xmm-newton monitoring of 3c 273

XMM EPIC MOS Steve Sembay ([email protected]) Ringberg 10/04/05 XMM-Newton Monitoring of 3C 273 Orbit Exposure (s) 094 63,000 095 27,000 095 30,000 096 58,000 277 43,000 370 5,000 373 4,900 472 4,900 554 4,500 563 8,500 655 58,000 735 8,500 835 20,000 835 Page, K, Turner, M.J.L., Done, C., O’Brien, P.T. Reeves, J.N., Sembay, S., Stuhlinger, M., 2004, MNRAS, 349, 57 Forthcoming Cross-Cal observations: ~July 2005 XMM/Swift/Integral ~Dec 2005 XMM/Astro-E

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XMM-Newton Monitoring of 3C 273. OrbitExposure (s) 09463,000 09527,000 095 30,000 09658,000 27743,000 370 5,000 373 4,900 472 4,900 554 4,500 563 8,500 655 58,000 735 8,500 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

XMM-Newton Monitoring of 3C 273

Orbit Exposure (s)094 63,000

095 27,000

095 30,000

096 58,000

277 43,000

370 5,000

373 4,900

472 4,900

554 4,500

563 8,500

655 58,000

735 8,500

835 20,000

835 18,000

Page, K, Turner, M.J.L., Done, C., O’Brien, P.T.,

Reeves, J.N., Sembay, S., Stuhlinger, M., 2004,

MNRAS, 349, 57

Forthcoming Cross-Cal observations:

~July 2005 XMM/Swift/Integral

~Dec 2005 XMM/Astro-E

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Major changes to low energy calibration for EPIC cameras planned.

(See poster on EPIC cross-calibration…M.P.Esquej et al. this meeting)

MOS: For the next SAS release rmfgen will be modified to generate

rmfs for the MOS detectors which are epoch AND spatially dependant.

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Relative fluxes from sample of AGN (EPIC: 15-40 arcsec extraction radius)

Major changes to low energy calibration for EPIC cameras planned.

(See poster on EPIC cross-calibration…M.P.Esquej et al. this meeting)

MOS: For the next SAS release rmfgen will be modified to generate

rmfs for the MOS detectors which are epoch AND spatially dependant.

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Zeta Puppis:

Early O-type Supergiant

Distance 429 pc, mv=2.25

Major changes to low energy calibration for EPIC cameras planned.

(See poster on EPIC cross-calibration…M.P.Esquej et al. this meeting)

MOS: For the next SAS release rmfgen will be modified to generate

rmfs for the MOS detectors which are epoch AND spatially dependant.

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Major changes to low energy calibration for EPIC cameras planned.

(See poster on EPIC cross-calibration…M.P.Esquej et al. this meeting)

PN: Shows no significant evolution of the rmf or arf with time but a

change in the absolute rmf is being implemented to improve low energy calibration.

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Cross-calibration with (test) MOS rmf and SAS6.1.0 PN rmf:

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Courvoisier et al. 2003 A&A 411, L343

January 2003

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Courvoisier et al. 2003 A&A 411, L343

January 2003

After Renormalisation

to PN Data consistent


Γ ~ 1.74 above 3 keV

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Marshall et al. 2001, ApJ, 549, L167

Merlin HST Chandra

13” from core

20” from core

The observed JET in 3C 273

LX (jet) ~ 3x1043 ergs s-1


LX (core) > 1046 ergs s-1

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

EPIC Observed Photon Index (3-10 keV)

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

EPIC Observed Photon Index (3-10 keV)

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Description: kTB ~100 eV and kTBB~ 250 eV

Page et al. 2004 MNRAS, 349, 57

Fe EW ~ 0-50 eV


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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Grandi, P. and Palumbo, G.G.C., 2004, Science, 306, 998

Analysed 6(9) BeppoSAX observations between 1997 and 2001

“Untangling the Jet and Accretion-Disk Emission”

BeppoSAX 1997 BeppoSAX 2001

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

FSEY = 1.74 + (FBB x 1.64) FJET ~ 1.5 x FSEY

Spectral Fit with wabs * (zbb + pexrav + zpo) model

Γ = 1.8

i = 18o

RC = 0.8

“Seyfert” “Jet”


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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Predicted “Seyfert” and “Jet” high energy fluxes: EPIC

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Predicted “Seyfert” and “Jet” high energy fluxes: EPIC + SAX

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

XMM Obs.

In Orbit 563

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Photon Index of “Jet” component

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Predicted “Seyfert” and “Jet” high energy fluxes: EPIC

MCG -6-30-15

Vaughan and Edelson, 2001,

ApJ, 548, 694

ΓSEY Softer ?

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

ΓJET Harder ?

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

PN < 22 eV

MOS < 43 eV

PN = 36±19 eV

MOS = 57±23 eV

PN < 32 eV

MOS < 65 eV

Measuring the Iron Line emission

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Power law fit:

χ2 = 1579/1397 dof

With Broad Line:

χ2 = 1510/1394 dof

EFE=6.44±0.11 keV

σ = 0.42±0.09 keV

EQW=36.4±19 eV

F=3.8(1.6)x10-5 phts/cm2/s

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

EFE=6.44 keV (fixed)

σ = 0.42 keV (fixed)

EQW=57±23 eV

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

Power law fit:

χ2 = 1036/1060 dof

EFE=6.44 keV

σ = 0.42 keV

EQW < 22 eV

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

EFE=6.44±0.11 keV

σ = 0.42±0.09 keV

EQW=36.4±19 eV

F=3.8x10-5 phts/cm2/s

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05

PN intermediate

Flux State

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Steve Sembay ([email protected])Ringberg 10/04/05


Major advances in the EPIC low energy cross-calibration soon to be implemented

suggest a more robust determination of the spectral shape/model of the soft

excess in 3C 273 can be made.

The EPIC view of the hard X-ray data suggest that the nonthermal component

is dominant over the “accretion” component, probably more so than suggested by

the recent published analysis of BeppoSAX results.