written reflection, hcs 430, capstone

Capstone Written Reflection 2015 1 “Written Reflection” HCS 430: Capstone Paige Catizone

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Page 1: Written Reflection, HCS 430, Capstone

Capstone Written Reflection 2015


“Written Reflection”

HCS 430: Capstone

Paige Catizone

Page 2: Written Reflection, HCS 430, Capstone

Capstone Written Reflection 2015


Amazing feeling, knowing I am at the end of my Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare

Science. Looking back it was a lot of work, but of course it went by so fast! Being a full time

mommy, full time student, and a full time worker, I feel that I have learn a tremendous amount

of information between being all three of the main roles I have been for the last four years.

School up until this point changed me, for the better, I learned much more about

healthcare that I knew previously, I became a responsible parent and adult. I learned how to take

on multiple of responsibilities then I have in high school. Starting college, I moved out of my

parent’s house, and into my own house, I gave birth to a baby boy in 2012, I gained a full time

job in a nursing home with my Associates Degree in Medical Assisting that I received in 2013 at

McCann School of Business and Technology in Pottsville, PA. Overall throughout my four years

of school I have had a lot of tasks to handle all in one shot.

Yes, school has made me into a better person but also helped me with the knowledge of

education I now have. I will be able to go out into the world with my knowledge and hopefully

make a difference in healthcare and in the world.

In this Capstone class, we have discussions on blackboard weekly. I believe these class

discussions online was a big help in learning even more, especially from each other. Reading the

competency’s in the novel, really gets your mind going weather you are learning something new

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Capstone Written Reflection 2015


from the book or whether you are looking over information from the book that you have already

known. Either way posting your thoughts on blackboard really opens your eyes as to what you

want to write but also what you really want to do upon graduation. Also having other student’s

feedback is another learning process, and some other students give great feedback and increase

your attitude towards your answers, which is a great help.

Understanding all the information you learned throughout the four years of school really

makes you feel good knowing you did so much to get to the point you are at life right now, at

this point. Some people will chose to go after more education, for example coming to the end of

my journey I realized I do not want to stop right here, I want to continue learning, so upon

graduating with my Bachelor’s Degree in healthcare science, I will be taking that next step and

starting my Master’s Degree program in Business Administration. Going onto the next step of

my education I will take everything I have learned from this Bachelor’s program and use all of

my healthcare science knowledge in my new degree of study.

No matter where my schooling takes me I will always continue to be successful and go

after what I want in life and go where I want in life and strive for the best, to be my best in all

aspects, and be successful in a company where I can make a difference!