wsc 2015 1-1/2 year update june 21, 2014 washington, dc general chair: charles “chick” macal,...

Download WSC 2015 1-1/2 Year Update June 21, 2014 Washington, DC General Chair: Charles “Chick” Macal, Program Chair: Manuel Rossetti,

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WSC 2015 1-1/2 Year Update June 21, 2014 Washington, DC General Chair: Charles Chick Macal, [email protected] Program Chair: Manuel Rossetti, [email protected] Business Chair:Michael North, [email protected] Slide 2 WSC 2015 Hyatt Regency, Huntington Beach, CA Dates: December 6-10, 2015 2 Slide 3 WSC 2015 WSC 2015 Status Report Theme: Social and Behavioral Simulation Keynote Address: Dr. Joshua Epstein, John Hopkins University and the Santa Fe Institute, The Rise of Artificial Social Simulation (new book: Agent_Zero Titans of Simulation: Pierre LEcuyer, Averill Law Publicity widgets: Postcard announcement for WSC 2014 3 Slide 4 WSC 2015 Chick Macal, GC Engagement with WSC 2014 Planning Required positions: Program Chair: Manuel Rossetti Business Chair: Mike North Exhibits Chair: John Tufarolo Board Liaison: Gordon Publicity Chair: ___ (Europe, China, Asia, Australia, Americas) John T. Murphy (Social Simulation) Registration Chair: ___ Sponsorship Chair:___ 4 Slide 5 WSC 2015 Manuel Rossetti 5 Program Chair Slide 6 WSC 2015 WSC 2015 Proceedings Editors Levent Yilmaz Associate Professor 3116 Shelby Ctr for Engineering Tech Suite Phone: (334) 844-6343, Fax: (334) 844- 6329 E-mail: [email protected] Website: ilmaz ilmaz Il-Chul Moon Assistant Professor Socio-Economic Systems Laboratory 4101, E2-2, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, KAIST, 335 Gwahangno, Yusung-gu, Daejon, 305-701, Republic of Korea +82-42-350-3158 +82-42-350-3118 e-mail: [email protected] Wai Kin (Victor) Chan Department of Decision Sciences & Engineering Systems CII 4011, 4th Fl Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th St. Troy, NY 12180-3590 Office: CII 5213 Phone: (518)276-2952 Fax: (518)276-8227 Email: [email protected] Theresa M. Roeder, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Decision Sciences College of Business San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA 94132-1722 [email protected] phone: 415-405-2423 fax: 415-405- 0364 6 Slide 7 WSC 2015 Proposed Tracks Introductory Tutorials Advanced Tutorials Simulation Education Analysis Methodology Modeling Methodology Simulation Optimization Agent-Based Simulation Social and Behavioral Simulation (new) Hybrid Simulation General Applications Healthcare Applications Logistics, SCM and Transportation Manufacturing Applications Military Applications Project Management and Construction Business Process Modeling Homeland Security and Emergency Response Environmental and Sustainability Applications Networks and Communications Gaming and Simulation Big Data Simulation and Decision Making Simulation Based Training (new) PhD Colloquium Poster Session Case Studies Vendor Sessions MASM (Modeling and Analysis for Semiconductor Manufacturing) Conference 7 Slide 8 WSC 2015 Plans for Filling Track Coordinators Contact 2014 and 2013 Program Chairs and ask for nominations/suggestions Contact 2014 track chairs for suggestions Who in the reviewer base may be ready to act as track coordinator? Fill in as needed from personal or other contacts. 8 Slide 9 WSC 2015 Michael North 9 Business Chair Slide 10 WSC 2015 WSC Attendance - Historical 10 Slide 11 WSC 2015 DatesDec 6-10, 2015 Room Block (max night / total)638 / 1020 Room RateThe guest room rate guaranteed for 2015 is $189 for single or double occupancy. The rate of $189 includes a waived resort fee of $23 per night. 3% rebate off all guest room revenue (regardless if group or individual pays), and food & beverage charges. Attrition Allowance50%; if not met we pay for the rooms not re-sold by the hotel or on a last-sold basis. Food & Beverage Minimum$60,000 Exhibit Hall and Meeting Space Costs Booth equipment rental, setup, decoration, exhibit space rental, security, printing and postage? ConcessionsOne complimentary Presidential Suite; Ten one-bedroom suite upgrades at group rate; Ten VIP Amenities delivered to VIPs Suites, value $50 each; Five staff rooms at the discounted rate of $129 per night; Group rate honored three (3) days pre and post, based on availability; 10% discount on banquet menu pricing; Ten complimentary parking passes Comp Rooms1 comp night per 50 paid room nights. Hyatt Huntington Beach Resort Contract 11 Slide 12 WSC 2015 Baseline Registration Projections for 2015 CategoryEarly*Full*Count*Revenue Member$495$545207+28$117,725 Non- member $645$695210+25$152,825 Retired$185$23515+0$2,775 Student$150$100150+15$25,500 Total58268650**$303,250 *Assumes WSC 2013 registration rates **Total attendance projection based on last five-year (stable) average 12 Slide 13 WSC 2015 Baseline Exhibit Assumptions Standard booth : $1,250; budgeted 11 Corner booth : $1,350; budgeted 14 Book display : $450; budgeted 1 Total Exhibits: $33,100 *Assumes same fees as WSC 13 Exhibits chair will need to work on ideas to grow the exhibitor base and grow attendance in the exhibits area 13 Slide 14 WSC 2015 Documentation for the Future BC business process documentation: Compiling a business process document Developing spreadsheet template Past BCs have volunteered to review Updating WSC Summary (The Big Book O WSC): Have data from 2001 to 2009 and 2013 (Thanks Marty Miller!, Cheryl Clarke, Sandy Owens) Need (and requested) BC data from: 2010 Jeff Smith 2011 Bob Wright 2012 Young-Jun Son 14