ws tt yr 4 e aw mo j1 - library of...

ws TT yr wV T V V wf ljfi fJ v j1 1 V J jj I v4 TES 4 j > DESEH35T E ENJNG Aw M VBBAfJfiSD yi iDJgGKiVlEBR 28 Mo 1 3 f = l 10 COW Say They Have Strong Case Against Men Taken Last Wee- kTWOSUSPECTS IDENTIFIED > lVoiiuintIUGIM Aluin XH > fff v- Jcilf7Cs aima tlic Pair In lWtcd GIIMCI Store Tilts police are1 gradutlh tlghtenintr the chain oCevldcnee tirouml the two capes of the store thieves who were cnptuicd Saturd ly and Sunday nlBhU- If the pollcf cm ficqmo tlio comic tlon of Ihese 1T men tlicy believe they will hac deilt Jutilce to the perpelra- tori of 1 large number of the cilmps that have hnppeiiejl thin winter Complaint will lie issued from th county attoinc off lei todn 4iBilnst William Jones Kdwnrd Id lly Uirij llurlm mil James Curt charging them with burghiiv ThMO men were caught Inking nvny a stock of goods fiomthe rear nt thti We ° t null ordci liousb 79 west South T tuple street illicit tht hid piuvlolipfy removed fiom the ston The detectives sa th y hnVo 1 strong cast against these men Joseph A West the nnn iici of the firm siisithat about JiOO north ot stock Is tllll missing whlill lth thuJ- XQOO worth that was lecovcicd makes the Milne of the goods ic tinned fiom the store amount to 1 CdC Among the missing rpods me knives colHi tnd- ilff < buttons SJ suits of clothes 91 pain of troiicors and 10 doren h indkerchlcfs- J ho dotcqtUes an nov endcavoilnt- to locate thu mlwlntf articles Tlio police havjnir mcirt tiouhlc securing eildincu against the ganjr that was caught iobblns tin > on te- JllchnidSon giocerv stnrc fcatuiday night A ompHInt was Issued till morning against Frank Ifonan ojifc- of the f mm ho ei at rested iharslnB him vltli hurslnry and the ilctictlvci hopo to bo able to sicure- Drnjilalnts against thu othcin In a few llflVB Jllss IMC Votidbrry who saw tlio liurslais In the stout and tho alarm to tho police Identified llonan and lamns JIorrN jnterday nfternoan- nb the two men sho silw In the store I hr fact that Honan was furthci Iden- tified by luik Ualton as thu man whom ho aw runnlnfi from the stort maKci the caso nifalns him a strong one James fitftar the manwlio deserted hifi wife on hei deathbed and who aft ei wauls icllnriiilshid all claim to her hod v v> a8 dlschiugcd In police court Veiteiday He his been In Jail nearly two weeks but the police hrvo been unable to convict him of vagrancy tho- chaigo on which he was held win PAILS TO APnirlo- sopli Kcotl who was cliaiged with h tteiT > vvns discharged In Judge Whlt- t niters court csterda afternoon be- cause ¬ his wife whom he had stiuck ic- fuspd to appear against him The judge warned Seolt thnt u repetition of this offenro would result In a maximum enlcnc- esiioiLin iits snNTiNcnD Mrs I 0 Hlghiliji and Mis Annie 1cfeison and daughter who H S WfMe caught phopllfilng In ICelth- t OHilens More about 10 di ago W plecded gulllv lo Ihe chaigij and wcio- V stt sentenced to seivn SO d i in Jnll Thrv g f hid pievlouslv pleaded not Kulltv but ft their counsel clnnged the pica to guiltv j nnd nsked lenlene as It was the first J offense and the women hid already been In jnll a numliei ofdnvs o- iM noosiiiif rum MIIIN- I sH A few nipmbi rs of tho 00000 club en met at tin Knutsfoiel Tucsd1 evenliiR- r i to dlocuss in an Infoimil vvi iilans- t for adverllslng halt Lake Cltj and for 17 ncouniBing manufiicttirps It was de- I kj i Idcd to hold an orflcjiil meeting em- Ji fan 17 whin a baniiuct will be given ni and rommltlees appointed lluttons- t OtitiilnlnR the vvoidn 200000 Hoobtcr j riub of Salt Lako will bo nuiilu foi W Iho members TIOD UNDKIt SJOOO OMS Louis llaiim Iho CJrcek who wns T Idontlned by llttln fttjitlo Crowthei as l thu man who attempted to assault hei Satin day night wan arraigned befoio- Iolleo Judgo Whltakei csterdav aflet- j noon on Ihe ch 1110 ol atlompli d ns- naull llo pleaded not guiltv but his atloinej Samuel A King rceiuestcd to- ulthili iw tho ploa until this afteinoo- nIanms counsel asked for a JMO bond v nnd Asst Count Att > Dan Alcxindpi- ngreed to 750 but Judgo Whltakei t lid that In view of the urixlt of tho of- fense ¬ ho WIIH not willing lo mike Ihe- hombi lesb tlmn J2 000 II mm Is still In- e ustody- 1I3NKS IS lISCiAHGii- f lohn Ionic mi old inllread man who t VVIIH Accused of sleillng a vvitch fiom- W 11 IiavvllngH in tho VhUu Mouse I bni on tho night of Dec 17 wns nc- j nultted bv Police Judge Whit ikei es- leuln nflernoon The evidemo showed i tlmt tho walrh was not stolen but i taken an a pinuk whllii tho men were t drinking together This was tho llrst- j lime that Jinks has been mi Piled xow CONTHMIT pitcijijntch- trlf oci all estate which has frn- quentl tnktn tho putke to the homes of Airs Hrob Jinn and Louisa H Aims bus at 1nst teaelied Judne Aim htrontf In tlm Ililid illstild unirt In a Contempt mocrfrdlbK Instituted In Mis Ames against Munr It Is ulloRed that Mrs Muiu widow of Inrnb Muii7 Im- icfusfd tn suirepdoi certain ninuoitv- to Alls Ames In arcoidanco with a- couit oidii Vlmt was supposed to- Imxn been r settkment of the Mima- cstntp nnttcis In tho Ihlnl dlstil- etIt is Important flint1 you kiin to sue when votir coining cap icil i xinill- ifi cst non Kiuilei cain Mncbconieeil will Ic casici to more- GcLftlic iiibit nun atcoutit licr- cZionFSavHngs Dank Trust Co- t l ito4 iJiK jiiaKgijJB Pure drugs reliability f- rquick service lowest possible prices are the foundation stones of our mammoth bus- iness ¬ Tlic Pure I > rnf Dlipcnn- ryiiun Soutli Main Street MMIj ottonasI- tieoUc Iliinipt- Atlcntlon couit Ins proved to be onlj the begin- ning ¬ and tne lontempt proeecmngs will be used 03 a settle1- Muise cntcicd nmii ih crees of- dlvoice this morning In the cases H- Aland II vvcnneifitroin against I H- Weiincrsirom and fcetn Jonnson against icisie lontiHi- nsuir io nixovLi- r W ivans mis brougnt unit In tho Thud district court ngainxi joiin M- Lhrlstciisen and hclmi Chnstens n- to recover on a note ex- ecutcti In Ma favor by the defendants and secured by a moriiago on ceituln- projHjrty in Sit Lalc tviins asks thu- couit lot judgment In the sum ot ilUU- tor 15i nttoiney iee mat the mort- gage ¬ bo declared valin tnat tlie sncrllt- bu ordpred to sul tne iopert > inciuucil- In tn mortgage and inai in the event n sutflclenl Minn is not realized b tne- id atisiy the claim tnat a judg- im nt be entered tor tne iifferPii- eebinii iciiaii > ox TKACKS- Hebei iJennkin his filed suit Intl e Thud district court against the ivir- iIcuio Los Angelts it tiM iake itall- iil company 101 dumatjea In the sum ot JiiiO foi the killing of a herd of sheep bi one of the trilns of that compnii Itcnnlon avers that the eoniiin > has neglected to keep Its luices In icpalr nortn tf a point known as Point of the Mountain near the Intersection ol tnc iit l > dKt- tineks with thOM ot the Jelluniie 1ow- ei eompinyH electric line rltteen sheep and one lam were Killed JIIUS Ih AltltAIOM Ullvci AtlltK i negio who was xo- eiely battered bj tluce Chinamen Whom he attempted to hold up laM week intend i pica ol not guilty lo- th rlmrge of highway robbery in polled court jcstcidaj He was released cm- SriCO bonds ami his easu was sut foi Jan 5 lor resetting COUUT WAHXb I1VIXGSTOX When fudge Morse nave John Ilv- Ingston from Tilda > tlCtcinooii until Tueiiduy to pu 30 buck alimony a ei Livingston had ti stilled to havlntTmade but 5J In the past 10 months he asked ICow on earth am I going to get It The court wnlvid responidbllt foi Ills method of pi 01 in Ing he necessary moiic but Intimated utioiuh tl it un- less ¬ ho did get It he would he given a Jail sent me Livingston appealed lust evening befoie Judge Morse with he- JO and the contempt ehiiisc agralnst him was dismissed UKJiir YIHS roi souijmI- lulit > voais Is the entence drawn b- IAOII > Poulard convicted bv a Jury In Judge Lewis cilmlnal division of the llilul dlstilcl cimit of buiglirj In tho second device Soiilurd entered tho home of J t CosKilff In enst South Temple otnc months ago nnd took sev- eial liundud dulliiis Woith of Jewell When nt rested he mmln a confession lain UnjIiiR his guilt nnd standing trial itmv is bixUitnn- lilal if lirfa Kmcvlch Iroeteds In- Cilmlnal Com Aftei iifestlonlng venlrenun for 1- dav and a half u jury was seemed In- 7udge Lewis division of tho Third dlstikt tomt at 1230 today to heat tho lilal of Trofn Hiieerleh charged vllli niurdei In thn first degroo for the killing ot Mlko Ilacs nt JJIigham on- Pel 1 1909- Aflei huuxtlng thu icgulai panel vsteidav and having secuied but wvcn unirejudlced Jursmen a special venlio of 2fi names was i ued ic- ttiinablo at 10 oclock this moinlng- It was m cess irj to ex inline eight of- tlu so to iedire thn necesjar live The tumble experienced In setuilng- a Jury In this ise Is that Iticelehls- an Anstilnn and man > of those iiies- tloinl diielaied unhesllatliiKl > tint this would piojudlie tliMn apilnsL him Choi IPS J lllgjon i plumbei openly d clircd th it it woiid Inve been bettei had both men bivu killed than tint Just one was Plus aho being an Aiifatrltn- In answoi to a question from At- tiniuy Wllllid llanson foi Iho de- Ipnsp n to vvlmt his erdlrt would be- In this mint tho murdered man had IHCII an Ameikan HUson declared the Atstilui would h ivp btpii punished legnidkss of th eliciimstances sm- loiindlng the muidoi Ho was excused bv flit eoutt tv xoinsN- sneil from he ofllec of fountv Attoiiiiv Job L > oii this imnn In chiiiglng llaiit llaillaii illlui loms ndwiud Kilki and Jim Curiv with huiKlin In thy sioiil ihgrieHo spellle oITi UNO upon vvhhJi this ihaige Is bnsed Is the atteiipled idhbiij of thn West Mall Ordei hoiinc at 77 vicst South Temple Moinlaj night whin Inige tinnlltli3 of i Icthlng were uinliil fiom tho stoio Into an allo pupua torv to lemovlng li It wis ilKeov eud b Uic poll c and the torn were ai rfted John MeOniw was airalgmd In fudge IOwlss illvlflon of the Ihlnl dlstilet court Ills afteinoon i barged with rimid Iniceiiv It Is chaiged that Mi lliaw with lohn bing stole a gold vvauh nnd chain valued nt 7 fiom W i Wai m r on Dec 17 McfJriw pliad ii gulltv and was sentenced to one M ai In thn stale pilMin IIo doclaied lie vas lntolcateil at Iho tlmo the cffensi was committed LATE LOCALS Xlnlli aid At the Ninth ward annisi rnent hall Tildav evening a mls slonaiv bom III dame will he glun linilei the inispkes of the Junlm tlu ologkal cli s of the Sunday school Wiiuli INulv at Tin1 Million Tho flienuMi at hendouai tcrs stations Xo i and ilio planning an niaborato etlebratlon foi Years ove when thev will give a dumo foi heir whes and hweuthpiu If The Kjitiniilum N boliuj diconited foi tho occasion with AHUM lean Mags ncrgreon and holldnj lestoonlng Thu piograhl will etond until tlie carl hours of tho morning so th it tho nicrrvmakers may see tho new > cai In anil the old 5 car out As Hxcluslvclv JoiccnslPd In- t Xous 1icsidcntjof HiunldJtc- As was cxcluslvclv fprcast In The News Tiieiilny evening D C Jack lings reslgntitlon as president of the UeraldlUpubllcitn Publishing com panj was accepted lt t night tit n meeting of the dlroctois of the com jinii III stock Is ulso foi sale which amounts to about 8000- 0Aeordlng to u loport 13 If Cal llbter United States colleUoi ot In- ternal ¬ revenue will probablj bo chosen to III the vacancv Kor several months Mr Calllstir has iinietkally din clad the policy ot the pajicr and tin other dlrectois Indorsed hfs pollov at thu- meetlne tv o weeks ago hen Mr- JacklhiK objected fo tho course ttlkui- bv the novvipappi In attacking U II- lliincroft gineinl inunn ci of the Or- egon ¬ Short Line and Iulcy 1 Wil- liams ¬ chief counsel foi the i illroad- ompnnv the iliicctois iipprov- Pd of Mi Caljlsteis method of h in- lllng tlie paper MI Jnckllng hmd- cd In lili ipslpnntlon- Thu vicnnev will not be llllid at pre ent Senator need Snioot Is In- tislilnjton and Col Ud Loosn of- trovo Is confined fo his bed and It lindirstood that n conferenu will be- biKl with thc e men betore unv action Is taken Mr Calllcter has also bc n- eliairinan of the etrullM > coinmltteo and It U stated tint he will no doubt be appointed piesldent of the com inUlun Mr Jnekllng was ulked about his n Ignatlon last night he Mild Vet the Nport Is true 1 tendered mv resignation as piesldcnt of Ihe- Heraldltepubllean Publiihing lompiny- on Dee V and It was accepted by tho bond of dhectors Tucday Questioned with lefercnco to Ills rea- sons ¬ foi lelhlng Ml tackling said I have not been In with tht pollc > ot thu p iper Its personal abUe of pi ople and coipoiatlons his not appealed to me ns the thing and I have been pmUstlng against It- foi noine lime but owing to the fact tint I was In tin minority 1115 pro ts hive In en useless Is it nlto hue that > ou have an- nounced ¬ tint om stock Is for sale It l was the iepl > I will ell the Htock If I can get anjbody to hu- It > I do not know t < actlv what mj holdings ale but the > aie betvvenJ7- COOO and JSO 000 FRED SILVER AGAIN Once Moielakon In Hand on liiiiult- Cluujc > Jdiecnsiii Comnililcd Application Ins ucen onlered In the lioimlo division of the Third district eomt asking that Tied fellver ho P- ninfn d as to Ids snnlty Slfvcis paillc- uljr hulluclnatloii Is that ill judges mo- lottcii He declarCH In a wiltten notice he has stmcd Inco hlu ariest that Utiih has no supicme court nnd that one Is- reeded at Tort Douglas He also MIV- Sfealt Like needs mom parks and mtk Ihcuo notices me disconnected- ccrawls luidly legible and me signed T 1 SIHei Clmmplon Judge of the Uurld born Novi The licirlnc was held Ida ninrnhig and Sllvci oulcrcd ommlt ted lo the Mite mental hospital at Provo Since fdward loigcnnenH hijinj at Ihe gait Palace two veniH IIKO ho linn been unsound of mind and for the past ciir- I h been confined to the Holj Oross liou- pltnl Application foi Ids e unlnatlnn- h > the snnltv 10 ird wns made In tlin uro- Inte dlvllon of tho Tldril district eomt Ibis morning loipinsin the applli itlou- setK foi Hi lmilmf lin Is traveling the ah III an iihshlp nnd ron linuiliv fiMis Injuiv from falling AftiI- ho he irlnir thin mornlni JOIKOIISPII vv is- frdrred fommltted to tho Provo mont il hospital FORCED TO THE WALL lilcli Snlu rMiact riiniiiain Tunis Stork Ovi r In Cn dllors The lllih hplco Kliact ciiniptii of 17 west faoutli Timpki stuct tin md il stock ovil to It cieditois this murnlng- at a mietliig held In the ofllee of ln Utah A> soclatlon df tledit Men Vlulo the liabilities of tho rompanj will amount to about 10000 tho assets will i entire nboiit 1100 In cash Afti i tun condition of the lompanj was Investi- gated ¬ the credltois appointed a com- mittee ¬ of three to take diaigc ot tin affalis of IJio compinv and dlhpoo of- Iho atoik in a inannci likh would be of tho gieitest heiiPllt to tho dcil- Itors O 11 Hewlett of Hewlett Tiro- Mi SoieiiBon of W b Hemlt i son tv- Tompanv and Ml blmmons of the Torbps Toi Coffee conipui of st- LoulH vveie appointed us the committro lies men icprebcnt the hu ist cicd- Itors and will take ihaige of the busl- m ss at 10 oclock Thuisday inoinln- I h Mtore will not he closed and the ommUtio will sill the stock off as fat as possible at the market value Tin company has been well handled and tlie books Hhow that eveij thing has htet conducted along huslniHS lines Tlu keen compi tltlim In the nun kit is slid tn be the i IUIHO of the MrU fnllurt The lompinv wan oiginltd about three jears ago II M Hldi is piesl dent G P Schullr vko piesldent anil manager J A Ciitki hiuetaij and It K Dibble tieismci Jitsldis- hnndling tdi lOlfu hplees mid oth cvtiicts the ompain ulso ownid tin Waterh himleal compiuv Under this cmpoiallon the lompanj iiiiiiiu factuud Inking povvdpr xtiitla and toilet piepai itlons COFFEE GOING UP- rnillui Adumir of llvo ciils Pru- dh led loi Xexl oik Local coffee dealers icpoit tin IlkUI hood of i furthei advanie of llvo cents bv the lirst of thu vcai with piospeet of a Htiil filrlher julvanco later on In fact wllhln Ihe last IS- mpiilhs the pilco of MIIIO coffees has advanced 70 pel cent dun to monts In Hinll rout vcais igo the local plantois ncailj mined themmlvis bv over piodnetlon when tho worlds consumption was lfiUOOOOi bags The price of coffin vink lo llgpics that meant heavv lo es To suo the In dustiv tho Hinlllun govoinmont hol ¬ lowed r000000 with which to Inn up coffee and hold It out of the mni Ket until the pileo Klould iLsi1 to pio ntnblo figures It also forbade plant ¬ ing mv moro coffee shrubs foi the tlmo being Thn light loffCc1 eiop last eal- onpled with the woilds In- ineuiocl comiumiTtlon to 111000 000 btigs onnblod tho 13ralll in fo make a bettoi showing than It WUH inuiglned It would and the c uisn of the glow is Is now bilghtonlnnr up It U claimed bv houses that the 70 per cent advance was on llm d to low and medium giadc coftecs while the advance of tho bottPi brands has been neiulv TO pei cent and the ipnstct Imn oiilv nmdo an- aviiago lulMtnco of 0 per out Thpv- snv tlm ro nisi must ellhpi ndvance his prices m go JiroKe and ho jp tnllci must advance Ills prices or do business without a pion- twnnnixo STATIONKHY- Wo c irn a now and up to date linn of Weddlmr Invitations and Announce- ments ¬ Also calling cnidi and social Invitations of nil kind- sDcscncT NUWS JOB DEFT IJoaiil of imiiih i jJniN Ho Him Past lOOtf Iect 1ioni- ihtalkil a- Thu boaul of fmiulrj sitting on the Owjhec Jdnhi icai end freight col- lision ¬ of Dec IB iflx the responnlblllty- enillcly onEttfilncPi UJall of the repu Jar vveaibound fi eight Xo it Kxtra ficlnlit 7i7 westbound was standing 911 the main line1 between the station switches while home repaliM vvcie be In nindp and tp protect the train a biakeman vva1 sent back 1000 feet with a flag to signal Xo Vj Knglncei Hall of No iw saluted the flag with two blasts nom his whistle while the hcad bntkeman waved hN arm In recogni ¬ tion Piirthermoio there was a distant signal turthei on which could not pos- sibly ¬ have escaped Halls notice Moro pvei thoie wns a ckai straight trade for two miles nt tho reir of tho stalled tialn Yet notwithstanding all theC precautions the bonid find that Hall tho engineer of Xo 53 came dashing up nnd smashed Into tho caboose of otm 7W Hall Is taklni a much needed jest vihlch lb Ilkclv to be In ¬ definite coiMii itivri ITKNSIOV- OIIlrlll Aiinouiiecincnf of- lo UiXln mi Mauli I Seattle Wiish Dec S VoiK on the extension if the Coppei Itlvpr S NoithWestorn iillroid tovvaid Iah b mlctf in tho Tuimni gold diKtiict will bu begun about Mtiich 1 when he Iliu to IConnecott Is to be compleKd nc- toidlntr to Infoimatlon nceived heic tod i The northern cJUmsion will be- gin ¬ at Chitlmi and will bo pushed to- ward ¬ Fairbanks as nxpldlj ns possible The distance from Chlllna to Ialr b inks In ubolit 10 miles It Is estlmatid that the ntelljlon will Involve the oApondlttiip of 30 COOOOO and will be tlu laigest project ot undcitakin In Alaid i Chltlna Is IfO jnlles from Cordoui tlic ocean Urmlmis of tho lalhoad- Uvir slncp thi MorKifnGu Benhcim Intoiesta began tho consli action of the Coppei lilvii roul It has been known that the> weie considering plans foi extending the lino Into tlie Tanann district but It was not until todav that It was IP lined th it work on Iho extrusion would prohablv be started eaily not jeni ILL iiinuiLD The Ionian Vallc > Itnllwav compinj Is prepailng to icbuild tho old line from Sandy to Wa atch at the mouth of Little Cottonwpocl canjon and then quite a wa > up the cannon Thu old Illo Oiamle giade w III be used ObTIJNfiD The Piovo district 1 U miles long of the Silt Like Route is to be recon structcd cnily ther cfmilnp lcrti This would h UP been clone before but for tho dealt Uctlon of the Meadow Vnlle- wosh > line a vcar ago Ilenvlei new tel will iPDlii e tho old rails and steel Jnrt concrete hndgcu the old wooden Htructuics The company Is ilao pie pulmj to build a sKinllo blanch from Mo ip i to the new cement plant located there IN HANDS OF RECEIVER MilieM Fi Hlmiira Open Wlnfpr- Por Ills Ircciit l > iiib nriissincnt- n Mehesv li thi wrll known fur dc ilei stated this alteinoim that liH action In npplk itlon foi a iccelvcrulitp- s taken to inufcct all of his cieditois and tieat them all alike This step he wnsfoiecd to lake becaiisu ol thenither- picclplUitc actliili b > 11 Jaci kel itSons- ol Xew York In filing suil against him In the bird dlstilet eomt In this city Tucbdiv fm 30J 7 illi ged to be duo fiom pionilbsoi noli s and purchases ol incichmiiirsp Ml Mehesj clops not think this suit waj ntcCearj ns ho ib In a luislllon lo caio for his cudllors with the eonsldi latlon of a little time so to piivcnl ono Jumping on him to tin detiiinenl of olhers he has put hl- saflalis In the hinds ol a molvci so th it all will rccilvo their dues In duo time Air Mehesj sa > s tho mild open uIntei the closPnpss ol the times and thu obligation ft It bv people vvho would othi iw Is purch isp to curtail expenses hive siiomdv Iffeeti d the tur tinle so that foi tho time biinpr he Is In some- what ¬ close cinaiteis Howovci he tcels- voij conllcent of being nblo to wtather the stoim suecis fiily nlicl Ibal he will como out In ood shipo latei on DRAWBACK FRAUDS iivii miuiil In Position to Dldnlc- leinis of Coinpionilsc- Vashlnglon Dec 21 Keient dis- closurcH In Iho dinvvbacK fiiuds against tlu govcinmi nt have put the trcasmj depiitment In a position piac- ticailv to diet UP Ihe teims of com piomlsp vvltji tlie sugar rptiulng i om- p inlcs Tho AniPilem Sugai ItPllnlng- dinpunj s ucent oCfii of 700000 may not b accepted in IW of the fact Ih it thn govirtnmnt Is s ifd lo huoo- vldenre to compi the return ot not less than SIOOOOO- OIt hnH lust boeomo known I hat In n remit eonletemo with vttj fien Wliknsliam nttotncvh foi tl sugis- i omp my ufleieil J00000 In Pttlpnienl and decliiid thnl vvas the Jmt cent Tin offel vvis declined and tho 700000- onii enne on soon aftei One olllqi il- of the customs ceivlcc Is nnthoillv for the Htatement th it the fiatids appear lo glow with evuv days Investigation CHARITY SWINDLER SAYS I HAVE SINNED Atlanta fit Dec Hi Doeunic ntn In- dleallng thil thej have swindled imui- jchutehgoeis thioughout tho countij- woie found tod 15 on two Armenians undu niiest hue on tho clatge of ob- taining ¬ immny nndi i falsa prdinsos The nion who gave theli names as Deacon Mlihiel Joseph and Aich- DPICOII Jcin liejan claimed they wrio- collcellng money to ho used foi mis- sion ¬ irj puipcihes In theii homo coun- tiy TJieli piipeis Indleato that they have be on opci tting In IJnglind Ger- nuny Ti tnee and Bulatl t as well us In AmPiiea Joseph made n ph i foi mercy In which ho suid- t havp sinned Vou musl have pltj I am a pom man and have been tempt eil to beg WE DO NOT GO TO EUROPE FOR NEW IDEAS OF FLYING Xow Yoik Dec 2S Aftu i stav several vsiiks In Pails nnd ficYlIn- vvhpie ho has been giving Instructions In the ait of ll > lmr Oivillo Wilght ic tnrned todaj on tlu steamship Oiennlc Tho avlatoi had heard by whelms of tho MUCUSS ot Iloxsry In lupuklng thn- iceord fm height In a Wright madhlii Mi Wright when asked If lio had binHKht buck nnv now Ideas lepllod We do not go to JTurppe for new Idea In ilyln STOCK CUKTTriOATtS stock certlllcatCB bondi nnd blank books of nnv lzn or ctjlo inndo to order Intimates promptly furnhhcd THE DESEHET NEWS JOB DEIW- I Last Pin in Cantilever Structure Over Copper River Driven Home1 ChjistmasirDay TRUNK LltiE OF NORTHWEST Steam Hcnt Xcccyno id fccT Tools ridin riceliu Uj Ioimcr bait Lake Men In Special Corrcipondeiicc Seattle Dec 2G On Chrislnins day tha last pin In tho great cantilever steel bridge over the Kuskulunii iivcr- In Aln ka wnji driven home Anil with Its final iidJustmCnt wua completed ono ot tlu 4remiikablo englneci Ins features of River Xorthwestcrn- tho now trunk lino of the northwest tenitorj tint will open up a vast tseisuro house of mineral to the pios- pectorsor this countiy Trains started to run over tho bildge Dec 7 as tho tumicl at mile 131 was IlnlHhed simultaneously Xow trnek- laj Ing elin fcba piif hod to Kennccott about 60 inlQH avvn > on the already Jo inj Jt thlM brldgn In whiter has been in und taking not thy of note All the bridge gnne and steel workers vveie sent in from Seattle the struc- tural ¬ hteeljVvas made by the American Biidfee comp inv nnd shipped to Seattle nhpio It was loidcd In ven cln of the Alaska Stcimshlp compan > to be trans pciited to Coidova tho seaport nnd point of commencement of the rallioad Owing to some delay In receiving tlie material the woik of constitution was not commenced until Zsovemhei and It was Import nil to rush It through to completion to enable ttackla > lng to- procci d fiom that point to Kenneeott The men woikcd in rcjfiilai shifts but each diy trom U to 1J horns weie put In by the different shifts To accom- pli ¬ ih this elcctilc lUhti wire iied nnd the dieuy Alaskan w Intel night was turned Into clnv In fh > lefrnn rif this wondeiful gorge The bridge with its appionches Is SCO fret long The steel stiuctuii1 piopci consists of two 110foot pinconnected spins and one 2J1foot spin The foui piers ate of solid coperetp sPt on the bides of the chasm and tho height Horn the ilvei lo tho top of the rail in the centci of tho main sp in s 2J3 25 feet STEAM HEAT NECESSARY At times dm Ing construction In tlie- earlj part of Decombei Iho thermome tei fell to 10 and 50 degrees below and n stiff breee vvis blow The ilvets were all driven bv pneumatic toolb and during the ovciMSlvcIv cold dajs it was found that the tools would not woik n steam pipe conm etlon was attached- and tho tools kept fiom ftceding up bv means of n constant slieam of- stoam How eve i HIP wcathei foi the list two weeks was comparative mild MI that quick prosioss i ould be nude Xpt suinnicr when tourists begin to- go ovei Ameilcjs new scenic line il told of the weathei conditions of De- eembei THO duilns > tlie eonstiuctlon- ot this bridge will Inve a difllcult time iccomdlng the statement when the enlm the Ideil weathei of th it portion of Alaska during the summer months Euilj I ist summer i steel biidge was constiucld across the Copper rivci- nciil the Miles nnd Chllds glicleis and here too tin highest class of steel bildgp constiucllon wiis Iho feitine This bildgo was made the subject for 1 special illustralcd nitlilc in the Rail- way ¬ nnd Engineering Ren lew- fsdvv thit tin biidge Is flnlihed vvork- of liitiklajlng bejond to the gient- i oppei mini will bo pushed and to ac- celerate ¬ tb vpik eledilo lights will I- Kxtiunp nloiip HIP prulc fiom Knskiil in i- to Kennccott MI thnt the lonp dark nlghls vill not hlndei the triekl teis Horn making a mile and a half a dav- In tills the ntlmslasm of tlio Anui lean workmen will be an aid to thn hiiildpis- of the load and It Is confidently e- jicrlod that bj Alarch 1 tho terminus will be leached thus completing the first mid of any great length In Alas- ka ¬ nml demonstiitlng again thn in- Iniiiltnhlc enpigy and grpnt fallli In the country of those who aie tiding in the development of the vast teiritoiy- of the northwest mid ol which fceuttlc Is the nntmnl gatewas- rOHMEIl SAIr LAKE MEX- Tho work of building the steel biidge was nuclei the direction of Chief Engi 11101 E C Haklnti Hildge Engineer A C OXeol and Toiiman Chis Drei Many of tin st < el vvoikers left feeatllo to woik upon this contract Tho Copper JllvPr iV iSorthw pstprn la- the inllroid of which B A Eceles Is- pusldent I If Young vice piesldent- f K Ma < Gwan puichaslng agent I- AV Hlla w comptroller AVI1II im JJ- SpriKUe assistant pin chasing nnd Kenneth C Kon IndutiJil agent hit fornif r Salt I ike lallroid men SlalPiiicnt K liidi lliit HIP JMieil- miiits of flu Amicultuial Jeparl- Ilinc I3ctn hnecfliil Tlm dnj of pipot made fiom coin stalks has come tho cxpcilmcnl of Hi- edpputmcnt of agile ulturo having provid Iho proei s can bu mndo a com inciclnl pioposlllon roi come tlmo these utpeilmcnts havp been undi na- piua > the Jlogitss Maga lnu and nnvv- thij ckpartmcnt Is utilising some of tho- tiinstilU pipei for UK coiuspondenqe and operates n mill which turns out the now iinpcr of a high giade bv the hun ¬ dred pound lot Tlio Pxpcits of Uncli Sim my that a small ctmimeiclal mill can ho ktpt busy thiough tho entho- jpai b tlm stalks from tlie coin fields within i indluN of eight to ten miles IMhiipH It will not be manj jears hi fotet the faimei will look upon his stalks 111 tho most nhmhlo put of his coin ciop If he e in icnllo but half a cent rt pound Im Will get mon fen thorn limn foi Iliu corn at hO cents i buJhel Tlu problem of milking chcnpur pnper lo compile with tho wood pulp article used l in inlnlliin ncwKpipcri bus not been solved jet though tho investlgaloih ato hopeful What thin mean c in leacl lly be reallzfd when It Is stall d Hint about r 000000 woith of law iniitcilil wood pulp Is lined annually In the pa pi i making buslili ss in this ountiy That jmai a gictt tntinj tici i tut down J ho stalks arc pressed until the Juice a veiv rich stock food Is ox tlictul thin din deled and ill lid In Ihlsfoim thev will keep sweet u jeir Insuring a stead operation ot the pa- rer mill Only twothirds of thu llbio Id ullllrcd for print paper tho iprmiln der making a soil of parchrnunt water tight for a while but nil fibsorblnK Iho Ing tho lnkx Y llpinld- PERSONALS J E Cosgrlff hiiB gone lo ltibuir Ida on 11 IniMlndsi onind ChailcM H Diinlair division tendpnt Of thi noil Telephone com pany nt Holemi Jioiil IH In tho city ¬ today for a with Ooncril Superlntcndcnt Soiiiineu Conllnued from pngo one nt thc Iafnycfle school building n- JO30 Thopilnclpnl address wnsmade- b > ProfEvnn tephcnsidltector oftho tabernacle choir who on slRht reading and methods Jfor Improvement In tenchlntr music In tho schools Prof Stephens sold Inlhls oplnlonithe most Important things In method Im- llrovonunt In tho futuro will come through tho musical school tsacherwho comes into dally contacttwith the needs nnd rcqurotnonts of thoiiuplls Oncof- tlio pleasing exorcises wils a song bv- n class ofAllttlo ones Jlcct In AseinIih Hull Dr- AddiChS u PcuturP- Incicnscd Inteicst In thej proceedings of the tcathersconventlon wns shown In tho heavy arrivals of teachers and educatpra from vnilous sections on tho- moitilng trains ivho wore nnablo to be esc nt foi the first sessions Amonrf the distinguished arrlvalsT of- thp day will bo Dr Elmer E Urown United Stateit commlsslonci of educa- tion ¬ who Is scheduled to deliver two addresses before the convention bcforo bin return lo Washington Dr Urown- Is expected oei the Union Pacific this afternoon and a leceptlon will be given In his honoi at the Odeon hall this eve- ning ¬ The depailmcntal work for the dav- havlnif been completed In the moin- Ing sessions the main bod of the convention gatheicd for anothei gen- eral ¬ meeting In thp sspmblv hill nt- oclock this afternoon The address of Di John M Cook president of tho- Xorthein Illinois state normal school was the featurp of the meeting Musi- cal ¬ selection were rendered by the Wetzell Indies octet nnd IL vocal solo by Miss Leola Sehruck After tho Invocation Dr Cook was Introduc- ed ¬ His theme tonchPd upon the tendencies of modern education which he hald were goveincel bv notions of- demociacy and Individualism which create new political problems and mulct now educational problems Wh it to do to 111 the people to get a living and behave themselves In the iipublic H Ihe problem now con fronttiio tlm educators of the nation Edueatlon hns been m nip univeisi and th u has put the schoolmasters work fotpimist In the task of finding out what to do Di Cook reviewed Iho hlsloiv of Ihe first si eat moveirjcnt- to make education universal tle gient movement of tho 17th centurv the great democratic movement of the 18th centuij llie great Industrial movement of the hist- JOO vcais and the groat philan- thropic ¬ movement The hei finds It necessarv to understand the child and so he has studied pveholog ami only bv constant and soiichlng Investi- gation ¬ mav the problems of the modem v orld be solved nr cooic TODWS AHIUVAL- Dr John M inesident of the Northern Illinois State Normil si hoo- lanlvcd In Halt Iiko this momiiiK to participate Jn the proceedings of tlio- s venlecnlh luimi il tinchcrs conven- tion of this stafc Di Cook will dellvc- ithiro neldiesses befoio the convenllim- Ile Is n veterin In tl > cause of educa- tion ¬ h iv hip serv ed 13 j e irs ns n teach- er ¬ in normal schools In his native st lie the last U Cus of which ho has been at tho honl ot Ihe Northern state nni- ninl school at Do Kulb 111 Di Cook Mild this morning he was much Im- piescd with the growth of Knit Iako since hfs bust visit here I was heiu ISSS said Ii Cook and I assure von I Ibid sreit changes HIICO thit time I am pleasantlv smpiiscd to PO tlio rental kahlo evidences of our growth as a city and state I was at that tlmo taken bv the beauty of the location of voui city ami it has been only illumed with tho educators of- voui state who see m to be an c ceod liglv bright agsicgatlon of mon and vumicn- Di Cook aid tlicie nip at present iSOOO teaeheis in the ftato of Illinois and 7000 In tin cit of Chicago lie lettiins to Chicago S itmdaj- TIIUIISDAYH PUOGKAM- rollov Ing li tho piosram foi Thurs daj s session TIlUIlfeDAY 8 AM- 1cinill fusion assembly hall Repmt of committee on the phi sk U basis ot cducitlon upt D II Chrlstciison chalnnan 10 a m Genual session ascspibly hull Invocation Music Joidan Hlgli School Oichestta Vocal solo Mis A S PeteH lecture Uiciwth In tho Oiuinmni School Di John M Tlct Ur int picpinituiy school In Uei miiti songs Led by huporvlsoi Wetrell hall pin Geneiil session assembly Invoe itlon Tenor solo M I ISrlncs yiolln Hoiminla Hjde A NiBkcted racloi In lducillon Di John W Cook Tenor solo M J Urlnca 8 li m General jessloii Invocation Ilnno cole Mi s Maigeiv Co alil > Address IT S Commlfcsionrt E j Irovn Baritone coin Jloiaeu H Ensign rillDAY A M- Gcncial nesslon nhsemblv hull Itepoit ot special committee on In ¬ dustrial education Dr John A AVIdl ue i hali m in 10 iim GciiLinl session assembly hull Invocation lentil solo r T HUHi Win W o Acldicss to tiustees- U S Commissioner 13 VlYiown hopnlno solo Mis Henry Khkmnn l m if imil oigan leeltnl at tnliLi iiiiclo J J McClPllan oiKanlst hull Im acnxl csslon assembly Invoe itlon i11 String Qunrtet P olo Miss Lda While Lcclmc Uiowlh In u High fjthool1 Di John il Tiler IDcle striiiB Quartet Uuslndss meeting S p m- Invocation Masonic Quaitct Mrs CorlniK- iIjjdla White Icctuie Education of the Country ad GlrlD Thn V Cook Jtnsunle Quili tot Cunmllcp to 1icscnt Valuable Stn tlstlcH lo Coiivontfo- nPicparatory to picscntlnc Ihch m SfL1110 K0nen > enllo of tw nnsoclntlon tho 01 mltlco on dclertlvo chlldien met at noon In tho offices of city Mm rluistensen This loport l be Ing com- o ih tlc ciiwl m fcubjpot uppermost in the mind of tho cducaloiH at this meeting M f n Phs lcal basis of ducallnn HtatKUes an being tabulate sh the number of hlhlioti I os n > l liy no and thoso who aio not in hpcftii0 of such defect Siipt Chrlstcnuoii said this imnnlne that thuy hud not thel tub eompleto Iho flRuies they In vo com ovor htm far show n suipilsl gy total of kfectlve child en ofsPhoo age In tho state Tho total amounts mm than 000 ln thoso conn < the Wpoiln Icndont cypresses itlio tho tothlVuimlnirWjtttlio iDefeclsJiPseelnffsSnelshe rlpK atu iinojit1 Irovalenltm unfler ci- ofltheso clus3llcntluii3amountlng ncnrly 1000 defects is lielnfffollovv Pd In 10 piling these statistics Defective c sight defective hcnrinfj defect dofectlvo d- 6uleislilieivousisyftel nuch its Vltus flinco AndjT patnlysls defectl breathing known nmoiifr tcachcis month brenth ers physical fectsondh orderH physlcallysubnorn children j Thcife nrowfollowed throughout n county andgilusHlllcd as school dish lets the thu clpal h cutlt school vvJicioMlcfcctsii- found given vltli the dates ot the vestlgatlon and comments nnd sugge thins of tlio investltfiitoi whoso nunio also given ConlplllnfT thesedata no sm- t isk but the resnlth expected thci from will more than amply lepay cducntois fm tlio trouble slnco t primal v pmpose 6f the Investigation to ii jily conoctlvo tieatmont T leathers me taking great pride In t fact that Utah Is the first state to tn- up this nmttei sctlousl with a vK- tovvaid making actual collections imvAvr hunoon onouust- rtn nt- To 1uiiiKli Mush lor Uenchcif Co- Miftian Toinoirdvv- Tlio momleis ot tho Hrnnt sthr- choius which will fuinlsh the mil for tlie tcnchcii convention oniono will meet In thp Hureaii of Infoiimitl- iat fl nm Thuisday moinlng- TUUSTiiS IMUNCIlAIiS AM- atACiuHs You arc wclcomo to out store du- InjT joui stay In the cltv Wo lui- overvtlilnic foi tho school loom n- an iinmcnso stock of standnd hool suitable foi school lllnarlps Llbcr discount j > csruET NEWS nooic STOIU- Mnln Street NEW INCOKPORATIONS Articles of Incorporation foi the M ton Cnnal and Iirlgntlon compaii In been ceitilled b the counly cleik- Wasalch county lo tho societal state Cupltallcd nt r0OOQ with shui- nt J10 each tho cotporntlon takes ov certain watci lights along the DueliPK- iilvei nWasateb countv as part pir- ment foi stock Issued The olllccis ni John I Xow land piesldent C T Bcgp vice piesldent C W Dnbendorff so- letni1 H S Dubeiidoi ff ticasuic These ofllcers with J 1 Tnlo at- Trnnk Schmltt will compi Ise the d- icctonito TICKLED THE LION AND- LOSTJWO FINGER Sun ninclhcn Dec JS While viill- Ing thu winter quintals of a wild uninii- sliow today John ICcileit of Knlghl Landing Cal was told that he coul make a lion uwn b tickling his c hh John tried with the result that he In a hospital nursing a i uul fioi which two lingcis me missing WEATHER REPORT Snow Mils Affornoon en To- nlslit Coldei Tlundii Inli- T ODA1 S TLMPEtlAl tIUIS- r nm 1 snm s v 0 a in s i in i m i i 31 11 nm i r 11 noon 1 p in T- Jnicoiu T Lowest LEGAL BLANKS Of every character nnd description nrranged from tho best legal forms nnd brought strictly up to date A full suppl alvvivs on hand at tin Dcscrct Nows Dook Store ruvinn The fimcial of Jlis HcrlT A Pen lie v wife of J t Ienney will be held lit Hi fninllj lesldince 71 tievenlh iivcniio Thnrsiliiv nfteiniKin Dec I11 at vm I tciineiit Ml Olivet- Tho funeral of HUiih Ann R Woollci will be held nt the Houtli Ootlonvvo- ornelluglioiisp Tlmrifdny ni 1 oeloek p n- ClIHIfjlENSEXln Ids cllv Dee J- 1HO of hfirt dlseup Amu J J CTnl- nUnseti n cil Crl jeirs wife of Ielci M Clnlstiwen or lit eiiPt iieeidh houtl I lip bod will luMiikCn lo Sine fn Interment I nneral will bn held In thehand wnii lupcl at J pm IHda- WliriMANAI i7ii iTpllwood iliemio- Dii 151 IllO i son of IM ward N null Knillv K MlllRito Vhll mini boin Apill 7 3Vk In nilinori- Uliili T uncial services Thiirnda it II i in- ut tlio funeral chapel of loscph W- m1nloi 21 sonlh West Templo uluit- Prli nils am Invlld lo attend Iiiteinlen In Oils cemelery- COtLJln lids city Dec Iii 1110 Jlnr- Kiuel S Coll ngedMI molilliK dnilglllP- of Mi and Mia Harry II Coll ol Gil field dull Imici l was held lonas nl 2 n m i llii fuiioial chapel of liber W Hall If- foiifli West Temple street Interment Jit 11 E Evan Florist 3C S jlnln S- triornl dcMcns a Bneclalli Phonos 9Ct- Til MAIN STUEBT HONEST WOBK HONEST PRICES Palnleio extraction of teeth or no pay All work iruarantced- KEAfEMIJEIl t U- BWe Treat You Eight jj To all paid up subscibeis of the Saturday or SAa News Ml J < 9 f- tm

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ws TT yr wV T V V wfljfi fJ v j1 1V J jj I

v4 TES4 j

> DESEH35T E ENJNG Aw M VBBAfJfiSD yi iDJgGKiVlEBR 28 Mo 1 3 f= l

10 COW

Say They Have Strong CaseAgainst Men Taken

Last Wee-



lVoiiuintIUGIM Aluin XH >

fff v-Jcilf7Cs aima tlic Pair In

lWtcd GIIMCI Store

Tilts police are1 gradutlh tlghtenintrthe chain oCevldcnee tirouml the twocapes of the store thieves who werecnptuicd Saturd ly and Sunday nlBhU-If the pollcf cm ficqmo tlio comictlon of Ihese 1T men tlicy believe theywill hac deilt Jutilce to the perpelra-tori of 1 large number of the cilmpsthat have hnppeiiejl thin winter

Complaint will lie issued from thcounty attoinc off lei todn 4iBilnstWilliam Jones Kdwnrd Id lly Uirijllurlm mil James Curt chargingthem with burghiiv ThMO men werecaught Inking nvny a stock of goodsfiomthe rear nt thti We ° t null ordciliousb 79 west South T tuple streetillicit tht hid piuvlolipfy removedfiom the ston The detectives sa th yhnVo 1 strong cast against these men

Joseph A West the nnn iici of thefirm siisithat about JiOO north otstock Is tllll missing whlill lth thuJ-XQOO worth that was lecovcicd makesthe Milne of the goods ic tinned fiomthe store amount to 1 CdC Among themissing rpods me knives colHi tnd-

ilff< buttons SJ suits of clothes 91 painof troiicors and 10 doren h indkerchlcfs-J ho dotcqtUes an nov endcavoilnt-to locate thu mlwlntf articles

Tlio police havjnir mcirt tiouhlcsecuring eildincu against the ganjrthat was caught iobblns tin > on te-JllchnidSon giocerv stnrc fcatuidaynight A ompHInt was Issued tillmorning against Frank Ifonan ojifc-

of the f mm ho ei at restediharslnB him vltli hurslnry and theilctictlvci hopo to bo able to sicure-Drnjilalnts against thu othcin In a few


Jllss IMC Votidbrry who saw tlioliurslais In the stout and thoalarm to tho police Identified llonanand lamns JIorrN jnterday nfternoan-nb the two men sho silw In the store

I hr fact that Honan was furthci Iden-tified by luik Ualton as thu man whomho aw runnlnfi from the stort maKcithe caso nifalns him a strong one

James fitftar the manwlio desertedhifi wife on hei deathbed and who aftei wauls icllnriiilshid all claim to herhod v v > a8 dlschiugcd In police courtVeiteiday He his been In Jail nearlytwo weeks but the police hrvo beenunable to convict him of vagrancy tho-chaigo on which he was held

win PAILS TO APnirlo-sopli Kcotl who was cliaiged with

h tteiT > vvns discharged In Judge Whlt-t niters court csterda afternoon be-


his wife whom he had stiuck ic-fuspd to appear against him The judgewarned Seolt thnt u repetition of thisoffenro would result In a maximumenlcnc-

esiioiLin iits snNTiNcnDMrs I 0 Hlghiliji and Mis Annie

1cfeison and daughter whoH S WfMe caught phopllfilng In ICelth-t OHilens More about 10 di ago

W plecded gulllv lo Ihe chaigij and wcio-V stt sentenced to seivn SO d i in Jnll Thrvg f hid pievlouslv pleaded not Kulltv but

ft their counsel clnnged the pica to guiltvj nnd nsked lenlene as It was the first

J offense and the women hid alreadybeen In jnll a numliei ofdnvs o-

iM noosiiiif rum MIIIN-I sH A few nipmbi rs of tho 00000 cluben met at tin Knutsfoiel Tucsd1 evenliiR-r i to dlocuss in an Infoimil vvi iilans-t for adverllslng halt Lake Cltj and for17 ncouniBing manufiicttirps It was de-I kj i Idcd to hold an orflcjiil meeting em-

Ji fan 17 whin a baniiuct will be givenni and rommltlees appointed lluttons-

t OtitiilnlnR the vvoidn 200000 Hoobtcrj riub of Salt Lako will bo nuiilu foiW Iho members

TIOD UNDKIt SJOOO OMSLouis llaiim Iho CJrcek who wns

T Idontlned by llttln fttjitlo Crowthei asl thu man who attempted to assault hei

Satin day night wan arraigned befoio-Iolleo Judgo Whltakei csterdav aflet-

j noon on Ihe ch 1110 ol atlompli d ns-naull llo pleaded not guiltv but hisatloinej Samuel A King rceiuestcd to-

ulthili iw tho ploa until this afteinoo-nIanms counsel asked for a JMO bond

v nnd Asst Count Att > Dan Alcxindpi-ngreed to 750 but Judgo Whltakei t lidthat In view of the urixlt of tho of-fense


ho WIIH not willing lo mike Ihe-hombi lesb tlmn J2 000 II mm Is still In-

e ustody-

1I3NKS IS lISCiAHGii-f lohn Ionic mi old inllread man whot VVIIH Accused of sleillng a vvitch fiom-

W 11 IiavvllngH in tho VhUu MouseI bni on tho night of Dec 17 wns nc-

j nultted bv Police Judge Whit ikei es-leuln nflernoon The evidemo showed

i tlmt tho walrh was not stolen buti taken an a pinuk whllii tho men weret drinking together This was tho llrst-j lime that Jinks has been mi Piled

xow CONTHMIT pitcijijntch-trlf oci all estate which has frn-

quentl tnktn tho putke to the homesof Airs Hrob Jinn and Louisa HAims bus at 1nst teaelied Judne Aimhtrontf In tlm Ililid illstild unirt In aContempt mocrfrdlbK Instituted In MisAmes against Munr It Is ulloRed thatMrs Muiu widow of Inrnb Muii7 Im-

icfusfd tn suirepdoi certain ninuoitv-to Alls Ames In arcoidanco with a-

couit oidii Vlmt was supposed to-

Imxn been r settkment of the Mima-cstntp nnttcis In tho Ihlnl dlstil-

etIt is Importantflint1 you kiin to sue when

votir coining cap icil i xinill-ifi

cst non Kiuilei cainMncbconieeil will Ic casici to


GcLftlic iiibit nun

atcoutit licr-

cZionFSavHngs DankTrust Co-

t l ito4 iJiK jiiaKgijJB

Pure drugs reliabilityf-

rquick service lowestpossible prices arethe foundation stonesof our mammoth bus-



Tlic Pure I> rnfDlipcnn-ryiiun

Soutli MainStreetMMIj



couit Ins proved to be onlj the begin-ning


and tne lontempt proeecmngs willbe used 03 a settle1-

Muise cntcicd nmii ih crees of-dlvoice this morning In the cases H-

Aland II vvcnneifitroin against I H-

Weiincrsirom and fcetn Jonnson againsticisie lontiHi-

nsuir io nixovLi-r W ivans mis brougnt unit In thoThud district court ngainxi joiin M-

Lhrlstciisen and hclmi Chnstens n-

to recover on a note ex-ecutcti In Ma favor by the defendantsand secured by a moriiago on ceituln-projHjrty in Sit Lalc tviins asks thu-couit lot judgment In the sum ot ilUU-tor 15i nttoiney iee mat the mort-gage

¬bo declared valin tnat tlie sncrllt-

bu ordpred to sul tne iopert > inciuucil-In tn mortgage and inai in the eventn sutflclenl Minn is not realized b tne-

id atisiy the claim tnat a judg-im nt be entered tor tne iifferPii-

eebinii iciiaii > ox TKACKS-

Hebei iJennkin his filed suit Intl eThud district court against the ivir-iIcuio Los Angelts it tiM iake itall-

iil company 101 dumatjea In the sumot JiiiO foi the killing of a herd of sheepbi one of the trilns of thatcompnii Itcnnlon avers that theeoniiin > has neglected to keepIts luices In icpalr nortn tf apoint known as Point of the Mountainnear the Intersection ol tnc iit l > dKt-tineks with thOM ot the Jelluniie 1ow-ei eompinyH electric line rltteensheep and one lam were Killed

JIIUS Ih AltltAIOMUllvci AtlltK i negio who was xo-

eiely battered bj tluce ChinamenWhom he attempted to hold up laMweek intend i pica ol not guilty lo-

th rlmrge of highway robbery in polledcourt jcstcidaj He was released cm-

SriCO bonds ami his easu was sut foiJan 5 lor resetting

COUUT WAHXb I1VIXGSTOXWhen fudge Morse nave John Ilv-

Ingston from Tilda > tlCtcinooii untilTueiiduy to pu 30 buck alimony a eiLivingston had ti stilled to havlntTmadebut 5J In the past 10 months he asked

ICow on earth am I going to get ItThe court wnlvid responidbllt foi Illsmethod of pi 01 in Ing he necessarymoiic but Intimated utioiuh tl it un-


ho did get It he would he given aJail sent me Livingston appealed lustevening befoie Judge Morse with he-JO and the contempt ehiiisc agralnsthim was dismissed

UKJiir YIHS roi souijmI-lulit


voais Is the entence drawn b-


Poulard convicted bv a Jury InJudge Lewis cilmlnal division of thellilul dlstilcl cimit of buiglirj In tho

second device Soiilurd entered thohome of J t CosKilff In enst SouthTemple otnc months ago nnd took sev-

eial liundud dulliiis Woith of JewellWhen nt rested he mmln a confessionlain UnjIiiR his guilt nnd standingtrial

itmv is bixUitnn-lilal if lirfa Kmcvlch Iroeteds In-

Cilmlnal ComAftei iifestlonlng venlrenun for 1-

dav and a half u jury was seemed In-7udge Lewis division of tho Thirddlstikt tomt at 1230 today to heattho lilal of Trofn Hiieerleh chargedvllli niurdei In thn first degroo for thekilling ot Mlko Ilacs nt JJIigham on-

Pel 1 1909-Aflei huuxtlng thu icgulai panel

vsteidav and having secuied butwvcn unirejudlced Jursmen a specialvenlio of 2fi names was i ued ic-ttiinablo at 10 oclock this moinlng-It was m cess irj to ex inline eight of-

tlu so to iedire thn necesjar liveThe tumble experienced In setuilng-

a Jury In this ise Is that Iticelehls-an Anstilnn and man > of those iiies-tloinl diielaied unhesllatliiKl > tint thiswould piojudlie tliMn apilnsL him

Choi IPS J lllgjon i plumbei openlyd clircd th it it woiid Inve been betteihad both men bivu killed than tint Justone was Plus aho being an Aiifatrltn-

In answoi to a question from At-tiniuy Wllllid llanson foi Iho de-Ipnsp n to vvlmt his erdlrt would be-In this mint tho murdered man hadIHCII an Ameikan HUson declared theAtstilui would h ivp btpii punishedlegnidkss of th eliciimstances sm-loiindlng the muidoi Ho was excusedbv flit eoutt

tv xoinsN-sneil from he ofllec offountv Attoiiiiv Job L > oii this imnnIn chiiiglng llaiit llaillaii illluiloms ndwiud Kilki and Jim Curivwith huiKlin In thy sioiil ihgrieHospellle oITi UNO upon vvhhJi this ihaige

Is bnsed Is the atteiipled idhbiij ofthn West Mall Ordei hoiinc at 77 vicstSouth Temple Moinlaj night whinInige tinnlltli3 of i Icthlng were uinliilfiom tho stoio Into an allo pupuatorv to lemovlng li It wis ilKeoveud b Uic poll c and the torn were airfted

John MeOniw was airalgmd In fudgeIOwlss illvlflon of the Ihlnl dlstiletcourt Ills afteinoon i barged withrimid Iniceiiv It Is chaiged that Milliaw with lohn bing stole a goldvvauh nnd chain valued nt 7 fiom Wi Wai m r on Dec 17 McfJriw pliadii gulltv and was sentenced to oneM ai In thn stale pilMin IIo doclaiedlie vas lntolcateil at Iho tlmo thecffensi was committed


Xlnlli aid At the Ninth wardannisi rnent hall Tildav evening a mlsslonaiv bom III dame will he glunlinilei the inispkes of the Junlmtlu ologkal cli s of the Sundayschool

Wiiuli INulv at Tin1 Million ThoflienuMi at hendouai tcrs stations Xo iand ilio planning an niaboratoetlebratlon foi Years ove whenthev will give a dumo foi heir whesand hweuthpiu If The Kjitiniilum Nboliuj diconited foi tho occasion withAHUM lean Mags ncrgreon and holldnjlestoonlng Thu piograhl will etonduntil tlie carl hours of tho morningso th it tho nicrrvmakers may see thonew > cai In anil the old 5 car out

As Hxcluslvclv JoiccnslPd In-

t Xous 1icsidcntjof HiunldJtc-

As was cxcluslvclv fprcast In TheNews Tiieiilny evening D C Jacklings reslgntitlon as president of theUeraldlUpubllcitn Publishing companj was accepted lt t night tit nmeeting of the dlroctois of the comjinii III stock Is ulso foi sale whichamounts to about 8000-

0Aeordlng to u loport 13 If Calllbter United States colleUoi ot In-


revenue will probablj bo chosento III the vacancv Kor several monthsMr Calllstir has iinietkally din cladthe policy ot the pajicr and tin otherdlrectois Indorsed hfs pollov at thu-

meetlne tv o weeks ago hen Mr-

JacklhiK objected fo tho course ttlkui-bv the novvipappi In attacking U II-

lliincroft gineinl inunn ci of the Or-


Short Line and Iulcy 1 Wil-


chief counsel foi the i illroad-ompnnv the iliicctois iipprov-

Pd of Mi Caljlsteis method of h in-

lllng tlie paper MI Jnckllng hmd-cd In lili ipslpnntlon-

Thu vicnnev will not be llllid atpre ent Senator need Snioot Is In-

tislilnjton and Col Ud Loosn of-

trovo Is confined fo his bed and Itlindirstood that n conferenu will be-

biKl with thc e men betore unv actionIs taken Mr Calllcter has also bc n-

eliairinan of the etrullM > coinmltteoand It U stated tint he will no doubtbe appointed piesldent of the com

inUlun Mr Jnekllng was ulked abouthis n Ignatlon last night he Mild

Vet the Nport Is true 1 tenderedmv resignation as piesldcnt of Ihe-Heraldltepubllean Publiihing lompiny-on Dee V and It was accepted by thobond of dhectors Tucday

Questioned with lefercnco to Ills rea-


foi lelhlng Ml tackling saidI have not been In with

tht pollc > ot thu p iper Its personalabUe of pi ople and coipoiatlons hisnot appealed to me ns the thingand I have been pmUstlng against It-

foi noine lime but owing to the facttint I was In tin minority 1115 pro

ts hive In en uselessIs it nlto hue that > ou have an-


tint om stock Is for saleIt l was the iepl > I will ell

the Htock If I can get anjbody to hu-



I do not know t < actlv what mjholdings ale but the > aie betvvenJ7-

COOO and JSO 000


Once Moielakon In Hand on liiiiult-Cluujc


Jdiecnsiii Comnililcd

Application Ins ucen onlered In thelioimlo division of the Third districteomt asking that Tied fellver ho P-

ninfn d as to Ids snnlty Slfvcis paillc-uljr hulluclnatloii Is that ill judges mo-

lottcii He declarCH In a wiltten noticehe has stmcd Inco hlu ariest that Utiihhas no supicme court nnd that one Is-

reeded at Tort Douglas He also MIV-Sfealt Like needs mom parks and mtk

Ihcuo notices me disconnected-ccrawls luidly legible and me signedT 1 SIHei Clmmplon Judge of theUurld born Novi The licirlnc was heldIda ninrnhig and Sllvci oulcrcd ommlt

ted lo the Mite mental hospital at ProvoSince fdward loigcnnenH hijinj at Ihe

gait Palace two veniH IIKO ho linn beenunsound of mind and for the past ciir-I h been confined to the Holj Oross liou-pltnl Application foi Ids e unlnatlnn-h > the snnltv 10 ird wns made In tlin uro-Inte dlvllon of tho Tldril district eomtIbis morning loipinsin the applli itlou-setK foi Hi lmilmf lin Is traveling

the ah III an iihshlp nnd ronlinuiliv fiMis Injuiv from falling AftiI-ho he irlnir thin mornlni JOIKOIISPII vv is-

frdrred fommltted to tho Provo mont ilhospital


lilcli Snlu rMiact riiniiiain TunisStork Ovi r In Cn dllors

The lllih hplco Kliact ciiniptii of17 west faoutli Timpki stuct tin m d il

stock ovil to It cieditois this murnlng-at a mietliig held In the ofllee of lnUtah A> soclatlon df tledit Men Vlulothe liabilities of tho rompanj willamount to about 10000 tho assets willi entire nboiit 1100 In cash Afti i tuncondition of the lompanj was Investi-gated


the credltois appointed a com-mittee


of three to take diaigc ot tinaffalis of IJio compinv and dlhpoo of-Iho atoik in a inannci likh wouldbe of tho gieitest heiiPllt to tho dcil-Itors O 11 Hewlett of Hewlett Tiro-Mi SoieiiBon of W b Hemlt i son tv-

Tompanv and Ml blmmons of theTorbps Toi Coffee conipui of st-LoulH vveie appointed us the committro

lies men icprebcnt the hu ist cicd-Itors and will take ihaige of the busl-m ss at 10 oclock Thuisday inoinln-I h Mtore will not he closed and theommUtio will sill the stock off as fatas possible at the market value Tin

company has been well handled and tliebooks Hhow that eveij thing has htetconducted along huslniHS lines Tlukeen compi tltlim In the nun kit is slidtn be the i IUIHO of the MrU fnllurt

The lompinv wan oiginltd aboutthree jears ago II M Hldi is piesldent G P Schullr vko piesldent anilmanager J A Ciitki hiuetaij andIt K Dibble tieismci Jitsldis-hnndling tdi lOlfu hplees mid othcvtiicts the ompain ulso ownid tinWaterh himleal compiuv Underthis cmpoiallon the lompanj iiiiiiiufactuud Inking povvdpr xtiitla andtoilet piepai itlons


rnillui Adumir of llvo ciils Pru-dh led loi Xexl oik

Local coffee dealers icpoit tin IlkUIhood of i furthei advanie of llvocents bv the lirst of thu vcai withpiospeet of a Htiil filrlher julvancolater on In fact wllhln Ihe last IS-mpiilhs the pilco of MIIIO coffees hasadvanced 70 pel cent dun tomonts In Hinll rout vcais igo thelocal plantois ncailj mined themmlvisbv over piodnetlon when tho worldsconsumption was lfiUOOOOi bags Theprice of coffin vink lo llgpics thatmeant heavv lo es To suo the Industiv tho Hinlllun govoinmont hol ¬lowed r000000 with which to Innup coffee and hold It out of the mniKet until the pileo Klould iLsi1 to piontnblo figures It also forbade plant ¬ing mv moro coffee shrubs foi thetlmo being

Thn light loffCc1 eiop last eal-onpled with the woilds In-ineuiocl comiumiTtlon to 111000000 btigs onnblod tho 13ralll in fomake a bettoi showing than It WUHinuiglned It would and the c uisn ofthe glow is Is now bilghtonlnnr up ItU claimed bv houses thatthe 70 per cent advance was onllm d to low and medium giadc coftecswhile the advance of tho bottPibrands has been neiulv TO pei centand the ipnstct Imn oiilv nmdo an-aviiago lulMtnco of 0 per out Thpv-snv tlm ro nisi must ellhpi ndvancehis prices m go JiroKe and ho jptnllci must advance Ills prices or dobusiness without a pion-

twnnnixo STATIONKHY-Wo c irn a now and up to date linnof Weddlmr Invitations and Announce-


Also calling cnidi and socialInvitations of nil kind-


IJoaiil of imiiih i jJniN Ho Him PastlOOtf Iect 1ioni-

ihtalkil a-

Thu boaul of fmiulrj sitting on theOwjhec Jdnhi icai end freight col-lision


of Dec IB iflx the responnlblllty-enillcly onEttfilncPi UJall of the repuJar vveaibound fi eight Xo it Kxtraficlnlit 7i7 westbound was standing911 the main line1 between the stationswitches while home repaliM vvcie beIn nindp and tp protect the train abiakeman vva1 sent back 1000 feet witha flag to signal Xo Vj Knglncei Hallof No iw saluted the flag with twoblasts nom his whistle while the hcadbntkeman waved hN arm In recogni ¬

tion Piirthermoio there was a distantsignal turthei on which could not pos-sibly


have escaped Halls notice Moropvei thoie wns a ckai straight tradefor two miles nt tho reir of tho stalledtialn Yet notwithstanding all theCprecautions the bonid find that Halltho engineer of Xo 53 came dashingup nnd smashed Into tho caboose ofotm 7W Hall Is taklni a muchneeded jest vihlch lb Ilkclv to be In ¬definite

coiMii itivri ITKNSIOV-OIIlrlll Aiinouiiecincnf of-

lo UiXln mi Mauli I

Seattle Wiish Dec S VoiK onthe extension if the Coppei Itlvpr SNoithWestorn iillroid tovvaid Iahb mlctf in tho Tuimni gold diKtiict willbu begun about Mtiich 1 when he Iliuto IConnecott Is to be compleKd nc-toidlntr to Infoimatlon nceived heictod i The northern cJUmsion will be-gin

¬at Chitlmi and will bo pushed to-


Fairbanks as nxpldlj ns possibleThe distance from Chlllna to Ialrb inks In ubolit 10 miles

It Is estlmatid that the ntelljlonwill Involve the oApondlttiip of 30COOOOO and will be tlu laigest project

ot undcitakin In Alaid i Chltlna IsIfO jnlles from Cordoui tlic oceanUrmlmis of tho lalhoad-

Uvir slncp thi MorKifnGu BenhcimIntoiesta began tho consli action of theCoppei lilvii roul It has been knownthat the> weie considering plans foiextending the lino Into tlie Tananndistrict but It was not until todavthat It was IP lined th it work on Ihoextrusion would prohablv be startedeaily not jeni

ILL iiinuiLDThe Ionian Vallc > Itnllwav compinj

Is prepailng to icbuild tho old line fromSandy to Wa atch at the mouth ofLittle Cottonwpocl canjon and thenquite a wa > up the cannon Thu oldIllo Oiamle giade w III be used

ObTIJNfiDThe Piovo district 1 U miles long of

the Silt Like Route is to be reconstructcd cnily ther cfmilnp lcrti Thiswould h UP been clone before but fortho dealt Uctlon of the Meadow Vnlle-wosh


line a vcar ago Ilenvlei newtel will iPDlii e tho old rails and steel

Jnrt concrete hndgcu the old woodenHtructuics The company Is ilao piepulmj to build a sKinllo blanch fromMo ip i to the new cement plant locatedthere


MilieM Fi Hlmiira Open Wlnfpr-Por Ills Ircciit l > iiib nriissincnt-

n Mehesv li thi wrll known furdc ilei stated this alteinoim that liHaction In npplk itlon foi a iccelvcrulitp-

s taken to inufcct all of his cieditoisand tieat them all alike This step hewnsfoiecd to lake becaiisu ol thenither-picclplUitc actliili b > 11 Jaci kel itSons-ol Xew York In filing suil against himIn the bird dlstilet eomt In this cityTucbdiv fm 30J 7 illi ged to be duofiom pionilbsoi noli s and purchasesol incichmiiirsp Ml Mehesj clops notthink this suit waj ntcCearj ns ho ibIn a luislllon lo caio for his cudllorswith the eonsldi latlon of a little timeso to piivcnl ono Jumping on him totin detiiinenl of olhers he has put hl-saflalis In the hinds ol a molvci soth it all will rccilvo their dues In duotime Air Mehesj sa > s tho mild openuIntei the closPnpss ol the times andthu obligation ft It bv people vvho wouldothi i w Is purch isp to curtail expenseshive siiomdv Iffeeti d the tur tinle sothat foi tho time biinpr he Is In some-what


close cinaiteis Howovci he tcels-voij conllcent of being nblo to wtatherthe stoim suecis fiily nlicl Ibal he willcomo out In ood shipo latei on


iivii miuiil In Position to Dldnlc-leinis of Coinpionilsc-

Vashlnglon Dec 21 Keient dis-closurcH In Iho dinvvbacK fiiudsagainst tlu govcinmi nt have put thetrcasmj depiitment In a position piac-ticailv to diet UP Ihe teims of compiomlsp vvltji tlie sugar rptiulng i om-p inlcs Tho AniPilem Sugai ItPllnlng-dinpunj s ucent oCfii of 700000 may

not b accepted in IW of the factIh it thn govirtnmnt Is s ifd lo huoo-vldenre to compi the return ot notless than SIOOOOO-

OIt hnH lust boeomo known I hat In nremit eonletemo with vttj fienWliknsliam nttotncvh foi tl sugis-i omp my ufleieil J00000 In Pttlpnienland decliiid thnl vvas the Jmt cent

Tin offel vvis declined and tho 700000-onii enne on soon aftei One olllqi il-

of the customs ceivlcc Is nnthoillv forthe Htatement th it the fiatids appear loglow with evuv days Investigation


Atlanta fit Dec Hi Doeunic ntn In-

dleallng thil thej have swindled imui-jchutehgoeis thioughout tho countij-woie found tod 15 on two Armeniansundu niiest hue on tho clatge of ob-taining


immny nndi i falsa prdinsosThe nion who gave theli names as

Deacon Mlihiel Joseph and Aich-DPICOII Jcin liejan claimed they wrio-collcellng money to ho used foi mis-sion


irj puipcihes In theii homo coun-tiy TJieli piipeis Indleato that theyhave be on opci tting In IJnglind Ger-nuny Ti tnee and Bulatl t as well usIn AmPiiea

Joseph made n ph i foi mercy Inwhich ho suid-

t havp sinned Vou musl have pltjI am a pom man and have been tempteil to beg


Xow Yoik Dec 2S Aftu i stavseveral vsiiks In Pails nnd ficYlIn-vvhpie ho has been giving InstructionsIn the ait of ll > lmr Oivillo Wilght ictnrned todaj on tlu steamship OiennlcTho avlatoi had heard by whelms oftho MUCUSS ot Iloxsry In lupuklng thn-iceord fm height In a Wright madhlii

Mi Wright when asked If lio hadbinHKht buck nnv now Ideas lepllod

We do not go to JTurppe for newIdea In ilyln

STOCK CUKTTriOATtSstock certlllcatCB bondi nnd blankbooks of nnv lzn or ctjlo inndo toorder Intimates promptly furnhhcdTHE DESEHET NEWS JOB DEIW-


Last Pin in Cantilever StructureOver Copper River Driven

Home1 ChjistmasirDay


Steam Hcnt Xcccyno id fccT Tools

ridin riceliu Uj Ioimcr baitLake Men In

Special CorrcipondeiiccSeattle Dec 2G On Chrislnins day

tha last pin In tho great cantileversteel bridge over the Kuskulunii iivcr-In Aln ka wnji driven home Anil withIts final iidJustmCnt wua completed onoot tlu 4remiikablo englneci Ins featuresof River Xorthwestcrn-tho now trunk lino of the northwesttenitorj tint will open up a vasttseisuro house of mineral to the pios-pectorsor this countiy

Trains started to run over tho bildgeDec 7 as tho tumicl at mile 131 wasIlnlHhed simultaneously Xow trnek-laj Ing elin fcba piif hod to Kennccottabout 60 inlQH avvn > on the already

Jo inj Jt thlM brldgn In whiter hasbeen in und taking not thy of noteAll the bridge gnne and steel workersvveie sent in from Seattle the struc-tural


hteeljVvas made by the AmericanBiidfee comp inv nnd shipped to Seattlenhpio It was loidcd In ven cln of theAlaska Stcimshlp compan > to be transpciited to Coidova tho seaport nndpoint of commencement of the rallioad

Owing to some delay In receiving tliematerial the woik of constitution wasnot commenced until Zsovemhei and Itwas Import nil to rush It through tocompletion to enable ttackla > lng to-procci d fiom that point to KenneeottThe men woikcd in rcjfiilai shifts buteach diy trom U to 1J horns weie putIn by the different shifts To accom-pli


ih this elcctilc lUhti wire iied nndthe dieuy Alaskan w Intel night wasturned Into clnv In fh > lefrnn rif thiswondeiful gorge

The bridge with its appionches Is SCO

fret long The steel stiuctuii1 piopciconsists of two 110foot pinconnectedspins and one 2J1foot spin The fouipiers ate of solid coperetp sPt on thebides of the chasm and tho height Hornthe ilvei lo tho top of the rail in thecentci of tho main sp in s 2J3 25 feet

STEAM HEAT NECESSARYAt times dm Ing construction In tlie-

earlj part of Decombei Iho thermometei fell to 10 and 50 degrees below andn stiff breee vvis blow The ilvetswere all driven bv pneumatic toolb andduring the ovciMSlvcIv cold dajs it wasfound that the tools would not woikn steam pipe conm etlon was attached-and tho tools kept fiom ftceding upbv means of n constant slieam of-stoam How eve i HIP wcathei foi thelist two weeks was comparative mildMI that quick prosioss i ould be nudeXpt suinnicr when tourists begin to-go ovei Ameilcjs new scenic line iltold of the weathei conditions of De-eembei THO duilns> tlie eonstiuctlon-ot this bridge will Inve a difllcult timeiccomdlng the statement when theenlm the Ideil weathei of th it portionof Alaska during the summer months

Euilj I ist summer i steel biidge wasconstiucld across the Copper rivci-nciil the Miles nnd Chllds glicleis andhere too tin highest class of steelbildgp constiucllon wiis Iho feitineThis bildgo was made the subject for 1

special illustralcd nitlilc in the Rail-way


nnd Engineering Ren lew-fsdvv thit tin biidge Is flnlihed vvork-

of liitiklajlng bejond to the gient-i oppei mini will bo pushed and to ac-celerate


tb vpik eledilo lights will I-Kxtiunp nloiip HIP prulc fiom Knskiil in i-

to Kennccott MI thnt the lonp darknlghls vill not hlndei the triekl teisHorn making a mile and a half a dav-In tills the ntlmslasm of tlio Anui leanworkmen will be an aid to thn hiiildpis-of the load and It Is confidently e-

jicrlod that bj Alarch 1 tho terminuswill be leached thus completing thefirst mid of any great length In Alas-ka


nml demonstiitlng again thn in-Iniiiltnhlc enpigy and grpnt fallli Inthe country of those who aie tiding inthe development of the vast teiritoiy-of the northwest mid ol which fceuttlcIs the nntmnl gatewas-

rOHMEIl SAIr LAKE MEX-Tho work of building the steel biidge

was nuclei the direction of Chief Engi11101 E C Haklnti Hildge EngineerA C OXeol and Toiiman Chis DreiMany of tin st < el vvoikers left feeatlloto woik upon this contract

Tho Copper JllvPr iV iSorthw pstprn la-the inllroid of which B A Eceles Is-

pusldent I If Young vice piesldent-f K Ma < Gwan puichaslng agent I-

AV Hlla w comptroller AVI1II im JJ-

SpriKUe assistant pin chasing nndKenneth C Kon IndutiJil agent hitfornif r Salt I ike lallroid men

SlalPiiicnt K liidi lliit HIP JMieil-miiits of flu Amicultuial Jeparl-

Ilinc I3ctn hnecfliilTlm dnj of pipot made fiom coin

stalks has come tho cxpcilmcnl of Hi-edpputmcnt of agile ulturo havingprovid Iho proei s can bu mndo a cominciclnl pioposlllon roi come tlmothese utpeilmcnts havp been undi na-piua

>the Jlogitss Maga lnu and nnvv-

thij ckpartmcnt Is utilising some of tho-tiinstilU pipei for UK coiuspondenqe

and operates n mill which turns out thenow iinpcr of a high giade bv the hun ¬

dred pound lot Tlio Pxpcits of UncliSim my that a small ctmimeiclal millcan ho ktpt busy thiough tho entho-jpai b tlm stalks from tlie coin fieldswithin i indluN of eight to ten miles

IMhiipH It will not be manj jears hifotet the faimei will look upon his stalks111 tho most nhmhlo put of his coinciop If he e in icnllo but half a centrt pound Im Will get mon fen thorn limnfoi Iliu corn at hO cents i buJhel Tluproblem of milking chcnpur pnper locompile with tho wood pulp article usedl in inlnlliin ncwKpipcri bus not beensolved jet though tho investlgaloih atohopeful What thin mean c in leacllly be reallzfd when It Is stall d Hintabout r 000000 woith of law iniitcililwood pulp Is lined annually In the papi i making buslili ss in this ountiyThat jmai a gictt tntinj tici i tutdown J ho stalks arc pressed untilthe Juice a veiv rich stock food Is oxtlictul thin din deled and ill lid InIhlsfoim thev will keep sweet u jeirInsuring a stead operation ot the pa-rer mill Only twothirds of thu llbioId ullllrcd for print paper tho iprmilnder making a soil of parchrnunt watertight for a while but nil fibsorblnK IhoIng tho lnkx Y llpinld-


J E Cosgrlff hiiB gone lo ltibuirIda on 11 IniMlndsi onindChailcM H Diinlair divisiontendpnt Of thi noil Telephone company nt Holemi Jioiil IH In tho city


today for a with OoncrilSuperlntcndcnt Soiiiineu

Conllnued from pngo one

nt thc Iafnycfle school building n-

JO30 Thopilnclpnl address wnsmade-b > ProfEvnn tephcnsidltector ofthotabernacle choir who on slRhtreading and methods Jfor ImprovementIn tenchlntr music In tho schools ProfStephens sold Inlhls oplnlonithe mostImportant things In method Im-

llrovonunt In tho futuro will comethrough tho musical school tsacherwhocomes into dally contacttwith the needsnnd rcqurotnonts of thoiiuplls Oncof-tlio pleasing exorcises wils a song bv-

n class ofAllttlo ones

Jlcct In AseinIih Hull Dr-AddiChS u PcuturP-

Incicnscd Inteicst In thej proceedingsof the tcathersconventlon wns shownIn tho heavy arrivals of teachers andeducatpra from vnilous sections on tho-moitilng trains ivho wore nnablo to be

esc nt foi the first sessionsAmonrf the distinguished arrlvalsT of-

thp day will bo Dr Elmer E UrownUnited Stateit commlsslonci of educa-tion


who Is scheduled to deliver twoaddresses before the convention bcforobin return lo Washington Dr Urown-Is expected oei the Union Pacific thisafternoon and a leceptlon will be givenIn his honoi at the Odeon hall this eve-ning


The depailmcntal work for the dav-havlnif been completed In the moin-Ing sessions the main bod of theconvention gatheicd for anothei gen-eral


meeting In thp sspmblv hill nt-oclock this afternoon The address

of Di John M Cook president of tho-Xorthein Illinois state normal schoolwas the featurp of the meeting Musi-cal


selection were rendered by theWetzell Indies octet nnd IL vocal soloby Miss Leola Sehruck Aftertho Invocation Dr Cook was Introduc-ed


His theme tonchPd upon thetendencies of modern education whichhe hald were goveincel bv notions of-

demociacy and Individualism whichcreate new political problems andmulct now educational problemsWh it to do to 111 the people to geta living and behave themselves In theiipublic H Ihe problem now confronttiio tlm educators of the nationEdueatlon hns been m nip univeisiand th u has put the schoolmasterswork fotpimist In the task of findingout what to do Di Cook reviewedIho hlsloiv of Ihe first si eat moveirjcnt-to make education universal tle gientmovement of tho 17th centurv thegreat democratic movement ofthe 18th centuij llie greatIndustrial movement of the hist-JOO vcais and the groat philan-thropic


movement The hei findsIt necessarv to understand the childand so he has studied pveholog amionly bv constant and soiichlng Investi-gation


mav the problems of themodem v orld be solved

nr cooic TODWS AHIUVAL-Dr John M inesident of the

Northern Illinois State Normil si hoo-lanlvcd In Halt Iiko this momiiiK toparticipate Jn the proceedings of tlio-s venlecnlh luimi il tinchcrs conven-tion of this stafc Di Cook will dellvc-ithiro neldiesses befoio the convenllim-Ile Is n veterin In tl > cause of educa-tion


h iv hip serv ed 13 j e irs ns n teach-er


in normal schools In his native st liethe last U Cus of which ho has beenat tho honl ot Ihe Northern state nni-ninl school at Do Kulb 111 Di CookMild this morning he was much Im-piescd with the growth of Knit Iakosince hfs bust visit here I was heiu

ISSS said Ii Cook and I assurevon I Ibid sreit changes HIICO thittime I am pleasantlv smpiiscd to POtlio rental kahlo evidences of ourgrowth as a city and state I was atthat tlmo taken bv the beauty of thelocation of voui city ami it has beenonly illumed with tho educators of-voui state who see m to be an c ceodliglv bright agsicgatlon of mon andvumicn-

Di Cook aid tlicie nip at presentiSOOO teaeheis in the ftato of Illinoisand 7000 In tin cit of Chicago lielettiins to Chicago S itmdaj-

TIIUIISDAYH PUOGKAM-rollov Ing li tho piosram foi Thursdaj s session

TIlUIlfeDAY 8 AM-1cinill fusion assembly hall

Repmt of committee on thephi sk U basis ot cducitlon upt D IIChrlstciison chalnnan10 a m Genual session ascspiblyhull

InvocationMusic Joidan Hlgli School OichesttaVocal solo Mis A S PeteHlecture Uiciwth In tho OiuinmniSchool Di John M TlctUr int picpinituiy school In Uei

miiti songsLed by huporvlsoi Wetrell

hallpin Geneiil session assembly

Invoe itlonTenor solo M I ISrlncsyiolln Hoiminla Hjde

A NiBkcted racloi Inlducillon Di John W CookTenor solo M J Urlnca8 li m General jessloii

InvocationIlnno cole Mi s Maigeiv Co alil >Address

IT S Commlfcsionrt E j IrovnBaritone coin Jloiaeu H EnsignrillDAY A M-

Gcncial nesslon nhsemblv hullItepoit ot special committee on In ¬

dustrial education Dr John A AVIdlue i hali m in10 iim GciiLinl session assemblyhull

Invocationlentil solo r T HUHi

Win W oAcldicss to tiustees-U S Commissioner 13 VlYiown

hopnlno solo Mis Henry Khkmnnl m if imil oigan leeltnl at tnliLiiiiiclo J J McClPllan oiKanlsthull

Im acnxl csslon assemblyInvoe itlon

i11 String QunrtetP olo Miss Lda WhileLcclmc Uiowlh In u Highfjthool1 Di John il Tiler

IDcle striiiB QuartetUuslndss meetingS p m-

InvocationMasonic Quaitct

Mrs CorlniK-iIjjdla White

Icctuie Education of the Countryad GlrlD Thn V CookJtnsunle Quili tot

Cunmllcp to 1icscnt Valuable StntlstlcH lo Coiivontfo-

nPicparatory to picscntlnc Ihch mSfL1110 K0nen > enllo of twnnsoclntlon tho 01mltlco on dclertlvo chlldien met atnoon In tho offices of city Mmrluistensen This loport l be Ing com-

o ih tlc ciiwl mfcubjpot uppermost in the mindof tho cducaloiH at this meeting Mf n Phs lcal basis of ducallnnHtatKUes an being tabulate shthe number of hlhlioti I o sn > l liyno and thoso who aio not inhpcftii0 of such defectSiipt Chrlstcnuoii said this imnnlnethat thuy hud not thel tubeompleto Iho flRuies they In vo comovor htm far show n suipilsl gytotal of kfectlve child en ofsPhooage In tho state Tho total amountsmm than 000 ln thoso conn <

the Wpoiln

Icndont cypresses itliotho tothlVuimlnirWjtttlioiDefeclsJiPseelnffsSnelshe rlpK atu

iinojit1 Irovalenltm unfler ci-ofltheso clus3llcntluii3amountlngncnrly 1000

defects is lielnfffollovv Pd In 10piling these statistics Defective csight defective hcnrinfj defect

dofectlvo d-

6uleislilieivousisyftel nuch itsVltus flinco AndjT patnlysls defectlbreathing known nmoiifr tcachcismonth brenth ers physicalfectsondh orderH physlcallysubnornchildren

j Thcife nrowfollowed throughout ncounty andgilusHlllcd asschool dish lets the thuclpal h cutlt school vvJicioMlcfcctsii-found given vltli the dates ot thevestlgatlon and comments nnd suggethins of tlio investltfiitoi whoso nunioalso given

ConlplllnfT thesedata no sm-t isk but the resnlth expected thcifrom will more than amply lepaycducntois fm tlio trouble slnco tprimal v pmpose 6f the Investigationto ii jily conoctlvo tieatmont T

leathers me taking great pride In tfact that Utah Is the first state to tn-

up this nmttei sctlousl with a vK-

tovvaid making actual collections

imvAvr hunoon onouust-rtn nt-

To 1uiiiKli Mush lor Uenchcif Co-

Miftian Toinoirdvv-Tlio momleis ot tho Hrnnt sthr-

choius which will fuinlsh the milfor tlie tcnchcii convention onionowill meet In thp Hureaii of Infoiimitl-iat fl nm Thuisday moinlng-


You arc wclcomo to out store du-InjT joui stay In the cltv Wo lui-

overvtlilnic foi tho school loom n-

an iinmcnso stock of standnd hoolsuitable foi school lllnarlps Llbcrdiscountj > csruET NEWS nooic STOIU-

Mnln Street


Articles of Incorporation foi the Mton Cnnal and Iirlgntlon compaii Inbeen ceitilled b the counly cleik-Wasalch county lo tho societalstate Cupltallcd nt r0OOQ with shui-nt J10 each tho cotporntlon takes ovcertain watci lights along the DueliPK-iilvei nWasateb countv as part pir-ment foi stock Issued The olllccis niJohn I Xow land piesldent C T Bcgpvice piesldent C W Dnbendorff so-

letni1 H S Dubeiidoi ff ticasuicThese ofllcers with J 1 Tnlo at-Trnnk Schmltt will compi Ise the d-




Sun ninclhcn Dec JS While viill-Ing thu winter quintals of a wild uninii-sliow today John ICcileit of KnlghlLanding Cal was told that he coulmake a lion uwn b tickling his c hhJohn tried with the result that heIn a hospital nursing a i uul fioiwhich two lingcis me missing


Snow Mils Affornoon en To-

nlslit Coldei Tlundii Inli-

T ODA1 S TLMPEtlAl tIUIS-r n m 1

s n m s v0 a in s iin i m i i 31

11 n m i r11 noon1 p in T-



LEGAL BLANKSOf every character nnd description

nrranged from tho best legal formsnnd brought strictly up to date

A full suppl alvvivs on hand at tinDcscrct Nows Dook Store

ruvinnThe fimcial of Jlis HcrlT A Pen lie v

wife of J t Ienney will be held lit Hifninllj lesldince 71 tievenlh iivcniioThnrsiliiv nfteiniKin Dec I11 at v m Itciineiit Ml Olivet-

Tho funeral of HUiih Ann R Woollciwill be held nt the Houtli Ootlonvvo-ornelluglioiisp Tlmrifdny ni 1 oeloek p n-

ClIHIfjlENSEXln Ids cllv Dee J-

1HO of hfirt dlseup Amu J J CTnl-nUnseti n cil Crl jeirs wife of Ielci M

Clnlstiwen or lit eiiPt iieeidh houtlI lip bod will luMiikCn lo Sine fn

IntermentI nneral will bn held In thehand wniilupcl at J p m IHda-

WliriMANAI i7ii iTpllwood iliemio-Dii 151 IllO i son of IMward N null Knillv K MlllRito Vhllmini boin Apill 7 3Vk In nilinori-UliiliT uncial services Thiirnda it II i in-

ut tlio funeral chapel of loscph W-m1nloi 21 sonlh West Templo uluit-Prli nils am Invlld lo attend IiiteinlenIn Oils cemelery-

COtLJln lids city Dec Iii 1110 Jlnr-Kiuel S Coll ngedMI molilliK dnilglllP-of Mi and Mia Harry II Coll ol Gilfield dullImici l was held lonas nl 2 n m i

llii fuiioial chapel of liber W Hall If-

foiifli West Temple street Interment Jit

11 E Evan Florist 3C S jlnln S-triornl dcMcns a Bneclalli Phonos 9Ct-



Palnleio extraction of teeth or nopay All work iruarantced-



BWe Treat You Eight

jj To all paid up subscibeis of

the Saturday or SAa NewsMl J <

9 f-tm