www. woodlinks wednesday weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · i am running a competition for year 4, 5 and...

1 DATE CLAIMERS: From the Principals Desk WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July2020 Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday STATE SCHOOL WOODLINKS Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday Breakfast Club Daily 8:15am Reading Club Daily 8:30am Yr 6 Camp Aug 17th—Aug 19th ABSENCE LINE 33814688 2020 Uniform Shop Hours Mondays 8.15—9am Wednesdays 3pm—3.45pm GATES OPEN 8:15AM AND 2:50PM Moving On Last term had a number of challenges due to COVID-19 and we continue to implement the measures advised by the Department of Education. It was fabulous to start a new term with the great majority of our students on site. We have hit the ground running and are certainly back in the groove of teaching and learning. This didn’t happen by accident – our staff members spent a good deal of time before and during the break to ensure that this great start eventuated. Whilst it’s important to be diligent and vigilant about COVID-19, I am very keen to ensure that this is treated as a program running in the background, with primary focus being having our work as a school community be as close to what it was like before Covid 19. School Council Positions Last week I sent an email to all of our families, advertising the current vacancies on our School Council – one for the parent of a student currently enrolled in our school and one for a community member. This is a group that meets once per term to assist in the planning of the direction of our school, with its functions being: Monitoring the school’s strategic direction; Approving plans and policies of the school of a strategic nature; Monitoring the implementation of the plans, policies and other documents approved by the school council; and Advising the school’s principal about strategic matters. Attached to the email was a nomination form. If you’d like to nominate for a position on the School Council, please return the form to me by 3:00p.m. on Friday the 31 st of July. Should we need to have an election for these positions, this will occur on Thursday the 20th of August. Life Over the last few weeks I have been sharing with you the thoughts of Matthew Toren from his article “Five Things to do Before Bed that will Jump Start Tomorrow”. This article spoke about treating time as our most valuable resource, working smart to get the most out of each waking hour. To maximize time and efficiency, he came up with five easy things you can do before bed that will help transform your waking hours into super productivity. The last two from this list follows: Cont.

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Page 1: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


D A T E C L A I M E R S :

From the Principal’s Desk

WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July2020

Only Our Best,





Only Our Best, Everyone, Everyday

Breakfast Club Daily 8:15am

Reading Club Daily 8:30am

Yr 6 Camp

Aug 17th—Aug 19th


2020 Uniform Shop Hours

Mondays 8.15—9am

Wednesdays 3pm—3.45pm


AND 2:50PM

Moving On

Last term had a number of challenges due to COVID-19 and we continue to

implement the measures advised by the Department of Education.

It was fabulous to start a new term with the great majority of our students on

site. We have hit the ground running and are certainly back in the groove of

teaching and learning. This didn’t happen by accident – our staff members

spent a good deal of time before and during the break to ensure that this great

start eventuated.

Whilst it’s important to be diligent and vigilant about COVID-19, I am very

keen to ensure that this is treated as a program running in the background,

with primary focus being having our work as a school community be as close

to what it was like before Covid 19.

School Council Positions

Last week I sent an email to all of our families, advertising the current

vacancies on our School Council – one for the parent of a student currently

enrolled in our school and one for a community member.

This is a group that meets once per term to assist in the planning of the

direction of our school, with its functions being:

Monitoring the school’s strategic direction;

Approving plans and policies of the school of a strategic nature;

Monitoring the implementation of the plans, policies and other

documents approved by the school council; and

Advising the school’s principal about strategic matters.

Attached to the email was a nomination form. If you’d like to nominate for a

position on the School Council, please return the form to me by 3:00p.m. on

Friday the 31st of July. Should we need to have an election for these positions,

this will occur on Thursday the 20th of August.


Over the last few weeks I have been sharing with you the thoughts of

Matthew Toren from his article “Five Things to do Before Bed that will

Jump Start Tomorrow”. This article spoke about treating time as our

most valuable resource, working smart to get the most out of each waking

hour. To maximize time and efficiency, he came up with five easy things you

can do before bed that will help transform your waking hours into super

productivity. The last two from this list follows:


Page 2: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g


Greg Noble

Acting Principal

Only Our Best, Everyday, Everyone

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020

This term the students will have many opportunities to be involved in sport

and physical activity. This is what is happening in Term 3:.

Wednesday—Skipping at lunch time with Miss Fairclough. We are

practising tricks and learning new ones.

Thursday— Run Club with Miss Fairclough starts before school when

the gates open. Students are learning running technique and improving

their fitness.

Friday— Before school Volleyball Club with Mr Purdie, the students will be practising their volleyball

skills and learning to work as a team. FitKids at Lunch is always lots of fun! Each session we participate in

some fun games and challenges that help us to improve our fitness.

The Year 4, 5 and 6s are participating in intra-school sport on Friday afternoons starting in Week 2. The

students have chosen from T-ball, Netball, Volleyball, Basketball, Body Percussion, Yoga, Art and Touch.

Students are learning to be responsible, respectful, to work as a team and be a good sport.

Write in your journal. No, not the “dear diary” kind of entries. Keeping a journal is a practice that

can help you process the day and make sense of your thoughts. Keep your journal in the nightstand

and every night take a few minutes to review the day’s triumphs and write down what you’re grateful

for that day. Don’t make this a boring, unthoughtful experience. Think of it as a nightly meditation –

just two minutes of reflection thinking about the day’s highlights and writing them down will transform

your waking and sleeping thought. I do this in digital form. On my personal Facebook page, for the

past 5 years, I have shared “Today’s little things that matter”. These are at least 5 things from the day

that I have appreciated – a kind word, food, support, a funny story, an educational leap by a student,

sunshine, riding a bike – things that don’t cost much, but have great impact. Doing this always serves

to give me some perspective.

Read a real book. One last thing to contribute to your good sleep is to read a quality book. You

can decide what a quality book is to you, but reading before bed (or in bed) is a great way to make

that final transition into sleep. It will also keep you away from bright lights and electronics (hint: don’t

read on your phone or tablet, the light might disrupt your sleep cycle) and soothe your body into the

sleeping process.

May your week be filled with great starts and enriching moments.

Page 3: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020

WoodLinks ILC

The ILC doors are always open. Pop in at any time or make an appointment to see:

Mr Hamilton Mrs Warner Mrs Wilson Mrs Richter

The WoodLinks ILC supports many students throughout the school. Inclusive practice means that all

students have an equal right to access learning alongside their peers and that necessary adjustments

are made to ensure that the learning needs of all students are met. WoodLinks teachers do this

exceptionally well and this is evident in the happy faces of students engaged in their learning,

participating in extracurricular activities and enjoying their lunch times. The graphic below provides a

snapshot of the students with disabilities that are supported by the ILC. See our foyer display for

more information on the programs offered.

WoodLinks is currently participating in the National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). This is

an annual data collection by the Federal Government that identifies all the adjustments being made by

schools for students with a disability. It is encouraging to see all the amazing work our teachers do

every single day to ensure ALL students are participating in and enjoying their learning experience

here at WoodLinks.

Page 4: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020

As we settle back into old routines we are reminding ourselves of the rules and expectations during

lunch time with the term’s new focus: Lunch Rulz! This week we are focusing on our eating areas and

the rules and expectations for eating in our own year level eating area.

Knowing the rules and expectations can help us earn Positive Behaviour Tickets so that our class can

attend the end of Term Behaviour Celebration! This term each class is tasked to earn up to 30 new

Lunch time tickets by being an Upstander, Supporter or Includer.

Have a conversation with your child today about how they can be an Upstander, Supporter or

Includer during lunch time.


Page 5: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g


WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020

Lynda Tucker

SAKG Teacher Aide

Welcome to Term 3 in the Kitchen Garden Area.

There is going to be a cookbook for sale at the end of this year. It will have all the recipes that we have done

this year in the kitchen. I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back

cover for our cookbook. The competition is open till 17 September 2020. There will be prizes for the top

two designs. This will be a fundraising project for the SAKG. Another fundraising project will be selling

Worm Juice at the front gate - 1.5 litre bottles will be sold for $3.00.

Cooking has started this week. Year 4/5 and Year 6 classes are cooking this term and we need volunteers to

run this programme. Please let your child's class teacher know if you are able to come along for a fun 2

hours. Parents don't need a Blue Card but brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and grandparents will need to get a

Volunteer Blue Card. It is easy and free to apply for a Volunteer Blue Card and you will need to carry it with

you all times when you are on school grounds.

The Pumpkin Scones have been a great hit with everyone. Lady Flo's Pumpkin Scones are easy to make and

yummy to eat!

Lady Flo’s Simple Pumpkin Scones Recipe source: Lady Flo ’s Cookbook Fresh from the garden: pum pkin

What to do:

Pre-heat oven to 225C Beat together butter, sugar and salt together with wooden spoon until light and fluffy. Add egg, then pumpkin and stir in the flour. Turn dough onto a floured board and cut into circles or use a scone cutter. Place on tray. Bake in oven for 15-20 mins.



Measuring spoons

Measuring cups

Wooden spoon

Oven tray


1 tablespoon butter, melted

½ cup sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

1 egg

1 cup mashed cooked pumpkin(cold)

2 cups self-rising flour

Page 6: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g

School banking has recommenced and is on Wednesdays at WoodLinks. Please ensure

your child’s bank book with completed deposit slip, including their student number, is

handed to their classroom teacher.

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020


The Student Resource Scheme for 2020 is voluntary and you are under no obligation to join. However, please

be aware that books, materials and consumables required under this scheme are not funded by school grants.

The SRS has been implemented to allow your child access to the items that would otherwise have been listed

on a Student Booklist but which are hard to obtain.

Requirements List (goods or services provided by the scheme) Cost

Reading Eggs program subscription—online curriculum program $10.00

Maintenance of Digital Equipment $10.00

Art Resources $10.00

Total Participation Fee $30.00

SRS fees should all be paid by now. If you are yet to pay your SRS fee, or are unsure if

you have paid, please call into Admin and they will assist you.

Page 7: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020

Page 8: WWW. WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly€¦ · 22/7/2020  · I am running a competition for Year 4, 5 and 6 students to design a front and/or back cover for our cookbook. The competition


S c h o o l B a n k i n g

WWW.WoodLinks Wednesday Weekly 22 July 2020