
Holocaust By: Erin and Aletia QuickTime™ decompres are needed to

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By: Erin and Aletia

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1940 Nazis begin deporting German Jews to Poland. Jews are forced into ghettos. Nazis begin the first mass murder of Jews in Poland. Germany conquers one nation after another in Western Europe including Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.

1941 Germany attacks the Soviet Union. Jews throughout Eastern Europe are forced into ghettos. In two days, mobile killing units shoot 33,771 Ukrainian Jews at BabiYar- the largest single massacre of the

Holocaust. Mobile killing units begin the systematic slaughter of Jews. The death camp at Chelmno in Poland begins murdering Jews. Germany, as an ally of Japan, declares war on the United States, immediately after the bombing of

Pearl Harbor.

1942 At the Wannsee Conference, Nazi officials turn over the "Final Soulution"- their plan to kill

all European Jews- to the government officials. Five death camps begin operation in Poland: Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Belzec, and Auschwitz-

Birkenau. March: About 20 to 25 percent of the Jews who would die in the Holocaust have already been

murdered. Ghettos of Eastern Europe are being emptied as thousands of Jews are shipped to death camps. The United States, Britian, and the Soviet Union acknowledge that Germans are exterminating the Jews

of Europe.

1943 February: About 80 to 85 percent of the Jews who would die in the Holocaust have already been

murdered. Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto resist as the Nazis begin new rounds of deportations. These Jews hold

out for nearly a month before the Nazis put down the uprising. Thousands of people were pouring out of this train. The train had no end. I couldn't see the

end of it. And there was tremendous chaos; children looking for parents and mothers calling their children's names. It was impossible to find anybody. -Renee Firestone

1944 Hitler takes over Hungary and begins deporting 12,000 Hungarian Jews each day to Auschwitz where

they are murdered. I looked up to the sky, I say the stars, and I counted each star one of my family. -Hellmuth


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1945 Hitler is defeated and World War II ends in Europe. The Holocaust is over and the death camps are emptied. Many survivors are placed in displaced persons camps until

they find a country willing to accept them. Since I was the youngest, I got out first, and it was a

beautiful day. Birds were chirping and the flowers were out. And to walk alone and not to have to walk in line with guards around us, it was some glorious feeling. -Erika Jacoby

1946 An International Military Tribunal is created by Britian,

France, the United States, and the Soviet Union. At Nuremberg, Nazi leaders are tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

1947 The United Nations establishes a Jewish homeland in British-

controlled Palestine, which becomes the State of Israel in 1948. The pain is real. The pain is not a fiction. I wish it were a

fiction. I wish somebody would come back and give me back my family and say, 'Hey, it never happened. Here they are.' But they aren't here. -Solomom Wieder

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Summary of Holocaust

Summary of Holocaust The holocaust was truly a tragic

event. Over 11 millions lives were lost, from the cruel hand of Adolf Hitler. This was the result of the Nazis plan to get rid of all the Jews. The nazis decided that the most effienct way to get rid of the Jews would be to set up camps to kill off the Jews. Jewish children could not go to school with other German children. “Jewish businesses were forced to close, Jewish temples were burned and vandalized.”

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Adolf Hitler, quoted in "Hitler," by Joachim Fest, Vintage Books Edition, 1974, p. 679-680:Nature is cruel; therefore we are also entitled to be cruel. When I send the flower of German youth into the steel hail of the next war without feeling the slightest regret over the precious German blood that is being spilled, should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin?

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Letters cont. Letters cont. Speech by Adolf Hitler, January 31,

1939.Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol XIII, p. 131:Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!

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Dear Mr. Corren,

This letter is to testify to the loyalty tot he United States of an alien, Mr. Curt Valentin, now in this country. Mr. Valentin is a refugee from the Nazis both because of Jewish extraction and because of Milation, robbed by the Nazis of virtually all possessions and,I have known Mr. Valentin for nearly six years, both in and in this country, and i know that he has always been devoted to this ideal, since his arrival in this country he has always been throughly loyal to the Untied States, has made every effort to become as American as possible, and is perhaps more truly devoted to this country than many native Americans

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Adolph Hitler speaking to a crowd at the Sports Palace in Berlin, 30 January 1942. Quoted in "The Holocaust," by Martin Gilbert, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY, 1985, p. 285. Text as monitored by the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service, Federal Communications Commission.And we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews.

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Excerpts from the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Mufti, Haj Amin Husseini, on 28 November 1941.

The notes were taken by Dr. Paul Otto Schmidt and are quoted in Gerald Fleming's "Hitler and the Final Solution", p. 101-104. Also geheime Reichssache 57 a/41, Records Dept. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Pa/2:

The FŸhrer then made the following declaration, requesting the Mufti to lock it deep in his heart:

1) He (the FŸhrer) would carry on the fight until the last traces of the Jewish-Communist European hegemony had been obliterated.

2) In the course of this fight, the German army would - at a time that could not yet be specified, but in any case in the clearly foreseeable future - gain the Southern exit of Caucasus.

3) As soon as this breakthrough was made, the FŸhrer would offer the Arab world his personal assurance that the hour of liberation had struck. Thereafter, Germany's only remaining objective in the region would be limited to the annihilation of the Jews living under British protection in Arab lands.

Letters cont.

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Nazi German poster( Warsaw, 1942)Threatening death to any Pole who aided a Jew.