«i >.t .. ,.. ., :.I »ii i." h in H»« aamlloa, aresl 11 a linns I rassfened awn ibaa ..1 >> 1 .- toak« i.»» -,... ,,a'f a i' «¦ lie li bl 10T¡ fat ¡' -, .».."I' !' ..-.i Bend '.11 iag Ibbi « 11 ... .. ,.., v.. . . i>- ..a« ¦.rakia; neu ¡ ..Im-.- B11 ii ni :>i .¦; 1 lot .. 11 : .; | a 0 have bo! sil >¦¦ -, *. .»:...-lied to parrehre sea norh load asd inn bim. steel at reosired tv bil a tuan. Ia :; Vfbeto, lui..!)."- ..: :,,.-i, than tB IBI] a.e '..,', I,, ;,. di . .;. '¦¦ -.i»:." la pO| ii'» Bil -- 1 i, in I)»- tli a poor ¡. aiki' with ,11 bi« Ileihruwea( .,1 daru '. »ea.¦ 4 .< liia .. " -, -TI-: Ml M .«: .' Ill:- ..*, , ..» lil.I... j i- -.til sr« '.1 tbe ii.o"i.",r Hr. bara bad a a '.."ill O: «'lilli It] t. .li u ,| lu -,. -.¦ i. 1.,te rhara ,- ¡,» "¦' « -, ¦¦.. nilla I l ,. I'bs ana an brave a Beünrin ead rrrbleii ( li, d'. I, f. ile., en,'., i, jj, .> ..« ii;,v I .iii, bat, in..!» Iba ni -i.1 li'tuor ti an i.i|»tii-i»a .»i aspsaeaai n nasa,sad nu. toil - - '»i-Til/ -.i. li.«' j ...-, iii-roi'diiig report,« uaütted ws- nseoo-taga b1 difisri si tlaset, asd .. patty of Um.-) u ni., u.plan«.! u.Ttiallj iliote al lb«; , rev» m g '.a «1 ri and look |>«jft'-«-|.,n if ibu beak T'i< J I have bad fSSTSBB, IfbM, and ...wi ri'ifboul bBBBV .. lad i.!»i»4 gf them ;.,e nmeaDlly B_dn aneilJ I)»»., »» h a. i»i»l» wLi og inn ti, bin I oem./ »rmed, mid they wy they often apprehend assoseina- tion, sid go prepared for any deaperoto emeigei.ey. Picket» aro »utioned in the wood« on Craigtmn I Point to irevsiH auv oftl : K^'iels from steuliui" ur« ,,'le m'a-t-ir-l-. ...-. ai.'l, a lew uiahin »go, some «**- ,.,... .. ,,.,, 1ÏM-1 ii,... »evcal privat»»» of the Wtblt Baaa, sad hill -l '^o, m oat IhaRafMRBMa, :',a-v ..ii- -e. i. ' Hiev »M.r-i ( eu.i S. l'fhi-ti !.. I«', nerlai men MOM nlMOBQB. btt< they have obtained inch a reputntjon for recklessness ll.t ihn regiment leels gr«*-m ly smbitiered against them, and doon n«.t hecifaU» »o «'««lire HMM companioni-in- aruis were »lain from mere wantonness or to gratify MM piii>.'<- malice. Sa.« «if the iu«.t tar-wen, the Indiaman! declnr«, ./..uhl aa soon kill nu innovent pereon as diiuk a glan! of whisky, ami would reg .rd ihe sho.»ting down of two soldiers as fe capital joke. This ia not true, prohabiy, but it »hows the kind of reputation tie mortar mea have ac« A rCAULJ-BS srAPKOBACF.. One of these cotoriou! men wa« on the Point the other day, acting m picket, and m he had sotne symptoms of ebrtety before he went there, Lieut. WheeWk ttoni ludid to look lifter the scamp. He walked to me spot where tim pi« ket wu posted, aid found the fellow soeted under a tree brushing stray the mtiak'-d«--»*« very listhmly, and « ursiiiK Bri l.rbols, wtio were throwing snell» from their moi- tan, across the river. Just as the Lieutenant wu nppii ¦»(.huit», a bomb fell wilbin live feet of the picket, who taw the tase still baruing, feud knew it munt explode. Ihe lortar man looked st it tery coolly and n«v«r stirred, but Hpaoetrophised the shell thus: .. D-nyou! who «are« for yon' Burst and be d.d; noUxiy s afraid, yon d.-d old .{«bel." The fearless miipegrac« had hardly iiuished his »peech, when the bomb burst, tearing up the «.round and oovering bim with dirt, but doing him no in¬ jury. " Baa ! I knew you couldn't bnrt nobody, m|-d ol«l Rebel," remarked the morts* mau, Kiul continued to bruah away the musketoes with tho most import tub-able taug froid. IIF.PI.OKAIJI.E CONDITION OP ARKANSAS. Fifteen retuneet reached the flotilla ye-terdty I.«.iii Crittenden County, Ark, on their way t-o the North, having left 8ec«wein on account of the con* sciiptiontwt, and the general disorder and distrais pieifeiling in their State. Tbey repott the condition of atluirs thorc i.¡s deplorable ni too extreine. The people, in u.any |>¡«iisof Arknnia«, ure utt'Tinf. for tim common n«(«»sariee of life. l"h«y are in con¬ stant diead of servile insurrection: their cotton has benn eut it ely deatroved ia many Darts of the State: they tear " invasion' from the S'ortb: bntir.i.» it not onlv «Barna:.t. but without pSBBBMtef inipii.i«- Bnaa» Tii-y haee no roufitleuce M their leaders, hiid lae i.-itwane of Gov. Hector, advising them to -». e«h from Seceisis, har. distracted and bewildered them to na extraordinary degree. Tiny have few soldier!, and in the evisting condition ot things tuey know not whera to look for aid, oi where to tura for c. ii..fort. I t;ry I a tro lett the Cnited .»»tat«», and are orikreni la isitlidta«** fruin the ('«»niSdeany. Aej hoaoae ; Meettoe MBrtfa or **(, lhey want everything, a i-l have ijdMliiii« 1 hey MOOMpOilsdead detpcr- a .. in the [ rx*t :.t, and the future «ail.-rt. no kepeef BMMBMM i" i. kata see..s to atnre the citizens ot asffeBBBM in the lui e, au«! the lyeneial lea-ling of the I- ..pie, no1 wi*dded lo the einlul »Il.üi of S«-«ession. i ««i atea "i naay ti them- ¡» t<» Ey te the lund o-' lib-rty. whi-r« tfi«y can at least enjoy what tln-v a.n» ijiiiro without fear of robbery or molt stn* ion. ¡Iiiii'it-t» ol |««r«oiis would abandon Arkuusua for ever if lhey La«) the metáis of gettiuj.* away, say tha- r«*fii|id-i:-i«, a..,' t!,e a-j.i.t of tim old ila«! Would be hailed with delight, na'.ne precursor of the estab- hkhmenl «>f protection, law, and ordei. IHK lil All ATKIN (li ((lltSTll. Intelligence reached here titi, moruini, that Be«¡u- -a _r .rd » army had BfBBBBted I'oriiitli. tai ret; MM 1 tu ( oltnMns, .Mi»«.- a n.oveiiieiif I ntt-n ion.-d I ¡obable in a recent letter, and which wi_s lOAMted t.» tia'c a urr«d MMSWeokS ¡IK", when I ra-farrod t<« lim ImM ."ii «'id ha ra« 'er of th« MM n. I should r.'-t I«- »ur¡ nwd if. iri'Wd I «xpart to leam thal, li« t-vae.iMiioii of ( onnib hagan at the lime 1 statid, ..'id i a*. beaa ptatwatAmg «mr aim*. It mason- able to MppeM ihe evaeootiea ef Cetlalh mavin» «.fi»» tie probul.iliiy o: n »iati'ar montre by ihe . ,«niv »t Pert I'll','.i«. I«-HO»*! I Ililli. ICratttrJ Aatiaily m1 ih« I lulilli. < a.|>liii.i .».- « i a «-rival« fron« il.» au. «,. . Ila« t ra-t»t»I»11>, Da ,. . ,i » ,. t t'i J!i li -lu. d»«. Jbm » i'»*J M \ M lill II OTU L-L 1 »re« ItioM ..! an early in«i\emetu *t ti.« N itloaal I luiilla. .'..-¦ « a: booti ¡!- .-'. tu t .»¡r pM . on ti.i laaheata Th« »'-..- «iiuri líate tu re,¡iir dMMMM MOOisad «¡mir. tbs onalaogbi of the Rebel ians fire« nooks ag->. u-ili : .i'v I«; ii(l.i,-i .m 1 wi,! OB deWB the I iir t'i» evening. In iii« iit*«*n«-« «d ('apt. Stem bel, m mimi bj Mr, ilk. If eel!. h«r formtr I Fint Untos, who WM sppdatod LiealaRaal in the t I. j ik.ü lad dar.!..- in r MBfafeJ ''.«. I hxkad« (.! I"- I,'- a ! bottOI r a* l-lati«i Nr». lo. wi' . t!.« gp, ihe I ,-:i IBBM WH .ii*" iii'h the I'lotill., iliir .. t, it m -i ,iii» y aivaitii.g l«.iv« to run T.i-i liri I ilinw and pay Us rarapnmeoM t<> th« »c1 raaboats below, li i* beHeind that pemto- «a «ann beaeoseded, lad toa naop days lbs Mi ,i,r: i; I «.le .. IMM he men Iroin (.UIIO tC the 1.1.1«. I*APT. -lIMIill lil* ne UMIIVITI :s»i!ia i-i .-, rMoeesBM um bis noaaa. I!.« tal i".- nfaarelei non the West hat besa ex.* iii-l, ii ¡.uti«, in ha**T bo tiair er now gollfeoi BIM SpeaMBW I fed, ti litm«^ tl.e balliol of nil¬ li, i: ..'¦«'« anl Am :.» tl-c'ii all tlure i* aoaaaheH m worth1.« than Coat. BtsaatoL Hi« s«. vi« et Im vu t.. en eu., neu I ei. r -ui«e e look « otu- in lal «.-t ¡a- ,,| ii.« neeOBB ¡.uuboai« Muff l«-t MB» :t)u. At Fort IKaiy it- eOBMMMdai the flagallp. ahkh Mae t" ck hy ih.rty-one bali«, and Li» tix.l- », iroarofoleensed Maalal eetaaeeaaati i in ¡than it' taedcM Fool.-. In the lale brief i,, .1.-1*,«i.¦ ei.,saatos with the Kabel ui¡.i, where . aOOOded, an! lu» I,BSt here the In.lil '. : e couflk-t, hu deanstansB wea oairenal praise e le > >.; ¡.-.-»ed that ha may he node ¦ ti. .- 1.' ei pi. -I'll tha'. linn bee:, tfeirly e.i.un 1, Bad ! «-"lilli b«- ll'ly be.-,! 11 v. ed. ...Kir-» ii K.VKIl KM I-.. ...-..-. . . ......a, .... ... I> ii . »' IWO dal« i' vej ,| - .,' | .«. K .- d Korti '«', »lern tiaofS t. ... lies > .. -..« i- tit liavn uiHu-il IwtO, mi ill i: > .* to I'." I leg Geo, Halb k idare ¡i« gtaad nrmy MM m ii" inn u- 1. U| li- Bl 'Ki IJ lu« tWI » "I 0 i toi -m b:.- k i.- -i i ».-, uni j robabli .: i .-'her ( I, «. kui«»« I,- bird .¦¦ " .e laaaseaMwhea the i.nler m- .. i. .... ? . Ul I.ATI* mi or* n. . .».¡bl. iii.sairi« in PsoMOBfleanfa t li ti»;« 'I «au .. Mt. a (al .Innj IJreiil i o- -I Lit. IMBMMM Oe.dutliaii «I I»i op- ai I.. lit ... i-, . i. í -...,-» ha r.u, ' » «. I ,r Ii » .. V . :... , ,, a,,,..,, x ,_ ¦'-.'¦.. ' I .- ,r ad i, '.¦ 1 ai -I .¦. « 1 I'beL ', V'allej Roilraad v, m bola ¦'.¦'¦. -I....! V.« .. |'.. ,-,'.,1, i. ,i w.i-ct, ...-«.M-'n-i awaa», i".,... raahatthiM «'.I 3M. '! ... ,: .. " '' a -v4 .- ii ( _., ,, , ( ,,,- «.- -i !.. a. .¡ii -«I"! -Mil.. ,., ' ..' needed ti asset. Tbi :- '.- '" .- Iii..!...,! v.r_t ..'. i,.,, up, j ¦' I»-'an .re Ballioad «* ii le r.-¦ :..: ., '»_-. ioye. 'ii. l».i,iv.,ie, LoekowaoM .. .; \'.Vt"c", i. .',, ,,| «¡i¡.« noaaa la ¡.'..¡.i i ., « «.'' «. i.iuiu ni th« Hehl-.t;,,. Caaalbon lu.. m ..._,.,.¦ i Bat, »mi hre«weeks au« i«.«, i,.-.i m «i'-I v- 1. Iba Imvei p,iii.ti» .i ii,r ,,.,, i I ¡i"UC. Um di.u»age at (..mi,,, v,.,v ;«..:. Ti« hlBBBM fen all .hilled. 'Ihe lu.,'- I.ri.i« u kio i.eavy h,»»r-«. .Mnl,,,!,, .l botM*MWed iiiuih.r. ¡.-.I ihnaaa» eflifs, huve bata Mirlad awajr. ü.« Baraaaraf ^¡»«na dnniued ia aet ««itsii,«d, Ihe lin will Le fearful. XXXVIIth congress. FIR8T 8E88ION. IRNATE.Wash i.noton, .Tone ti, I«f*>». The VICE «PRESIDENTnvMBMrJ n resolution «af theeltteeesef Msar*York, io favor of me eetab- «H-bnsal « i ."»' k «wal tAtfa a Cteuudues of Caafamn w»w appointed on the Indian Appr«>priatioo bill, which waa aaBMBSi from I the House with amendments. A iommimi'Jition from the ffecretary of the Navy, trati«niitth;>,' ilio official report» of operations on the ! Loiter Ml i-ifsipri, the rapture of New-Orleans, Ate, was re« eivt-ti. Mr. 11 ALP' (Rep., N. IT.) offered a resolution «_Jl- in« on th« tSearetary of the Treasury io inlonn the 8i-Duto bow much of $7-,fi72, {raid to Marshals in the District of Columbia for the year «odin« June 30, was for personal wrviie, and how rnncn on other «tconnts, kui the details of the aeeoonta. He «aid there bad been paid to Marshal Lamon, who was appointed in March, $-2,054, and to Manna! beiden, kellin bin«, 150,000, Mr. «POWELL (Dem., Ky.) (»«ereil a resolntion that the Sccretarv of War inform the Senats wi.ctbcr Miijoi-Oeueiul ilunter has been uuthori/cd by the Department to moster regiment of negroes or iier- sons of Afiican descent into the service of the United Staun, ii' a Coionel and other officers have been ap- pointed, and whither they Imve been clothed and anned at the expinsc of the United -tain. Laid *>\er. Mr. SUMNER (Rep., Maas.)offered thofollowing: WhT-m, Kdwaid .Slanty «-»»mini ti .<*? "" lM . «hSJM fri.r, .be ».«¦ «...ry of Wai «pie.luting hin« Military Ooreraor I o' Botte Carsllaa a pam «hum to ii.« Co'i«'i-'ii)«>i» «md la»« ha* underrsken, by eirtna at «ucb military mi ti.« rity, to tonender fugit!»e .lavaa conlrsry t* th« Intent »nd n.eenin; of Die to) . ongreM recently adopted alio, to baulah BO ASierlion citizen In «rioistion of the rer*onsl right tee.¡red by the CoDetittitiou i alto, to i lo*, n-hool* mstnlained hy the .-b tilly of t" vi nun for tb«,»«l ion of «elore.1 ,i ii.ire.-t In of eyer» principle of moral* and religion and de¬ grading to nor National, barec»er ; thorefore, lia. ¿rid Thai any »neb iel er «aaomUg to create anv per- bimi Military Oin »nor of any Stat«, ia witbont aanetion in the Coollitntion sad lana, aad that ita effeet is to a..' ordinal« ti,.viril to ti.« ii liltary «.,:.,«,iliy IB«! It Is seal rar» lo the apirt« of c-.r inrtitullona sud 1. lo derogstien of the power, el Courre»., waieb. where a State («o»ernnient fall, into the banda >r "allora can tie ilia only authority aacept law. Objoi 'ed to, und laid over. Mr. SUMNER also offered another reflation that »iah oili« e of Mil'i-sry (îot.-.niir is mgAntf tea Iks ('.iiis:.!ii i<n. aad law«, «it- .tractive to the «ivil a«i- tli.»i!v ai.¦' untiary M '«he «iirii of all our institn- t.oiiB. Lau ever« Mr. «SUMNER UKitt-J to take up the reaolntion for the expulsion of the Suiiator from Ore«gou (Stark). Ltjecled.Yeae 16, Nays '21. At I «.VI.« k the Tax bill wan taken op. Mr. AN lill IN Y (Hep., B. I.) moved to reeonsider ¡ the vote lay it)«/, a tax on slaves. Ile nid he did it at UM re ¡nest »>t other«, ard »honld vote Hp;ain»t it. Mr.BUHNERx'-ley.,Man») hoi-ed it would not lie re«OD«idered. II« referred to trie proceedings of Carolina, «Using aluves, and he snid there cr it«inly was no eotistitutional objection atraiiistit. Mr. DOiiLllTLK l»ep., Wis.j toonil« tue«|ti»»a« tien'« .SMMtltatkaa-SB was nor setiled, iho.içii the .Saaatof «Ban M..».-»cnni«ctt.« ile«l-red there waa lo ««».StKlltiolO.I ..:..«:, linn Mr. M'llXKIi «aid if it wai a rapilati «n or poll- lax, lie ali «i.l.i tanti ii as unconstitutional, but as it was m.» n |«oll-',a_, lie regarded it ci/ially con- eeded ii wea coastitnlteeal. Mr. DOOLITTLE thought gath decidedly roo- to :!... i'oi.Biilution, aud rai-arded it unwise at present, baBBBBB m tact it will principally tall on yew Mmia, Mr. HALL tiley., R. II.) contend»«! that j rartl- tall) ihi« n»-« h tax on «lav-». teeeeB p-rlmps called by anrrthil ohox», and no phraseology «an «over it * up the «otittnoii s-i.m ti Hie jw..pie. Me seated fi"i!i "lii'l,'«- Si«,ry in regard to ti.« capitation tea, m.«! »ni«! 'i« tioiild t.'-', e\t-ii te reach l.i« ,i>.|. .rh i Obj Kt, «rkkte 'he ('oll«till|!|Oll. Ife.'ilir li [npadh.«ad any idea thai property loüld be hela in man. He l-are»l «thal ihm trna'raeiit of Auti-Slavery tuen iu country h_d «¡ide th«ni resentful, but ««i« h I «ai ii «¿a th.aild be aside ia lcgi-Laiing for the cui.ii!r«, Mr. WILMOT dev . l'a lOtiteoded that ¡Lis tax aaspnteatly eoBB-iatkaaL It wa.» not a capita- lion iii, but it propos-» u tax tua elatma a ,!¦.¦;: iiss t<> ti.» servían : l.«ves Mr. HARLAN (Rap» Isssa) «tbBBaat it aaaM not be deine«! Hist there* a right of pro¡«erty in «I ive« in som* .«.luu-ii, iu a «j lai.i -"I »»:>.. al m<. i ..-1. v,.* m dean n to that, and akama tea IIUBM lilli inna! n.'ht of laut.on. «Ra «all tvil- ttrudy give the beaaA at nie «i^ibt t«> tba aaaauj and in I lie I''«" «art, tin .l.i. lie bul HO «loulit US to tie« «retan«) >n).l rinlil lo lay tba t*x. Mi. HIO »V. MN»: ixntita miaiust lanrlag »nth a .«, ¡>ei->, n nan :-i ii «n-ni tax and utnoustitii« Mr. iJiiWAN' Bee.« l'a.! rlalM«trl tot a t'nir BOB- eüi.i ¡¡ni. oi !i ii. ali »i tv,in ekari) agslsat Um i¦o«lio.-«i tu. It waa perfect!** avbteal thal «tea urtMtenel t!,. ('« itltatioulateeued teproblbil joel *:.. ii a ti. \ a.- M Bam l«ro,««.««. «1 lol.« lal««1. ¡ti. i .-« COI à, ao true Union sun wotudtn te eveid tbe «apiiit aad i. Mai «.- UM I » 'i i .. li.t: it-ry in« I »» ..«»I i«. jKieo be lit tkte lal ou slave*, a\oul«l, uiih laeil ..¡ii' r Iihi.u ii« a nil n«« «L.tir oí' Bsbek, sad tL«'.« .'«- sir.iv Iba very ,,i,r. ot r»\e!.i,e. tti.l. h ! he J ptaMBB i«, «-.luv t, ii ha it.«» tarry teas] bewn«obliged tom ie te the «asaaleatea Ihn $S an bsa_Iwaesal tue teaaea tor Ibia i.i<»- Ban. li mighr le mud be insnpreachl-gtbeSeñala. Weil, be «kteaaaate «I«) »... It i: ÍL'ii If .tail tie «,1« a «led to li i Lire tilt' leaan If he ¡in.tight thei .:e.«-rt«-<i ii bynuetea aetawhkh mnnnaktea t«« truniple as the Cou» stii.ition. It i.i..¡! be auld ht wmaatjmttm. Well, li« lui .it.i to ie dogtnalk. Mi. WADE ittj«., Obtej ,¡a bka .t'-AII but the ' bmBm Mr. COWAN Whaatltel Senator mMIm a little a.-i- ia » n ... ¡i k In«« v. «:i. Iii- ««.ll«u_'iie it. the «iher Boase, I «.«.-. ««n», a v,ll be Uaaa awMnfaforna to pat at'« mi. n te iliit kital oi re mrit. lill ti,en, Le mm «tacen na. whaa ha »ai«i be iateaueé te ha d' r'.i > h . i.eii'thut BS ii.tendfJ to e_|BMB his own ci iut'.u Bra "t, u he ha! a rbjfat to. BL Mil lli-p., Ohio- I see do iif<vtsMir for S.»iiiit!)n rkiag bel- and nniki. | ayei tal pnteaUtloM oi't .. detaina t" tae Li to:«, ¡um I iii r,.f hu,, ti, sa « mil al iwunptka ot devotloa ia th« UonatBa» «Boa. 1 am willini. in ie,.- argniuetits, I., t I «¦ ¡\\ allon i o BUM te gtl up baie i.n.l by iapli.siiou. r». IT...I«-» u.e with perimv. I ral es"¡*ciallt 1 «io Bel Uhsthl «ketarlag by « oi »rrlten I «i.V.rt _bbm rahen he «nsasal the rntbork) te ketan this llénate. ii. w l'irii, ¡¡a«) no bet-n hero, Sir, anil tvlieio did he state Bun Wheever beard si «bin bsten la* .n..e 1 b1 n* »' ¦'' 'I hnd id'in ¡ne ,».» tin« S. «.»!«. ui.h «Um a.i'leiiiy ainl presiiiii|iti.,|, to I* its . l d latbM I tend by sai ». i «sisniher ef thk Heaati I wa» «niagento nv, Mr, 1 'i- i ':. petka i. .: ,. argued v,..'.' :' :< « .'.:'' ¦.' ««., aad I »va ivn in) cou a : i thi KeBSM ni« ie^ii. bu, imn «uryao-JuM th»u ins' «.',. «abell ...n . rum a «anita of boob soi oi u 'lu.« ¡.au . ikrtab t,. » »bl tba» body fur uo ri'-rfat, I inn t ..!.-. a «pith ima na uof takntanda gealkmsa wbohna a Í1 l > le- ,1«. la eli ..., -«, e ,. , ». .... a n.'.:. ba_a righi o ¡_ka » aaai ... .. II .' ¦' ii I»«** ». ... io do it, k ¡nv, ,.,. " , iii« liihl, '' '«¦ .-. .. ti i ¦»,..,.«', \' * .'ll l'««l ,. ha | ..»¦», «aUal I Will BUl .. lev laka te .e. bin, Bal ki i*oi -. n n* I«« «Ml» I, . '-. '. v .. :; ..' - :.«..¦ | a I Míe.- ... I f) ¦.«.ti of bia li rsl MBBJou bud las light to I BtS ..«¦ ":..- ... tr «. i iel uni - '. inna um. ... ¦¦. «I ... ». ., . . .. «i ino tim «... i- mont, Hi..*. ¦.. h, < ,:. .. ., «¦ ..«»»¦ .. e ,., .,,| . M ,;, | _. ¦. '¦¦ i .. i I. v. .... ., ,; ¡, nd goan. > !¦.: :. li.«a lo / : ni. '¦''.'."I li .'» hi ' ' ii mimi, ila- .;,«i wit*! la like In« ni«, v. ii » li «_...,.« r, t, lo I I «I . | '.-..:... um J u,.,, . b Br. Wsilsi a ,..i,:,, gai «"¦<' 1'i'i" !.. the HsuM * t,«i to '. erstlf -l.i.n tor u ««'¡«.tin sp» m «¦. v.... ' »'. '" '" .... J UOl I li« .Ililli' ii ni i'."|. na. On .i I.« lie»«,«. .'¦ tba i..w p| *c«i, »bave I .-. »-: ¦ * »' i lbs .. Mtei h i «¡in ». tba «na ter li i io in», im. li.» iMomaui aufibiuij un¡»a«sd arhini i.ei. ..'.« ."-I.i.eiy, ili«.u eoiistitutiooal argaraeuMa . i ail, ct:,ti tl.e », Qiaev ti-...a r, an»* Iraak m|ia.. iy I ¡Miss all aver like a porouplna. Uau jrou tax coi* tea " (Iii, no ! " (an «oi!li-«*ie | lojeity ot (¡' " Ob, aa,Umkbiailbk" Raaf bmb ehnan te l>« the watte dag «>t Bktar), k1 Mm; bal be ed.ititi he aootent «wBh tbe i*oei«*kB, aud ate «mi delink«« io »cold UM Baaatea Wa are told n.««!i»iii-e8 will mintie the «Kahala lau Ma Irrrkate Ui«'M« wl o dig up on. roi«'!'-.»' Ixun aii'l Uiikedriuk- tag copi ont of their sknlli Neither will this fea«. .ate the Border Stales. The loyal men of lbs Bordw Stuies are pot sltrebnllera.not ona n Irma« líe !.,"1 itlwiys «npportod thi» u:ea«iire, and shoal«) eontiiiiie to do ».>. Mr COWlN {Rep., Peon.).No doabt bet 1 am (he humblest of i-divioual«, and entirely on- known; and no doubt bul til» is the first office 1 ever hell in n.y life. Ii is true I an. here, and thal lam unknown, but, Sir, I stand upon this floor n the representative of I'euu»ylr«_t_i_-, and of nearly three inillionsof people. I eh.ill not undertake to apol¬ ogize for roy people. I know that when tai« A-ministration curse into power, with its worth* President, whom i have an« ained, and with whom I am proud to agree, hil eyes ware turned to the Stale 1 represent and nil ¡»»-opie admitted that apon her dérision depended the mue; and when tkia Sa» belliou broke oat all eyes were a^ain turned to thai State, and all people taemed to feel thal open ker depended the inae of the contest. P-*nn«yrra_-_a reriponded, and bar troops came first to the neeee of the Capitol. She baa a greater number of treeae la the li- Id than any other State, and har dead an Maa on mest every battle-fi- Id of the Union. I am not a in to apologize for the position I hold aa tbe Repreaan- tat i \ c of Pennsylvania. I am not Itere to apoiegite eil her for «ty youth or my inexperience. I hare never _ti'i*ritood that it waa Leceet-xry to «end a man here for years In ordor to apnrentice bim to hie doty in this body. I bave never understood tbat ice or length of service would sanctify folly, or that it would gire character to Billingsgate which might well be learned from a Uah woui.n. I have under- stood that Setiatora on this floor were e.pul. I bave I«Hlar«-il nobody, reproaolied r.'ibody, nor been dc*_- ma'ic ut'.nat ¡my body. I have assailed no man s person, but I did mean to say that all this talk about Senatora l.ctoring each other, ead being dogmatii», was, in my h'imble jodg* ment, mere idle badinage. I leave the et¬ ta«!-, wbieb hu «been me:e upon me and npon my past hi-tory; and if the Ser.alor who baa ehoeen te« make this unwarrantable, unjust and ongra« <*«al ai¬ ta, k on one so bumble and to little known, coo reconcile it to bia nnn of duly and propriety, I an j*rte.'tly con te ut to let it pi»». I will not advert to dis di.iiugr_telied career, but them all to the re¬ sulta of his own calm tie-:'ion. I made an ango- wen! whether strong or not, convincing or not, no mutter, I made it; and the r-enat-or from Obi«) intro du- el n it.*., rul.;ar, low <j .cul-tlkin, vvhi--h I know 11,(111 ni -lion be would io» have mude. Tüatarg-i- Qi**nt he :. ii a right to on» wer. lias he ? If I, **ntb my iir«...iij_ua_,nte, lectured, reproached, and wai dogmatic, how much more waa he with hi« great (»asi fame and long expérience when he eo«ide.»-e«_»<_ed to indulge in a tirade of buLf an hour, eiiargiug ne with being tbe watch-doK of Slavery, and a hmi<li*e»l other things equally, and eqiuiH* improjier. It is very eaey to mak . that charge, aad niélese t-> attempt to repel it. But while I am a repieieulative of Pennsylvania, I am sent here by that S'ate to nreaerre fie Conatitntion and retrtoxe tl,n I ,i iii, and in the exorcise of that duty I fe«*l my,-, li i.» mich in the Mee oi it when I tun defen-J- iiiK the Beath from whut I beliere to be an unwar« isnlebb attack, aad w en I am staudin,- «ipbe- tween Slavery and thoex.- who would un on»tii_. tionii.'ly overtnrow it, if I w.i* defending the ii t. len', ni the little village where I was born, und tir m.-ra <*¦>. I have re-istcd mtmyeeta which I cot side red n.ii« hi«.- \ o u.» and wrou_* uno luiconsiiiutioua], and I baa» aethlagla aajpataa that euhject. With too apprnv;.! ut my own out» i »ni*, I am perfectly wfL- mg to be adjudged for win'. I tbaO say or do. Aft« t fui (lier diocuaaion, a vole was taken on tb« iri-.T.-i lerati .u of the rete taxing «lar««, which wa eani-'h ui ¡.How«: l-l Ü ..l»«-t«. Bsawafew Ci.llle. Cowaa. Dalit Man I'.-.olitlle. Potter, Hal», ti »iii», K»«_».J> I-tat (In,! I.«ti »io, _f_Ooug.ll, Ne.niilh, fotvail, Bice, ää..U>.rj. Itorfee, i»-: Kjck, Wlliey. Wright. » A V m-M« art Anthon» ( Clark. FMiooden, koet .. la .¦- i'crl-xn, Howard. II a we, King Mur.Di. Pomeroy. Mimili . S ,i__»r. rromoull W ti«*, VV i.klnaa-»ii. Wilmot.IS, 1 h<* 'p.e. ion then recurred on tbe adoption «ii the amendment nropoaing a lav on person« churning ÉS servii-e at ii.Dor of slav co of $- each for every p«r- eon »<» «lained« Mr. II* «WE moved lo iimend so m to except tb«ee under I't years, and over 65. Adopted. Tbe Mi.eiidiu-ent waa Una i»j.« t«*«i follow«: V BAB- Mesara Antboay, Cimoaiet, ( mt, k»*.»<..!<-_ in, | .,.-,i ....)!,r!«a. it,-.; I. Howe. Klug. Morrill, Bin. ni. n«. üumuer, Tcuiab'iU. Wwie. W'i,ki«i»on, Wtlaiti!.17. SaYM.Meena BsTird, Browning, CorUaia, Cowaa L»a*-a, Dtsee, I)uo;l tie. Koiter, HA», llsru». K»¡medy, Lane (¡ti I. J.»ti em Mnft»»¡n.ll. HsssaUb. fiaMI Ric», _vai«_e-i'iry.BtarA. Tea fcyck. V\,i,-y. «Vliaoo (Mue.), VVrtgal.;3. Mr. KE-USENDEM (k>p., Me ,, »poke at Maa I». hi invor of the (.;.. -.ixje ot Uie tax bil!. H* would i, it pretend it waa perlectiaall ita prov-iaen», I.'i. .,- -v » i.... s »._»»; in iii« count ry, aad we have _.«. e*.|»ei-ieuce in the»e matter». This bill wa* tin're.nil of a vast «lent al I.-. ,«>r n ,1 r.».- -r .i a- < the iii.«»»:.«.'.'lions which it BMeafetedtl niko «h-eild beborae chanlably. In n*!erririg toihe n-ceasity of a tax i.ill, he tatbaaled tba d«.feiof ibe Gorcr.» BBBt M|70a,00O.OUOet (he end ol' the tite-t! ye«_.-, und thit. tbe yearly ii U_p«eaes must be v-e.u_y iacseaaad keneAer, as a Bsaol have a -tnjB »»»»»j. iinr hi try, and a mtjgm inivi. '1 'hi* t.v-'. ill wa. j a*-ed. YEJkS.Boona Auth. ny. llr ,nnln|. CirlC». fhiali, c.».i Catlioier,Cowoa li»«i«. n,nu, Dioil-iie, fewaaoaa, Y, t. footer» («riun-s, Boss, Horioo nt.r.a. il,,w«;_ 'low«, K.rg, ! 00 lltl) Latham. Bl )«.,,_. I, Ne« lillb Ia ,.r, ? Rice. Sin lone. Blsifa. looiooT IWI] k. TroosbaJJ W***, W i .ev, VV ..:...,. \V t_soj i.VUs« ,, V. iigui-Ji. >AV -Mr fowell Ab-. IN Í .M««srs. ltiyird )'.end»rn»n, Kenne-is, *_t_« (Rao, «) ('»are Sau lib uy, _>i ernie-. 'Ibtmicn, Wulkoaao, »nd VV ...on (Mo) Oa asilion et* Ilr. WIL80H Maa..! tbe Senite weat lato Eseaatire le_saea. and sakaaratatlr ad¬ join ned lill Momlay. HODVK Off KKPKKShNTATIVKS The Ho.-»* went into UoaMBfettae on private fcill« Mr. MORBILL [H*y.. Vt»j »aebs on éeaetaf landalo the Mevcnil Stau« tor establishing a^ricil- Itaral «i'rx'es. ile appel d to «entletnen wrote apea ii .. i n t* at t!ie i>,u knetswia kstrodaaad hy Inni. It«, ¡«..-eu.-»* would I. ive »he etfecl of i'nu^'.h- ening the lit-public, wronging nobody, and |toii.^ a Uenbii t«> the eniiit* penj Io for a^es to .-oin*. Ai ,-. I .. l-iTt!.- h«-» if as mâbn jirji-oeed, ia rri_i- Uiv ti. Bra tion. II» ..hos, e-1, at letiji-tb, th»-Jvitc- (a_"i* of ti¦.<> «ya*oro. vvtiim wo il.i atfird an i»pp-cr t . .-.! i a'.itiii aeoom|»unied by a love !«ir useful j labata Mr. COSlDeeu, ObM, ia ibecoui-aeo; bisii-teeb, staid w'.ule ue wa* iinxiou- t « Lelinre llie Frr»nleiii rikjht he v*,.ji Bgabm an a u! IgaBBB ftttig «a lo thon I w!.. I'.'t-.t Hean; Ifeeykaae the «.:,vity st Idaetraetlaa kal eel the BeateetafeaÉdao»« Ivsa» I Boa hi aat la Bkah* baa» rae daaejn w"a aliiaacebctweee ib.« he-.- bcaaaeadAkebtioaiea, IwbeBe'wB» BU «^lavery n ueliaiii-e ol' BBS Cousiua- t oe » .t i-i-vne. II.- mdcBwd ii' 11 - -. -. 111 li:« ae si ; ill -a »aa i-.iuii* oa ot abane, reiii-u-kiof that tieBtry li In ni it -ite. a ¦' : * i ludiciive COI.I »11». Mr. NOBbks(De-fe.,0.) anraedtkettka X -aael ., beiag ot li««!'.,i aii.l iaaaed »e»ar, ci tifi ni at' .t :' al Sal *- »e behr local. .»:. >ri ». "liaur» . i..!, i. tarasco way antier tiie Coa«xi(a Joe oi -1 . ». .s iib ft. Thai me Iel alas sha lBat-a d i¡.. ... ..." >-¦* '. i-.i p .:. i.;,» ¡.. in. i. «i"1« «ee» ian « till Be I ty. l°:ii .»».« i:.«»v,i«l<m**» 11«ir«n»« »ii"** , « : , I « c '.'i-. ...:¦¦.,.!... .,,..:. *v: n ike -.¦¡"¦ti .... ,-i,i ¦., .tul :, Mrssa ifean , | ! : i .... I'ildfei _ee»n| -? 1 :. ; (hqifuK«' «» fair,,. | rad.j Jusa .. IMI ibt» ..- .: aita ">i i, ,.....,«¦ tali Btaoreral petaa » I a. So Baanga -at -.-.« a .i ..« .»« Iront I*unan«.. L»»»« » .'- Xki :.t' j 't BB - :. .. el.,« 0«)'i"! »'' . . »ni ... Use cn ..«¦».. It nana ant« I .. ,-. .'sv,. "...r.'OI-" H>-e in :,,: ¡pally «". ". ,.,l ,. at iii reg n 1 lo Hie la .»fey ti » ., iiit littler.. . iianiasatad sa tbe pn i-vi. .... :,!ti ,hi«ii," s U e BSBB ¦i ! '.-.¦ ,\ -.- to b'orl Lyea. n Itrreipis of t-raMai-r. i i a ¡,., t - * aa *r* -. c .*«. ... .V..I...I. :; .; . vv,., «» I. ¡. i..:. 9 ¦¦ '(v. 4,'«M aub aal ltd .... I». «... -lou.. : i'».» L.rd Bl . J* d* ? Paaorugera A rr I »earl |. », a, 'sa. fe Ml Ml OS II IM "1". '--".. ila «i v:i ¡. Bi .i.». ¦ ¦""<< M ". Oiaaeine. «fen ..»V lull' ...».Jill,».', li»* ia.. t'lJLg. .. *-...». .».<» xtr,«« »» -sl 1er, in «.« a»t« isai .».* " nti In'*" Sb* '.). ti« O"'ei Us«, ».»li' t'»a* »A

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Page 1: XXXVIIth congress. « 7 - Library of · f aitin«.'** froai Ftmt «Pue._ «_7nty«*i«

f aitin«.' ** froai Ftmt «Pue._«_7 nty «*i«<'rtJ|,K xh<M,J Awn'-' *r'm"1 ArxX¦ *D<i ¦1"*

.m Cao lick «nd «MME. i, lu l-':' " " - '

rem.iii. "it'i'¡ 1>'"r '" '.

Oat on II.« «.nu-airi ev.*t mp K that I '. -'.

Bin«<) r« nr'Ti-'J' i h" ".ri ,: <!*' 1.'"»-'--

Tt.aj C. :itr.i'a».nd r'«»'... tl'.it (I...!.-., lbs Ifhl «f

_V.ud.iv, Um bo"»« I |* and ali lllPalli i-ot-iiain*were covered witli po «pie to witness the battit,avery une ex fie« tink»'.o .ce ta-ir MOOBI d.iieii latd||,e l''_i¡-ii_ili.»:ii:'i;'. bat '.!.-i: l'i".v MM lire BibliafaunibKio«\ard:Íi«iii>, tie «._". .!. e. eeBBnBRMttBB

«.anvaJÍeil. M,n.y A the aiih.ibKariis bave croseod

tbe James Uivei, «xne«ring the niîv to he occupiedby oor lro<Ji»s Boon.

It il romored thst Gen. Magnider is going to

ieaj4.11, having katMBM iii»ja*u».eii Vtiin iV K«Bjd.l MU«ton v fctliniii.--- t-'x.n.

Wa 11» informed that »here are no tr.-ops l«w*«iithe IUpp&b__nn<»ck atei tbe army of the PetMBBIanaler cotnmaud of Q«*n. M<-('lc!lnn.Everything hae be«n very quiet to-day.A Una' of ti-u.-e came in ti»- lay from Gen. n.igf r,

Mking for the bodies of (len. Pettigrew, and iola.

D.ivi». Ligli.i'oot, LaBJ. and Britton who were su|-

poeed to have b.irn killed m tim lal«) binti«. Col.

Davis was the only on« killed. Lightfoot end LongOr« piisoner». uni Ki.ti-n was woundc-d, »s BtM

Gea. -Pettig.ew. foi. Dawiït bo-tywU be MtBOai.-?

The »¡allia ol' h. ».-ia OaL«.

Bien An «»(»omIod«! CorreiiKjuaent-Bbi>t¿«i «J..>,!, .¦BSBBBSa-aBB M onlay. Jont 2. 19.Î.

i-Wi-irday mg1'! leOM, u|kiii the l.t.iii« -tieiil cf that

day with the enemy in full fciee in froaa» Ourti «.»ps were under arms all night along the t-ntira

bo« of sclion, prepared lor the renewal of the fig! t

the next im»rping. During UM night the enemy l».i<ladvauwed tully np to t" furthest point made by iht-tntoe day befoie, and w«re Btrougly ¡«osied on both.aides-jI the ruilroiiil. (¡cn. Scdgwii-k'a division hailarrived on the right on Sntmd-iy eveninc, too l.tte to

tekc -ian in the action ti that Ary, but tresli and

«Mkger for tliat approaching. During the night, Bir¬

ney s briirade had beau pos'id at botter advantage of

position thsn had Leen the hu tune of our troop» <*v-

enpving that and the a«li-«d"i»t gioumls of the di«ybefore: and wit'i the detennination to rrdeeiu thelosses of Saturday in.*»¡jiiiting our entire line, tin

oetiou eotiiuieiiiH. Tiie re_.iai"Ut» to which theBrant of the battle fell were those which had not »ni*

fried much in the coutonl of _l*o Jay before, al-

thii'iigh all ot IleiuUi-imau'fl curpd!, or Hooker s and

Kearney s dil liions, k«i»ii Key tra s corpa, were rep.c-wntcd in it. 1 cnn*jc' say that a'iy MgBBfantl bod)from Casey'«-« division juini'ipnted in Sunday's work.The affair is yet t.»o BMB to admit of a descriptionio full that would du jnM-M to all t!:e partiiB AmmTbinc especial mentiou, arid to 1 en'ioii a part might doiijnfclico to o.hers. Two», however, whOMspheres of acuna were within the tirld of my ¡,er-eoual o'oaenatiou, I do not hesitate to nient: m,

although («th.»ie maybe pajWmByAmmVtmtg* Then(*»ii !.«*» i,,«,_!,«». mu ii»; S ..-,:.-, - brigade in Hooker»,and Birney s in Keturey'i division, covered ti.cir>Mlves with g'oiy in their Boveial rh_.ra.-4"*, «-acha*"a:_ist a force much their fnir-erior in ni-.mhers. Un¬fortunately hi UmmM. Gc-n. B.n-ey waa oideiedantler arrest emly in the moraine for lorne infractionot d.rdfrs, and »be cm'1maud of h.s brigade devolvedon Col. J. H. Hobart Waal at Um ^tu New-York.Under gallant officer, this brigade, eduit>¡u.t¡g oftlo :$>.th am'. 10th New-York and the Ud und -ItliMaine, and te which t!ie Ttit MBMBNMBMtl had 1>«H!te_npoiaril« attacliaxl, droie a mu« 1, »ti-.au_.-ei- lone 0:

the enemy, t'trough a heaiT wu -J- -J rivamp, out oi

the «soodi« .lit" au tpca 'iel J. nieie two iSfineoMof the biitri'le wee ¡ajnif-.i »kj an to ;ive them a

galling tire ti »t s«»>n c«iiij»e!led IbantOfltD back;m 1,1 wheu OsLWaal naanátbs lajeaat eato-fe,like ealire lnl,».i«k* gave tieai ihe pvii.l, wid drovetLem foi 'lea-iy a nfls IBBBSMbel r.«.i!. Sickles'--la%fedi mm 1»ee tai mm wy t Mete at the Mtjroaat,and «Ji-div* them Vtiil _ ,.- ».:. |fl In eolef tbe r'.tlr-p.i*> heat Write) the] mm bsbIIbi A ith t«j oatWa«!»»*. Ti.ese sueces-sj», l"ol!»-wed up wiih ooorageand i«ro:,.i>ii.ei>a, Sfeatoiaed hy -i,..« Ltaj.I GtgLtingIsBed "ariel -di\i.' a, rattkdtbeibrtaMal thaeay,Ble! cbaiii-ed « lint L«. bfcli lia» cit.e-; loliKr.-ieu it:...

Mvereat enga-temenl n-' of t'.e «.Üeghanies int«, a

NBaaaa lal lfian**h oi o:n ann. The Rebelt tollback all aftnt-i-oi., and a liMOBOOMMMM t«>-day Bn>rovers utxic a iihiit a dir.tiiu-c of IblM BBtoBMl OMpositiou ti Siititialay.The tot idnet <«i iii« Rebele in thi eugifNBBBMM

ye«tetjay au'l lue da.» iie.'.rtr Vi ,u) IMMh if a bett« r

«coûte. GeL'-m! «tucet» tyaak M 1 .¡.a.- cf their«bar-,-.-» ou -Sat!Ma 1 ai »j-leii'i «I. but thej OJOM if.

strong fo:ce, the altin »ii.-' j.aii...:.(! aaVl the ___BfeM

if Mama.Ihne Mian utiiei. a« ¦:; at¡u ii iheyBad any feed ii<-ht m, it -I.mild SSBM o'li mini »

euch (ire.'.MtaBMa T!¡ev ««util 1: ! artd our Hoopsa(»cnt UV« in one, accordiny to the l»est recotini-ie-MMM t'aat MoU Ix; n.a.'e Ire dattiori lines 0!'h 1-

t*ie. l.vicg in .arder, s*j|pordagM I utiic:. Theil lu«-.Bi'ist h« frcu'Tthan MWOWB iii I.ill«-«..»«.iliap. led

00 gie.-it i-. iioiindef1 Tuey u» In« »r: *i.i_.« oi one

ball and li¡ive Inihthiil MOM etteiti- in theftranges, and m-.T* IsOB ttitt than ¡he raaB pii/clritte-ball, as tiiey vf««c:ii,l WSM thai the»- Lill.

Fi'ani psissaan t«W«*u jMMsaaj I hen of one Aia-lacia r«.;nti."ii i'...t v»eaf 11«» ,(,.- OBfafSMMB BOM1,300 strong on Snltirday morning. Sov-hi MMaBMIt reported o:ly j '. '.t. i*_,:- if the tat Soothfa,- Ima tak»n pria i«'-r hy B .my » liii^ade con¬

firma that M.MBOBt, wai r"ivt-, ,,!..;Lr repruth ot

other ('Kees. His 01« n r< _.:..'.'.:.t hid :r,or »Lau tittykilled by one «ire of one ,i n rsgiaBMMS. Sl*nferj«aitli lbs Am nea

Hu-' eil; on.- lo»« wa- ver, i:--.. » p !arly 1:1

wounded, aid in!!-« up to li aoj-wftsa. Bitais. »

Bilga«.< .-. killel uri aoaaded !.>.-: IraM BMaV/la aV 3i M.ii.« »nu MBh New«Yorh.The laiie* I...» aet yet hoeaahl .*¦ .

BMMsM the hilled aad wool !- 'I

Tork «Btta (..! «mm -, hal not »,, tbe szteal el rdthn ottL, ¦>:' 1 iia-iicd \ih.le t!,<3 !tn M¡ iae hriag -wstedne:u l! I :., ad ir-ai', .,

wuk, liri lui vet.»'.«»». a*.J all-«I _B ,-.>. idfedboiogslightly-

ii«.t aBeogsrkh¦ i>: rid i ihi Imwb »« ¦»- *--

tere, tL-: iiuuoci 01 wc«uii't»d leponeii being u.'«r

1,0 Ki. 'i].c»t «:e feOM '»t::!^ hteajjM '.er ¡or re

Bioval hy « iir t-i White IIuum-, a 1 (,J the MOOadl_o !!. tit/-'.':i«H_j 6 ossfs b.tin»,; asea eaatml 'ilesan lu'ive Lut »¡nui;, ai. «a. Be . for retananfato) the g.«.mid .!..h 1 i.. potten -

WitL the wound.d. -'¡.itie -, ot u». iu win,..ter; aadtoaanftethehenonerl tv-*-it ritaaBaa. »».«

lasa baa tesen ihanhi Miaaa fla tw<» aiobM iaeuix-esi.oti, to vii.uti these wietohad iisâaeiini¦MRMl

MOt 'Mi.M I IB 1 BURTo-night .he (MeWMM «"-i the iefi ;h«I. jv>ei;¡i,n m

ed canee, y. u--' a« far <*.-«"_._« i - w-.-i, ¡i-j .: ¡,

toiii;»» ...lud ,.. latarday. The empeaM full afronaor» luat iii« l.uia 1 al it» eva,-, ¡ fe «i, ! it vi l...t¡..- .,1

«oottheia iattuth m 'Le raaw it B I taaUBa IO de¬termina »mr«, ahiinu«*-!. m L,.u._ j, y c, ;...., low«e-inr, tim our toeeot rthsa fedraaeed eaaesaaajRebel cauiji- at tim pall of 4he hat-, sad tr.e M Mt]MBB the Ightef Satuniav w11» to « -i fe me nor*.»antill ti..* mar of i*. n_»y Le r. ;. I, ,i. v l..,i>.oot evacoaiod ktMhaHMB, and fa id leaaedtotolr ioeo, lhere can b«- no fMMha that tv. an on tbe d v«of tlie m<*t Urrri'tl. latfs of the war. tamt w. reB-nrd thii feftenidon in the direction 0f itmWt Ulam.Bd then le a muí«»' thaï the |aa|eet! have BMeocî«tbe etolructifui, bul ia Lfeid'y believtd. li trur_

'ihanllie great tinRJA coi~ot mutl. Jongei be d'

layed.Ibe ii l«*iBg oddh-oTi« t-v the li*» of ejirniHltisr of

S.i"" !,.s He,n...«".neii- ¡.r," »II li.' ¡in bl <'!': ¦''

'I .'-... .¦ BM i" Bu%

Kee IL .....',«.!' nile "(I'ei-d Set«.«I*. .' 'rli' ;Ul ]>in ike "i elk re, s . » wB\ tn\mtint b<" ''

tiieconf ifi-'U and dieBpeknlna IBB» which Hie)

In-tve ibu* been ikaeaia will be settled into u state of

ndbi aniidBasg ikna te kaair "n.' en iheir killed

ead -raaaaad. Large Banken b*\e been sen* orr fat

tim bneyllel» kelea erben anan ead"!«--

iifcve,.»! le, i. .«Mc.n'K'd- »"J "'»»J* 0ftl,C IÍ!lcd

»re olr-odv \nu-i IdeeaaVat¡on.Oen. Boomi Main», ¡-»i»«'1 ».'n

,..,.;,, v.,,inna «ivv-ii'KK.Km ¦o.-Jotn'jeid«. ÛOOOjBaf B . Albeit Ponorsfe Cem-

9 'u'inveri. '.!..:.( trm Basnatgililiifaatl bartil,C«as»«J,»I vitra v«v»r»,tV"ir.''v K¡ Jubo» inUrnon. Lociptnyh T Sfaoaaa--1 H*-UIT tumulte, loi_p_ny C, Jobn-iorke.

Company A, de. M-rfeaaa. Cot-p-ny K.1 Ii li« U MK IIIiAV.

Brot ".ntl»- 'sate "»öekel. Co H | (Jenrge (Jtrdier. le. H ;

Oeoig» Kihby, C« li Oiter .S»iniu.i, Oe, li. him PBaasYtTAai.Bstt.trtr."fM We»«a.Wni simp.Dttvcji« M.-All!.tar, Wm. II. BelkerilotT.

0.m:-II1 nu!,I ]..»M>-"_« '.HD FI NS.YI.VANIA.

lYnaaaa II aalai v. ( 0..« Joh» H. r»rdoipK Co. H..iM-lllSt.! I |,»AN'I)--|)I1K)) PI.VI-ÏI.OM1.

Woi »run.J. li Scott, Co. '»..

OBI «iirsni P-AWMTOaBTB finn- TLVASIA.W',| -.-«»i». Ken*, in I.owder, Co 0| Cha» Kell«-, Co. Ii;

(>,ri,ii.,ii Shermir, Co, K QiiarO-ri. nie» J. K. ilei.crickLorl M. Brifkeia, Cr- 1 ; Len Rodney, io. H. Corp. Thou ta

Hände. Co. K Anguatif Haiup«,x>u. Co li Wm Soily, Co1 Janie» Betty, ( e M . Cbriitivi Ditter nan, Co. B. ; Win..'.,. -.i Co O ». ti, .ia.- a .':,«. Co. O. ; Jtcoh R. BrinkST, Co B; Denial Crader I ... D| Win. C.rniel, Co. li JohnH imei, Co. It Si-nnel I'sp'or, I'o (1, l htriei hin|. Co (JAdiui J. Kuhn, Co. O, VViu. St.pie, Da K; Krauk Oenet.Co. K. -sau J1..111 lib e, ( o. K¡ Kdsx'trd B. Johnson, Co. B.Oea, S t ni,or, Co. ii, Amas* H. Deit», Co. I; Henry Del-weiter,Co. K Mt'tin ICttli-rd. Co. O.

aaa bomdbbb is» fitth Pa-taeiaveaaiiuKui an.Win. H Soialier, Co. A.»V ... »!>».!. .Jo»e|ih», C«. A.

1 uti .«Ki sara roasatXTABIA.Wur.M.nn. -(.en Hell. Co. B| Myron McDonald, Co. A.

SIXTT--I s »NTH PI vssyi TANIA.Wor>n»i. .Win Templin«, Co, li; Jene Rlnb.r C«. Ii,

Iiri»l .«.'pcrcex. to. A Corporal (MOT Atherton, Cs. I); J.A. klip, lu. K , l.ldor "su-i . i».oip (Jo. K.

ItXTYTBIBD PBBBBYLv'ABIfeaWoiaaaa PnM Mehnfey, to. te.

mm pf.NNSTi.VASOfeWorMHii)..John J'atttrson. lo. A.

IU . V--' V I NI It .VKW-lolll,WniMt»'.--i'»p! Van Ne»», M»rlin Alien,

Botssoss-G. Mater, Co E¡ IoomoI Dewitt.PHIaTI MW-ToRK BATT88Y«

Wot sr.,1«.-li. Ken.lugiou. Co. li.Bia_CTY*aSMTfl MW-TiiRK.

Woi M«Hi».-lo«epu Huirles, lo B| ü«**>rge H. William»« a »:.

IIITV.'IXTU VKW-YORK.«Yoi nit.:«.--Valentine BSOfeOMB, Cr E.

i mi! T-«)'« UN I H SKW-TOBB.W.i ni,an .Aldi- -n Huntiii.'teti. Co A.

BB< I'M) Mil HKiA.N. W l.oug. Co. E.» UBI IMH M U.M.

Woi HMB . Ed»i!. 11.»...ek, le». B| 0 II- r.

» n m BAeaicsn strrs,K11 1 "ti.Cant S,ii«tl. »'.pt. I).», Lieut I.eli'id.u, ,.,.»,._',.,, Me«, Co. 11, ti. l'.ord»n, I 0. R, ( Or-

por.i II. 1». lioiuutli", I a J".

Tue lollowing uie ¡i j>o:tion ol'the .asm-tie» ol

(be buttle of Sunday, Jane I :

Toll Tit >!«INF.Km i«.'.Vugjitri Poefcss It« K l)eiitia Kn-iwl»., Co I

IVimrsp BsnfmS Cslsn, Co. 11 Oeorg» .Steel, «Jo. II

«Si,»« ii._g,«», Co. HI J-lu. C. C.irn»r, I.,. K; Situ l_.

Yt.n:i., teriuuily, t o. h.tatas maim.

Hi-.».*.-Wa, TI»m!.. (o ( I D*a*a.O* 0 AC lit.I Y vv k. Mooorr, Co I J II lind, n- .', Co. 1 II. r.

V!«.y», (el, Joba !'. «I» I 0. LVV ni NUKa- ( ipi Ki I.mond I'o. K. Uni Wortottfr.

Co. C¡ _ieut iitttt:!. le. Y.. !_.:_!. I..«.. A. L. il»ir:l Co.

II, Serat. K. M Br.Ji-t Co. B Bergt. H ¡i Hil 1 o. K-.- |t ( ).«. II«.,.,otu«, Ce. K Sa,,l. VVa.. Ia. I).,t.«|. 1 ,, IS«*.-g- Hnjgt, Co. 11. _.*__ O. i'. Morrill, Co- B; Ün-idí,-, Co K VV. H. Lv.ii, Cn B Funk in Thou.p».a ('¦«

K Jotepi, !»«.¦ C« 1, O K. P««k«rd, («.. Y 11. vv . bar,Co. B| fe W. M-rrity, Co. h K. llyit. Cs. B EL N I. ignlea, Ce B, E. Tbaapeoa, C«. P| -Vit". Baataa] I. Otutot( 1 «.,8. W..-g 1 -. Y. C. y \.»ni» Co. B. H O ¡*gi tu

Co. C. h. Bafel « » C ¡ Bra». Horn Co. C ; Omle (Vooki 1 r«

( Cb»«. W'e h ( 0. C; J»» W i.huui. Co. ( Cbei I o. (...W PUleraek. Ce K J. Y 1 s.l.n. Ce. K; lt»i.ry P-i -m « h A. J. v. oíd be » ( ., ki N. ( Mas*. ( o a. JW *. sv.i Cn. a .1 il IV'eteea Ce. Ai E. P. Bbow, Co A,C A. Coot,,be. Ce A II. Í Y muna, ( o. .1 , It. U.ton, ( o

II T. H M»-ry. C Di B I Krooklsnd« «o U I. M Hiy.1,,. Co Hi li K Dann:,. » D| N. Y Ilc.oai- a. Co I«,A. It. li Wood. ( o K, H. .. Nteell, ( o. K H. Jatiiitan( .. K J C lllt.iot!. ( O K: B. W. Miitlt. ( Xi. K '»»» .»

»Ji.dnei ( o. J.

FH»*..1SO\TN WfJmBMBïïB Oh Jllli.OV

Canal Iii»*«' lu Ihr «».li«i.iiii<lim»i I lus I, ta

lb«- i -in»iriiflion of at »»ont«»«»»Itritl-gi l"(l l*ri"*'«tier» t'iiptiii i'i».

Y ,1 «v ,"? I 1 .¦ .,,111:1,is, l IMoi 11 J «« »* > V... rridty. J ¡at fe 1 L !

r¡irti.«r paseaM cfdaekaea bas keea InpsaBklen*'..'.¦'.- .VU io Ibe sudden r'.se of the Slitiu.'nlouhl'ivn. I IKir,'«»..!. bridge, trplueiin' tlie bii.ljrebasât oy ibe Bebele, w:_*i eee_iflsied, ead ¡-: rt

Cm. Krem >nt's for. e SBaSBSl (bia morning, li

ia.ned bard nil and day, and the river I.ex^HDto rho aery rapid!« ato! not li botiaBns biin¡»,bl : don li fin! iiiiiiiitiliüri of driil-vviKul Mii-i

li ,'¦' ai .«' «iiiully parted the bndfre iu th»nî-Mna. Tbe aasterial wa» nil ¦aed,eadaeaaes.deau eesatiada fearheadree1 penaaenbs e'»»»o',


t**«;OM ISOIT HOYA I..>t l/*.l.i:i. or (.KAIN ANO l-l oin.

Spatial Ssf 4c» 10 'in- .*¦'. >. li.1.une.! Mi I. it,, Kii'l«», June u 1 ¦,.'.

Oaata Beadeceoa, iii.-f, h*. lakaa1» eoBea af el tke leer arias in tiio taaej isa»tlii-i with tl.e f/rüin and rlonr on bund.

Befi Beards bees besa (paatei bj tbe ('oiiimbnd-

kfej Geaatel I all famüie. erbe rt-(«ue«t theiu, v.;tii-

oi.t respect to lucir lovalty or di»loyalty, ai.d tl.e.aldivi t\1io v''-.. »bein will do 01 under the |«e:i-i»if» of bein); imiuediotel» »hot.The weather 1« »¡¡II un-rt.led. andllie n.»_ alii).*.',

r -n),!». llf'.ii '.liitithei ol the K'ieiiundr»a'' nf«tifel e.kir!.*.


I »1» HHM TO »MBIXK «Ol«.1BT.are

.«.nillir« » a| Illili, en III« pan al

iii. Ileb« la,roam : * - I id»v. a «i ,n.

Whick irata up .lane* 1,'isii-Baa. »j ai| ¦. !.«». -r» laka a..

.. 1 _«-.. ( neerea ead«, kail sainen Ism .-i-*

. -irne-.i ii:» in rang, laiaalag bael kka a_i ..

nilli hei. f.: ii. iiuj-ei pean »ed, ea beimü o¡ ui»G reiB-Beat, tbattbeboBaaesweald bs '.«'..- .

¡or the pin, .,-... Ai 'n. Bpealbil in' ni, .!,.-

;*ivau)«:» areas eaat aa, Msdaaikek a .nu! at Ubi,-, ,tssriaa ol na» uii,- eawa ir-im Pstsaakari

1 a lag aftra atoieeetretken«T.i- eaaeeted keataaaaaoi adages keerd, kee

. .« lae prirateenweN aetgleaaBp^bBtacMni. ioa v 1 sata te the itakri Garema ata »

lag aa eapbuiatioa. v,.-..«« n_m keek toi S effect Iiba! Qea. Bngei ext !«!.'! Ida lotkerity, aad tkatlortkn c ntl!« 1» «. ..¦¦¦¦¦.bl »,«_ meneen bel . ¦¦ tb« .

iga eeaM ka eoneioted. li waa nmediafeara ra»

pliad i.y t!,r ti., ol trace 1 -*r»t ihn ikej sraali r>-

ii «in al Ch» Petal » raeeoaakle ti-.» ia ndn tailad oaf» nae.

1. « nat io lbs Wnr Hop-«;: neiit .1 r

Band,aadbaandia-i «..»s-.-i peanind tb«. Jii,r»*,t*. Toe M. ¡«.iii J t l| Um .lay!

Bg .« ;' :"¦¦ " I r MlJilII. st felliH-fii.:^ a l,oa: Baksre, and leii.n.',, - |_a( ti'U.n... -u «Iaapeetedfro 1 Bitbasoad,ela .tatted aabarrataniaaaa ibe r.«wi. Dariag kB Wey at (Sly Ma»

'.' ¦. '. a:. .' 1. (jdelay wkick '!.<... » iaeblifedte tabarii le, ead .

i.'i'i'iiti-ni wi.« te< tmtiy expei ssad .>> erin ti bmthe pa-.»-.}-., down. \«,«¦.»«.:* BtMiaelioiM wen

......,, keweaer, by Col, Wbipple, uio wa« in <¦ «a*i-iniid ni lbs Maj:, a:¡.l no .1 juhle hio.o.


ruo M VOuVFREBS .lOM'ui..I »li."i»), Kndsj lone _L ) .-

TbeateaatM Mysticarrired ibisneaaiagwkb iiiBf-seeats leesatl) eaieura. ', Geaeial McClell «.

kfe ludir«^ eleven 1 It raia

Th. Bi ¡tish mam} ti'wgg Mtttt wie 1 Una morn-

i OK*-ri,. ;.,,'ivi Heul se ems sad li ii'.' ampa, wbiCT

,..i i..«. , ,.¦ .¦.'¦,' : a «beal;he MrfriaBM were aBBSrBBB in d10 uiiinld of om

.v.! v- r.a... 'V ". M "'

'1-, (T'l reeaandti »eld M , .-'¦.IlalbiBeag.N-wport New« bss beerj a aii.loiited hi a military

noel, i.ii»i tie on.uunre »tore«. ai 1 be:ng removed to

the ?birrie.

-nu: WAI IN' Tin: fOfTil WKST.Rum*. Mo., Tburtday. J nu« à, '.J

Coir. White anil r-B-lsg Bl 'he Basel anny, and«lame» llaitiey, Secretary of State uneVr Clnib. Jack-Hn, withal-Ml twenty ortJinary Kcbels. ware csu*

in red at OBBbHb. a t'-w dayl sime.Advice! from (»«-ti. Curtie'i «tnny in Arkanias say

»hat ¡.cowing parti« from liena. Carr and Oller*I. ..tie's I)»4iei-Mis, ia front of Li'tle I ed River, g_lfrom Cen. Steel's on the left and rear, have been

Vf-iy sue, e«sfnl lately in break »'nu mg Hebel i-ampi,and lunniiig down gnarril'as. Lietit.-Col. Lewi« ol

(be lit MiTMiuti fell in with a party weit of

S...riy, and charged on lln-ni, killin;; foui, audvvDuiitlin»* about twenty, au«! «wat'eiing the rest.

N"»ar West Point, a party was routed by MajorHawkins of the wh Missouri, ami a Hebel lieiiteuauiMbea pii'ot-i'i. Lu-ut. Kicked of ihe '.bli llliuui*

Cavalry attat-ked a paity at Ca»< l.e River, killingfoTir, wounding four, taking two pri»>oners, aStd driv«Ing the reft ¡Bto llie saamps. Major Bowen, ©oin-

ninnding a detachment of Lid or. u bati-lioii mid tbe

'Jil Iowa Cavalry, at 9 p. m. on the 8th of May, Wupon a Hebel ramp at Kirkupoo Bottom, whii h iiweit of Hatesvi'le about li milei, killiug three, andlettering the Rebels in even- direction, capturing alurg* ai-vjt'nt'jf MBBfBB. garriione jiipagc, til ¡irisou-ers, 25 horses, bi guns, .10 or 40 bowie-knivn, and 30levolveta Thii wat a daring alt«« k, the mea leav-

iBg their hones mid | harjiug in the laaim* will«tbeir BflBBBBSa Our uoope run take the R« bel») uu

their own (-round of guerrilla warfare, and ahotv«uperioi arm« ami braver conduct.

Pinr.iB, Fiitlay. Jtinaí, 186F.Col. Noble, coniman.linx at this poet, with nearly

hi.« entire comniar.d, are BBSS!'own the river, and will leave tomorrow.

St. Loi:i, Jnn« '», U'lA aMMBBl ol-»»««! ir.,111 Ceri. Hnlle. k roy» t!i»t tbe

Stale .-I Mia-on 11, except the Ctntntiei of Min.1tippi.j Nnw»Mailrid ami I'«-n,neate, will lier-afler c-ii-ti«tut« ibo Miliiary Heiartnent oi MhsMB-, io la?

j Commanded by Rrigadier-Gen. Bl iliel-J. The hamio South-Weil MutoLri "tvili I«- itibje«.' to the «»»ti« 1

¡ot JI.ij a-('en. C'liti», OmbBBBMlal and Mütu.v(I. vernoi ot AikanihH. The County of M>«n-ii|'piwill b.ja nu to tl,e I -t.t of Cairo, un.iri *«>u.

Stt iug, and tbe Countin of Pemiscate um! New-Madrid lo liie Dill tit t of Coluuibtii. .uder (¡cn.


FItO.1 lill- .MIKMInNIPPI t'l.OTIII.l.e»

CoHtiniKii liiipro» en.rai ia our .'Inilnr-!.. n. ti» « A imiIIh 1 ."«¡MrroTv f'.n. ii|t- «I

CJeii. Vllliplgui- I'lrlBg ef the K.tx-I*-.»hrtilnui 01 Death Despeialr Ikanc»1er« «ii the "rlailn. 1 Ii . I A*«i ipr,i a, e HVplor-Sle t onduio« al

Arkaaaa. 1 be i:t i.ruiwioa tal l'arialB.Hi. lFllerl mttimt 1««PiMrnl -III ImiIh-

SBBB .». Pille**.Flora Oar Speti. ('orre.|-oi.d*n»

e. F ».'.i,: Pi ilow. M H *..

A,.... Mi.,1 ¦..-. «-.-...'-... M h-jbt, M.» j!. . «..'. )

I).i rilli/ il»«» en«' BuSl H I.» ». «icy« lbs tiling of nu:

ni"! Lu » La» be. i. , iBetsgsler, ssdPI in Pain Baallim, lo a certain ..' ^-r» e, pi-i;»v tit, ii ti e h|-j «a .. ..

Ban » in-.- -i-1IH41I4II.II 1411 IH14 I »I- N IN I'I» '"llttli"

narauOar asMlanan snd bniei niau»

«m-,-, mi-i n iba Baan :. an ni ; ¡ihhC y aigaslafranbeato ejtihg ot CfBbjbi-ii r M of Am «vesrtt.j ssd.

, i, otu 'lui - fal me neal par!», .» ey pat Habla M as -'a.

rba eagle al .-beb. ,i gani n asa sen diet.arg»aii-i-i'iv ...ii ',.. i| i.i-.uiiil tbe <jiiat.tit4

'ni BSWdM BS -veil.« i.ti my i.'iind.; *ev«-u

Ipossda ti it.g tie r.arge M Ibi beiaba, wbkfa afila Banb es 44. .e .'I j«' !,-.-i.-. .t.tier vu-!'-iu ev-

pH :i:ei:», iii . i .<- vit!« li .ill'! hu ,n' ..! »w'J.eil'l tl.e be«« .1 ulai «I to tbr .44 .¡a-1!. MtW li»' ¡lu»»i Fie sana] » MM I aA lum.'« i at beaaba bee beei pbMed tbns s/bhb

till" J-UI" «i I.4-, UI.J irilll. (Li I. ;..l lu .". bli '., tia.¦uria baa bi ia ibssna bb», it ia ¡-»ir i> Bap] -.>»e s.eue

¡¡jay lo 'I' .ii».!,- baa baea arasagbtaano l in :: BAMBOU » »< til «n vi! ii i..i t.

An iiii'-il-cen» .¡epf r;e, limn »i.. I'..-- -..»..ii, oftearbaaanbarn osTbsnday,esef tie ganpeaFpied by tbe nei igenoftb« r.--- - ..- I thai¡al«_.(' hajnestB.I intoViOipigse'eteat, »vi. » bewa» n-.iiLii.;-n'ai ¡i »«uti: a vv.iik »ti tnlbi» l'».ic-ti.. tit- ;i i-. 1,. v-Hit i.ieial blfjbn i-'t-lf in he» irth i.i n diitain - of ii"t more 'bau i»«ur feet lim;.:be Creole cbieC

Tile (i.-neiul inil.TK ttty ¡ fn lie ..l'un a .|,.

«ol the I'-iu. and a ginbti oi nldien eatside vtb..

«a»v tíiü bell b i-» ami ike li ice tatt it bad i ids blj the < h:.rd«, ran into tbe oJb.ei« besdgSBI ti ii, .-».-

IpeC.Bg '.< 'ii'd bim «lllid. .,r at ¡eli»' nSStelj441) iitilf-d. luptiosed iii»» i» its Bren ivaH ed-rbestbeybebsld .ilnpigae,or"Btllc pig, usani

'«>t bu meu «ai... assa ¡a -.. h, 11 i.i« rrrsf- sanr.ill liiui i.teteu m. ii SSM, BSd Ititiif is B "rnei

»vbere Iii« »ml ten Bn«I,e vtraorililüiiv i»ili:.t|i-. badtbrowii bim.

, l lu I ..i¡:. ernie rorypli '. I ..

.-.. .11 i.e |. ,, li :.i .. «.li»-.- Ila.: ¡ni- ii i!

bimba sppeexed to asee i psititslar ania. i.

.: "a-ItsF. .'.: I. TI t!:i« BBS 'le tbi'-l IÍBM ibsi i.' - p»! tue ld_ tust be eotild enell i» -"i¡I I.

Villl| ¦¦¦ , bed i '-i .. n. sadI tboagb I' li- bel, «p-ealip IO I- ilaiu n ;- |. .... ,,f |)ilt T ne r ¦- ;t ''"-e < alt .lila'i .» ..¦ b- .

towera defective ble eo.*pri , -.i .-of i-.

preeen 'int- asd -ti roaeJu.i :i¡IS«. »»I i l-l" BBB1 I .-. «-I»mmiii.» nr m «. i ii.

«.'. !.. '- . I. II -i ila¦ ..Iii g1 Hie. !¦

Mi ..¦ ii«, h'.'i sasellj tim g .- »i madel heil ibetls nan bass njabi ead ¦*. a\,ne h ».ii» m narbeali 441" ml b iniag ant ii ..

kaaartarol a aaeosd 1. .¦», .* .¦, i--i ...' t *.,-1.. -1.

iiiu 01 :ha 1 aaa. »)¦ tba \;, .^*i«-«i >.t .. ,.. .,

:.I »ii i." h in H»« aamlloa, aresl 11 alinns I rassfened awn ibaa ..1 >> 1 .-

toak« i.»» -,... ,,a'f a i' «¦

lie li bl 10T¡ fat ¡' -, .».."I'!' ..-.i Bend '.11 iag Ibbi « 11 ... .. ,.., v..

. . i>- ..a« ¦.rakia; neu¡ ..Im-.- B11 ii ni :>i .¦; 1 lot .. 11 : .;

| 0 have bo! sil >¦¦ -, *.

.»:...-lied to parrehre sea norh load asd inn bim.steel at reosired tv bil a tuan. Ia :;

Vfbeto, lui..!)."- ..: :,,.-i, than tB IBI] a.e '..,', I,, ;,.

di .» . .;. '¦¦ -.i»:." la pO| ii'» Bil -- 1 i, inI)»- tli 1« a poor ¡. aiki' with ,11 bi«

Ileihruwea( .,1 daru '. »ea.¦4 .< liia .. " -,

-TI-: Ml M .«: .' Ill:- ..*, , ..»

lil.I...j i- -.til sr« '.1 tbe ii.o"i.",r Hr. bara bad a a

'.."ill O: «'lilli It] t. .li u ,| lu -,.

-.¦ -¦ i. 1.,te rhara ,- ¡,»"¦' « .¦ -, ¦¦.. nilla I l ,.

I'bs ana an brave a Beünrin ead rrrbleii( li, d'. I, f. ile., en,'., i, jj, .> ..« ii;,v I

.iii, bat, in..!» Iba ni -i.1 li'tuor tian i.i|»tii-i»a .»i aspsaeaai n nasa,sad nu. toil- - '»i-Til/ -.i.

li.«'j ...-, iii-roi'diiig i» report,« uaütted ws-nseoo-taga b1 difisri si tlaset, asd .. patty of Um.-)u ni., u.plan«.! u.Ttiallj iliote al lb«; , rev» m g'.a «1 ri and look |>«jft'-«-|.,n if ibu beak T'i< J Ihave bad fSSTSBB, IfbM, and ...wi ri'ifboul bBBBV ..lad i.!»i»4 gf them ;.,e nmeaDlly B_dn aneilJI)»»., »» h a. i»i»l» wLi og inn ti, bin I oem./

»rmed, mid they wy they often apprehend assoseina-

tion, sid go prepared for any deaperoto emeigei.ey.Picket» aro »utioned in the wood« on Craigtmn I

Point to irevsiH auv oftl : K^'iels from steuliui" ur«

,,'le m'a-t-ir-l-. ...-. ai.'l, a lew uiahin »go, some «**-

,.,... .. ,,.,, 1ÏM-1 ii,... »evcal privat»»» of the

Wtblt Baaa, sad hill -l '^o, m oat IhaRafMRBMa,:',a-v ..ii- -e. i. ' Hiev »M.r-i ( eu.i S.

l'fhi-ti !.. I«', nerlai men MOM nlMOBQB. btt< theyhave obtained inch a reputntjon for recklessness ll.tihn regiment leels gr«*-m ly smbitiered against them,and doon n«.t hecifaU» »o «'««lire HMM companioni-in-aruis were »lain from mere wantonness or to gratifyMM piii>.'<- malice.Sa.« «if the iu«.t tar-wen, the Indiaman! declnr«,

./..uhl aa soon kill nu innovent pereon as diiuk a

glan! of whisky, ami would reg .rd ihe sho.»tingdown of two soldiers as fe capital joke. This ia not

true, prohabiy, but it »hows the kind of reputationtie mortar mea have ac«

A rCAULJ-BS srAPKOBACF..One of these cotoriou! men wa« on the Point the

other day, acting m picket, and m he had symptoms of ebrtety before he went there,Lieut. WheeWk ttoni ludid to look lifter the scamp.He walked to me spot where tim pi« ket wu posted,aid found the fellow soeted under a tree brushingstray the mtiak'-d«--»*« very listhmly, and « ursiiiK Bril.rbols, wtio were throwing snell» from their moi-

tan, across the river. Just as the Lieutenant wu

nppii ¦»(.huit», a bomb fell wilbin live feet ofthe picket,who taw the tase still baruing, feud knew it munt

explode.Ihe lortar man looked st it tery coolly and

n«v«r stirred, but Hpaoetrophised the shell thus:.. D-nyou! who «are« for yon' Burst and bed.d; noUxiy s afraid, yon d.-d old .{«bel."The fearless miipegrac« had hardly iiuished his

»peech, when the bomb burst, tearing up the «.roundand oovering bim with dirt, but doing him no in¬

jury. " Baa ! I knew you couldn't bnrt nobody,m|-d ol«l Rebel," remarked the morts* mau,Kiul continued to bruah away the musketoes with thomost import tub-able taug froid.

IIF.PI.OKAIJI.E CONDITION OP ARKANSAS.Fifteen retuneet reached the flotilla ye-terdty

I.«.iii Crittenden County, Ark, on their way t-o theNorth, having left 8ec«wein on account of the con*

sciiptiontwt, and the general disorder and distraispieifeiling in their State. Tbey repott the conditionof atluirs thorc i.¡s deplorable ni too extreine. Thepeople, in u.any |>¡«iisof Arknnia«, ure utt'Tinf. fortim common n«(«»sariee of life. l"h«y are in con¬

stant diead of servile insurrection: their cotton hasbenn eut it ely deatroved ia many Darts of the State:they tear " invasion' from the S'ortb: bntir.i.» it

not onlv «Barna:.t. but without pSBBBMtef inipii.i«-Bnaa» Tii-y haee no roufitleuce M their leaders,hiid lae i.-itwane of Gov. Hector, advising them to-». e«h from Seceisis, har. distracted and bewilderedthem to na extraordinary degree. Tiny have fewsoldier!, and in the evisting condition ot things tueyknow not whera to look for aid, oi where to tura forc. ii..fort.

I t;ry I a tro lett the Cnited .»»tat«», and are orikrenila isitlidta«** fruin the ('«»niSdeany. Aej hoaoae; Meettoe MBrtfa or **(, lhey want everything,a i-l have ijdMliiii« 1 hey MOOMpOilsdead detpcr-a .. in the [ rx*t :.t, and the future «ail.-rt. no kepeefBMMBMM i" i. kata see..s to atnre the citizens otasffeBBBM in the lui e, au«! the lyeneial lea-ling of theI- ..pie, no1 wi*dded lo the einlul »Il.üi of S«-«ession.i ««i atea "i naay ti them- ¡» t<» Ey te the lund o-'lib-rty. whi-r« tfi«y can at least enjoy what tln-va.n» a» ijiiiro without fear of robbery or molt stn* ion.

¡Iiiii'it-t» ol |««r«oiis would abandon Arkuusua forever if lhey La«) the metáis of gettiuj.* away, saytha- r«*fii|id-i:-i«, a..,' t!,e a-j.i.t of tim old ila«! Would behailed with delight, na'.ne precursor of the estab-hkhmenl «>f protection, law, and ordei.

IHK lil All ATKIN (li ((lltSTll.Intelligence reached here titi, moruini, that Be«¡u-

-a _r .rd » army had BfBBBBted I'oriiitli. tai ret; MM 1tu ( oltnMns, .Mi»«.- a n.oveiiieiif I ntt-n ion.-d a«

I ¡obable in a recent letter, and which wi_s lOAMtedt.» tia'c a urr«d MMSWeokS ¡IK", when I ra-farrodt<« lim ImM ."ii «'id ha ra« 'er of th« MM n. I shouldr.'-t I«- »ur¡ nwd if. iri'Wd I «xpart to leam thal, li«

t-vae.iMiioii of ( onnib hagan at the lime 1 statid,..'id i a*. beaa ptatwatAmg «mr aim*. It i« mason-able to MppeM ihe evaeootiea ef Cetlalh mavin»«.fi»» tie probul.iliiy o: n »iati'ar montre by ihe. ,«niv »t Pert I'll','.i«.

I«-HO»*! I Ililli.

ICratttrJ Aatiaily m1 ih« I lulilli. < a.|>liii.i.».- « i a «-rival« fron« il.» r« au. «,. .

Ila« t ra-t»t»I»11>,Da ,. . ,i » ,.

t t'i ,« J!i li -lu. d»«. Jbm » i'»*J

M \ *« M lill II OTU L-L1 »re« ItioM ..! an early in«i\emetu

*t ti.« N itloaal I luiilla. .'..-¦ « a: booti ¡!-

.-'. tu t .»¡r pM . on ti.i laaheata Th« »'-..-«iiuri líate tu re,¡iir dMMMM MOOisad «¡mir. tbsonalaogbi of the Rebel ians fire« nooks ag->. i»u-ili : .i'v I«; ii(l.i,-i .m 1 wi,! OBdeWB the I iir

t'i» evening. In iii« iit*«*n«-« «d ('apt. Stembel,m mimi bj Mr, ilk. Ifeel!. h«r formtr

I Fint Untos, who WM sppdatod LiealaRaal in thet I. j ik.ü lad dar.!..- in r MBfafeJ ''.«. I hxkad«

(.! I"- I,'- a ! bottOI i» r a* l-lati«i Nr». lo. wi' . t!.« gp,ihe I ,-:i IBBM WH .ii*" iii'h the I'lotill.,

iliir .. t, it m -i ,iii» y aivaitii.g l«.iv« to run

T.i-i liri I ilinw and pay Us rarapnmeoM t<> th«B« »c1 raaboats below, li i* beHeind that pemto-«a «ann beaeoseded, lad toa naop days lbs

Mi ,i,r: i; I «.le .. IMM he men Iroin (.UIIO tC the1.1.1«.

I*APT. -lIMIill lil* ne UMIIVITI:s»i!ia i-i .-, rMoeesBM um bis noaaa. I!.«tal i".- nfaarelei non the West hat besa ex.*

iii-l, ii ¡.uti«, in ha**T bo tiair er now gollfeoiBIM SpeaMBW I fed, ti litm«^ tl.e balliol of nil¬li, i: ..'¦«'« anl Am :.» tl-c'ii all tlure i*aoaaaheH m worth1.« than Coat. BtsaatoL Hi«s«. vi« et Im vu t.. en eu., neu I ei. r -ui«e e look « otu-in lal «.-t ¡a- ,,| ii.« neeOBB ¡.uuboai« Muff l«-t MB»

:t)u. At Fort IKaiy it- eOBMMMdai the flagallp.ahkh Mae t" ck hy ih.rty-one bali«, and Li» tix.l-

», iroarofoleensed Maalal eetaaeeaaati i in¡than it' M« taedcM Fool.-. In the lale brief

i,, .1.-1*,«i.¦ ei.,saatos with the Kabel ui¡.i, where. aOOOded, an! lu» I,BSt here the In.lil

'. : e couflk-t, hu deanstansB wea oairenal praisee le > >.; ¡.-.-»ed that ha may he node ¦ ti. .-

1.' ei pi. -I'll tha'. linn bee:, tfeirly e.i.un 1, Bad! «-"lilli b«- ll'ly be.-,! 11 v. ed.

...Kir-» ii K.VKIl KM I-.....-..-. . . ......a, .... ...

I> ii . »' IWO dal« i' vej ,| - .,' | .«.

K .- d Korti '«', »lern tiaofS t. ... lies >

.. -..« i- tit liavn uiHu-il IwtO, mi ill i:

> .* to I'." I leg Geo, Halb k idare¡i« gtaad nrmy MM m ii" inn u-

1. U| li- Bl 'Ki IJ lu« tWI » "I 0i toi -m b:.- k i.- -i i ».-, uni j robabli

.: i .-'her ( I, «. kui«»« I,- bird.¦¦ " .e laaaseaMwhea the i.nler m-

.. i. ....


. Ul I.ATI* mi or* n.

. .».¡bl. iii.sairi« in PsoMOBfleanfa tli ti»;« 'I «au .. Mt. a (al .Innj IJreiil i o--I Lit. IMBMMM Oe.dutliaii «I I»i op-ai I..

lit ... i-, . i.í -...,-» ha r.u,

'» «. I ,r Ii »

.. V . :... , ,, a,,,..,, x ,_

¦'-.'¦.. ' I .- ,r ad i,

'.¦1 ai -I .¦. « 1I'beL ', V'allej Roilraad v, !¦ m bola¦'.¦'¦. -I....! V.« .. |'.. ,-,'.,1, i.

,i w.i-ct, ...-«.M-'n-i awaa», i".,... raahatthiM«'.I 3M. '! ... ,: ..

" ''a -v4 .- .« ii ( _., ,, , ( ,,,-

«.- -i !.. a. .¡ii

-«I"! -Mil.. ,.,

' ..' needed ti asset. Tbi:- '.- '" .- Iii..!...,! i« v.r_t ..'. i,.,, up, j

¦' I»-'an .re Ballioad «* ii le r.-¦ :..: .,

'»_-. ioye. 'ii. l».i,iv.,ie, LoekowaoM .. .;\'.Vt"c", i. .',, ,,| «¡i¡.« noaaa la ¡.'..¡.i i .,

« «.'' «. i.iuiu ni th« Hehl-.t;,,. Caaalbon lu..m ..._,.,.¦ i Bat, »mi hre«weeks au« i«.«, i,.-.i m

«i'-I '« v- 1. Iba Imvei p,iii.ti» .i ii,r ,,.,, iI ¡i"UC. Um di.u»age at (..mi,,, ,« v,.,v

;«..:. Ti« hlBBBM fen all .hilled. 'Ihe lu.,'-I.ri.i« u kio i.eavy h,»»r-«. .Mnl,,,!,, .l botM*MWediiiuih.r. ¡.-.I ihnaaa» eflifs, huve bata Mirladawajr. ü.« Baraaaraf ^¡»«na dnniued ia aet««itsii,«d, Ihe lin will Le fearful.

XXXVIIth congress.FIR8T 8E88ION.

IRNATE.Wash i.noton, .Tone ti, I«f*>».The VICE «PRESIDENTnvMBMrJ n resolution

«af theeltteeesef Msar*York, io favor of me eetab-«H-bnsal « i ."»' k «wal tAtfaa Cteuudues of Caafamn w»w appointed on the

Indian Appr«>priatioo bill, which waa aaBMBSi from

I the House with amendments.A iommimi'Jition from the ffecretary of the Navy,

trati«niitth;>,' ilio official report» of operations on the! Loiter Ml i-ifsipri, the rapture of New-Orleans, Ate,was re« eivt-ti.Mr. 11 ALP' (Rep., N. IT.) offered a resolution «_Jl-

in« on th« tSearetary of the Treasury io inlonn the8i-Duto bow much of $7-,fi72, {raid to Marshals in theDistrict of Columbia for the year «odin« June 30,was for personal wrviie, and how rnncn on other«tconnts, kui the details of the aeeoonta. He «aidthere bad been paid to Marshal Lamon, who was

appointed in March, $-2,054, and to Manna! beiden,kellin bin«, 150,000,Mr. «POWELL (Dem., Ky.) (»«ereil a resolntion

that the Sccretarv of War inform the Senats wi.ctbcrMiijoi-Oeueiul ilunter has been uuthori/cd by theDepartment to moster i» regiment of negroes or iier-

sons of Afiican descent into the service of the UnitedStaun, ii' a Coionel and other officers have been ap-pointed, and whither they Imve been clothed andanned at the expinsc of the United -tain. Laid*>\er.Mr. SUMNER (Rep., Maas.)offered thofollowing:WhT-m, Kdwaid .Slanty «-»»mini ti .<*? "" lM . «hSJM

fri.r, .be ».«¦ «...ry of Wai «pie.luting hin« Military OoreraorI o' Botte Carsllaa a pam «hum to ii.« Co'i«'i-'ii)«>i» «mdla»« ha* underrsken, by eirtna at «ucb military mi ti.« rity, to

tonender fugit!»e .lavaa conlrsry t* th« Intent »nd n.eenin;of Die a« to) . ongreM recently adopted alio, to baulah BO

ASierlion citizen In «rioistion of the rer*onsl right tee.¡red bythe CoDetittitiou i alto, to i lo*, n-hool* mstnlained hy the.-b tilly of t"vi nun for tb«,»«l ion of «elore.1 ,i ii.ire.-t In of eyer» principle of moral* and religion and de¬

grading to nor National, barec»er ; thorefore,lia. ¿rid Thai any »neb iel er «aaomUg to create anv per-

bimi Military Oin »nor of any Stat«, ia witbont aanetion in theCoollitntion sad lana, aad that ita effeet is to a..' ordinal«ti,.viril to ti.« ii liltary «.,:.,«,iliy IB«! It Is seal rar» lo the

apirt« of c-.r inrtitullona sud 1. lo derogstien of the power,el Courre»., waieb. where a State («o»ernnient fall, into thebanda >r "allora can tie ilia only authority aacept

law.Objoi 'ed to, und laid over.

Mr. SUMNER also offered another reflation that»iah oili« e of Mil'i-sry (îot.-.niir is mgAntf tea Iks('.iiis:.!ii i<n. aad law«, «it-.tractive to the «ivil a«i-

tli.»i!v ai.¦' untiary M '«he «iirii of all our institn-t.oiiB. Lauever«

Mr. «SUMNER UKitt-J to take up the reaolntionfor the expulsion of the Suiiator from Ore«gou(Stark). Ltjecled.Yeae 16, Nays '21.

At I «.VI.« k the Tax bill wan taken op.Mr. AN lill IN Y (Hep., B. I.) moved to reeonsider

¡ the vote lay it)«/, a tax on slaves. Ile nid he did it

at UM re ¡nest »>t other«, ard »honld vote Hp;ain»t it.Mr.BUHNERx'-ley.,Man») hoi-ed it would not

lie re«OD«idered. II« referred to trie proceedings Carolina, «Using aluves, and he snid therecr it«inly was no eotistitutional objection atraiiistit.Mr. DOiiLllTLK l»ep., Wis.j toonil« tue«|ti»»a«

tien'« .SMMtltatkaa-SB was nor setiled, iho.içii the

.Saaatof «Ban M..».-»cnni«ctt.« ile«l-red there waa lo

««».StKlltiolO.I ..:..«:, linn

Mr. M'llXKIi «aid if it wai a rapilati «n or poll-lax, lie ali «i.l.i tanti ii as unconstitutional, but as

it was m.» n |«oll-',a_, lie regarded it ci/ially con-

eeded ii wea coastitnlteeal.Mr. DOOLITTLE thought gath decidedly roo- to :!... i'oi.Biilution, aud rai-arded it unwise at

present, baBBBBB m tact it will principally tall on

yew Mmia,Mr. HALL tiley., R. II.) contend»«! that j rartl-

tall) ihi« n»-« h tax on «lav-». teeeeB p-rlmps calledby anrrthil ohox», and no phraseology «an «over it


up the «otittnoii s-i.m ti Hie jw..pie. Meseated fi"i!i "lii'l,'«- Si«,ry in regard to ti.« capitationtea, m.«! »ni«! 'i« tioiild t.'-', e\t-ii te reach l.i« ,i>.|..rh i Obj Kt, «rkkte 'he ('oll«till|!|Oll. Ife.'ilir li

[npadh.«ad any idea thai property loüld be hela inman. He l-are»l «thal ihm trna'raeiit of Auti-Slaverytuen iu country h_d «¡ide th«ni resentful, but««i« h I«ai ii «¿a th.aild be aside ia lcgi-Laiing forthe cui.ii!r«,

Mr. WILMOT dev . l'a lOtiteoded that ¡Lis tax

aaspnteatly eoBB-iatkaaL It wa.» not a capita-lion iii, but it propos-» u tax tua elatma a ,!¦.¦;:

iiss t<> ti.» servían : l.«vesMr. HARLAN (Rap» Isssa) «tbBBaat it aaaM not

be deine«! Hist there* a right of pro¡«erty in«I ive« in som* .«.luu-ii, iu a «j lai.i -"I »»:>.. al m<.

i ..-1. v,.* m dean n to that, and akama teaIIUBM lilli inna! n.'ht of laut.on. «Ra w« «all tvil-

ttrudy give the beaaA at nie «i^ibt t«> tba aaaaujand in I lie I''«" «art, tin .l.i. lie bul HO «loulit US to

tie« «retan«) >n).l rinlil lo lay tba t*x.Mi. HIO »V. MN»: ixntita miaiust lanrlag »nth a

.«, ¡>ei->, n nan :-i ii «n-ni tax and utnoustitii« iJiiWAN' Bee.« l'a.! rlalM«trl tot a t'nir BOB-

eüi.i ¡¡ni. oi !i ii. ali »i tv,in ekari) agslsat Umi¦o«lio.-«i tu. It waa perfect!** avbteal thal «teaurtMtenel t!,. ('« itltatioulateeued teproblbil joel*:.. ii a ti. \ a.- M Bam l«ro,««.««. «1 lol.« lal««1. ¡ti. i .-« COI à,ao true Union sun wotudtn te eveid tbe «apiiit aadi. Mai «.- UM I » 'i i .. li.t: it-ry in« I »» ..«»I i«.

jKieo be lit tkte lal ou slave*, a\oul«l, uiih laeil..¡ii' r Iihi.u ii« a nil n«« «L.tir oí' Bsbek, sad tL«'.« .'«-sir.iv Iba very ,,i,r. ,« ot r»\e!.i,e. tti.l. h ! heJ ptaMBBi«, «-.luv t, ii ha it.«» tarry teas] bewn«obligedtom ie te the «asaaleatea Ihn $S an bsa_Iwaesaltue teaaea tor Ibia i.i<»- Ban. li mighr le mud beinsnpreachl-gtbeSeñala. Weil, be «kteaaaate«I«) »... It i: ÍL'ii If .tail tie «,1« a «led to li i Lire tilt'leaan If he ¡in.tight thei .:e.«-rt«-<i ii bynueteaaetawhkh mnnnaktea t«« truniple as the Cou»stii.ition. It i.i..¡! be auld ht wmaatjmttm. Well,li« lui .it.i to ie dogtnalk.Mi. WADE ittj«., Obtej ,¡a bka .t'-AII but the

' bmBmMr. COWAN Whaatltel Senator mMIm a little

a.-i- ia » n ... ¡i k In«« v. «:i. Iii- ««.ll«u_'iie it. the «iherBoase, I «.«.-. ««n», a v,ll be Uaaa awMnfaforna to

pat at'« mi. n te iliit kital oi re mrit. lill ti,en, Lemm «tacen na. whaa ha »ai«i be iateaueé te had' r'.i > h . i.eii'thut BS ii.tendfJ to e_|BMB hisown ci iut'.u Bra "t, u he ha! a rbjfat to.

BL V« Mil lli-p., Ohio- I see do iif<vtsMir forS.»iiiit!)n rkiag bel- and nniki. | ayei tal pnteaUtloMoi't .. detaina t" tae Li to:«, ¡um I iii r,.f hu,, ti, sa

« mil al iwunptka ot devotloa ia th« UonatBa»«Boa. 1 am willini. in ie,.- argniuetits, I., t I «¦ ¡\\allon i o BUM te gtl up baie i.n.l by iapli.siiou. r».

IT...I«-» u.e with perimv. I ral es"¡*ciallt 1 «io BelUhsthl «ketarlag by « oi »rrlten I «i.V.rt _bbmrahen he «nsasal the rntbork) te ketan this llénate.ii. w l'irii, ¡¡a«) no bet-n hero, Sir, anil tvlieio did hestate Bun Wheever beard si «bin bsten la* .n..e

1 b1 n* »' ¦'' 'I hnd id'in ¡ne ,».» tin« S. «.»!«.

ui.h «Um a.i'leiiiy ainl presiiiii|iti.,|, to I* its. l d latbM 1» I tend by sai ». i

«sisniher ef thk Heaati I wa» «niagento nv, Mr,1 'i- i ':. petka i. .: ,. argued v,..'.' :'

:< « .'.:'' ¦.' ««., aad i» I »va ivn in) cou a : ithi KeBSM ni« ie^ii. bu, imn «uryao-JuM th»u ins'«.',. >» «abell ...n . rum a «anita of boob soi oi

u 'lu.« ¡.au . ikrtab t,.» »bl tba» body fur uori'-rfat, I inn t ..!.-. a «pith imana uof takntanda gealkmsa wbohna a

Í1 l > le- ,1«. la eli ..., -«, e ,. ,

». .... a n.'.:. ba_a righi o ¡_ka » aaai ... .. .¡

II .' ¦' ii I»«** ». ... io do it, k ¡nv, ,.,." , iii« liihl,

'' '«¦ .-. .. '» ti i ¦»,..,.«', \'* .'ll l'««l I« ,. ha | I« ..»¦», «aUal I Will BUl .. levlaka te .e. bin, Bal ki i*oi -. n n*I«« «Ml» I, . '-. '. v ..

:; ..' >¦ .¦ - :.«..¦ |a I Míe.- ... I f)

¦.«.ti of bia lirsl MBBJou bud las light toI BtS ..«¦ ":..- ... tr «. i iel uni


'. inna um. ...

¦¦. «I ... ». ., . .

.. «i ino tim«... i- mont, Hi..*. ¦.. h, < ,:. .. .,

«¦ ..«»»¦ .. e ,., .,,| . M ,;, | _.¦. '¦¦ i .. i I. v. .... ., ,; ¡,

nd goan.> !¦.: :. li.«a lo / : ni.

'¦''.'."I li .'» hi' ' ii mimi, ila- .;,«i wit*! la like In« ni«, v.

ii » li «_...,.« r, t,lo I I «I . |

'.-..:... um J u,.,,

.b Br. Wsilsi a ,..i,:,, gai«"¦<' 1'i'i" !.. the HsuM * t,«i to '.

erstlf -l.i.n tor u ««'¡«.tin sp» m «¦. v.... .¦

' »'. '" '" .... J UOl I li« .Ililli'ii ni i'."|. na. On .i I.« I» lie»«,«.

.'¦ tba i..w p| *c«i, !¦ »bave I .-. »-: ¦*

»' i lbs .. Mtei h i «¡in ». tba «na ter li iio in», im. li.» iMomaui aufibiuij .» un¡»a«sd arhinii.ei. ..'.« ."-I.i.eiy, ili«.u eoiistitutiooal argaraeuMa .

i ail, ct:,ti tl.e », Qiaev ti-...a r, an»* Iraak m|ia.. iyI ¡Miss all aver like a porouplna. Uau jrou tax coi*tea " (Iii, no ! " (an «oi!li-«*ie | lojeity ot(¡' " Ob, aa,Umkbiailbk" Raaf bmbehnan te l>« the watte dag «>t Bktar), k1 Mm; balbe ed.ititi he aootent «wBh tbe i*oei«*kB, aud ate «midelink«« io »cold UM Baaatea Wa are told ib.een.««!i»iii-e8 will mintie the «Kahala lau Ma IrrrkateUi«'M« wl o dig up on. roi«'!'-.»' Ixun aii'l Uiikedriuk-

tag copi ont of their sknlli Neither will this fea«..ate the Border Stales. The loyal men of lbs BordwStuies are pot sltrebnllera.not ona n Irma«líe !.,"1 itlwiys «npportod thi» u:ea«iire, and shoal«)eontiiiiie to do ».>.

Mr COWlN {Rep., Peon.).No doabt bet 1am (he humblest of i-divioual«, and entirely on-known; and no doubt bul til» is the first office 1ever hell in n.y life. Ii is true I an. here, and thallam unknown, but, Sir, I stand upon this floor nthe representative of I'euu»ylr«_t_i_-, and of nearlythree inillionsofpeople. I eh.ill not undertake to apol¬ogize for roy people. I know that when tai«A-ministration curse into power, with its worth*President, whom i have an« ained, and with whomI am proud to agree, hil eyes ware turned to theStale 1 represent and nil ¡»»-opie admitted that aponher dérision depended the mue; and when tkia Sa»belliou broke oat all eyes were a^ain turned to thaiState, and all people taemed to feel thal open kerdepended the inae of the contest. P-*nn«yrra_-_areriponded, and bar troops came first to the neeee ofthe Capitol. She baa a greater number of treeae lathe li- Id than any other State, and har dead anMaaon mest every battle-fi- Id of the Union. I am not a into apologize for the position I hold aa tbe Repreaan-tat i \ c of Pennsylvania. I am not Itere to apoiegiteeil her for «ty youth or my inexperience. I harenever _ti'i*ritood that it waa Leceet-xry to «end aman here for years In ordor to apnrentice bim to hiedoty in this body. I bave never understood tbat iceor length of service would sanctify folly, or that itwould gire character to Billingsgate which mightwell be learned from a Uah woui.n. I have under-stood that Setiatora on this floor were e.pul. I baveI«Hlar«-il nobody, reproaolied r.'ibody, nor been dc*_-ma'ic ut'.nat ¡my body. I have assailed no man s

person, but I did mean to say that all thistalk about Senatora l.ctoring each other, eadbeing dogmatii», was, in my h'imble jodg*ment, mere idle badinage. I leave the et¬ta«!-, wbieb hu «been me:e upon me and npon mypast hi-tory; and if the Ser.alor who baa ehoeen te«make this unwarrantable, unjust and ongra« <*«al ai¬ta, k on one so bumble and to little known, coo

reconcile it to bia nnn of duly and propriety, I an

j*rte.'tly conteut to let it pi»». I will not advert todis di.iiugr_telied career, but them all to the re¬

sulta of his own calm i« tie-:'ion. I made an ango-wen! whether strong or not, convincing or not, no

mutter, I made it; and the r-enat-or from Obi«) introdu- el n it.*., rul.;ar, low <j .cul-tlkin, vvhi--h I know11,(111 ni -lion be would io» have mude. Tüatarg-i-Qi**nt he :. ii a right to on»wer. lias he ? If I, **ntbmy iir«...iij_ua_,nte, lectured, reproached, and wai

dogmatic, how much more waa he with hi« great(»asi fame and long expérience when he eo«ide.»-e«_»<_edto indulge in a tirade of buLf an hour, eiiargiug newith being tbe watch-doK of Slavery, and ahmi<li*e»l other things equally, and eqiuiH*improjier. It is very eaey to mak . that charge, aadniélese t-> attempt to repel it. But while I am a

repieieulative of Pennsylvania, I am sent here bythat S'ate to nreaerre fie Conatitntion and retrtoxetl,n I ,i iii, and in the exorcise of that duty I fe«*lmy,-, li i.» mich in the Mee oi it when I tun defen-J-iiiK the Beath from whut I beliere to be an unwar«

isnlebb attack, aad w en I am staudin,- «ipbe-tween Slavery and thoex.- who would un on»tii_.tionii.'ly overtnrow it, a« if I w.i* defending the ii

t. len', ni the little village where I was born, und tirm.-ra <*¦>. I have re-istcd mtmyeeta which I cot side redn.ii« hi«.- \ o u.» and wrou_* uno luiconsiiiutioua], and Ibaa» aethlagla aajpataa that euhject. With too

apprnv;.! ut my own out» i »ni*, I am perfectly wfL-mg to be adjudged for win'. I tbaO say or do.

Aft« t fui (lier diocuaaion, a vole was taken on tb«iri-.T.-i lerati .u of the rete taxing «lar««, which waeani-'h ui ¡.How«:

l-l Ü ..l»«-t«. Bsawafew Ci.llle. Cowaa. DalitMan I'.-.olitlle. Potter, Hal», ti »iii», K»«_».J> I-tat(In,! I.«ti »io, _f_Ooug.ll, Ne.niilh, fotvail, Bice, ää..U>.rj.Itorfee, i»-: Kjck, Wlliey. Wright.»

I» A V m-M« art Anthon» ( Clark. FMiooden, koet.. la .¦- i'crl-xn, Howard. II a we, King Mur.Di. Pomeroy.Mimili . S ,i__»r. rromoull W ti«*, VV i.klnaa-»ii. Wilmot.IS,1 h<* 'p.e. ion then recurred on tbe adoption «ii the

amendment nropoaing a lav on person« churning ÉSservii-e at ii.Dor of slav co of $- each for every p«r-eon »<» «lained«

Mr. II* «WE moved lo iimend so m to except tb«eeunder I't years, and over 65. Adopted.Tbe Mi.eiidiu-ent waa Una i»j.« t«*«i a« follow«:V BAB- Mesara Antboay, Cimoaiet, ( mt, k»*.»<..!<-_

in, | .,.-,i ....)!,r!«a. it,-.; I. Howe. Klug. Morrill, n«. üumuer, Tcuiab'iU. Wwie. W'i,ki«i»on, Wtlaiti!.17.SaYM.Meena BsTird, Browning, CorUaia, Cowaa L»a*-a,

Dtsee, I)uo;l tie. Koiter, HA», llsru». K»¡medy, Lane (¡ti I.

J.»ti em Mnft»»¡n.ll. HsssaUb. fiaMI Ric», _vai«_e-i'iry.BtarA.Tea fcyck. V\,i,-y. «Vliaoo (Mue.), VVrtgal.;3.Mr. KE-USENDEM (k>p., Me ,, »poke at Maa

I». hi invor of the (.;.. -.ixje ot Uie tax bil!. H*would i, it pretend it waa perlectiaall ita prov-iaen»,I.'i. .,- -v » i.... s »._»»; in iii« country, aad we

have _.«. e*.|»ei-ieuce in the»e matter». This bill wa*

tin're.nil of a vast «lent al I.-. ,«>r n ,1 r.».- -r .i a- <the iii.«»»:.«.'.'lions which it BMeafetedtl niko «h-eildbeborae chanlably. In n*!erririg toihe n-ceasityof a tax i.ill, he tatbaaled tba d«.feiof ibe Gorcr.»BBBt M|70a,00O.OUOet (he end ol' the tite-t! ye«_.-,und thit. tbe yearly ii U_p«eaes must be v-e.u_yiacseaaad keneAer, as a Bsaol have a -tnjB »»»»»j.iinr hi try, and a mtjgm inivi.

'1 'hi* t.v-'. ill wa. j a*-ed.YEJkS.Boona Auth. ny. llr ,nnln|. CirlC». fhiali,

c.».i Catlioier,Cowoa li»«i«. n,nu, Dioil-iie, fewaaoaa,Y, t. footer» («riun-s, Boss, Horioo nt.r.a. il,,w«;_ 'low«,K.rg, ! 00 lltl) Latham. Bl )«.,,_. I, Ne« lillb Ia ,.r, ?

Rice. Sin lone. Blsifa. looiooT IWI] k. TroosbaJJ W***,W i .ev, VV ..:...,. \V t_soj i.VUs« ,, V. iigui-Ji.>AV -Mr fowellAb-. IN Í .M««srs. ltiyird )'.end»rn»n, Kenne-is, *_t_«

(Rao, «) ('»are Sau lib uy, _>i ernie-. 'Ibtmicn, Wulkoaao,»nd VV ...on (Mo)Oa asilion et* Ilr. WIL80H Maa..! tbe Senite

weat lato Eseaatire le_saea. and sakaaratatlr ad¬join ned lill Momlay.

HODVK Off KKPKKShNTATIVKSThe Ho.-»* went into UoaMBfettae on private fcill«Mr. MORBILL [H*y.. Vt»j »aebs on éeaetaf

landalo the Mevcnil Stau« tor establishing a^ricil-Itaral «i'rx'es. ile appel d to «entletnen wrote

apea ii .. i n t* at t!ie i>,u knetswia kstrodaaad hyInni. It«, ¡«..-eu.-»* would I. ive »he etfecl of i'nu^'.h-ening the lit-public, wronging nobody, and |toii.^a Uenbii t«> the eniiit* pen j Io for a^es to .-oin*.

Ai ,-. .» I .. l-iTt!.- h«-» if as mâbn jirji-oeed, ia rri_i-Uiv ti.Bra tion. II» ..hos, e-1, at letiji-tb, th»-Jvitc-(a_"i* of ti¦.<> «ya*oro. vvtiim wo il.i atfird an i»pp-crt . .-.! i a'.itiii aeoom|»unied by a love !«ir useful

j labataMr. COSlDeeu, ObM, ia ibecoui-aeo; bisii-teeb,staid w'.ule ue wa* iinxiou- t « Lelinre llie Frr»nleiiirikjht he v*,.ji Bgabm an a u! IgaBBB ftttig «a lo thon

I w!.. I'.'t-.t Hean; Ifeeykaae the «.:,vity stIdaetraetlaa kal eel the BeateetafeaÉdao»« Ivsa»IBoa hi aat la Bkah* baa» rae daaejn w"a a»

aliiaacebctweee ib.« he-.- bcaaaeadAkebtioaiea,IwbeBe'wB» BU «^lavery n ueliaiii-e ol' BBS Cousiua-

t oe » .t i-i-vne. II.- mdcBwd ii' 11 - -. -. 111 li:«ae si ; ill -a »aa i-.iuii* oa ot abane, reiii-u-kiof

that tieBtry li In ni it -ite.

a ¦' : * i ludiciive COI.I »11».Mr. NOBbks(De-fe.,0.) anraedtkettka X -aael., beiag ot li««!'.,i aii.l iaaaed »e»ar,

ci tifi ni at' .t :' al Sal *- »e

behr local. .»:. >ri ». "liaur». i..!, i. tarasco way antier tiie Coa«xi(aJoeoi -1 . ». .s iib ft. Thai me Iel alas sha lBat-a

d i¡.. ... ..." >-¦* '.

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1 :. ; (hqifuK«' «» fair,,.| rad.j Jusa .. IMI

ibt» ..- .: aita ">i

i, ,.....,«¦ tali Btaoreral petaa» I a. So Baanga -at -.-.« a

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., iiit littler.. . iianiasatad sa tbepni-vi.

.... :,!ti ,hi«ii," s U e BSBB¦i ! '.-.¦ ,\ -.- to b'orl Lyea.


Itrreipis of t-raMai-r.i i a ¡,., t - * aa *r* a« -. c .*«.

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I. ¡. i..:. 9 ¦¦ '(v. 4,'«M aub aal

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Paaorugera A rr I »earl

|. », a, I» 'sa. fe Ml Ml OS II IM "1". '--"..

ila «i v:i ¡. Bi .i.». ¦ ¦""<< M ".

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xtr,«« »» -sl 1er, in «.« a»t« isai .».* "

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