www.safensoft.com safe’n’sec it security solutions for enterprises of any size

www.safensoft.com Safe’n’Sec IT security solutions for enterprises of any size

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Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Currently important threats to companies’ IT security Deliberate/imprudent actions of network inside users. Hacker attacks from outside. Computer viruses, worms, trojans and other malware. Natural threats (external factors).


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Safe’n’Sec IT securitysolutions for enterprises of any


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The basis of business security is protection of information from any

occasional/deliberate actions from inside and outside

• It is necessary to prevent damage to:information,its owners, attendant infrastructure.

• IT security tasks:minimization of damage,damage foreseeing and prevention.

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Currently important threats to companies’ IT security

• Deliberate/imprudent actions of network inside users.

• Hacker attacks from outside.• Computer viruses, worms, trojans and other

malware.• Natural threats (external factors).

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Deliberate/imprudent actions of network inside users

• Targeted data theft or destruction on network computers or the server.

• Data damage due to user imprudence.

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Hacker attacks

• Unauthorized intrusion into corporate network with the purpose of data destruction, commercial information theft for profit, preparing attacks on 3-rd companies’ networks, stealing funds from accounts.

• Network attacks with the purpose of its deactivation for breaking company’s business processes, undermining its reputation, clients flow-out.

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Viruses, worms, trojans and other malware

• Breaking corporate network functioning.• Working time waste.• Data loss.• Confidential information theft.• Financial funds theft.

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External influencing factors

• Improper information storage.• Computer and information storage devices theft.• Force majeur.

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Source: 2006 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey

Financial losses from IT security threats

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Safe’n’Sec corporate systems tasks

• Detection and blocking viruses, worms, trojans.• Prevention of internal drain of confidential

information (protection from insiders).• Blocking hacker attacks and unauthorized

access.• Differentiation of access to data/files.• IT security management (security policies).

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Our technology

Safe’n’Sec is a proactive protection based on behavior analysis.

Intercepting system calls Safe’n’Sec analyses programs actions for their potential

maliciousness.In case of threat Safe’n’Sec blocks malware before any damage to the system or data is


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Safe’n’Sec main advantage

Safe’n’Sec proactive protection PREVENTS possible damage from

ANY type of malware blocking malicious actions in real time mode!

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Safe’n’Sec Business Pro, Safe’n’Sec Enterprise Pro

Safe’n’Sec corporate solutions – new generation of computer protection systems in corporate networks from malware, external attacks and insiders (prevents deliberate or occasional information drain).Helps to secure confidential data, customer reputation and minimize financial risks connected with their loss.

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Safe’n’Sec Business Pro – computer protection system for small corporate networks

(up to 25 computers in the network) from malware, Internet threats, internal information

drain.Conflict-free functioning on any workstation independently from specific character of company branch software.

Standard technical support by S.N.Safe&Software specialists is


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• Several management consoles for easy administration.

• Several service centers for convenient management of branchy multilevel computer networks. Specially for companies with several remote offices!

• Integration with Safe’n’Sec Timing (system of controlling access to confidential data in the network).

• Extended technical support.

Safe’n’Sec Enterprise Pro – complex security system for computer networks of

middle and large enterprises (starting from 25 computers in the network)

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Approach to the company’s IT security must be professional and complex!

Safe’n’Sec corporate solutions provide exactly such kind of protection – professional and complex security of corporate networks

preventing damage to information itself , its owners and attendant infrastructure.

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