wtp case for continental congress 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 WTP Case for Continental Congress 2009



    Welcome andPledge of Allegiance

    We The People Foundation

    Continental Congress 2009

    Part 1

    Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of

    government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slowoperations, perverted it into tyranny.

    -Thomas Jefferson

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    Bob Schulz, ChairmanBiography

    EDUCATION: Engineering Degree from the United States Merchant Marine Academy

    Masters Degree in Business Administration from Xavier University

    Ph. D. Coursework in Public Administration, Graduate School of Public

    Affairs, SUNY, Albany

    CAREER: Key leadership positions at General Electric

    New York and Connecticut State Government

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    Wall Street Prudential-Bache

    CEO management consulting group

    Talk Show Host at WROW in Albany, New YorkFreedom KeeperOver 30 Years, Litigation Re Unconstitutional ActsPERSONAL: Wife, Four Children, Nine Grandchildren, Lake George, NY 40 Years

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    Introduction and HistoryWe The People Foundation

    HISTORY:We The People Foundation was incorporated in 1997 in New York

    501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

    Provides Constitutional Education to the General Public

    Protects and Defends Americas Federal and State Constitutions

    Not concerned with Politics or Personalities in Public OfficeObjective is to return America to its Founding Principles

    RECENT INITIATIVES:Questioning the Federal Governments Abuse of its Constitutional Powers

    Debt Based, Fiat Currency

    Taxing Labor Private Bailouts

    Undeclared Wars

    Election Integrity

    Police State

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    Introduction and HistoryWe The People Congress

    HISTORY:We The People Congress was incorporated in 1997 in New York

    501(c)4 Non-Profit Organization

    Based on Lifes Work ofThomas Jefferson Nationwide, Non-Partisan Membership Organization

    Organized into State and County Ward Republics

    RECENT INITIATIVES: Constitutional Activists Committed to Institutionalizing" Citizen Vigilance

    Civic Education

    Government Monitoring

    Organizing Grassroots Movements Demonstrating Peaceful Civic Resistance

    Resurrecting the 1st Amend Capstone Right to Petition For RedressContinental Congress 2009

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    Introduction and History

    Continental Congress

    HISTORY:The first Continental Congress which was convened in PhiladelphiasCarpenters Hall on September 5, 1774 sought to right the wrongs that had

    been inflicted upon the Colonies by Britain. Comprised of delegates elected

    by the people and colonial parliament, the delegates debated and discussed

    their respective states interests and developed a statement ofprinciples that were common to all Colonies.The Second Continental Congress followed in May 10, 1775, shortlyafter the start of the American Revolutionary War. The majority of the

    delegates who attended the first meeting, also attended the second.

    In July, 1776, the Resolution of Independence was drafted and wasfollowed by the United States Declaration of Independence. In theyears that followed, the Colonies agreed on the Articles ofConfederation, held a Constitutional Convention and ratified theUnited States Constitution.

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    Introduction and History

    Continental Congress 2009

    REPEATING HISTORY:The 2009 Continental Congress is being organized to allow

    delegates, three from each state, to represent their states

    interests and to discuss the Constitutional violations and the

    Peoples repeated attempts to Petition for Redress.

    Comprised of 150 elected citizen representatives, the delegates

    will agree upon a peaceful course of action that will put the power

    back into the hands of We The People, restore our freedoms and

    preserve our Constitutional Republic.

    More details relating to the Continental Congress and how itwill advance the causes ofother like-minded, PatrioticGroups and Organizations will be discussed in Part 2 and inthe Citizen Networking Session in Part 3.

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    Question for The Audience

    What Motivated You To Attend This Meeting?

    GENERAL CONCERNS:Recent Job Loss and/or Rising Unemployment

    Loss of Home Value

    Credit Crisis and/or the Ability to Qualify for a Home Loan

    Crippling Tax Increases

    Rising Costs of Operating a Small Business Instability of the Stock Market

    Losses to 401K and Other Investments

    Expanding Role of Federal Government

    Risks to State Sovereignty

    Taxpayer-Funded Loans and Bailouts to Private Industries

    Pork-Filled Legislation Disguised as Economic Stimulus

    Federal Reserve, Fiat Currency and a Central Banking System

    Amnesty Proposals and Federally Funded Programs for Illegal Aliens

    Presidential Eligibility Natural Born Citizen

    Infringement of Right to Bear Arms

    Fear of Martial Law

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    Unconstitutional Conduct and

    Lack of Governmental Accountability


    Federal Reserve and Bailouts

    Iraq Resolution

    Patriot Act

    North American Union

    Illegal Immigration

    Gun Control Laws

    Computerized Vote Counting

    LACK OF GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTABLITY: Repeated Failure to Respond to the Peoples Petitions for Redress

    Failure to Account for and Appropriately Use Taxpayer Funds

    Failure to Honor Freedom of Information Requests

    Failure to Verify the Presidential Eligibility of Candidates

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    Duties and Responsibilities

    DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES: We must Exercise our Duties as Citizens

    Understanding our Duty is as Important as Comprehending our Rights

    Citizenship allows us to be Part of a Society

    We exist for the good of Ourselves and our Society as a Whole

    Citizenship requires the execution of our Responsibilities

    Citizenship requires adherence to our Constitution

    It shall be the duty of every citizen of the United States of

    America to abide by, protect and preserve our Constitution, torespect the ideals of our Founding Fathers and to create

    institutions that provide law and order in our society in

    preservation of our Constitutional Republic.

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    A Call to ActionRestore Our Constitutional Republic

    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the

    government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas JeffersonFellow Citizens,

    If you are ready to perform yourduties and

    responsibilities as Citizens of our Great Country, please


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    Citizen Action Form

    For those of you STANDING, thank you for making a commitment to takethe action that is needed to preserve Our Constitutional Republic.

    We realize everyone of you standing has limited time due to outside

    obligations, however, we believe you are here today because you realizethat if we dont start working together, we wont have a ConstitutionalRepublic or a United States of America to stand up for in the future.Please be seated and take the next 5 minutes to complete the CitizenAction Formthat we have included in your information packet. This formwill help us determine how much time you have available, and what type of

    action you are committed to taking. We need both leaders and people towork behind the scenes, so please commit to doing what you can.Please bring your completed CITIZEN ACTION FORM up to the frontbefore you leave forBREAK. Thank you for your cooperation.

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    We The People FoundationContinental Congress 2009

    Part 2Peoples Right To

    Petition For Redress

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    History and Background

    Peoples Right To Petition For RedressTHE MAGNA CARTA - ENGLISH COMMON LAW:If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any

    respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of

    this security, and the offence is made known to four of the said twenty-five

    barons, they shall come to us - or in our absence from the kingdom to thechief justice - to declare it and claim immediate redress.

    If we, or in our absence abroad the chief justice, make no redress within forty

    days, reckoning from the day on which the offence was declared to us or to

    him, the four barons shall refer the matter to the rest of the twenty-five

    barons, who may distrain upon and assail us in every way possible, with the

    support of the whole community of the land, by seizing our castles, lands,possessions, or anything else saving only our own person and those of the

    queen and our children, until they have secured such redress as they have

    determined upon. Having secured the redress, they may then resume their

    normal obedience to us.

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    1774 Act, Journals of the Continental Congress(unanimously passed)

    History and Background

    Peoples Right To Petition

    If money is wanted by Rulers who have in any

    manner oppressed the People, they may retain ituntil their grievances are redressed, and thus

    peaceably procure relief, without trusting todespised petitions or disturbing the publictranquility."

    - Journals of the Continental Congress, 1:105-113

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    History and Background

    Peoples Right To Petition

    The privilege of giving or withholding our money is an

    important barrier against the undue exertion of prerogative

    which if left altogether without control may be exercised to our

    great oppression; and all history shows how efficacious its

    intercession forredress of grievances and establishment of

    rights, and how improvident would be the surrender of sopowerful a mediator."

    -Thomas Jefferson

    Reply to Lord North, 1775. Papers 1:225.

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    History and Background

    Peoples Right to PetitionREPEATED INJURY:In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned

    for Redress in the most humble terms. Our repeated

    Petitions have been answered only by with repeatedinjury.

    A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act

    which may define a Tyrant, is thus unfit to be the ruler of

    a free people.

    -Declaration of Independence 1776

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    New Hampshire Constitution

    Peoples Right To Revolution

    [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.]Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection,

    and security, of the whole community, and not for the private

    interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men;therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and

    public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress

    are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old,

    or establish a new government.

    The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, andoppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and

    happiness of mankind.

    June 2, 1784

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    Peoples Right to Petition

    RIGHT TO PETITION :Congress shall make no law respecting the

    establishment of religion, or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,

    freedom of the press; or the Right of the People

    peaceably to assemble, and toPetition the government

    for a redress of grievances.- FIRST AMENDMENT, UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION-1791

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    Peoples Right to PetitionThe Right to Petition is a distinctive, substantive Right, from

    which other substantive First Amendment Rights were

    derived. The Rights to free speech, pressand assemblyoriginated as derivative Rights insofar as they werenecessary to protect the preexistingRight to Petition. Free speech Rights first developed because members of Parliament

    needed to discuss freely the Petitions they received.

    Publications reporting Petitions were the first to receive protection from

    the frequent prosecutions against the press for seditious libel.

    Public meetings to prepare Petitions led to recognition of the Right of

    Public Assembly.

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    Peoples Petitions For Redress

    PETITION 1 (1995): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating to theBailout of the Mexican Peso in violation of the Money Clauses

    PETITION 2(1999): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating to theBombing of Kosovo Without a Congressional Declaration of War

    PETITION 3(July 1999): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating tothe Direct Un-Apportioned Tax on LaborPETITION 4 (April 2000): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relatingto the Direct Un-Apportioned Tax on Labor

    PETITION 5 (July 2001): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating tothe Direct Un-Apportioned Tax on Labor

    PETITION 6(Nov 2002): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating toIraq ResolutionPETITION 7 (Nov 2002): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating tothe USA Patriot Act and the War on Terrorism

    PETITION 8(Nov 2002):Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating tothe Federal Reserve System

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    Peoples Petitions For Redress

    PETITION 9(Nov 2002): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating tothe Direct Un-Apportioned Tax on Labor

    PETITION 10(March 2003): Petition for Redress of GrievancesRelating to Forced Withholding of Pay

    PETITION 11(July 2004): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relatingto abuse of Accountability (Redress) Clause of the 1


    Amend.PETITION 12(2008): Petition for Redress of Grievances Relating toComputerized Vote Counting

    PETITION 13 (June 2008): Petition for Redress of GrievancesRegarding Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms

    PETITION 14 (June 2008): Petition for Redress of GrievancesRegarding the North American UnionPETITION 15 (June 2008): Petition for Redress of GrievancesRegarding the failure of the President to enforce the Immigration Laws.

    Read More About the Petitions Served On The Governmentwww.GiveMeLiberty.org/Revolution

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    Supreme Court ActionIn July 2004 almost two thousand ordinary Americans filed suit in

    federal court asking the judiciary to declare - for the first time in

    history- the constitutional meaning of the First AmendmentPetition clause.Why won't the U.S. Supreme Court tell us whatthe last ten words of the First Amendment reallymean?. and to Petition the government for a redress ofgrievances.

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    Purpose and Overview

    Continental Congress 2009Mission:The Mission of the Continental Congress is to end and reverseviolations of the Constitution of the United States of America byeducating Americans on the issue of petitions for redress. We willdo this by acting in a proactive, non-violent, constitutionallybased course of action to restore the original intent of ourFounding Fathers for the free people of ourConstitutionalRepublic.Who? The Peoples Representatives (3 Delegates Elected from Each State)What? End and Reverse Constitutional ViolationsWhen? 2009Where?TBDHow? Proactive, Non-Violent, Constitutionally Based Course of ActionWhy? Restore the Original Intent of Our Founding Fathers

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    Purpose and Overview

    Continental Congress 2009Vision:The ultimate Vision is to create a platform in whichrepresentatives from each of the United States can progressthrough a course of deliberations and discussions and developa renewed commitment to our Constitution and Declaration ofIndependence.Delegates will determine and acknowledgementthe repeated violations against the Constitution which threatenour Republic. Delegates will review the Peoples repeatedefforts to petition the Government for a Redress of Grievanceand determine the most appropriate, non-violent,constitutionally based course of action to address and resolvethe peoples concerns.The Continental Congress will become amajor catalyst through which the people of America will seekConstitutional obedience from elected officials, create greatergovernmental accountability and a complete restoration of ourConstitutional Republic.

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    Q & AContinental Congress


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    A Call for LEADERS to Help

    Restore Our Constitutional RepublicFellow Citizens,

    If weve learned anything from the Nov 4, 2008 election, weve learned how

    a coordinated grassroots movement can effectivelychange thecourse of a Nation.If you are concerned about where our Nation is heading, and you have

    an interest in taking the LEAD to organize volunteers in yourSTATE orCOUNTY in an effort to take back our Country, please

    Stand Up and Step ForwardPlease take 5 minutes to complete the Meeting Evaluation Formin your information packet and bring the completed form to the front

    before you leave for theBREAK

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    We The People FoundationContinental Congress 2009

    Part 3CitizenNetworking Session

    Please Learn More:We The People Foundation www.wethepeoplefoundation.org

    We The People Congress www.wethepeoplecongress.org

    Petition For Redress of Grievances www.givemeliberty.org